HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-01, Page 8a
V- '7----
AtGTISTI, 1873.'
T HI 115,$35 50- Charles Ingram, road- d wi.
ation, $20 C.'Stook, rowl deviato
SIT to bmve Jago tas had consider.able:
�t. Sa,�ble Rive3r, ch he intends ith the JOB
reeeiivd and; olwood eme ill C04nect�on w Ar
spector's mport W a, into 06r lie may Cal late On!1 $15 Mr. Morrison, Surveying, &c.,
husbi �alnt a the e, the put
on tb e iela of the, was granted lie oe cut down and J*V L)T-k style. I K. �41cl,eod, Supporting nat Indigent er.
oste th n e t
rn, to ha ing Wor -very b (I by Mr. ib.
f4f_.XV05, saf ed W. T. F th arried � in scows t6 the
we may mber, k done in the,very b
peirances -this year, Fos 61 and 111 81 Move
e known as em to De
forhis tave NFal convey tb isiness i Bolinwo daYs,
ic� a lively and rofitable ,season; 0 bate, vhi h tends p4shirig
a t c
Tav6m. petition of A . 'Armitage, t0- I y Mr. Wiggins, that the
a troi and 0 Son second6d
haute n ther� laces on the lokcs, for TILe new fi:rm in olry i, opera J
traae - ar� having the foun I ste(,.t (IQ fuTilisli the ("lork 1 be-
usiness for our, merc al ead, d 0 Bebool tru
speqting sidewalk from Jarnes'&106t to
en generally. act, %vas granted. ina ket. tion at, aii early date.. tile 15th �of Augwir,, the amou�ilt re -
fore N,
d for their Oh
DISTRICT MATTERS- Lot,46' Chilreb. SIT,, S ools—Carrio-A. Mov
ing Match. quire
The. eap Mr. Wier,
us.—The newspaper 'j�jessr8. Ki wr, McKillop. lecondetl by
So J�LtNy or, ed by Mr. Gre,
m r
- ----------- E W uW tile auspice.
TnF, business in this County see ill run- f the Seaf orth. Foundry, reapi i 4 ell un. at John Wi a, son
S F_ _JV- e leara that s to be .—M B. Cluff, til get $5, fOT Tepairs
1,ji(ELY TO RECOVER i :- � I
haVe in the W-, have -ilreadY IV. Tie & CIO 0 of the fluron. armers and Mechantcs NOT performing
Messrs-BEATTY &CO. merchants, will inor to seed this year- just- adhed -0 their machinerY a en while I statute
usse held on Tuesday last, NvLloli,,tcl;�herlegfracturedsomtt Q,%gO?1iofplow.brok
-course of a day or t, in Wingba This certifiec athmaster
"yo from Montreal�a large �nd Br have r n I by the p
n burning iron. As 3o.6atio but slight I opes ar �abor, and
tr of imported Wials- and Liquors, T011". newsp�p�ars fine ew 14the for I .y ill, and
-m-n- --f -
Uanti few week one will b' le them to: do on the f arm of TIT. ames Oke, towns lip is still ve, w -plow and got pr6per usage,._.
e j for con-
j,lj�d Goneral Groceries, whi0t tb* will be while in a e Wil enab The atteild- cnitertained of her reco'vc"Y- to be a ne, A
8 )f new madhin I
�jngars a great dm -1 less than they Exeter, and the magnate. wo which before t�ey of Usborne). n tir Exeter. irong tc —Carried. Moved by Mr. Gibsou4 IC
alyle to, sell at price sued from ny kinds of dering the busy 84 itution! is � not sufficiently B'
ng I L -VIVilour,
same goods, for. be(ol*o. I'M"- 10 si-11113e. it has I eeii alwe Of Stect ors, consi. 1. bed SO r. Weir, that i the Cleek be-:
have c'Ter offored the isty themselve LuGknow are putting forth exertions 1.1 ld not undert _e. 1 11 e showing withsta4d the fatigue of lyi onded by M.
Chasers will i a sat .1arg
_19 well to call an ;�ariaiehaars secure for their vilia,�b. a similar, diat 0- Coll working orc�&, it has seas"011 0 e year, was uld b L to get 21 copies of the Line
At. set up and, put in hich the farmers of the t her time of life it WO instriicteo� e
of the fact beAore going 0-I'lewhere. expect WrOX.1 'The piess- th -1 interest A long as
e winter we mployed. re is effect, e d i ence Act; and 12 col)ies 01 1icens Act—
sealorth. Befor constantly E F
11 these matches. The I n �,cessar �fOrO ell
Block, Maiu-stIreOt bee n
ae Brucefield, BaYfield .4 id will sooni Tender nec. Co: unty take Tied. llov�d by Mr. Gibson, Beconded
Bluevo urE Of Work essrs. morrison Car'
t I or In
C* er pi 19 91. ec c. f the atoh was as SALE, Op CIME.9B.—I the audited accom be
ent, of Gostiell 0. s , '1ch, And -tb e as 8 OZ ina Dund set' Vier, tl�at ula,
r er tiler - a tioll o' byMr. V , its
A FiN.;E 48sortin Zu. several othA CSSDry still fur Ad. - got in the County. TI of the Wintlarop Cheese Factory, -roved ai4l. f.
atihe Id lie 100 ctrOies d
ri�agllah Hair Br 9, just in at HicicsON's Drug aild pro OUS villages of the Cou.4y, gcod as coul accepted and a, )p I
er ebinery of various,kinde.' ripe, was in ry good sale of chee e a felff V1 - oR 19 ALE 12 -LLDP-
and Crockery Store. ut � its wee . ........ grain, Althou " I a little too' i*ade a vel the abstrao�T, jrinted Carned. Moved
will eac be. sending'. 0
7 Tons, b1tick, d for cutting. It was Of S Ila -They have sold. all t ieir Jul. a ti-rru of v
-i RUBBER Nursl al. These, in addition to the NEW, t1-ELEG-&Al% 11- good conditio ag fo�r byt dect by Mr. Wier, OR'
INDT ng Ap e are I I cheese o Mr. Thoina Mr. Gibson, SecOn SALB 101 -
Pt arrived 30urn ess, all standin& and Of s Ballamyne II�ato 6,11.
1 . - -1
l,ucitro ina fancy- e g, aph al n N o-
apei , ; - ' I this Coll: 61 adJOurn to meet at 14r,
-1. R. Bibs, &e., will -probably koe eve# thic 6 eese Art.4 the
in8ifitin-1 Of
establis4ed pi fol!med that the Dominion T e ma or pound price 6�
_91u )ly well B were four singl This is a� ood Belmore, on the thir& (b baJAW
atHicxswN's Drug Store. rigth. ere cents p It ' i1i,U) Wal-flll; 1r -It
of Huron toleral ntend to proceed at once lih fair le Anderson's R6
-the people y I eo combined competing, I al ad ere( it Jing gIs0d Nh
�Acdord- plied wi�,Ii . new er literature. �:!s ComPan ew line alOng !tile take cl ines owd' able tc tb C f actOrY-' 4ugnst—Carried.
ncertinas &t6�e �Of �al thia erection of a 11 jous macbines I Wednesday lill OWS log buil 4irr-halzI I
'483, C 0 , ell- I
FoE. V I 9Xe"dg1e& ol e r 3ay T e work done by the var d and 1� �I)otl t) I I
J 0 course, the new.. GEoltoir, DAN 9, Clerk. fence '4ir t-�rll �xc, opply t
aliv, g fro Sarnia through The 'ira- t r. 3
eons,, Italian. violin Strings, of finest (111 shore, north dine, to could h LrpaSSect- 11111lett, inmen,mg , o ben -,ill by Ielt-r, pro. I
Oct to establish illeir fleid Goderich and JUticar ardly be si:
It ,,on tb
to E;. Drug§tore these p�apers eXp en made in opri, �.)i
P A. N
,ceived and ado' e.
rd L UV
I lice
�nam e
e t
W' in
I Of
rhich have be t1le pt
oilet Soaps, co al ba�sis, 'love ents T FinsT OF THE SE 13ayfleld.
-a address Walton 11� O�
A LxPGF, Ass Tof T enterprises on a firm
LCh uld ultim�te-' Southampton. achini, within the past year is Pal
and ringlish these of the,`_)'e( nd COI 0*4
)V-alkinshaw, -su�, C� ill
ireaeb,Aud English. Also, Frei: their honest debts� a no much. credit oil, 46M�s CTIVINC, -up Bu m W.
r b!3,' T' theif Je)c - ay, uncy 8 irpn4ing, d reflects .1 ed his loc, t ' �Frr - A
Naii and Tooth t ALCCI]D dession E Ruilett, clinmenc. r a number of'
Brushes, 11aii, 10 pay Saturday last, I
Perfumery, COW y to rna�e Monp-y. . We hope. EtqT,-0 Oil Pickford, who has) fo
Brushes, �t R. Ima 1i, of 3e enj��arpTiS 'week, the FARM
sb,.P,-,qls Drugstore. II Charleswort of theManlifaCtIlTerS- F 0 R SALE.
ns M' ay be realized but Our Oats artin Aarvest On Thursday of last
e Mereant
ectatio son of Mr. e manuf4ctured years. done aln� extensiv ile busi- Z 'No. 111, 1 Wf"A
la 1, e Machin
hopes. ' We: �Iar a triis'oocasibn h LL;, oil. TO ill
__T"_The MvPOSITOR greater than OUT 01 t1is village, who was working at a -, clr- carried �off the �4thult- 4eld has determined to givei:� "1 1.3
0111RERS. 'The
NW_�V- SUBS ill see A 1, Martill)s plarling min. 1-y, Patterso Brothers 116SS �n Bayf 17, G WK
froi0a this datc. Taid that a year hence.wi oh BF,,-,TFF1T PIC -NIC AT KI-�qZURX.- t the 15th of Sept Fblii ; Con 9001110gr
Subscribers cular Saw 1H J --I A R we think deservedly, at- In ibou 0 el -
e�arna - *-,I i ailt: 1 f,
�o, re u -n -the sa 0
e 0 ra p L X Q, uesday as E b yo
is uOunty. Q- ic-aic held on it " ,
in�ny sickqeditors in th L n ne, )gets CIA 11 ot much difference aD(I yvith that object in view i .1 1 - -
Illitil Jan. 1. 19,74-t f or 50 coats - gOt o � of his fi I uglithere� Was in ber next, !!L� and in g6ON Cowl 11, g-!iud u7tsl of wattr.
^I rl P be itbl-e I. Al la6erated. th the cheese -f actory at Kinbarn, J
editors W, _Al� ff 1-i 4�-. u- �.nnlr -1 1� +1-.r.
may su-oge TWO Cro JU Be 116 W p1lj r-4, ayi�
cc d otlitr i,,.
gto AU
�hq&ld. ------ be -;ween the y. PObert�G. ittill 4, en
J?erhal ork done b t and. the On 6 has comm. for
& so� b� or the benefit of -Mr. 413 1)(W )aj.11,
% J OSFPR. RQDG , sickest about that ti So manufacUired premises, Or S&IroLt I
. ves
an& Strops, Pocket chj too T1 e day was
-rated Razor We, at t are re pa on OfTeachers. I k t e Second, 0 111r. —M. W,. Graudl%&s.
�61eb time will tell. eminently successf
S to, e e
&c., at lfrolcso-sls Drug StOrO, itchell. les ired and 0
ed for our fate Imination 'of P ublic.
it re "I omeon & 1, illiams, of M
ex achlues work very nearl is Pleasant as could be c 11 a f Niacrara, paid all official
z ca young ild i ter* Murr
ai PAJ�
YezDINN4 BOTTL odge, 1. 0. 0. F., of,
ES., Bre �Lt Pumps, Pat At th late 4 u bting both, r hundred people,'
Powder, and all suchlcPO Cho aoliers, I eld in Go(lericl , 74 'bou e ity Lo
ob a b whether a 'dozen or o t machine seemeq� t fou visit to OR SALEV
au r e ed School . e dike, but th' Patterson seem d. to culoy -PARM F
ent syringes, -Violet flourish where formerly S caadi- Ad, were present. All o Friday eveling last. .10,0 theTowl
H,1GKSo,_1,s, Drugs tore. ae4U04 -cla:sa and I L s0conc -Clas lay the sh aves more evenly than theI a . 1,
e third The Clinton, this I . compobed of
OE the ',0 advantagei themselves to theutmost. were in� at!' 14Jt),atres 4
tence. I'T
only a Beauty subsis put in vi appearance. slight P -r u er f the brethren of Tucktrginithl
Uig vil ge� and dates r8. It 8 also a Grieve, of, lar
.1 enterpris' -cess- )t he ming. bana assisted � by Mrs. the- meetin-Y and a very a 11p0,1,.vh1!h tht� ie
have on hand 4 whether a sme es 22 were an,. a are made after 11 ce at relleat lall , I
UIDS. -class can machine olodeon, discoursed t geujil �rcbar L lor i
& YOUNG a I te
0. town's t. B th i I
Glassward, t, b 88,60 fee and als, a
third di drg the- -ent,
Leadid assortment Of Crockery' one township, or parts of P f ul, o d, 2 were succe sf ul Seaforth, on le ng was sp
JUBO, Fresh Grc - -11 uook Ne, and of the'i at ern and if they were each '61- ers trip - eve� utormati
r erl I . I tes bbe sime pat 71 reE -pleased Urmsi
henware, Frait Tsxs, &c-'. CaA support4hatit -clas§ ud team I oweet music, while the picni, : . . which ul*v
c6rtifi in �Y, ou Lot
a Ob ined �,u 33kv]
811, tain, to
cerles, Wines ana Liquors oxntring daily'at Vex y Voun two h rd worked by the same operator a it Onthe liglit fantastic toe oil a Master exp sedhi self highly W.iLTE
third of a 1 0 ty to er-f odled. by Fidelk 2 ven'll. 13 REX-
.1 - arge drew, an the remaiiid ing to &cioI4 ed with the pr )gress MadA, jid To,%vn,$hip, or to the
lov prices,. I 1"h J s, fiR4 a !41�11- four wit it would be o pi etty. fine th int Co., Ont �AK
V * hich b ad been prep ir ed for the
erh�. atform W Ch good an st. Georgu F
ad -vice an
will rit for first- ar Lodge add gave M`u
moderate way, P -'-A r,,til 01 e aDDlica I L 1, + -work Thev
I y 0.1 liere as .7 W tile 11 (111 L I U
smallest qu, � no- There bad also De m a 11 u M,
tion., The ollowng is a list of the s' ?urpqse.. bich -will long :be reme
Fall ShOws- lo, of! the hie class. - he bothiood a�cll farmers Cali not fa truction, v
�t those who inf,
e preservPi ed, Both, TARm r -OR SAIM, 114 P1`CN=qF
dal;ee, with the $ )er of sm
n6ces tand lig of 7ings erect be m4t
The Provincial Exhibition, at London, from the saxy for th �pften b 6nd astray, Q, a4.ter 01 which they : k ance, or those,who be -red, arld will, undoubtedl
a borse has a dispated cessful V, +.I, i rrl -ClaBF3 I�A not care to, d :-1 4- 4-.bn Ynernbers. At the 00A. 4Zvt.F_ cheap., Lo 18,4t.
2-2na to, the 26th of September, mulas�y U. ecess V 17th a ent Abees- a few of,tha)no3t, Bu ellojoe. '-ThVB11Td1CX, ManUlaCuu" I" of it, :0-111d amuse themselves I Delleuc co:. ing acrf-t;; cle�xea. 19 Central Fair) at Guelph, On the 16th, point, the minimum , of nii c, tb e p SS mrl t a Co., of Brantford, ii a�s were tired elusion of lalor,'the Grand Master alad aintenance,%f umaj� life i.candida�esp 592 b 0 a oung folks I dulled �Q 45 wt 18th'O d sary for the m inveOiga dthis waY. 'Whild the. ber of thren from Clinton wete on Thursda� ax THIRD OLASS1 0111pact ngaged, the older I a 1111111 a4l. fnL
The SonthHUXOn at SeAfOrth, the s a Very neat, pleasantly e els of Fidelity lails frum od or This i were'thus the memb kg orelisra; the far.
has also b6p W entertained b
r Of October. 9. R11. 13?X Friday, th C6 inty 0 x. Broadf:)ot, BruceWd, 764. D Lachine, an d bq The Hibbert, fit Staffa on Tuogdav,'Oct. 7. his- yeai, k aqu al pleas- 1 E10 tvay; Withi
2ad and 3 d tion, but Ale embers of the party too, '811 pper, U'D in excellent 14ith, With .1 good b(T. tion-, the got 'One hf
TW 'this machine has appeare( ach other, Lodge at Ilf 3311 _)f Chul�ch an' �istowel, on Fn 10th OctO :1 eqtially d,iToul roxetei, 751 ie first tim erse with,
The ]�Jlma, at I rQn. l Davit Wilk" in social cony Hotel. This
re be ppl-V tl[� the dUsborne,athyeter, limond ich lodgerville, 74 audit had Many ad ymenfs of their style, at Co ereW 1)rjL�or, f,4n the
a on -articuinis a,
q pattq Muri ay at otir mate E it of Gran M4.
1 cd��bined Mae in St 8 r SeftfOrth
ad Tuesday, 29th and. Both Sept ers. 'Th' a werd Serve e A
The Stephen an emberp owest li;� tity,of absist will Robe Sea . forth, 7 hines of Messrs. nd iti watching the enio d Wath d Master
lilitonj . dn Tuosd 1Y a country-�4 e`v�spa tret Bmadfoot, 1juniors. R�keshment ay to F del Lodge, &i
-AU 'On, at C Ca Marg. 0 id -the i,mpr&-
I the
Nora Riding of R �rcrset t I est.... 31ifield! 725. Verit vals, olbri ng the (lay. r
Wednesday, Sept. 16 and 17. Thoul'as, ray, T' 11! M-ancistown, And Jackson, Of , I
X0 � 11 6;V- inter
and, n Wodnes- probably be foreye this w�, I as that of Harriet So abundance ion leftiby him on themQmbers wos
ss of mewspaper pu hill Rodgerville, ing b all
Colborne To ghip, at Goderich, 6 IsaeLla.,,OqLe, 720 Bucan was held in 11
busine" But combine I lin. the evening a clos rav e. FAR
r a ?Vo most f av Of Hullet
a� SeAforth, 7q& L not
day, Oct. 1. 06fluty had,, heretof ore b 0 all, wbicb was k(lp� UP with. -VORs-ILE, Lot 11, Turnberry, atWingliam, On Friday,� 06b. 3- Qeor�,e J imi es( d seei a Williamsh ve wou no tj -v r �hhh� n de eneral thing, i the fol- Ou ol
Blyth, on Wedneiday, Oct 8-� ably lucrative one, v Dandan Uanipt ell, �Viuthrop.l inach ConnTy in
spirit till the "wee am#.1 1�0 XE 11, itio But; g favor I
Morris Branch, , i n with so much (�OLISMITH's LECrURE IN W1 cleared Rnd ce ftoll,
-rush of 'com Bluevile. to be looleo. iaipo can- p Too mucb praise which (XA ; W4011 G. Du ff, farmers. as 811 lowinj� morning. 9 A T 1,
e of t at this sudden igie Ma- I—Aev. Mr. Goldsmith, of thi. er is well e v! e a can 10 m ittpe for the J. ChaDl high state of
—Th Ut C, the miajo ity 0
POSTAL CHA.NGF. the contrary has bee q k4n Graham,' Seaforth. rded the ture on P
110111 Jam fir,
pe rsons It 16,ould alm"St seem that the dellverwi a lee and underdx)line
Devon post office. townal callu mind over twen 71 augements th-ey age,
ty ,-ad made fo t -c lass frame-
rucefield. got Le excellent al in Witigha, ift ai& of t6e ivi-avation; go0a log 'Other outbuil
J-ga e
fi#een ybars fia 0 �aen e for cd�bin d machines ha ent of all, both I and'llelil.' n nshe nit
has been charicred to Ceii the last Thomas 1 the comfort and enjoym n4,- - -of the Presbytei is Weil wfiettred, 0, his C91inty-, past It is by many who prp- Clint:)n band are i building f 11 aintained good young rchm-d tl
am L -c ao--e toths
— in the printing business. .1 ung. The c)L
ane, es do old and 'yo Ing . _--
W village, on the eyening 'of ju.g three li'%"
een o th the single Machin 11 Church of ti, at, there�be
Ir. Foster, 0 e one h, Z, Bluevale. fes to I'm much pr&ee 'for their
0 TE L. —NI number, op m 1�iltblirl_ J from FoSTRECS H this' y Au rove'.A.T111strougg $ also entitled to Of -the lecture frc
and of all I :; f Mu. e t of t 1 Monday[of Weeli. house; 14 by good
tizens, has ii SUCCABf-ea ; all the rest, I better work, are ess liable to thoo jorthand 7 from ClInt0u; �url`"Uxlara
our most enterpriiing el CW, modgr Millig in CliffOtd- g t 6u f urnishing niu 3ic, (Wi
(if. them Joh: I t the generosity in iOgh., in l'intes remks We parLieUlir", apPlyto tlle.vre�
-thev t NIT. �Ul nd it F or fur
new ay din� Gorris. To m re conveilien , and thet V
&.djoinnina post rot all, of
building, e has made Aft'r Sp, repair, a ich the pleasure of the day 'Would many differ6t
er is not wh lisene d to- goo tL) et)nstauce P.
ice completed, and has O-pemed it as a e lose: 11 nnec- W id- �on,,U borne. Cos e se ed) gratuit- 1 have prietor on the preiui6L_
were poorer at th flill their Th4 )i a Single r(aper and mow ery much I to the one E, -cool
inmodation f. Dr cry iuch i Ygreater than that -of a have been v a�te all i lectures Ion 3ubject akin 91- 1 129414
that when Lying We el, where �every acco - 0 ia at ipbell, ando iso N P, ,hot' tioti with the Press, f u �. a Ell B t LC proceeds, To I
1103 0 bined n�achio e. ously. Th I cussed o1A'A,,ond,ay,evening, aE
he travehh" public is afforded: 'At the r s I t- I I -to ab t $8a 1 Which I FAIRM FOR $ALE.
t they - began. Ch tlo*I c0raw,,().intO"- e expenses amounted it th 9 t 910 Of' le old- r be sllicc�ss whili. has attentled ta to Mr. I free to �admit that we have heard but
rdoffered oderi -,h if -hich, Are cli- . are . d ull A
LT be very apee Aable satisfied both our i -on X iug:loo acres, 70 of' u Current rumor ha I Bel N6xv, d. will, 110
doubt, h It
c e
LUTIr. —Messrs. James 0. La d in'tbe 11tirou Ca Iieri�e KiAg, Gr of. the Association thus far, is and bp- of rE �t f Fo.p. D eat papers i Crittington, fan i; tItev. NIT, Gold ith's POW -
W. 0. Reid and A.. parentliet... , we, Would a. i OwIng in a:: great measure to the ener and sm goqd ta-e of 0111tivas.it, u, Jo : i the o fi - I to him. f illustfation are of a high order, tile -jiffiliardwood; ita-ge brick hoube; fmlae'
law -ff. Jac, for Sale an 1� Odl
t oh Tuesd ay ei go, ii�ious ol b y' ers o: gooa bealr�
lef L entli G I and persevernce. displaye is reason ng
Hally'. of this Village, here remark that g 9 in its behalf, and b th I ceptioable, h bara 50x;36' ReV, e Toms language u*ex. 1; )uiles liorth of Clirke, arolul B. ceis and directo, -JU. ,�) A
er basiness I Clinton APPeal-- ing orchaiw -%VLII Wat.1 e
-evening last ou a pleasure trip 'po Duluth* dee ly 1 1, lis. delivery fore'
-to engage in the �lread Ni �� gic -and I the gruvel
Goder'ch WO111d do -el�,to inve ese #g'e P41 ks, Exeter. farmers� and manufacturers are Decision. iqd 0 and within
They expected to proceed f rorii i I clear a f6rth, I J.) the pruplietoron:
Ge 1 His lecture wo well ire- - tkillarli �1,1, I
-X Pal
-a aise;Wwor I eloh t :a Ror furtlic
w f�: -
d of kiifg -., F I inclebted �ojthem for the pr an(l elo4
itoban. We *134 lished . �4 1, NJ) 1. 0 BTAIN ED le. pp the premis
estab concer IDAYES W] (Ig oms, cision I ceived la eciated b
ne -ano� T(cariou4 enter- sEco. ffdA C forth, and the tim The folio -wing is Ju oroughly y
and safe -return. w ef�brts they have put pleasant time their capital in. I �1 CElVrIF10J Es. M#4
�!�TH n estab of the Muiicipality��of
brii i I orwar these 'hey haveexpended in estab 1. in the appeal every. gne resent.!'
We i 1, and lab'or#
do not Belmore.
itxr�on, 10 Ll Assessment
IS'Coura e our Aislhing'an4 �maintaining ' ' 01inton against the Eq u aliz, YACT -Y
e I Jai�ies io FOR SAJX�
For c r the Associ F S
little circurnsta7aces e St(w4rt, Clifiton. condition. L11, uty 6ouncil L v 'Siaim--The Clinton TARX,&�D CH -E
en have been employed in t ii�,dert ings. I I I 6f the Coll 0 ndweeks past in youugi brethren in miners in its preient efficient
Board df'Ex, HE S'abscriber offeii tb;it C- ibiv *-ituAt`,d
iva hi�rd A s ItT ei on -tire might -r of the"Ilunicipality T ilks an: eixou emark th or of the 4P the following narrative wen cilitivated lown new sidem d repaii in thhe!. 1 1 this copnecti I In tho matt laying c Goodnoss knows, yl I ;ranted I I -tftwal o Irecall ce�tifidatbs I a for a convie difficulties to contoimpi It isi no ,mith, H: It. 11) Aerm for tIa
he walk on each side of ki t the obligiii� and'efficient Secretaiy, W I the village of Clinton, in the 'Jountl Of Haven, I a common thill
-old -oe. T is i Wor to get over—e a uces tc worry, by ijtte. Joun y SmilliZzits' entitled to tile thanks of th� I rom the action of the County C until Of the said '!m ar i ed, without any previous lac- There rc On the preuii%es 2 b 1"', 11
duri to get
I street has been renewedi ac Surmount' enough I!Fn note 'Ounty in equalizing the respe tive as.sesFlmOuts of wa-,
f Bo;irl- t'a4ers 'are i6quei ed alle withach other, but such *1 as sheil 5Ox5O, 900d frame 11()m qs condition. 'The C(un- 2 . ' �nfor the efficient manner -t- County quai
n& in them—wi Associati f the several mnuiciPalities in. the Said rrchard of lbli trke 3ust e.
hi, ra t el a, thout a wor 1� detra ti6n or 3T -Law 11 �ter, young
themsel We o nly sta S veg �ccorc ingly, IZo. 3 for Ing 004ple now re$id-
te this Ad c ormed his duties. the ca�e with a yol
way Pubic wich lip has p6rf �or the year 1872, -as shown by . bear. A school churchon .C_1 re dong we'll in the discouragement from ' I I County, passea on'the 7th da of I TS that a' Fur-tury Anil
1-�,ell known to certain rovemeitts this year. f f, The f 11ow* is a list of the prizd i 1873 of the saic inUi, toil' It appea i -the farm. nip tbemasmattersO af%1 If in il�ea j an tW aCrV8 Of lUnd-
11ru hov4s i' � e 1BOt: i coiisidere�d bimse
md'to:Tjustify ss�ls �1 awarded,� and the appeiided table s best, situd:t(4
Ig mql the people of the 0 Counsel: flar the Said establisiled'in tbi
ular, s at the�sudden. ix-; the vari Upon he of. a b.elp-reet,'and as his acquintane itting 0 Brussel6, Ago t lei' the E ade made by t e aring arp
Covuvr.—The re ion of 8 ;US points in, litiel PDAII)II., C apor and Jobli, plicants, f DIVIS10 ld in our express 'IT oi4d only po$j+oa N 'rint Pg 0 ffl or the Townshipf� 11inicipa gther limited hire, .10 t,%v 0 torie
io 6
Was e ;i(O different machinEs - I with the fair sex wasr W"sist Of a wah� I" -
a he,
Co leti. Ist. "Kirby i ere 411, nvo sfteriits, alla i-3 ttell'
n ourt the inroad of comp bit ad tile bus' as hold Oil and for tile Town of Qcricb, the re- the village of IditchelL dr�hi ase, m
'To Hall, Seaforth, asday J inesB IVisi0j, CoURT W eapeT, t �
Nvn last, be natnrally expe te t b:6 repairqll to
C)n up with stea-11
onWednL t
e rom�jpresi ed. Mai OBNO
be before udae Toms. There were anly turned out half-a-doZ64. m llionvre� nd Tu solay 111st. Judg Harris; Son & Co Bruntf Ord ; 2' 1 ni-u a municipalities. *0' appear 'g' here ho� heard of two sisters, Vb
lal nat are, es. Whether he1jight of the Verity, Francs- liaving been duly notifieft on ti Mother h:Nd died a shoi 4. tima pevious, latest improved putt et ruiwiu.,�
thvee or fou"r cases 6 a tri.vi ependent FU �- —On; t Ball's Of goyd lie is in a dozen. ind 0160'" W. H heari g? the evidence Itul
01 R and, upon 11 _);e(t U
Z:3 n rather is
is unfavorable son or t�wn 3d, 0 ohn Ja h and whoi were at the, time. -order. The factory
Hopor far "on- I reverjl�% One evil Ispo e d PP hiQ Buckeye," J � 1 0 without. which came befare His the f uture wil Istb lnst�, Ile gold -with t faj�til �y, will be
es fild o
hey,,were -nearly all nt ..remains to be the fild o Adatli son, Ltioan. adduced— al straitenecl. circuipstances. pAiqkl�v at this
_sjd�xatioa, but, as t -W record of tbe (;Ou yl A . p�r�os r it I Johason Rei I o order tb at. the sai I appeal be l' epaired to the placeof t4eir price w3d ft
e time of the Court ww OC orian rerfsandctt 'hairmtirelyl ,p- ` Id mediate y r Or n the prL1'JUi,4eI, to
e A3, Rea
Let us ho fitture li� e pers.—Ist,
ed,. th Socitt, in 11 J , qualization.
contest seen. p I I , I I be extent that t he. er havin- seen either of Oemp es. "d, lowed to t
f I! cemes instead of h atterson v
-cupied for the entire clay. series 0 i[ f one of his 0 er, ]�aiieraon Brothers, P �bode,. (nd 29"
may have a Off e t, -ctive assessin ants of -the sev-
rev6rses'to record a W that the, f uturip I me&t-1 JohnZn Reaper," Thomson & of the respL bef ore in 11 JiS life,) and proposect" to' the
�RTING -A enera ties remain the
d: in' !in URM -7 . 3d, 11 Burdick Reape era Towriship'Municipal she FARX FOR ZjkLF, IN oo.D David Dorreace, f P6 lia sisters whom Jae met, bu
G publishers, while i and ad ierent!; o nis, *tchell as shown b the -Law. anj 1, first of t1le
f tb� ier4bers Iie4x - , at
ne and tford 4 1, same sa; d By nit. sj,, co aiub�
a specimen n y sed him. 11,,e ten ditt, SALE, Lot �1,
Of ".N1,cKillop, has left wii;li iis ar s�d in fort.V i ' flatl� reW FOR may likewise be ino ell Bk ssell, will be b!616 Harris I Sou & Co., Bran atio of tile respective I
11sh n
i'fall wheat which for length of head 1'� on Reaper,". Thomson & il- h t the U-jualiz to the se�Dnd, who hecepted. 100 �Ir in grace.
C. ilities.� of
0 superioT, to tliat u h on ThurisdaY Jot] _assessments of the 10unicip. the i-riage were in�de,
7 0 an- plumpness of grain is r. AcciDE61! TO P. ly, J)w iness 0 liams, ilitebell. Yillages 'of Clilitc) preparat one for the ina watiou; the balauce in i9o0 gF M&CDON-ALD-� A gust n, S Lf rth, BruAsels
an thing we have seen this year. ac-! i parta t bel ore th and.s=oy after they were decl�xed trian iana; also leric
ort a serious cwta roug n. of Goc -li,
-as that the speci mea W e reggre- o ave t P and -Exeter an d 'now livina togother -the I&Tm; log buildia 9- 91,
d the TON )a il
1; " Law,
aid B ue w ; all ar(
lc� e ing ull P, ptdm� I i Avitlan 5 iailLt; of lic�
D rrence infoms is in loll a X _A; " be red -tlley1ad -h is 1)0, farm i�
to Sheoff, Mae. atend ance� vil by the s n and contented if whir, -aa, Tho
wown is a fair sample 6f his entire xop, ,(tent whi me. as sho) as happ Within I 'Dili
0 __ I Ad as follows : The said Tillage of Clill�
pp 17, . i as happ,
last from the -ef - Sired. C. forth 6 of Clintoll
9 yield nearly 40 dbuald on clues YI ) . I een co rting for ten years." arm; Chee
d tha lie wcpeets it t Ili! ball player, P, n S.ehowl H. e -,vithilt 4 -ro, I-, of the
e He �sE JBLI.-:-Our b� the said I b u, , U
h polssest�dt . 9i"
it - 0: 0 ton f rom. $300. 000 to -3 18 000
I Listoy�
he sliels to the acre. fects of
b at e.
-b cemeter: the day i rd ra th J� All from 1$9220,VVU U Fo fu
A ques we r badly beat' I village of Sefo mz fter blL rtb r. im
was at t
his: jam last Frid6y he greate4�1 diffei Ince w T11 on t
I ily, �T Villagei of Brussels -upply to THO)LIS 11A 3011
Un some me f ors Of the sai(I
FFs�rlv,%_L�—We der- tion with 1 1,;132,000 CARD -
h arriage 0 e�amllle 11111 AI S! I
IeE cp � � the uistowe 45,00(1 i; itlie said V il- Mi P.
;'the b At in es, or to
I tl- at the ladies of St. T Mae, nd. alial om 81 from $75,WO to $ MISS TROTT, having glTea up business ill SeA*
s.1 nc j, ;ed fr t ho ed: ood p ay.
aae to players icei ta* y sho CD
ice cream, t, d 'tha the c.arr lage of Exeter from $100,600 to $66,000, forth, begs to recon imend to hq miw�. 0116
C barc inte-nolgivi"Ll an rocing diftere cc wl-,i,s not by any sox -AorA As F A A4 F011 SALE.
X 6 where biel� Would the fiel4, the ell 4 from $600, - towers Miss joij i , as
Thursday even- drive rou id to the. �A the said Town of Goder the),,, sho-aia thei 4.1 iluilett i 14�) arr;
\1r. Kidd's fla ry : ich to y confidence willplim L�T .5, i his ap- nOt4er thina W: hus ever, I -
__kugst 7th. ente meet the m. "eans so g."ea,, . A Ito$360,000, e total eqi red. pleat�v of The ain He d not make 0-4 000' making ore or less, 60 vcresc
i�ig mext, rs c u b 0 Said Collut i favor her with theL,,r custObi. 41 -alland ri
,in af te ri�eatly, a I 1 0 10, P, V. �r. ime OcuPY anil the noirtnbranel th
inst the Bru se' y 0
ti�-ent will be made up pf ma§ic and read- pearance as promis, d ag 0 0 0 ize4 assessment. of the Miss J:)HNSON' will in the meant of
ol to a wi a ball, _Z1 5 �1. thr,)ugh th 1$ wre 111811 ; 00
wi a good supplY, Of ice cream tinie the alarAied and that th �y IG for :the said �1 Earl the Rum of the roonis lately o�cupied by Miso TJJOTT.�
ings, and, so -me y 1- Plastic in s pr,w2i--tor,
found 6ey be m to a mouc,� Seaforth, July 24,1873. Le _�um $13,708,;, PIY%n the preinuie
He w4s c` J13,190,000, instead of it me 0 and coolm,g drinks, willoe ily Wlae Went i arch. of ivE, the score 1 290
seu4ible, but O�c, elow. we a
ferke -,,,I quite 0 shown by the sa AtIre
draissim 10 1775,- as BUGGY
ceptable this hot Weather. beside 0 CD CD FOR SAI.E.
t limselfJ 'It LISTONN EL. e., Z�,:;! 0 tZ
a. ily unable to, lelp I ELs. C) t tile respective I a uefit
cents. Ilefreshime 0. F; 0 And I do order tho 'FAR
.nts extr I CHEAP, for cash or n time
who 0. 1R. VOR VOIR SALE-
Jngi over th felice a.1 Kidd.., Isums mentidn ill th sai�l BY -Law as -,a quite tvo
pears that in geW C] ed Ile single BGIGM has notbeen ru
-ead, in. Nr. Ferguaoi-.� ... 2 W. 4 3 al years; to be seen at'Dr. Chalk's blirk housto F0 Lot
For si weial i� ights hi �11 on his equalize(I M-67 of the sevei "R SALE ofSIGUT Ri 1. Fergasoa ....... 3 ..... .. assess co board broke an, th! 11tallihIg 100
4 4 the said. I purhey. Apply to C
alit an midi ight, et een 'the sho Iders '13 1 Armi itro Township dunicip i.in ng his spine b sho 4 Ce THOS. MfLr,,LLA.1,D- ntk-c�re(l and iu a 11gs on. 2 4
ve The'tlml)et land Put) be' ween 11 O�GIO raly�e 1 2. J. L11 "It, mentioned i -`3 4 i been.difturb- �s'Z_h a MIDDer aS �04 ompletely pa il, Haini [toil._ y ino: he sums 4
t, �0 I i I Vhe, quiet of the villa,( e haF More and. do�dfrby ........ 1 5 Count
y. As there i s a brii!k 1heu t%c N1, it h kitcheD; A
d int of ifijur! o, to the said i m; of $13,190,-
oung men an deigh amountin -SALE. -1 Uer Ile
e1d by il� mber of y V4 FigI 4 .(�J- I ] R kAP ER - FOR bank bai-il 70 x 40 ali4all
was Con- m the whole I a I
lootin and, s.istatic ws suitirdo i ,It T! honison. 4 4 775, be: Zbe equalizati ah -O, go(l
lads his b.dy.below h C ing ........ 4 4
d * ad he�
ap, Main s reet, e the I
romeam y 0 1 - 9te-1 rt, M SE0ONI)-HA.!ND REAPE R Ot the St
P I Is dical attendant at '2 . Tliomsou.. �2 4 5 co" I ament of the said. C�unty for the A`�.ttera,manufactured by B �13PLLI for sale building,
'Jelling like dernoas. S can- veye M 11 0 tb)nough the iailn, auh. Conda Ll Ionic. H' 0 r
. tret on.. CD asses
ur, I i , , I mein� sai( year. heap. A4)pl-y to the ax lot
0. Hill.
'ive many
o t t coolld 3 rici-guson. 4 0 0 tn(�atfe ini it, bnt, on the coutraty woul 1E ully str g consti- C7 b
letter, mil r0,, fr.
bated at Chambers 'the fifth day bf ficid Road, or, if' t 'or,
�t ;Ossitly do any gool to thos who first did ii
. dress;
dls-. days, but his Total ...... ... %27 ........... 27 87 JG 0 tieulal-. apply; he Prop
" : : . an 294*4
-u a er,pf Fill . as U pi d CD 0 CifF IL
-an- P so f nd there I'll re &� T'
creditabl;6 to,tbem. aid ex6,eedingy tution has kept hi July, A. D� 73.
may out for
noSing topeaceAoving peolk 13 it is a �tio tig, Sc)rer. 1§AAC F. Toms,
e. a prospect tha �ave ent Lre sa
no injury generally Wden. the C� TEACHER WANtE certift-
8by 1. In plyed bet J11nior County Jlidg, 01, 0outity Huron. t discontinued, Ch. —A gam letCoustabJe some. tme.
ic, , m. 0 ussEls P a B ev ale club ay
a rait lu s on aturd bd . I I TARK OR
T-EACHE; holding a 2d or, 'TO
upon them, ab'ut the fifth day, A �1� _03 .0 'T,
M I, new ted
likely make _e 0 Id I cate graute�j under -.the
very I tal carri n which t Il S��A-L`E � R T4): Rl")
_e I he Sher- 13LO k. Lot 8. re shal btu C3 = t I ; theValton Pu School. Duti64 to cOl Fo�
gorae of tbLe6,e nights, but the iron cons next, at Brissels. CD 0
set dise4se. at deft- Ariplieft
F[OWip Obtain tho names ICOUNCIL M on the 18th of Tugust next. T 100 f -xhii:4 art� vI(ax4:,Ll and the irouble to 1) e is t 'als tote addressed to ROBER 1,;kTTI ures, So 0A Nvell fvuced. ret kield. ds 'good Cultivation,
guilty parties d publish, them. cc, though it list ultimat vel Rba testimom
an an rhe 0ra HObard's P� 0.
underst nd in his Council, met in M Secretary -Treasurer, Walton 9004 fmine barn wGOAIA, "flitable bhe4i*
Mr. Macdo i lio I& _81i6r of th Exjmhop 'D -Q Lakelet, on'tbe 16tb orcharti. wt.n aterea; o
lily, pursuant to 4
Palt,ridge, a' e pos- CA t-1 TEI Fran 79thlyear,yet (N #enofa I w6etinm it
it Me th adjournment from las PR
L a hery are
family left Seaforth, fGr Gait, aild vi is. many DEA -R, IF �;Ougll InRes� froyA the vWi
The "leeve in the chair goaa gr
bers all present. Pr taliplowea- immelliati? be
with his sess, his' acti4 I lea& the six 9`4`9 "
7 y we I your 601 rn na, Jo c� enti on 0 f the WANTED a : ecent'Or to �hurch. cc eafOrfil. nt the 1160111t W e Much rearf f i cis !through' It the 0
on Satarday last. rien to See to 1-4 U utes of', last4neetincr were the Canada Fresb3terialf -
L wb Dse duty it i., 1 when, the mija e furt to the pro
89 ddre" herpmiiillA
prope ;0 ZP
O Air. Px1tridge. ure, join u� in! �6gret. at 1he'untow letter from Ron. [shing to siogy on t�hll Nvill �R the prmigesor P� 0.
departure 10ads, 0 W read and approved. him. — he re pariiig '276
are s f tb County 91 a vc to to L, son 'Seafortli bebitid,;him rd accii]. Plhas, befalla st� mii�cr The sul'11 h to D
Oct �ellow, who lei, ent Wlii Win. Cayley was Tea( sh( t f Our Weeks
90 1 to th a 08 � impassable �te c f the the nex
here many wairm frielAds. As a P160 -to -It is- well h nown coming to Howick an I payable accord- D. V� NVILSON,seeretbly,
.9 Beau
which he 0 ing to the Mugrapheir, the large bu��iness at th �t this road (., mrlonly: Loan Fund Act. Seaforth, Jul 17, th is the best recoiii- ys that tb ipa.-t of AVA=_kBL1, i le paper
Sa lars I," is av Mr. Jell mexillo
has built, up in 86afor Pic�-,. —A
gr�ce is,� uo
he. �6 Cranberry ;Ossou Ilespecting nsrcin's claim for ST.
-1 We k ve no ainefdrth iightwhich calleo] t, LOCKET LO
ii leould have. o compensation for iiijury sustained by favel road t; ol
r serio
In gold 'hi3 ab lity as 'y I .
of -the reE idents land 1 some 3eisons Of the yiea oh, a Urge
that No Day, in (16deri iibboli oubt, iowever, but this a9mas W,1-11 wateri-d unil iv4ce,, with I
f anhis genuih. ans, o aiket aged b3 ovex flow of water. coming in c' tact wit h. a log on the road I T 09T, Delai io
daily nieets.theyieN P 0
an rtist, f pedestri�, 0 ; JLJ Locket, -%Yith hair eielored sud tn-ee
e aff a&,b ity th� vicinity of Ile In I LGth of April last
in pair -
Lf t?4.ken ediatel and re at IV, roxetex, oil the and defec. y r, attached. The filrder will be r
,%in for 1-iiin Gat, and front street, I-wlkere pigi, young S mov k110 and orrhr Q. I ol 1) 4
chractec will S e 11111_1h� axpen�liture and throwni f rom-his �agon, it wa it at the E`,POg1TO-R office, Seaforth,
arowl about with- cc tz cc I JO Sao
oly:&s large bsines s in &1W old; l4rge all ed, does not requ tlUe good And termt� eas 1�or fq�thcr pal 0 i! S nii p: ii as s al ;S but,;0 �Wicy_aiiis� seconded b
er law! to put it in good dnolitio y M r.
10 he has left in 8eaifarth. out respeet to or any'oth to
'nds OL -t of, Gibson, tha we cadd, WANTE 1 s ' Itba road, but ed by M o nothing'in the BOYS
But there i� need case in some Aher pa! to r_ hing to WAN -TED, im)nediatelv
he Co licil has not Ill a eiLfortli, three
throl-who -STEAK SA -W XiLL mTb I demorlized to be cut qulod IT(Biq - g(l)
e �outrary no sHau canwe ,
to th matter that the Co to lwa
Lit Alle'
;d b o 9,
—Farme of defining one, or two not 111,0013- 1 0; V10. as 171 Works, S -akin t
-ith f ll, v.ari ation hold pitch ho es') b do in +he e e—Car Moved by Mi 1,the Oarriage 51 bu4 streeU, for in when 1(
'regg, that I
us 16ealit6 31 the brute ere up into
I C-cunty re now busily-'etigaged. to Lot �)4, Con. 71 Al, U
iaf e
JO VIta.,ml -w th pol TOSIL .ey,haTve!5t. Boh- cro ival'�nrestricted. if there is Sider ib e traf q c on� the roa i is r- Wig(rins, seconded by Mr. G
o preferred.
'\J oi
Arh eat nd lArl Ps high earn 11 is se%son of the 3, ar t w 11 cost Al r. i -rison, P_ L. ., of Clifford, 1?e 290 A. J.
t 1;h* I Libo, 1�ovv(tver, is very -an� efficacy hila-pund. we Should be ex- say a Itwo gooa lP1111 b"
laboi to rel ir it. 1. eftrill!e�
I employed to furnish ; L survey,� description whirh snlip y th1v
The olie-t
smi=, but althouh a cofisiderab] e (Ira vv- some dang0rou WANTED
_mely gi t6 -c exemp s culverts and plan of. deviation of road across Lot
art is not qu,��l force to Ther-aare also loe
il; with e ich toY to learn Te
and inzonlreiiience, this -w same rematks� .4 P No. 21, Con. 16, an, of mac on e
hinery, Se�,fortll. Fr u et of these
on ro�ad, fro' the state of wb r
so schverely felt in. this era tile A M �inel aialsfe ' d all thei te A T
anger some Pa ha�,-e ust tran an cessar documents
a t ie County from Af essrs.. Inrar� all (1 it bei
inlden. times� whi the who) e of the nimals- str -,round, str,
1, , su (1011d, ph all pppOS RT.WAR
�� by hand. -The 0 1 1 that our dmag rk had to mia,lit be led e conc usiq FIVE DOLLAI
NNIO� I nt or. bZ; J S2 0 a n d I ge I as Pig pastures will b, to) accoulif understood, that Mr. Ingram get 01 P�Sou
-wracre% paid to harvest -hands ran , f rom streets were, t open 0 - be pid-A to . the ED -,cc to such matte's ? Wbeie Mr. Stock S15—Carfed. - Accounts Tell- 1 al)ove rewar(l will that Vill 11 13,a to
25 to ,�- aild from. $20 to -rather than, f lbasilless PUT oses. Ne duty is itto %Vho will give inforinatioll
by I
gdnoer ?9 me of the tent -lever a good arni, 4,14111110se
FR a
w prollib- is our co.,kin-tv -s.—Plobert Govenlock "L\ I c K dered and ordered o be paid Richard conviction of tile pftrti�s wli� aole 1, 1) the
nth, according to the OaGieliey beieve there.i� 1 - ltriy( I]baif Of lilt 115 t �Pl ��3& - Me 0 el roacl f pild Shold .1 James fGr repairing Scraper�, Rich- open -face silver watch fro4i lily bc,1-1*0 t1a
m �nni beneqt of I SA of tile, labover or tlLe lie itii)- t1yese olu�a�lruped`s fro graN Peter Dou Aas, Berne J. imillie 'I)
cesj�itj of the g at J Hot 11) Brassuls, 01 aerp,,50
-wit is:13dedecL rd Ross, for rep4ring sdrapers, .$I North American e ItIlved, and ill' ld
Wheat and barley W"I and 66� municipal '4utliol'itie�' fall to HaY, =d 110 TuiWersmith.
1ployer. le C A_SJOS�kfl. I Robeit larnieson, f. culvert oil Lot 0, With em. e i N0 T --------------- 4W— used, ;Bzd new 10.* .0mbp
ll d H. vi, -2, Uil
6P at or
C 110 V-hei� peds. aud Oats sh, or r 293-4
scarcel b ould either o
y J 1 00 1873 Con. _26; John Day,85 yards of t41
to hav� -hichare aAei Wroxeter.
will require attentiG11- In m 'I cc a� ly gra 12min a'. gr -A vto Tolia;
vel at 6 cents pet yard, $5_ 10!; Wm. HOUSES AND LOTS,FOR _fMn the vij.1�1.,
Of. b-gini.iina to 1b e their Lot, )PS letter is worse; h no la5v h, -E BALL.—& game of base all was these or( tncl if tim present at all Zuric Hare, balance for -�ering erosswq;y on I 110use And C011VUlitent to el
S&LE' a Brick I age and st Robert Strect,
(yrtwil. color already, miy will be hur- jAa ed here on the 30th int., )etween sidelines:5 and. 6, Con.. 13, $13; FO faeiag the Market hi the vi Lrwirl, OIf-ii. r partiell! appi
(,ran 3nr, rjre(
N1v,ENTFRPR18F_—TheAL1 ssrS. occupied rge a Ph'eor n
Weather cantiatie, old th I Galloway '41T1 au
th if,.—" The buticit met. th Doncasters, of Wroxeter, e jortb, at pres nt if by .1
ugh wit h eir hav N, in process of construe- gradhig ion- Lot 14 Coil. 14, in good ral iri op
enough to get tho wing: dy (if Zu�ichy s, of Wiugham� The/Dc�,icasters The house is commOd-lous and tbuilaw)
ening lasi� Tile folio * I River, necessaTy 01 290*4
minenee their on Tuesday ev, sauble Union 8 50 Higai�s, work on sidelm,es there is a 9table and Other C
d Z3 ,, rX wheat in time to cp tion, at the inout] i Of the Of, 46 t) 33. 1 - B4
�Zfi � bef ore accounts were 1 Ordere I to be paid'.. -new' -earA barge. we e victorious by a score 5 and 6i Coil. A., $13; Samuel Blc,",,, with a g9od well. Also, a Frame Dwe J10no
ill be some tim yel q8 n dl as from Zuj ich, LT the se: 1001
0 a ta's; W fori work on AIT, IFN ert On sideline 10 , (I I I, �-on. B, I nud Lot,; on james-street, 1181, ol It St. Thomas Darwi ARTNEr.smJ?.__X ater, ie an and other aea( n 1,110 em
ither a-lidp, a, '01 Lot .NO. 11 in
Oil -or ises
John f ters, I ]r con pr iences on the Prem
wheat Will be ripe, f work A large 111111 er of are "'lo 'i at to cu v Th is�hsrd andsoft-watOr MT
2611 e: (d: of the machine shop and foun(plry, $4 ; John A, Smiih, culvert on Oidelines 'er Both 0
it is liansualty- late this season. streets and tb e vessel will soon be a, e!n,
plac nllr f 4r work a just entered W s of Ifurdn sidewalks 8_ at Mr. Grardy has of his place, h 0 part- 10 afid'll, 'Con. 16 .$14 50 AdLam, be Bola cheap,. Apply to rt
u iderst Lnd Sedo culltivation;
the farme oil sidei6lks ani 7 ng on o9ricession lineo 14 ald'! 290*8 For WOMY., years )sesa� witness in WP jf�jlf�rth� Ir. Jagcrojof 09h wa. A Scott gradi ; i
ct Of bash oil the-'. xiership with a A Mile. rom.
ountiful, a barvest r�h wo large tra:
-N)t had go 1) ap The 1ravera. JU. Pu 11. L o u h e -
have d almos entire- Reeve P
prospects depen
Z 6
. L-4!- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Z.11 --v
V- '7----
AtGTISTI, 1873.'
T HI 115,$35 50- Charles Ingram, road- d wi.
ation, $20 C.'Stook, rowl deviato
SIT to bmve Jago tas had consider.able:
�t. Sa,�ble Rive3r, ch he intends ith the JOB
reeeiivd and; olwood eme ill C04nect�on w Ar
spector's mport W a, into 06r lie may Cal late On!1 $15 Mr. Morrison, Surveying, &c.,
husbi �alnt a the e, the put
on tb e iela of the, was granted lie oe cut down and J*V L)T-k style. I K. �41cl,eod, Supporting nat Indigent er.
oste th n e t
rn, to ha ing Wor -very b (I by Mr. ib.
f4f_.XV05, saf ed W. T. F th arried � in scows t6 the
we may mber, k done in the,very b
peirances -this year, Fos 61 and 111 81 Move
e known as em to De
forhis tave NFal convey tb isiness i Bolinwo daYs,
ic� a lively and rofitable ,season; 0 bate, vhi h tends p4shirig
a t c
Tav6m. petition of A . 'Armitage, t0- I y Mr. Wiggins, that the
a troi and 0 Son second6d
haute n ther� laces on the lokcs, for TILe new fi:rm in olry i, opera J
traae - ar� having the foun I ste(,.t (IQ fuTilisli the ("lork 1 be-
usiness for our, merc al ead, d 0 Bebool tru
speqting sidewalk from Jarnes'&106t to
en generally. act, %vas granted. ina ket. tion at, aii early date.. tile 15th �of Augwir,, the amou�ilt re -
fore N,
d for their Oh
DISTRICT MATTERS- Lot,46' Chilreb. SIT,, S ools—Carrio-A. Mov
ing Match. quire
The. eap Mr. Wier,
us.—The newspaper 'j�jessr8. Ki wr, McKillop. lecondetl by
So J�LtNy or, ed by Mr. Gre,
m r
- ----------- E W uW tile auspice.
TnF, business in this County see ill run- f the Seaf orth. Foundry, reapi i 4 ell un. at John Wi a, son
S F_ _JV- e leara that s to be .—M B. Cluff, til get $5, fOT Tepairs
1,ji(ELY TO RECOVER i :- � I
haVe in the W-, have -ilreadY IV. Tie & CIO 0 of the fluron. armers and Mechantcs NOT performing
Messrs-BEATTY &CO. merchants, will inor to seed this year- just- adhed -0 their machinerY a en while I statute
usse held on Tuesday last, NvLloli,,tcl;�herlegfracturedsomtt Q,%gO?1iofplow.brok
-course of a day or t, in Wingba This certifiec athmaster
"yo from Montreal�a large �nd Br have r n I by the p
n burning iron. As 3o.6atio but slight I opes ar �abor, and
tr of imported Wials- and Liquors, T011". newsp�p�ars fine ew 14the for I .y ill, and
-m-n- --f -
Uanti few week one will b' le them to: do on the f arm of TIT. ames Oke, towns lip is still ve, w -plow and got pr6per usage,._.
e j for con-
j,lj�d Goneral Groceries, whi0t tb* will be while in a e Wil enab The atteild- cnitertained of her reco'vc"Y- to be a ne, A
8 )f new madhin I
�jngars a great dm -1 less than they Exeter, and the magnate. wo which before t�ey of Usborne). n tir Exeter. irong tc —Carried. Moved by Mr. Gibsou4 IC
alyle to, sell at price sued from ny kinds of dering the busy 84 itution! is � not sufficiently B'
ng I L -VIVilour,
same goods, for. be(ol*o. I'M"- 10 si-11113e. it has I eeii alwe Of Stect ors, consi. 1. bed SO r. Weir, that i the Cleek be-:
have c'Ter offored the isty themselve LuGknow are putting forth exertions 1.1 ld not undert _e. 1 11 e showing withsta4d the fatigue of lyi onded by M.
Chasers will i a sat .1arg
_19 well to call an ;�ariaiehaars secure for their vilia,�b. a similar, diat 0- Coll working orc�&, it has seas"011 0 e year, was uld b L to get 21 copies of the Line
At. set up and, put in hich the farmers of the t her time of life it WO instriicteo� e
of the fact beAore going 0-I'lewhere. expect WrOX.1 'The piess- th -1 interest A long as
e winter we mployed. re is effect, e d i ence Act; and 12 col)ies 01 1icens Act—
sealorth. Befor constantly E F
11 these matches. The I n �,cessar �fOrO ell
Block, Maiu-stIreOt bee n
ae Brucefield, BaYfield .4 id will sooni Tender nec. Co: unty take Tied. llov�d by Mr. Gibson, Beconded
Bluevo urE Of Work essrs. morrison Car'
t I or In
C* er pi 19 91. ec c. f the atoh was as SALE, Op CIME.9B.—I the audited accom be
ent, of Gostiell 0. s , '1ch, And -tb e as 8 OZ ina Dund set' Vier, tl�at ula,
r er tiler - a tioll o' byMr. V , its
A FiN.;E 48sortin Zu. several othA CSSDry still fur Ad. - got in the County. TI of the Wintlarop Cheese Factory, -roved ai4l. f.
atihe Id lie 100 ctrOies d
ri�agllah Hair Br 9, just in at HicicsON's Drug aild pro OUS villages of the Cou.4y, gcod as coul accepted and a, )p I
er ebinery of various,kinde.' ripe, was in ry good sale of chee e a felff V1 - oR 19 ALE 12 -LLDP-
and Crockery Store. ut � its wee . ........ grain, Althou " I a little too' i*ade a vel the abstrao�T, jrinted Carned. Moved
will eac be. sending'. 0
7 Tons, b1tick, d for cutting. It was Of S Ila -They have sold. all t ieir Jul. a ti-rru of v
-i RUBBER Nursl al. These, in addition to the NEW, t1-ELEG-&Al% 11- good conditio ag fo�r byt dect by Mr. Wier, OR'
INDT ng Ap e are I I cheese o Mr. Thoina Mr. Gibson, SecOn SALB 101 -
Pt arrived 30urn ess, all standin& and Of s Ballamyne II�ato 6,11.
1 . - -1
l,ucitro ina fancy- e g, aph al n N o-
apei , ; - ' I this Coll: 61 adJOurn to meet at 14r,
-1. R. Bibs, &e., will -probably koe eve# thic 6 eese Art.4 the
in8ifitin-1 Of
establis4ed pi fol!med that the Dominion T e ma or pound price 6�
_91u )ly well B were four singl This is a� ood Belmore, on the thir& (b baJAW
atHicxswN's Drug Store. rigth. ere cents p It ' i1i,U) Wal-flll; 1r -It
of Huron toleral ntend to proceed at once lih fair le Anderson's R6
-the people y I eo combined competing, I al ad ere( it Jing gIs0d Nh
�Acdord- plied wi�,Ii . new er literature. �:!s ComPan ew line alOng !tile take cl ines owd' able tc tb C f actOrY-' 4ugnst—Carried.
ncertinas &t6�e �Of �al thia erection of a 11 jous macbines I Wednesday lill OWS log buil 4irr-halzI I
'483, C 0 , ell- I
FoE. V I 9Xe"dg1e& ol e r 3ay T e work done by the var d and 1� �I)otl t) I I
J 0 course, the new.. GEoltoir, DAN 9, Clerk. fence '4ir t-�rll �xc, opply t
aliv, g fro Sarnia through The 'ira- t r. 3
eons,, Italian. violin Strings, of finest (111 shore, north dine, to could h LrpaSSect- 11111lett, inmen,mg , o ben -,ill by Ielt-r, pro. I
Oct to establish illeir fleid Goderich and JUticar ardly be si:
It ,,on tb
to E;. Drug§tore these p�apers eXp en made in opri, �.)i
P A. N
,ceived and ado' e.
rd L UV
I lice
�nam e
e t
W' in
I Of
rhich have be t1le pt
oilet Soaps, co al ba�sis, 'love ents T FinsT OF THE SE 13ayfleld.
-a address Walton 11� O�
A LxPGF, Ass Tof T enterprises on a firm
LCh uld ultim�te-' Southampton. achini, within the past year is Pal
and ringlish these of the,`_)'e( nd COI 0*4
)V-alkinshaw, -su�, C� ill
ireaeb,Aud English. Also, Frei: their honest debts� a no much. credit oil, 46M�s CTIVINC, -up Bu m W.
r b!3,' T' theif Je)c - ay, uncy 8 irpn4ing, d reflects .1 ed his loc, t ' �Frr - A
Naii and Tooth t ALCCI]D dession E Ruilett, clinmenc. r a number of'
Brushes, 11aii, 10 pay Saturday last, I
Perfumery, COW y to rna�e Monp-y. . We hope. EtqT,-0 Oil Pickford, who has) fo
Brushes, �t R. Ima 1i, of 3e enj��arpTiS 'week, the FARM
sb,.P,-,qls Drugstore. II Charleswort of theManlifaCtIlTerS- F 0 R SALE.
ns M' ay be realized but Our Oats artin Aarvest On Thursday of last
e Mereant
ectatio son of Mr. e manuf4ctured years. done aln� extensiv ile busi- Z 'No. 111, 1 Wf"A
la 1, e Machin
hopes. ' We: �Iar a triis'oocasibn h LL;, oil. TO ill
__T"_The MvPOSITOR greater than OUT 01 t1is village, who was working at a -, clr- carried �off the �4thult- 4eld has determined to givei:� "1 1.3
0111RERS. 'The
NW_�V- SUBS ill see A 1, Martill)s plarling min. 1-y, Patterso Brothers 116SS �n Bayf 17, G WK
froi0a this datc. Taid that a year hence.wi oh BF,,-,TFF1T PIC -NIC AT KI-�qZURX.- t the 15th of Sept Fblii ; Con 9001110gr
Subscribers cular Saw 1H J --I A R we think deservedly, at- In ibou 0 el -
e�arna - *-,I i ailt: 1 f,
�o, re u -n -the sa 0
e 0 ra p L X Q, uesday as E b yo
is uOunty. Q- ic-aic held on it " ,
in�ny sickqeditors in th L n ne, )gets CIA 11 ot much difference aD(I yvith that object in view i .1 1 - -
Illitil Jan. 1. 19,74-t f or 50 coats - gOt o � of his fi I uglithere� Was in ber next, !!L� and in g6ON Cowl 11, g-!iud u7tsl of wattr.
^I rl P be itbl-e I. Al la6erated. th the cheese -f actory at Kinbarn, J
editors W, _Al� ff 1-i 4�-. u- �.nnlr -1 1� +1-.r.
may su-oge TWO Cro JU Be 116 W p1lj r-4, ayi�
cc d otlitr i,,.
gto AU
�hq&ld. ------ be -;ween the y. PObert�G. ittill 4, en
J?erhal ork done b t and. the On 6 has comm. for
& so� b� or the benefit of -Mr. 413 1)(W )aj.11,
% J OSFPR. RQDG , sickest about that ti So manufacUired premises, Or S&IroLt I
. ves
an& Strops, Pocket chj too T1 e day was
-rated Razor We, at t are re pa on OfTeachers. I k t e Second, 0 111r. —M. W,. Graudl%&s.
�61eb time will tell. eminently successf
S to, e e
&c., at lfrolcso-sls Drug StOrO, itchell. les ired and 0
ed for our fate Imination 'of P ublic.
it re "I omeon & 1, illiams, of M
ex achlues work very nearl is Pleasant as could be c 11 a f Niacrara, paid all official
z ca young ild i ter* Murr
ai PAJ�
YezDINN4 BOTTL odge, 1. 0. 0. F., of,
ES., Bre �Lt Pumps, Pat At th late 4 u bting both, r hundred people,'
Powder, and all suchlcPO Cho aoliers, I eld in Go(lericl , 74 'bou e ity Lo
ob a b whether a 'dozen or o t machine seemeq� t fou visit to OR SALEV
au r e ed School . e dike, but th' Patterson seem d. to culoy -PARM F
ent syringes, -Violet flourish where formerly S caadi- Ad, were present. All o Friday eveling last. .10,0 theTowl
H,1GKSo,_1,s, Drugs tore. ae4U04 -cla:sa and I L s0conc -Clas lay the sh aves more evenly than theI a . 1,
e third The Clinton, this I . compobed of
OE the ',0 advantagei themselves to theutmost. were in� at!' 14Jt),atres 4
tence. I'T
only a Beauty subsis put in vi appearance. slight P -r u er f the brethren of Tucktrginithl
Uig vil ge� and dates r8. It 8 also a Grieve, of, lar
.1 enterpris' -cess- )t he ming. bana assisted � by Mrs. the- meetin-Y and a very a 11p0,1,.vh1!h tht� ie
have on hand 4 whether a sme es 22 were an,. a are made after 11 ce at relleat lall , I
UIDS. -class can machine olodeon, discoursed t geujil �rcbar L lor i
& YOUNG a I te
0. town's t. B th i I
Glassward, t, b 88,60 fee and als, a
third di drg the- -ent,
Leadid assortment Of Crockery' one township, or parts of P f ul, o d, 2 were succe sf ul Seaforth, on le ng was sp
JUBO, Fresh Grc - -11 uook Ne, and of the'i at ern and if they were each '61- ers trip - eve� utormati
r erl I . I tes bbe sime pat 71 reE -pleased Urmsi
henware, Frait Tsxs, &c-'. CaA support4hatit -clas§ ud team I oweet music, while the picni, : . . which ul*v
c6rtifi in �Y, ou Lot
a Ob ined �,u 33kv]
811, tain, to
cerles, Wines ana Liquors oxntring daily'at Vex y Voun two h rd worked by the same operator a it Onthe liglit fantastic toe oil a Master exp sedhi self highly W.iLTE
third of a 1 0 ty to er-f odled. by Fidelk 2 ven'll. 13 REX-
.1 - arge drew, an the remaiiid ing to &cioI4 ed with the pr )gress MadA, jid To,%vn,$hip, or to the
lov prices,. I 1"h J s, fiR4 a !41�11- four wit it would be o pi etty. fine th int Co., Ont �AK
V * hich b ad been prep ir ed for the
erh�. atform W Ch good an st. Georgu F
ad -vice an
will rit for first- ar Lodge add gave M`u
moderate way, P -'-A r,,til 01 e aDDlica I L 1, + -work Thev
I y 0.1 liere as .7 W tile 11 (111 L I U
smallest qu, � no- There bad also De m a 11 u M,
tion., The ollowng is a list of the s' ?urpqse.. bich -will long :be reme
Fall ShOws- lo, of! the hie class. - he bothiood a�cll farmers Cali not fa truction, v
�t those who inf,
e preservPi ed, Both, TARm r -OR SAIM, 114 P1`CN=qF
dal;ee, with the $ )er of sm
n6ces tand lig of 7ings erect be m4t
The Provincial Exhibition, at London, from the saxy for th �pften b 6nd astray, Q, a4.ter 01 which they : k ance, or those,who be -red, arld will, undoubtedl
a borse has a dispated cessful V, +.I, i rrl -ClaBF3 I�A not care to, d :-1 4- 4-.bn Ynernbers. At the 00A. 4Zvt.F_ cheap., Lo 18,4t.
2-2na to, the 26th of September, mulas�y U. ecess V 17th a ent Abees- a few of,tha)no3t, Bu ellojoe. '-ThVB11Td1CX, ManUlaCuu" I" of it, :0-111d amuse themselves I Delleuc co:. ing acrf-t;; cle�xea. 19 Central Fair) at Guelph, On the 16th, point, the minimum , of nii c, tb e p SS mrl t a Co., of Brantford, ii a�s were tired elusion of lalor,'the Grand Master alad aintenance,%f umaj� life i.candida�esp 592 b 0 a oung folks I dulled �Q 45 wt 18th'O d sary for the m inveOiga dthis waY. 'Whild the. ber of thren from Clinton wete on Thursda� ax THIRD OLASS1 0111pact ngaged, the older I a 1111111 a4l. fnL
The SonthHUXOn at SeAfOrth, the s a Very neat, pleasantly e els of Fidelity lails frum od or This i were'thus the memb kg orelisra; the far.
has also b6p W entertained b
r Of October. 9. R11. 13?X Friday, th C6 inty 0 x. Broadf:)ot, BruceWd, 764. D Lachine, an d bq The Hibbert, fit Staffa on Tuogdav,'Oct. 7. his- yeai, k aqu al pleas- 1 E10 tvay; Withi
2ad and 3 d tion, but Ale embers of the party too, '811 pper, U'D in excellent 14ith, With .1 good b(T. tion-, the got 'One hf
TW 'this machine has appeare( ach other, Lodge at Ilf 3311 _)f Chul�ch an' �istowel, on Fn 10th OctO :1 eqtially d,iToul roxetei, 751 ie first tim erse with,
The ]�Jlma, at I rQn. l Davit Wilk" in social cony Hotel. This
re be ppl-V tl[� the dUsborne,athyeter, limond ich lodgerville, 74 audit had Many ad ymenfs of their style, at Co ereW 1)rjL�or, f,4n the
a on -articuinis a,
q pattq Muri ay at otir mate E it of Gran M4.
1 cd��bined Mae in St 8 r SeftfOrth
ad Tuesday, 29th and. Both Sept ers. 'Th' a werd Serve e A
The Stephen an emberp owest li;� tity,of absist will Robe Sea . forth, 7 hines of Messrs. nd iti watching the enio d Wath d Master
lilitonj . dn Tuosd 1Y a country-�4 e`v�spa tret Bmadfoot, 1juniors. R�keshment ay to F del Lodge, &i
-AU 'On, at C Ca Marg. 0 id -the i,mpr&-
I the
Nora Riding of R �rcrset t I est.... 31ifield! 725. Verit vals, olbri ng the (lay. r
Wednesday, Sept. 16 and 17. Thoul'as, ray, T' 11! M-ancistown, And Jackson, Of , I
X0 � 11 6;V- inter
and, n Wodnes- probably be foreye this w�, I as that of Harriet So abundance ion leftiby him on themQmbers wos
ss of mewspaper pu hill Rodgerville, ing b all
Colborne To ghip, at Goderich, 6 IsaeLla.,,OqLe, 720 Bucan was held in 11
busine" But combine I lin. the evening a clos rav e. FAR
r a ?Vo most f av Of Hullet
a� SeAforth, 7q& L not
day, Oct. 1. 06fluty had,, heretof ore b 0 all, wbicb was k(lp� UP with. -VORs-ILE, Lot 11, Turnberry, atWingliam, On Friday,� 06b. 3- Qeor�,e J imi es( d seei a Williamsh ve wou no tj -v r �hhh� n de eneral thing, i the fol- Ou ol
Blyth, on Wedneiday, Oct 8-� ably lucrative one, v Dandan Uanipt ell, �Viuthrop.l inach ConnTy in
spirit till the "wee am#.1 1�0 XE 11, itio But; g favor I
Morris Branch, , i n with so much (�OLISMITH's LECrURE IN W1 cleared Rnd ce ftoll,
-rush of 'com Bluevile. to be looleo. iaipo can- p Too mucb praise which (XA ; W4011 G. Du ff, farmers. as 811 lowinj� morning. 9 A T 1,
e of t at this sudden igie Ma- I—Aev. Mr. Goldsmith, of thi. er is well e v! e a can 10 m ittpe for the J. ChaDl high state of
—Th Ut C, the miajo ity 0
POSTAL CHA.NGF. the contrary has bee q k4n Graham,' Seaforth. rded the ture on P
110111 Jam fir,
pe rsons It 16,ould alm"St seem that the dellverwi a lee and underdx)line
Devon post office. townal callu mind over twen 71 augements th-ey age,
ty ,-ad made fo t -c lass frame-
rucefield. got Le excellent al in Witigha, ift ai& of t6e ivi-avation; go0a log 'Other outbuil
J-ga e
fi#een ybars fia 0 �aen e for cd�bin d machines ha ent of all, both I and'llelil.' n nshe nit
has been charicred to Ceii the last Thomas 1 the comfort and enjoym n4,- - -of the Presbytei is Weil wfiettred, 0, his C91inty-, past It is by many who prp- Clint:)n band are i building f 11 aintained good young rchm-d tl
am L -c ao--e toths
— in the printing business. .1 ung. The c)L
ane, es do old and 'yo Ing . _--
W village, on the eyening 'of ju.g three li'%"
een o th the single Machin 11 Church of ti, at, there�be
Ir. Foster, 0 e one h, Z, Bluevale. fes to I'm much pr&ee 'for their
0 TE L. —NI number, op m 1�iltblirl_ J from FoSTRECS H this' y Au rove'.A.T111strougg $ also entitled to Of -the lecture frc
and of all I :; f Mu. e t of t 1 Monday[of Weeli. house; 14 by good
tizens, has ii SUCCABf-ea ; all the rest, I better work, are ess liable to thoo jorthand 7 from ClInt0u; �url`"Uxlara
our most enterpriiing el CW, modgr Millig in CliffOtd- g t 6u f urnishing niu 3ic, (Wi
(if. them Joh: I t the generosity in iOgh., in l'intes remks We parLieUlir", apPlyto tlle.vre�
-thev t NIT. �Ul nd it F or fur
new ay din� Gorris. To m re conveilien , and thet V
&.djoinnina post rot all, of
building, e has made Aft'r Sp, repair, a ich the pleasure of the day 'Would many differ6t
er is not wh lisene d to- goo tL) et)nstauce P.
ice completed, and has O-pemed it as a e lose: 11 nnec- W id- �on,,U borne. Cos e se ed) gratuit- 1 have prietor on the preiui6L_
were poorer at th flill their Th4 )i a Single r(aper and mow ery much I to the one E, -cool
inmodation f. Dr cry iuch i Ygreater than that -of a have been v a�te all i lectures Ion 3ubject akin 91- 1 129414
that when Lying We el, where �every acco - 0 ia at ipbell, ando iso N P, ,hot' tioti with the Press, f u �. a Ell B t LC proceeds, To I
1103 0 bined n�achio e. ously. Th I cussed o1A'A,,ond,ay,evening, aE
he travehh" public is afforded: 'At the r s I t- I I -to ab t $8a 1 Which I FAIRM FOR $ALE.
t they - began. Ch tlo*I c0raw,,().intO"- e expenses amounted it th 9 t 910 Of' le old- r be sllicc�ss whili. has attentled ta to Mr. I free to �admit that we have heard but
rdoffered oderi -,h if -hich, Are cli- . are . d ull A
LT be very apee Aable satisfied both our i -on X iug:loo acres, 70 of' u Current rumor ha I Bel N6xv, d. will, 110
doubt, h It
c e
LUTIr. —Messrs. James 0. La d in'tbe 11tirou Ca Iieri�e KiAg, Gr of. the Association thus far, is and bp- of rE �t f Fo.p. D eat papers i Crittington, fan i; tItev. NIT, Gold ith's POW -
W. 0. Reid and A.. parentliet... , we, Would a. i OwIng in a:: great measure to the ener and sm goqd ta-e of 0111tivas.it, u, Jo : i the o fi - I to him. f illustfation are of a high order, tile -jiffiliardwood; ita-ge brick hoube; fmlae'
law -ff. Jac, for Sale an 1� Odl
t oh Tuesd ay ei go, ii�ious ol b y' ers o: gooa bealr�
lef L entli G I and persevernce. displaye is reason ng
Hally'. of this Village, here remark that g 9 in its behalf, and b th I ceptioable, h bara 50x;36' ReV, e Toms language u*ex. 1; )uiles liorth of Clirke, arolul B. ceis and directo, -JU. ,�) A
er basiness I Clinton APPeal-- ing orchaiw -%VLII Wat.1 e
-evening last ou a pleasure trip 'po Duluth* dee ly 1 1, lis. delivery fore'
-to engage in the �lread Ni �� gic -and I the gruvel
Goder'ch WO111d do -el�,to inve ese #g'e P41 ks, Exeter. farmers� and manufacturers are Decision. iqd 0 and within
They expected to proceed f rorii i I clear a f6rth, I J.) the pruplietoron:
Ge 1 His lecture wo well ire- - tkillarli �1,1, I
-X Pal
-a aise;Wwor I eloh t :a Ror furtlic
w f�: -
d of kiifg -., F I inclebted �ojthem for the pr an(l elo4
itoban. We *134 lished . �4 1, NJ) 1. 0 BTAIN ED le. pp the premis
estab concer IDAYES W] (Ig oms, cision I ceived la eciated b
ne -ano� T(cariou4 enter- sEco. ffdA C forth, and the tim The folio -wing is Ju oroughly y
and safe -return. w ef�brts they have put pleasant time their capital in. I �1 CElVrIF10J Es. M#4
�!�TH n estab of the Muiicipality��of
brii i I orwar these 'hey haveexpended in estab 1. in the appeal every. gne resent.!'
We i 1, and lab'or#
do not Belmore.
itxr�on, 10 Ll Assessment
IS'Coura e our Aislhing'an4 �maintaining ' ' 01inton against the Eq u aliz, YACT -Y
e I Jai�ies io FOR SAJX�
For c r the Associ F S
little circurnsta7aces e St(w4rt, Clifiton. condition. L11, uty 6ouncil L v 'Siaim--The Clinton TARX,&�D CH -E
en have been employed in t ii�,dert ings. I I I 6f the Coll 0 ndweeks past in youugi brethren in miners in its preient efficient
Board df'Ex, HE S'abscriber offeii tb;it C- ibiv *-ituAt`,d
iva hi�rd A s ItT ei on -tire might -r of the"Ilunicipality T ilks an: eixou emark th or of the 4P the following narrative wen cilitivated lown new sidem d repaii in thhe!. 1 1 this copnecti I In tho matt laying c Goodnoss knows, yl I ;ranted I I -tftwal o Irecall ce�tifidatbs I a for a convie difficulties to contoimpi It isi no ,mith, H: It. 11) Aerm for tIa
he walk on each side of ki t the obligiii� and'efficient Secretaiy, W I the village of Clinton, in the 'Jountl Of Haven, I a common thill
-old -oe. T is i Wor to get over—e a uces tc worry, by ijtte. Joun y SmilliZzits' entitled to tile thanks of th� I rom the action of the County C until Of the said '!m ar i ed, without any previous lac- There rc On the preuii%es 2 b 1"', 11
duri to get
I street has been renewedi ac Surmount' enough I!Fn note 'Ounty in equalizing the respe tive as.sesFlmOuts of wa-,
f Bo;irl- t'a4ers 'are i6quei ed alle withach other, but such *1 as sheil 5Ox5O, 900d frame 11()m qs condition. 'The C(un- 2 . ' �nfor the efficient manner -t- County quai
n& in them—wi Associati f the several mnuiciPalities in. the Said rrchard of lbli trke 3ust e.
hi, ra t el a, thout a wor 1� detra ti6n or 3T -Law 11 �ter, young
themsel We o nly sta S veg �ccorc ingly, IZo. 3 for Ing 004ple now re$id-
te this Ad c ormed his duties. the ca�e with a yol
way Pubic wich lip has p6rf �or the year 1872, -as shown by . bear. A school churchon .C_1 re dong we'll in the discouragement from ' I I County, passea on'the 7th da of I TS that a' Fur-tury Anil
1-�,ell known to certain rovemeitts this year. f f, The f 11ow* is a list of the prizd i 1873 of the saic inUi, toil' It appea i -the farm. nip tbemasmattersO af%1 If in il�ea j an tW aCrV8 Of lUnd-
11ru hov4s i' � e 1BOt: i coiisidere�d bimse
md'to:Tjustify ss�ls �1 awarded,� and the appeiided table s best, situd:t(4
Ig mql the people of the 0 Counsel: flar the Said establisiled'in tbi
ular, s at the�sudden. ix-; the vari Upon he of. a b.elp-reet,'and as his acquintane itting 0 Brussel6, Ago t lei' the E ade made by t e aring arp
Covuvr.—The re ion of 8 ;US points in, litiel PDAII)II., C apor and Jobli, plicants, f DIVIS10 ld in our express 'IT oi4d only po$j+oa N 'rint Pg 0 ffl or the Townshipf� 11inicipa gther limited hire, .10 t,%v 0 torie
io 6
Was e ;i(O different machinEs - I with the fair sex wasr W"sist Of a wah� I" -
a he,
Co leti. Ist. "Kirby i ere 411, nvo sfteriits, alla i-3 ttell'
n ourt the inroad of comp bit ad tile bus' as hold Oil and for tile Town of Qcricb, the re- the village of IditchelL dr�hi ase, m
'To Hall, Seaforth, asday J inesB IVisi0j, CoURT W eapeT, t �
Nvn last, be natnrally expe te t b:6 repairqll to
C)n up with stea-11
onWednL t
e rom�jpresi ed. Mai OBNO
be before udae Toms. There were anly turned out half-a-doZ64. m llionvre� nd Tu solay 111st. Judg Harris; Son & Co Bruntf Ord ; 2' 1 ni-u a municipalities. *0' appear 'g' here ho� heard of two sisters, Vb
lal nat are, es. Whether he1jight of the Verity, Francs- liaving been duly notifieft on ti Mother h:Nd died a shoi 4. tima pevious, latest improved putt et ruiwiu.,�
thvee or fou"r cases 6 a tri.vi ependent FU �- —On; t Ball's Of goyd lie is in a dozen. ind 0160'" W. H heari g? the evidence Itul
01 R and, upon 11 _);e(t U
Z:3 n rather is
is unfavorable son or t�wn 3d, 0 ohn Ja h and whoi were at the, time. -order. The factory
Hopor far "on- I reverjl�% One evil Ispo e d PP hiQ Buckeye," J � 1 0 without. which came befare His the f uture wil Istb lnst�, Ile gold -with t faj�til �y, will be
es fild o
hey,,were -nearly all nt ..remains to be the fild o Adatli son, Ltioan. adduced— al straitenecl. circuipstances. pAiqkl�v at this
_sjd�xatioa, but, as t -W record of tbe (;Ou yl A . p�r�os r it I Johason Rei I o order tb at. the sai I appeal be l' epaired to the placeof t4eir price w3d ft
e time of the Court ww OC orian rerfsandctt 'hairmtirelyl ,p- ` Id mediate y r Or n the prL1'JUi,4eI, to
e A3, Rea
Let us ho fitture li� e pers.—Ist,
ed,. th Socitt, in 11 J , qualization.
contest seen. p I I , I I be extent that t he. er havin- seen either of Oemp es. "d, lowed to t
f I! cemes instead of h atterson v
-cupied for the entire clay. series 0 i[ f one of his 0 er, ]�aiieraon Brothers, P �bode,. (nd 29"
may have a Off e t, -ctive assessin ants of -the sev-
rev6rses'to record a W that the, f uturip I me&t-1 JohnZn Reaper," Thomson & of the respL bef ore in 11 JiS life,) and proposect" to' the
�RTING -A enera ties remain the
d: in' !in URM -7 . 3d, 11 Burdick Reape era Towriship'Municipal she FARX FOR ZjkLF, IN oo.D David Dorreace, f P6 lia sisters whom Jae met, bu
G publishers, while i and ad ierent!; o nis, *tchell as shown b the -Law. anj 1, first of t1le
f tb� ier4bers Iie4x - , at
ne and tford 4 1, same sa; d By nit. sj,, co aiub�
a specimen n y sed him. 11,,e ten ditt, SALE, Lot �1,
Of ".N1,cKillop, has left wii;li iis ar s�d in fort.V i ' flatl� reW FOR may likewise be ino ell Bk ssell, will be b!616 Harris I Sou & Co., Bran atio of tile respective I
11sh n
i'fall wheat which for length of head 1'� on Reaper,". Thomson & il- h t the U-jualiz to the se�Dnd, who hecepted. 100 �Ir in grace.
C. ilities.� of
0 superioT, to tliat u h on ThurisdaY Jot] _assessments of the 10unicip. the i-riage were in�de,
7 0 an- plumpness of grain is r. AcciDE61! TO P. ly, J)w iness 0 liams, ilitebell. Yillages 'of Clilitc) preparat one for the ina watiou; the balauce in i9o0 gF M&CDON-ALD-� A gust n, S Lf rth, BruAsels
an thing we have seen this year. ac-! i parta t bel ore th and.s=oy after they were decl�xed trian iana; also leric
ort a serious cwta roug n. of Goc -li,
-as that the speci mea W e reggre- o ave t P and -Exeter an d 'now livina togother -the I&Tm; log buildia 9- 91,
d the TON )a il
1; " Law,
aid B ue w ; all ar(
lc� e ing ull P, ptdm� I i Avitlan 5 iailLt; of lic�
D rrence infoms is in loll a X _A; " be red -tlley1ad -h is 1)0, farm i�
to Sheoff, Mae. atend ance� vil by the s n and contented if whir, -aa, Tho
wown is a fair sample 6f his entire xop, ,(tent whi me. as sho) as happ Within I 'Dili
0 __ I Ad as follows : The said Tillage of Clill�
pp 17, . i as happ,
last from the -ef - Sired. C. forth 6 of Clintoll
9 yield nearly 40 dbuald on clues YI ) . I een co rting for ten years." arm; Chee
d tha lie wcpeets it t Ili! ball player, P, n S.ehowl H. e -,vithilt 4 -ro, I-, of the
e He �sE JBLI.-:-Our b� the said I b u, , U
h polssest�dt . 9i"
it - 0: 0 ton f rom. $300. 000 to -3 18 000
I Listoy�
he sliels to the acre. fects of
b at e.
-b cemeter: the day i rd ra th J� All from 1$9220,VVU U Fo fu
A ques we r badly beat' I village of Sefo mz fter blL rtb r. im
was at t
his: jam last Frid6y he greate4�1 diffei Ince w T11 on t
I ily, �T Villagei of Brussels -upply to THO)LIS 11A 3011
Un some me f ors Of the sai(I
FFs�rlv,%_L�—We der- tion with 1 1,;132,000 CARD -
h arriage 0 e�amllle 11111 AI S! I
IeE cp � � the uistowe 45,00(1 i; itlie said V il- Mi P.
;'the b At in es, or to
I tl- at the ladies of St. T Mae, nd. alial om 81 from $75,WO to $ MISS TROTT, having glTea up business ill SeA*
s.1 nc j, ;ed fr t ho ed: ood p ay.
aae to players icei ta* y sho CD
ice cream, t, d 'tha the c.arr lage of Exeter from $100,600 to $66,000, forth, begs to recon imend to hq miw�. 0116
C barc inte-nolgivi"Ll an rocing diftere cc wl-,i,s not by any sox -AorA As F A A4 F011 SALE.
X 6 where biel� Would the fiel4, the ell 4 from $600, - towers Miss joij i , as
Thursday even- drive rou id to the. �A the said Town of Goder the),,, sho-aia thei 4.1 iluilett i 14�) arr;
\1r. Kidd's fla ry : ich to y confidence willplim L�T .5, i his ap- nOt4er thina W: hus ever, I -
__kugst 7th. ente meet the m. "eans so g."ea,, . A Ito$360,000, e total eqi red. pleat�v of The ain He d not make 0-4 000' making ore or less, 60 vcresc
i�ig mext, rs c u b 0 Said Collut i favor her with theL,,r custObi. 41 -alland ri
,in af te ri�eatly, a I 1 0 10, P, V. �r. ime OcuPY anil the noirtnbranel th
inst the Bru se' y 0
ti�-ent will be made up pf ma§ic and read- pearance as promis, d ag 0 0 0 ize4 assessment. of the Miss J:)HNSON' will in the meant of
ol to a wi a ball, _Z1 5 �1. thr,)ugh th 1$ wre 111811 ; 00
wi a good supplY, Of ice cream tinie the alarAied and that th �y IG for :the said �1 Earl the Rum of the roonis lately o�cupied by Miso TJJOTT.�
ings, and, so -me y 1- Plastic in s pr,w2i--tor,
found 6ey be m to a mouc,� Seaforth, July 24,1873. Le _�um $13,708,;, PIY%n the preinuie
He w4s c` J13,190,000, instead of it me 0 and coolm,g drinks, willoe ily Wlae Went i arch. of ivE, the score 1 290
seu4ible, but O�c, elow. we a
ferke -,,,I quite 0 shown by the sa AtIre
draissim 10 1775,- as BUGGY
ceptable this hot Weather. beside 0 CD CD FOR SAI.E.
t limselfJ 'It LISTONN EL. e., Z�,:;! 0 tZ
a. ily unable to, lelp I ELs. C) t tile respective I a uefit
cents. Ilefreshime 0. F; 0 And I do order tho 'FAR
.nts extr I CHEAP, for cash or n time
who 0. 1R. VOR VOIR SALE-
Jngi over th felice a.1 Kidd.., Isums mentidn ill th sai�l BY -Law as -,a quite tvo
pears that in geW C] ed Ile single BGIGM has notbeen ru
-ead, in. Nr. Ferguaoi-.� ... 2 W. 4 3 al years; to be seen at'Dr. Chalk's blirk housto F0 Lot
For si weial i� ights hi �11 on his equalize(I M-67 of the sevei "R SALE ofSIGUT Ri 1. Fergasoa ....... 3 ..... .. assess co board broke an, th! 11tallihIg 100
4 4 the said. I purhey. Apply to C
alit an midi ight, et een 'the sho Iders '13 1 Armi itro Township dunicip i.in ng his spine b sho 4 Ce THOS. MfLr,,LLA.1,D- ntk-c�re(l and iu a 11gs on. 2 4
ve The'tlml)et land Put) be' ween 11 O�GIO raly�e 1 2. J. L11 "It, mentioned i -`3 4 i been.difturb- �s'Z_h a MIDDer aS �04 ompletely pa il, Haini [toil._ y ino: he sums 4
t, �0 I i I Vhe, quiet of the villa,( e haF More and. do�dfrby ........ 1 5 Count
y. As there i s a brii!k 1heu t%c N1, it h kitcheD; A
d int of ifijur! o, to the said i m; of $13,190,-
oung men an deigh amountin -SALE. -1 Uer Ile
e1d by il� mber of y V4 FigI 4 .(�J- I ] R kAP ER - FOR bank bai-il 70 x 40 ali4all
was Con- m the whole I a I
lootin and, s.istatic ws suitirdo i ,It T! honison. 4 4 775, be: Zbe equalizati ah -O, go(l
lads his b.dy.below h C ing ........ 4 4
d * ad he�
ap, Main s reet, e the I
romeam y 0 1 - 9te-1 rt, M SE0ONI)-HA.!ND REAPE R Ot the St
P I Is dical attendant at '2 . Tliomsou.. �2 4 5 co" I ament of the said. C�unty for the A`�.ttera,manufactured by B �13PLLI for sale building,
'Jelling like dernoas. S can- veye M 11 0 tb)nough the iailn, auh. Conda Ll Ionic. H' 0 r
. tret on.. CD asses
ur, I i , , I mein� sai( year. heap. A4)pl-y to the ax lot
0. Hill.
'ive many
o t t coolld 3 rici-guson. 4 0 0 tn(�atfe ini it, bnt, on the coutraty woul 1E ully str g consti- C7 b
letter, mil r0,, fr.
bated at Chambers 'the fifth day bf ficid Road, or, if' t 'or,
�t ;Ossitly do any gool to thos who first did ii
. dress;
dls-. days, but his Total ...... ... %27 ........... 27 87 JG 0 tieulal-. apply; he Prop
" : : . an 294*4
-u a er,pf Fill . as U pi d CD 0 CifF IL
-an- P so f nd there I'll re &� T'
creditabl;6 to,tbem. aid ex6,eedingy tution has kept hi July, A. D� 73.
may out for
noSing topeaceAoving peolk 13 it is a �tio tig, Sc)rer. 1§AAC F. Toms,
e. a prospect tha �ave ent Lre sa
no injury generally Wden. the C� TEACHER WANtE certift-
8by 1. In plyed bet J11nior County Jlidg, 01, 0outity Huron. t discontinued, Ch. —A gam letCoustabJe some. tme.
ic, , m. 0 ussEls P a B ev ale club ay
a rait lu s on aturd bd . I I TARK OR
T-EACHE; holding a 2d or, 'TO
upon them, ab'ut the fifth day, A �1� _03 .0 'T,
M I, new ted
likely make _e 0 Id I cate graute�j under -.the
very I tal carri n which t Il S��A-L`E � R T4): Rl")
_e I he Sher- 13LO k. Lot 8. re shal btu C3 = t I ; theValton Pu School. Duti64 to cOl Fo�
gorae of tbLe6,e nights, but the iron cons next, at Brissels. CD 0
set dise4se. at deft- Ariplieft
F[OWip Obtain tho names ICOUNCIL M on the 18th of Tugust next. T 100 f -xhii:4 art� vI(ax4:,Ll and the irouble to 1) e is t 'als tote addressed to ROBER 1,;kTTI ures, So 0A Nvell fvuced. ret kield. ds 'good Cultivation,
guilty parties d publish, them. cc, though it list ultimat vel Rba testimom
an an rhe 0ra HObard's P� 0.
underst nd in his Council, met in M Secretary -Treasurer, Walton 9004 fmine barn wGOAIA, "flitable bhe4i*
Mr. Macdo i lio I& _81i6r of th Exjmhop 'D -Q Lakelet, on'tbe 16tb orcharti. wt.n aterea; o
lily, pursuant to 4
Palt,ridge, a' e pos- CA t-1 TEI Fran 79thlyear,yet (N #enofa I w6etinm it
it Me th adjournment from las PR
L a hery are
family left Seaforth, fGr Gait, aild vi is. many DEA -R, IF �;Ougll InRes� froyA the vWi
The "leeve in the chair goaa gr
bers all present. Pr taliplowea- immelliati? be
with his sess, his' acti4 I lea& the six 9`4`9 "
7 y we I your 601 rn na, Jo c� enti on 0 f the WANTED a : ecent'Or to �hurch. cc eafOrfil. nt the 1160111t W e Much rearf f i cis !through' It the 0
on Satarday last. rien to See to 1-4 U utes of', last4neetincr were the Canada Fresb3terialf -
L wb Dse duty it i., 1 when, the mija e furt to the pro
89 ddre" herpmiiillA
prope ;0 ZP
O Air. Px1tridge. ure, join u� in! �6gret. at 1he'untow letter from Ron. [shing to siogy on t�hll Nvill �R the prmigesor P� 0.
departure 10ads, 0 W read and approved. him. — he re pariiig '276
are s f tb County 91 a vc to to L, son 'Seafortli bebitid,;him rd accii]. Plhas, befalla st� mii�cr The sul'11 h to D
Oct �ellow, who lei, ent Wlii Win. Cayley was Tea( sh( t f Our Weeks
90 1 to th a 08 � impassable �te c f the the nex
here many wairm frielAds. As a P160 -to -It is- well h nown coming to Howick an I payable accord- D. V� NVILSON,seeretbly,
.9 Beau
which he 0 ing to the Mugrapheir, the large bu��iness at th �t this road (., mrlonly: Loan Fund Act. Seaforth, Jul 17, th is the best recoiii- ys that tb ipa.-t of AVA=_kBL1, i le paper
Sa lars I," is av Mr. Jell mexillo
has built, up in 86afor Pic�-,. —A
gr�ce is,� uo
he. �6 Cranberry ;Ossou Ilespecting nsrcin's claim for ST.
-1 We k ve no ainefdrth iightwhich calleo] t, LOCKET LO
ii leould have. o compensation for iiijury sustained by favel road t; ol
r serio
In gold 'hi3 ab lity as 'y I .
of -the reE idents land 1 some 3eisons Of the yiea oh, a Urge
that No Day, in (16deri iibboli oubt, iowever, but this a9mas W,1-11 wateri-d unil iv4ce,, with I
f anhis genuih. ans, o aiket aged b3 ovex flow of water. coming in c' tact wit h. a log on the road I T 09T, Delai io
daily nieets.theyieN P 0
an rtist, f pedestri�, 0 ; JLJ Locket, -%Yith hair eielored sud tn-ee
e aff a&,b ity th� vicinity of Ile In I LGth of April last
in pair -
Lf t?4.ken ediatel and re at IV, roxetex, oil the and defec. y r, attached. The filrder will be r
,%in for 1-iiin Gat, and front street, I-wlkere pigi, young S mov k110 and orrhr Q. I ol 1) 4
chractec will S e 11111_1h� axpen�liture and throwni f rom-his �agon, it wa it at the E`,POg1TO-R office, Seaforth,
arowl about with- cc tz cc I JO Sao
oly:&s large bsines s in &1W old; l4rge all ed, does not requ tlUe good And termt� eas 1�or fq�thcr pal 0 i! S nii p: ii as s al ;S but,;0 �Wicy_aiiis� seconded b
er law! to put it in good dnolitio y M r.
10 he has left in 8eaifarth. out respeet to or any'oth to
'nds OL -t of, Gibson, tha we cadd, WANTE 1 s ' Itba road, but ed by M o nothing'in the BOYS
But there i� need case in some Aher pa! to r_ hing to WAN -TED, im)nediatelv
he Co licil has not Ill a eiLfortli, three
throl-who -STEAK SA -W XiLL mTb I demorlized to be cut qulod IT(Biq - g(l)
e �outrary no sHau canwe ,
to th matter that the Co to lwa
Lit Alle'
;d b o 9,
—Farme of defining one, or two not 111,0013- 1 0; V10. as 171 Works, S -akin t
-ith f ll, v.ari ation hold pitch ho es') b do in +he e e—Car Moved by Mi 1,the Oarriage 51 bu4 streeU, for in when 1(
'regg, that I
us 16ealit6 31 the brute ere up into
I C-cunty re now busily-'etigaged. to Lot �)4, Con. 71 Al, U
iaf e
JO VIta.,ml -w th pol TOSIL .ey,haTve!5t. Boh- cro ival'�nrestricted. if there is Sider ib e traf q c on� the roa i is r- Wig(rins, seconded by Mr. G
o preferred.
'\J oi
Arh eat nd lArl Ps high earn 11 is se%son of the 3, ar t w 11 cost Al r. i -rison, P_ L. ., of Clifford, 1?e 290 A. J.
t 1;h* I Libo, 1�ovv(tver, is very -an� efficacy hila-pund. we Should be ex- say a Itwo gooa lP1111 b"
laboi to rel ir it. 1. eftrill!e�
I employed to furnish ; L survey,� description whirh snlip y th1v
The olie-t
smi=, but althouh a cofisiderab] e (Ira vv- some dang0rou WANTED
_mely gi t6 -c exemp s culverts and plan of. deviation of road across Lot
art is not qu,��l force to Ther-aare also loe
il; with e ich toY to learn Te
and inzonlreiiience, this -w same rematks� .4 P No. 21, Con. 16, an, of mac on e
hinery, Se�,fortll. Fr u et of these
on ro�ad, fro' the state of wb r
so schverely felt in. this era tile A M �inel aialsfe ' d all thei te A T
anger some Pa ha�,-e ust tran an cessar documents
a t ie County from Af essrs.. Inrar� all (1 it bei
inlden. times� whi the who) e of the nimals- str -,round, str,
1, , su (1011d, ph all pppOS RT.WAR
�� by hand. -The 0 1 1 that our dmag rk had to mia,lit be led e conc usiq FIVE DOLLAI
NNIO� I nt or. bZ; J S2 0 a n d I ge I as Pig pastures will b, to) accoulif understood, that Mr. Ingram get 01 P�Sou
-wracre% paid to harvest -hands ran , f rom streets were, t open 0 - be pid-A to . the ED -,cc to such matte's ? Wbeie Mr. Stock S15—Carfed. - Accounts Tell- 1 al)ove rewar(l will that Vill 11 13,a to
25 to ,�- aild from. $20 to -rather than, f lbasilless PUT oses. Ne duty is itto %Vho will give inforinatioll
by I
gdnoer ?9 me of the tent -lever a good arni, 4,14111110se
FR a
w prollib- is our co.,kin-tv -s.—Plobert Govenlock "L\ I c K dered and ordered o be paid Richard conviction of tile pftrti�s wli� aole 1, 1) the
nth, according to the OaGieliey beieve there.i� 1 - ltriy( I]baif Of lilt 115 t �Pl ��3& - Me 0 el roacl f pild Shold .1 James fGr repairing Scraper�, Rich- open -face silver watch fro4i lily bc,1-1*0 t1a
m �nni beneqt of I SA of tile, labover or tlLe lie itii)- t1yese olu�a�lruped`s fro graN Peter Dou Aas, Berne J. imillie 'I)
cesj�itj of the g at J Hot 11) Brassuls, 01 aerp,,50
-wit is:13dedecL rd Ross, for rep4ring sdrapers, .$I North American e ItIlved, and ill' ld
Wheat and barley W"I and 66� municipal '4utliol'itie�' fall to HaY, =d 110 TuiWersmith.
1ployer. le C A_SJOS�kfl. I Robeit larnieson, f. culvert oil Lot 0, With em. e i N0 T --------------- 4W— used, ;Bzd new 10.* .0mbp
ll d H. vi, -2, Uil
6P at or
C 110 V-hei� peds. aud Oats sh, or r 293-4
scarcel b ould either o
y J 1 00 1873 Con. _26; John Day,85 yards of t41
to hav� -hichare aAei Wroxeter.
will require attentiG11- In m 'I cc a� ly gra 12min a'. gr -A vto Tolia;
vel at 6 cents pet yard, $5_ 10!; Wm. HOUSES AND LOTS,FOR _fMn the vij.1�1.,
Of. b-gini.iina to 1b e their Lot, )PS letter is worse; h no la5v h, -E BALL.—& game of base all was these or( tncl if tim present at all Zuric Hare, balance for -�ering erosswq;y on I 110use And C011VUlitent to el
S&LE' a Brick I age and st Robert Strect,
(yrtwil. color already, miy will be hur- jAa ed here on the 30th int., )etween sidelines:5 and. 6, Con.. 13, $13; FO faeiag the Market hi the vi Lrwirl, OIf-ii. r partiell! appi
(,ran 3nr, rjre(
N1v,ENTFRPR18F_—TheAL1 ssrS. occupied rge a Ph'eor n
Weather cantiatie, old th I Galloway '41T1 au
th if,.—" The buticit met. th Doncasters, of Wroxeter, e jortb, at pres nt if by .1
ugh wit h eir hav N, in process of construe- gradhig ion- Lot 14 Coil. 14, in good ral iri op
enough to get tho wing: dy (if Zu�ichy s, of Wiugham� The/Dc�,icasters The house is commOd-lous and tbuilaw)
ening lasi� Tile folio * I River, necessaTy 01 290*4
minenee their on Tuesday ev, sauble Union 8 50 Higai�s, work on sidelm,es there is a 9table and Other C
d Z3 ,, rX wheat in time to cp tion, at the inout] i Of the Of, 46 t) 33. 1 - B4
�Zfi � bef ore accounts were 1 Ordere I to be paid'.. -new' -earA barge. we e victorious by a score 5 and 6i Coil. A., $13; Samuel Blc,",,, with a g9od well. Also, a Frame Dwe J10no
ill be some tim yel q8 n dl as from Zuj ich, LT the se: 1001
0 a ta's; W fori work on AIT, IFN ert On sideline 10 , (I I I, �-on. B, I nud Lot,; on james-street, 1181, ol It St. Thomas Darwi ARTNEr.smJ?.__X ater, ie an and other aea( n 1,110 em
ither a-lidp, a, '01 Lot .NO. 11 in
Oil -or ises
John f ters, I ]r con pr iences on the Prem
wheat Will be ripe, f work A large 111111 er of are "'lo 'i at to cu v Th is�hsrd andsoft-watOr MT
2611 e: (d: of the machine shop and foun(plry, $4 ; John A, Smiih, culvert on Oidelines 'er Both 0
it is liansualty- late this season. streets and tb e vessel will soon be a, e!n,
plac nllr f 4r work a just entered W s of Ifurdn sidewalks 8_ at Mr. Grardy has of his place, h 0 part- 10 afid'll, 'Con. 16 .$14 50 AdLam, be Bola cheap,. Apply to rt
u iderst Lnd Sedo culltivation;
the farme oil sidei6lks ani 7 ng on o9ricession lineo 14 ald'! 290*8 For WOMY., years )sesa� witness in WP jf�jlf�rth� Ir. Jagcrojof 09h wa. A Scott gradi ; i
ct Of bash oil the-'. xiership with a A Mile. rom.
ountiful, a barvest r�h wo large tra:
-N)t had go 1) ap The 1ravera. JU. Pu 11. L o u h e -
have d almos entire- Reeve P
prospects depen
Z 6
. L-4!- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -