HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-15, Page 4Sale Teac • Boy• App List Imp To t Este TEW ADVERTIS,EM.ENTS. Lots at Mimi io. r Wanted—No. 9, Grey. Vented—Walter -Scott. ntice Wanted—E. Hickson & Co. f Letters—S.Diekson, P. M. taut to Salt itl.anufacturers. Creditors of H. McMillan, &e. ► Steers—;games Nichol. • ,, The New York Daily Graphic. Jew try --M. R. Counter. F'IDAY, ATTGUST 15, 1873, Canada's Disgrace. ntr try to general expectation, the overnor General,acting of the ad : ce . of his advisers, prorogued Pa iament on Tuesday last, without or •:a explanation, k1 one word Off II , � P all i wink opportunity for remon- str ncebor discussion. , It is with n:as of sorrow that' we record f1 b thi an Col sue th! 1 th , TH HURON OSITbR. rule a the people : e take .the in ter text and s hands �. 1 own into their neer so foto bee t in a ma - their rights as` to sttik ,error into the hots's of those who ave heti ' ter - este, their the n ountry ;wall speedil go from bad o worse, until the i carne rd Canada. w 1 be a �w y and, the country be Shunned, by virtuous and 1 law -loving :people. With the elec- tors of tcount. ` •rests the we} to avert his calak Iity. The will yet have • .n opportunity of est rcis_ ing that : ower, and if they blindly fail to do so, on themselves must lie the ies )onsibility, and the will have: to s iffier the coneequen thein neglct. action of His Excellency. The ouncement will create in the ntry as profound a sensatipn of `prise ale did the publication of documents which proved beyond possibilityof doubt the domag- charges preferred against the G vernment by Mr. Huntington. T position occupied 'by Lord Duf- fel in was a delicate one. His de - 'on was awaited with almost b •pathless anxiety. He had. two lases before him. He might take a independent and determined s 0 c The Bid. Teat sh1' s of for .pori ment du Bru ernnl! or on. and Go at clar the gro sta Cot of of fro to ?VZt gr of the. ,s1 S 'nterests o ' 3n behalf of the 1 rid l. ople and the credit of the country, be in order to shield himself from th rsona:l responsibility, commit an fr of high-handed tyranny, resting ni`. the authority of advisers against tie tlibom the gravest charges of corrup- to `n, and even treason, have been ren established. By puranin . the former si he would raise himself evenhigher th'' inpublic- estimation ; by -the latter la' he would.eern the contempt of every I parfticip patriotic Citizen.' We deeply regret had d not meaner, or punishable i per as wilful and co no party such art or witn pelled to answer any cq swer to which he mig liable to a criminal pro The a'bove is the 1 a Royal Commission by which it must b will be noticed th sll 1 be compelled u q stion, by his ans might render him criminal prosecution of course, that no compelled to give will criminate hi Commission, therefo in its power to -ora 'lawsin civil judicati ulph and: McGillieeray ` liaieentaxy Cumm'ttee has much more extended pow • rs. It can com- pe witnesses to a a swer questions, whethe �vhe their answers matter no inate themselv • or not, with provision that s tch evidence can - afterwards be s d against wit- ses in a crimina roseeution. ' If witness before Parliamentary mnnittee refuses •o answer any estion put to in, no matter ether the answe e self-criminat- or not, he is . ble to be com- tted tted for contem of Par. is is one import: a t difference be- een the powers . sted in a Royal ntmission acid Parliamentary remittee. ft i no doubt, a owledge of the istence of this as all -along went and their o :o -loudly for a It is this k n owl - n induced them e in the way of cted by a Par- ee. The Gov - as well as • in - of the Govern - Mr. Hunting- ce in office. It idence of these at he hopes to In .other words, the Government nce of members efore .aRoyal uld be impossi- would require ve answering a n,would. be` to ould criminate ng the case, it e to get any im porn members of This is what the and What they uvring for, and ty of Lord Duf- they are to 1n ve er such dream iiry so conducte 1 -it needs not th o foretell what th the same man - pt , but • pt perjury se shall ' be com- e tion by his an- t vender himself ec adore. w under which n be held, and overned. " .It t " no witness answer any ✓ to which he e liable to a This means, itness can be e idence which s:lf. A Royal is only equal i o ary courts of re. Britt a Par - ing and;' devouring' three -nen a one wo attacke Murray in tot rapid fi until t small p The nitig 0 W ashir gtgn and Curriman, to. fire on haturday at Chatalon Lan ing, an;Was. destroyed. She h about 50= passengers on board, a betwee forty and fifty lives lost. , It is believed that it will not decease. y 'or Gladstone to be re-ele ed to ° aeliament in consequenc his asst mption of the Chancelorsl' of the San going g earnes a cam near days white and s men. theh Sever. If Claim. surd clajnt of the 1t wn- •lI ra. cl I�IcGt �v 'an ' ul y 3idd P ;ion of the surplus leo- 1 cli the Counties of- uron e was set at rest by the' nt Corernission, whi sat t - o on t • ur S d a.Y last. The a d b ho ma edt tives time ships cl to 'the the ie as - bad ice to Mance ecog- oun- ly al- )mipg or 'a Tnder e out- allo4ve also dis of co w� s1on. To show 1 Cord. s ndle s the claim was, we e that evidence was submitf -miss' on by the represent& , proving that at the aration ppf these town County they refus them ,any portion oa uroi he se the e will nicip-� 1 Loan Fund' debt, of ands Thatthe, railway for t anoe- of which that debt n iueureed was of no ser+v m on account of their cl m it. This tefasaa was ;. ed by the Council of both and :they were accord$' ed t depart without b lc ponsil le - to ;the Count ale c• t of the debt. se cir eousl that he has taken the latter course. ` t x e has insulted the people, by de- + m berately over-ridin the decision ` b their representatives, and playing 1 y' to the hands of tiaitors, who have B ld Canada's interests to foreign rn eculators for gold with which to b- rrupt the electors and retain t debt o. de. th ry pro sides nt co Mr. at if t era selNesin their positions of trust -a&prope> �d honor. By this act he has for- -er blasted his reputation and de S" roved his influence for good in this iz untry, and he has but. himself t'� C mile.I When. Mr. Huntington, On th $' of Parliament �referred h, lss tha oar l sleazes against the Government, C linty: ' ii.rlian ent declared itself competent t' o to deal with then, by appointing f as, w id empowering a Committee of t® say t arliament to investigate them. v'ay F o the parati cl va linty stead 1,000 a •emastances it would l unjust to allow glom , tQ to in the i•efun.d wh'ee they ontribtted toward on whish the refun This was the vie 0 parliament was adjourned for the' press purpose of receiving the re- t sort - of the'Committee.- It was, d herefore, clearly the duty of Par- -'an ent, on reasser bling, to receive e report and take such action on lee matter as it deemed proper.. o ret on the reassembling of the c Louse, the Governor General—the' Fg presentative of` the Crown—steps t and refuses to allow. Parliament a .proceed further, takes the -natter n.to his own hands, and, in direct (elation of the expressed wish of I}e• .peopl'e's representatives, adopts a-tethod of his own for the invest- anon- This action of the Governor t+ eneral is, in reality, tantamount O saying that Parliament is incom petor_t to perform its functions, and uha4t•tine duties which it I ha, taken up6u itself to perform must be per fdrinecl by him, in his own v' ay, =en- ti4rely independent of the w sties of. the people or their .epi ese a tatives. burs, (Parliament is insul ed, the eople -:set at . defiance an a their fights ag:.1ored.. 1 a t t In proroguing Parliame t, His xcelle ssy,promised a Roy 1' Com n ission. While we do no dispar- ge, in ¶advance, • the results - of the bors of such a tribunal, N e have ut little -confidence 1n it,s a Aility to sake a cormplete and' sercl ing in- estigation. No matter w at the esult of thisenquiry may ae,: even sough the .accused should b white- • ached and no bill found against hem, there has already been s iflicient vidence produced to the co retry <to onvince every unprejudiced person dantble 4nd" prdvisio s t at hat the Goveieacaent are g ilty,1 to,> � 4 greater or Mess elegree, of . the ienever e Governor -m -C unci' 1 f paying is to taken Cornmissioners,1 who laim. state- d to, Clerk, serly dismissed the his, it was shown' piled 'by, and cert- Adanson, County ese townships had- assumed portion of the inde tedness ouaty at the time of the n, accordn to the r equal- ue, their liability 'fo the -ould' have been 5710,00 " of this they were let ofl' wi. whicha�mount was 51.1,0( had been expendedby tl or gravel `roads alone in tl nships. f In view f tile fancy none will b�e ' foul at Biddulph and 1rcGill-i- being ' unjustly dealt wi�h. beim:d debarred from participating any extent ie.. the rails a� refit d e th Counties of Huron atLd race. The only evidence ,5 which e tow ships eould produc before e- Co mission to substianti to their airn f r some 530,000, as nen-. rnrni;t al letters from th �e of the arbitra- aration, tion, 4o facts temente a fi th no ne 0, .t .a Iw I in Im Tl 4 t C C k d' fference whi ompted the Gov Bans to clamor oyal Commission edge also which a t r put every; obst • t e trial being co 1' mentary Oomi e •nment as a bo d vidual member ent, are charged n with malfeas mainly by the en so charged rove their guilt. e intends .provin; uilty' by the evi G overn ment. ornmission this w le, as all a witnes do, in order to •oublesome ques farm that it imsel''f. This ' ei ould beeiirnposs'bl ortant evidence f he Government. overnment desi ave been ma hrough the dupe Grin we are sore heir way.. U tans, an enq ill ; be a sham, a ift of a prophet esult will be. 0 Ie re d (1 n ss h i P h e r a a •ntlemen who'had acted as rs at the time of the se' d tha- e :letters contained r fine � es, but merely st- •om IiI , m oly of transactioi ad taken place some 11. y ne cla m of Bddul.ph and ray, t erefore,` unsupported by any viden.c- to substantiate it, cannot e considered j other than. an im- udent attempt on the part of these ownsh lis to obtain what t' ey had either an equitable or le . 1 right o, and we are ° surprised lint the uthori ies of 'ithe muni ipalities hould ever have thought f such a hing. t 1 0 in a t t 1 d • a c cl 1 t d c th The same night. s tide tent of Captain Cheri un- att Englishman, on a h and were driven off l• ey ingon them, not, hc,weve�'r, ey had torn. the tent .into eces. steamer Wawawasett, rn. the Potomac River between red NEWS OF ®►: B WEEK. The reports f• shery are encoi ocal fisheries of rosperous this se It is announced Ias been pr, oclaim �y General. Forel` hat many ' leadin uilitary, are embr men The French ma which third quarter of .tl rs ago. Mid' war indemnity cGil11- I The Orange S pool, on the 7th Canadian Orange rand public deur = Articles of ag Lace have been c ad by John A. Bi and 'George Bro ,1.,000 a side, th tt Halifax on A The Cubans of preparing anothe rrns• and amm u is oil by the steatite a- said that this wi 1 m t'he Labracloi raging, and th Nova Scotia ar: on. that Don Carlo•, d King of Spa o in Cuba, ana hien; civil ans cing his dause. e payment of th e last milliard o' on the 5-th inst. cieties of Liver sf.•welcomed the lepatation with a o, stration. .eeinent for a boat r.twn up and sign- in, of New York, of Halifax, for race to be rove ust 2Sth. ew York City ar xpedition to lan ition on Cuba Virginius. It i, e the largest on ive fire. occnrrec an. Saturday more wharves and. th1 g were destroyed $600,000, tipo robable insuranc inet changes ar: e Gladstone Minis t is of Ripon - an and Baxter hay lads tone assume• of theExchequer, he - Premiership tikes the limn As' -ecen`l �ility'0 or tlhe. cant o our ewers re. ating in the ada, e quir ies and 0 in its p 1. W' deems. be mad connect Royal Cornm.issi ei. considerable discus ion h taken i lace on thd -advi issuing Royal Co ` Mission' 'et attempted. • A very destr investigation of t e -Pacific at Portland, Me. it may not be anint resting ning, by which readers: to know w at the - contiguous ship' of such a Cornmissio really entailing a: lose he following is the Act re- '°hick there is a of $153,0.00. subse thepl Re i • xcheguer. { Francisco roughs have beim i - n It1 od - hlnama • John:G t g at i atcll announces aces t A dispatch of Chinese laborers,, work' ng �enecia, Was attached a ve o by a crowd of drunk en en, who tore down the to is ' r tined and clubbed the Chi a The latter fled like sheep i to u nc. ed. All work is s s �e Is. 1 1 of the assailed laborers w re k d e t - of in 1111 flout. uentlyfound miles away ce of attack. ports from the harvest Franc --show that the yield gene ly is nly, middling. • In the so the q ality of the wheat is good, op is scarce, and prices h iced. Millers' are now u� wheat, and they expect s to ex erience difficulty in run ing t ow 1consequence of :she the h is in condi ion Of • the streams caused by the drouth_, t a f� hereto, which is to be f onsoldated statutes. of itlecl, " An act respectir concerning ' public . anatters Messrs. Ohl de Can- announced in ti On: try. The Mar • rime with whi0 they are cl arged. into: andi concerning a y• n atter • At present the aepect of )olitioal. di wfth the good gove inn Lir rulers have 73een prove guilty of the p iblic buainess'thereof, rttl ministr tion of it stice therein tint Of crimes akin to treason,- •Lnd are inqairy ie not regulated by iy s Yielded &OM r1.1111811;111011t t Ild pub- law, — the Governor-General ina lic ;indignation by Her 11 atestv's the .Coeimission in the catoe ducted, the power of summon' pepple. I.Tet, although ever person them mow party 9 witaesses, • must fee/ in his 'heart that. such a quirin,g to give evidence on State of things „is r. disgr, ae ul mad orally g, (or on sole ation, if they be arties entitle derogatopy to the interettt of the kn.__ in civil matters and to pro dountry, it is lamentable' 4'11' &clime ts t mos as smell that, ,for personal and parte consid- sioners eem requisite to the f rations, a portion of the P -ess and num ber of ParliainentarY recce - Th Commieeioner or Co tativee not oely refuse to dis- shall t h have, he' same po r en. courage it, hut do . all in their force th attenda ce Df such tn. ses, is veite Ot an, Court cif La -W in civil made b oath or in addition and Mr. Lowe t es office. part At a meetin e ad- the Directors o ecial , by coast of New H s, or route, and lan coast of isjewfoun The America sta ed, has as ye co munication relative to the and have theref in the premises. Advices from brador, report enense numbers !the first time in 'the settlem.ents Belle Isle, and up one isettlierae 1 0 de c dva reig 0 a in a.1- th bu t ave ins; oon • 13 CM1- efore TM- lfirm sech mis- y are )11 • ce 1 in h th ners ower to assist ia its cont y applauding and euppo.rt iilty. What the reeult ng the M plate. • nd any wilfully telae s any melt witnesSea ifirmatioe, shall, be • recently held o ble direct to th he Company or mer- m it is ogrtehate d ta, 'change th pto ection of the lives of seamen. ter he cable on th - Bfr the act relating. to the trial f con- (Che trov erted elections of members if the Ho G-overnmeut, it,. is the • MI nem from Yor, tain cilaim eget 4d i ¶go stew pick: of :th and, spea impo the t Cont: corro Whalley, for. 22 years pa er of the British Parlian Peterbaro, arrived in. on Wednesday, in order- t testimony +favorable to ret to the Tichborne title He says that n, man ape England about three w ho pretended: to have .bee rd on board the Osprey, w d up the -boat from the w Bella containing the clai, s the man -gave eviden ing the truth' and corrobo tent evidence already.give •ial, he thought it edvisal over and see if be ct tied: borative proof • .171E PRO AUGUST 15, 1873. °enadu;n Pacifio Railway, to which the public attention has been directed, and that the eyldence adduced before a ucd Commission should be taken on oath,. The Commissioners shall be instructed roeeed with the inquiry with all to p mit their report o diligelloe, and trans Prt as well to the Speakers of the -Senate and House of Commons as to myself, itnme- diately; on receipt cif the enport 1 shall cause Parliament to be summoned for the despatch of ,business to give you an early opportunity of taking such report: into consideration ; meanwhile I bid. you farewell. but he was quite inaudible in ` th gallery, aid must also have been 1 the House. Directly he had finish �r sant a Arra s the Se again �d, g b �n toy up the mace, Mr. Speaker left th chain the clerks fell intoline in th usual order, followed by the mein bers of the Adm'n_istratiau and very few others, nd made the. way` to the Senate Chamber ani' the 1pud and long continued groa and Misses of those who remained In this chamber io denapnstration These were over one hundred of feeling took place: Al! was as number ; not one of those dissentih uiet and n,,(jrly as could possibly . left t,,e floor of the Holies. q e e id iii be. ,At the conclusion of -the speech, Ills Excellency and suite withdrew, st a ent ew a ob- the and ear- ek's the ick •eck ant, e of ated �•on e to find T. p TAWAL-11.1g. 13.L -The city all Gre. 't interest and anxiety wa' felt would adopt in answer t 1 the tation of the members, but gen- pre- ame ered the 1 the hen, ieral xcel- r 1)37 the the • dies. eral eats. u an COM - the er 3 d by atoh- t eral oral ignorance unon the subjec vail kno out. THE NEW NgRTH•WEST. . and the spectators also left the The Werth pacific chamber. - 1 tips: Line and the 'TINE+ COMITIONtf. mad Climate. OTTAWA, Aug. 13.—Thee Speaker he Country -aeon Mean lery—Tine 41) C0i ASPOND'EISC1 (W T1fl N.'I'. TIME% �l M and ; FARoo, lied "liver of the North, took the °heir at 3:y P. .-i sh nAaa ,qua , is,s. immediately on his doing iso' " One of the wonders, of American pate T • Mrs MACKEIrZ1E , rose and :said : Mr. Speaker, I propose - o address you and the House on a -very im- portant question. (Hear, hear.) In the present .grave_ pba.se of the his- tory of our country, and he extra- ordinary circumstances under which we are called together, I'think—(in- terruption by the. Speaker, and lou cries Go on,"_from the members) —I think.it incumbent upon me to the following mot- n in your emigration. For tl e first 180 miles place elands. line, passes throughwood land or -swain It—�-H on That does much of which -w11 ultimately furl;►- Mr, SPLAKF p 1 va d. About 1 o'clock it be n that the Guards were or It was then eeetain tha House wonld be prorogued, an coej abet me lenc whi Abo Sen cture was confirmed N t half -past 2 o'clock, 'se bers of the suite of his took possession of the do h he was to enter the buil t 2 o'clock the galleries te Chamber were crowde • this prise, is certainly reaching out 5th mi: ness,and opening to culture a vast region undreamed of befor' ceptj trappers or kno anything abou Nor ti:. ," lying north o the line of this ro and, its anaazzing eepaeltes for whea growing. ow sin T• e road, this a� id > the r ell la is ell cont'enient and' sui clucement is offered r- rh i3o t Pacifl cP•': os, . d es into the n ik er- settlement and. api. of fertile soil ahx ost Pew people, ez- ccasional pioneers, th- eof the Red 7 River, er., , stations, and outfit able, and every in- to draw travel incl the pli Norte 111 prin ipal occupants being 1 On he floor of the chamber se lacli4s. occupied prominent , Son -96 ;iix or eight senators put appestrance and waited with- b lignity for the approach o Gov inor-general. Shortly af o'cl cls, Lord Dufferin, attend his suite, entered the Mai The Black Rod was at once des ed to the faithful Commons N All a riles -age that the Governor-ge eral ions only gov- llow- The great majority of the em - present remained in the s Chamber. ,His Excel read the following Speech enable lumber— pecially the Noir the honorable gentleman propose to pine—a commodity of great value aimed here. make his, motion.'? . Mr MACKENZIE--I tib. making The only romantic bit on the who it upon a question of privilege. The route is near Duluth, where the St. T - q P bursts through the rocks, and fo Poll°wing is the motion rapids. This, 't series of picturesque p P q atelie Some half an how' el hoever, before this .obseq funcleioeary returned, and then foll wed by the members of th eau ent and a few of their f ers. the Oen in P berl tit r y on to t ado the the we and "That -this House. during the `present thought by many, will give a very tt session ordered. an enquiry :by a 00333.- able water -power hereafter. But expe mittee of its own into certain grave endo shows that steatn is more and in charges in connection. with the , Aranting taking the place ef water -power, e of the charter and contract for the con- that transhipment is. a great objectioe struction of the Pacific Rail -Irv, which, placing mills anywhere but at the end if ttue, serionsly affect the op., del honor the route. The great benefit Of a rap and integrity of His Exceltenefs • eon- riv!pr foe. lumberino is in floating dot stitutional advisers, and the privileges the logs ; and the'aSt. •Louis, above the and independence of Parliament ; that rapids, will bring down lumber for a gte the initestigation 'thus ordered. has so distance, and no, doubt there will have fer not been proceeded with owing' to eir- saW mills, In my car were characterie cu-mstances not anticipated When the en- evidences of the attractioos of the cou quiry was ordered,- and that .4 is the ine- try. Beforeme sat a Finnish peasent 4 perative duty of this House ,tt the earli- his wife, from Russian Finis -lid, W est moment to take such steps as will were going to the Red River Valley to Secure a full Parliamentary enquiry • that Svedish settlement, to look about tOr eonstitutional usatte requires that ch'arges farm—evidently people of substan of corruption against MiniSters of the They could not speak a word of Eng Crown should be investikaterl by Parlia- or IGerman. A Norwegian was going ment, and that the assumption of that try hit fortune ; an Irish family, duty by 'any tribunal createdlby the Exe- sides. Various Ameeican land speculato cutive, would be a flagrant !violation of were seeking-thenetvWeet, Besidesthe the' privileges of this Honse, and that I was introduced to Rey. Dr. Rogers, W this Houlse will regard. as highltr repre- breught out an English colony last -± hensible any person who may presume to of some eighty or a hundredpersonse advise His Excelleney to prorogue Par- had been to Duluth for another tie* liament, before it shall haVe had. an op- ••)ment of seventy, who were expecte portimity to take action in the Premises, , The Doctor spokeeleeeringly of the e mastuuch as such prorogation weuld ren- said a few were disappointed. but der abortive all the steps taken up to only two had gene back to Engl the present time, would inflict an un- that some were -unaccustomed to 1. h precedented indignity on Perlianient, and and found it disagreeable, and they produge great dissatisfaetion in the all too much inclined to charge the Com- ency n. Gentlemen of' the Senatia and lei en of the House of Com ons : lieving you from further atte dance rliement, I beg leave to con ey to my best thanks for the di gence which you have applied. you selves ie performance of your public' uties. ne the measures which you have tett are laws of eel -eat importa ce to well-being . of the Dominion The este of trade will be promot a. by et relating to the inspection f. the e articles of Canadian procle ce, as by the statute regulating eights me sores. lie several acts reepecting ou le is a is ri- re d. to of id se at its ic nd ho a a e. to e - ho He at re dif- ver, nt. he lo- er te tle rei- ed hy Ad la of ler 671 ar ey ee- el- 00 he re e he er he he ve held out equal hopes to Manito a and Nebraska, the prospect is not -v ryle- finite. The colony system has some great advantages ; it makes at. cinee a social organization in the wilderne s. These colonies ha.ve ah•eady churches, schools and lyceums, and enjoy mneh social intercourse. Int, on ..the other hand, there is always much jealousy and heart -burning among them.. The indi- viduals are never satisfitd with the la ,d allotted to them, and believe that th se who carae first have cheated thera: The leader, however 'disinterested he limy be, is always suspected and accused of - all the troubles which their own stupidity or laziness has, brought on the co onis a out to- peoprolre: e road. Churches are ‘erec L sajaheaenffsolminriat yle:t.htt:vilfogivaelatg:st.ht.eiosnlitEartvoenr3re:t 1, cture. The! railroad itseg inotinge.:111treteu:111.,:i:c°ebh:htseealailitlifillsitiev:ireY Toeasf te:ens4ebeliei wi 'eaYt.he 11;1,1 sehoaa and places for lecturing and. plib- lit:1116etruigorecoatulii: giSa anfilels7firpostrineia/uliu)Ieth_r- : :Frew this point for seventy miles to the e _10,17editiy..iloiesaidcayrraiedi, e_tfett eort:1 rt ut iyi tit °I k ne) e'uhe, coolsflyi.,e4:eaenpa, id, have alreeedy their own ' aid this influ+nlee; it forbi which it controls - Ium.acol ,j,,,,i'd oak L. ke.praTilrlie:7tthee lacooininatrymiaes itt. i :datst;:teakurivoaeena:rrpting:liefyuinutlrgpsolaionniitas:eint:seiu,ieaperrbp. etThroiet 1 loole lanavstel::el:k,e-nefstaiYrn eavrieary hwoildleo,ev.eTe h Varklillg M- ao a peek This, of all oIt4lioeriee,gaisratehla - 1 1 el I:111- vi b .1) °,,eivic'ar el. tufmt eeor i si'rreletwri Ihh:hisi lb enerceemtia nr I loilepyg. i ei gl I lito irtt il. b .::aria alt1 li en. tv:oa) ne dreto i sl It b ia r 1.1 e aias rh: saothrie autifully, and wheat yields y to thirty-five bushele to the= a short distance brines the : arket at the railway itatiou, and more tir mffaots,tri(eirhe,atr;evlesktseproafirirese—i. 1 deuce. In whouse floobre,elevpeiraanithol t hBe notarairoeuasrye oaf.; i Fele5efsatvie a°‘,gurilLitteurrrialiricr7ac' nit°1esthinogf teriel vast stret h of country, extending north and south. of the North Pacific line. net rria°pniiscitisty:3;1-lolUisiluipelepallo-oengsreaaaersdateewoolifen)umbetrtmueoliesnfeitrahtuvehPsocot:aaaelbtrhiloye fIlli:torrglinahliitss'ddibibdaeutewsinraenlivieYllashstierir as in. Illinois.i - Wheat is the great product, and a net 310 an =le is not Uncornmon.1 PT.Iilfit14,°f4iana. men thought the prairi: They all admit4 Pd. the * tenee cold of the winters, but almost every 'one found the climate' healthiee and more invigorating than li 'more southern one. " The cold was '86 dry " the.y did not feel it.- Children would p14 without injury with the thet,', Many had been restored in health whO had come with weak twigs, but thost the air too stimulating, ,and these ofteil died , after a short residence. ..Nfotberi said. they had no tronble viitla habl6 there ; that teething and the fatal "sac! denied the existence of ifever and agi*, And yet the quantity et surface -water the bad spring -water and the hot sui would eeern just the eouditions to prd, duee it. The physicians, however, sou that there was a remittent charecter b many Other maladies 'which showed t vers are not uncommon in many 10 cantles. . In respect to SIIOW, the railroad mael say tha they were only blocked...up twi days la t winter, and no one of the resi dents s - eaks with dread of it. The roai iB carefully guarded against drifts b.! •feneing and by tree-pfarcting. On th prairie? however, one of those terrifi snow-st'orms, which they still have her - must be very perilous for man and beasi The summer climate is most deliciow. Our first day we had a heat of 90 ° inth cars, but so dry as not to be oppressivi clay the temperature wee down to -T.)7 ° ,,evTerhesecelo:ta effects at sunset on thel In the night it -cooled, ,and. afte,cr:nLot8h:ii fictilties on him. From others, how I think this House will regard it as hear a much more unfavora,ble aCC0111 highly reprehensible thati a 9-overn- They 'came in April, it is said, before t ment against which such ,charges snow left, were brought to a prairie cation where it was difficult to get -iv° have been made, spould 'be 'allowed had. no idea of - to advise His Excellency to proroeaue work was, and were what American picin horribly disg4te Parliament before it shall have had charging all their ills on the unfortuna the opportunity of taking aetion on Doctor. As I saw aftervea,rd their .i. -t . bare houses in the midst 'of the fiat p' the Tremises. (Great cheerins.) . rie. and thought what the ivy -co lir * At tittis point Mr. Speaker inter- cottages and hawthorn lanes- and us posect;and neither 11.r. Mackenzie's copses and green hills of ed ETIOn reinarks nor Mr. Spe4ker's were must have been in comp:insole I put a wheat to the acre cceild have har audible in the aallery. imagine that even thirtyi-five bushels After some -time quiet WAS dre- been a compensation. Ii they heal ales stored, and Mr. Speaker procee 06ncl_ an 0 ayiwtaekr ee 0 r Dt heet r obit , to say that he must request th h eau il regime ne orable gentleman to alleW U taeessaae would have found. it much more tierr a t able. Many of thent have, however, from His Excellency :to be read ready not only pre-empted, but purch which the sergeant -at -arms had con- ed, some individuals thus owning 8 veyed from the hands of th TT e sher of , acres of the best wheat land in t couRtry. This is not uncommon. Th the Black Rod. - This announcement was received who- possess over 1,000 acres, Thl En with groans and hisses and loud lish colony is now fairly broken u Mr. MACKENZIE—NO messenger and great hopes are entertained -t at t There is besides a New -England c lo shall interrupt me in the d' charge of . is • Russian Mennonites, a kind- of Qua my duty. I stand here as the re- sect of German or'ain will settle to t presentative of one of the .0ountiee number of 40,00t or 130,000 upon t Northern Pacific. But, as they ha of this Province, (loud cheers); and I have reason to believe that f also re- present the opinions of a majority of the people of this, country (tre- mendous cheering, cries of order and another. atteMpt on the part of the Speaker to _ interpose, followed by pose td call the at,tention of the House to circunastances that affect the independence of Parliament letter informing me that it is the in- tention of the Governor-general to proroaue this House withoutit hav- ing ha% an opportunity of discuss- ing what shall be done under_the Mr. Speaker again interposed amid cries of z" piivilege, privilege," and " order," and -the Sergeant -at -Arms proc eded to lift the mace from the table which he again, however, re- turn d to its place. MAcKENzt-E continuing, said, ty purpose to address, and address, this House on a mat - hat 'affects its independence. rs.) There is nothing in the t circumstances! that justify ornament being ;turned ont of and I therefore proceed to the chaa t shipping will greatly tend suc el ss and development of that bra ch oftour national industry a m Great Britian ' difficulty, le taken no action 1 ance a Loup, te- at. wolves in im- ave appeared, for any years, among ar the Straits of On the nigh t 'of cked a party, kill - se of Commons, you have a opted P'ese ystem which is now in sue ope ;ation in the mother country. of t c lony of Prince Edward Is a P ice of the Dominion. C ntlemen of the House of Cm In er 'Majesty's name I thank the aupplies yee have so elle gra tech They will ensure to th so mperetively galled for by th of t is grdwing,country. Hon. Gentlemen and Gentle have thought it expedient in th est of good Government to order Co mission should be issued. to int certain matters connected I sin- door. ission a,nd as The.true plan seenis to be, for from the same neighborhood to go buyinge land, and. making the best rangements possible. Then they e soon form villages and parishee arao One `of the things which ..str" es very much in these frontier settlemen is the self-denying and. far-reaching vto done for morality and civilization by t country pastors. In their quiet and u feundations far future order, law a' virtue ; they call the minds of ni n a women, who are iteuggling in ense -with material conditions, to tlfin Ts a peineiples unseen and eternal. Th represent culture amid tendendies call ed On ptevi- ;, man is metteeceupied in looking. ut f himself, end. the obligations of purl atten ion has been cliscu sion of a matter _to -which our quite ready enough to forget both. ritual is addressed to the female emb rfully ed, a id the excitement grew terrible in some. form or other, the silent believe the rage. One enterprising photogtanli inLinaughing photographs ere becemti kET:inputs a stripe of Danbury News joli, grin on the face of the sitter. —Mrs. Charles S. Stratton, i nt of ta camera, to produce a brl at hebr 'showmifee)ifiet114irelllie- ah $:!iriegul ;hi, f 1 si esti on Thursdays, of last meek, and_ badly I jthureed,N. her spine and head. pws ol aa- - -7e02 z eTTaohhtfee ; I e711 1r Ceee ewhe e riti icYPna tg-go:r ko f ariee t t 1.' e leak i ne %fir r e spn 1 rived over one railroa& en Saturday le,S, Sabbath (Saturday) from ditturbance, , prohibiting trade in the vicinity of tit' freeze to death for what hair there w might dgaoYs'.oilneilfcliorY hTeema'd Tbkeea—t-blf tl tilt AcroSwiodu.x chief, after following a —Within a brief period NeW York' niKiliteihkrertsbpoceekteer:.famTihi:. firnsteW;SomeMATe.k sou Livingston, 1 member of an catt , ed a feat which was pronounce& to be' posstble by Captain Barclay, the brated pedestrian—that it, he w fifty-five* miles in eleven- lours alt half. Ile was a son -of Judgs Broekli Livingston, of the tinted States ed.Nily0;ivi3thilhrodaryaol,daeeh.8xleo,suit;tihsinl:inuif t itli il;:it. yaf ae e7eob el: sItt ifitrwyjnIllrIaelslea-a—:11 ddillikjal4c1Sytelihinilllei7eis,aokielen:701t1"I•el an ef late years he• was fa.mons fo - Othi;rr loilissllawbiiltIall}1,etsini4liefl Z-1Tvan1-)°1:a' hgle 'hePdiute anal jkit ild s.syY,t .yag;:neilnliwtel i;.. a seekli n.:tilta il -tine' Dp oi Itwel: liltel eechr.111:0;_:1. 0; le til till:elle 1:eailitlYiernillecill.1 AllrlelarNev NiVeeft11--71:111i:1; 1 rk he nd ly or re In works vigor - Ml. MACKENZIE P,erSisted in his wants effort to obtain a heaeing, and was cheer d to the echo, Jaikd amidst all this onfuSion the Speaker -read what was upposed , tie he ! the message from His Excellency callino the inter - that a quire th the mem eye cennot see, and who trust in t e ancient belief of a God, or society itself, at least on. the frontier, would. soon tail back to barbarism and heastialityi _ It is really remarkable how iarggr sive; BO tO speak, the religieus co In ty have been in these new settlenients. ers to the Bar of, the Senate, .1 met three different nussionarees wor f. tO th.Tte:he:u;a1;a:tseg-p:"T:joe'n.1334:1;1'lasxhintl:us ° 11:1107intAtInirhcgie,TogtaNhvlinyasetrftgoi:ilitnethh8d) hoeffoRrrmlieezil sthsc_saionl boantathtoorldizevde" iourgients, of the partn following authenteated vers. aid se: a sr ci th,n; 1 lint: 1 ,witl :ewe, abr"ay,:l vel athr via i_eei gihiYe ale II: ,}1.8'effia:vv48 does, to am.e u- smi