HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-15, Page 1•
, - -
T 1.87a.
44 ;Ail the. fellowi
learn that 44110114 -
Vet Veale painfal,
lily aa cotd he ea.
:cumstances, ,g
.---eiuraerant Ito ea,
ei], met at Moatgorca.
burthy the 2ctf Ane
;tiled by \yea. ,Beti,
,le be paid $3 .36 tor
Th0,11112gaOle MOari011,
reel by win:
Jas. live that the,
ns and others, he•coa4
meeting -- Catieett
seconded by ea, Gee.
Watlina be allene
line 20 and 21,
clearing td sontil tad
and clear the red,
track 161feet nade
tall timber ; also that
t completed withie
date --Carried.,
Agta seconded by Wia.
4'aleetin,,ae of Council. he
irn on the last Sat -Ur•
-Carried- t
OnTVN, Clerk
- -
OFICERS. —t the
ng a Walton Star
U. of G. T, the fol -
installed for the eas
ther U dt„ Thompson,
Phed, W, V.; Brother
rother A. Meldibbo,
R. 11, iattison Jr.,
OVenetar W. Ft S.;
W. M.; Sister Doug..
iither 4 Douglas, IV.
W. L G. Brother
Gee Sister Me-
; Sister E. Itithie,
r. Win, Shaw, of
am No. 16, they and
keparrited t� the charge
021 of. Sohn Hewtt,
a, very serious, aCci-
st, It appears that a
ihroke into a field of
e and son Were driving
isteer turned Ram the
jin the side,. and coins -
internal injuries. Dr.
els, was immediately
upon hi -e arrival
rious ease. The boy
• yesterday morning,
€)-ry Ettle hope of hie •
itla °run-
Nal.—Ceurreit met on
AR 'the members,
of - laet meethig read
aoved by IL Creeryt
ektiey thnt Mrs. Met
Ltim Otis, township to
Vatter McGee, a deaf
ate—Carried. Moved
eanded by G. Willis,
gaily reqaired by the
rioas sehog d seetiona be
or collection, andthat
-to that effect—Gar
*Willie, seconded by
mine on the dollar
!tabe propeity J115icier to raise $2,785 2ct
es, that a bealave be
y. ana that the rollbe
dlecter on trsnSat-
---Carried. Moved by
ad by R. "Creery, that
alleged false petition
alted to this
ori tate sauthe western
moved ham schoal sec-
ehool section No,11
a the awners of said
re resolved, hat said.
$chool section No.. 7—
by G. Willis, secoaded. -
t Smilie refeive
from this Council
1, Moved by G. Wilt
Brock, that the clerk
-es to famish. fee inspee-
il their next meet -
%V0 good and suffieient
haat of $16000 for the
tf his duties as collector
ar—darried, Moved by
tded by Hackney,
eeve and Deputy -Reeve
p meet the Council of
ter, to determine how
bt contraeted by the
rue, prior to the moor
Otao, shdl be borne by
Teas gpf 3G, Vic., Cap. 54,
1, Council adjourned
in September,
S. PIn
. 1-een Clerk.
-match game of base
,t Wiligham on Aug- 1,
an Chili, of that place,
of -lineknow, which re-
ry for the latter by a
e5+, John C. Hay, cap
a. 1J, Kennedy, captain
Fon. ‘,VING,II.A.m.—It
bed that Mr. Chile, of
0,,t-iew, intends to re-
in material, . dr.c. to
the. object of eatablis
e paper in this place.
$teavatives about here ar
lied aroused the hat and,
MO; in cash and prone
he devoted as a bonus
if the new oran, Mr.
cant is his thorough at
ithe eniet initiate details
p+f the typographic art
illeardiRC _RlelP, in its
leetiAng (1.1,1tte,•1 to
among its eantem
11V1411. IICEA fa .
oretalliEg NO. 4.4
Lot 'No. 15, (north.p
(boundary)) consisting of
remainder harawood; 21
class log building,good
fenced and in good milt
commencing to bear. Fo
the proprietor on the pro
d, address
flt Itaciorsop,
for a term of years,
t) Con. 14a
0 acres, 40 cleared, the
es froneWalton ; first
11 cat water; land well
tion; young orchard
terms, ea.O., apply to
es or if by loam', pre
Walton P. 0.
VOR SAT,V, OR TO R T, Lot No. 107 (wet
X half,) Con. 1, Grey, twisting of 50 acres,
about 40 cleared; 21 mile rom Walton; good log)
buildings ; young aearig orohard; land well.
sawed and in good con4kt o ; good well of water.
Fer terms aud other r iculrs, apply on the
premses, or adress, post add,
2964* Walton P. 0.
eRditad eomposed of Lo
ea ship af Ttickersnrith
if SALE.
1, Con. 1(1 of the Town
containing 100 acres of
elcelleut land. upon witi h there is a new frame
barn, 8x60 -feet, and alsg good orchard. For
terms, winch ere easy, ttu 1 other information, ap-
ply to Mr. JAMES D% Y, on Lot 1, on. 12, of
said Township, or to the endor, WALTER REN -
WICK, Sr., St. George P.
Brant Co., Ont. 296
F°11! SALE cheap, Lot 18, 4th Concession,
culla awl 4e well tunbea
house one. frame barn
bearing °reamed; the far
frth, with a good gravel lead all the way;.within
one half rile of Church d Sehool. For further
particulars applyeto take p prietor, on t
2944 he premis-
es or Seaforth . 0.
Killop containing 1( 11 acres; 45 cleared, 10
1. There is a good log
stabl; also, a,young
is four miles frora Sea -
*atee et SONS, ,•alaaffielda
aria Strop-, Pocket laniveee
aegasa, Drug Stor.
L E. Breast Pelmts, Pat
-Id/Inlet, fetal all suea goods at
1 aleig-r of thg• Collet of Chan
the illtte- elf the (tate of
',via in a z. it,, Donzad Came
en ea -evert al the creetiture taw
ainler (as-earan, late . of the
rap. in the, Coanty of Harare
t the iggetitit ger Mee, 1872, are,
a atae of megiel, l7a,. to send
Ittie ', deregulant. Christian Cana
a alive. the agluzinistretiia of
: chri..t11og mud saanateee, ada
etiang the fall particulars of
izzi ig.t ggf theit accoun:, aod
'enaitiee tif anea held by theme
f they wiz be peremptorily e
iffiit ggf tile eaid ortlar. Every
.--y acritlity is to produce the
my chentbere, at Goaerch, ea
est, 1673,, at eleven ,adeck in
the time appointed for Attt
ifte of Jule, IK7.
EItY afavialelMOT,T,
%eater at Goderi
elieitor. 395-5
-ENOR aeT,E Lot 11, Co . 7, Township of Hullett,
4: County of Huron, CO thdaing 100 acres, 90- of
which are cleared and fr e from stams, the re
minder is well timbere a with hardwood.; well
fenced endunderdrained and in a high state of
cultiation; good log h.o itee and lirst-class frame
barn, stable and sheds- g d otlee.r ou.tbuildingsa
good young °reliant; th I farm is well watered,
therelnieg three living -prings, one close to the
thehOuse 1 miles fro] ; Eauburn, 9 from Sea -
forth and 7 from Clinto• ; surrounded by good
roads, For farther part niters apply to the pro-
prietor on the premises to Constance P. 0.
R LF, Lot 28, C
nig 100 acres, 70 of
good state of cultivatio
withhardwood ; large •
barn 50x36; a uew drivi
neoohara; well water
forth, and within. half a
For further particulars
the premises.,
rpfrE Subscriber offers
well cultivated far
smith, II. R. S., conte
There are on the preinis
shed 50a0, good frame
. 4, Meillop, contain -
h are cleared and. in a
balance well timbered
tory brick house; frame
-house 34x43; good beer-
; 21 miles north of Sea-
' e of the gravel road.
ly to the proprietor on
at eligibly situated and
Lot 31, Cona3, Tucker-
ing 10* acres, for sale.
2 barns, a large driving
use, 2 good wells o wa-
ter, young oreherd of I01 trees, just beginning to
bear. A sehool, ehrtacli
the foa. Also, the We
two acres' of .Iand. T
established in the Cou
-t for obtaining patrons
and thing house, 36°N. 4 two stories, and is fitteci
alp with steam engine, eats, pregame, t.to., of the
ilatestitapreved pattern.. There is an abundance
of good water and the a ctory is in perfect runnine
to furnislliv supplies o
Wye We
in ll-arained,
it soaks p in a spou
up horn + laaV by ca
the sciil rom the air
111. R 11 A, KIUGUST 15, 1673._
water. The Moiss
illary ttration, as
and i
here is
hole -
and also enteis
land comes
Farmer's work, like wornan'e is n
done. Plowing, sowing, plantieg,
ing haying and harvesting follow connection
O •
er quick in. sttecesion. Afterr with it. The atmos
Vapors a great ret
rain harvest there is sometimes
ervoir of inoiature. re coninu-
a litt
t asceading both + rom se s an
and coni down again', in the orm aiins
• ,
and dew. if the aia can penetrate the
soil till reach s a s return colder than
itself, it arts w tb. it moistare as readily
as it doe k when it co es in epntaet with
an ice -pitcher, nd his it does in th
middle qf the t and drieet day
summer. I By ent it has beeid a
pertained that' dry, andy 1 am will a
sorb- from the air tw per c t. of wat
in a warm su mer• ay ; ecl y loam - a
lereathing spell hefore the autumn s
need attentio_n, and on most.fanns ,tljis
time cannot be better occupied th ii
thoroughly draining all„ swampy an
places. Thrift and health both de u and
this. ,W cannot agree with It r, e
Greeley, ho affirmed that all plow la d
could be enefited hy draining, b ' 'ye
have no ctoubt that much more 1aid
needs did Ming than: is generally
posed. Alil those places- which in
spring ar
as the fr
all -whee
two feet
honey -co
learns, es
pan wide
or twelv
not fit efor the plow as seen'
st is oat of the ground, and
ater stands in the postd Olesi
g eep, will be improved by leijigi
III bed. with tiles. Strong el seri
ecially those that have a ilt rd.'
lying them at the depth of enl
inches, vill be- Axnade lore:
(1, vastly more producti e, if1
they are opped off with ditches t4ee
feet deep, and thirty or forty feet a,pa ta
which will allow the w4tert to speed ly!
ooze out ,f them, and ietlle rootd of}
-plants a opportunity ,t� forage IIL 1 re]
s essential to thedife otp1antsJ
he exception ot aquatic p as,1
ot flourish when wholly 0 p -1
merged. If the watet le Tel
hue a few inches -of the s rf ce
und, all useful vegetatio 'ill
d out, and its place supped'
but with
they can
tially su
comes wi
of the gr
be drown
by a coa se, wiry growth, which
studiousl ,shun. The amount of
even in o r best cultivated district
clueing t s! coarse herbage will ast
those wl o have not carefully axe,'
• the mead • ws anistpaeturies.
The fir t object in draining is to r le
the drop ical.eondition of :the land
when ta ped with tiles the he
giveu tei the land it very analog°
that ex rienced by patient from
chest wa er has ben drawie Th
breathes brefreely, that*ittakee in the
air to a g eater dpth, and with it the en-
enriehin materials with which the at
moSpher abounds. - The thorough ara-
tion of s 11, caused by thorough draining
t. ,
is one a the great advantages of getting
ridof the surplus water. While stal nant
water is death todnabst kinds of 1hts,
the free circulation of atr is their tile.
We love to cultivate a soil which is so
friable and granulated i
that water ' wll
ooze through it freely, ." leaving !its
richness," as an old. t writer quaintler ex-
presses it, "and the leanness sliding
, col achtitereisoe. fapethoerypelt close to
y, and the best situated
s factory is the oldest
/kid Cheese Factory and
elicousist of a making b. Use, 28 x 40, two stories•
A f
way." We find such a soil on th
prairie where the littleg 1
. _
own. the sides of the farrows, givi
appearance of life to inanimate
and where the raina, soak into t
with wonderful rapitlity. This s
absorbing condition of soil can
effected 011 old lands by thorough
in followed by a (toed dressing o
0 0 e
Order. The factory is tebjeet to a Iease, which post in Whieh muck or other ve
will be sold with the actory, or with_one, For -
price and further parti ars, apply et this oftice, matter preclominatee.
or on the premises ta
So long as water abounds with'
29S-4 W. 0. FOWLER. of he surface we +cannot expec
VOlt SALR, Lot 25,
; 100 acres mere or
fzee from stumps rind in
lifetime the balance in
land ; also a neverefaili
the foam; log braidings
whieh la bowel., The fa
forth, 6 of Clinton; 2
School. Reese within 4
Factory within 1 mil.
mediately after harvest
apply to THOMAS an
premises, or to Seatorth
that be remunerative. S'uc
rims cold for evaporation mu
. 2, H. R. S., containing
86 of whieh are cleared,
first -Glass state of eulti-
ood hardwood timbered
a spring creek rising on
a good fencese150 rods of
ie is within 5 miles of Sea -
hurdles within 1 milea
ods of the farm; Cheese
s Possession given ii -
For further partici:11a s
JOHN THORP, on the
T OT No. 6, Coneessi 1 4, Hillett; 140 acres,.
-LJ more or les, 80 aer cleared. Plenty of water,
and the north brartch of he alaitlend River run-
ning through the 18 aGr ash ; good fences. A.pi-
ply on the premises to he proprietor,
address Constance P. 0.
FOR STel, Lot 24, st Concession H. R. S.,
Tuckergaratle contai • g 100 acres, of whieh
are eles.red and in a firs alts state of cltivation.
The timber laud is all erdwood, and. unculled ;
there is a large briGk h ) -ate with kitchen; a good
tea barn 70r 40, and a 1 other neeesstary outiguild-
ings; also, a goad' ore r el ; a spring oreek runs
through. the farm, pees, tenear thabuildings; it
is eitueted on the Hee Road, three niiles front
Seaferth and five from Unto& For further par-
ticulars apply to the pro aietor,
289 Seaforth P. 0.
LR SA lt;al OR TO Ia4!,'
Lot 8, Concession
100 aeres,8a,of which a •
gooa! caltivation„ and
good frame bean (01
T, on reasonable terms, ing abu
, Hullett, consisting of
eleared and in a state of .Befor
ell fened. There is a istlg, we
and suitable sheds, also healthfi
g the
e' soil
est be
a foot
t con-
stantly he going on from the surface, and
wih:every drop of water evaporated,
heat is carried off in a latent stan the
vapor having a theesancl tithes greater
capaeity for caloric than has the water.
The napor, therefole, as it is formed,
absorbs eat from. the soil. Ho' evap-
oraion roduees 'dad every boy who
sorbs two and
rich garden m
per cent. Hen
that a thoroug
much effect ut
By the pulverr
cultivator give
ed to enter a
hal per Dent., while
Id abeorbs tour and a ha
the commo observati
.hoeing crop has
n as a god shore
tion which the hoe
he soil, the ir is enab
s moistur
g i
el deposit i
We never sadv, and we nev r expect
ee, a deeP, we 1 -dr
in vegetable • att
from drouth. • 1
We ha-v,e dw It sol long o
for draining th t wel can sa
about the moc ei ttr fat
with open dit hes. The allbjections
them are th at the occupy ranch lau
are very inco venient, -ar inclined
fill up, and cat y o consid rable enric
ing material i - ti es of eshet. IT
covered. drain th reore, . and b
means use tile it S o es h swer a
nd if t ey are o
d econ y o
but thy are
when s ones ahou
erally e 1 'd Wi
e of st lies.
y thinkiag t
✓ the tip o
ff the wate
wn th hill.
re sev rid trate
n the side -hill, a
from, b tweeu th
at th top , will i
er gre t sYsthm
f tiver, brook, a ie
hich a hid. deep , in waes. A hy sir, I
rth, ches the tin could. not not ge
Thes elioniels were obliged t go oit t
0 .
ay cal m ---u
Most it cou f
our obj c dig c
irriga io , hen
ntally, or near y
to dr in t tar
ust ru irect y
If t e 1 e c
eu th air( It
a be loci ed ii“ e v I.
1 small tiles runnin
hda sid . tiN e poa
e hef wit chi
h whic 1.1.4101:
be con
drains te
it may be od ecoa
e en
'lied soil; aboundi
suit Hug mu
the relect'
but a wo
ers drain
purpose for a t me,
land, it may, tie go
them. in the ched
choke up, and even
a tile drain can. g4
leas expense th4n o
• 13e not. deceiteed
hokizontal drai
side -hill will
toodes out lo
prtgbability th
toil cropping
spring are is
strata which
tap. Natur,
drinage by
the water-cou
the bowels of
e chid
ever' ba lied in thelepen air understands.
As he c m.es out of , the- Water, the heat,
of his b cly passes eff so ra,pidly in the
vapor, t . Ile teeth often chatter, even
on a arm day. Experimente have
demonstrated that well-d.rained land be-
comes several degrees warmer. The
temperature of drained land is also more
uniform venting lss- between day and
night, ancl between a warn). and. cold.
day. When weadd. that draining will
enable tie fanner to plow and pleat a
fortnigh earlier in: the spring, and, will
extend e season of growth a fortnight
later in the fall, we have said enough to
aonyinc -him that,drainage IS sUbject
worthy f his Consideration. We know
whereof we speak, for weha,ve laid many
tiles, a+ cl have had: the eatisfaetieh of
seeing pasVares that werelalmost wOrth-
less, 'as ' they woduced pialy haidhocks
Cd nverte b
ands and eld-
(I. se aquatic gras ea 4 Y
ail coa
apleadiacacherd; we Waterd, one and aahalf
and -to
miles from the village - Einburra and anthill half ' •
nide Moood gravel °ea ; therb are 30 acres coramo
fall plowed immealiat possession Will be given. of clra
For further pm -tenders pply to the propritor on swrilp
276! JOHN STEPHENS, Prorietor. ous at
any on is so unfortunate as to be,
the premises or aadres Constance P. O.
cl writhe gra
ar ificial ditc
may dig them or
kit if our obje t
then the (Etc s
and down the s ope
-v-eirge ill a V, al , t
with large til, can
le with later an
u the elopes g ei
si ly nature g a do
in the ghlley, throu
st Tarn, itho lai ge t
I so, + et the side
strem, from whic
only to remove obs
deepen its outlet,
more 1 ffectual op
kaown a few poun
pended. at
into good plow
dant harvests.
alluding to the
desire to say ca
1 influence wli
answer one or tw
ly made to all a
age. Whoever h
r surrou acted by
°sphere, is free t
ode of dein-
e word. on: the
dh tiles eicert,
objectioe so
to live,
damp, m:
o live thee
we ,desere no steoh place of abod
gravel road te °aerie
benestableundeineati -Ioe farm laouseboarded out- better rmove his habitat on to [s
gees; well waCered tl fenced, with large frame
•losseseion immediately drier 1 cality, or make his present
y. For fru:thee particulars dry y
MEYER, Soaforth P. 0. hills w
full of
100. Cres First Con -.1
ed on veet soil, or wile. e dam.
85 acres cleared thud free from s me neighboring s %np chill
near Seaforth, on the main
c !nes an, lie
haul atunips;....„) aer s plowed, the rest under as SOO • as the evening
; a
thorough draint g. On the dry
end good orthgu
titlegood and terms ete
apply to
BEING Lot 34, Con
acres, all elettrd,
r d
ti_ral drains *e
rnly !work the
bitter against th Dawso
in the 1 early pert of the
Theweathe : mOst b
pure and ina 'g rating,
very rapid. "h
Poplat Point, Ti
several other
are lopking ex
ate disappear
d parting in p
he Land.
t rouged duri
sands af acre
cultivators of
want, to the
country offer
catmot be den ec
scarce article ii
other adva,nta,
for this.
In the EXP
noticed. an ar
Mr. Frank M
would be led
offers consick
chanics, etc:,
per day, with I
am sorry to say
tenally from
of his staterne
sake of cont
only wiali to 1
the naecha,nic,
appointed, on
y•business is
continually pos ed as to
kinds of labo .1 To co
first quote aiees
a fe — yes,
and .vjoiners,
per dy, whil
working for flea
laborers and. sae
$1 5Q to $2 25
per week fam. hands
road now as
autiful, the air.
nd vegetation
crops t the Portage;
gh ', Palestine and
Caned an settlements
lent. T e grasshoppers
trery ist, apparently
ce has been literally
the past month. Thou -
re (tail located. The
th soil ar athe people We
a. ricultur 1st alone, this
acements It
that t ga ber is a very
ivlanito a, but we have
which fully inakeup,
roll of t e 18th inst., I'
e ovier • he signature of
illip eon' which one
o belie e taat this country,
le i cl cements to me-
nely, " ages $3 to $4
ard r per week." I'
that I lust differ ma-
.. Mcthi lips in this part
t I do lot do so for the
a 'gain ae from it I
the pl in facts before
s the he will not be dis-
is ; ariv, 1 -in 'Manitoba.
each. a ature that I am
I the value of all
rnence, I shall
that class of
own ' kits carpenters
of w lich there are
ery 'fe getting $3
the reit majority are
$2 41e $2 50 per day;
milll h ids receive from
er, day dam d $5 50 to $8
rom $15 to$25
o do justice to
rther say that
er of men who
some time and
at even time,
market is glut -
because so. ex -
broad and men
e. The supply
t demand, and,'
ce, down come
know men who
ork h,ere, who •
e survey at $26
;And lots more
flow suit, but no
tanics and labar-
lves during the
loss to tell, not
bably they can
e there wereonly
u , last°wiuter, and
per Month and
the Subject, I
there are a gr
havbeen in t wn
not able to sec
figures. The f,
ted, and why
agaefated repo
. rush en. masse.
becomes greate
as a natural eonse
ight f
at nu
I #
re -or.
et is, th
? si pl
ts g t
the c
• g
per month an foun
who would be - lad t
show. As to ow m
ers Can emplo thems
winter seasOn am t
having experie ce. •Pr
go surveymg, howe
some fifty survleyors
they had a Die time.
7, alelaillop, containing 104 We ae
vith good barns and stable, a da
t,vo good. orcherds iu full hearig; two neer-fal- shiver
ze fairings which su ply the mill. eAlso, lot 35,
Cele 0, centaining 48 icres of bush. The property . pats
it atuatea 6 miles tram Seaforth, With a good may n
gravel road threto-. Vor farther particulars apply Tiles,
en the premie. If av pot to JOHN THOMP- cheap
BON, coliseum: a. 0 260
find. a warm r, eviile
ife It is a luxury to breat it
• tAs
y breath -gives invigeratwa
end into the valley, e enclou
cau n
volu tad
th t
t breathe in the epo, of] fe
as a preventive , of dise e,
thai pills fo, its e.
of de,
1 suft
p, chilly' atmespher
and one almost
is hand over his .mo
_ • __ • But +.fters3,_ the opponent
element -re Ont.
LE IN PfLeKILLOP. our I nds ate-, too _dry in
a q-a_e,
hagutit uii.4g-Rt 15 ttn.d.
well feta I Vatit is eeverthele
op, inon"!
(-t an t "
Farm, eomposed of North ncrdt if drained, we sha
he, -twit half of lot 14, Con. more. roM droitths. It ma
reel tierce, 50 &leered and 1. -•
oeisly e
btook,ito drani, a
antes in extent an
of its elk- erbage en
redtaii ispontanaou
reshea a-nd oat -tails
The -p is great pl
ing land from the d
fi ogs, nd malung
inanitY As Emer
politi .1 economist
for e
ph -rad-
e, that
li! un-
titabered In "la rultivttiall; balance clram landS suffer less than.
aud. uew hara vootl; a good frame house . , a e) h
; frOni the vial ,t
infies and a leaf f • 'dame) istiia
a ni; geoa bearing aechard • two • (rain a_ in a dry came. e ac c , as
gee gorktl gravel road ; 10 miles • ,t
sawitilis g 1:atorth ; there are two steam .
• School% t
ed -this o e auc over aaan,
opri.etana Mare.
tea ,a2 nides convenient tonliarehes, and i is not difficalt to ace -ant ori the
IFea particulare eaply to the resul s. In drained lauds the t yo?s of
th plant xted down more deep y, and
ti tall the :remise, Or, if by letter, to
cur ear the surace. A farmer. th a
is. le :tit lath
50 Concession. Of rev, consisting of 78 acres, lake rom whiGh t° dra
,16ta. Road, 12 riff es from Seaforth. Apply to the eel) soil and the de
tsu-4 are n affected by the changes ea in 1 ()c-
ue !ARM FO SALE IN GIREY..t deep soil to work upon
d'a o. 12 and 1 ert Of Lot No. 11 in the 18th tion of the manufactur
Annus. lcaIILLAN. on the prernisesta e
may ot rain from June
elegate and illg( cal cultivation ; 2i, miles from •
11 rep 0.
vitla a, deep
11,swa ei It
to Aug- Is but
lake e
ruction n
hen. it n. pr
• dit W rha
s a p ve udtei
he roc y slain
eadow f h mire
chaing t e rac
hely. 'Pi t y
y took t e pl cel
a.sure 1
t subse
on sa
ntlenc0 of the flu .on
a ftietitgiintheep
k nappin of
1, hich w s 1
The pris
eaan, Ben
st the
ng an
ners c
ly, Fle
ho wil be tried. a
about three mont
was Odmi ted to
00. Ile w s not
r, until a,g in in
he.wa,s abo t to le
ng. to sett e his
amounted o abo
ca,use of
mg bail, he
e. N0 dou
gh he had 1
little or n
atment, fro
neral Clark
eating natu e than
justice. ail has
other four risoher
the ttil-finally clo
in the towi, the obje
excite the p 44 mind
-magistrates ag inst ta,
w• s a sin
ig- with
• Iv s -be 'ciliate
N1V! deb.; tvas to
tdio s,
eh r a d i.
t F 11
Ye ter
gi,na hes
O 1
ho I ae.
✓ fo ho
nse s f
t 500 '
e sec nil ele eat
was allowed t de
bt Mr. lereia f
een ba y treated,
eviden e, gainst
in the an. of At
, seem t be mor
e furt
n refs
"he evet
,a fly s
f r the plismier .
affair, and,qua
neral charactter
es a very fat ase
se, clordosi and etche
le if millidn ef Mon4,
ta well off. i -rhe iother th
ly ; comfortable circa
eausias over the lline are N
tate& about this affair. :
Metter is, were]the pri,
or -people ther would -1
rwatd. to assist thm, 1
11, the greatest fuss imit
er them. GO entor A
sota,. accomp iecl by
estern gentlemens left
ecial train for WaShine,
fluence there for tb e+
p isoners. •
ext to. the Gordon -1,:e coin
Lanacla Pacific, I Railroad ands.
ople of Winnilpeg are c f very
a le nature, Consequentle snob. a
ic lattei. has a ivonderfu e et on
rhe slowness NA:4h whic recei
hews, and the lamited. ten ties in w
effect o
tt is dealt out to us has
creasnig the extiitement.
Inmeigrants dire still c
umbers; by both the Da
ican rou es. The compl
the pr
• -our 1
a •
m tees.
ers. I
re, esent
h e Mer
ee are in t
st aces.
er Mile
'h fact
on rs con
e o effor
ut as the
able is
is n, of
o I, to us
ow, sir, th ale t
ardi•ng the st
f he
chanics, etc., th coantry. Were it
in my power to ciis dentionsly make
this matter npat brightdr, no one
wodld be mote w 11 ng than myself, be-
cause it is to y t res to see Canadians
coming here a d Abing ell.
The immigr nts we want at present
are the tillers f the soi +. TO them Man-
itoba offers eat _indi cements, and in
the course of year WO it will also be
a good field fo the raec anic and laborer.
8 EAF 0 ram ITE.
e plain facts re -
market for me -
Mr. Adolphus Egene
playing a gam of baba
traordinary r n of 493.
—Mr. E. Dvis, of
recently tookrom his
on which were 114 pod
570 peas ft-0nel the siingl
- •
iltIcIAEArt ILO TUE R 8.• P bl hitters .
$1 50 Yenr, in advance.
him, knoekiag him
over his head, inflicti
ddfr Feel
1:lows of Londor, Ont.,
1 •
enced the erection of a new
st of which will be $15)000.
ond.ay last very eerious acci-
rrea on the lidland Railway,
a. A grave train was passing
ordinary r te of speed, when
hich w re on the track
en and nocked down by
The engi ie passed over the
itl out leave g the track, but
hed to t e engine in which
number of laborers, was
The gran 1 cars which were
ed into he van, instantly
o men and seriously injuring
Several ohets.
, of Hamilton, in
de made the ex-
o nts.
uelph township,
a, field, one stalk
which yielded-
—Mr: Fre*, of Basa iquet, sold lately
hre -yea -old steers which
ds t, also a caw that
to Mr. Gilbert
stock, was de-
trtlay night last,
sinned so far ex -
soon prov
have com
hall the c
dent occ
near, Of
along at
some co
were one
the engin
the van atta
were a 1 rg
thrown o
behind c
killing t
five head of
weighed6,2St pou
weighed 1,56 poi
--The barn bel
Matheson, near
stroyed by fire o
and no cause can
cept malice. 'Mr
wheat stored and
of $200 will be a
• Sat
Ma heson had all his
also e, his insurance of
lose ' to the extent of
—!-The Niagara On ario and Bay- of
gninte Conferencee of the Methodist
Episcopal Charchin Ca nada have united
ath School -Con -
Belleville, Ont.,
ben 1873, begin -
'clock A. M.
Of Oda -Fellows
Stratford 011
Da and. ihterest-
own, and netting
ag injuries which
—Lord' Grdon, abo
do has rece tly been.
;•tobans, has sadd.enly
that Prolvin e.! It is
tvest to the locky Mo intains or British, rA fa
Columbia. party arriving from the ;
West on he
him with
West of oi
kid of the sc
Lt whom so much
ade by the Man
disappeared from
said. he has gone
Indian •n over nine feet in height, and
comrabn vhi 6 -oats six ifeet in -height,
while the ead or seggiptoducing portion
of the: ste n o the latter is fully twenty -
in kngth. And_ thene cereals
re, not fullY developed yet •
vy robbery took place at the
ty?ost office! on Sunday night
office was broken into, and it
d tnit Over ninety registered
e been taken.
--Mr. Huh_ McIny-re; of the townn
ship of Lo
• tio, that,
one sin
or over
two inche
are of cat
--e-A he
Toronto c
last. • Th
is suppos
letters ha
o, has astertained on •examina-
in a !field. of peas on, his - '
gi ain has -Prodticed 74 pods, •
0 g
St. . LaW c
Maple L af,
grounds of t
noon, reault
Kingstoi cl
Fully 2,
th hest.,
a rge decor
•—A chil
Baulin, as
IQaebee, he
by rats, hut
posed to ha
cellar, and
attacked by
—Twoines, wer
buggy, t
have a c
their chi
into the
their nag
from th
their b
do. F9
the hors
ing it,
hours, b.
their ga
their un
to hold a !Central Salt
vention at the town
on the 17th of epte
ning at the hoar of 10
—The Grand
closed its essiOn
Friday fteu a 1
of yvork wa
lowing are
year: G. I.
D. faa M.
—J B Kh
Ole ent, r
—John Glr
tat- ve — J
G. Matsh
Gr. Conch
Ch iplain
D.1). G.
ins n.
A_ pec
Id l yOlfl
elph, f
W ig
th dishes fr
act o c
th dishes,
in which' a -large amount
aeaomp ished. The fol -
he officer for the • ensuing
George Wight, Toronto;
J. :War liner, Port Perry;
. Butter, London; G. S.
Brantfot 1; G. T—A. D.
atford ; . Re resentative
a, Strad
es Woo(
mg of Ir
was best
prises, Viz.
—The 0
ronto, re
molly o en
traffic o
fouisel .
other da
still brea
e . been
have fall n in, when it was
yoi en, of St. €lather -
113 er an -unpleasant
a a horse and.
suitable place to
h. -After placing
in the bugy, they plunged
ooling water; forgetting to tie
and not till fter they emerged
deep did_
ast had tile
heirt in great
tunately for t
its -way
t once susp
kftler keepin
in suspense
returned w
mntsand re
le ant positi
e ting of t
er [wan held o
st Wee, to co
of two ver
Brick ma
n the place.
.dfor pass
riday last.
reporthaving met Ihr'c'e
about 100 miles and little.
Manitoba is well cu
en • years, named near GUI
cele alralry c
at vLo Levis is, •-j,-The
hing. It is sup-
vmg round the
the venni
ng gentlei
ft in rat
n . Peocur
ey drove to
lief 'table ba
--A f
acres of
as good
this on
said to
heavy f
of chi
her wii
it has r
John ei
and a r
take pl
A. T.
• —A
to th
I tell
took u
Carolh a, i
us aga 0.
to fin
to giv
can • a
yet, V,
are, b
ball Match, for the chin -
he Dominion, between the
Club, of Kingston, and. the
if Guelph took pla,ce on the
e latter on Al onclay aftr-
ng t e defeat of ttle •
b by a core of 36 to 3.
eople we e present.
• in the County of Water -
B din, hag this year taken
s of hay fro an acre of ground,
Joh Hawes of Paisley Block,
ph, has har -ested an average
ns to the tee
Be lin Tel
from an entire
7aph says : "We
hat Mr
smile time past fotem ii in Messrs. Sirep-
D.Porteous, for
son. &dous' Cabinet Factory, Berlin,
has, in njunction with four other gen-
tlenien, residents of Winghama Huron
County, forined a company for the estab-
lishment of a furniture manufactory on a
le in that village. It is the
of the Compaiy to get in inae
and commence operations lin.,
mediatelee with a force of twenty or
twenty-five ands." .
--The; Department ef Agriculture, of
ey discover thatOntaric has ordered 400 _bushels of
n French. leave,. wheat tom France rind aequal quan-
anxiety tvhat to tity fro! Chili, embracing all varieties
era, a friend met of -vvinter wheat. The cargoes are ex-
ome, and ca,ptur- peeted te arrive aboift the 1st of Sep-
eted how things temberi and Will be distributed in season
the yoang men for fallarwing.•
or two or three i—The ambitious towns of Galt and
th the -horse and Dundee lare•clieputh g as to which is e -
eyed them from! titled to the distinc on of *being called
n. ! the " Mancheater of anode."
e inhabitants of
. ---' A young lad in Galt made a -bet a
Thursday even-
fw-days ago with a conarade that he
sid-eY what Plan could wallow three dozen raw eggs.
o encurage the The eggs
were procured, and. the brave •
impottant eater- boy went to work, ahd. sueceeded in get-
ing aidl a local ting over twenty-five of themg when his -
courage and his stomach failed him, and
ranch of the To- he had to give in beaten.
Railway was for.
--- The Mitchell Advocate says:
nger and freight "Messrs. Kerr Wilkie & Co, of the
Seaforth FoundCy, put. a " steam jet,"
gssimg reale named for assisting the draft, into Messrs.
large sc
days ago
eler, of the township of Erin, Wilson, Urquhart & Co.'s carding mill,
in ten ho
reaper, bu
big crad
the shade
the tovtnal
e cradled s
cradled seven in Mitchell. It is quite =Improvement,
rs. This man is as, with its use, less wird will be required
nwyewhhavicehan]eoathveers to keep up steam."
-Mr. Alexander —The extension of the Orand Trunk.
Itailway,i from Berlin to G alt, is now
venteen acres of completed' and. in working Order. Traf-
ip of Caledon, is
tic will not be regularly cariied on, how-
vheat in tdo days. - ever, until the guage on the main line is
ab • rer on the [Toronto, Grey and altered, which it will be, in October.
Ralway fell from a wagon at
h ownship of How -ick, on Fri —The Qacen's royal proclamation,
. - constituting Prince Edward_ Island a
a id broke hi neck. Province of the Donainion, is gazetted.
e C
ig woman
of Rose
day's ago
which ac
pe and Call
rnwall Fr
hanges in
hieh is to
•etire fro
inder the
bridae co
listowei B
ma doubtless
ou !that our
o left he
) hi abode in
coming b
He has w
out what he
up he pldhot
free Mr. Cousi
late possession.
at his object' One to the country "Of all the crops the farmer raises,
t c tail' it is, he dislikes it very Or capital employses,
one brings such comforts and such praises
-This should be a warningt
-0 :as a crop of girls and boyses."
others wh , though. c mfortably situated These sentiments seem also to be
in (Jai ada are alway wantmg to find a strongly held. by Brother McCutcheon,
paradise c n earth." The Mr. Cousins - of Clinton, who offers as a soecial. prize,,,
here alltal d to is a brother of Mr. N. ! at the North: Riding Fall Sliow,1$5, for
Cousins o Tuckers ith, and. of whom ! the best baby.
anted Nancy Mc- t —As Mr. Brydges was near the tan -
by eating a piece at halt -past neries on a train going toward 'Montreal,
mat, came to- her
ichmtally entered 3 on Saturday afternoon, a
Grand Trunk employee, by way of ex -
ed. suffocation in } pressing Ms good. will toward him, hurled.
eholder statee that I
, ' A stone through the window of the car.
Mr. Budges had. the train ntopped, and
he DOMil11.011 Gov- ' sent persons to find out - the perpetrator
nformation of con -
1 of the deed, but in vain.
he•effect . that Sir I _Mr. W. --Woods, butcher, 'of the
the Government,
I York .Road, Guelph, had a valuable
f the Cabinet ,will .
horse destroyed. On Sunday night,' by
Premiership bf Sir : some .
ecreant who entered the field
SU nal
and stabbed the poor animal to 'the
respondent writes , heart.
Mller as follows : 1
• ----The Itlanitoba, Free Press announces ..
be surprised when ' the arrival at Winnipeg of Mr. McWhin-
old. neighbor, Mr. 1
nie, of the County of Huron, with two
e last spring T and
teams of horses and one cow all in good.
he State of Meth i condition. This is, the same authority
ck to live among 1
itten Mr. _Nesbit, says, the first importaticas of stock by the :
Dawson route.
ants on his bargain ,
estead, and if they —At a recent agricultural show, in .
Norfolk,Eng one of the inhabitants ut- •
s says he wants 'd ,
1 cannot tell you, tend his sentiments on a canvas eannee :
frequent • ention ha been made in the 1
—Dr. Shaver, one of the leading physi- _
Exrosrro • • cians of Stratford, was horse -whipped on,
—A.ccor ing to. t e statement of a the street by air irate femle, early one
local cont anporary, "very a/teat num- 1 morning last week. It appears that the.
ber of car ia,ges, bag es and cabs, along ;
Doctor had. been . treating the woman'.;
with a ve y large .cr wd of pedestrians, i
i husband, and he, unfortunaely, died,
rd; '. Represeit 1 promenad
a att, Btantford e hour in t
s . .
11 J. Mat ialin, H mutton ; sort of th
t H. it ciioll. Strathroy ; sidewalks
n J. Com in; Kingston ; G. is bad en
Fillip.): lops, .13..ockville ; trianS to
1. or Len ion—E. ell. Itob- a -very la
' - •! buggies
. gee,
ibex and: p inful accident be- so, the to
w days
tigt the ,h
id was
in the t g -
about ti
and she
ier face
the snien alke to a very late 1
eh. This notwithstanding ' his -efforts to preserve
e evening" in Gaderi A report• • h -
had icac cd. the pas,
ghiiisisi it if Climate that the Doctor had_ stated.
gs shoald be stopped, or the
wi soon be in bad repair. It
that hr. husband died of Mirium th1424
ugh for a L rge crowd of pedes- Q sQ enraged her that she de-
romenade ni the sidewalks till
termined to 'clia,stise him. She accent -
e hour, b et when carriaaes,
ingly ;na him at the door of his oftica
Id calls are also i. lowed: to do
about 8 o'clock in the morninr an& ap-
n authlrifes sho la interfere.
proaching him threw a hanged of 1
amed of
Exeter beladr" him with a rawhid_e. The Doc-
ssistina in taking about to be started. Ex -e er. -wad some time;
and Luca6. It says A ewspaperis
before he caul,' herein].
tot was -so &rich taken by surprise that
use of a Wend in
n commenced' to
.he peo le of .-.1 per in his eyes, ande the
Miss wirkid hill Cannifte slanders
The . 011owing is the w, y the Pqrk- - •
ble and while in
stairs, loaded omical pAaciples'in live a year - •
t slipp
1 a in her
(if '1 rn elia.nkgin- fit
tting it
Dy eir '
the e
0. cit- 0
a e as d
t • em.
ng, u
n and.
inng th
awa Va • ley lumbermen are
o me tual agreeraent by
ind the i iselves to take out
ia, n ity at lumber each
pprofich ng season.
require to, be establi It to
1 very econ- himself_ e ultimately got hold. ef the
e • emeneed svoman and. threw her on the
e second step her ative people 1 '
sidewalk, W.gle.11 11, man,. to be
eing unable to re- for a les newspaper
than tho -a of Exeter wehas e never seeii accomplice, a sproaehedthoatingahL
fell to the floor, We dont t if there it a p oter reading . him down. '1 e Doctor was consider
, , ably bruised aboat the head and -- face. ! -
many pieces, and. * coalman ty in Ontario than will befouled ,
rin the broken ware, ia and, He had. both his assailants cittAl before
a (mud_ Exet n - Lunn alio, n- 1 •
--A sal aztpident )ceured on Friday'
evening as , near Arkona, County of
ich Larabton tli oneor he saw -mill owners
in- I ef the vi lai4e of 14 atford„ named \A m.
i ! Campbel oi: the ti Wm. Campbell &
rge iro, W Ile loadind s'ome sawlogs to
er- i I ring to Watford, the chain connecting
net so ' ith the trick br e, teed a log fell upon
eter shuldgo into partnership in the
newspa .et- business. Possibly with a
cinnbiu tion they al ght .1) able to sny'r-
port a x 9 newisp per, w th an editor
Who co Id teach School and run h* paper -
during eieure hoiersi" _
. -. -Hi Honor, I1ieuteunt (overnot.
Morris, cif Ma AO a, has 1 been expeei,
, mentin t :amine thi • slum ler, in cereals
ts, and .the results, SI3
140ba If ref: Prees are
ability as an
ram producing,
lonor etQW leaa
at ailea 'lei
far, sa s the 11
eminer tly filth tun to hi
agrien turit, ai4l t the g
Lqiia1itis of the His
the 'toilet! Itlassistrate for assaurit, and
they were both committed to jail to
stand their trial at the next a5izes.
--, Information has been received by
letter from. 3 I'ease, Mr. Bannunits
easeit :stating that Barnums show + will
be• e
ehibited in the Dominion as follews :
London, Septeniber 3; Brantford, 0;
Hamilton, 10 ; Toroneo, 11 and 121, and
St. tatheristes, 13,
ateal, axe) sae :something sue enor
Tea, and 10 lba very bright Sugar for al, at 1-11C1C
!soN' Dara ana crielart Store.
• •