HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-15, Page 7OV "FIRTSO2 -and %deAs/eh; ware-rOoiris to. OLD' STAND, et, Seaforth, superior AOC; Of 'y description. '3 SEB I' �T�ASFN'G-, . Thomas Bare HEAR funerals ou the shorted r country- All Sizes, t. ,SHROUDS 11 ►ERTSO ,_ AzI)•ERTA. r old Stand, has now ort mild a:: a3 oi talent of CDs; cheaper than they can bs isewhem. 26 S 1 GRAHAM w Stearin Saw ;hill, on the kr six miles north of :blast. and: are prepared* 11 Kinds, MATERIAL t embracing a quantity! of ,D WOOD, Eau, Birch,, Basswood, Oak aBAIN LUMBER. rtantly on hand.; be: had; elsewhere. :Seaforth, if twitted. r ption can be satpplled from E .CLIC & GRkIlAh . rt EXCITEMENT. IE SS],, iv -0d and opened out: WORTH 1![ fx" o'. "` and attars„) CLoTIIING, PES, St &Ca Iargeet and cheapest over of axing been purchased on the tie very best markets,, sand 900 of Goods. S• in Prints and Dress Goods lesale cost Price. reat profu ion- Goods made Irdf:r on the shortest notice: :will be sold at prices: that will for CASH. . oods and prices before purs )HST LEGKIE, , Bratataett& NTS MONEY EY' -G} SEAFORTH,. a LOW RATE, OFINT... cor wage Property, oney should apply to him. UR PROPERTY OUR= LIVES. Seaforth o AGENT FOR. xneial Insurance Compan:Y ce Company, of Toronto— Insurance Company, ut able as offered by any offer Is for reliable Companies. trong & Farley's: Groner' Seaforth. 252. 2. .FORT ORKS Luis 'tiED, in returning his sincere iublie for their liberal support ea tide opportunity of stating Cel the services of lIr• ADA)” gin and Mechanic, as u 1)rks Planting i AND FARMERS advantage to call, as: they short.caa FrWood Line done ou the itAMES, MOLDINGS, , to order. A limited number- of AND SINOI.E CARROT DRILLS ND ROLLERS, iks and Gates on hand, MANUFACTURERS. Filed the manufacture of Cheeee ft,E, ���1 SETT RS ipplied on the shortest to terms. Boxes guaranteede. Awaiting orders for M. MARTIN, Novelty Works, SeafOrth` ii. tJS! 1 NE LION BRIGADE. Ike Truth About c Fatuous llhttrge Mato the RC Rath or Heli; • At last we liave a historical blunder gracefully corrected and a. handsome ,ce uof a brave soldier whose name has f- n under a cloud;, It has been popu- larly decided -that Captain Louis Nolan, of ford Raglanks staff, beim an impetu- ona.aoldier, purposely misconstrued the scum" meaning of an order which he • rried into au authorization of the sense - leas sacrifice of the Light Brigade, anti that his only excuse was that he was the first man killed in the charge. Launee poyntz, in the Gccla.c:y, after reviewing . the topography oft e battle -field and the position of the fore: , says : As itwas, matt .s stood thus when Solan left Raglan, ®Rearing the "fourth order." The .Etas . ans were clustered on two hills, the iglish and French cavalry stood look on, 'Lucan was in his usual nervous, uritable state, when the gallop of a hor was heard. A tall, slender young ofnc r with a trim figure and black muscae a; was coming down a steep descent a full speed,,. with a White envelope sttl ;k in his belt ; and every eye teas on h n in a moment. It was Captain 1 olan, in his scarlet shell jacket, a lit le forage cap set on one side of his da k curls, his face full of joy and eagerne s.. An audible mur I: nr went through the ranks. "orders comer Nolan's the boy that'll show us the • ay to move." For .Nolan was • well k own and universally beloved.. In another moan nt he had dashed up and saluted ; the handed his .letter to Lord Lucan. Th cavalry general tore it open with the n Lyons haste eharaeter- istie of evtiry mov-Zient of his lordship.. When he read: it ver,his countenance changed. Then h 5: lordship broke, out something in this tyle : Why, good eavens, sir what can he mean ? With the little force at our command we can earcely hold our own, much less advanc . It is perfectly stYi- cida:l. How can e advance ? Nolan's eye be an to blaze. He had just come from tht high ground, whence the whole Russianiposition could be seen ata glance.. 1u o,wing: that his order contemplated the doubling back of the Russian columns , 0. saving the guns in the redoubts, he vas impatient of the pragmatical obje tion of this captious old man. In a stern, dist Lord Lucan.: "Lord Raglan's airy should attack " Attack, sir ?" "Attack what ? Nolan threw nantly, and poi `net ton he spoke to • orders are that the cav- immediately." cried Lucan, angrily. That guns, sir ?" his head back indig- becl to the Causeway There Axa. flash, -a flash in the air, a li -smoke, and a loud shell burst in the fa line. Poor Nolan tb at fearful shriek, an saddle, stone dead; art. With a fie low g rushing horsemen tfuic and dashed on, at a it valley of death. The secret of - Bala Nolan. ' tie Pa es el m and a second cloud of white g ! as the first of the tr+tting Up his arm with ell back in his ek through the an of rage the ened their pace gallop, 'into the a perished with Tas The adage wh'c there is no use dis u ters of taste because 'sibility of establish n. (lard of measurem n is quite as foblishl other adages are. standard of taste `i> we may pionoune� Upon all questio The s dard is aplb1 it read res very,.littl it alai st unfailing1 is appr priate to the is put, nd is suited ings, is in good tast things hich• are ill regard are vulgar The m n or wonia who puts .on full dr ss for an `oc---a-�ion toe hich plain ressing only is appl•optlate, shows ten tati atone. very p ful to it wou faded calico gown i In these, au ly proper Vs teness ^; an rd what a vaal1 s there is in th delicate,- b-' 1 in its props ter a patio' aLd sofas t with it, -we may w: injustice pronounce or cha' itably aassu cl' lowed himself to b tine of his . upholst.ve's bad aste. A chair is made to be sat o , but _11.n - i these Vale,: blot, saati`rx seats w evitaklly be injured if you sit them, and .no per on' of ore sensitiveness can fa 1 to be thoarough- ly uncomfortable lander ., con_ s ious- ness that he is injur !ono- ings of a friend's at over-dre_ti ssi g are otkthis t-ot-placedueS sse's tial ly v i 1 gar. is nearly Syilouy- ste, dictates that going to w/. Ili. in reet, or ride in a street ar or an sat in front of his omni tKis, shall b simply dressed as nawing his gray mus- regards Loth the .color 'rand rnak'-up over his inaction. Ridge, where the _Russians were busy at work trying to ail away the captured guns. The groin was standin at the right of the en.tr. ;ee of the north valley. 'There,; my rd, is your enemy, Ti he said, " and th re are your guns." The Captain fo got that he was talking to an excited a id impracticable man.- Wrong-headed an.Wrong: headed L can chose to fancy that' he pointed to the end of the valley, acid with all the obsti acv of his nature kept to the error. " Very well, ;ar, very well," he said angrily. "The The • rder shall be :obeyed. I wash my hands o it." He wheeled h s horse and trotted off to Where Garai: • brilliant lines Lathe and chatia( Then said Nitroa "Loral Cardinesu. you will attack the Russians m the alley." The earl dropp el his sword in salute. s .o • n teaches that ing about at - here is no pus - a correct' twa- in the nnaattdr, ntrue as most ere is a correct verything, and wetty certainly of this lend. priateness land skill to aply That which arse to which it o its surro>ind- alwafs,- 'bile laeed in : ese in every ase. n the actai n for which nothing A blue sil , frock.: mai 'etty, indeec., and vet y t upon prole occasions d . look miacl worse tli. worn at all other of taste easured b amount o world ! l e satin is 'etty :i place, but )viten rid find 11 the here upholstered i ut any sort of the host v lgar, that he h s al- made tit vic- �nlgarity of os - can be ste- but n a 'fu- ses, a<p-. this L11-' 'nc 1- neral. the on propel s and. p arity enoug we e chairs upon �nary All nishiii an 011 stain's them as Good sense, which mous with good t a woe . an who .:is the -s ing the b ler. and all ov r=fur n titre. T re is bout the that ant poi'. he insjd Tho ing Bunn wo wo Amo for net imic tirad wi of sell thelI woth it pat age Th tor' for be enc. Tho n took he' i til ro As an c� For fou frag one qua, him w at 3111 kris in 1 THE HU . N out of Jones ; he sep rated] t' e from the colored girl, it d rly turned Mrs. Murphy's out. Al of them recovee or 7 .ner viewed, these procoe c�� with reglret. He went o r 'and suggested that give $100 if- the doe, r close out his pump, and $"0 f be would go out of to n ee or four weeks, 'The Ccir id he - did not wish to s t tine or obtrusive, hut •s of having doctors nieddl ng is lausines,'. Then Dr. Ban d that he would not only h t d not lea e town, rout wl e ext poisong case occurred, he buy a st .am engine, att cli the machne, •and pump e t through)I ut the : unend f eternitat if he wanted ight Butc'•a er bribed the a boy to br ng him the pu few moms t.s. Then he ru me nitro-_lycerine around t .e the piston and sent it bac • ext day ary Jane McGLi e xalic acid. The doctor cam serted the apparatus down h r and plun ' ed the piston dow p, a shriek, a loud explosio Tary dine, oh ! wheE e was :;n '1 } -seven pi: ces of her vl a •e nd, and th,s picked up twelve ents of th- doctor, so the Cor - had -a than e for :fifty-nine in- t the fees of which enabled o bay a btTie1of flour, get his fixed, an give' bis"wife a pink dress. He was the most enter - ng Coroner they ever had in r illiamsport--31 ax Adder. y ;PoSI'OR. KERR, WILKIE as Wish to inform the people Huron and public geoora'ily that t for a term of years, and are now prepared to manulitoture all kind ng t 0 of her clothes. ` Delicate colorsor itr-headed Lucan elaborate styles `kte wholly/ riivap- " Certainly, n: to paint out to y tery>a front, a h the ground is riflemen." "I can't , hel pally ; " it is order that the L ght Brigade is to attack the enemy. Wei .have no choice. but to T .e Wesleys preached in fa 1,t cler- obey.' ical ostume, with gowne and rands.' Whitefield, in the days of the Might-, fest power, addressed the multitude y lord ; but allow me ou that there is a bat- ittery on each bank aad covered with Russian it," said Lucan, snap - Lord Raglan's positive propriaate in the street or in a public vehicle, and being inappropriate, thay are in ver:T bad taste always. And Heal Cler yet we' see them , evely sday.— k. and Ho>mae. si oat Costume in Ancient Tin es. Then Cardiga ' Very well, said. Then tui brigade will adv Meantime Nol sage of arms: wit] er, had ridden himself, where h bowed his head. ny lord," was all he ing to his staff, " The ane," he said quietly.. an, after hie sharp pas- i the division command- o to the right brigade was cheerfully talking to his sworn con iia de and friend, Captain Morris, of the Se enteenth lancers. Now that he had ma' twined his position • of atioris, dressed in the full !clerical mouth -piece of he commander-in-chief, array. The Puritans had -,a strladted against- the • ini .udent fault -hiding of clerical dress, known astheGeneva Lucan, he felt happy. His beloved 1 t cavalry was to b glorious nnissi0 • Ridge, and air preparing to as the•Russian. s Who can w N'lan told Mair see the brigad1 It was his pri heart beat high with hope. Little did he "of know of the ex eat of pig-headed stu- they piclity natural t the Iiinglish aris commanded and A` clear, spar - front of the brig in fi Met} as Cu prela form. nails 11 canonicals. Coke, tile, first odist. Bishop to America, was reful of,hia diess as'a Modern te. Asbury, as Bishop, per - d his duties among the ;savan- of the South and on tine plant launched at the: on the gown. This was worn as - ate as against the • Causeway the days . of Dr. Lyman Beecher. . dy L"Allonville was Drs. Stiliimaa.n and Baldwin, tlf Bos: lilt the other frank of ton, he two renowned B,aptifit min - . that ;enthusiastic ister of thatcity, always breached is that he was going to in g wn '4.nd 'bane s, and the clergy through the charge ? generaally were bands, - when - they liege to do so, and no owns, to indicaa that were ordained preachers. breeches, long black stockings, with silver b. iekles, lonry vests, td that c h segs. « va "coats and a camel! reach- ale uow formed in three ing up to the forehead, �Was the the two members of Blac =my who respectively shoe cut y oice was soon heard in lines Lord Lull rode away to -the undress of-.- ministers all- sects a. "Heavies," and I.Nolan galloped rotund the early part of the iTesent century. to the rear of t e left of the brigade, as 'The P formed Dti ch still o `iclate t he sharp voice riecl , "Light brigade forward; trot, march !" in g wn and bands. So do I.aa. por- In a moment hefront line was away, tion of the Pres;oyierian clergy. as steady as if o i; parade, at a rapid trot, ° �!+` fallowing an er •et Gentleman, mounted The Cor©net's Triumh. old a chestnut t orotighbred, and wearing B l toner, - Cori we kne _lin_, tight scarlet t Masers :and a blue •fur- Uhl -ailed jacket, the front a perfect blaze was Coroner up in Williaajmspor•a, o fold PURE THIt DRUG BUSI by Mr. JOHN S chased by me, I beg t of Seaforth and. via replenished with Evel ?, Regatire�ne DRUGS. ESS, heretofore carried on ATTER, having bent pur- intimate to the inhabitants ity that the stock is being t of the Drug Trade. Const: Pur Drugs, Ch cines Toilet, Fano PCOM . , HAIR, TOC,, Trus f ' Business that win erg was dreadfully'he erect gen exuan wasasslender in affil! N olaod‘r t died ;addmy •or fi the Earl of Car( i�ranhimself.gure, as alert r gesture as- a boy of `?ll, cv a s d ro w rise r and yet that nr to was 57 years old, and : Butcher. nog only 11 But lawny y but he' inaade no gad the started when Rolan uttered al Cry of astonishment aril ileo as wilt `�hiCunan' •• rage. "Good God 'are the fools g to Sad lenly a man ,a. foe coil suic'de by :poison seemed on tamong the people. Brown fed herself with i str) botl the Smith girls sniffed therm- selves with arsenic; AleckJones too a dose of laudanum ; J Al girl swallowed sot poi. on, and Mrs. Murphy's li atBi ma cur an fac wa acl Br ou 1 nlurdered , and lad nothing to do; fees, and 'vas as Poetry. bitting to break. Mrs, hnine, charge down th valley '" he shouted Theca,satin sirs rs to his horse, he dashed out of h $ place and galloped mad y across the fr }it, waving his sword, " Where are you going, my lord ?" he Shouted. " Tl .at is not Lord _Raglan's :order ! ClripgL;, front to the right. This tvay-! This way r The batteries on the ridge i" Lord Cardia4n was as hot-tempered in cl Lucan. The audacity esuming to cross his front .mor that officer', to address a an additional insult. word, but pointed grimly is sword. Nolan's words way- as Lor of an officer pr was., enough. hia brigade Re spoke not forward with were lost in th thunder of hoofs, and all that was seen was his figure crossing the front and wilcly • gesticulating, pointing to Causeway Ridge. Theme the Itussiaan batteries opened. All hnson s e utlg tl:e • son P a:, all sizes Shoulder*Bra Chil T;i ntly on hand: • micals, Patent' Medi - 11 d Dye Stuffs, - and Rubber Goods, TH, NAIL AND S RUSHES, Ladies' and Gentl es, Carriage, Bath an rens Sponges, ERFULTIT1ES AND SOAP,. he Choice and Fashionable Articles ines and Liq fors for' Medicinal- Pt poses, IIorse and Cattle .Medicines, Greens', a ft l .L u•ntl y's Potato esiroyer. Phys clans' Pre Recipes C Cnstomerx favorii stock complete. Pii my a oek of DYE 8 ranted genuine: and JOH four . boxes of •nlos Phorous cites. These tragic events oc ed at intervals of' a few days, in each case no sooner Nvere the s discovered than Dry Bunsen at mace on hand with his stone - PP um . He eniptaled Mrs. wn all of a „sudden ; he ;pumped the Smith girls ; he tore the laud - acriptions and F rrefullyy. Prepared. g me with a call will d the rticnlar attention is 01 nod to T'OFFS, all'of which a e war - at kite'lowest prices. hT S. ROBERTS, Sea iorth. Pure Bug roily as ,PUBL N OTICd is herel have this day Milkers and Prodna Village of Seafortr fir a1 JAS. P. KE igned J ! S.! P. Be to state to th grad Dealers .of t_ hay the her get lag ma pat the as .I for th Castings, Straw: Cutters,' Sa P1 ws, and otI er Farm"in We are o prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. The and signed have had long expeirience in the Foundry bus satisfaction in all their work; 287 ey have•leasodthe Seaforth Foundry of • in Machines, Irrl plements. ness, angi are prepared to guarantee • KERR, II, KIE & , CO. IC NOI tCE. y given that the undo signed entered. into Partner hip as CominissionMetchant in the , under the -name, st -le and WALL & CO. AS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHAi.LES ORTH. ENDALL &{CO3 Farmers, Produce Mdrehants County of Huron that they purchased froin Messrs.-SHEARSON & .CO. is known as the 'Seaforth Mills, and will iter carry on the same. All Kinds of Grain Purchased, s formerly, t CASH PRICE hanged for WHE. t11J 1 Phyla; LOUR ex Paid. Notwithstanding, the Great. Rush to DENT'S FOR THOSE cmArDRY4c.wDs, The Stock is yet very large, and, in order. to s ill, further reduce it, the !GREAT CLEARING Will continue TWO WEEK CHEAP DRY GO ALE longer. DS STORE. OLD ISGSLC =DE W0, i D OVEPL, best way to save it is to purchase a •nine article in RS AND. GENE AL IGROCERIESI Very cheap, at . a ers - desirin to exchange can rely upon ;,ing for heir Wheat No. 1 Flour. I OUR ' ELIV]RED in any part of the Vil- e' roe of chafge. e and srsigned having .1 had the entire working Meme t of th Mill for the past thrze years, r+ns ma rest assured that they will r ceive acne sa tisfact4ry treatment and as gco work c riierly REFE ENC_ oald b to tL t e exte sive p ast fol yearn, and trust that the dm eras patron ge ail_ be extended to the ne whb we h tye pleasure in being able to con d to our- old patrons. All it b i ction With the Mill roust b all & € o., itnd all debts ,due ith t. e. same,' will be Settle la JAS P. KENDALL • Ito the above, the and r. ink their numerous c st tronage accorded to t e ly ns, Ja 00 Bay comma coma P. Ken ection firmo SEA hi of t hi n laag ustom since s that e Sante a call, stook W. A. SHBARSON bOR AND BLIND FA 1 riber bege leave to thank his nu ts for toe liberal patronage este e may he favored with a conti tendin to build would do Wei 8 he w .11 continue to, keep on af ell kinda of RY PINE LUMBER, BLINDS', MOULDr'IS'. INGLES, LATH, ETC. our hi with their patronage ss wor Men are employed. ular tion paid to Custca OOR feels may fa Parti EAT igned mien for e lib - firm dent - • due aid to m us, in y the LE EED STORE. Floar, Cr, and Cornmeal Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Fnait, Ve °tables constantly ma hand. 1 TO rt* -i, NT DYSPEPSIA, TRY OUR GR ULATED WITEAT. A Choice 1 t of 'Crockery and Glassware. Splendi bargains in F it Jars. Call and eee thein. Goode eliverecl free of.charge. N. B. DAR POSTS nd SHINGLES still OR hand. THOMAS L E, §eaforth, Ont. K1 IS ALWAYS REi BATIST PLAIN His im Dress Go The lat Ties and ewe stock of . do cannot be e, st novelties in ense Stock of Pitrasols and Kid Gloves in every style. D'S EMPORIUM 'OWNED FOR NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. He has now on hawl SUITS, LADIES' LINIEN MARSEILLE SUITS. SUITS,' CHILDREN'S STRIPEP SHAWLS, In great variety, from $1 50 u ward. Ilks, dram/dines, Japanese Silk, Poplii.ns, Black Gros Grain Silk and Fancy celled in any country town, adies' Collars and Cuffs, in Muslin a d Linat,Sets, Real Lace Collars, Fancy Ddn't forget to see our Teas and Sugars ; llpounds of bright OTJ NT COMPLETE. meters Sugar, $1. TEAS CANNOT BE EXCELLED FOI QUALITY AND, PRICE: s advancing, the above Dry Goods wi be sold cheap for cash. THO AS OR ONE EVIC. KIDD, SEAFORTH. 7. T BEG most respectfully to caution the publie -A- of the British North American Provinces' to be on their guard against purchasing splitious medi- cines which are being sold as my genuine "Hollo- way's Pille and Ointment," by certain individuals, of little or no means, trading (for the last few months only) tinder -the style of the "New York Chemical Company," Every artifice is mode use of by them for the putpose of imposing Upon the public; and. the more effectually to deceive, they have the effrontery, in their Advertisements, to issue the following caution: The immense demand for HoirzowAT's Plaas to counterfeit these valuable Medicines. " In order to -protect the Public and oureelves, . have issued a new 'Trade Mark,' consisting of an Egyptian Ciatle of a serpent with the letter H the centre. Every box. of genuine .1101.10 -way's "To DEADENS AND joElcEns IN Demos AND MEDI- PitI.LLNS oAnNeD a Or ex xgrera ttre'civ: si tElhhso.ajte tt s trade mark on We call your particular attention to the new none Of the old style are manufactured Is'y us now, nor have they been for months. We therefore caution all purchasers against reciving_ from any Jobbers or Dealers the old style of gooda. " Informati..n cozfeerning any such geode being offered will be received. with thanks. " WeAsk the favor of all the information you can give in regard to these counterfeits." • Now this Company is aware that your laws do not permit them Id copy the precise getting up of any Medicines, but it? order the more completely to blind the public, they have recourse to another piece of deteption viz., in stating, that they deem NitEnv‘e,cIeeAsnatryr: as&et.hey say, to make up the Pills end Ointment in Another form, and that they adopt a Besides the above-mentioned " C)aemieal Com- pany," there is also a David Pringle, of New York, who by consummate trickdry is attempting to sell spurious imitations of my Medicines. Beware of This unPrincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that I owe very large sums of money in the United States. What is the fact ? .A. newspaper agent obtained, without my lmowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who held a limited power of attorney of mine, an -order to advertise ray Medicines in South America for tlaree years, to the extent of $400,000 in gold. Ile then sold his claim to a lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a friend of his who gave judgment against me to the amount of,$171,237 gold, for profit which he said. he could have made by it, had I not taken steps to repudiate this vile trantiaction the mo- ment it came to ray knowledge. This judgment 'wilt soon be eet aside. It cannot be supposed, I am sure, that I owe a cent_to any one that I would not immediately pay. , There is no truth 'whatever in the statement that I ever arithori%ed any person or persons to use nay name for the sale of nay Pills and Ointment, al- though gross frauds have been practised upon me by unpriniipled men this way. I would, ask, as a favor, that should it „come to the kno vledge of s.ny person that spurious medi- cines are being made and sold in my name, that he beplealted to send me the name and address of the vendor who is selling the same, that I may, for the protection of the public, institute proceediugs against him and I engage to remunerate hand- somely my i'nformant without divulging his RAMO. Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines, he will oblige me by sending to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of "six cents in postage), one of the books of instrac- tiona which are affixed to the same. My Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than o/ Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. These Medicines are not sold. in the United States. Each Pot and Box of ihy Genuine Medicines bears the British Governmont Stamp, v. -Abe the words " Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon - (Signed), THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Oetober 3, 1872.; CLEARING THE FOLL CRY • crests ded to , and nanee 1-1 give and a those none JO N BROADF T. Undex the patronage of the WESTERN RAILWAY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO 0 EN 3-291 Huro be pr FOR CIRCU wk. orviN, 1 R. ox 303. D AUCTIONEER for the County of • Sates attended in all parts of the All orders left at THE EXP.osITon Office mptly attended to. 19S Ladies' WING GOODS AT HIL S, fats, trimmed . RA OLS FROM 25 FLOUNCED WHITE SKIRTS fr ri 60e. SUMMER EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT CCARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgetin Dentist . attends in Senforth, at linox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- daya and Fridays. The remahader of the time at hip Stratford Office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Sea:forth and Clinton, on tne first claya of at - Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. - Teeth inserted in the moat substantial and im- proved styles. - Filling done in goltl, &c., in a manner which can- ot be surpassed. 287 - The above Goods are riew and stylish, and will be offered at ost, to clear Summer Stock. l'IVIEMBERI -ONE WEEK'S SA F9r the Haying and Harvest of 187J. CAYU And gull advanta 1st. T chines c 2nd. The pi uneven ready to other xn three at Weeh or both same IS We And gri far • The Subscribers offer their nrivelled A CIFIEV JR MOWER, AND JOHN. TON SELF -RAKING SINGLE antee them sn enor in every respect to EMT Comb ed Machinee ▪ in use. Among their chief es over CORIbl ed "Machines we -would mention the ollowing t ey are cheap , because a Reaper and Mower coati g $210 will outwear two Combined Me- eting over $ , and with not one-quarter the cost of repairs. hey are lighte dreught ; any light team can work either Mower or Rea:tier all day -with easJ. ans working reely, and ReVet cramping, as is alw ye the ease with combinedhltiehtnes On urfaces. hey do bett4 work, because each is specially a apted to its own class of work, is always its work with ut chenges, and both machines, liy heir tilting leverS, will cut closer than any (;r chine. This is a great advantage, espeeially in Mowing, as an inch at the bottom is worth ye no space t enuraerate the furthEr advantages of these machines, hut offer a trial of either n all kinds of grass or grain, and will agree to cut the -worst lodged ;grass or grain, going the y it is lodged, which no other Mower er Reaper cart do. , er to such as nsist upon trying combined machines our HIO COMiBINED MACFI1NE WITH JOHNSTON SELF RAKE, ntee it equal to the best of its clam All our worpr guaranteed. Address 33 TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. WTH;TNEY Would state to Dairymen that she has commenced to manufacture Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stove,s and, Tinware on havd as usual. 011., for sale Wholegale and Retail. MRS. WHITNEY, Main -street. Seaforth. ed to. 11 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, -Ont. pairs at SOtaiSON BROS., Seaforth. DANIEL McGREGrOR; Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, TTAS just received a large Stock of the materials used in the businese and is now fully wepar- latest etyles, all orders he may be fa.vouredwith. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS • OE ANY .KIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, op the shortest ill:Aloes and at prices -which defy dompetitioit. Ladies' Work, Boxes & .Faizey Gases. ' Made to order. -OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound. and repaired at city prices. All communicatione addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, PtraltIslIED • EVERY FRIDAY MORNING • TERMS.—$1.50 per year in advance, or 2 at the end of the year. - Ad vertising Butes, • First insertion, per line, 8 COMO subsequent' in- sertions, 2 cent% each time, per line. , CONTRACT RATES. 85 00 One-fourth one year 2120 0000 12 90 One-eighth one year One -twelfth oue year 8 00 8 00 Business Cards, (6 lines and tunier,V yeer.. 4 GO Advertisements of Stray -ed, Lost, Found, &c. not exceeding 10 lineal -first month, $1; after first and REAL ESTATE si er: jay:ea. "50nisecetmeenxetneseetsethaocfnhgpm1Aopnlimtnhse.s_fint month, each subsequent month,'75 cents. 'firths, Marriages, Deaths—G1 atis. Advertisements without specific ditections will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Advertisements measured by a scale of soli&