HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-05, Page 2SEPT,4 1873. T_ K_ HURD A+`lI_0_P0S-IT0RJ1 nn th Ridlug 61 the tolinty, t f 1111royi, ultd, and having a of ftpPli0fttl()�i` of the -gay Fabbins.. fro tied fee bly, rubbed his' or canine. Looking close at that one Im6overed. It I held by him &H Cu.8todlan, itild I o be , or y the Dogstar, :1 1 nledi6ine ever befora d -con 7 tet it BU L -P P. b Pr the iiiii THAT Otlerv(J1tjtUa 11(lit.lds, him to the Trustees appol Ind havlo' occagon to bqat, your Ahin'e.` The -lop maided nose, and his eves grew niore visible eye of his one day, I thought I taili no alcohol or ti(ju. lucerporating the said Coin s s to 0ould defect a- cet -overted ex- qi 1- ig by evtlporli the watery. H6 opplied ims6lf �Rgaill in inti loses nothil wgare colnilliva with, g. wuth all o' t( a dollIaTs, that -`ere wina was �161A,iRglh rd- froin the river, - t the bonelit of every drop A lid ),oil go pression. be seemedto appl me .1 had uch wdo t6keep my liat OB. file flask; i All is vanity, preparations nenrl-v all thp alcobol it 1. That the Railway Is job an' the idee 6 -'. your offerin' wi th Other order from it point in or unar the cit.) of 4n all And th-e fisherman's n Tel I you--nins' -hve m3f, Money, Isayo Life is Short, like- the tIU14 and yon got olib, the Hinall I pse se aled to ca- lost anti i (Illan in that iv ai doi two Why, I lied t) haul her up, of oils which theyllial. contalli.- to the Village of Clinton within three yelirl, af ver one side, a ti�l his I lisar' WiiIllam. We wuth it to me. 'ears of btill-dogs. T imas are changed. tit, pixt taran� oakum int all them oracks— ree� more ihan ' e 0 1 Y. e this 1331 -law. I T imto e el threat en ect, to fl w- tooether, s d his o i' -t take 'count of a inan's . time, does 11 Where is the public sentiment -that once MAN Newonstle,10lit'If, 2 That lizationji ard -reeteol on the ef bes idea the time. Gu. don , - . � 0 A�d NORTHROP k Ly, nd b a' disturbed, he, Pup ? Puly let's ha e the money out lent vigor to % for the IltinlittiOn- and made c my 4,tckboue, I �nia Rail Way at or near the Vill. .8 of anlis time's nothill!- Je, thi ak a- in looked as it am a ll9. 1 seri�usly some of its lint -an ents. I de of ill hey, Pup. blacksmith's vise of my jaws ? abb you know 1) Geo Va NNI r. F, ing," -said if I so�d in b"% , iii. Mciciol, Co.antlR11: That the ray It clined 1 u,.%keLth.es,3ttlemert(lemand ","he villainou animal u tiderstood him,. andBow-wow-rIy boy. I -L couldn't have ed, sball have agree(l,to cquip, Nvorl, mid as I do 'that yot li-ve I Litiol�efleit- I a J�y f0imel � eXp0St1 LIAtiol S as to the fi.shermaii, be soorned paid Railway and Statiniam. pill; ten dollars worth of wok. on, that reliiiwa an I turned to ie with a low growl. As for 7. That if tlit-- above --f r I begall t 'be the same lonely and sort Of Brit "t-Julfilica Solildhin ' 116 thl) sa"Me Pabbins, I said o linj conipheil. with, -within thon boat. it's �reposterous,�your ebarging its injil sti4e. 9 1 never herd that he had becil JoJ3 the ocedired twolor thre timei � when gut,er6titious It )out ibe creature—" Sup life, siling of this By -la -w, thf-ii (lie saill.Tall peS lei. 811011 0. price." keless 1 t, ga* t6 gr w Weary of I p0E e we make , compromisc abbut that marri "I dont knows I kinta, ;.r an' I mt b im.1 J be ed. He boarded' -i rai obscitte rrllYq invaluable 111Jlilill"'ill is to return the sai(I debentnn-% with tht, tell those Painful and Ilist-am a f IL11 our forlilterest to the Coulic-il of tb(, Multicip id Man's time doll t the� a tir,J and -think of a conil romise I boilt. Say fiv dollars, houselleathesbore. Whenliewaslout calre 0 litvof go -Which the felil oakum's riz, al -+ho, to a](,- collstitlitioll sf1w Towivship of Tuckl.-isnilith, and igrily, and in �his boat, lie left his �og behin then e itiau. he (log looked at inE less, [Intl reviloves fill obstrilf. fol nothini wit� Air I " , a few oil. mod�irat( t till r ng whether be though bO *0111(1 Stand liud on. ions for intert,st whirit'SIM as if he poud.,, jind it specliv cilre 111111. ])a ru 8. That all coul mewhat mystifted by Fabbins's One i lay 11 was in he fie a, ei. * d i 1 11 - was so ft d Y' it is I)ecull' "Jiv- Let'. It Will ry of the 'oying A, mld accept y oher. tliewharf,lookitigthouglitftillya erhisl T aarrip have accrued prior to file completion of the xftd iphasiaitig the value of histime. Ile thelloudditil ung leaves, listen- to Clill toll, as afor(ISH idi. shall b(t d 1 quit a ten- e- se- R do i , liss' Wlm rich man master as he lazily plied his oars o, PE at d was i �1101 t till] e, bring on the 8 d for a river fisherman, nd -apent lng:�toibe Lkas t-ch(A front Fid by th", said il'.1lueg Mus, 4ave it water, mde no complaints, nd see tied Sa ; M. )St f h' tili e in his boat oil the water, dere' nd is timent.,�. . mood,'whe 'I was i lih e you—'th 't nothin'. !Mr should ]lot be tala-it by fevimilus na delivered to Vie Tri-11WINT (Jf th6sald You re i iistaken, Alin Fabbins. I to take the sparation phil6sojilli' 11;r- the. flyst tbree 7; ionibs of th"y Mullicipalitv. OE 11 idly in. towa rd me, tire 4ure to bring oil iselt butat, any fitber 1). TbaT. ;fiiI4 By-law shall tfike fffect w xere he-ree m- ed to be about as aw;�reof s,l*mptliing, noving t t� see hint r nild come d4srious, as a sitting, hen,,, f' whose time an MI make T1 appeal ance, I ut that an. by no rich. I have to Nvork Whenever he chance d sh tirlid thev lire safe. into ()per tion oil, frooin ftiud jifte A teilt 1) to Imke enouAi to pid e out a small -in- ing. he would wait for him, fuld wi'�g is - 'otiolis, h filly of shore 1) 1 e shamblii 0 1 1. , , Ili all &Lses of alld Spinal Affe Oeb ber, A. D. isluothini, as the boy said. Oil baRr t P, followed by t lio, t e-coald, but Iteklind Ji1llbS, fa4 Go C.- � Besid a, that, not -the poin much of big short tail as h ill the 1) i,,Iie 071 SItght the votes of the (if that portion h4 alw4s moved alont, at the m6st steps 10. That q nd. 1. 11 sy min. rical fe, Ltures lof Josh made no olse bout it. How he Spent palpitation of the livart, and if tbo- saitl TO-,, nvhip of Tuki-rioni'll, 0boye ties. I ills will effveta, cure when �A, o0wr el in- Fbbit a. -Confo d it," I "here Valli didnt do tell dolla'rs' worth of work I ay on the and defined, i;hall be taken on this, �bbins ws w, give you five, to] his time when F dWerent to thv, relations qi" — ol nor fi�,,e. -But ve filLd; and althol' in li*�tol a4ambling I 'surely pace, as -1 betWeen labor he Jls -gaii n like tle bir(�g with fit th(3 follow 1) rid. ot the wholebus tiess." river I hrdly kiiaw, 13ub I often saw i t umitaill iron, calonlel, antillioDy, or Por D ivision No. 1, at the Sehool. Ilon., tt mug in See. al�d capital. The onty he their 1'. le bills. e i thiill� �m to aid, ill other parts of the t-tif?ll o. 8. I r! ed 4row ,, supplicat_;�I I, im. s I a. ito hurtful to (he Wlllstittltiou- i lie doo, Seel ach d, elyemployed was when he u Id i�n g pretending I like -01 LLe oi tb ese t esf anc P iiii tiliections ill The paiphlet aro"ll -J,,or I)ivision No.. 12, at the School House it, Seo' -am in! . loo k cat I I But Fabbins 1, town, where he to be I i ly 7 11'arpnTbon b hia boat -at Sunset, an (I a at ll orer -th gre b k se, he ug ill Bee vV is -ig �ffb is 1 lie bad bu owil. There was I . ob Aloseg, Nol-W York, qole gs of his ca�p- find ds, h thinks beginnii tio feel ie L cts of h siness of his -o t ere coolly breaking the le s Me king i tTe 0 1,'or Inision N_ at t, p t - He aob u , and staggered. � . mystery boat him. But on shore, the 121 �entLt Lion. No. 4. ations. t red crabs to keep them frbui era I 1� �- L V e et ei n a I I el' S e and. ereftife end - i 1, 11 L (mend agents toll'tho Don;11110711 sion N"o. 4, at the olil School 11.0t1s, two were eve F or Diyi, shed and iigrily, toii;ard me and I r undividett. One day I NNeastie, Olit., 50 pills by I k into the, water I or reducing Some less stocks and cash ct o d. I Willi �usiire a, bottle, containing Ove riled, and met them in a lne near the Inv:Llid. 8 b a r I mail. For DivisionNo. 5, at the Sehool ng cat -fish or Squirming e— JtJSt.*:)W 11 waa& in ing, .I knom a bank c ii lit -A is fi of, too tu Home. It Avs a Sulld r t3old in Sleaforth by E. MickFo %y after: n &,Co., tind to g ve , sa,Vage rowl. tool.ted about for Sailors tion No. 1. -�`Orertoy"ai filial quiettis. wbor6on, the yme b ows., I SU k;eated on p 197-9 a�stoiie o �t or s,-li ediiii(r, to defend 'noon in June. Fabbint was Oil the fifteenth day of next, . D John Fabbills, s a small, thin wea- pose I e lie r time, ud thin ks I r --fer to a i bi the l 1873, between the hours of nine i . yself. beast m, d,L,, ��riiig at Irly lowl wall, gazing listlessly on some la:44 -1 ek ill the aftorlooll of th, �he�-beateu man of bout forty - ti ve, %vith art i a 1 Str tAl' 'His doo: looked oritat 1111rialid, 0 I inoruing find five o'c 'neithE r b ked nor g, all d I was abbit, to I iling vessels on the river. and for Elio benefit of , aille flay, and that the followimt, persoun shall Ife r . grabble with a, face wbacha painter would say was re- h at ie. El -%v- li e n I saw Fabbins' I � at besidehirn, lonking in his face. it warnin sid votes'at the rn as I micrht a, suffer'front N i -my i litiarkably 0_LLt Of drawing. This -peculi- g�p�vl. 1, yet st9o4 there if 1 case cf )e- pUp onki mail and. others Who Ous the Returning Officers; to take thots -gth Along, the shady lane, at intervals, inight 'i filippl etive pi aces -for whirb. tbey re heritl y DLJ; -Y, Loss ()F ii)g the rv�ope or -which, any. lods ltt,4 tion. Alor over, he iud. stumble and easure his len slwetively appointed, that is to 4rity attached chiefly to.his nose; mor ncient n1eilusofself cure.. Writtelibylinewhocar lhilu- the-grass - and, t my utter amaze- be Seen a dozen of e of the fn addition to itf, prom longer a( pup. Ile h. d g rown ? I A nil! For Division 0. 1, Migb ! ineice, had, -a, de- was . I ellt, theanillad left e ap d f an back to! some in conples and * qbme soltltl itfter jindergOillg cr�ni DivisionNo. 2, �\fl% Dftvi(1 Campbr11. �ided- curve to thl; larboard; like a - flesh- and sent rdo of ch nd a 6st that arc invited.to addre For -Division No. O.Powler. is utaster, running round It* up nd dowii with N N EL wid alone, slowly dking jiv.%ilig postage)- the author TILU -I 0 Strou 1 His light grey 'T and; Sheep look old sail in the wind. by .)�se able in o.x 15,13, Brooklyn, N. For DiviJqion NO, 4,.Nlr. Xobu 'Young. hilling and tugin ai his coat, aw that - peculiar gait by which these poor mA;? AIR,b 'yes were ticar togeth.er, and had au urt. 'Lily can�lne yo ilgsters Ho seemed I No. 8, rray. endeavoring to lift i1n. from his pros -Il old disabled bodios are asily i _,cogailzed ertain, watery. 1o6k, as if, were it not quit at fie Was P-rging e conc clotis per ay. All classes of -Working TARE NOTICE that the above is yaf Wor the dike interposed: bv the -nasal fr6vaunni-6soula d unprotect plippy- rate position. i. Thin -ing discretion theil some with wooden legs, rid some with TO $20 d CD withered old sea- a propo. ed By-law -wbieb -will be taken i. to con. u otter p�Lrt of valor, toolr this opportu-i what -remained of their old, luore ember, they naight flow tog�ther, and b6od into -11 fu 1 -grown. d0g' ogged- pe -4p c, of either sex, young- or short cut� legs—but all with stou-t walking-sti:cks. nts, or ll the lideration by the Council of the 2%1lvnieipF4.litvD1 As big m ster 1p3ed into more ity to lea.ve, and made a at for ns in their spare monlo. Township of Tuckersmith, after oi A -thin cl a ake a, feeble Cyclop of him Spre ness frec. let blonth I s Par c lift] from the first publication lim-ftof in'the Avioli lollieward through t1i e woods. They' saunied to move likeNwso tin'e thau� at all) - ti 11 J;wnd . scatterivg� berd partly hid his Marked , f, rmlea4 es of feat res and -wbat course tW s of compasses in loose trow- Ad�esli.a. STINSON1C- Co.,Poirtland,]Nlaffie. 284 the date of which Imblication is the 20th I was Quite uncert in many pair nd 'd not seem to be fefloleness, 4, the bull -doc, gain- HI-ItoqLx Imouth, chin. He of ga am an eersnd. short jackets. day of Anjist, A. tbe naha ailid. virl ity seem- wuld-now pur u.e to extort from ftE INTPOWXTIOI� OF bli. Posrrmt, the thite of whi rh plibliezition it, the -c,,.Iua of the combative 1 of siz , �T Co- - or audacious order, bi . e h I %tided. � Would lie ImIX11', 01' PHOASPRATE.8 e the money e ( e fla of Augulit, A. D. 1877.5, and that the Of the 0 sh6w in. h" oAe unt! 1 � ed eye a ake his oban ,,e ileeting me in irly (4reod eveiiiiig _N1r. Wallingthain. ,\h) OALIS.IiYA. constitlites. a new erS in 1)01)lllllr e one who woulc - sooner -gain his ed t .el) of eatoirs of that portion of tho sai Tovitsilip poit�t by quiet and pertinacious persia- sullen ligh .- of rl� 6etiven as, no. a dis- it is seldont that a, ptirely Pxitilitific I above described and defined, will. be takoin thereon' olitarywlks and m kehisdoghisp�oliee- You seem to be inseparn ble fri, it( I i ie,.Ii i i position tc take' acti e pi I in his r"i u ( o#r. physiological prill- u the fif teenth day of 1). 11473, be� I all an Or wo ild be ue Me, as O'Reaga Still, Mri. Fabbins. you. and your I compountled, on: I winpoi,ed hween the hours of nine o'clock in the inorinng and It may have been sem i-coscioisliess, pwner's aflairs t1jt t littl dist r )ed me. is Offered to thu public. Being i idid? Orwou.dhe ­Wliy, yes, Pup'sabout thebestfriend �or that enter into the fornilition o'clock i W the af ternoon, at the several. places ffrotery in the Man that led Suppose I 11r. F bbins S oul. become -fLctly Safe under an eir*-; of bUd e, of: t lie it 14 lwl tu rview ast d 1�cribed to com e t I see'for hispsycological cople- more that usili,lly imp6irt ab ut � the inte and may be taken Wit 1 u 0 3NIU111, Township Clerk. Aprms and 'ace pt in offer? You'wouldn't sell bini, then 1 s progtiatioll. and general de- smith this I - ; evolr there is nervou. ment in the shape of aa ugly bull -pup, that ten doHa.r4. Suppose e sbould 2 Dated at Tucker. ho always atteaded his steps wben on grow wdrxnr, bo it, and h s4 11 rduse About a qu, rter (f a Mile from in No Sir I Why, lie's -worth more to 1 bility froin whatever eawie. it ediatety aull'- Ist day of Angnot,A.D.i8111.) 298 me than anybody knows. You see, iN r. nlqpts and susta ins the vital forces inipartin-vigor se, near the sub rbs.of the little vil , I -at be had had to aggree to a . co -ornise �'.8 p. ose he hou to 01 the orgails of the boo;ly. 1b is especially shoill as growi aervou lage �of Podders�,ille there ws a row o mh to. I never'heard th Wllingbam, raythei a' 0 Sion for thi force. (I see that 9 I'm gettin' old, n' I ba;iWt iw wife to adll)tea to wt,wen prostratewithlaluil-,% care.,t,aut ]LIMAL. __ much occa s oanitie rein ings, whielt Ircit, being as agreeable to take as the L r lit A do small, rickety, fraD e build bout�the proxi ty of t t 176. that the bull-pu had eve 9 ake cre o' me. All& there aln't no in- ain, has b�' C flnieA.Iiqu�ar. Soldbyalldrug Stsat$l- I X. LBET, Solicitor, Wingh ken &p. g.e h, sh Id I b6 & var( the *ent by the tiame o New These -gi iougKt any battleslor his maser. But SuPPO .1 1 8 ere 8--ilors' �oiiited.Agent for the Colonial Seenritiois Com. Stit00ti0D like thi lie p iness )f t pl�lce all, L Y leafte e. buildings werytelia ted by It 6 so it was, the man -and -the dg seemed 101161 Horne to- take me in' was a pany of England, be is also Agent for sevenal pri. who at �—though I I, morable", some of them dec nt an(Lorderly, ut inseparable. les olldit�lon ere urinal Lall vate Capitalists of Tora�nto, 0 Jen. Sailor myself once, an' Seen hard work BY-LAW NOR �hi, some of int1an;ma;,,bl and riotous prol; very reasonable rates. Interest payable sculy. T Chat- s moderate. My private opinioll is that., that bull- ig,,d�e-�gng Even io*, the beast beinold fellers herehs s or n 1. barn would board ship. e pu had for some time been witl Y A.' W -LAW to aid and assit the London, Hit- Winghain, Dec. 15,1871. 218- _a i�g I. in egs. Is ooped and sities. Oc -i burn n easy time, though they hev lost� their lodi any , . I I !'I 'b rhood, late at night, nPany by - tried to pat, is , -a-bominab e head—a' down t1i i(e' .9n. rc i �L, 1h I_a on and Bruce Builway Col giving owner. I Sometimes met the beast in legs, or broke their backs, oi g . georni A t and no one could d tect the delinquenta. r cot knock- t ousaild dola e -said Company t do if I had rs to. th by -way ing I she I av� E D, 33aryisters, At - the Iriah quarter of the town, and some- th ]a t tout ed up one way or nother, :But I hev )r, and \d[cCAUGHEY & HOL31EST ry bad a, plat an ut doze i ndme, 01 e on a Z But Su ion,attac ed to, half a to of ; i, opus, and toissue debentures therof( times in out-of-the-way places, where it tke tofneys at Law, Solicitors in Chalict, and young kin, an"i toAithorize the it: -ying of a perate far �o -wei rlor; rouh iti an' support myself as I Insobrency -h was clear he'' as 'following. nobody, nor stick-.; Th a athre stl lod therel andi .1 pa r tent of the debentures mid interest. Notaries Pub w it'a hard times. Fact is, I'm about made Agithtsfor c t If his )ne eye like. a!' lookii g street, th s Irish Row. Tb a by an act of the fonyth sesbion of thl wa anybody, following him, though the looked at � I ! Me Canada Life jissuraiie�e Company nioe t ii4dercloid, There,were�' I houses were rge( and untidy, the pa'_ up my mind to quit these diggiu's. Was,, IA,gri ilature of the Province of Ontario, passed b1i og d had a Just pri(le about it, and m ade younga ye thinkih N B to lend. at 8 per e 'ings,and gates in ront broken and un- 4 -porate � the London, '53 I o' buyin' the dog" the "hirty-fourth year of thereiga of Her Maier- I Houses and Lotis for sale. great pretensions either to being some- no KOS f enaliness o4. his p, ty,eAltle. "An Act to Itim lated, the lardslas bare 61 grass an I Well, no—not for myself. But I any," an4 body's favorite, and to be perp�etually! not the le at -8 Mptoms f v�ing h!4,' ai y Ulr)n and Bruce Railway onip i I tation wet e friend who wants it good house-.' $ON METER, Barristers and. Aitorneys owers and trees 0ge t e idments thereto, and 1w th net respecting fhave. xwaitiug the arrivl of -some one, or else tail- a, .- dog. There have been. burglars i , icipal institutions iu the -Province of Otitaxid, at Law, Solicitors iu Chancer and Insolvency, he pretended entire indifference to a]11 Waling lan �Sid th( something to be d eaded. The 11 We inConVcYancers, !Notaries Public, 0 -e, lately. p(wtris given to any portion of a :rablcipalit� I 'vte rinidi; to humans ;. and you would see him . sai�n- Ashermau, (i e spring v ther pt last. ing of the green ay apply. to the flaqs roxeter. t p rant & bonus to the said Company for the i forth and W OUO of Pri Now, I jes tell y Tr. " i invest at once, at Ei lit per cent. Tnterc-st, pa;Table Very, or fine, r, Fabbilis. But and emblemsf this people, but there a oil p ose of aiding in the construction of their tering leisurely, s if it were nobod�'s hani, that I couldn't with Pup, not VAUrly. 53 business where he was bound, and he had What brin y n'so far fmim the iiver?" a decided aversi n to: displaying the railway. afty pell- -ms- H. Ir. W. c. ure And whereas, R petition sigued.by over I national verdti�e f nature about their I if You W-18 to offer i;ic— We'll, it's no th4 Oh, hin' partickl3r. ?Tnin't th ideut freeholders, rated on a perf6ct light to stop and mell at all. T e tryia' to crit hira. Why, Pup ari'me som-who tire res Ve r puddly aid us i lust assessment roll of the Townshij) of Tncka�- i It. SQUIER, Barrister, Attoxiio.3 In.'Chalic- front-dooirs. ewalk in th.e, jorners as long as he pleased, and beat sort 6 da for fishin'. loady (lay W scrape -icquaintance with any other -dog is beat for me. Tried it this inornin' I front, and the trud of tbV street.-aud are je�i like niann' wife." si uil h and qualitied voters under the said -Municl- * ery,&e., Godorich, Ont. Offite o�erJ.C. 9 guttes, were the playground of the A.-tid his queer face twisted into a Sort p� a &ct in that portion of the said, Mt tn-icil�ality Dotlor & Co.'s Emporium, Market S(Inare., 269 he took a fancy to. I felt sorTy tor the, couldnt a darn d bite. , 0 Qt on th swarming i juveiii] led an A of mclai icholy imile. o � the Township of, Tuckerrittith described a who tumb young feRo, for I feared he was in dis-1 flats sa(��ol a want fixial. !Boatsprun 0 a follows: Conimencin�f at the earterlyll inglia screamed among i e I Where do you tlihik f going, ab- ade of th London Road, stt� the 'flouth- ' lie chickens and gee. 13-kDRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chan!cerv, leak _t aly, M I U. siated habits. I Suppose two lonely a e -w, Iva bills iN usterly angle of the said township, then nort andduliks. Disaar eable-ii rk-ad yet f@r illat boat 4 0 We curs ba half lives found a sort 6f co'mpleteness I go Don't exactly:know yet. N the Post Offiec. .1 Ja-,r - to e.-ly, along said easterly lAd of said road to t n yon mote' 'five mont and snarled at yoi - heels as vou Passed, I mi b between the said-toliwilship and, the Village when, the fisherman and the dog met i rn is inc4 Iend I Sea, nd may go West. (4ot a CQ-,:,Su*l out W. R. SQUIE R, niu-L, Mi -DONALD, mutual league andfriendship. ed her. and the oppsite- sidewalk-, whieb w w 0 �l inton, thence a101Ig that; linti t tothe southerly 271 Gotlerich.. in Dectroit. an' maY jine him in 3aster- i - I spectmei , og bordered by;, a ickety fense, behind Y Imi t of the Huron Roa, t1lence in a sontho He was an ugly and vulgar �l 1 The d thi� motion Nvhi6h the rs It fibin' establishment out thero." I - flLrection almig thesaid south4rly limit of the -hat bull -pup. His. color was a,dirty�,- and g -i of i growl it 11-TIEDIC.A.Al. ave soffovocas Pt a c OUVS C d goats were,pasture 1, Ld if ftui on Road to the lh.;tnt between the said town - You wouldn't le�e Pup lochi ii� and the Village of Saliforth, thence southerly White his tail was short ; his ers were as though Were suppri asl, g Ju oath—r was Strew like a sea -shore with wrecWs, with old cast -of F Shoes thid bad be M You got a good price for him long that linlit to the limit betweciii. the KING, Seliforth, (late of CarroD:brookJ ropped bis legs had the usual twst of the, wretch !--and look it Master stranded there ll winter, old rusty pats, All r., NA'allivabm, it ud be like sellin' ondi Second Concessions of the said Towilshi Coroner for the County of Perth. Mee— p lis geaus; and his square pugnacious . and then t ine', in a wa� � I di It like, ro and coffee-pots wi thout bottoms, brok in MY flesh all' blood. 'Ta&t rigght in you I m. the Huron Road, thelic cahterlyalongiQt Residence --Commercial Hotel. Citusat head and ja�ya looked as if t1ley would,, E vidently he eaut, " I W0111 lit Stan I I im: t to the limit between Lots 11 and 12, thetill a Dl'. offlee will be attendd to- day br I crockery, rgs, as nd 8 eletolis of to tempt me. Besides, he -wotildn't be oil Iterly along that 1hpit to the limit betwee�a night. 287 with maturrita it. 1l't You go Y years, hardeninto a huge AVby t the it .6ne o -Walkiii-, here you steppud crinoline. no use to nobody. He'd foller me to the, I the IThird slid Fourth 0ouctiBsions from the H y animated forceps. Buthe otice� of him ?,., 1 9 Most 11 ecoi ljonj Road, thence easterl it 14 to: the , I idst the uiliburied relicts of the past. end of creation. Y Adn't heep hini. D"- CA' \IPBELL hAs rentoved. to tile hou-se on able thing about him was a large black '1CuriovsdDg_that,_r4abb' a. I a nit h it am W 11 and lim't between Lots 9 and Ifl, thence north the Statioil, one door south e suppose you are right of Rop;sl Hotel, and oppo�site mectillillu's Hotel, 'on of this quarter, of the al(a L- thal t limi b to the southerly -1�* L spot on one Side of his face, as big as growing viclolis ? I I do uiti.- like t113 The c;vilizati limit Olt the H town was something quite distinct frcul I should hate to part two such good ron Road, -thelice easterly along that limit to tlile by Mr. whero lie 'win your hand, in.the. cent�e of which was way he looks 1 at me; an I h me] I a at M friends 1 be found it.;; usual. that of Podderaville in geneLral. Good -evening. I wish you sue- lim'. t between the Towuships of Tuckersmith aud supposed to be his left eye. This ey leas. Hit bert, and thence sou therly'along the last men- I all cess wherever you go." was therefore with -,difficulty diatinguish­ Oh. Pup right he nev r e You may fancy from this sketch that t* �iniit to the south-west corut�r of the Ton- ART,` -M. D., C. IT., of able; but the right -eye (lid doabl( m any tl . iiii but " Pap ions of our' quiet little town This was the last I saw of Fabbins and 10101 'JC(Till, ship of Hibbert aforesaid, alid1thenee along the M-ontreal, Phisicittit Sur - his dog. It was bout a year from thAt Km� t betweeu the Townships of Tn�kersmith it (I dog, thou�h. He a were not unfavorable to the growth of enc—Brit ceficAd. hi" some tf-L-NIES STE, W W, I could never see that b . lack spot over his -know til A or time ththe followin a paragraph caught IJ81orue, to the, place of beginljing, has been pri tw Pit er. ranted to the Conucil of thesal(I.Minticipality of th, I 0ye Ig -nillat have beenl� Ain't been pd�ic&t(341 Ml LG' !�ose baleful organizaions termed Riligs. without imagitill , il� 1 my eye in a ii ewspaper L. VEWOE, -Al. D., Pbysichm, Sur- ilitb, prilying �hesaid Coun-' -he (11tay fl�om. one of his quarrelsome won't hurt yo 1. Get out, �up!. Go lie T'here had be6n decided symptoms of, a To-vNship of Tuehersi i i o pas,; a y -law, gratitiu- 11 3onlis of 10 =s:tors, the liero of a hundred I down lusty furigou I growth in this way, ;id A man near Detroit lately fell f rom a ete. Office and Residence, corner I I I I ' or blie, purpose- (if aiding iii, the� coustructio 9 if Market and igh streets, next to the Plaullig I fights, -who had. borne away the mark The swe t creature a alkily � �i etired a I these were particularly manifestea in one wharf into the -lake, but was rescued b Y ;he said Loudon, Haxon and Bruce Itailway, on sitting ot the late, annual district School meet- �is dog. Ile is supposed to hve been 1� holconditions hereinafter expressed, a M. CA31P'BELL, V. forinerly from Some terrible scu#le with' man or few steps, land comproly. igo(i b nd it is A pt Cornell intoxicateA. Itis said that his sudden )ad ent to grant the same. University, Ithaca,.N. Y., and Gradate of On - beast. down une4sily, but.lookn Steadily at ings, where a, tupulent and almost i Alid wherea K, for such ptirpolie it is necessary for tario Veterinary Colege. Residence Cooke's inimersion, and the*touching way in My dispue with. FaWra's about th! me still. ous electioii 'of school directors to6k ' e, illai part of the said Towns'hip of Tuakersinith Twuperance Hotir Varna. AV M be at BTnicefield p boat cam e to no -definite result at thisi Fabbinsls;fe,%tures.never eei6edmore V�ce The Cat ol arty were for which he was saved from drowning, pro- bo ve described to rtLise the said amoolint of ten eTery mouday afternoon from 2 till 5 ull(� Ing ano;her school. hous :e liner hereinafter meit- it time. I persisted, however, in decining, out of dra ing than just no,�. T �lire wa und r duced such all effect on his mind that be 4o isand (Iolluils in the ma -X7-ETERINrkRY SURGE, ON.—D. Ilc'-\-AUGHT, i cunrA ng t le ill I is, t their wn etclus, has joined the Baptist Church has abn. to pay him the sti m he klemanded, an& a I nf� ry, eyes ive management, the And wherean, it will req=-,ethe sum of J T V.,S., begs to tinpotince to the inhabitants of a 'left him in a Somewhat gloomy but not' I as if'sniall SdNjerAsh wffe leaprug up i Protestant for enlarging the present doned spirituous 11111011s, and promises to ho tisand ono hund-ted.d0lars to be raised aimils. I- Scatorth and surran, Juding conutry that he has buildinggoas to accommodate all. �jfle become all ex pary and ir,4ustrious I y special rate on the -whole ateable PrOpsyt Y been awarded the diploms. of theOntarioXete, - them. tin defiant mood. Thez,dog-sood by all this -ts time, looking at each of us, and seemed 'Wn WailinghbLm, 8 take i former fact4n Was unfortunate irfti citizen. I of ttle said portion of the said t6wlship above de- ary College, and is nowprepared to ti -C21.4 diNedgell to know (conound that black patch et down. It'l r a nicib representatiog on this occasion seri bed, for p the said debt of ten tbousan d 'of"AoirL and Cattle ali all domestic annuals. e of easf a s for this Was it Josh Fabina ? I h Soi 4011] ATS 11111d intCrLt3t On tke debent�res to be Issirt d has opened an office in -connection with his horse - his 1) all that was- said. As I was leay. place here iiincter the tre take it was composed of the most lawless roug4s 1ekefor, as hereinafter mentioned shoeing shop, where he will be found rewdy to ittwl d whereas 0 -the -Whole rateAb �e tend to ca s. Disea e of -the fe t special] -'st- ing, h e I o oked hard f ter me, -as Mu oh as,' you nev n6thin' to-do r. You and bullielli of the town. But the party the amount of. SPECL&L NOTICES. R like of law, order, ulon, �aild intellignce ?ro arty in that portion of the said Township of tended to. Residence, office and shop in � the rear to, say, "I'll know you when I don't hev to work for vour'l I -in ru. kerminithaove described,iriespective of airy of kinar of -Vet- though mail of:::: e again. I do. 'carried it the chair oran & Ryan's new store. tir her increase of thd same and also irrespectii t lilivy Aiedici�nes kept constantly ot, IiAnd. Pora 229 Fabbins, I think-, had no Celtic I thouaht Fabbins unuku ly,' fatniiia meeting.was howlbd at nd iii8u-lted by COCOA. I er! 1; 1 IBP.E GRATT­ A uyincrease to be derivedfroni the tent Oharges reasonable. FUL AVD COIAIFORTING.—" By horoucrh nyestment of the sinki-lig fillid, hereinafter and f rieudly. , I begun 8 pe It h ha the mob, and mad-, big A�oice beaxd with in- his veins, or I migh have anticipated, 1:3 0 ioned, or any p ng t knowledge of the ntural la," a which art �hereof is, at�ordi o We 1`11 J. CHURCHILL, Veteripary- Sur.('011, (MM, -perbaps, som-ethin alike my experiiince, a�l loeelittaki- I a drqp. I as di. )oSed t i the greatest d iffict Ity. st revised assessment roll of thd%aid township, bar of the Ontario Veterinary College begs ioli nd 3c ear before with one W -Reagan. humor him, however and wei oth St -i One night, is I �Vas Passing Ne* 6 rk govern the operaio :ing for the year of Our Lord one thousulad el- oe Y 7 l - ht 0 intilliata, that he hag returned to the 'of Row, on.the opposite side of the str I nutrition; and by a careful pplication of ilin�red and seventy-three, the ruln Of seven i his profession in Seaforth, and may at all'ItimesbO IYReagan was a poor shiftless Hiber- down oil t] le' rocks, two or -tlAide yards e to see i f thought 1 lward:Fabbins'is v the fine properties of well -selected coco� inu�dred and twenty-sevell thousnd seven hun#- -i eonsultell.oll, the diseases of Hors", Cattle, &0- nian. who carne to our gate on e da with: I aart. TKe dog looked r o1ce) ; a ad ed land twLty dollars and wher� inediciles Iconattintly on hand. A-11 eas, there is 1: o i, Voterin try Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast t- calls promptly. attended to- Offiee, at'Mangion ajob. We all Its within' ,an gy,- and the id a f,--Nv others of- his e9k lebt ellisting agailist.the said municipality, or that a rusy scythe, and asked for ybody v, O'r an's$ 1 11 uattin trymell, 11 ow con-verstion -acre F0tT I let hi- do about n hour's work mowim g bles with a delicately flavoilred bevel took his at ition facing u: i botrx., -,i 3 tion aboye described, either for principal or 11one, Seaforth. which may Save us many heavy doctors' seemed to be enden vorin topersuadethe at the �weeds and wil-carrot tops in ollir as if -his seat were only LUMP ,, ry on( �g And Whereas, for paliur,.the interest and crea fishermaii t6 join iiL ome Scheme bil. _gervice Gazette. Made J. G.RUILL, L.D.S., mg. ly sinking fund, I for putyiu- We lot, for.which he demanded one dollar, We- three iorm.ed thredatiales ef a right, 8 or pl)t,' an equal year to an tri iv ten thousand dollarsi ivaf or half a day's pay. As I declined to an d ngle. 1 but I couldnt -m he out what -it sunply with J�oilincr Water' 6T Milk. said debt of as here* tei 1­1URGEON' Dentist, 61,c.,�eaforth, Fbbins Seemed quitR.,at lei&xe. H I The bull -dog- Sto)d as sentinel in the Each packet is labeolled—JIUM3 EPPS & Ationed, it -Will rellnire all eolli 1111111111 SpeCil Ontari�.l Plate Wort, latest me pay so much, he went off -with some i ratc of one null and eleveii-tweittviethii of it mill in at -vies, neatly executed. Aa ft clay Pip f poe e 'd at , no Co., Romoeopathic Chemists, London." saucy words, an di in a few days sent a too] c. I middle of the str t, and looke I dollar in addition to till other rates, to be With fro ical operations performed MANUFACTURE ori CocOA.—" We will a A U SM0 and I at the eye 6vied, in each year upon all the rateable popell y care ald promptitude. Fees as low be ob- now give an account o 3L to 6 fit Red it, t a maLch, id e as I passed fancied th I.. constable --witi a. summons to ppear be- fore a justice of the peace on a in at b lack patch oL his flasl ed f the process adopt- that portion of the said Township of Tucke cl ilkilled. elsewhere. 01110c hours front 8 A certaill 9. under th - G. McDongall.'g 13tore, ed by iNlessra. Jmes Epps & ith above described. 1'. . Ruoms over 3h-. my condct., I was 'I he... c g 1: in, rd xed an' with a blbod-i ed light oil me, like a hi id C 8m �,,observin 1. Be it -therefore enacted by the Municipal 270 - day to answer for ir in -a di uggist's w nd ufacturers of dietetic articles, at their C of the To-wiliship, of Tuckersmith that �t Much provoked, for 'the fellow never StrE t0hed himself out, with � is hea glass j, indoNy, a oil works in the Eustian Pboad London"— made any epcleavor to arrange matters acrd�s one �of hi� p - 8 1 ut ard a lov, growl. But 1kw stift turnin' that I he .1 paigied shall and may be lawful f6r that li!ortion of the 1H110 Ej6 S. Rousehold Gaide. %cribed, I o I 'te a e upo on, and nothi with me. On consultation -with myi the whi lo� unblac kened e upo said Township of Tuckerstilith albove dc ng came" of it. aid and assist the said Loudon, HuTOu and Braue -NOX'S HOTEL, sEAFO friends, I concludedto appear. I had me. From the menloralAe eveDincr of the TaE F,.FFlc,%.C'Y, of Bryan's Pulnionic I comp, rH. Thomas aany in the constrtWtion of Sal (I Rnoxx b 8 to state to his old filiellds ana way, by giving thereto the sirm some dfficil-ty iii Ifinding the justice or; � The �s. smok& a f-eW minutes district seligol voting the Ring Qga-h to wafers in curing Coughs, Colds and all Rail of tentliou i- tD I 1 1. en o serve s 0 f:13 in !�Rd the ti -4, elling public, t4t he has leased. the 18 o ce. t as wlts I re to a. in a ence, a Raythei be consciow tht, i t was cracked, k nd bronchil. ffectiolls, and cheerin fy the af - d dollars by way of bonus. and 2. That for the purpose aforesaikt'tl�e Reeve �f Rob& lately occupied by' 31r. -and forlorn group of f rish houses, where IJ diyl work. Lhis r'gness I'll hev i b D liquor at the ne: A town election still grea`.er flicted, has passed into a proverb. III I the said Township of Tuckersmith shall formerly known as the DOIN-INEY HOUSE, y 12.0ve to receive a, continuance of the imtroliage a ar found the judge—a tide ernigrant from A li4t e - and drawimg a'siiall. flasl� I �gai 'was shosvil -for -the reform, a the United ates, where these marvel- nitinber of debentures of tLbe said, Towlihip (if er I ., wo liberally bestow.wd. apon him durin-is many ! his'l o -'e kE t, poured part -- the mon(y clufort and theget of island&over the sea—seated on froM. if its -con- and one,of the reforms carried was that lous wfers are known, y bear clown Tuckerantith to ))a made for such sums of years in the hotel ryas -may be required for the said purp Ore, not ll�qs I rs, The in tents into his dpturned, sar hroa. of putting in a better justice -ovidea for trayelld 0 r 7 ' and eclipse all rivalry than one hundred dollax.; each and nob exceedir g 1 choicest Liquors ana Cigars only kept in, 'Bar his -step i his shirt sleeves, who, of Ee all' oppositiol convellience will be pi the :when I- stated vay cs, clled to. the looltd at h d The door [in US] ously, peace so that'ifldr. Fabbins had ente�- the demand Ior them has stea, ily increas- iu the -whole the sum of thn tbonsand dollivrB, A eareftil and relitillile hostler fthyllys ill attenolaace- which said debenture- shall be ses�led with the intiff, who ws.'witbin hering, to,lay: heaved a s or the last'twent years, pl. p ti tly at tained ny notion.of speing me-, this last ed f 'I no -ietor snapl. Y unt. tWi THOMAS RNA, Pro�i the sales -a al of the ,;aid Towiliship of Tuck'erSildth and be --------- eleotion!, decided him to remain q i down his pitchfork and come into court a fly. et.. verage over one himdred thon- a3) ,, , I 0 9 d 'by the* Reeve and countersigned by the -room, P'r"apS YO: I haet seen iioth.lirf� of *the fisher at. sand boxes year J�OYAL HOTEL, Sc� SDI ION We tb en entered a bare 'a won!t tke anv our6elf Eminent me�ibers of iforth, Ontario.. Treasurer thereof, and shall dLfine the portion of I had tried n ion without number, the said Township above described for and on ac - platform and at one end, where the You're welcome if *You N for good while. )at *the we POWELL, Proprietor. The sub%c iber has thoroughly renovated and le-jvly furni had, the athe dmit th. t t ley know 'of no p count of which they axe issued. judge �toa his seat, nd as he - was not X01 I�Ih- 1Z you.", id. E looked nd foand it still leaky, and came td a a I reparation above house, so that it now affords good acLoinlluo- That the saill olLbellituresshWl be made pay- dat,On for the u-ty w very, strong,, on reading and writing it Bless i1ne I! * d I was till producing silbli. beneficial esults as these abloiwithin twenty yoars from the day hereinafter travell,ng collch-ision. that t hree dollars public. Choice liquors transaced lii�i busin sa tho-Liah hi in.,- it I e. enough payment :or such poor wor as wafers. 'Wheu. takell in, Season they ef - mentioned for this bv-1a,%N- to take:effect, at the ofr and the loar. e is son fie thi d 0 \,ijage 0i in season. 'old by e of the Royal Canadian Blink, intl a )Ull-& he, had expended. on.the job. So I sou� ht feet a permanent cure. %U dr tlL�r in pn- and seeretary th6t result of which -was But wh,, di� that confounded 3-sters in sOasOn, -n Selliforth, and shall have fit- titabling and an attentive hos 11 epreiented to him the, n- gists and country dealers at- 25 ce, L that besides the one dollar to ORe�tgan, cook his 11 -,ad ., �n otie' i ie., ind look h' out and r tached to themcoupons for.the p%3 ment of nter- there was another dollaradjudged to the me as if I w�re t dition of'my boat, ;itnd lix alkincy to him uriow tided him t, iat per box. est at the rate and in the inalin, er hereihafter do g that. SUM. Be took it �vithout a word of meltioned. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Out -1 court. I thought of Lear Thomas' Eciectric Oil, 4; T hat the -aicl debelibiref; shall- bear interest 0- J. '_UcCUTCHEON, Proprietor Fir.st-class Oh, Reagan, thoig hast'ded d -don't go, Nisser WhIlagam. postulation. Th blill-pup made iio-)b- WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLr The- . Bal: is Sup - ass he a- ion, an d only 1 oked dej ectedly at his Do You. at ft*ad after the rate of six per cent. perannum. accommodation for Good Sharp -toothed unkindu vulture here I" It's nice plaoB b,ere. Bich iaeli likeyou Ject KNOW ANZYTHINGOPIT? 1FNOT,16Tl.1j from the (late thereaf, whiell'interest shall be pay- plied with the very best liquors and eig half yearly, on the thirty-fir%t day of J)eeem tW 10 master. Ever a nee the 'Last election the TIME YOU able stablin-attitched. The stago leaves Hour I co'ntented myself witlirivinamrO'Rea. in't press d'fot 'time. Got suiripin, to d t There are but few.,pileparations Of )1lealcine- bar and tba t131;-tieth clay of unpe ill each sa, to you, INJ Walla gam4—' at animal seemed t �,now that his po er every day for bout th r which have withstood the impartial jizigment of the said office of the R�yai Calladinill, Bank, in Sea - g apiece of cood dvice as to his coh-' ning ; �tha -Lre to his patrang, and Jef t boat, you was.w, he had espoused a; e I d Ulow the fot tiny great leuff a of f orth. uct in futt people �th of time. On W ave Yor c ell the caurt congratulating myself that the Oh, tl e- bc it lining and a los (ause. - He till wb ld these is THo,*NIAS' E LE CRIC OIL; pnr a prepar- "Illa.C.ior the purpotie of fornii1l.9 a sinking i. o heavier. pto say -V turn up the ;e of his unshadowed �,ye ation, of six of some of the best oils thatT: Lre known, fund for the payment of thi�said:debentures and 1 td a dollars, eachonepossessill-virtues ofits own. Scientific the interest. thereon, at the �rate aforesaid, an T A. SRP'S LIVERY A-_NZD d costs were ii ALE physicians know that luediciummav be formed of equal special rate of one mill and eleven twen- a. at me, as I croo i I ie This was in the days of the Emerald Fact i my on the shore roadjut Offiee—_&t-, Hotel. Sellfo'-0 it was more in sidfow than in anger., It dd eville. T plisser Iva llac., everal iii-redientu in certain fixed � ro portions of tieths of a mill in the dollar shall, in addition to d-Pdng of Po ha ring, I think 9 D. �em . 1 0 p a 6d to-6itprep a stoical all othet rates, be raised, levied and collectell. ill his� a 1, is broken now. 011serlse H�aven'l Is -iesignatiDn. greaer power, and producing effects w alch could dEAFORT11, Olit" in th a,t�, I t's' & p, repo at aro u 8: cl La rge ? e saw Fabloins - was on I the end of by tail had a per&p_ never resn1t from the use of anv one of hem, or in each year upon till the inteable property in that B r, LL'S LIERY ISTAIBLE%, Sys Tb e next tim Cj you 11(yal 11 tible droo Re passed thd other dD(I'S different cambivation�. --Thus in the Ireparation part of the said Township of ticl-cersiuRb herein- Goo(I norses Rlw. Nla;j J th the ahore road, when he stopped me with I shoulC& 0 of this oil a chemical (;hange takes place-, foymli PE,3 ng before and abovementioned and aegoribed, duriii,r on hand. Favorable Arragements inad wl a compound which could not by -tiny po;sibilit t ommereitilTraTfallers. AR ord al of his demand. 'The dog stop- I Tbedogj000ked at-meautol the.cor. Without notic�'ng Uiem. He rather avoid- -y be, the continuance of the said debentures- or untid i C ers left 11 a renew (I looked atIrde in a sinister or of his white, eye, and I lie first ed observatiop, q3t �Iose at his mast�.r's made from any other combintition or i roportions I they lly(t paid. HOTEL villbepromptlyattendodto- :Korth of � 1 6 ThaL the said debentures shall be depositel' ped too an f the same ingredients, or any other ii igre 1 OrrICE AWJ�I STAMLI�8:—Third. door t of big one visible me I 'noticed that ILe had ntoi her ey heels, and seem'Ed'indifferent, to all the 0 in" vel witlin sixweel nf ter the passi g of this -By-law Knox's 11�0 eye, nd tel,waitreet. way on and entirely different folli anyth' before You'd better settle the blkcf Pa tch, but it was blood -r res of the w6rld, human, bovine,. fe i3e, made, one which produces the most asto aishin(y re. with James Dickson, of Goolerith, 4Eiq.,- Registriar 221 THOMAS BE ro seemed to say, Ba le 0 t w.1 ttir, v 0 SVT. 0) to F I Lv- LN 1). TliE BAUtIAG ,i -man. with J feroc,0118 ba999,9; Wa � I 1,.Intean. back, pg -071 each arm i;ile(l in a -forl '0abice dabie 13ttvck, That plied his Jreail vocation I)eBix1l to, ,,aca tb:e ba,-�Ia�04e JJJlfJ wildl, )fatfoym there, pell-mell, I I - �v crtlshedto 1,111ii-lit the frail ban' I.I. it-shavelv3s fell, 6,vratoga 7 111% the fill Or stow the siest egg-'sh'.1L. 00 Iron' -Clads, especially, f,;, I fall r trunk ae'1118" eli,-e the ively call bV the se -04 a Pulled, 'all;l 11111114-4, and mum ­ 4#i Au ined the samp- vindictivek in -d Jain TJ 'a yawllipgr breach appearoll,- f ride, r&etarea two or th ; lills Tell Ips -were 1)"r -9t. 1), or''Stri. 'Some c.Jta,$tr01)11P -satani-e "rowned his diabolic glee - The passengers survewlth-Wre., e discontent, vers hilli, al,141. SC some v"111)("rat"' 'Made load lament But w,ath a,.) (I Jamentation -on h m; w ailil y sp eilt. T,0 hi m there eanie a. shallibl!ffiy nil -1�eyed, and I thi Sal Bea - an bumblIe ring �pet-bag wilths I ty staff therein, f, fierce , And, 11-11tO t "t �spake, witb qu ning chin 4-, )3eliold tb is scalAY carpet -bag. 1 1 stll ed a inoilth. 11�4110,1 49 ith ajozeii�iaratoga trunks, hat "'lid, portillanteall, But bacpya_�,fe-111P-11 alon- the routt IN T lit -,Yn thus lowl hive broug me do Be careful witi-i that earpet-bagg, k - Sir," Said he to hiin The bt7,cf;:a,-Il�4z�'e-Illan.x"ece��'%"k"'d it with a _Jo' A softly -whiatted Mother I nd may 'o -Lit to,) Swim l!" Th en f iercely jumped� upon that ;11�. wil(L, Sardonic Spleen' And iii, t ountless jn�jneiits ftew_p .o c his prof nund clia, An'— )a" CItitailled- a Pint For that lailh- Tile strange efl."Veld. la gentle sigh v 11' stroked � uh.:4-rin his fl g chiny Tilld thell, ht,, wiuixed with vne ls-ml:( Alld. sai(I with an II �ile serelle, it The stuff to check. a bagpgre-3nat B —Frank- Clum" Im Olf" VT4110 Cj011rifri� a vo,i ng .offian, it betokeus: that instantly di-wontinue tiglpt f;� anti adways go W�arwlv clak-1 wu we-atber. —A Pb re.11010at.A. totd a Ifinan _4 -e V del h -e lr*d c--)111V);tt1Vk1l1eS.-; lain oped 'No." s-44 tlIe o -1her, I bave ii0t, 'WIA if Y`Oa SaY I'll knock you. —So wittv;i ('011ullimie., t -is 111a.1 met With lus t1lat �f 81"din"ey". Smi; t -hi. o s fi�nds Alr4. Tigbe an -Cufe III , tli�le- you Ivre ,cuff- Oat evurvono Nvould -be, -1 0 one Wo wear, azd Ova tie that P t1ime Etteet. yOAj liv-e aske a witu "On eithen sid!��, �sll. If you 90i; Nvay� Ws -on th-le �'rilllht go the, oduir wav it's 01 the left ii i 'Feo6a-lsot —A y0nug 1))A 11 _tiil 'I ILI V to seclimhis. -sxve�,!It so he took lier o-iit for - SL 1)0�at ),ovorboard Awl th. tb�e lake if <,Ore wiblilt!)A - =-A-r.T*N7 I "orK e bim a--.dv)1.6r he ilarell"t dive IM an 11,0t Sdimet'S 71 Aot preVIelit N70,11CZ(-T, taid. ies from belia., sulted on �oiir asolm j-.1 Cil ere .1-clil.mal Tb � Just hitvn. tUe -111's 1110thLer tqU41 0 t into he'r little llej.i ti-bolit the eveni-Dr-Y _ana lock t1te dO.01 'b Iler. IriAiili_�n put bis hea& 1-&Nvyer's offic�� i a-,,kced thi7 sell hi, mate, 11 An' wbat ek Blockheatds-," relffi-ed t -11-p- I the law. 00), 4-11iB, -to be ,-�-aid P-at� it ilikist be a ��Iyloou for ye- htve but one (-if the'm lef —A',S'cotell churdlll�'tvil*& an aiitoin-atou Ova- gwu, organi,-t to be. foulA IWEXI 'S tbe.,tane (if Diinflee. -on -SlIndAY., Clerk being uiintile- to I, W -P it It 'Was s<*'t agpin.g. it plave& �cb eerf Li I tu ne ivst eigli even I 'C�, before, it stoppe& ___� T. � 1.11 - '11.o 1.,oi Aitiadx keep 'Un,rolars. and had his doll,ar si4it of clotbes tol'i, into,: 'alld tw-0 his calves ill tilvi.11-or t-0 e*ater III baf,-kyard, - has recwvered ffro- ye. - Tealize :on Lbatani.nnal. —A -f.Irn . I aauybter Out rleceiverl t:,, Ilairy p,00div. d' f 09 � � 'frietid iii. ,T 7 If �ew Yorl;:. The bacl� Ilag, 1her friend -for tll-e prese J it V. in,a iIih-'a she foun W11en tied to a".Stick to tle I -I, dGA" wifl), 11114 - is, yonr lmsilleSS ed �a lid L,,- �r nt: 1)f -.-t 1)rlsoner nt: �Well, s'pose yon-.11A<,,rht Work n u vour tra-de, r a'eall for the ,ala(l lielt for tht. —TIM T -1J --,Tx old la(ty �a wbo-sel bold dilties Ar -e consideMl . b�einr, lately z-,tsked bq a yoll A why -611 e does not employ it Aervant; replied!,- " Wily, I 01..�­l you now, 12()t attend fo one M