HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-05, Page 1.29 J eith POWer �n, and turn,out- O_� Other of&e in, th, are both X -�- a rc-gards tile t wv word in now'64"d to ba'onb local Papers in, Ion, I the Editor. A the dways exceptc� 2 s"Lid recra 5, t4a _1 1 think Lf it is full :y eutitle4 nkee phras ology, 4, - 7 41 that ill, e very 0 tile A of tiff S]fXTff VE. H $1 30 a Year, In ad vance ALR- 1 :1 10EAFORT �RIDAY SEPTEMBER 5 1873. wittl :100. 5i� -bl V netian blin a beautifully station master of h both par- 0 is that lie silit a mail bv The f this man 4, et asa violet. tain dsil is luck and C's wiv tat all BRICHAM Y, UN �, gracefaf,, ild and swe e arm, wi a Ll a ed bE dstea(l, an oil-paiuting of Brig- ties went in search of the owner. After- name 0 r g uil( er Her hair' curls ilituraliv, and 'she has cary to, d in, pistol. e al ate tbat be had an. ey succeede 7 so st s ng. rdsixetive beautiful eVes, The Prophet is very 'hani other things in keepi No. considerable tr uble tb Who They-Arer, Ill They'lir v - ft"41 accomplice -a woulan -but -refuses to d of this w 0 -er's r om, alid. is plai ly li�n who had sustained tile, irt IT M -SALE IN ST�NLEY. omi and �ometim!es.calls 5 is 1�ucy Deck 11 finding the I u. -or, X G I 11iii e 11, What They De. A I in Vt. the loss, aid del�lveyed him his - property, give her name 1: -V_G11 SA.LR, oil teaNOTilible y -of his heart. bell the jo furllis]Ii with rag carpet, oak chainq, FARM F0`F fo coniLitted the deed ZINO arm, but teimi;,'Lot,L I. r - I ge for some 4, St tnlcy"f coiltaining 100 fwrez, 65 Proph.let's lurarem i.' ver a num- T conc6ssion board, tedstead and mir- The gr itef Ill 6wner turned o through feeling of reveng rftm-, wintains its I,well fenced aild in it sttote of 'No. ROXY SUDW-iS 4 liter- wardrobe, cup "DENCL CHICA40 ght his victini ball shown him. His of Vhich are clell-r.c TRrB t e lodges, bey of ffiebilills: and picked out $1 and slig *411. I -ace, there is lit �,cod cultivation; he balivue lulwrell, ally woman, ar�d solnetim s called V The ror. Nom 9, Emelia Partridu ttl c is w. e 11 t i 0 : z -1, %ol oil N. portion of it tiler, is it cousiderable S,��T LA X E CITY, All ai '; She.� writes andit d very plain but comfortabloa d it to the honest mail who bad-. accomplice, it has been scertained, has W4-_5%,?,_, I e uding village 6- 18, IFIS. 8%��eet Sitiger' of Isr 311 part hande' iving with him in this country, but eom- d feucing-anch �Very well No. 10 was Aunt Fanny Murray's been at s ell trouble to restore to. been. I I.N . It is In blZi r building tin 0 mu littm curions tit I&I r s. C4urch d is lond ol -Xception I . the '�re is not a foot of verses an ment, a. short. time ago 'left him and went to jL Ot as and Cedar; t� In stature abe roolill-awidowed sister of Briubam. Sbe him bi lost tteasure. Rock Ell" flowers. 116 beat 0011ducte(flo, ;,aste all(,- on the j jearod portion; there is a _rvood Ann Eliza Webb Y fe 11o,. 17 of bo:k birdsaud Uncy W I IV I __ - �� R �T _11 R live with another man, and it is suppos anol it -A few nights ago the f St.'. house 1% ther sm, _t'ilaviuce, al'id had' ith cellar size of buildin Brigham YOUn:(y, sliTUIA"LlIc bE hol is .11, has d4rk evf.,s, hair* is no-iirldeceased. "No. 29 -is Twiss'rooni. police 0 ed that Brown nl,,ik-es his present confes- tble; we barn anol sti -ed with ra Carpet- Catharines made ilid ona disreputable kitchely'RitUte-hed; 1111w, a 10, IY unknown' liatili her' 4Livorl suit streak y, and i quite htdylike it is JIi'tb6 third story, and has a al it gooe bolawin sion for the purpose of tal ing revenge on orehard; the farm -,Mon bedstead, toilet-. house in tha� any- there is also . 0 ul ght her t e di oak chairs, com town, and captured Its i -,n whieh the EX a nevur-failiug stroam bro, We kn w of and diaiiiHe 1 her manners. 'his late param our aind having her pun- pos_ 311 watered, its I here 0 110'ic t I and- white prisp oll- ieve� 1 Le -d of Vo. 19-Zin t Huntington Jacobs s a prisoners some very resi I be the Very lad r gh t, ai�od an excellent well c many Mrs. Youligs, but stand small mirror, pectable members' stied for hor inildelit -him. He was 'traning throu, y to� r e, lar(re wo a -of We expect l? dtted to jail to aw hoilse; this farm is situated within a ty, men. 7whom one would least ex, vei to the Ann B liza Until qui�e lately. Te that auj iMl-formed n has mui cut -tains alo- the windows, Nos. of so(;i,, to of it good g,3 avel road, and is -withill 3 miles comil ait further ction 2 miles Outlive this anirplus L?rTl(!efieId, where there will be. a sbi A one of the mc Y wives of 3 gham light hair �aiid rayes. She has tbieE chil- .30, 46, and 43 at last accounts were va- pect tc find in such a place. They all iby the magistrate. of the villa( ga of for a on oil, Huroll and Bruce ItivilwaY, is cer have id. tal, so Brigham bas lodging room N'i 4-t in the tain, and thi A she sho."Id. di ell of her ow n, al ces care of two cant gav6 ii and deposited 1,�95 each for opem. :tlorl of the L They, a ed notice is m6tans s ir ... sing, ot4ers, the omhans of a dead �d. Mr A. M. Polley, '' largre livery r in - I Il w: fe of few I�ore; if the ladies are incline 11 U rowing or - their ppearance next mor i g w,&I aoillpt d either for ai tescap by, no irp and r, of Goderich lost eleven Pasturage- Fo a veho could k ep the tally s ell a er 8 a, Dr. I DIVISION OF LABOR. r ft rther partieularii apply to pro- , 4 and the t6wh I -Biigham. H fir't husband of Con se. forfeited the $25, stable.proprieto 4 years ago V ucefielel P. 0. P and within IS, Or to Rr Ilijetor on the pr W, i Oil a wo :,e?p JOHN MeDOJTGALL� clo, 11 a 0 f IN rs. I P0,11, 11 Even th o�bct Ja'cobs, wbo it is said, Young will bE considerably richer- for the raid. horse!3 about er, I P I , e� W`I�at do the women do ? Well, they wp vuluable )p ropri- do, ti mlssion, and, 'VIlile he.'Was (iff, a- ev4xything -they can to pass away the J-'atbarines pa rii-Im A is not to be blamed or neglec g her- A St. per says that if tlip, a few wee�s three of his most FAItM, FOR SALE IN RULLETT. ed the wife haid -qliildren. police would �ake fitable animals have died with the same dis- 'for what husband c. uld divide a time a a Ili many such 1)ro llieW4.aper, aud the, J 'CD's was time, �nd Brigham's household is not a -4, 85 deftred; raids, ease. . The'cause of the disease ip now OT 12, Coil. 7, HnIlett _; 100 acres an ona twenty, pr ren ten, wi so as li otlo � ago in California. place of -idleness: Emeline sings and ;he amount realized *ould. matbri- ater in thesta- "IDG&I 0 sh.; land -cif first- 1 0 M. Whartlwood bu No. Amelia Partridge Yating-is E- 3ist ill liquidating the Municipal A g E1111 res clear of stuin1w itud in good L the rest in to make every: one think she ha, her 20 p ays,,� Roxy Snow writes poems Zina ally a Alouclit to be bald w r&te olv complex,oned, I ble which is used for watering7tbe horses. tality" 60 Loan �und indebtedness of the town. U IN' 0 w ;Ia Brig- a. tall, dark-,layed, dark - will be sold -stock and fluntibuton t, -n an( io full share of attenti) ? L-kds care of childre I Oil )ther�-ise as may bu ham has boactlit Aj in, Elizaw 11 � cool Urk-hairedwpulan,- -of in stalnit'Wedis- -On Tile, 19th ult., Mr. 0. Vy. par- 3 all—With Or wlthO t Crops, or amuse� them Twiss -washes and sews B by shows �are - becoming quite a ui AN, on a rth, M A NN Uh L CH AP M TO en4ui e- wit., the p)sition. Slid was a ser ant in u, oseph I to E, Gorrie, -ind form, erly of Seafo r glgwedupoll- - ve oui-rbt IT $ k of h prominent etionift connection with' ling', Of 15,000, V Emehoe Free ta zes care er children, attra a ra cc 0� elrcus 298 6 of 100 ,f 6 Constance P. 0. lj�e premises, 6 rest of the M Is. Youngs are, -cii, with, Snith's family. Amelia has foul chil- ad eiaht Ellen- auricultural exhibitions. A prize is to: won a beVof $5 by runnin of om she has or h 4-leA Wed-inea44.sr.. ALE. silch all example before them.. it is: ardly 0en, and is djavoted to them. Site is a Ro yarc 2 seconds. in Gorfie. FAR FOR S c ood wairks embroidery; others be giN en f( -.kr the best baby at the Is in -t -3 illett the "'0 reasouit-ble ternos, Lot No. 75, rs will remim Uiet m l,6d and Y*er 0, od opill -'Olt, SkLE, o .9 1 . bveable i�oman. R -' f Huron Show,. tobe Wm. iot 17, Con. I jolt possible the l5the spin, ome still weave, others sew, read North i(Aln Lam )eit f V be extert� and Brigham will no doubt --sodl Yo 21- ob Young -is a Huron township� County of Bruce, re- ift it wi Bavield Co efiell. Township Con- i v e as �1 bell ab 01lidto 1, and the Directors of tb ,. _11 Tie ssion, God Aagn-sta Cob ftovelszand sleep. Onrisinginthemor- -1 , I , - +.;uiu,,104ftcres,-10of whichareele J area ana in it -a Inrl nf. raRrinit -aur Pvs and t. +,N Al 4. f any divorcestlibs neirl, "A=JAi A ILIA ning, �acil -A-Ite @loans up ner own room, Xvi ttufl 2111 00 II(Gy o r enco.uj -b eum A tarne as ve J VAXL Well feneed state of good el ftivation, and -)Ahc lu airdwood and a lit- its there are liidicti nents in ev, ork aicauified. tdfteiiis. She formerly lived -)tliers in ing with him a, thoroughbred tvvo year is wel IT 0 ' for enton-prisin and ambitious Tn, �v�4�The citizens of i-bered with h dresseg her children, aii prepares tle�ce(lar, against Boss,. Tweed. 9P wE have in Boston,,but left her Imband and- fl, ce that sev-. Fir. breakfast. At -the ringingof the bell, thesamew-ty Wealsonoti old stallion. This fine young animal is a 11 the, prialcipl Of 44raU ghilleflu"ll,R11(ino waste lard; it w [10 1 go Her t ti ougliout the -)irov- heavy drift borse, of dark grey color, .esulv T Young, 0 &_c," I nuing throu Mary Ant, Anjell the od home to join Briallain I the whole family assemble in the parlor, eral o )her 8 cie� ies ir -ago - ed, to keep is in every rospe -t R choice lot, tlie-ro is a good f Brigha C ung, d te was few yea S. cn�ourage the: -he buil hugs first anti le(ya.1 iVife D .�ugliter Cha�lot Lanife L e holiday. All placei jrame. house, btlrl) t stable and rheds; t r arA, and gilicir together ;Xcuriaprays fervent- inee n Lan' t t a desire to well proporti�ned, and admirably adapt sild To be lhd handsoli t girl ill Utah. bsed and the inbabi-. are all new, ther L� is also a good you -ng u and who ranks !as ly an&,:t"beyDgo to breakf"ast. Formerly gro�vth of t is kin, d. of stock by Of- ed for farming- purposes. He cost the ommencing to 1'. oar; is situilatucl otle mile 11 ll&a- N rs. Cob rited wonan, and his wives,-tbey fering h Inaisse, to enjoy thenIi No. I -in �he Frop-IIi IOU e lold. b * i� a spi the- Piiophet ate.. with iter Premiums. Importer $375 in Yoi-kshire, and $110 for vilLap of '13.Yfleld, 11 Toiles frOul in a huff lef b Brinbam aad went half froill the o,, _e his p"sitge to Quebec, besides the ex- GoderiGh, 7 fro 0- She doe i4e ivi th Brigha )ccu -encra �Slieridar, of the Ameri ill the forenoon in lintion. 1� Ir(Ito. Settfo�rth, 'ith s not I in bitt and thpir children beingy ranged alone, I b wk to Bo to -om. th, "m leadin- to eacli of these P laces. n, where she stapl two the table in the great dinitig ball ; but 2 of bringing him fi it city to gravel roads at good -pies a separate housp.. 6he,ho s five chil- C11111 arillyt ho wwi visiting . Moritreal PellsE -atch be. to I . 0 y Price $2600. lor filiTher particulars anfly' ymns, bluV11finally returned to, Utah. Hiuron. This is the brat -stalliou which f,n and'twenty-lbwo. I dren : Jos(1.p;l Brigham, John, Alice and now Bricyliam. breakfasts alone, his morn- w 'AS 0 11 Frid y evening last serenaded at the prop ietor on the preill latter, r i Her son, JN`mes -Cobb, a very sinart Xconsi'stinc, often Of OulY some his bc tel by a large number of A direct into the Countv. is or, if by y result was a victOry Luna. Joseph,, Bri in and Jobn are ing iii mericau I 4as been iinported field PO--t-O.ff cc - Ba, I S I I iii I is also a 'Mormo . He C ;it e 811 est of 31 cyliam s J bread, butocer an( a cUp V %.. - sevea. runs. said to be tn. T, 0 1 1 Wil as� -2ytessirs. om-son Ila, V ;J residents ot the qi1ty. a at e cTo c ime out iroi�i the East to brii I away Flys. and Domcag�, FARM I 70R SALE IN children. Alice is the wife If Biram )ut side the St. Lawrence Hall, i the- Mitchell Iron Work-si, last week com- GREY. b is mother avid sister, but Tha and of r4JTurF, P-908PE.CT.S. sembled it i pa band a the ball won. Clawson and Luna is also irl; 6 -ri A to a acco, uied,by a which struck up pleted and shipped an en gilie anc bo er an(l part of Lot -No. 11, in the 18th I -OLI fell lleaxi:ily Upon Mill, an(-",. lie' him- The W 9 ard generally well-dressed., OT N L 'use in the workshops.of t) o. 12 ive. 'F he acreq, I Mormon &entlemau. jLiklrs. Y i Litt, io. I Hai I Colnklbia," at the conclusion of for ie Toronto SeRiors were vic.. ey consisthig, of 78 5 at and tidy. They worIc hard at some. Concessiou (I C+r elf became devoted Mornion. (if 37, to 17� kn enL viitioit;'2� la-ilev frolli. is a larg ing Azd lady, with whiell the qen�ral appeared andbriefly and Nipissing Railway, at Toroi 1t 50',oleared aud iii good culti e. finb-loo - 0 . I Vo. 22 -:-Mrs. Sinith Youilcy_i� an el- thing, and, their minds being -occupied, from. Seitfort.I.L. -AI)JIly to . aze -vii mos 4g I Ot'vel Road, 12 i id1c. . s. I eye i I lified Was held in gray hair, - addrE ssed lie asserribi stating the speaks -well for the work of this firm 2 T S ',Ac�XILLMN" on the preipise, , t - derly lady,, who loved and AiMired they are less liable to become discontent- Orders like this. le banks of the M-ait- -7 A, NN U man ners. 4�: trother Bria ham, and, ty plca_�e her, be ed and unhappy. The women ire infat- pleas ire it, a1fForded. him to see the ma - whe-n they.receive -er Seely '�Oun -18 rmer near Harriston had a field ALE. by of the city, 'and the fa' &c were the order FARM FOR S A o. 1�-Lncy Deck f jr tiii and to itated with their religion, and live rather I terial pro4er siaaleitl her t� himself coulpo, ed of Lot 1 Coll. 10 of the "Own- i the h '1xi w rapid progrdp;s it was making He. then a short time plura wife of tb Probliet. for utei ity. B e earEs for the world to. coine � than this -one. :of bay destroyed by 1i J oseph A. 81 ith for utei of -T el 0 Her first 1;usba 14, isaac Se by � loin Brioliam- oinisestlicysb,%Iltllbeqiieens I briefly tlian�ed them for the demonstmi- ag . The bay badbeen all.cuta-lid ready r ot.a straw r ber. excelleut land, 1,. -yon -which. there is a now ame PT ol:chard. Irmon and tion. At the close of the serenade, e mea IN BEship lie Zersimth, Co`)11ta-'.UlU"g(100 IL&es of i For i she had two childr I, was a et, and- also a- 900d Vo. 23- aea Ch ­.§e Young - became in eternity, all,l, as cacti woman is to be for dkawing in, when by som baril. �3&60 fe r itifdmation. al)- reception wAs held in the drawing room, fire was set out in,the fields. The stub. anol otbe lie lei t ]lei- Ad without eild over' lie terms, which tire ells% a Man of dissip-ted habits. i' I t6 0 f a R a queen She is salL have been. wo 12 of I mac be THamcipal. 1,,-) l)-ILVEY, (,ill Lot 1, Coil 4 L� I ply to Mr. JAAi wife of t I A-1 Prophet ie saw Wil t behooves her to llwe as i wber rnany� of his old soldiers introduc- J ble being very dry, the fire soon spread, 20th. inst., pursuant, 1. A 11), or to tho vendor, AN'JkLTER husband to becolne -%I ben s offspring, i eld was e sipilsitive dispositiou, in(] 0 -whole ft sin(I Towlish I d tlieniselv' to theOeneral. the Brant Co., Out. 2196 iii this world a ld a q Ueen it, the next. hIldren as possible w1lile in flegli I e- and in a short time NVI-GK, Sr., Rt. G eorge P. 0 - lalisli his affec ti�ns 'lot L other many e D,m last meeting in the ilteen She a fat, (-,,o�d-n tilred little woman, ave no child- irm ecting -k. -ning up about seve is, and oil earth. Those who h, _X f s ei Vol shops in tile I in, flames, bui 1 he Redve in the chair. *onleil Of the Iti Ve her R ALE- l.with a fair face, br wn'bair, dark.eyes t wn of St., Thomas witli the view of i tons of splendid hay. FA. M F01 : S leetino, were ihad. *-Brotler Brig. w s kinkl ;o' her, ren are in rather a bad fix, out B I alship of Rulk �c and small fea,#lres. She lims a 8 n by I 1311t couild,10 e li r to her t-wenty. says they shall not be wholly overle c ilic, onlif on an extensi Llit 11, Coil-. 7, ToNN A Christian Conference is to be held read and oked -arr ve scale, the nts xendered a -ad aii F0c`oa'1t`-,L`oLf'11 iron, C�.Jltftillilll' 100 acres, 90 of I reconcile li i the Prophet, who is called Biglia Be. blic next -world, if they behave w� 11 in Calt oil the 16fb, 17th, 18th, and 19th ).9, the re - Edward Uad,*r which are'elearcd and free tfroill stural part ofa husband. 81ie wAs small in i e mailtifacturE. of all kiii of block wood� itli, h%rdwoo -of this d, well p 11 it'itioler is well. timberud Nv ber Young dark hal W ici bei ack] e. ' . I - I . I .,z I _ L To f stature, 11%Ll id eyes, low i at p take care of obildren while in t of Septeinber next. The object 1-5 and 16, fence lj.tt.1c V(.J� 9 sa ille(l, high state of The bat iquet proposed to 7 (I JLU(.1 I -lit L -U U Xo. 3 -Clark Decker Youn� is let sis- She �.tliis one I for his I be. given I �­ I rehead aild a inel-an holy f we Brighant. has -it -8choo confere"lice, which is wholly unsectaria, William Higgins, ;�11 -ivatiou; -10(d log house Illitl tirst-class frialle (-Ilbbs by.bis constituents- iiiiaitigs; Y, all-d-sa d to be luch knore ;h Prolltet, initscharacter, disc-ussion- of the cul e.-Illie 15 and 1-6 Com barii,'sm-ble and. sheds mud othet outb, ter of Lac' liad four ell dren by t two, children, and they are taught English, I to Hon. Mr. (r. as also higher aspect')f Divine trut1j, and the young (ire tirti; tire flir,L, is -,velt waturea, I agreeabi intelligell and lit eveii way 4f whoin ard living and., are to care Fren6li, music, and dancin 0 has been in iefinitely postponed, ILI oak-, $16, gral-i'lla o -n' good 1_� there beiii-g t(h11r*`c., livill" spring.;, one 6ose to the superior to ikirs. YO 11g. X0. S� e .13 the propose(( dinner*to Sir John A. Mae- bi7ijoing toget'her into closer friendship �s fro"' 1�'11 -11, 9 f by _U) -s Huntington. A A SPIRITED OCCASION. Tie :ii lot, 27.; James- bill fl -0111 KC11- 0 s in Toronto I - also short, thick -set, quite 2 1.1-100king i -,N, 0 q ald by -111's' political fritud the house 0 lih I (Ion lit denoniinatiolls' To 0 4 uielia Folsom Christians of differe an "IrroultolLd 1. Mari y amusing incidents iiiAlfe lives o tb NJ 14th d 16th forth Hall 7 oul C-Ifutol'i; gocki I . - V. f U rk _,cii L. pro- andafavorite of Bri,rhain. 8 �C has three wi fe of the )oks, of -St. $65j. roftols. For fartloer prortieullLYS to th aid to be t1i e favorite -Pro,)]'- Bright m's wives iniolit be related, but -�ir Thoi Dakin, President of nderstand Pkev. Dr. Br( `�eoroi ProudlOve, 0 �s or to coli�tivu(;Q 11. 0. S 3 CTY prietor on the 1v -emisL Ghildren. ell, Gre, 1b We Railway Of Ca'nada, and Louis, a v endnent Presb terian Di- lir7i" t, and the only one'* in he whole bat to make Tn ii -e bridue ; John _r)L COOLJ'1�;11. I this le ter is already too Ion,(, v.Ld 11 JN,[O 1298t4 Ivo. 4�Harriet Cook Yo bg-j C)ilied --innot inanage. fi ntreal a fewdays vine, audProfessor Maurv,of Washing- xcept Ali he anything but the following' -Lwily arri buildiuc, stmall bridge room for -A Bri at Winter Quarters, ox. the -well'as other distinlouished Glei-L, Ig �;, J M FOR SALE. tha -in 'he is you WEII-formed, with a he ' a lady friend ago. The r. resent viiit of Sir Thomas to tot) as _y FA I One evenin.c, Ameli --L 6, Con, 4 Ebenezer -ramy d sings at d plays.,. � I - --re beirtir nD poly., I 8t " and Britain, 0 ialit hair ai (I eyo:n, an - the I)OW1111011 Is Mainly to make 'a tour menfroni the United ates 4, _\1emuop. contaiu- Missouri, and, th( it Q1ALB,L it '8, Coil. t te iffithhee, and P leared and h6i, e Pro p -)r coverl'ag Grossw ay on in,, i0o lle're. -Ls the favorite wife be qe 11,n ac ive P ft in -the r which are e het. n- i are expected to tak at thattime, w� .46ded to ti 3pectioit along the lineaud its co cc %vell tiiuber�ed s pate an(I vindicti�i.,e-look- hi've'd quite nau,11ty to Briallam. After Of in If. � � L I ine, Iot 19, - Thomas, tate of e lltivzttioll, billau I l, 0 ZD ially observe �p, good ii�tate of c blie is tall, has liglilt li,,vif blue eye% fair I work of the conference. lance Of his account on with hardwood;- large 2 -story bri(�k house; ftftlue' ng, anc, I i.s said, gets violently angry T, e tray wa§ removed. they Temained At itecthig lines, and to spec '811. has Shp foAy-oue' ne ;W bezir- I C0111PILexion and it sharp no Chadds 2NIGLaia,, b&rn'50.x36; an nd break asionally. 0()Ilfp or iymt',11t of the -now Loop ne-hundred an(l thill'"s occ tablee inconti san 'etio,118. Amelia. W 11111(yallftequ' iria orchard; -w( 11 watered; ill Res north of 8e'ft- one soni Oscar, by fhe LWphat- 0\140s dress' iorses, -societv *ght-seeill.91 threw ier e room -and out Line from Glencoe to Suspension Bridge, buildings ll�ave been erected in Fort Gar- k� bulls across th rth liloi of tllv gray I - 1i _t Ae- line 20 am- �1'1 eon el rolvil. 'low XDun i,91 as al so the of A, foo , and X�itld, -I half li, I" op _N 0. 5 --Lucy B: to ;11 tie m herever- onbk track from Orleac' 0'0 1 g anily to the proprietor on 9- Mpl-d is a wonawborn of an cpposite -window. Her busband, ry, Manitoba, siurce last spring. i MIA Wier,, seconded by For further part icular. lady -like persoii� and a good t� Iker. I am told.sbe has brought ill e goi annoy4 d at this, filially I -,A melial Wil -1,1101% i lodge in connection with the In- r �lii Clerk, frame a by- the prouiliseg, . S,'Ii( -A - -AN She is quite pret With comr1jendable enterprise 'the DER 9.111TH. ty, has blue yes, Lrown Id trigham out," sin, -e §he marri ed. him.. ,t next m. eetina� to. ew- 297*4 dear, ( on't do that ; putyclur shells by dep -er of Odd Fellows -was had aquiline ilose, pleasant smilE and people of NNIalkei-ton are forinincy, a, joint endent. Ord lie d re S. better, wears �, I slian't do it," replied !a,Aers Paid other em- FAR MY FOR, SALE. I 'ertain it i� your p ate., pital f S e xarry last week. affable mannars. )es -WE IS ss i mail of fashion y with a. c 0 '10 000 8tal)]Lisbed in Fort She drm ewelrY, and is Morc, la FArnelia throw them where I sto�lt complVII )oratioa of the towa� '70'. 5 Cmlee.nsioll -1, Hulh!tt; 1,10 acres, 1, OT N e, iVely aild IO_V_eS SOC itety. -hall before. They sd The alwcsb made: and Tl'i- is the pioneer lodge of th,,- Province. eared. plelAvotwal y 'Z;ase.." Young for a timewas silent, ior t6 purlIpse, of ereotinga foundry 111LOrC or e ater upon- any lands, -Midthillit I River ran _Yo. -- B-Iil-rs. Twiss You. u hi �s no L, P, worisli6ps. In addition to .!and the nortu In ailch of the i )IM, o,O to the sea -shore this season, all but, �e6omitla itpi-ribly annoyed, again castin ty tn d A joint stock company, formed, in -owick to search Ji Of H niu- through t1l sh ; good f --cev, children ; is -set, freckled, red ' -akeller to --he'exclusio Of .1,11 tie other !isually made in such estab- the village. of Fl-,xeter, intend starting an e-18 acre bn stout, low ,, T WIS11 you rnaC�inery-i � I I Please, Ame ILI said, ol�(YL._til -tCtory in that village, whiell."-will. any tim, i haired- and a good N*ife. 0,11' ik what a sell. ber, gravel, ply on the prun ises to the proprietol, �e 1d.ds up tb6 particulai attention wil "I don'l; 1I TA_Nms mIXETIN a A.rs. 'Youngs. IY tbi wouldii do that any niore." for L employment to it birge number of Aaat6rial necessary 0. PrO.Pbet's line 'Ars, -icyliam Young to tile linalitifaeture of acyricultural, (give or m1dress Conqtauc a ion Mr, and i 1 0 cfic, " aid -the pretty Ame Ia, p titz i y; 11 11 LS PI i(l - e, crea, a e s w era p ease, -Nilost of the stock al- ha ag m repair any road 01113" nols. 'Yo a Barker: n1ell i P11 imp, 7�Marth FARM: F-01 SALE. alt Lak hrow my s ck company bas been --&-ill to, wnship-Carme(L R I Id their remly been aken up, an quiet woman, 'with a- q1u] I k tell Lper d the buildings joint stO Once. a be -in t' e v )T Cape Ma y People 'Would hc �a8e,, 1 and F] 1 (16 as I PIE, and you. may help -ego, --i seconded by -Mr.. FO -11t SALE, ot !4, Ist Concession, 11- It S�l s well, bu t is not sniart i'Q 16vV.- formed a illage of Ilenfrew, a�d is 88 dresse I iyeath. w1herl they read Istich an entry oil - re to be pr, I yourself and, pul g eve of bet 'auitb, cOUtRillilIg 100 IlGrell of whith [lino the sle ceded. with 8 tssrsl Perkins,, Gibson Tuckerh in, the bas blaak )llair aald eyes. a time the Come. let us go --_-!rhe-6t1t, October is the day fixed s for I composed of citizens and farnlu St-ChUss ktato i�ultivation- set, and �Jeltr,ed anol til ii, fir. he regi�ter. And theii1what sitor, she said iiloud, are C V1 V I I tharized to: view and anki umu'lled arrict I Barney Youncy--is a ic nity of the village Ifor th-e- purpose of anore ot I T,he timber llt4 up s ta rs m to gnt n ndilcen%mt of the ell -i ) e tN,�entpnine Mrs.! Youngs would I s 111'I'llil.rdwood, 2V0. 8-11, tb r hi t it out" the comi -cii street, in with kito ell - agood [ aud leave establisbin- a woolen factory. Stock- to there is & 1.,trgelbriek house .1 1 tall slender -wo_m�an, with hazel eyes, home while the' fair Arriolia and i Brigha'In' Young is really one -of the Grand Trunk Railway be- ri utbldR. - I have at gau e oil tl* has been.zabsc-ri _3- 1. -it _vp -d &u other nezessii, P 0 ?-4-1, -4, nf !Zq(l 000 b- oreek rans I brown 11110 all(l. a pleasant, mild faue. h6r lord wei -e off at Long Branch enjoying od orcharol; it spr1rif 0 Most remarkable inen of modern tiri twe n. Mollitreai and Stratford. the Eug We. ventur'�; 'to a, ty Brig- aving Toronto on. the themselves. and'the -0, a go ed,.. aid street at. certain als C, illgs; it -bp' a ' - ' I - . works are to be proceeded through the fural, pas -111, 1101L, the buildi In the world, she would alled I land. PO Y*Lmy alone, or lish 0 1 1�, " - . i . I and ii, be )lad let I mail tvainl le 'T- he Cle rk H roll no�ici, the, miles from vvitli, at once. W—Carr4ed_ is situated some. L�he left bet- husband to bf come (yo to the sea-shere with Ing ham will 1161611 would put' it away yet, America would I inorning of 1 F riday, OGtober 3rd, be' �L letter from the Coun- will ton. For fu­.rthur par- T 11N L , I aham's wife. he had three chi ldren, a the twenty -c thers to 1 be pr( lit to honorl the'last t ver the pr -A foot ra for 1, 000. a side took , - - ! Br' One wife. alidleavo r1ain to run o esent ce -T ud of him, and delig �j by her first bus (,I,. but li�s none by. aym6n-t by b e Goderieb place in Ottawa -a few days agm between kii the o'ble at 40me gauge. hi m. Du�riii the change th 0. , I _J��Ii Of -the $49IDOOP Biri s,r rLETAD]i 0 0- itid it Toronto inall and all athlete of Ottawa. izillam Lo. vill' be used for storint, - cars, v E: brat ch v QLs an about twel of the Umnicipal Loan I of -Wi ve -yo. 9 -Eliza Burgess Youi , d, it ia The Toronto inan won by Ia -18 m Canada. traf ic Ivill FAP.M FQR �SALF_ OR -to RENT. At the t:me.Ai elia w- ri, e 'be interrupted for'r abot& B 'those townships that. English -girl, Whom" righam hvised,- her efity- !k ][&rfye ii'tilkiber of cars are dail'y i yards. At the conclusion bf the race a L, rc.11iollii.ble term,;, nven. 0 t that she was the tw' ;; i i -1 � -!,,. Priviate advices by cable from -Britain wee c. I r -N aa whera, th ]!ad - `v s beii, g convqr th effingtoil,, Grey SALE 031 To REN' t af PC �eilts dying at N invoo, mt ilar-� melea tool- p1pce between the synipathiz- FOR -wife and, if this stateinent be ted into the permane Lot Com-o.-sioll 43 11"llut", 'colls's ln" linth C%Uno ce an additional advance of RvL -s, during ly,. between Iiii C ated from 64 ow g, ers ity. eompal lea.red rund ill it st Mauche��er� Eliza-� and friends of the contestan t )f im iii orrect, I wE ,an a vo no account of NOS. auge. 1 100 lieres, 80 of vhiuh fire c- 0 shillin rs in bar iron. -ildgeon to the -Gaunty,, Of llilk.1.1vell feiieeft_ There. is M s with Biigham, and lived Se%,en yeal ne e missing ise -who went from Obait- which pistols aud bI s w6re freely good Gulti bi shad" Illso a nd 28. 0 " of ill oil. Mr. Shultz has arrived horne thr her. No -seri us damage A- 8 do,' co-operatioia, iiii, Gb.j:ec.t:- good frame bit., u 6uNio, mal snika then he couldn't apare, the Kent Coun- used. erekl; 0 e and *a-hillf 1 T�51 i 2a6d'e 711 a conie to Ii h b in I 1i ref rac- h, whel.-I it was M6--ved &Rplendidorchard; wellwate-170(l; 0 it.h,,n IA tit Fort-G-arr haviligmade'thetripfro"i barn the ot4cr day wi yl V" ell .7-i leaving 1-ty 'all, Oc pt tbat --�oa tbe following mile -0m the of RUTiburii,ital W f l lo -EI -I Rockwood' oung a Alm Webb Youll mlialn Ass tion on a visit to however exee '0 tory Efiz' Toronto in seven days. -A acres ! - -tn �coiii -by il%l r Wi -re ro, ' i w �th 4 li(4it tairi brown ber nam- ` o. s d sc'i��tched faces were 134 slender' w0i o, be accounted fcr, and no able inem lay black eve , w � %_ - a mile of a goicla gravel road; tli( .4 i only three ew canal basins now ander i 14alhilt3n was a vener p rcquested to apply! at fall plowe(l; im Mon i�-ill be-glVell. ; - Tile ii I , -1 ­ ­ I coliate posses I eyes, fair complexion andquidt ipanne-ta. turri lip in it is tptist Primeau, aged 76 years . fashionable amomg the sports. Y to the i rroi)rietoron doubt, if not dead, they willall ed J o lin B, -will, Z!� ®R tion at Montreal, rnished on the F or further 1, Was the daughtar of a LIT b all official. ast has been part iculars apph constru 1�jiiice Br iryliam',% marriage said, cost the Dominion upwards o ,�6tarns f n ­81ome wild be 9 Of the the premiseq or aildiess Constance F. 0,4 -ind c ue tinie. f I He is the) father of Ii children- an(? Makin 'a W_ ell as Z% She is c l6worl, lo V TOHN STEPHENS,PTOI a Of th in Cop "Witter- lelicate, �oves need to Ameba. I'lie, papers li. ve m ir ried him 5 . I - I -children, e 276 1,00(!,000. 1 grandfatbe allil gre, sa�d havoc aifto te sh ep. � Saugeen, as n( chil- County t J by thela b;fore the es Brigham. 'ill e e and all atterilpts to 1. seldom. se three times, which would gi ve him 1 There is a rumor tc, the effect that grat lather Po 25 others. The old'geutle. i of Brue dren." sed Ains FA �M FOR %t 2 ITS Pe 'TL" � i viv;s in all, three of whom M ', is a C nadian of the genui e kind, catch it have failed. It is suppo thirty-two rea . It 1,irst Coll I Hon. Tolin Young, of Xlont* I i t littee, t:). attend to, VI&LUADIE FAUM, 10U is an I en( s -Susan �Snively Y ine. away and One d is poss'ssed of abundant stoirg, of that the animal is a wolveri A r Somforth. on the I are dead, one run resign aig his seat"in the Dominion Parlia- at co P. �exion *Uer at once_earried�� I.oldish iau -%yith dark- riavel road to i -roolerich; 85, aercs el(larLd au(I f won leaving a donlesti city of the early istory of the courli He 8 - oung oc- -Col. NR.C4,iverin, President of the eceded ment. It seems that Mr. Y 0 tl-w- rest under Is very art - from stnr 35 aurt wed and Iii a wives. ani inc �y and ied by Lill -'s 1) nd steel -gray ey( twenty cupies the position of Flour Inspector in has been inhrried 50 ye- Welli i-`ier, secan di at the gra,.is; well mucd.'Nvit� I arge frame �t cor ars, and th6p. Bruce Railway, .1 wolered aud f, I arnL -sev,, youno- noton, Grt salvedy �ucillg til iiet; and has no 6ildri-In. er Brigham call easily cor- f his life, wbo is eleven years 1-,outbem Exten- g-a t Monti,eal, and as ec has alino bilru,stawemidai ivittri faxiii 11,oulibboarded out- (ill rect-,­.Brot that office b ' omes a 110" 0 unced that the mde repeated ledia�,iv I- _V0. l2-Je,lXlitn6 Ailgeft 10ulig- es to meet 1' hcne MK �k have m ossessioli 11:11111 tem- er t1lan hin self, still liv 11 be completed And M -working j, - sich, und good orchard; p ' -1 rect Inc.' Gove ter the 1st of Sep sioll wl n- N-, 0. ment one af rGht Yoillic, I Dumer0as a Council of, the tow- I'm ill 6ister of Mrs. i$he is old eetdnir of their 'ITY OP ber, he wilLhilve t ither his Par- hap p y gr. I order by the 13th of Oct6ber. title good VMd t,.rLas 4 1:2 1 � I CU��IOI, , THE SEX- o resign e e pur ose of having, apply to 0 and fat.- Her - first husband (iied Out of Ix1)W1(;. mnnaat, SeaOrth P. womall "N110 -Oes liamwitary seat or his office. pro,,,,,eiiy- een made -it is u- e ;3 1),e aealed i A most e!vbry- eastern -am. thirty to thirty- I --Arrangements have b Va %I of Mon urch, so she want d Fal the Ch Of to sklt-We nearly breaks ber necl to --It is sz,id that fi between Ji-O"WiGk aild ALE- to brio'bani to - 1, ' lake a 81111 e Ithing -The _31oneta ry Times of last week five busheli to the acre represznts --lblic I stated i to ruin trains regularly from i - I I -m. -w 110 - t, during the days, of D FARDI FOR S fiAd out lici any ives th3 P phet STEAM SAW MILI;, AN Briglix i i do i t pes- says The Joseph Hall Mahufacturing Tirlal�iarrl to Giii it ha -v -ag icceived any til,illing 104 Heaven f3:r hl�,rself. n ave; -age yiO, d ot fa,11 wheat in the Cou, ty > C4 Derally; E(NU Lot -1, Con. 7, MiKillop, eon has, a, [)mpiny have obtained an extension -notice to the, her all i -nd hd,,.%- they all live. Cl the Oue)ph- Fair. This will be an &dve B i. 1, Lq) d bivlri�- -itud stables, ter Y.- :of 1",ru"Ce this season. acres, 1: -lured,,%vith. go g 01111 was the itif ormition they Obtain is V ary Mea doubtV(tj convenience to the people along ring. tivo never -fail- M from their creditors f( iii:.k that if the. matter two gooll. orchii As in full heat LVo. 13-1 al a �et Alley- Ir three years at ham papers luill. Also,10t 3-5, -e for'Bri-41,haiii You,' i is not mWill ayable half- Th - T - +Issels and -\Villa Ilibi- - Tile 1 0 springs wh ell supPly 1111ce 4 C COB the rou'te. the 3- - the merits of their e Ist of October ne�t, loncr ild�-collnte and gi per CE It p, yearly. Ull ont 141-g- sof bush. Zlic.1froperty faced, wi h lio, hai , , ale(. book to 'J r. Jwies Keefer, Clcrk of the Wardeng of the, -ON antlered person t r cat, arid, his harem is a se. '230,000, but, in hayelalleniout ovei 48 acre. ive, ce Coll. 91 C � lUil pn s lows a surplus cif:., ther NI is situatecii (;, avileg fro-ru Sellforth. -ith. a goo4 ''smclouh-niA A Mr. es and indulge in ra ture the d world. Only I ite their assets are we are not respeetive 011ag -t�elllars iwply A some yc, Outsi e hat 3h. County of T\jiddlesex and Collector of pill ea& other Noved and second gmyelroadtliecao. FqTfurthet and eyes. She di, rs ag and I the alng e, enh use, aild Ode other have been i - f abusiv 1, ag THO-Nip- children. It is s e ( ied of Mrs. St in orined. toward Ciustows at Strathroy, dis,-d vei�y sudden - I _tlo, -le w -ajjaurn to' on the promise s - - If lilt post, to -10 1 f t two glimpse of life in the Lioi 3 is erly auglity. For the especial 'I ie or et Df her able to get Mill awl combative ly at the latter SON; P. O_, Kinburn, Out. ansc d by 0 1 d -ward .8hannon, foreman of the i Thi t place on Friday Imt. ur you ii4 A!, U1. 1 husb w P quote the� following lock.teuders -on the Well a short inlie ago, aturd.-Ly coil 5em po r ries OP. _V )f. the es I have named, I efit of 11 r.lielancholy c, House. ladi �rrayl Trunk blacksmith shop at Ailsa beTI and and. C Y, iv FARRE I OR SALE IN Me LL t 0 ath- t e Clerk� K - 'Alarax A Piere'e Yoill]�: has twell or di (I live went out shooting on 8 cently hiled by a St. C I!i- t 1;0 ol, I -of North NO- 14- Ci 11 -Iles, and hope they may profit Canal were ire ;1� it t000l Fai- corill) I I e Pro bet's 1:31lock, Or Hamm. It is g f,0 I IiJilb ha: r and in th last. One of the barrels of 11, y1iii hl�aatif 114 FOR sAI the,%�-est half of ;lot 14, Coil. blu eyes, locking vessels I a sharp n tell ariues Dia - half of lot'Haad asist o: a three-st i I�uildilig, of rt by bheirpePsal: ate -for str CVL"� -0 1 cleared alld Variable tetni.ler. Has. sevcral c ldren '001, wbilst loading went off, blowi�iig pa ay. TF­'�Tl Con- 7 - W A s delight to bark and bite through the canal on �iund, h-l".Nicl�ill ip, c m6duing, 100 1Y ; U 1i it over $30,000. L -0, id, I Lot, to care' Gothic sty'le, and co� and the whole of his -1 LL, tlpg For'tis Samuel Aik-- would Cost I d, :Ll (I ill '_'ooll o: b�ui the 1? Ose should neyt, let aliil (if the best (1111flityat well fellce(, "'llet ro he of his! chin, lips, their nature to, I i . a food _�Iit W holuzu p Ills sa Such -a bu��ding in Chicago A man by the iiame of timburetl wift hardwo0d But, e ildren You for her. arit, good bell.rill" ni'('llard; two I J a. ver y fi n e r1,181 dence for wil ins, residing at Topping some ten miles ler anift uew log lj� mbton Vofino, is 1% -$W, 00 so it is -It isAbought that f all, wheat I I Such rill -try passions rise, A 11 tt�r Cool o. platc M c _:1 1101j,ti; IU ill ile.s -Mrs. I Ha aAle Miles and a lia [f froru a good gravo, ble preseni: e a private fci-ty-eil4lit 11verit y Your Hitle hands were never m from Stratford, Was fonlid in his ' barn 41 ;A'i L_;wary bough, �vlth lan, lipritlemart It has le between thirty and thirt -iivq. ', t far On or front th, vilist, t. (if 1,va.forth; there al.0 two sitt.111,11 4 'o. f n IA, a gun res' rouitid'feattires, dark air s c ts- to tile acre throughout the Catii vllielt to churches, i fine woman] . apartm6nt*� hicludino, cellar, pan '.Vo t(4ar each other'i; eyes. oil Thursday of last week with sliwitims wirid A ak ualvs; coil: masges of h 'ry, bu b Iyii ery i s roon ty of Larubton. An average as hialt, ifll epotted -the on of shot w,)uii(I in his Deck in a, (. �,irticailars twi)lv tn'tllo i e) , .1 is,ldining room, kit congregati ng state. . For I � iddw be- halls, s t It is -, , 11 - 7 A as 3 letter, to and fair 0 oil the llreluises tting-monis, -unswick, I He only lived say 011� my, poor or, if b� omplexijon. and -will maintain throughou. proprietor 3 clien, Ale ing and si t the SL 1,)avid'% "St John, New Bi -Thu Exj,OSITOP-� Ad six not b gher, ied. 113riglialn this date Winthrop I-, fore she Mari er 11%.ev. wife." At the inquet�t -witnesses were 1_ vll ty of 1-1 v dccide4 to tend _4 bur., fro A,, Coun uron. Fall wheatneverl was ha� 'unanimo sl� 4 .11 1 - -7 1 - - i and parlor. 1, U 28014 wh �Iie(l, J ct children by Hajtlipton) (I who stated t BOARDING 1-10176E. hat the deceased i VAL.UAB Ix, pROPERT -Ize( -noi bei. BER, er crop tlia�n it is this year. I)r Nvaters, of- St. Marys, who has bee4 examine y FOR. AIX a to th6 pa t6, to gboot a weazel t ken Brigham se se4le abet 8 ral hall gone into the barn ont- -,elo �Yo�iu ras ine ine e8 ro in No. 2, and has I � a ff a call 7--" E 1 OccuPl wo 11 1 who were on "their *a pr( ching. theei Bic 1 d'es y upposed the gun, r 6ire now Ill, Xvith""oot.1 dw-eii- NT o. 16- 1 h eir The salary is or a. mink, and it was ing over-Reacl, iu the Centre of the blisilless I sealed to Brig arged, which re� t to Ell iope t o' stock Of I)ry _'WrL W'u�f r JQu rtef's a drawing room attab o attend a wedding, when the charae'of � Xv*m t Cll(-�Ll) tWO S ed, v,itb a little church. one, bel'110' Was accidentally disclir g )rcpbet's private of- locomotive and bai car of a train un, I" a liberal The lot is 30' feet d came t"' Utall with hiu: )n af - hall leadin a to the I erstoo to be C'u. ailer.q XU113, 01 part of the vii ut!,te (if ',eaf 0 1 an d. -,�411 fa.,� liulmblu in a few dayg� No. 4 but, as It is not prob�bfe sulted in his death. b; it be- fice. Site was Once In fr6ritage. For -farther partienlim, ayiply to on th a Great NVesteril- were dumped into alA Lit �.-)2,2 )0 a, year. STED. I terwa�rds she ran away) 294 1I.OL, f ilwvll be I a,d to pass ?tber ivives' doors -ad seven Saratoaas - th; lt tIIi 1, octor will laccept the "call," _T the aborninable absurdity e 918. B show 6,2 cant of heriis not known. i "'g"il'tnil her, it eN.ci_ -emark and ]lle Welland Canal, It A tuile acyo, d at the last:ses�ion of i. vis - he, ash refused even tell ubt, tuni up ud clalin I E will now- nb do, in the *spoiled luggage, and now claim as of the �law passe n o he had b6f removed to No. their dresses more favo able offer --'0011- 1 the Onta io Legislature, compelling olle of the A RARE 0HAN10k. from a wealthy' 131AIVIGAIN - ; jealousy $16,ODO damage . Some of no, o -f the I b er $13. 000 8 e� i(ratiol in I)rooklyn, N.. Y. money by-laws i"lo-fte,4 in St-ftfOrth for a', ILL BE 'S0Ll)-_X, BAUG.-ALINN, 0 erp. is a eon- he could pet and caress him e been worth $',500 each. gr,. n municipalities to publish i AV �m Fre 2, where to hai i exiterlirif;01. 1; 1 -'s in sellfOrth for 0 17- mehile are Aid. Taoqt eRlIkille imjx�rtic 'hraubt Or ts atilre and the other wi, in a Clounty Town paper, the Parkhill otlle: es would Two all the d -,v 1, )ring M Pork Pavkilli, 1,stablishilleut Or other viltC1111111, irrepr�ssible in its The Wailway COMPaDy offered them $12, - -A lab an named Wm. Brbwn dwellix-l", stable stable he me 8 ace at think be i vas b ard at work n his office. G(Izett, ins nees.tlfli fact that the cor- 6`1 fllpl.� fliatt ii1enty if store roorn, good divi-'llingy- bodies canitA. occu.Dy t 500, 'ant this sum was refused and the at present a resident of the town of S t, r ta ;�Iqyly to neither cat luil cellar. Po-;sessiou ilyllileol-itltelv. iwo wives Mirs. Cob] lived ill room No. 3 but Dow 'poration of Parkhill have a by-law ot Svaf`Grth� .. 11 the same time, case1s stil.1 Unsettled. T))omas, I ut iecently from Irclani ap- -RD CASH I C11 --forth- .'ed. bel ore the police magistrate of Lon this description publiii 290, ED A husband A 4he same resides in a. cottage. No. 4, furnished laboring man at Clifton sta- pear ;hed iiq the Lont occlipy tb _e �s ei ak chairs, poor -48d, and not a single copy of the ),In in According� to MY C( E eline with bedstead) stand, mirror, o e track near the St. Thomas a few days alto, and volun- Free P? 9 SA LE.,, tirtle. tion found lying oll th FOR SALE -1. F c enteenth wiffe'of the i red and m hite curtai 8, ta IES, Carpet, 0 yo, a portmonnal tarily confessed to having killed a man paper circulates within tbeimunicipahtyu me is the sev. station, a few days ag OveTtlatim", that must ad 'it L jai -no upation, thalL,;i suppose 'w I mi wardrobe and buream was Poor Clar, nty of Monaghan, Ireland, in ncl should be wiped iv.ellill" oil coillier of No"vv RL-k�)y for o" �r of sarvis Prophet b UA I I cont4inina $45-0 in golA, and about $100 in the COIL t - ' The law is a fraud a le lmel 8 ro m. No. 6 is where ilt Episcopal CINVellilig, on C-04 M. to -.17 spe " Er -it: Chase the maniac' I "T)hc man at me out of the ;statate book. ol-po-;it( the -1 n iza s in- bills. once informed the fLe month of June, 1860. The state and st. jallp strcets, opposite We Epi�cPPB A n El ' t has mask cur - Clara: De(iker lives. tme! ine. i Cluirch, the p roportv of 'fraise!her one. EDANTA11W CAS11. I) C48H.