HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-25, Page 87 7; t JuLy 20' VP 4 U d mutilat- vie gei 11 a . 7ish of all i frontof tbemaqhine, Before as- PURE DRU resulted i nerall� 'extireas ed v prese ni h Im n Club, of Gon ie, -w. ike Ia fearful.nianper. for t e corresponding.pqrio of la�l yoa. &14t; er sitnillirly pleasoAt gather. ing him so in impc rth, in tory for* the' Ni Lrr)w Gliago, by Ore �hv All siqtance could be tendered expire(L. The very largo increa again q ing ma, 7 0 gg H 01, of -Wroxeter, wtedi soqn takoj place. lig the consul t*o ; I r., 1) p� I I h e r f grati ying as abowi T- JIB G ODE -RI C11 F OUN D' toftgle rrOil as umpire, W "joy in NJr. oilN SEA tl cr@cli s opera- ri of 44 t t to himself aft A to' the, Be estothefuleib to be'greater, which- is good.. in( of ies. Th re- d no unt)NI"Ar event occurred understands that th6 fir�st Year' by 2 U) bliate to P1 d I N ry and Man the increasing prosp flbo�satisfacti)ll of both part. ab a sed by lite it erity f the pi to inar; rhe plea's fic occasion* tions of the Goderioh Foil of sealorth A113d V41nity that the k itl,�b6lllo. rorrit, aye � atG OV TT ti R S turn mat�h 7il' b a pl ti: - retur mplay Show a 00 DisTR 1-t 1( ICT. M I ufaotilring Co that th "EEM-NAU of f John- Seatte1r, thq lat in te of for Te capital hvested X15 th D il the earliest Settlers irl! geliforth, lift Oil 'Br as Lyill in quir6d more i I A f learn that sels. 011�-- � this towilshil. 8 hare -holders have realil ell 'a hAndsole I � C11 RL Ueq81q. BrXTTY NA -111 b III the Tuesday m6riiing for Haw xy, new and; dividend. The conipall y ri die oir�p has I Exi. now ov! er, i and -all b 3 1.001,11, have gecured th promises on Colistantly on hand'. course of a. clay 'or �two, ro. It. Cool ti� B -usgell fiorul X� outreo, nolany K01111181119 villaile in the Ubunty of Ox-' g 'Agent for th 41 iqu s, quantity of impoteil winas son the line Of the 0aada OS' oxtNewsVaperand Job Vriutiug Oftico.* houge A- in.. good, prder..' Farmers site side of the, is reet, formerly i Genaftl P o ioli 03' will be ye, ieably�ditap oint- the oppol Gro. latics, �r h en A, er acriX p P are Dnzgs, Chemicals, Patent able to sell at Piitc% a, ern Radwy- Vle regret Mr. Seatter's - Q foundry, for iT, o- ilding shop. A ri Mar�ili, o the I - o nsed MS a ture from Seaforth, and trst he H()lsE), has s6id out; his Icase U -I Li , hici bay yr.op� Well oil in resent Wish itinues t1lev cities and Dye Stliffs, have ever ofterea�tbe same goods I.Or bef io. Pnr. dep, 11 t �L the p sstl .9 eniselves ' axri�, �season oral mucli Toilet, Fancy and -Rubber Goods, sat-Ittfy holue. �eason:ilc supposed chaserg will do, to ca l his u t ous 'Richaml Las '11 require before long o -e msy be guccessfl ii ON k!xt h to [A r. wi of I I li lit cropcould not be a r, ( e acStatf and of o rich. 114r Lashr tal,-,Vs popse inore t an ri mor3 extensive buildings. I-T&I R, 11�0 (YrH,,, N A 11, A 1) We notice tba, the �d Out Much I 1E r, - Block, maiu-stvvt Pee e( Ut it Cc turn, 4f I t On the st 0 uguay. BRUSHES, INIA(lbell. Preas spe�k in, highly (Ompli- �sioi ter thal; ,.9 ntidipatcoll, and there, IE ho TuckersMit b 'ary ter its, re bi mo of, Ar. J. ib lis week oU11gea sizes; Ladm" Und GenticineVa inee I -$�1011)_E,- 11-0 t r . this towns a russes, alr- i A -YiNv. amortment of Goslell. & 00.'s- do`tibtl�ut there -.8 in I . shoulaer Braces, c -DIDrug succoeds to theldrug businesi � oarn- i a case of sk by a4 e 4djourned arriage, Bath aild E n-lish Rar Erusbes just in at Hio;K�ox's Drug to �Iecord fall4voraye crop. Fall wheat wilt E Ive 1 Bo-.iNv us By,_1AN;v,—At 'Pon - u0 not GrockeiT-Stere. e(I o R. -by Nr. 86att 9 r), bot in his profez- inan namec hnmas: Lanlb,� �au;ed by a!god.*idId, and will iA most placep be imiieeting f the Tuekers, n ed wad iboilt xt , eek, SpT ho, i agreed sional and Vrivae icapacity. M)" 1' b I ol, NVednesday last, it Wa' S AND 8 6,A't 8, Concertinas, Accintemperan,,e. The tieceas al., 'old i1a -the e towns. d. livd with hi�f pai- r�ady fpr held arts,_formerty �i s ht ad sho- y (ld, ; o il'butit a by-law 9ft,1t ice fiest �uality. go 1 25 years of age, iB 11 the Cho "d he t rb and the co q pal ioliri 9triuvrs, of e. Londo ots fo '2NIetheinal 1,11r. w `v us toithe -Nit. W. Donag y, W 11-1 MkSe, -0 liles �outh 'IV I Drug Store. e karn thai I t the 11 and Bruce a, all 0 a. aud Lioli to Lr willTe"co siderably below t boil the rejuest Horlft and i!6b S7(1,7', has e, eived of Brussels, ,rh,.,y haveonly late] 1conle - �l and peas never 11tailway, incomplianc, WHII edit)r of Vile Godei a enerally good) A 1-i-kRGe of Toil t Soapa, I r ne: gsed Eno an appoir-tuient ill'Ithe 1111ind 11 line -Ito this a rhood-' dece � M. Turnips and of a petition of fifty ;rale)�Lyers. The English. Also, French al r yle I flari Greet� P01MV -Bug Frem-4-r-&114 �isdd proTis d befte I the 15th of 11&jr, Nail and Tootl ifIll)(1caraile greituly 'A k well, but rb o be voted. arroa ombsi Brushes, ost larts Ido �Otli.-- I a�li fronill IN by-law is t Rt-cshes,wt R. L1GRSDFx'4 Drug well, to assunie thoildutk 8 of lid 10AV po- 11il self by exiesqive drinking. Oil Sat - Vein' ery seriously injured by gr Lis- September. oull way hopl4er HARV EST. - -T h e f %I I 9 ur tlay eve f be -Th si il n. We cong� ulat Mr. D 5n�L h itin,,, havin' d his w at harvesthas a -ad ramuy E, 4 "', �y Pre mriptions, on Iiig �good fortune in b -,i 11i gr 'eag ble,91 to I bo e the vi`04'e of liquir and great alread�'cornmonced in -11 th-. township Of 1%ysidiaus' erat�ly t ok: a F --The- cheese fac Dr- i the farm of 1, 1-87.4, for 61V,cents- leaNLe thel cares and lanxieties -ins6arably pr4sed in its, he delib ieS in qi�� ACTO ty. ind * a good bush -,ss Tuckeramith. fiela Recipes CixefuUy Prepared, - ----------------- l �th . 6 newsl vv� laich, before y ert ar do collnec., th a Call will find the e�l witi 3aper A usiness ose 6f, laddatwill, i'lon, a few days Mr. James Dickson *iLs bei �g cut oil Ad, I -L ou Id ot1for hini,. caltal d tliis:ye _�r. clistomeri; favokin , Inc fficiak, he' B a4hine of lo i klirsday. Etock complete.' Particu)AT attOntiol) is called.to RODGERS & SON limuftate in t 1 st e g car lox& fr,,m di a,(,' 0, 1 y stock of DYE STUFF, all of which gre -.War. S, P061 Vt It his aeath.. J'O oner Holmes, of r tgoisgor-4, &e�, at nuinD and, at the lowest iffices. oelebraz6& Razors and Strory ife. -- . r 11 Hicysoxis Drug Store, n - in que his fae or, nd 4ardirior hs -Wixle cli allied at $500, Sol By held bix Monda) a Robber Arrested i Clinton anted e put f I alenge . I ay �r two over f( and w* s. pr 6ilted. b Gordon1�e JOHN R. ROBERT, -PR_�,I)INGBO�,CTLF-S, Breut-PilIps, Pat- I irnett, f the iii -Y returned the foll )Wing es y Mr. J teel lo da. Mr, Johii 'White is I ISO Theiyetv Era of yester o y has the fol - Powder, ana %aU at �ch goods at lent ayringes, Violet tv� verdict ; ."I'llat the eceased, Vioulas two young Seaforth. the New York fol' a d mile if the dtfirying and cliekse lowing I t I lrg , i . t on igagedir On Friday x S Drug Store. foot race recentlyi r at Lamb death from coil 0 es cometed fo CallkEdO 1 9 M makillo business, andlikethe otheri is men wh:) are working 1 r the Messrs. the CAUT10UN caused W Sprtingfield, lvlass.j, was won of the bra n ani ofito Ole H were r(tariiiljg home Fall ShOw"S. I doing -large and p_ arland Bros., andni this ye r ]"HE 'public wW take notice that 110BYET -El Bowie, Secreti.r r, of the Monti eal La- ex essivetse of lquor, and bylaud - yist rted tl a Be' 9 XIKLS, of Rbidgerville, has -no niterest or con. -4cial Exibition, at Lonon,,*&ora the ad� The factor from an evenin party, on pproach thie Provi hell,', dmidisteied by his w" h �2!26& to the 26th of September, inclns4ve. 'cruss Club, son. of Dr. B wi,,of M'tc Q n and. tr & Dorsey, rbar be promises b y e isrs. 1�obertsoxx ing the real door 1of ruin the manufacture of the Pea 'Centr�l Fair at Guelph, 0- te 16lthl4ri th, Stret- t 3 in his season' along with me, as I am marrufactur. ndard brother of Mrs.1 Ro$eit Cole] libm, of _1V1 D1 ITG. - JaMoIS Carronbrook, is (to' very large b of thle brick block, about 1' 1 ng them on my own accOunt. ISLI hey I�erce ICLZO-t)� x of September sfoh is ab(Lut building !a fine twcstoty �rs L redi aa person I I , -The South Hnron,. at Seafoirth, on T-4arsday, and I � liess, c n4iderijq that !this is -the 1, t the morning, t Mr A. G. McDou all zand I Mr. 11. t adjoining :Or. S. e oan once called 116dg'ervillh, 1011 �uly, 1873. 298*3 frame store ca his' lo yea. a odl the pa trolls, �o far a w coming out, whom they -Friday, 2nd and 3rd of October. P. i a, on, Tuesday,, OxA. 7. - 11offers of tbi� -v Srii:&Fe's. The 14ilding is be, ebunting, wla,j e, have umt re- to be , �4x5-0, .�Thjffibbert, at Staff el, ow Friday, I learil, are, well BAIA d -upon to surrender, N�hicl iALE Olt TO RENT. at Listow bh­Octoer. I t11rn o blinder an d is to h e c oni pleted, by the mi(' dle �� ' I� "a t ce did As FARK ro The EluiLa, , ed from a. pleisfire, tr 01 an Monday el l ink gainat him,1 H't Exetel k the odds a� Collinw6od. on I E OR 0 RENT, on reto The Step -hen and UsborDAN OV-EMENT i. :4 z�nd Tuesday, 29th aro(I 30th'Septembi X. I 'Bay. They embarked x I Septembei. of Al r. J �hll I sis ance was called, and the " Francis Smitill with the it tention, barn wsiraised on the farm ' t . . t i P110TOGRA 11-k G. , A. Vage, theln rin, Lot cone ssion 8, Hullett� consis mg '01 SEK-K03r. -7-Di4e Service of going to.D eal ;r I)e �Ixroy, as lea�cc' L 1 00 acre -4a aud in a stateof uluth ut the w ;hp White,� ii�ar Cro�narty, 1 on Tuesday I ist. ed in * the lock s, $0 of which are clear time they reached Photographe 6'01111*1�_'traj lst, 'rhe 'barn is 60x.56 feet, withstab- he wasi brougb t tip for! ex.ai r illation, -when old cultivation,, iind well fenced. There is a came so cold' by ti lb�iildihg aDoutito: will be held in St. Thoragg" -G�Iurclx. this tha secondL St)ry of the. .. . . si eput- I eath.- U is he^ 'quickly ed as A di uitable shells, also dation undern identi6 oodframe barn 60x40,.-ftjxd a ley concluoled not 'to d b3 S .-etton, and iatetiolE ling aocommo D, orling 7.30 4ck- T4e Thunder Bay that, d orchar(l; well watered; out.- and a -half e y be erecte r. section of the coun ry, able. characuer named Jan, (4 Dun ' from L 81)1611di g their voya -).e. The we' ring o A the lar fest in this the village of ndwithin. W rolon as the abdv St y, served an earmSoTmon will be preaebed by ey. Mr. p I tit wting his I soon Mr. affa; has the cont tct Darlington, who ha(I alir� mile of a there are Su acres axL overcoat inthehmiol;deof J ly they S Idler, of good gravel coal leted. hite is one apprenticeship immediate possesion will be given. Eblph, missionary at Sauji �St building is at the Kil L tn poll found not colidu to tire. hile, for he frame work. Air. W .-Ae il L aid of the 16 -The arbitra- Be-; tiary. . Upon his persfbx� e found, sev- or further partieulftra apply to the proprietor on a*a a collection will be m e11001, A- I TR-Vf m. enierprising fal here, the therinornet�ef ed at obout 90 'te d to'equ, Of Q Lr 1 11108t ly' e prenuses or axidress Constance P. alize the asse sme s Whicl i work in that part of the coun- to rs appot Bide i -%N orking 2( O.acres of land� be h a a oral trifling article were quick in' the.shad , our' eicu found it 76 roprietor. e 1`81 a I roll for th 'C nion Sclil?ol Section f Btiis ti old y different pa! ties pres P a d4ficult, to keep fortably wari envel-.. che Be factory a, a pork packing idea tA b Irey and Morr S,�. met at the Brus. hem. Aft4M' a brief ves- cow STOLEN Olt STRAYED. sels, ei which he do(s a THu, TN-TF;,RYXT1ON,,AL. -Mr. Peter Me- pe in thick overcoats and apair off li it' in bo �h of c' to t' 4 arbi t et for sink- sets Hong, c i y his shadow n(ver charg� p ferred ainst 'Q-TOLEN or strayed fom Lot 8. Con. 12, Me. 0 1l, li-Mondaylast. Tbl, K ank Ewen 'has obtained the con a b ets. This sud&6n,change fr i heat uess. i ti few tr 6tors. w( re, -1. Leckie, Reeve oJ B Mat i Thl eo fwta'sl e committec to Stan his Q Roop a ot)w nearly all red, butwith it few iing the new Salt wel-on Droperty of row 'one of horns bolken off tile to cold is, cettainlirthe -reverse o agreq- oid; Slemmun, Depllty- 9 The above snirtial was se.s, for BruqWa r�iai at t While under white spots Dougall and Rogers t ulie next Assizes the International Coulpa"Y a; %G Ocle and Messrs, Me o at poifit, midd#i3gslzed. R eve of Gr ey, for G -rev and D, 8cott, arrest at Clinton, a i LM was receiv - Vrroxetw. taken frojnL the; above premses oil the night 'rhe erection of the derrick is now belffly -011orly aolvispleture to-linsts. Do jour- tating St that a Weduegolay uly 9 Any inforiwition rem u glad to ob. i ed from Bowm4liville, bevem- �y -eastward Dp ty-Beeve of orris, for Alor­ and boxing Vi ke advantagd of t.-VEYtaroity.-W are proceeded V6 al. and ta as I& warrant was out for his: rreso on the specang herwill be -suitabl) rewarded'by the -m. Dewix 8 001 Inspector, rileaced as soon as the derrill- tie St. Lawrence d its beautii ul'sceia. -tiali Serve liat the sitave factory 4ere, om ned Thle roll Was finally .1 lra of ripe, 'which - it �Ieted. The bore ofthe well. is to be six )11 With it iairman, k & Ma Yit more serious el A JOHN BOWIE. e n preference ur( by Al n! . (1'.bson, Blac P tit assesment 0 1 had 01113litte upon a e( by in r6asidg was alleged he uol a half inclies in cireumference, aald it chilly blasts. has commenced operations and seem i to pi rtion 0 o r ri s a id Grey see ion. 4 5 woman near Bowni4nvilli 011 Sulld4y FARM FOR SALE. will be the largest in Callada. be Working 'Very well. -olling in celit. afternomi several boys wEre stl VALABLE FAIM 100 acreS, i4rst C011- ffiatch Was pl a, ed f P r CRICKET. - A I TBLV�14PFI report- IRt o s.-Tbe weather ilist now is ery, 'belougin to Dn Cole, near the A r4lision, Aremllopil ;ezllr Seaforth, on the main SIDtWAL,Ks.--2:Phe side on Strtfo�d, on Stu�4ay last, beti,ten the .-rl . th6 bush' 0 . d to Goacrich; 85 acres clearedand free a-11b9tolutial S�afo, tI a and the Ilwa , when they gravel ros' 01111,111,011'' apl dill. �y, *eit of the I e that the D reeig, C favor Me for ha -making Opt ral 35 11cres Plo-weL t the rest iqlder Street is being' relaid. ip a r eleven a d: eleven of S iratford, my intqll( etab'ishinrr an. c1lice in thong � light, ii better than was at one fro Manner. On several other gtreOt8 th6l .�hi6h resulted: in I vctory for kc t atford P .1- n z' , discovered hole in the`gtound, c grass; weliwatereduad fencedwith largefraxie s ition i S tin) e a 'ticipted. Other crops, espe -,ial-I by lgs, in Which reat ollian in bou-se boarded out - sidewalks have Tilso been. ext ended and, by 0 riffis. . Bath -leams exhibit e some I russels. NV e ay, c nn on,oppo� were a titY barnstableuiid6rneaLh;l �gfar Aiate t m life� ol tole. -lywbeat, promise a fair yield. side, Rud g)04 orthard; Possession humt ly t egret to see, that the Iry Of articles, of which the-1-1lowing is all Va ars 7 f invenuc title good and termEi easy ­ repaired. .-Alle r v good play, e,observe Seiforth is For further paTtleal boairds have b een removed fro: n a portion - ' .�),ut �P_- STRF,.9'1A.-2rhe C 11 it,: at a special A Ila Row A-moNG wy.: Seven coats, vestsp 2 pair apply to m all up in bomwrli iand� fielding, 10 t T) Leetinry lie ( On lull e J th inst. E, ditor : Allow- me a a 11"al 1 of pants, I pair of ov jal shirts, 272- LUDWIG *MEYE1109eftferth 2- 0 - of the E `11ow. �m ondvile sidewalk and..g pmr rather , we with -the I all;wel riateio! $500 to be ex n4ed on stre-, t 4 , eu, 3 hats, 2 caps, 4 chisels, substituted. A gravel sidewalka-8 a de- I . ce i,o your colu,'mus most wool ]FOR SALE, 1. ali axid� Wb ito good Seri ice with STEAM SAWXILL AND FARBI 119 its at once. Insion and a Snare- tile ball, and Mear nd WhitE Allowed 11 nProl eo kpi a6litlema hi self,l"A ru. 4s, 2 hammer 11u(Ity ial we . r . i . tl � a - spokeshavibs, 2 pocl�et Lot 31, Cou. 7, McKillop, colitaini'D9104 0.. w 2. whetstot 4 files, 1 p Boole good &fetic HAMNE�S -Mr, Jgbn Dunc, aiid stables, weather, dusty in dry ad bad A t 'r, " in ast eek's issixe o the lies, 3 ch�lkliai e in. batting. r acres , all clefa�ed, with good barn, I er S p at all times yhody bat - . r- . Davillso , of 8'1,�forth. NV ng am Ti nu, in whiah he �tates thai tent saw -set I shoema unch, 4 worcharols in full bexriug,; t-Alo never- Mail- -abhorred _111114 31r., eory by eve I S;,ratford R. Smitl �the Capta proved' I ave I ctighl the bu Idi Sol en, t f tb elev6u of the' coml ined pair of nip ers, glinlets, g s'lwings which supply the mill. - Also, lot $5, ;J Of 1 11011 0 shoemakars, to. whom it'is a, sGurc t himself a *orthyl, representa i e -of the 0, adjoilli ag An ch b . siding in W am rilade inorc i- b I I s' aw? dvr2 containing rewufbush� considerable reveue. il team, _axid Crossx�aee did good. sovice Aett's Rute. from' lvlri Ocardiff,. Lad. ill- e ingb hair rJ tooth 48 at' "cr is situated -G. miles from Sraforth, with 4 good llel Iven "air combs -1 pair a ears, After the first tpn(Ig-aitin,ailratetal�shariiess hop. i ilin the whole of Wroxeer, b' hes, 2 ravalroadtbeivto. For flirther apply 81 N ith both bat an4 44 , .1. 1 caddy tea, 9 TH 'N TiiE Cs.rvr.-Th� Ion-Jook- S rs. Wilsol�i &r Tate, harress iw four gentl�men ' froni brttle 0I U�Lr. 411 Ys both team 3 g,%,t down to it siplen L- A, there �were Of oif by- post, to J�IIN 0XP- as at feu'gt� been , .1 commercial tray fl . �,; 260 ed for watering cart h, did repast, -set o' b in the pavoil-.011, Oil I Alithell, have lesed the slir, p "Li ck�low and one le siocks,j axb, 3 pocket a(i(ouut books, I so'x, Constance P..O,, Kinburn, qlat. 'h dewola nuralie of other arti-` t into successful operatioji,. and h the Stratf dive, iny latel) occ pi�,d by fT. Dol- pa asiig hroll NVingharn, w, 0 playe nia Way ILLOP. the groLUnd, given FOR, SALE IN Mc'K roet t1uring akes sever u te`eu in use on 'Alain t dau 'M r. i on,, a nc in"'tend hUr in blisiues,� t I iar!dl� know bow he m Cles. I A jrul!nber E articles were Meirien and' cateldd 'by rowinill 1i good Farm., e-0111posed of North e 6ounts he " defunct editor,." wh identi6e by different P ties in i he vil. ALE, a , ihe present week. Although the lei s half of lut 15 anil the west hulf of lot 14i Con. c h de The weathef was that Quid 4price. X . I ) — F n a TCHINIAK61f, s iroA " r. brayod As to a -r sprinkling apparatus seibis 0 be ,f. -lot the ga�hq terminated nlost 'so Ion yj as: tNVo. the lLage The party t rA-s ed deni es all 11, MuKinol), ContlojUiD %ulty sired. at I'I)U J%Lere,3, 50 cleared -a-ail apeGts, -anddoes nbt WLQrk as 1 friendly and satisfactory,man�er, when ober; No orth,'Ii he mentions, F am perso: n311Y knowledge of thesa articles, thoigh lialance, wt'u in some re U91 wellfellef-d, aiiiiingooill to the" -stord a avill for i� wi the whole ri I e- r Ig I bear1,1r' two 0 well as it should, it is a gr t ia�prov h fitted u To Xet red with haTtiwooil; a - good frdme house t I confesses to sufficient c- ninality to send timbot e tIlLe Seafo th playerr Were escorted of: NV I and jo in elry glipf, , Mi.. tent; nd the street is bedllg and now, from experien �c -,o hi m to the penitentiar, r for a I -rAngthy And ltailwy iation, land left the atchn"ok fig oad; 110 miles miles ind a hnirfrom a 1-vooi r lo� I comfortab tlaS$ tolerab oun� 15 s or'kniall, Ind lsu� ch igentlemei t term. There.acre some a usifirr I ar 8 Con(IL tion: The ly le' fro�m the of ealorth; theto are two stewn owaterin_g of the. street is certainly a great cheer -s ock, lip in th village at all. "Cad,',' beii all these trifling thefts, one of which was sawmills withiii 81 1 L s of their qil�oxlelits. is ti rst a that: they, are; not I 8 t.%nrIL the return il kch. will be laed at ie'.inthi s bringing in a good to pedestrians ahol a be"et to eaforth in the fi r' s1t wee'k inAl school oto the -boon grist. do q good �btxsiiyeskhere, as - lie Exigl sh, word,,I can ve Mi,. Cria ete r tl e case of v:iose hot Be had. . eto on.thd premiAes, orlif by letter, to is n I ' " gi I pr,pri . r 11-larchants, and 'we trust that, iow a we�nit is much �ieedeol. a 3& wilil ago ttidea of one. it is a ol alit, bi ly entered, which aused ou previous Winthrop P� 0.: c mmencemenit :f -nowin & m to patrol the gtreet� aear his 280*4 o has been made, it will be IND beg -ea coil vellie'rice Ito � the pt oplb U, gont enian wilio, 1, g i ttl prem- 7 continued darinn, the dusty seasoil- Baird bd. Crosswaitel.j. 6nd sor�rohn -a coull a �,r� about cr�lck-et than his oppo nts -s on thd ifiglit the b the vi la4d V did Y. iro be was arrest b. itic FARM FOR SALE IN -1 GREY. Cameron, run 0 irc I I . I ppels to -the iii e( . On te' morni cy aftE r tbe arrest, the 1 c. Da�y. ........ 0 w4o �are at the bt, 11) Laiur, b. Rae: n)eE OT No."121 81nd pa 4) P0TAK11E_V.Y.-7'k large potsh b661se the b!atsman in making ra i I go ritleman, sought in vaai for Soe arti- L A of Lo 11 in thelft i Mite, run but.. 7 L4 il of the Church of R n r,- I - - .1 - Cr -he tilemben. Concesuionm lof Gmy, of 78 Ac,rqsl factory is ilaw being erected iae&r the L time. Grm te�. 0 b. fills''against iiis wickets, knowix' bf '-> as of geller�l use, and afterw'ar(l le Livatioh; 21 miles i wr bd. arn- land, e on JVqlnesday even il lt, t, 50 clearetl and iii good (-.1111 fron railway tr"-, on the dast 4de- of the 411kill: b. crosswal LA .1 ....... 0 his own 4dmis6ion, -after h%vin(y c ate I ed that. those very articles were f till Applytol The proprietors V illiamson., 0. Woo 040., ancA h.: Rae.....: 2 the i a �.el gcmetotli,6 ou-clusion tbat I on 1 C Bvel Ro I'> I e vitlage� a4e AlEessrs. F(Irguson b Rael 0 , row, that it is never out, Atfin" it i nof the robber, proving -hat-he 1276 AN� U �T A-101ILLX, Ion the pien&6- it w& Id e desirabI6 td-se'btfee buildil Lop 7 8 the perso 11 ont ........... e) its I onage, awt, i fel ow W xidly dinner 6 sly had stolen them -wilet4 MeNRanus & Pc4s, w1io are ggel Aaej ..i. 3 -not site I( r a church allot 1), ;o �111 it wicket.., ....... 6 1 1 ho A -a frie e proprie o.T was FRADS 1 AB HAD I b-1) CromwNite 1 6 ba fiftyl Cents P( th business in I 'I - -The RiAledge, �rl head it is t iouht CAUTION -hurch.at oxic6. &buses the es. watching his premis A "Col nli!x Itattonbury,-i4ot ont4 .... 3 b. 0 build a Ilealclies, furnaces'and boit - are now" girl� a lid landlord, because he sn t ier parties ere exigaged ill 8 U 1p, o open a gene ra -su il- 1 W -Sts jointed t' I strVeral otl -e§peetf111lv to cayAjon the public :. - 11 lie, and, lasil for 1 [ BEG most ready for woirk, and the bilililing Ni�Lll be rne on: the t ese ana that as soon as of the Dritii li'4\�orth kmericail PXON-iuces to be G7 1ption fund for the above purpo so, 4141 cha�apag a' ......... spurious roe erected 111 a few days. This, drix � has Ttlik. 88 T I ther�e were three of this kind of other oe.t heir T@J)DA as SO()ji.as possible. n one was d, they -made fo loliva the d1well- o b6n­ sold fig i) RD. - ia pA ines which are bought se'e-ral lots, incli LTF men who played for Winghm, i i D INIOENG4. 'B %X ALL.�The Maple bme -b� JI rts. PHIS ILU by cuXlaw judiv iiag house near thE will'' T N X G,; 2-i W.. . loud flashily -dressed cove, who it er iork y I little or noill eanq,- traing 6or the last fiew R. Smith, Ild. W�ito� �13 C. ad 1) 4pameron.i oo 11 of 1�russels.'wil�l play, a mat -,h 'with i i of C, i erect writable build- ifrying an b. DdhE-1i .......... 9 he plays pretends be wa -vie of! the f I to montlig oul-, U er the st- Foster, 'e. meyer.j.. it garxie, 0i Lis,towel clubi at Listoweli Ohemicql C fle is intide use the buSiDeS8.oa all extensive T eY Daly, b. White...;. 0 b. Laipk 'I .......... . 3 fight, if he could only find 'soxy a o e acres of -h- -ing upon the I ay.) 'y of by. them for Ue purpose of Y. epect, when they go :,�into 0 r- to Grt,sswaite, c. Baird 7 b 3 da F1 with as few brains in his head as 'I, c Rae, run ant 1 c. and, b, 4 were elit one day last -4eek on lie farm lAlouc; and u, Luoree ectut !to deceive, theY lit fron., this agery an 8 to turn o $a 131 s"�cenerall possess. Hopingi t rth;emvnt$1 J.� G. Smith, b. Judi 4* c. and1b I y short hlave the affro t in tlieir tiLaing .... iO Lakolet. , �j i o ol� Mr. Ingram IAloirris, -in th 1 tle Mitailell, to(riether. about a '10,4 0;� Woodc,66k-, c., b. La�ng. 2 c. Wh, i ........ 8 entlenianl - y " correspondent tilue, Ot thr�e bo�irs, by % inachine pianu- ls';ue the follov-4 WIlIghim 411 G. Foster, b. Liting,'.. ergi 11 The immen; .9 h " work a eniand for H( LiOWAY"; PJ111S Potash, e'ach 2 PB N' J, Hazelwood, Tite.v will not lil iphtd 1) 3 11M 'te'�. not out,. fictur d by Watson, of Ayr. T VVId t 01'4T..NfENT .1 is prepareo.1 to rec4eive oT a !8 uage Was well Allokle, not Out.*.'- 3 ran out.. -ts f)r extraordinary JADog gain tho t done. to counterfeit t icse valuable Me icines. HOTEL n .... io ric In order to 1)r)teGt the Public, n or 't , adverbising, &c.,; which 'i -we Rftauset, 11. , -*:: 1: 10 Lake let, e b. 0 ran ting, knowiiig its meaning, I main job A n tb a evenincy f the present season 11 -s. Davidson & Gai .15 Te have isued nam -3'eousisth)gof au' p will, It lwoxxi�ty-exeicuted at this offik-,e. EN -(4 a 1�,th i� St.-, as Mr. ICNflutray Wid. fmily EgIptiall )f a Serpent witi 11 1. the B u, 3 1 S8. 'Busiiiessi i8" rati(-r dl I July 21,1873. ...... g to their from. Brus- the centre. -Evecy box of bell have renovited the Con Total .... 51 turnill iome at ',ere re tel from top tc, bottom.. T he wood work just J110,0', tarmers;beiiig-�so.'bwy with PILLS AND 01-171'51 I -NT* Will have trademark oil in a me"Aoolii, thd vehicle by Some of the Whorleiste-nor. has b- painteil Stanley, ilt. Nonb are gei TiiLie without i Lnnr�lal reapi' their ba, �1&rve8t. 1 t rig I I .-i - t upset, thro W ffig the occupants and tmained,, andR '�ean& go I)JIrUS AND MEDI' the walls id eeik-tigs - tell u iidgr' tiae a- i spices dfite"Hur&i ttre ve�y bns MATCH. -A friaifor's peri. on b M. rs. To D I I KAYI�G.* Fareaqrs O�i e were ijui-ed, e-icep C, IN L S. beautifully papered. The Sitting rounis rese it with their lia -iiig �o fl--ority between two single unaebin �k �jcM rr veral. We Call YoUl particular atte4tiou to the new rmers' alid: Aledhanics' 866eiatioii, which, b toc �r�l ay, who ireceivc d se ainful y 11611d all the bed x0oms I e beeamewr PILLS -Nvill be be oi� d, 10 in the j' lace '6u the farm of Mr. Gr 1, style of ttli,� farm of' �!T. Jmes tb:e for,6 of e, sea- 6go but not daligeroxis br ::--* es. papered rpeted- . and fur hed- '!The none of the sle, are maliifaqturea by us Dow, c Ila, 11 of P Us- son, i i gouicial will 1be li"lit. nor have they I een 'for niontW. 6ike, Lot 18, (poll. 3, tow anley, oi' Tuesday, 15th list,, 8TRUCK Y L�Gwrm 't�. On Thurs. JVe therefore and i�arnple too m hve also I ! Gregoi t I -borne near' t4e ,illaae of , xeler, oil ather th from any, in presence of quite a g, ee a Severe caution all pureb a, The b fl toolin-S oil 'is . f, I been neatly fitted 1up. 'he i��-heit I . ay evening In (T',O rmers and oth o "Fitesday nixt 129th inst. I h, i ii el d se;. oo i ers iiitAore as s town- Tobbers or Deal is the Zistyle goo s I Livimillsoon Oe rve� t. �11519 the second flat, wvftlich are' al1l. large =d'., well .1 a d thunder stoitii ed over thi informati4-u �-oneernilig tiny ��-nvh yoolls being ;Iet�.ed by r e. as"Soc ation'A it. good or,1 The Spri lig ffheabl in ��.cneral too s' I ed. The, one was a t5 I "Model Buck6yel ip, doing d iaiagoi to b4ld. 0jfe,,,,,l will be mdeive(l with thnulm Gheerful looking ' artmients, ;�'re kf_-pt e,-,- wap dw, and ire, Machine manufctured by Joseph 1� iiug and crops.! The* licilitnincr struck i We ask the fa vor of affi the iW madon - al 30 c U n d romisea a fair.avei-acre crop. lusively for gue-stp, while- those on the; ve in regaril to those counterfei third fiat, whcil equally c4triforts1le, du former year VYe trust tbore wiill be! 6 itianutActuring Company's ti;� house of Al: er. the ArS. - This crap looks ver 1ve 11 mlinv is sw4TO thaV your 111ws. do large turn o'l, t Of! both - michlues lut a 4th Concession, Jestrqyi the cl, imne Now thili Co altho I a few i4eekissince it seeni.�d colm T ylor; the other althouall not quite -4w) he ooicasion. 119 119 Y) 1 not perinit them to coi,)y the ldi� getting UP Of manufctured' by Tho ad passing dow,11 thr: or( -A - completely -)ectivtors oil t .0now-, Cbiof als+ & livrh. the *e no;ots,at al I' by boarders. Th alouse I as if �ht -e wl ould I hilh1ley but in order ltev_ t III prizes *il I b ompeted r, escaped tbrougti do of the house, rbe to e c Will ams, Aitcliell ;,agent, Charle;sAlc- the s' " another to blind the pixb�ic, they have re(ou cQ-nivenience, will -00, ',)are favorably mith Pnis.�-Pea§ loo beautiful, nd proi that ti they deem jliachine4.- i piece of deceptio viz., i3i statin ad tolib a 1. aGZ:t CiLty.hotels, &Rd is a. Is prize, $3 . � i Leod. The circumstances under ioh I making a bole bout, two f credit toilae rfood i6ro e(at squre. T, -Were in the match originated were as follows�: It Althotigh several persons 3 (1 1 50; 4th, 81 the a 111iit. theyadoPt " . 1:1 1 ilecessary, as � tPey Hay., to kip the Pflls And e. i - in all her form, an BARLEA.-­13arle, is 'pl 1%] 1 Ointment' Sam i st bous t the tinle, fort il,,ately a ese- NEW LUIPL, For ers the eprize's %are ppears that about the ruiddle of, I siligLii� ap possessiou -8ince Mr. Ka doo, yield lq ely It, rule of the 301ciety rLeat April 'Mr. AlcGh-egor orclered a I Chemical, Go loffare& rna�'Iiibe ell injury, although ll Nvere consi ably look- l6adid, 0118i el 0 parly there is a� so a David Prin 1 or E., a (to 1T "ibuir" uinimate triela!-ry is f t, -ay I ng ex, Mr. Taylor, which was to lbve frightened. of New YOikr I from s Hotel, he Jaa*�beelj il aki 1GTv r oB4. - 0 toe all -ausoibines I:ent ed for c6mpet"ion and; wi.. od 6emi)tiug to sell ve improvem. havilig it crop. tenal euft. He ii� ZD : I - F who by com d been delivered on or about the l8t of, lt.�polastered- nd rEtpxpered from top must -6e.the malilifacture of !1873, All laid. a lleavy slegue� to t h ein at r bit spurious iiiii psof wyedicines. Exeter. July� The machine, however,- not �e­lgi him likwwise. as the manufacturer off!rql' for isile. . very BE 1,1011 s dai4oe aaa not at .been I 'o -to.m, afid: file i�utslde has beea dared has as forthdoming oon a was xpe to say thil-t I ow( of Alloney ill the* ll-ni-adhines for conipetitiod mat %e 1 If Ias.� fres-Itly pinted,; whi vives it Mach 4M eatered with, the ecretary ot laier Mr. McGregor then ordered and"101( r, week,.' little boy, son )f W. 'L 'erity H'Nil " McLeod, wb ich was forthwi �h Of Exeter iLecidentall fell from a win, oil? eaock! A�. M. j� on the day s th I from I r. -ent obtained, without lily or Conseil who ji�g 1, cr -is t the n6rtli Sh( i st 'I (low il and by collusiot, with.it par . ty arg Sal ple row A-_,� I' -Nu-; uAL RE\, cB- deli vereil. In the �rneantime the �i the Second story of his atheV When all the o of the,j,reseut buildiii Power of attom� (N. Vf )nine, fill o.d r to t4) to ��il io 11, machine \V,%S also sent, and bewa,3 �no;i- house 1 to the Thoti tyll, he dis mtime rr a m -are b P-110volneuts now ia are com- Perth Teaoh'ers' Exalnination. 111v Medici Sol,, his Jones )t1l; (oneejSioll GTey.. ga-e bi.-i th ed Of its rrival shortly after 1) yihg tance was colisi(lGrable, be sustahled ver3f tl�e of ,:,4)Q 000 in gold. p.letq(,I,, �,f, w ill be how -we swo-All y of tll a 1, r, h -0 the- court M "ot i oil Of v- the and -lie thus 011ild. sligbtffijnries chlim to a law)iv t ref �rred 1). alti id: lies for to twin �o#s. B6th 6 Its diedi one awho i ronhiry it. nd Idinsel the posse�sor of one ND Fi, ielid of 6, *,110 gave -�incr foul d�l a L mathire too BAZAAR A- ;i,.rr; —Th av to the IL11011ut lie� Selioed �certificates, secoti' and th'it,411 nd the her Evo.: hih he last we c4u, -took Uce in Stratfoi- lid fe,,tival, under the 'eu eklif inialiv.; lit this dileninia, InckilyfOT'lli-in al8 1) i C e f tll-0 aid ho could have 11141A 0 f )r thel-lilf. Mr. Taylgr cljL&Ilegyo(t ' k, �y A hatl I 110T, t8l, Hulle Mr. N1cLeod to; Ladies' Aid 'Society -1) connecti ii with the 1010 - year edii1g, 30th June, 1871L follow- Seven -teen �pj�lioiaats presented. thm- I steps to repudia te this vilf� urch, Exet( selv�*fo.rcx&ixRnatio�i.i-for.second-claqi.per- -natch between the two machines, %k hich. Christ's Ch 1 i 1,� ment it cawe to ni hP CAT Kr�Bx verVi slic- y ingsbipjn-mts have been Sea- I we all pli ticked ueti6ii of au �- drill shed, 0A lthc afte'I'llooll nd evennl,' will �sooii be get It cannot be gillyposed, I oil In � re, Quit I C we it cent to All- olle that I would tificates; but re c-nic -%vas h6ld "m the gro; e'.A. Nvouhtnat only s6ttle the cl a n 649 bar luni cessf riority butidso t1 -at the loser stotlia of the l0th- inst. The Coihm1tee o uotAi,,,ueaj,,teiypiiy. out of forty�L!6ive -,�li pplied, foi-: lCinl uril, 30 bar, 125 l) -irk, 41 ; floar, 201 grall], ti ag the' cheese fadtou -%vithdraw his machine, nd levej� �-\ I . management liad -hat a'JaSS OU �,iC, S There is no truth IV -v(--r in the,, .1tellient a ateS butt fourteen on a o' y 1.) -to Use 301 262 24 last.! Thl'f pie tw '10, put fortl leverauthorize the c0rr-60ror the best melline. G�� f6l. The followril�g is a Rst The! I'l every effott to nia�e the affair (lee t1c(I namefor thes -,of w ateck, 49 &essed 11ous, 25, fi uauspices W C.41ey all t & tinvilt, 4V those to wIllow third -:class cer-irtificada eii,,e was promptly. nf titoe Success, and their effbits Nvere though ross frads ha ,:,i apon ine The �total ex- Q t Churcli of' Kinbili'll. I e Metho�d * i )ly been 1) aw plae'poitld, the spectt The 13tible C) ristian NVesleyati i by impi Icipled ien ors to be warded. were aranted i olay-m pleasant and t1le attendaai4ewas to )rti darn -n- the same period, ounted I 0 4 Ix 0 1 nd EAglish Chn chi, favor, Win. Armstrong, Tlatho. the judges. To give no P, to -Methodist h i J ' - 'i laxwe t I tweentwo. dith-ee We& 28 4q5 44.39 a net., . 0 - c 011"5 the any person thnit purlu"S pounds, yield er-z bein.1 be I I I ." i 16;ther p.-irty, 6vith respect to tea �or were in at 11 that .,4 Janes Histo' , tath. pgrsons.prese4t. ten(lapce. , d wben t1ke Mus*i 11.0, -3 ;o'th6 �Oompany for ifre� cibp.s are bving ittleinti old f e enne glit- of 0' .1 dr; virirr,'the sailte teani and (Iri er ve cal. talents 6f P In abun im-6 wex�e seiqved, and 11L. 118- me choil,s N be me the lialix T4� total- ilnp)rts , ere J acob Katif Jacob these i h for Isabel eaclia.1ternately. After atrialtha l 5t- united, the pleasitic i)roduced ,Ahe vemJorwbi)*is sviling thesaii Jay i m6 li ciledit on the ladies., In . di0914 4,78G.,176 pounds,, yleldingr the proection of tile pulic, iji4itutu i)roeee -clilbld Nasmitb Croon I Ay ed about six Yours, and in which ea ch; such, it is said as h li ever been heartl hillid- Ai i eu, tiol Excellelita(ld I al i6cel-pts for fre libu, mul I e!1 akinu the to later. g; I t s ILLS Bella Peaco aellitie bad fiv,, separate trialsi the hi Ex Th'e!Zuri6hbras5 hand �v o,ijciy;u ii,for 'a -withont A� the six _v2oilths, 'omi) -., it t) qk t 1c( n A i� Caynaa Chief was declared thoj w , 11011 �o �)d of Elle ' nole 8011, tIoiberwl_(141 ( 1)f L' -o� add LaVelle, of �ff o n- also present, all 6 Should aDy 81 OUN ondegoi iyed 1)v bin - Ing. ki�'Baixx, was fu4shed by ehci.r:. ner, with carcely a di6senting e r--ibly. Th'chair wa-i filledl) ar,there is 'a fallb-) (y /-)ff of rll! AV in. Le voic 1. o ad mi he has been di Ceipts fL�r S weet paste e v. of will oblige ine bY in this practical fashion the,%ffair v�as Mr. Barr, r of the charch. Ap- to the adtlre.,is it', foot (which he Tali d iii a cost of Settled, to the entire satisfaction (ai leist prol)riate addresses 11'ere Tames Qraw ford. Afilveit( �expqrts qf $2,1 Tiw jluaiiar portion, of the H Hal I` g, adenon- delivered by six cents iu one of th� books, of i Samuel exity In g, 02selVes ost pleasntly at of there is all erease of aliused th we hope so) concerned- R e TNl r. G r a of - Vsborne, 1 lis which 111v Ixed to the sit in ino ny otb- (0) $352.7 and tvtal , I_ 0 e, increase in r�cex�npts 0 itiff I c on;, The A 8 -E Logan of I .11`anny*Keays Stratford. iaot­.r�&PE Awilio, Liltol of ev Air iCnniel.131, xe er er ways on m. 4: whulesale M t plices in (Intinti ba account- I& on on s tiv. of ot RISS t ag 0 ff 'i-1.1 le xp o t 8 *_ilty U oc ze oxeo J"eph Rile3,, Poole. rocee& airtailtatpd ioTbet`eoil �.:- aad Lucan, 11,e7. Mr. Hol*es ild lb�v.�'Mr. 1 4-20 worth—vi z., 8s. 6d., pe lit ed for by the fact thV tUare is a very P 0 + r( t ces -of Ingersoll. tf of PHIS or Poti; (if Olutment for whic R. IV. Whiteman, Sliaollwvare, are tow be ap lied to AssiA in Goderich. Hincks, There were abou. 'ci es 0 f raj.4. and lumber all wtwhlldr�for wAaupi- a I ery 600 persons presicnt. 1, paying or �Kk�N KILLED.— On Tuesdy �st ;PJ MUHt be Kent kh advance. Th�se We ortymil which ha total receipt 8 not gold In tha UnItrail. States. pped 6ali there, P yet oja 44d and Lie anion rited �o about 52D), ",bleli goe' 'ach Vot ali I Box of M3- eni Gorrils. hawd forthe use of the Vil" Mr. Christopher 6balinoxi, a fiL r - was lost year at this tim has bee re 8 tQW- mprove�aerl hurcli. bears the,Britil, Govenament"', tam withe 'ton, the agrent. t Bt V congreg io 11, The nd'; , B itistruxiient, hich T.ner residing on the Bayfield road, r to[ the C 0- o wh&v kinobx�4Q we are A friendly I of base ard the i t= ab e ball was played at Toes'W'ate In ethe 17tlL 1 was purcha3ed from. 16. Creelman; Goderich, was working with a m0wl 'ovf gur doil.,v 4 top the 7on Ai)-rons black. Nursi &C.,, ju arriTetl 5.);3, ox Ord reet, W. C., 1t,, be e fortb. was oil 1i , LOAVAT' tli.4 groutid, ind w. s mu oil machine on his farm. the, horses 1) T K N)_ I-& L wo, ntlis ins tjveii the, Ne DOL ca�xl It I -as the and ran aw.- W.1 t the frajgl�t, 'e,�pts foi ffie last si, Club, rV, I tre J)f the Y@,;Vp to be �1_ W e� ), admi 1. U at MCKso,('s Drug Store, Loi tob 87% Ve placl-I J�rggj, tban of Toesw-dqr, a4l. thb N,, t L -E X th ex T �ipp ed y p 106 4 W010 4 FARX709 -SALE M ,3A�LE, che4p., Lot 18, 4th Coiitces�81103:1,, 100 w�ws; 45 OvAre(4 F -Nop 001 culled any 45 ��,pjlj timb�red� %Thr -re is a 900a Also, a YOWL h onse and fran)iC btable, ' 9 t*r"d - - Ie farm isfour indles from S! bear= - h - oOdl gl`av-f-�l TORd."Ali the way; wit -1 I rth ­Ynt a 19 1,' I 1�aii mile of clinrch and. 5chool. for furtl one! _0111 'tor, On the Pre= a CUW IV the P riC rti , TS applY r LZ _J. r , n�n n�n ea or Seaforth P. FAMN FOR SALIE. F on S:&L3 11 Cou� �, Zo*n8b4) 0111UH40 . Loi * 6iintyof )1u: on: contalig i .,hich lare cleared and It'Cle from StUMIMI the I , imbered wiih- harawboa -, V, mi,inder is well feneed. slid unaer, ITIkined'.'and in a high statc, (;aIL& I 1 900 log house IL-nd first-elslis-ftw" ation' - sheds, auLl other outbiuldin;J bam, 8"ble an" the farm is well water' good Youu.g OrelmAl U71 . �there being three living vtpxm'"', Vne 60w the house; 1i nij les f rom RiablIJUL, 9 1J:4JW 'I" forth and 7 from _Clin-ton; ST1XTDU-nd4h1--_'0�r roaas, Forfurther particulars applyt-) they �on t pn he'&(1n1bC1­0r GE011GE -coom"R M SALE. -rOR SALE, L 28 4, XeRillop� cont'll X- ing I00 L 6 �tj of arfe t3wared sud f d state of t tiv�ation, balance ),Vefl tilaibg� !N00( th hardwood; Arg4e A-2storybriel. house ft -S nc .9, driving-bouse -34xU; good bi _e �wel [ -4fit red mfles nort h �df ing 0)rchf , uahl a adile of the gravel _170 Joith, ana witlib Ver fui:ther paTti, �ulars vLl)l)ly to the proplietlor. ttepr,emises. _DL 298*1 ALEXAN -R SIfiTIP 11,AAIK LOT FOR SALE-. PRS ry h1indsome Private Xesiae 'et S-enfortli, 11 short A 033L _31411 ATL tauce outside ol the cor;)6ration, With fil-dellA leading fl)m e ho. e the prenu�,,,eii; th us bs z N mm4 framel bni1V 111 t 4,e 1`017311 Of An L; 'VvrT VO i -il Onis and eonvea ent; main building, 3�A;h) 2&22;L a goott ibtable, t;he4,wo, ve; h 'It 2 Sears i then Ouse is nearly i .,ew, oilly bui nearly 5 acreSL, 1 Ile lot, aud aboirt H, tacre beautiful ma other hardwooil trejes gr ing inthe � ar 1"na JIf F the 1"L or U.r,=U ul other partfil to the proprictor on I I PHILIP SPARLINO, premises. i I North Main Stree _XTself ana son having purchased _A! T. llsmiiys 1.5aw Kill. *;tssels, this'provertr 0 be sold- t TORY FOP. Zk' rrM� Subaer�bo r off:evi that elitibly ;aitUOed _L -well �cultivs; *a Win, Lot Ti, -con. Ss TIK Smith, H. R, f ., ciontabAng 14J2 acres, for .9 There are on this prRaMs6s 9, barns, a la-rge,dril Shea box0j#ood framehouse, 2 good NyQla Ot ter, youlw 0re ra Of INJ trees ' just bL-gin=14 i bear. A� school, church And cheesefe6orV elM theisa-m. Also,theNYtstEnd'Ohee . se FU010171 two acres of land. L f1hij-" factory iS t1ja 01 establishea in :,be Cotj�nty, and the best -situ for obtaining trons 10 tio. The -prem eo.tlaigt ekbag h4)n`", 28 X 4()' two 'StWl and &_ving loons c,'81) X A two 'it0ric-s- ludIs fl up vilh s m engine, AX" 13%, latest imlted pattems. There is nli abuutb _tLhe Acu" 18,in, perfect rum of good water, it na If WL order. The faiuA)ry !al subj�ct will be sola w1th th� 4"WrY, '017, without. price A=d Airth4w al)VI-V At thiu. �01. or .-o)a the premites 2984 NN -r. O� Fvwm FARX 701 r ZA14 IN TUCKELSMITI FOR S�A.M E, I ot 25, 'Con. 2, H. R_- 100 acres m ire or Irr's, B6 of whit'hare �cleii free fron�. stumir, S Ana fil a brst-elat;s stat* of -o vrAtifon,; the Ilk ;Lce in good hardwood timbi land ; aah�o, -a h�ver­fdilibg 1,I)VD9 rlivek ri4inj the Urm, logb, nfldin�s ; gooa! fvnces, im, rod wirich is boaril. Tht 1ATM iswitilift 5 miles'Of forth,_ -6 46f Cljijtlou� :1, z0huxches within 1 School House withixi 4 xq�� of the lam; t�N Factoory withini 1i inVes0!, 04YOXY niediately afte� h---axv(4t_ For further parti-i-A ' apP17 t') kS THOJ ta JoUIN Premises, or to �RuafoYlq'h P. 0- -vikel TARK FOR SALE IN HUL1$TT,­1' 1 bat), T OT12, Con. ill, )au'�Iett I J" the ire -t rawoo bm-h - lanaoll ia kooa rate quality, 60 1� acres I'legy Of at p8andl in' wat ill tbe' e rea ?sv , be Soldl---N J all-vith �or vAthout f ;or otherwise At mi agreeh upon. 7 jkpply to hMVNLfEL 03aAP=,. the ptefiiheH,or a(ldress Al F 0 R S AL E. F I RM,. - L�T L N�o. 5, .,Conc&sioja 4, Rrunllk,-�tt; 140 more or le�4q, SO alZr(t; Zleare& P*ntV.0f and the ri ortli branclill I tile Maitland nm,g -tthro u gh I he 18 re bush Vly,ou the pre Lnises the propi J ATX'.Z or AdtlreRscowftante 7W �'F R SALEw (),Are 011i, eks; tat acrov, 188 40 g WO ait el re bi a st�cla--,s st-ate Q1 -coltiv e er ld�n is �ill Vrtl­00d, And Onc t e As a lax e fie ouse, with1dttlien; I bwtkiL a 70 x, 40., aud bt orn,--e&fmxY0l11 Digs; ;&180,.a 1�4,)od orchard- La spriug a*0 t . gh the f,- x-ni, passing ilieftr the. buU44 Is s4ate& ffie li-,11yon. RoAA, tMeA_- wile Seafdrth and I Me, frold -clinton. For Attffil ticulfirs appbV o thelpropri�atorl' - i M 28d �ARX ATE OR R= POAL -SALE - IL TO'RENT- on rt onable Lot S, 0 ei;-4611 is A'Alt wua)sis — T r h are' whii 0-learell in -2 - 80 goodi cultivation, ii -Ad Well feuc-e T Valoalf,rame btm ft�40,aitid s I- - 7 .0 a,sploudid ore hard; well wMered; One ;0114 nAles- from thl � tri jciuburn,aiad "witl -a mile 01S -go a d gravel road 01� ; there Kre A* fall Vlowea libute possession wjl�be f; _ L PPIT to -th"', For further -p rtic a 'the I) -oustalice I? reiniws braadr�.Iss C �76 STEPHEINS. Prqpr! Fj ILIR M FOR SALE, A laiiu�p. 9=411 roadtlil'ood'eiieb; 85) neres 0vanea A - frons stujups;.,35 arro,,r, 1),jAnvedi the tres' . rast ; 'well u wtered a-�nid'-Jenced with I g barn,stableui.a,-r-neath�.'I,ogiarniii 08 side;. ana goo i ove-hard � possessioD iv -11311( ea., title!gooLLan4a 1�ot further par ppli to DW, ic-, Aam 13;,R�seafarrh YAR -0 STJ�AX Z D X �INIG Lot 84, Com 7, Iltli-illop"Conta-li CreS, all cleare(j, witligood baxa-ail-ki tV0 loocl orel.lar4b iii full beaTing; tv,'() De� Ing Prings -W, 1 ch pply the mi AISO. Con- , uta 121ug JiCr4_16 Of bUhh. The I -it U_ U 'ted mil(t4-from Seaforth, miithi erete. For furtherpartiewit, .0"the prernilp,,. 1. by post, to JOHN T 4. FARM FOR, M%_LZ Iff Kc, IFo-RIS a no ul Farni, conipn-ed i� ;11*0 half of lot . and thi-west h:11f Alf lo., 1?1 )ICRill4q) oI tair 1,11i. 'y IV I I '11'en f,�!neea, 1113,1 od miltirr'Lvii; ballo timbered wlih harlwooa; a, pwa fraiv and. -new Ion bnaroj betui:dg orieM good I I'lil,46a-tiolah-111fro agwodaravelroad-.. vill-11,figlye of leaforth; there are Tv, nvinills will, chdolq and totes. Prop-rietor 01 P.'O. or, if 2W4 �TA'MES Ywrt-0-1 FARD11 FOXt SALE 11N, I*T-0- *11a Part of Lot Xo- 111 !n Concessivii of 1 "0 � AM1 in good. t-ultis-adou X0 P -r - el i�oad, 12 mil, -.S frf)1`n 8Cafi)J'jh. & AN`GUS McMILLAX. On , `VAt.U.&J1,,Z PROPERTY TOR S. theap, two Stores.,with go, Vcr� lieftll, in the centre of like P L 4 j, v P V, sage *f Ses.-forth The lot t el . % )r lh�Aber particulans apply t 9CCAUGHEY & RAOLML