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The Huron Expositor, 1873-08-29, Page 3
end as ist the Lon tail`wwy: Company don, Ott.. to the said Cozufiaztp b sue debentures theretetk and ing of as special rate for ethics and interest, t et of the fourth session of the t ovttic€e of Ontario, eseaoi ar of the eeign of Her e aj ttoInco prorate the Railway Coiitpany,dou gaol by the act. reapectinet es in the Province of On ' portion of a nautlicipa it' c0 the said C6mpany for eh6 ii the construction of their .. `ttten signed by over fifty per., tut freehcwidere, rated on of the. Township of Titch voters tinder the saiclttliici, aote, of the said : un eipgh of i1'ni l:erstitith described tttencin{� et the eatstee . tent L o:td,: - at the south,. s said townsl#i l,tl,,el? erly side: of said roast to the tiel terve; itshipand the Village ou g. that limit to the soothe tly :tent, thence in a southeattem ac gat al southerly Inuit e Limit between the said tom cwf Seaatorth, thence southevlg the limit between, the 'itstr` elms Of the said Toeveshig ad, thence easterly along, that tweet. Lots U and 12, thezico tt limit to the limit 'between th Concessions from the Re. tesiterly aloin that limit to the 9 and 10e thence northerly rite southerly limit a the lau- eateerly along that limit to: the c wnship.. of T ucl erszl>itlz anti southerly along the last zitei ►fifth -west corner on the- TGWU,. O esaid,aand thence along the kew nshipe of Tuckeramith gnat ice of beginning, bee: been pre. l cif thesatd Municipality of the ith, pratyin, the said Court - , granting ai Beniue of $10,000 hiding in the construction. of — Karon and Ilrttce Railway, og Wafter expressed,mid it is. ea t- samet such, purpose it is necessatzy tot aid Township. of 'racket -wail vase the suet anzotttit of ten the manner hereinafter men . will require the sunt of ona Leek l altars to: lie raised annual - ii the whete rateable propeety got the ;:arid township ;tlac,ve de. 5 the* said debt ;of ten; thousand on tete dcbontnree to be issued. fter mentioned, e amount of the -Whole rateable 'nation of the said Townshipof t described, irrespective of any the same tend also irrespective the dezived from then temporary sinking fund, hee:itiafter mere et thereof is, according to the 'went roll of that. stela toww•tu,•hip, . aif our Lord conet.t t onsatnci ei<ht. e site -three, the sum of seven tv ::even thousand seYezz•hund a tars ; and whereas, there is no teethe said, umnteil,; lity, or that. ,eFr'ibed, either for principal or r paying the interest and create ly suing fund,, for paying the housaaud dollars, as hereinafter t..qutre an equal amanal special tel eleven -twentieths of a twill in itionto all other rates, to. be • itpion all the rateable l)roperttt the salol Township of Tucker. oed ore enacted by the Municipal twvriehip of Tw kersmmiith that it lawful for that 'tertian of the Inekersenith *hove described, tat rid London, Huron and Bre e in the ccin:•traetiou of said thereto the sum of ten thous of bonus.`lirpoze aforeaa,l the Reeve of .(a of Tttekersiuith shill cause any torte of the said €iewrehip of e made for Alleit slogs of money tl for the said purpose, not less. I dollar:. each. ch. Nand not exceeding • suza of ten thousand dollars1, -tures small bee sealed with the _ t wuship of Tucker: rnith and be eeve gaff eenuttersiened by the L. and shall define the portion of tli above de scribed for and on n- ee- are is steal. tl ale bruturee ehall be made pay-: w ye tee from the thy, hereinafter K Say-1•iaw to tetke effect, at the of - Canadian Bank, in tatt Village and shell have at- auperne for the paaymeiit of inter, !end in the ivanner thereinafter al debentures shall bear interest rate of leitz per rent.per ermine roof, wIhie h inter e;t shall be pee'. }TY the thirty-first day of Daceu - ee th day of Stine iu each yeer,t t the lloyaal Canadian Bank, in seat €e purpose of forming a sinking extent of the said debentures genet ieon, at the; rate aforesaid, an Ce of ow mill nncl eleven tint. - ii, the dollar shall, in addition to ee retia ed, levied and collected in all the rateable property in than 1 ew nehiJ e,f Tin keesntith herein - mentioned. and described,. during of the said debentures or:until stet debentures shall be deposited; wafter the pin of this By-law Son, of tioderich,. Esq., Begistr in - Ling of the County of Hoon, tolue Custodian, and to be delivered by tees appointed ander the -Said Aet ce said Company, etc} soon as the ions -7-7r0 complied with ail av i:: completed and in rowing; alt in Or near the city of London Clinton within three years; after tis 13Iy-lai<w tits ere erected on the lisle of or a rnear the villages of Ifrueetielel ' neat Weeter-n Railway eoinpany i1 to t:quip, work and rnalxnta in the 1 Stations. :abo' e conditions are not fulfilled th;within three, years after the ly I' v, then the s.)<ic1 Xamea Nolte =tie said debentures with the comp- theCouihc ilof the �Iurtieipalitaoi Trtekerszuitl , and they shall then id oupk4 for interest which shall. for to, the co:tat-ietittn of the road tale -laid, shall be cancelled and de - 1 dol,iutnres by the said Ta ides livered to the Treasurer of the said ly-Iew shall take effect and coma :i, f ;oia and after the tenth Play of sa«; ,ettea of the electors of that portion tehi;p of Tucke,rsinith, above del o ndf shall be taken on this Byelaw'' jnlaeee, that is to WV ` Sec. E. 1, at tilt school tense Iii tae 1. at the School House to Sec- tatrbt•y. c Se o..i, at the School 'souse in, to. -1, at the old School House in 'art 5, at the School House in Se- th day of September next, A. D. lta= lanun of nitre o'clock in the ,e or`cleack in the afternoon of the et the ferlloow•int* aerso its shall be }tlic•e•i-, to take the ;cid votes at the tit for width they are hereby tee bitted. that ie to s a Ne. 1, Mr. Hu;,rlr Cue,ney. N'Ne 9, 'Tr. Daviel Ca tirubell, o , Mr. 'William (Y. Fowler. tNo 4, Mr. John toting. No. 5, Mr. James 3iurray- CE that the above is a true coast of sawn which swill Ise• taken into cone lie (crttucil cif tar Municipality of ttf Tncka rsrnitll Lifter one month 1a lineation hereof in the IftT ten - of wtlaieh publication Is the t0t - 1 Z. 1)..1:i13, and in the flttfto- to of w:•hieb. till lie etion 14 the �, ai2 01 the .1.1r,1lea..', and that tin' Votes t portion of that Said Towne -hie, t and ae ine d, will be taken thereon/. claw` cif Seprtember, Al r .1873 of ititte o'clock its the morning gIn and Ire aft •ruouu, at the severaal p L 'tt.M. MT -lit, Township Clerk. kkortmtth thistg I,t, .i. i l 1873. , OLAL fel—DT—ICE.. tela borrowed an For Piercer from -TEE% Jewelry Store, abo*it three . pleaserc'turn the same et once and tiprtisement bL.it. onajaiTER- `ST 29, 1873. GAIETIES. Da NOT SLANT THE GATE. Now, }parry, praydon't laugh at me ; But whenyou go so late, Iwish you would be careful, dear, To never slam -the gate. For Bessie listens every night, And so oleos teasing Kate, . To tell me, next day, what o'clock They heard you. .slam the gate. :was nearly ten, last night, yon know, Bat now 'tis very late— (We've talked about so many things). ()t., do n;ot slam the gate. For allthe neighbors hearing it Will say our future fate We've been discussing ,• so 1 beg. Yon will not slam tht gate: Por,though it is very true, 1 wish they would wait ' To canvass our affairs, untt7— \'irell pray don't slate the gate. - At least not now ,-by-and-by, "our in home I wait Your, coming, I shall always like To hear'you slain the gate. EXPO ITORs and thought aviout the letter. r she goes intothe pantry, and after exploring the lower shelf in vain, illy the ans t _ hen w0h this mi' ht be tr fate in deta. to `raining to Eichange lively fancy, stands upon a chair, and caref, , goes over the top shelf, where medicine bottles and unused are stationed. After she has done this, she starts up p stairs and pi soon -returns with the pen, and to it to the sink to wash the gra from it, but does not succeed quite effacing the delicate . scent bergamot. . This leads him to serve that anybody who take a holder to lift hair grease faro bottle is too pure and innoce this world. Everything now in readiness; g hu'nor is restored, the wife take seat opposite with: her el ows the table, and er h • chin in her ha and alssurnes an expression df con, For whether you go out or At early hours or late, • The whole world will not tease me then, About that horrid gate ! Always' examine an "old plug hat before rola kick it. _-There is,a time for !all things. The time to eave is when a young . lady asks yoci what kin aof a day it is for walking. .--A man advertises fair a compe- tent person tp undertake the sale of a new medicine, and adds that " it will be highl lucrative to the lin dertaker." —An old man's advice to a young mango will tell, man is, `• Do t love two girls at once. to h tut it u Love is a g ocl thing, but it is like - p batter in w• ren .weatlier=it won't lay of some fi too mach on hand at tety kes ase 111 of ob- en- a t Ifor and 3 a on ds, te- mance that is mysteriously calculaltecl to `both encourage and delaress be writer ; and he grasps the Y en ti ly between his fingers, and stare the:pa.per with an intensit that. entirely unnecessary. The starts off glibly and then ceases as it • reaches the da He puts the holder in his mouth immediately spits it out again; ni ing a face that is no wise suggesa of bergamot, and pettishly asks if she knows the day cf th Of course she does. It is +s: 9r is it the -but no—it She hesitates, stares at hi and is lost. S er it is the 13t bt- at, is date line suddelly te itsdf. nd la- ive ter the do to have once." ---Some presence of week a qua inlaw. out o story of a .then carried his arms. —Tlie fol ;owing lines are said to en never lose their incl, In Chicago last n threw his mother- a window in the, fifth urging building, and. a feather -bed down in have been New Ramp "To all my f iends I bid adieu ; A more sud en death you never knew : As I was leding the old mare to drink She kicked, and killed me quicker'n a wink," —A t Ba chory lately the parish school -waste , out of curiosity, pat the question " What is nothing" A pause en . Lied,' until. an urchin, whose procli'ides for earning a pen- ny were w 11 known among his school -fella s, got tip and replied, " It's when a man asks ye to hand his -horse an jist says thank ye." --The m st appalling case of deaf- ness eafness that w side'of?,an a' lady who li from the N. they fired .a 'old lady wa isten as the then she ex —An eec a toothache his tooth ii cordingiy, • in the wooc attached a and the sapling. Then. .he touched the spring, land the net he knew he had j clurpe ©giver a breve of about forty trees, and was trying to get out of a .sal al'l pond that be h appen- • esiied from a stone in hire , z • • which he make one Hy. The isfactorily set '• things which that stand dras. out having be place, the date e mo Le •13t1 ust ova be. ers e don'tknoiw wh:th- or 1Stb, but the al - and sheat once sty rts This -occasions a de - teen minutes, dm ninety-five passe, ate having been led upon, and lled over the Roo -er unexpectedly n restored to t I ine is completed " Dear mother " started. The is i home pen hof bashful mould, whenever it s rts a line it i'equ a half, down; p sses to make it down; All home pens do t And all home sheets of paper h weak spots. wh}ch the ink jrefuse: cross, thus ereatingtsomeretrial-is divisions divisions of wo%ds, and *consider confusion among , sentences. S of these spots re two inches in alneter, and anybody in the room can tell the moment; the a ra- il en r a ; tex e in the lee but n the lmag eveals and is al —0110 eneral `t ne the 1 nation. n V tin vays am the Batt e elf th $any- of the calm d S. b. 5 f to tl T at .t- he as ell eir' nd en nd res ive is. • ve to, ble ble me di - ext 11 er comes to them, just as well - a he looked over `his shoulder. W the letter is completed, which erally occurs at the end of the hour from the commencement, carefully read over, an sup with absent words, and then ever cadre across out - over again and ar is>>sicall' tou y[ur was that of an old up with the pen a the: bare pl es= just across the street Then it is folded up ready :for y yard. The other day envelope, anctrthe discovery is n salute of 21 guns.. The that there is no envelope in: observed to start and. house, arid the letter is I tucke Dist gun was fired, and behind the clock • until tlje wa claimed, " Come in !" supplied. nomical Iowan, who had Pp determined to remove 1 Indian fashion._ Ac- e bent down a sapling s, lay down himself, and stout cord to his tooth ed to alight in. A !Family Letter. r. The family letter is written on Sunday. ' he reason that day is selected is not alone because of the leisure it presents. The 'quiet of - telkteas A Bureau for Svaappers The. Queen journal, has .a called "The F contains odd Every ima,gii have become er, or an eag become puss( an English fas n .unique lep. rt xchange,"which and .amusing no fable artidei see urdenso me to its � r desire h: s anis ssed` of somethin 1 1 ti v e 11 remern hair bills ate Bank l lfi ons fi • • er to ha f the Wi vignet Ming. Bullfr s of VE e seen o dham C e rept ismg. gs• inont one - linty es:nting FORTH AND HURON RBLE -WORKS. L ME S$ET & SON, (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to theirnumerous friends and the gouoral .aublie that th$ y are prepared to fill all orders fqr ffffff Monutnrits, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, &c. Granite;; 11Lontements Imported to Ord/r. •1� This wr s en- work t�,f the begot a:t} and art, an cannot be surpassed, in tins pilrt of Ontario. yed to commeniora te the ii atttle A callrespeetfullysoli •iter% the Bullf •ogs. The, facts w •,re as j Next, door Co Porter's Furniture Store, lows: M. ny years; ago, when the M. L-SBLET, SEAFORTH. vu of` indhaua at. L. MESSTT. H. MLSSET d, there 1 ante a v ere 'wer two 1• indham, eparated Ging strip of land tent. Er ch of t 1 i habited b a large r.tiles abo • e-naied pend dried p and st rted.in a body for -ger pond They ervening space by m the 1� -ger pon d long -co e tinned b een the r val corn s the hi eons be gs durin their at it alar first sup he hosti i!;V gett g t'1ey cautio hence the 1d there ectacle o 1 1] f: a t fy ti a 1 o� t in a vas newly set- ry dry season: SEAI+ORTH age ponds in by an inter - f considerable ese ponds was community = of The smaller is inhabitants the lower and ere met in the the community, and a tierce tttle ensl ed be - unities. Such lowing f the erce enc unter eel the iphabitan , who osed itato be the e savages. But he better of their sly proceeded to t sound th6 �mense vering engaged battle. 1 e :�lidenu€ beheld s • two -I.o ` bullfifiogs, c sea ofground, erce and' deadly battle continued more than t hoardfour ho' and ._w1len it wa• .the groin in, wwas•l; terally c with the; sl and : t became sary, to ;`void the noxious e to gather : 1 dbur, them. 11ranscript,l a. ith. L is lied one hed ccs. the ade the in t is vhoop urios- fears, espot ssued, range runes many in. a • This verity - over • s ered neces-` uvia, ostcm It Lord! Westb ry's Wi . ex -Lord Chan - cently d- `-.eased, bur of. hat sarca, tic re- bartYister with w 1 out he ultation : " You ad bet - t over again in what ased to all your i ind ;" g since ie addres- ed the oin Lordships, w# o are urtesy ailed let rued." hort, st at .man, with a face, n which there yed a: soft, com lacent was f nd of y hting, d naut cal ways - pilot d -down collar an l bare e spok ' withz it ctuous delibe ation, his words om his lips like drops of the h ney wa always e of his most fam us de - that in favor of t 1 e the- says and reviews which. uch stir a doze • years epitaph, c • mposed lis comme 1 orated ed hell wi a h costs, m pious I embers England t)leir last dam natli• n." Lord ' estbury, tellor of E gland, r i 'as the au ark to a as in con ter turn th you are pi, 4 nd not loi eer s 1 as till by c e was a ound, ros scally 1il mile. 11 nd affect oat, turn hro�clt. oftness an sopping. roPP �1 f Loney, In oitter. U visions wa blogical e made so ,ago. A sarcastic about that time, th him ; "He abolish and took away fro ofthe Church: of hope of everlastint I ion ells ften ices. s to wn- n to un- attainable except by sacrihcine. hat 0 11 1 is already one's own. For exam ; le : What offers for sever '1 yar s of Mechlin lace?' 1. wish parti larly for a• good Dandle Dinniont dog part, "I have a; pair . of don ey pa niers, scarcely used... Would like In rex ange modern point square for bTdy o large i1 sleeves." the day, i relief from all influences " I have that irritate or agitate, frees tthe breakfast ser frotl irrelevant and antagon- saucers, coffee basin. Want istic matt r,and makes it preemin- lace or drawl eniiv afi with dist, cases out of ten the letter is written signed Hon by the head of the family, and of ference that occasion for communing ilt loved ones. In nine china." This last. those seat dressed t don't kno rarely w,r as it is n veto tr pretend being se ter, the per: Ti every w - ' ing stich table or paper a st11ugs lines ane There in there ' ar It . bheet of - fly stain an equal proportion is ad- er got tired o his wife's folks. We t• tasteful why it is that a man so table, and c tes to his own folks, but energies to t the province of this arta- at on that subject, we will e: don't care: The' hour ected for inditina the let - parlors. care to ans I havea and _white, beautiful erlin ice, tray, ti n cup pot, milk j and in exchange ood B g -room ore ents advertisement, z ,coon, lead: t some young' h . f pleasing her 1. ayin of tie bre ncluded to i devo the adornment e doubt :if any dl er the following : air,of rats, viwl.ite an china and sugar.1 ussels old being otLeillp; us • rd by kfast' e her f her e will 1 black II irtee ffers ii tha be specll�; t; that ith a litterof t young ones a oath old. hat rst thigh is to find the pa- y b �„ exchange re is always a drawer- in it • Rats ,are not so rare her 1 -regulated family tor keep - thirteen young ones '+could things. It tis either in the temptation to size most eager. stand- Here the writing 'later. The nes; t ac?� ertiseuie id old screws and fiddle catches bur eye is pathetic rid broken, locks ant? fish ,e A quiet keine desired': para grocery receipts are kept. male Persian kitten, pre gra iy be other things, but if open to offers.,, 1 he will see` them. The Al fl also : paper is finally found he " I will give a pair of skates or neatly scraped off, and the good novels, Kenilworth, .r'er•e'ri P rZ; Patronage, or several oth seat:cll eminences for the . ink. and Sent , pen. T on the r iesineclit telv hticl on the table con- 'or kitten. a- ,; churn., only once or twice{ used. venient I to the perspiring man who This oil tells a li sle his sarcastically inquires if the letter is its OW to hti w tten to -clay or next Sunday. << g `t point colt ti large ni ,) in exchange for an Angora e former is invariably found it will have. a good home:" atntel next the clock; and is " Wanteclj a white Angora fe C .n rive an ,.atni whi rt� f entAll a set oj' (1 rs (lit kitten. 11 onionrl collati., �.. This nL pili�5 the wife with ne�v zeal vanclpkes; s affable for boy's to in file :cal l c11. She goes ov ei site cleaned.„;: ti o-Honiton appl.iqu rawer ag-tin, because she knows.he Varden ?cap, , handsome large b ouldn t see an tiling if it was right tique 'a e , j�'ork all ov=er, above r y � 9cjttaUrC, in good condition. ; five yards unciet ids nose , but the pen is not tique black valuable lace, two s atte Then she looks over the top and widths, to exchange. 1\ ant: ,.tuean, and, lifts everything valicl's bed. or .chair to draw out : air front room table, and says it: shion,tspring mattress, invalid . do n • singular it can t be found, One might weave a roman e saw it" only the day before MARBLE 'WORKS, ill r \r STREET, opposite the Waterloo House, near the Static MONUMENTS,' HEADSTONES, Anel it•orlt of all kinds in American and Fords Marble, -designed and executed in the best sty and at moist reasonable prices. _Mantle. of 1'crrioiis Colored 11cciUle Stip- _ pl uecl; on 'Mort Notice. BRITS) ELS FOUNT TETT; SUBS RIBER wi of the fur tug corm large and' arid atoek of ales c seller SI -z ic, .Agrlct lturaT IRON With the 1 RY. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER BROTHERS. 277 ? `'ANDREW CALDER, Agent. ashes to call the attention unity in gen ral to his SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. THE uiidersignted desires to etato that he has pure , said frormMr. FRANK PALTRIDGE his Photogratthing business, which ho will hereafter conduct. - PICT RES OF --ALL KINDS Taken in the latest and best stylus of the *rt. Having had long experieuce in the Uusiuess, the • r aranteenl •inn hesitation .t o • uohet6 thesubscriber hob g entire a,a' isfaction, and trusts to receive a con- tinuance f the liberal patronage bestowed on.bis • docess r. • to p ALL T E OLD NECATIVES ON HAND. CHARLES MOORE. Seafort 1, July, 1873. 292 • Imple a exits, Consis ing of ND . OOD E Lows, test impro ed Steel 11Iou1 Board, GONG CULTIVI .TORS, HA*.ROWS, S He would FA LOVY I ANIS R{OLLERS, VFFLER, c. sg to call special atter ion to the cele ratedtc ME ....S' P Which has tiveu unive used, to wh eh is now much requi od in this class STAVE 11 RUM F m$22to _Fi�r,t-Clay for Sp ting �e, warrante SON DTI Getting up 4 SES of Oxe 011 the when s stcl aid satisfied on wherever added a Thi. tle Point, so ait: Also, t some first - AND R 35. Also, fa All f which wil Low sT PR Or appi .11ead Orli Eatabli :inn mon° few I,LAN LINE. TI KETS AT LOWEST RATES T9 LIVE PR POOL AND GLASGOW. E -PAID Call 7 NOW IS THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE ROCKERY CROCKERY 14 OF ALL KINDS AT A BARGAIN. ILSON YOUNG 'Hare inst received one of the largest iand best assorted stocks of er offered in Seaforth. Preserve Jars ,of eeveral different varieties and. of the best make. d see; and be conviaced that WILSON St YOUNG'S is the plaee to buy Cxockery. TEAS, SUGARS AND GENERAL GROCERIES. Isened t parties Wishing to bring out their friends. ; Pattie. -having friends wishing .tb immigrate Ill shonld p nehone these certificates and send them to the ' tending immigrants, as passage this way is cheap than by buying tickets in the ola eotuitry. Apply to of very best be sold at 0 e very CES. FOIL. CAM 3. 271cy 0.MTI\I 101:- 0 INV STNIENT OF LONDON', ON' • • Lon on7 Out. A. STRATTON, 'Agent Grand Trunk Railway. Ticket to Fort Gai•It.-y by rail and boat, and to all other prbacipal points., 287-13 THE SEAFORTH MBER YARD. BEE 1St Ivy FL Jus will s 110ZEG inform the dahlia that they have opened Mill, on the groand formerly used as a Lumber 'Yard, b Thomas Lee. They vill keep cousbanav on hand a good assort- ment of which t ble prie Build age to before ALL KINDS: OF LUMBER, dressed and d. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all'of ey are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- rs and others *ill find it to their advent- nspect our stock, and ascertain our prices urehimingelsewhere, as we are in a position to' offer °oil inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE- & MACDONALD. LIST OF LETTERS TT.= LED for at the*Sealorth Post Butler, Richard Boyd, ohn Brow Boxall Blaik, Calder Thomas Fite, atriek jetties Wm e Moses. Halley john. , James Hoes, W Hatay Jones Kenn john ohn Htmte James Henry Lynn, Mes Agnes Pinede , Charles __ Office bn SION t6 YOUSO art renowned for their sliperier ALES and LIQUORS, sold Wholesale aPrd 1.111, FEED anti PROVISION'S deliver:ed. free of_ charge. HAMS AND BACON. received, a lot (*choice American Sugar -Culled on be all gone. aans and Bacon. Call and get Berne —they Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth. Morton, Win ▪ Mies Mary M• cKenzie, Miss Tallies MeLay, Mrs. Allen McManus, Mrs Lady McLellan, John Pendergast, Miss Meryl Parker, James Shaper, Henry Scott, Edward Stanley, Thomae, Ensign Voebker, James Watson, James Weibrud, George -Willson, Walter Wallace, Samuel TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. Ha H. OLIVER, LAIDLAW ST1 IN THE VALUE STIPP EAS AND LL EXCELS TED BY H_Tiki COFFEES, Gilve Hi a Trial and Judge for Yourselves. rness, -Saddle and Collar MANU FA CTU RER, Pounds Giood lines for $1 00. TERNS CAS'11.—GOODS ` DELIVERED FREE. Sugancueed HAMS—wholesale ant% Retail, COME ONE COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR FROM ESS J. WARD, SEAFORTHe I 'ieg to state for the informatiou of farmers -and the publia generally, that I have as good. a stock of Harness on hand as any in town,. and I am determined not to be undersold by any other establish. - 286 Main -Street, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLL. A hoiee assortment of li and. heavy Harness, • - Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, iac., kept censtautly on hand. Repairing promptly elect:uteri to, and chin Yes moaerate. Remember the plecenagn of the ecotch Collar. . W.- IL OLIVER. lied 1879„ for -the pnrp se of advent..., on Farm n. d Town Pro ierty at a very low rate A interest., awl on the nost hevontble terms of repttyment2 Lomks or long or s terms of his Society preferable to ny other mode, I for iosta ice, $76 90 I aid at the ei of each half vear, wit pay' back 1 oth primal) e and interest id ort pe fleas.) epayttble by ih- . es, will find. the upon , _ • Money can bee obtained at an time, and with i little or to delay bey nd the thus necessarily -oc- For fn ther pertieu. ars as to erma, &c., apply adj T. d Treasurer S L. KENNEDY, OTTsF., nna ORNAMENTAL PAINTER -1-1- lid ra imr Paperhanging also 11 tteuxied to. W k done tte uheap as by any other good work - raft in the 'bro4ness. All °niers left 'With :arr. Kennedy, or for Wm at the EXPOMOn Office win 279-26 be anuptly at t laded to. I Or to A for • to inodioue onsts, on the salt *Works Grounds, Ming the R tilway Stationaan.d bee fitted it up use. Good. tableand comfoztable is wishing a pleasant, boarding - ply, as there are at present a few sient boarders accommodated at cites. , 228 A POSITIVE FACT ! itiE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN.' NOTE: 8 pounda Loaf Sugar for $L • 10 pounds eciffed Sugar for $1. 15 pounds Currants for $1. ia pounds 1.141. Raisins fdr $1. ' 20 pounde Bright Mee for $L , A 6 pound can of Pettchea for 50 cents. aimed Peaches, Tomatoes, leherries, Peas, Sahuon, Lobstere, Sardines, itc. E- A S That plpasa everyone, and at, all prices. • Presh Ground Coffees at 30 or* 35 Cents• London, Ont. ho e should a aluator- at Sea- vac ncies. Tr - 280-52 les than hetel Flour, Grahain Flour, Oatmeal; Cornmeal, &e. CHOICE BACON •AND HAMS. I CASH FOR BUTT R IN TUBS, AT COMPARISO FACTS AR SOLICITED. ST ;BBORN THINGS, TEAS, SUGARS ND TOBACCOES, Are fresh and gooa. Cheaper thanover offered before, Our stock of diRodERIES- All we ask ita one Walt° convince you that our goods are genuine. 'FLOUR AND FEED, Ae usual. • Stocks reeeitied daily and at Mill prices. i , Of all kinds kept constantly on Neale A ehe ce lot of Smoked Hams and Sides for sale chea.p. ASK ETS. A large lot of Market Baeketti, Clothes ;Baskets a lot of Chaff I3askets. As we have been 'appoint in a position to offer to the trade at whoteetth• pr Also, agents for the sale of JAMES.- PETTY'S two bushel and one bushel Baskets on bima. Also, d agents by' the manufeeturers of the above, we aro SMOKED HAMS AND SIDE rilEAT. Orders left. with ns will receive prOnspt attentien. FRUI+ JARS. A large lot of Air-tigh Glass Jars for sale cheap. All Geodebeught from us delivered either in t wn, Harpurhey or Egmoadville, free of Charge. - STRO G FAIRLNY.