HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-08, Page 1road
Son, t"'WULUZ art
'arried rK
PM804 get P IVP%
er Orr
e Pat and got. PTO
a e d Vy
ar, im adva ncle.
E T DAY -N�OUST 8 187 1 $1 50, a.,'Ve
Oplea, of t1i
s12 of License.
-e of rother md-, drawn
ti(e in big b in EngI
accottilta i,3ceQs car no L be (iispute it- is manifestly the and net only to do themselves jug
2P 10N.� tha success t all
Y At URE AS A P 0 fullfarmer, wi lead solely with pen and lilk, Tbe portrait
+ 'over or -General at once to this partie
in of the her v(c u
V, larger -than a cwn-mon sized photo-
nular case, but to retorm a sys
ions of .1 fe.� But d yof tbd G
9�, te nch esure as will place the Ex- tem of Government which, in its pr(sent is no
13Y Dzl,.NIFL GO J, how many: Ic e succeS ful amlon ie tal m -aph, but j list as far,, bead of A for
AL'E IN. KcKILLOP., eci tive Governme t of the, country in
y Nir, i6 � �S state, ead to these offen es, which eve'
Mid N�: It learned rof6 siolls?' %w man N ts atar, Uauty dist��ieti)es"S -as'the ph, oto -
t ai I ed �aud' factioill may be! in poweT, with
()r� Iro for a tennot years, thors, illamille the � mvsterie� I of the ogy, or an i
y sey 4carpasses a _cuu
has been ffirmed 1) ,sey graph w( )d It is' -well,
Bel-mre, DL tlLl,, 5 'knorth pkwt Con'. necev ii� -which affords s
TO'E of artis
1, - .1 Fd er Itheintricacic, of law ? 76U may do 'it etter o cis Hincks is ts, and -
whom I ifiJ ay mentio X-Cus en for if, ie present offe- nd�r . 3�
40'cloarea, t& aMOD r. Fran -%orthy 6e.iuvestigatioll
(bound first
Bee(bers, neither! comph:,e It or entirely unambigau- Qry
-C J d ev
of 50
2,1 mues from W�lton; a Iiibor, is the deis iny of tile Vaushonal llo: the Bla. s to pif6ve� a the which many stilt
ander hard, tb
well (it -watart� lavaia weLl Iess'to advocate, viz., that fter attle l -n: tt, 4 a of tl Lis cou lit
)iii-ldings; good Ad McDon ry ol.
at par- nthe personal charges
clarix 10 man It mttelis but h a a d,
vaCion; youu- orchard
Mild in good ouiti . 0 nol. many in. the aa,�iim himself I Le dmits that pen ding ip 6ail be madeo sur -
fenced 0 . terius. Lpp' Y b 1,1 t.0 fingerp of ha bw p
to be&L"L For I to ticulir form his iudustriat habi hIndworkmansh
commending in the aren f in arcantile )rId ha -,,e the uhl y A t rec t, A of te c iers, t delicate m a-
s 1)"it, competitio r the Pacific I'61w ent etx
e he th P'.188 that of even he mos
or on the proinlset�, oe, it by letter, pro- wit t. i L" 10
C31PBELL, 'fr., 1VAII contrict, lie -ap Ait Lbrok 24 andidates )lied,
*a tiuess - w, medicne, theol poli- ani r
cultu: le, 1, of their ition -,11110 ed the d to 8ir Hugh Allan' held i i P ' eit u Itnery.
for P. 0. Aces, he o e floand for a provision for A for th.rd-class ce ificales of these only
M, erino, in lowk
1111- bei tibs, or ny of the arts and sc in Ititudes ar' Ilia �Oun& son. r. -Sarn. ael Faqttersonj of the toLwn-
ailas al. This is
�s destiny, if Culp] .1ptey nd tin ? CeA, n re succe
te -titer iy na Viany, ,harges against the Gov- two -v -e the i vorst Al r1ey, as �n apple ti ee his
I illitic, hi len ial of the i in
ship of Bve
Le nrchard which is ldell wi
0 Railway Con )any 9
athe-eti--'all. of, TO RENT,Lot IN&. 10, (west -sul of the su 6ce ell ernramt, e 0; dit V allE
'MiAed to abilit' a that -nature has Wen I im, for for if the ssfalbe, sustaiaeI6 by the docurneii-ts get yet. till. both f ruit
of h foitb, the lett of the brallches. 10'
n d in comparison -with tbt sum o'the er ii of little value. The �1 or an many
Con. 17, c,,rey, consisting of. 50 nores, the sustenance -imse d blossoms. Or'
thxt Obi,ect irl jilUe,4 fr Walton; goodlog * ortunate in� no the denia I ciii the p.6rt of the whole Govern- sdem ho be;v -Successful- in bbta Din
I r the genen I E 0111111111- f 1 those rofession%,,a .1
Om tl ae side i covered with f rult and the
56.ulngl off r omhara; laud w0l t On T last a I. -Jaw
- -RO abcont. clear '113,in 1 it w uld not di Jurs ay
buildinoys; y 0 ng be Bit i-nollwhom he- labors. 11 ill on lZatio of struck, it w the Government or- bolim e i.
Yo , wat�r. Y mOnt, publishe i -e L g(, Od CoUtL11 of 0):0(* carried tb their with blossoms.
fence Ir ; 1( do o lea e who sILOW rnore;tAianten p, -r cent. of those ga;, of a general kind; but gr In I gy, $11
aa other partie-ul, -able track
For idust in, t hem. as' Id lot Galt and nahip of yin - of the do
vz, apply on, the �p merel)
at st Should labo Is, � Che 1,
ar ry igaged )-.Ing very I
premiges, Ora I, Xess tp� I
Graha do not - e'beyond'the P�e. el pe rh; be expected to be.' town o"lid Windsor theGieat
Duln T eS. , A a tion by -1 for a tween Glenc
a DYVID CAMPDELL, r al, pe'rliq)� ot so Much as tba ; Where,- pw
Pal, -n oftie and Ae com p othei
2**4 Walton P. 0. ount, wm alo: S e
i e q the rtlo-'t f success ji ooricul bure
I DidRe u I-Vil I rl, e suggest on that the money drawn
ass of on' egg, iand no I wise. - I . a or ushed for
al-Hed the am Ylleste�p Railway, is beii 1.0 Ina ir wi �e. large a
)y1des 1or all ip ac I N, e. ach p(r . unt: of Oxt( th tl
-L Es r(. about fitty rge dout reap th6 reward that ?111-ty, wid it
e *JP 0 perhaps by Sir J 6e gre open for
lY PY e indoleut ohn-A.,,NK
xy ev 1ag last,
id eill colonald and Sir Go Ow be is intended i ossib to have ii
'M FO�R SA -the Onstruction iOf iL I
.1 0 ay i ithe Co )rd. It Is said. ard Aest ra]
t ei� brethre rr Ore. Indo -,d. yl a caa Ci n'd _wliole coin -
f .4- n Wer that labor is t e destin
e. ixq of the Tawn- Granting t4en, Y Cart er was to co lie from any fund other
-DE cotposed, of Lot 1, Con. 10 igo Dusly proce6dedwith, and Oat by travel'by Nov. 15. The chieflihidrance
-ar�nerb without L S
Weeting and a vVVY _U ship of �Tuckersiilith, coixtainin�g 100 acres.of of in) in, anq that all., men sbo0d labor, munitie!�of�suecesaful th in the purse of ir Hugh Allan arid v aing steel rails
is a n�xv frame tptic In. or,
most a the 11 of 18174 it willl be completeo� and til e difficu. ty of obtall
g upon whil;h thei
P The Gta exceneut la-i'd itm.,�yf1irIybe'deemeda,qpes nItiofull a.
hi 3 y artner8 kilway contractors
a good orchl�r imp th
Agricu e
8,,wpob� tire ohInformation, ap- amolte i111- th at t E, Origil: al intrepid -
1. Fox . S
bexu 38s.60 feCt, &Ild ILISO r Ing order from Toronto to St. from Engln I -
idelity. -01ES D kVE To ou of 3 0 hei 4 beca. —Signor. ,,, alleiii, th
Madje� Y saited:to promote the ba piness and d It"a n' aan' Se it' lg�
e hgll I rta.fice what kind or form ofllljor� is I -of , si6n i� sun:I3 were subscribed
J_ Lbt 1, Cou. 1 best merEly OrLt'politi -al grounds, is totally Thorn".
i6h rests the g last week two colivicts Vustralian r p
Ion Upc n wh e from! the B ippo
v,e rauch pros )erity 6-f nian, as r :dible. Skr lugh Allan has 'never
Am tip ortotheveudor,Nv�kjYTEBL N ure
P Dne evenin
&i.ce. and, well 'to sec the foudd -the ef- in the igston, Olne for ligments complet-
rome, iri a arm
will lona. be 6eorgoP*O-, Bra�tCo-, Out- .296 amoun, t C I e �ci �,ty. Whe penitentiary at Kill
r retest a
him, the g'. f I -iid pend- U hole fab 'of a . 1 been it politician and in letter above years,
y, Ilirts of th 1: r i c u' t u are fruitle -q-uOted, he spea i� of the two parties as life and the other for twenty d to walk aer,ssj river from
CKII.LOr. the penitei itiary
I t is it n ecessa r in treat- ou cala. re Li the iiii for Aing at repairs oil rospectY - -to the Clitto ouse durw-:
the iae*bem At vill not nor factiolm", 0
T#RM FOR SALE hi M� tun -6 in the coun whose Conflicts he is WO
Lot W 4th.0011cession, Me- t c tiz�n in wall scapedover. The;gurolsoiWli�ot ngtb.e lsies�,ilt m ope, in-,
avowedb' U110
be tur ie I far tile plu-pose is OM,
tbLe and iiii subject, decla gainst ti �.nances I -every ntcl re.! True t so far as oiAh. The r
Grand XT 8 indiffi rent, excep
outailting 100 45 Cleared, 10 Ing Upon
Mop) U profession r in great e count Iffect. they ma th for over a ate and th the way,
thre4- from Clinton were - & good 10" othe. a which fo, t eA by th'e' alit d to the account of miss em
%�ell tiniberecl. Th�re is �, I w r dn�o
Culled antl 45 an d eo 1313,11 and Will tr t(.,h'd betweei, -the above
the iiiembw the ecoijpmy of societ ffbCt e farnir-if reals I We direet ],)as lo;fbis escabed in the Woods. bd e e
of Fiality, ame barn ad table; also, &YO11119 'part big cominermal enterprise. '.But even I -I
howw kind fr saw them bowevet, and fter It its arriv'al.
got a is four miles from Sea- their own q4alittim o less in ill brops,� bu e nt( able that it must be I
R in ee-elleut beoring oreli&rd; the farx 'J'3 p lit generally holds ia storg an points imme,liately on
It If us I this plea so v 0
f(#th,,with a good gravel road I'll the -Way; within al months �fbet the tespair, chas,, brought them to ba a mile fr,
regardedl as th: ra Houston, an;
ercial Hotel. I are but pfo�re$ of� C�iViliZation ample an or ever
e offspring 0 Nlr. Richa
Thia ch. auashooi. For.further
9ne ha1f, M"le Of Glau wh6, -e the guards captured t enL'
ply to the proprieter, on the premis- art i of one stupendous if I way 'new Crop b4 beeh harvested, in fact, h or rather by iluplic killed ndar Dreg-
leavas udtouche(, tealected farmer� was
sit of' Grand Mater Mur., p -e of lii,� e I Mpm.: Ple. �s lways Sol daily bre[td, no. Lamotte. a FrenchiCar -Ad' -County c
�v Lodg&,, and the i IT be lowed. to use the expriWion in this it tion confesses, t) e fact that the Miiiister M r. H Elgin, last Thursday 49
a I i I
29*4- Gr,.O. N[c1_NTO.5H ce has been guilty of jourfialit of distinction, from ith,� Pro*- 'I all, of wheat to his*
griculture �With those na�ged in the v, oug par of T
o a 1 the nxemberst i Con ection, of which. blic Ji -was-dra-%Ning a lo
WW a it is: Sai(l, lie
ill form the most art of jits of C L e, whho live, a spe g lar Ling contrary to law, as ince of Quebec, has gone to Manitkba to' barn, aud lie mishap fell in
-M FOR SALE. din ge 81 through son an( morality in electoral treat with
upon in
FAR� ission to-nigt. T-orn h o mouth, al ol depehd a thelocal Govern* entol that- front, of tl
our liset well as to p ic waggon, the wheels of,vhich
T(.AV11S1AP of Hullatt,
FR S--= Lot 11, Con. 7 ettlement of a col0ily of
�le all 1.11)1�18 ) odlict of
_rU RZ XX 9U oi assed over Ili
1 WMG. *riculturi is the -basis 'jop which:J:-t nce for a a
0 1 JTnyou, C��Lltaiuiu a head.
f A, po 011' n i a t Pr aine.
Ili stlun-ps, the re- I the How they Ll hi Iff
of thig which art-, cloared and free fro reaVI a Ilatiotils prosperity. It..is Any at, e t 'o separate the case of im rants from Alsace and Lorr -s, lot 27, Pon,.
tu-'re on P 08t 'a - setu�l of and. Sciences. ow w ell !a'llce to stray— o, ge Cartier froin that of 3a(
nisinder is weH Lirabered with htirdwootl; woU a4y ch 4 1 o a, Me d NA
The ovetary Times under tands
olitica in all the arts. the late Sir a, of timothy of Hull,
gues and Ao
-ion. DwC Ile I * that the affairs of Mr. Edly, 1,)r as "cat,
a.nd high state of i The existeiace of'society ancl civilizat lVV th hinvthorn-sccuted way, cast the
WiJ119--h am i1i aid of t6 j-,&t;ion*; good log hoube and first-class fralue I I I -
"in an h s, liviDg 311 ay, this yLer. considerably over 6 �feet
NU gat think the.while,
aa. (IL
byU Cal depend upon it. Of all hui -auits a0'or e b aille on his Im niory also, is rendered
Gf the Pres barni,stable and hLds aull other outbuildings- Ulan pul no *hke this would the great lumberer and. match maker, �igh: The saine gentkinan. has fall ��Ilieat 7
1_ that fo G, soute hoi
6t villae, on the e-vexting-0i 1 ytfung orchard; the farni is well -watdred, it is the first in order in nocessity and. b)paless by �th fi6t telegram, which rb now satisfactorily arranged,,being
sillile." i .1 which, before being- cut, measured.71 feet
gM being three i iving spriug�;, one close i to the hat
at, weeik. Of the lect th We learn' fromllistory hatl Sir George axid a laced in. the hancts of trustees w4owill'
the 1,L. miles frola Kiulytirn, 9 from Sett- 1111p, Agricult4nis the g6al ofah!riost every c early shows in
fortbL&udr ffom ciintou; suxroui�ded by ood the most ancient nations, �Iiey ini ter were dlpplDg their -Eold control until tile liabfliti�e`g _a�,e pitti,
a Timea remarka WW, is ;Ili's amlition - therle are few tDe P
Vof CID g -is, with f _Sonle inhuman wretch� for whom
ther paxtiwhm; a-POY to the 1)"o- had n tages, nor the light of: 11 matualunderstandinIZ, off. This change of
to & g�ma many roadit. For ffir ot the advan the leat ned profeisions, who ban M
or to Constance vel aillo ent,
netor on the premise sciance which we - posse. -s, r garded the I ]I tile -same Pull have the effect of saving h& real hanging would be - a;f ild punishalt
abjecta akin to the one. dig 1 ; � - lot harbor gilt llar aspir ti048, and probably
GEUDGE COOPER. c. o I I one (Jay last NvA�.ek poi�oiiud two fine heif-
'I as oiae A the inost, a ill f4al ef-
mday evening ad we Cultivation of the sol u 1he proceedkig was ly I rofitabl. r
I , e .41 ateur farmers nion� the .1
NP14 deli'berate e business from the
FAIR M FO e. of pursuits lity of �eary e(libated. We now understand t)o a. fat mr. residibg nea
w e. a`v' bqt no There is jiolprofeasioii.� 1 e ha, t I-V fects of bad management.. belon,,ging, to
y in 16: c' ilized r. re �n I
III e heard, Ft SALE. ob cc untr leant the town of Perlill. The poison bad been
aid i A. tborough. re by the �refdsal, )n & grain
mcKbiop, contain- whl--Ii more -needs the v --Messrs. William Yonn�
that what. was
,at bath out re&Vo wo do fact gc far to sho that far- I with salt aild piaced iipon aboard
FOP- S4LE' Lot �)8, cl ch arc Cie' 1,:Ld and in 8; 11) and ob- u ently bollowl�l to meMbnt-9, 'the
ing it.) aes 70 of ivUi ediwaion, for reading, tlliil� pretexts �'ml,, of Montreal, it is aid�, have Mlxv
9) ture field. Mie loss to
ter. Mr. Goldsmith'spowni inli is not only aii honortable profession,
�Illtivivtiuu, servaut wilids are hey wl�L� ha�c crovvn-i he Iast-,,enetal e r- in tht, pas
tiont, are of a, higli Order,. Ili$ house; frame lit oile ac,ompalliatl -vv-itb both plesui-e the, E itictioll �V before t cleared $125. 000 by the recent raiin o
good state of
who is a poor nin, is very Severe-
vdth har(lwood with -success' in 1 this alidt cleotion. ner, in Chicago. Gamblin in gr�iil. as Owner
his reasonni cwud bear- ed n
barn WX36; it new dtivim-holt" tiry,
t! well :�t north of Sea-, I all 1thert countries.! rru_6,! bhe cnitiv&4 Ali invili ve trust, there
-Yau i effort will
d profit. aitol it is t
will stil vieil s the more -vulgar forms.Jf that I ly felt, o be hoped a -successful
ing orohar� t be inade io ferret ont the
live17. forcibk t! -of the gravel road. il is attended NN-l'th � hart1 le and b---- a perfec ly indepel, urn out lacky.
f iju il den
forth, and within hil't 0 . flon of ihe so NATIO11AL vice, must sometimes t
His. lecture waa well re,. ty to ate propidtor on I lalw)r, �blina:, OLDWIN SMITH OX ;OUR wretch wi�o colild pexpetrate such a das�
Ibe t stura I , not o e named by, or by the 'siaent'of I .
N.rGughl. &ppreziated 'by For further pttrti�Ailars ailp which seems to DISIN ribunl , Ir. John Hamilton,, a re
-Y 6e premises. to Ilany, who, fro'- � a want RAC9. ice of the persons accused, Bu tardly act upon pour d u'mb brutes.
blo rom4rty, townsh'
29S:14, ip of; Hibbert'�" calne
al courage br physical a i ity,'see perlding that ill juiry, the Government o ave b6
MO] —Arrangements h �n perfected
07n Carrent Et in the C
a7 11 untaint very near being shot recently. . H
F m.� r Si6uT --The FARM AND CHEESE FKCTORY FOR SAJ,-E,- their fortr�iaee Ili some.ef the .) her profes; I I'll country. ini Lst be placed I lin his shop, and was st6oping doiNn, in for equipping the passengeT. coaches and
ClintM mtbly- i i trea a of dragooning It ailway
offers that el�gibiy situated aud siolits or inechanical arts, Ia. d8., As to ar e 8havingd, when loconiouves of tbt Grand Trunk t
7es; the liarrati-ye Rib', Subscriber the act of gathering som:
T W�ell cultivated farin, Lot 11, u pan, tb eir ment al 6 and physi, 1, The for rtion of our article was i+eiit allo:1 preventing it from I air brae which
commo th-ing for a, Couple Vullet c brough the win- with the Westig 3, 'fucker JesA Strain. goXng lit ame whizzin(T t
poiititiidug lu:A acres, for stile. e scene was Changed by from seeing a 0 '
ill type, wheii th osf tribunal or to be attached to
Cal nature. -But these are.; Seldom Sue-, i D1 any prop where he hidbeen is now reqilired by law
ut any previous w, There are on' the barns, a of �J' lNicMallen'8 I t justiou, e'liation by the Ling oil railro
d witho, of wa- iful in any occupation t nla� Pun the allpea allep ar- is lJoileto th (low directly opposite & the all trins ruur ads, ill the
ahed 50_6U, gorod f ith each other,, but in D. -ture ative... N e must our -remrs as, )rellpigative, tbty call be re-
-s, jdst beginmut, to ise of the I' piposite si�le of thd shop
ranie- good w, ces; staildincy a second bi-fore, andtrW
orchtLrd of 15u treL Unite(f States. This is one of the
now resiam ter, , f it is an ine if them WLY -now wall on the U]
fac wry ('10-M to i 0 hey stocil..! Soma �o lla part of the froth'pro-
bw.. huoi, cliureli an(l.ehcc veiltiOI15 illrailv�a�yma-
t that thu,strougest and! best �C: iistitutwi. SpiCaelty, rdeil oil No Iperson was seen to fire the 06't, but' most important in
It pipears that a, cerWld thefarm. Also, ory str e �e'eni Creditableto our per preMnt fermentation.
.vive all. others in t1h lu Ileed by ith lie neigb14 V of late years, aiid reduces the
e a -oat L orhood chinei
This fILUOry is thl- 01CLest Sul rp mail visiting in t
two acreu of laii�L- sill f then, ill at least
�cctnsjdered himself inneo� e m as
,-,- and rhebost situated for life. I -Tow necessary'. t Q. is� I P �but th. Ii.ose who Int., Ige jiftbem caamot have 10 '
a, estblislied* in the Gollut Ila I been secn several time's b�fo!re ill a chance of acciolents to a 111111111U, . _% we ell t full speed can be
nol- as his acquaintaled ous in -utario, The promises `e lorlpug iserve to sare oul �e ized tie n,,Il position of a for obtaining Pa 0 ate our ell iW 11 tl Co Istitutio hi fire N it .1 train going
limited he NN e should edue in al .1 ea the shop brAndis
was rather T houqe, X 40, two tories; thu subject i f the '
ccoasi;st of a in , and e'avored tub he strength 0 ed within its own length The
morally, meiltalf3,! I hysi�xll ct, Xcvertior-G�ne'al, or t na very careless manner. atopp
the hcill 46 't. thi4ough Buffalu
to- village of -Nitc and dlyin- house, -40, two st01-1 3 an(I is tittecl ly, bwards both parties, hicb, It such a case, WOU e Express will
n vats, irtresses, &t., of the 1, and tha we should direct tHe i in dboc si�lirit. (if f 1p �,eal whicb, Id b *ten for the sect -ion of blif South- and Detroit
aard of two. sisters, wholos* up with stcani eu-calle, the acou�ed..Miiiisterg; of his (3oveni- -�,,The I th e,
*- t .0
latuit improved ing that form
%khere is au, abuadanve of indnatry"b ' calculated espuci,11 Wards formin m, lie to thei., first,be; Nuipped, and m.;iin. line w
prevIOXIS our Judg- erii Exten9iou rai
died & she -it tima is ill varfeet rauniii" IL that we a# anxicit. a i ie ii Iway: between WiDg-
P of good water, aud chelfiteto117 I , -rive scope an -ercise to SlIch. a trc 9 in el lit at ho 9111 mmediately follow.
-are_, rathet subject W a lease, Which to d e\ ithin the limits of A systemi ob Government by corrup- h and. 1�_incardiile has 'arrived at tile I i
at, the tinie, in order. The factory i. a sin to'llbsteri y ment to keel) strictly N1 am I - I arm -
actory or -without. For inc t1i at they. may tr a er - �re now —The Bamilton Ti*nes
wiHibe sold -witlithe f 1. V tI e evidence, all( t in arfiving at the r less in.darkness, la6 place by boat. rail � says . " r
19, th, J�ba #� titin, carried- oili more 0 ers baid tiladers who
-ther pamiculars, iiiYi)lY at Offil-0, thosti- qualities favorable, to success in tl,e laid. down' large
to, *Iie place of the*-, C, nclusiolil to: whIL)h we re' now driven, belog laid down, on the Kineardine end
nsty U fr(rle for eX2 istence. 1n a aellG IMP -111 y June, with the
ancl witli co� iity, for mail i I
the to rr ; I quantities of butter ill
CT s6en either of thellit IV. 0. FOWLE eiirly o4erwhelni- of the road. if ttie ckiltivatioia of th!e *oil 1-1 we yield nly: to years. has aet expwed. itself. to tilt, 3ut I ' Judge Burrows,
tpy ar
pro -posed" to f4i ; IS i:5 nothing of Kingston,illas de expectation of realizing 25 or cents a
iact4 ligbt,6f (Ia Ili this there
h find themselves
OM he met, bili is it is healthy, fa 1'niore E30 f we appealed to th at pound at this (late, now
bshh Tile ch alracter o r. -n Startling. Bat we cio1ed in a Case
e'd. The pastures, in -
her occupaion we! know of -110 prrliaral r eve
Vh Ile -then " dittoedi' tc0utaiuing Any Ot 8; May Judg, in the a at yve have been atfsalt, bank stock is liable t6 assesis� ent.0,11d Badly). disappoint
OR S_iLE, Lot 25, Co H, R.,q e from iis proccedirtgs '
ion' is co sustan t I must confes: t) tual cash value is tbe proper stead oi beuig drked ul, ws theY usually
100 af;res more or less,,86 of which are cleared, argnmelitat, required t ch.as to render him 08e t1l't its ac
faqt7-every thinking, observant inilid resent c; se, iq llo:�. a at we lowe an apology to tb k
iree trom stuxuLw and in a. birst-ciass state of culti that'atock held by a are in mit1sumnler, are green and luxu-
wero� madt�, 8 le witness I or cle on criticized, with to of taxation
for the M. irchan't �t crieclib Whom we! ll�av, i I BLtter is consequenTl abuitidant,
Vittion.; the balft-nee in good hardwood timbered eouvinced -lot- it. . Lawyers uie 11 ealill ly ee f6i a nor
e.r. they -were declared ma I riu,, ere iIk- rising on-' est,,Itevein uneorroi)0ftedby and th i(ient of Ofitario as trust Iriaut.
land - ahill a, Ofession and whose b the charact0 f ir J o hu A. N acd onal , 1. re�� -e
�chaiics, men of every ?t fropi taxation - 4d and. Sol fr�i& reasonable pric .a,
are t;o orethe r the farm; log builaings "cookl. feuces, 150 rods of Mo resident is exemj I �d y at
i�ncf ?1 in a iould be justified Not.that even n this c, ely to -
now liv els -sect; of the me, s, other ase we have receiv- wbichjsbo�rd. The faita. mile of Sea- pursuit, who are poss. essed Ic ither at
Im I i liable to t�iiat the stc�ck may be as This present state of thi
I I miler- -,r-' 'condenill or, V n holdill' lock from the present rev -
Contented as if tb�-e-y esJ! within 11 a ri ed a Y mor
forth, 6 of Clinton; 2 Church re art to the rural di ffict to reL:up( 1, ont-inue througbout the ,eson, . as the
jar ars. ro-la of fh� farm;, Cheese Of 1111stilfied charac The one hand, there is tl�o chief place of business of the bank or .1
-ten ye, &-hool House within 4 %listed' nat�,Ie e SU: i lCioll, 11) ell e elar, as. makiDg is not So gireat as
intheir exh, s pale with a to b iat Sir John at, the place of residence of the owner, it rage for cheesea-'
m91%'en L ositic)r. appear to allow tl
,It toil, the. ter and high 1) notbina ey 11)10
t, -8:5,,ndy, ince08, erly.
have_A. For fu
I a cent for' being personal prope y.
aterther piwticulars confinenian xtbrted I-noney froin A form- he very contrary is the
TIIORP, On'the life, or- ilie Undenial ile that; 1, 0 e A Macdon ld has ever taken
&ppl�y to
G, �l upon ave� ilk to
I iug) Allaii by t I -eat 4 bimself 14 (on the other h lid. we
f'%l A D cloamors nd olb Ot factol case
292 -ti 1M ;eni_ng'to4-)ublisb ej Kin6ar- in this region. -xstures are bare,
THWUS ft -id OHN r. Alex. Kay, South Lit
tell 'to ii his p
preiaises, or to Seaforth P. 0. cares and :anxieties at upon air r I that,, ha �s aurce all(! sedina
nfi e I lCtt( I always be4ved and hVO 11 the
T� haing givexx. up in Ele co d WS, ving wed- our bel; -f dine wnship, ias i
qto, recOy'nulend to, her wa4y.oL- various puruits, they fl�6 J min whg; has actorle rag, e. I
su, -rep- t it is a duckling two weeks tcheose f.
OR SALE. lie etters t) r I us ii, the pursuit Carlos, Y:
'r Th
a- person; whorm $Ia FA, R A F aQsiunecL the folin of elidlemi monotonyj sold t ilich �hat lie wag il4scrupa 0 and le�s. —A by-law a bonns of $70, -
4, 1illlatt; I-0 acres, �exhaikste o ook or re eryeEi�q�pieps, Dg four 'feet
s0. 5, an unhw Ithy titicusly and in the tawition 61 power. But we o ZD
dance wiu I in an .11 an( is of ts are,quite natural. The
i LOT 1,. 80 acres cleared. Plenti of water, alLd frO' way in;o the ) t�h" i �1'� , iri rt Burwell
more lyr fi,66 fo Iq! edh for too much sense to be Y Ou 11 cc' ()00 to -the Brallitford alld Po
they ctistoba� �thei the pare 0 �gen he bini. cr 1,
and the norWbianch of Ap:- that 8 r aMan )vll..o R,ail.,yay, was voted on, and carried in
w.il, the mealLtiniO OcCul the ',\Jt�itland iliver run- at lm:lsphere, to bre ould c* into The hands of rail- cu i-io ity is thriving w ell.
.o, ii $ n thdse� 111av
7jie by Miss T1�07�'- nfag through tb e 18acre Ipt"Th 90od fences. of heaven to riot i; t 'Putting hisobai-a ter- ity of 230, on Tues -
t I for the !zake of money I telegraphing to K �eth Nle- Brantford by. a major
at too Ofte an- d calators, all( --A short time ago Mr. ell
ay ape
y as1 1 2944 plyou theprotniscs to Ithe ind the agricul tur� t ils whethZi _btive mingled wi�01 w -be spent -iu bribing -at at ureek,
Manitoba brouuht (Ia
taum 0 appreciated by'llim. alon6, th -from th it them for moiley to Kenzie, of 11
oradi. ---fhe Council of the township of Me -
290 an�e iind who, inoreoVer, by'llis owl' Atis the "slemesis of his sys- into that Province from Out rio and
aoticuittire reve I elections. a -
FO F:r SAL It is trae,� also, tll�t eqlyellgagediithe has not yet 106bedofsaperio Gillivray have d(Icided to submit a by-
e, a, ne kt experience ota,
�HE,kp, for cash ar ri ti n FARM� FOR SALE. col)f(!S�l tem. His -IOD e innes 11 1 : -
upt aw re Is cattle 0 ne hors a. to the
upon. the pa6nce� all&
'Ga -y; has, liot beea ruix quite Ll fa 1,;t Concession, It, mvily S most co,r a fmious t lansacetions. caualit Ili Ow little honor th and a nalliber f fine hors law, �fantiug a plills of $10,000
FOR SALE, Lot 2-1, �c
k ItMEMN 88 ofvihich ance of the fa -mer who is I�ent . upcill. tie In
at Dr. CbalVs. brie oo acres, I b r �y in collllf� is very, would among tlliL�v he v4lage of Listowel, aftler ron,;Lid Bruce Railway, to
colttz cition wi 4ir,
aiuhigl - lie has not measured ai fair �Loudun, thi
stae of cultivation. cass. for the issue of one �t(ar's a 6 —T 9 The,
am, -r, first tile accom- -the ratel e u
cleared and ii ii, th' ni nicipality.
y a8se.9 ion neces- olye
I�Of ecomini: Itial -and due c,,naideration, hawpurebas-
cL The timber land is all hardw(lto means ten 30th of
on; a good j e Ct b e b -ad 'd do and unGullod; no ilinate the r6sults 4A � Oat 86 culy �hrinkfiom' rI fire exti
on,,e with 1 -itch he t eroAom, - e- Bary tot tll(el the enemy nguisher.1'
pliLti4(1 of lillpriici It was voting -wili take place on the
culaiiOns t of tile 0
-y outbuild- Y se p
&A L V. -xu 70 atill till oL vrite-." But in t first plat big nat hs in Ii September.
he u TDough he tele �Ousi:dered by the Council and i1oeople of
bank ba. . P ec mell. creek runs q Lures to be accurate in. his, nolginerit .11d ill view. -- (1, 1
bility a of electoral eor- est and
&Iqo, a. good orchiLrd; ft -b-Irks of ere 1 nean Ose
UF_kK;P. of the St- Gqo but r- tive bears inter,11 I own name for the- I t4at villacte to be the b Mr. George W. M lullent, wh
LL f ar thebuildings; it smuld in his reasoninas ZZ
�hrough;the farm, pa-gsilig lie 0 Y I t
three wiles from tu rist, v Py it is ex�licit, ef�cuetantial, boher ., I calloui-
.ad by B Of '11 ruption, he di�L not I ckon oil tile 61)pliallce for extinguishing fire's that ane has been before ibe public for some
48 situated ion the littrou Road,
-.igned,, Lot
Peaforth and five from Clinton. For furtherpar 1 undings of the agricul contradictio ith' the Pacific i
tou the under. �? . ell odes ugh Allan to talk li�y could procure. --w
fes'si6n. It: '.cis to and Ud tme in Connectio
pro orl1ep I ne a whi6 lei I.
ace, I r
0 if VY lettor,� Aizuja tnqtaire o -Lis is
.1y chA It
T e are every- turil'. -seconct I -ite' ofl whol Sale bribery to Ilia of the
-.s apply to the proprietor, to I ii the and wl —Rev. obert Hall, minist' andal, has Commenced an action for
I R Sc�
CITE$-NEV, I 1.),tional -CoDclusiolls. I D4rttien n ibyterian church, Wes er, The
(T. N11. -1 t -needing I
fully confirined, -Irt Ili Z as a Collimo matter
�th ill, the p, commercia, t Nis- libel agaist the Nuil newspap
d' I*Df ID
I re confi m ;ter whosi- ntlie. Jan. -mage of the. e' the reci) ient Of a dma., The cause,
P* 0, 1 8enatoL1 leo! of bukues�, was lately Itres are laid at $50, 000-
_ducements to falsehood a I
k-CUSIF WAKTIED;t d jis ith at4l by a mail
R t3.e laws o;f nature, an
art FARM FOR SALE OR To I'RENT. 0 owin6, hi I elf to be Pot kDOW the bandsome ulft from his people. -ied at theYork
r thus all obably Ile did cted will be ti
3a dusg b deal. reason t ledger. y
holdtiu- r 2d t wit the ariculturist has�� c 0 1 it is expe
-T (-in rea4cinable terms, or many Tullen evide.rItly n
tea ought 1! Assizes.
�tet& nuilor the uew law, wwu OR To RE br for -war - d iTtlar in his isting betweeii Sir Hugh labored� 1-eans
"y %hi t gentl all has NJ cN
r who exaut rejatio4 ex em
170t so wit'll, tile. successfb.(l of
FOR S -"r consisting of ill the bsence the perilous coll-. DutiaR to, 0 Lot IfulIetit, te8tilnol and the A'rmn icans,'or St assiduously among big k4lie, 3t aell (1 ly) bv�t years Ano and Seems t6 make
n% V- can luake'llisi-bow of d '10
i�f _&ttgotit Ila= $wy w olvediiu forc�iig Sir Hugh f their hig' japprteia- i himself all right " with the Mail.
100 acre, 80 of whij,-h tire cleare 1 4CO otive must �eredyarded 'ill mony o
�i E ally iLmproper u- sequences and ii�,testi
There is a six tbrough the best law n the at With the ex. d -
to RORUOT good cultivation, kga Ivell feuO
ttl)le sheds, arlsO Il Xcepti to fling 'tion of his services the membei ULt, a
29. �5 , )nc ble witlle�s- . 1 SP . of the unavoidable,
gocialra-ine, barn 60-K40,1111(i suit look. His success dep(t las upon bi, as,all 11 .6 allulelits. f- —Ili conseq
1,vatered; one an it is su pportea by do L ma___
third 'lice Cept 1014 Chancellor Nlacclej;- di
and within half bvert reason.,, and de troi ions of th, I� berents 'of the South congregat on -a absence of itev. 2AIr. Kenner, of the
41� le offell"lers, him the, present of a very� bealitiful
Miles fr a the (;f Kitiburn, 1d their gelluillenc-ss fi th ��,ea Bubb
. h i I gellain E, (ai eld, tb6 c so acres One of the mos, tile., wille p, I Such a token ot e Bible christian Church, London, o' Sun -
a mile (if it gooll rry d there fti, (orrect judme-Dt. Irt of tile Govern— m a-
rou ibe l Lord Ali! Iville Sir Jol�n AL. Macolon
lead thO singlo& -ivan. i' - buggy and whip. to, day evening last, the pulpit was ocCupl-
�_Precenwr to: eCor on t (LeSsful lawyers of Great-I'An amian res is 'tot I th
,jan, r-hure 1, to the Propri t tile credi since 1688, encod.ragirig
p ineilt') r6lider al quIrY .111 is tile tirht, we believ4, teem and affection: is as e by biis talented and estimable wife
.a, ju n u - creditabl
articalarq 0 - dincy as�:' ,%4& Pre, ddx'ss lor olgeship, ple reason, e
P. a. Ve al ost uperfluous,!
allingto, sxug an trial mill bility of[the harl who has bi-o4ght the Stain 'of corruptio the pastor as it is to the aet and instruc
"\- dgment, 1)otlt Privy Couil- who deliverud aneloq
lovilson, Sea 1� 276 L(11 ing 'is t Ifir charae- on the natile lof the Britisill rem the wort
Tro hi e ainn Is found in
a*.' so decisi lid d people. ourse f"
rth dur 14
Poprietor. ILe, was.. unable to give.,,
E idea of, t lie question up �; �� I gras eauring FARM F09r P tring 1 �terial (;Ililt. in his 4ase, considelfil 9 what tile —A stem
idence of barn
ter as � .1 11. �12.
>,WISON., ScOletAr", equ ally correct� I w xi
293- . I I - r4 Allan ere 6hes in length and 15 inl:hOs
rt, I FAL,'l, 100 Frsreasoning ITONTIMAL, kit.g.-24,1872). connectioils jof ir Hug 6 feet 10 in I li tened attentively -to the words of
profep' Lon requirls A on the I -gain Agricaltilre as a In the ab"r6li of Sir I-, linei of cor a i aken iro
11, 1 The d �up ion , , her lips, and
r Seaforth, -be be thickest part, wa
g� th) truth as t
an ally 4 -iscd almore thorough Ircatici th, of DEzut 11" ABB01 T 1-1t1gli . knowu,to nd t ;hey flowed from,
olucaici ly Yollr �,iikpph
LOCKET 'a -d to cleared and fre.(! be villi -i 4 t f the
A114n�� I till e led I
under r (I e, e though at fi
rov e 10 ttee-with in of treason fa of Mr. W. Y. Burton, o
LCY T iiy a shade tllot rn I rstalittle 13U
- ions, its Operation behil 01111 oi twont is I
splox% '10 anadiall heart will echo the township of Westnfinster,. a few' (lays
;h.e other profess Central C)MM as th y impressed.
am e skinle coial D&V in large large frame deepl
X01 om grass; Well Watt Oil 8119CA"'7 thoupi poll _t
ir euclosed, ana 6reffu uch more diversified not go 111a a the foot of my letter t) ts of faction over the dis-
vi h ha I inonut v rittau I exalting 81 i ago.
barn,stalile hon, a b� we a
with- �the -GUI-
�ut fin a. c. r w M b e aide, and 1, dOu iiinuetuaeiv Ill f r - r Can be sati fied 1,13 th utin) coveries whiAr brina dig ace upon the ident to6k place
rewa,rd,ed bY at
100(t b Allan o thl, —A fatal buggy ace'
e r
rticula�s �-Lvvationof afiewof the cerols'fro to
S gootlaukltern.lt�etvi, ted The M
y. For fatthar 11a, ennonites.
St. T hom
_k. "Niftedontild i country. is gr�atly Ile lamen-- armbuth Centre, near S, on
P. q_7 --please ais) sendoir John
Y 0
rth P, o' �ear. Helustneeds ILI be in any an named Howell
'Imie, ho.i f W
2.72 IG more oil the r I July 29. The N1enD011it6 delegations are about to,
t0ys VVAN To do 11LIS he Din, t be teii thoustiild d I liat a par y S
igh Al t , A young -having cil
is productions Ileceiv (I from i r aT) w�th the claim of the was returnijag frolo� Aylmer wi bh a friend mplted t4eir
diukely,;Nt the 11-arall mix return to Russia,
imme , in order to r the the horse took fright, an a i9in ! -AU6-
ell i Mr )u8aud dollax-4 t,
a good b(kv:f to ND r-AR�ff FOR SALE. practical ell 3VIr. Abbott, twent� d
EAX AW MML A )Osted in I
eaorth, tlirL 10 te nati 0 t I" -observation in U
Ze Ili to ry u rmina-
rVe I L ; nces
-tr ols Nvhote nati breaking, the buggy went into
whey to r of
Aining 104 ti, the tern: s oft -he lett p the Mch 1
is �pro UC- cor(uwl eculia sota and 'Nebraska. Th
��l B )e able to anaY eir (Icte
L� er of Sir
with gotit! barii., and the plants Ad in ftecorl- I I d Iiii(�uencies,of
-ertilizers 11 (� pe gorial out a W his ne�k i tion as to place of: settlement ' not defi-
I Ia tiat( Mb'of Tlllv, RI anol. 1owell was tar6wn Ia is
A. Cartier, f t1
two go&)( rclttvrthr in full tWO ne yry, IM filvi; 981 nhis letter of
ia P -ted 0,,,�siervant
the reliliest c0ut
ng, he must study zool(,, ers not. by nitely knoWn, but the tit: Vaill (Mi
ing, ilAlso, lot 85, 1 Mice i e foNmerly a
its ilium mullta� ' Y, v�lc- brok nl- H
rnOrr + If There are reasonts
)lied to the domesticated, Lis oil tle-
Con. 9, cautaiiiing 4�� ME ei.qt, 1,972. Opposition,, 'the Clcivo 11'i&as also I prets says
I _M, 126tb Ali tury'of the ,0 8ilr Jr,�n A. lvlacdonild, an, for
ionlily ti�a
d 6; milv-�
It aru .T I . )in
IL - c, that the inallense body ?I
Si'af4lith, with a, go t be thi
rin -he mus BT;�kvntlly, wit beat liberty to choose free
ner at orle time servant to mrsillo
gravel rof, d thereto., 4enhir.; apply aOIT he inust have e vutel land and a porter;&thc r will sepitrate. after arriving in
a-moug 0 )ublic men he will 1 Ot be eror How
art the pr �,111 i� -e, ly
If 11T; ot)gtj to j()HN -der not be, impos (I d8 ionites ihe
260 eolae- ill oi untry 'iDtO'tlle hAD sin House, Torouto.v country. It isprobablo that
SOX, CoL, stance P. o., I iubtirti, Out -,f 0 1 , P. s. muitpuy. bound to pult tile ct i. this
0 -
upon. by qu wbo
ek doctors f te faction. If GOD'erVatlVeS earace tile very liberal
t TORONTq,,A astiMh, e its app
he Ifill of the oppO A nevf pbst has mad I poorer classes will. accept
XGKILLOP. than �L Au under the ill fl ance of party f Loi dian Government
ny p FA1- 'it FOR ALE -IN ten do more harm P 0 111611, , offers made by the Cana
pai(I ta a . to 'o d (11' 0. Abbcqt, cinity
-Ron feel tmpte, in many places in the vi,
Immej jitte, priv ite� .
on, that Will lead rm, (q),iLiposed of Nbrth I have a al echanica turil'� I- 4ttachmeat��tO ba.
er 1 SUB, it goo Fa I)ncr persona the tomat I a. It is a I and so�itle at soiq point in Alanito
"Ve 1—v LU be a feelin o pp an
Lit g 0
"tolL, a,1121ta lits inv�htE d htlVe tL11(ther tell thou. aul e
ie"i who half of lot f he llaK of lot 141 nthe modern, inipl 'L I ions i defew ed, Jet preying ape
0 use 1; cannot i be i P�d those of inciderate,
niv bea-i oni I 1 0 laRt tillit of cal1lill". 0 liot,fail nic (1 2 - * d -ba bearing The in e
T wilfell from 12, 11tKillftil, cont -1; Iiinq( 100 acres, 50 Cleared and P - I afend. t wh t short, thick st-ri e idoll class(A. or
well I to facilitate farilling Join; A. Mivsm�.,q. ft to b3 ug, linneso a,
day tbemi remei be 'to I o the pot 11 means will sett e
ac some resemb ance t
architer�,, tire 1872 in or
f am ke knov 29th All ere. but pollit a borter ; d I
aT r, iM14--red. with a hou. vledge of being . extenhiv6 #sbeep-growers
0- be mail f rs-' conserved differing from it 1n the more T Mid xiew lcj,� rorchttrd; two gardening alici'm A1avlonald, Tbronto. public life'
Sir J61 llor�or; alic that, these gone, atitade
qi ast be a IMi thousand.
tastie h )Il me fol - abling table, larger in diameter. They said. td,, be wii-I select the mcr8 southern I
10 litilu fi T. 0. A B 0 T T Mo - and e etensive and cheaper pasture
Tiles and aiiaif gra, lienion t vill beco a th
frorn, the village (if Seaforth; RI -0 two tellin I al Le in ye
1:1S A�D 1.0,TS _F mjnistra'tive ciil?oacitY �31,.order to , w profli- the most ravenous pests thal have t
;hliruhas, ad I from w:1iC , in the end, �he most
60"W111111C. "within Ill coliveiii0it to e iu),is T o, '92 6 t to 1,972 been discovered on the tolliit) plant, lands in the terhtory of Nebraska
y ea successf.11 gate adven -1111'Cr Will UG a o e repmen. a iv
,k 11ousG- aua Ld, On To� P archant' te eed
B r L _of icubm; applT to the the business p tio�tl t redly sweep the
fthoolg.,iud stort.q. For part I r pay tn My order, a only eating the le to
t4c Markce'j, in the jV5. let so as Som At sight ars for Yalu yet aves,
roprietpr -on the or, if -y etter, to fri�-er 'tb6n, is, uny of ten thonsand is. X calam us %%ir.
-�X4& r. U0190 Bank, the s stakes. branches; ana the stalks, oftentimes th study of the English language, and
-ilowle Yge ad a t M -ag al�d- in 9001a ]c avc 280*4, _NrCD6N1ALD- gi�ie.. received, ve bappY�' t rning Poin burrowing down'into are making rapid progress. They have
.1 t J 0 mx y pro' e groull
buil. NALD. it ma . 41 d for the
twu a-uh at1Yer11eLe91;ar out )uso erence to labor lead. onlx�td, iif the people, after
a;- I ..
same al t En rs our politic history,, e purchased books, and e;�ch do Chan very roots of th day
eu. 1.4usa, mFARX FOR SALE IN GREY. i be it repiembe'rel that 1 �o 11 Pay to the or ler of the Mer �anl of� [uptio" and delnoraliza- I correct memumg.
near the chool the politic,�l Cori � ollunclation. anc
'%T ii n,which: - es ne, have —Mr. Battye, 6f the -vjil4ge of yr, the rc
L of
_r nee (JT No. 12 antl part of, Lot No. 11 in 'he 18th epergy and applicalt Canada. hisie underg?
water and othe MACDO' tion which the s4ston of a Sesignated number of wordz.-'
JOHN A HAV iril a I -
ofL c licessio 9 well, haa ist present in Lis
11 of Gra, ou at 78 acres, 1) left to m pt the crisi
'Pth, Pr ts virtue sti e
s n th* premises- 11 50101eared mill in ood 'C'1i1tivati0,i.0,,)J mUds from. I. r., Hulldtt, of th dodume I
*F,sgay read by Daniel X e
p� Apply tot 'afor, 11 e.geilui ioness
Se If t
aiies from Seaforth. Apply to
before the ]Kinb&n Fsxmers' C ub, A
U01ILLANI, on the premises lit