HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-18, Page 7I c LY 18, 1873. HUR T Yitrdafor ei ro 55bt etri R 11TS .AD ONLY ONE Pete aOCIDS, :DOUGALL. c. A, Montana, Post Office. atnasing experience, siteently befell a special agent of the :,department, illustrates ; locked up the place, aceording • previous understanding with his father, went up stairs with his rifle, and,from an upper window) shot die ideas which postmasters in the the luckless'prodigal deadar a ' WeA, entertain 'yarding the Indeed, the most shocking poet-didin- ity and importance of their pot- arities about the present reign of 8ition. The agent, commonly called amao;" while officially visiting va- rious offices rn Montana Territory, for the purpose of correcting any ir1eg1Ia4ties of postmastets, stopped at Iron Rod. 'Going into the post office, he found' the room divided • to three sections -L ---first a saloon, criine are, first, the number of mur- ders committed by very young -met, and -next, , the facility with which the nearest and mostsacred ties of kindred are disregarded at the whis- per ,of pas,sion. The , very children seem to be infected with the mad- ness of the hour. On a plantation Ipost, office,- and last a faro near. Vicksburgc only a "fed days nbae:a-ktthe.The Mail bag, was brought ago; a six-yeai-old bov.,--- an un - in,. ft rough looking customer opened usually brightI:, and pretty chld, we it, and emptied the'oon ents on the are told=s;-left in charge of it 'baby flooi. The entire crpwd got down brother, beat .but. the, brainf the ontheir hands and knees, and corn- 'latter with a brick, and then an off -Jaeneed' overhauling the letters, to tell his pla;yrnates, with a .hastly among which several 4e,re register- incongruity .cetween his c ildish ed, and selected such as they want- `prattle aadi its shocking arden, ed. After they were through, the (4-1 b'eve I till ole baby.! -still remaining letters were shoved uito more precocious tisktssiO. of Nash - a candle biox and placedonthe barville, atlhe matuie age a twenty - The soecfai. agent, -thinking the three menths, actually succeeded in! 12 ODS 60c. - office nielledi a little regulating, killing his nurse, a full-gro asked the bartender, who had re-, ns,n;,, by hittins•1:' h. -sr on th w \ an ale bo ceived and distributed' the ail, if with • ttle. A w jr\ . . . hewas the postmaster. He ansWered twist of the theory of compe a saTis" "Are you the assistant might find in this ti ticulent postmaster?, No)7 . • Where is the avenger of a long line o I) f4 the postmaster ?" " Out mining (1" les§, innocents slaughtered wsereis, the assistant postmaster 'I" 1 guinary nurse maids. - Gone to H'ell's Canyon and by thunder Bill Jones has got to run this office next week, les his tarns' The Government official then stated a by of eleven shot and killed who he was, and emanded the girl about the same age, ap arentl keys of the office'1he bartender, out of pure malice. all 4xime, it 00011y took the candIebox 6om the may be said,' is in its natui4 excep- bat,Iint it on the floor and gave it a tional and abnormal, Istit For this kick, 'sending it ,out of the door, 1, painful frequency of cisme among saving, " There's yolur post office, the very young, there is, we may •oe and now git I" Th agent says : sure a cause in our soci system if Knowing the custo s athe court- not 'flattering to our van'ty, per - try, rlost no time in following this haps, if discovered, but fat 1 to our , savice, and got." he office Was welfare. The seed of neolect orl discontinued,t, corruption, which blosSO s „ into . . ---......; -1 such fatal ,flower, Will sonje day,Ifl 4 Insesesting- Questions about a ; it be nQt weeded out, corn end to Picture, , - . t our lips a yet more biter and ,A suit bass been instituted in the I poisonous froit.—N. E Ti nes. • Vice -Chancellor's CourtI London) by . n wo- head imsical satio infan luck - by san- Put ,yNIO • 3,0 Now f r ''FIVE A ,advane Milil dance g rntla a Plat4e sdi 0. CRE '• ,t , HE P FARMS: aped end in market for sale .by the ACIF C RAILROAD COMPANY On th Gre t inatte Valley. Ac es i Central Nebraska, e in t nets of 90 acres and upward, ti' EN YE RS' REDIT ,AT 6, ren. CENT. No terest r qui d. • r. healt ful c imate,' fertile 'soil, annibun- ood wa r. ST MR TIN THE WESTI The u ng rep ns o Vilnorning, Colorado, Utah, v da, be g s pplied by farmers in the ley. - entitle to homestead of 160 acres. , ST L CA IONS FOR COLONIES. s0N4 OF FOREIGN BIRTH e titled to the It 0 -.THE HOMESTEAD LW EVPOS BE 2-11. dctS1 the up this pi , FRE Of ch i the : with Old BO • Fre See ditto nalle ing the r in ention to become citizene of t d Stat s, iuld may avail themselves of sion mod tely after their arrival. HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of acres Govei en ,Lands open for entry under °stead Law, near this G-reat Railroad, meads itud all the conveniences of an sere of Railroad Land. o owing the Land, also new pamphlet with new Maps e. ' d couatry sses to pure al Maps; s descriptiv e everywhe dress \ ' .4 - O. F. DA.vi.S, Dand. CoMmissiodet U. P. R.1R., • I • OmARA, NERRAskA , • . 1 HARNESS SJ -10, -Y, COQ:OMER Y.Q'U- N. Are offering great bargains C QC ERY3 ALL KINDS. Tea Sete fiom $2 50 ne weeds. Tenet Sete complete from $2 $0 upwards, and all other fertieles ct respondin ely low. PIITMPS AND OrsTEBNS. J.R.WILLIAMS, ,SEA.FORTH, Is no* better prepared. than ever before to fur- nish -a superior article et A. la ' AND _ E) b 11„ 'I" M IR, a . In Bottles atid on Draft, of exec ene quality. . 1, UMPS OF CISTERNS T, HERRY, CHAMPAGNE, BR NDY CiN, RUM, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEY,_ BO ItTLEs, THE GE:NT,JINE STUFF.11 GENERAL GROCERIES . all kinds, es usual. I POW,ELL'S PATENT ORCE AND',.= LIFT PUMP, Als , the Conution ,Log and Cistern PUMP. I SOFT WATER CISTERNS ;AND CHESE FACTORY TANKS Made, of any siee, to order. These are now aoi- know edged to Al the cleanest, best and cheapest F.10u ap'cl Fed, 1n Abundance. Go Is delivered in any part of th village free of charge. Again, in Maine, the othe day— and ,the crithe is the third or fousth of the sort within as many eisks— er StOek. LOST. Day, in Goderich, a large go & air enclosed and green eibb ier will be eewardZd by lea ▪ OfficeSeatotth, •1 ) -adt Hand, deenee reed, 5 octal nab bass and Elwell n, envy pow re tent either for Chureli or par o Laewe Will, be sold cheap rede GE0DGE DENT,. Sieforth LAND SALEt deers:will offer br sale at • lee Wellington, Grey and B n and Druce Italia•ayst, on A' M. 25 clock AND PARK LOT, • al on the rifle of ground ft Sh Ligephille Street, and on shat enceleay's Survey, and part he Orr AND BRFFCE R aTIGN GAeuNDs. tencee or for hlanntaotories t 5 erior to anyttetag in the Co really eligible property for rt , ea 'of OF WING.1-11A1V1 aforeoaid. _els°, the store enCietiON, and 17 Imeiness 1 eta, north of said Store, feud Blecksieith Shop, the s 'the (entre of the business p .1 known as P 'le COTTAGES on the Blaev I.,., ,, .,a tv dollars on each lot a) pe ID' 4.,.. Laif of the, balance on the is of , • 'the reutalialer in one year fi ra ith intereet at 8 per rent. °Welt r tlie day of eale. Cash pure witlie 'e'en:dere reserve one, fide rs made kuoWn on (ley of sale; popttlation in Winehene for t -'h - enter exet,eded,that of any T Men aria, and its prospects are eee nd • ,anadtee Fifty latildinee have en. (conepletime wieldu the last t ea re than that nhatber are now in. Sir Ro`)ert Peel, for the purpose of . Buggy Reform. estabbs• hing his right to a pictuie • The present style of na painted Jay Su. Edward Landseer. I led, open buggy is. what w By reason of •n3ental incapacity, Sir! . • own af_ifitung subject for refor Edwin does notinanage his ' modern Vnggy wagon, , fairs, his estates being under the con - theory is desifined and i trol of a committee, ,consisting of l his ''' . for the accommodation of ' brother, Thomas Landseer, and an sons is not capable of seat . intimate friend, Mr. Hills. The ' - . than one. : Our attention. facts in the case are these : Ip. the fully called to this .raista year *1856, the present Emperor of fully and- of fhe distnaer Russia sent to Lady Emiily Peel two day, r: makes constant, last min valuable dogs as a, memorial of his • . . when in drivina to the comnation at which her husband; • ' 6 Sir Robert Peel, had been present. Sir Robert commissioned Sir Edwin Landseer to paint a picture of his wife attendedby these dogs. The , . - price was fixed at 900 guineas, the right of engraving, however, being reserved. The picture commenced , W • in 1858, but has never been finish- her aist ' while in one stance the lady was so ed. . In 1872 it was exhibited at ,. Sh W Har Curr cous Five per cent. off for cash at y M AY'S, 1 L RS, SEIFORTH. pposite he Mansion Hotel. • 11 ve pow onl nand ILU assortment of !good es Saddle, Trunks and 1 Valises, Brashes, C mbs, and- 11 description of 'Whips kept o ly on hand. al • g done at 7nolkiat.cxates. - Miller's Prepared Harness Oil keptnon- n hand at , 'LFRY &• Saddlers, • J Main -Street, Setefoeth. I I beg to letate for t e Harness on hand as an merit in the County. qr. WI SON i& 'YOUNG, Main -Street, Seaforthn ONE, COME ALL, A.1) Bij "" • ARNI41,SS „ ve also mat arrangements for DIGGING WELLS and 'Ater Supplies in general, by which my can offer etter iudueements to parties wanting Wells -than ny oee in the businese. Frim my many years' ;experience and my in- -6reas a facilities, I am confident of giving satis- faeti n to all who may favor me with their order. All Worl.; Ilrarranted. Ca at the Factory, "ORTH SEAFORTIT, • And ceamifee for yourselves. As I require Money with which to carry on en bus' ess,1 bevel() state that all overdue Note -and Accounts :pot settled • immediately will b handed to Mr. J. S. Porter for collection. J. R. WILLIAMS. S,EAFORTII QVELTY WORKS kunvi RD, SEAFORTH. Ormo.tion of farmera and the public generally, that I hone as good a stoc. in town,. and I ane determined -xtot •te be undersold by any other establls r Awri=tmAs_r_i_ J. WARD, 2861 Mein -Street, Seafor row -seat deem . T exesute two per ng mo was pail e of t which ay ,nigl •ityl sea where about 1.0 o'clock, ie met the Beach _goad about twenty bu gies, in each of which was stowed •young man and a ,youn womai In every. case the lady wa kelpt the vehicle only by the rotecti arm the man, which. encircl otab‘ eepli i ran th r ling ar akther p rtin aroun)d s a mat pr ediate e • makers Ito it, ipon sb y of ti n bug Havai A I ehi e exc H. Ag U. Vi An e'en, • ms • wa n qTIcETI TUE PUBLIC. LOREN SEWING MACRINE t , ave been appointed Bole Agent in the Pro: 1 ce of Otranto, for the Florence Sewing Ma- , i one h ae fi. right to sell the said machine t 1 ppointedby me. In the Comity of u ing are the only authorized ta 1 rence 'Machine : Thos. Connors, d Lawreuee 14Imphy, Seaforth ; linton ,• L. S. Willson, Goderich. per Ons otlier than the above repro- ing ave a right to sell, or ran far- th Machine in the County of Hu- e, and .the public- are hereby of them. 1 . 04 C. WILLSON, General Agent for Ontario, ' Seaforth. can a the fq o or the Fl hiffen, a McGaw, otnor per heel they Florence ar impbete e beware C E 11 a ressed with the risk he. the Royal Academy. Sir. Robert pastanct,ing the ' )ec Peel then instructed hi § solicitors notwithstanding .she was fain to insure f to apply to Sir Edwin's committee to vs tection by putting her a deliver the picture up to him as he ; I . f had heardithat it wasoffered for saleher partner's neckThu . calls' for action—in! The comn4ttee hod Meantime sold it ool f Telegraphy HAMILTON, 011T. E dur tha GR in Fa UNDERSIGNED, in returning hiee since hanks to the public for their libetat euppo t g the past, takes this opportnuity of statin he has secured the services of Mr. AD Y, Draughtsman and Mechanic, as form•a he Novelty Works Planing, Sash and Do4r ory. CARPENTERSANDFARMERS , • wilifuld it to theiradvantage to call, 'BB theycan , get any thieg en theWoodLine done on the slo est notice. • SASHEDso,ns, _FRAMES, A.FTitt: A. :A R TEST THE ATE MOT OF TI -1E EOPLE •. THAT HE I REP STORE AND TEA DEPOT Is the place to get We cheapest and best ' •AND GENERAL- GROCERIES. CHEQ ;3 The Proprietor first stook having salett he is enable cleast th •ov MOLDINGS, 0 hand a d gotup to order: Alimitednuiaber 01 DOUBLE AND SINGLE „ CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasnre in stating that his 1 off so rapidly, he has aheady purchased a freela supply, and as a result of ;quick till further reduce prices. To. parties taking TEA by the Caddie, half chest cr Farmer lend oth r11 Sokfort PECIAL REDUCTION WILL BE MADE. A 1.TRNt-P. AND CARROT DRIL AND LAND ROLLERS,' • Wagon Racks an,d Gates on hind. TO CHEESE 'MANUFACTURERS. I have commenced the numufaeture of Che se BOXES and SETTERS Parties can lee supplied on the shortest ao en o d. on reaeonable terms. Boxes guaranteed to • e satisfaction. Awaiting orders for diffe nt B1 OS. ng at a .distanee sheuld remember that out roads may soon break up; and now isethe time and 1 s the Town to get. the HigheSt1Prices.: COrY. 'Under the patronage of the T WESTERN RAILWAY ECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER.; - D Fok CIRCULAR. wss. GIV1N, Bpx813,8. ORTH 1. PA RI CE WORKS. S ASON 1CHANCED. ILLIA.M GRASSI d all hie Sleighs • and Cutters, aed e now - busy4nakiflguP hi ES A:N W4.00 S a TEA li there be any tio —on the part of hum to Mr. Eaton for £1,500, subject • . The attention of carria to the approval of the Master in La- - and livery men is called nacy. They do not deny Sir Rob - we hope they will insist ert' claim to the painting, but say pian by which the tsafe young ladies . who ride may be encompassed. . Times. . piked to pity more than 900 gm-- -*AAP, that ita fair market'value is £1,500. Sir Robert Peel does not think on on the other band that he can be re- na ies 071, A fe ar, Any, ends 'ge an benaebpl 015 u Bug s and Wagons left over fro hich w be sold cheap. erson wanting a substo.ntial a on or me Buggy should call at once and m ar- mats, as a large numb r, of order e a e now . those who wait too lo g will probe- ly not to gee their orders fille hen and hers shoeing promptly attended ucte. 1 1 LLIA1101 GRASSIE, Goderiell. street, Seaforthe AF.0 _ HURON • 50 250 A. la ALL OF 11 For what they have to sell, and that the QUERED STORE AND TEA- DEPOT • - Is the place to. get the best bargains in • - AND GENERAL 'GROCERIE§.t1 - Jaye doubt on this point, they have only to make a trial and they will be mina • ed of the fent. ar ls Labrador Herrings, ar :els Lake Huron Herrings ot of dry Fish, Salmon Herrings, and White Fish, ST QUAL./.711' An) AT LOW PRICES AT T E UET1.ED . STORE AND TEA 'DEPOT, MAIN.ST1IEET, SEAFORTH. JOHN M. MARTIN, 285 Novelty 'Works, Seafort 4 lest neas, the price fixed originally by. Heavy rain storms ha Sir Edwin, and thought he was en- 'visited the 'States of So titled to some reduction on account diana and Ohio, and have g. NEELANDS, HAM, - Propiieto lit-NNINGHAM. keeetioneen, 4' 20. Ite73. ;FOR SALE At .re e Market, Seaforth. ocul gate a sissat ,tv,. Cytinde'r-SaAced , ASH STAN' Rutter 'rata far Sale', S.:4.11127.EL. TEPTT, settfteh, tare), - In Ow County Coart 1 Comrty pf Huron. ant Act ot 18 of Franz A. ,ift,ueran A -ti ghth clay of july next the to the Judge of the said under the said Act. Odin this Intle day of Sane, 1 - FRANZ A. MEYER. BY BENSON & MEYER. Treis Atturneya ad1it11fh.. Ins der onet 3. e recently dtoheernm In - ‘.... . of the unfinished state of • the pm- damage to she growing props. tule. Sir Robert's counsel, on Jaile prospects Lin these State8 lo 13., moved for an injunction to re- i.gioerny strain the committee -from partin_g _ at the present ti e _. The London Corresponclenit of with the picture or from confirm - lug the sale to Mr. Eaton. vic:e. Nev, York World writes ' • that Chandellor Malins made an order Richad M. Hoe has cornplete4 the Loudon Daily 1:elegraph. 0: by consent that the picture should. be deposited at Coutt's Bank until " perfeoting press,' which. ) 24,000 cdpies, on both sides, ix hour. This is a rate which has the hearing of the caso: The Rising Generation. never been attained by any other ! . press. 1 Whether or not, as some people P -I haye supposed, the summer heat =On. Stnalay morning ch r ,p ery the fpr ew1 •iat 011 WORKS. SET e'in So,Ne of Hamiltou,) Would .ntimate to their ' umeroui frienee and the in Teneral ptiblic that th€y are prepared to fill hll •rdens for 1•, on ents; IleadStones, Table M5nte1s, &c. Mein' •47n - Wor teepee A ea O 4 in t f teepee x_t doe Tops, CAUTI N I I FRAUDS ABROAD! T BEG most eni Way to cautio the public, of the British N ethAmerican P vincee to be on their guard gni t purchasing sp •nions medi- cines which are cin • sold as my gen hie " Hollo- way's Pais and Mt ene," be eertai individuals, of litele or no e a, trading (for he last few mouth e only) u de the style of the "New Yorle Chemiettl: Comp ny, Every artifice s made nee of by them for he urpose of impos ng upon the public* and th ,no:Ie effectually to eeeive, they have the effro tery in their advert sements, to issue the following Millen : " Tleci innuente de • and for wev's Pmes !AND Otleretzen ha tempted unpin 'pled parties to eounterfeit these stumble Medici •a. . " In order to Tot t the Public and urselves, we have Wined n w rade Mark,' co isting of an Egyptian Circl :cif serpent with t letter II in the ceutre. 'E *cry • ox ongenuine Holl.owAY's Penis Anneal:nem tr' will have thie t ade maik on it. None are Omani e without it. • "To DEALERS aNn ORBERS IN DRUOs AND LIEDI- CINES. " We call yell): p attentien to the new , style lee ,‘ Hoe eev ''s PILLS .kiin Oieermane'— none 41 the old etyl are maimfactured by us now, nor -e they beele for mouths. We therefore cauti all pur hasets against reciving from any Jobb or Dealers t e old style of goods. " I , rinolien co erning any such goods being offere [will be teceie d with thauks. ( ask tbelfavo ' of all the information you call ;regard to tit se counterfeits." this CoMpan nts Impo9ted to Order. best/tyle and ar, and cannot be 'sp t of Ontario. fu y olieited. Porter's Fu ture Store, MILIN-SREE , SEAFORTH. • H. MESSET. ast abo iving in from the stn ell bet , on op into the t 1 tends to encourase deeds of violence o'clock, William. Edwards, Vest certain it that crimes of the „dark- . Oxford, about five miles ood- b ) 1 stock .W•ts awakened by 11 of' 'lir 8(1° all'Pea. t°- inereage a,t. this smoke, ati'd hastened to the een bine of th year. -It. is iturprising i he sitting room , ndkitch Ding how many f h :6: arable inur- which 'lie Was thr iwn back oom -, . €1:ers of the past liave. been cams -Alt. by the!-wiod and. 'flames,' .11.1` ub1e to eIoSe the c bor. He nished to l his , ted durin -warm weather. 'The '1 1 sleep - eSSE ing rodm and • succeeded. gettinghis, present ::1111 mer bids fair. to leas e a I wife and Small ehildren' on Of th Will, record as bad as that of any of its He t en o d. in " Ilie;wind4w "Of.. predecessor's. I a bed roau where a young girl and his . . for ar• ri-ide now pts _ remainingl two children were sle p g, e ' • ° succeeded iiY.rescuinetthem, the girl • The tria ceeding in an ineredi wretchedn this sornbr stru -Surface of ne of our courtsZ reveals I was badly burned; Returning to w e e )Ie piatire of domestics he had_ left his wife, she Missed the ss• /bid. as if to match yoUngesti.31child from her . side, and. in-. revelation of the forces 1 stantly a rang into the burning building gle beneath the placid i to find. it. Mr. Edwards folloWed her in , arid succeeded in rescuin,...<, her, frightful - society, we have from I ly burned. Her recOvery ,r doubtflial. Virginia the story of a companion ! Edwards is baclly burned. abb it the he4d, traged-) y a most a • f 11 f circum- ' 4am-es a i s Li 0 feet.The child was safe out - dances f• ' side when the mother madl the fearful • ' h d ved to „inake a payMent r his sevente n by. his father's advice, -every-thing, including som'e'1,580 which he 0 b°3T plunge in the fire. Edwit ds' has lost 0 innaturej horror: • deilherately shoots and kills his ader brat ler, riot in hot blood or in , land. I a:sony eve get rid of 412e annoyance. The J. P. BRINe,, animoSity, .but simply ,!• -unk • k Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the LICENSED AUCTIONEER foe' the Ceunty of 3e01111.1 was in the habit of • TiPKE. LIV kRP S AT LOWEST RATES TO OL AND GLASGOW PRE -P ID CERTIFICATES. 1 . I Issued to !pa friends. Derbies, ha ehould pareh to the intend is cheaper t country. Ap reordered - getting d tion comi trti store br°ther• He had been repeatedly • warned BrasSels, a )0nrne3 a vav, and on his last visit be a good horse *sheer. To a good wornikttnaenn ; L , and in that zondi- Country. All orders left at THE EXPoSITOR Office' • t d el. to • 198 be promptly et en e . Ig to lounge a.bout a con - kept by his more thrifty BLACKSIVIIIT'll WANTED. ANTED, immediately, by eV, T. HUNTER, 131aeksmith. MOB ins an • , seeing him approach, 'Will be given. steady rnan good wanes and clenstaut e e 290*4 his lc ties wishing to bring . out • the ir ing friends wishing to immigrate se these certificates and send Welt ng iramigrente, as passage this w au, by buying tickets in the old ly 'to • A. STRAITON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway. . Tickets to ort Gerry !by rail, and boat, and to all•other prin ipal points. - 287-13 • LI T OF LETTERS 1 ITN-CALLE" for at the Seaforth Poet Office on July 2, 11e78: Anderson, R1 Clark, Willie. n Critchel, Wi les Connell, j Corehrone, ohn cCarretrearr: J. Eftet7, Gie1 Ellie Miss ?away • &ante, c Gofton, Jan Hogan., P. Hess, Gear , Liii‘N.lian'grreht0°e,alaVeT.' Lawson, T onia,s Ly.2;h, Ma Soh I . 1 - LineaJames • eliurnhy, Rosey 1 'Mahon, Willtane Mustard, , Moffat, James 'AlcKaine, Diemen McKay, Miss Gilley , MeMitlan, • 31cLeod, William Thorhas Nelson, Mr. Itippon, John Roward, 11. Steward,8xuithGcorgc tDevid Scott, Edward Tanns,. JrsoihneuJs.o. PitL . Wiltse tt w give N not e eriteit then to my idieines,I but to b the pnblic, pie° f decep ion, N 1 it u ssary, a • the3, ,. , Ointn nt in , • oth ' r form, and that they anopt a, NkrAr 141BEL, Cc. , . 13entles the .aboe -mentioned "Chemical Conn pany,e there i also e David Pringle, of New York, who )." cons mat trickery is attempting to sell spuri 'us nun tiobe,of my Medicines. Beware of him likewise. ' • r - 7i, . • : This unpri iple Oheminal Company has dared to say' that I we v ry large Bums of money in the United States. NS at is the fact? Aneaspaper' agent obtaine 1, wit out niy knowledge or consent, and by collus'on w 'h a party who held a limited, ey 0 mine, an order to advertise in Smith America for three years, to 900 in old. .He then mild his JAMES MURPHY. • BRICK YARD To, RENT. TO RENT, the Brick Yard en We Second Cowles- sion of Tuekersruith, at Egrnoadville, the ro perty of Mr. Thomas Govenlook, Tis is, a large yard, with Nue large mills, nd a bank of splendid clay eight feet t k, a never -failing supply of water; the yard is 1 - nished with every coneenience and facility or manufacturing. HOUSE and STABLE on he yard will be sold; also, to be sold the carts, ar- rows, and other implements used heretofore in We yard, and about 5,000 feet of good lumber. Rent of yard $100 a year: • The house and stable will be sold for $100 cash; the other articles will also be disposed of very low. This is an eeeellent dee ee for any one vtishing to engage in the Brickmak rtg business, as bricks are now selling at from $6 to V 50 per 1,000, and :wood obtainable at $2 5 a eord. For eurtber particulars apply to 265*26 JOHN BOWDEN, Egmondville . DANIEL McGREGO is aware that your laws 40 opy the precise getting up Of, en order the more completely they have reeourse to another ie., in stating that they deem MY to make up the Pills and power of atto my Medicine.: the eetent of cloe 'Ito et la eiend of wenn gPtOul to a to th said $00, yen N ho, get it referred by the court v his, he gave pidgment against me • of $1,71,237 gold, -for profit which he : hav made by it, had I not. taken steps, to repi aline this vile ttansaction the mo- menta cam to my knowledge. This judgraent aill gOOD. be et asele. It cannot be supposed, I 1 am s re, that I owe a cent to any one that I would 1 not' el7 Pal e , I eve • aathor nreedia 1 Thre is a ntrodli fogcoths. i by uoprincip ed m n this wee. ; 1 I SIftould ateceas favor, that should it. - come to , the knowledge 'of any person that sporious =cal - 1 chafe are be lig inilicle and sold in my name, that 1 he bepleasec to send nie the name and each -esti of the Vendor eh.° is "oiling the same, that I may, for 1 1 teeth whatever in the ebetement that zed a y person or persons t4 use my sale f my Pills and Ointntent, al - frond have been practised aeon me THE DOMIN LON , I 'SAYINGS AND INYESTME1111 _ ov LONDON, 040 i — . end Qffice,Richroonclestree , opposite City! l London 0i t. I Established ter 1872, fon'th , purpose of aft i ig money on Farm and Tom U. Property at a 1 ev rate of interest and. on the most faVor tirms of repaement. :• • 1 Loans for long or short periods repayable' b st, aLlinents to suit borrowers.Pnrties pm'clha Farms, building Dwellings on St res, will -n terms of this Society preferable to ally °thee m for instance; $76 90 paid at tlie etid of -each :tear, will nay back both peinci le and int enion a loan of $1,000 in 10 yearn If paid iye $157 20 will do it.' Money can be obtaincid at any time, a*. little or no delay beyond:the time neceseeeil • eilpied in the investigation of title and pee Von of the mortgage. FOr forther particulars as to terms, &e., by letter to • T. 3. LET' S • Secretary and Treasurer, Londnoi0 t. Or to ALONZO STRONG, Esq., Valuator ;at Sea- foith. • 28U5 --- 'ran ery ble In - beg the de hid rest Ith oc- gra- TO THE PUBLIC AT. LA E7 Wu HI .'ouyER,- :.Harness, 8acldle and Collar • MANUFACTURER, ilf4IN-ST.; SEAPORT tf) g 0' Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, HA3 just receiveda large Stock of the materi ls used he the business and is now fully prep4r- cd to exec ete, on the sliortest notice and in tie latest styles, all orders he may be fete:eyed wi h. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOKS OF ANY HIND, • Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the short st1 notice, and at prices which defy competitione 1 Ladies'iWorki Boxes cf;' ;Fancy Gasesi . Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound an repaired at city prices. All cominunications addressedto the tinders' ed, will reeeive prompt attention. • DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. the protean n of he public, institute proceedings runnerate baud- somely my infer nt without di -ulging, his name. rto Should any Per : 'fa have realiO to believe that . be his beendeceieed by buyirige mious imitations of tbese Metlitinds, he will oblige nee by sen�]3g i to the address at lnot (which he ean do at a cos of 1 sex cents in pestone), one of the books of instr e- 1 u ,-,/- .-I; ; 1 I' 21 .."4.C.N.CilleS , can be supplied at the. IONVOI•tt [teethed hire end I engage to r • PUBLIC, NOTICE. • SiGid OF Tfieel SCOTCH COLLAR. A choi4 assortment of light and heavy trrness, , Whips; Belled:Corse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. , Repairing promptly attended' tvt and • charges Moderate. Remember the 'fleeces gn of , the Scotch. Collar. W. . . 1t. • MOTICE' is hereby given that the undersigned -LI have this ilay entered into Partnership as Millers and nuance ComraissionMerchantsin he 'Village of Seaforth, under, the name, style. a d. firm of JeB. P. - 4NDALI; & CO, [Signed,' JAS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHAeecLESWOR tions which are affixed to the same. who esale net prifieS in enantities of not less tban n20 evorW—viz., PS. fid., 229., 34s. per dozen boees of Pills or pots ot Ointment, for which refuntanices must be sent in advance. These Medieines are JAS. Beg to st and Deal have purc • the Mills hereafter not 'Sold in the United States. Each Pot an,d : Box of my Cretonne Medicines words " Holloa 34's Pills and Onetinen , ,• us, in cc do '1 . ' Jas. P. 1• (Signed) 1 533, Oxford Shia t, W. C., THOMAS HOLLOWA.i. : said fir conneet • London, Cie ober 8, 1872. 1 bears: the efovennuent Stamp, withe ehe And th FL Farroet getting f FLOC lege free Theun Inaba gei patrons the same as forme THE StAFORTli LUMBER YAR IYIABEE MACDON A.L0 • BEG to inform the public that they -have Opened a, Lumber Yard in Seal orth, near Slieersonei Mill, on We ,ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mx: ThomateLee. They will keep constantly on ha-nd a go ssort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, Are d and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGL ,.all of whiech thenere prepared to sell at the lo possi- ble pricee, Mr Cash. Buildets and °then will find it to the vant- t his feet our stopk, and ascertain prices PK'ENDALL 'CO bqfme purchasingelsewhere, as we are m a ()intim • Xv to offer good inducements to cash purchaffe to to the FarMerS, Produce Merchants • 160 MABEE & MACDON LD„ is of the County of Heron that theY used frona Messrs. SHEARSON BOARDING. noevn as the Sealorth Dead -Will TA. COLLADA.Y has leased the lea•ge tine eom- -1-1-• modious house, on the Salt Werke 'Ground% uxry on the sante. Kinds of Grain Purchased,. 1 As forMerly, adjoining the Railway Station, and as Mee up os boanding-house. Good table and co ortable ooms Persons wishing a pleasant b arding- • t a few datedat 228 bthoemeredearrse iteleteoPrarela , Highest CASH PRICE. Paid. hvacouasnecsilguldTraaplipsliye,nats UR, ox'clianged for WIIE.A.T. less than hotel rates. P?;11 SEAFORTH PLANING MI SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FA desiring to exchenge COM tely u r their Wheat No. 1 Flour. DELIVERED in any part in the f charge. . 1 lersigned,haviert had the entire wor nig TtE , subscriber begs leave to thank hie Lent- of the Mill for the past three yeate, customers for the liberal patronage ex ley rest assured that they will re eive him sin.ce commencing business in Seel Iv eatisfactor) treatmene and as good fa k trains that he may be favored -with e. ce '. eneS. P. IiEINDALL & CO. of the same. Parties intending to build would do ve ly. -him a call as be will continue to keep le , . -1- woelf beg to thaule their fatuneroue coetterneee i i large stack 441 All kinds'of • TN BEtERF,NCE to the above, the endersinned . , pizi-yr PINE LUMBER, for th;e elttensivc patronage accorded to theah fer e lila 1 i3.A.1411-E'S) the past four years, and trust that t e sa ersl pat onage will be 0)10051104tothe ue ,.1.1 whom N have pleasure in being able o con de ly reco mend to our old patrona, ,4 deb d nnection with the elill must be p te TORY nerierona ended. to rth, and tintomngive: hand a DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ET. id to He feels confident of giving seeder:adieu to those endall & Co., and all debts due byins, in mho may favolux hirn with their patronage, as none on with the same, will be settled by fille but first-clesewarknien are employed. of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. te1 • Partietflar attention paid to Gusto Planing. SOHN 11. BROAD 'OOT, W. A. SHEARSON &, CO. . 201. • -