HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-18, Page 213 •'4444'. .1 t t I • • „.!! - • 44 t • amaulemetwaStsmessamossammessanamummeamiat A WOMAN'S COURAGE. The blood -red light of sunset was mir- roring itself in crimson Splashes in the turbid tides of the great Weitern river ,• the bla c &bird was sounding its sweet whistle through the olde primeval forests; and .Ienathkn Beers, sitting by hie cabin door, smoked his solitary evening pipe, and theitglet vaguely of the churbh-bells . that used. to ring at evening time in the far-off easterievillage where he had been born and brought tip, ,:vith the roar of Penobscot Ikay in his ears. "I'd like to hear them bells once again afore Ielie,"i; raised Jonathan. " But it ain't likely I'll 'aver go back. -- now." Even - while these disjointed medita- tions passed theough his mind there was1 a light step on the cabin threehold, and the rustle of stiffly starched pink calico, end hie niece Dorothy cattle to the door. tile wan said_ h sef; didn't ltuta h Jus ene te i so , Of - d -t ti -1" t wish?. fent 8.0(1 ose nee, r - le, ening., ent ed in - ed o reel great,, and glancing round with fu Bering eyes. "1 needed .t.t,r he ".yes, I needed it. II much until Ittastedlit - taste. It slips over one's glass, so- smooth, so rich, strength. One more ts te, a tit When the clock at _ ok.nin tle 'ef the way train' s unite far off, and Israel Esmayne tautly to his feet. The sub fumes of the liquid flame ha to his brain ; the* walls see about him, the stars to swim in th blue firrnavignent ove.phead. oth • real -all, as faint and far o' an [try,- Butthe chains s.f , ha it - to shake bff ; and Israel had go nine o'doetc. every night for ; yea i.nk his way, and walking w th s st ady steps, he wen still clas partially etbptied fists to the inner pocket of h coat He could hear th ush o below; he could s the track erstening in ie fai ng u he s idly s 4 14 1 it • "Tea's ready, uncle dear," said she. • t!_Ana Pove baked_ a real New England" • corn -bread, and B01110 ginger -snaps, such as. grandmamma used. to make. And " see; uncle. I've sliced up the little, red peaches h-oin the tree you planted your- self on the eoeth, side of the hill. Israel Eemayne said it wouldn'ttrow, but it has. I mean to keep a saucerful and a • little cream for Israel to -night, just to show him." Old Jonathan laid down his knife and ferk. ; 1 ' ; t " Do you Mean that Israel Esmayne is coming here to -night ?" " Yes, uncle,' said Dorothy, stooping to recover a tea -spoon she ha e dropped -a slim teaspoon with an antique silver shell carved on its handle -and coming up very rosy from the search. Why • nOt 't "Take care, Dotty. That's all !" " Uncle, what do you mean " rmean, child, that l'd rather lay you in your grave in the new burying- groundovhere there's only one mound yet in the shadow of the church spire, than to. see you married. to a man who drinks!.That's what I mean, Dotty !" Dorothy's head cheeped over' her plate. "Uncle, that is hardly fair. , Because a man had a bad habit once-" And has it VDU., !" •es The soft eyes glittered into, a defiant. -Raab. 15 and' mec anically fee of spice bushes for knelt d • writ:and stu an nista it.• * ''The way train," self: "It's all rig freight rainhalf to ten He and we •pool dr ow of en tre "You are 'mistaken, uncle,. Israel Esmayne his not touched a dr & of ate dent,spirits in a ;year. He haMomised me never te- touch. it again !" " I hope he never will, my girl." said Jonathan Beers, although his tone be- trayed no very sanguine feeling. "But it ain't a safe thing; to do. It's a madness, love of liquor is land nothing short. It's liable to breaklient, at any time. Israel Esinayne's a. lgood.' .enough fellow. I hain't anything' actin him. -but it ain't • e safe 4" _ Dorothy was silent. IA hy was it, she asked herself, that men were se severe in judging one another ? Why did they always look at the blackest and least. premisine side of -every thing? Israel bad promisedher. She beheved him. And that was enough. . And whileshe tipped lightly back and forth about -her household duties, her mind was fell of the undefined- future. She could see herself, shadowy and un- defined as in a mirror; 'moving about in a bright little home where flowers bloomed , in the casements, and birds sang, and a clock ticked. " He is coming! he is coming s :" One of these days r said Dorothy to herself, as she put away the saucer of peaches- and the little pitcher of thick cream on at whitely sconred pantry shelf -"One of !these days r “ A ialoud. tspite o And and hi !his Milk es one so promisies made to tl wild, wide, reeling, .brein there was bat one pe hade-lost Dorothy, his dweet-leyecl. redeeMi ang all most f' I scare and- ooped dow his burnin cps he •couldi his hand: 11 e, and let hi 1 I ---drunk ?" " Crod ! h, everything ?' ' the memory sacred prom e mu te t. st niae y t e iv • fore d coo u in sat lo he fal he it vel ne 0 of o t se to h T r eti s e e dead oeking aroi1c1 who loved. an. mplicitly. , . 'don't deserve her," able to shape defi it his chaoticlmind ; . " hut fallen downi dead before -4 ed that accursed stuff 4S'h -belieVed in pie then." ° The fresh, cool night air was sobering him a little ; ethe cd river water cleare -his btain in some -degree. steading himself by the sae a young white-bireh tree tl be. ide him, and looked are a,rk ! A clear whistle away, cleaving -the silence 1 some sweet -throated bird. It ' W0.51 the express, wh lurid] smoke spanned-- half the with fire.. over me ta oft- r t f, fbr lw ok 1 She was thinking of the -':future. And old 'Jonethan, smoking his, pipe, was liv- ing in the past. * * * * * 4t "You've somethin' to do with - the rzsilroad, stranger; havera you ?" "-1 reckon I have," said Israel Es- mayne, indifferently. I'm -sWitch- ,man." "It don't take up much of your timek I guess ?"' " It's got to be looked after just the same, though," said the= tall Westerner, 38 he lifted thelast monster log from the - cart *he was unloading to the thrifty pile at the north end of his house. " What titne (lees the way train ,come " At nine o'clock." " Do youisuppose I Could go to Mel- t lenville and'eee the lurriber dealers there and get back to the station again by that time ?" , Israel looked reflectively at the other shore of the liver. "Welt, you mgh," said. he ; "but it would be a pretty tight squeeze." "Dna good walker,' said the strang- er; and as he spoke he drew flafpock- et flask from his pocket, Uncorked it with his teeth, and drank a copious draught. Israel Esmayne watched him with eager, glittering eyes; like those. of some famished. wild animal that scents blood. "Have a - drink, friend?" said the stringer, proffering the flask. :Israel Esmayne shook his head, with set teeth and lividly pale cheeks. "I never drink," said he hoarsely. "You would, I -guess, if you cohld get such stuff as this," said the man ; "soft as oil arid strong as fire. My father imperted it. The -res not ranch -like it in the country. taste, if you don't believe me !" Ierael stood_ fOr naoment, hesitating. Then he cast eneager glance tothe right and to the left, as if half fearful lest • some pne should see him, and grasping at the bttle-14011k ! The fevered blohcl mounted to; his cheek; a strange.,4parkle came into• his eyes. ' " Haveyou got more like that ?" he whispered, hoarsely, approaching his burning lips so closely to the man's ear that he involuntarily started. " More?" "I've got another flask, but -7" " Will. youl leave it behind ? pay you a good- price for it." What se Israel's eyes fell guiltily. " caee of sickness, you know. We can't buy such liquor here -and it's a lonely spot" You're right enough there," said the man, langhing, as he drew ,ceat another flat ask, the mate to the first. "Here, take .it. Pshaw, friend, put up your purse. You're w4come to it as a gift." And he was gone, plunging tbrongh the high " grass and bushes, all fringed with scarlet carclinal-flowers and nod- ding marigolds, before Israel could stay him Israel Esma.yne crept back to h s house, ore rather, the rude log -cabin which was a sort of hostaeee that one day real home should rise on its foundae t are,e vislpn- rd- d ong, serpent -like tri lights, and carrying Lt front, which nigh y the line of rails, and or Mit of !sight int Se awl silence of the woods bout e way trein passed. at ef stoppage at Hurstl y tfon be - .a Mere- woOden 8he1, 1 ith a plat- are in the -city of Toronto ,rni either side.. H.alt n ho nr afte- same class Of bniidings. On a slow an heavy fie g t tireein fol- d k . • br yon for wa E A.rtl so she Cones ' Uncle,' elle Says; all bl*n' like, 'come wi fo /' say e I. 'To ,loo sh , 'I, don't slee th D tty, 'till we'vetpund hint ! "God bless her !!" c4ied out Estra in a cheleed voice, •' God be thank d. fp all His merciee !" " Was it a fit' s id. the old man, r curious.ly. • " HOwelidit come on ?" But Iseitel Esmayne sieolee no word the subject, either then or ever. 1 married Dorothy Beers in the spring. a he hat. sacredly kept his yow. If lives to be a hundred years old, he. still keep it. And Potty, though n ver knew i., had redeemed Min._ 1-tURO back arter in white lend tre th me.' Wh It for -Israel, sa . , night, says t • E P rroRw t oi at C IL MANITOBA. , nu- n in b e T. 1efti1 llow• in„ et interting ,I -- '' scripion- of Manitoba and its peo • er - as cieneni nucated , to the -Strad be .11eratilt by Mr. ,J. B. 1tutherford ter 3t, he ere ine the r vith the on a on red • se me ri rid ty stepping, he elle in him gh t, t in, 1 only . Itch - have brow ph of fists of so •up, tem of close er ore the el- fal- his half is in Milibark County Pertlr,, letter is dated at *innipegi • 234 of June. Mr. Rutherfo d sa " We ariived Penthimq on 1 .6th inst. This r the AMeri 'rort near the li beNeen United Sttat4S, and BritiSti Amelica. rwo miles further wd Jiarn Fort Dufferin, where, we tilrAt cat sight of the grit eh Unittai J This plaee is!the ost of. the dian Boun\dary Conenetssio, amongst whOth is a tradestuan of al-, most all the common kinds, andi i-reers whet., there:will likely 'bei a vil age, up in Oa Tuesday morning rea -hedi b6rs Fort Garry. Sh4ntly after w got: the f las off the boat and went to the to n of He Winnipeg, about half it. Mil -up from the Fort. There al•e, a mat! many improvements going •on at present iu the tore but not en.ug to supply the anibunt of wort men that are constantly pouring in with! every boat. Wages are pretty good but aretna the decline, the reas n of which is, tob mtich compeai n in labor. ,Young men come herd from Ontario with th‘ intention of t king up:claims and then come to town and loble for work so; as to earn money ',to help . to improve ther claim, and the consequence is there' muut tit as. ilway cot -n.- 0118 T1 ere - n the at the 11 ea - I I they or the Wed - to the irec- an a d and are Ltd . at deal t very )s, and ire no e went Pass- r- Ituid nt, the rice' of s likel g as een n nt yet, it las frai n In- - e la le ill he e - le rd' 1c0;111 be ;woul of- Pass/ be I also old' me ,that sometimes they 7s : ' were not pothered by them for years at a time. On the J twell:tY an II Frifilty 1 weii crossed the- river the II in al! ferry boat and proceeded iu an ! east 'rly ' direction. to. a settlement call d . Springfield, about fifteen •milts from WiLnipeg. 1 We passed sthr egh sore ,very pretty country, ct • but it had 'all been taken u? lasr, yea • • We earne to a farm owned by e Sqotchman, nameti McDonald, wh b comes, from. the County of 13r ce.'. He has three sons, and has it 0 • - . , . • . „ . . 4 ; ,otharmed yet, exee t et W.A.S FOR SEVERAL 'TEAM SUFFERING. It is P from Cough, Expectoration and Night Sweats aroun 'eoppe group "vide as t maki tow a t ss a failed posit direction-. 1 talked -to • a far- . mer's wife about them, and was told they ere; not near so plentiful as they aid been other years, but as they ere' yet young, ,there would be, a great man3r more, and that s son as they got wing S they Iwoul 1 leave without depositing any eggs, but Iwould deposit them in the ry throug,h -which they would anq' the following year it he destroyed by them. She tbd outside, but the grass- •wterb gatheted in large alI through it, and would tly destroy it in a short time, re were numbers of them g their way from the4rai,rie '1 it across the plowed ground. shed them for a while, but to see one jump in the op - to ght Lek. ersi sto th ou hi to en •r re ett nded with extreme nervous and physical pros- • ted and the tra gen Ib an ed nig- joy to per • th call of are too rtemy laborers foy the a lf a, mile of imprvernentl3 going on, pltme of soon as the builicling of the r• utnent- and the Governbent buildine gl ea th aot th ittering t eye of mitred like a -bush tward Making b thence. this. difficulty will b away with for some tiene. are abotit 2,000 inhabitants town, and it is expected that present rate of lincresse it w ceed 3,000 before winter. rents are about double wha loW d it, runnin off on a side track nes ay We 4:20 tiip out 1 tOW/IsTa the river shoreunt, 1 he expresa Wantry in Ia north-westerly sho ld have safe y passed it was. tion, ,tising through the Ipd the pe.,Cal busin ss of Isr §1"3'ne tA? heifbreed* rstrvs 'rhe he switch, foi• the frei and subse- ' ry giood but its quaiitie hurrying ' little overrated. in Ontario, 11 , not find it toequal my expee , 0 lei some sectior s there is a gr of it of a Salty nature, and n set que tly t replace t it for done els ? wiui doubt his ban o think. recall exp ss. Had.h With heart,- he presse pies and' tried there -he coul n a 11 8 dewy rails looke , wet a cl gl the starlight. Ile had eel key in his hand] --that h co ineetber. But Was that bef the freight train had swit he could not Amen ber whet er tran had. passed. or not. w whether sw tches twice o no at T vacuum, +e fu like. Heclose temples as if eit of iron, it the wild ago4 reeall the last , If “ G d 1" h groined on his fa ing mad?' sohiag his o his tem - had been how the sening in the switch Id also re - it or after 1 off? He the fi eigbt Ile did not he hed locked the i once, vie goed heavens! - e past wits a awe) mg ure strange and dream - his eyes, jhe pressed his er hand had been a vise 1 izing fort to aloud, as he ce in the weti threw hiii grass, " . Someth breast be, it was th half full it passicn that -t1 0 Heave ly Fa -the aloud, in is, g eat anguish, "if, it please • at Thee to sert from me this awful Prime of Murd r done a tho sandfold--and naught b Lone of Thy mi acles can evert it new- y pavement of stars to virs broth no more ? save nee th be and Ici ivered as the express over t e tails d Israel Es - Id his reath, oreenterily ex - he as ul cras which ehould soul wi h the eternal brand of An ots afar off in the ie cry o ad -voiced night erhead, hen -; another leer a y. The express ecl thr • terstleY passed. safe a stagg im an 1 stant, clutching v at the al , and.t en fell ihe01181010 self I g ng h rd had struck against his e as he flan.g imself down ; fatal. flask. II tore it out, f dark zed pois anti dashed tely into the bt shes. It was - had one all the misehif. !" he cried times, holding the flat bottle close to• him swe r efore T touc that Cr hear eth his e ! 0 yhrist, The ea reveling breast thrilled train fle inayne pcting stain his Cain. Hush. . woods, t bird o whistle, had pas _through Esmayn aLound 1. hoot some and d chee ugh d soundi And Israel ring to his -feet .gazed eguely es. 4 * 1* * t * ' Unc e, he is cdming I lAnew I knew thathe And he soft eyes C. were th first th ng .;Isr, leas this . oul ca, e nut hadows and ob Mon, 1 uing n his c ue just , "Tell me, Do Ay, ' hegasped. 'ii` How ' as it The- he switChes ?" I , 11 to. le uncle, as not dead !" Beers e Isartv eld of athan Doroth el Es ay f the w ith old Jo beyond. good for raising grain cro calttle Ipasturi g on it req alt., LeaVin the reserve (1 v• ' o tee ; . HUM. Settlement. . mg al great deal of •idea which contained a great qua limestOne. In this settlem land •is good; with. abund both iviood and water, and to become valuable accordi is improvel. 1 There has gram ,sown in the ,settlem as the settlers move on t 1 :" It n as my 1 didait,' said. Mee old an; She ca Lie by, nd. she he ..if whist and she sete witche wasn't right, ior Do io, i othin': ' Som thing's happ y girl ' lsr el's ben took 01, or (11eadt s ys she. And here ley the key in the iddle of ethe track, and she tatches it up, and she unlocks the witche -you howed er holy to do it -ouraelf Esma ne, On summer arter- oon-- a d she hangs o the white lan- tern. nd th re she stands1 with her heart a eatin' t to c oke her, till the freight . And sif the for the there 11 'Whre' 'God rd the s the al, nor says 11 • ets o she ra,kemen; • 'Se these xpress,' says .he. ay be' a thousand the Switch, :tender ? ly knows,' Says is to one ere right Quick ! or iveS says he. y, Dotty, 4. . ear, and thisyear hey we of the grasshopper destr One man had made a gar they were not long in dstr. although they aee not so ba section as they are in olde inents. Leaving Victoria eeeded in a nkth-easterly to another setitlernent in 15, range 2, where the sure quite finished although ha township is tAken up by se is noar a •goOd buSh and - - d • abuqdnt. We stopped o with a family by the nam Ic.iver from the County, o The 'section iS about 25 -m Winnipeg, Jand 12 fro Wirinipeg. This is the bes .the County N e have yet`co Three or fou • of our party claims here. We walke till noon- on Thursday, and fled that we Icould not b selves in the Proince. for the most part was cov. i shrubs;consSting cif wild rose 'Ioak / f poplar, haze1 raspberry an variousI other kinds, which, the se tlerg aq,1 grow on the very best c though it is little more a break up at first. The this section, and as a gene all (wet- th d Provinc, is v being frbm s three to s in \ diameter; and in r some may be found to exc. On our. return we took easterly direction . to the e Lini6stone Mountain. our curse, We came to the settlement, ion the hank o River, where we expect crops growing, it being' settlement -,.n. the rovi • pointed, as t pers, and dit The land 1 As We near e across a piec at one side t of, it plow. • to rn an in a r4.1 dur are tiro ion. My body WWI groat y e _ til impression:was *at I hat notlong to live. gen taking Dr. W EELEWS COMPOUND an OF PHOSPHATES AN1) OALISATA, improvement took plata) immediately. "I gain - in weight and strength. Myough- and my .3 t BWOILtF disappeared, and I aTinow in the en - went of excellent health. Man of my friends hom I have recommended the Elixir have ax - equally remarkable resettle" • W. W. gIMPEON, s9.3,640t, G. T. R. Tate Great JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS..- IS invaluable medicine is unfailing in the ,ure of till those painful and dangeroum diseases • di the feral& constitutio is subjett. It crates all; exceis and removes 11 obtrfl0t1OflR, a speedy ore runy bo relied on. married ladies, it is peculiar* euited. It will short time, bring on the monthly period. with - laxity. ese Pills should not be -taken hy Females 1. g the first three months of Pregnacy, as -they lire to bring on Miscaniuge, but at any other ; t they are Rafe. all•cases of Nervone and SPinal Affectionsi is in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ei't hveterice and iTLY 1 81 /. R73. GAIETIES. , at, goes most aganin:thaint ffttlonapiinkee rtiu wilbietrealping: 44 ir, said the canticle/mous ytt, es„ .. -, • a yo 1 &I lin this eaueee" “ llt jut think of 4. 4 ---f.S. . iou A.th stepped into a b)ok- • wh tee, these pill0 will effect a cure when all other , ---.1 erton, palpitatuna of e t , )--+ me DS have failed ; and although a powerful : re edy, do not contain iron, calome, antimeny, or 1 ull directiOns in 1te 41.111h)if around each 0 0 an, thing hurtful to the conetitution. P taken 1,000 acres. lie was , . buv plantin potatoes, although it wie the 20th of-, June. He said thy Would be quite early for a good crep. He also had about eight acres of Li,vliat sowe -which looked well, bot the grass oppers were making shert work of t, also. It seemed to bel thither vanced than wheat dods °atm:o at the same season of the yeer. 'The most of the land in this section is taken up, with the a Pa kage, which Await ectiverfed* preserved. ob Mosee, New ork, Sole Proretor. and • othop&Lyman, 12. cents for Ne vatl, One general agents fOr the Dominion, .401,1 insure a bottle, containing over 50 pale by rethrii mail. Lumsden. • Sold in Seaforth by E. Hielson &nd ' -Co.,1.97-9 Thal Confessions of an Invalid, 'Wihd as a warning and for the benefit o 0 mg men and others who stiff* from Negvons 13ILITY, 1.40104 OF MANHOOD, etc., supplying the ins of self cure. Written by one who cured lam- e f after tuidergoing eonsiderable quackery, and free of charge. Sufferers aro invited to address epaying postage) the authr, NATHANIEL AYFAIR, box 158,Brooklyn, I. Y. 289-18 iodized Cod Liver Oil. HIS Preparation ie a solutim of Iodide, of Iron exception of some that is marshy and wet, and also the Government reseres, There are a great many wholave boug.ht up land here who live in Ontar o -tilltl are holding it !.. t -- (;Iri • ) • • b I, or !speeu I ata . This is a grtat drawbacki to 'the settlement of the Province.i: The Dominion Govern- ment ought to take some action to prevent this from being the dise any more; and these reserres that •kve been made by the Government [re also retarding the progress of lr -country, as they are plusoipally ni the best farming localities. The rovince, notwithstanding all these iisadvantages, is being rapidly set - ed upi. there being about eighti wnships taken up this year all dy, while every boat l'erings 1 eh num.ber of immigrants. - It •1 pected that there will be ver lyrtalres.t7ccupied land in the Prov ince at the expiration of, abOut fiv 1 12_2!..__"•1".."--... _____ SPECIAL NOTICES. Yi ei g ying in this , • .Settlel- :I we ped- :11 irection' owniip y net, f of the' tlerS. water, is er niedit of 10. Huron. les 'frO111 ne pa rt ' of - e acroasa took up aremd.: elt tter he 1814d. red Witli.! Pt I ipt 141 were chsap the grassho in any crop and fertile. peg we ca with: whea and the re i 1 1anl, umber a1thi to ry • inc1S e.' re pates ed a.fo6t; a si.41i- osrittsixiidueinogf K ildonan the Red d- to find he elddst e, llut we ey feared not put • oked.rch of elio tind f the field d • BREAPAST.--EPPS'S COCOA.-GRAT L ArD,COMPORTING.' 'By a thoroug owledge- of the natural laws whic vern the operations of digestion an tritiou, and by a careful application fine properties of well -selected ceieo . Epps has provided our breakfast t s with a delicately flavoured bevera ich may save us many heavy doctor Is."2,-Cieil Service Gazette. Mac iply with Boiling Water or Mil -h packet is labelled—JAMES EITs lionneopathic Chemists, London.' lateueacTune OF :%000A•-‘` We Will ✓ give an aceount ce the process adopt by Messrs. Jaines Epps & Co., man cturers of dietetic articles, at thei rks in the Euston Road, London" sel1's _Household Glde. AFTER WAR, pestilenCe and intemptir ce-colds lead to the -greatest destrue n of human life, mainly, because it i nsidered bY many to be of no con ence and hence systematically negne Until a simple, curable disease, j. nverted into a fatal pulmonary oit very one troubled With what is called ight cold or cough, should immediat Itr se Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers -they y irritation at Once, and exert a in eneficial influence on all the bronch and. pulmonary organs. Sold by ruggestS and country dealers. Pri. 5 cents per box. A SECRET WORTH KNOM'ING.-So horse dealers have discovered that by the use of Darley's Condition Powdetis , nd Arabian Heave Remedy their horees proved in every resp readily sell for from V. than ther would ethe cost of not more thin ach. We co sider this a secret wot -mowing, and one which all who ot horses should not fail to profit by ; i he best horse medicine ever s Remember the name, and Bee tha:t ignature of Hurd & Co., is on each p ege. Nerthron & Lyman, Newcas nt., Proprietors for Canada. Sold dl Metlicine Dealers. Ti101naa' Eclectric Oil, • 1 in perfectly pure God net . ed in all cases where the simple Oil is ordered, d be found greatly superior to it. This operation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- l•••• ruption Scrofulous Complabts, Chronic Skin M g ieetiaes, and for all chrome disOrders a s g efective digestion, nsaimilation or nutrition. It also highly useful in Clu-onie Rheuniatisin and out. price $1. en tt tompOund Syrup of Itypophomphite. "mi -4 0 ecli HIS le an agreeable Preparation, containing the Hypophosphite.s of Lime, Soda, PFttaeh. and ron, with free Hypophosphorous Acid. This ''srl ..z ty • p i certain remedy. for General Debility rom any cauee, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous omplainte. It is also highly umpful in diseases of frc, he bones (especially iu infants) and Incipient nsumption. Price $1. ' , , pre above Preparations are of standard medical kepntation, and containing no secret ingredients, Mas.' be prescribed by physieians without hesita- ton. -Prepared. by jOHN 'WILLIAMS, - London, Ontario. For sale by -R. Lumsden, Seaforth ; J. R. Grant Brussels; G. A. Powell, Wrox,eter, and Druggist 235. , generally. • If 111•11111.111, 411•11111111111111 $5 TO $20 r, day. Agents wanted. 111 ClILBReS Of working people, tot either sex, yoniag or old, make more at work for no in their spare momenta, or all the tine than nt anything else Partieulara free. Address G. STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. 284 . . WHO WANTS MONEY? A; STRONG-, SE,A.FORTII, Will Loan Money at a LOW RITE OF LTER- EST, either on Farm or Villaje Property. Piles requiring money shou1dapp1y to him. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, eaforth. IS ALSO AGEN FOR. The Scottish Provincial In &ante Company - Fie and Life. The Western Insurance Con pany, of Toronto - Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Insur nee Company, of Canada. - 1 1 re so much hat they will 60 each mor ise; and at WORTII TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. DO Y ENOW 41YTIIING0F IT '1)- rk. NOT, ITIS TI.141E YOU DID - There are but few preparations of medic Which have Withstood th43 impartial judgment the people for any great length of time. OU these is T11011ASELECTRIC OIL, purely a prep ation of six of some of the best oils that are knol each one possessing virtues of its own. Scient physicians know that medicines may be formet several ingredients; in certain fixed proportion 1 li is Tering Sfl reaeonable is oftered by any other agent doing, business for reliable Companies.. OFFICE -over Strong & Fairley's Grocery Store,; Main Street. Seaforth. /52 TEA_ I TEA PEA!!! TUFTS & IJAMBLETON Having on hand a veryilarge stock of )C.CEL LENT TEAS), And being hard up for insMey, have determined to sell Teas at RETLY REDUOD PRICES ne of of r - fie of of greater powcr, and producing effects which cojild never result from the use of any one of them, oi in different cambinations. Thus in the preparation of this oil a chemical change takes place, for» ng a compound which could not by anypossibilit) be inade from any other combination or proporti ns of the sortie ingredients, or any other ingredie ts, • entirely different from anything ever+. be ore made, oneWhich produces the most astonishing re- sult, and having a wider range of applicat on than any medicine ever before discovered.- It c ia- ains no alcohol or other volatile liquids co se- quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wher • applied you get the-beneht of eYer3- drop ; whe eas with other preparations- nearly all the alcoh 1 is lost in that way., and you get only the small q en- tity of oils whichstbNe3.7nr}?0,1\TAcontsa,inpl.mtrs, And NORTIIROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. .Ndre..-Electric-Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Iliekson &I Co. and R. ra d For 0316 nienh. All parties wanting a choiee article of Tea, and wishing to save money -will find it to their advan- tage to give them a cid They havetalso on hand a very large stock of • ' GENERAL GROCERIES/ Croeery, Glaswere, Wines and Liquors. Flour, Oatineal, Cornmeal, Lake Huron Herring, &c., whieh they will sell very cheap for 'cash or farm produce. TI7TS & EfAMB. LBETTus0:13, Ont. u s en. ! • 13RUSSE S THE SIJBSCRIBER wishe to call the attention -1- of the farming continual ty in general to his large aud varied stock of • StLECT SCHOOL ANI5 MUSIC CLASS. MISS RYAN, formerly 'Teacher of Muse in the '-`-1-1 Romoka Seminary, and late of the Bishop, Strachan School, Tor.onto, be.gs to inform he peo- ple Of Seaferth and vicinity that she is abont form- inga clean for instruction in Vocal and Intru- mental Mnsic, and has opened a Select School in the' room formerly occupied rey Miss Robinson. - Terms -Music, $6 per faile: SELECT SCHOOL. ¶ijhe ordinary English brai,ichee, and Plain. and Fai cy Werk, &c., $3 and $11per term. ours from 10 A. M: to 8 P. M. Reference-Prinfessor Crter, Organist of St. James' Cathedral, Toronto ;IMrss Thompson, Lady Principal of Bishop Strachan 287 aitt Ituvou OiIo5itor T44 PVELPIRED Agricultural I wlements, Consisting of RON AND W OD VLOW8, With the latest improved. Steel ,Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, I ND ROLLERS, BARROWS, gc LERS,•&e. lie Would beg to cal spelcial attention to the e eel brated FAR E ' PLOW y ii Na hich has give uniVersa stabile:Aim wherever. used., to which s now ad ed a Thistle Point, so mclausesh required this par . Also, to :some fas . . STAVE -DRUM I. ND ROLLERS, From . • to $85 Alo, a few First- 'lass WagOrs, Getting up for Spring ue, warranted of very best IN SEAF RTH . 1 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING TE-icus.-$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. t • A:direr Ita tem. First insertion, per line, {3 cents subsequent in- sertions, 2 cents each time,per line. - c I:IN-TRACT RATES One column one year- " " half , `` " 3 monthil Raif " one year half 1" " 3 11iontlis One-forirth one year • half mouths One-eighth one year tc half " months Ube -twelfth one year •e• 8 00 • • - 4 • • - -- • - • - • • I 5 00 800 ....,.. 282005 000000 '...:..... ... . . . --:.... ,121202 000000 1 8 00 560 00 35 00 _ ..... 12 00 • • • • - ..... •1• • • • • 800 ...., i 5 00 .t t. 8 months Business Cards, (6 lines and under,l+,Year.. 4 00 Advertisements of Stoyeti, Lost:. Found, &c. not exceeding lines-firt month, *1; after first month, 50 cents'each Mnith. - Advertisements of F '1 MS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exeeetling 15 line4-firet mnth, $1 50 each -subsequent monh, 75 cents. Births, Marriages., Dea hs -Gratis. • Advertisements withm t specific directions will be insertedtill forbid, ant charged. aceordingly. Advertisements meas red by e scale -of solid Nonpareil. 16LEAN BROTHERS. SEASONED TIMBER. All of ;which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRIC S FOR. CASH Or 'aPproYe 1 credit. WM. I_ WILSON. Brussels, Feb. 12, 1873. 27107 PU Ps. 1Pecutouryclel:bruett140biaovdiSi gnoert.ehe tat a "Iv 13117 FRANCI TOWN tOurnethie)=Lonpds,onlvhilleohediorityii, w prepared to mannf"- men employed. htuess of operation and Noth• eisewhere.ALL WORE A .2.1.118214:eRatIbAN:ii<TIZtt13-aell.'1°.8 '1°11' dnrability icannot be sun) ing but the best materia •A284ca-BIlmis lespectfully so bated befortepurchasing . G tORGE BOLTON, Froneistown. SEAFORTH - MARBLE WORKS, if STREE Opposite the Waterloo "louse, mar 1110 Statil MONUMENTS; HEADSTONES; And work of all kinds in Ammican and Forth& Marble, desigd. andeexecuted in the e and at mot reasonable riee. rc,•1.1.140rbl sup .pPei an Stiort _Notice. 31-0)1th.,$ Granite to order. CALDER -ROTHERS' -277 ANDREW CALDER, • ±---- 7..‘loninnents nil Head stones Ir.' parts • " Wird kind 'ind of is storeian igti sell here, mister?" All kindg.. answ'rered. one of the clerks. said the little chap ; thel yiJu4; give 1,, - ! me ten cents worth =of i P,e11--s'A_ girl presenting herself for' :. slieit;;linTec‘l'Iatpitil il:'°iunseanNsvv‘14leeri tlt:tZ , Itquesr wu where ehe came from, said Sive couldn't you pefsave by le acciet that it's French 1." am" --311ark Twai, a. few months a ite4-11s firstl tonhisaj'kjLN3ve!s born, His wife New-, - confess, Samuel, diet yoi ?vethe child r " I can't do that.' he i,eplied, but I am willing to a mit I respect the little thing for ' ft-4-117Aol )sn7uit\fs.17rmer said to his soles ;3. ‘4)1458, dont you ever spekerlate wait foe : -something to turnen Ye* might j ust ,eitii yeli go and Fa d61,40i on a stone, in the middle of • Tp4deer, an' wait for a cow to back t. r, with a ,pail atwixt you le "1-1: tAosbesommTrebdta'y vieitois were at • - t ingi through' a penitentiary, uncle the escort of the euperintenden. they came to a room in which tin wonien were SeWili. " Dear me one of the viitors4e,hipered, vicious-lookng creaturs! Pra' What ale they here feir " Becan.: thely have no other home; This Or sitting-robui *4 they are an wife and tw/) ditriliters"hlandl ngtireti:telitl-re sltontanal1;e ri:op-:1linietdilut,t11°esi c;otrflti_idate for organiS a meek eteminitt il 11111.8iC teacher, ',etc., a vaca -ot, having occurred by the resi, nation at the, organist in ofie, w: th fllowing: Gentlemen, I n tied your advertisement for an garist and music teacher, kith ledT or genii eurau; , Having i)( --i both for- siiveral years, I offer ee 6.: Y--7Arislicien8q"uisitive French biel Once 3allgl15 a Tartar in 'the DU de R oquele ire. Tim hitte,- paesif in, haste th rough Lyons; Wz-LS britil - ,-. . i -Hi In h+ the bishop with, '‘ Ili . -Hi ; Duke stopped-. , Wherr have 34: come from 1" inquired the prehe " Paris,' said the Duke ' " WI is fresh. n, Paris 1" " Green pea L Bat what werethe people sayi when you left T' " Vsprs?' " Oti nese, man," broke in -thean,- (IiieStiOner, 44 who are you. WI are vou called ?" " 1gnerant pee' call me Hai. Hi l Gentlemen ti me the Duke de Reqaelaire.Dr! .011, postillion r _ —Au illustration of 'Irish i pliciey is afforded by the reply 9. rang candidate for the otlice._ teaeher. The examiner . was ,! teaverine- to elicit the candid;i idea of the market value of la with reference to demand and ply-,„ but, being baffled. he ,pn question in this simple foim 4. there ere in your /village twe e. Makers, with just Sanicielit tzap 4Mnetriltoommittolt,bhmet,ilia.:.to imi0'entiiiile:.1.1,'41:: a. third -313oinaker set up i# . , Same villager' '' What would Pow, sir T' echoed the eaudi4 ‘ why, a figlet, to be Stare ri : i Ctahle-reliedo:e:11:11)];111::::3;wtall::::Si!jelallief::::.s.s?iilraY:::: tavern in. a wtintry tOwn, tind A f the bar-roon, if they Nv43l4t1 ii, witness one of his tricks. Tht low looked cold end hunry, e landlord gave asseut, a/0 -'.; ;that he knew a few taielql lib: 1 i and had seen i 0111) 3' W01141414 The conjororl th7en rqete: company to plate three --ate teibi•etetlatb11:31 '11:4:jolobrtliongbrdii'l, e-411 bread, and , the stranger :feu .•. is:liteecen.s-tt(r.:teeitdrlythlaaat Ifhea .cn'017:11141 ' '1:1,e1131driljt.):Itrttt°%)o°1*,:liLkeet 1:11:‘:<):1101 flii:::(11d181:11titillilotil:Eeei:lei;;rezo(iiiiii,11 ahttillh:oeletwitel?stlea,,ritl,ae,iii:in.e:it'iail:flelt:'leo.',,,iti.'ii:11::::::::::::::;' ionlniemeett eatitg the bre! cheense tilie cheese beingi ilr.j -tae -1-unkle)Ttea• t'Alilinal' himself if i he had. thretlile: ftlared he could eanettinega-otete'tj the third tun4 finish the trick. lantet'tloard.s°wIttitiglig'thititothdet:! trick soul..dJ be proceeded. w, 1:te amusement of :the !elle 1 an:111 adillieeeflh;:atietesneYstolgioean7lifitoilaillekst),:te.,IFt . tw° Pi s. Now the - v.* •