The Huron Expositor, 1873-07-18, Page 8117 T 7. 7 r % �4 J - TtiLy 18 7 SITOR1117 IRON E PQ 0 7 �' r parents seem6 3,t t)jj11_ and the lives of be a to be entLmies-Ist, The Orange Oel�bratllbnl -6 at stakei ding jumps. ffere for the 1. Cooper cl)uld hardly have be 31i ..eiled ThrC4 Stan Hop ate ton. 1,70ur loads of hay were 0 a on ac QOU4 'L Sesterday the close' W,V�nley 2,,a J. Rasberri ti C aid n' t be furia�* the kind, f" sale oil le Kingston market f n ceasion of Twelf th w4s celebTal PC" -a d of Ilintub of the speeches. the great progessioll jtimp-lst� range Lodges of tbis ,-fGtioa but )ecauSa the sellers GO, li no ot of� I Its 0 nents 44)t*beb Ig' 010L a 6nd D_nliries Ist, D. 'V amoel' Thel o, is OMP tQd6art! was f Warnock. lRunning st X 1 - meo� and- (181. 0 0 -most ets*ll fers hialitr than $18 per- toi� tb�y tar. 10 obtainal�m t In hrdhed back' to the vil 2n re' -for L D. WarnOCIL. back ho I Viiiralock; 2nd, -E"gli The Celebration 'WDS the k�b they will I thrmah the princi�al Streets and S. age- riex it me, and allc wl tat, J, Bassingdale ; 2na, s. war� of the kind ever held in that OTED. - -Tile, foilo,�i dispersed and JLLLX.LLJ ricis rise to 0. The ig OFFIbER8 L E, tiogle-he lo'lg�, where the,, -side holds--ist, A 3 the Ora tE' on ieii I of wait until the p Wres bling, he 1�eiv. ErO. aay� Lo ge for theip resp 1. 0. 0. entive I nook. r T t a long' time, at ler, it is ;dly started eve green DiSTRICT AT I Brethr�p 0' Fia I't Lo i Inmedia �,nd, ., Warnock. colla ad Created three may M TELIRS ely officers ot D the vi4age li, al '�,J. the McDonald tea inst ed as p. I fl4gs Y, h6mes", E iad by a littl Dona�d ; 2nq, it to b eboped SO. I were dill . e after '(1, Q decora I ig in' d ?1bow-Ast, A., Me arche, tefully rorn ts T" n Tk Lodce:foi ar; ti & -had e 1;-Wjl nar A the, etishii quarter': Ja ( �he vil� rin ; - A �he 4. litirely Wt AM var( a named Will. Torre e learil that .10 V. tk. y that a P sley. noys Luouraill anct emblms, 4m;v —W Beattie, IN. osit app4rd -Nlichigan, who lately bought a; 1) lage. f efore dlosing wemUSt sa B."Smi 2nd, One, o e Messrs upiness. Ch. TP. ill I�avc ill, the C. Hi4ksori, B- S.; ne, P. , -, law abidin ,and well 1 —7 jontrie of a villag, Nlilverton, arrivedat 8tratiodfro,!, Messrs. B -L xTTY C(14, 1�nerOhaatsli NI I'lliams, W.; 4r] - I - 1 & Cooper'rs, ha o, frora '�Uoiltreftl, it large jisqn,. Vea%; J more. re !ectable an rder or So. lWarl ock. Bioy's f6ot race—quarter �esides the day or tv &11(1 Litlqorti, Teas, C. W conalictl gatIfering of any Ist; W. cLoug f On wb ch Port Aron late on Saturday night. He s r e, c qua -at' f haported Vi ie 1-5 � cut * t A Lied above it! a streame IV Dun6�n, C.;-� John 0. :11., )� les— y will. be r: b tnEssed in the e �he GO which the r Cx &SC 6 rig and in ' I 'any Wit1b, General G (icil W, Pointed the ords, " 0 s than they. LX.1 I e several i!, 2nd J YOIUI�g. St(67'. were hired a livery ciety 11, a ileve tipre4t, deal le, "Idilig Of liu Mir able to 86.1 at Pric, ron. Th the trades 1 of one R, Johnson, started fo Alilvertoll. have ever, iffered, the garme theitiqelves awaU di Aubances tba ISO dressed out t4cir They were follovil,led by two orthree men Irl do well to call uck bpnt�ng, or tb.e bef�aa going elseh shments w t I ily among w ich were I boso� of %h fron-f-town ;ran into, an'l th bu�gy ae, 'S z, evening wer, in a.wag on �a ,ty x" ge W cliasersw� ore. Carmi I V. G."; J. M L. S Q sometime af ter the mem- ermith. the i illa It floatill.4 overtken a f ew miles, slorth e J,Cburdhill, R. is.; S. �rott, L. A other � law- abiding j[t,�TLIVAY By -LA —The T ckersm. esLab P,uv ; ; " , - g&a* for before. J. Wright, R Nortit t occurri i ' the cLedd, V. C Blook, 1110in-street, So Jile Order ar vi bers.of C, -he cons nofal, -Repriesentai an n Thursday fort 01 the diteb. Th(N J obfi Chg�plaiii. j 0] 1�1 subj ei i ll�d gone home, and were sed in, let In e ert.inas, A I . - - em to su ess ilad Mr, Steep. throwa-int e t1len Fou VT0L*1SS, one lt,6! J. 1, "arter anc er Oj,. a - that; rs. Zealand, i t ccora� m e tion asking them to 811 of fuiest quality, gb to GCand Loc,, Class of los el in I the peti Al ed of w1l. ever valua:L)Ies �Ioy allu fis, I The day a a that could be),ten rot) ilting a see It auit)ii Stri ch ti left insensible. 1 11943. 4vs olial bonus 0 was eou,ii., It a found about on sill a lovill-law gra t. Atj an b t -9 pbell. am alw ELy but not ex lessively h 0 tl;ey Ud a them'and ...... fine, ron and Bruce to R. Dru - tor -e e tondou, Hu loads by the ro. ago I They were Ourld lying Midsiae ap� hour of the mornin" T of T ilet So 3nted by M early ME Assowr-Nt was represi t A LA R Carter Brothe rIs'_1 The i� conav an... alfoUlD -a SAL,r BOcliz.- Walton. h Nr.,.Xv .lso, Fre lis in operation rab e litseers bega I to ivg, next morn o S -Ar f c 'A -Iich* Fuld Eng n Of �ig i g, brought Fronehm(I Englih. 'Ic th 3 f ter conside I into Thei ounda are e, new salt workswee se, 1100 -e!"olicitor. A ael y. Combs, Brush 'r and Tooth I eral lodges dTc )rovide(L 1� 1 118 --Mr. i John Shaw, edical nid 0 L) -MLATrE Pi--rf tin -k very Satisfw- Suad I *ireed to @Ajoulll o'clock the sev stor6. Mon -day ast, and wo, Bit th Council g nil 'the ed. seriouf5. Brushes, at R; Lmlsv Iteacber here Jor the lal dise Mon. e -a to meet to j -bl headed by their sta ard t ) o Onf inan:haB who. has been next, the o ---------- Y. eral saii AVedn Bsdr;y 01ock toril e and oi - A rest( d. and ide;ltified as being one ton ev rs, and.who has giVeli gen sou nd of fif b e of Ell a rrtaln e Own, 0 1111t r-jSE IN THP 1.2 Atief consid r the matter. an U t. 11 is going tic f res tha� had rriv a e rol e6 -tie -a the HlP*dNvft BriiSSE 16- isfaction, has resigned, '11100L -ESEN"I 1%hos lodg �arcs, more i �Iarly i . I D PR �the Pill ellool j ii Brussels, i S'(11100L jXAMT,�TATION led hy take Oro -ery'linesi is Brssels, Agent for the E X- Cre of the a C000er, pro - g' - dl a- iiiIiabitants 01 14034. -On ri Mr. T. firriller, nei�'r atherin-9, recently anil Oro I el ia - Itl in procession And our v�luable c "A's beilOngig.to a Atina to be i �t i d. �'for" I F ter With cof1surners in this country. Rk led I spaer and Job INrititing 01110e.] The V last, lith inst., be' I f the day, C, in Tibb's a 0 laaads highti ages 1� eii �R�. - after ae at the� the last of teaching days, to meEit 1heir h hot rtt present coin the statl -ied f ropi a: disease know" as the black' 'ountry in the world, and in & this s'eotioll regret cry much t is of school sJc- I cepa FS land thin 6. itay, other c �,Iessrs. M. t' f the ppi to (I Coal, the I SOLD.— tb lose the.services of such an exa�iina lon 0 w ;breth en frout Godei yvbo *'�re I i thngue. Pulled products, Iron (w w m;I. in are 9 hich was re- VFG I d. ol their sa het tv 9 T m great staple yeax. .have disp.6se Shaw ha 3� ition; No. 1, Tuckersinitb Soo,, as 5h trin ar- linual Fall allo of the E hna' liouse vatu hi s, doi�61ed within the past n, excal lit teacher,. -as Mi. ah-eld in the illg y train. he a ai t our croeiiy Importcrs�, Sparling ploased to leani tb, Brussels -td Mr. Philip Zrkable f:)r its success, wa �gricuitui AL. Society will be he I at Li. 1 0.1 prove( lm tifu manner n 1- rive the procession wa, 3 The beau JOA114 . sti of he pr(perty- consist "Iton. school. ichdiol hou ae. th Marl -et 4 h ET. Co hae a IAT' f hi self to be duriub, olic Period 1 1 111rivie of , eafortl T be hai, ha(. tile W��a if when they marched to towel, Oil t e 10th of Octob one, 1, 701 es Importa-ti Of land and 0 '� bipb the I ro in ! diently. been 8�read_� ns �,� hand, a d theY 1`0 charge' o ' was decomted, and 6e ous�omersthpbeueflt- I the mill, four !acres bile people in thi here they separatA And �pro 1mall pox has re tie pliomi their qd III w evv vill (10 so, t, fr. A- on the gr 61 1,The test wishes of I ee oLprt hibite(l by t4ie a f 'tort I III ese gooil h4vig adva u. a.- eigi )ficiency ex oli.' diiiiier. g or h ap e 'to the . . . ; fort3 rods o t Ile sectio a It by the reainess aZd ceec ed t n loop more il '' ;an ill. give Upils, as Show y re-asse lib And severaI ion than any obber, Owrn" d.within abou� IC14 ciii tile County of :1 Perth. is situat �d to his new �splier a ol the A Lallip of f [I cc�o y him o the different bote' rapiaty in the t6wr all ion, &m1PT fter dinner the asthope, d hoped he -7rqpemt �ttoll),?,ersta.udiuh price of Coal. roll z4y -statioll. The Messrs. Spat ling ofac accuracy witli which. they answere C110nin and ill'f r(M it-' eneral lils 46atliv havo occUrre rail, faction there as h formed nt 0 - the a ne R wilas It Mai ket Squarej -possession about the 15th of i; p he School is man�y diffi ult questions Propose., I rerali of. the Council are to bell ttention e Me., Aith 0 '11. present. f marched tbrourh se, -The-Porth Count� OUO rtif ving to a thei r Lr.B wislies to call has on oym Rall, pleasingy, it to th, xAmeetin to submit a by -i FOC13 n pr I Fr(shArrivaslof Cheilip Groceries at the r to te the averag 11ttunda CO een examined, Cipal.streets bac asked at the ne t7 C our mb- r 4 'd Iarge having been 0 IDENp. rig up Af te a es had all b s of 0orn and oats on baud -As Me' r the as yl� and from Couii Bonuz of $100)' more ove 30, be lla� sueceeded'in keepi aAd Se 5d gtoTe. Lot arbitratom r tlle� )HIPailied. by tbei Oram law, granting wo of the " 1 1 1 distributed among Xc<.o juslu , ; C ive -ali martial construction of thd 'N11CM which pla.;yed 000, to as whieli will be sold ch0l chael. t' ;-midard of - th - schoo to the entii ecipi- lericb, Be Sist in the v,�Ik-jng along a walic on one of �bc the S Olars I Jr. Tibb W' s made the r, e differ- il) sch Port Dover and nspect0r. We unde ke present; -which: ai a, and the drams andfife� 01 trAfordi 4nd 8tratfori%, rap Oor satislact nof.the rery liands6i all, the� T, he notified I y 64 1, of a aesday hight, a, t ave bo6il -i-,Icr eiltered �IIP e Expo'frop' I str�iets last Ti uste a viz.: A large lod"Is. and-Lak. roil Railways. 83tichaby. Subcribers from this date atter gier, static e t r' c00a id the 8 e . C 0 conoistet of three articles,, in, oni id. be defeated,. It is quite ,will b4 seat to 'jNew lia�pencd to be open,- a r ase t1le accommod i- called t4i or(fer "by Well aw shou. 1 -874, for 621- 1 obsorvin t di "se the I n 8 tor t i e �Iy bound Bible, a handso4le i,;!, wei e there a i vic is and elega al �vbo briefly t Illuilicipalities -to e benofitea tionof the school and secure the ser t 110 8, 1 [Lsq., County Master, pertha -Doti his 0�tkle and recie �Vfing iting ro Ist eir cont ly spr nig Leak and an elegalit llou 110 at be: wws D11m.-�-A,vahtalble horse, be-. �vle�'ne a ns� - - a We am to 4-n assistant teacher., in! order to f at it wr i d essed, them, saying ib . 9 h er Alit njuries. 1, of lited by a frieu( of i, ad bythe L- roads should. ass' e, �Oi� These we 16 Auly prese I i eld i and thb 1h. Mr. R'Sihantz, of this Villag -er ments of the I W. I il ad of --the position he stuctio But there are y municif' 1 , in the n �ii * palities in Perth which' woul not be b Ion -lig to th s � his iiii ll�rios therel I e of the Pupils, tQ PT diecV last. laffammationAwas leirri, however, the i se 1601 ,1171 PT on-tunday ilo"t suffic .. tly serioi�,-i to prevent Nts re r oplior�unity.he again. enjoy(- celplorat- ib�,, who, altliough almost 0 r Y. He Oil lighte't dei by the co the (,ause of death. Hullett. et, a anniversar efited in the al- i . I n, replied in brief this glorlou -Dur- touell I le' Tc roe su. tu�'lling home the fbIlowing co;�e ll emotio ; d orde r f C a i ' brethre to exerelsl' gi Swollen rlief 'ielt el struction of the- roads. a his ankle *as H,)U;J'E STRUCK By g lanuage.. The x li us vianilest, their ul eir ly th I ani I sobric I municipalities to ibat6 ;oward th ayl of Ithi th ect of losin tv and th F very painful. The ;icii �of le, ln� ing the thunder storm. oil Thursd schpl 8 at the yosp 9 ereno F0 r. Willia m- , PaYi1q, of on I I fl�' the liberty I Construction is noblihigslior; of all ont villa gre, son of M -open an Ilabl gratitutle r f � Kin clors' d t r waptly, N- - - 0 trap d tr;rl ected o side, ilig last, a fame dwelling house, manifested by uncontro he victorie� ro 'TuGc rath, left on Wednesday 11i rh- ho' bc a as he - teacl IE en oying through t wal. ligerou ione and a U d Concession of Hullett, the rest sorrow, all rage. LIth V, - es3l 'the Old Countr NN glad 8 ate tha t ks ii� a da the' incr'ast on a trip to, I mas jvitsol�, 1 was struck and of each, I am sure- tl .7iiiiam. He was. _,rev. H. Kellu im W a-voide( e. f Mr. Tho reaSe -1 if, possibl deall -e 6 too b b in tb e fDrmt:rly of Luckilow antl 11; w Of Win' illi Y� le fit id 'ignited VIC Hirci it is to tilyre had been a great i kex-R-W11 - Mul _ . d bo , . I T TE. r, AwARp:-71 e arbitrab l?-� by lialltning. . TI ex en e distri( 11, -mille, c: Ti-iE and it to be number of Orangemell ba;m, - was presented b * t ie people which was ediate12( "1 2) 0 dr be' amount f �'tlle buil r1in Fa evrep underst C thought of! his departu ts us to State pointed to arrange gy cars,, er U ni- r the past A school Inspeotor,­,reques con tents' W e i f ve y -Luckiiow.-o i the eve the of Grey to as- flatnes. . Tb ' louse an TiWs y,tention to go to Toronto eive- d�cbt 0 light strict call Tep, f the townsh ei e I Ouse an ton 0 to bestir riftauti with lry fl atte th, teacher 1 in his' - d i iron in Glill f III that N 1b a Mr. Wilaoin and bis veil � y.: I am sure Ile will be missed.by b eti ro t t eUti .'Iyl �ons umed. 11, properly eerl- sIllne a ,of Brussels t r' as they were, not keepi-Eg An ol by the villa ed omplimental addresssAGMUIP iied Gheques: by sending The' tra- fiiil barely escaped ith their lives 2 ms el v c of Lith S(h Lars, over whom be has prei, the! rural on Tucs a 1, as lrnd� orne set, ofonsisting bf orders t6L h wbole nd al 0113 were awak'ned the ee and a half years, ey ast tM �%60 'Ile Brussels on Tucs ir "y it was gratifyin, io Sil�er tea ti fi ! ra tor8 succeeded in 6 1 icluding the un th 0 aria es. for e ple with the progre s�e the Bev i the de I, CA pieces, andivalued at - 1 11 e i di ee, uire bac 4L part of the h 11ST was in & welfare he has taken P Wa:,rd lu.&L EbTIVE: SA.L!F,. �Thomas i tble itterest I in one day. - Th in rl OS, and `4ebt Thi loss Will amount Io abii $600. te -est. He will be missed by ;he 14ige I amber prese .-The farrael Gode the prchased Mrs. Spallino"s SelStOaFJ!s�om6,,�,2,0(oiofr.+t�e ai w V11 est, it anif est: in the prpaperity,of W n "i n1pot, I'li insllranc of $300 on the- he tirat w StEphens ha&L section, to whom ch township, realizing tho,� benefir, tliat in, Clo erich ociation. Ila deifre d aoYide'll 'I residene -Airi 'was an' rat" ),y Of 'that re e, ion 5 000., The d op rs catt h U es handsome bn' 0 i ld satisfaction. the %a one in their pub- a che' e factory establisUed. in their t! 1 6 ttl d b it was ho se. �i en It ivers! stiect. The puichase at the present 'tinlE ill -------------- willuch ng ilisult to AA a weeti'ag Jo nin1c. misscd in the pr ession I of' offe a, ; J! 1 at S_ e- o, W' "n ob lidst w6uld be to them, hot Ig tWO aere-1 of land ad' left in, abeyart they wish ce Uri' Winizh f 'tie was one� of AtS i but ally (d to Cori mye Halli on tli:e'4th Con bLJ1 ii le "ov- us or celebration ivera: e,and I at the Ora was $3,000. t�Lins. a definite Kett4nent witil t1 t I ft e it - The price pai: e of the Sep Th6 1=ents,_ and I am suie, I iam nihmolate theirpast del YJ the�v'eniliaiof Fri�lay, the Ith. At the 4ih Iticill OrE�aNd AN te t Orn 81011, on brig the sentiments of .411 0o dleavoied to perpetuate th4ir vileacsl- a parpo;e -ing steps to -The exm- tb�ire -, as a'surplu"' f t $3 WO t Church Windham, to of talit v $,!to -abou. 0 1.),-esl:iyterian . i expri iss Lng Itho igh Af te music fr E _NLI r. inst., for thi r FRW cy " oln the ban (h e. et kn'Dv b int of. P4b1i r4 took the credit of the t Bru5sels is w1fich an add tion, has been built, ,nd v�hen I say that -L: r have a. cheese fct0ry ei-ecte c School Teache ducel. This rever ts 'u,ade, wilf be re- on -,N,Iiieh he 4low its amilton was intro is sUr- Wier improvenjen is e pedestal I &esent 22aeenth of t1i 11 9 The attendance was gooi anti ac(ml- plice in G�oaerich. during the to receive n continued his -erparks at 10 the w� -1 tletria on candZies, t�e exptnseE ervice w Sunw better things are yet th comq. M 9 to lui were appointe 1, to call vass 1 he be a week. Eighty Six plus �.ne-fourt L o,)6ned for Divine S e bolp 1. . He wasliiAaned for t 1 ' ' on -I k R. cces ary 'T I is sets. 2Ah uly. The servioes: wilf -ClIF le lerii 8 num er pr��ented lie of orne y 1� -u different lines he tleamselveis for arbirat 11 ad As soon 0 examination. is 4 'uita ad Mr.1 Goldsmith, of S'ea- I 4itentively, and, conel ecli eloquent 30 r. bl 7,, 5 a0 C�ws are _ua likely be rea a ill, �ir'and eii cted�, by , e of cow Mccessful candidates Will dy This sieemsto be McKillop.. e., os* amid. loud ion in time, for our next d Will,,; q 10 ibt I giN -f the Monday evell- Adar Anteed. thb erection of the factory *ill -b , Justine � 3atis 0 1 r Pulolicat, d61 followi lig Mr. Pickford, of BaYflel& wa� tb 3n nture eted. "ok alec By DoG.--On Friday i 'be poceeded witl fiction to A cone [Smith wi�l deliver. KILLED lbut�po Iby thlie com1nitiee, t I L 1- ishnrt 0 on, in ct beink-ii," loveuloc�k of itroduced, who give Anot in He, coni d d JO;UR\- FURNTTUPIE ,her paper, of thachureb, the subje 11 last Mr. Thomas I erect the IonildiniTs and sedure S, Penr I. who wil Acto ashoril� to be iakerl ori) )me thirteen beep t'ad d liol happy address -son to co"ClUct the, facto aservai-tive persuasion, is ine q And. Nlities MOE il:.op. had So . ; . n satable pet late of Goderich, and Imaiii qualiftoat on for an I PI, Thr of �h e fi si 'caton from the U by lyliw)rried ril by clogs. oflicial notib The -cc &nd to a i -By all of Winhanl� the premi3cs latelyt: thr, he sbould be T arted in the vill, oulic. all on ll d )ran eman was) Atten er. The name c n h Deartment b More' the merri if,ttle, en- Pennin IL a a I Tu�n. th�,Ah.,.ep were (lead when f loving and -Sloboe citi- of Intand tr ine. died. od-f e(I �Ila the rnalist-has. Jbhn Stauffe comes undier aring man- ers are inforin �ro- tar riecom- W�.SLEYASiii orising but ventaresome jou �vell f the injured ones have a at d the memo . g6dd workman %I A soil so�p , rr iti ing le that'vener e . ry of Ild Otb n spices,of the Wesleyan ethodist Two o the doors B.aspected of com adore him, visions of 'the present law r6 to'the ing William but did riot-, ruit, &c., not yet,bee, madepubl nIen'ded. t�.'.e aui been discoveredr kild yrain, seeds, root rs.!: I the inage have ght of e -Brussels as i C �urch, Kinburn, wit be hel(f ill 'llill 1 1 - first number of th Job 'Dolson; grroe6, h f o the �enefit and -The ched by their owi era. ho as grat w to have effect oil � a nd af ter the last'. It Is i lie cheese fctory,� bay, 11cendispat don Tlilursday. . � - new 6ih6p oll 6 lhoales' grove, near �V6 us, but Cease Roxt. was issue _. 7 � n at reinoved into his fine special m eet- 13 1w January' IS74, a I thereaf ter aper is neatly , i ; . in A. The obje(t 011 MFETIN�- - , privi es that an open Bible, rties .Ist day of 7� a p � 9 -y; fill s�treets. -ed 1 1 July 2, "at Would not i" Lilt or'restrict- the libe i PIN colum riler of Tlirabi -slid 11 1 on NN nesdiy, 23.& 1 � I a liell b 4 . - - by �:F a la ei(lbt the Go Dis Sol is to assif t IIV: ii f! ed, and is a ere Ae soiree is to raise run( y 4 , I polli ical not ..ali these rticle ditable t Council was held ol by-law con- f In r one, ibe Cent I or rinted itind arranio, -jiessrs.: Tiii ts &i J'Hani� to pass a although his Ve- all be specified bl t t DissOLUTIOS !,butchers, h Ve I L I- L �s& 0 8 opinions. Ted ildtion to the newspaper literature of rebasilicy all o�gaia for Use in a Tavern, might bel.diametrically weight sh� hcpty gi ous bletoui rocel ppointment and aut a cental -that il it is deserving of - gener The., �!,,,org will be oil --thq fl in 11 g'�the 9; "Would Wullsel 1'parts 0 ftie Uou0v. - �!; IM r. ft" Will in C are . M', 1. . He who 4fter a of. solved partnershi...4 ''tie h-ealthicifficers of McKillop not. ppo� ed to his own Suppot from the enterprising Citizen iid ground on thodia 0 the soiree'. 0' which he ws 1ounds. Those, therefo�-e t 11 tho as, a tell of- e .1 fufure carry o .�Igroceryi;lul�sii test sobriety -a. d y dele.Ziting ccor ding to law to 81 at (late make contracts. b4sed olibush- dres es -will ibe eiiv,,,red by Rev, INI r -rr, seeolide, by butcherin ItIc by his ambleton 0 say ha& bel ob8i�rved Mr. H aid suitable music, fi6ieis., Moved by X. Ke aPV ily be bound by �hc bushel of T Lavelle and ot rs, pow . -E 2% if r. -Jam 6hn Cal and Lill r NV ty. Bell that I MO, e by C�pacity-alld not of wei-lit. 1�[FAT Thomas Me E III E,N utal, will be, I :)Y-Iaw :No. 4, 8 rethren On this occasion, I -He adv­i�ed 1'els will 0 G o 0 D� a vo strui ne 1) o if Possible, te -1oll tcher, ni Ile, rit 1odoCs to avoidl, e tt sh led us, on N 4t Varna� passed -Carried. -may be 'at lided Stol a d lth k i it 1-1) ,lichaell, oft Halle jo- iable time mi iiy b rOa be tant Cb'tlla A most en *bg in ta%,eriis -ifs it led10 I lott, of iave ur- secon y anies ffi!Ys, klieet r antidipated. an excedent Godei townsh P, deci. Bell, ded b er I�ck bur nity. live encefo shorbtilae� but smple of p Wl le i'lleo Arnolds' rs. Gov f,,he grettt Inne of tplish?s qar satisfa6 Ay cal that the expenses of Mess -v�-ji_-I oil - full trial prove ap tory wheat of -the varic chased the lot c1posite L of �he AV&I ace e to heir 'I had all, hear�, n shown is ross;1 wher� theyj � I t ice- I )f :c. a. currency D' ill, telAtiV did tile exchange c Fsbo e. The sectrifte illop, f rota Bliannon be 1. lybriolized." riage, C3 time. will be ino, house forthwith. clelegtion froni'McKillopto the E lect- Lanibi, and' of their proe4edings, 'wbo -ripe, an will erect a (1wE lie 1* - ety ht one- t inie is e entil in ol before t' 11 1 1 1 aI notori for the decini I , I , - '4r -Piece rrOU&I A!as kindl) liting the illlt ests 'had n exteidec shot ' the (�Uitc. ready fol They litive ec, A b,' Ca J F4 f a as )f T4rties represe mkilich 'ttina. Th h also le�� legistrar for i, Lit he cc aid il __N sportsman r �o Bruc lail- '-(or their violent condue .hOL and - filled laid.joini gr 4isl.hotel, -blith ]owing vital atatist, of t1l, rt and hfrom Martin MOO �112, Tondon, Huron vicinity ot 8trathroy. a ;b9Y hialied us�wi e fo 3, clear, plunip kibir- h� I _y I wa ruii�throu.-h S dorth, tell thenY that a great Chain bad t, kel L -tme expected to y the a; op witli- beantifu for a term 'of yew -8, llsbip for' the half 6ait ;ya � is precisel I'a size yl og 1 to the es of thht tow strittly els. This wheat i -i a cross betv�ecn the i ereet a shop.' Tli Ca-ried. Mevedby-A. Kerr, epot)(1- L lac( now ; a& they,D� ow ad] lered one red to temp lquirral, but in col4r. 18 73,z'BirthS,ll LaI 11 a -red k moling unell cipl He 0 busilliilss� djae trance pr: n tLild is apoRt ten ain I % brother -o and Soules, ng and 46k ed 1)], A. (,,ovenlock, that- Dr - f the e Pi of I porki buyi Dr. It. . Lewis, 39-; females, 2 tot 1,, r r: a ge. a VII - pei -form acted with aik exhortation to all to i,o diLf eal )ming winte Go-ainlock be llowed to s the c( tio.nali y, 6 1111CC400111-- Dan� and Bisho of, Otar id-denly �f ot, �aiyllsg . - 11.. Na: f bri a e -not 91,11 CO1- f 11 ir example. The Chairman A p 11 " has I growing )n, pAxicipal ion the r abor on 8th a the n, of lasti ii lots 30- a d to- then' IOLW bel it fori called upo of Can Hamilt, 6 ; Scot ngliX, 3, N Ai 6 M r. B. (4' o r tawa, on Satuiday Lbout thr6e, years, and has t�is�.- year of the Brussels. III jion Schoel, has resign. oes ad es io I line bet,%�,ee the alitly of bride Canadian, 9.; Scotc lit .* 07 LlIa, who C e, cholera.- 'Ighteell acres. He- fil-sD obtatled. in�."� Mr. - 1. %RelilC,�oua I extra, the I'vor o be ,rich, )ea"r of thLe b- el Is udyiag III[' f -bride, 1 get assihoppers re "I thO U di( Pd. He int 11c i . persuasion, o III, with $14 wor n, Lpp ris lor and �14 ec I ; Bible h 1r. ded by 2IT r. Rys- f-ried. I forN� iced from N Charles Arnold, of Paris,,. i has' be t '1 11 ri'ten a ard and briefly addr"es�ed the c have eteft I Shaw, of Walt groom- Episcopalian a vicinity, a! he Council adjourne( to in -10 c o in its . pan, 11 bc]- for it. 1 11 1 - M ethod at, 2 ee Mont - I on �,he Goillillons. and Paid $ per b m f the 'I it I th4n off 11111ch of the grasp �i I tian 5 Presbyteria -I uty Ailaster Principa 0 lil the first l8atu0i,y in i�l Tie Cou e, en; ha;Ve also been at-� ery 8 iotel -suas a' 4-ircle I( n e gard Baptist, 2. Relig.ous pei the Some- of thl PlOce ;�the )rethtein to formin An cabbaCfe T)Lt Tim ArmvmA! for 0 ettlement ust nex its tatell bride-Episcoialialig 2; Bible Chr'stiali, ket Square, for e tion -epartinents '.of thel ts bee weren LLTVA-N cloric. e Of n or- eing consul" f the var 611e, JO11T O'su the pu6os tacked, th' -so ious 1 -11 0 6 Presb�-teri�n, 1; - 1�� - P . ruck p even the onions ed by f -the liabilities, Ad asse .1 Baptist, 2. R ai:� b lloo, terml 4ted OLI iy I . f derl 7 dismissal. : The st Sea-farth public. Schoo B assets, in ' . L it corporations of i "rey . and B hs �Ies, 14 a brutes. a De. I t. As we have alre Stated!. I cej�ce.. (I sa e the Queen, while t�e vudi_:, ene iroracian Friday la��' (Y 8_10 years at d ull he people of Port H,)pe whicli, Thomas D. --,)Y Hay 29.'� A Grey _T have under in evcr 'respeci weria, a rb'trators, i 15 to'tl, ence were leaviuil� the Hall.,i After f )rm- the were ally! c6ii4ideratioll a b 5 be twee!n Council!rriet at en 10 and 2U, ere -ad shomwed that i -e, pa pils and Rober4 Ora� der,' 7 betwe n -the qua, they forn Aory, sse P satisfa" sat here on! Tues last, when they ar. bJ-. Cratibrook lily 8 187, Ing 0 of L ly 20 itid 35, 4 'betw(en 35 and 50, Hotel, r, awird, t Brus, C apid proogriiss siace t prev those who had I to b3 the" $10,000. to th4- iN�. nl Of had #I, t�ij he follij*ing id 80, 1 the m( nt. The I time.' ,Nldcbine Company, II' twiee� -and 65 between 65 �mbers-prese 4 le millatio, The A0 as theii tat regNr nd removed fromi -is e rived at t e , lisideral ous ex followilla is train Iturrie(f to the sttioil', h 'rey tlib, sum of en 90 TivIiilutes of 1, I gels pay (A 90- 0; betw their works 1 lbetvillwen anc hi ZD arrive prize list: al debt, ti ie above colArmed. for Its departure had ne proportion of thdi U specia nice an4 106,* 2. Cal f death--LarIg I ting read and hor y I EtST D p4ld in 19 eq l annual 0 indl I the remainder s af ter: castle to that town.' -be' fe -.rheBabL-,ock.�fi.i-dextingilialliDgI ainclant to rper ver, 3 ; kyphoid Co rnmullications read f rorn Elma 0 uncil e, disee, 8 Pue 1 t04 1 their 2parture. Th s was. Fifth 01(4.�.i-Arithmati lot t citing boundar between, C,rrey lotly -tested by the citY, UOUI�l installments, aillol that Iratu' ar, y to fever, 3 0 �9 3; diptlieri �as! ) OP a was reec A. Hill,; :Gramm con�fluded the celebration of a 11,11 idro psy� gangre 6 sen llil Elul as to son - - ( pin, Hendri xeOin-try I Brussels at once $181, it b-.ing file PTQ a- from, I oil of N-lontreal Foj- the purpoae frable Oreoaraplly, - , , ill : , ver8ary that, to MCI'! nis the� H I - thage of bow( rtio Philoac Iistory, A. McLeod and IM surol 8 a 3a` 8�1 licalor ce on side road at lot 20, Con 'y John' Wilsi Hill Po A the a. 8 and 2full n due Bruj�iiels ( �u in the calander. Th gather2i Shed badbeen erected �,Plly A., Hill Ire y tili4le brig of Petitio, the Grey treast-'ry. bawels, I.` rheamatic n read from ft. 'T which ii fied, an#hation eared with tar,: ah Canipbell; Writing inflr ore thourylit to be not less than sin n: y, synovIti.8 not ar I in a few mornelits was wrmap of a-bitration ano, eplilbps icy in, V tw6en Its afourtb& of the cost f 1. ; suf �jg othei praying for a g 4 60 'and `w�'f X charcteriqatio. solriety, (both classes, round Ots 15 t. US* Brusaii one-fouilb.-CW31. 1; Ulcerated ide road, b oqt iistant all Cat lobic Writing, I I-haid 0 ar for nox --TI e:i celebra- 16 stream frOill ingul, r Ellen Ch. fo6ation t reast, to.: way -a h ch were �Iln ross :o1l ( - 1, ariiilgood Conduct very It tle t a It the stoniach, I ly --extiligu read._n, Enim a4obnacAl offend the eye or L Cons. 16 and 1" dallied by� a tr, ORANOF CF I ar heir 110 e au(I tion of the 1-2th o Tu NV48 undil met 1: el�atioll: R. p� I i ly ii� Br isg NI .-The Co fu re consid which is s mply two X�98 OWRey. Ami D vent t a vhat fire engine, pr,,2,,e for Reading no Untoward e pla IT 'MP - I - !� nee to Widoiv IN' cKay, " I -,,r to those used b -r it.4 a I I - 4nece iThe I I I cop�ero hilders simi ia e ver- respect,:*. as. -ty oil the 5th inst. I the members pres plic�d for assist, m: Gov, the day was 'atil day the ever, As eting were slie being in n flour Vollin ar Minut indigent circuniAances to close a taverns w oda, water fouill is a Gr� mmair Emma was everything ithat could be desired if Jormer me prel',io,'M doinr ontin ieol�- - On a petition' from t� 2\1 oved by S. Sleinmoll, Seconded by L. ere under oblig-tions extin . ulshing Ii Geography, a: Killoran ;. History�, the rain of th C, rea(I and c as wheels. The �Mari, i� [ upe 1A � n, ex- at 'Seven, which we are g ad to. say W whic Fis 11 lZ - - a ibe ii 41e��ingthe Others, requestlDg to 3bson,. that'Thoilias Willian by all b I Ut tare of water gag a Jarvis!; entirely, aw ith. Wully done ahl R ei g, Eli on said Sar, theklay incist J.a;dreeable. the bridge of $6,. as needed, f fai e. mix ll� of sm have the ap r6 ichos to peT d till e slim is foree(I through leiiolth� of BID air anc Jani'les wals1i. sit re. ery ex C I A ceitifleate gil- The Con. 13 ir I being was .-Nvi k McKay- arrifil ecotatioils were v tensive,. rep read, it I 1� rulAi�er bose by the, gaseous P.. JIT. Canada. Both Clasrse! M h 1 0 �-be got ; 2d icing no I�sq thatJour I e arches ided 1by granted o Enoc and ail la7.ity, Ist John Ballantlyne UXal 1�tbcre'l m seco11 r tavern licence The ftwhine costs $2,401: each- stefully Rev Fa ill five s 1 street, to work on! Tu rnberry vler3; t Brock that &E ssr I Greery and Hack- P olman. Jchn W. Huntep wa granted ther Chiniquy wbil w ork oil with I �ei k�j I lieiareens a jitf i5rd, hag voltmar. . i of a few, SECOrN D DIVE d Unting. I ches to Said ti, - - J i. �r, if -Iieces- th . ohn Broad P_ days ago, 'Was attacked m ith SO and Scott lof ad bec� erect�d for, -m repaired, ei ot a %t h tho b * lue at �E tUbarles'� large arch d h Ir. J4bn A which irreasur'O declirated ney t IE sum of �$250 on account ing in Antigonislie, I C, et I I brl( ge all ave -ely '�Ix Of s year's lytow een. by Q 'to be det,,0 a njure The rithi th' f Jull r .1v. ove( schoc I' sectioi at i a. The ffair i l, fl woth Gra m -ma, Eliza I three, feet eirg lies in length- PIL ad; the I at 0 I b led f rom omewh. W'; act I i a illd -a Vumber the Clerk.T added to UDi011 scho oection d -feel ings 1) 111 the Uath- 1 h Elizabetili a ne-wcoa lergree see' ed byi Brock, that to create ba et John 14'cFalll, t of E� 5, for coal ac� upon notify j. McGreoor, Sr., to d Orey-Laid over and Protestants of. ti�. ie. east rx part irip" lst olics remove his, ! ; -itae Iotto6s plap Shaw. of proropr )Yino, accoaip A Gel Rejnider-� The Follo tS weft of the Province. dccoration;�,.certhily di -xt Credit road between Lots fence off the TXrd Book- _,�.rithln ,t st The 0. mes we arge. "I -A boy son of t4e rinci- Ei)rron : ANII-aqdoriolis ti leck -ing c .,viy iJC Is Le'slic Palmer, tels, were more 6r less , 1, covei pal of the Chatharn sthoo who are having just now. (south-eist ross 3dT1 omasCur-i' to the (;Omlaitt6e� in ch A I the h ary) and I I, Con. presented and ordered: to he 1), ith ever- tbs Carried, Vbo(Il ple-u' 14 within tl rie; Geogrxpliyl man Erly i [I he morn - n bip in�a L Em eris and bu Moved by J.- ecionded by mwl Con' 5, $22 50 James De'll i served his apprentice e(l. yes, everybody Aft but theyrOver- Agn�s Martin gre r3 gritlit 1U.0 to and ardiug* 0 ince'the people f, ill the Of- bial grumbler. A short tily, -9m the roundificr Crecry, id crop (1155, Coltil cc and is now a coin Lie Since thp- 'bh 23[ 1 Del 2-d Ar ib, id Dewar -i: the .'Kirkton. A come in if], r at 'num (07ri�ult ral iocietylFpro-:� W ii� 0 nd Ii, -Ltnt fice of the- Memphis 6 i-.-01fA, recentv"" farmers wore doleul o0all I co-_� ry �egan tp 13 lrk, � tenances all N ritina, r � I Q John I bellig Bot14 -different di'i8ions, $5 fot o?clock. V -e rd gra, 8 t N� o road v �r .1cifo e I ge Is iding Blaii�,hor' i set" 84,000 enis of type, in. live da ys. bl (Ib au, the �,Tops wete Lesli Iii b4 About v edd bridge, sideroad C.) 2, e Palmer; Writing ular,.Ali hn i lodges began to'arrive, al I I I' less t Moveh by by It atioli� and 31, lot -Mr. John NIeCorrilack,- a �icrhly re-, ruined by droutb, and (Ies�f 6s.had put ros 3wy, -alt. A $25 to'- 116N_icol, C, es is louncil oTa. overinae no less that V9 lod, Ntas to be the r -1810N. - i -ost stary two hours th at, tI -th Belffing, stt-, 3, $27 Rei spected farmer, residinr;,,tareei dessouth. In rs 0 aAgili in tb ei r tell 11801), -alter pr vided her phildren appeirnce, numl ina in all of But' esto ? A few acaial of Bright station, ill tl e to wnship PT es too, DM this date' s--) 422 Thomas J. Ferguson about 1,20,0 06ngerne iioon the -e of her f n Lte- labor Kidd, -2d Li6zie Slinitli, ye to tak BI enheiiii, T while in thie at bitchina the iace of nature and the f ftylil of 4. 0 In leioad 4, ('oil. 3, all o r fr did - rii rdiefbe ed forlie [o tteli�)Yii crosswcsyiig sit total mass Inot al no, 1110 fine� wal'il wea 1 _Ll Geogrph, tat Georffe Ed wardst this his borser. to the Jouctl. on, Friday, re- nd all is serene. ��-p 0 -oVision I le'hot a m' pi ouncihr,idjourn James Pearson, laniber for cross grain eol 11 uncil;� people. Ce [L-( arried. st G .�,e All th 41,( 4 L f ast frieiling the Dent; ceived a kick in thei Ibdoirien which i ther scceed y i -N7,waic Janston �,ritlimetl t 65, vest. Savej fro tle! horrors cif oI? ;ion wa,z Saw Den, 2 I ling t P1 r, r prove(i fatalthe fllom' viliell gives prorni�e oti a houses did.ati 1[innienselbusine 3, the bo. ed to first 8 rd, in 11rust v ty, sideroad 4, Uoii. 3, S 1)()ulltitulhar, �Mvn 12,500 �t 6 - 30 ; .%me A1cpil tel alone providing no � les,,; HALL6,;Clerk. 1, telegraphy,.', - Ist Catherine Attlent, 2d Alibe , I � Wtbin the past �txvo iio"n't At 1:30-th !now _Ell 3d grants hive arriva -at vering cro in Montrea pect eii-lock; list with dinner. r 60s ay, sideroa4 4w (-'oil. 13, ive waii a X y che Opme Q Clemens erna 1), gravd for road Hill I n the 8 11, d thf Berna i's the I d -as follows : Fnencbl 489 Enly- aie pleased What d up tu Ste*art',� (17, Il Elliott compose f, . ) , -n, , fatbers -Th 'sh, Scotch and Irish 277, Zelgian 76 ttr e Prilicipal.'streets, ar sixth nniver. 41 city ivisions 6 all nd our -T-u.1Ict`1aitY,, Ist DAN. B th 1 110 1 1 241 E, formec 0 it is only J gtove, Vriting"Ist orni ha"d b en eirect; Con. 6, where it plat] Ili io I rvering Cross"lliviy, 3ideroad hot,�reatber, eratior of thei n u y-hf tile- lifed S,%r 60: Jam6s Durbar, covering cross wiss 18, Italians 19, rerrin 8 18-, Ila- don't, want to ass this d ari'd ta"stef u4y ole corted fr, in. )mes, ,n(I tbenV8 but w e rnet. .1� Leatherland, 2&C- tliarill' was celetir Lted witli y v ras;idd sed by r, ev, Of Cal"fida -�yay- sideroad 5, Ccn. 6, 96 Johi varian 2, D'Wiles 3, ruli 1, ;Swlea it till October ci tlie an wni On the areatassew''Ill- t icre! was r' (I C, 1n the eve�int olls. --'File trial of Fallill. - Batterby, the will have five l six 13. (,errv. tarnpiking si leroad err cteu,4 )DOZ ridge Arithulle- 600p6r, J. I NV.. Or 91 .1ie I) nd 11;4iid 'pellin, Frank Falr -espect re works .�n( balloon young woman who was hl we�-kmieiitioll_ street at once ; rat 8 gra t,say was tile mIlY I display of 1i lot 13, nd Illaking culvert. $138 Jo CrIne I rmi k Here ive inig followiiia is 1e, list of ri'z e 8 xting"i'll, Pttria,,e. Geo ide, Fran ell Ing si( eroa I ed having shot and ed a youilify mal engines, at ka. nui. rk of the C 0 linittee, f g ai�d grti. e -am fire 1 - - *-att Shearer ill which the 6 7 f tra-,e-1I-',?If1M E —G grubbili wOJ Con. 4, in adly, took, 11'altridga Graniniar, n "d 7 pos- awrdetj a oo Nto le named Br. a e at8t. Thomas ers and b tions aid expect t- 1 $,3. �y ice, $1 '.i3hort of, t ei� dilten J. Rtsberry nd S, D rr.%l I Ing Ict C. Palmer,. 2d William0n, tha, on Tuesday l4st;before Jud4e Hughe&� e thing"of that kind we ZD# jv.4s on accouill .(I -a num� entries -200 ya very No delayf which 1 -3 3111 ded by ThOui a0e j. Hurd.le r - oil mell of MsBtte-�by elected t j be sibly desir rislit aWaY- tri 7 111I th a had Prom. Lite Peeve ttend tl�� '."ber of'popular i ape ters B u �YNYSS- man y 3, e a cre, Go iseq en ell; Y 0 IS alXrity, -11 t, D. Paisley 2ild 'S. t can; )pear. Bul entries to ascertain' tikeir ill� ntion ere isecil 4. tf Ii t e rie$ (2 3uncil. Was 161 to be esep al Ing -3 1843. elif ry'- N no jury. During the tritil. abluticia-ut- SEAFORTH, C'k a road t e in" 0 I wemu 11in Reading, see Moved by L. oril testimony glvi to prove the An, aat if the, Or r 7as' nock. Fo) i . 0 yar(Is tttor of ope t4. 2nd; ond boo[�, I ---Ist, ppointed irt t4e nu inber cl�' tb eir Speak T. i -0 ohn I radei Hljpo-',T VALTfr Seic ad part of first barrow. oil. that is Idu respectability and prqious� good be, ers, they were'llot and cl not havc Wheel 4 entries S(Conddd by L. Dobs -ron Ag - J. TooriLibes Lreo McNaught; lleadin(y, first rt of Ow Warnock gain alt baviour of, the girl� Afiie� 7eviewina nual Fall Sh of thO ality of thE Re, e Judrye�. C her on ricu lanty us vide nee th Ural ocietywill- N. lbook Ist Magi been disabpoilied ii. i W( '4 t r, lock il dif now adjourn to meet! . i heiiil at Sw U Bal d sIx ec hoe i ries=lg i 6.' t 7th the e q4ted It Fri day" 2d iambs. le( -wed race eilt 4. 1 Crnbrook, A� 0 �. speeches. All' wem a. po - Hobe goo 9 1J. 'Rastillpirr Go6d 2nd, !1 t*hr grouud that she had committed the forth, oil the first ThtfradaY iD Fisher -Aritialmede, Will, - S ith and T. I&Ient'lonly 3-C arried. are not 8.p8akil kg on r own no 1 Uondu,' 8.4 Lev� Aal j. Steeple chase -3 i t , . i , Vlerk. act in Fie f -defence wU n Iii own virtue of October. bt John th bly, a of the a ini 1 8 A. H t quite cowplet4, b enei -oph to Warn 'ek; 2.nd, ech &�'Re r, Thea-bove, list is' no tit the a 'i J IS At ok Prizem:1 when we !say t Ile ke -he names of ji JeW Who T i1b. b Is W1 M 4, !1 1 L 41 f p L vo &R. :Mo .44 I � pj�Loj?=Ty FOR 9,&U. i goal dwt,-1; tw` tt c4�utre Uf th,� busiult:SP ot -th. The lot is:!() lett , tafm t e yf erParfirnitirs ftlq;ly tn� r tA Ic Top 11,q XcX= Lot IF, , 47) iolil 10 �;XAPW11144 ploil log" timbered. is IL l, illal -;o avoung fvalyl _ e fjplci stable.; al I Uw Itar(I the. farin ift f0ll-r Wiles froln S 1� ()ed grai j!Ilot1l. F;),rfurther 1; 11 111),ply to the prill)priVtor, ou the prehil UL411 . 1. ­ 3eOUTtil' �0. 1\ M m, X -To, FA'RM FO'P& SALE.. LE 'ArAt �Cou' Of litailling JA10 111-04,W, tv,of ilro v d 14nillps, the r.,- t.iln-bered -ith hlTf1400'1*' ve!J j,7,e,iu it high -state of rn od 101, h0aie and. And 1DthVr.iotubnHaIngs; the farm is %VC�* 01 13�" 'Spriligs, to thill, h ee livinl,' g t � il - froill �Klul)111_1119 from, sed - 'on*, gury-onitar4l b'v 900a 7- 1 "I'lars anavu) thli or f her Parti'(, gt' Pre1A,;,,.tg t4i, CIIIII llUt4t a the k.;h,0ruJ,; coulPER. fillR :W FO Rs�,LR Lot 28, (' ()1'- 4, � iy,) 70 t)f whkh1li eltl --and in a no we.11 tinmre4l state 4Jf ell.1tiv.ttion. ba our;(-; tranie - b, tj�g.(. lrivillg- 0 goo,l bear - W.", 3 11 new gmvel roaa, -nil wit h LI al w3ptietl -f er pit ic rs -ApOy t e I -SALF- -OR 'TO ]RENT. ble C-oTTA40' ,at pregent 01I ortR J* e0m tri4,e; )()t sold. i)y; pled b F1_ fanlily- %th ully day betveA1 2 and J 11 On th(f PIC, )F� pkLTUIDGF,. AND pA.RK. LOT FOR SALE - HOUSE i, sL-4 . �ery h-aillsolne- T111 re"denc"'w ll a -�ftort dhl naitl stTet-1t, 1,71ellfi)rth, t of the eorpllpratioU4 Is . . " - the h tw is U lar';V, 4ing 11-011i the pr0'01lr;e.,, . on 'he I IT, - very �coulnlotu­ ,4e-,-,, buik, in t., tOrIft of 111 ' ivu , U-11 'building, the Cosrvenil It; 311 1 I Ut �), vezjrs, theriz il ml is -DeArly nu'Al oniv bin urly r in t1 othvr har4aWk)(111 tr ves xxov-i A,4tifnl Inliple and F�or filrIlls alto! ,n tile ri thill ar end of vto the he!r Parovuhas'al)l, Nortll Mitht "Ire -t - M having PlI1rel0l4"l_X- B _.lv- .elf .111,1 s iaw e Sold. ,T010it FOR SA11 i�.4 AN C2B'EsE YAJ s111)rer1l)vr tyffL�rs th.,it eligibly situattd 'in furin� Lot SI, Tuvkvi . ill- 1W, -,l f4tr rd�-b, H. IL "101ft-"lul Z (111VIn here Axe 4)11 tbe llrou"Nes Of _NVV frittine he4 501vj�k W11)(1 er, young oreb-114 Of 1.50trees, begittuilig I S�hool ChilrCh �tnd rheme faetu"S 6011.t N� just Lila iteres �.Of This flict()* the C`0UtV_1 '111" the I)e!-t $itllat4 TILL - ,k 40; tNvb 111ai h, U d rying house, 30 % 411, tw` sturitN, *,1111d Is ttb. '01 It up�wiih At&alu engine, yt'tgl lat+.st hAp ro'.,,,I T�fttteras. Tlierc of Lgood Witter, nud. the facuiry isill V-rf( subject to a Ivil .91 (ter. TI), tl1j. fjw�,Ory, r,,r 'witliollt- Vill be siAd with price a'D<1 1-11ither PlTticulmr8t al. ly or,o the to -w,, o. yoWM'.V. F FOR SAVE V 0 EL S JLF" Lot :nwo-lw 2 n IL -s., �ar�r(-Wjnorii fir lx­'-�. f% of froe from. stUraps A -ail iU U (irs'L-Closl, -t�,te ih - balauce in Ood lg4rd;xood thube Ivati9n; � e I -ny 1&ug -a L311 mill the talrj�- log�builL 311 forCh, 4 ro 1r, ui tht- fa"I; W1 1111J. Ift 0 - hurve-A. For ful�thier partIM THORP, to afp 113, prelftiseff, or -t,(,) �C;-(�ltfOTLh P.. Q. A IRARF- 014"Gt*: W ILL BL SULD—S of I - �Sfxirlh Ino';t eligible pr`lpilirties�ln 813 J)id I r1k palreliug, Or Utll(�r enter) -With plell%v of store 1141�1311- 1 -kill )92 $401USEE AN -D L.0 'JUR I i , 1 --Kon $ALE, I L i t(,ri aniii Lut ni ViAzt(611- rwrit? 011PI lift olie house is --a. simill fr-0)"? 1c,1n('1 g I tB in b4AM � ft� . -lit Apply fiq A, J. 4A1�eIN'TQS1T- J F0 f ARX . r, SALE IN LotTff,;�,2,-Con, 7, HuDett rest b, p -ma hAr&�.00a bli_,li uln4 t ratf q�iality, 60 a4!rv98krf1r O�',� sti"wil", X :41 -17 -With (-)T _1Vith"1lrt'er`oP;­ CILWII agreed apon. Apply W EMA� the pi�icnnses, or adfIrtril- 011lt"ll" P� FARM f OR Sl Zane 0 N niV 11iol or lrliq, I*Yalk, briinch of th� d ning itbixongh the 11", acre J!,einis,"s to tbt' pp)priotorl L; MAW, or address ConeWl LOTS TO?- SA�l 4 F0,R SA- 8-treell, fiwimg theM "ket in t L bv NAT. -0cAirg fortli, at, present -occullik 7 The bOuNt! iscolunlotbous thereis U, St&1111F H1141 'Withagoollwi-IL lint, Lot, on JilluIl �et,, the �Wq,L -, , There is hard R -11d Soft NY-arr ana ittlil f 14olh -or v� ser" be %old, &L -al. A33111) ti) - _N - My- Sill 290qj l, — FARM FOR S FXLE. LOt 12 4� 1-t Olt aye �Clefire:a aud W 41, fj Tst-jv The tilnier Ill) i's ail there iv, it liAn't- 11.111i 1)aUl, bairn. 741ox"40, ailtil all. Oth(T11 11IRS; all:o. it gmod 4 irch:wIl * a.. ills-, thrii the fiirm, � al-� -19 frituate'l. 'oil the Wilo!l U.'aJ, tIon J Beaforth int.1 five from C : I - 1 tiii 111)14y to the 111'1014rktliw� -FAR.MIFOR SAL _jcA'7. 0 ship fill 1-1.1v; bulhinvill, froul btulwl)h ifiaril 41 -fillitt-41. with I :good house, I baru auxt mit -11 ing il line. 40-rellarit. - Thr 'load Anil HUY P. bi sclu'riol Tfowt r ITOULD,-, v. -b-11 to 'wL' A"'\,y South enuobtitin fulliulorindiv u"llels igned. who Iii bilen apIlobjIll -the sale X f Inuas in So ru Virgin 'ri-ttion of ttke SoI lkilrtht- SP Pl� 11211' ress, nail,