HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-25, Page 5ei` ttme •ti; which were eettit he F the whole 0071 lean the bargB.ere �. Er- "(temp sent to a telegram teem fit. Ld g lien said he eh ' oetse ,d o adearmed ac 000,: lrawz fr.. t to sulmm t hiss lin New ork •r therm td decide, had was that is':s ve allhe a letter dam ftw days: after, pry. •• mxinst such action au a.brief letter, shich he stated tlx =ince of the whole c rnnn ent. tiff got an urgent lettep, 'nesting nee �1. htmetreal, but I •went to hloete1 new on Dee. rho, wy, dual close of any ars d*i ricai:is, with an ut- rt,nV e-tbligatons he wee A etated that he h _irk to the offeed 4. Lige" his arraiigeitleii thein. entirely o agait Snell conduct e.ntractss� we had ens- ne loci association .e - lie uniform good kite; ;arty,; stating that rable for him to tom. agreement, or ase (roue the prop this was refused :. teu tion - of visiting Ot - r - :itter before Sir Jolt hi the 3l st Deceinb r of some two heure. John, and placed him 1 the facts, and. showed L hick I had from Sir k the matter, as well as:: :acts anti the letters te. dmid }'residentewhich bhshed iii coirnectiou ewe -lei -tee. 1 pointed out ;leg tions rn3ade by Sio r`eerueuts with the Goa- ated to hint all the lead. wen here. He streuu- t the Government had I pointed out that if nauiau associate must° attempting to get re 100,000 which he had; [ then i egnested him teen hings either to allow ageiiient to be carted" ve Sir Hugh out of the( _'onrpany, since we did a stepping €tone for his Sir John said erraugeuients had gone ed they could do neither,. an .Allah's memorial i}l. 1 .tnteroeeaiiic Company, itertioixs, since the see .ppased he had entirely ms. <I showed hint the .ev ideuee--Allan's own h was notthe case;and !Uuent -mete net in his t they could. better the risk of his omission ty than to -'face the phb': ew all the facts, hs they. . if Ailanwas put in and. his sacred -obligations associates to whom the:. I directed hl n2, .and Who ly-with bilin in. the ex- he was the chosen rep- re Government, and Who ;reasons for such belief delay of a few days or inn to communicate with. r. ;Abbott. On the 23c1 again saw Sir John, at €af my= friends accoin- 'e then went over the �Gn d added the letters addressed to Mr. r the interview, I gave s request,copies of all is — Sir Hugh Allan's 4t1,000, said the receipts or the 1'riz_ ate Bill ex- 'aneda Improvement and ailroad Companies, paid nest have been, strange viler( compared with the le Executive Committee cla.Pacific lailroad Com- ' .Huish 3llan, JY J. 0. s } .: ul,ieii, then in his -sted us to meet, Abbott Montreal, and: arrange actor,. . Sir Hugh had k,. and while there had endsand assured them ill keep good faith With had the strongest rear g such assurances, aitcl nt occurrences. confi=rm. yet at their. request 1 ushiug matters against, n to procure a settle- ,anal outlay and loss, and is that were with me, a ailed -by his duplicity.- embraces aft the lead - 'g to my connection with end mainly of my efforts concerning the Pa l& as ,a matter of course, clout negotiations of a t' it, which seem lin- tail, inlets fuxtlier ocCO- tlut thus- facts would tirui ,the general points aid they are such as ev;(tal'ly in the midst of` cadet important iiegotiine. • Et Y. W. 'roil authenticated copies -ltxeli •bear on this subject, slemoustrate the mariner lattsioess. t.lierr : In the ebseuce of n.; 1 Shall be obliged by, tilt(: t teitral - Committee -tttU of ;20,000, upon Lite • as the a non nmt written t= Et of my letter to Sir 36th uItiiiio- ; ,,tzl:1: E. CARTIER. also send 4ir Jon A. ! . more on the same i're's i heEIT r - Sir 1[ugh Allen, by- r. Abb(att $20,000 ford rpoees, to be arranged ing tel. the tams of the (urge f'3. Cartier, o the of July* anal its Acz rd- rc 'JULY : � 878 ance with the request contained in his letter of the 24th Mat - MONTREAL, August 26, 1872.. J. L. lteettintet HENRY STAR\ ES. P. S. MURPHY. L. BETOURNEY. r inti A. To ,ABIrol % TonorTo, .August 26th, 1872. To Hon; S. J. G. Abbott, St. Anne's. - Immediate, private. I must have sn- other ten thousand—twill be the last time of calling. DOJ t HN. il A ., Acpo ALDanswer to- day. • ABBOTT'$ REPLY. ll llotmhi,.eL, ..9th Aug st , 1872. Sir John A. Macclonald, Toronto. ' Draw on me for ten thousand. J. J. C. ABnorr. Jo iN A.'S DRAFT. 0 Toaox fro, 26th August, 18,74 At sight pay to -my order, at �t he ier- .chants' Bank, the sum of ten t ous'nd dollars far value received. JOHN A. MACDONALD. Endorsed : Pay to the order of the Merchants' Bank of Canada. Jolie A. M ACDONALD. ;XeMU LLEN TO SENATOR EOSTLR. IoNTIZEAL, July 15th, 1873. Hon, A. 13.. Foster. My DEAR SIR : I submit for your per- usal a statement I propose publishing to the people of Canada as to my conned- tion with the Pacific Railway. My red - sole for doing so is that I have been sub 3ected to the vilest slanders at the hands of the Ministerial press, of which you are aware._ The' abFcindtnce of such abuse makes ieimperative'that I should show. what the real facts Were, and as you and T have:l ad a friendly association on this Cnattere and you are personally cognizant pf many .of the facts, 1 ask you to give me a letter relating thereto, and contain- ing whatever may be within your recol- lection as to the circumstances of the case 1 thank _I are justified in asking you to do this when my character has been so violently assailed. Your reply will be gratefully received by nee and. put me under lasting obliga- tions.: Very truly yours, • G. W. MCMULLEN. FOSTER CONFIRMS MOMULLEN'S STATE- - MENT. 140R. WATERT.", July.16,18Y3. . G. W. McMullen, Esq`r • DEAR SIR : I have hfad an opportunity to look over the statement you make in regard to•your connection with the Can- ada Pacific' Railroad submitted to me for the purpose mentioned in your letter of the:.I5th, and I have tiais much to say in regasrd-to it. With the first part of your history of the matter I ,ampersonally unacquainted, as our intercourse did not begin until the opening of the session of 1872, when we were introduced,.. by Mr. Abbott. My negotiations _ on the sub- ject of the Pacific Railway previous to that time had been with Sir Hugh Allan and Mr. Abbott, though from the com- mencement I had been aware of the ar- rangements made with the American parties whom you represent. I ,was as- sociated during the session of 1872 with Allan, Abbott and yourself, in all the stages of procuring' the charter of the Canada Pacific Railway Company, and in all the efforts made to secure to that Company the contract to build the road, and. es a consequence, was familiar with many points naturally arising therefrom. I discussed with you my personal poet. on under the proposed arrangements, and with yourself, Allan and Abbott, al the main features of the legislation pro posed: and such as were deemed necessary for the objec. As you state, there were •tfhculties ' the way. of closing matters, and•I was an are of the agreement with Mr. Langevin, to which you refer, as it wasequeutly discussed . between u$ and Mr. Abboth kI was also aware from the first of Sir George Cartier's opposi- tion to Sh Hugh Allan, and of the means by which Sir George was forced to forego this eppositian. In regard to the payment of money for election urposes.;I was informed of the arrange eat with Sir George Cartier, and was als; shown a confirinatory tele- gram from eir John A. Macdonald. I understood he affair to be substantially as you have related, and I have reason to believe that large sums of money wei actually expended for election purposes§ un.er the ai-rangement. Yours truly, ' A. B. FonTFR. (Ines of the Central Pacific 'ompany to be $108,618,000.. ernings for, .the year ending `,ft 872; were $5,056,433. It is• es hat $600,000 per annum goes to peculators. • —Grace Greent ood.relates as tance of the extravagance of NTw� E - and humor that wllen• a young ar ife made her ffirst. boy's pants p ample before as behind, the xclaimed, "Goodness ! he won't ,know 'hether he's going to school .or coding ome.'' l —The -"cholera " men of the IOhieago Ewspapers publish cheerful bulletins a roducing most salutary effect in the agricultural districts of Illinois: They .Lave already been the means of saving thousands of water -melon patches from estruction. • --In regard to the fling by the W o #seta's Journal against , Miss Abigail• 'odge,Kate Field and others, calling them old inai;ls, the Rochester J)in ocrat ays : "We shall venture no remarks `as il, o the age of the other laclies mentioned, ut Miss Dodge and Miss'Field, sitfar rein being old maids, are only 16 years bld, and have been for twenty year tick." ' 1 --Crop: reports from about the centre - f Minnesota, sly wheat in that region gill be ready to cut in a week. Reports from several sections say the _wheat har- vest this year will be from one to two weeks cattier than last year owing to the splendid growing weather jorevaiiitig in ,Minnesota. It is estimated . that the (coming crop -will be from five to fifteen Ilion bushels bushels larger than last year. ai road h 'net ne 30, inaated rivate an in- iely father 4 IC Men - Bri t; 29, con. And Iinple rietor ; J. P. at 12tc; •raiues C 12.c ; Damn a Dol 12tc ; E n elle, One or twc fa torics for 12e, and 'One I as butter ha !beep offer BUFFALO LIVE I •j The folllowing sho shipment !of liveist for the Week thus Sunday ---A. stock -raiser, near' Austi ely sold 104 horses raised 50 a head. The Journat e mininnum _standard was ` fourteen nds three inches,es, and that All • but a ry few ranged' from fifteen to sixt een nds, thus showing that, by proper at - tion -to breeding, horses may be raised the native.grasses \of ,Texas equal in aand quality to those produced in the der States. --The most remarkable • old woman ntioned in the country papers l for a eek past is Mrs. Hastings, of C reen field, ass., ;who is 83 yenta oldYan;I:who asked five miles and back for the pur- se of paying bill of ten cents accord - ng to promise. These `•' old'ledy"_par. raphs are varied and ,tot a. little,- ma - roved by a spice of morality introduced to thein once in a while. " Accordin ; to itemise " is good. Eighty-three ; y d and cannot tell a lie. —The postal -card manufacturers at - ringfield are how shipping between. ,OUOand 800,000 cards daily and will on, increase the number to 1,060,000. here is an ample supply • pay►er. on JBIN and to turn out 1,250,000 doily, and of Hon better quality than fo merly. . The es- age innate of the Postmaster General -etas that Ibout 100,000,000 postal cards • would be Iry ny urchased this. year. Vet to this!tiane— H. ess than three :months ,since they were tori ssued—over 50,000,000 have beeiu order- Re d, And the 'probabilities are that the • 22 consumption this year will be chnible the estimate: Thus far mine of 'the smell iit1IM towns have been - supplied. Wrestling Matcah. lat $1 th ha ve ha ten on si of me w T1 w po nag p in l, o S 70p0 a T of! a t r i e n, 'Ilexes, y him, at ays that Pon ER. t e w d ugh A.'. w fe o VE wfeo t:r. Ito fEx.T. o ifeo ars I RTH3. At Eymoiidvile on July 19, fe of r. John . Porter, of a er. ' • At 1 'roxeter, o , July 14, the Mr. \ illiam Fi ay, of a, son. t Wxeter, on July 21, the Mr. Arthur Vea of a daugh- • Ii Stanley, . -in July 9t the t. James l lobe son, of, a son. oT,H-In Morris, o m July 7,;.. -tie f Mr. Robert 13 oadfoot, '•of a err , -A1 —In Grey, on Ju y 15, the:wife Mr. Jaines Ramsay, sf a daughter. eTcnEoN.—In Brusse s, on July 15, ta w"fe of Mr. James N ceutcheon, of a 1dam htee. HA EISrt.--1n13russels,11n July 1, the ,ifef Mr. Richard artisan, ` of a ug er•. i ` LA. ONT '--Tn Grey, on July 17, the,wife Mr John amont, of a slaughter. A .—In. Downie, oh July 17, the ife f Alr Joseph Taggart of four hildr :n—t o sons and two daughters. he f rtner led, but the mother and sig teas a e doing well. , 1f� t;ADF It«ife d 'ugh U Mc TA ;M RRIAGES. S WA —SA IT$.—At'the residence of No. df e • ' b ide's ether, by Rev. ! John Fer- React. 1 uson, of B ussels, on July 17, Alexan- 80 Ill • itipis seers er - G'tewa t, Jr.,- farmer, Grey, -to _ 87 ' abet sectni'ddau titer f Oliver Smith, 101 i " g .Bee Cfttt hes Sunday `. ,,. 510 Monday:. ... 1,411 5 Tuesday ..... `?, fi.�2 Wednesday .. 612 Total,:. ... 5,18 14,200 16,800. 160 tiers, 189 boxes at Spa, 58 boxes at 00 boxes at 121c. sold. for 11;c, two low as 11 tc. No d this week. TOCK 'MARKET. FOALo, July 24. vs the receipts .and ck' at East Buffalo ar, beginning with jigs. 2,000 409 5,800 Hoge, Hdrses. head. head. 8,100 80 4,600 16 3,200 16 900 48 • of th x esia Maty same place. - nee of the bride's. father, July 22, by 'RAT. Isaac A. Lawrence, pf to Jane Braithwaite. the residence lof the bride's 34 Ohio h! volt 31 " tt th 18 itt 1st ait I heifers 'ran lg Mith. steers, 21 stocker irrisitsR uly at athe , Mr: H. Lawrence, by Rev. Mr. And 25, 4thee sale Wyle , Wel). ,Patterson, of Hallett, SREEP1 AND L was hetiee ta, GG D AGM. e -On July 17,' at the Western ' p Cram , Mr. Jamee Roggard, to Mize 50 to $81 'VS -----.DEA'0131--S: • 1:121e:(L ie cams ao.e-In Sarnia, on July 18, ,EI I len obeli the beloved wife oh F. W. 1/ 88 lorley Punshon; wife of Rev. A. Reyna , M. A. PrSfessor at Vic - Coll ge, and only daughter of ears. LEM'. In SeSforth, on July 24i nry, yoangest son of Reuben aged 10 months and 9 lily 5, Robert W., V-. Tuck; merchant, Oran- head Illinois hog F4EISOIN QLIC1TEI. FACTS ARE STUB N THEN S. T EA S, St crA'it S Ai Pr OBACCOE Cheaper than ever offere ef re. Our stock of Are fresh lad good. All we ask is one trial tio o vinee yon. that our,goods are genuine. . GR.00 7 ES As usual. Stocks received ail and at 'Mill prices. _FLOUR ANf.:0 FEE)), PROy'lli NS °flail kinds 4pt constantly on hand. A choicelo o Smoked.Hams and Sides for sale cheap. BASK 11,600 12,700 320 A 14te lot of i Iarket Baskets, Clothes Baskets, tWo r the sale of JAMES PETTY'S ' MOKED HAMS #N le Sheep Hogs, Horees. - Al 'eight, lbs. Price. 1,180 $6 00 1,444 5 37t 1,307 6 25 1,081 5 25 767. 983 883 1.291 A 25 4 624 8 80 — The market off MI Canada lambs. 25 to $5; Canada e note the following sales : . Average Weight, lbs. Price. C4 CI 64 7 70 8 15 The folloveinig statement was inadel utday lash end iseno doubt,. intended es: here of the Gove•rumeot -referred to in the eommu- ication4 cif Messrs. -len end Fos ea poblished- in the Gazette, any of tho e comenunicationstor of the ' documents publieheel With them tends the Goeern ent in any agreement, prom - tee or ande eta -ailing telgrent, or to ,fur- ther the gr Of the charter, of, th:e acifie Railway ,Qompany, or the cootra t for the building of that rail- _ Way as co pensation for aeeistance at tke uments ar . either -absoltitely and en ti Mao or so eapreseed ae to convey an abeolately false impressiota That he , -arrangement .referred to -by -the, late le Jbhn McMahon, of Nt:INV York,' defeat-. wtestling match at T oy, oh the 22d inst., after a three Itoare' sttaggle, for $2,000 in gold and the c —The Lad Gordon t inVestigh on at Fork Garry` closed on Tiesday. • I the prisoners wese committed for' trial at , , e October Assizes. ," ord Gordou, of coirse, will be allpwed o. run, at latge. — Mr. Maxwell Ste henson of Luck- clit which weighed 8,760 p - iid.s four miles. --The show :of iron the neev mines. near Ottawa, which have been dpened in , several places this summer, is inimense, genie of the largest mines indw beine worked: en the continent sair that the Hull mines surpassthem all for the quan- tity ae well as the quality of the: GO. George Ctrtier, in the ' published let er of the 24th of August last, was an ar- • Tangemer4t personal to himself ant 'it- Hugn .12s, -au, independent of, and. u til bers of t e Government, and that it lad no refc, (meet to the Canadian Pa ific charter )or contract, or to the glen in or furt 'rine the granting et eithet. o them ; al that et the earltest poss hl. moment the whole of the factS and mr COMPetE Ilt to receive evidence respec in The -wheat crop of Kansas is all cured and . makes a better Yield. t n was at first anticipated. --it is said that some of Jefft D former slaves serenaded hira whil and. af er la little chat about old. t AffISS TR9TT, having given up In -LTA- forth, 'mos to recommend tol her mani., cus: favor her with their eustom. • Miss JOHNSON will in the , meantime occuPY • the rooms lately occupied by Miss TROTT. Seaforth, July 24, 1873. ' 294-4 BUGGY FOR SAP. . single BUGC•q; has not been :run finite two years ; togie seen at Dr. Chalk's bri4 hense, Her. purhey. Apply to • Gritnoldb —On k, ag e, bel 8011 bro BENS lingering CI 71 64 64 10 CA ada sheep, 130 . 29 6 3 298 223. In hole -Bodo—The m ,of stocIlc, there. CS 7 85 7 85i 7 85 7 26 7 37t 5 00 111 5 25 5 00 4 50 C 133 14 153 62 5 75 75 4 47t rket was slow foh want eing only four or five loads Of heavy hit gs .in the pens. Prices taut about`20c per cwt. higher. Sales of .800 , iveiage 192 to 219, at 1. 4ition to All Goods bon S. bu 'het and one bushel Baskets on hand. A:sof s by the manufacturers of the above, we are D SIDE MEAT. 3 Prompt attention. FRUIT JARS. A large lot of Air -tight C -lass Jars -for sal¢ cheap. - /lit from us delivered either in town, kin urhey or igmondville, free of charge. STRONG & FA IRLEY. ved wife of Hugh. Benner: NEW -17:10`K- July 15, after a The horse tra ness, Mr James Wilson, view e hibited, tion, hieh ha.s always been noticeable at thil stage of the season. City rail- road id. stege -line companies purchased SEAFORTH, Ally 24, 1873 Spinet Wheat 0 50 to 0 No.2 0., 7c. Vlbtir llay Skins , each I in Hide wholesa e) per barrel Lam Pelts Shee eau Salt Pota ' Fall lOats Baal • Peas Butt Egg „ , REAPER FOR SALE. Hay FiECOND-HAND .REAPER oilthe St. George EN. ield Road, or, if by letter, address Varna P. O. Is all wh pattern, manpfactured by B. ELL, for sale It ark CLINT ON, • 50 40 00 15 12 6 0 00 to 6 00 18 00 0 00 to 6 00 2th to 45 0 5Q to 1 50 0,08 to 0 09 0.04 to 0 05 1 00 1 05 0 00 to 1 U0 2 25 to 00 8 50 to 3 75 July '24; 1873. 1 15 1 15 0-00 co 0 10 00 00 18 00 HORSE MARKET. • ESDAY, uly 22, 1873: had occastoo to replenish their of activ ty in the Bull's Head , Mark t where. eorses of this kintl. are principally kep Arrivals have not , been;in exeess o the wants of the trade, are withotit change. -For higher priced' ; stock %lie inaeket has been dull and with - eat feature to npte. Geiree---The rice of Gold in New York is quoted at 11 t. OME ALL ND BliY YOUR RNESS SEAFORT to.stat for the information. of farmers an the public generally that I have as good a st Harness on nd as any in town, and I ain determi ed nOt to be undersold by any other este HS ment in the C 286 LO minsaapea KET LOST: LOcket, with hair enclosed and green ribbon ' attached. The tin er will be rewarded by leaving it at the Examacro Office, Seaforth, 291 BOY WANTED. ' " ;Work*, Sego •th three good boys, to learn - the 010ritige Makinig business. From the country preferred. , WC111"' BAR ER, begs to inform the fanners. MoKillep t he intends to commence busi- neseiin hisuld sta d at Winthrop on the first of fortnerly done by him. The niost particular at- , tention will be paid to Horse Shoeing. Special attention paid, to horses with tender feet. All ldnds of repairin; promptly attend* to, either ! per ton, OttGAN FOR N excellent Scuola Hand, • ORGAN, with sub bass a n.l• a nice instrument either use, nearly as good as new, 291 GEORGE DE T Seaforth. double reed, 5 octave for Chtutch Or parlor IP yin bei so chea.p and I •to r 20 per ESTRAY E: "-) in the village of Blyth, on Mc bay4MARE, about 9 years old, on faCe, and white nigh hind PAS dinary size and has unusually la she left home she had a halter e seen on the road between Seale Any person giving such. infOrmat 1.74,1 hite o. white star 45 to 50 e teats. When . will,lead to her recovery, will be . ritOly rewarded, - Sr2-4.yED from the premises Seaf.orth Station, on or abet( a dark red Mileh COW, with W side. .Anyune bringing her t giving mull information as wi ery will be suitably rewarded. 291 A. STRAITON, ett: the rindersigued, the' 25th of June, ra the subAcriber,' or; • Tonro, July 25, 1873. REMNANTS AN BA Main -Street, Seaforth Until the first of Au t, \ hen Is G-A_INS Ls they 'are determin kLE OF MAGED GOOD81 hey commence Stock taking. lear L BE GIVEN tit these Goods, at any_Price. Arrived to -day a fresh sunPly Cotton Y rns. tO 15c ; I fr sh eggs, 18c to 20e ; mi mear8i: tItioalF0 to 14c hay, 'plentiful at $15 1/2 all wheat per bushel, $1. Is,. barleY--- lb's. per bushel, atter, riffle per lb.,: 15e. to I. ; AIRY MARK ET. tnes8 : Grot Ville of the same. gt ho on. k gn ky oaut f ao \01:ii %an, s B BARKER, Horse Shoer., • EREI31.1 GIVEN that the partnership 'here- on; txistin Between us, the undersigned, as 1 4e Of Bruss( s, late Ainleyville, has been this day issolved by wawa consent. All debta owing I lbs. per bushel, fio-c Tuit e said porta rsbip are to be paid to William 50( o;k1h)."1; el,r( 13 etqwn) ' $1)2et) ' are t of Lybster Mills Denims, Shirtinge and LOC I& JAMIESONL A RDTER EWING- MA CHIN 1-11 alla 4 1. bilS against, the said partnership be preSent •(.1 to the said 'William Tufts, by the sa e be settled., tbd rus els this 14th day of July, 1873. ALFRED IIAMBLETON. L FALLS LITTLE Itt • The deliv Falls open- WI: though '-prices thin thoee of last y of farm dairies xes, which is Tether T • WANTED to lea -n Telegraphirlf ELLIOTT. • E DOLLARS' REWARD. orth Station% p idIfoi "fair ijo geod late, one• extra, ce°I.t4i_ett,jectr'tli'ire .ESTRAY S into the preanises-'c first of June last, three SHE The own.er is requesed to call EIE1P- lo °Non.ticrl two LAMBS. ,",-? or about the cotIue soft and but of hey, iselete. ape n tit Ut lOw as 10e ds, yhich had b . charges and take them awe.). xes, ',1 Transfe so o of- the hot weather, 2984 ate at labont 8,000 b ieludine those which • - 291-4 xestere , • TEACHER WAPIITED: re •ent on e, mmissione Upward of r • ward will be paid to any person c information that will lead to the watch from ,iny bed -room iu the Hotel, Brussels, on SATURDAY, JOHN NOTT. Is a Strong, RUNNING MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR MILY SEWING, AND Li.gjat Manufacturing Work. :ikt F irs held throni.;bout the Dominion, this Machine as put ome verY severe tests by the BEST:JUDGES THE o0UNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY trHEm ANVAIWED 13 Prizes in 1 71, and 26 Prizes an 1872, Its simplizity of construction, strength end reCommend it to all elasses. It has e mlklete set of attac e ts end does all kiudsof work. • INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL T E 4•TTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. • so ent Act of 1869., t nt inal Dividend 'Sheet has been entt factories[aot the top price this A elle en received 12 le which i was though t itleint wil be ipaid. 8: on the 18th of AngitSt Ine):. Ppllications with jt st before the GI Oee of the market would. h the highest ;figure. - ;Below are the 1813. t DIXIE I.VANSON, —Mrs. McArthur, of Los An g s, t ia,cling transactions made th -day : Ar- estienee. beeeneceher husband scolded her eh ut his breakfast, took a, large (lose of st,4411- Tune, and before elle could. be preve t v swallowed the. whole of it, and t e Canada Presbfrtnegriliu Seaalolirelts. 1.11,2,2t%g lop eon. 0, Township of Grey, will 1 ed Any person. wishing o his application to I). D ubh- the next four weeks. pi:est:en ed TILS.t, Secre2toakv,ii '. soon after. - „MICHAEL FISHBR, —the San Francisco lishes tables showing the present !in 208 would a,dVise you t roml England_ are th t nearly double price. years' importations -on ne'ar y 'the old prices the dvance. Tea sellino. from $3 to $2 30. China Tea worth. JeSeph Roc pric,s, they having sto of plated Spo et Agent 'for the County of Huron. DIES, yonr cupboards', the undersign - do s�-noW, as the latest adivices rockery and China have gone up Ve, having a large stock of last iand, for 'a short time sell at king only a very Small 'portion of that are now worth $4 we are ts S:52 -less than they. are now s Son's Cutlery at exactly.old ised only 25' per cent. A fine $ON CO.)