HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-08, Page 8AUGUST 8, 11C ,HUR0 091TOR A I - -A sit G J. Pic] ked U11 in- the fiell on the foligW 4,;.- G. J. Cooperf (I AND B. p.AltWAY AUCIDEXT%�' day. are glad to learn that altho lak, IL hil en- mile east )f the of Clinton. iffin, gratulate ehtre V. G. ; N. Gr, Parker, the inj arid -limb is yt very pimul it, 404 Of lw�ell th.- preset t lin' as aid out, be I a) bbteth, R. S 8- - E_ Parker, on� ese He go over an Entbankmog of recoverinIf as speedily as could be 4. Ei a h it 0 stati 1 8- orge Cassies C. Circumstances. nd trust map, for twi ned, an d. the i road built, -the 1 S Go prosperitTli a I . -1. Pe ed . I in at Clinto, m� ill be 'al iout three -quart rs Eight floo me?hBadly Nound expeo their generous ure �o ca xa.—Pursuant to �ad. I . . f p A , COI;' C L JI re- f Ii a, fewminute after Gociterich 0 M I le.1 rom tpa�' Ot �lie Gland Tru4 I illarre, they., t m y be m On aturday last, (o Ili nim.fe t, the Council mi o-ur v lie at 111011tgoilt. l bavoc of the ATTE S. w, aof ICT M lt Nvl. inake sacl cousistint M-isTR arded. a� olebick- nooll, as rr. cry's Ta"Verr., on the 2d ofAll.- side of the Loly f a -nis alogi theVe ondactor*s car and ri.-A�favorite flat 'slars, a C A C I gust. A� �eiri burs ll. presea. �Jovea I ed to the' late by ocar, ui der charge of 0 er, horse, 1) has belong C RICKET. —,9('Ct f0ll It Sh'(t fil onductoi q whic ames Iliys, seconded � 1)y Avin. Holu.sr.+- C that -n I berl, the e lubs �icl wl jell ws chartered by the 3�4eriff �lacl)onalld for mat;� years, dr TnREsmN(...'rhe_ iliresliera of �hi,: TAB A I The retui mato�h . betw �J op_� tbat Rol�ert Hannah lie paid 83 3t-) for Messrs,BXATTY Co., mer4uatnts, will hit -t.� in the playdd an the Wound of the fo' mer treal 'I elegraph Compaii y f roin the Gi -eat pod dead at tile gate Oil ,turning f rom. of a day or two, in L\1out1;c-_tt, Ell, 'largo ou'lit ofthe great increlasc gravel, oertifie(I by Thicimpsonwfor.r�olii,, 'coarse vi�inity, n ace Ir To Lly up the SherifVs f Iteral. oil FM,ay last. in rest: It Ire, and engaged in putti " Al r nPorted Wing" I tj : as, on, Saturday, Aug�,, 2� Weste er Moved by irautity of ii in tye pr ab machinery and pathmast in e�of I or, 'D Oil TATE, ( ioral(iroceries,whichthoy illbo a, p. ring, I ave a&reEA to raiso the pric� of wire from Palmerst west- -The -by Jas. Hays,that 1 the Gel ictory for SeaN. , i1q. the. first i r telegra h A0ATR41 Ji 11 se ouded. lull 11galo seil at prices a great deal less il ian they the Southern Extension of the pti'tion of Mr. Ev ans and others be fiings, by 54 runs, Strat ord i vai thE ivill ward, �n e and populous Count)b of Huron ov htvo evor ottered the same goods for befoi a., ru- I the defensi�,ve ga list the :.?oNvl- t1reshirld. Ho��-eaft ,,. It 8 (1 Bruce Ralmayi, Arg I Cut ;Z 97- 3 themselves fir�t Oil gold iustea4 of $7, �Vellin ton, Gr6y an t furnish sufficient P�isOil lbor tc at next Mee Ing - ( cl, do well to call and satisfy b char s heretofore. 0 sidered 3arried 4's Ing of White an -Ind. IQ raeron both well or own from Wingharn to Oarmiehm b eking d en at� ci was b cqwrec OF I many Parts !of tile c6untry tile wood r I f the! jail, e v secOl',ded by A. flo -of the fact before going elsewht!re. b i h Nfoved I y A. Kerr, Foster as the, Oulyone who orq .B OC;k,.ya11_stxoat, Scaforth. Bruss a, when crossing the south half the spot. fi is season. 1 There are seldom in eillock, he lessrs. Iyatlins be alloNvea T -at , i�fi le figg res for the Stratforc' Coil. 2, Morris, and runiiiii the timber (�i ide,line 20 aurl re thn. evoill this is charued. re4ched idoub of lot or iwo prisoners in co iie�, ai tl'ail one 17 21 r i nings,whicli closed hour e I I Von A FiN.r assortment af Goanell4t CO." i r I L all tern. in their firsti the r e of bout 8 miles per hour, T celish Rair Brushes ju'st in at -i's Dru- Brusip011s. .13, fro: Staffor(Pa;e1earing td souM I eman vi, 04 pf 46. We� must lie unexplainable way, nd lrfor the small camp mr in sor mITHE RIDOM.-r-A 13altiniore gentl tb ey chop all d clear the iliad" [0. R. bo(),PER� Drus; Is, Agent, for thei Ex provide j�,oR ALE C0111131iment tile liei#!.til�g of the 13eiSorth I left th� tills. The conductor's car as it tod Oderich Was p �T, for a term -of Years, Nurs; POSITOR 4yspapor itud, b Printhvi, 0111ce-1 1 Who has been om a Vial make a ood wacgon track 10 fe T�, 4nd was badly smashed UPI it I av- et *de T 0 lir ea. team throughout. V. White did soin I next, I with it he �s iiis of' - OIL (nort 10 I 7tre and f&ucy-,l R. Bibs, &c., in. arri pleased and gru' all the small ti mber; alsoii, h paxt,) Con. 14, -McKillop, e inde. an tW tleared) the P 0 SA�B JOF PI03-m ing eu1tirely left the track and tuined -to ave i 'thin aflxy) 00i W t tore. good work with th ball, at one �rt o I plirchasing a property. they ag ee t complete(I X toarL s e Brussels Ifouse, lim plirclCM ) U ag altdu; Jirbt Ot of t 1 said before the *00" '&WoOd , 4-�J misfrOnf the game getting; three wielm is in all- nearly1round. As we or The- to;Cisindbr UST -! land lwell icured ed the w.,iol,b of the t�rali( uildingi over.; r nand La.m.1 sc 11 at, Govetilock, seconded ))yNV.r slog b bi F oft Conc�rtinas,' also, Came train donsisted of 13 cars, fl olij fer of A, .1, 5 eii�g held" at four mopths from date -Carried m (CCU- Nj hich was d clinud, it Cons, Itftl: Ot lauviolin Strings, 0 to N's� Drug Stoic. a re y.IoN r �e( TurDbe-rry streot of C011411 be "a In beaaptily t 0 ir, oi I by tD Pv. Lt.-Iliii The total of -extraiv r a�lied p of the I flat cars were loaded with YAcirr.-'M I). tlayes, iE sq., of Sea- nthepre of ffilmn a s. t ly, *'tiug, f the prelmses ctor's car. MR go wogood wiqkets f � hi in,1he'field. ]Brussels,, consis campk�ar, and A condu () 0. BeIL th�t the, next i Ir n the IastSlatur. etor 10 0 e wo lots -i We - ;ole held at Davis' Tavern, ou I A LA:RG F, As-,O,,rT.-,4-h.NT of Tioile Soaps, )P1 ng of and th 91, iree light, two Of thel the propr, j,.31FS CAMPBE LL, Jr h long at is 1110 - -p 10 haure oivin,g to' b �acaut aph oles, and f6rth; Maag r of the day,in nth - Carried. gdf address i u; English. Also, Fren ve. not leArn ( t E price palL. r 0 et I ranch and am. Tfie wi -et keeping 4f tti light I at cars went over tb e embaiiki: ieiiD etuatioJ14 s, Brushes, Hair. Nal a ad.Too h ash eat - ere Bank, an I P t f th I"t OHN k.' ;FA .�ortll went if IF Jackson, of Brat tford, W.,143 ill owil '��tioi on the A C', Store. S,%,Vl JD)Lh, her- atid l d one completely on top 0 a plea,tt 'rushes, at r ra, y 0 1, Salt Compan dit. Se mP IsD mer, aso, did hi Rf% FOR SALE. L d, to tili bat with Barc, wb other, the third laid across the t C yacht under collst, Walton. S.A�Lrg on TO Lot 1 1 ijr fo'irs o the OrIg W tin" con-' 17, Grey" '0 4 all SEED 'Inolp two splendi L, lst week soaitehilig for inforil It The ibole three were badly smashedup! w �Ile old,lai'bor: There consisting of 5 OF! OFFICEMS.- TiAXOTJiY At the tu) 'Con. & FAIRLSY, Sflaf0l, t, have on ;hand any r off-dil ve, and soont , aled. a, V. Richards, late oE One e. �d of th -Iirst loaded car just lef b boAt -3 r Walton; good lo e i anI Can ada infire favorably I - miles 0 ta young bearing ore 1. Alsoi a lot of nd'one fou (301111101 one A.. no meetin1g 'Of Walton 8 ) -,,I har4 lund'-well Vanfity of good Timothy See( IE Od.' Winte a de- (,1 0 : er liad b e tr ck. From t y4chting than ovierich. idinga; i score of '18 to 1h, in.ton, who last w . 0 noper- th lie time the first car 8 134twed Shingles, good and chemp.- fo a great len th of of he farmers in pod itliated for Lodge, bNo', 161, 1. 0. of G. T., the fol. and in g6od condition; 900a Well Of �15 � fended his timber�: ating Oil some left t1m track till the train was stol) apply M the enticed by lol 1. EI).�-James P.Alin. Who was lowing 2cera were installed for the er� Jell IMs and ti -TIle Ex OSITOR he w leighbothoodnithe pateiit-r�gLit swin- y I eat a distance of 60 Feet. VO#te time, when , . I the ic�i y w 0- �8 po"tpaid, d ol�itaindl three )lOtes t le, r T wo r4en wererijure i h gained lii,� 0 F -Apso bAVID CA-11PBELL, SursoFiBr,,-m. it ed to �ail abou�� fot tnight a Er ill be sent 'New Subscribers from this date whic Centre, whe e ha g nd (I by the accident. comm. t luing(juarter: BrotherG S. - Thoi. rounses, or a4dref i to thef ill was sister f. McPhe#, W.V.; Broith,� Walton P. 0, with t At employment the charged 0*4 dge .).i 01 �UW Jan, 1, 1674, for 50 cents. d 21. AV. IN iit e also ad I good f 11se re resentatioiA and sold the notes They were iii thi I - rh I SatUTda score, and made V Le �ue-,t trili-e of tie 19 is ell- kil()W:.i Their name� are brou I t before J11 Cl Y A. Shaw, W. S.; BrothrA, Aleliflibloil, 13 4her parti6, rViebards Teleg� Comr=3. 9 FO ALE U charge. Fall Shoi LAtimer - all W. A. 8.; Brother R. 11 day in a smaxt latl Jo eg f 'or 5., Broth this in ghb6rhood and the best s Thoinson, of Quebec, who Iill last (I Pleaded guilty it t Pattisoil J, FARM 8 PraDd iaof theTown-,;- h' h e -Y e' was then reinando(l till Tuesday, NV. T. or It O'Connor, Mr. F 8 --G composed of Lot 1- 000,t a May H Bill 1i ibltiou, at London, from the had k tei �u' a merry 0110, m of 6 6 are th his 10,g' br -a -nc on A=. ng 100 acres of t TheProviucial Exh a sl)�r gn his 1frie. oken in two places, and mith, c t olt p a I scn- Brother C. Olarke, - (sister D'0119. 1 6 d to the 26th udon Ont is when he was again broti,, AV - m. W, 4l; fwhich there -anew frame of Septeinbor, inclusive e sin gle, vo threes of Lo ario, hal his allent upon "Central Fair at Gudph, on the 16th, 171th and 'ing oni. i aeive Al the4aw Will Motiv.en, . ree years i. the Penitentiary. Im, W. D. ',N!.; Brother 010A e -V �38 -6 eral bad flesh wo u n da. tone x � twos, when lie -a we Cana ed to tb 0 feet, and 0-40' a good orthfird.. Yor 0 -nin arm b okeii �and a' barn) zth of Sel)tarbor. HoRsA TAM�. ---L tat . Sunday in hn-other J. Cowan, NY-. I-. - Seaf 7 �a rsday and orth a just reae4ed three x TREEs Pro- 0? . Wihure eSSN"Und other information, ap- Huron, at Seaforth, on Th Beard. James Stretton -,ame tie rly lo -ging a The wounded men, WeTe Immediately JJOW TO MAKE BARRE thor MS ,I'Lly� on Lot 1, C on. n,of The South Wn (lays W"-Pethick, W. 0. G.; Sister TAM-BiS D, Friday, �nd and 8rd of October.. fieures when the Lkst: Nvicket fell.1, Strat- to Wingliam. where me lea 1,T)UCTIVE.-We were sho few b P 8. ; Sister E. 'P, tchi�, W(i -,pwns ip or to 6110- Vie J Hibbort, at Staffa, on tuesday,"O t. 7. N aluable horse' by i ; 3 being c loked wit 1 sent ack. a Of Dr.� _MoDougall, of Do -Ont. 296 Th w pri , again took -he; bat;ad hld lost was imine, I at last accounts go in the'�garde I nald, IV. r The Ehua, atListod,onlpiriday, 10 October. 11 .0, V I a ford tine was ctj qats. J)hn N; tt 11 S. Iiat(l,- id w 0 obtained, aut Usborne, at Exeter, (in Monday 61 -wick eta Wh d, for hove the oor* w r doing well. - About one o'(Iock o erich, the resul all ekperiment for W, L, S. TheStephen and 01t After the m t, t e ..IY called in, atiol triol to.re P auxiliary train rom. making ba ren r EDAGOGUXC,- r; md Tesday and 30tbL September. the total of 63, drenchee of oili but t thet trees producti animal by giving it atu ay nigh id North lltildili= of Hux-.0u, gLt Clinton, on Tuesday a fine thiifty appl tl;oe, Tinion School 8ectionNo. 16, r�y &cap Lot cricketers VICte. SILWP�uoualy enlei ained gayfailed. Mr.- Nctt-thougbt Fe, arrived and. proceeded t once to' The Doctor I VO]a ALE this rem ell nlil.Weduesdi 'ell's ROW r IOU 11cres;_ 40: cleareCL Sept. 16 and 17. with an;excellleut hi- 0 ar$e -,Ki1lop,.c wcaues- at Mr. PON% lie case would �prova rewo e the wrecked cars. which, though. it has been M, is I owick.. has been appointed to tbe; outainhig Colborne Township, at GoderiGh, or f or some time that t tud J5 Well timbei Thtre.is U good 109 1 dinner, couipfisi I all the delicacies of ears, has nev r 'projduj�d a of the Walton School. aeai 11 . - Many - fatal' as the obs Lrilation. was in that t for barn ana stable. also, a -youn- Uy, Oct. L I P -11i, tLouse,&nd fri'mG' is four tmtford w as at out - 0 it -ryl at Win -ham, on Friday, O- 3 the season, and e- iYus, I diaph' %gt Stanley. 'peck of f ruit. He was ACCIDENT. -A son of John ITewitt, from Sea- t Turnbei should th the I w hin -is Branch,, at aj-f�th, ou 'Wednesd ay, 0* S. (if the cesopha' orchzrd - -the farm Mort 1 P� vc b, with, 1he re- ty, whei -to Walton met with a very seriou' I road au the way; - it eleven liae felt a�satisfied u, wheu his brother askoo aa rac�.L: e it ass! (low vitba,goo in the tho Ti -t iN GF,.,qERAL----7Farmer1 anas�hool. Forturther u a year'longer ill he It appears that a proprietor., on the premis- Jolm Murray sult of. the days game, Mr.'Powell's li )usy just,, now With t allow CH_k,XGB. - Mr very HOTEL �hrough the i f a he hDivest. oiild,'no doubt, have tried in experiment. He toidic a smal number of cattle broke into - aA sld of lief of e allilAa it to remai -dent on Tuesday last has leased ti.le Afallsion Hotel irom.Al done d F ott, to effect the Crop,� are much better than'was on e ex- -he father and son were :iari��inu hM, an about the size of a CID thes line, and' :P or Seal ss.on in ai� caused them to fo�ge� th"' e the pro:1) g, which it wheat. _r 2U*4 ll W'C's an( ak bad to i: a fact, they are so good tha you rope, Carmichael, a I es posse' pecte 1,.in also tend to brintrabout a spee4return t to d as the uim�l i1vo. e f s, tied a couple of lengti of it tightly , them out, when a steer turned upon t;e tber d fficul a few- clays. call set'a am e 0 yery itig is the 6corei of tile inain brandbes j FOR SALE. ch. The fo.11 ng much at t - -e� u.611 Iiich larOund each nat boy and gored him illi the side,aEd com'. FARM lullett, farmi r nea: -owngbip of I mat ufferi 11, time. Aft 9 rly forty rods distant, -The Sh ys, A I bove where ilk, nd the mitted very serious int nalinjuries. Dr. Lot li,con. U BASE BALi,. Od F1 C ee d i it left the t n Huron,cautaining 11 he W acres, 90 of e,prollang three ti, es, "Pacific Scandal`�� can w, o not liven the a a full diatel F0q`ou'nV P Omise Holm es, o y -hi tars, of Seaforth, 12T 9 -ND 6, s. esult is that the tree f Brussels, -was hnm -o -ice from stumps. the re- eter, will play the S itig the obstructioln, pDas ill(y nd f., 0 ' "110 drivE away. Pasture is very bare qn.ac- r h alto cleared �d; well S. well -R-Smith, 1. b. w. Cam6roii. 8 not out..:.. 4! ...... 3 noy W, U It spe alk I t � That this is the result 101. tell "ni Of- telegraphed for, and upon his larrivhL 111-rdWID here to -day, (Friday. ;ht cardiae orifice,)'the sto and h 1CrOP Of fl well tim Iq 7 of dry weather rass oppers, Ji'o8t4Br, 0. Cameron_ Colin high state of d dy been it ainea, and i1i a ig their pluck, havir or.! 'is done soo4 the n by the fact th, a serious case.. The boy -,class fo ig alr6. 2 C. j Ferguson ...... 18 w doing ell. the experiment is show pronounced it �fenceit and under& 'e 4a first it4 the Etarg' is W 0 OPe was, Etill living yesterday niornill cuidvatic , lit Crosswaite, c. Lattim� iorse is no and nless something -the r m- gooalog hem two games w th' T..Sm- hite. i 7 b. o of the branelles where 9, e grasr� oppers beaten in ith, b. 4c edmercln ...... ta ly per 11 of e op� ll� BASE BALL. of laseb must inevi I)arnitable and heds and other ombuadings WiAte 4 and w as not replaced, there is not I (Thus ry, Ettle h of is -well water,-,� -sp Rae, b. White ...... 3 b �w he Indepell cut Cl b of Biu''S_ oes I broke day,) but heen stan ation. In: ite of the bug, po good young or 0 close to the it ten an apple to bp seen. Can *Einy of readers recovery was entertained. nthlarabeing thrlAYIP9 -Lie- se �o �O 1T. -It is car rep ed. that els, an I tile Broad Lxua(ye CILI 1), o: f BI are g to"be aiine cro as from lstta- rentl� 0 theouse; li D 2 1 give an expi nation of th,- philos�;p of in Kinburn, 0 Costick-, b. Camerou 0 b. Winters: as tion; su d by good t on the liatr4a Of tfle human specie towards the W. W. Farran, f -Cliu- val,.was l4ed oi fort] late Reev I jand.7 from clin Ramsay, c.' Lamb.. 0 not out ....... 01 P =ult9 Usborne. 4 For further particular& to the Pr*- ind, t er, whe* ih( I. -n d e 'be, le tribe" was never more manifeat thi�; curious auce R,. ton, is an laspirant for t�E vacant. not a bi Latt of thb flor OBYFUARY-r-lt is%ith of deep 9 YO U. ni ff viclorims. - ii C 0 L, --,- 0 ZiG.-COU110il �Met On Drietor on the vremlses or toconfit r. Farran, is :a 'very os Le*rd, 'Onde of ussels, came o, than this year. . Wherevd) yo IL )fEETIN Shrievalty. -%verecord th( deathof Mrs. dhoRGr,, Cobn it 5 Ev 9 P-n(l' lit Y cztn nd bare-,. ooted regret that g. 'In m ers 0"V gu 0 0 e tiel diglIr All'the e b timble man and a od citizen, but, in ExtraH . ...... Cif thellidependent tsver ee; grey -headed men, Saturday, All -zo lerich,- -0hich I of a lately deceased statesmi, portly matrona, and blo, present. Y.in:utes of ALE= the words Totiil ....... ....... W, good being �supelibr to r jattip 9 boyq 46 To I y event took- place quite 4nex- FARM 'FOR S oming Maid- F. A. Robertson, of Go( last m ee mad G6,age, f or new Cl ab, �l id ells, erambulath ato fiell Is, tili melanchol ky -eF illop, contain- Nve Might ask, omit g. the )rofauit ig the 'pot. edly at 8t, Catberines, on S clay a:ndconfirmed. Moved by llv.�CreL 28) jCon. 4,M &I, I 0 eaa I !U66 What hams Farr i ever d e f Or th� Barc4 a. CroaswaiV, b. Rae ... ... .18 Teniark ibly Well, 4 �s p6cially �iu their bat- Pan. one hand and stick, ill the ther, Pect soconded by J. Hackney that Mrs. Ale. T jug im acres, -7 of whicb. are tl ll tilubered. j. ie 1.21 f ternoon last. I rs. RbI ertson'has been Willters, b. Crosswi ..... :.?. I Ontario Government" or th Reform ting. Belowi, we S iye the s9ore um. noning, those '-tormentors of c ur n, Gee receive $15 from tl�is township 1� a. . 0 o geodi3tite of cultivation, balance we Cftmeron,b. Rae, ... 1.- 0 Ifor some time, and went to 4ithhardwood; large 2-storybrick hotisa; fmme tion "* to surrender at discretion,'I fter in ill health I assist in keeping Walter McGpo, a deaf party, to entitle him to su ��h a -dis- E N D r. BRQU A.GH upaUx4S-podbear- NNUtc, c. SnXzol, b.17 100 LRA.. ...... ......... IN111 a-liewdriving-ho 7 St. Catherinies few wee a agol 'tr 9 bara 50xSl b rth 0. RI whii h they -tied.,, Moved watered; 21 8110 'Of SeIL- Rutledge, ri proceed to puiiish the� with- mute,' at the Ihistitute-Gai rcbnxd; well tinGtion. -"r 0 D�Iff... ie chailge of air a the advice she- jug'o: ��.ite. 13 1... 4 5 a flraLa-ttimer, e W. Fcrgusoh.. 2 ( I ac'ording as they that tl I out jiadge or. jury, c - by W. Broc�-, secondd by CY Jorth'and uithin hnlf 0 dk 1� �,CoM.k ... 0 7 0 i v to the W illiamson, C. Bld "squash" them, s�ould recei e there, would prove bene JouRv.ALis!.r1c.-Rumour bai it' that k ... ...... I tbi. k. proper, some -col I is leir ly reqaire�. by t For further particulars al'Ply -Proprictor R.1, iside ably bettpr Of that the sun the premiseis� Blansou, c. and b. :1 W.. 4 $he was ....... . 0 boil " them,* and some -al", for' s be Consery rn ...... - 1.k. musq,rovo.. . .. a trustees of the va us school S&tioi: j:oint- sto . 3� . �), 6 'a I Lasham,, b. Crosgws, b4,,4 ...... ...... . Stowaft... ALEXANDL t J 297*4 rove.. .... 4 4 shortly to be started in Clint on. It -fa �' Larrib, c.4Foster, b 115wal 0,: M4 Arraftrong.J... 5 ;lt 111as the .ruelty of the filiman beart-l'bry the change, and her frieni ls� were ill I lopes -�Iaced on tCe roll for collection. iand. t)iit 0- a 10 I-Teaderson. 2 5 M11 g T -Tis bugsbip willeeltanly 11 Ca FOR SAM. i also reported that Mr. Cliffe, cf the'Kiii- i Far ason, not 6ut. thei i alive i she tyht be en tirely rqs �ored to health. a b -law be I assed to that' efl'L�, r. ............ 1. ...... ..... .15. Haiuilton�.. . -not el so 1) FARM AND CEMSE FAGT4C)RY ve his i'd The end of' -last week she �did 1 t, - rt, 2 e artat I rs that eligibly situAtA Sull I er offe caTdine _R to will shortly remo 2 tied. Moved by G. Willis, seconded it), ub rib a] squatulite in disgust befo q1HE s se inting establisfinieut ron-1 K, well though no danger was apprehended, z I entire pr. ....... -4... 100 D 8 13 0. T. 13 own.. oth r year. -L well cultivated farm, ills on 6e d 31, Con. 3, Tu&er- Total ......... R. Creery, that four m ollAr Lot Merle to sin acres, lot Ea. e. ; e cardine to Wingha where he pur- T. The railroad is considered a dead but oil aturday she coim e levied on flie ratable proper� of this .2, 7 6 Total ............ 127 40 ..ock on t. be y barns, a larg Ari uing a Corism, 'ij� e PECSONAL. earn Total. the peo nday I Municipality in order to raie 20 There ate on the premi poses iss e , The thq, 2 good' wells of wa?- vvat r. anil. -expired about 3 o'b" I ei Mr. J. D. Majori ain thin ple of OA frame house, for fll(ep ut. ei 9, and The on] onds who were 6hed 50.,ZO, go t�o Ir Baker, ol Bk6ssuis. ca r of Bms- 00 be -50 trtes, just beginniugg Lewis, son, of Le,��is Cou uafteinooll. naw Pper soon to be started t Exet�r y fri �el and Clinton begin to. 1 for local )urposes, that a ter, young orchard of I is also to be Conservative. T is�-%vill be Orown Atorney,J iq'�deric w ohm M Selki; ant At -Yt�rrow, B. aevale. present were her niece, MisA Horton, wlio se o a y. Brucefield will certainly Pe the drafted accordingly. and that the rol be bear, A-school,ch=chandchoese factory 40 - t r a 1 a, the position of ff Selio th s been her duri her stay -n Sit. er thefxrm. A - with Dr. iKuliro for ayor. el ii tie rs at� -st three bran new Cons vtive'PaPe il0lt cl�rk h two acres of ��nd, This factory is-th ld -I roll lity town, I ivered to the collector o 1 fi t are to sa " PaGi c1c Stlxtioll f or over �k r, as been r. I Catheri r rotber-iii-laui r3t situated. yea ro- Sir In he 16. t- be anged Hi,iroli. Who will d h ssue of Itbe 0 o the quiet villa.L nes, and he b olown -Carried. 1Xfove by stabllsb,�d in the County, and the be' I all, Ye shall' be urdayjn October e 'he s ion 8 can- d,%l f t e al I thes e g et r linino, moted t assil6taut C, Bb:- item' -for obta he Horton,Bsq.,-wIio fortun tely went patrn iu. onta-rio. Theremism 0 the posi of ar re t ve to Ibm, ear L P to lie noisy city, the p im eaceful far a int -iling a AV. Brock, seconded by 1'. Creqry, tbat ier of the Gran T�unk, 1, Idn'llotle last week. Or -consist f a waking house, ,uf- L TNIondy Imol telest. 28 x 40 two fit Which iat " ehi I a Mang U'S ta C, 1 bn account of ail allecred falsd petition vided thorouglif area,, the farm n -S int and dryIng housei x 40, two f. cr tories,.snd is a %a received' b her fathe Mki. - T G, and Pei ti li g t�Zq I -tttelilp�s to hold ap ittc ram. w, e, N resi Esr.Ly I-ITa -Mr. Oeoi eWright of the Huro, Road, Hullett, Mmenced, M. P.- P.; I po pons merchants, and their solil �aviug beeil prese-qted to this,'Couiaeil, tp in'th stesul engin. ws, &a., of the i 1 astwol ha4 4!c.%Il fl-orn! to rijitle the III e ball club hcre. Now, Gibbons, Ift On, Thursdill ings of moustche and tu nd n Iota 9, 10 kn 11 on the soutli-w-tstern laesti, iinpri patterns. There is an. abi a cutting his spring wheat ou edliesday owi mise, &till the ne-T�s �yas bro4en t her Mr _Nva', p of Alarl'ttil Sandacl that " Phiel in at citlicr ia�el)ecn inis- )I water andthefactons �of good isin perle ult., it d 'has con- co ars. rival from X, inea .-dine; boundm-y'were removed from %s6jool see. The fketery 18 subject to a lease, which vig r of Week, the. n IDver of that ill husban-1 o his a! order. il Ya I. Mir. alker, liv informe AVe are glad to see so Many farmers. NAOD i No. 11 _. For County'. No. 7 to aP11 01 section he factory, or Micl de, q states about the n- bythe he having hadil 1�1. without will be sold *ith tinei working at it ever in, cc. The e ea this office, 'rou CrIl formerly ro id t of the ownship o ating eKerm vreen foold C3 hes of. the owners of gai lice an a further partioulaltsi at wils. tho ly ripe al d is n ex- tr ingthe cultivation of a Staniely, an oved.,t illfich,gai, dependent Club IiE re, th, t th re r lot M previously'' that his Nvife was- in aic, - -1 *against th 6 wi refore resoli that said or on the premises to pa t experience has taught them �hat A I W. :0. FOWLR. celleat crop, and in 1p is said e tht defa Lt at I is, pecarious state. ots, be it ttie. i pearahce. a 0 oil No. 7- a little over, year a 0. 'He fi, so inde wi I not do to: depend upon hey crop, llots be restored to Qchool secti 1 pend'ut m ore to resemble fall keat t ha n spring now on a phi For 11 his 1 forrna�ion, I wol. Id vi�i o his fri i in towel. 0 rCarriecl. 'Moved by G.. Willis,;seeouoled al tie. A most excellent thillff, ]Lot 11 at e'Ulub variet Exet&r. TARN F -G IN ITUCKERSMTH. rhis whe a of tl V, all d aiahly PIe sed WLJt4 Ill state tl tat our d feat hi, had io eff et County. He ii i rve r. �Vri h t. foii green fodder btit for winter feed, i by W. Broc'k,;th-,tt Swilie re,�ei ware ad 'to learn that -or a ou: dependence, sinq 86 of Which axe",cleared, 91 prospects in ic igari, a Well 9Atia whatei )ly ry4. If farmers would plow tbfir pe, 1 -IVC learn that wk- nd Mrs. Clack $5 from tbii Colin FOR I �s -is so large an area as 25 crps under it. 00 &ere 111 becaus we expe Ale J to u r gr 0 er nd'sow rye Upon it shNY, the late oblh-ing wl povular 'for lief_(�arried.. 1-Movedby, ex. h, fied. with the 11try.. H v state of tultl- Lhis Year. U, I e re d j tUMJ)S �fl - Wright bears off the palin I of. )u tw hev sc w th as eir iat this yearib( corn rop is Ja pakia intenti)n inot be ng tq tesi the itieri tor of liam'�ishaw's W:cl, Ilas en- lis, second 'o,r:c-rlyspviug wheat. Crops -such as i !�� -ie time as e by W. Brock, that the olei�' vatin- the balance in-, creek rising on. I - . . aluttliesan 'ro )rl 139 - failure, OW 0�15 old wet Aveathl�r, theinc'ivil.diiialcInbi,sowticb s.tohve a; kso, a nc 160 rods Of - Yng f a I wheat, it would be reaAy to 'cut by gaged with Messrs. Thoni n & AVII- notifythe collector to f u rnish fcl)r inspec- itting toward for good f arm- Ulu v O� i)lay� hre, a ta g,�O � gbuA&Ugs; geoid in and other graij jig -v 7ith d 0 1 of June followir g. Th m there lianis, of the M-itchell foundj,�y, to acfi as eirn' �t illeet- the. spring, tb Coulicil at th ex 5 Ofles n by this od C?* Crops will rr yield,� an(I ; player.; Aotfl.r stl1tetrient I io maks, q allow ffitient gb W)uld Lie time enwigh to Make f if agent for their implements. Hawk- ing, boii(Is with two good and su forth, 6 of CVWton - 2 �,Ihnrqehes vithin I mil,* P P.0 rar shaw is a ae-neral fa-vorite with* the f arm- 'he School Horse vitbi .7 Van Of the UT -Cheese h 11 e tl, e land and sow it in f ill. whopt, thus the year, notwith in w mrvties in the amonut of qIG 000 for t hi h some'Of his a 4 ro ds, ile osayssion g ra r Factory within ii mi a. =ing t e, tial iai e of torn WI 11 wit, is that th Lialow-el jpI%( a a crop ing diatelT aft I er harvest. There. will be an ice-cream festival it, tile tl ey would have prob �bl y as goqd commilnity, wherever he is no-wil, -i due performance of, his duties as collector' Lrther particular-$ nae le's tl�an f wheat and the crop )f rye into -the- and his c'ertions in its behalf -%v ill, no 'd bY be a for Me rs o. bette I n the Church, abetter baters an r to X THORP, Methodist E piscopl e af o r t for the present year--Carriod. Movt upply to TH-031AA. and " - sB,solitry exceptions, I ; prmises, or to Sea' rth P. 0 W -g% y MQre doubt, in 10 11 Tuesday eveiing next,: 12 h il�st- �-From a pri U. ith le . � 1. . 292_t'f*JJA we, b Ute le4 reery, seconded by J. re. b. i in without losing! aterially increase the bILSiness i er reofently t ni. U, 'vool f rom, that'ithe Cler, Reeve':,llia De _Er ss6ls team wis a supetior o is a� tile ai Zild be occupied lltlhe,pri)(luctio' lso, lecture by Kah-rallrgon-tyeb, Ili a TV1 r4. Ugh ovil Who ti 11 of the ente�prising firm mploying hiln. puty-Jr, FOU f the fielng nd batfing, of anu 011the wh y last, be- a Committee Gil of FARM SALE. nd that One. eat crop alone. TRAIPERAN-Ch S'O(;IAL tqileet the Couli diall, 'Nlissonary of the.M. E'. Church, iii Present in sr -C) will. OT No. 5, club ii better �� ban ano, ier, lit Concession. 4,. Hallett Siabject-ii'LFagll Wors-hip.` Will sail for h6m� ab the midollb I -We are mperance of �,,xete­, to deterilline hor, L more or less 86 acres cle plenty -of Water) v, red. o, hear t�at Mr. the Sons of To ve- the village of Exetei 14 . Y ML A!he rein c.)ii- e -resent rh th, ia d that he wl I chi dl Ym. us � T lomm Cook, of the Te sleyan in bt contrctea by f1le' c lecturer is f the Mollaw-1- trib the p pern e House in ice citeam. social in thel W( uch of tli�N do �Rndtlienrtlib)�knchof the MAtlaud- Rivet -run' anguages, and is� i brin' with him'I o stallion nd a nu,11L si8ts t e sutlierio rit, 70 1 tht �,d efcAted elt ? can. speak six diffe-relit 1, ai d Telegraph Office, Varna, is eriously Ilethodist Church, of thaO pla,.e, at township of Usborne, prior to the illlCor- inng tboug� the 1,8,acre bus 3. 900 -lie hour n, has pu til lie e *ts o ilfoltv- )ly on t e p d: j�� The proprietor, ll, easy, fluaA-t spel�er in th English i bai- of sheep *hich he 1 Chase Temise five m inu dLof bwo hoc -a and' il Dr. Hurlbuxt is attending him. afid which there were about Vo vi ors to poration of said sb,11 be, borne to-n-girm. Jn the co.-tirse of the o a old countm 1 etheIr wi;h the said vilaae, in ternis of 36 Vic I Cap. 51, Sj dre85 01011i tes instd, b 6s good hopes of his ree)very. enjoy that - luxury, 'tog 2W ),a �s sttqol in the Post,. fifteen minu teq Kali -rah- crou-tyeh -will sing - Ilymn ill the I 'It 0 0 i � i I mental f ',tat prepared for them-. Rev. See.. 10�Carried. " Council 0journed OixF, olp 11E, AYER. Mohazwk lano-tiaae. I le. .1 FOR il�LE- A( mission to. lee- "So ISIAN) (pe 1_T,s.,,-The Cl : (I iFARM Fordwit, h. Mr. Kett�ewell,nliilist r of'th.at dircuit, to first Saturday in eptember.' FO Lot 4, ist oncessioni.; -eam, plying and etido --ing our rd- Cl - ;�i7Z eikr '11 SALE n com- B in co Bruaeflel Nayincy, this ectio efficiently., S 88 of tue aild ice-ci occupied the chair, Tbe*1irst -;k o f I :WE in m al 11 is Tuckersibi tonta, i g 'ref rence to e a springing up �n nbw Over. There been in n: oat cases -tite of cult ea mence at 8 o'clook. Holmes, Bible racleared a ast el has s�eaker Rev. Al d of new l6cal papeli uc�UTS.--A match, t)y belem,aph, ldandlanwil i floo D P., Christian iniiaister, -Ao mve all e,;kcel Winaham. The tfi�Lbnr land is all rge brick h ,SE BOXF9.-M it been concluded be a,k average crop. - Most of th farmers there wo Y-t�hcu, 900d r. John T. thisicoulity, s4 -YE -at lent address,iviiieli. was well re,,eiyed, has ju twden IlDve commenced t the fall wheat, BASF, BALL. Matell gain� bank barn 7Ox4O, anaalloti ornezessftTy Outbuil of the Seforth Novelty INTorks, has for It The article d a ffi I qbateq that but on a uc,.,fi ld, Consisting of Wo f oti-thesubject of "Self Juiprovemt, Ings; also, a g I orchr 'Pring creek Mug n th8,last 1.5 ts it v -y good �ali Was plai t Witih A g - persons wh)'i viii pr ep ei ap )earatice, arft ooL uesh of wh ell wl�re -A, ii by the t1iough the fftr2U, 1'eaT the buil(liugs; it ne been, extelsively enagge(I ifi amoug , ove ell d bids I a�d by 11 between the tii-ion Club, of t1l -ea,-r.q have be euga games, bot : es .1. ield I his year. and w, llowe vev. Mr. B rit at I lace, k3 ad in tlle -1),� . Ili. 11 fa for a good y the Manufacture of (';heese boxes, w-bicli t, Y - Brucefield 1 PIa3 ers. 13 cc 6 el I in the chi, who, discoursed Is situ�ted u the Hurto Colin ha. succee(lea n making an: Rev., Mr, Whitlo iu this pe- re* r furth All the spring grain looks wall,es d the Sepoys, of Lucli �vhiel Fo is new branell of' manufactaire in this thin,i, and, of. cMra I as vveny on ia e-.Kpecte'd to first g tine took tbd Sitter opeill n a, gained Seaforth an five from Clin.. -pprL upon the ail �sqion Mr. Martin lim ii i -know his oivn upon th n CUIST183 ap to the proll I wfVy of � plitt ing it that thi X nI C Joha 0 Ia3 ry fis best, welook �qsiUon at n ,,%rly �tage, i liquor trffic. An e -cell It ho ­ i -part of the coujit a,wiru ting'I d cially peas, which are more than 4-n mainly sulted ill a victory for the I ter 'by, Itageltion as a Wracre. �Turnips, which were thought a score of 25 to 55. 0. re3igne(. a tain of Unions,; A. T) anufaature of every ortion df t, ones that ha-vb been enalliled to gather som secow. game t ratord -6 with n [the publishers p thetE, xpositronl are the fortu� I I I k well no the eecii- t To RENT. full operation all the m achinary necessary le - the proceedinas wit b: Id A -,till tmtford n the , 289 0 be a failure, are recruiting yi�o, ry rapid- livened 0 h Kennedy, c for the ir pene tion of some delightful pieces of music. th Kea, f roul tile mitting, planim, thing -more, thanj� m ere hyinl4r. V a heartily eo i- 01d.F)urteenth, -%v dch led to a'prolouged of Sepoys. T, FAR-1� FO:R SALE ese, bo The whole affair was a, success, ail Cl pass - them dil their _P E R _6011 ie�s pp � r. brisk, FoltSALFe OR TO RENTI 011 reasonable alid steaming of thet hoops' to the prepar' gratlihLte uccess, and also ac� ea A SECOIN'D PA struggle �of five hours' aurotion, ind -nowledge t1vit th, le"eive A, biA hope,thayw tt. consisting i ed off to the satisfactio)a of l i, fe, 0 Lot 3, Concession 8, 111alle I ilig an heubt be t3o puffed �Iaky),%(Ith prido on a6dount, of thtir which wislso browi to fi lish 1-y a considering he sea�Gn of tile ye, ut currently reported that Mr. CI Z) f . I A fittini of the covers, an(' t r ill the Kincardirle. Revieo; interlb. t) re, 100 acres, 8) of whichaTecleari beautiful, combial, I to t ation, and weg fLiuced,.- There is i various ppocesses are clarfied- on at.the. success, an k d 11 With soon i upon their le.4s ion of, 1.6reed inovO I 14u-ildings are being ercctQd as i' by ma- McKillop. cult to iocilk d frame arn fortnate brethr and improvements pushed forward move his printing naterial.1 U, 60 ng res gutt 1. -5 saine time. Sorn e tem or tw&lve an en(Iganie.- ha v b _x4o, anx, uiti &ad,; als� drigrat t) le ret rn earn t at BpIen(#dc. rehai in -use, anict,!eln� Ive 0 every' hand. Mr. new. Dn..i).---_\Ve re Witgham with the object f �estaqlisll- r -d; wtllwtored, one and ilau d fQ r his' ed 9t drNughis, Str lzrct to r arettkept " const6ait thitak our fr S. John Fisher, of -Carr ook "A tllis eg fr4nathe v5 IrAi prop 0 rn' an -within a ore is fast drawing to completion io feli ing a Cotis(�.,rvative paper ill at'cbes which li 1) 1 accelited ei given to, albout 15 persons. 1 but regret they are tot applicablie Match qagoodgrc�vel road; th�ri 30 aery ploym, - nwe from.the plate of a rn oil the farm of The le g Cons lVesabo t P a adin will artin - now siuppE& some . 1-5 i fac- �t to us. "Theo) e by Brileefield, a nd will e all Plo ed imediate posssnAir. Jvj, i.' fortunate jirinter refei played som e' is lso about ready for -m. J. ervat' the his And 'For f 4d Mr. Matthew ynch, ill this township said to have passed arouii(, For tories with-baxes. Next he hopes red to -%m, s M .'Eolims' � of t h ' X ov -Bra ahul has erected new a ore _r, s appl,,v to r I e time r1lext weel- the proprietor 0 -Nv we or 1, WO, in cash hnot'00 e -to be to all1cfer nu -1112 if -the refereil cc was por -ect, we hop 5 elling bouse,*and is ushig busin* a fe e go, died from. the effect:'a to bave raised able sipply a IniCA, 1 P 27.6 Proprietor J011'N STUPRE lit ahead t "aturday alerity may Simon Park h-1 Of his inj itses.,'which is to be tdevoted a�� a )01'u"- 'ber, m'he' int�,-nds to ic,,wry on the *ork': his pro'qy I l!lrr re continued- .3ayftelof ri er has got "" t oil w organ. FOR SAALE. 'hiter inotlis, o that At the'sani-e time, while repudiating tI an e happ I AR d' commodiobs housei form INIRS. flAN-SAII al I for the beneft of the, lie urim, the W ry y DE YFIEW itooli mady to eca§sful pu SL I I to hear that our ini"Trmadioniiii Cliffe'sstrong Point is �isprlig he can,' meet chwgie of beiiig the odly S'U 0 04 cupied' by A ar cres, 1-Ust Mitchelli pairted his tbdroug: AVAL'UkBLE rAmi, loo g-ess of tile `,;Oi:j1L1 be Ui clever correspendent oll lie Strtford 0 Jherwise fitted up, with the intention bf to Mrs. Miff,was incorreqt. t%be has ceasio� ar eafortb, on the -v it efu I, -as w i the demimnd., The rap pro r lislier, it W F � J quaintance' with th e Most Mill'te xcm no wbo,�h a been g a tour., 0 ic art! Vralvel road to Goti.Lrieh; 85acres clisared and frl� s phc now P �"of every branch of the typogr ' I ICUPYiDcl itasahot&L—S. Ketchum edover the in dairying lmsne.,s in this sectioli, Willi 110 -natriiiti to' ramk OU sel �ost criltic d period, I phc. its Zrom at ps; 35 acres pow U. is 'County, (Ie,cribe� Baylield -ad, 'the rest un& and ts enlargirig stead unprov large frin! U thro th slill in ie- old i stand, - His paper, the Kinardine. Relfiell), In ua -ior clicese ve nGfJ t. eCL 1 as ','small, PUL-ce ! d -)se wb o Ii, il b 4e allee she 1tr WL11-1 boxes, that ere lang 'Mr. Alartill -will Th facb is, -lTL 1castintia r6spective ey Ills buildings, 4o that be may (Ito all appear ia�(,O'il I typography, has been, iong- a it In side, -of 121) inliabitants axid contmning, lio enl, agood orchard; posseiii Iml edi and stiec esses nfore fully, to accommodate hi,� numeit- stand unrivalled ailio or Wro i cro lig C have to v: Ty in terialy inereaae his al;. over fhe fai of t4 b This gen titlegood u nxi terins ea,,,T- 1�'or f urther Particula", less tI an,. nine, 01,0C, a Opal C obs patronq_-Josepli Crawford has leaIs- (.,,,eorge lj6ijand, son of' bael. por ies Huron Press, We, did vbt-t r. Mc PVY to titan rh af&--ill eg for thck 2k -e b )xtroy izing", our i a ust ho Con. b dHolland, of the Seventh 'Concessio fer to enit o.w veiiture!1at a% Al the tyrist Mill for term of y LUDWIG SEP11 IODGERS & iiin( giog-shoj�s po fre 13, as to im heffif'IJ, �q doing a large business. Anogetlle'i, cidetit,, cl'Ciil 0 1), do STUX �SAW his vi 3ion, or k iow "hb Bay- t] 11 Zor ."a trQps, . 0 inet with a, 1) a. Col nm� '' 1: - I on al. Village is in a flou rishing ca idition. which niic,,,Iit have Gelabrfi.tell 11ft , ilILL �AN:D issi I 'itolt 8)m D is car be at 111cxi Drug - - I field eat little v Ilacyc look- res TRr CLIPPEiii EcLip;) Ei), Ilk engaged in cutti C 111,1, gra (�Glelllali To im Sj-- Lim ­-Thi1 fat�l- was it ntainaug Cou the picsneer a, o iiiN Pat- f"nol an�,Nvhere in Olita7 io, an(I that -it s h -tigitt� t'll r�it barns and stabi et the- CO1)- the clailus 6f4letown PIS ulibearing: two nevtr� turers !bf tlik villarre hve 1 4 `Biddulpi Of BreastP t'910 good rehurds I n I f t iendly match of ball, bet iveen t4 c horses and mach lie, when. , a Violdt Pow&ar, au all . Ing. lot In )61 cont 'a "five til I ts �aeh Dods tract ior the orectio alild completioll i illivrpy, for in H;i Idutre Clippers, of the Ninth Linb shower of I sprig� n (I KeG rain came i which Ay the =I, c une oil order to Hidxo_N%i Drug. Store. 1 as h6 aq Set do Wi L f Or i 11A. 11 th t The propei ftinin-, 48 attesf ith a 90 'other 1, etel[Al ron's surphis allotment, U 11�oivick, a keep himself as dry rtye P.%lt bloek. to be. ere Wi et t-- To'. , nd the E clipse,, of F rdwic wei are to.d that, one of the aas P�ssille, Mr. lit sait the i gr -,y a cc I ]-in hicli, lit. had TYURSAIT -to' all.orliler of letter ou (Is actioinino- their. prosent i .()Iito, oil nei t, 'al ffi) -o'clock s played on the grounds of thir former, Holla d took skill the c4art 0 gralvel ro ton it wells is wne I by Stal f tber(�to. V.or father particulars AP it tote 0 4on uron, we� Ul I oll� ild. Tn mrorks. Th's %vill be. tile fhird 11lodt J Os tand tal� ez OA Saturday, 26th ult., which ru ltud in been using to's over !ceryll niad in tlie 2natter:of 'tbiet e a pr to, -W t4- a pla cin tlus co-naparly will h., 'Ate no ri �vletory for the Eclipse by Inad in a ths �tov 39 runs. A his head sat down isije. one" oi reditOrsaud ance P. libiburni Out. ti6n that 0 Un- 'the 4 The horges, inin ediatel -11 fl�ollt of tll, cut croh agabuit Cb late tha either of the others- to yrtion of �thc d 'ibution ir(ttirn match will be played -alter har Y 1 4! any p day s( ho )I of ti Lie Bay el I.: P I byte i gn i1ext ol kin, -of Alaxwnder Ctuix-rolli T]w bu.lingg is to be 160 feet loug. coming to ll& Ihoi til e"C separa Township of 'FOR - SALE YN X-CRILLOP.- at 1 be 132x28: feeb. e -a-sett a flill 0 'a had c in or aboTlit the m 0d I Chuch, Ito eth,.r with -be hnrc� Of $rs tL tingbaroftheinaebille. YVIelitheraill. T061lop,in the Q011ut , ATUI N sed. of the Pn wil rl, - eased, h a spranc, 'V�tY, 11)7,�) Foil 1L goodirarm, compos tion upsuddenly, with- of � '78 -'T Scotland� held a pic-nie o.: T half of 15 antl the st, half of Iot 14� C ginst the G fl h is head, presenit blocks are Zoox2tl fu ty af wf� d, Wingham. i 2 oat relllo:ving tile Covering on 6r before the 20th day of agll, in theii Th 'iddletc n3 grove 1;:.n ear Bi�yfileld. tainill- 100 aeres, 50 clefl;led�; cked ul 0 (AND 11 �RWI �T Pdla�_ \N. n r the injul 67.8 g( 0 2. L 9 bju 0 a e 'be 6 ero ad- flute and in gorid tie tril e 8 ni oil ain ICY in Mr, by pos,; prepftid to: tb(t ilefenda"t, The new block be constrk,eted oil th The a IV Lomm. - Oil Nlol hus frioli teiiii t rses and causill h, Seaforth P t office, the admilois timbered- caltivation; balance! ty qle�lk the end -Ooun e start off. (1, fhei!r Chritian and with hardwood; a good fram Nvest side of -1th' derrick, wl r, witt being leautifulndth loca,ion -a new 1, 0 d % them to- c coDvenien, - ga : er �11 Cr ms cry of the cut- -the, deemse I th' i eni. ],-tat Odd-Fellowp' I The'bla iars 01 and barn; g hard; th "Anil dese tfoll, the full Par -ti, i eictillg to tile m, irviray trae.�, SO tl"It oth6rs ioterestt-d� 'proededed to JToront( to Was,, Instituted in IVingharn, I by AT thig knife Can"Ilt hio leg, ew, ll;, ts, Aud 91 large. The arringenient .1 1 0 Iniles ro, , ioagiaveiroxd-, 1011i D , did cred.i thi -In theirclainns'a Al of thir tiecoll, run di troejisalt canibe passed directly from thd af ber: thel intdrests llc� Ji hn Murray of. Chfton,-'NL A backwalilds and inE Y) I to -da to loot I laid blvAllew" -no' Vb 0 ver -Lre Of fit an gu of 'e for�ffi, then are tw the the superitatc ent and' teachars, e wound the nati the ecoritie, of Ontario, assisted by -a numbc r o f t h(e block irito the c. del leg. The whole. calf�' of the I gr in"Clefftult ther of they will be lier ... nul for the 11 ad the *hole n then- man on his 4691ho 'g kudea ir.111 the b -neat of the sa id Drdar, ols al ith Z4 is to Proli].ietoj 011 1 I Tbe chilfiren nitse& tbernselves -vr biteth a Piece of the heel ;f 11- 1LA hs beeli 'let to -Mr. Kyle, and 1 stores- or j)atiulars aPplv'to buildina I tell of the Lucknow and Clintoi was cuf clear off, al)(r, t L, U. 11, V 2 : t .Ode N . I ' 1,01N7 D 0 1 . & J.? VIL n. eye tor nommg 11y SLCM j *c C)11 wiu�threl I?,(- ASP and i Janutactlf� 1RE was named Mait] an Ll Lodg% of - the boot cut away Not, ithAanding same before me 4 my chamber A the Godel'ich Foundi 0:11 E en en swing] play- D ty Udges. rt V $'at DOD tile "0. 119. The following officers; were ir - the injuries which he', had - -ecei the 22d. day of Ai 1874, - Yq bE en en ago� 0 1 10 1 _T , th na�and o1her irin(y the 'P. 0. arl Engineersha Ll 1.1"_ C"010 iTa,,, Company arc-, to c struct tbi�p. , 1 3 at el0v ES micDOINIATA past!week or I v 6 lopa in,.g theiline fo course abildr&i. I N vo(l, tli"e a for Ad. JAM t e er Messrs. Coleman & Giouinlock- also ip.. me beautir e AV. Hayward, N. Cr. 8. GIci young man pursued his to the forenoon, beibg the time Sip p the Loadon, Al r(h Britpe 1.1-ailway. sang o pie.,eg, under Ithe. stall d M, And an, - and ation on the 0uims. 'FOR. SALF.' IN Grtzy� tend erecting another large warehou�e, Dinsley. R. D, G ARIVI )o Aurch, thus render- J Wi' ceeded ill catching the �.ei i run �boult rods tc leaden rn bef ore, %ey had I Dated this 28th� day of July q%,. The line h I hi- 1 11. OTT Anil naitt 0i Tot 11 in the as V Q A T1 rr XV A TZ114 A 1 1, 0 T X, ,, 1,,�) -JRpN I UO)a Y for storage purposea. I prontable. son, YY 8011, V—lll "--.y A" 4AL.Y trier to Tilemselves or I n J `8r I ion p eamant ano: Godericb. 5101A of Gren� coig .,on until it iq 3 leas the west of the ­ dai� Roa& th Cie 178 aii A larg# piecei of the flesh it cultivation; 2J =1es, will be -situated to th I (il and in go() w nears the-,Bavield Rivrr, -Ai4 it di. The af 'ai passei I ff to he, sa -isfac tc ii, W. J. Rivolon. C. L. ram, t e machine. MAster 1i e west of the ew F. HOVNIESTED, re, Wd, 12 mil I froin SeaffbAh. Apply soil, B. which had been cut. from, :his leg was, 276 exten(I from the ne' f a 'of all.- —1 letcEra'. 0, G. A. Boland, 1. G. R. il AN�GTJ,,, '_UcMJLL,�Qq,On the pre= block and, wl, i, te rt nn. bo ha Plaintiff's so icitor.� �Iapr, i( -Ie the, -jilway track to I Vei to th st 1 9 Ut po ck C-3 ff �J,