HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-01, Page 7s1 14 E 41R I 78SE-L% reeeived and opt/14mA - • .t11.0a000 W I or AND StlitME 000 -DS, �R r _ PS, a-nCY, end' Strtplea e Lp-E CLOTHING, 8.1-10tS, _ itiES 1-8efe - he latnest, and cheapest having been pure/awl , 'ire the Very best reArk i$:*,9.00$ of Goods, %PAINS 'in Prints and Drasa Noholesele Cost price. in great profasion. G ' to order on the shartestntitiee. ela will beaold at priceatbataat a for GASH". t e goods and prices aaaaaa [OHN-LECKIE, 1. es er...AP FARMS, eteea in maaket for sale -ha the RAILROAD COMPANY Great Platth Valleya, •... tA.RS' CRED/T AT' GnrE, anasaa es in. Central Ifeirokari, :tracts of 10, acres and up krettitired. I tithful olimale, fertile soil, anemia [-water. r•• o.s.ratiET IN MEWEST I Fegiouta of Wyoming,. Cobirado,U bl,iug supplied by farmers it,, tt ,-, -- - „ tia a horaestatad of 16ffacres. AOR o t a !LOCATIS FOR COT-ObIl esre GE FOREIGN Rani ?Are entitled to the '0 THE HomEsTRAD LAAO hifr intention to hecolue citizens 4ttes, D111 May avail thamsaloca ,tr-ItToedietety after their arrival. flfS rep AL! Millions of act arhmeit Land. open for entrrund id Law, near this Great P krtav and all the conveniences ef iu to purchasers of Railroad rAnd, showing the ',Land, also new iptioe,panaphlet with now in- here.. fr V O., F. DAVIS, Commissioner U. P. R. R. Garatri, NRRRASICA. ED. REMOVE OBERTSON, amaker and Undertaker, hia ware-roomato SOWS OLD; STAND, - ,31 - -street, Seaforth, SOa uperior stock of - ire, of -every description. LL A_STI) SEE IT. Eftwautra. •gdr. ThomasEeWs td attend funerala on the oho in town or country”: COMBS, AU sizes, ay ma hand. • /VDS SHROUDS ! ROBERTSON, MAKER AND UND- obhoon's Old Stank. Senforth, has now on ha assortment of 1R•CD -DUD S a furnish cheaper than they carol* • got elsewhere. 4It LITAI-BEE, I !STE!M SAW M 15`LOOK, & GRAHA t their new Steam Sew Mlli:Ort east Road, six miles north of er 4'14 sea blast, and are prep )er- of All Kind •AND . DING MATERIA icriptiera, embracing a quanti • , le, Rock Am, Birch, Basswood, stoelt of AND DRAIN WM Lept eotLstantly on hand. sy es can be had elsewheae. livered in Seaforth, if reguired., way description can be Supplied Itugth.„ OVENLOCK & GRARA ARD CAS or buying any quatatity of ITER charge for inspection. trii-STREET, SEAFOR AND ons • GUST 1,1873. • s POSITOR. GOOD DOG. fond of that dog? Well, taught to be,.• For lei saved my lie, • Audis fond of me. knOWS Whitt sayi mes t- Thdre—a0 you see— coand pats paw on my knee ! was took with the fever, And down so low I made up my mind - I had to gc ,T, $ *It wa,s on the -cards, I hadn't no S.how ; Tat was—Pass in your chips, And good-bk, Joe! • That's lust where I was— Played olit, you may say, For the doctor left, • When my chum run away : Doc'torp in them days Went for their par I lay there.alone—'- Not a man wudd -stay g— . Only my dog, Who sat by 111 bed, Just where I couldsee him,, • Ana pat his head : Re felt what 1 suffered, Knew what I said,. And wouldn't believe -•I was almost dead ! Day after day, And night after night, Fle, sat by my bedside, Always in sight Re seemed to know That My head was light ; Ile wouidn't he down, And the clog was right ! I felt if he did— And, I think so still - 1 should lose my grip— , Re was my will : Be pat out the fever, • Tlroke up the chill,— •: Was something tC me- '‘ Death vuld not kill I lead a rough life, I get and I spend, Pay what I boorcw, Lose what I lend : •$ I loved a wonaan— It came to an end : Get a gotkd dog, sir, You have :friend 1 0 • Two Curiosities. t• •, ••• be filet wit til they - have pass real, livin isle ache or brain feet and wear un. re conquereld, or: vie d them. They ae as annoying as any 6ingi- pain could be; as 1.rtiis- ing and irr trains arr the peas in the shoes of t e pilgrimsinf old. Ner- vous hea th is one thing, and moral hea th and purely physical ite another and di erent and steady mental work to long life; but ne v us ental work that rging, and, at the s unhinging of the health is q thing. Cal is conduci emotion, constant time, is a 'tenor of ti e mind, eats away: the bu brain fast r than any mental labor, m; no Mattel how hard, that is syste- a I made,. s men do not really diet of fro heat t dise se as often as supposed, but at of 4ople 37-,,„ or congestion of the wi lungs, so ihey do not die of bin work, but of brain worl7. e Scott died of it Southey, Swift, Horace GrePley, nd probably ''Illackera.y. --Lon,clo A. T. st viraes e• on the other hand, suspi- , f 'guilt, only short 4fpositive f. The individual in,k•espect of t4ie late) deliverance is given horst ube penalty qf the law, tbat is all. prov ciens pros who goes and -404111 . .1.. orking on Enekprising young anadians wh 're dissa tsfled a ho e• might y the ollowin ' , e periences ng n4tn who w1itIes to the (Col.) N4ws : " eing . out --bat not try the S, so I wa 1 it on the o' o where there i ar 1 iwere.ndatyy,to iztAi ey- 1 1 t 1 you fact —nothi er• itgbes. You are ulp:at 1 o'clock ; get we er, during' bug ti cho. PT !of .1De me of en '1 They have two remarkable curios- ' ' s in California, which • it were well net to name in the same breath. One .is .,a college eighty years old, forty-five miles from the railroad, and approachable only though pathless' woods and over cattle tracks -in the clearing. It is the College of Our Lady of Guada- lupe, contmonly known as Santa Yne,z Cionecre, and is coeval with the' old Santa Ynez Mission, is cOnductedi by the Order of Franciscans, and has' 2 students in attendance—all it can ettomodate. The other curiosity is tabona fide Japanese -mermaid, now a desiccated state, but in- the year 1273 it. was as' lively a .fish wo- man as ever made silver music in h6llow shell or bandied Billingsgate with her garrulous and ungrammat- ical sisterIt isaid that this mer- %taid has I been eirloom in an old Japanese iamily ifor 600 years. It now belongs to 4 Frisco shownta.n, who has, no eolibt, made more of the mermaid than was ever made of it before. Prohibition Massachusetts . . A man who was at Springfield during the rec nt eboat race tells ite how he obta. ed his cLstomary " constitutional ° in spite of the prohinition`orctinance : 0 for Somebody. ealt y men, are often credited with ge tter riches than they pos- sess, and frequently, after diligent inquiry i that they to their to their resources, find lave set too high a limit, possessiOns. It therefore rarelytappens th t a man astonishes ; himself ith his wn wealth ; yet a, little on it attributes a bit of amaze- ment to r. A. T. Stewart. It is probably generally knoiYn that Mr. Stewart took steamer for Europe last, wee..,It is not so generally known t at before his departure he made a ill. .Prior to making tl.ii,S will it w: s thought advisable to ieree pare a sc edule of his real and person. al estate with its valt-eetion. • Upon tee co pletion of tie schedule, much to the surprise di Mr. Stewart, and to t le greater surprise, of his t wee found that he was e hundred millions Of 1401, hat any American citizenit possessed of , so gregt lmost surpasses belief, isult h of the foregoing "lee - well authenticated. friends, 'worth 6 lats. - Shedd, 'wealth the, tru ruentis IDani } 'If th in g fee and he fit for g death friend, oenefac him: a cud b what i elect a comps Frenc ferred) bottle claret, dozen sugar, to sui water.' Water Bosto fit v so ge 11 bu sh 5 o,c .no sw or fo ine esn oafi gleI,thought rancho .1 [far ming] •Iced for or five Platte, nd . found employed ve hands; Edit r; ''c gent° e -et obliged te breakfast e---potitte ou get -upt at 3 ro clock and aris, gree4 untiltireakfast—s- o, c eke Yon, work . until 11 oc and get dinner-i--half-h.oue ni g, Then work until 6 o'clock up er—and, as soon as yott llo your supper, work until 9 10 .'clock tying up vegetables ma ket. All this for $1 a day,. s cone -fourth of a day is a1i. ou-25 cents—to work front ck its the afternoon , till $ at night. Now, is this no tosidiken a poor man's heart d is {enoughbub poor—no . buttr allowed' on the table, . u sleep like bogs, in an old nd stable, fall of. greybacks 4 .be bugs i I ! li14 to work, but LS oalieed to giv up. I hope e ebo al and kind4iearted ranch- rk- and a home e to- work six - he twe ty-four hours, 11 11 11 • "The regulation •about closing the bars during this clay occasioned a little grumbling, but not much„ becauce it is seemingly well under- stood that if any me wants some- thipg stronger than water all he.ha to"!do is to ask for sandwiches, and laewill be shown. into aback room weill provided with dark -colored bottles. A raong the eight young fellows who shareda room with yeur correspondent w s one who narrated a, previous e _ perience at the Massasoit House : I came in,' said he, 'gentlemen, and lookeu around in every direction, but hang me if 1 could i find the bar. So I stept up to the! office and said to the M clerk, ' Charlie, where's the bar now ; where have you put AT Hp looked solemn) and said, '"There is none: we Iarel etermined to strictly • enforce the t mperance law here.' 'All right,' said I, 'enforce away, but just scratch my name off the book.' ' But,' he went on, not noticing what I threatened, and looking at me from the corner of his eye, 'if any. gentleman would like a sandwich, he'll find what he Wants in that back room there.' So 1 toddled in, and found plenty- of everything, wine, brandy, gin, and, would you believe it, there was a plate of Sandwiches made out of pine wood which was politely handed to me when I came in. 1 didn't hank- er after 'em, and 'cheered my young heart with a good nip of the for- ' hidden.' Faro n this candid narrative itia clear that' there are more ways than one of doing a thing." . A cost t accou ged in woma The youn ped, into a luded sena with him. ally, provi their his w incli a 94 1 Webster's Recipe f Punch. eodslike Daniel cared noph- iehes he loved a good punch, -new bow to concoct a drink ds. • Some time before [his e gave his old life long lajor Brooks, Boston, [ his ion -and blessing, , and left the last. earthly good hp stow, thefollowieg recipe for now known. here anaong, the the Webster punch, t is d a:,‘ one bot6le of pure loll brandy (ginuggled direct, isre- one bottle sherry, one bo4- ld Jamaica runt, two betties one'hbottle champagne, 'one lemons, one 'pint strou Itea, strawberries and pine -a ple the taste, plenty of ice, no , t no n.-1- 1 -- ' 4-ney a., -ii dul- ung im. agistrate fined him. Th 6p woman's brother horse-Whi im. His wife worried hi brain -fever. The parson e to him personally in a stron . The local editor took ei pillor [ ke a Sunda 10' 3 o' en Ti mi an ba a so 111 te It is° to be observed th enters this compositi Cor., S. Y. Herap. The Cost of a Kies. iss, however- please)* o much.- Here we ha t of a,•Missduria,n who the salutation of a fine and of what happened 1 ed o'cl lock ug q fo lk 0 gi e me -w her I wil not— ha en t of O $1 per d pap c ee der of so oar shall glad o this, be have t e seine r effect in this LADIES' p His hum Dress Goo The lath Ties and B .an hum U Don't fo OlJli Breaking Lishes. are glad '.t learn that the or of Chita 1as issued a de- claring th t i the chief offi- his house old handles dishes lessiy as break them, he be l4lIed. Vfe say we are tis we hope to eg lation put into Cu try, If it is, 011 the clergyman, and leaded long -prime he was punished., b di- 1 ence, for the potatob1.1g 1 t potatoes to eat every blold eat crop. Let the kiss:i edi,take warning: r • erdict of Not Proven. ; ve ed 11 4bolut- he lex maT r etruti 1y in eh misconception teensS prey- il in regard to this whic law bar of resp 1 an a veld'et of " not proven has retu 'ned may again be sent t on reduction of new evido guil than ' which nothing' poss bly be more absurd. No vide al charged with the comin'eslon of c irne can be tried a second;time for he same offence on any pr ewe who. ()aid be 1 is peculiar to the crijn Scotland. In a, re ;mil f Notes ap,d Queries he le at journal„in answer to, ndent, states in substance legecl criminal in whose lc $. • 11 inatie com the fl that i it wild on it slec the: as that Sh n her si four any 0 inga est ietelligence n't ke mill tea -s t—Arax A et raeal 11 v wo 'thousand !hired girls will cuted every' week, and we asonably 1100 that the- de- n of creckery will be check- , e have s °peed it temperer- ur ,house by aa,ving a tea -set of wroug titon and painted When al., inew hired girl she drops the cdffee-pot on or. , Findnagiwith amazement does not break, she thumps a at -iron and drops bricks a.ri goes ou and borrows a -hammer anu whacks it , and perceiving t lat it 'is as good r, she sitt: down in front of offee-pot a,41isurste into tears. she ;gives vrarning; loads up ugar and b elt and butter for k ' eunt, exiezz1es three or •emtitcheI handkerchiefs and d Pillowc Se that may be ly- i •Oun.d,:aiad st, rts for the near- ofce. 'We would - 4n t dollars for that dder. : 1 As the A.YS RENOS7NED FOR 'NEW -AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. rie has now on hand I BAMTE: SUIT, LADIES' LINEN SUITS, CHILDREN'S MARSWE SUITS. . i , r ; AIN use stoc - of Silks s annot be excell t novelti s in Ladi !scii.Stoc of Pares get to see our Teas TEAS CANN ummer season is a • ND STRIPED SHAWLS, ••In great variety from $1 50 upward. • Grenadines, Japanese Silk, Poplins, 131ack Gro a Grain Silk and Fancy Id in any country town, s' Collars and cus, in Muslin and Linen Sets, Real Lace Collars, Fancy Is and Kid Glove in every style. • ERY DE ARTM T COMPLETE. and Sugars ; 11 unds of bright Demerara Sugar, $1. T BE EXCELLED FOR QUALITY AND PRICE. ancing, the ahoy Dry Goods will be sold cheap for cash. HOMAS KIDD, CA TiON I I-: 'FRAUDS ABROAD! 1 , BE most respectfully to caution the public. ' he British North American Provinces to be r nalard against purchashig spurious medi- a es - -hicb are being sold as my genuine "olio - way's o ins and Ointment," by certain individuate, „ f litt e or no means, trading (for the last few oat a only) -under the style of the "Nem York eni° al Compiiiiy," Every artifice is made nee f by thent for the purpose of imposing upoa the nbli •' and the more effectually to deceive, they ve he effaintery, in their advertisements, to i a e he follTwing caution: a T e immense demand for ' HOLLOWAY'S Piar,s ND INTIINNT1 has tempted unprincipled parties o co terfeit these valuable Mediaines. ' [j order to protect the Publie and ontselvds, Vie s.e fssuoA a new ' Trade Mark,' consisting of an gyp 'an Circle of a serpent with the letter II in he a ntre. Every box of genuine ' Iloar,owaza's L OINT3IENT' bone are genuine without it. " To VEALERS AND jOBBERS IN DRDOS AND ILAND cW:lhIlls trade mark on Es.aVe ts. • • ' '4 Sc call your particular attention to the new Sty1e; of 'HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINT)I.ENT'-- illone f the old style are manufactured by us now, nor ve 'they been for months. We therefore candela all purchasers against reciving from any obb , "I ormatien poncerning any such goods being tfhe old style of goods. ts or Dealers t Offered will be received -with thanks. " daask the favor alai' theinformation yo1 can ive ia regard to those counterfeits." Nolo this Company is aware that yonr leafs do ot hermit them to eery the precise getting up of my Medicines, but in order the more completely to binid the public, they have recourse to another piece of deception, viz., instating that they deem it neeessary, as they say, t1/ make up the Pills and inuwt Leu3ntEiz another fo, rm; and that they stdopt a B sides the bove-mentioned " Chemicel Coin- er an there is also a David Pringle, of Nev York, ho y consu mate trickery is attempting to sell p ouLindise.tn. "(ins of my Medicines. Beware of Lim ik .1 . .8 unprinipicd Cheinieftl.Company has dared s that I owe very large sums of money in the ni ed Stittcs.I What is tho fact ? A newspaper ge • obtaine, without my anowledge or eonsent, nd by eollusi n with a party who held a limited ow o• of attorjney of mine, an order to advertise e ledicines n South America for three years, to hexteais nt ofwe1,409.,Q00 in gold. Ho then sold his to who, got it referred by the court to friend of his who gave judgment against MS to t e amount of $171,287 gold, for profit which he said'he could have made by it, had I- not taken ste a to repudiate this vile transaction atlae mo - rot t it came to my knowledge. This Judgment • wi :soon be set aide. It cannot be supposed, I am Sure, that I owe a cent to any one that I -would net immediathly pay. here is no trath whatever in the statement that - I ea er authorited any person or persons to use my , naijo for the Sale of my Pills and Ointment, al- tho gh gross frauds have been practised open me by inprincipled men this way. ' I would ask, as a favor, that should it come to th knowledge of any person that spmioua medi- ci s are- behig made and sold in my name, that - he lbepleased to send me the name and address of th vendor who is selling the same, that 1 may, for the protection of the nubile, institute proceedi am against him, and I engage tO remunerate hand- soiae1y my informant without divulging his name. hould any person hive reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these bledicines, he will oblige me by sendina, to Pie liddres0 at foot (which he can do at a cost of si cents in postage), one of the books of instruc- ti las whichx, e affixed. to the same. • , Ai y Medic ma can be supplied at the lowest w olesale ne prices in quantities of not lessrthan . worth—Viz., 8s. 6d., 22e., 84s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointntent, for -which reinittance8 m at be sent in advance. These Medicines are n t sold in the United States. ach Pot and Box of my Genuine 'Medicines b ars the British. Government Stamp, withe the w rds " Hollowayis - Pills and Ointment, Lon - di." • (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 538, 0xfor Street, W. C., London, Oetober 8, 1872. THi C NCER T E GREAT • - S. y M ON s TV R. EGINS S EVRYI$ODY. LEARING SALE OF Y GOOD And will last until every, dut '13 bitindirect. worth is swe g, for Fal Stock, which he is • Come ally. Now is Tour tine. Dont let yo MAKE DENT'S CHEAP AT DENT'S DAY, JUL out, reaardless of cost. Mu erybodycknows what a superb. • best chance pass. A NOTE OF DRY GOODS 111 CLEARIN The Brain Worry. e Arany of us pray to be delivered from sudden death, and do we worry ourselves into it? If we do, can„ve help it'? To most of us it is not given to choose Cur lie es, to avoid the °11g11 places, to gently shoulder one side disagreeable facts. We must climb over the trocks though they hat us sere, and the difficulties, however they may annoy us, must• pro the sta cha tever;not if afterward i adduced the most vole ulvoCal fs of guilt. In criminall 1auses verdict of a juiy- is in eiv-ery in- ce finel as regards th-4, specific -gee iThe difference betwen t pfoven ” nd "not glailty ' is sin. ply moral in its char. cter, and th verdict is returned onijr in such cas s where there is insufficient evi lence to convict the alleged cri inal, while there yet remain su h shades of suspicion as .do , not tr rrant his dismissal without some fo mal statement. Practicelty "not pr ven." amounts to a ver ict of ac- qu ttal ; mta orally, it does ot. The ve diet of "not guilty," as pro- no nced by a Scotch jury, •denotea th -jury's conviction of the alleged or ruiners absolute innocence ; "not PUBLI JOT CE is hereby ve h ve this day er hr Millers and Prodnce c Village of Seaforth, firm of JAS. NEN OTICE. that the undersigned d into Partnership as ssicni Merchants in the r the . name, style and & CO. P. • R 0 THE kT L flat, (le' I Ladies' I Lades' 5, t be done to make roo took is kept at DENT'S ni • *TORE. E WEE FOLLOWING GOODS - HILL' trmmed. a,f, untremmectr a6, Straw. I a0, imitation ifarseilles. ESigned,3 J KENDALL, 41k1A.ET N CHABLESWORTH. JAS. P. KN ALL & Beg to state to the T‘ ers, duce Mer and Dealers of the on ty o Iluront that have purehased from Me ars. SHEARSON the -Mills known as he eafo h Mille; an hereafter carry on th arap. • All Kinds o etratnPurchaied, 1) ° • As fo And Vie Highes4 C FLOUR efc11aug 0 ants they CO. will erly, Sil PRICE aid. d for WHEA! Faa era desiring Ith each gettini for their WbJeltio. 1 PLO It DELIVE D in lage fr e of char e. The ndersign , having had manaa meut of the Mill for patron may rest assured tha the sax e satisfatxtoy treatme as fo erly. JAS. P. R FE -REN to the ab to ld beg a. extensiv wok th rik their for th patronage a the pat four yeLr, and trus eaal pt tronage wil be extend wh m violins° tAcasure in bei ii ly es rilis, in 561 so' n e can rel upon "lAir. Y part of t e Vil- the antic orking e past t1re years; they w411 receive Lt said as jo d work k TINDALL CO. ve, the und 4rsigned timerous cu tomeas eorded to t em for that the s me lib - ed to the ew firrn g able to c nfident- bts due paid to y us, in d by the LS FROM 25GENTS1 K MANTLES from $2 50. s W i s NCED WHITE SKIRT frora 60c. SUMMER 9LOTH-ING..1 The above Goods are new d stylish, an will be offered at cost, to clear Summer Stock. REME BER, ON WEEK'S SALE AT HILL'S. RTH FQIJ)DRY. ERR, WIL 1E& CO. • Wish to iniorin the people f Huron and public ge erally that t • ey have leased the Seaforth Fotuidry for a term of ye s, and are niiw prepared to manutat tun all kind of cstings/ Straw Cutte .s, Sa ing Machines lumen& t dna old pat lois. All d concOt1O1 With the TIi1-u4ist b P Kendall 0o., and all debts due e tion witl3 ti same will ;be settl • &an of Jas PfKendaU &Cd. W. A. FlRARSON & CO. HOOSE SH E RGE BARER, begs o McKillop that he inte riess 'Et his old stand. at Wi Jally, and that helintendsto fo merly done :by him. T tenth n will be paid_ to Ho a ten IC id • 441 EING. o jiform th farmertil ds to comm nee busi- p on the first of ary on the e ost part se Shoeing tender ttended Fiset an •PloMrs, and other Fannin Implements. We are alsoprepared to 4 The undersigned. have ha( Eatisfaction in all their wor 287 Far the REPAIRING of ever dscription. long experience in the Foundry bus nes% and are prepared to guarantee I.ERR, WILKIE & CO. aying and Ha yest of 1873. _ , P RE DRUGS. HE DRU BUSINESS, heretofore carried on by Mr. OHN SEATTER, having been pur- e slid by m -,1 be to intimate to the iuhabitanta ' Seaforth and vicinity that the stock is being pleuished With ery Requirement of th„e Drug Tr Constantly on hand: - *are Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines and Dye Stuffs, Toilet, Fancy and Rubber Goods, 'OMBS, HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL AND SHAVING $ iTrusses, all siz a; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoulder 'B ces, Carriage, Bath and . , C ldren's Sponges, . PERFU3 ES AND SOAPS, . - All the Choice toad Fashionable Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors for Mediebial- Pur- poses, Horse and Cattle Medieinq, Paris Green and Luddy's Potato Bug $ Destroyer. i - BRUSHES, Physicians' eaescrietions. and Family Recipes Carefully Prepared. • Customers favoring me with a call will find the stock complete. partmulaa attention is cailed to 1 , my steak of DYE STUFFS, all of which aro war - • Itinted gikuine alat the lowest prices. JOHN S. ROBERTS, = Seaforth. EXTRACT.IN•GPTAEINET. H WITHOUT The Subscribers offer their um yelled CAYUGA-CHIEF JR. MOWER, AND JOFI S ON SELF -RAKING SINGLE . REAPER, . . Muhines in use. Among their chid J ;advantages over Corabin•d Machines we would mention the following: ' And guarantee them antic aor in every respect to any Comb ne let. They are cheaper +ecanse a Reaper and Mower COS ing $210 will outwear two Combined Mal hines costing over $‘3013, and with not one-quarter the cos of r repairs. 2nd. They are lighter •au ht • any light, team can wor ei er Mower or Reaper all day with ease. • The pitmans working fr uneven surfaces. 8rd. They do better • id for its work witho other machine.• This is We have no space to 4iumerate the furthcr advantages thaee at the top this year or both in all kinds of g 'nes or gain, and will agree to en same way it 18 loday,ecl, which no Other Mower er Reaper We offer to such as twist upon trying combined raachi ely, and never cramping, as is al sal the case -with combined Machmee on rim ork, becanse each is specially dm ted to its own class of work, is always t changes, and both ruachines, by th ir tilting levers, will cut closer than any a great advantage, especially in mo g, as an inch at the bottom is wortfi f t ese machines, but offer a trial of either th worst lodged graSs or grain, going the n d a OS UT OHIO COMEINED MACHINE WITH Loa anarantee it equal to th.e best of its class. All our work guaranteed., Address MSON & WILLIA315, Mitchell, Ot.; • . •"""'"'''''' • CAIITW IGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist 1,-). attends u Seaforth, at linox's Hotel, the trat Tuesday and rednesday of each.month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the thue at his Stratford ollice. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to eail, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on toe first days 4 .at tenTdeasuticine.onia Is of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extraoted by the use of the Gos, may Teeth inserted in the most substantial a4 im- be seen at my office in Stratford. proved styles. Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner whieh cans ot 267-i gitt expo5itor 18 l'UBLISRED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Th SEAFORTH Taitus.-1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Rates. First insetion, per line, 8 Cent8 atibsequent i- sertions, 2 cents each time, perline. ' ON SELF RAICE CONTRACT RATES. icular at THO businesS a . • Specie. ' Rpairs at jOHNSON BROS., Seaforth. All feet: ion paid to horses a hit of repairiing prompt] to, either warrant, - n r wood. wok. Wagon tir 11 work warranted. P ice- greatla redueed. coaticulars eeRaudsee or tOUrSehCs. I take s opporthoitj of thankil g -,$ ou for past favore I 2 ope by doing good ork at a low price to eri1a eontinualnee of the s • me. . GA_ORGE BA_R ER, Horse Sheer, . Winthrop. 290 NOTI E jS HEREBY CTIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing between s, the undersigned, LB Grocers, Butchers and G ne al Dealers, in tie Village of BruaSels, late Ai le aille, has been t ay dissolved bymutual CO sei t. All debts o tb the said parther)aip are to he paid to Wffii ojm 'Ofts, end ell (lianas aga isI the said. partnership re to be pre8ented to the aid -Willie:ni Tufts, y -hem the sarae will be set led. Dated at Brussels this 1 th day of Joly, 1878. WI $4 TITFTS, ALIT ED-- IIMOLETON 293 Witness : C. B. COOPER M. LON-GI ES. .1 R. COUNTER SAFORTH inc just reeeireil two more ceards those celebrated • NCINE 11"CHESI ,r• 11,Iinttfaciured by THS. RUSSELL & expressly for ,A.E1 a t)roof of the eiLeellent quality of these Watches, Mr monthi, and each tilt has given entire satitifCtiOla. COUNTER has soil four cases wit D IIa c ° 1172:ll4ear60 00 ;aloths .......... ..... .-20 00 half " .... '; ..... . .... ... 3250 00G° o " 3 rao ths ....... .. .. . - . .... 12 00. ' 20 00 One-fourth oliane y •ar . 12 00 800 One-eighth ollney° ntehhss ... .1!: .... , . IT 12 00 . L 1 8 00 1, bail ,, .. 500 8 00 5 tPll ii On,e, -telfth one year , ''' " 3 mouths • 800 Business Cards, (6 lines and under,' year.. 4 Oil Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &ea • not exceeding 10 line—fast month, $1; after first month, 50 cents cavil month. • Advertisemants of FARMS and REAL ESTATE i for sale, not exceeding 15 limes—first month, $1 50 each subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriageo, De -k -Gratis. Advertisements without specific directions( will be in s erted t ill forbid, and charged accordingly. Advertisements measured by a scale of solid Nonpareil. Mc12,BAN BBOTBBS. six 8500 Half `` one y ar I II t. ball • - 8 m • 4,7 ••• •