The Huron Expositor, 1873-07-25, Page 7TTL 25, 1872. e i !Oltrif- fart ever before t mor bele of ' ISTE • PATENT C PUT, ng and ciat. C TERNS rfoRY TANK refer.. These are nom aa• sanest, best and 'cheapest IugententeT for ELL gen t, by which nee' to V)arties wafting Wella 4ness- ; eXperieuce and my int . contldleut' of giving satie.. favor me with their Viers.. ;- Warranted, rTx SHAFoiaTH, e oryoursejvea, eith which to carr on; my to that all overdue Notes. ttf eel immediately will Iter for collection- `1r R. WILLIAMS. FORTH 0KS D, ile returning his sincere is for their liberal sup�too t1ri, opportunity of stabnt ago services: of Mr: A.D.All Mild Mechanic, as, foreman k _ Planing, Sash and. Door • I FARMERS vantage to call, as they can ieel. Line done on the short- MOLDINGS, hort- order- A limited number of AND SINGLE CARROT DRILLS. e'ROLLERS, and Gates on hand. KANUFATURERS. manufacture of Cheese- dSETTERS led on the shortest notice True. Boxes guaranteed 1 raitiug orders fordifferent :111.. MARTIN Novelty Works, Seuforth. )&MIN LGN DE INVESTMENT NDGN, ONT. e1 street, opposite City Hall,. tdort, unit. f• or the purpose of advane- tut Town. • Property at a very. Ind on the meet favorable aclrt periods repayable by in, rowers-. Parties purchasing liege or Stores, will find the - pneferable to any other movie, ,anti at the end of each hair With principle and interest zzr 1°Oyeare. ' If paid yearly, bite€ at any time, and with , >rnd the time necessarily ex- . -fat -ion of title and prepare - ea to: terms; &c., apply T. B. LETS, t€I;Treasurer, London Ont. [IGf Let., Valuator at Sea- . 280-52 at Mal. AT LARGE; .. OLIVER, fiddle and Collar FAGS: I; R EF,,, 01 TR . SCOTCH COLLAR. • of light and heavy Haruegsr pething, ere., kept constantly • psomptly attended to, and eme;Taber the place,sign of W. H. OLIVER. R PARI i41 ACDON ALI) ' • nblie that they hare opened si Se>aft,rth, near. :sheareou s- fermerly used as a Lumber F• Lee.. art ntly on term it a good assert- rtes-LI'yi1',-l-.it, clre:tsed and LTTIL AND SHINGLES,. all of reel. to sell at the lowest Lossie wilt find it to their advent- dts ek, and ascertain our prices ee here, a:a we are in a position Renee to cash purchasers. 3.IABEE & MA.CDON ALD ARDING. le.t,._ed the lerge. and cone- [, en the Salt 1\ OL ' Grounds`,, 'itation ane has fitted it tip ks eared table anti corufortablle isluitg a pleasant boarding - rt., there are at present a few 4 boarders anccrm'moda aat 228 'LAN LNG ;VITA, ND BLINDFAC-TORY 'e leave to thank his tea.mero to liberal patronage extended to o btisiuess in Seaforth, an favored with a continuance e, builds would do melt to ging ,ee,ittin:no to keep •ou hand la of LE LUMBER, sRM, "DS, MOULDINGS, LATE, ETU. Orf' giving satisfaction to those wlth their patronage, as none en are employed. ntiou paid to CuKtom Plnniu8` N H. R1 O AUFOO-1' L.: :Hoa' Muslins are Made. An Evening with MI 'ruder. us ills now pr ace W shall never forget' that ev by machinery rival in fineness of Hing we spent at :M agru r texture -arid beauty of finish those ago: We admired Miss [' woven in the E+ ast1 But it is not and we went around to se true.. A native: *roman with' her .was summer time, and fingers- and spind',le alone and a and she sat upon the pial native mean with hie toes and bamboo carpenter . had been there, that day loom alone will spin a thread and gluing up the rustic chaff:s.on the finish a piece of muslin which can- porch, so we took a seat' ' the step not, lay the application of the rr,ost in front of 1'Jiss Magru ,where we could gaze' into her drink -in her smiles..: It bable that the carpenter upset' his gluepot on the .1 `we set, for, after enjoying gruder's 1 emarks for a hours .and drinking in sevt most bewitching smiles, rise for the purpose of g i but; found that we were i. fixed to the step. When grader said don't be i we: told, her we believed w The conversation haled a s after that, and we .sat"thea whether. it would be be Miss Mag'rudei to withd we disrobed and went horn land 'costume, or whether urge her- to warm up the whether we should give o wrench and then ramble yard backward. About Miss Magruder yawned, A It frequently said; that English ,and French ,na i• produced Ilee s Mag- .; syea' gr gads , her, • t Qonllght, za. - The delicate machinery',be-produced out side of India. _There is one quality of Decca: muslin, for .example, which is termed woven HLi. It is, made only for king's daughters. So short is the staple of yaw material, and so brittle its fibres, that it must be spun by -a woman under twenty- five, and before the dew has left the grass in the morning. As a substi- tute for natural moisture, the evap- oration; of water from a shallow pan is 'sometimes used, but the quality of the work in that - case is inferior. . And yet, though the most delicate and finest of fabrics, a piece - four yards in length by one yard in width; Weighing less than one ounce . avoirdupois often, it is exceedingly • durable, :and will wash. Since the disappearance of many of the native rulers of India, this " evening dew," as it is ;Also called, is not largely made , but as there are those -Who will pan ten and twelve _ dollars a believed she would go to rtjr•d for it, the art is not likely to we suddenly asked her if.sl eyes ` anO erns pro- 3st have )ot where Hiss Ma- ouple of al of her tried to ng hone, movably ss Ma - a hurqv," ouldn#t. der tone thinking ct to ask w while in Hi h- ewoud ker,' r terri c t e lidight ;said she . .Then thought hj eCtlon s fora• n ted to t~n. We ijiagrud- oubts of O Called 'agrid- ' i ed the epro ec of c ;e(t. be Tilost. The professional story tellers of the - East, swaying their bodies to the cadences of their voice, will tell you in rhythmical Hin doostanee, of the anger of-Aurung- ebe .with his daughter, because Icer garms could be seen through the seven jahmas she had on ; and of the weaver who Wft8- ba.nished from Decca because his cow, unable from its fineness to see th.e#piece the piece of Abrovan which was spread upon the herbage, ate up six yards. -•• Two Kinds of Women. We once knew -a man who bad. married a spoiled beauty, whose m. urmairs, exactions and caprices -were infinite:, He hadat length, as a refuge to his wearied -nerves, settled down into a habit. of utter disregard and neglect ; he treated her wishes and cotglaints with equal indifference, and went on with his fife as nearly as possible as her father would have an ,to lending us his front clay or two, because'. we take them home for a pat are of the opinion that Mi if she did not exist. lie silently provided for her what hq,. thoug l t. proper,. without troubling.himself to notice her requests or listen to her er must have entertained our sanity, for she rushe her father, and screamed. er came down with a do ed gun.. ;Then we exp situation in a whisper, a cured a =saw and , cut ou , . Ip the step to which we wet4 att Then we went 'home w • 1jing the patch-, and before two o ck cr sh- ed -out our young love fo Ma- gruder. We never Calle g and and she threw' herself a dry .goods- man. There. an - choly satisfaction in r • ese memories of youth,;an flting upon the influence of al the emotions of the human l • • �c= urda, y ;Evening Post. t � • ,. How the Shah L 1ss fall .y ;o a lingm t r;�eec upon it.— Henry, Wattdrson. w Louisville . Courier -Jon lows : The Shah hnnsel grievances...Sickness came, but the cuss. He resembles doe heart of her husband was cold and tures of the more cruelf gone; there was no sympathy left to fattlet a containedin tl>I waren her. Death came, and he � tions of ' the Arabian breAth°ed £r�eely`as a man released.. .dare say.le has�caused He married again ---a woman with fellow's Jhead to be Chopp no beauty, but much lave and _goody notice of five minutes, ness—a woman who asked little, not surprise me to lea t blamed seldom, and then with all p a trick of making himsc f the tact amid address which the at- three or four times a most thoughtfulness could dei ise ;. and the passive, negligent husband fierce - eyed, tallow • v beast as ever wore a became the attentive„devoted slave carried a cimeter, an -of her will. He was in her hands vizier, wk>o is along with as clay in the hands of the potter a tri=fle the less brutal the least breath at .sliggestion of if you met either in a criticism from: her lips, who criiiciz- ed so little and so thoughtfully, you wouldtremble fol If Captain Jack has a weighed more with him than many terrane be is no true Mb outspoken words. So ie dff rent is s.: S ALW Y'i REN'o`VNE 0. FORNEW AND F He has now ou hand �RDIE'S AMIE ,SUITS, LADIES' LININ s ' , MARSEILLE SUITi. PLAIN AN iD STRIPE His] Dress Go T; a fat ieland An.itnn ense GI e sty ows ense i OUR Don't forget OUR :: es to the 1 as fol-' s! an lgly y the pic- his '•re- arly edi- glits. . I a offi itwi rat the a wide loath. ged anionc firs g im, 1s d Vic ark your Qse - oc. - _ o the same h t}man being, according to ( ;A Time Tabes 40-41 the touch of the Kana which plays Hang this in the liter upon him..—Englishwoman's Isomes- office, stole, shop, or place where it will be see does it.matter if we lose a tic 1[agazine. 'N! ” All Hands Below." t, p on e sites in a - whole day 7' . , ew, DS A goon story is told of n 1,wship, brit escaped at one of the ing hours in a, day, 8 ) i southern ports and took refuge in a . ' L church, Soon afterward, when the 10 minutes lest each, daylie, in a y eri .. 6. 4 0 •congregation ,had assembled, and the 29 tee lost elide dints in S y ar. 13 i minister began preaching in his 60 minntes lost each day is, in a 4ar. :89 1 90 earliest fashion, saying there was no • 'When men conie in ake up virtue in them—that eveily one . your time and annoy y'e ask thud would g4)._to endless perdition unleos to study the table a littl -they speedily repented—just as he 1 ' A** IP-, 1 I :spoke the sentence, up spoke the par- Stealing a Maroh on :a Ro i- _ which had always lived on board Time:: (days in a year, 313 , orf- n poor n a Auld has wer A ugly 1 or sand only ious. alley life. otn- rior, ether hat mint - 5 I er-1- rt from his hiding pia' • _ " All hands below ! righting things up In in Pante To say that " all hands " were without appealing to the maj startled would be a mild way --of put- the law. lA Manchester man had ui1 obtained a :far m ting it. The peculiar voice• . and un- aunfY known source had much more effect dying main, to the detrir ent on them that the parson's voice. ever widow and children, .reeentl __ to �.,!� the hay on, f had. He waited - a, moment, and ,then., a shade or two: paler, he re- peated the warning , " All hands ' below !" again rthig out from somewhere. ' The preacher started from his pulpit, and, looked anxiously around, inquiring if anybody hail spoken. - " All' hands below !" was' the only ;:reply, at which the entire panic- =stricken congregation got up, and a moment afterwards. they all bolted -for the doors, the preacher 'trying' his b - st to he first ; and during the time the mischevio us bird kept ' up yelling: , ' " All bands below !" There was an old woman present who was lame, and could not go out as fast as the -rest, and in a shoit time she was left alone. Riot, as s1,e was • about to hobble out, the .parrot flew down, and alighting on her shoulder, yelled an her ear : "All hands belows! • . As the Sure Iu enet f ariety, from $1 50 dpi •arc. • Mock of Silks,• Grana L!allot be ex -celled in ai �, elties in Ladies' Colli Stock of Parasols and Lf I IWILLINER1 see our Tea and Su, AS CAN: OT B tar season is a tvanciiig f� litte�3, Japanese Silk, Poplii s, leey country town, rs. and Cuffs, in Muslinn and Lin n Citi Moves In ever}- style. 4 DEPARtMS. rs ; l l ponnc s of bright Deme S IONABLE GOODS. SUITS CHILDREN'S S EXCELIED FOR QU the above Dry Goods will .)e s OM H,AWLS, Gros Grain Silk and Farley ets, Reap Lace Collars, Fancy CCMPLkTE. ata Sugar, $1. A ITY AND 'PRICE. d heap for cash. KI DD SE.A'ORTH. I THIS CON • THEG uiMM 10N And will last tail every doll ref Fall Stook, �cyhieh he is un Come early. ow. is your til . Y c•f bury, ty of who of a f .the .case ENT'S, F ERN S EV ERYBOD Ems. CLEARING S1AL DRQ TKTC A OF 1 1J1 i3 A UR. DAY, 's wort ' is swept out, regardless )f c �r$inr ''rect. Every(>ody knows w'at i e. Doi 't let your best chance pas . AKE A 1NOTE 0 H AP WRY GO KER to iufo -m the pe pie for a term of years, and are Cas ti. _ gs, St Flows, an t his mowing Machine ready for 1Je the next morning, and retired. That night about twenty meft and women turnel out, did up the Naying moonlight; sold the crop ahd 'placed. the money in keepinn- ifor 'the right- ful heirs, and all begre (Mass.) ilepublican. Bleeding at the Nose. This ig commonly harmless ,alf- We are ale The undert satisfaction i 287 "No, no, 13Ir. Devil l" shrieked I the old woman, "you can't mean ane, I don't belong here i; I go to church across the way." f ,Huron tow prey aw dol prepared to do BEPA igned have had long e a all their work. WWKIE and public amorally that TSI And AT NEW ARRIVALS THIS 7'77. CIT FM EM.! WEEK. 1 0 yards of French Dress Muelins at 7e. per yard, 1 X/ Parasols at 25e.; silk ones from 50c. 1 0 pieces of New Dress ,Goods at 123,c. worth 25c. 1 0 pieces of New Drese Goo s at 15c. worth 80e. pieces of New Dress Goo a et 20e.evorth 40c. 30 pieces of new Canadian a 4 English Tweeds, all : 1110 boxes of Paper Collars at lf the ustial price. 111 Ladies' Linen Collars an uffs at half price.. NEW 30 IS NO I LY 5, st. Must be done to make room su herb stock is'kept at DEFT'S. 8 ey ha ed to manufacture all kinis o Cutters, S.a l ;her Farming :nING of every description. :e1ience ine tLle I� oundry, bu . j KERR, STORE. DRY. CO. e leased the Seaforth Foundry g Machines, >,plexnents. sin iss,, and are prepared to guarantee LKIE' &; CO. Fo: the 1 [ay�ng a d { 77. ry st of 1$73. eFe The Subscribers er their va ed CAYUG. CHIEF JR: MOWER, AND . REA end guarantee them superior in every respect to a advantages over Combined Machines -•e would me 1st. They are cheaper, b chines cost 2nd. The The pitmai uneven suit 8rd. The ready for it other mac JOHNS 0 y Combine Mon the fo ow ELF -RAKING SINGLE es in use. Among their chief ng I Combined Ma- s workin free y, and ueyer el -cupping, s is alWay the 4se with combined Machines on acdeos. bgtter Work, becanse each is sp eially ada ted to it; own cline; of work, is always s work withbut changes and both mac es, by th ir tilti g levers, will cut'eloser than any ine. This is a great AdVantage, especi lly in mos ing, as aneinch at the bottom is worth three at th tenth's year. I 1 or both in lli kinds 'of grass or -grain, and will agre to cut th werst lodged gre.ss or grain, going the same way t is lodged, whiell no other Mower er Re per can do. :We offer to such as insist upon trying combined naehines our .• 0 TO COMM ED MACHINE V; ITH ,JOHNSTON SELF RAKE, We have no space to enimierete tho further adva tages of lese ma .hines, but offer a trial of either peatedly been known to have died from it: in childh and early upon -active congestio . In old ai,e it. is symptomatic, an the reault of its susilension, betok ns disease `or danger. Various me ns are adoPt- ed for its control - raising bath hands over the hea and holding ful. The best remedy, when it can be obtained, is a bunch of comman tansy ,held to the- hose, and t e aroma snaffed up into the nostr., s, How. it acts we do not know, but we are certain it stops the bleeding. And guarantee it equal to Repairs at .TOHN the best of its class. All our'worh gaarant ed. Address THOMSON & WILLIAMS Mitchell, Ont. ON BROS., Seaforth. LONGINE R. 90UNTER, iSEAFORTH, 'Has just received two more easel; of those celebrated 81 ASSORTMENT OF or 16 yards for $1. ONABLE SHAWLS vERT PIECES oF NEW From 9c. Ito I4c. per yard., UMBEG. ALL GOODS F. AS ADVERTI TTER EXCH4NGED FO PRINTS ED, AND QNLY ONE PRICE. GOODS, THE ERDI FAIR TEST THE 'VERDICT OF THE I3EOPLE IS' HEqUERED STO E AND TEA DEPOT . Is the place to et the cheapest and best Th Proprietor of the CHEQUERE,D, STOR AND TEA DEPO has pleasure in stating that his et tock having maed off So rapidly, he has heady putehased a fr Rh supply, and as resnitnf quiele es he is enabled -to Btill flathin reduce priel To parties taking FEA by the Caddie, half idlest erl est SPECIAL REDU 'NON 'BULL 13E MAD,E. mere and others living at a distance should remember that our roads nifty soon break up; and that now i :the time and eaforthi , is the Town to ,get th6 'Highest Prices ,For what they have to sell, and that t e • CHEQUERED ST Is the place to E AND TE DEPOT et the best barweina in . ere be any who have doubt on this poinel ofeyt-hhealaveoo.nly to mike a trial and they will be convina- 50 Barrels Labrador Herrin s, 250 Barrels Lake HuTon He ings, A large;lot of dry Fish, Sal on. Trout, andi CI-EQUERED ST RE AND EA DEPOT, 'te Fish, W PRICES' AT THE JAMES MURPHY. I. '000 00G ACRE CHEAP FARM844, he cheapeee Land in market for sale by tb UNI00 PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP NY On the Great Platte Valley. g,060,000 A res 1,21 Central .Nebras No -for sale in tracts of 40 urea and-upwar , on :ad male ittteres • d. and heal hful climateefertile soil, an 8, da cc Of good Later. lneT IN THE WEST ' The Uhl BEST gr at mining re ons of Wyoming, Colorado, ittah, an Nevada leing supplied by fermiers inathe ' PI tte Valley. . ()idlers entitled to a homestead of 160 az TI th th of ol PERSO B OF FOREIGN BIRTH Are'entitled'to the deifiering, tbeir intention to become citieens of United States, and may avail themselvSs of s provision inim.ediately after their arrival; choice Gov mrnent Lands open for entry.2.nder e lifomeste Law, near this Great Reelroad, th good mar ets and all the conveniences of au seittled en try. - se•eePLAipodanarsasieess7oppsur,cahhacyaseinrsoofthReaiLlraous.ad, Lalealsoillenew item a descriptive pamphlet with noir maps Hee free every -where. . Land Commissioner U. P. R. Z. 11 I LONCINE WATCHES, As • proof of the exc months, and eaeh one CLEAR Ladies llent quality of these Watches, Mr as gien.entire satisfac 'on. OR 0__E has sold four eases within six EK. AT Ij iTIS/ Hats, 1171,triln.711e(1. RA 01—, $ FRO LO UNICE]) HI E N ' S m m R EMEMBER, ONE WEr'S 2,5 GENT from Ocai A;S, just r eeived a large Stock of the rea oriels need in e business and is noW fully' repar- execiete on the sh'ortest notice and n. the twit styles, all orders_ he may be favoure with. OF A'NY RIND, and made to order; on the latest at prices which defy compete ion. °trio Boxes d; Rancy Cases Made to order. L AND NEW BOORS ,ound and repeired at city prices. All comm. 'cations addressed to the undersign- ed, ill reeei e prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, J. Has 3 OVER , TEST EXCITEMENT. received. and, opened out $102000 WORT ti OF SPRIN AND SUMMER G'? NSISIiiING OF (Fancy and Staple,) READ -MADE CLOTHING, .B OTS. AND SHOES, ROC RIES, &C. TICE • hereby given that the undel-signod --I have. this dity entered into PartnerShip as Mill Ts and Produce Commission Merchante in the Vill ge of S aforth, under the name, style and igneel,) JAS. P. le-ENDALL, MARTIN CH.A.BLESWORTII. J S. I!. KENDALL •& CO 13eg to state'l o the Farmers, Produce Merchants end Dealers of the County of Huron Omit they ' Lute purchase' from eleesrs. SH 'ARSON & CO. the ills kuo as the Seafoit Mills ahd will her utter ea n the same. All ds of GrainPurchased, As formerly, FLOU t exchanged for WEE T. F inners esiring to exchange can rel upon F OUR D LIVERED in any part of he Vil- he under ig,ned, having had the entire orking mit agemen of the Mill for the past three years, . pat ous may rest assured that they will receive the same sa isfactory- treatment and as good work as onneriy. fe he stock d to. the closeet o LLINE Special dis Call and se qL0 rHING a a!, cOst, to c:ear Summer Stock. SALE AT HILL'S. for eri ly us Ja CO Sit is the largest end cheapest ever 0- ublic, having been purchased on the rma in the very best inerkets, and er $'20,000 of Goods. GAINS in Prints and Dress Goo . al vrholesale cost price. in'great profusion. Goods make ed to order on the shortest noticei kinds will be sold at prices that WM .ouits for CASH. the goods and pritee before p JOHN LECKIE, ARD CASH I REFERENCE to the above, the mid reigned would be.; to thank their numerotts t stomers the extensive patronage aceorded to, ttiem for past fon: years, and trust that the Name lib - hi, 1 patrona Ye will be extended to the leew firm ecoraree a to our old patrons. All, d .bts due in connection with the Mill mouth Paid tn nection 'th the same, will be eettled by the noW buying any quantity of ER AND No charge for inspeetion. GODER CH -STREET SEAFORTIL 0 CAR WRIGHT, L. D. Se Surgeon Dentist (lass and F idays. Tlie remainder of the ti e at his* Strzetfoed office. Parties requiring tew teeth are reqteseed to cell, if at Seelo h and Clinton, on the first days f a Testim ills of over 600 patients who hav ha their teeth ext) acted by the use of the Gatti m be seen at my office in Stratfoid. Teeth i eerted in the most substantial Ril ire proved sty es. Filling one in gold, &e., in a moaner whie 13.04 sur aseed, Iran