HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-08, Page 5re- " -1,- would avArage nearly large quantity of k taken up by the djv ie lake. on shore over four lale dwelling in houses all to the Company, as evert,. t, here does. neat 1 a ben on it and an. the purpose both, of .1-hurcb. This church vag he Company. and ueoriunat inations. Until. about three .t was used on Sabbath for. 10 Roman Catholicg„ tt one hundred and eighty, .'rotestants in the aftern -,er, the Presbyterians (1. majority. Tlfero. wag iinist-er here when ,T.arrived boat, on account of illhealtit„ left a little over two weeks e. But another Vieth Low daily expected. er, ice, where there are so many, rem so maity.diffrent parte 1; and away fromi all the re- bel -Re,. the peoplienre, as o, weli inelined. blessing to this p ace ja .1, iat-oxiestrug I1qU'}r is alLowej4 The only liquor l'.iVf113rkept place is secreted ii the gene. store, and no one an get any 1 t the doctor's Pescript.j0te 1 knowing the evilo iuteni. Oae time .[ did not took with. On a prohibitory Igquor weing its effects, even on a here, 1 believe it *mild be a where. --Cor, BiilPree- United States. ma, Jr., the stroke of Ra. fl`eininate-looking man, with steel antt muscles of iron." . fe of Senator Schurz is men. - wing inherited $170, o00- front ately dead, in Ilamba rgh,. entwortli owns seven cres of laud within4welve Chicago Court -hat -Lae:. And t happy. iTeltie McKee, only twenty. dieghany, Pennsylvania, bag Le whole of her father's estate, • $2,00u,otro. Young men, king the train that stops at eldest man in Camden Town. Ile wound up his clock every len year; and then disco -ver. was an eight,day clock. He he work he might have done ° sted ululates, anti his anger bat the great bore of Hoosae iished, a -it'll..greater one is. This is to pierce the Rocky at the Middle, Park in. Coloran. II' be twelve miles long and beneath the summit of James is if it be accomplished. rela a virtue in. a newspaper. oneisenees.. Therefore,. were- Klmiratien the peopleveho have with the Ida County (Iowa) rhat organ of public opinion mged hands, W. P. .Evanes ✓ consisted .of one word e ht," and John Vail's salutatory- - Good.merning '1 were foarteen cholera deatha ;sleeve Term., withiu twenty,' last week, and the people are ic-stricken from the place. hicago papers report that the ner on No. 2 spring wheat ; ring about $130,000 profit o have been the most seceess- ation of the kind ever made in A. The ring's _transactions in tions covered about I,200,00D Van Cott is preaching with B;ss iu Wisconsin, and Imande all, noble -looking colored wo- white superb teeth and great, - k eyes,. in that strangest cos - her race, the Quaker bonnet , is preaching at Round Lake dugs to crowded ed admiring • • aciunati editor, who has in.- a- heavy life. insurance, is said Wed whenever he goes- a -fishing insurance companies, affec- axing life -preservers and ewi- tist paper in. Ohio was sent or to a subscriber who never :t for it. The other day the was returned tothe patient uffering publisher with the ;pencil note on its inarghee, - a better world!' The editor pious man,. but it is reported terribly shaken in regard to ey of the information, --seven young women. are en r next term for- a coar-se of tidy at Michigan University. omen are affordE.d every ad. - r the study of the profession of .e, and are faithful. in proseent.- - -re is no doubt that their ser - he immensely valuable to the, s foolish prejudice to sneer at tors. We have yet to see a meat advanced to- prove No- : iiitystO be- a good physician. • :the best educated and most of the profession are women. the barrier is thrown down., me exclusi eness has. ereoted: en, are enc waged, 'to, perfect siu ,the art and sciencepf.heal- elieve it will be a ha teti day &ring and diseased ofktbeir. keepueg as a Fine; Art. k,4(.1)ing in Canada has, be - !of the " fine" arts,. if- the fine - which prices are cut in naany ever raise it to that distinc- however, is all legitimate one sense •rif young men will -Ye" for nothing, instead of get- eetable and prosperous -live$ arming; there is no help for it country-. But what May be as theroughlvlad and eidatoi they is eche» honest Men have f te with those who out clown !LOW .thy. We often hear most welIgrounded complaints from- -- of this scut of trading. Ilere hch, thoi0,1 not a naod llOel, of wi cal excece, has a. VA .esson in it, and whichid�h comes • der in a -western town of Ow' seems --to know how it --- is . 10th Jaly, 187g. ;•It : a, general thin,„; I do with xs, hat. my neighbors do ; becoine ic-y for • cot trader te keeP an eye at be called. a non-paying and. ling merchant. refer to a Mr. in the hardware trade of this -0 leas ietelyealade sales 20. per as nailer what the same good* 4.11G13 • , 1871 exe be ...'-'rg t for cash. * am credilsly infornled he u ads a sale to -day of borse nails at Fie s below what they could he badfor befo the advance. Swill being the case, the t must be something wrong. were these only exceptional sales 1 should not ave taken any notice of it ; wow hone t trader can stand against the present ways of compounding, &e. It reminds Pie of two men who met after long abs. ,ce.. " Halloo, John, where live you be n for the Wit two yea' s " Well, Bill I have been in a little diffi- edey. The truth is, I attempted to borrow a nieghbor's horse ; he got af- ,fronted and hought I wanted to steal it, sad in eons!. melee of his thoughts I got two years the penitentiary.. a Ah, -well, wbat4T idiot you must be ; when e want a 1 horse I buy him at six monthscredit,-,and never pay for him I" Query, whible is the greater rogue? yours truly Sit:teethe 4borewas written Mr. G be failed, s owing that ourecorrespond- . cut's stispi ens were well funneled.— Nonetary T mes. BIRTHS. • tsea:s.-11-1 tillet, on July 30,. the wife of Mr. Tlitoinas Arnos, of a Aaughter. BeeresnoNe DI Brussels, on July 27, the wife of Mr. R. Brunsden, of a daughter.' MONAUG N.—In Brussels, on July 28, the wife 4f Mr. Donald MeN aughton, of a sap. FERGUSON: in Goderich, on. July 26, the wife f Mr. D. Ferguson, merchant, of a son. DANE.—IniliONViCk, on July 20, the wife it of Mr. W. Dane, of a daughter,. • t* "• ;' • • -1‘1,„ +4, oats, 42o ; hay, new, old, $18 to $21 ; butter, 1 -cheese, 9c to 10c; liotatoes, eggs, 12c to 14c. • ' to $10 TORONTO, ;'xay o to -c; Oe o 80e; Aug. 7, 1873. Fall wheat, per bushel, $1 15 t $1 25; spring wheat, $1 16 to $1 17; barljey,60c to 61-e ; oats, 43c; pes, 600 t 610 ; butter,- lb. rolls, 24c 26e ; utter, large rolls, '15e to. 1 c ; butter, tub dairy, 14e to 16ca eggs, I15c to SHEEP. —Have been i. good. demand, - and with moderatere pts, prices have ruled firm at $5. for rpt class, $4 for 'sea. ond-class, and 83 for th rd.class. LAMBS.—The ,suppl has ben not more than enough to met the demand, -and prices are well ihaintaine quote first-class at $3 ro to $4, class $3, and third-class $2 to $2 UTICA CB.EESE MARK lEne.e.,- N. Yr, , -Ang. 2. The cheese market to-dai wa brisk, a 0 t 1 .21=1, - OARDER—' HOMPSOK.—At the residence, of the ilride's -father, en Aug. 6, by Rev. Matthew Barr, Dennison Delos Carder, M. D., Fredericksburgh, Nor- folk*Co linty, Ont., to Miss Maggie T.homps Thomps BURGESS bourne targes Beatric Thoma Haber Seetlall STEWART July Stewa Walke Pinirees Aug. 1 brothe Philip - Y., [th sie, y Rev.I1 n, only. daughter of Itichard n, Esq., of McKillOp. ANDERSON .—At 497 Shel- treet, Teti onto, on July 8, by. x. Topp, D. D., Mr. A. M. of the Globe staff, to Maggie , second daughter of Mr. Anderson, printer_ and pub- a,nffshire Reporter, Portsoy, WALKER. —In Mitchell, on , byRev. P. Scott, Mr. Francis of Toronto, to Miss Margaeet , of Mitchell. CANTLON.—In Mitchell, on at the residence of the bride's -in-law, by Rev. J.- W. Butcher, hillips, Esq., of Brooklyn, N. "Singing Pilgrim,"] to Bes- ungest daughter of the late Cantlon. • -• I — • 1 DEATHS. . I -SAVAGE. In Grey, on July 27, Williame: son of Mr. John Savage, after a pro- tracted illness of cerebro -spinal menin- gitis, aged 7 years and 3 months. Goderieh, on July 31, John MacDonald, Esq.., Sheriff of the Count3 of Huron, aged 79 years. BE*. —At liedraesville, of rheuma- tic fev r, on July 26, John Newbold. Camp ell, son of the late john Camp- , bell, a ed 10 years and. 5 months. lier,E.—At Port Huron, Mich., on July 17, Mr. Stephen Hale, late of Goder- ieh, Ont., aged 28 years. PERKINS,. , • At Gerrie, an ";.)uly 28, after • a long and painful illness of 5 months and 2 weeks, Edmond Sergent, eldest son- of Mr. H. Perkins, aged 7 years anc110 months. Neewooli-aAt Gerrie, on July 24, Jane, beloved wife of Mr. C. Magwood, Sr., aged. 62 years. . Ross.—In Stanley, at the residence of - her son, Mr. John Ross, on July Cl, Mary; --relict of the late Alexander Ross, ,Morayshire, Scotland, aged 92 years. The deceased emigrated to this coun- try, with her husband, froneMorayshire, Parish of Nairn, Scotland, . in the year 1839. After a residence of a few months in the neighborhood of Toronto; she -eame to the township of Stanley, and settled: on the London Road., where she has ever since resided. She was mother of Messre. John, James and Alexander, Ross, of Stanley, also of Mrs. Aiken - head, of the same township, and of Mrs. Stoddard, of Egmondville. At the time of her death she had 71 grandchildren, a and. 44 great gram-I:children living. She was a person of estiniable character, and was held in. the highest esteem. by all Who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquain- tance, and until within a short time of her death was in the enjoyment of robust health.. The esteem in which she was held by her neighbors was well exempli- fied by the large concourse of people which attended the fdneral, to pay their last tfibute of respect to her remains. asemememeasemse. elem. THE MARKETS. . We second 50. id the offerings footed up 041,00 which 5,000 boxes were sold 14, (extremes,) but a few infe inlel a the!lower figure, though e factories sold at 13c and Auld i 1 the day, .The market closed d elm at 14c to 14c. The e Old,/ off unushally close to the and the factory men feel confid future - favorable market. i At Falls 620 boxes of private dairy , ered and sold. The ruling' fi b. 12e, the extremes 10c and lots sold at the latter. Seven ti boxes of factory were offered.; an boxes, • t 12e r lote veral. , early active ese eases, t of a Little ere of - e was two usand riskly disposecl of, at 14c to '14c, ' (extr ernes, ) ;he latter being the ruling fi re. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK r 1 Bueseee', Cerri.e.—The market was,1 vel (downward tendency. . Sale about 1,460 head, at fronell 75 SHEEP _41C -D LA.113S 0114 very active, at a full lc off b We note the follOwing saleq e • bs. ItKET e • 7. with a mprised o $6 40. et was grades. No. of • Avera Head. Weight, 29 Canada sheers 130 39 1354;1 " 150 55 Canada lambs70 37 65 710 " " 66j 172 71! I ; I 188 f 164 235 1167 C C _ C C C 92 C C C C C C I a t t HOGS. —Market Buyers and. sellers 1 '4 641 62 I 61 64 61 slow at $1 75 10c per cwt. Price. $5 50 5 50 5 50 • 8 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 50 to $4 90, apart. GOil):-- -The price of Gold in New Yor is quoted at 1.15. AUCTION SALE OF FUR rTpRE. J. P. BRINE will sell by Publi On SA -TUB. AY; Aitg. 9 . :At .10._O'clock A. M.,lat th COMMERCIAL HOTEL,' SEA A quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURN TURE, co o Auction, 1873; OgTH, SEAFORTH, Aug. 7, 1873. There is no change in the market quo- tations this week worthy of note, and there is scarcely any business doing on the market. A few bags of new fall wheat have been delivered at the mills in ex- change for flour, but none has been of- fered. on the market. We quote : Pall•Wheat Spring Wheat Barley. Oats........ , . .. .. • Peas. • • Butte,'No. 1, Loose... • • No. 2.... . .. ............ • • No. 4.... . . . ... .......... Butter, temiets, 13c„ 10., 7c. Eggs ...... -.:..... . .. Flour " Hay.. .... . ....... . . • • • • Rides ' Lamb Sidns Pelts, each . . . . , . - • , Sheep Skins. Calf Skins, (veal.) per Ib Murrain Hides— - • • ... • Salt (retail) per barrel Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. ... Potatoes, (new) per bushel . : - • • Oatmeal .13' brl Wood.... . •-• • ..... • • a an Bark. $1 15 1 15 0 50 to 050 0 00 to 040 0 55 to 0 00 015 0 12 09 6 0 00 to 0 11 0 00 to 600 0 10 to- 14 00 • 0 00 to 6 00 Prize Lists and Entry Chairs, Bedsteads, Stoves, slating of Tables, Wash Stands, &c. CASH. TERMS, HOUSE TO REN TO RENT, the comfortable dwell street, at present occupied by . Lean; the honse °entail's ten room shed, stable and well attached. I -- session. Apply to 296 R. LUMSDE • g ▪ on Ma r. M. Y. Mil ,with wooli ediate pa Druggist. THRESHING MACHINE rolt SALE. SH or on time, to suit pull.- ri SEPARA.T011 td HQR E , manufactured hy Glasgo , McPherson st Co., of Clinton; has un three s a: sons-, and is all in good -working order. As •e sobseriber is about to give up the farm, the abo e can be seen on Lot 23, Cou.1, Tuekersmith,.L.R 8, 296'4 SAMUEL MOFFAT,I'Propnetor. : REAPER FOR SALE. A SECOND-HAND REAPER of the St. Geo go Pa t tem , manufactured by B. BELL; for fiflie cheap. Apply to the undersigned, Lot 17, Bay- field Road, or, if by lette • address Varna, P. 0. 29414 JOHN, BOLE BUGGY FOR, SALE. VOR SALE CHEAP, for cash or till time, IA single BUGGY ; has nisbeen iron quite o years ; to be seen at Dr. Choi' •.'s brisk house, purhey. Apply to 294 , THOS. MCLELLAN OOHEAP FOR C chasers, one POWER complet BACON AND' HAMS. VOA SALE, b3A. /the iindersigned,: at Rippe') L large or smaililots; for cash, abbot ten to fl first-claas BACON and Smoked HAMS. Appl JAMES & GEORGE PETTY, 1Nappen P. 296 • in of to CD • • •• ;• REMOVAL.; ](ISS WALIMR, Ilefilliner and. Dressmaker, Itlas 4 -T -R- removed from her old premises to more o motions rooms in Scotts Blo k; adjoining the Photograph Rooms, w erg she will be glad t . at- tend to the wants of her dustomera as! formerl . da, Sforth, Arig. 7, 1873: • I 2964 -4- 13 RITAN NIA LODGE, A. and A. No.170, G. R. 0.J Reg-ular meetririE,* next at 7:30 sharp. 292-1 ' CENTRAL 8 onday ening, Aug. 11, I 5..RALLY; Secieta47. • —ha, • Now is THE pHANCE TO PURC HA SE OCKERY! CROCKERY! P.:1100 Elver offered in all and see, ata. be TEAS, S IVIZSON OF ALL KINDS AT A BARGAIN. S Y 0 oN TJN ave just received ono of the larg,est and best assorted docks of TD SSWAPME catforth. Preserve Jars of several different varieties and. of the best make. convinced that WILSON & YOUNG'S is the place to buy Crockery. GARS AND GENERAL GROCERIES. UNG are renowned for their superior. ALES and LIQUORS, sold Wholesale and Retail. FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIONS delivered free of .e_iarge. ' - • HAMS AND BACON. Jo t receiied, t of choice American Sugar -Cured Hams and Baeon. Call and get seme,—they ill otru be'all go WI SON & YOUNG, FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. THOMAS FOSTER begs to inform his ol "2" friends . and the travelLng public that he h4 Opened. his' newhotel, adjoining the Post Offi Seaforth, where he has the very best accommo tion -for man and. beast. The best ;of liquors an eigars at the ba. THOMAS FOSTER. A RARE CHANCE. 'VATILL BE SOLD—A BARGAIN, one of t T most eligible properties in Seaforth for Pork Packing Esteblishre nt or ot er enterpris with plenty of store •oo , good welling, stab and, cellar. Possessicn diately. Apply 292 EDWAIRD CA.SH, Seaforth. XHIBITIO!1, 3- $8,000 OFFERED IN PREMIUMS ! WILL' 13 ? HELI 4111E TOW_17 OF Gr.T.ELpgi ON HE 16th, 17th,1.Stia tit 19th Septent OPEN 0 ALL.' 20 to 45 Seeretary's Offiee, and a 10 to 25 of other Societies throu 0 50 to 1 50 parties not receiving o 08 to. 0 °°the Show will find them 0 04 to 0M5 G. MtiRTON, • ' Secretary. Guelph, July 26, 1873. 1 00 1 05 0 60 to 0 70 0 00 to 600 2 25 to 3 00 3 50 to 3 75 CLINTON, Aug. 7, 1873. . 1 12 el 115 . 1 10 0; 1 15 0 40 6; a 45 the ..nombi lately oeculmid 3 Pall Wheat.. • - • • t• • " '• • ... . Spring Wheat ... .... Oats Barley. . . Peas ... . . • Eggs... 118•:•-, per ten, Papers Can be had t t.to. fro ' the Scere le hoot e Province. heir entry tickets p at the ecrctary's o lice. J.0 N HOBSO Presid nt. 26-4 CODERICH F • Scott's Brick Block, eeaforth. The Gocierich Foundry !Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they relprepared to cent -met for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOWR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS' SAWMG MACHITES, &c. On hand --TIRO M N AND WOODEN 'MOWS, with steel boards; GANG- PLOWS, CULtVIATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR 4irD POTASH KETTLE, GRATE -BA -RS, WAGGON BOXES, Ate, COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER: _ , ALSO, IRON ANP BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. • BOILlARIS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY Tc THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUB LAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Se retary will receive prompt attention. .i A. HODGt, Secretary and Treasurer. • H. HORTON, President. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. • GLOVES! GLO-8TES! GIAOYES a. 3, 0 FOR SALE. NOW READY for occuPation, substanti and convenient dwellng on orner of Jan and St.• John street, o Church, the property of 295 51 18 posits the Episcopal EDWARI) CASH. ter, S 0 t /fISS, TROTT, having given. up business i -I"- forth, bega to recoinmerid 'to her man terriers 1Miss JOHNSON', as a ;person who.. has every confidence will ple se them, shoul favor her -with their custom. Miss JOHNSON will in tie' meantime TROTT. ° ° 59 Seaforth, Suly 1873. 000 • . 0 13 6 016 0 10 6 012 0 10 6 lg 00 LONDON, A ug. 7, 1873. -White fall wheat, per bushel, $1 10 to $11- 12 ; red fall avheat, 131 to $1 ; spring wheat, $1 20 to $1 23 ; barley, 50e to 53c; peas, 55c to GOc ; corn, 60c ; • • COW STOLEN 0 ST01.rEN or strayed from Rill°P, a COW, nearly a white spots; 6 years old; o at point; middling sized. taken from the above pre STRAYED. L HOSELIAND LOT FOR SALE. -pelt SALE, cheap, on reaeotable:terms, a Ho se --;t: Old Lot on Vietorin, Street, .;Seafolith. T e houSe is a small frame one, and the lot one of he best and most aonvenient building iota 'in to n. .Apply to A. 3. MoINTOS11.• 1 . 292 Sea- ms- sho they ccupy, 4-4 VALUABLE PROPERTY POR SALE. VOR SALE, oheap, twoStoree, will' good dw -L ing over -head, in the centre of the butin part of the village of Seaforth. The lot is 80 frontage. For further particulars apply to 294 -• McCA UG-T3741Y & 110LUESTE 11- 88 eet VIRGINIA. ' PARTIES N ishing to emigrate to South can obtai • full information' froM undersigned, NV.110 e been appointed agent the sale of lands in outheru Virginia, the n fertile portion of the South. Further partici." n-FPly or address • , 276 ' E. IC -SON & CO., &alert t 6. Con. 12, Me- ed, but with f limns bro above =in) a few en Off I was is . . on the ght Of Wednesday, July 9, last,.1 A.03• informati n te- specting her will be suitabl r -Warded by ihe un - r dersigned. • , 293-4 JOHN BOA rIE 4 , the the for Oat 11113 BOY WANTED. WANTED, imme ately, at the Huron Ca age Y Works, Seafort ' three good boys, to loam the Carriage Making business. From the country preforred. ' 290 A. J. MCINTOSH. WANTED A l30Y to learn T legraphing, . ELLIOT r. PUR DRUGS. Tby Mr. JOHN in' e )B.UG- BUS L• TS,EhRe,reinovfienrge cbaenenie uorn. ehased by me, I beg to n imate o the inhabi nte of Seaforth and vic nity hat the stock is 4ng replenished. with livery Requirea en f the Drug Tv.de. ' LADIES' THRE1AD CLOVES! ,GLPVES GLOVES! GLOVES! SEE OUR PRICES. OGAN & JAMIESON. LAIDLAVV 8 ILL EXCELS THE VALUE SU PLIED BY HM IN TEAS AND COFFEES, Give :him. a TOal and Con, ton on liao: Pere Drugs, CIs en1Qa1S, Patent el di- e6e33s; Tilet, ey and Rubber Goods, eines and Dye T )0 , NAIL AND SHAN INC • B1 'RES, Trusses, all sizc s; adies' and Gentle en's Shoulder B ac -a carriage, Bath and Oh ldr ,rs Sponges, PERFUrt ES ANIJ SOAPS, All the Choice a d Fashionnble •Artieles. Wines and jn re for "Afilicinal Fur poses, Horse nd Cattle- Medicines, Paris Green, c Litmly's Potato • D ,st-royer. Physicians' Prescriptions and. r Sugar The Pure 1 • ug • Recipes Carefully Prepared. Customers favoring Me with a call will fin the tock Qom dete Partibular attention is cal ed to iny stoek of DIE STUFFS„ ali of whic.di are war- ranted. genuine a d t the lowest prices. JIH S. ROBERTS, Seafo h. • PR WANT the Any verso his appli the nest Seafort - - - AWAKE ! BEHOLD THE GLORI- OUS NEWS! Let the people of Seaforth and. surrounding country convey the good tidings to their friends that DUNCAN DUNCAN Are now offering their immense, varied and well - selected stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, COTTONS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS Boots and Shoes, (CT., At greatly redneed prices, in. order to make room for Fall Importations, therefore we offer bannense bargains, and no humbug. LADIES' DRESS COODi, 1 ' 1 ; . 1 A nice lot off Colored Grenadines, woath 10 cents, for 12i cnts. A nice lot of 1Tasso Linen, worth 28c. Lr 20e. A nice lot of Ikon Grenadines in all colors. Striped Grenadines, dress patterns, worth $3 50, for $2 75. A nice lot of Fancy Dress Goods worth 25c, for 170. A nice lot if Fancy Fignretl Dress Goods, worth 30c., for 20e. A nice lot et Figured Dress Good, wide, worth 45c„, for 25c. • 0 ' A nice lot c4 Figured Dress Goods, wide, worth 50e., for '30e. to 85e. il. A niee lot of all shadoe in Plain Lustres from Ida. to 0c., Niee Japan e Silks, striped and plain. like Black knits, from 75e to sa per yard, warant- ed to Vcar. Nice Colored Silks in all shades. Nice Popins, brocaded and plain, in all the fashionable colors.. FIEMNANTS. We have now in Stock large lots of Remnants of Choice Dress Goods, in lengthto snit Children -,- and Girls, which we will sell off at about one half their vane. ----4 FAMILY MOURNING - Black Barathea, Black, Bal. Crape Cloth, Black Cobourg. Black Paramatta, Black EillpreAs Cloth, Black Merno, Black 1?epp (all wool), Judge for Yourselves. Black Figured Limtre, Black, Per,gian, COrd., . • , Black Rimsel Cord, Llm(re. 20. Pounds Good Prunes for $1 00 TER113 CASIL—COO LS DELIVERED FREE. HAMS—wholesale and Re ail. o withstanding • J. C. LAI LAW. the Great Rush to FOR THOSE 1. , CHEAP DRY GOODS, Stock is yet very large and, u. order to still further reduce it, GREAT CLEARING SALE • Wm continue TIVO WEEKS longer. . DENT'S CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE. CENTOR WANTED. D a Precentor to lead. the sin,,inn. in 'Oman. Presbyterian Church, Seadorh. wishing to sing on trial will addl.' ss tion to I). D. Wilson, Wfrth, d.ur ur weeks. • D. D. WILSON, Secrete , July 17, 1873. 293' the FIVE DOLLARS REWARD,' \‘`e would call especial attention to our stock of READYMADE CLOTHING, • Which is' large and. varied in Men', Boys' an& Youths' Snits. Mao, 'at reduced prices, all oni, goods in. Ithis line, being manufacfured on, the( premises, five can, with some degree o; confidence* recommend them. • ALL ORDERED WORK WARRANTED. In Boots and Shoes Our Stock is very large, In Men's Boots suited for Fall and Winter, we win sell Meri's Plow Shoes, Worth $1. 75, for $1 40. • All whole Leather Boots, worth $3; 25, for $.2'75 ; those worth e2 75, f0e$2 50 anti .i.;;;2 25. In TAditfe and Children's goods we can give good bargainshe 1 for!' Fa1 Stock comes to hand. rrECE above retra.rd will be psidv to any Petson who will give information that lead to the eonvietion of the parties -who stole a patent -lever open -face silver watch from my Ird-room in the North American Hotel, Brn.ssels 'on SATURDAY, July 2, 1873. , 293-1 • JOHN NOTT. SEAFORTR. • :