HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-08-01, Page 5• 1' 4 4 7 g wheat, armee ' riey* the crop ia at of arty grails 01. etas 9:00‘.1 yield. aeruee --with long straw. rop. Hy1 rather: many Very fair. ; above averag0. a out average. Barley eau. Oat, .rsee se ey the late rains. more than au, reeereirk 'sk well as yet. Hays ()aerie County, , will be an averefere • ; ot been winter le sea ; dreeeth. better than az ping wheat will not leesee, • straw- very short. i1 p farmers short of feed. will be a poor earn.* the average. Eye. nee Rd. will not affect us here, ltegether upon the Wreath. rein they will be fully Peas very light, batt mry had earapIte. Roots, .ch about them, but these immense quantity some a crop in this loeality. Lincoln. eeeeeeeye_;r ird below all axe ai barley, half a erop. p. Peas, never succeed. light crop. Hay, very calk County. -Fall wheat, Id; sample good. Spring sed in this locality. Ba. sown ; yield. very_sinan; onth. Oates.generally a this section. section. -Peas; mai ; look well. Roots, pota.. ell nese, though likely potato bugs eery y ; angolds a failure, on acs kgrassboppers. Hay, about . an average crop. Qom:, pop ; not over hat an ILatabton County. --There ferule in this locality, but Seen (awl the farmers OA i.the crops will be above the 1st hay, and that is about A p. This report will apply ween this and Sarnia and t could not form an idea a„ proportionofthe varioni la I notice more fall wheat 41,61. it. looks well. Oxford. County. - '-;'-pots winter killed, but bet- et•ecl ; will average some 1$ „ere,, ; what I have is _better for many years; willgo bushels- per acre. Spring a failure here, being e mot ; very this ; not half • something like the .,1te not much sown thisyear, es Rye, a pretty fair ere 'Been. Oats, look splende lerop. Peas, same as oats p.00ts, very few raised here; ;ise corn as fodder, which tlIing crop. if we have waren ay, I think, will be a three-. ohl meadows thin, butnew reet County. -Fall wheav„ jeleheIa per acre. Sprin good, 20 bushelsto th a, very good, 40 bushel ,p -e, i3 to is bushels.per acre. van 35 to 40 bushels pe iitemsually good, from.. 30 !ter, acre. Roots, season early to indicate. Hay sat more than half a ton pe Middlesex County. the- sample will be good, bu hiarihalf a crop. Sprit eor. _Barley, very litti mhs bad ; will be a sho -aerie grown in this sectio -6ok bad, but the late so -and promises to- be g -ell, and if not injured byth geed. Roots, look well, an id average crop. Hay, ve lf the usual quantity, an vale, I do not look for mo re th e usual quantitiesigre rrists in. this section in. othe 1, DS, CN. Grey Grey Conety.--WiChet th '-',Isals• and turnips, I am h ;:the crops this- section Op to- the average. Th ce depends ahnost ent and the yield of both spri eat willtbe about an aver F:e not much barley or ry and oath are raised for 1 n only. ' Held/mend County. --1F everage, say 20 bushe eat, a failure a very lid Barley, will be nearly a. leashels. Rye, none so ghberhood. Oats, will ber a I. Peas, Will be a fair cro r little grown here. Hay, a rep. t :y0011. Sirncoe qoatity-s--- Riclered a good drop. sp i'derfally improved ; sad. fee OUI drouth and wire-wo 110W.; Barley, very g# # Lown about here. Oats, cop. Peas, short but g .toes good ; not many 0th here. ay, rimels pected ; nearly, an averag g; selling novo from $8 to $9 I ea, • t e r Nt'ly formed society in Toro spreVention of cruelty to is ommencerl its good work.. y apparailee before - the poll e of number of Toren festigating and encoaraging -• Two of the lairds and seve aette'S. irt the affair have be the police. n B. Stephens. a farmer ir ar County of Bruce, thisy ar , Nres; and forty 'pounds- of bq. ere of land. There are ot • lens who can boast of a cro ef! tat thia seasen. overiunent of Ontario. have services of Mr. Mee -anal cc of Principal of the Agrie go at (;uelph. Mr. Mee. a- •actical and scientific agri" e held lace in the Glasne, 111 i and Model Farms in Lel. d '--arne tc. k'kuleliea, and. be as a, for two years Professor of •;e rn ( lorne11 'University, • d great 'satisfaction there. e aperieece in both old and ies griecilture, and. is a ra gte and warmly intereste in fames O'lesane, Barrister at - beer/ appointed Police LO -town of Stratford at a sal rar annt1111. ss; -AgGusri 10 .1.873. : • - r Jamerleon Renate. Wed Wail& in Illinois have in some instanearteeiVed $4 a dey. . tem years old end weighing aixtylfotir unds. - A Detroit hotel -keeper was so atigt. -. whirs man who sent him a circular. a eeressee e bed -bug exterminator, that he knocked him clown and bit off a portioa • -sThe health authorities of Montgoiii- 1 hia ear. y, Ala., Ala., now confiscate all the water- melons brought intb the city, and duns ehemintothe river. --San Francisca has just had a baby show lasting three days, at which 200 fend mothers catered their blessed hi - /ants for premiutes. -Accounts' of ,farmers being fatal y poisoned by Paris green, used to txte - minate the- potato -bugs, are getting co - !wain Western papers. .-A Cldveland man slept so soundly *a St. Pahl hotel that a thief took his watslt and pocket book from beneath his • pillow without awaking him. The citizens of Sioux City, Iowa, ere so well pleased with their Mayer that they haye recently presented him • with a $1,200 solitaire diamond ring. • - The San Francisco -Democratic • 0(64 / Committee, on Monday • last adapted ,strong, resolutions against the policy of granting' subsidies to rail- • read Companies, and also against Chi- nese immigration. -San Francisco advices state that the- ' weather has been remarkable there this season. There have been steady showers , of rai, which, if they continue, will damage the gain in exposed !fields. In Caliternia, the grain is threshed in the field, bagged, and piled.up like cordwood lathe open -air, to await the con venience Of the owner to teke it to market. AO may be imagined, a rainy season is not very healthy for. grain stored this way. -The Kansas stallion, Smuggler, is stated. to have trotted a mile over the Olathe course,: Kansas, on the 22d fiats in 2:19.2:. .This horse was broken to trot Ies1 thap a -year ago, and has been in training but six months. father-inelaw who knows the sweet and the bitter of revenge has been (liscovered in Indiana . He complained of his son-inslaw, who had, given him e beating. The young man was arrested, tried, and fined $16, and the old gentle, man prottiptlt drew -forth his wallet and paidthe fine. -An Illinois paper reports .that widow made her appearance in Ashley, Clair' County, that State, recently, and immediately called on a rich bach- elor of the place. 'Though they heti, never met before, they were married . that afternoon. Next day the bride ask- ed for $15 to buy a sewing machine, and,. on being refused, immediately abandoned her hisband, -Very many proprietors of watering gam, summer -resorts, ete.,Istari com- plaining because the season *. dull." One explanation for this is the increase in foreign travel at this season of the. year.' It is not much more expensive; to spend a few weeks in Europe than it is to put up for the "_seasoa ' at some of thefashionable resorts on -this side. And then, agaiu, sensible people are begin- ningto appreciate the feet that it is nsore healthy and vastly more comfortable to stay at home during- " the heated term." The old plea that it was "for the chil- dren's sake is entirely played out. There is nothing about a watering -place orsnniraer-reSort to be of anyservice to children. baring,. ;the day they are wretched, and at night they gasp in hot and miserably ventilated bed -rooms, while their parents are trying to make themselves comfortable on the piazzas or to show off their fine clothes; and all • "for the dear children's sake 1", -Iowa boasts a married Woman, 89:. 111ARKE I IM.1.1=••••••••••••111.. • SEAFORTH, Ally 81,1878. There is but little shelve in market quotations this week, and ebtisiness gen- erally is chill. There will not be be mull ding oe. the market any mar new grain commences comin ter, although it remains :at. tions, is s a.ro'e, and. for fem. y use to be got Hay is ooming in in until the in. Biit- qaota- hard. I good ' eket en eldevy, a itoac,ipsinpa4ier u 1 colic Si° purchasero arc oaitallrotinl w en pur h this el . ;mid Cipa,t e • lope ' r eactoue I qaantities, end as most are well supplied for the pre ent it is in less demand, and prices have declined consideeably. We quote FallWheat.. $1 ig Spring Wheo.t - 1 1 Barley ... •4.. 0 50 to 0 5Q Oats ............. ...... . ...... , .. t 00 to 040 Peas , 55 to 0 00 Butter, No. 1, Loose........ . . ..... 0 15 No. 2.... .. .. ... ....,...:. 0 12 No. 8 " • 0 ;91 No. 4. .. . ... . ..6 Butter, tcnnets, ide., i.ti„ io., 11c. I_ 0 00 to 0 11' ' 00 to .6 -00 Egge Flour Hay. )3tdos. Lamb • Pelts, Sheep Calf. Sk Murrai • . • .., 10 to 14 00 . 0 00 to 6 00 kins. 20 to 45 aeh. ......... ... . . . 410 to 25 king 0, 50 to 15(- ns, (veal) per lb., , 1 08 to 0 09 Hides .9 04 to 0 05 Salt ( tail) per barrel 100 Salt (*holesale) por barrel........ 1 05 Potatoes, (new) per bushel 0' 70 te 0 75 Oatmeal brl ........... ,0 00 to 6-00 Wood . 2 25 to 8 00 Tan SSA 3 50to 8-75 •• CLINTON, Jelly 24, 1878.' Fall Wheat i Spring Wheat...4...... ....... . . . .. f , i -1 15 Oats - 1 00 @1 15 Barley..................................... . 6 50 @ - Pms' . . . ...4) 55 ID Butter. • . . ''. .0 13 @ Hay, per ion,'.\.....:.. .... . . ... -WOO 8 18:00 , . . 8 40 0 55 000 014 Eggs .... .......... ... 00 @ 0 10 AUCTION SALES. Thueeda,y, Aug. 7, on Lot, 29, Con. 4, McKillop. FarmStock and Imple- ments. Robert Smith, proprietor ; P. Brine auctioneer. Tuesday, Aug. 12, on the- ptemise • North Main Street, Seaforth, a GOOD FRAmE DWFL-1.15G Hous s and nearly 5' urea' of land. 'Also, a breeding manna Cow, lumber wagon, milky,- plow, 2 sets Of haertess and other articles. Te7111.8, for the house and lot, made known on.appli. cation, to the proprietor ; for the chat- tels, Cash. STRATFORD CHEESE MARKET. By Telegrapl, to• the ..ExpoOtor per Mon- * .treal Line. • y UFFALO 1The fo o hipments o or the Wee •unday . unclaY.... londay • eedlidaneea;1y. e tiiue week • manner, a as the ons are favor- ing of the trade, o clear their stables, e, . are , aposed to Offer liber - to that rant avis, the is season. The Ifamblese J o, sic years old and. said a in the thi e4 by Mr. Josep e $3,500. • ies has Harker, LE STOCK ARKET. • • Sunday . Monday....... TueSday... Wednesday , Total Same time last weeks.. .. 3,927 7,8 CATTLE. The market comprised about 1,600 done were as follows No. of • Average Head. , Wei it1, lbs. 131 IllinoiS steers, 1, 7 b• 1,58 STRATFORD, July 31, 1873. Offerings 4,445 • boxes, all of July make. Sales, 2,215 boxes, 1,300 pend- ing at the close of the market. Prices, 10c to 111-e, as far as known. Sales ono private terms understood to be at Die. The Chicago 'Wheat .Corner. Cismeeo, July 31, 1873. The 'Corner had run cash wheat up to $1 40, 'at 1/2:35 P. M. to -day. There is intense excitement &Meng dealers. The Corner is manipulated by Cana- dian operators. Wm. Young .& Co., of Montreal, are the chief operators, and John B. Lyon, who was expelled the board, is understood to have the game in hand. Ili is operating!' on 'Change through Chisholm, one of 'the Canadian members. ; • 'TORONTO, July 25, 1873. Fell wheat per bushel, $1110 to $1 20 ; spring, $1 16 ; barley, 60c tio 61c ; oats, • 43c ; peas, 60e to 61 ; butter, ib. rolls, 18c to 24c; large rolls, 14e ' to 15c ; tub dairy, 14e to 150 ; fresh egg, 18e to 20c; packed, 13 to 14c ; hay, .pleetifui at $15 to $20 per ton foe neW, and. $28 for old. • Ilueasee-In Seaforth. on July 27, they wife of Mr. John Murray, of a son. FORSYTH. -In Seaforth, on July 17, the wife of Mr. George Forsyth, market clerk, of a son. BUTLER -In Stratford, on July 29, the • wife of Mr. Ha T. Butler, of the Her- ald, of a daughter. • MARRIAGES. • C0DE-Ludri.-At the Wesleyan Meth- odist Church, 'Gerrie, on July 23, by Rev. W. Hawke, Mr. John, R. Code, of Trowbridge, to Miss Annie Leech, daughter of Edward Leech; DN.., of Gerrie. l'owese,--RoinalsoN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Wroxeter, -on July 24, by Rev. E. Softley, assisted ;by Rev. F. Harding, uncle • of 'the bride, Mr. George A. Powell, .of Wroxeter, to Annie, second daugh- ter of the late John Robinson, Ease 0. E., of St. Marys. No cards. • WILSON -- MILLER. -IR Trinity Church, Bayfield, on July 29, by Rev. E. Davis, r. Frederick (IINTilson, to Mrs. Mary L. Miller, bothof Bayfield. GRAINGER--STINSON. -In Stanley, on July 30, by Rev. E. Davis, Mr. Robert Grainger, to Miss Margaret Stinson, both of Stanley. ReareE-DILLES-o.-In Clinton, ouJaiy 24, at the residence of A. S. Fisher, Esq., by Psev. W. S. Blackstock, Mr. TheraaiKastle, to Miss Mary Dilling, both of Stephen. TRoursoa-Uol,E.--On July 23, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev Is O. Rice, assisted by Rev. Thomas Hamilton, Mr. James Thompson, teacher, to Miss Margaret Cole, only `.dac4ourTti,eehr toof ip. Peter Cole, both of •, DEATH'S. Coseetesse.-In. Clinton, on July 28, of disease, John Cochrane, aged 39'1 Years. -delleent.-In Brantford, on July 27, Analfiniteo'n7ifageedof39441 yrLr-NeV. MeHaffie, of ,LONDON, July 25, 1873. White fall wheat per bushel, $1 to $1- 20; red, $1 to $1 08; spring. 8115 to 51 20; barley ---48 lbs. ;1per bushel!, 45Cto 50c; peas -60 lb . per bushel, 55 to 65 ; oats, 44c to 45c;: hey (new), pe ton, 510 to 512; hay (old). per ton $21 to$22 •' butter, Tolls ,p lb:, 15c to 18; butter, keg, 14c to 15 ; eggsi 12c to 14. i , , • i INGERSOLL HEVE 11i1A.RKET. INGERSOLL, July 29. The regular cheese xrarket at - Inger- soll, on Tuesday last, wq.s the best Which has yet been held. A 1arge number of buyers . were in attendance. Offerings' 9,800 boxes, -July make; total sold 9,500-2,700 at lle to Ille ; 5,510 at 111e to Die ; 230 at Ilie ; 1,600 itnght by telegraph at 10e to 11c. /The a ket was excited... 10,000avere bought e u g the past week at 10i.____e to Hie. _ LITTLE FALLS DAIRY M 1 ET; Lame FILLS, 4aly 26, 187 The market at Little Fells .,o -day opened rather firmer'with. prices rang- ing, on an average, about tb higher for farm dairies. . , The delivery to -day amounted in the aggregate to nearly 708 boxes. and the total num er of boxes, . including both farm dairies and factor- ies, shipped last week about 3,842 boxes. We quote the highest fiure paid or dairy cneese at 12c, only a' W traasf rs being made at this price. : he major ty of lots offered went at from llc to 1]c, and we heard of nothing se ing for ss than 101c. The demand 1 r , first -el factory cheese continues go di; with s. of fancy at 13c. The offe rigs are e mated at about 8,000 boxe , and the • tual sales at about 6,500 boxes. give the leading transacti Eagle, 128 boxes • at -e12.1 Ives, 100 boxes at 12c; Bee at 12e ; Brockett's Bridge, 13c ; Brockett Sa- Feeter, 12ic ;. Ca,yadutta, 124 Central Valley, 75 box lestown, 4 boxes • Corn FOR SALE. ow REIDY for occupation, that substantial awl; eouirenient dwelling, on corner of Jarvis the propeetilZe- tog!' Opposite the Epicopal t EDWARD CASH. • I s as follo Avery her, 60 bo 130 boxe 60 boxes QIcee... at 12' 13c;at Char. ns 75 boxes a 120. The market clos a much earlici in the day. than usual, and both buyer; anl sellers went away s eraingly welt satisfied with the day's 'tiransactionsJ The weather during the pe, t week ha been very unfavorable fr . miring th hay crop, and farmers are feeling some what discouraged, as the .1indications present bode a wet period, which threat ens to last two or ;three weeks. - Mac hay throughout Herkimer County ha, been injured by the late }rains, an shouldthe weather conthine as storm forl any considerable length of time th damages resulting to the hey crop mus be .very great ; which, at its present scarcity, together with the consequent! high price that the smallness of the cro in proportion to the demand.' will co -1 manci, cannot be otherwiSe than a ver serious loss to dairymen. ' Pastures ari, of course, receiving great benefits froiii the frequent showers thatare all daily falling, but the grain' in meado • is now fully ripe and ready to cut th rains injuring Tether than proving a advantage to them. 88 les tie es e /SC; es, at! at O1 BUFFALO, shows the receipts and e stock; at East „Buffalo us fairs, beginning with Receipts. , • I Cattle, Sheep , Hogs, Horses. heed. head'. head. head. 986 1400 5,400 32 ,921 1,900, 3,600 80 2,397 3,200 • 500 96 867' 4,000. 2,000 :16 31. 6,171 ,600 lile C185 14,200 1 Shipments. Cattle,. Sheep, head. head. h 6i9 1,200 3 765 400 3,994 3, 00 * 4,488 5,00 1 Q0224 160 gs, Horses. ad. head. 100 64 130 32 40i '80 400 80 256 0 1 ,900 160 asatire. Sales ead. Transac- 14's 120 79 " 60 Ohio 72 Tndian 20 Canad '44 4' And 27 other hales.' SHEEP AND .LAtii-B _Was dull. We nett( t No. of ; Hcad. W 129 ,Ohio sheep, -18 Mich. 11t5 Canada 1 1 '73 Price. $6 12i 600 620 6 p& 6 00 6 20 525- - The market e folio verage ight, lb 02 78 113 g -sales: Price. $4 75 460 525 8 " "' 1143 ; ' 5 50 r 249 Canada lambs, 62 7 20 497 " " 73 7 871 194 1' • = " 61 • 7 50 109 207 " 182 97 , And 4 other sale . Hoo. -rhe arket was moderately active. Sales 1,00 head Illinois hogs, average 200 ea 230, at $5 $5 10. G OLD. -The price of G o d in New York rs quoted. at 115. ''6 ..tf Sit 60 68 64 59 1EtiCp() SITO _AWAKE!! EIEHOL ; . THE 'GLOM- ! ou6 NEIN*: Let the 1 eople of e ; i : a.forth and surninndin country convey the go d tidings to their friendo that DU Are no 1 Lad 7 75 : 7 75 7 371 650 NEW' YORK HORSE JO- RKET. TUESDAY, July 9, 1873. In the horse trade of the eek the 0 has been as usual at this tithe f the ye 1, little or no movement. A I4tiiited d • coorMepsazinatitN; nand for low-prieeectl, darnadft Bull's Head mark ly more active distribution tmaer the re flag of the principal auction Marts, we almost the only indications of; an exis ing h.orse trade. Dealers in valnab stock (10,14 count -upon an improv :„ • 1 H111 xiDIS • N. fi,ring AN & DUNCAN- tleir immenke, varied and well- seleeted stock of Ii 1 esDress Goods, OTTOpS, CLOTHING, GE T At gre for Fa4 nporat bargai14 and no URNISHINGS Btots aid Shoes, &c., red ea A prices, in order to make room ons, therefore we offer immense umbug. LADLE DRESS GOODS, Mee lht of Clolpred Grenadines, worth 16 cent's, fen{42 cents A nice lOt of T silo Linen, worth 28e. for 20c. 4t, of I3 Grenadines in all colors. Grenadines, dregs patterns, worth $8'50, 275.i 6 lot of Fancy Dress Goods, worth 25e., 7e. ' ot of raincy Figured Dress Goods, worth for 20b. Lot of 'iuxod Dress Goods, wide, worth , for 25e. ot of Figured Dress Goode, wide, worth , for 80eto 85e. ot of all shades in Plain Lustres from 15c. Oc. taanese 'Silks, striped and plain. ck Silks, from 75c to $2 per yard, -warrant- , e Wean lored Silks in all shades. oplins, brocaded and plain, in all the onable aolors. nice Stripe A nicEf° fol A nic A nice 456 A ni snit NN cc ee Nice Nice fa POSER'S HOTEL, SEAIORTH. 9-1110MAS FOSTER begs to inform. his old J- friends and tb.e traveling public that he has Opened his now otel, adjoining the • Post Office, Leaforth, whcre e has the very beot accommoda- ion for‚ :11 a& beast. The hest of liquors and igars at t e bal• [THOMA S FOSTER. RARE CHANE. -A BLBGAB, one of the most eligib prcperties in Seaforth for r.; Pork Packing Establishment or .5 her enterprise, with plenty of s ore oom, good welling, stable and cellar, Posl ssion in two mo th. Apply to 292 ED VA.B.D CASJ, Seaforth. I" 1 13 ILL EE SO We of Ch and their lv Bra Bla RE NANTS. eve noIwin Stock large lots of Remnants ee Dres oods, in lengths to suit Children ls, whiehive will sell off at about one half Inc. AID LAW IN THE VALUE TEAS Ail\ -b Give 14Y MOURNING. lack B& Crape.Cloth, Black, Cobourg, Pararnatta, ,• Black Empress Cloth, • Merino; lack Rep (all wool), Blaclf• Persian ,Cord, Black Figured Lustre, Black Russel Cord, • Black Lustre. 5s ' EXCELS UPPLIED BY HIM IN im a Trial an OFFEESq d Judge for Yourselves. 20 Pounds Goed,Pra es for $1 00. TERMS CASH. CODS ' ( Or Sugar -cured RAMS wholesale and Retail. ELIVERE.D FREE. cf. C. LAIDLAW. ould call elipecial attention to our stock of DYMADE CLOTHINC 1 W1ih is large end varied in Men's, Boys' and Yet. t s' Suits. lUso, at reduced prices, all ottr go oi in this e, being manufactured on the pre -mete we can with some degree of confidence, recommend then; Notwithstanding th 100111/11 Great Rush to DENT'S, FOR THO CHEAP DR GOOPS, The Stock is yet very large, an ,,in or r to still further i.clu.ce it, the GREAT c4JEAR NG- SALE Will continue ±WO EEKS 1oneri.1 DENT'S CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE. GOLOi' IS GOLD TIE WIDE :-NATOBDr) And the best way to HIM t 18 to p abase a genuine article in EAS, SUGARS ANO G NERAL, GROCERIES9 Very cheap, EE'$ FLOUR ANIb SEED STORE. .. ottr, Oat and Cornmeal, Provisions, Ham, Bacon, Iruit, Vegetables conetantly on hand. TO PREVENT DYSPEPSIA, TRY OUB GRAN1J4TE1 WHEAT. Choice lot of Crockery and I -Glassware. plendid bar his in Fruit 3nrs. Call and isee them. Goods delivered free of charge. ;a B.—QED4R POSTS and SVINGLES sil1 on hand. 1 ' ' THOMAS LEE Seaforth, Qnt. ONIPARISONSOLICITE FACTARE STUBBORN THINGS. , SUGARS AND TOBACCOES Cheaper than ever offered before. Our stock of GROCERIES Are fr sh and good. All we ask is one trial to tonvince you that mar goods are genuine. FILOUR AND. FEED, • I ; = As usual. Stocks aieeeived daily and at Mill prices. PROVISIONS Of all k1xds kept constantly on hatee; chothelat of Smoked lams and Sides for sale cheap. BSKETSi large lot of Market Baskts, Clothes B nkets two bushel and one bushel Baskets on hand. Also, a ot of Chaff Baskets. As we have been app4ointed agents by the manufaeturers of the above, we are in a position to offer to the trade P.I.,wholes le prices. so, agents for the sale of JAMES PE#Y'S SMOKED HA1S AND SIDE MEAT. Orders left; with releive prompt ttention. • in town, Harpnrhey .or Egmondville, free of charge. FRUIT JARS. AlargelotofAfl Goods bought from us delivered eithe tight Glass Jars lei sale cheap. " STR N FAIRL OGA) & JAMIESON'S CLEA ING SALE OF REMNANTSAN D Until the first of Au t, when A RGAINS As they are determine N. B. -Arrived to -day lotton Yarns. ALL OFIOERED WORK WARRANTED. se n Boots and n's Boots su Men's Plo A11 whole Leat tlibse worth $2 and Children's g fo e Fall Stock hoes our Stock is very large, In tea for Fall and Winter, we will Shoes, worth Si 75, for $1 40. er Boot, worth!$8 -25, for $2 ; t5, for $2 50 and $2 25. In Ladies' nods we can enve good bargains be- MAGED GOODS, hey commence Stock taking. to clear L BE GI ut these Goods, at any priee. a fresh; supply of Lybster Mills Denims, Shirtings and LOC N JAMIESON. COW STOLEN OR, STRAYS 1 puRsuma to an order of the Court of Chan- , eery, made in the matter of the estate of TOLEN or strayed from Lot 3, Con 12, me- Alexander Cameron, and in a came Donald CaraKillop, a COW, nearly all 1ied, but wi h a few' eron against Clnistian Cameron, the creditors and bite spots, 3 years old; one p1 horns b bkran off 1 next of kin, of Alexander Cameron, late of the t point middling sized. Tb above fil W" 1 Township of afeRllep, in the County of Hilton, valiethienefredunomthseuis.ybo3-,eiapartentaxsnsy oil otihe ti" nhtretef- on or before the 20th day of August, 1873, to send 1 ! who died in or about the month of May, 1872, axe, eeting her will be suitably rewarded the un- by post, prepaid to the defendant, Christian Cam- dersigned. re on, Seaforth 1Post Office, the p.d.rainistratrt of 993-4 ""-' ' "—" the deeased, theh• Christian and surnames, ad- Tn ,w -et 13 were dresses and, description, tile full partieniera of their claims, a statement of their accounts; and the nature of the pecurities (if an) held by them, CAUTON. THE public will take .notice that 0.3EItT • b - in def ult thereof they will be perenapt-only ex- omes to hand. 'MILLS, of. Rodgerville, has no intei est r con or 13. .1 cern in the ma3aufacture of the Pea Erarvesters 4 eluded from the benefit of the said order. Every this season along with me, as I am mainnfactur; creditor holding any security is to produce the ing them on my own a.ecunt. mine beme ----- ray chambers, at Goderich, on DUNCAN & DUNCAN GEORG Rodgerville, 141h July, 1873. LOD. the 22,1 day of August, 1873, at eleven o'clock in 293*3 the forenoon, being the time appointed for ad judiation on tbe TOR SA TX, cheap, on reasonable terra , House and Lot on Victoria Street, Seal rth. The 1 hdhse is a Small franc one and the lot no of the best and most convenient one, 1013 in town, F. HOLMESTED, SEAFORTH. A.pply to I. a. McINTbSII. 292 Plaintiff's Solicitor. ;395-a Dated this 2pth day of July, 1873. `FrRNRY ItkeDERMOTT, • Master at Goderieh. tl