HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-18, Page 1UBL WILSO $1 50 a 'Xewr, AF ORT" 113 1873i taxi PO I FRIDAY, JULN e r N0. 'lit of il� Colonization Was OrlllnLg. WI thgalione duce its twil o give t e most liberal Uan open'durl tivation, befoie i I pro, 'cf ada. �allfax liarbo r is all 1118t, liaboad, and the primitive fOl athers oil are such as� t' est s. ore 'ind.of freedomt to grea r Ipc r f the year. - Tile oli. fornier vield f our c 11try strugg THt HOME 01F THE� AC�R I Yled. hrd through 'all, Ibth of opillion the t t c own observation, CLULTUIRIST. t le !entire Dominion may be re-! has collie 1111 Iek out. .I Dent being ir discoil.tagements, but not in v atl( ae 1011. Our Gove 4 a te of ally farnierg have r6n th FOR SALE. nlited mow �rka cer %reli3-iiiit§-iil)stp,-)p-Lilarfoi,iii, gar(Kd Il the vvliole as being whe, the fofe"st fell before'! neful. Tile sturdy aiiii-ay of Aftinteol with, fal M8 in so slia L to ren - q he death rate of Great 1'rit- I eS Of the invaders. The at t e MA, FAF J tL 46.4 Tref Ile IR Y. tly jis�Ws, yielding, a t alth the the njors of a Republic and the lie R- 4,j kLE, Lot 1-8s bl- r cerit. while that Oer tbein appnren, lie ingL JL* at' - : . ixistocrati� yranny of a; L nionaTchy that al n, is giv n a two pe hels piar cre. ferocious, gave ho - Le ixe, i FO' - t t W1 of &fi 70 Of are 'cloarod keeping k Waq ., tiju,)Cred 1B, 11114L vo -co -t of tl i� given as on�., ittle'niore th.1n 10 10118 w siate of oulti�xlvtiou,, balaii-ce absulutd, . Our laws have bbell of pal W Doulinlon ance and I �-,n skulked A - ay to their i good: . i Mo lid a li I per cent. Therefore, the, IV ;31 8� - the !rude lb ian -4-story lirick hoaso t Juily 3d,, I �1� e have -seeni, tile sanie farnis' change, di xled add evised fron, t6e most apfrow. a al 8, b . 11V Ifidina pl�ae 'NJ - I lands, and the new occup, o Canad b� po, itical co ffu 6,36 oie our mode of living, or re - 11; We '1 uk�rttiof Seik- "Stitutio are cliniate I adopte4 �Xv o !3.1-\.43 ;1'go�d bear 0 a may be fairly consid- I�i L%ve 2.1 'feunar& to.our rightE, and justice to e h Sys e ither red -as 1) ino, coliduciv Po hRlf It ruile of the road. e to the, health, ;boroucr of f ruling, orebar I freated far into the back woo rt.h at it ins pro - . I e lan so mu Itli C -.tiep 6A sailo�d tip th ity of the agricultur' )roved th a -%vidned aild the fo I appiv to the propri tor on Jaques C-,jx u r wrong . The Canadian agricultlinst wealth al d pros p4 x 1pwyi* eLseil I furClier partivt� acre. coloi iz anad ere lene ih Pat ia -i blebsed withi social institu­ ist. An her eimlitial requisite whiAi I'liced an avera Ze of 25-i, Rishels p �r acre. ation jii� -n lir�t 1 broad St. Lwreac -, I - �itilizjuon nd prosperity bega st i�n, his liria frojm ierefore D�ario and the ea'st4rll provleet- of sun f c ove 293!4 t 1,11"111111C ions. I e climate'of anada does much rend C nada a choice home for the t the horizon, until now it be owards reiliderin said to be in 0 Ciliada, may be- said t and th g ze wich �a rpassia ol have artived at R TO R'EN T. le gi;icultui i4t is till 1) SALE 0 *bo bou t nd yet our tko, 4uyi flonle of tI great fertility of iits orning vvi AT 1 Ahim ryis y6 young %y FOR nd it is, ree r . 4 C)f C a trade 'es . e 11 adapt- so 11011 crisis, Dur bou 'all r 40- ror expect, le t ae Donlinion may be re, 0:11 -a 8 61 jmaii6 We. rXT coonfOl pt� anc the bverplAs pnb1z'e t6 )f; f e tility has most13 PU r- Ilot Sold 'by a 16,1was d eligh� at the (,I f or the prodi ction !of 'cereiils, and gard as ope vast kid pea -icultuist 1dix. Frank t tliTillerd with uliarly ad y che agi id, cart �X_a� by ioler,tben� lu(Lu faluilv [iat, oui illan4factilre's a be loulm No wol by It little extreme in ed- to the agricull ri no ria ul� -Ou St. To show: thil [is, ppearY,,(I. do RI Vlo i ryth'. -i hogh may n Ot un with' all he n wa it i 1_�e t1i4 F3 nded machiery htilliug Rua 5 of the scene eds byt way of kpply On the prIIIIises abetween soil ddes yield mor�. e clea I' we'will consider the d.apa- these very 4ex- mor nd-%ii. h the best in � the world. in -ter sunim ar, yet y I him. Poets had dremed cf Sue a lexample, the far P� -C trie , Great B tain foi and yet exportiii" to F. 'P..�LTRIDGF­ eadh Province Sep - ie more teni- bilities�of the soil of remities a�ld plea,Vria ,o tl at deal of artificia'I man Only mornin; Diets Allse a gr ction hod painted its ideal eauty, with Priuce Ed- nerate sea. ns, for who. does not relWi rately. 0ornnief cing (Ireat Britaip� annua ver $73,0( pARK,LOT FOR Sj L11. Jur- ure tboroughl' cliltivaO al)(T di�ain tllo� Jt4l%', it id Summer all tile ward Islaid we fi lot, says William A verl, 1&0USR;AND but, like the and of I as �4.11 e beauti(s of Spring a oolf folio,* worth, nd the United 8tates 0 i"ORTH soil too, !will 8 sidenee that 'the scil is Strong and rich to t A,�d C d,) 'ttorth of goodsi while we., kLr,,ft Tery baroolsorile Y. Nevel tte win- ray imagniar le liosed to have been pie �; indeed I -already the bes $35,000,000 - for i aving �passe I through , i main, street, 'only . i i nifor leo�trce. " rhe their exal"I n in JdoptL dev The'Sky- of ("anala is, clear When all. itocoln method iiport from %oth kPH1 Pto 0 Ms. 011 hecorl)orati befo.�-e had a land.been dis ove'rel a whicl] er these countries only a guce Of ti 9 bogs Which, according to Dr. farmeis ha such a ther countries. peat fLycqu the preinises; the Priftle_ th that o. o ds little ozer A.4r,000000 -worth of oods, le iodi- iiiore beatiff illy repr6sen ed t1. Afi . -quality, �&016 built il th0fortu ol Ion 1,; vttn r iDs. ice, that f G`rea't ent -it. so )eks w t 'The very fact t1l, �ie farmeA r, ell for Cauada. Only ita Der, are will on rs whieh sl 0 faii is Minly all 123 -owiec -fford also inirnense crops, sh I wild bo, OWS t lat, if othe th t It cOuvellie,11t; maiii broffilil1g, t2 the state. The (Ins he, -e. ri ly, murKy days of haze follow day afford, y od filel th�y et 28,129 invimigrants 'rood the it tlieinsetve,�, 11411110lest n, material for: [lure. Toe 'not, the n, contililuous successio bout in cotnp,, rattive s, :cor sted : mai hoUge iq the Consiolct ir abode in Ontario xy,- ouiv built !I qh6re , s- hav takeli u tile 1white mn's rifle, while ove, ach other i ing all the arr :not in the iand inlets he lot, and about 11 1�ereii of ��d by -oduc- rivers, raher nf phe se IVJ'orlll!')g, Land the nearly Ji onietlifies for ihoi[itlis together, pi Delude that 0i:,- during tfie t yezpr, -eeq gro- domain le and other hark the trao.kle�s lroarn�d the wil of �ea manurk. tbifflfS, We cannot but eo beitutifia 7pap lwood to ionalid mel lyl of mind. "have deposited Y -st heaps r Dominion are L �ug in the fear, end of the lot. For t s and Indiandn savage free f tile world. 4D the prol,rietor on the or our Fart we Id rather have a other Pgrtiou!O�ii fL,;P111i11111LIV liad ttained a growtll�o with it, and -bear hi - islai Ll 3,M 1,782 grain Tl.�e forest rig depres vast resour of" 0 Twelve v rs ac,,l i ther� were raised on tario has a soil that will richly remuno With rol- tracting t atention 0 Kt 3mart rain Lud be olon� theAndug -the su 1V1 of n J` ands of 'homes L best sfiles of- the A luxiiriant, -that liollb cOult' twhenAhere w 00.000 11troba -and bushels of eriouA f rmer 1,tbous' renii 'North Mtviu* s weet. 0 e S.) ere lot 3 acres und6r gard to the s4 of Man il on -the a little hezi t and orough tore& Ahroug C cold' ;hall drag'through ly r4i_ �lout our Do il)t the brsineaSt Soil of B.LNlyself and gon. hav'ii, & g nor,qu6stion it Nova Scotia rounding-vicillity, froin th foL doltt the so 's fertility drik" laysi Qtivatio i. Th, boadg- of (30 rt and affluence. dy, dingy el ill, Bru."els, this, proper must 'Such wxll� so m4ny reary, �e Wolk irk guarante 42()3 kl 4iversifiEd' and capable of'raiSL g* a gre�t able correspo, idents and btlier Bourcos a I ate morning T �Smitih'd Saw 1%lMost. endless resources. regard the c1iin, of Canada, le in ',�but, t1le still is gradii- A truisU( 'to receive. be 014'-� t te the future e anao�ardts prirni ive s- � P n y (f pro ucts. Dr. Dawsoln, wbi�ll none n discredit, w.e.lern thit sin 9 ry, ipstronago bestowe, O44i4 e, h6S PIE asant. all I it is � one thd less� iiariet, ally, ri g. iThe future of otlLr c3u'llit I or region is of tile very be�t acr1riculturist. Yrom tbal I SE FACT OrRY FOR 'S,A T R A home: '�pal of cOill College, classiti ts I . C) rotitable to,, tile agyieultrist. The 'Princ es ulin - tile soil of tha, he history of I FA -Riff A" CHE I. to the pres 0 U en% Canda has mad Q! S! f c uality Thii region of. which We now -i Udging frotri t s i­ibly sirun ed and tirne Ir offers thitt 01 , arth with regard to c imatid has: been. (li- der variots' head i the different s 'I it Pc sitioll, lodins Ili) before - _8 KubscribL t 'Stride path f progress s�p,,_,ak eompTi: -'s not Only VIanito and presei ruGler- giall Nova sco Lia, among which are tbe',tllll- ba pro� maguilicende, unsur- 11. C iv, glon THE' 'ult �tod fartu, 31, COU 9, dis- we nd r ach- in grandeur 2 vided into several clini4tie re an Menge tract of 11, e which oher nations beliolding by thee, reatin I LES Im eou�t L 1,ii, ju f )r sale. ter �y villili, mi A, int vale s. etc. There I er, but egg (if ancieD inguislied the abun soil . * ... ed t Greece us, a lal�gc d -riving Or even a br o'k th , is, i b lockl Mo)ln� ar at: . ing frotii 1 �itoba to t e P gazed ot, in wantler noT is this arldly t rivei 11 W .0 There are OU t e 4 good - I Ii 'of certain vegetable.Droduc- is h, e er bf R Me. The Cailadi&n OOd ITAILIC 11011KV, dan t gro bein -about 800 e 01 hard of 15U tr stonishing co not Skirted with L beautiful s tains, the l Ole region just begirol to %vo 1 ter oau�­ Orc tioni. Th a� of these wido. Pacific r)... a re, y, and studoitc comparison e by thriving t sLhooi, church and clivesb facto Qv blOse to siderthe ycilthfulness of-.our­coulltr� ble zones I 'lie fo,Vwin, Wlmiles 1.011 nd sonie hu owns nd en'i" 0 18() the N%r,,t Eud, Cheese Factory and 11 t: arkecL by! what I tj The land It each side of Red' Riveir, on �ither a-17 WANT re In, are tervale., T oi It becomes tile great c . eady she lias afforded all e., lines of giv -ocd idea� t '',' 'I - the. the tam Air' LU il Cy ie prodUcILM JiLlIg 3d, I Lake Wilinipe two 11 'This ftictory is t: ernied Is thernia a di 8� erViE bip �Cres of laud the best 4 way of �c he loixn-ilof -e tuated thoilLsands ;while in other lands-, 't ten ip,oi,rat -i e from Pe mbin f, to ew tauc� of aboa- i 100 miles, is a rich black th �u of N�va cotia but of N " orms Y, ; Ll 'he Isother- not 0 inadian 'traffic$ and f lig to bec4me thetbjects W` �tb, regrd 6 wheat, P f,lrobmiuing patrong III Ontario. were uwkilli 11swic bond of union that strengtbens the Ma Nlir. )f heat is the. south. 11�11 also' he erwiorfe Of- avbrii�ge Line 4150 etable mould froll, one to t 4 A n Coyusist of a muking house, 28 x 40, two �torie. the wr6dks 0 u n u in Lb' wn in 1, loil, pure poverty oi- f r 'ill. r of Isliels-per acre gro, - L of Itive r$on ry of the r6trion of th od ay. brother - -eld - stories, and is litted lern bounda I m subsoil cl hood of our Dominion. The the D 86 140, two 0 , four feet do, p, and go e. -D d C.o Of -k was It, ill Ohio I 1�edoiines a populous region, nds 1,1 ore i aftfuen cc n4p'rospel - -most 0 in New and cities'with s an ampb euglut" huh, LIZ the -thous, nd wheat, abio of f the New Yol It extenda o both sides of the river northwest -a be ee wt,Mr. DaAd rils_ The ca,4 be see re is au mbi�udwnuu ity have left their native lands' to enjoy, trikes'. Anie�r ick 20, ilk Nova Scotia 2-5 to 30. e cathedral litest 'DiW line ica oil B­uns%N 'a diewy, the t ers will: be wfuet n' uperlor ges which Canadb far back as Ae narrator had travele - with literary "nong :,the s Brley-N er, and the f acto rT iiiin pe advantk I w York, 16 ; Ohio, 24 act wwa­decl the gro"d e eastern coast in I at'tude 43 0 N. or lie beh( ves that the valley of the towering I)illn*C]eS ve the 29 Nova Sco -3 e ake th --t, ut the, lowiast orl:d wa' subject to a %11(1 so yve ati4ed h. Bri and be bratl The factory �ii For th rt of,Ne,,vv Hampshire, tia, � 9 to b. tations anct marts of e()Lll­ i rce, P at the Southern 8askate'llewan hits a tar better and will be whfactory or wi t, p, 26 ; Ohio, e i-, oxecessm be, &ccept.bd, 1Lplt1yL emselves to;: be, hat th I - 3T,'J ; New aunts t; at this,-Oflice, expressed th New 'York- Oats -New Yor Y -lie, . Re ti even t tor.r. Cxclianue tb Rru Nova Scmia, 34 to 45. In on the Rremi-S 0 - 0 -erai priceand further 11fa- laIlL thiough ed Ri er 1' e- place of jungles and fb i of thei er subsoil Would not e. iiswic�., 34 ; - -ild beasts. LL . I ;-Ohio, 41.1; sw� 1, and tfirol"Ill I - rhe bonitolleso. m' taqe a htt�le above Bu6lo - rmin in the vi Of v IV. 0. rowLxR. nativit*' w York, 25 gion. He Speaks of fa adoptian foll 1 tile Of "their agicultural resources of the Dorn­ �theoost southern p; rt of jOntario 011.1 Indian c4 poor and very Sup a orth, rough yet the landfiz so productiv( True sornelhave attw short Ke ce'tresof lichi New Br4newici, 41� Nova Scatia� 30 cinity as vet IN TUCKEIfftim I A L A� IF,' elsewher, ItLheiiiiearly fill is to yield Dion become FARM, IFOI in GaIlada, louht for lionies P' tatoe i N e York. 90 Ohio. Railroads iji6 q6got4 "and NlontantO to 60. ughNres the world. ust. els of Wheat per a, :30 to 50 b dre, ba�ir thoro utaini I of the cl lie aene I 25, Coal. CO but these im Us 8 f arew-hich Rre elk -Aare -e generarily it then skirts,�jhe northern 69 ; NewBrun0vick, 226 Nova IS-cotia*, bush- i and telegraplig keep pace ill ft FOR 8"LL I j). r ley the saine and oats from 40 to Ao 100 atres O6 of boings' nowhei-11 Of Gill i- people ho really mko -osses the. 200 to 35 rurnips-NXew York, �18 e prouress. rirst-cli 9 yields might The inflaence of Ii. erar an;. y evouirig,,, Suly 14, tree fr6l . parjLof the els These i� . Xondk nted and like roj - State of Ida, ci 460;- ova Scot .4 acre. b. -)kl hRrdW;)od tiiiibex h ever discoutc, ecomes more w I - rell.gioi,114 inatiliuLtion iu go( I New! Buliwic�l Eir, vation; the bit shilluton State, theno rll ly cultiv;9t u, corner of W, if th was proper -faili-lig spring erek�k rising on no inOss, Men who, I f �Hay-Obio, Jj New diff -D A� RALLY, Secrotar4-, f i 13'itish Cola I es. tye lnd ; also, 8" rods Of Ing Stones Oil- tLhe'r through a sMall part o I- -nibia to 600. 8entia, I to 3. 1 Tiese I e(l. Farmeq there object to mallurp, Education 1--,bc4,m tile fmrr�; lJJg1bJiildLiug they had silver dollars gi 50th wick, Q ;1 OV lot fhe exception. The agriultul.-, al ld at al,�out thi, to the riveir, rule, I a board. The fan" is ri of it, haul. it 5 tqiles of Sell 18� ar ilito VancQu chuxche-" NVAW11 I milel; tred wouh, Mikirte 'to 6ther' lands ip LiCh rates per- 4e aken upon the illtbor- and to get not the 11toll; ra rea h, aii& heave her Pc al The i�otlle )al lille 41 over'L ist learlj� to enrieb, furth.16 of Cli TESS 01). 1`11; ril f ohnson, Principal Dawj if, within N Ifo)us(l With the fiv. I s- of I golden ones. ity of Pr ave soil, while o becomes the representa School bounds tlie wheAt raLyl the country say they h. V in 4 ro bi of o i, oil the nortl h Factory Vvithiot It givell ii -a- , f eansi 0(,- r e, r y Farmers 'in I a not .4 Tron, Esq., untry. t there is nic re mmiuration to the U nit( rica- at Soil, See e honored of his -co mediatelT after harTest." F( P strikes the eastern doast f Aine raised wbea J off lihe same piec-- Of laild and tb ell �ra. THOTiP, the lia, or. apj)k� to St tes thal. to allada, but it is corrE rd of AakeultUre foi, - latter the sun)-lises, full orbed and resplendan or, Nova -ist "lay TRU-SIX-S null JOHN tile , 49th parall. about 200 Illil" t for 20 yea,$, and affi'.m. that the rue,: that tile nited States is I . I Scotia.,,; The acyriculmi pri3nises, or to Keaforth P. 0. poildingl� U i north of Qu ec aut 6ou th of L.ibrad were a better ield, than tbe first. to bis nlopidial.l. It is- noon ! Anol as t �e th al, C ii -ad a , -i I ference from the' above i UOPS ell va ter �reginn own oil this broad earth, he beholo it Ina o rse -i -des to draw i1is If atyricultu- 191 a Burl, adnits CO vestward reep rists, do11iroug of findi gazes, -ovin( 0 Uric Ituri.- u y f tile Doininion quoteo� lovei�r '0 1, A R an The Wbole o is m(., home for -the a PA , fS- AN09- older Settle also that th Ili the Pi ;e f Q11e. t t ARE' C7H tile home, wish. u bL tter soil than Ing, Ive no me of the 11111111crr", lar to OLD- 'What Sinji WILT, in of that _k BAV have'a In, ol slt* of with little ex ti there- bec tl ish Ili vain. The than Caua,da. ties. i11 Setaorth for it af raid tion than- our Own C t ley fila'y W Most eli, ble .11roper I Wheat hs ]lot been o wt, D (ter th y u e whei-t 31prising of 011talTrio. th of Val. iish I- othei ( - . of Va' couyer 14and and' Br pork liaekili�� ti than fore: within th growil. very e. ell for som6, 'time. soil. tll� the Sively with pleuty of iztore r( vilices, I ec, oil- Columbia &ya its capabilities are Fsa.401X Irotel. all the eas e In eThoroughbmd Stock. in two _kpply to ie nIlTub Sale Of ituol cellar. tL,have. tl er of ,'It 'has 4)eeii1 owim, Says Professor I 'eRf M CASff, S orth- lycome to Cana a aeIM' A., " to the iniolke, the described by .7L person wbo resid 'Vole Rind, Bru i th,,v.t katel w1an Valley, Bri sh CO3 - 11.4ii oine 'Mr. Rugh Thoniso1l, Of East Nissoul, I 1 1-1 o f the district for 8 yCial's vocrea h1g, t-w%vil e is fly, iN 'llileout c a very bad systei deserlptioa of lre increa v ar's Isiand. pl ces there is a deep -Vegeta�le locani, County df Middlesex, held a� sale f pio-USEAND LOT FOR SA . and Va l]0 ation, ie oullt�t-S, el.: vertheless, though tile a n our c bree whole &1tiv, a HollsO iiiereasim, Interest 11 cheal Ou 1­L`:1';O of tile 47 Uni;ed Stabes wily -t, XT �edl Rild no at- in others a rown toam. The unduhrilt- thorouL(f�ll)red'cattle oil the 25th tilt., 6t uotlexmita raes. I � I her-litnits.' To thoAe rely skinin ell a number of buyers were present FOR�q orio? stret-t, The� here than inSiLde land has been i e w ill this leion, a is well iKatered and W Uoxne-As Oil k�pb Oon- and Lot Viet ones are There in (I stirfac, hic lid the lo"t -one of the who iiake . hbme. olutside the X j, v�.z,, Ntalue, New toautiol, paid rotation oi crops. 14r. d, b and i fr;0111 all parts of the Prov red d- I LI 0, at shall be bo: i i these but S'"ll ()nc' wity'l 11 evi- woode tring. Pine, r ce be"t an builkh't l.*, horn6, th iththe is DOW, same autb( We breeder, ang j: 292 native ln, ot,togethe W ys he w e an(r is a noted ca V�, c IN T OS, H ffainlj�shirebi� dVerin' hite oak, cedar. maple, clieriry, Tholnion Car v that it is. lre( aining its-' Apply to J- itida affoki a �w dence to Isho ,vf A Y'S 0 iz. L L leasant and"pr Lfitable alyesof six others, besides' hazel and rosewoo All big herd is one of the best -iiii. the Trojq- p agIl L- northern h I a especially to the Y) Ili the year 1802 the with -the Tn lis(;onsin, M nnesota, former positiu 1. ince4 The 'Sesforth. IN HULEETT. jus -t Such a libill 1i All, V Of grain cali be produced i abundance. cattle sold, FARDI rO of tl e rkl,, �, 10,033 SC lilt trifle city of Quebey alone exported IJ pal -tt- 100 acres, 85 elvared; C,�ulturist. -Ut us colisidial Dacota and 1) ontala, and a e f Peari and a pies succeedia mirably, 6d of the purchasers, and the prices I Con. 7, Hull( 7 . ACCIti Ganac 111 00 bai rels o t *ud 28,3 TH irst- I eSSel"ItijklL Ual oils that Iddho an there bitshels....4 W.] T ced nar' as follo*8 it., gooa hitplwootl bu Of r d WAS T�il the vegeta les produ England 6(j) acres etc,,,* of Stul"11"'s I tiid in good osseSS(S 6helieu. Valley �lelded mte quality desirab [e 'A' her wheat grows flour, e yip-l(ltbei-eiiiost',Ll)ulltlante�t)ps.'-, 3ther D HEIVERS. o�r(.4. Will 1)e sold -sto lu�� ier6e wit are, -few exqeptiJi s w e CO -W ANI Well -IL ek Mad exctens� ve trade and co Jy, but l is is owlittr �Lreiierally 40 bushels pe acre, and though It (roes obol-ative of theforegqting ity be 10 all -with on- without vrOPs. Or ions, an' essen I I luxuriant at liy stitenients.b rr _i)nrted,, retained- at SEW14 mwfn th r' na t'all which of i th bows tb, ven, buz 9 ola to J. . Tbam�- to F19L CTI kPIXIAN7, On e peculi ;heso, places, 'lot Yiel(II, ell I L i to th r Pon ion illitrilt be I, ass Coust, lit Siv It ould �yiela ,I ae(, P. 0. to Secure -a t, -oper imana emb enou 'li has I -he'Pro- the premises, or addre 6ir temperatni e; )eing.9iteatly modified pi fertility. " X h K'00- 'ointed Solek gent In t th lw the soil's ,e Alot� of the acTrIculturist, rd : Nould the whole Province. said to WIlAby, for R300 be prodi etc It will be seen, large retuill V r ';_eWing )oa ciiinate of th� we soil, by pcei�nie current 9 u t i regard to ILI de* 4th," iniported, bundauce andyields,%bci retanied at $500. �111 portion of the, flay grows ii --O,t to machine general ill erehandisp- niitted'�i the FARM FOR SALE. ce to er h,).t but a sm. Ong per 1-io is have before stated that it, per �ty of Warwi li�the 4, Hoillett; 1401 The soil of Onta . I ck sold to S. W two t ncre. iTe Sold to M by me� OT CO1XCeAKioU Prom ever ,orner Of CAnada tha:is­ I$. within tile heat re-, heat 8007 111 t �Zf United St lowth of w -he OITA for$200. "Lil-N, L lettred. PlentY Of witte g rumc or 60 Rer" c tj e to be of the best qual- nomig )�al etdrit-dier gene;ra Y )f )f )f )f MAehina; Tho:JL. giop. )&1rope and Asia com- ican frontier.:. This. 11.6unds,, ZC for $1,10. and the uortn iminch of the 1111itli ra y pl'O(JUCiDg 111 tlie'pr ducts north ( A�p- faQ*1,tIeS exchangte of commodities citpabie. �4rd- 1 Mr. Glen. County of Hiirou, �Iiig t bush; 1100(.1 f6w countries ho; in the ityll brough the 16 ftGr(� I- paiatively'but c3l1 3h Province may alsoi therefore, be 111�111 Lan- wLvtf r comultv a iamo S�Wilfsou. G*rieh- proprieto 'The reat haa�loa aariculturist WU Snowball 2(1,?' so] d to' A. Dre-var, ply on the pr a �ie region. 01 Canaddare t�wong­ tof the Ger- fon ru t and other th&u the above r1ePre- 'ilost ijbn township, fo 1,in'luo� g 9, right to SEA tain, the ern P.O., cation to nialie ist. We Count), of Huron, for $110. RTIN, I sold to. the are as follow' It fitl iDg home for the agrieu#ur. ll or caul f ld far tT a Br., the st kinds of f ed 11S lave now - noticed th r $180. est, c thp, �nost I e t- matl ific: go fo r I to Mr. Gxlen, 1.).trtth r n par Or delic L; eSSen ti' l 4 1 L i. I , I VkapLi SO whine in the 0Quty oollsistipg of ahficatio6s th; render Can 0 h4r an Confedem ion, the ld.toMr. Glen, County of C e Rud- theL public ar by --tkes .01 whi ra boine f HOUSE -FOR �h the life'at ho I xiliry. "Tile 9AI�E- the celal Parts M. a u sre is ge r. chain of 1, t �en, It Sant, aye, 'Horor:,, rrw.y and �we tion da a plea' e S� AND LOT alr aady Spa' 1,1 ly'a deep s n� oil which the foun , 125 Duch Ss. Sol(! to ile� 11(ar I -,%i I W a YS boast, wlk t� I - id the northern part of where lie is Jpro- I* anee )f 0 3,000 1 1 House and L(it, on griculturist-a home SALE? R L of Sea- ni'les. 0 of Russia �g od 01. ct productions 1 5 1 Princess, So; to of 0 t FO'R the Market iu the r d :3' .1 -ritne I and A .1 1. Asia a part Siberia The a ' ual ili-. tected by 111aws lh;it suppress c f )r- shoftly we - ire 'of Ont ri stablish, the fact.of its fert forth, at prea Fritobe ; a id hi rolio I ' Marj`i1I_, $260. S, I the -e his Ichil- orth b\ 'd relmir, &-nd e-11te"PrIs Stop 1,,mpil,e. J..n Oe south- eillulate vittue ; a home wber Whitstone, I 36t aclqSS1 a All e U Oted Stmes commis- old to T. hoseis comniodiI1i.is'Ra4�11 go, L- iti6 th 1i * phere thiFIL ty Of 8 il. 'I I I 'tomarte," .9 to. have i il vay,ko eri emi region comprises of dren may vecerve;a-first-clms educat�loll Lract not sjoi -nay enjoy tile e,: iof, la 4. we do 1. 1 1 the , averag iere he 1 inthere is a stable:aud Oth I tlwl ILI of lag,.iculture, in his report Nissollri, $190, Crimson Tbwer g OtLl jy R Court of the ir Dotnlliiiou the A c vil a sm ier, with a ood 'Y� pil �bu LaDg, Dow lie, 11 grivps at ious; imported, Sold to W the Coirm e of the crops home wl 1-u I e ci j will not grow :1870, us and Secular instit and Lo�, on Ankles iletu: th shake hA IS I y that 'wheat caliatty or Nuron . i, I I al ip%ring sold to- T. R, al y coil litcr allol other I.Ift le- wn In fhat country, and by leges of religio There i�- bard flild 46ft w parts of ti e nati n wil re generalriterature- $350 SansPal - 6.9 eltlour will� t iregion, bb C that it" is-, (fro our liouie iu 4 1 Caligua $2 18 Illost reno whe, t, and. w he Both or S' with the statistie'.0f oil come as st, here ald. tb6a:0) ILI t it can thdse itaiii it houip, Act Of �kl)Ll�;Jy to D 0 ti its n at i ral Date, and h. is sprea& far and wide * $250. besold ich� tile y, says the Ca.nada lfi;trvaer t .1 iold to J. 11. Nlartin, Caugna. T ci'st nitl I fer- )I, Seitfarth . scheme W, not be ext euted to � attain much ferfec� OW the clinlat� is �Plearan and the soi Lisgr, sold to J. . Thomf oil will bd. in .3.ccruing �joll. 1� inay be asked we I the average yield o ch post Lady from ; Iil( appl- ro egg FARM FOI The v,,tQt ag-ibultual resour f- to raise at al A b tion outsio: e its re, I is tile in $I�ort, a hoineL whi I SALE. . . * * terfds north in the, ovk ry dr P Nve )r prosperity and b M, 4Z a lex qqisite f( ;1 i� r6gio how far t Z3 * - wealtib: of 0 great I boye ill t of the United States, either in I every re he 'following Lot 24 1� d i in a, Se !of uext, the �,.%der FOR 68 of hich, u amat. Nu t I -west, let t Ile thL kla-� a 6,1hn(ed ipaki g tl ie sa6ioa year or tile N�Icl say nothing_ the vast ('old Tuckersmith, will be teri' Ily e, I' r. answer thpquestion, coy 'Llioll. of Briti%h. Columbia. which 1 0 jand Duchess of Oxford, old to Icall 0 p ore $130. Ico�ntl re av ral -Downie,Chilef he, V496 of the said Couirt for �tkt`, Of cliltivation., I ,jorth­x f Allier Lye. T"m highest returns couie re, -tent 9, Zorra Uel-I'lled ;, � the 1 1. 114,or Boyr distance in are cleared aud iii a fir, 'red of, 4aid q all hRr4 ophiled t t ids in that nie 1. AdAiii, 0. he iterior of -tal t6 su h ad ek and the n. a frood s and w 11 ti WeAorn ZS ta tes, 1()%Pegt aboui L township,l for _y h(inse With k1tebu world. Besides her . ber 'Nj� Kenzie," f ro.'! he �thr ild to D. Drevar,'London there is & large brick r waN I i .. o�tinentas far as the I C ee, 181 IT he t 1) t Souther;n. The avergq yield as to be'regarded is one �,of t baiA-Lbiirn7ox4O.uitilki!ilOtlxc'-rl"c',e'�l". yo *P till ay .90. to tions, call cereals are isiuccessful- f 1-0 World. VAYTe 3, Lady Ja;ue's " Bull Calf, Sol ek raus coMMU, ca B a V� 8 1,o ch a, as.8 bushels', great gold regions of the 'ilig' "�" he in t gford' London,, &is(-), a go�,tt 11 9PI � 9 011( �r ce. �eorgi is give" 100. 11c,tr, the orco re P 600 L.," 7 of N of tahe i_-xhanstible bly Of Mr. Lan tt L the farno., liiisj�iiilg t convey ag pe ac, eys ad litpra t1tr ly icultivated �up w the California and froin I-) to "OthilIg P 1,0ad, three iulles frow -telil is dilcieb, I . I ortli lid ill the eauLM,ittian isKituated On, the 11111-dif" lit of the!'�bound, GRADES. er postal Sys 800 rpile iron thati is to be f ou ther pfvr� f` he a 15 in fAI Eastern States, while the coni- *eFdorth and five froin C .1-1,itou- 1,'or f ur r 9 0 nd, .e to %and frO 11 all'Pa "t fi niountains and other �,laej. tberh. e ticularti Rpply to the proprietor, can. wlisper out thoug its.1 to in f y United' States P 617 i0l� 0 range .0 Ditisy 1, sold to Su he ntrio, gives the vei Be bods f Unty OIL WC ti tish A 8ir John Richardson mlssi The hr 0 y . 1 0 1 . Id at 20 Beula, sold G. M. CRE-qN a Bri ; We say othiiig of the immen. rd' for $70. bushels for 1869. Bl.ansha forth P-�O- 1,11is! Go 0 AaXiitoba� that wil f, with te speei Ofdjgf,tIlin�­,acrdss. :s that L. illay be eon Yll: coal foul d in lLv Kel Sf Veit Ahil g Mr. Sutherland, Bbinshrd, work- ol wires that 60j, cts I boiniolary ons. We saY� gi � 4 & You'pg I -eir : F F ical cilit4,*e of wheat,'� nor is this i fol 0 ;t� per t Act ta northern 9 .1o.,e 11 sold to 1r. Sutherland, dered a. I AR'M: of the 87 1, sbos a still average a 0 for $61 1 � uld be I fuel for enera4 Strawber t important posts Of 0" G(utltryi e6oll0alical c1lit.9 rio. Tho above facts sh( 4 about the far- a OR SALE Ith 1041-t 01 eci Y, 11-ing L to 'the Canadian f lued cop I BlauBlia rd I rior. We Bay nothing about , Of over 5?000 IT ileg-� es ass4il n St: -Mary for vith it good eritire lew2th being ely 01, bhe� coast, buu in, the region lw,20, -0 60 kivre,_ Cleareot, e W $50. P 0 y 31 0 Sinki is- Fraitz- A.. ,MeYer'. alt goes fa t ia hc is disposed to find fault 'Soldt 'A. -R6bertso- f ther �Rsential M Ilich.- NICKenzi4 river; which lies over Ili t Ii 11 4r . , . I , 1 Ill to W. Sinki t Allo ofl tile A, 8 8 lirring orrhtrd, aud a Ing it'] The same author,- It the exte&ive beds of gypsuip discover - it re of the LAntell­ al d .,w Sir George w1hL 4 i in e I On 'h at liq 11" Icr agouri, for W,' house rood I d ialoncr'thla whole rang, alf sold to Ana' I da�ft` g 00 il hile .1. -y oil _�Iiat believe t A Nissouri, for. $26. th (ItL af uly next t 40 X lostit may be ty j u d rom gives the average e �hough we ilPO 6vs hil I � -. 1 L es 0: Says other Ilds of prod i� Ilaynab, Ea the udem '�`Rlt W�rks. t 0 nets as follo, be saidACN-� foA.LE,oir to i; Tbough ItS'�Talflroad 11 graine foi wid kindred resources, by 4giving �11 � e"e, and deer,�I,fish e X1 to the cre ; rye 18 th'se' For further wi I till Bed W, t, � 1! to tr, , merde, and thi-� l8th ble us li iria abiuldant'in the �sttme jaral- O�� ts,i an iuipe�us to trade -and com oil the Sems: lips 11 e'll 41 ay As far back al the ]a lian all T Ile Champioil Wrestlelrs, need the enive i hl i �arr by fUrni h 'i 32�� 22�- world, we. none, s Arctic ba rley ilia mater a, side grew over 24 final deposit of has ad GiV Oil 6e 1 31 'o- 000,000 bush t res ir, our own coantr Des uianufao will T SALE. - knowledge, religion Gi Hi Att-MA'Y8-Sd1'te1U' VARML FOR � � 0 cr ,overy say, nels Of -3 � - 'I VOY r na- t] �in the co - e fortheonlina into de benefit the farmer. A cOu- been ut up in tb . ........ Lot 7, elty w l6t, eby *e America', TP as far -is el: of1wheat, wlifie during tile same ye over materiall. d I h 6o 0[�taliio aud, Quebe betwe Thomas western co ast (I c exporte 1.11 ill of I ju ierce of science, and MO.-ality. Cook'a bAween the- aitudes of t of e past and present conditions tiona. wrestling ma en T T Xpe I roin Ktaitills, -,.y est C iticj� isli els of wheat. The port of I tras. 0anada, and J-DisheS a Cop and, t e Xvith boar of our i loved In view cNiahan, of Ne York 'ity. vhich we mal� I f d ft�nk�e iii, h-orkt;­. p (IM-itted I. th -,� b �,olo N the cert i�as and the 8, W: 000 bi DOM' ion fU �b anipion. of _,Dera.ly a stitut 6118're prie all( id chirping, T I iro�i e -ts aj, c 17Lr I iterary �aninlin i'ds are singing I heat. It from John M v -1n nally ex Putt housl� 10a," ima r Z5 - . . pol bove one� ilea 14 half on buhels of w pi 'raham final 8, a"- iug ()rehurd. The sth of ed 00 os� was chosen final 8, best sYstell's -,N7e,,Afoundland iii. 5 Nl, act tb e glorl6us f uture bf our Win. N S&L -E T Iat.tbere are conn -s from Orlu Of tile yLe r '18 16 1 hen fr in tries that 0(0 in ruilet� from �v X�-ter, aild I j luil( Lee t3q rl .11140 0 frost and' In ly e Sid t.h _Jotl�qo 4() Fuld tile - ilad6lphia i aere country,. i -It was in the history cf holder. The contest is for Road and 0. Schok)l I w --is fin ONvil to �Od -,e mo -0 bl,6hels of rain. per gold, and i farIll. C'oinuioli schoo co�-er tile grouti Clurch' t1wo-c-Umirte te DOW PLre- ry I SyAte, ol." Th�clirnateof P thewild Aborxgino�s trod" 8 to be decided at Troy, oa. ruile'fk the I Iiis_, Ciiada' iyhen EN S ei r u the absence of stal UIY- and the r h. and 25th of o our cowit n its soil, without the light of diviliza- betw Pan New, 1114111ire. MOWLDSI lilt :at�chewat;t district and Manito4a t i an'('auad tro W, S t Te StIal �s ducad anwhile it must b0 0 t 8 el to! place, HQmer ntile perfect I grait this. me fall' the the, ex-ebampio of 1 the tion, and 84-1 when. e ermi. Iwandered from place th.� in, the lit (At there is a time, ii t was York, afi \V, �dy, the champion� 'Xarl,vt, Seator ds tbis yste cold in rAne. ibere in. KennE seeking, JI ood like beasts of Prey. cted toWaT c ereals, and though i is pre� y when the agri- VIROINIA dire se residill" ista, �very conntrys 0 ts cldniored,! in the ',,of New Haven put Up aL forfeit .6 fe be t recrul rinto: thl'i"(1 E .3 id wild beas -eD'P anted it, 0 winter, yet is ell night, al \�y PAJ., to the aid by th6 U11"'S WiS to (,ILL -a -tiulo to w estl. hjut go and si 'Ontario.1"(118 4r;-) tile cold'is ilot felt to be very Cultid oductions of the'country re outh Can obtl0l) full froill, the I ou, o,L1 land. 6LA.Ireao y thei fellows, for the day gne(t i (111kality niwAr SC loo S, I�here that which its produce perl in the bloodof r 8 re I -)est two in th f 'good fair for (11 ()Or, ving to the d coil a othe soil, colla and elbow undersigned, Who have been iii1poilit-1 - iu schools and I xp-ein6. This is o�N hen session and while they de the ijust couim( r LtIcrease Th is period occurs w l. School al d , C, s. I the middle Of land" ill 1'outhc�rn here, fo we Tlw.ays aere;- ere he victi-lus 1 back falls, for $500 a Side and 'is rule h, 3,710 c()nlnro if the atmosp rtile I,octiol, (-if the South. Furtl-u Pal it�ion mp t Kby 0out 0 ouredj6ach other they w The whil 0, v a !1 inually cropping the x, ica; Ools" thel cold more * hen the air is. d men., It -was nigelit, and ploliship, of Ainer eel i Of 13till ildkar Z2 , weight chani 130 mdsch an on hthout re -lard to system, or deep W 'd agri 'q war aven, clear orth. d the wind raw th days, an is to take r)lace at it C()., Sol has 1,500 school!�, in iere ar a ton: tation of crops, or a -the bid, en treaures of mineral Ili ate h -e- Ow� ol Cha es, intensity o be gi Ltei. 01 . .- I r `,E; ide gab tb f fro wmant, . till go -me i., on August 10. 000. Be liat the soil re- -cultura, wealth lay dc I Con] Be Id r. wick L, te a"y eat kiic -,0edge -of w s�ould ren 'kehold FARX FOR SALE vin, r IN XdKILLOF ")now r f I s 0, Sidepth, op, der them li P was chosen final sta number - ar y 1�o produce good �return power e3li' i -Perr These ta'is- ires, in C 0 o rth ies it is ll UDCOMMOD roler i ter T, otl)q, far Sle- FOR it good Farin, Of thbprair of� lot 14, Con. 'throucriLloUt the Provinces. f ftr tti to feed ti �emselves on witliqu cr ties. It was night, and nature-.) rhi half of lot 15 IIU(,I- tl:l(-. NVJ.-St hiLlf - and in dr*'ning, buti,blindly i 1 1 nof t re gard Ito ai or _iViliZation ind the or a e 0 g f in� ed her longings f UK) :-J0 6 e till t-,� c ing and Lyrian e A farm well f o a POPU] at'O eRred Rild n, thin whole win- rop op Ing, till the most ol Dr. er of the township of PIYMP -al ass thro rb 11 out the fL 1v 4 00(),000, Thesm,,Scl pI rie gn .; i ell t of forest ias clothed in, Solitary last week I n ' 11 SSU A s tioe land have ton Julid 0 . Countv of Lainbton, Who �ieh I e of Ontar o and indeed t CCU '�'the first irht 'out no f ro 01inlat :xtjacted,��finds hi I c1l tent Tile Sol timbered witlt hardwood; tres o LUItion 1 1 It -was I t eternal. �ea f X een E e In] . I . ings light ppers play - hard; t-0 o gret 1 .1 on is sinularly., flickered in t' hibh f,61. ;he whole of the Domin glininie of tw, U lo.tr bara; good bmirii­ o retu 14 itoba, writes to a SaT d then comes the crisis. g owwn hill, . imiles, knowlpdge w el I apaper that the grassho and a litilf (rom for kiiowle(I f ialland mitable discover. ni r t systEims of inland crop.4 �ltll 1.0118 in, led ing leftl couIlitry's emper6d V our gre� parted i distaifcE when the indo, with the 0 t, f the soil, im sad havoc crraph;-F toll, the % i 4." -aforth The cl4aate of Que- he tra fertility o 'e he brea- Te ,,Lwm.il oc I re p, _IsWithill ilk lllilt.s� hi h .4, po'Wer..- The relig �akes and waters, and vegetable de- ers, Calwot, Cartier and Champl to the t of Oi.�Itiario though, o it !by the alluvial bolder Provinoe, and at the tii sehoolH alld sLtor,,s. Fo r vartic 11 lit rs 1.1 to t ia Join Prolwietol. oil t�oe preu, co . u ][I try re , not, a Ni hif ges, is exhausted, andp unless by the illustrious C, mbua, who .1 th devur every green thin I Ilk ortli in wi of ", au un enet if to e. *Spring bursts f er than his fellows, struck out inll� was hLarally N NT. t hurches and ctujV1. 0 tir .6-nd is adopted, the farm 9 the gud(T.P. le; owt:li , is rapid. pper 8 many place with 0 ir'gr A vecretation known and trackless mean; visited ovi r! 280N sollools keep pace be 6ty an 0 aid- for his care- while in amly hol- we, -�reat Vil Vefo a 'ply rep covered with them; ular t*e,, of Nova Scotia, New Bruns- shores and plantea tUe flag of future ch or drai�, One lie I e recen',a Be o Joi I r's rhe clim reed. The country has low place such as a dit e patroroav of.; the whi iowledge of a ick and Island being essne8s wiL By degeee the FARld FOR- SALE IN GREY.- the ki Pince , Edward P � system oi up in bushels. alve � _ �ec L w U t rotation, of prosperity on our could em also recoa eCL e :ty within he i uence 1ei to di %panded into scoop th UF �1' `I - t6 I C - 10T No. 12 aud part of Lot N in the 18th rhich is calcull t of the 'Mexican g ilf 1ei d ray of light e L love k-noWI n.. 0� 6ng and of thorough cul- first of 78 acre", 9 tone in - burt e equable thaii the rest of rti cial -nail', the' Mo al, stream is in( our. in, Tr"3 levate Qns Yriflem from ME�XTR T1 0 I Pply to sof IL IIThe political L 278 on - MY6 Los he premiscl A .4. GKV f T ipi.