The Huron Expositor, 1873-07-11, Page 8won txpoitor. DISTRICT IVIATTErs. IlgaIA RUBBER Nursing ekprons, black, lustre amt.:limey—I. R. Bibs, &c., just arrived at Hroxicon'a Drug Store. - A FLatE assortment of Goanell & Co.'s English Hair Brushes just in at Htessote's Drug ancleCrocke7 Store, 4 0 kTS, Corn and Chopped 'Corn for sale at STaioNti & FAIRLEY'S. Also, a splendid lot of . Smoked Karns and Side Meat for gale Cheap, wholesale or retail. 011ot-inner Sias, Base and Cricket 13alls, Bats, itc., at R. LLIII.sDEN'S, Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. THE" lealeGEST STOCK in Seaforth, of zted ars tr:KaPn°4141tintedy':aellrtedeirini.DellYB-eGfi:relragoiReadartagaelYmesieeviluhleereColleall: the various' brands are now offered. at BKATTy & CO.'s. The- very brightest Demerara %war, 10 pounds fer.al. Tea from 50 cents and upwards ing, and Boot and Shoe Departments will also be atal satisfy yourself of the great inducements of- fered at Carmichaeht Block, Main -Street, Seaforth. GrattuatraDve Slaws, producing bright, to wake up, or thefall rains will be an before they know where they are. A Gdon 110ast. Messrs. Calder Brothers, of the Seaforth Marble Works, sold a fine driving horse, to Mr. Hough- ton, a few days ago, for. the handsome sum of $225. . THE SEAFORTH kOUNDRY. —We are glad to learn that the Seaforth Foundry, which was recently set in ofieration by ,Messrs. Keret- Wilkie & Co., is already throng -ed with business, and the work turned out is giving the highest satisfac- tion. The business to be done at this foundry will very speedily necessitate largely increased facilities itnd extensive improvements. Besides being a great benefit to the village it is *an important convenience to the fanning community and to manufacturers. PERsotran.---The many friends of Rev. Mr, MeDiarinid, who has for some years bee,n pastor of Duff Church, McKillop, will regret to learnthat he has relin- quished his charge and intends shortly removing from this vicinity. Mr. Mc- Diarmid is a zealous earnest, and able minister, a devoutly Christian man, and a moat worthy citizen,. and his departure rich and durable colors, at R. laThISDEN'S, 'Corner DruStore, Seaforthwill create a vacancy not easily filled. g . . We have not learned where Mr. Mc- LOGAN ele JAMIESON'S elearinta sale of Remnants and Daraaged Goods until the first of August, when they commence stock taking. Bargains will be given, as they are determined to clear these goods out at any price. N. B.—Ar- rived to -doer -a fresh supply or Lybster Mill Denims, S "hirtings and Cotton Yarns. PeracroEs.—On Sa.tiirda.y last, Mr. Samuel Harris presented us with a bas- ket of very large and handsome new po- tatoes of the Queen Victoria variety. 4 NEw BELL. —Our neighbors of the vil- lage of Clinton have purchased, aid put . IT OR their handsome market buildffig, a large new bell, The cost—of the bell and. the n.ecessary fixtures for it amounts to about $1,000. • Attar/ten BUSINESS CHANGE. --- Mr. John Seatter has disposed. of his drug business to Mr. Roberts, of Stratford. The new proprietor has already taken possession. Mr, Seatter intends remov- ,ing to the County of Oxford. ORANGE CELEBRATTON.—The Orange- men of the Goderich, Hallett and Stan- ley,District will hold. their Twelfth of July celebration at Clirttort. Those of the northern townships of this County wril celebrate the day atBrussels. GRASSHOPPERS. — Grasshoppers. are this season very numerous DI many parts of this County. In some places they have done slight damage to the hay crop, and it is feared that after the hay is -harvest- ed, they may attack oats and other green erctps. , • , CLINTON APPEAJL.—nage Toms has not yet given his decision in the Clinton appeal case. Friday last, wasthe day appointed -on which the decision was to be given, but His Honor has been unable to thoroughly examine into the case in the time allotted. A • OUR Cour.—We notice by the report of the races held at Goderich on Domin- ion Day, that "Duster," a trotting colt, owned by Mr. Thomas Bell, of this vil- lage, distinguished himself by winnina the second trotting race, taking the first°, third and. fourth heats. FOR IMPORTED HORSE'S. -- Messrs. Charles Mason aild John Nott, of Tuck- ersinith,:: left Seaforth .on Wednesday last for. Scotland. Ihe object of these gentlemen's visit is to purchase entire horses. We may look for something particularly good on their return._,5 PRESBYTERY MEETING. --A meeting of the Huron Presbytery of the Canada Presbyterian Church, was held in this village on Tuesday last. The business before the Presbytery at this meeting. • being light, the proceedings Were brought to a close on Tuesday- night. A report will be found in another volume.. CRICKET.— Married vs: Single. A 1 match between the benedicts and bache- tors of Seaforth Cricket -Clab was tlayed on Saturday, 5th inat. The result was - an easy victory for the bachelors, by 115 runs. We are unable to find room for the score. We underttand our cricketers . go to Stratford on Saturday, 19th inst., to meet the players of that town. HAYING.—Farmers in this vicinity are now in the midst of their 114 harvest. Although the crop is by no means a good one, it is much better than was anticie pated some Weeks ago. The late rains have much improved the timothy,ancl added very considerably to the general yield. Taking the country in _general there will be fully three-fourths of an average crop. A GOOD JOB. —The ensightly hole on Main street, immediately in front of Mr. Kidits store, which has for nearly two years been an eye -sore to all passers by, and a nuisance to Mr. Kidd, has at length been filled up, and the box which' conveys the surface water to the sewer has been lengthened, so that hereafter there will be no cluck -pond on the side of the street after every shower of rain. SUMMER HOLIDAYS. —With this week the suram.er holidays of the Seaforth Pubhc School commence. During the present week the various department§ thave undergone a thorough examination by the teachers. In the senior depart- ments the examinations were conductedin writing. We are pleased to learn that the pupils in the several departments ae'- quitted themselves most creditably. • Masotac.—Mr. James II. Benson left for Montreal on Monday last to attend thektrand Masonic Lodge at present in sesaion in that city. Mr. Benson goes as the representative of Britannia Lnage. Judge Toms, J. T. Garrow, James Som- erville, of Lucknow, and several others from:the neighborhood of Goderich have also gene to Montreal to attend the Grand Lodge. We wish them all a jolly tinted which they will, no doubt, have. D um —On Wednesday Main street was again disagreeably dusty,' and had rain not come Thursday, by this time it would be unendurable. Some weeks ago a by-law was passed by the Council au- thorizing the watering of this street,.and the contract for the work has been let. How is it that the watering cart has never yet made its appearance, although the clond of dust rafted by every gust of. wind, or by a vehicle passing along is al - moat insufferable? We would recom- mend these having this matter in charge Diarmid's future field of labor is to , be, but wherever his lot -may be cask. he will long be held in, affectionate remem- brance by a large circle. of friends and _admirers here. —We learn that Mr. W. H. Lowe in- tends visiting New York shortly, to ob- tain artificial hands, after which he will take his departure for his home in Bri- tish Columbia. • ' .1. INTERNA.TIONAL SALT COMPANY.—A. company . has been formed finder the name of the International Salt Company, or the manufacture of salt on a. very large scale. The capital stock of the Company is placed at $100,000, 'nearly the whole of which has already been sub- scribed. by gentlemen in Seaforth, To- ronto _ and elsewhere. A Provisional Board of Directors has been formed, and the following gentlemen have been ap- pointed Provisional Officers : President, S. G. McCaughey, Seaforth; Secretary, A. Armitage, Seaforth; Managing Di- rector, M. P. Mayes, Seaforth. Ten per _cent. of the capital stock has 'been aid in, and the C`ompany have applied t the Dominion Parliament for a char r of incorporation. The Provisional Board have purchased 160 acres of land—the Wilson fann—on the banks of Lake Hu- ron at Goderich, and. intend sinking a well and erecting extenaive works. The boring of the well is to be proceeded with at once, and the works will be erect- ed forthwith. It is proposed to erect four large blockfi—all to be under one roof—and also to build wharves foe shipping purposes, The whole enter- prise is to be conducted on a most ex- tensive scale. There ,will be erected in connection with the works cottages for the workmen, also a cooperage establish- ment for the manufacture of barrels re- quired for the salt. The Merchants' Salt Company, of this village, is to be merged into the International Company. The new works will be constructed and worked under Mr. Hayes' patent, which has given such complete satisfaction and been used. with so -much profit in the works here and elsewhere. Of - the $100,060 stock - subscribed, $60,000 has been taken up in Seaforth. This speaks well for the enterprise of our moneyed men. We wish the new Company every - success in their mammoth enterprise. and regret that circumstances forbid their making Seaforth their principal basis of operations instead of -Goderich. We believe the works here will also be largely increased—probably doubled—in a short time, if sufficient shipping facili- ties can be secured. The Grand Trunk should wake up. If they would only d.evotetmore attention to developing the loc4I trade of the country; it would be of greater profit to them than the. present system. of expending all their energies in an endeaior to secure ihrough araffic and allowing local to await their con- Venieecet Local traffic must be remov- ed, and the Grand Trunk may find when it is too late, that it can be remorecl through other channels. • Tuckersmith. - FARM SOLD. — kr. Hugh, Craig, of Lambeth, 'County of Elgin, has recently sold his farm in Tuckersmith. The farm is Lot No. 10, Con 5, H. R. S. Mr. John _Rankle, who has been working the farm under lease for some year the the • •THE I—ITAION EXPOSITOR.• ing in mind' their crushing defeat on May 24th, at Wroxeter,- were afraid to face the MUSie without some outside assis- tance. The combined clubs scored 101 runs in two innings, and that Wroxeter did less is easily accounted for by the inexperience ot most of her batsmen, Brussels. [C. R. Coorein, Brussels, Agent for the EX- POSITOR Newspaper and dob Printing Office.] -1 THE ARBITRATION. —The award oi the arbitration between the Village of Brussels and the township of Morris, was signed. on Thursday, July 3. The vil- lage is to assume $2,375 of the $30,000 -bonus to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, and of the $10,000 to the Lon- don. Huron and Bruce Railway, it is to assume $250. The arbitrators appoint- ed to settle affairs between Brussels and Grey, are Mr. D. D. Hay, of Listowel, for Brussels ; Mr. Thomas McMichael, of Hullett, for Grey, and Mr. Gardiner, of Hibbert, as referee. The arbitratiou sit at Brussels on Tuesday, July 16. CituReir IMPROVEMENTS. —The mem- bers of the English Church held a special vestry meeting on Friday last, to take into consideration .the necessity of en- larging their church, it,being at, present much too small for the congregation in attendance. BUILDING OPERATION'S are geing on lively at present. During the last month quite a number of new buildings have been very nearly completed. TEE GLORIOUS TwEerrit.—Great prep- arations are being made for the ItCCOMo- dation of the Orangemen and their 'friends on the .12th. Already accomoda- tions for several thousands have been made. Accrioatia.—Mr. Wm. Brown, of the 4th Concession of Morris, had his arm broken on Tuesday evening, by a kick from a horse, Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of Huron held a rein - lar meeting- at Seaforth, on Tuesday, 8th hat. There was a large attendance of miiiisters and elders. Mr. Leask was appointed Moderator for the ensuing six months. The Commissioners to the Assembly gave a report of their atten- dance at the Supteme Court. It was agreed to change the time for holding the regular meeting usually held on the -second Tuesday of April. Hereafter, the said meeting is to be held on the second Tuesday of March. , The resignation of Mr. McDiannid, of his pastoral. charge, was accepted, and the pulpit of Duff's Church, McKillop, is to be' declared vacant on the 20th inst. Mr. Goldsmith was appointed Moderator of sesion ad interim. A Committee, consisting of Messrs. McLean, Ross and Young, was appointed_ to prescribe a course of • study for Mr. Thomson, stu- dent, who is to complete his last theolo- gical year under the supervision of the Presbytery;. Mewls. Gracey and Login were appointed to consider the financial returns of cengregations for the past year, and to repOtt at next meeting. Some time having been vent deliber- ating on the arrears of stipend due Mr. Graham by the congregation of Egmond- ville, when it was resolved to appoint -a Committee, consisting of Messrs. Me- Cuaig, Gracey, RoSO and Ferguson, min- isters, and Messrs. Strachan and Gardi- ner, elders, to take the whole matter into consideration, and take steps to re- move the arrears, Mr. McLean was appointed to dispense the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ab Ethel, and to take steps to ordain elders there. _ Mr. Leask was appeinted to moderate in a call at Dungannon, on the 21st inst„ and a special meeting of Presby- tery was appointed to be held at Dun- gannon, for the purpose of sustaining the cellar Mr. McCuaig gave a report on JETome Missions. In coenection with this report, the Presbytery resolved to make application to the Assembly's Home Mission Committee, for an increase of 50 cents per Sabbath to Bethany; said in- crease to date from the month of April. The evening seclerunt was chiefly de- voted to a, conference on Sabbath schools. Mr. Gracey, in a very excellent essay, introduced the subject It was resolved to devote the evening sedurent of next regular meeting to a conference on the same eubject Messrs. Ross and GTO am were appointed to draft a suitable minte anent Mr. MeDiarmid's resignation. Next meeting of Presbytery is to be held_ at Clinton, on the second Tuesday of October: " purchaser. 'fhe farm contains 100 Exeter. o 'which are c eaeed. The buildings consist of a log house, a good frame barn and shed. There is also an excellent well and good orchard. The property was sold for $4,400a acres,80 f 1 CONTRACT. — Mr. Cresswell, Reeve of TuCkersmith, advertises for tenders for the erection of a bridge over the river near Mr. David Campbell's. Intending applicants- Woulcl do well to refer to the advertisement in this issue. RAILWAY Ba -Law.. ---A petition,. sign - .ed by 50 ratepayers, has been - presented to the Reeve of Tuckersniith, asking him to submit a sectional by-law, granting a bonus of $10,000 to aid in. the construc- tion of the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. The sectionincludes the whole township, except the 400- acres corning in the village of Eamondville. 0 -4.-e • SAD ACCIDENT. —We regret to learn that on Friday last, 4th inst., while Mrs. Hanuali Cluff, of the 2d concession of McKillop, was carrying a. pot from the stove to the door she fell on the floor and fractured her thigh bone near the joint. Sheattempted to rise and go to the door to call for assistance, but tumbled oyer again, as the broken hm.b bent complete- ly uner her; When surgical aid was procured it was found that the ,neck of theaight thigh bone was brokep The iractitre was properly attended to, and we are happy to learn that the old lady. who is known and. justly esteemed by many of our readers, has recovered from the irritation an(l fever consequent on so serious an accident, but, with the best of treatment, it will be two months before a union of the bones "can be expected. Wroxeter. CRICKET.—A cricket match was pl'ay- ed at Winghain on the 5th inst., between the Wroxeter club en the one side, and the combined ' Winahant and Lneknow clubs on the other, resulting in A victory for the latter by 25 runs. The Wroxet- er club had scarcely* the assurance ta suppose they could beat the best men out of two clubs, either pf which ehould have been more than a match for them ; but we presume the Winghamites, bear. DOMINION DAY was 'well observedtand thoroughly enjoyed by what 'might be termed a multitude of about 2,000 per- sons, who assembled at a place known as the 'Grand Bend; situated about 14 miles southwest of Exeter, and bordering on the lake. The crowd gathered together at rather an early hour, 9 o'clock A. M., just in -time to witness the grand Cali thumpian procession, which was composed of quite a number a athletic youths, Apparently in possession of prominent and ,irregular featares, and. dressed in strange and vaned costume; some, representing the dark and geniai sons of Africa, who, by their stranee speech and still stranger actions, caused r not a little merriment among the young- er portion of the spectators; others rep- resenting the red man of the hirest, with his long black hair and ornamental feathers, assuming the attitudes and giving the load and piercing whoop of the Indiau warrior. All these afforded a pastime till the other parts of the day's amusement Were introduced. Shine thee was occupied in walking along the beach and in wandering through th bush, . which, by the way, is one of great beauty, really a charming place for pic- nics. Being somewhat exhausted by the exercise, parties at down in groups to partake of the, good things provided, which had. the effect of making them of a considerable am.ount of raspberry wine. Toward evening a very heavy rain came on and nearly all had the benefit of it while. on their way home. SALES. —Mr. George Charlesworth, of Exeter, had a sale of his household. furni- ture on Saturday, 5th inst. He left on the 7th inst.'bound for Illinois.—Mr. Edred. Drew had an extensive sale of furniture on the 7th and 8th inst. The furniture was good, and was sold cheap. Mr. Drew is giving .up business, on account of ill health. The New,. Catholic Church at Zurich. On Sunday, the 6th inst., the Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, Bishop of London, of- ficiated at Zurich at the re -opening of the new Catholic church, a very hand- some and commodious brick. building, - got lip by Rev. Faiher Murphy for the accomodation of the Catholicsof the village and neighborhood. Services commenced at 11 o'clock A. M. High Mass was sung by Rev. Father r3rennan and the Seaforth choir, led by Miss Mc- Donald, a lady of remarkable musical talent. consideried by competent judges to be one of tlit; beat sacred musical per- formers in the Dominion. The scene, like all other Catholic ceremonies, was grand. A flood of rich light from the gorgeous summer sun poured through the pointed windows, and filled the whole temple while successive peals of the richest melod.y from so many sweet voices, harmonizing with the instru- ment, " swelled the note of praise," and produced in the mind the most re- fined and pleasing associations. Lordship addressed the congregation briefly, congratulating them on their Christian zealin erecting a nice and com- modious building for the worship of God. His Lordship -dwelt at considerable length upon the marks and signs of the Catholic Church— one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Its dogmas, its doc- trines, its practices and ceremonies, gov- erned by laws as imbiutable as those which regulate the heavenly bodies, unchangeable either by time or place. Whether in the catacombs of ancient Rome or in the feudal pomp of the mid- dle ages, whether in the dome of St. Peter's or in the log shanty in the back woods of Canada, — its practices and cerenionies are the same—grand, sub- lime and refined. 110/y—became it was founded by jesus Christ; in its wisdom andpurityand nobleness of character, and in the number of its children who have been eminent for holiness in all ages. Catho/ic—because it has subsisted in every age, and is a Church not for the Jew, nor for the Greek, nor the Ro- man, but for the whole human race, black and white, bond and tiee ; is to last to the end of time and will be spread over all nations. Apostolie—z because founded by Christ and his Apostle, and governed by them and their lawful suc- cessors, from St. Peter down to the pres- ent time. One of the priests present ad- dressed the congregation for a consider- able time in German. At 2 o'clock, his Lordship proceeded. from Zurich, accom- panied by,a, great number of people, con- sisting of French, Irish, Scotch, German and Dutch, to lay the corner stone of another 'New church which Rev. Father Murphy has ijust commenced in the French settlement, on the Sauble line, near Drysdale's.After the ceremony and a long sermon. being pteached in French by one of the priests, his Lord- ship pronounced the benediction and the astembly retired, AN OBSERVER. Kippen. PIC -NIC AND PRESENTATION. —A num- ber of the friends Of Rev. R. Hobbs, W. M. minister of Kippen circuit, assembl- ed, on the 2d inst., at his late residence, Mr. 'W. Elanson's, for the purpose of spending a few hours in social converse- tiont,and the presentation of a farewell sou- venirlo their esteemed. pastor. A table was prepared in the orchard, under the overhanging boughs of the apple trees. The party, numbering about 140, sat down to partake of the excellent things which had been so kindly prepared and presented by the ladies, from various parts of the circuit. The repast being over, it was deemed proper, on account of approaching ram, to resort to the barn, which was prepared. for the occa- sion, where, having assembled, an ad. - dress was read to Mr. Hobbs, by Mr. Livingston; a presentation of a purse, containing over $44, accoinfanied the address. A moat affecting reply was re- turned by the reverend _gentleman, ex- pressive of the most profound sorrow in having so soon to part from a people to whom he had become so strongly attach- ed. Then followed a number of enter- taining speeches and addresses, by sev- eral gentlemen present, interspersed oc- casionally by music ol no ordinary merit, until about 7 o'clock, when the assem- bly dispersed, withTleasing recollections of their highly esteemed departing friend. Stanley', COUNCIL MerriNo.--The Council met, pursuant to adjournment, at Mr. King's hotel, Bayfield, on Monday, 7th inst. All the members present the Reeve in the ehair. The minutes of lad meeting were read and nppi oved. The followina 0 is a correct return of the votes taken on the by-law to grant a bonus of $10,000 to the London, Huron and Bruce Rail- way Company, which wae sfibnaitted to the rat4payers on the 24th of June last and the same was carried by a majority of 39 votes : Fcir Against Varna Electoral Division ... . . 180 19 Goshen Electoral Eivision 6 128 186 147 3Iajority for... .... 89 Moved by George Anderson, seconded by_George castle, that the by-law now read, milting a bonus of $10,000 to as- sist in building the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, be finally adopted. and passed — Carried. Moved by George Castle, seconded by Dr. Woods, that better satisfied, more cheerful and great- when debentures are bein rinted tor ly renewing their strength. The after- noon was occupied in horse racing, jumping, boat riding, dancing and sports of nearly every description. Tents were very numerous and well patronized,. In them were 'sold refreshments, both solid and liquid—especially liquid—the effects cf the latter being apparent, and result- ing m a number of genuine free fights. - the sight of which might call to the mind of many a blyth and sturdy son of Erin, the refreshing seasons and happy days spent in Donnibrook Fair. and might make) him rejoice over the fact that these ever memorable scenes were now being acted over again in this fair land ,of his adoption. When on the way home a slight accident occurred. One party was trying to pass another, and in so doing he smashed to pieces the wheel of his neighbor' e carriage, and ceased the lo s the railway loan of $10,000, efause 6 and 7 in the by-law be printed on the back of each debenture — Carried. Moved by Thomas Keys, seconded by Dr. Woods, that if the Reeve cannot make -arrange- ments with the representatives of the late Duncan Mcgwen, for a road allow- ancetl f 1 rods wide, this Council will assume said road allowance, and settle the matter by arbitration, as provided for in the Mu- nicipal Act—Carried. Moved by George Castle, seconded by Dr. Woods that the sum of $15 be granted for building and repairing bridges on. 13annennan,s n side road, to be spent under the direc- tios of George Castle and Dr. Woods— Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods, second- ed by George Castle, that the Clerk be ordered to examine the Treasurer's books for all payments'made by this munici- at le rear o ot 15 Con 4, two - ^ - - Imlay on account of our indebtedness to the Municipal Loan Fund, and to make Out a statement of them with dates of payments when practicable -- Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods, seconded by George Castle, that A. -M. Ross, Esq., be required to see to the state of our ac - emits with the Municipal Loan Fund; and when doing so, to ascertain what sum or sums of Clergy Reserve money have been witheld from this township on the plea of non-payment of the Loan Fund, and that this Council do furnish to Mr. Ross all available information on this head—Carried. Moved le,y George Anderson, ", seconded by Thomas Keys, that this Council do now adjourn -to Meet again at Morgan's hotel, Bayfield, on the second Monday in August, at 2 o'clock P. M —Carried. . WILLIAM PLUNKETT, Clerk. Kinburn. 13ENEen Pic-Nic.—A benefit pic-nic will be held in Mr. Schoales' grove, near Kinburn, on Tuesday, 29th inst. The, proceeds will be devoted. to the benefit of Robert Crittingtoe, a young man who has been sick for a long time past, and unable to wMir. The Comrnittee in charge are exerting themselves to make the affair pass off successfully. JOSEPH RODGERS & SON'S, Sheffield, celebrated Razors and Strops, Pocket Knives, Scissors, &c., at HICKSON'S Drag Store. FEEDING BOTTLES, Brea,st Pumps, Pat- ent Syringes, Violet -Powder, and all such goods at HrogsoN's Drug Store. WINCHAM LAND SALE, Thasubscribers will offer for sale at W 1•T PI A , The Junction of the Wellington, Grey. and Bruce and London; Huron and Brno° Railways, on FRIDAY, JULY 25, At 1 o'clock P. M., 50 VILLAGE AND PARK LOTS, Beautifully situated on the rise of ground a short distance east of Josephine Street, and on what is known as Leet. & McKay's Surrey, and part of thein butting on the WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE RAIL- WAY STATION GROUNDS. For private residences or for xnamtfactories this is undoubtedly superior to anything in the County, inandthneow the ordy really eligible property for sale VILLAGE. OF WINGHAM For the purposes aforesaid. Also, the store (m- oulded by T. G. JACKSON, and 17 linsinesa lots ow Josephine Street, north of said Store, and Dwelling House and Blacksmith Shop, the said property being in the centre of the bnamese part of the town, and known as GRAHAM'S PRO- PREReadT. Y. Also, two COTTAGES on the Bketale TERMS.—Thirty dollars on each lot to be paid on day of sale, half of the balance on the lst of October next, and the remainder in one year from the day of sale, with interest at 8 per cent. on all sums unpaid after the day of sale. Cash purchas- ers liberally dealt with. Venders reserve one bid. Further partienlars made known on day of sale. The increase of population in Wingltam for the last six Months has far exceeded that of any Town or "Village in Ontario, and its prospects are seconcl to no village in Canada. Fifty buildings have been put in course of completion within the last three months, and more than. that munber are now in centeznplation. LEET & NEELANDS, J. GRAHAM„.. Proprietors. G. C. CUNNINGHAM. ) J. MOFFAT, Auctioneer. Wingham, junet20, 1873. 291-3 PUMPS AND CISTERNS, J. R. WILLIAMS, SEAFORTH, Is now bettor prepared than ever before to fur- nish a superior article of PUMPS OR CISTERNS - POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND LIFT PUMP, Also, the Common Log and Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS AND CHEESE FACTORY TANKS Made„ of any size, to order. These are how ao ktowledged to be the cleanest, best and cheapest it use. I have also made arrangemente for DIGGING WELLS and Water Supplies in general, by which my can offer better inducements to parties wanting Wells than any me in the business. From eny many years' experience and my in- creased facilities, I am ccinfident of giving satis- faction to ail who may favor me with their orders. All Work. Warranted. Call at the Factory, NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, And enunine for yourselves. As I require money with which to carry on nay Wainer:8,1 have to state that all overdue Notes and Accounts not settled innuediately will be handed to Mr. J. S. Porter for collection. J. R. WILLIAMS. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. IGNED, returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opporttuntv of stating that he has secured the servicee of 31r. ADAM GRAY, Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Nor.elty Works Pluming, Sash and Door Factory. • CARPENTERS 'AND FARMERS Will find it to their advantage to call, as they can get any thing in the Wood Line done on the short- est notsi,ctesHED8doits: FRAMES, MOLDINGS, On hand and got up to ordea Alirnited number of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND ROLLERS, Wagon Racks and Gates on hand. TO CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. As 1 have cominenced the manufacture of Cheese BOXES and SETTERS/ Parties can be enpplied on the shortest notice and on reasoneble terms. Boxes guaranteed to give satisfaction. Awaiting orders for different sizes. trollN M. MARTIN, 285 Novelty Works, Sesiortb. DR. RING, Seaforth, (late of Carronbrook,) Coroner for the County of Perth. OM— Main-at. Residence—Commeneiel Hotel. Calls at DR. KING'S °dice will be attended to day or night. 287 4 - fruis 11, 1873 TO THE PUBLIC, JAMES WILSON SOLD OFT,s A ND on retiring from business takes this oppor. et -1s tunity of thanking his numerous onsthniers and friends for the liberal support extended to him, and hopes the same liberal patronage taay extend to his successor, W. H. OLIVER, Who you are all well acqualet,et1 with, and 00 who I believe -will do his best to suit the wants of the public in his line, and he intends keeping & FIRST-CLASS STOOK And selling at as low -prices as possible. a Gila 'hien a call before buying elsewhere. Further, he can make anything in his Hee from a Scotch Collar to a fine harriess, and that is something to parties who are buying, and mere than ene in fifty in the trade can do. For such _reasons 1 would recommend the public to pee. chase from the man that can make any thing in his line, for then he knows it is done right. JAMES WILSON, 2924 Saddler. SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. THE undersigned desires to state that he hee -L. purchased from:Mr. FRANK PALTRIDGE Photographing business, which he will hereafter conduct. PICTURES OF ALL KINDS Taken in the latest and best styles of the Art. Having had long experience in the business, the the subscriber has no hesitation an guaranteeing entire satisfaction, and trusts to receive a -con- tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed on his predecessor. ALL THE OLD NEC- ATIVES ON HAND. ClIARLES MOORE; Seaforth, Suly, 1878. 292 TENDERS WANTED. 'TENDERS will he received by the undersigned, Je on 'behalf of the Council of the Tewnship of -Tucketeraith, until 2 o'clock P. M. on WEDNES- DAY, the 16th of July, for the erection of a bridge over the south branch of the hayfield River, on the Srd Concession, near Mr. David Campbell's. Plans and specifications can be seen at Mr. David Sproat's. On the above day the tendett will be opened, and the contract awarded on the ground ;where the bridge is to be built- but the lowest or any tender need not necessaAly be accepted, unless otherwise satisfactory. 292 ir a E. CRESSWELL, Reeve. ,BEUTANNIA LODGE, A. and A. M., No. 170,0. B. C. Regular meeting next Monday evening, Inly 14, at 7:30 sharp. 292-1 A. TTACLY, Secretary. ‘011001.11111111misloweeemeeseesseseeneeasee /4113ffili 'MAK. WAWA: NO. :21)3. ; tat (tiOtarU itn4 Ur. 11 FARMFOR8ME, sATAD, Lot D3, Con 4, Meltillop.rontain- ing 100 notes, 70 -of wind' ere 'cleared and in a oinee ef cultivation, balexce w441 thneered hardwood, hone 2 -story brie* house; frame -• corn. 50036; a new deiving-honse 34%43 ,good bear- ; nig orchard ; well watered; 24 miles north efSea- forth, and within half a toile of the oseavel road. For farther perticulars apply to the proprietor on " the premiees. A ALEXANDER SMITH. 4 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. " T comfortable Ce/TTAGE, at preseut -occra teed by Mr. Frank Palle -14e ; if not sold by the 24th inst., Can be leased by a, Enid; family. Apply on the premises any day between 2 aud 5 r. V18r PALTllIDGE.: HOUSE AND PARK LOT FOR sicf,r.. it SALE. It very handsome private itaidence on North. Main street, Seam -tin i. short dis- taupe outeide of the colporatioli a i1h sidewalk tesaing from the premiseb ; the house, is a. large frame, but in the 1011u of an L; veity tome:testi- mot and tonvenient ; main building, 12x22 ; the wing, 20x22; a good stable„ idled, well, -&e:.; the liellSe le nearly new, only built 2 rear , there is zeal -0 areas in the lot, and about 11 acres of beautiful maple and other hardwood trees grow- ing in the rear enl of the ast. For terms and either perticulare, ,apply to the proprietor on the premises. PHILIP SPARLINO; North Minn street. B.—Myself and son having purchased L 4 T. Smith's Say Mill, Brussels, this nroperty must be sold.. Fire per cent. off for cash at BELFRY Se. MAY'S, SADDLERS, SEAFOI1TH. Shop opposite the Mansion Hotel. We have row on hand an assortment ef good Ilarneas, Saddles, Trunks and Valises, Brushes, Curry Combs, and. all description of Whips kept . constantly on hand. - Repelling done at moderate rates.' Frank Miller's. Prepared Hante$S, Oil kept son- stantly on hand at BELFRY & MAY'S, Saddlerse 288. ` Main -Street, Seaforth. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE A S I have been appointed Sole Agent in the Pro- -4-3- vines of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- chine, uone have s right to sell the said machine except those appointed by me. In the Conroy of Mimi the following are the only authorized Agents for the Florence Machine :ThOs Conuors, U. P. Whiffen, and Lawrence Murphy, Seat)* ; Wiuiam MeGaw, Clinton; L. S. Willson, Goderich. Any person or -persons other than the above repro. senting that they have a right to sell, or can fun nish the Florence Machine in the Comity of Hu- ron, are impoeters, and the public are hereby warned to beware of them. 0. C. WILLSON, General Agent for Ontario, 290 Seaforth. Canada, 1 Provinee of Ontario, ri In the County Court of the County of Huron. ) County of Huron. InsolventAct of 1809... In the matter of Annie A. Erwin, an In- solvent. On the twenty-eighth day of jilly next -the ander. signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. , Dated at Seaforth, this 18th day of June, 1878. .ANNIE A. ERWIN, By BENSON & MRYE11, Her Attorneys ail 289-4 Canada, • 1 Province of Ontario In the County Court of the County of Huron. County of Huron. Insolvent Act tat 18694 In the matter of Franz A. Meyer, an In- solvent. On the twenty-eighth day of July next the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the- said Court for a diseharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth, this Mith day Ofeirtne,1873. FRANZ A. MEYER. By BENS01•1 et MEYER, 2894 , His Attornessadlitera. BUTTER TUBS FOR SALE AT TROTT'S COOPER SHOP, Near the Market, Seaforth. Theee Tubs are of good quality .and Warinnted. Bone -Dry, Cylinder -Sawed WHITE ASH STAVES, rOr Butter Tubs, for Sale. SAMUEL 71:OTT, 286 Seaforth. School of Telegraphy, HAMILTON, ONT. Under the patronage of the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COT SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO oFFE.B. SEND FOR CIRCULAR,. 13-291 UM, 0111S, Box SOS. ".M3 FARM AIW CHEESE FACTORY FOR SALE. rriEE Stihscriber offers that eligibly situated and J. -will cultivated farm, Lot 31, Con. 3, Tucker- ! smith, H. E. S., conteiniug 102 acres, fur There are on the premises 2 bares, a large driving shea wean good tratue house, tligood wells of 'a a. ter, young orchurd of 150 trees,Ont beginning to bear. A school, thurth and chefse fectou clnee to the fermi. Also, the West laid Cheese Factory and two acres -of land. This factory is the eldeet established in the County, and the best situated for obtaining patrons in Ontario. Tile premi-ies _consist of a nauking house, 28 x 40, two stories- . ilia hoose, lib x 40w , to stotiea, ima littel up with steani engine, vats, presbes, &-te, of the latest improved patterns. Them le an abeindence of good. water, and the factory is in perfect naming • order. The factory is eubjept to a lease'whith will be sold -with the faetory, or without. For prie:e a -ma further particulars, apply at this office, or on the premises to 2934 W. 0. FOWLER. FARX FOR &AIX IN TUVICELSEUTIEE. VOR SALE, Lot 25, Con. 2, H 11. S., containiew 100 sores more or lees, 86.ef which are cleared, free frOra stumps and in a first-ell'iss state of culti- Nation ; the balance in good hardwood timbered land, also, a never -failing sining creek risin2 on the farm; log buildings; good fences. 170 Aids of which _is board. The fana is within 5 miles of Sea - forth, 6 el Clinton; 2 Chumbes within 1 mile School House within 4 ro-b of the farm; Chte. Factory within 14- miles. PossesFion given ine. mediately :dun. harvest. FOr further particulars apply to THOMAS and -JOHN THORP, on the premises, or to S'eaforth . 0. 292-tPlin A RARE CHANCE. WILL BE SOLD—A BARGAIN, one of the 11 most eligible properties in Seaforth for a Pork Packing Establishment or other enterprise, with plenty of store room, good dwelling, stable and cellar. Posseietion in two months. Apply to 292 EDWARD CASH, Seaforth. t HOUSE AND LOT FOR .SALE. VOR SALE, cheap, on reasonable terms, 4 Rouse 'I-7 and Lot on -Vittoria 1-,1reet, Seafihtli. The house is; a small frame one, *Int tin, lot one of the - best and most eonvenient building tote in town. Apply to A. J.. MeINTOSIL 292 2 FARM FOR SALE IN IIULLETT. OT 12, Con. 7, Hollett; 100 titres:, 85 eleinati; -1-4 the rest in good herd -wood laud el firbt- rateonality„ 60 acres clear of stumps and in good . -cultivation; well waterc.d; willbe sold—stock end all—with or 'without crops, or otherwise as new be agreed upon. Apply to EMANr EL CHAPMAN.. on the premises, or address Constance P. O. 291+ - -FARIVI FOR SALE. -.A9OT No. 5, Concession 4, Itullett ; 140 acres, more or less, 80 acres eleared. Plenty ef water, and the nortn brantli of the Maitland River run- ning through the 18 litre bush; good fences. A1- 0 11 the premises to the prop tor 290IA3IES MARTIN, or address Constitute P. IX HOUSES AND LOTS FOR S. 141011 SALE, a Thick Rouse and Lot, on James Street, facing the 3liiiitet, in the village a Sea. 'forth, at present ,oc copied by Mr. George Ewiug- Vile house is zoinmodious and in good repair, and abnedsoLidcot,hoeila:mAieis:ytrto e,et, neer the School Rouse. is There hard and soft wider and other necessary eenvenientes on the premises, Both or either will 29048 SAMI-EL KENNEDY. Seaforth. FARM FOR SAUE. POR -SALE, Lot 24, let Conceesion, 11. 11. Se Tiickereanith, c onteining 100 etre'-, 8 of wilielt ere Cleared. and in a Orst-class state of cultivation. The timber land it; ell hardwood, Ana uncalled; Mere is a large brick house with kitchen; agoofF bank barn 90x 40, tendon other netessaryoutIsu Inge; also, & good orchard.; a spring creek Tune through the farm, peeeing near thteimildings; is situated on the Iluron ltead„ tirte.. miles from Reaforth and five from Clinton. For further par- tleulars alMly to the proprietor, ce, M. CHESNEY., 289 Sea:forth P. 0,_ FARM FOR SALE Iroi__e Township of Hnilett, beieg eolith pert let 20, 70 acres, SO acres -cleared., with a go bearing orchard, and a nelaft.-failing ; acres ol haolwood bush; house 32 x 22, frame frame barn 30 x 50; a driving -house 40 x .it, 1 »Pea imonl from Stapleton Salt Work lor further particulars applv 10 IL HALE, or ROBERT BEACOM, en the irendses. — — FARM FOR SALE. Bares, being Lot 7. Con. 2, Toe " ship of Ray; 80 acres -cleared, fre from strinape, balance hardwood We., _fenced, with boara ance 111 front g• ood houee, ljarun»41 out-builaiugs, aod nevezefai jug 'Pring and erchartl. The fana is within ts from Exeter, anti 14 miles from ttat Gine etoad and Ray P, 0, School House 40 rode, an eby ateh three-tannatere Of a mile Rom the fas -taftilif-e Ituinorr mowLps, duk Pr asines - AlcY Pialritti wishing; to ...migrate to t Sonth can ebtein inn information. from 11 )1u4emi.gried, who harie been appointed agents the rale el lambs in Sontheru Vire-iota, the 33) fertile pOrtirm of the South. Further partico APOlt or address _ E. HICKSt)N & Ct).. PARK FOR Slat IN KtICILLOP. R SALE, a good Fat -in. eomposed of No e, __half of lot 15 and the weet half of lot 14. C„.9 eontaining 100 aeree, re) eleanal ell t fenced, and in good vnItirstion; babitice bered with hardwood; a good flame ho 411111 new log bleu ; good bearing orchard ; t !Ines andri .half from it good graete road ; 10 mi iront the village of %%forth ; ti,t-fe are two '4(1 •I sawmilIe evithio elt miles ; emnanient t, elle/alai Sehoob$ rola store*, For particulars apply to eprietor on the premises, or, if by letter, • "IntitteP P. O. . 2804,4 JAMES MeDONAL PARK FOR SALE IN GREY. 59L7 Neo,:s1.2cgiani:1143.mtret,3-o.,:f t1,0;:t8iNetchLig114.13178the I Cane - wiswval rioad.nnal2inniTZRaf rt'oullutizZat flijoitti;1?.1 AtaitipePy Alit.4US MoMILLAN, on the prenu