HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-25, Page 2--- 7 A j] i n JULY 26 187c T"" P I Ul-RON )�IrTOR y ? 4 e Inter- WHO WAINTS ONW� oi the examinatioix of th h� e ho ard a minister advise the people" as� en 7 -- dig race 1�e iristocratic n% 0i Wlff 'Do gag"" with Mr. W. G. MAN? tonial, 3 MED.,11T H )gg relates, to sit still 1 and cheat thb (�,r,.]�rydges ennyvfiF STRONG, SEAFORT di4tricts of Scot- pel T; aere *w 9. smil ying.-A,rouild the a, gfj.j' In tlie�pa'storaol lairs had occasion to go gonie A 'B OF TZ*, d the number ot dogs iweseut during distance il a boat the River 'Meta- -"ri I Loan Money at a LOW L 1 0 leT 0 43"'t Wiss Or a mouth a Farm or ge T ie boatman, who was 8m oking Es cither In �eyshoulo[ Ply to ywise was in deep grief. All qk.t-i ic..l tfiX [ier e AS' r di Vine Service lwa,3 60Y s Peter Penn (s verymuch attracts pedi& at -the tim -., let the- boat rnn too near a rarties requiring hOuli ati6 t 0 tice IQ Strangers� The skep �eoywise spo 1� - the hopes of life -time, were to be 6 -his a 1, wpompahie(r- by, rapid, wh ch they.ittend(d. to portage fru ttatelil� Th --fond A ition. he had h i likes to I e always v E: YOFR FIIOPE�Ty e mb name, I rd INSUR .; . notlfire4ten �erit F1 and ;he dog likO be with 1 around. 1117hen discovered it N 9 too i go IongL nurs his pet vheme to make 11 You dial to �.lt f the UR Coln �o oat or -LgVES. I thename-of Peinnywiger1he 'greatest. d�mioter. I e seems -to: regard. going: late r the, coursc AND YO 'him ".Sh% ked- - L -i or �er the 't -ied o n re On 'hu rch as a priv -heard,.. trim dre, cart no mo -IS no ilego. We. her. Th6y w the la d, -wa�s now .6an6d thoct a 'c y ti N u ug h fa so to­mirried to a hash swamped.' Mir. n,. Lau-neelot was to t Solate Pen�ywise�, 11; frbin the min4ter..of one of the. xii6at rapids ano the- boat foith. i !m streng sue S r g an of - g r6at A. t on Sioa 'th I left to him ict pastor4l cl -:--to a'girl *ho had we�l , but y his JT� �er. B�r'ict inrches: in TweeddaI41-BlaUairai' art I dragging M family, no all' 'e f lloi ce -,*imming ashore, IS ALSO -AGENT #OR costry, or no nd anecd]d� : When A half a no n %me,, uto milli I cried A.M�, a wing &irious, eded in I [)uld- not Swim. ovincial Ing nce Company— en redon his charge, being a Strang- 'Mr.- Br -tes, wlio c Y 9 The Scottish Pr coat-of-aruisonthe.paael oVkOr C�V 4, �t& Smilo _[alnd, twint'lle f 'ailed a, Goul(ii human misery be greater? lea-ing at a cu ai it was, f Toronto— i Had it no been for this he as 31' redly Fire and Life. her face er to the district, bew4s annoyed ai the 0 V, 8 dogs in would- ha re been drowned. As The Wastarn -Insura cc Compary, 0 esence vf the - nuiderou 11 �4- Could the'Ossa of grief, piled OIL �the P& looking. P M F ire anti Life. I :c urqh, and to; when the3 reached the shore Mr.,Bryd I jusuraue Couipan of tion, of disappointment, ma&e a he;avier kMr. Penpywis%1.1%b1�S M&H-i'it e did requested their masters Isolated Risk The No.. The--jcup.of Rewt 8 J - loa&e Jering ftj realionable as offer�kl by an other -M ges was Af a Canada. The..shepo49rds,.1 ily insensible. *sorrow beltzic-mdalou'..'� no" '-diss I, them at. howo, oo� al -con - full t6 the 'brim, and he Petersbam very well, i1j,"fact sh 6on p rhalps, wonitered a little, but the re-,... —The Itowhig, for which'a lo� ny*ie "was 8 for reliable 0oniplinie ge tdoint; ur,,'nc8 rn 07q must drain it to the lee L however bitter siders nie her intima a f;i6nd�l eat was gene'raII3 complied with for al. tem'porar. is responsible, is too i0od to a b i t3. a -Over Stronfr & Fpti c 8 eery f there was one sole 9tor- FICE t' e..r Howeveri ndi'd I A good V his been told tile draught. Such was- the., tenor of. old My son's wife e intimate. �iord libe ost gto):C, MILin,9trect.8caforth. i Al acdohald.1 i8e,:rbg&rd collie' that soon jr�ade his appearance 1!us by a.friend, of Sir Sobn wise's musings as he- paced the vel- a governess, si Penny Penny the pul- knight, on a cer r "EA t!l o- 1dri , for. %�airi -ap tail, recer t occa ion. TEA I *et.carpeted flo6r f his library on the less of the fe of the $ and took 'Lip his place on It seems that the jovial I - - J-3 pit S;airs, which lie had 'specially 8 was in(lulging a ITEA col whenonr story opens.. A con--. him. )I I - I i nglvery quie his boon ?a, repi n the! )r'opt �ateff to h mself , lyi little after dinner with some of -varsation his son has had. with -him, as Y( ied ot I eediog I or's migh. sr doa ventured to set companion a in the city of Toronto, when Et' N ng their winei itisult but she i itly a tail y.uness some oth i they sat together sipp f t on the Stairs, an in ---Made his Sil T FTS-,& HAMOL after dinner, had been the cause of thia ter.)? 00 p trusibn which '!I a 3'v1r J appearance. C) �r, e zn�in- ��Jobn* pro osed that a Ha-,-1ug.oif hand 4 very larde stock of ; u a he %v�uld not permit. --One (lay th a Mr. J— - wal z Alm 1, alas! t( o true', too tr e aid tumult in, the breast of Peter Peuny2 ister met d, of should N theShepberd, aecompanie married. that he e unfortunate -Pe Ilywise. about to be .4 1) course, by his faithful attendant. The in thattbey might have solmf -EA.S5. Mr. Penhy.wise 6htinued A -my called EXCELLENT I T 1auncelot *ras a weak-eYed and -pink- I - I go uvely eferrod apold- love and wine, sh6pherd - immed" r 0 skinned Youth, with -thin. yellow* -hair, you are rich, very richl and 1% am, poor port with him. Between ermined td z I I Ire see, t -nd a ]it- poor, You .M II to the subject. Sir, TUr. J soon was in capital tune, anc' Ana being hard up for nioney, hxve det tre, a or IS Mrrl ic yt 0 whioli he parted in the cen very 6 Sa (1, what ye -said to us. we the party should adjourt lieu cas at saffron whisker on proposed 11at tle whisp of each side'j'a di8g -ace to your aw.'ily. 1 tried to ke ff store and a K111:S -Wh -m I I ep tbe-,rlogs at hame, but this to hi botke of the beat wa PR J- - 1� - 0 of his face, th Ili f %ihich with his prevent it� at il you give ral A CE� 0 M e pu ing 0 . I I I . I . GrEATLY R bU forus. We and fun becarn .0 ateek �t (shut) hini ift for def 0 of, the -so d 01 en twao Sa ous and the bridegroo For on6 mouth�! ion of the dear -M. is; or, cri� > nervous- little hand cojastitu ted the p'i ane was o er gleg (itou 811arp) produced. The mirth 0 rin- I do ?"- 6i,pal em ploy 49 My bbath jast and 'furi hat we pe'er seen i� elect at le�gth fou'n(I his way under th aping tit) rom, his. chair, i dzLys, but 'ever sirt', u house of Pennywise ny wise, pin 0 icho icle oi T�a, and 1) ; on f ro fklr in 1 b, th Sabbath mornin' . he just eed Al) parties "%anting a ice ax� you can n -111 f in his wishing to save- 190 cy w ind % to their ailvan- Father,; said i:au6celot, after gulp" previant T marr table, the'lothers better seasoned� agr W I' a I 1�ns- t hin t4e to give then, a call. They ha�e alSo on.p,And 86 1 0) 0 ing down two or threeglasses d wine to -the'tailor's dang�-ter, !I will b sto, pol �a`%ova;esome way on the. Saturday t 0 � p i -i' bed. His clothes w6re nicht, and -the next we see o' him is on' Ald with a plece of burnt cork very large stock of give him courage. " Father."' on ten t housawl 01 tars. removed, F Y -it Stairs, whea we black '"Tis a'bargaiD, aid the uoverikess. e th i Well, my son, whatdo you want ?` . 0 1 th piilp come to e ��orsome substancewhich madea, ;v I -in extraor- H mark aW at indelible, strancre pictures, IE t to thi� kirk ed GROQER 7 i agked the pompous head of the house. Please rite al�t iagreemerl We once witness GENERAL > �P- dinaryscene in which shepherd's dogs J ana diabolical l000 -z' Wbat do you think of m ariiage?" effect - That as s(x n as I gi�v�i you:q,rM' sundry h- eroglyphics, Crockdry, GlasSWiL , Wints and Liquors; I'lourr 18 married to S M w �1,c aracterlwere marked on the back of re ere the actors. An Edinburgh minis- 1, h tt Oatmeal, Cornmeal,.Lake Huron Herrin-, &e, think of Nyhat?" question- that Afisg Petersh Vhat do I 11�! the. tipsy t I I will i ter :was preach S% sermon, on .a sum- ian. Sextday,notwithatand. cheap f r cash o! far M ea the surprised Pennywise. oiieel8e-than your Q Ahatyoi which they will sell verY ing a sor head, 'Mr. J— was married, -pr e bi rriage, repl* d Launcelot. zn� ten thT�sand d6 veriing, in an empty wool barn, in Ma ie ol -dales in the' an( & HAMBLETON, than I wh�en h k W. afti6d to a ie one of the' most lovely wo is wife and 'be bad become -TUFTS (D Matrimbuy, you - no I Two hearts I'M one el In3 ; . W Brussels, Ont. 1o,­ooi with, but a single thought, twosouls that son !" said"Pe 11,� 'as be as,�rrii tint Soutuern Hlghlan.ds of Scotland, And the better 1eq Ainted, the bride asked what idhai�itant� of the (late, moatly shepherds be had be(in doing with his back, as it D beat as one,' and all that." the a reement. C .9 In !per day. Aig ts 'anted. were ass4 en V� ambled to' ever Been ci t 8� hat icJ 1 m and heir families' an�est back she.hac think that every ifiain slibuld �aar- Yes,7 answered Amy, was tlie43tr Ig M An clas $5 TQ $20 es of 14orkir The*wool arn aw s, war clubE I e him. b wis in the all o sepi, young or old, ma t::� ry, and I would, be glaid to hear that you';' plan. I I will makelie r marr a youn� �Ir; ver ano�es, tomah t have PLOple, of either Hi r. X -Y �rnl -�ip e story -of a. two-sto wigw'ins, surely he mus at work for iiq in their spare moi rients, oi had fixed your affections on some lady man' W've in It n'd now. p ried buildin and �a I I tob bd e , at a Anything else. Particulails free. ibe appr an outSil 'amongst tj toed. time, -than t N�ilt.not peepiit it ba and oach to ilt -was he Indiana an�j beeu t - 2 0) . Z� with the proper qualifications. But my got wi III was alul 4 - 84-, - h greqa-, Address G. STINSON & C o., Portland - . M -- stair. thout a railiu�. � The -con as it.�, is fascinated by this Itailor's dall :r.' The to 'ish6d brirle r What are the proper qualific%tioias ?" r tlh ti consisted of forty or fifty people,, with am a�.,ement, for 9 1 then be ha inquired Launcelot. I will see that, be' perm to urti t1it t te bdm would have: he been so painted.. said Id. a much Family," replied his fat4er, "family ..,governes kiii!g the agree BeNi no idoa, that be bad ly t f n y 0 d r t7l f000� k� Iter number, and. there 0 re never to. Mr*. P wise h- r�wu out and signi, was a wide: enn —whatever el -se you do, be Bu y !r by a ed. My duty is t9' ['0vent"bis ni4rriagd, �exi spsce between the barn. at 'which, SIJ CIAL NOTICES. IMIN C11 R wisheS to 0all the 4 It people stood disgrace the name of. Pennywi SUBSCRIBE ention M XF lie and the nearest )oot AE PetershA VEE at 'Plebeian connection. withMiss comniunity �i gerierai� to his of the farming �tiace,i�for the hearers. This the dogE� 0 and varied StoCk of 'i T" man, Why� our family such very great Ye�,' said the, tha� BREAi3�1i.sor.—Bill-WIS CO(OA.—GRA!rF. horougl V�IiTIL'the shepherds had 1)rought wit I's yoo h in! one?" demanded the young man. and I wil I bless n and lierith FUL iND�OomnwrING.—" By at ilieth. at once appropniated. to.tbemselve Pen-nvwise - 'y 'A -lei of :the natural lawa whicl: �rr -In eme ts. 1 1 4- -d one W echoed terview ded. k!iov� icultural ml 'k mmediatel y evi govern the operations a alit place for amuAement. Theyevil of digestion anc "why; -it's the greatest in the lan. For th weell-, follo i not suppose themselves a Vera �ti�ora[ n,;l y did alo(-Yical tree the e 6a ng the f oregpibg o)u Dutrition,'aud by careful application a Consisting of. Study carefull the gene W d no. o Ila ion y A' muot to i, an felt under Ill t s l ind which cost took Aace, Miss —ver t4 I the fine ptoperties of well -selected co,3o& leltht—abgoii�q f entrely q'iE orderly behavior. T ey werO N S me , �t t and Mr. Epps � has pro�rided our breakfast t -.0 A NTM WOO PLOW five thousan d dollars to hae proper-' theirl her 11 -1-t ave in atery frolicsome humor ; and at firs bles with la delicately flavoured beverage. ly t�aeed, anfl you -.6 11 see that the name i from ier pupils - I ab she igbt i in uon As '-been U ed doubtful if divine se�vice coul( which ma'y save us many heavy doctord at 1 8 i , I N' th the latest improved Steel foultl Board, well k' eei; any afte[r 004 1 of 1Qen1nywige' was as was from of,Willia�m at the time of the Norman in am'With tfie 1 fO Alias et6rs aam. b I i oceeded' with, as there bills. "�'Oivil Service, Gazette. Mad d. 0 a score of dcgs, playing fteF simply with Boiling , Witter or Mi rms is one soni o*, Mr. n NG PLC WS, conquest, and tat the coat -'of -41 ",11uringl these w fashion in the open spac4� no 1 1! i GA '1 9 M' , Each j)ac —J A Ij ient, that Oharlty Gushinc, inv&�Jably met 'g �6t is labelled of the most respectable �nd,ap�c r to , - other in sport. now 6has.4 CO H th c Chemists, London." CULTIVATORS; LANE 1 ROLIERS ever heraldry.boasted of.," -the two hLdies ndJoided tb6m.itt heir Wor Ing each o ceopa. ing, lother ro*und and round, as If Well, of course, that's true, fatherl; walk­no�r did b6' ge am - to Peg r the th w' d� MANUF� CTURE woo Coco. -11 We wi' HARROWS SCUFAI RS, &C'. tbey were dancing 4 r6el, Ki on "e p but I've beard some of fhe fellers -at- the meeU geas all' -p6cted'U h fact t of the process ado Nla-,tivity. Occasionally they all, ruoh;, 'low give, naccoun clubs4y tha-giandfather was a -pan'- was atibe'wily 0 rness ha ntro- Yt ed by Uc rs. - James Epps & Co., MaE. He would beg to Call special L tention to the to eq out b -the open door and down stairs,� celebrated duce, Gushi n rigs ufacturer-1 of dietetic articics, at their eturned to-resuine their -gyra. "-Yourgrandfatber was aroer -and Sham �thiBrn tan". b4t soon r works in the Euston Road, London"— and Was, 11 n, to - banker as I myself am, and was, timi ..oii the barxi floor! Fortunately, I's ousehold Gaide, al Y, A UK. 4vas owwer, it happened, ere long, that.one IrARME,RS' 1"L01 nipg ame that 1, de al Cassell's aware of the responsibility of being wor- colhau in'g their y)u, herts' touched.a fhem, in rushing oiAl, IN,�Ich has given linj action -wherever thy.of 1up fa-mily," said Mr. enbywiae liom is' Eclectric 011, sini;� t 6 i�ht Th ee weeks ha C - bi rtbenw�ie plate- whicb was set up usodd, to which is no1w added a Thistle Point, so iu I i-iittrrupti+g his soh therefore hc be.- 0; Ali to sonce first- WO11TH '�F TIMMS ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. D( Miss Amy had t ilie ndiiig glace at the iop of the mnLh required in th s part. g, ed. !to lit YC w ga.. my ed�,cation by impressing thie Value IFNOT,ITIS e 0 fo he collection. u8nally made in Scolti- )'AN G OF ITL? assYoung of a fam-fly name 'upon my hf I mairi P unywise�� when ono� niornin te la TIME Y8U DID. Peter. i� ii;4 g la �iA on every occasiQn, and knocked. Nib S1 AVE-DRU.M, LAND ROLLERS, G I hLa ro� i der, , R mg, a , wher )w d, and ernesf pr�esente&b �-rs lf"Ao. the clerki in, oi er the edge. The ple-.e was brokeh There a e'li-tit few preparations of medici ie IT at rom $22 $35. Al to me oug to judgment of r 0 8 a few the ol ice'of Mr. 1 P 'i ty*ise, asked ai d the cop which llay withstood the impartial 3 #11d atteied on the groundL m L 1 1 pers Be, ? ne of highly re ecta 1� b1tL h I 'for any great length of time. 0 to see th geritlem .�Ihe vi.as ug�ejed u the service went on without furthe p into a private offic he in PO.1 ndfooli�h I went to that I pro the igg, F OXAS'ELECTRIC OIL, purely a prepqr iere� she1oun Firost-WSS W�goons, e ruption from tbedogs. Immediate� iition of sh of some of thebest oils that are kuow a, pos)dp and was accepted. Thus T con- aristo-,ratic Pennywipe very )Puel a r- ne p; )BE, le i th� stpsh and jingle being heard,, each o ;essing virtues of its own . , 0:1 zoliated the two great families of Pen- -c . . 1�! i 1� physiciang know that medicines mav be formed of Get Ling up for Spring me, warra a d of ve�y best poriKed at his visit r. eNfei y -dog disa peared from' the barn., -foolish, and you and will T nyi orise and Pound Rey6ral'ing -edientom W certain 'fixed proportions of 0 at good, f& mne m i'�,, deb od- and not one of them showed fAce again greater po, rer, and producing effects- which cot ld Coto your two sisters'alre the reault. Butyou for thS Visit?" hes 13d. 0EASON ED TIM BER uritit the con-&egation -was &misaea never resn � froia the use Of any one of them, or in iask my opinion of ffiatillmony, and oyo" 'I o -the besf o )rttine," iDswer d different ci �nibfiiations. Thus in the prep&rati )n I � :1 . . , �d T�e y e dently knew that they had com.. kes place, formiag s 4t Oie vql-y 6 IN - 'ti", I I ! of thi's oil chemical change tit o of W�ich Will 1184 1 read, t] is think of marrying. the g),veiness. be old mi d � fault one of thoT had done Ye -r, " gasp6dLauncelot. a compour kl which could not by any possibility e vertisameftt tb.qt I.,Am &Itw to ii sert the mischief; toliq were all art an4 made fron. I any other combination dr prbporticus d"o yqu propose bonofin 0 LOWEST PRICES F0,,,R CASH Ad whom 'n 11n ers, she Be morro ftiornitigs IV � lof the- sar��weredli t th ingredients, pap parl, and taking blame. to.. them e ien 8, or any u ei t wi I ff r Ah your name and entill from anything ever before from le What hand d h m a slip of,, hi h accoidingly, they fled -asligmed. br approved ere t Miss—a—iss Peter i.- .1, made, one, hieh produces the most astonisl4ing re- sham,",� answied. he re d ie followitig communicaions they h9A1 among them� suits, and! having a wider range of application the youthful ennywisre. S I�,16oroo�-,, P TERSIIA��.— -on the se Yes, out of doors, and whether' an' than any ipediciue ever beforediRcovered. It�cen- "Petersham — Petersham,4 I never taius no �lcohol or other volatile liquidg, con ae Churc4, by Rev.' c I a at Giitc` sement' was on re; 1irussels, Feb. 1 118,1731 is &e 17th insti., 9 y hi,eard of a Petersham ho inflicted the c'r quently lcMs othing byevaporation. Wh er 271,c (let ianded the old gentleman with a i la- emah Wailer, .'i S.' T. 30-r. leo og tha, overturned the.,plate; I applied yo(i get the benetit of every drop; wber �aa u,' -o Eunaline', eldest c ambers' Jo'uriwl. �oaphy, Charles Gruabing r1t tell.—V/1 3vith othe t preparatious nearly all the alcoho ih the small qu U §chool of Teleg., ag hr. lost in.thflt way, and you get oull L daiughtei of tel -sham, E,, q., all S-,Ae ialvery aco tity of oilE which they may egntain. Of this c" . No car: a .9. N. THOMAS, PHELI'Si N. Y, �Ld Launce filtered. THE CILDREN'S CHURCiN HAMILTON, 0NT. 9. And: N(RITHROP - LYIVAY, Newcastle, Ont., Rice,% are very well, b Sole Agen I's for the Dominioilt. ut You -not 13, 4ear Mis said PennyL -other left you all. wi8n, Ju 1 you need thern. Yonr :r� n,g up From the German of Md Gerok". �i NOTE.-Blectric—Selected and Eleetrized. U ithe nder the patronagck�f --you It all leave you half of. havesav the fa, 4 ave done 11 old in: SQaforth by E. Hickson & Co.. and R. her fortune, and I sh bells of the churches are ringin e I iarry, as I wish. W, I.:) is �wondera I owe y u a bt ot gratitude g Lumsdon. C 'EAT WESURN RA14Aoi Coly. �n� Vou n Fapa and In e t&4—thi Pete an ne that rshi. What doe s her Ic -'pay. amma have both gon i . 64 I.V c t I ­WMI I FOR E NTE RALYEARS 1.31U7 F BRING fat er do here is a d i t you.6we I three little chil(iren sit singing PECIAL INITD�CEVIENTS1`6 OFFER. P1 I from iCough, Expectoration and Night 3,weits 1 ogether this 'till Sunday HLUrn. e clothing esablish. you can in �,Lpro: 11c; g- the Iffe keeps larg, 'ELY" sai A attended 4ith extreme nervous and phTsioal pros - I v u or -teh '�Iy body was greatly cruatiated, and the me n. tratiou. L V� tile the"bells toll away in the steeple, general in ipression was that I had uot long to 1 V6. What roaredPennywse. flars if eenback 1 A, t6usandi d*o Though too small to sit still in a pe ND FOR. GIRC ULAR. W� I began taking Dr. WHEELER'S COMPOU �D want a cheque, I it, ie.mo e ELIXIR OF PROBFIRATES AND CALISX'A, S1 �V'2 9 1 W111. GiN4N, Box 308. ,9r. It sbil not. be, The arms of P,'mmy. I TI se busy religious sm#l*l people "My dear Miss'Wor, saidth,6.1�ank- ately. I gi in etermined to have their 6hu o. improvemett took place immedi W E e shalL never be ma-fred with a. eed le ';ed in wei4lit and imt veit'l I f took my' 14 it, lot nig or disraced by a—a' - Hea —a er, lar,! 1� would Arelogth. My Coiigh and MY, SE*F0RT,,H, goc. Be ! It'shall -never' not reptiaiate. your 0. tini. 3-J, %a free s: the birds, -or the I)r lit swe �ts disappeared, and I am. now in the, an - be. eers �ioymcpt C% excellent health. I Many of my frien dS fair ringlets -�d -fig ,'6i 4u e fo, It must be said- Launcelot in, to And, dravoi ithe amount y which their ae fafin ito whom 11 have reconiniended the have ax - 90 9 1 h rogue n a away as -pleases, the door, I'-.% aped, and lie callcd! a messellftli bAde In go E 9 he P d equally rbinarkale rt% e I AR.BL WO, RKSj I P 41 1�r iWith bO upside do�ii in his band W. W. SnipsoN, Agent, G. T. Do Y E t i -, 1 : I and ot I lart one tb(yus&n*d. k 4i shE a aocepted. me. to 1116 bank' IV I J.[ A T N S I R E I 'an mecham otes. *ft, .r. -messenger had Ztenvedy. "h call d . r e. old m and olfai n y arose T e. Utrent Fenikale eir hymn has no.sanse, in its Iett( hi walk6d to hs staady,' wbere he begaii depated on 1� 61111 ap J� Pennywiae turn-, 191eir musil no rhythm nor tune,, Opposite thc'Wateiloo House, atai, the Statiog 011 MOSES, PignIODICAL PILLS. pa ng the ftoor, as we fol'und him at the ed,' to, tb,6 koverne tid gaid 11 Worship, perlia ps, -nay be.better ble medicine is unfailing in he COTIMP111313,111- ent of our story. ow did wy sx�! be4r thb ne-wis that ut theirs �eaches God,quit6 as soon''. cure of all those painful and dangerous disea3es e A�. gentle knock on tb� " library door Miss Petersham, W Rai Aie to b inni Tbank Ito whi�h �hq. female oonstitution is subject. It AIONUANEN HEADWON1�9 TIM ir aiagelsstand close'to the Father; roused 1ri- Pennywise, and hiding the oderate0all excesBandremoves all obstructicris, Heaven, my familk will not be dis I His heaveii is made'brigbt by tbes, nd it speo curb may be iplied on. 1 Ane2 work of all kind in American and Fo�ej& e ingelf in kn, ck " come in, -be settled bi: graced. mai c la(lies itispeonliarlyRuitea. It -win Min ble, designed and executed in the best sty To -When firgt he d SC( Miss. L: his easy... chair, and prep4-red to 're ceive flowers )Veted ri,h.,: od above. us would ratll, �p it shoWtime, brinigon the monthly period Y, ith and, at. most reason tble prices. his visitor. rsba I An, I the dear G In was re t W�ing, a te tions from 'he iiisitor p. [Lear prais from their lips than fro'r -These 11ills should not be.taken -b3 : t6 0, mml f royed to 46 the govIrne t r Femi les as he'tl A 01118. �urinog, to first three months of Pregnaey, as t, iey i of Tai `oloroil 11arble of the' two Misses Peiinywise aged suici(,l 'bu ibAnded hini to I' a0yq C e �ur liCd 014 1107-1 ose tw�.Ive' Ad faurteen—wb' on, and he,�a e cere- Si, e t4ey �re safe. oices ttended. th little obildren—your v 0 In fill coses of Netvous and Spinal gill the alir ith cont tment- andloVel; c6nd at and willful dest:uction of �vrd. mo last nigh NY -en —Xrly ten to reas �ur V FF e t I fiaallV I are e bring oti Mfocarriage, but at any ot ier diso books oce i(?ned iany a 1w (lid is altera- A I natu amund you - rejoices, in Me back and f limbs, fatigue on slight ex - role and text- ut h6 o* I ffe0t h e p�lpitation o the * heart, hymteries, and lonuni+ts and HejRt6nes imported visit to the I-ibra-ry, aftethe din, ner lour, rti6� in him ? � Ycl* i to order.- oI r e; a w to nd the bird warble sweetly above. h owhitobg,1b(�se pills will effect it cure when all other 'by the governess. Jshould say, a good f �!meaus have fa�iled; and although ry. HOW d you a powei ful I medy d? not contain iron, calomel, antimony, --for the proudest orations, re or Si I" Oil She- was a net, prftty little bod Y do it 'he liturg hrittlilug. aurtful to the constitintiou. lill the -boy �eJong LINDREW C1 thi i governess, and b ad, often ati abted at Ile �nk ip sacred and long. 277 MIJER, Age�it. .10 sliDd worships of -nation k U h hould be caicfitUy pres T antlien�' 1 1all diiiections in the pamphlet around each E a-ing bl4ods who carao the notice of the yot erne�s. ; I I � 1.!' 9 ae age, 4 8 asked the i I. t 'your initocent solig. . I � to visit Launcelot, -but s1he paid Jnct th6. re pou I Job Moi 'es, NewXQrk, Sale Proprietor. SI;00 and No is tere now. de you lit 'Thiriall CAN.. m 1ey; ou givil i cir on- -ourl devotioit is colder, Nqica- Out., general agents for the DoMu'd on, Y' i - Zorthop&Lv an,. sh" 11-te8t ttenton eithef t6 t1leir com�. writ your mo befor[e your Si� III jar postage, enclosed to 'to StRE Y it el IS nces. attend;nor tion qhite tigl Ithere t Phbug�i wisely our prayers may vill iusuzb� a bottle, containing over'50 pills by ph a or. gla qui inforip, �eturnm 4.1 her pupils, and seemino, rblly wr ed it ia.,, EVERY I RIDAY MORNING 1p_ plan ned, t4��' Sol il in Seaforth by E. Hickson Co., and e luouey, I p In 11 their harge. Ir 'fact;4 01 arley An d he haded �hor Foi oftei i we, too', who'a;r'e older t. Lumsdp'n. IN SEAFORTH 19 i Gu gh m-gton, who was fal I' nr in lovc �vith 4. Miss Am 11,0 :'nd of y walkol eother a flold mrio b5ok the wrong way in 04 f eV13rY -1, he met, once G! served of her OM Mon a 1 hand. n-.Nis.—$T.50 pdr rs and pla6 ey e in C. Coitf(sxions of.alis Invalid, '.4 g4 the i e&�t TF� year in adi ineq, or.S2 at the to Launcelot Al Pen- as a warning and for the benefit her 1, oso Tben�, Published',' of end of the yewc. r 'she said Launce, that Gove egg gal—''v h. Sina on—our barmoDic iv voung;me and others wh entions o suffer ffoin NEuvaus nyw� �e, �EBI�I`I`Yj Logs OF� MANHOOD, etc., stipply-ing the, an —Amy r ennywise, ii0liv �'e study, with labor d pain; ritten by one who cured hm.- he..n%nf!?' Door ?—ain't gqb7 any �otf asked In I ineans of �elf elfre. thing he could love n e, Y often oui angry content ht irt. The only ions. iin int to tI dergoi ng considerable jxd I Mrst insertion, p�r 1i.De 8 cent q u obtained your son's (�l M, Self after 8 Usequent in- t uld' be -more pupils,' or plenty of e harmony out of our strain. 'llifferers are iuvit e, per liu e. WO sent fiee yf charge,. ed to adib ess I Bert ions, 2 cents ea -ch bet' hill g6" id,Miss ween Mr. 04'us I A x (prepayiui!�'postage) the author, NAT11 ney ANI J L a reEersh, Sing -on all our struggle and battle, MAWI 1: bo-,,: 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. 289-18 Good eveing, MiE s. Door," said ance my 8; r c i.And! saved eep, an(l- a' Our try. when most d, incert uE col7arnn one year .................... $G000 0 woman soc 11 D, -d C,od 1,11yer Oil. Perinywise, when Amy had enter(d the A dizc with.1 iall !e'eath hi Jy? A child's simple pratt half ..... .. ...... 35 00 hat am the Wb at can I :16�4or y u. mar- -yo, i-Ahig nn�. terr4ted Air. Pe e Infinite Ear. HIS Pftparation is IL solution of Iodide of Iron 3 mont) Is .......... .. ...... 20 00 I rea, 1 1111 g one yea - el ni, -vell atnotigy -wom en, -v� 11 'you tell u dn p(Keetly pure Cod Liver Oil. it may be Hal- ..... 85 00 half ............. ...... 2000 itat� rm'r friends -viill be'found greatly superior to it. I his -EXauseme, ir, -sal(t-Aty, -our fa e useA in a 4 case w here the sim pie Oil i s ordei i, -LlVe would advise ....... 1200 and 3 montba ............ washed to sea'you abo-i t my Ho 93) -�lert for patent swi' dl w (lid you do it. 1 to be on the One -fourth one yeali ...... 20 00 half you, are grriqv- elf: morn- Several axe operatiDg in. adjoining Co slumption, Scroftilolis Complaints, Chronic Skin ........... .. ed and itated,.and as I-f isear,,es itud for a onic disorders arisina h Ora 3 inon ......... .. 8 00 "ir - "-" 00 ptlipijs, bat I c�an. ee that married him GJ un_ preparation is higbly beneficial in Pulmonary con. Kuhw ing, s t chi 1 �ies, and Mive succeeded in obtainilig it e -eighth one yeai efective, ligestion, assimilation or nutritiou. On -.1 ....... .. ...... 1 00 the caus of yor agitation, I wil not . t. is Cc half '-i S 00 'W e re upwary persons to is also lih ibly useful in Chronic Rheumatism i Lnd- ...... a-11 y you -with my- commonplace cQm- sigiiatu s- f 9C , 64 tebee of 9 ;i Churoh-Goilag, Dogs. �'�riomissor tea under. the' pr out.� P: � ce $1. 3 months ........... 5 00� no OnE -twelfth o 01131) 8 00 et 0 sign n aLrr ment to Yon know the cause gasped P Ev' hotly know�� how the Ettr��k- ......... bina tobein t irild Syroup.of IlYpollhomphites& half ... .... .... 5 OY en- ry HE 18[anagroettble Preparation, coritainingthg as gent' or their swindling concer .......... .. Shepherd pleasantly1t6lIg of the' dogs act ....... 8 00 a, Potash u ness Cards, ny vise. Hypo ;ihosphites of Lim!e, Sod BI (6 nes and unde 400 -ia ters to -Ev ry patent. rialit v endor v Yes, ir I have no wish to ir trude that sed to accom.poyhtheir iI 7hos 3 honest i Irou, 'with free Ilypophosphorous Acid. "'his, o.i. urpose is not well known, should Vle S ain re Ailvertisementr pf Stray un ed�, o pas aistriCt il L'which of inedv for General Deb� lity m3 Opinions or m, y knowledge bit the chu rc in. the r 11from. any v not'exce(,ding 10 lniqnn h a. r anse, Nervous 1�isuaser, ana Lc tu ous ;t cat tse. of you r zrief is, I lie hred� how. tl.ey. m4th, 50 cents ea�hjnonth. I fthagine, We ap-- 11y quiet a nd pa- -n a wide berth'. ro- omplairts� It is alq6 highly useful i diseases of A ek (especially in infants) and Incip ent Aglert�spzpents of RA R:N i s PrOac�in-cr of your son, tnd I tient during tfie� service ';ill the,� �rivaf;e letter from a gentlem4k �Ihe bn �E ftn UL E, $TAII t, letis, coi last 0inisWr i6oted with the fntercoi�- -Consumpaqn. Pricevi. for�a. e, note ceediu- 15 lines, rsi month,$i 50 thi nk -he is acting very fo lishly! psalin was and the X !The abov �, Preparations are of standard mod ical eac# subsequent month, 75 c, -15 ce ts. Yo d 1 and C�ngregation tAxd�up!for the bless- nia Railwa ves tbe particulars of are ri),ht, Miss )ocr," asEerte Y, 91 01 u, �reputatio 1, and no secret ingredie its, Births, �Iarriaes, Deaths—Gri tid. Pt the t of accident which recently befell ing, N rhen their delic-tt* Mr. C. *hE cold gentlemam---�"Yot areri He Pay, be .I orescribed, by pliN illaus without heFita- &t imme, nvae, 'ate could n longer 13rjdges, 4anager of he Grand Trunk %ion. -epar�d by JOHN' WILLUMS, speci —most bolishly. A&vertisernents without peci e 4irectio'ns Will is acting foolishly be i4frertedtill forb�d, and charge a4cordingly, beres rained, but e�-presied thems(lves by th� f4tal 'consequence of which were al. i i London, Ontaxil). 7V i Cannot you prev ent i b T' she at ied. —R For sal by Lnrusdon, Seaforth; . R. G' 8 in asured by a cale 6f p pears fant A4vertisement Olid am paerli%s owe -less. 1J9yo.uaba:rking. Oft6 have we --vitness-, ma 3t piovidentially averted. It ap '�B, G.A. Powell, Wioxeter, and Driig�ist N —p cl�pareil. XcLE& H mouth enertilly ter and ed srh scead4 ough wel. never;; that abo' t the first of, the while 230 will wed he, tailor's daugh L 5 A �0"` L- i in, -durability M 0 W-' 0 td i000� W i000:i� 'D 04) SEAFORTH CAREl-A WOO THE SEASON UHANGE]��. WILLIA.-INI Gl'.ASSIE aas sold all his Sleighs and Cntt4R, and now busy making 1 1p ]BuGGiES AND'VVA-GO 's. A few Buggies find Wagons left oyer fro14 Urat yet�r, which will be sold cheap. Any persen wanting a a . ut statilial Waon or handsome Buggy' S�onld call- a; rangem6uts, as a large numbw on(eand mal -.0 ar* of brderg sor( BOW and those -who wait too lo ig probabl T not VT be able to get their orders fllle(, RepaiTingandhorse shoeingpromptlyattgnded to as usual. WILLIA'Ad GRYiSSIE Goderielt street, sealo NOTICE TO THI Pt'BLI'C,. , L H -EW.NC:M 'E FLO ENCE S� ACH WE AS T havebeen� appointed S(le Acent in tht Pro- vince -of Ontario, for the Florvnce Sew' Ing Ka - chine, none havef a right to sel I th( said bin except t4ose app6inted by me. In ,he C= y Huron Vhe followliva *are tl e or Lly autho 4 Agents f-br the F1 lorence -Aluchi ae : U. P. Whiffen, and LawriencE Ifni Thos. Coil phy, se 10,14 rth i William TdcGaw, Clint on ; L. Wil gon,:GDle rich. Any persou or poerspns other� f miL t� ie above repto- renting that they have a right to Be uis � e orence Machine -in he ( ron. are. -impopUrs, th(, 1, or eftuil ounty of ic are h fur- HU­ reby and. pub warned to bewarei oi them - 0. G. WITILSOIN, General Agent 290 �or Ontari,, Seaf rth. pumils, ' THEundersig-nod having efectd a new F 1111P Onor Factory about 40 rods 1 of FRAN01 STDW-N�y On the London Road, is now reparedto manufsc- ture Pumps, whieb. for 11ghtn BE, of, operAtiO 11, and - canno be Surpassed in Ontario. -N-Oth- 'imaterial ing but the best usc d, first-class men eniployed. ALL WORK D. A call is respectfully soricite d befor epar sibg elsewhere. GEORGE BIOLTON, 284-6m, Franaistow a - NEW HA.-RNESS. SHOP. Five 1,by cent. off f4r cash sk- 1114 L F RY 011AY SADJ�LERIS, SEAFORTIL Shop opposite the Mansion Elotel' We have. now on hand an assort-in-elit f ood Iffi-ness" Saaddle., Curry Combs, and Trun s at all desen )tion- Va�ises, BralhOst !of Whip"i kCA constantly on hand. Repah-ing dond Prank 31iller's at rnoderat� Prepared HirneF.1 rates. Oil kcp� con- stant1v on hand it BELFRY & MAY',8, 6;1dtUeTs,, Seaforth- J. P. BRINVE1 r, CEN SED A�CTIOMEtr �t for'. the -,C0 L11-Juron. � 01 th, vonyt, silles atu-nded in ill parts 0 Country. All orders lef t at TJIII� E�IOSX-Toit QJn0E will be promptly attended to. BLACKSM1T1,H':WA I NTED, I W i T I JJY, WANTED, imIrlediatbly, )y .1 BrusselS, a journeooniaa 13194slaith- I Aug' and be a good ho�se shoer . To i gOO4 worii1lt, steady man good wageS and !Ong, - tout, e Y)*4 xffll be given. T f WNW W p with c*ming wt -t ch ,Vniia Was dgm Li=ie Met ea t on. er a, thus he said Tn Ild .1 oly hea-Wf: afire lo ly gir 1 (4 un...,enchablio'clesire- U, love's t one. wilt thon be 111'11c, cry line $913 in the groc joi "UC 'in accepts sweet, replied a elia, more my sille the umby 14,1 jiln, bo et 8 vttiii- Wet— r 'aa t yet peedii, f rtz- f er, jl�?tj 1�'t i- -witked t-1-0 rob dis' hol, 51 Dat".3 b roog - ,h(3re Giinnbo W!,- All�t� r� DSi,.1er it qzjjv—�Ilaud t ti,o!to ie -O A -a'otber pullet." 01 -,boy t -o 1).Li 'teaeh-1 t, �,zzl ed �scbo Sir f wall -it naught hel il But" er * 1111aht rivu-st 1)e� 44' �thentwxe D:9 not Ing, aouble wl'ati t! ing lor F sa d a I ittle girl to b4 -late, 44 -N-,rbU1AU-,t it be wvvM� if r,11-00to Our -,CI)00 1py 44 Y.,es;' was tolip- reply laistorw4- : U0, wttil-An't it be nite t, bat 010n to hlv� Kily -Rebool New York farmer laugghed , Is dent wife tq&ised hini whell pr U aA of h ay" lot to islyloke on 'a 10 0 Ub h14' fboto�d i,it 110 e t11 -at 11' -&ht Nv S1 Ved A,,-Ost of hi�$ garments a ha 81 pr is TI in -a po- wOrk-Of 11i NVR90 .1 afid th-en: NY if SC11001-boV I)el'Dg asIxed Of wilat thip Gerlillell bis te.1icb,er D it t Wi as G0,.n.-,ti.tuted,1" repli .4, 4:1 sou'10out, sekna­)pri, lager 4&1�i and n1k elln, r-om&' -�I That lml Inutitu to the boy �W1163 be a Lutb.er 4t w en P,;L the D14t of Worms," said, I p Eee' I bAl't, wb�eie are t4e �thjjt 11'e is going t'O eat I wornisi - M linAr jk fativer, in icon�,3,0� It% h. b -o ba<l Iosto b:er huslni*l, da-ughtcr, w I don't xvonAer v-OA1 Eal .� 1 . I id, you will never. for 'h�nj , m y C I i 1 find his equa 17 - )11147 Wit I res-pon& -e 80 13 t �[ do my 1�est.yy TtW ow; bu. &the��.went honle colllfolted. ii,6011ic but �%ei);Fible O�Izgjlt to ue tsent out to lectUT roan il aniong the peOPle c).a tem..pera-nO�­, v i bow Vll ot A put Inifu drink tnine la -,",0'. I batid ou miue vone palm Den I hafi-- el. on mirie t-)ody, an4 Jere -vrosll ar,04 Deill irut mme band pocket, an A idere. vus no ttir-, a,. So 1. jiD18 111id de, dem.perAlleP. Nowd.tv. -nline , ead, aa� t6 RO,p al h de- pAin in mikkne body, Ina Y, a-Wi1v put Wine biand in. UT 11114 `tY - no ,,der.e dNveli 1� wi�t tide Ian. How Long and How Xanyll,%i )1l" 40 'V-011- til -ink it ti"], Fifteet '14111 to wfitethe Bible dredyle,ms-­-�--ErOUI AlOses w"' Nv' , 110 to. V hO W�0�. ­ k- - wa-s t-11-41to Ity1n1l e 1,ow =Any eal thift toban led td W1 --te it Th ere'. Nvere 11At.-t1le`W,, VArk, bt#k, There We� John� Paal aild Pet6r- 'Avid Ko -:in,. A -,es . -1 Ezi-al,.Rnd D 41 Danwll ana Sameel., Son,6 WR ghepherds, tsome -farmers; Sonl-e lifi$ ijom, e tent ima-kems, ermen, d sioillt WfTr-, U, leanie ` I le;�-rtked all -d y1eIG thl-y' wbs:t they write. The 60141)t -s` 0ie Bib.le -ire all Vxo&ss . i - ,e -n aid the v'rity, Th,e Just w -hat GOd ';v Th�ey wl,ote j,llewoo 110w mau difiereh:t -SeCW Or boo -k-% 0"ve titlerie in tbe BiV im-d all bo M,,I�Ina 0,11Ael beautiffti NX111:01e. 11 t abovfi a 41,essed book. P. I We IWO Wit books in 4.1le WIt 6f n sei Make it. tl)e-ivan cou. -Y7�OU, �Jye 1,11:ap of Y,0,11T life, follo never be a fi�w�e example. i o n 00 The -,tyle perstra8l 3e til o�ntlyln oar 'beloved, -cowntry imay lye fnf� fi��ta t,,11 -e foll-OWiDo' KeUe that ol 101,1 IR4 red rEcently at the Un, Dtr. -ver, A -i' tkket-offiep- at sed ini,st-.,,ke a ticket f0i y ;0 th-e Kau-sms, Pa6fit liup- wantecl to g-6 ovex,4'fbe,LTDif1-R li(l not di -,,cover the tkka b3a, Veep. til after tb!e ,Arg� for, A.nd On. lat 1119, nfussed, I --hange, it, ithe ter iBo. U You *.Voll to 'A411. ge then, 'woli't YOU.," 'N'o," replied tiae a2'elt havel Your ticklet, J MOncy for it� you- te Vo tieket ovet have, to bily 't. Very plietl V ilizestranger his iictzet � into a suiall 1*0111 Ferenely drenv from 11nz aer 11 V �St tail �slx-slv,-Otei-, cO61) �;t tw'isted ticket i-�nto die Ulu= of� and PU. thing �J�Irojiali- -tbe little s dow of tillp tick,6t -offiee aln"Ost ap'ntf, fa�e,' ana speaking in that left Ro'dp,,abt� of hhs detl don. sma hold to t