The Huron Expositor, 1873-08-29, Page 1CST 93
''' ' **••--.W„aat
***. . • . ' ...
-ATLANTIC PeaVaattens.
ie Family
and EaCROBag.
patrouized by Her Ifiel
the Prince Consort Name hag
tie Royal Family, at Astleeee.,
audid engegement of the lin
:ley Napoleou and Engel:lie, aim.
laads of the different netr
1/4a1(1 uncivilized waelds.
aeleASTINE. from Bente
aitre (le Ecole aad
7.:•itiestriemee. Wearer of 18
Bronze and Silver.
iJOSEPHINE, With her hi
a Dar, Jose,- hersplee •
tr, BrOtherti. Aett and -
lenglarereFavorit-e Caehen
amder—the Plastic, aud
'Ine, the Baby Acrobats. lax&
French Poodles and ennaing
eom,plete troupe of Leapeee,
are, Jugglers tead Aerobate
illy' at 10, o'clock A. Me lea by
Oa uniform, who pla-Y the
streets. Admissiou, 50 Gene&
ice Outside
Watches, Clocks find Jewelry/ i
or note
aseertea stocks of
'-t vinit Hee awl of the best, make.
.blee te buy Creekery.
LES oi 1,112ifala,
Daetal. can and get some,--theY
scan,. &Lick Bieck, Seatortli-
TNT BROTHERS, Publishers.
50 a Year, in advance.
*al taU tor
01'12., Con. 7, I -ullett ; 100 awes '- 85 cleared ;
Lthe rest in goat hardwood- bush ; laud of first-
etes clear of stumps and in good.
rate eaelata"; GO a
cultivation ; well vatered ; will be e01(1—stiock and
loieith or with( at crops, or othe:Wr.S0- as may be
to laaIANUEL CHAPMAN, on .
agreed upon.'
AVI4Sileess Constance P. 0. 298
the premises, or a
"OR SALE, on
1: Bayfield Coin elision, Goderich Township., con-
k.) of which are leared and in a
1 ivation, and well fenced; the
cred with hardwood and a lit-
, two never -failing spring Greeks
e farm, ar4no waste, land; it
a choice !et; there is a good
stable and ehede ; the buildings
is also a good young orchard,
r; isFsituutedcne mile and-a-
ec of Rayfield, 11 miles from
linton, 14 from; Settforth, with
eitaiag to each ef these places.
r farther perticiulaes apply to
the premises, or, if by letter,
teasonable ternie, Lot No. 75,
bluing 104 acres,
state of good e
balance is well til
tie ceder ; -there a
reaming through
is in every resp
frame house,baz
are all new ; the
half from the 4
aederich, '7 from
good gravel road
price, e2,600.
the proprietor o
Bayfield, Post -0
0 RENT, for a terra of years,
orth part,) Con. 14, MeKillop,
ing of 50 acres, 40 (Attired, the
(1; 2:1 miles from Welton- first
; good well of water; lenci wdll
(1 cultivation ; young orchard
ar. For terms, tae., apply to
he premises, or, if bv later, pre -
Walton P. 0.
.0 Lot No- 15,
(boundera,) cons
class leg builain,
fenced and iu
commencieg to
- the proprietor o
paid, address
T OT No.12, a
-u Concession
50 cleared and i
Gravel Road, 12
276 ANG1
hula) Con.
shoat 40 cleared
buildings ; yo
fenced and to go
Far terms and
',premises,- Or ad
t part of Lot No. 11 in the 18th
Grey, consisting of 78 acres,
ood tultivatioul et miles from
iles from Seefortia Apply to
MeMILLAN, on the premises.
• TO RENT, Lot, No. 10, (west
, Grey, consisting of 50 'acres,
miles from Waltou - good log
= bearing orchard.; Lad well
condition ; good well of water.
tiler partieular,s, apply on the
ss, postpaid,
10eEING compo
ship of Ta
excellent land,
881-.60 feet
Walton P. O.
d of Lot 1, Con.. 10 of the Town-
rsmithe contdiaing 100 acres of
on which there is a new frame
nd also a good' orchard. For
Reconstruction of the Mitais 7.—The
Shoothag teleason.--Illealth a the Mc:-
tropolis.—The Volunteers,
Front an. Occasional Corresp
The topic which, like the rpd
for the moment swallows up
topics, is the reconstruction of
istry. Naturally, the Tory jou
tend to regard- the move in the light of
the Prime Minister's' last despairing at-
tempt to recover his popularity among
the alienated. of the tribes of 1.4beralism,
who, five years ago, lifted up their voices
in unison, and cried aloud there is but
one creed, and Gladstone is its prophet.
Naturally, too, the Liberal journals are
hopeful; as, indeed, I am. It is a thou,
sand pities that the reconstruction . did
not come sooner. Everybody t utside the
Cabinet, if it was not apparent within
that secret conclave, knew too. well that
the Ministry was- daily discredited by
Bruce, Lowe and Ayrton. , • A • weak
Home Secretary, (Bruce,) who . agreed to
everything and did nothing ; a Chancel-
lor of the Exchequer, (Lowe;) who was
never so happy as when he was snubbing
a deputation, or insulting a sithordinate,
or proposing an objectionable .Budget ;
and a Secretary of the Board of Works
whose name Was not Ishmael; but Ayr-
- ten, but whose hand was against every
one, and. every one's hand against -him,
nevertheless. A queer team to drive or
coax, wasn't it ? Gladstone; loyal to a
point of insanity where the honor of a
.subordinate is concerned, tried_his hand
at the reins,- but it was no use.• The c
trio would not be kept in 'hand. Bruce,
the unready, was placable enough, if it
was the placability of imbecility, but the
other trio ! 1t was , only the other day
1 that Ayrton turned to rend. Lowe—who
himself had driven out Baxter, a thor-
oughly usefulla,nd conscientious man, by
his high-handed conduct in regard to the
'Zanzibar "job "--rand astthis sort of
thing could not 14 bomb, even by Glad-
stone, a par ial reconstruction of the
c. el
ndent. to
121873. H
f Aaron, (•:)
all other
mthaies)Nplrine: re
zie's coadju
ability N
y are air
toral puls
of Mr. Br
is old lov
rets' Rad e,
tain Max
isely popul
of his th
ark that
he Home
gue, the
cf the p
giver Hanil
p4. e me in t
c -
11101 t(
1311 NV
t11 S 0
c an
Mr. Glad. -
Politics previce men
strange • yoke -fellows.
y beeinning to feel the
f - London. Disappoint -
laugh, who remaits true
orthampton, the Tower
lkhave decided to " run"
for that extensive and.
d Borough; As a guaran-
ughness it is enough to
possesses the con .iclence
lers, the Land and:Labor
'over Hamlets' Radical.
—Mr. Bridlaugh. • The
etariat is powerful in the
, and it would not sur -
least to se s Capt. Maxse
13ow B4Lts.
• Ma
he Oath
it in 486
hifor sit
it its t
and I
ug soul
ecu all
rtbhaer iiic o
wOhave inc
ich S
uter coi
gipped into
the beholder a most s
is ave w
ns ons, th
an it was
d, I think,
1, tpo, was
t all tho
s whieh ari asy, and other information: ape iNlinistry avas the liappy, if - tardily hap -
lie to the vendor, WALTER 1.1.E4N-e;
term J.Am 'S DAVEY, on Lot 1, Con. 12, °f py, res1.111. I1
iiowe takes the Home Secre-
O., Brant Co., Ont. 9
tarvship, 'He will ben his place there.
'6WIGE, Sr., St. corge P. e
FOR SALE. Bruce takes a peerage—and, thanks
12, Con. 7, TOwnship of Hal e , Heaven for hisetoi Lower
1good- .forth -fro
d. ture from the
-elated, ana -in a hidh state of . £2.(X)0 a yin ea.r. C-1-ladstonelie greatest
g house and firss frame anein finance the work , takes the
•dteds and other outbuilclings ; ' ,
d, the farm is Well watered, seals of the Exchequer and retains the
wing springs, one close to the Premiership. 1 Mr. Adam, a mild person,
e'S from 1C333 -burn, 9 from Sea" noes to the Bloard of Works to comfort
Clinton ; surrounded by good
perturbed. ones there with a cry of
particulars apply to the pro
505 or to Constance P, 0. " peace !" Lord Ripon and Childers re-,
GEORGE COOPER. rare, and certain highly usefil men, in -
• FA FOR SALE. ,4 eluding a former chairman f comm -
ing 100 acres Q of whieh are cleared and in a Say the Tory 'journals, chafin with ill
FOR SALE, L 28, Con. 4, MeRillop, contain- tees, come in,:together with J. hn Bright!
good state of (a 'cation, balance viall timbered concealed anger. Bright:idolatry has gone
with hardwood
barn 50x86 ; an
ing orchard ; we
forth, and witai
For farther partle tears apply to the proprietor on.
the premises. Hall to set the whole land. on tire.
297,1 ALEXANDER SMITH, anybody eau reconcile the oppesing fac-
tions who I are -squabbling over / " the reli-,
ALE IN TITCHERSDIITH. &ions difaculty ' in. the Eduea,tional Bill,
t 25, Con. 2, H.R. S., cOntainine iS alai is ?Lis mission ; Gladstones
-ge 2story briek house; frame,
out of fashion. They never made a
driving-hoase a4x43 ; good, bear-
atered ; 2e miles north of Sea- greater mistake. Sturdy John has only
half a mile of the gravel road. to raise his voice in 13irrnint9iam Town
poR L
-U gores In
-free frem stamp
vationa the bal
land; also a, u
the farm; log I)
which is board. The fea•rrt within 5 miles of Sea -
forth. 6 of Clititon ; 2 Cleirchas within 1 relict
School House 4 rods of the farm; cheese
Factory within miles. Posiession given im-
mediatelY atter harvest. For further particulars
apply to T110*eLAS and j01:IN THORP, on the
premises, or to iettiOrtli P. 0. eee-tt sla,ughteriug the "
-• - -• ----- grouse, at the rate of what sh
FARM TR SALE. a couple of guineas a head..
re or less, 86 of which are clearedr, is to aitornsh iato allegiance- his . recalcit-
tend in a firt-class stete of cult-
, rant followe\ -w o have not felt the
i it
nee in good hardwood timbered ,
ver -failing spriug Greek rising on onarm of hits marvellous Blidgets for
eldirvis - good_ fencee, 150 rods of years.
This is the 11.2th ofAugust
;lordS ancl commons as -can a
for the expensive sport are
Concession 4 IL-dltt; 140 acres, to the reports of the Scotch
",'nleo 5,
more or is 80 agree cleared. Plenty of water,
birds- this ye, both bad.
and the nortiab -mach of tM
he aitland River run- V'
ning through t e 18 acre bush ; good fnces. haviner bean decimated by the
ply on the prei ises to the proprietor &Told. hatching time. I, kn
JAMES.MARTIN, even now saline grouse in L
when such
id to Pay
Ugacied in
' atilt -wise
11',I say?
apers, the
and scarce,
iseases and
w they are
adenhall at
or addrConstathe rate of say Eve shillings a mouthful,
elis nce P.
FARM FOR ALE. and I strongly suspect that
FOR SALE, Lot Z,ib Concession H. R. S., birds d.eparted this life
Tnekersmith, containing 100 aeres, ;38 of which twelfth. But what business
Th ti b 1 mine ? I own no shooting.
are cleared all a first class etate of cultivaion.
111 -
e re et :
there is a lari,
bank barn. 70-x 40, and all other necessary outb
lags; also, a good orchard; a spring creek runs
through the ft rin, passing near the buildings; it
is:dilated on the Huron Road, three miles from
Seaforth and f ve from Clinton. For further pee-
iculars apply ti the proprietor,
lid is all Imedwood, and uneu ec
a brick house with kitehen ; a goo4
289 Seeforth P. 0.
OR SALE- OR TO RENT. type, caa scarcely be said to lave obtain -
le TO RENT, on reasonable terms, ed a footina in London' wha, ever certain.
Lot 8 C tneession 8, Hallett, consisting o . . •
100 acres 80( f whic.h are cleared and in a state of alarmists wouli have peopl at a distance
good allure eon, and well fencd.. There is a believe to the dontrary. So e of London
eseafraree 1 ean 60x40 and suitable sheds, else n,ight be purer but of thci so t'e of drain
, ,
age =we have littre, if an geound for
complaint. Our , ?de of trying away
the daily accumnli Wig filth of the city is
For fertherp ticulars apply to the paaprietor on
the ptemites r addrees Constence P. 0. dmilable.
F RM FOR SAL. H the I uke of C mbridge, hns
hose same
ot on the
is that of
A further- change in the
additional depression of the cif
May bring with it an increa
aic maladies, but to -day w
happily, to show a tolerabl
health bth in that respect
f choler -
re enabled,
clean bill of
and others.
toba in 1860.
al of St. Bonifac
no man will ever
that time
ets twain,
atly fear t
refin f taste
ed to mod fy its unique
s lendor. I e lies -
of which was overed
of mud, or it seemed
p rtained to the re erence
Boniface is held o keep
• ina state of even m derate
`rom this mu dy veg ilaule I
the nave, w -doh oduced:
in all
St. B
at in
see it
he re-
om the gal
all , stunn
haned curt
in ttohrekveiyrgrhe
barber -poles.
that now re
al in the wi
most, stunn
. ion in the
•torts' new
ith; its gild
nsci orna.m
ploted orga
t. Bonifac
ecaOse I fe
irtnitic fedi
is !hideous
• auctioned 1
r. Sto rrs,
•;:ec and. sp
you d, inde
• ld corn
ihall ch ceili
ents of
about equa
ugh it seeme
ong or brow
three galleri,
very roomy i.
ght of form
• by the st
as a blaze of
disjointed ra
mies, stared.
d you trona tu
ins were crim
was a half
, the pillars
Such is tie im
ins with me f that
derness. t ought
g piece of tenor
world until visi
hurch of th Pilg
ights. That urita
d stars in a lue ce•
ntation, and its ba
-pipes offend mein
I only m ntion
✓ that in the enetal
M. people or a
defeirmity o garis
y the truly great
ay break out like th
ead withou prote
if tins
rom s
he co
The cholera. itself, I mean the Asiatic
a splendia or
miles from
a mile of a
fall plowe;
hard; well Watered.; one and :a -hal
village of Kinburn, and 14ithin-half
od gravel road; there are 30, acres
iumeaiete possession will be given.
SOHN STEPHENS, Proprietor.
the figure cut by the voltin. eers on, the
been pleased to his 0 tisfaction at
A. VALUA 3LE FARM, 100 acres, First Con-
, graveclesrliat reKillon near Seaforth, on the main
from stump
erase; well
Blde, and go
atitplelygotood an.
272 !LUDWIG MEtR, Seaforth P. 0.
the men, and. in theintellegence of th
MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. officers, clearly proving • the useeful re
sults Of the instruetion so largely Impart
cleaied, with geod barns awl stab eh ed now to the several echo+ of theeauxi
31, Con. 7, McKilloP, containing 19
herds hi full bearing: two nevr-fail- lia,ry forces, together witl :oter *of •
itijunt .sisup p ly the. mill.. Also, let eer
acres of haat . The property ' :
of the increased. efficiency Of the volim
6 nalee tam: Safrth, with a good , teer•S ak I noticed. in His Royal High
__ ____.... _____ Journahsts of all shades of opinio
ItLilr,,,., ,,,,-,„a r„-,-„ er„,,pogea of North tion, and Ito onder why: hat most el
2 rE-a,
as::: nifeilw : .1::•,111.R ,00t, 1 : t<,, mehai I( $L, e,r11.,1 zoy on
aues and ti half from fl- Lama 'travel road; 10 miles ject is gitting somewhat stale, but p.
oni th the other hand. - The su
I Ilia ,e011t1lillilg 100 11(W, JO cletuec .
timbered s itt 1 -1. • 'a • e 1 fr lie house 'd,..,lata oni the one hand.; or Mr. Batt
'weli fell,"e11, Ella ill 'alli etlitiVall011; balance well
aril . „.01414 a( ,
eto er 1 atee of Seaforth ; there are tWO St1q1111 mit Ina oo word by way of explaam
zitittpee Inn :It miles ; convenient to cherche, -. -
--eoele end 1 Lan ile failure.It is pretend
y s •
pcIlt sAi E, cheap, two Store
e, with gnoa dweiir Pe t. 1 t at the Trinitarians of Gre -
Godurich ; 85 acres cleared and free
35 acres. plowed, the rest under field day to Wind. up the p •oceeiugs at.
atred and fenced, with large frame AVilUbledOn Says " Gleoe," "1 hav
admit atie log farm hoes-aboveLied out
19th of last month, whet. they had a
oreleLrd ; poseession immediately grea,t satisfaction in reportinet most' fa-.
id 1 terms eaey, For farther partieulars vorahia,' of all that came Ander nay no
• fee • Great improyement in the drill o
acres, al
two geoa or
e• cunt
is situated
gravel roaa
hereto_ For further partiular4 apply neess letr.
on the pre ri ies. If elee" pest. to .J -01-1.1a •
80X,Conee nee Pe 0 linburu, Out, a 260
EARA FOR SALE IN MeMLLOE. continue 110 harp on the CI: 7eenwich ole
atel the west he' f of lot 14, Con. lightenedlconstituenc3r preferred an 01) -
‚tiller to the Nfinisterial Gait -
or pr
t you f om the
ceilin. The
on, th statue
breed dressed
were gigantic
athe.d -
it the
ed Dr.
mas on
ing, its
re than
t here
lack of
• tects
ame of
small -
t. It
ntry, if
n -pipes
its dia
✓ than
ig two -
e chan-
d, be a pity,
to glitter
gs all over
ry bal istrades an
hoald. ever where take • n colors that
would, by ft sociation, gie e one sense-
:cin1,1. of beir g lathered And scr ped all
hrd igh ser non -time. The da -k ages
ne -better than that.
B it for S Boniface I would not have
fiad it other ise. The he'll -bread taste
s a half -ba, barons taste, and i., would
e ard ' to make a half breed believe
ha St. Pe er's surpassed. St. oniface.
n I dolt t whether, ' to his eye, it
woi ...c1 seem at all equal to it. rotest-
ant s I am, let me praise the 'atholic
Ohl rahfor ht one may call th relativ-
ty f its me hods. It suits iisel to peo
le, and, I oubt not, the influen e of the
prie thood has been the reat c nserya-
tive force that has sad the French
hal -breeds from absolt te ba barism.
Thi cathedral is to them almo t what
-the teinple as to the Jews.
I was no a little interested o learn
tha all th. work in bright co ors was
dori by a nun as an act of cevotion.
Th poor. w Man worked at it a whole
yea, and f r along time afte it was
co pleted y very sick. It wa, her ala -
has er-box f ointment very co tly, and.
wile shall ay that if was not ' rery ac-
ceptable toi the Master who loo -s at the
mail reached. th
six 'months, by
One enthuastic
Tizes, receivin,
ments, which 11
in a heap, ol
Every mornin
settlement just once -in
way of Hudson's Bay.
esident took the London
it in half -yearly instal -
straightway spread out
lest papers uppermost.
ie took off just one pa-
pereand thuscia pt up the sensation of
having , fresh. iews every day; He
would lay down his paper in the Midst of
-a battle and sa e the reseuntil the next
morning.. He N as nearly a year behind
the woe0, but hatitid not matter. The
news was fresh to 4im.._Ettivard Bugle-
tbe L.
the premises:, or; if by letter, to • that he, a, dissenter, should. have n
stea perticulars apply to
Stipported by dissentrs. - UndoubteLly
---- he sliouidl, and May add Would, if !i
pRopERNY FOR SALE. . were an rthodox, but Was it to he t
vajlhexarhad, in the centre of the business Wieh woOd vote for Umtarian of, Ifie
A Thistle In
ed M the town
County of 'Br
this oficial cit
mgistrates, fo
within\ their re
the pa
pector has been appoint -
hip of South Dumfries,
nt. A few days ago
four pathmasters before
Blowing thistles to grow
pective beats. Each of
master- was fined. $10 and costs.
Dafforn, a gardener of
has ci rons which weigh 23
—Mr. J. B.
Parkhill, was
$200 gold; wet
some neCklace
zens of Parkhi
leaving that pl
eeves, station master at
ecently presented with a
h for himself and a hand- torneys m Montreal,
for • his wife, by the citi- flamme & Co., to hist
1, on the occa,sion of his damages, to the am ant ' of $50,0.00
ce. ! against the proprietors of the Montreal - int,
, pena
Gazette. Similar proc edings have been ' wi& i he has
—The Listowel fall races will take shot at four hundred times
'place on Thurs. ay aud.- Friday, 4th and taken against the K uston .Yew:, for • •
e' , since the covenant, takinga drink very
th of Septem er.
- —It is ruined that Mr. W. K. Mair he Montreal Herald says: Several
threatened with a pe'
platf rm. Enquiry having been madef
the f, ct was jeveloped that the unfeelr
ing f ther liaitgone off- on the train,
leaving the child tb shift for itself. A
teleg was innnediatelY desptched,
and an hour or more afterwards an an-
swer as received to forward the child.
on ednesday morning. The intention
of d sertimt was ,evident, and.' it seems
clinic It to explain such heartless cruelty.
- painful *Meat occurred to a
lad. about sieyeu years of age, Son
Jonathan !Moore, of the twnsiaip
of M rris, on Tuesday of last week. The
lad N as going to school, and on his way
had pass throuyeli a gateway. In at-
tempting to open the g te, the lop hinge
beim loose, it fell back on him, breaking
his t ligh bone.
— IcLennan, of Gle garry, the \cham
pion ammer thrower, liallenees Donald.
Diunie to throw the li ht or lieavy ham-
mer for $2,000.
--The Pacific Sca
have fixed upon the 4t1
the day for the comme
—Mr. McMullen, o Pacific Railway
Scandal notority, has aumtleisosrrisz.edEli.isi ja4t-.
tute an action of
dal Commission
of September as the h
cenaent of the in- his
to th American sidel On his return f he
stopp d when in the centre of the rOpe,
is balance pole and cloak into the
and then jumped from the centre
rope to the river, a distance of over
et, disappearing from sight in the
He rose M a moment, and Nias
up by Men ready -in: a small boat,
as taken to the shore.
cast 1
of th"
awl -N
on 'C
a mil
Sample of the first carload of flour,
fromthis year's wheat, which has
eceived m Montreal, was clislayed.
env last Thursday, the 23d. It
rom Galt, and much superior to
ade from last year's wheat:
11 the grading on the Southern Exs'
11 of the Wellingtmi, .Cirey and
Railway is completed. except abont
The contractor is gushing for -
the work with energy, and trabk-
r is progressing fast between Wing-
nd Lllek13 OW.
lad, four years old., son of Mr.
Brown,! of Proton, Was shot through
dy while he was pieking berries in
ethrs field, by smile party ten -
The child ran to- the house and
d dead..
hree well-known individuals in St..
rims recently entered into a cove-
ot to indulge in the use of intoi-
• _
liquors for, one year,- under the
ty of $100, 'except when duck shoot -
One of the party has an old drake
e vilittee of Seafrth. The lot is 30 feet 'broadest and most rationalistic ty
McCALIGHEY HOLMESTED Anyhow 'they didiet vote for him, d
or furthsr particulars apply to
that p ompts, and not at th
he test that executes?
was very courteously show
-AndreW's (English) ;Clitirc
erable 1 Aachdeacon Hunt
n we einem to the organ ,i
ed. to find. it was automati
rs arranged t� turn out t
of fortfr tunes, .It seems
e provincial churches it i
•. to use these Sunday -go -t
•d-orga is. The . - A rchd
dly tu ed the crank and
Du • dee- fO my benefit.' The
mite a ri ton, but the gm
mu t -have Wearied. of those fo
bu a craa4cpreacher is far wor
lie Huck= Bay Compan
th, t day, nearly a monoply of
NVII/Oh NV01111 S,complish this .object, n- ! I
an -they.Were as independent
art of Winning custom -by oblering man- quired of l.- employei- if he could. recom- i t
ne s as trip. French 133 erchamts in the days mend any thnig This indivival, no : NI
of {Who. The store was sin t up three doubt, inte ding to have a joke at the g
, expense of
ho rs in the middle of the day or dinae,
an 1. the cilistomer`A roasted in ti e sun out- ..: young man
a, substanc
sic e until it opened. A clerk hrows the
• nd seizes answer the
pping pa- , use it „S,
mer brings strong.
f t contained t
th rough
by the
r ;
vas sur -
with cyl.
rder any
at in re-
uite coin-
033 very
•ouncl out
rgan had
of •Stratforc , being anxious to improve
his persona appeaa,nce, by having re- v
ety. tunes, rnoved fro his face a rather- thieke
had, in covering of recides, after applying invain h
he trade, all the 'apo rhecary shops for something p
f the
of Dundee is
in the shape of a
rove to be a great -
e Canada thistle.
orny Clotbur, and
nally conae from
ge plant, and is
ard firm and
alf an inch. to an
we b
to ti
and the drake isn't dead yet_
, . --The neighborho
intends shOrtl
Manager of th.
he will be app
tercolonial Rai lw,ay.
—A drunke
came to his de
few days ago.
to resign his position of
Great Western, and that
inted manager of the In -
shoemaker in Kingston
thin a peculiar manner a
He was living in. a house
while in a state of M
rs come to us from Ottawa, for the
weed which inaiyet
truth of which; however, we do
et annoyance than t
old ourselves resonsible, though
It is known as the Ti
lieve them to be true. These are
is believed to have ori
e effeet that the Pacific Railwa,y
Mexico. ft is a la
act lam been formally resigned into
covered with seed -p
ands oi Vie Government ; that the
sharp prickles from
by himself, in inch in length, and it s said that it was nissionaiii Royal has adjourned. it
ill the 4tli of •September, e and that
toxication fell backwards and his bead first bronght here M buffalo bales. It
the(-overnramitliave notified. their House
went into a po and he was drowned, in has spread. very rapidly this season, and
• mnions supporters to be in readiness
scarce two gal ons of water. care should be taken y all interested to of U
for a meeting of Parliament at the short-
--The bake of Manchester, who is at havee:cut down before the seed
present on a short-
to • this countiy, ac-
•bie paid vi : Guelph d Toronto to Hamilton. in 40 minutes, or circumstances, living a few unite froin
a mile a minute. Caledonia, committed suicide on Thurs-
day evening last by poisoning -himslf
fast time
with strychnine, which it seems he had.
avish, of Con. a2,
carried about with him_ for a year past.
his bull from the
The unfortunate man had. been, addicted
y attacked by the
to drink for Many years, but
would. inevitably
hs had been , uite teraperat
for several
ina last and had as a portion of its cargo have been klld, had it not been'for the Inbn (.1 e. . He
-est n tice consistent with the .lve rega
letug the subject
cornpanied by Professor Goldwin Smith - • • •
—Mr W K Mui, on his return from
Colonel Denni oa. and Hon. David. Chris -1 England, traveled. in is special car from —George Lindle, a fanner in good
o y
last. • The vieitors were entertained at at the rete of about
lunch by th prominent citizens, and This is making pretty
were afterwar
agricultural f
-e-•The stea
Sarnia for La
s taken to visit the new • —As Mr. John _ale
Hibbert was leading
er Manitoba arrived at stable, 4e was savage
e Huron, on Friday even- treacherious brute, an
left written paper stating that the act
active isiterference of is wife and labor
$30,000 wort of furs. was done of his own free will, and that
-A•painter m Hamilton, while paint- ing man. As it was, he sustained such
310 one but himself was to blam. The
an the wind.o • Sash in the third story severe iiersonal injUri s that his medical
attendalt at first d spaired of his re- paper was written and signed in quite a
of". building, ost his balance and would e0e4y.
have fallen to the ground; but when he
business -like manner.. -
A remarkable
vith the for). and
Commission. issued
ire into his own
s almost identical
one issued in the • ab'
ncl which was ig- tha
of Commons of raa
of c
med. George. Saun- ani
ricus accident on
t. He was work- • and
nd stumbling, fell lee
he three prongs of: for
ack, ma,king severe ;
• far
milton is about to
owers of the Domi- ent
-In the Monetary Times of th-e 22d.
--tAn exchange say
felt himself oina he stuck his hands
point in connection
through the p ues of glass and hung- on wording of the Royal
by the sash ui til assistance reached him. by Sir John, to enq
His hands we e Welly cut. -
con uct, is that it
the celebrated
of Charles II.,
d: by the nous
A. young man n
—A daugh er of Mr. Paul Keenan, of wit
Petersville, n
ago, had a lig
machine, at
The lamp, fro
known, explo
girl was drea.
aboat the heal, neck and face. Herre- We
st impossible. ing
ar London, a few evenings eeig
ted oildamp on a sewing nor
vhich the was working. tha
some cause not definitely
ed, and the unfortunate der
fully buraed and scalded Gre
covery is alm
—The St.
the event of
Shrievalty of
cal Legislatu
that 44 Mr A
lary 'Argus says that in uPo
Ir. Gibbons accepting the whi
Huron, his seat in the Lo- WO
e. will become vacant, and
Chiliad Bishp, Warden of
the County, and. Nkl hos has for the last the)
fifteen yars epresented the township of bee
Usborne in the County Council, as ale.
Reev'e, is lik ly`to be the Reform candi-
date. The eformers of that noble g18
County will 1 aye in Mr Bishop a worthy pm
inst. we fin d• the following ; "It has'.
been. rumored for a fortnight past that
the suspension of the Joseph Hall :Man-
ufacturing Company at Oshara, was
t to . take place, and now we hear
the eveut has huppened. The im-
iate cause is stated to be the return
rtain foreign bills for a considerable
unt drawn 'against machinery ship-
ee pied to Great Britain. The management
in the employ o' Mr. John. Hill,
I been altogether too speculative, and.
'met with a c
Inesday, 13th in
in the hay loft,
a pitch -fork,
h entered his
A brewer in H
the respective
and. ,Local G Vernments, having ; gin -
1 Icy of management.
lined for selling two dozen bottles of
He contends tat his brewer's li- 1 —The eleetion in Montreal West for a
e gives him the ight, whilethe Ma- I 10Cal representative has resulted in favor
rate thinks tha, the Ontario law'; of the Conservative candidate. There
g of the
n the tonsi
Wallace, it was ` tion by n, majority of .408. Ihe total
• and d.eided that Re orm vote, -however, exceeded the
enemy to the potato has th seas", 1 mi ber cast for the Conservative °audi-
o grain this
This ! da e by 735.
Chippewa. in the shape of will be $2 above last year's pries.
On Tuesday last -a man namecl Eras -
grub, which burrows into w I bring it about e 9 per day, or at the i
1 tus Shelters, a resident of the village of
enetrates the potato itself rat of three cents p r bushel.
d havoc of a hill full M a --Mr. Simpson, din the boundary be- :
! Ar Iland, arrived in a buggy at ChiPpa-
I I -ar •
The pottoes examined tw een Grey and Mc 'Mop, has this year ;eva and proceeded to the railway station
eld. of :wheat. _He wh re he found his wife. He fired.
heie, which is „an fec M the arra and the other in the side.
th ee shots at her, two of which took ef-
om the proceeds of
the capital ..diffused. too widely and
ecl up. - Doubtless the Company suf-
d seriously from the vieious system.
mule of. long -drawn out credits to
ers for agricultural implements.
would be glad. if the fottunes of the
rprise can resuac-iated and. a new be-
ing made under a mor&praclent p01- ,
ishese for selliag
standard b arer—a gentleman whose rig t, and fined him
more than orilinary intellectual At a late meeti
and tong mu icipal experience will enable thr .shing machines
him to repre
ably and pro
—A new
turned up a
aneugly whit
the ground,
and'nakes s
ver:short ti
had. he enti
—A day o
Falls, on th
and Campb
were attack
their reach'
Lauder hit t
and Mr. S
en t any constituency honor- Pe
tably. un,
Maryboro an
nimously agree
price for threshi
rovincial -were three candidates in the field, one
CoeservatiVe and two Reform. This
wners of . caused a split in the Reform vote and al -
hi s of : lowed the Conservtitive to win the elec-
inside eaten out- an unusually large
• two sinee, while at Niagara re ently threshed. f
Canada side, J. B. Lauder lo r acres-, 182 b
ll :Symington, of Detroit, - av rage Of 4.54 bu
d by a huge rattlesnake, but NV
ess preveuted a bite. Mr.
e reptile with a stout cane, is
minaton whose avoirdupois eel
does not fall far short of 300 pounds, re
finished th
snake's hea
--JA fast
job by stepping on the
oung man in the fast town
els per acre. The ,i
1-1' then went to the boat where he fired
eral shots at the Captain, Benjamin
n, but did. not hit him. Some per -
s then ;attempted to take away the,
elver.. He attempted to shoot him:
but was prevented. He then plunge
int° the river, but on rising swam to
boat, 4ad. held out his hand to be
NV11 in. Jealousy was the cause, 8hel-
s having said that if he caught his
e and. Dam together again he would
ot them. The woman is seriously
e recovery.
unclad but hopes are- entertained.. of
e .
. •
. One dollar a barrel was recently
a d. in Quebec for water.- The regular
u .iply for city use was cut off far several
a s on account of some disarrangenient
his vain employee, told. the . n the Machinery used to force the Miter
that he was in possession of
1 c ist of the product on of oil. : •.' fr m the. reservoir.
o 1 Monday mornin 1at, a house Wang- ed
1—ThomasO'Brien, of Montrealeplead
- which, he believed, would • During a seve thunder storm early
erd, On the Proof line guilty on Tuesday, in pre.sence of the
nts burnt to ashe. •
I Pclice Magistrate, to the charge of halt -
mos in the. same viein- inwilfaututyheverreicieuueta elielicmtisoenif ill tisixavteacriitlylg,
struck by lightning„
more or less by the
that he was Thomas Boyce, eartd, now
sometime deceased, and was remanded
on, BrantfOrd, Hamel-
' . tolawait the action of the Queen's Bench.
id M a short tune that youths pee are the only points ,___. Mi. l‘lackenzie is making nimeelf
a strope• resemblance to a in this Province N Idell. Barnunfe great heard in the keiwer Provinces. He de-
though the lenge welts how is likely to aisit this season. ' liveredt an address.on the political skint
' ! tNivvofmtalieg(Dmn Niiiti)i\o,an i'scloTiletimaatr,lasis)tokeet
—Hay, grain a id. root crops through-, 1 e
mt Nova Scotia
se well, and are '
he average of fort
ea was of the Tieadwell variety. ' ee•
-Lieutenant-Col nel Walker "Powell
gazetted. Adjuta t. General of ; re
• the Dominion place of. Colonel I eel
thertson Ross, ev o has resigned. • • ;-ed
- •
—A_ store clerk amed Williams, re. til
ling in Ottawa ha fallen heir to :dr
0 by the death of an. uncle in New ter
rk State. Luck man to have so Con- wi
nient an uncle. sh
—A patent self- egulating wind. mill w
s been put into s ccessful operation in h
trolia,!for the pu pose of pumping oil.
is claimed. that his power is sufficient.
work the pumpit
ells, and will
eat saving in s
g apparatus of many
nseqaently affect a,
am, and lersen the
de, ired g4ods at a purchaser
his mene3r abruptly, No wr
pc is furnished, but each ciist
arge - boldred ;hand kerchie
ther for suaaer and so on_
lity of tea : but th
certain. number of chests
ry morning. If they 'short
by 400D none will be o
next ; morning, though SQ• T
may have conie twenty mi
T e mui6rc:e of the se
at 34 was carred on b
'tis, t which were bitched
ponie The same carts n
the 'In t. Theie. cart
thout Meta ; the Wheels ai
d '
deer -thongs.. The long tram
1 1 arts \with grea.
o 1
t is good.
are &Gesell ed.
d be temp-
ened until
e custom-
es to buy
tlembii in
aaeane of
ar are used
are made
e tired. With
of several •
purpoSe, but warned _him to
tngly, it was " rather i to a Mr. Snepe
'agerly seizing the vial which ear London, was
e precious liquid,' and forget- ad with its cont
everal other buil
ting the admonition of his employer, the
'outh applied its contents libe
s face. The lotion was Can -
'fly blister," a, most power-
er Uy to 11
Ulm -ides:,
fu fluid, a
vi -age bor
O lored
m -an deein in all directions across his
el eeks were rather more irregulat . than
is usually wen ona chart. „It is teed-
-s tteadc. that the remedy proved effied-
chits, but in rernoving.the freckles it lie-
f rtanate reinoved the skin also.
—The AratfOrd Betpwn of last week
s, ys " Tuesday afternoon man, •
a ;comptu ed. bV two childi•en. came off
y were. damaged
aid.. •
—Torttito, Lon(
in and. A. Cathar
several hours and was listened to by
very large coneonrse of pople.
— The town comicil of St 'CJ
id, Cape Breton pren*'fo
er years. •
xpec.:ted to ibe up to a
, •
in hand. AN'elland Rail Works of that teeen. Irone
a resolution eaeneting..
--John Brown, the ereat 'Contractor of h ve passvi.
fhoold, has arra needtlo import Chineee
—A child. wa recently born in en •
xation for ten years on contlitions
laborers to compl.-te the contracts he has -
herstburg Ont having two grandmot t ey continue to dmploy -not less than -)
thw cheese market in Ingersoll,
winter his (rives \lay to .10g -sledges. t Godmich. Leaving the children in 1, etrs, and a on Tuesday lst, the offerings were the
three greS -grandmothers,
w are strang1y g,roesc ue. In the t ie. train from, the east, intending to go
ich d es ! gives
od at he sight of ! t waitieg room, Jhe proceeded to one of -
eme u 11 I found •th t• they were not t in: the vicinity,. to get some
g yen. t One -een leman kept • s
t tenty- our of, these n'ionstrous dog-
le- hotel'
ipper. The, younger of the children, •
mut fi "e years old, followed hith, but
as soul led and. eene back. Some tirne
h reels. •
I th olden time, before cernmimica- fter, th., Godericiatrain having left the
t. Raul, the 1little fellloW was1 found crying on the
t on. wee opeued through 6
step -great -grand,
Belleni, of Peri
the feat of wa
loiag, spanning
site the Clifton
minutes tfl NNW
other living. largest of the, season. 0‘ zr
afternoon. last Professor nearly all of August make, were olferol.
France, accomplished The views of buyers anil sellers were far
king a rope 1,500 feet = apart. Eleven cents were offered for
he Niagara River oppo- 1 several factories e a() sales reporteid.
onse. He took sixteen I The attendance ol salesneee, (rem a a -
&Gm the Canada side 1 tanee was very lane,