The Huron Expositor, 1873-07-11, Page 3COQ tt THLN ZV n. a. TO SES • ELT IES. L .RN . is cOmplete Ire the leading styles, in. 'CHs pits ASD VESTINCS# THING he shortest notion. TS t F�ILa*l T7l E».. Work is all made on the ears welt. ADE ClvIM. E -vs A.'tD OYs% E LOT OF - AND cP AT J AN'S FULL LUCE OF UURNISHI'., ID LARGE STOCK_OF AND. SHOES CHEAP r' . t errf .Lou' -P i€eco. Fy IerehantS t LOT of 3DES--CHEAP AND SEE THE. - GASB Ly 1 , R73. ;- GAIETIES. Dieinteres ed Attachment. I met a little maiden, Iter age was barely ten; Ber spirit was not laden With deep distrust of men j asked her would she be say mate_ ,$'hegracioudeclined Because she hadof dolls so great A family to mind. I met a widow, later, And sought her for my bride ; Her family was greaten Than hers, who erst denied, She answered Yes." I married her; The brats all have their follies, For which I pay. I should prefer My ten -year-old, and dollies.—Yam —An Iowa farmer.is the unhappy possessor of a pig with two eyes and three. mouths. He doesn't like • t9 kill it, and in the meantime he is eating' hire out of house and -bathe. .- �_A, small child being asked by her Sunday school teacher, " What did the Israelites do'after they cross- ed the Red Sea," answered, I dont7 know ma'am, 'but I guess they dried themselves." # ^A lady called on a witty. friend, and finding the piano dusty wrote upon it, " SYiattern." The next day they riot, and the lady said, . " I called on you yesterday." " Yes; I saw your card on the piano." —A Memphis jury, having con- victed a turn of moi der, now finds that the supposed murdered man is living; - The question is, Whether the verdict shall Jae rescinded, or the matt'allowed to murder his vic tiara. -Au old lady in a town of Worz tester county lately Refused .the gift of a load of wood from`' a tree struck by lightning, through fear that some of the " fluid " plight remain` in the wood; and cause disaster to her kit- chen stove. --A` Jury once returned into few days. The first was given by court r n order that one of their mini- :adranie de Notiilt'i and was well ter Right be ifistr•uctt d on the fol- attended by the financial world. low g point of law : s if 1 believe 'Tile papular form of low bodice wast that The evidence is- one way, and sq" ire, but I must protest against the other eleven believe different, its height, or rather want of height, does that justify any other juryman as the back is scarcely deeper than in knocking me ,down with a the breadth cif a email hand ; the chair I>? sleeves are merely epaulettes, and -A Vermont boy is in luck. The the narrowest possible, scarcely the school -teacher was just going to lir eadth of two fingers. s. The form cr baste" him when the lightning of the epaulette is also "square, and =trick the house, and in his excite- to plump, well rounded arms is also meat the teacher forgot all about becoming ; but this abeenee of back the mended thrashing.and sleeves is much to be deplored. la BITER BITTEN.—I saw, slays A fan -shaped piece of l=ice tacked a reporter, a dog bite a roan in the inside the bodice, and a•uffle inside leg ut the market. The man laugh- the rdeeve, would f advisable, as ed and the dog bit, and it was a nothing is 'Imre, unseemly in a ls+dy queer sight to hook at, for the harder than want 0f modesty ; and too low the dog brit the louder the man dresses, and too short sleeves. are de= laughed, until the dog fainted away cidedty immodest." front exhaustion. It was the best - sell on: a dog that I have met with in :this section. The roan lied a cork leg and the dog left his teeth sticlting in it. - - Rhonid-rt Ile the stiiength. - of. -the- Company, the greater the' profits, 'and the less onerous its necessary fixed charges. In -the `'•course of its lengthy existence the Company have not only paid handsome dividends,: but aecumtilated a. large reserve fund. In fact, the. - Trust and Loan Company is one of the goocl •things of Canada, and one of the soundest - Companies in London, and - it is difficult to say which -side of the -At- lantic it has operated more beneficial- ly; whether the Canadians have --"ben- efited more than the shareholders, or the shareholders more than the Canadians, but of this therecan be no doubt, that it has benefited both,' and in ne small degree.-Herapath's Journal. A Map's Wife's Opinion of her .Iusband's Family. Paul Oarioll,, a citizen of our county, who is thought to be in the last stage of consumption, and who nas heretofore been very wicked, sent for a couple of ministers the other day to administer spiritual consolation in view of immediate death. The ministers - came, and were just in the•act of engaging in prayer, when -Carroll's wife remark- ed with much emphasis—"that it was all a pack of foolery. All the balance of the Carrolls that had died had -gone to hell, and she `saw no use in dividing the family."— Central Kentucky News. Low Dresses and High Fashion. The correspondent of the Queen writes—" Low dresses are again worn, decorated profusely with nst- ural flowers, which harmonize with their etyle well. - I have been pres- ent at several soirees during the past Beer. - 31 Ger-mansil-i the United States and 'those Americans whu affect a fanciness for lager r>eet, don't drink it as it is drank in Germany. They Size of the Human Head. The Devoe Scienalique prints a very interesting lectaare delivered by Dr. Broca, at a late sitting of- the Anthropological Society of Paris. The learned physiologist stated that in 1861 he had had l.is attention called to subject—of the' influence 'of educa tion on the development of the human -head, and that, being surgeon prisoner was found= guilty, and the jury being, discharged, one of them was heard to say, "Only I threaten- ed to lick him, .he'd never agree." rush into a restaurant and gulp . at Pioetre at the time, he had tneasc- downitwo or three glasses and move - ured the Beads of the medical stn- on. - Here a .Ger•mait (sever thinks dents at that testa bt(slim ent. About of fila shitig his glass of 'seer in less 1836, Parchappe had effected the than -ten minutes, and to drink it rneasurernent of the heads of ten without . eating something at the same/time, even if it is roily a crust of biwn bread. In feat, a German in theiFatherlaad is constitutionally opposed to doing anything in a_ hur- ry, asail especially to thinking beer with ." rapid speed " The conse- queue is that we do not see men, here math great huge pawinches, as at horn:, .capable of swallowing a keg of be-ia,fter supper. They seldon, treat one another, but sitAowrn to the tables, and although they drink to- gether,+each man pays for what he consumes, whether it be beer or food. This of itself is a great pre- ventative of excess, aas, if half a dozen cart a dozen were to sit down to drink, as with us, each mast treat in turn, .and thus six or a dezen glasses .be guzzled, whether they want it or not. If our tel iperanee friends eould institute what is call- ed the u Dutch treat". into our sa- loons, each man paying alis sown reckoning it would be a long step toArat'd reform in drinking to exeess. In short, hi -ter in Germany'li.s a part of each litrcti's food. - He takes it as -a sustenance, and nctas a stirnnb t. —Letter friArR, Vienna to th,e Balti- more Arnericx: rc, - Trust and Loan Company of Canada. - The decidedand long -continued success - which has attended the Operatiuns of this Company may be traced to two circumstances, first, that such a coi1Cf`n Was much need" ,ed in Canada, and secondly, that its bt sinefl.s has been prudently and Rey managed. ,Established in- the 3rear 1Sa1 the Company may be considered old, but so far from being weakened by age it has gained strength, year after year, as is - so Well.dlescribcd by the Chairman in his speech at the meeting. Indeed, the business of the Company .has so steadily and considerably grown that it has ile,eonle necessary to enlarge the capital, a measure upon which We roust congratulate the proprie- tors, for the -iuore capital that- is employed the greater workmen, and- as many wren . of drs- tingttisla.ed learning, and found those of the latter to be much more vo- luminous than the others, and especi- ally distinguishable by a great de- velopment', _of the frontal region. These maul ts were the buti •e remark- able because of the author's known antipathy to Gall's systern. of phren- ology ; hart Dr. Broca. thought them. iusufiicieut-, inasmuch as they did not exactly show whether the dif- ference was owing to cancation or merely : to nattiral intellectual :su- periority. His measures tang es- pecillly taken with this view, his ultimate conclusion is that the cul-• ovation of the mind exercises a special influence on rule development of the brain, and that this action particularly tends to increase the volume of the frontal lobes, which are considered to be the seat of the high- er intellectual igh-er-intellectual f.ic'llties.` This view is corroborated by a very curious re• -.suit he obtains front a comparison'of P.archappe's nieasuse of his learned mead w.th those of the unlearned ; in the .ase of the former the frontal development was considerable, while in the case of the latter it was the pos- terior. part of the brain that had grown more than the anterior. od li and blinding St�idla}* ally of J. Iscariot. The t Mr. Iscan•iot may have toocl 1>~vthepeopleof thepe- pe - me Scribe probably placed - poor Judas found that he the money down to the m Female Seminary, and , with . _ t candidatel�at the nett •ss A lady with'a poodle dog enter- ed a smoking cat on a western train; the conductor endeavorin..to per= suade her to go into another' car, but she refused, saving .her presence would deter the occupants from smoking. A gentleman, however, took out a cigar, and lit it, when she wrenched it from his mouth, exclaim- ing : " If there is anything i do bate it is tobacco:, smoke." The passengers who had -witnessed the affair, were convulsed with laughter, but the of - feud ing f-feuding smoker suppressed whatever emotions -may have been struggling - in words or action, and _maintained throughout imperturbable gravity. Catml v r Mng from his seat, he open- ed thewindownearest hire, fastening it up, then reaching over the. seat hack, took that woman's poodle dog and threw him oat of the window as far as possible, at the saute time ad- ding, "If there is anything I do hate, it's a poodle dog :" M ern' Isoariotism. As a ras school scholar We may have spoken experience of :the lash six months shows tha been a ge,itle4man who was ranch misunders riod. Su the thirty pieces of silver where he thought, tlieywotilcl do the most good,, and when had bought into a lawsuit (the Hon. P. Pilate, chief justice,) be �veut and hung himself. That was where he made a mistake. HE ought to have sent Capernau then appealed d to the generous con- fidence of a constituency whose feelings and.interest every throb of his heart beat in unison. The editor of thy! Galilean, 7'elegra�m would have made a very nice thing of that, and 't}1R Hon. J. Iscariot would 'have been one of the most prominen election.—Columbus (0.) Journal. Mutual Antipathies. An Irish Jury. A new way of obtaining a ver- dict has been discovered at Bailin- akill - (Queen's County, Ireland) Quarter Sessions. Ellen Moore was indicted for having stolen ' shawl. -Evidence sustaining the charge haying been given, his Wor- ship charged the jury, who retired. After a considerable lapse of time, one ,of the jurors came out of the room and was leaving the Court. Nis Worship observed the man, and directed the Deputy Clerk of the Peace to ask if he was a juror. 3 uror—Yes, sir. Deputy Clerk of the Peace—Where are you going 1 The Juror --Ah, begot, I wouldn't stay there ; they're all boxin' and fightin' inside. The juror was then ordered back to the room. and a constable placed at the door, The SCOTCII FRUGALITY AND PROSPER. ITi.—Cott was '.thoroughly ac- quaitltedwith this class in bis owii age and conntr:', 'and the protests which he ascribes to the miser in a` 01( Mortality," that a dip candle was rood enough to see to die by, scarcely caricatured the frugal prac- tices ,which have made Scotsmen prosperous throughout the world.—• &S'crtrrardy Review. - ' • , Gardner 1 KERR, WILKIE & CO. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they have leased tihe Seaforth Foundry for a team of years, aua are uuw propair$i to manufacture all kinds of Castings, S&aw Cutters, Sawing Machines, Plows, and other Farming Imple nerfts. Wo are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. Tho undersigned have :aid long experience iu the Fonndry businsss, and are peepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their work. 287 KERR, WILK.IE & c0. FACTS WORTH DOTING. TURNIP SEED Of the following varieties, fresh from the old established and reliable firm of 3. A. BRUCE & CO., Hamilton, can be had from us at Catalogue Prices, vii.: Carter's, Skirving s,• Hall's Westbury or Sharpe's, (all Swedes) for 25 cents per pound. Tho celebrated Gray Stone (for late sowing), 30 cents per pound. - - Also, note the fact that we sell JAS. P. KENDALL & CO.'S BEST FLQUR AND FEED, At Mil Prices, and deliver theta in any of the three villages free of charge and ?romptly. GROCERIES. Our Tons, Sugars, Tobaccoes, Spices, Currants, Raisins, &c., &c., speak for themselves. One trial will convince you that we keep the boat in the market. - PROVISIONS. Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Onions, &e., always on hand. Also, Green Groceries of all kinds their season. Cabbage) Cauliflower and Tomato Plants, fresh twice a week. A few barrels of . LAND PLASTER during Still on hand. Call and get some before it is all gone. Last shipment of the season. Any of our customers wishing Bone Dust ,Snpoiphoephate, or seeds of any kind which we have not in stock, by leaving your orders with us will be supplied at Hamilton prices free of freight. The above axe facts. Call and be convinced. STRONG & FAIRLEY. SIGN" GARDNER SEWING- MACHINE' I s a Strong, EASY RUNNING MACHINE, WELL ,ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, t AND Light Manufacturing -Work.! At the Fairs held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very severe teats by the BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes ill 1872. Its simplielty of construction, strength and ,inr:tbility recommend' it to all classes. It has a complete ret of attachments, and does all kindeof work. • INSTI'al?CTIONS INCALL THE ATTACHMENTS GIV:.N FREE OF CHARGE. 1.2000.000' ACRES. CHEAP FARMS. The 'cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAiLAlOAD COMPANY On the Great, Platte Valley. 3,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska, Now,for sale in tracts of 40 acres and upward, on rivE AN39 CEN-YE'ARS' Cly}:DIT AT 6 PER CENT. No advance itterest require4 - .Mild wad healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- dance of good water. '1'lHE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST ! The great mining regiona of Wyoniiug, Colorado, Utah,.. and Nevada being supplied by . farmers in_ the Platte Vattfley- Soldiers entitled to a homoiiteed of 160 acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERSONS OF FOREIGN BATH Are entitled to the - BENE'IT OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW On declaring their intention to become citizens of the United States, and may avail themselves of thio prove -Edon immediately after their arrival. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! .Milhous of acres of choice Government Lands open for entry nnder the Hoanestead Law, near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the cenveuieuces of au old settled country. - Free paeses to purchasers of Railroad Land. - Sectionnal Maps, showing; the Land, also new edition of descriptive pamphlet with new maps mailed fee everywhere. --Address 0. F. DAVIS. Land Cormnis,ioner U. P. R. R:. 282-18 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Beware art JOHNSON BROW'., Seaforth. SEAFORTH CARRIACE WORKS. 269 ,Se?cin;; IllaehIne ' Company, Ilam'ilton, Ont. PETER- GRASSIE; SEAFORTH, - Agent for the County of Huron. For ,the A. Haying and Harvest of . 187U. r;s .( '•rt �1 � The Subscribers offer their unrivalled - CAYUG A. CI] IEF JR. MOWER, ANT) JOHNSTON SELFE AKING SINGLE 'REAPER, A -w guarantee tee them superior iu every respeet to any Combined Machines in use. Among their chief advantages over Combined Machiues we would nruntion the following : 1st. They are cheaper, because a peeper and Mower costing :3,210 will outwear two Combined Ma- ehinee costing over $8(X), and with not one-quarter the cost of repairs. o d. The are lighter draught; awry light teem can work either Mower or Reaper all day with ease. u y The pitmans working freely, and never cramping, as is always the case with culubiued Machiuea-on uneven surfaeos. 8rd. They do better work, beesese" each is sp. cielly adapted to its own class of work, is always ready for ittt-work without changes, and both machined, by their tilting levers, will ent closer than any other machine. This is a great advautege, e:.pecielly in mowing, as an inch at the bottom is worth three at the top this ye=a=r. We have no space to enumerate the firth r ;i 1otut.ages of these machines, but offer a trial of either or both in all kinds of grass (r ;;nein, and v, ill agree to cat the woret lodged'gress or grain, going the same way it is lodged, which its other Mower. • r Reaper can :lo. We offer to Such as insist upon trying co•nbiued machines our OHIO UO\] BIN EU MACHINE WITH JOHNSTON SELF RAKE, _ And guarantee it equal to the bent of its class. All our work guaranteed. Address ' THOMSON It WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. THE SEASON CHANGED. WILLIAM. . GRASSIE Has sold alt his Sleighs and Gutters, and is now busy making up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Baggies and Wagons left over from. l.st year, which will be sold ebeep. Any perren wanting •a substantial Wagon or handsolue Braggy should call at ouce and !alike ar- raugenments, as a large number of orders are now _in, mad those who wait too long will probably not be able to get their orders tilled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. WILLIAIk G R ASSIE, Goderieh street, Seaforth. SEAFORTH AND HURON,. MARBLE WORKS. M. L. MESSET & SON, (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their numerous friends an: the general publtic that they are prepared to till all orders for r. Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, &c. Granite, Monuments imported to Order. Work of the best style and Tart, and cannot be surpassed in thispart of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, 3LkIN•SREET, lEAFORTH. HESSET. H. WESSET. J LONG INES. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, Has just received two mere estses of those celebrated LONCfNE WATCHES, 0 c 2 rarat� . r -r0 M CDr c > r r4:1) Oc c• 0 gr� I 2 z -11 m w 0 m -0 Manufaciured by THOS. EUSSELL & SON expressly for him. As a proof of the e:; eelient quality of these -Watches, Mr. COUNTER has sold four cases within six months, and each one lois given entire satisfaction. --_- A - -- _ _ LAST OF LETTERS ALLAN LINE T T, N t'ALLED for at the Seaforth Post Office on E. `✓ .fury 1, 118. Anderson, 11 Line, James Clark, William Murphy, Rosey Critchel, Win Mahon, William TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO Connell, James Mustard, H. Corehrane, John Moffat, James W. Carter, Jane McKaine, Duncan . Crerer, J. S. MIcKay,Miss Gilley Easton, George McMitlan, L. Ellis, Miss Fanny 31oLeod, William Garity, Michael Nellin, Thomas Gofton, Jane Nelson, Mr. Hogan, Y. Rippon, John Hess, George - Roward, R. Kyle, Thomas Smith, George Livingston, W. T. Steward, David Lawsouu, Thomas - Seott, Edward Lynch, Mat Tran, John J. Leifer, John W iltso - 2131 S. DICKSON, P. M LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. PRE -PAID CERTIFICATES. . Issued to parties wishing to bring out their friends. Parties having friends wishing to immigrate ahonld purchase these certificates and send them to the intending immigrants, as passage this way is cheaper than by buying tickets iu the old country. Apply to A. STF.AITON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway. Tickets to Fort Garry by Tail and boat, and to all other principal points. 287-15 2 r 0 ti 0 0 txrG H y rn671 0 fr 00 tH txi >m+ 0 1n v 1 0 1':1 0•Z est —11 2 rn GoD of) z z z lab REMOVED. REIIOVEP M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Maim -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand -a srrporior stock of .Fa.rni ture of every description CALL A'D SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased lir. Thomas Bell'eellEARSE I ala prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. CotHna, All Sizes, Rept cnnatently on hard. BACON AND HAMS. - FOR BALE, by the undersigned, at Kippen, in Dirge or small lots, for cash, about ten tone of first-class Bacon and Smoked Hams. Apply to JAMES at GEORGE PETTY, 2864 Kippen P. O. :SHROUDS SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER,. Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of SI-IROTTD S Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. - 205 LUMBER ! LUMBER ! VICTORIA _ STEAM SAW MILL. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM : Have now got their new Steam Saw Mill, on the Northern Gravel Road, six miles north of Sea - forth, running at full blast, and :are prepared to furnish - Lumber of All Kinds, AND , BUILDING MATERIAL Of every description, embracing a quantity of _HARD WOOD, Such as Maple, Reek Elm, Birch, Basswood, Oak and Ella. A stock Of FENCING- AND DRAIN LUMBER Kept constantly on hand, Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, ii required. Lumber of any description can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in length. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM. r, TO DAIRYMEN. - MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. WHIWE Y Would state to Dairymen that she has commenced. to manufacture - Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them AS CHL''AP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stoves and Tinware on hand as usual. GOAL OIL for sale Wholesale and Retail. Repairing and Eave Troughing promptly attend. ed to. MRS. WRITNEY, Main -street, Seaforth.