The Huron Expositor, 1873-09-05, Page 4SE H -1 :F1, U RON, 9XX PO S
the advie of
carry With 0 very high was
ask ourselveg tl,;at question without tl le (relierall. Wbodson is his 11iiiistry awl if the prorogati
rni hi oceneq, -011 had
NEW ADYE RTISEMENTS. such addition. The e neuess o the conco ing is own g1l. or iwi fl- Id. "nMissouriGlovernor
deepest anxiety oi ithout much mi 3- al been, already resolved upon, aild Wag
inteitiference in which ig p8o -facto, e
In d, the'cottit down i rol, bers'
docum6xits beixignitioli A in fac determil Led to put
.of he tralls e
Vlllg. Everything deends, idab e, the sudden app arnce of
lents, al characte tion proo E 91 Bily E3111 weVer, vo
TO Q.)rrespont IcLean Brothers. and criniiii. of guilt. )pressold, ho
—IN elatio, be- , T e new plea advanaiqd His x t(I They a not ea it
is plainly inf erred f roi I L I r oil the m6r&l staminji, of the peol) e call upoil Black Rod would only e a sort of in.
Tenders G. McDougall. necessary
ICy is one which has 14q.)l)earcd iiii -w nate of the e
tween the parties and th, ircumB lees Celle e hardl know wh4t estil: r and it ay be which Orators t Wost.
Stra -ed Pigs—David Walker. be formed by n the Ina y. It is to be ter ruptibu from
Lockhart. under wl lithe (100 in Mill' Pterial j ournals, Iiii t wliicb, Ni e -inu.6 moral stamina niinater hve suffered,,not iiideed-wll ,th.
W,ed lie is were rit- gh Allai I work of putting tscoundreh Will
Str 1 but without reniongtraxi
tela. Sir. ohli ted to see 4itowliere els6 observer takin ik!e Sir'Hu t repini
-J ald and.; Sir coxif,ss we c 1 9
Estriay Cow—James fa_-,%_rrence. cal n- be thoro Ligh and effective. . Tbe, begi -way On ce
ier as "i n it il xtrie Hoots ' was not fulli though with a different object --a Aional ground.- The
AddifionA], Prizes—North Riding Show. George Cart all i ere, we . en- that il . at inch villills is to 8116ot. them t, 011 c011stit Unfor.
publ it " I I ol Duffe, A long period Of to tre -wed eature of the aff-air in cailada if,
'e re it possible,",sayl jor ld they be
Listbf Letters—S. Pickson. trusted with th ty of a4r bo i w of the situatioi ollo tunate f
ontract.- Sir at the present time m#ke call of Government by corruption has not fail(d sight,
allS. ing the PACific Bail, w that the prorogation of Parliament
H e for' Sale or to let—T. W. Ev until thelast 011 of -them is killed or
(400(1s--:-Duilcaxi H-arhAllarl. a conliT.T. or for at the R-ouse an place iiiyself in direct to produce in the. political quarter a witl 11lig should seem to cut it 8 if for the pltir.
I criminal population lich looks for-%vaid hii(ledover to be dealt BPI , .
C. Williwn. contract. At th mAiuniction with t1le Parliament of 0 of giving the Ministry a r - 'te
(3 h6i of a co e
Music, .a troutl,
-o to la -W.
to another - esca e f its favorite hei from their very serious
Monteitil t'ir 110oinion, my plesent einbarrass+ 0 er-
drew from S the ggregI The
Allai 'eneral'8 pe , promies the
E -1 8r. election the two Lte weidlit of h 14
tight place just ai the coil I
-liLrge ment -would disappear, but Ili from a Governor G cl
donteith, Sr. Hugh throujh 1 a agent, the fat l a en's blill--
Auclion Sale—Robert Solis -Nvl ttexided
I 1 .81 as is expl roceeds 61 munity of Digas would havC 1001- oilit oir Tburaday, ppointment of a.Royal conlinission to
Music Clas at G egory Seleet Sc, hooland 2 g—Missityali, Bums of money to be )cAt mall(. ie 1pi J
atat' oil the uthority )f big-. Ministei-8' ed forward to another escape of Ta(k balte
ly stated, on the elect )III(I at, oenquire into the extraordinary scallola,1W
tons This w, TI Le s 32,'j 00 W . P,
Farm for Sale in 8,taiiley--J- McDoug, ug.
pard from the " tone J *th the Pacifte Railwa
be enough. ' Even - if ' Six ugh A-11 an's thati- 1% considerable numba of thq S
:: his - ,ife aiid 8011, Car- in colneetion
Fall Timothy—E. -Csh, language hel(I fiy - thbee people is the New Hiiveli, with cheme, and proinises also tliat-parli,.
r ato Let in Wroxeter! 1T. 8cott. m otives for disbursing the money had (lirec' the 'weight of the
been politi as:; age heldl ried od, the honors,
A T. Doyle. Cal the Mii erswc tild Alan-- tic I'." was'th t prevent a else counterpart of Iie langn nient sball be sooll 0
I three bAing 799 'st
gravest slior,t adjournment or a suBliblision. of thed the followers of Tw ed and Butler in da-
ifestlylia-ve been guil y of the e . A. Lincoln -313 p(hiiills. -1the Commission shall hve presente(I its
chief& Besid -,a wei(flit i was
e q) I money from ec)llselit till i! fence of their respectiv a report. But Parliaiiient has been for, a
the Absent members muld, arrive? B4. this the perceptions of the whole natioll
breach of duty in a W. Hggs, of Pawtucket
him atall while the I E tic 11 f the ,oil long time trying in vain to getsometIlivg
l j d r elected President.
iatal have colifused'! nd its 11.1()r,
& (Iol and now to b3 told that the so.ine.
tract was pending, or the -,oil- mori %ve, had almost said 1,worse—t] le
-is been dea'lened, by the hims-
tract had been recentl v roled. Bit; we this. Cali Lo d Duffef-in liossibly. lia-vdl!, ment It. thing is to be clone bythe (4overnment
t that the absunce snt interchange of party calumn. WS. 01 without consulting, it, is naturally rathe
know positively that U911 Al au'8 beei, ignorant of the fad y i A I r
RID _AY S R PT. 5 1873. 1 tion ; so that the clearest CC.- It Would certaillye
k:' h money, was of I
niotive for disburain, rritating. to
the Ministerial mexhber , wits the re- vituper, r
I am
of really heinous offiffice lo Over 3 500 emigialits from,:Br't !*
rom his', let- stilt of Collusion , with the M:Ilisters ? us that the course to be taken ough to
not political. Wc .1c . I
r,N,.e( s York, oil
out in III
independent View of the -ters that lie. looked i Oil b(th the fac- Hd he not seen the signif ls.beld Lakes a. compartively feeble impression I t, C tie hve beei -1 by the House rather
An I suggeste,
oil *the popular mixi4. There is also tie violidayi last. Thisis the largest inim- I by the, Covernment.
tiolls," so fir s th i poli c iples th(, Ministerial br(,C%Iis wer since the dis m volunteerec
Situation.. al P 111 1 oilo da
r ot, Wee k before, i inevitable and iiigr ined belief that eve 7y ber which has y (o r th
were, eoncerlied, wi the ame mic ftf clostires ? Might lie But we must not come to any conclusion
P fessor Smith, author! of a f, c- some ylis be
l a ca III vii on the imperfect evidence -as yet
ellce and that he to I v of his Aet that his dutyll appeal'is made iji Ole interest of k it almost iilil)088il le all named Edw d Patter-
C Lirreilt Evei)ts fin the . Can th 061 woAld not suffer Ili tll permit the pro- tion, which relidei A young In
the situation for +' pir, of -a of age el)! )IoYed'%Vill I fore us.
7 Of t I
A[Widtly, is geI-Lerlly cnowledgedl to taiiiing -%vlioni &111011 1 1 of Parliment to L' invaiclated to (lain the public ar 'on I e I son, about 20 yeai
)olitical %d- ceeding e The says AVhat is
Comm _e str fgle is pro- mercalatile firm in N e ork, obbed ment
11 rcil by such mean-,,' and thetebyl b- Ub -wli as e ian ait NV0uA_%.L I.JUQIU ve ef nation. Besides, it th :VV kno th Cahad
(,I lip
be one of the inost ale ear . ad we can hardly expect IMSY his employers of over 630,000 in gold,
co, tred U attendance ( 2
I object to corrupt. ( ii'e Cot eivabloa Coll- fectillly sect: Scandal has been developed and compli.
and inoney-making people to keep up t lie nd No trace. can be found;
U is recooliliz- sideration for his i a
- : ents Alone bot4 parties -h
in, this couittry, an
disUirs cated by the action just ten byt
e l prorogned
ed )y aR asa highauthority oil constitu- rerna-iiis ; and that 0,0116d ration. i E the Lot- ce)'stliestateiii(--iitof-IliveI iiiterestort h ixioralt(,, iiE;ioliiicic ls- of his vlaereabouts.
d Dufferin y Governor Gener, . He has
ry for the suppor of thm Champions iat the. deserti6xis
I The Carlists claim tl tile Can"adian Parlialffent and appointed
PWIway :coxitr ct. The exact his 3XIiiiiater to theL e ct th. t t116 House 84
tioiallw. Hihetohis writings have Pacific e
of 6onimoilB had gr 'd that the August to the end Anotl4er and perhaps still from I ranks ir lery fre-
gi mantiLer -in which the 1co isio. ertion per_ a Royal Commission to investigate the
v- i the -119 is quCT
in e( la,
ha a strong leaning in favor of the nit I` tely followed
ated will ilit, ting should be fin 'more formidable sc urce of misgivi it tnd that most of allegations made against the Dominion-
probbly lidye c me t
Ilion as f 'Don Carlos. adim
er ty of the Domi 'xid y matmal t at it all )uld. )Y PrOrogAim The Minister ion. of Varliameltit, - which ipe or
-a state- 1;- the corrupt Government in respect of the Can
pq 1101., is -it illy NV opene, ll le. The Lonon Globe "he English
hai e never been in sympathy with ille That there 'was a wr4te a bo 1pact of co r- MePt is contradicted by t6 Opposit d terrible abyss beii ,, says t . Pacific Rail-%vay, in lien of the Select i
_Nfinistr will scheme to
lA is abudupon the face (if it. The ioundations of our free institutions. It I
Opposition. Until the publication of the ruption is, of cour§epi uAlli yl 110 ith- oil on the basis Committee previously Appointed for that
standing the moral cal- obj, -ct of the August meeting was to re- t impossible that for the present Le Parliamient erlynext sessi purpose. The course pursued by tora
la e hd -if the
-a.'- evidence in the Pacific Scandal c4se ort of a Cominittee, oil the ilition. may succuIr b, and that it may be of the O)o1itioll of illcon, tax ri:; t,
ollanegs of an conce e But a i efer. cei ye the rep Dufferin is no. doubt sound xid h
ir Hil ' Al -
Current Events treated -the accusa. coliductoof 1-fillisters In connection with left for some youth who is now watclAng House 'r se to sustaial them they wiI
ence to those por i( is f g. 1, but it may be quetioned if thevljdu
tio: is of Mr. Huntington as a mere party lan's letters Iit- ern his pi 0,4 rious th Pacific IWI 0, tract, which re- .the ti-ilalinph of iniquity with swell ng appeal i.6 the country. 'alld he has adpti-a was expedilint.
i ft I. po t if adver W'%Y ing' Circulte( OPe'
dealincr Be, woul lave Clearly call- heart, to rise hereafter and bcat way Amox g the rifillors be
gs ivith Sir Ge r Cg xti er suffices I The Government and the Governor Gen.
sulterfugeto damage I , C, tthe vultures W, I lie concerning the intentioilis of Dbn Car 8
Political loppo, to prove,. if PuTpoof wl e ie b it the ed Ifor immediate 4acti ii. It is surely i hich are- pi eyiiig 0i e odiniii of -acting
et, ed t tri, as, is one that eral have incurred th
BU 'no sooner were the letter of I oi ise should have vitals of his country. But the patri tie iii the event of his succo"
tiol mutAlave Crelffible that the B' witha high-handed authoritythat *.as
pin -ties, to this, tv 184 1 so conduct of the fourteen 'Kiniste-ril ts" bs promised the priests to re-establ 8 1
pe ectly wel. biJO knowill Lruil y of allythilig
Ge wgp Caftier to Mr. Abbott, Sir Hugh widestood each gly gui not required, and no doubt the alreudy
aior F )ster r x] lAins fa*ous as to, ag7gei, I,, that case, at once who joined in the remonstrance , ga st the Inquisition in Spain. . . -n of the Canadian
Al agoaIlt, sing, f or money for the The tesilitoily of S( damaged reputatio
It tk li
I a' w have Been, to eparate w ing proro lopeful omen aticin i ipuglied ; so fa it 'Illy action, the gation i's a I :rlic investig. to the W, I is tt Government will thereby be further 1 in -
'a Ce 111,11, -
11 of Ili ntral Cominitee, in Mon. aphe e gallant effor is- disaster has -resulted in the revocation f
I I in tile political r
it has not biaell todcl ed b any riter and to leave the guilty Alinister ill un- inred in the eyes, not only of the 01
trEal,- and-, the other damaging d-oolume'llu for the never made in vain. the engineers licence, axid a recomnie- d- PPO -
xi the Ministerial . dia.! dlkturbed possession of power i sition, but also of A nus.
ReK gtoll's -Ferry Company
were published at the time, laift We have IIO,%v III L IRJ)Pily to ad v t sixt months. , mat the Mixii9tei The last event is Mr. Huntin tion that the Potomac take, it is said is sometimes worse thall
ouse in such all ter declining to. be a party -to the removal be, fined to the full extent of the la -w. 3
What Appears to us o be tit mos iglial tri ed to entahgle the arime, and the Canadian
L 'bebre the public than a marked chaxige an absolute
a e, of the i of the iiiipechment f moo -
of. the cons lt4 lvtlollx - - * Ce ylgl A, Government ceriainly seem -to have Ade
of a r.,6emexit is certaiii,,alLd it is on roul. the jnrisdic 01111
one of these -writings took pla 0
in the t that lie I of Parlihilient to that of the Ri)yal Cbm he Elglish Press n thePro-
-nl)toiiis of his Cons -,ious guilt;
British community I at has occuir(ol for By a mistake, and Itut added freh electq"cl-
In the la t issue of the C mii ion. The letter ppear to us be
several generations,and ic sai ' time succeeded, iio words in. a newspaper re- rogation ty to the already over -charged political
-10 -
of plainly in accordance with the princi les
ly another able xxid exhaustive article. on all example, pregn-'Jit iwith calaii-tty, of part, without the g43 testimony The following shows what they think Atmosphere.
jec of bers, would iidii(e us to believe. of constitutional right, of the cormaon
th- a U ap-
-hose law, and of counno
Pf high-handed -violence itted lider M4,111 III England of the Tacific Scandal, aild
V 11 justice and to ell -
it has ieen so. I' the ctio'll of the Goverlior-General in
gre. The view taken of the whole the forms of la tX 6h Bit suppose !title its writer, as the defender of these —The fall wheat in. the township of
duty or whose interest was it to hold the
the duty of institut i tig I such- itiqu ri as on cibly' turnin4 Parliament out of doors
begniming agreeii en the cir- ;principles tgamst a misuse of the 'ire- 'Or East Williams, this year, has been much
pr Decedings from tb endi is betalf of tile na* Lll iollljllt )Rgs House to the e it wh I
tion allic oubt dI 'I The tondon Tintee says say : The tel -
daWaged by the weevil. III some Pi
ti ch as might be expected from all inde- and whose peforn 1lqQe 0 hat-dupy is cuinsfances of thecAse vere changed?-, 4ogative of the officers of the Cro egralm ive publish to -day from Canada 4.ce - 8
orf of the nat ion. was being threshed the Oed
e 1111111ifestlycall and almost incredible
the sole guar e a] liae
antee Th thselosures ed, al I'the sympathy and supp, while whea
uests strange,
tellige4t oxi-looker. It"
p dent ad in ly s any nationa ei nergellcy could, for box was perfectly alive with the weevil,
yi th Govern, men, had aollitd Committee, resented as
a- scene. :Lord Dufferin is rep i
at the- position as'su med of the Legi J. S. Armstrong, the noted
gr 1119 sters th z' i South Huron. like 11 illim IV. on the eve
to investigate the )IiAuct f M Inallediate ii1tervention.
by this neutral, butione the less emi- lature. breeder, Er-amosa, County of Wellington,
with regard to the Pacific W C611 -
of the R. form bill. if not like Charles 1.
Mr.' Robert Gibbons having resi ed
to what All have felt th t Guelph from Britain,
We now come
atuthority, entirely. tract. 'rlieComiiiitt-,elh.%%,illrelico ii -ter- on. has arrived a
RE corresponds with in the, evil days of the grand rem
-mbly of
J -to be the
ed a legal obsta&le Parl most startling part of the, address., the Legislative Assoa biinging with -him superior thorouhbred
ews eX7 strance to stifle free discussion by an
the course purstted ;ind the vi
7 'NAllien -Charles 1. entered the House of lontrio,ilirior to ccepting the b v, rn c- le, all prize animals.
again Aty shortho ttl
use Mr. Gladstone's words, 'hall':" Slirle
et of rerogative. Lord.Dufferin un-,
Refor1n. Party. Weiare i I .
pi eased by the wh4t C* rse it ould C ons to arrest the five members, he
f Huro,n, new election -will all ubteo a cted upon the dvice;of his —The Odd Fellows of Hamilton enjoy -
'that it ention id
to consider a least allowed b his manner and 110 o rtly
so rry that t the limite d spac i with 'that it vith its y will do L Monday
Convention Ministeii' and it maybe urged,' -perhaps] ed an excursion to Toronto or
ike place. A Reform
oil migy t ie ry v - y lal iguage tb at he was conscious of lia-vIng i ,
poeal renders it impo slble for its to give grounds for prose I iqui er oil correctly,, that he had nother ',choice [last., As the excursionists were an illeir
an unusual thin Lord Dufferill be held In the Town fall, eaforth,
t greatly increased b th d`isoilo ure' hich c lie open tol, him ; but a statement 'of the w ay from Hamilton a.. rather unexpected
tt is Ably written article entire, bu to a
In the l6th inst., for the,pur
had occurred since its". last sittin But caa hardly fail ose stagesi of the . transaction,' pre- event occurred. on board the boat. :One
we, quote below the most I sahent points, upon its proceedill ' to do I 'a d-ity the fo -cibly transferring Inquiry into the ' f seleding a candidte to contest the ceding il4e scene of Wed-nes day may of the lady excursionists,r,,ave birth to a
ai: we 4sk from our'readers a car prerogalt w p Cad by C( iihict of a Minister f -om the Commonrl explain lidignation. which -was then -under the ciream-
eful ive-of prom . tion a
n6n e Governor-Glextel, and to.. a Commission appob ited by the ad constAtiency in the Reforni inteiest. the i bouncing boy, who; Odd
pdrusaloftheargui Asputford.j. rhe th in the of the of the expreased, and may induce the belief that stances, may well be te ed born
ccused lyfillister, io was 1 erm d to of the Minister himself, he is setting we ttirii;st tht the Reformers a cou
position of this distinguished writer en-_ rse might have been preferred more Fellow.
evade the impending stroke,of I a,ional aside one of the leading principles of the South' Riding will lose no time in on- 7
COUSODant'with the spirit of the collstitu.. —The west end Great Western til IeS his views on.this most important justice by turning I he - repres Ilia 51- res. of BAtish constitution, and breaking a fun- ram
Veiling heir meietilig for the pc int- tion*. Lord Dufferiai'& speech p omisea; way,emloyees' auxia-al excursion t
eu ject to,even. greater respect than that of the nation dilt of doors, id forcibly da mental law of every -ommullity w IC
Qf a I'Loyal Com- returniu g from Windsor, about 3 o'd1ock
ent of dele es, nd that there. Aill the immediate issue
13 the I gat
th leaders of the political parties of the. transferring the- irti uiry fro th Com- ?,xiglisli tongue. Yet, from 1,asio. aL d if the Royal Commission be on Saturday, ran into the T -1i
ns to a oyal 0 mKiission, apic intd t I way be a large repr
F, in which he anxioun6es his in- esentation from All parts
11110 rd at too gieat ail il. impetus,
The article comtriences and pro- I - i composed of the members of the late Com- station 'Val
ers te, ition of taking, this F3 ep, no
one would It tbe C nvention.
under his own. advice. Vf em Par- of a f reiht.
mittee' this is p rob ell d
miagme to -be ably tb e bi st mode of and collided with the rear
c -,ds as.follows (e f the Go`v_w that he suppoEed himself
R&IIIiant, under the influer -be adopted ; but t' standing there. A number of the
enquiry that can now rain
doing anything out of the ordii
'INW,agaiin approach, with a full sense ernartent, - had stay( d away 1) col usion mit. .,1AcxE_NziE has returned from his a, doubt may be expressed whether the exe ts were seriously injured'
Governinexi . He offer
-of the responsibility -v ,eighing on a.11. course of 8 no
pub- with the Minister ; the inde ei ent mp-1111- . I I Govern ot in
Provinces. During -AThe first regular passeger trai
lic writ -era at the present juncture, the bes, baving atend4d iin th pla ces s ill, itification of it beyon the naked state--. tour to Ithe Lower or-Generl should n haVe ed for an over the Hamiltono and Lake Erie kail-
aiddress from the House of Com -
ay af it wag the" his vi itlthere lie received m
caigideration of the Pacific Railm - ir duty to 'do, were dis ussed ment tfiat his o coincides
mons pr ying for the issue of such
icb. is fast dei0peningnd expand- with contumely anildst a b t f de- with theadvice, of hi3 Ministers. Hei way arrived -in Hamilton Oil MialldaY
fai r, wh vlttl(J14 -to deliver addresses, but, his Commission. His Piime::Mia ter no
does ll ot seem even to perceive, the con -
'VA he n e rs sting into a struggle for. the political life of, ris - exultation - fX om tb of
1 ded the- course that
I time b4g limited, he accepted oxil of doubt recommen
ayoungntioxig&inst corruption. That tbe Go-vernment5 A their A neution between the wo parts of his —The UTkited States Governmen has
hall not
om-ii action, the turaina"out of Parlia- two. He addressed large and. influej Ltial has bi en adopte4 but the G`over- decided that British Columbia
in aQ doing we can pretend fo no immun- Iition willing td a c-luiesce iii a C I pro-
xior-Gen'eral might have met the advice- have the benefit of the Washiii-ato.
ment and the transfer of the enquiry to
ligs as &S wo Id be biatteruivithout I weet* t New Glasgo Hali fax,
ity from error, is proved by our persist- ceedi ing a w and
lf b sug&esting that Sir John Macdonald. Treaty, as it was not part of the Domin-
-rOvernment. CominlEsion, oir the char- T1 y
exit rejection of the charges ag&IIIst the th forms of i0itary (overnment, a r which, when the wo are combined,
lift Nova Scotia ho the House of Com -
and his speeches -were F3 uld%st consult
Pr me Minister as utterly incredilile till which merely implo es upon itE ruloar's the aC,e ion f Canada when the Treatv ws
Bed on the transaction Oil ost
a - ell re4ived nd commented ons, vhieh had appointed Committee signed.
_Ov, ise forced our periodical necessi rge is impres
whelming d losures en t 7' of hill 1,
on his bwn motion. If the -House agreed
nloney in ('enioralizing the peo- WILOle. He dbes -not appea'r to be ware f by the -Press. On Thursday --A contemporary remarks ""The
relact. t belief. But we call sincerely as- sums of n !"Vorabl.
with the X1 inister, the Coininission. might Ministerial press are crying)" with painful
sert tbt we free from party bias. ple by electoral Cox. .011. tha one of the reasons y Ilia Mi'lli,ter dvellillg!of last week Ron. Mr. B..ake have been issued Without
pressed 'On. him proro oil rather than py cavil iteration that Mr. Huntington is Afraid
I I' bed I Lf
"11, at we owe no llegiance td the Lord 1 8 11) is ence 9
party -if the Rouse had! insisted
the organ of which is the leading ("rit of his action, proce Is to give Me' Xsoll ad i ourriment, was that -1. Prorogation quash- delivered, in London, one of the most against it; to appear before the Commission, that he
logical addresses on. the pf liti- upon aiother courae, the _Nllllist( r must
joi nil WI L (,it is ill has no case. and no evidence to offer If
ed the Committee of the Comments,
is shown by the coiltoluacirs of. for prorogation, briaf, that not. MillSt
till have c4 insexited to it or resigned but i Call
prorogation is roacol)m. ilded. b F. hisCab- ell Cal sitwition of the day which has le I that is true, why do
th, t j ota-lial in man-ner as marked as it ibled the _34inister thrus en ithe-hase the authority of the House
is We were glad, it the last inet, nd that lie calln6t Constitutionally pUce a mock tribunal of his own Parliament at once, appoint a C041mis.
i al)- 4..ehvei a in this country for some time. would iavebeen recognized as supreme.
pointment. It is 'no loager a question as sion name a magistrate to administer
-iah ction, to see the Opposition strength- reject the dvice.of. Mifi-isters -wh(I ely, and The objection which may Low be
differ- He was h9tei'led to most attentiv taken mmon Mr. Huntington
-axitages of
-while. party goverin the oath, and so
ent a 111ajority in Parli. ne t Bit 'Ifis Ex- to the comparative adi
Lrge and cafinot admit of a complete answer, as prosecutor ? Tf he ba -i no case and
.exi Sts str I is the. otive iii The question I fil quently loudly cheered by his I
it of enquir
Op osition rill alway cellency niust know I, en modes
Oil I
be All b 6 as is
It - A that'in acting upon Sir ohn Macdoi- d said, the Ministry'.
-ink an e
-we did not care to Iist ir te idei ad- DOO W is, whether a Mini ster all, oa per- di 'lio: 6, ate not appet
indis ensble'; but of the Mit ell's at
ald's Advice wichout givin -the House of
-see thp ov have vice ; be inust knoiN Umt if they -1 e, 'eve& mitted to trample undeT foot the'fund- will obtain, aullallml'ous verdict of ac-
Miliistry ertnmed. We Commolins an opportunity of expressing fell xhare(yrer, in reference to the pres- theinselves able to doinniand a w e Blitish Empire, oi ion Lord Dufferin h, w- enabled his quittal, and their opponents will b
et all- opill
y -would mo the purpose of taki o tit of the hands of THE P ered with confusion.
ent chrges, that Sir Jolm A. Macdol.1- the at M 11i, igly mf ot, 'Hinister to override the free action of
alol, whtever his merits or demerits as a m ent and, conseq,11 ntly, thitt in racom- '. parliament an enq iry which it has Com- 1-a Ott&Ara yesterday. nd seem dt: ter- —INJ r. T. Little, of Galt, has a vl1a
i geta
mUnced into his own net,, and. trans- I ble curiosity which he recently foxid in
Ing the enquiry The Canadi-
rular, had III fact been the electiv head mending prorogatim, they in: I npried io- proceed ith the investigation, The LolAol Globe. says
of 3ie nation for many years ; that the tei a vote of no Coll de tice, ga st, hem- fez to tribunal ap- rn,
his garden. It is.axi ear of Indiall co
selves. Lord Duffe pre. I Ida! that anted. by himself. , rhis is the issue liotwithstanding the, fact that Mr. 'uii- all Govern lent b as shrmilt f r'oni -a pub-
nxiollal bouor had to Certin perfectly formed and well filled, li it en
id t in refusing to rorogue- nit re.-juirilig 'I It nd the nation. ting I ! h to ec-,i lie investigation of the Pacific Railway
extent i entified with his ; an, (I tia, Eetween the Govern1IL( to as peremptorily refused to eased in eleven smaller ears which But -
Scandal. On. NVeolnesday s Parliamiait'
-inisters at 11 1 1 to meet P I
his M a Ot b6 permitted I
Tlat t)ie accused, sh, 11 n round it and fit tir,,ghtly to it- -all gro
pa riotis m -conspired with justice in bid- agnize it either by Appearing -as pros Cu- I r,
was px orokued. The Governor-General
have been nl posed p Jelai
all g 11s to decline to -accept any b7tit de- he would .6 In to appoint his own juclge is a rule not of oilt of the same stem, aud formialgiat the
I I tbr or -witness.. he following geittl iien i
liartfettlar consti tion, but Of com- promisiad the Immediate issue cf a Royal
si :ve evidence of Ilis (,.*It. We call their guilt not. only to Cnal la bint to Rl Y
Commissiop, but the House of Commorts butt end but one' ear. The smaller ears
to monJustice. It has en palpably iio- have been subpoened to pper to live, I
I are from two to four inches Ionic aild are
I re 'in r l
ated on the present o sion.: AVe ne (I c hPA a e Com-
et Parliameatt proclaims their, guilt i e e' '(Ieil!e Sir Fritilcis Hilicks, Me, srs. Select
trufly say that the recent disclo6u a fill- Anerica nd: E rope. Thei ref y appointed a
ed us, as C&Rdikls, vith Borrow alid me well filled with corn.
w'th na implign the niotiv e of the gentlemell mittee and the first duty of:;Goveknment
Post Office In-
hiii dilition, thou h thQy see, m ed to lts the c -milt of - the L c onfedeiate A,! I 1,Andrew Allan Starnes, Belibieu, nd
Gilbert Gri
-%A? I w But to leave no sh, tol- of donlit as othe a loud voice, to tb( iole ork w1jo have consented serve Oil, the Was tol colsult the Assembly as to it a
7 e latter two -of $500 for such
f public m ea. to go 1) 11; we lie(d4lot evell, ell Dr. Bellefeuille, th iffig wishes'. As 'the Speaker quitted the apector, offers a reward
or o that,by tbain efu r that - Ct Inmissio, L iticize i oa[Presideut lld. 8 ion
diny of public write
information as will lead to- the detlecti
which no one cn deity is the th appointinents ind vidually. It is' r spectl rely -Vic re- Chamber there were loud crigi of " priv-,
We are therefore in. position to speak tion of the par
ilige," nd. groatis from th 'Opp, nd 'Vill ties W)16 stole
at l Hi ney vould lave as whole is osition.,
least witho"ut the Suspicion bull, a Excellu been e n ii gl I that the Co -itif t4ry of;the Noi it Colon'zat'on I ail e Toronto
Throuhout the Dominion the're will be: the r gi red letters from i"a
t, is I inwilifestly packed in -the'inte-rest of the Irgelke
tatits the dvice of axtisaiis,.to those prochaimina' hiv be-ef il V ray COLUPKUY.
Post Office some weeks a -go.
ly a fallac -whi, It I e nst.1tutional
'who have bitilerto been supportes,of sure y migh ha -i -.e f elt %c6used Miister, and incApable of do' profound dissatisfaction. Co
t I orth York,
rights have been invaded by the high-.
d by
uld be r(jecte United States.
the Government, and iAho may n confident wo at lonce justice betweelibim. and the nation. I)odge, . P. for. -,N
ow be
tirr in New York He
handed diismissal of tile Commo t livi
t the fulictiol of' the M is at pre-5dn
unperverted 'xi fi Ily ba. been alleged. that -waverin, between their llegiance to every They. and they lone, had a right to say has signified- to he Premier, a ol-e6e to
arty -i of c Toinission is
th x p, J their, all I-ce to their St6rrs, of Massa
speaking,, a' (Irove aor-Grener C only to tke evidence, not The lat Dr. chus Us
how-ihe inquiry Against the -Government at a pe -
Con It is, of course to pronounce sentell6e. Supposing, this veclled. Nty-t vo years frol One P -al- resign but owing' to the fact th
lard to course, required by t1je colist, utim to ' I
ue, the sentence would still be ht a all a of $800. '_ aixling
re oneself evei -d b the ad s; I to e tr should be prosecuted. Lord erin tition Was presented against his re
for monient from old be tilde I of his 4i i er
9 y
C I hig'seat for North York, tition.
'Llemu. r th6 wsulq?tioll, griiat measure determiLied by the maii-_ —T4e girls in I 1 1-1 tss., accepted a serious respi5xisib ty in act
tie i ; to turn, -is it seems, gainst old but we "'list 4
this pfl ol Lord Di: H are Stipp ied. by -the, proprietors be disposed of before his resi hlatiolt
ACIA lie r in which the e f4ctory, _1pp 0,
frimols ; nd it is h:r.dest of all to do Ing in thi matter by the ad -vice* of the must
1,14 inistry. " That Sir John Macdonald can be accepted-. We a
-Avarrai: k I, do BlIt-it is* not true lie Coln' missioners with che-%ving-guip, - III order that they te ! it
speech, that be can e may
this with the loud ey-tiltatious of old'en-
tare distinctly extipOvIered to express m ay not waste ti ie v!e 9 it is understood -that on the asset
en ies, ritiging in your e.%r -ve shouldha '* ivensuchcou elw`l cer-
ill -what is
a. Bu 4 ry . g
ty rep
p -who has aot cesed to be, a merely bect use, the. fir istars a -1 i lent taihly;no't raise, his reputation for frank- of Parliament, the petition will -150 with -
him, thair opinions in their ort. Public whipping as pullisla
M tin of honor and -a good Citizen, must "I" thei own nret
-It. the jus- drawn on the assurance of the GOern-
ness afid for maxily conficlence i
r do it. ' heroa is The position of el Huntington iis ir crime will be -wiped 6ut in Kentucky
tice oi his cause. Our Canadin— fel- ment Ir
166w that the occas -1141 for such a sa'Gri- one class of "o1iiesUon d to UG w one Of -great diffi c ty as the Minis- iii a few months, i0iiall the revised tat- -that im. mediately th ereaft6r A
r ion.
_T11 In ay com tlia: wh -ire 1xiaifes tlow-s4bjects have treated the Cxoverxi- Dodge will resigim his seat.
lie e, wi at G11. it does NOlich his Kiiiisten in te nd his confederates o.donbt exult utes into oper
ment lvith'.every consideration, but the . ir
8 will rd G ordon's.fatne is rollint up ilig y percei Archibald Youlig, Bur
a ta 6 ' for tei ill -ing hi ve. His best4)rompter
coie t1w sacrifice must b& m de. Lord cal),ci t d' for tend i avice, Bar of.
lence maybe, too much tried. Furthe
()tea of English nd,if they tte to exidar- it, be the strong mind a I Iiarcter wlAch ilist him. A Duluth paper says that Pat r tht' Bralitford- Blind Asylum,- has been
.roulf I At once tination in a matter of such im-,-
M41,ville fell by thel, v TJ e ies, by the
fies . rho, befor they were Toy' pro he inselves u , wili m mi. is
li. of flinging About Itt ise, of h" a, found at the 1, co P"lice Mag trate Of
voa led.him, misted ouse procras
-t- of honor. — e
Brantford, to stand nis
of his contidence lss of whichAke inasponsible libels in he!uewsppers or %there the attempted kid took portance may render necessary the in- i
wore E trial at the next
ich as it in
over co n3a
oil the hutings, to king a defillite ce, was disc ence of the Hom e Governm eut. I
Tlie only defeace 's yet attempted on present is all inasm L ed a diamond rin, be- I Assizes for attempting to an 111-
1 - stone's organ,
rge be. ore r
niment, beyond the niial, an l to Cling to ewleo me oon is, a The Daily lVetm, Glad
a egillai trib lon 0: wi
behalf of the Gov el, allects the personi l .(ItLet aw I inilagrity decent assault on nurse co;
acter on the truth of Ro ii says e the institution. Yoftlicr is oflabout
leral whicli our previous ex- of the t cinselves. 011 sucii I st3,1-e his own cha rthern' Pacific LIUIX Coilliniss the news which w : haye received a Hilt
t I e ru s llogatiollss ridertake which she misseol - soon After recelvillEr anX f ather of large
u )ominion of Caiida reads at
f other I e questionslie in -as ided 1) y his.own hi All that. we froin the I iixty years of age
perience o denials of th- Salli(l, i
refn fr firsta little like one of thescenes
y is that in. iing to carryanni- mll qui -his lord hip. voa faxxxi,3 .
kil-id li'lafortuilately 6f w6rht 1 sense of rightnd 1) the ill- to s
a jlfj t] used to hear of in the not distant &
eacr a little "a ne wh'eli I nist be ( le witioil. He is a coustitu- 4achment ays I
ibed a teest of Commended in tli e Commons, A I*aby slio v will be oil le
one of t e old -
Elf ore a board appa u ;ed by I the Mmis-* fo atures of the omixig fair of thIl La- -when Printe Bismarck- used to stop all
11 al II a r si e
-bebter than colltlovel sial tionl ruler, but hE I- sp t cat and most respected re ts bf tile
int, Co-anty, lVt., all , 0- inconveme.
n his ow. n r at,, 116 would be: ii oille cultur 8 ut debate by prorogum(y the I
rhe dvocates of the-'Muustryowish to for his own bonor itt for thc liersonal t
Prussian Parliament whe township of Fullarton has solol, lilt farm
onal never anyt
-Luh. llo, t for t le to'North
justified by constitutl clety, nationalit3i, color and d
e. )resent the whole questi oil as turnig character tb0i: 10, for 84,000'andintends removing
lea of which C =at, issue. The Govern
serious was at
th.6 colitents' of t1te letter of ir me-nt-%rY ti b x§ of his p -rc %xices have cherubs are to be entirely d:
ction, of
G or& E. -Cartier to gir Hug hi Allaxi,'to Council. If he is re; Beal of e h* the guarohan and trustee. By the elements of comparison being we ight, General, Lord Dufferin, is roapres! ted - a
having prorogued the Dominioll: Pariia-' —Mr. Huntington has been suppa!
r fu Be ave to the hpalth: and general formation of the Isoll.3,
lich reference is' madle lit Siv Greorge's st;vte, nd to Id, of co ur le.
cally M=S -
sl he won lit at rh6 very moment when the lead.' ed to appear before the P oyal C6
ue inister the advaii0ges on -which he jid th'e contour of the face nd head. me
le te to Mr. A t-,venty to e, affixed to %,Ily -trumen WILether.
bbott, req still
9 er of the pposition -was 8peaking on a sion as a. witness, 1),ut ef vscs to obey th
of thousnd to be suplied to his Central of right o wrong— no r or of u lerdates—a packeo.1 t ribunal %a the or- —The lawyers are evfdenitly in
They wcnild have the b- g, al. of his defence, * or, if he pkefers it, a _Nrinne ota politics, az nearly every-Vrheye resolu ion protesting am-inst the course smmons.
C(mmttee. pit
se for iadefinite delay-. But this, else. :The Republican ticket has law- taJ.-en -by the 0 overnalient in regard to
e got hol 1
lic suose that. the 111criminating char- for the6 niome-iit to h a iihn in- Lieliten- the Ptcifie Railway -Scandal'*' There was
a _tsariboad to the series of documents we respectfully §113mit fl. unot. be helped, since the Governor.; yer for Governor a lawyer for OF ETT: IIS:
a, er Z LIST :E
at verlior, altwyer for ecroatory of a good deal of angry mnifestation, and
re I in be fuhiisliled b M pub- G emeral has deemed it his'constitutionah nt GO
D foi in the Sealb
Its entirely on the assumptiontha this strumen't ight UN-CALLE rth Poit Qffice011
ol, Ity to place the prerogative in the Sillate, lawyer, of course, for Attorney sometbmg like a scene, in the Canadiaxi
e PGific Railway, and. lie At a far less cos, -hid llt at N ght 8, 1871-3.
letter relates to th House of. Commons, and the: cry of
-'a '. i n i ter The situation 'of'the Genetal, and a banker for Treasurer;
that if that basis -were -kvithdrawil there -,,%t the silie thue the ink a] a hands. Common, James i. Goverxim nt, and 'other professional men, 0 farmeri 0 Privilege " ws emphatically raised, Colernan, Ed. AleWUnder
W(uld be no other foundtion for tb_ of hiving a pare w1mo attach di & pro- country under stLeb, a
e be -
We naist, however, have fuller particu.. Getsmeyer, Lonis O&ZO., Al.
lie F that the trnsaction was corrupt. If I ceedigg which are thiia ri voar8 of, p t1w lo6ahconfederLtesand agents of such inech-anics, 0 laboring meii, 0. The f lars b afore we can -attempt to L. 0. in Geo.
e,. a Governm e
letter had been found t6 contain 4 -Nrhich iib In of hoxior c -W bad eliough; 'but farmers and others think- the ticket Et- judge o
Adviciia ent, will Halkubeek, C. D. Passt, William
th( e conduct of Lord Duffeiiii.
-nation - of th G'ovdrrior General, tk one-sided. th of wh
ref xence to the Pacific: ]E(ailway- cbritrct no maja .,of lionur ul any positi c,'n re'- e sit 01-6 Livingston, Thog. Roth-,vel1-,Mr-,-;
honor cax we kro I w at least that he has very lit- Inmram eremiah Robinson, Ta=0
th Cabinet so tainted, will, scarcely of he far Western States are I
e ceive no. mi -give tle of 'Alitehel & Collin, Messrs. She
or -ompany, this would -of course hav w arles I or Bismarck. in his Co. m. pheyd, John
-vice in tter c caicyrniig't b ore safisfct infested with desperadoes who ph
ado ed to the strength of the case. Bui official ad yl ory. 'Alorton, John railway caft nd position. In'whatever td'p he took he I er at, h t of all in a r JAN'liat will I)e the'_ end ? We cannot wagon;traiiis, ttack ut lly his Owll'.int e
ase is strong enough' witho.
the c.,
Lay Sept. 181 -on Lot 27. Con. 7,
hbred Cattle`, SheeP -` xid
I Snell, proprietor.
"ept, 20, on Lot 19"Coll
_0'a stock and Imple 4
Xillop, Farm
Me NilcIntoah, proprictor,
Sept. 23, on Lot 25 (south
larm ' 8tock and
j6 orri,
Con. , J
Broadfoot, propri- s
10P T Bril.ney auctioneer*
e -7(5 on Lot "DIL
arm S ;c
S k, Implements an -1
urniture. R. W. Ahan,
Brine, 31114-ioneer.
r *
_V PrI ' S, 27, on Lot, 24, Con 6
.r. AV
Stock, ImPlenieuts AUA
11aborl' ) I V
,ff,ousehold Furniture. Robt' ' M-onteith
tX-eentor ; -A-- Bishop, mictioneer.
Oct, 6, on Lot 20., Ulon.. 2,
Tutcliersmitil, Farift ' )tfck an"'
f -Uts
elne prop
j. P. Brine, -ailictioneer.
9 Lot 23, north.
mond&y, Sep'.
U 5 Nvforris. jamef Chewings,
balf, Co 'j mes Strettorl auetioncer.
., r
(,",r ey, on S ePt 12, the wife
-Ty, of ;on.
—In cKillop, on Aug. 18,
-of a
th ife of Samuel It
'7, the
lu Han-lilton, -m, Aug. 2
of Nlr. D, Trottl of a soxi.
,,Cpo'N,%.LD. --At Egim6ndvWe, -011 Sept.
311, th. M Solomon Macdon-
ald -WI.e of
ald, of a son..
MORRISON.—In mckillop, ; on -Sept. 11
the Wife Of IV Wm. Morrison, of 'a
,daughter -
'h, q 409,
Seafort n Alig. tb
of 'Mr. James R. Betson, ReeYe,
'Wife hter.
of a datig
oil Ang. 29, the -*a1fe I
William Ross. cf twins—Son
CARTER.—In London, 'OnA l -on SePt` 21
Mary Ann Carter, widow'lof -the late I
Jonathan Carter, of Seaforth
AtE7 13141
SEAFORTIij. Sept. 4, 181M
Gmiu is 'low 'eommexiei g tuo come in
more -plentiful. Dliring t .e past 'week a
considerable q-tiantity of new spring 'ana
fall -wheat has been so,141 on the market.
There have also beell SeA-ttal loads Of -Old
sprmg wheat sold- . Oats a,hd peass of this
yearls growth haveonly U yet been 4e-
hv,ered. in small quantifim but the e 318
every prospect of -there be! ing, a rush :of
-both before lon& Afxrme'rafewAAy8-%0i
stated on themarket that A- had. a thou -
=d bushels lof o--VAUS to. Be of. BoAley,
is likely to rule high this f 31, There ww.,
,lot greatdeal sown, and. foreign demawd
is likely to be active,. It v&'be lloticetl,
. that ' there is a considerable increase
the f fall wheat, Buter i's stil
price o
-scarce, and v&Y little L 01 ing U -L Frait,
seems to be abundant. A ples are abnorC
a drug iii the, market, all(I Sev-exal 10ads
have been sold at 50 cents er bag' , Ray
is scarce and ill groml Ademimcl -at quoted.,
prices. We qaote
1 1.5 to 1
Barley... ............. ......... -to Q
0 3 to 035
Teas... 0 50,to .0 so
do 1,6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 ............
..... .. 0 00 to
b o U A
DOW .......
31 1-4 00 to 16 W
i (io to -..6 4010 -
Rides.. .......
.35 to
T-61tp, cach ...... ....... 2.) -to
Calfftins. (veal) PcTfb.,, ....... 0 as to aw
'.Kurrm-u Rides.. _.: ... --- 0 04 to 0 w;
Silt (retem per bnTivl.. ...... 100
gilt (wholesale) per harivi..._ ! ... . . -1
Potataes, (uew) per 0 40 to
1 10,00 to
Odmeal r byl ......
vooa ............. __ ........ 4 2,25 to 34Y
Tan Batk ........... 3 50 to IIW
cL1N,M'1N, -Sept. 4, 18"M
Fall Wheat ....... "6
$pxing Wheat. ........ 14 'c_a
0 8 5 kt_t
Butter_ 0 13 ca 0 lb
999 ........... 0 10 ig 01
per ton,.. ........... 0 14 ca, 16 01
LivrRroot, ept_ 41 IS.7.31
SOS - wheatt
Flonr 29s to
to 12s, 6d. ; Tea winter,
vhitej 1% Ila to 1,38 ; Altib., 13s 3dto I
4d ; corn., 3 Is 6d ; barley., 36
Ss 4d peas, 38B.
, ept_ 4, 1873,';
'INThite fall -%vIleat, kojj i)
I -to sl I;
white fallwheat fiziew-11 81 1_0 to $1 2
Ted, $ 08 to S1 12 ; sprilIg
to $1 20 - baxley-48 IbB. Per busb` L
to 65e ; peas-601bs. pi r busbLel, 5
162c ; oats, (old) 40e to 45' e, oats (Ilew) i
to 38C.
Sept. A 18711
_Fallwheat, per bushel, $1 25 to
28 - sprin g wheat, -,$1 :18 - - barl<Vi,
.1 ' Uatter-lb. volls,
to 824,- oats, 43e,
to 28c 15C tU-0
butter, la-rce rolls, -
1 0 ; epgvg p,
tub daixy, I to
to 17c.
BlIFFAL0, Sept -
The follovnug sh-ows ithe teeeil?lt ..
hipments of hire stock!,' at East
for the -week thns far be
head. :,bead, head.
1,34-3 1
-29221 112 400
oxiday 1 3 , %)
Tuesday 1 989 1,900
NVednies(la 42':380 23400
LM.—The m-arkciat was adtiv`
a shade lower price for gooa caft-tie.,
'bout ic, off 0
Inue-b. t,rger' per celitao-e Of good;
W 'k f Ime,
,lae some droves ber '0 Pr
1) 8(xlla
'S ales com p I is e a 1 'T out 1) 8 ot.
Transactiom Nvere a;$ follours
A`o. Of Axi8rage
Read. Mleiglyt, lbs.
23 Illinois steers 1,1203
86 Z% .4
In 44 4C
40 ()hi() 1481
42 Te- -,-as 9-4
73 Indiana 146 , .1
20 Jlieb, 1873
Ailf-I 20 other sales,