HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-15, Page 8A u GUST Af VR0 X ;EXP SITORW THE f NVellington, Grey an ,nd tion, read from M isterPaine. W: T. I �ot.se becoming friglit(n b* from: J. Mena vy,7 en losing broler to. be M S vel I 4 .1 in ettn his e-11111st 11ave Bro. G. en W. 0. G.; Bro. J.. Bruce Railw-iays 10 d )i�, the his'afp�arance Fhen foil I itw debentures. 0 frieilofliway'from t e 40tel, signed for $2,000 �-t aY T. Reinha rt, some c I nee as his W. C a hen4bou.-two: Xn e rgged The following aecOunts wer'-presente4 8 Sister M. A. Mil P11 road, once Tr urwee. -chell IV. arf; ers thes were. torn, and e was covered south of Belmore r. Hen4 a had clo auly, W. and ordered to be ,i (1, v i z. : A. Stew 3, captured Y and Im a., 930 (D A nd� 0 n old t with dust. , The h0v a a, L S.; Sister H work on bou 'Jry�axre 611 onpa rien who ccasion to W 0 We 9, about two miles fit AM er oil NV e are 1 Sister ampbell, W. D. M- 836 25 MATTERS rid accordi-�i I John Grant, ditching, Con. 2, live� by. the wrty, a],. iposite 0 williallison d to learretlat the old entleman is, g�raeling op into. -rar the sit bc use, lea lug gla Win th getting loing as well co ild be expect- Clintbri. -IV), Qt30;) dreorge Dark, cut- ai 10 lot 7, Coll. 11 tak char . of the 6rse. 11 b uivek 12, A' I 1-10U�,,&-NIVTe learn that-' e, "an I the nature (FROM THE NEW ERA-] mercha-uts, will have in the, remaned it the ho of his friend 4b u ed, considering his a tiTa hill and building I s.BR&Try & Co�, ideroad -k n ivhea 11 'came out ). �start in his injuries. o a a i . 1101,i'DAY.-Monday next, 18bli inst. �ejI7 Donalof McNair, woi: it large minutes con *e of a (lay- or two, from r 0 IAqnOr8, Teas, 14- h u bli 50; Hugh McNeil, tit npik- Y)r"&p olus Ai of impo his 0 No. 4, $2 ed Wines and - astofiishm )e! obierved, in Clinton as a P .0 rt again. Bit to NJ v ra cioceries, which they will be inaton. Will I Con. 13, �62 80 L Su a t r eip nb The Equal g, grubbing) ete-Y r eibt a =d Gone icS, bor�e, bit an e strang i(ay. Sell at prieelB a groot deal less than tl 0,,10 50 �Vitnesses , 1, the SRIC,- -where to followei tb e rack railway arb ds for befo Par e 11o;the Editor of the -Mr. Wm. Rattenbury ha-% q., ever offer& �,00 XENV HOTEL. side- che gier will do well. to alland satistv t selves oad. when, ot coprse, James Kellery covering crossw-%Y, t week of the bugg to the 91 SIR : I your issue f las purchased 40 feet of the Grigg by ot �Ue fact before going else ' where. CumIghaors, Oat it, Itud could not tell,FhieY way the to n. $9' ed to B.1c: ek, he oitnted out the injust.ce that eistxte_,� south of his billiard 'saloon? on road No. 5, Con. een taken. 4ually I e ect Thom as IV illiamsOn seconded by -i�! horse had b He p ships f this County w 11 stiffer from th( which' be'in tends immediately to r n, that, whereas *the Municipal I VI LEM Slemmo SALE I q R lcertin A 0ord- i*et person on. the road who tc.14 him �,OR, decisioli of Judge Toms. I witi, a hotel� FAROT IF -OR hope late b out- how it -The W. M. 'Church Council of the township of G�yl, in the oo h bad met a man- t1rivina 1 11) 8� Italian Violin Strimigs, of fillest quaytv, 6 with your -permission i poul, NE* -PAR.-,O-XAGE. irous of opening -oT 12 rou, at of 1. uron, is (lea 11 of 1* is, at a to Drug Store. nsering 0 the d"%cAption; I ' eLold . iincorporated v Ilages. Fol have purchased the residenec Of Mr. County Of 1-t f the boundary, line be- L in affects'. ul acrk-, elle-ftl1­0 o ap a, rious rat,,� toW,%T�dS urpo ate olu well V, AssoRTNItExT of Toilet Belmorel this p se I will t1ke lie villa e. Win. G on the.corner of 9pencer and that portion 0 -French and 11glioll se 'and Nirr (I at lithe said township Of, Girey aAd VreAdhau& English. Also, gentleman gave c4a Ige.. The twee hel: w wt ma­ ITooth. Brussels and the villige of Wroxet Notll`;;1t9r9eets, for a parsom ll_�Wj NjUEL C1 r pv. -furaery,,Comb:§,'Bl:ushes, Hair, No AteYv ulli- tOWDship Of Elmaj ill the' County of th o pply to -q eCa upon. A Beituorein an--almost-exhall' house:is brick, nearly new, not uitA3 Drng,-)tore. Wroxeter eaedt $28, 00, increase Brit4hea, t R. Lm h ow ;ra'veler' lying between. the :EigLhbh or 9atiress C0114ta=01- 0- 21!$ tio�i,- to learn :that finished and is a comfortable residence. Pierth, id promisess with his hi cal el, 71 per cent,, equliz d i alue $147,88 on tile oft s ,URE DRUGs and DYE The ptice hat whereas townships )rise 'haol led atitll� 0'- od of Tenth Concecsi a of the sa ------ -ate I had County i - hburho Ij� mills tc tU dollar, $16 is in the Beig and 't at Wol after taking of Grey and Elma, FARPA F square arink Judge Toms It if, oli�,account of n reasouab)0 terms. Lot Ste �td arrhi-ng, fiesh and of the beat qr I' uder- 5S - Brussels equalized b $1,600. -a quarter aere lot. y . ry linP, Hibks.ox"r Drug qtore. hurried off at f ll ee . - . . F ' Us to the do,:- y afternoon the adboinid. FOR- B- d TN r q 000, CoUnF3, L rate Mi R 14,%VAY _�erich TAwlL_U1 PL, V� .-On turd, -let (I could �Lee the 51 nataral diff �Ities, catiltot without great Bjlyfi�ld COM t arGlt =61 and, LARGE LOT Of plate( 9011.was tired 0 ;i excess of NIVri xeter, $10 0%'.. E!S owhic i Batter 01) let Stauds anci Glassxvarc, bought fa, y m aole last orse attached to buggy, belong- and S�ad we]. fenced; f �n jar, $157 5 11) Ele a�ccording pays $ -expense be -made a goo,( 900" li�uit no longer, Wroxeter thus 0 n Oi-e.Of Cout 7 nr. T. Champion, Granton, con- state o a witk, hardw� oil and a -1 vt e$ or 6 K i 8 t unicipal �18 vll who, whereas the sai(I ocil of fills case kiown to I a ar has a pot - ight are two r tied a e jae ce, Ift jand;j rt thiBrussels. -. ro)c et, tanin' his wife and son, took fi al�d no 1, -rrey propok to deviate Suilda au&- it +as, at once 9 the township of C I ation is 250 cres f rough the I IMOTHY SEED AND uL ro b3 LES.- of 650, the arel, the Bank, nd runniDg in the ut eiglity C -, gO A dispa4c e a 00118 a1 16 to when road a distance Of bO 'c h lot re 11i A t h d sMrs. Champion agaihst a 'every Tes1W ST , G & F11LIRLEY, Seniforth, Lave on, bft ny wiran while Brussels ePtil: about 850 f ditch, threw into the toN rey aforesai, W-1111 the tail ty of good TimothY Seed. 'lot of foll6w tvi Ind arrest the tbief. he vilship of G e-hougebain stable Lu �tting her head and otherwise there'll Also a 46 Y it; populatiort, and 450 'acres of land.' I he iiii'lliciP8 ew d Shingles., good and ii stable r urned o lBelmore late S anday tree -box, ci whereas t corporations of u . ;pis inta mile Una ae all , 3 bear - is sita -on 3noing mutually th tl).e-trilInt passeilig �Vholil will no%v pnint out wh t krussels would b hek. The hori6* contillued. on, miles Jg nnpt �agp f Ba� field, 11 h bAlf from nnected wit, the -said townships Ca SuBmaDERS.-The E TOR, f on- have to pay thisyer f c) nUrning the comer near Coop# 116"locked up. in ja e place it Bin' agree as to the propriety of de*iatiti'a Go 14; from s eaforth, fr Tees- Factory, C -i gra lej& g, to �ach iof these. plae be sent to New Subscribers from this dat�B 1 1 - Morris an�d G1 rey , All oliris' part of ran against a pile of lumber, had been capture. 'i (I )road as foroi7said, and the -propor- eas6d boy out and leaving the 90?a further apply Id ba f( and of sels, $20,107. v dub iner ing the tioate shareof the expense me Jan. 1, 1,874, for 50 centq­ throwi to be bo w if by lett aor, but no trace cou per cent., e. ualize :Y�Ilue $38,404 �rjtor on the premjl body -6f the buggy. ructiob of th6 hor and the prisoner ref, if �ed to by. each township'in the Coilst se 7 [3 P, it a Post-offi. art, 000, merease _3a3 Fall So -Grey 8 p NG SiNGuLA-R.--A. singkilai that this give ny inforinatiqn. On Alohda;� r u*rn- t-, SOMETHT. 4, the road." Resolved, theref6re, t London, I ridin I vau $6,000 !Aotl, 298 the t cent., e ualiz thing :happened to ,in old ladynamed d a Provincial Ythibition, it ingi the Constable *as again sent ques :Council apply to the War ens of the the dollar"' $28 )4 221 A to the 26th of September- h $81,44 3 mills t I ing Pear Bayfidds 1, Col-inties of Huro ARx FoR SALE W XCERIOP� eentra-1 Fair, at Guelph, �� the 16th, 1 ith and of [the liorse,'and! found- him Ocurely Mrs,'Wm. Church, liv n and: Perth jointly to of Colinty rate ifilininco rpo rated. Yourg, N t or. Te a ater. about 1two, w6eks ago. he bad been OR TO REN'T; for IAL rm -01 yes 18.1h, eDf SO 1"I libartinearl 1 1 settle the sai(I matter, and to determine I . I . locked up in an oIc HURON. �Cont. 14, MeXill horse *0 th ;uron, at-Sea.forthionTbi and verl months, ane by each town- I FOR BALE barn was brokein open anlid "tI confineld to her room for se the ainount to be bc Lot N 15, part' Ty Ad and �rd of October. The NORT 191URON, A�ug. 13, 3873. of !) 0 acre cleared, i t its - , I . ump- (1)36UU v re( 1 0 1 bb aeBday, Oct.,7. taken to Belmore. hind tieiiv- by what was Supposed to be ons ship in coustructilij said, road, nd the - art, at Stoa, on T 00, hardw -Carried. The e y 10tdctoi-ber- rg��ful, tion, accAl de of such expepditure 'class log buddings; 1 w 1�e Elma, at LiRtowel, on Fhda ad thani6i owner. A ter ob- tipanying *wbicli was a very se va:1 er BrUSSEIS. #e Stephen and Ugborne, atExe6r, on Uonday -ing one of he Cletk was ordered to notif, Aeneed und in goo coll proper 11 e e -i vere coi ty k1r. Yfeudei�oil did agh. Dni r coughing mo y'Railroad it fc. R. Coorwa, Brusso to bear- d - 29th and 30th September. d, -ght up from her 11113gS, with let an fits she brou ompany to open. sideroad No�. 4, at lots C ortli Rjung of Huron, at nesday r proseeg e POSITOR XONTEP and Job Iting OM on the premise8, ox, it I gper ille, proprietor on 110 6s1r to furtlie lie'dian cc.) a quntity of plilem, a brown worm, as Council then ad- r , PB.. Inesd&y, Sept. 16 end who had t him to so. much ioiible, 20 mid 21. Con. 9. TA� AM .We( .17 paid, address I I n after Pa fine as.a bait- nd abou uship, at Go edn'es- all AccIDEINT. On N 'on, I ay afterno0) Orne TOW Li�rieh, on t four inches long n called by the as TX I r s. B. Fri nt, ai ol ivicke jo I ned to inedt he da Oct. I an J lie )kas rt;lc (I left sometqing like wire worm, and a week incurr cl. P -eev e. k. H arnberry, at on Fri( . bity, W48- costs whith had be�h f vilh ge with aj pail O� 'R Mr. follow�ng she brought up another. - FARM �T, Lot W d dily ibi driving into the Mrs. t 6rris Brauch. at Blyth, Olt .8. Belinore as Spe� hort distafte To BE _N 0. re all, d horst�s. when withiii i. a was inueb. relieved Of Ill er cou�h, oderich. SALE OR Fol �Con- 174, 6rey, 4N)3�SiStit 11thPerth tst.'Marls,oubept.30an Oct. 1. Henderson also tc his dePar atford, T -lay a i , St. ofl� 9 11il ton; gOO4 Oct. 2 d8. the bridge oil Lix -ndFriday, 4 4 e the hot sea stumbled, arrived in Seaport' on his , &Y 0 and is now in a fair way of irecovering half, W itchell, Moilday and -Tnesda-Y, S ept. 29 d 30. DLfirni. beeakiing its right fore leg ju§t below- vs. Bayfield. 40 cleared; ----------- trys, 01 forenoon. her wonted health. about ig beanng g in atch- was. played oil tb e mildings; Youl Bhoulder-blade. Mr. Bei was sent for, An interestin I and In good condition good, vell 'of HANDSO T ticed ly nvo ws xt sittanger v�' E t'Tug�FEGIJNNING OF Tnl,, E-,-bi.-At the feudo Ahter paratillulars, and oil his terms and. vr,. MoNumE Itliltuet'h'�cn3i .10 ii�mal was slid the Goderi' club,"011 , ry for postpai pTT - % H( arriyal the a �ay or two 'ago5i ',% '' - � han mely a rid c fro rn him,%vill know it last of the Clinton village Coun- horse ws Worth.a oi t $125. Coy'll'as"t,ofli-ich resulted iii a victo e rO4 DAVJ-D f ti k nolnes, The iu4 sl� EDLI the highest t cil, e signed petition was lowiii a is the n arble -in the Bayfielders. The fol fi, ed tombstone i . front of the 1) 41ton P. UF, le0of , Imc le, n 6, HAVEST.'- The fall heat has rayin, orks of Messrs. Messett'& -Co., this shown him I pres J. B. Racey, 13 9 %6*4 7 lm ,)Y the lto6p. . trat. an en ed b y r score )ei hborbood. t I Con been harve in t1iis FO F: rye. Both in design and woLLL �an- especialljl bv -the ste the Council to use its influence with the ODER CIL (MM IL wis tt is said to be the finest or p ever ba FARM Hen . rsoi at - tht dip the stone displayed' marke we don 111iron and Bruce Railway IST 2 taste stable _11 SaV Lon n.1t of the"T name of Ale thief a James Me] )on,%Id, ed in this ca. I to prevail npdn them to locate ..&.FiudIny,bWi11iamsQn 0 b Rutledge ....... 4 -DEING,composedf Lot Lt section and w�s Company, 0 Fi zontaillix - 100 acre and at an excelleint Boulton, e �Nlaxk ............ 3 b and c, Rutledge. 9 ju Ship of Ttlekersmi-th, - �t a f ood re The oats and peas are lalao . the neighbor- vhich there ne'0Vf and th he bears Allythirig b the st�tioil somewhere in C) 0 rvested. Wyatt, c Sorby ........... 0 not Out e1=01ent land, upon ALE 10 u rn 38-,60 feet, and also a , Rutled­e ......... 1 b Rutledge ...... I tat' about Belmore, where he i crop a d are now being h.i 1. A long -W 3 . un Ood brehard, a: p I L hood of Mr. Whitehead's mil X OsTpoNED.-The sale . j L r pu, t 'Uer Iufomr-'tlon� I I . t... , 11 wlich are ftsYi, aull (4, known- CONTRACT. -The contract for buildi�ijg discusion followed the reading of Several Hamilton, b Willijunson. 11 ran 01, P1 S.Parling's house.and aftid chat- 2 bd plyl to 11r. JAML's DABY, OL Lot I Cn. Bell, c McDonald ........ I b Williamson.... 0 ds;,,of six feet side- alk from t e accounts handed in by the London, Hu- I I 1"i WaTER li'� y whichL was to a en ro lge.. 2 the vw imad"Towns or te propert -he ist; from. 7 b and cRutle� P. excursion r a n�, 0., t. PER's 1 �AL. T ee. The I Moorchouse, e It Gguesday last, has been po bridge the! depot has breen awarded ron. and Bruce Railway Committ 2 pi oe on leasure Cumming, b Willia run out-..-. ulle 0 a -Brussels, for 3.199 f ture until Saturday nexct,�at 1 0 P. Sedfort , whose de rt Titnillits lAinley of Lasham, b RutledgL ..... 5 b Williamson.... 1 P. exQur81 1. to Dult e otic' -d two bills were ordered to be filed for u 1 ...... 0 X*Tuo M. wher. it will take place at Da� viclsoil per rod, nd the contract �or grading and de Ciaio�. Montgomery, not ont. FARX FOR o�Frid ay -last, I b. willialpsom weeks o, r6turn6d'home e -Pipeon, c TohnRt( building culverts on Princess and. Ge cheap, Lot IS., 4th A*oea ............ 9 T-Extrag ........ ng I efreshed a:, er alton. FOIRK S -k `E' &Pnipbells Comm, ercial Botel. lool"i reinvigor e ig F3 4 streets has been awar& -a to Thos,, L containing 1W a voy a&_ � T k i, i the imbeied. * T is b, ood he Q, )ek i� their Total ......... 140 _d 45 well t We learn from house and frame ouCrVib HOID". with bester, -of Grey, at $1. - -.0 per rod. 1: Walton. Total ................... 40 )0 called of tRe beaut of the :seen U41 RECOVERING bara and v able; Y10 terms farm is four ILI gne. requ heav hail s'tornL pa r.cllurd; the is% 'our a 1rom I- I- -ry 98- that the young lad Hewitt, who t] Le request of a nmero td On 'tALV Du th HAIL. -A V1 in we s the pleasures affo� I I bearing 0 od gravel r0fti &I1 Ch evvlly, sition the Reeve has issued a pr ania- we pleasea� ed . over the nortli-eas; part of Grey oil noticed last week as having been- sevE rely LST INXINIGS� 2NI) forth, with a go ad exe edingly veil tio'll declaring Tuesday next 4 ublic p, A.fine rain also IT. A. Rutledge b F i Ua 95 one -half milp of t0burch witli. the kind and ourteo�s'trEatment Tuesd%y[afternoon- injured. has tikenaturn forthebetter, McDonald, ri -L' In o the propletor, an the pre lout'.. 1 n � Sh ies and evening. and hopes are n Cameron, at Ica aap c)liday. All. places of busies will, in this sectiop in the' ow entertainel of iiis're- I they redeived front Captai: 2 estSZOWIPP Mn,seq,ileh.�1y, be closed. Parties desir- match of b Marks, e Montffomery.'t.. 6 294,14 the the Xan-iWA - The FORTS,=Tbe ret Lt d ay oler officers of ig to do businciss in town- on th� Ivilliamsbu, 0 Can"W114.. 5 not 6 pa�� that t all between the Inde oindents, of BY6- S sengers on rip p esen;ed the b :Stafflei- Doirniu'g_,'b Boulton. 1 'not t ....... 4 FARM 'S mind and govern .6 on i-11 please bear this in 1 11 men tie- in with a' co address sel. and the Broad 0 age of� BI Sorby, at out ....... 0 lip of JR -111 3 Pipeon ........ FOR, SALE, Lot 11, 1COn- 7, T themselves ccordingly. haindsome leaving played at uevale on Fri io,-,T. -The last n ohnstoni. not. mt. 4 cres, f] HP OL CONVENT [U�ou, contai p epese nt, b fore valef-was ay SCH, M county of I dfrfrom samps, tho ent the last, g in a vidory for the In e 0 those interested in educational 'Murdock, b Boulton .... 11 the boat. Under i tich mait age msultin W - wich tae cleared 1i PrGs BxwARE. -At ing of Rutledge, c 3 od- the last. meet 'hi of Stanley, which 1 Beatty 1,ine of a4d e eciall� 55 to 40. lalwai in tht towns p jA Sto � 115 . nuA ija a ba& btal . pelldents by a score of Gordoll, b F indlay ....... 2- z �, -h uncil a resolution was pass- fencea n4uderd t] 1,6 village Co fail- to b come A i tedas um ire. was $Iol in Varna, was very poorly at- Extras ............... el Inspector. -to ihe ll a; titoba I �Call 40t _,Leonard ac �ooaiog house t to 'the-.Iac'k of pioper outbul dii �ei istructino, the Stre -isto. owing ther nd sheds ando Wit excit �ionists and out ten 1' 7 Total... 10 barn, stable a is well watA favorito vound all animals liiLble to be im pound. I . . I I . pubill'ty. We are `requested to state o tal ................. 4 r orchard; the falon, Wro:Keter. L good-Toung and and ily left �wickets to e clone U under the village by-law, to se- I- Mrs. McP)iiI V"s fan �- Mani- employed thatt le next meeting will be hela iii the ta�field winning with 9- 1 there belug three living spriogs) Vill i6ning 1 at f& -One of 5he men e miles from 13 ry assistance o. en able , him hereon Monday e, ACCIDENT� thhous c are necess. Rail*ay Schoo�.House at Varna-, on the Ist Satur- fall. 0- away vith the tobx, Wliere she *111 join er '111sbtia on the.Toronto, Grey and Bfuce -n I froda urrouiaaea by forth u Ay to the: t) -do go. This should d It, Is to be b oped particularS ap; da 0 September ads. For further aud'sons. �VZe b4i "ve Mi. Md hillips Co)*�lst Mee -met with fatal ac9i ent 'at Fordwich, Y pren-Ases or to, I ig nuisance. le -that larae representation from the vari. Butter Inspecti I on THE D02NILN LON prietor ou&e has purc liased a fal L on the Rive Lssilli- on. the 9th inst. - Whi le driving. dovirb a G -,L6 -"Y, COOE , Ln nil) the towli'61lips, as Ln nil) 11 kA' LD 1111) ous school se'etions in A committee of Toronto! butter deal- 298f,4: ame of boine, a out eightmileg ff I hill near the.village. he fell out of I well 4s froin adjoiningltownships, w 11 be er� have made report on the new iw% AV X S AND I NYW 11ESTMNT' BAaE BALL. -O.n Friday last a his su -re an( 1", C ft: S in x ereete'� a1ir on and the wheels r r over bis breast I FARM ase. ball -was played between e Sea- and has t -e excel), the next meeting. sp6ctioui law, in which they tal I Wro Glubs on the grouds comfort, le residence w ich Will Ile causing almost insta-. t aneous -death. r. in at Wndaiii at ts provisions.- . TheY OCi ETI�) SALELot �28- 'Con -I rth an( xeter to some of FOR 749ol -wbicli leaTed aaw the rece ?tion of �his f:,MiIY C 11 male, of. Wroxeter, 1 eld an itiq liest CO' -CTL MEE11-,,-G. -Council met puri tion ing 100, acres,, � - tall f the former which resulted in avor of ready fo or- LONDOIN, -e 'Well clAti,-etion, bt�aaP butter not in the le - think that to repacl; good State Of ivefthere. i' diet ir. accordance M ith suan4to djoanment at Morgan's Ho rge - _-�_gtory brk K b_01166:i I hr S-eaforth Club. th&ir art Vith haT&YoO&- 11 returned aver Read Oftlee, Richmond -street, oppo A game will be played nex� Ttles- mpbe[Ill, ihth hi� the facts.. tel, Bayfield, on Monday, the Ilth hist. galized package after the lat ISeptember, city HAII), Mr b&rn'50xS6; a �,ew anv I es north 0 Willian' -London, ing Or,b Se'aforth grounds, ba We are gld'. to me-mberspresent. TheBeevein as mquired by the 7,1st clause, woula be wellvatered, 2jn (ay afternoon, Oil the eldest daughter, ft on Tuesdoy miorn- OkSIG-.'s OF TirE TiA�E... All file of advane- thin half a mile :01 1he gra�tl etilic read ruinous to the quality. A package Of Established in 1872, for the pnrpos forth, aud N I. pleasure trip Nova see' that our villaqrs I ltween the. Stars and the Maple Leaf ing last,. on a; are bestirmlig thchair. Minutesoflast me e' 'ing -%Vn Pr9perty at aveq ii, the of improvements. ndopproved. 1k*teIearam-,iAra ived thinnei staves -a half ist ad 6fthree- money on Farm and To For f=the, partieftlal aPPIi t a re Illu, of Gu6lpl, f Can- Scotia.. He expects t 1 the chaniplons 0 o be abse t about themselves t, and oil the = ost favorable the premises. Mr. Knuteson hs pi it i up a very 1jeat froin! Peter"' Adamson, Esq_ - C unty quarters o lch-is approved of. It -low rate of interes All who wish to see wgood gante three, weea-.� i I f an ii 'terms of repayment. 297*4 I intiniating in of store ii the place of ho� one which W, Clerl that the all 3,583 is recommended that the legal tare be i . Loans for l6g or short periods repayable b7lu' should attend. eswortb, ofie of tlie. Mr Mirtin .. bale. o. --Mr. Hoo4 is is thi��,'Couiity taxesassessed 'to St nley. 10 per cent., and that inspection shoilld chasing FOR SALE INTUORMS= iord, of t1f.e Seaforth Flourijig I burned down a yeax a stallments to suit borrowers. Parties pur. dhe proprie - I be comnulsory for all packages, . and not' Farms, buildng Dwllings or Stores, will ft F Putting -up brick front� to his house hid MovAd by Thomas -'Keys, second FOR SALE, Lot '25 Coll. < ALL Sitow.-The prize -,)ociety preferable to any other inode, HukwN last week f:)r terms of this I I . Mills, left 'Oil T)iursday ( 50 pound loo acres more or"Iess, �6 of v iliell. Rrel 'hile �rprisinc, inilig idof each balt' fa11'show, to be held at Sea Ole. W our ent' tol*118- Georre Castle, that the gravel acco lit only those cont a r over. t) ft ;for in stance, $70 90 paid at the ar We car to -0pei .ee from stamps and in A first -ell se stat lyf for the -believe, that a brother of at :Year,�vill pa -s back both prilaciple Rud iintereg I- V1r. ag erected 9, coill- Thomas McIntyre, amountin 15 f It'a rs that maller packages are- al al &Nvooa tw orth, -under the auspices of the South Mr. Ch rleswort �� -has recenly ed, ad b man, 2 11 - in order vgtion - the balwace in good r, I 111pied: by L -e laid -Carried.. Moved by George � ready being used to some extent, upon a loan 0� i�low in 1-0 Yeafo, , 11 PaX yearly, '3 -, f A�lp er6ek rig Juron AgrjeultuTa.1 Society, has beep modions building wltich is occ lullil; lso a nve ttiay rehembering him in his will, eorge 0astle' to escape inspection, ' Once that i , 1,11" star., inspec- $157- 20 will do it. ces, 150 1 Mr. Paulin ime and vitil sailed, and is the largest. e�,eroffered by ad he :eoes to look ater his leg I cy. tinsmith, and Mr. Hodg�onv Anderson, sec6nded by C it will soon cea-si�to Money con.be obtained at: -any t, the farm, iog bu he Society. The premiums 'offered. by c4biliet-maker.-Dr.-Sin.,ble has a hind- that as the law provides that the Pivis- tiou becomes general little or -no delay beyond the, , tbuc neceas!oxfly 00- which is board. Whinon, cupied in the investigation of title - forthi. le Society hive been I D'' T ay evening.1,wit k residence n course of eirec6 ion Q1 ourt sall not hold its meeti#gs in be profitable to sell other thai,-, inspected and 6 of CR argely, increased --.--,0 uesd some bric school mmse vitilil;4 re18 of I'lle farm; LEcT ssist- �but pected, would not com-' tion of the ifiortgage. )y private contributions. As Will be hicb, when finialiel, W�ill be an.o na- any hotel, 8,30 be granted towards ter, as unnis Factory within it Miles'; & apply -i fes ival was giv. A I . - '' , I an ice, 4 ean in the 'I w For further particulars as to tekms) For f rther part, ,e list, the thocl iKt Episq al Church, After the I m busi-. Me village. -Mr. Robert M II(Ar ling in fitting up the hall on lot t N 249, mand the p�ice. It is feared that the distely -after hrv(lst- seen by reference to th eut to -the by ltter to AS and to. ctor in Montreal 1� : ess men of'Seaforth figni-6 consplcucus� sed of, Rev 1 is lso putting up 1, planitig i�lill, Bayfield, on conditioft that said bt ilding 'act gives the iuspe the 7- B. LE Y-8, pply to THOM 11 been dispo -e Londo#,:0nt- premises, �or to seaf�ar_th P� 0. r e r, _ia, r freshinents hac s�sh and door factory[�_EB-ut the great be given free of cbar�e for the D' vision right to insist on inspecting butter Seex�ptary and Treasm and liberally as donoIrs Of SPt ered a leCtUTE-1 OR the G, Esq., v aluatort ut Sea, Mr.. Miller - olcilb Great dr to ALONZO STROX it of our village tit �he present iiine. Co z't and all municipal pur*po e this passing through in transit to FiA.-P.,M IrPR 5 ALE - or )rizes. forms f worsh.p e i W forth. 120452 4 H' iblig �116 es, the- j ;N, ]lumber of: cc mfprtable cott 'g being the cheapest course the ouncil Britain; this, is thought, w140, Igainst, and should speci- 5. Concessiou Nyiv George' For-' a;bo,rigiiies of Call� 6da. as ble can adopt under the should provide, L�T N , ca e% More res ye c tiona uiv los re at a .1 e the ri us the om trom any rket G-1 hasl %pif n Iwdimi, at A has ri ded fy that butter, when shipped and th 1i brauch of the CPAY ried. A the -ou-130 erk of this village whil could be 1 �sed at MovedbyTh' as.'Keys,se,qxi ommoolation. is sea 12.00 C yt� in- missionary am rent, as h 14 tj 1.6ugh the 16 ace Aor patent for . very Useful llsure on,. that the Reoie re- point where there is no leaal inspector, lnug the -lYe'obserre wit by George Anders pne &6 con y. H the Premises to 1 lip, 1) -ou, e &S X A _RT - d thi e to be had 'ei JNr of a wi ot the Gree)�law la written cruarantee from Ur on a throng 'bill of CHEAP FARMS -i re fence. that Messrs. Clark ve h lading, to foreign oilims o speak live of t uiltive;s T, he posts of the fence are mtd�', of iron h bv the wa are -Comlor, 1�,sq., 1�efor� givin" an), o*rder Ort, shall not be liable t6 inspection. r -at en c em or- N-lills, of this place, v o -he t e was The elleapest Land in marl�et for Salo, �y t 'e 8 -.d iven into the groua4 ab The lect Vould not such an exception tend to ,ptit till the for a �grant to the e e and, are -r y doiu,� a,good businOss, are get ffect a n FOR ideltil; iti- ut much � 0 - FARM ORS, y, an er ace to _e..L�11 highest price eat, lot No. 249 It Will UNION PACIFIC HAI ROAD COMMY at coixe-es three feet,'witli an iro br d 4or flolk1r, in t Bayfield, may be use Flp- rd-paraion b it was quite .0 e ,d free make thn. law a dead lett which is sunk in the--,gro ncl an equal, preViol 8 P t ing imake its evasion easy� cir it SALE, Lot 14', ket tell -for n. required not do to, FOR t ing I r 0 Tuckersmith, co0tabling On the Great Platt( ectntainl oonsiderable Y g just I)ON%f all municipal pin es wbe fere ing and The wires are run through, int c . )r wheat more rried. Moved by Dr. INTOO( s, see- might as well not haVe been pliMsed. eared and =:a �kst-lclass d stance. e I f cer od, and ul new to hudictilce. LtS per bus 7 ed ;it ealb end -is the time 3,WO,000 Acres in Central Nbr�" tese. posts, and f�ste-ll infohn Ltion Ll ie nei(fliborhood. onded by (,,,orge Castle, that The, timber land OIT -her I th c all any other b yor iii makes- a very neat' and 1 Man of the Thdimis t -e ia a, large h the fence. it for 6iiishing up Statute labor is drawing Oil tions, said re stilb PATMN-T Magic Fly-Catelier nd Fly., NOW for stile in tr&et,; of 4() acre.., ondill-wardy bank barn Vol x 40, and felicei ad iF, quite 3ecure xn(I rd;,a spring saH�llett on, and it i's reported that 1\'Tr. Milo Paper just to-han�[ at Himsowl brug Store. TEN CllrXI AT 6 No inge., also, a good t) P OF 1) �)y said to be much Gheap Of 0ose �on the mntfoi-d i - I ; FIVE "D solid., It is lso I It, pathmster, ba3 not had i through the farm, PaSsUlg fy it -tl eir Pagan f rl� B obert Beacot b as I advance interestrequired. I tion ibo 00 reti 'A R1 1 L t -lie Huron reaper Affid-Rud healthful climate., frtil� soil an or than n o�dinary bon' fence, as the statute labor performed on his beat,- the is Situated on F -i p U on t F-ir 1, 110 his Sleafrth a -nil live from rio Lve d sold his N . 20, An the News and fu11 of Pictures. i -dance of good water. He gi faiii, lot N W ater Ml, be in ie fur ished nd the structed to notify hole m il can I pe- Mr. 8hippley, for $3,300. clol, im by TI Tb ticulars -,to the feasts, mibli the bereniDides THE bET MAWiETIN THE WE, CHESNN peigl-iborl -34. fence built fo:,,- about 81 p r rod. No%i� vallou P014 that he will be held acco i i tab .1 de ,,at mining regions of Wvoinhig, Col0do, Utshj� Bdacom intends re thculittlt to each. The'tirst-,was lhestrxw mol . iin(r to North I paro 2b9 'is becoming sca.ree and d his r quired bY the Ist of in -that timber all eturn re ad Nevada being supphed by farm purT ILY Will, we er n 1 dear Mr. X, ry- least, beld, when tlile tmwberries a in few moilth�, wlere he I THE DAII GRAOHIC. L OR TO F -El orsyths inv6ntio I : Platte Valley. go farm. Se�tcmber next -Carried, Moved by -6p acres. ARN 'FOR SAAE Arn-fty believe, supply I a w-,iat N hich. has �Nere Ape theu came tl le g r pen c)rn chased a lar Ge.��rge Castle, seconded lyv Thomas i Soldi6rs entitled to a hoinest aa of I 'It 1� IN -At RE N T long been felt, viz. : a reliableilubstitute feast ad dance next the hat: v est fe. SAD AccIDENT -011 Saturday last. a A NENT L JOURN ISM. SALE on TO 8� that- by-law be fram ed a d pass T11E BEST LOCA.TfON-S F01t CO -FOR oncessi 'S -00)3s 1, ar r. - Ge(ne f Hullett, 'near I - I 1 100 Ueres" 80�of Nvhieh e'e ea ad for wood in feucing. edto raise by assesment on the real THE DAILY GlUPHIC is the only illustrata ndA piece of fence t tb e g, eru 'yfewt. Atthe -T. -Snall, o Key Lot % C e E ways Am- g.in Vell on, Mr. Foi:syth's plan has been ereated pebral Xy f ast wbitei dog is Londesboro, was leagaged in dra newspftper in the -%Yorld' It is an elght-�, PER5:0NZ OF FOR-EIGN BIRTM good ouitivation, eed. and'personal property, the following -table p ublished every afternoon and con� -every family in �,hile 01 L tbp of4 loa III$ - I cul - n the farm of Mr. Thomas Lapslie, rifice& - Presents from County goodfraine baxn 60 eas, and v nts viz.: For I tains all the latest nows, besides a great variety of Are entitle(I to the p I amou purposes `013e,�ai light ind bard- I wllzite e wb ere it -16lian comultinity- are br ran a Splendid Ore eatfoth horses became friglitenO, and ay), $500, sh and inter' about a thile n-orth,of 3�583 alaries, Incideital em- correspondence, gossip and other fre nl�s frm" the viU;g� E nge.. $1,300 road; there Wre. �vhite'doa' whiall. is urnf with the up'- throwit oii, and �reak­ P6 400; Impro,vementfun esting matter. It" great feature eanfdats In the BE' FIT OF THE 110, IE�$TE-A� LAM of a good 9 can be seen -at VAY ti 1-ne, and its afficie"cY ag him off the , g a mile nd Oq fact that by the aid of newly discoveri3d a to 'c ry ing both his leas. i re( derfulprocesses it presents dailT�'four pagea of On declaring,their inteuti' as of possellsilon lied to act* as a mes dwhich NV on to becola he pro] further particu -the doll. -.r of ited Stateis, and may a � ne'- 'The lect a of For lui 4pply t---) t to the D vine Bein e lect rer HORSE DTFD. r, Frank McCt4lloch ra6 of 11 mills on the ag- beav&iful i)ictnyes illustrating the leading and the Un vail� tlrsn�selye the premircs or aildres! -cR.-A? re-' a Fri- These illustrations this provision immediately after Luelide. of val A ted the evil in luable mar 0 27r) OF Co. lost a ty, e grE gate, assessment for the i)rescnt year ag events of the daV a, -Tullett I - - -of the art, and apectable looking old gelltlqmen bamed ects on missiortary work,., a sid hat Of I in grain, and re 'executed in tho highest style Qsrried. By-law No. 4, giviurr effect FREE HOMES FOR ALL. H derson, from St.' adiulien there should be 4united e Fort day last He -was drawillrr Constitute a complete and graphic panorama of I r_n ore ry- u),der ng on to -nment Lands open for c or C SALIE.- Ve a d* gi on us on Tuesday It, Y t 'e iis,deliominai e. rl at dinner time lef� his tea;m standl 7 resolutinii, was framed our ffines and prol, They are prepared by Ofichoice (!over M de- 1 11 ' ;he foregoing R I ailroA FAI aiid placed d. i d triali 1 a be 'Christisnizedii TE Ind- , V 1gard to expeilHe. The i3l;istrationK are accollb. 1 vith good markets and all I %ftfurt va.ri.o ons ould in before them all(- passe Moved b,, astle the lertiling aftists of the Ponlitry, and without ro- I the Homestead La or this troubles a e � atti, the barn, floor, the tees otall A account of his aM116KWOP some hay. Unf tiu4at�ly therp, wa sec)iided by George AnJerson. that this paniedbygraphic t1c.scriptive matter and able ed- old'settled country. jo res J*arf7 gravel r hire on a visit to Teeswt�ter. The old! n rs large and the�entkxtalul)ient or,'of which ni- Co- Incil, rn to me'et at Mr. oad,toGoac�i L; 80 w some peas on the � do now adj ou itoLials, which combine to make the DuLy F ree passes to purellasersof iio�oro dITAII 1fl 'from stumps; 135, plov ed, the I ily. t GILki)Hrc a newspni),ar of survassing and -d kentleman passed through "Sedorth on a of satisfa or mal ate frcel��,l rk e pes swelled).in its Di on"s Hotel, Brucefield, oil- e fii a the Landj also new 1 llFriday last on his-waY to Teesu ater, and to eye) -y n) tin 'slid every fam. grass Nvatemd ours. ailed free everywhere. stomach nd cause( death in a feiv 4 nent interest ily. ]�j effition of desicriptiye palaphltt �witb_ d ay. The day in, November, at 2 o'cloc c. P. M. barn,stableundeineat TuOkersmith. politi es the 19"WILY GitA 11111C is strictly non-parti- m 'a gii r B Iltle, g 1014 po-7, d furtbll-r r ched that villaae same arried. I gan aud and rhile it discusses all t�l le 0 d Cali b* t of his misson, was to visit some nnah ecre ary �y.th- 0. F, and te ec, H, B Clerk. topics of Public ilit rest, it Cuals fairly and impar- pply to - IRI Land Coinniissio tially with all and It ill alwaTs i2 rl LUDW eS to offend t a In Jver 1 1 o, wisbe Z to state t at. he bas Grey. ou S'aturclay afte- I behig -toned, and will eortqhillothing 282-13 �ing f tl,e Tuce tdy eveniiigiof lals� 'th Branch A �ricull tn�l �prinds m intended femair 11 In L 0 Th Aonda�o bu Iwith lnui 'who 9 any met I dress TuE DAILY oi, City. 400n he met o'c Terms, a Sena for it, Ad- STEAM SAW AND F a the ingl id he x1copiesof the ist Of the �Ile I York 'ece Coui�cil LIST OF LETTER� a"at red in Carter"o H, William L-,71-;- Lot:14, 0)n ished to get to Seaforthl hich b 00 000es On BE 'Ostj )d ba Henderson ueph Centrl W Panag' Hotel, Cray oil tli e 7 th UWILLLED farat the Scalorth P I r -u--, he would cra on Sun- "'I - Blyth to , the laTge t udience thitt bls ibr 11) acrs all s_�esiring th - L fur: kNT to an order of the Court -of Chaij- Aug. 12, 1878. ,em PURSUI to partie e hall being cliOwded e . tring; tw I ridc, to p -,v ll, th ere,' mbes all preset. Tli Reeve g6oti orelhara(ls DhU ro�( u e chair. 'AAinutes of former nectin m. Butler, RiebA Mo tbt, Will- 1 day and give him -,ex-. cery, ulade in the matter of the estate Jf -s AccIbE.-;T.�-Mr. I bag which 1:e pr )SPOet of 71� IOU rer was int on, W. -h the way. TI to excess. The lee u in 9 lexander Cameron.,and in a Donald Ca rd icon, tontaillin., t �s oi bil, enses by team saw an at :n,,4 who resid4s bear T �he r. IAIcB U, aiiI morip t'4* Petition ie d from cron ChrNtian oftineron, the creditor.% and Bockus,W A 0 long a ive, and fnin by Rey. I id colifirmed. Iffi, ) iends K 0. of hin, of Cameron, late of the Boyd, John Y u ck he. ��xpect its of his -fr tboi: Trustees of 'lebool imaa 1�,Ir far company on s a48 situated ill, (�n'the.Sev6htli Conoiessi a of Ol ill(I ced M, r. realized th To-,%­nship of M(:Xillop, in the Conuty of Huron, Brownlee, X S McKenzie, gravel too,41 the avinj h, xpellses P, ions, liv posi, to Joni riTh serious a cid t on His subjects -bf a d Vig Mrs Allen On the premises. it . I , to drive tl rough to i in to agree rrsr h, niet pr,�yrng to be authorize( to )ori OW the who died in Or 1IM111 Lhe month of May, 187.2, are, Bo"ll, JbIra enderson' last Mr. -Cum ing, Spectres and Apparitions elicit- for four yea t 1878, to send- Blaik, John Lad3r n Mon- �Io: A iy afterDog n T� By law or- oil or before thL *30th day of Augni SON, Constance P. o., 3h %y, instead of o and, of 1536 eaforth,' 0,11_8und, a t. itiong conce siou -o an �)ek prepared. byposLprepAid10 the defeudil-ot, Christian Cam- Byers, G W J0 intended. A -tOfticc. - admillistratix of Calder, Thomas 0 J ccord- Fq drivnig e �l plause �to .10 the f the audi e fol oNJ i g ap PAX -1, ed the urii,, ersal )U th(, Lg� g ay, as he forniqrly r I V11 on bout S of ii Seafortb Po, ed from, horse f, ily ere received from Trii bee, the de pli�ations w z I both, men start eeswater wit i ence who heart eiponded to a �ote of eeasLd, their Chrihtln urnames, ad- Clark, G P. good: FOR 11or e became from iGg�le his mes 5unda morning. two: th�anks`,,proposed b half -01 lot 15 aul the Npe� 11 half of Sections, viz.: �46bool,(�iection 0. dresses and deseiiption, the full piliticulars of Fitz, Patrick i sa 0. �Y) ace i'Fletcher,Wra. e W him N- - 12, luliillop loo aert out's OClOA- oll -Y their claims, it statcnalt.nh of their d at BelmoTe without any- fri running offj i lit I ool Section '-,600 ounts, and ghtatied, nd, in very complimP11t4 terms. �'-' 330 c I held by them, Glener, Win bey. arrive See the nature of th(,i securities (if any) %nd a me of his '0 N - 4, S300 8,ch ol -�A-ill I)v peremptorily ek- Gormica, H well fencd, and jiA gOl a cul dvatilon bre, Mr. froin the bugg3, aking ol Sectioni o urrill, oi in Wault thereof they good g worthy of note oce, &2i timbe-red. -,yith I oa; a atiflate rul of the said order. Every Grey Miss Christella Scot ar 6� & d, u 4' t t Ilry le asp va a a e It andseverel,4.15 -sing aid cutting M0 illop tiot N 5! $300; School Sectio No eluded from the benefit und new log- barn-, eliderson wasbegin,119 to c0gr in ey an d. creditor holding any sc-cmiLy is.to produce the J un- ier, Moses miles anaa hall from t. goo bini about th, Th� acc halp OtT bo) .. . I At on Schobl' ection. G St gravel ecured so pleasaut a same before nie at my chambers, at Goderieh, on Halley, John -i John 9 School Section No. 7, $398 re they 1 pened Ri�X:op Tmple, No. GOOD the la regut �23 imself on haviDa 8 1 Tas -Mr. mmin At Belmo �"oebkli -TRI110 Irom th Villa­je Of tave ng companion. aboua O'ciloolk, and ing of NJ 415 c 0 the 22d d" of August, 1K8, at eleven o';lock in Halle James ii ine!iisiblo' conditioil S h I See- mi ith d. the stranger ayon. therod i ffi 'Scl�qol Section No.'8, $ James talle I as. o I)POmte X a F� j) r p pped at a hotel, an I I scho , a aout 4 o'c ek, h�n hi ol Sectioi 0.11, judication on the clai if A. Haray, tiooa tre q ri d t cers T School Sdetion o. 11 ones, Hen y w�.o ho o Dated this 28th day of Julyj18713. 'J was 201l the following ere ins the forenoon, being the time a d- How,1 - Ole and StOre IV dis- qu Jam a Weibrud, GeotgO for , arter ro. tio4 No. 9, $300 Scho NNestby, _.phetor on the pr�wiscqzi, Or, Mr.. HeB'd Lson was the ensuin� Union 'Wixithrop P. o'. Walter -inpressed ba ali�.rm v A I nVilln R 9AL RR HE NRY MAcl)F,1111 TTO P ch i Rye'a once Govenlocl, n as of his cor d by a li ',� itchell,' $3 with the. kind y ali -P 0 Kenneitly,,J & W C.T ; Sistei . 3-11 f Ilow traveler, who insisted on,treating assing v-6 1IT., V. T., Bro. W Wallace, d home. He rtly 0 S Alaster at Goderich, Lyn-n,.Mrs Agnes n all he wa t�ken to his Bro. G. Bar; �Ier�16 prei by-law for scho I rates F. HOLMESTE 1), Pander, Charles is, Veral times, alid would not aUow him giv th a4ident Bro. Wm- 1amb, 'XV F. S.; i . .9. DICYSON, F. -N. .11 recollecti n 6f -hor mTumca- cq! son, how- hft� W. C.; Sister Allen, W. T, Bro'. in time ior next meefing. Co Pluilitiff's Solicitor. t spend a nt. r r ol, remembc te man) ' dulged or,' AMr. Hende andt 6 & tile ker, "g 4 jem In pera Ai J