HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-29, Page 4STEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I - -- Te ders Wanted—L. 11. and B. R. Sal sman Wanted—Logan & Jamieson. Hoses Impounded—B. Snowden. Ho se Strayed—Wm. King. ' H rse Strayed—David Hamilton. -Ca ary -Birds Wanted. A ents Wanted—.f. Latham a.- Co. : IN Ihite Lead,. Paints, &c. —John son Bros. ✓ II Goods--Hoftinan Bros. O carper than Ever—James Murphy. ArrivaIs—Logafl & Jarnieeon... Hardware—W. Robertson & Co. • eil10$X101.-•ized as township property, and at ' the same time have the of H .HURON EXPOSTTOM porated, the benefiteot the two- ths reduction and the 1 low town hip rate also, which iNicOd b abs rd. The fact of Brusselilbein a n wly incorporated village, and .iot ha -ing an assessment roll1of its o n,Sb. uld not entitle it to a lower e ualiz • tion than other vilih!ge mut icipalities which have assessment rolls, or than it Would have had, had it not een I incorporated. . But our c tres ond- I ent seems to think that it s ould have the advantage of being 'equal- 1 th st hi own sign 1.pl8 well railway autl thie fact tha the initiativ If the truth d ubt but a t e losses of ays could employe s bin ing them to ab- Itn from t e use of intoxicating bora, and has healdod each list with ture.I This is an ex- 'orthy of emulation by oritie generally ; and Mr. Spicer bas taken speakwell for him. yere known, there is no eryl ge proportion of life s frequent on rail - e traced, if not directly, least ind'rectl .to in the part of the employees. In dition to t iis. the employees them- lves and t eir farnilies would be im- rensely be efited,lby following the xcellent e ample set them by Mr. picer. A an ddditioual induce- nent t� the men u der his charge to oin the t e:nper nee organization .incl adhere co their pledge, Mr, Spicer pro eises that total abstainers will have t re pre. erence as regaads promo non. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1873. . The Equalization Againried: out village incorporatioh'N QUM be profitable thing. We print this week a well -writ- a.; 1 With other statements of ou cor- ten communication under the sig -1 " respondent we shall not at present the reduction due an incorporated village. If this principle Wer car- liature of" Beeehnut," on the subjett interfere, but will leave theini to ue f the County Equalization. There dealt with by those who are more directly referred to,. In the ihiean-: s Muelt in this communication with hich we cannot coincide, yet we puWicity, as we subject is one more thoroughly iscussed* and bet er understood by be public than i is. Too often, unicipal represe tatives, and even atepayers themselIves, are more anx- 11 re glad to give it elieve that the jwhich should be ous to have their resPective munici- palities: rated as low as possible, than to have even-handed justice done to all. Each mum 'pality should be willing and anxious to- bear its fair and equitable share of the County expenditure. But, instead- of this, each is anxious to get off as easily as possible, without any regard as to whether justice is done its neighbor or not. If the question' were more rnprofitable and uripop thoroughly discussed and better re"- derstood by the people, there would gans of the ,Ottawa time we cordially invite d scussion. of this subject through our °litmus, no matter whether the s intiments of the writers agree with ouIs or not. It is only by havitia thoroughly discussed • course can be arrived at. a • :A.s WILL BE SE ql• by Mr. 'Hunt- ington's let er to the ChairMan b ith sides the Royal Comn the roper as it publish els where is pear before that, probable thy different at a vcj, that for- charges, aid prefers adopting the xtyear be l 'truly const tutiongd course of allowe 1e the i Parliament to deal with his ac-: revi usly. cusations. What' the Commission will do under the circumstances is use.a matter of some speculation.' trisinc, There are wo coarses before theina ! o They can ither report to His Ex- he 20th inst., to load 400,000'13 h- ls of grain, mainly for the Uni ed ingdom, but part to the Conlin nt. r.lituntingtdn Declines to p:= pear before the Ooranaisio The following is the letter sent b the Chairman of the, Royal Commissio to Mr. Huntington, requesting him to aP- peen before the Commission,and Mr. Huntington's reply thereto: Ortawa, Aug. 21, 18 3. .To the .Hon. Luclus Seth Hantingt n, of the, city of Afontreal, in the Prooi ce of Quebec Sia: I have the honor• to enclose here- with a printed copy of the Royal Coni - mission appointing the Oomniission rs to enquire into and report upon the s veral matters stated in the resolution oved hy yoti in the House of Cominons o the second day of April last, relating o the Canada Pacific _Railway, and to i orrn you 1ha.t the Commissioners t erein name( will meet in the City of 0 tawa, in the the 4 for th ta,kin tions ly set reque missi igenc ission, which we' he declines to ap-1 bod with his: system of equalization f rnerly in vogue may n attempted, it is well t whole subject discussed • • A New Target fo A Having become tired. o McMullen, or probably fin :elicit a line of argum nt bialy danger -OS, butlik ly t be less desire on the part of repre- iaow turn their atten senta.tiyes to grab all they can, and 11 imtington. By One a greater endea.vor to do justice. 1,13:1 \an annexationist So long as a Reeve is made to feel : y another he is accu that his trump ,card With his con- stituents is his ability to show that discreditably connecte he has succeeded in gaining a reduca, railway enterprise in pievented his municipality from ' I -6f Quebec. This may tion for his municipality, or that he I though we mut say tl, ibeidg rated as high as it should be, the people Would not, merely for the B1.4, if flimsy foundation. B it, e base their ace, usation posing Mr. Hunting we need not expect to have a fair 1 and equitable equalization. sake of persdnal gain, encourage and McMullen ai,ei as bad applaud such proceedings, and if -ponents would, have u wickedliess does not i they would' assert a determination ., , .; iug that cellency M ...Huntington's decisi n was not and declin to proceed with the in ; vestigation in the absence of h o e very prosecutor • or they can prac e the or - with the t bout a prosedutor , we should think, urSe. The proly r, that Chey1 wilil Go 'ernmept The forme ion t� Mr. be the pr 1 he ie :rid to I bility is, Itake the l nd disloyal. ed being II wi he all at ti and willingneSs to pay their fair degree lessen ' the en share of the public expenditure by discouraging any action of their rep- resentative which would have a contrary effect, there would be less cause to so frequently compiam of unjust equalization. With regard to the points raised [by our correspondent there are but Ithree which conflict with the posi- crime charged 'against is not Huntinton a that are on their tria Minion Government. gentlemen ha Vie corn which- render 'them public credenCe, or make them- amenable the land, by a1 mea promptly pun Shed.. andhave therciii thbro cus . p gated, and if the . . fifth as strong :agains tion we took oil this question some era ut thei eller weeks ago, and which now require our attention. In the first place, our correspondent disputes that the 1County Council are more competent to make a just equalization than the 1 Ccunty Judge, and, in support of t I his position, shows, from our state - merit, that the Council eqaalized the villages 25 per cent. too high, while -Until the friends of t 1 the Judge equalized them 15 per are prepared to make cent too low, that the decision of Viinst ,Mesars. H the Judge was, of the two, 10 per MoMullen, and take -cent. the nearer to being correctthem punished for.. This is very well put, and to a they conside0 -then superfieial observer would Seem con- clusive that the " one man" system has proved in. this instance to be evidence against the ernment, they1 will sympathizers, Much le the ranks of the 011 as beli the r lad Min d 111 but If t' itte 1111 whic to th s ha Let t es ghl iden the h Ia small Province eleo, al- , t Ie 'organs 1. very en sup- ad- Mr. 1. • Jew °p- i Ve, their sligh test 5/II of sters. It the I)o- e forme"' 1 crime§ o thy of would lawa o e: th • 9 om find sapo dm I e Go for nta step heir au 1' ti eir ac shape invest' el is on as th i n Go ut fe‘ gists, i part flan.] e ton an • to have ernes, if th L. is. mean aracter of re' pared to se chardes - I t 0 Urnal ile Sh The *can pWard th erent fro us toward me forwar and stated '. - conin4 • - H 'staked b c man upon h charge iota fro But t should hold theirpe- ce; -ana cowardly to an ate charges a ainst t the more accurate. Our correspon-any man unless they denevidently forgets, - however, substantiae and pro t that the Council bad to work their and we are astonish equalization from the rough.-Wh ere- professing to, e es as, the JUdge had the work of the duct- oi Mr. Goverament the COildllet boldly befor his eharges,;fuld ask ture for himself, as the Council had tee of inves iga.tion. to do, it is more than probable be reputation 8 publ l would have been mth much furer abilityto siibstantia and he has, noCflinc the poSition. he first organs seek to dest oy his charact by inuendo and slat'. er. ,In ho ever, they will fail, and .hey m as well save: theme .r( -ace by continuin is .not aboat the c • akin re C are e th d th- -ecta - -t o such, mean ess. untin ton was -Very di f their org ntingt n ca en d f Council, aS well as his own judge- ' ment and the evidence, to guide him. When, with this advantage,. he made a mistake of 15 per. cent., we may safely conclude that,. had he beetu lat to build lin the struo- 11 astray than they were. In the second place, our corms- ' poudent says, " Your -deductions are. 1 " drawn from data that require " proof. It is not a patent fact that the townships are equalized at "one-half their actual value neither "is it proven that Seaford" is assess- Huhtington and Mit MCM " ed at one-third its arable, copse- he ,),tiblie are now noern 11 ial wit would per co oweve tter. NEW OF HE WEEK. • The Waehingtoili Bureau of Edric, tion is in receipt lof advices from V enna respecting I over twenty fi piizes awaried to th lj United Stat exhibitors in 'group 26 for Educatio Teaching, and Instr btion. In' th group, out of 30 rand diplomas rize, Arneric •cbange betwe and Newfoun iated upon ti same terms asth ith the Donii ion of Ca ada: I i An American cbr .eSpondent wr t - I. Q ing from Valencia, Spain, whi place was surrendered to the Spa ish Gover ment troops after Si.X dae s' s the shells of t re with great pre- sion, doing terrible executioh , twelve women • nd children wtre, killed by them, destroyed. Bits , blood are seen on I Volunteers fough outnumbered. , ' - Another dread -aster has:taken p States. On Satu er " General Wo 1 Francis Island, ' River, killing 12 1 ly wounding 15 i I s given for the .. I Who witnessed t.i shore state that t of timber were the air. Most tiers on board es The Dublin ifrishnian, publilbes the new piogr Rule party. I lishment of a n called the Ram the official jour an agitation fo'• the abolition of name and office of Lord Lieuten , and the substitutionof a Suzer s s to be _elected by universal alff honor, th Exhibit° A posta the 'Unit land has highelt gain feu card inte d Stites een ne o Parliament House, on Thui sday, h day of September next, at noon, purpose of malting enquiry- and evidence etmeerniag the allege - obtained in the resolution and ful- forth in the Commission, You are ted to furnish to the Come tiers witb all convenient dil- , a list of the witnesses w om you wish th examine, in order that they may ly summoned to appear on the day, t the place above specified; and e requested then and there to pro, ith your evidence in the premises. e the honor to be, sir, your obedi- rvant, . CHARLES D. DAY, Chairmanl, marine disasters are reported. square rigged vessels are ashore wrecked at Richibucto. Two v were driven ashore in I inmic hi with several schooners. Bridges were carilied away. Communication was stop- ped both by mai". couriers and telegraph. Reports froin various other points of both Provinces go to show that the storm was general, even and ssels liver be d and youd. cee I ha ent (Sign..,,Plase acknowledge receipt.—C. MONTREAL, Aug. 26, 187:1. To the Ron. Charles D. Day, 'Chairman, 0 ttawa : Stu : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2Ist of August inst., enclosing a copy of ;the Royal Commission appointing Conaraise sioners to enquire into and report upon the several matters stated in the resolu- tion moved by me in the House of Com- mons on the second day of April last, and requesting me to furnish to the Com- missioners a list of witnesses I might wish to examine, in order that they , may lee duly summonecl to appear, and to proceed with my evidence. I have to call your attention to the fact apparent on theeface of the Com- mission, that it was as a member of the House of Commons, and from my place in Parliament, that I Preferrecl these char es against Ministers of the Crown embers of that Honee, which on 11 day of April last entertained the es determined to investigate them ....-101110-410 AUGUST 29, 1873 proper 'inquiry into the Pacific Scandal. that an oath cannot . be imposed bi - ----that _ P a r 1 i a m e n t a r y C oorfin7Cfmraconiqftatticedleeaonn;r:irblyttnl,misuaeaptedouienr et, etthan ,ee be before a Royal Commission, and that hence a Royal Commitaion is the. only bsoodiyownehiocfhthcea8ne jeonuqrnmaties hiuo.ztoyettliveetietet: Setahtadael 11 itt:Pn:lacireSal ints-tiat' an Parliament Iee0sphnitiaoadi an oathbefore. any of its Committees in three different ways; Firet, it can call in a magistrate to ad. minister the oath, second, it can ease an United States. . tx:eamamhbersiisotfer any Mark Twain will do up 'retail and . Cwoemrinnigitttehee an Lete'cifie:11)° Cmoismsimonitetiesefomr atyhebpeucrrpeao.steeddRaodyrnaliniesz Sc-o—tleenttehiseuf ahllu'udred. and twentylthree oath; third, A may address the Crone, asking that one or mote members of any losaethu.ndoNuobteodneft.evtesn, taunr(esi to t it is. inpugteth - asserted, with tiresome iteration, that the oath cannot be. administered Parliamentary Committee. Anythi escape free enquiry before 'a Comm dogs are now licenced to carry on busi- ness in this city, says the ,Indianapolis Sentinel. , —A Boston gentleman, who dislikes formalities, offered a lady $5,000 if she wmild marry him without the usual pre- liminaries of courtship. --A. man at Lewiston, Pa.'recently received. a letter from his nephei,v, Which had. been written. at Falmouth, Va., in of the representatives of the people! and 1863, and had taken ten years to reach . • under. the supervision of the er that body l Anything to get the cue he. . hole ot its destination. —A:negro stole the carpet from a Ten- nessee ,church, and cut it up into horse- fore the intimate personal friends of Sit ni. ment of Governments for the last thirty John A. Macdonald, the special inetru- blankets, and the congregation al went over thiroadRiver, to see him irn ersed. min- disnnssal has been. -petitioned- forte_ or forty yea,rs, and a Quebec judge whose From !some unaccountable accident, he wae held under the water just one tre ty.fo long. the 8 char s itself, and appointed a Select Committee f to inquire into and report upon them; and to the further fact apparent on the journals of the House, th-at to t _ Comniittee I handed a list'of some n principal witnes.ses whose eviden lieve4 could establish- my charges have ftlways been ready to proceed to the proof thereof before the tribunal, con- , stituted by the House for theninvettiga- tion. The determination of the Com- mons' to investigate these charges re- mainunaltered, and I deem it incon- sistent with my •duty as a member of Parhainent, and a breach of the undoubt- ed peivileges of the House, to recognize any inferior or exceptional tribunal creat- ed te enquire into charges 'still pending ntially Y is! to ttee 111 bombardn ent, say latter were fired e tilos ed one took. ves further d Inc at empt. t aracte s of A- r. llen that d. TheIse of al:/?:ochhaarig, es: renderin succeela ifl. sr b- es,iall the eta se ascert in 'are disc and t e The Pri Preside' Corsica, Princ anS in ry bestow uniPss bat if he .In acce nd it it made to ed an a -ges: were trier ly mendin age, pollitical p_ con"fined e attemlingt is ry -wili be ani rly him .te evert. st- ut ',OLIO word of 1 onents. nid many hou f 'flesh and hum' eVery hand. bhut w iravelv, . me te justify weithe which I have spoken t on the floor of the Commons, and for ' es 11 he re e said of the O I be! and I Globe. --he Nashville Union'. and Alnerican, says: "Near'FortNegleY may be seen a Bavarian. Beer. garden spot inclosed by a paling !fence, the palings of which are made entirely The Way they tlse Beer. in, Gerniany_ of tail boards of deceased -ends 4,f gov- Who Drink, it aed Hew .1/uch they , ern.ment wagons, which gured: 'during the late impleasantness." • Take. —Scene in a Port Wayne dr. goods It is difficult to pas' s a day in Monich Without striking upon anew phase M the store . Lady—Hove much for this print? Gentlemanly and tLoblidy—NMgingeteen cents ! ° clerke-Nine , eer question, and. A is equally d*cult cens, mum. a I'll give you eighteen.' Cleik --7.t.line to write a letter without takthg it is a text for at least one of the chaPters. cents,. mum, you inisimd.erstoed tue. Lady-I—Oh ! nine centst I'll gi e YOu There is a probably not a human eight from the infant in the cradle to the old .: man or wortiou. tottering to the grave, —the St. Paul papers assert thet there ! is a gigantic pine land ring in IV1innesothat does not drink at least one litreof - beer per diem. which is equal to font full 0601a,00nd.80,0lat feyeetaor,f:ivtiitrabholeirt glasses, independent of the froth. Mosttira'inow?Iithcellpsuobldli men and women drink two litree, and the State receiving any benefit thereof . —The pehtical campaign intirairtia smile fear, five or eix, and it must be is already well opened. They know how understood that each titre., independent to make a liirely canvas in the Old Do- of the froth, represents a full solid quart of minion. The political meetings are beer. There are, besides the saloons and triode intensely interestiug by the prac- ristaure fan forty-three ke tiers or brew- tice of _the speakers of the opposing par- eriesein Munich, Where the people aeaem- ties to meet each other on the stunt ble as, in mass meeting'a-nd drink' thee They divide time, and when " old huge titres of beer. At these places war. horses" are at work,' it is ex- there are no 'waiters, everybody, being tremety exciting to listen to the trial of compelled to wash their litre and wait wit and strife of argument. before the Commons, ancl so ess the privilegen dignity and indep ndence of Parliament. I believe that t is a breach of those privileges that a Royal Commission, issued without the special sanction of the House, should tae any cognizance of or should assume to call on steanaboat is- which I am responsible to them, land to mi ace in the Uniiied them! only. I feel that I should' do no. act hich May be construed itith an ac-. m- quie cence in the attempt to rem ve from 1 St, the Tommons the conduct:, and c ntrol of as the enquiry. I believe that the reation of a Oommission involves a breach of that li'lee- fundamental principle of the denstitu- cm 6°n:which preserves to the Commons the cieess right and duty of initiating and central - that it involves also a breach of that nag enquiries into high political ffences ; , fundamental principle of justice which prevents the accused from crealting the tribunal and controlling :the procedure for their trial ; and that it is a Coin - mission without precedent, unknown to day last the stel If" blew up at, on the Arka persons and se,v thers. No rea x plosion. Par e disaster from e bcidies and pi lown 60 feet ipto f the lady pasden- aped uninjured. mme of the H me includes the es ab - w paper in Du lin h a Batiagh, to be meanors cognizable to theXo censequently illegal and void: Enter- al of the party, n1 tai ing these views, you will not expeet the, Common Law, unsanctione Statute Law 'providing by -an e the pterogative for an enquiry ordinary course of justice in by the ercise of ut of the o misde- rts and upon themselves. At these kelli,rs all —A young gentleman, telegraph op- classes of people, with their Wives, erator in Hartford, after repeated calls daughters and sons, young men with for a young lady operator in another of- their sweethearts,- and children in; arms, fice, at last got a response, and then tele- are among the visitors. It is part of the ara,phed. back to her ; `t I have been try- daily food of every one, and is drank at ing to get you for the last half hour it the breweries and. gardens became it is In a moment the following *spicy reply always cold and fresh there. At all came tripping back to him over the wires of these places a barrel is emptied every from the telegraphic Maiden : "That's few minutes -from sunrise to suneet, and nothing. There is a young man here stale beer is consequently an impbssibil- been trying to dO the same thing for the ity. When drank at home they sencl last ttvo years andhe hasa't got me yet." their servants with their glasses to the —The Chicago Tribune, in a well -con- ; kellere, and have it always fresh and sidered article on. the forcible prorogation good. of the Canadian Parliament, sa,ys : "No Neither whisley, brandy, gm nor any Britith Minister at this day would dare other iutoxicating liquor is known in defy public opinion by proroguing Par- Munich. Brandy can only be had, at the liament in order to defeat an investiga- apothecary shape- 011 a physiciaaf,s pre tion into the alleged bribery of the Min- ecription. If brandy orwhiskywae called istry ! or of any Minieter. In fact, no for at any of the restaurants, ther4 would Britieh Minister would be tolerated, in be as much sueprise as if laud -annul had Officei one hourttho objected to ariv•scru- been demanded. Beer is part of the tiny (if his offiCial acten and especially of daily food, and it is called for said drank a cherge of corruption. An attempt to do- with as much innocence of a.titt t.dea of in England what ha, been done -in Canada intoxication, as if a cup of tea e or coffee would produce a, 1 -evolution. The whole was being partaken. Sometimes! a Mall English tones"peo1e would resent it in sten- who has drank. too much beer Will fall asleep, but intoxication is entirely un --In a three column article the Wash - known. The workiegmen drinka hire - . ington Chronicle argnes ithat President of beer at dinner -time, and another at Grant should -be elected for another supper; but seldom go beyond -this,. e terma- t - cept on Sunday, when they ha.ve nothing —Tee New York World, in a column else to do. Being accustomed to it, the leader, denounces the invitation from effect on them may produce drowsiness, the Liberal Republican to the Democratic but never drunkenness. State Executive Committee* to call a We were called upon last evening by united State Convention as a piece of Professor Rothmund, of Munich, who "effrontery and impudence," adding desired as to accompany him to one of that "The Liberal _Republicansnever kellein in the western section of the city, existed in this State as an organiL ation to see Munich life as it really is. We except on paper, or in very fertile imag- reached there about 8 o'clock, and al- inations. There' could be no surer' way though there were seats tini tables for to disgust and disorganiie the Democracy fully two thousand persons, it was with of New York than by listening to such a difficulty we could find room in any part proposal as this." of the grounds. .It was in a section of the city where laboring people reside al Suckers Going for their Last most exclusively. Nothingtemild behad e••ese- Chance. - . here but beer, bread, cheese and radishes, A number of old hacks, broken -wind- and all that vast mass of people were ed, knee -sprung and foot -sore, are here ' sitting toaether, with their wives and a against the Govern-tochildren, partaking of this simple food, pressing their claims ment. TOM Ferguson, Charley Rykert the great majority of whoni it was prominent among those_ who to -day have , their only supper. We I remained until nearly 10 o'clock, at which time the corn - Rolland McDonald and Judge. Price are poWn ea of something, but who are feapany had thinned down more than one hortul - is no better evidence ,required of the said at one table so loud as to be hear half, and during d spokenthe two hnor urs We heard o • doubts and fears that agitate the great at anotherEverybody ha not -wor, anything of what a day may brieg forth. There ot a lou onservative heart than the fiudiug, at d such a critical time, of these old sta.gers e had to wait up C - on themselves, and wash their mugs, They are scarcely complimentary to their a and sonietimes the throng at the win- dows of the tap room. was -five or six heie, taking as it were, their last chance. in for substantial favors, when they long, eep. The tables were closely pack - manifest such urgent fears that he has so ea 1 ed togethei , each beieg about sixteen feet with plain wooden benches of the po *tical leader, to whom they are look- ; me length, and just room left betWeen to pass in or out. All classes Of people feet praying him to provide for them be- observed at some of the tabl were here intermixed together, and, we 0-3 PeOle 'foie he is kicked. out. They certainly who bore all the outer evidence of being Sit John is done for, and. they -are m are not the End of visitors to cheer up e • - to of the very best class in Munich. There the spirits of the closely cornered.Prethi- were a number of carriages wtriting to eie Mr. Tom. Fergueop is after that Col- take home parties who had ceme here lingwood collectorship, but John A. wince. spend. the evemno. -We eot into conver- hint, and that he can do him no harm, sation with a G -Z -man lady at the table at could speak some Enghsh. She was both we were sitting, who We found the knows he can be of no further service to ,. i thocked anl. surprised at (me of s- quently a conclusion drawn from " such 'assertions must be received " with caution." To this we have only to say, thaa we 'rave, the state- ment of the Assessor of the. town- ship of Tuckersmith t� the effect that that township. is equalized at fully half its value, and we have also the statement of the Assessor of Seaforth, that this village was assessed at one-third its a.ctual value, sol that we were perfectly correct in taking these tvio municipalities as a basis, notwithstanding the doubts of our correspondent. In the third place our correspond- ent proceeds to show that Brussels was equalized at 54 per tent . higher than, it should be, and deducts from this the conclusion that all the vil- lages and the town of GoderiCh were eqaally tuijustly dealt with. But it would seem he desires Brne- sels to hat e a double advantage. I -Te wants it equalized on the Fame baSis as alonis and Grey, and to nave the benefit of - the two-fifths reduction also. , This would give Brussels, merely on account Of its being incor- and to lave he nominal titl king, for a trie nial Parliament for a la\ orizing the con tion of t re est tes of absentees. Advic s fro Carthaaena, S state th t th authorities Adminis ratio their r spec • come to eau a numb r and w unded on I both s ate seldiers in Caithe. uraged, and in favor o to the Government f Napoleon has been el • the. ine to act otherwise than in c ut, with them, and you will be sat ne by; my non -appearance before nformity fied that he Com- mission, I intend no disrespe to the age ' Commissioners, but am moo d by tbe of same sense of public duty whic and strain me in the earliest pract cable mo- ment to renew the efforts tvli ch I have sca- been making since A,pril last to bring te trial before the COMMOnS f Canada am, ethe men whom haye impeac ed as pub - civil and military lic criminals. I have the ho or to be, Sir, your obedient servant, f .the, Comm Dist had quarreled, and *1 Cs'gned.,) • L. S. Hon INGTON. ve partizans had Great Storm in -Nov I conflict, in w men. were k gentlemen liave na e gra against the Gover merit, concern 0f Lhe pub ic t the truth or falsity If Mt. Huntingt9n stantiating his char the Government or upon 'hint Will be h. shall fail tu do so appear that the cha truraped up to da ponents; the disgra failure and diseov sufficient to consie ing dishonor wit% abuse from his opi • • MR. W. J. SP1 intendent of the G way, has issued a and eonductors, re co-operate with h temperance suciet of _ Grand' Trunk Spicer has furthe agent a and condu to which to secure • ER, Lobel I . . -and Trunk Pe ircular to ate ues in mill to be compo • furnished tors with pled the siginatures i) them orinin er- • ts to a ed r. 40,000 and 45,000 barrels 9f flour he end 1,5 0,000 bushels of wheat, and es yet, foll wing close upon -this; there of was roo engaged at New York-, on interest. A col rporninc Rail w a_ liam; b llives we injured. The erman ich lled des. and New Bruns FROM NOVA ScOTIA. A heavy thunder storm p ena the city of Halifax, Nova Sect suie , urday night last. All night t Scotia ck. ssed over on Sat- e thunder far 1:10 of compromised, himself- that they can - afford. any longer to, risk the chances his political existence. -They think. rces. ' iliealtd and the lightning flash e.1 with ter- therefore, T is by no means sure of om ladies of our party refusing to drink beer, to Matters of departrn am, from a browhsheb;iesna.wmhuger, 1 vividness. Ram p ured down the collectorship. He is interested also , cted 1 fl fYing la torrents. Sunday morn ng looked in some Welland. Canal contracts, which and laughed heartily as i e c eating ue,°wax noon rain he is trying to have arranged with a . which was the only drinking vessel that drinking water t of r1he Council General (a ' 1 k 1 ' but t I by a majority of 30 N:otes. 4ommenced aeon) and the wind from view of being able thereby to turn an we could find. She said, that she and tt e north - easCrecreasedto a 'eerie. The' gale raged all her husband made a practice of vis g ' ifin 'that ting he position be de iver- dress to the Council; r com- 1, L . 1 , - this keller every clear eveniug,; ant' , that its proceeding, be uring many Years.. In th it was precieely as we foinid it,, and tion rfect bur- honest penny, Judge Priee, of Welland, night. It wishes to retire on an allowance. Rol- ienced here land AlcDonalcl has been after a judge-: city the ship for the last twenty years, and, now,1 to window, he thinks, he will reachthe,goal of his ops, fences Ambition. if. Price can only be got out of ing. in port the way. It may be suppo.eed that rode it out. Charley Rykert is helping his neighbors, as lane of t heaviest expel equally thronged. The only' ques , nd Ay of its beer. All were served alike enquired as to a place was as to the qua I" hut go was mostly done ers, skylights, chimney rees. Most of the; ship on the Great Northern A numberesenall yachts wei e swamped only, however, as a meane to the end of ofEcers in attendance, and none woe re- am' treated alike. There were no pollee lad prepared for the gale and uired. Both this lady and her husband isioni occurred on Sati relay i e loet rind several persons r°'ll • . , g nd drifte( down as far as t e Ordnance to I rice s place and then to help himself sus o e ?he proved., to be a clergyman at Retforcl. near Notting -1, 11,11(1,smashed, at their anch rage. The helping himself. Charley has more to ants of Great Britain and reeareine beer as :m essential end nece:i tion in America, both of them nereis in t • t th Chief Justice of Ba.varia), the beer aed she the whiclf, it is reported, 20 her anchorane off (tuna d's wharf, to his retirin allowance to help Rolland quo- 'ttited States frigate Powhat al -k dragged do than Rolland, for he has to help Price • 'hag, where she eves secured So far as to Rolland's, whith is the solicitorship made many e . nquiries as to - - earned the damage in and ab ut the 'city of the Welland Canal. The comfort '11 be bad news from the gantry and and the welcome the would. receive than art!ecle of folo(1.11 ,Thhtehye that it Was also healthy, much s not extensive, but it is ared there these disinterested patriots give John more eio, in the line of breadatuffs been e ceeded. _ The cable reports light's gale, all the telearapl wires east c/ence. of the Globe. that somecoftep'earusilon: riped them3 aJWU selvesstbh: driekine too much of it, they persi seem to be almost without rece- ea eoast. On account of t thunder "fto'in him, were he to speak his mind, dent rtainty, they bave inever torm on Saturday night a d Sunday may be imagined. —Ottawa Correspon- Olat th imports into G-reat Britain that they should be classed among rid west were prostrated. s, -...e-on.-•----- gluttons, who were still more and Ire and last week were between numeroutoo 1 FR OM ..S'EW B R I:NW The Question of the Oath. and injured their health by eatine A furious gale of easterly ) Ministerial journalists give a great much. To drink. beer to persenal iNjurY anied with heavy, rain, co deal of prominence at the present mo- they regarded as a long and atduout lot 'hathara, New Brunswick,ment to the subject of the witness' oath dertakin,o- in requira so much time an," before Parliamentary Committees. They to much beer that few ever succeeded in argue that the oath is necessary to a it.—Extract front a Tourist's Letter - (.K. ma, accom- menced at on Sunday iorning,1 andlraged, with e.-treme vio- ) mice until Monday morni g, Great ruijsT ,,AITOTIQN oumeSixilifiturociap,y,Fba'rmept. -s2(t)o, .co; ra,ontal. j„Trip'cin(t_ .nitinaa, .1Sfeintosii, proprietor ; .1' v1'. esdBria7 Saellpett.i°1'2:,re3eo'n :Lot 25; ftoutiie ) Con. 6, Morris, Paten Stock andj janahonents. James Bri-)adfoot, propri-'etor, = J. P. Brme, anetiorher. -liarsday, Sept, IS, on fLot 27. Con,. ifallett, Thoroughbred. (tattle, Sheep and llogs, 11. Snell, proprietor. - /30)Tilino7s..—At Varna, ii Aug. 24, tine ivife of J. Boutin -)n, of • (htugh-i ter. Yogrwift:41.0e.W7.0,--;11, ocrtk\ ;:isilmoi ;int n A, ounngu. Ant2u,6g,.oftoi the wife of Mr. Yellow, ef a son. Seaf Ilibbett, on Aug 20, Biasetn_vvifine Afe_lirc.:noain\icenlIrnrth,237etfhaen g. wife of Mr. John , of a, daughter; oGG.—Itt Alen 25, 114 livife of Mr. 3 arms Hdgg, of :daughter. - MARRIea:.l1GE,S- -et- 361°13s(--r°l-k iSaf orth, or Au.2;,bIITh0ma (ol s Ge0rgsIer:i17hLo totnoeMiala,Le' ofl aughthicrke(i'ei smith. Aug. 27, byRev Sea . (eilpfl°ilsrtnahfi tl:;: Mr. Joshua, Hainner, of Stratford, ti Miss Mary Chambere, of Clinton. IC..-;7gffrres,,boyf.11111,,oneniv:az.,;to.h.--:Ina4e.a.ctiitt,•thil,liotnkANni Thomas Knott, to Miss Itaehel -1,1011 Egmondville, on Saturtlai Aug. 23 Albert Edward, youngest ee af kin, aged two' years. Tuck-erSmitle on Aug. 1, Mr. James Walk-er, aged 51. years. MOTR.-11.1. Ueborne, alter lpng illnes of -consumption, on Aug. 10, Andre Moir, school feacher, aged 24 years. — TA -El -1,\IAItt KITS. SEAPOP.T11,, Aug. 28, 3.878. . There is but little chane to note: the Sea -forth markets this vy-cek. Bu nem, however, is improving, and duri -the past week a considerable amount wheat has come forward. Mr. Aril tage, one of our most enterprising de ors, to -day shipped a ear -load of new 1 - wheat. -This is the fitet car load of n gra-in shipped from thii statiOn this s son.. liay is still scarCe, and is coming in good demand, and is re-adi bought at _quoted prices. Batter, though no rise in price has yet tale place, is very scarce. ancl good quality scarcely to be had. Roll lmtter for lo consumption is in great demand. pies are now becominemore pleutit but still command good 1» -ices. quote: PallWheat.. ... .... 15 to 1. . . 1 Barley. " ,fit) Oats.. ---------------1.0 85 to Peas 4) 55 to Butter, No.1, Loom 4 No.11 No. . . .. No. 4.... , .. .. ,!.. Butter, tennets, 16-e, 11k„ Te. Egg 00 to Flour .1 0 00 to 41 Hay. . .14 00 to 10 Hides. . ........ . .. . . . .. .. ....—. 0 40 to 45 Lamb 8- lthns,.. . 1. 85 to cPaeultss,kietutesh. (.;e.n.iip.e.r. 1.1). ::4.,:...... 2,!i to Murrain Hides ....... — . .. 0 08 to ,.., 0 Ot to Salt (retail) pc.,r barml, ,. Salt (-wholesale) per barrel, — ... I - PToatnatoBeas'riln:w) per bushel. 0 45 to OiLood‘ ttaottlVe brl.__ __ -,.., , _ ... _ t: liti tto wo Spring Wheat OFaatllsW . , ..-., - - --- Ili) to , . 1 Butter heat. — . . . _ . _............ 1 1.4 ifl . + CLIrONiA:00452118 1 4 0 Peas.BRara31.ei.e.v.t.o.u.s...... j.,. .. I. ..... . i... . tO -t, 1 —...,..,.....,., ,... . ., .. . Eggs,- — - — ...., . — - • ,-,,,..-- .'-',1 STRATFORD CHEESE MA'S e13,a Tylegrapb, to the' Expo$;tor per - tfeal ,Lilh% STE ATI- oRD, Aug. 28, 18 Buyers present in force. Sale still &moralized frOui rise of last in si.:::aiii,:estpoohseo\liat.o soellifleiritipl;e5i0itorab z boxes t Ii , 9a0bo:teeits. siiat ' 101 ' cents, an L° White fall 'w--+heNatj)°(:1'dAli' ) pper1ait 28sia to Si 03; white -fall wheat (new to $1, 90, red fall wheat (nevn) $1 -Sill 210 ;; oat (nee.).3 rsingwheat i.(e7344; $ I 0li ton, $115 to $7; butter (roTh pound, 23o to 24e; butter (keg) 20c, cheese, Ole to 10c, tallow tifike to 7e o 60c 7c, potatoes eggs, jaepes( r dozen,1e1Vi) ilr e:3 e 0 4 .ToRDNTo, ..kug. 28, I Pall wheat per 'bushel, :t1 25 t,o- spring wheat, $1 18, barley, 43c; butter, pound rolls, per pou to 24c, butter, large rolls, 150 butter, tub dairy, 10e to 1 -Se - fresh. per dozen, 14e to 1,e; -eggs ed, lie to 12e. i ' _eon. TOROTO' ST-OeK MARX linevean -The ecceipts dui-ing week were tonsiderably larger t several weeks prIeyious, but ther . good local and thippieg &BM PreVious PrieeSwere fully nr'ii some advance even being ebtaine or two instances- We quote , =34 to 4 50, 'coed class, :74:3 50 b- aud third class- $3 to $3-25. the reported. sf.ie8 are the f One car of Dnri am steers and averaging 1,040 bs., at S40 ; grade cattle, average 1,200 lbs., two cars mixed, average 1,320. '32 eath ; on'e ear of fat cows -1,IM lbs., at $31) per head. SHEEP. —The supply during W118 large, and the tendency we. krotet prices, although we halal Olange to note in quotations, S5 tor first-class, $4 for second -o $3 to $3 2Z for third-class. loan3s,---The arrivals have b