HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-04, Page 5•••• saA have to boon all we weft clesee Soinetitne; valley ; sornetin, range of niouu ;tlework perhaps - times 'we are vi of some mountsiu gine far ahead of tot ce through the rpekti eater the *tided - or. Sometimes- the 300 feet and tolile. xmla 04 the side of a: wa.lied in here sum Nicks will hang over, link they would fafl. dace where we have _ miles from Truckee. N.Ve left °eau .8 o'clock. The ears of the lake for four it is a sioaA place, elL We are nowt ill :rt—there is nothiug and salt ; no trees, .e last 1,400 miles I ld of vain, nor any es. Truckee is not No produce is raised rAthin,-, growing hut os. .1 here. are some. -...tu. the west of the iered with snow all 11: 'sits of. Orttario. ea,f the Ontario salt tively small, and, the district may be aunties of Huron awl Gibson, B. A., in t, 7an Journal of Science 'me intarestins facts "...gad wells, eight of iitly examined; The sunk 1,245 feet, ad „ The position of the north eastern margin.. hoe, and the geologi- alt was passed with - ace of its occurrence. 41 reached the depth Goderich company's rock at exactly 1,000; ice. From this -depth ramping, a satrtrated. :tree quantities of salt tala.ctured. The salt es-,• iminectiately at the „,ga formation, and is t by the pregence of ,7psiferous magnieum eueral rule above the ninion well was sunk lie brine pumped u >7 ialinometer, wi Fah. Hawley woll„ a Clinton well 1,136 'itapleton well, 1,220. of great purity are )e mentioned that the quantitiesof gypsum 1 state naturally a• abaft by w-lxich not- 5ek salt be obtained, nea apsuro and salt trposes. The drilling & Geninlock's well, to be unprecedented; i absence of Mishaps.' uteneed on the 10th of the salt bearing stra- it the eve of the t'aid., a, at a depth of 1m5 ig through 100 feet of haat the least evidence wing was abandoned. tion of the American .7.e been suell a deposit ently great. The sup - illimitable, and may with the production Droitwieh, in central that of the salt hills of **el. 7...2g DOM ors. rails class of the coin- Aing docters. Clever scoandrels„ with sue- Ication to. enable them y upon all the -secret nl.s, of the human sys- ; regard for God or fear the country as moral ens, settles in a city or de, with a wonderful Nay. He has any ateand the la.uclatory d from newspapers in Ri have been cursed by aises having been fur and paid_ for as adver. ?re likely. promised. to '1.1ribes the newspapers aeh he comes by long .41 certificates for which a-, and perhaps pays m th worms himself into tividuals and families, rag 'blackmails most un- Ee can care anything and ke must have a heavy but mfr.:rho, from dis- c, immediate and perrna- nly upon condition of est ltmount the quaok tan raise. This fee is 4.! relief is a myth. The ctenses, gets into a cer- 'ctabiIit3r, and is admit - a medical relations with re frequently followed f the female be wealthy, a a subsequent scientific h wretches deserve the th wore than the high - far, and if there were a - institution, they should • nruly passions upon it, 'z them Ort the fattest of 'do not know the circum, laine murder, but Sus - paragraph dated '2-ttlai May, that Dr. ; had some of the elan - travelling doctor : eelin., in this vicinity is 1-s -rel. of Miss Mink, the yf talk being that Dr. L- death upon himself, LA, the girl, but has fol - rears ; he installed an - his housekeeper, but the one he had. wrong - ken wild and reckless, isrepeated -warnings from been found. dead, 111 :t12` his victim." ,kthe proper remedy, but 'Iss to rid the country of ,f traveling and advertis•- • • ;:t game of base bali was the tir:-.;t and second ;11-ross- Guage base bill' -ii Dominion Day. First nd aline 5 outs each in- ats was to commence at morning being wet, it we it started. The game 1873. was closed with eight innings each side, fa order to give the players a chance to participate irt the other athletic sports of tlie day. Mr. Wm. Manson, ef Wrox. eter, acted as umpire, and discharged his duty with credit to himself and to the sktisfactfon of all concerned. After the game was all returned to Gilmore's kotel, where they didlustice to an ex- cellent dinner'which was awaiting th.m. At the close, the score stood, first nine, )1 se-iond nine, 64, Hay. OAMP MEETING.—The people In the c,erman settlements in the township of . jlay have been engaged for some time in canip meeting, which has, we are in- formed, been largely attended, particu- larly on Sunday last. as large numbers from Exeter, Stephenand other neigh• boring townships were in attendance. The services were condacted in the Ger- man language, and it is said. mach good has been accomplished, especially among the young people. • Ste Disalldwaaice of the Oaths Act. • The whole thing is transparent. When Sir John. A. Macdonald said on the day of adjourunient that the members of the Ifouse need not attend in August; las the meeting would only be a formal one;at IvIlich no business requiring their "prels- once woull be done, the remark had a MeAning that none outside the ring at thesIime understood. He well knew that with the aid of his friends then in. Eng- land. lie could. get the Bri.tish Govern - mot to act on his advice in Canadian matters, so long as no English Money was involved. Lord Dufferin, under- standing the n attire of the charges against the Government, and realizing the force of the public demand for an investigation, would not withold his assent from the aok as Sir John tried to induce him to de by expressing ,doubts of its legality, but the Colonial Office proved. more _liable. The disallowance of the act puts an end. to the duties of the Com- mittee of Inquiry. Without the power to swear -witnesses the Committee can do nothin,g. The Government have 0 last succeeded. in preventing an inquiry into the charges on which we may now, with- out any injustice, pronounce them guilty. —Hatifax Citizen. some the other. 'Pastures liwire depre- ciated considerably under the influence of the hot, dry Weather of the past week, but a good soaking ram would st,a, them_ up again. The market to -day O. Little Falls open- ed. exceedingly dull for -factories.f.: 'Buy- ers claini that prices sliould, be lower than last week.by at least Ac. - The delivery in farm dairies amounted to about 900 boxes, and. sales were made' at 10c: ' to 11 c for poor to fair, and from 11e. to 14e. for good to extrkand fancy.' In factories, the offerings are large, aggregatingit is estimated, from 8,000 to 10,000 boxes. We are obliged to leave. the market before the close of sales, and at 5 o'clock P. M. only a few factories hat% changed hands. The fol- lowing are among those sold : Brackett & Fee -ter at 12ge. South Congil at 12:16. ; Newport 13c, Several fancy factories have been offered. at 13ic., and are ask- ing Inc., butthe prospect now is that 131c, will be the top price. The weather' continues dry, and most discouraging reports come in from vari- ous parts of the State as to the light grass crop. • AUCTION SALES. Mondayand Tuesday, July 7 and 8, at Exeter, Real Ettate, Horses, Wagons, &c., also $5,000 worth of Furniture. Edrecl Drew, proprietor, A. Bishop, auctioneer. — BIRTHS. • REDMAN. —In Seaforth, on June 29, the • wife of Mr. James Redman, of a daugh- ter. STKPIIENSON.—In Hullett, on June 23. the wife of Mr. George Stephenson, of a daughter. SQITIER,In Goclerich, on June 23, Mrs•. W. R. Squier, of a son. • MARRIAGES. ORAHAM — WRIGHT. — In Toronto, on J. MOFFAT, Auctioneer. • WINCHAM LAND SALE. The subscribers will offer for sale at W 11\T G 1\./1 The Junction of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce and London, Huron and Bruce Railvrays, on • FRIDAY JULY 25 At 1 o'cleek P. M., 50 _VILLAGE AO PARK LOTS, . • Beautifully situated on the rise of ground a short distance east of Joiephine Street, and on what known as Leet & McKay's Survey, and part of them butting‘on the -BUSINESS OPENING. STOJ and Dwelling to let in I•tewbridge, County Gf Huron, surroinded by a finc3 farming coun- try, where a businese of $6,000 per annum can be donee Rent Moderate. Innuediate possession, 290-4 CHARLES T. DOYLE, ,Clinton, Ontario.- M1 OATS AND PORN. AFEW CARS of FannedWestern OATS for Sale. • p. R. JARVIS, Produce and Commission Merchant, 290-3 • Ontario St., Stratford. ESTRAY HEIFER AND SHEEP. bite the promises of the undersigned, \--1 Lot No. 4, Coneession 3, Hibbert, on or, about the month of Otitober last, a, two-year old Heifer, and a Ewe with a lamb. The owner of the above animals is requested to claim them immediately, and pay all expenses, otherwise they will be sod for expenses of keeping. 29004 • I DOMINICK WATERS. - TURNING LATHE FOR SALE. port SALE, a self-acting Iron Turning Lathe, -•1- with all the latest hnprovements. Also, a number of tools connected therewith. Can be seen at any tine at, Airs. mATicom,s, Market Square, Seaforth. • • 290-4 - BOYS WANTED. X,TANTED, irnmediatelY, at the Hnron Carriage. Werke, SeafOrth, three good boys, to learn the Carriage Making business. Front the country preferred. • 290 J. lticINTOSH. WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE RAIL-. • WAY STATION GROUNDS. • For private residences or for manufactories this - Is undoubtedly superior to anything in. the County, and. now the only really eligible property for sale in the . VILLAGE OF WINGHAM For the purposes aforesaid. Also, the .store oc- cupied by T. G. JACKSON, and 17 busiuess lots on Josephine Street, north of • said Store, and' Dwelling House- and Blacksruith Shop, ..the said property being in the centre of the business part of the town, and known as GRAWkIWS PRO- PERTY. Also, two COTTAGES pu the Bluevale Road. TERMS.—Thirty dollars on, each lot to be paid on day of sale, half of the balande. on the lst of • October next, and the remainder in one year from the day of sale, -with interest at 8 per cent. on all sums unpaid after the day of sale. Cash purch.as- ers liberally dealt with. Venders reserve one bid. Farther partieulars made 'known on day of sale. The increase of population in Winghtun for the hist six mouths has far exceeded that of any Totem • BLACKSMITH WANTED. AATANTED, immediately, by 'W. T. HUNTER, " Brussels, a journeyman Blacksmith. To a good workman and steady Matt good wages and constant employment will be given. 290*1 ALLAN LINE. ' . TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW.. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. IVOTTCE is hereby given that the partnership -A-1 hitherto existing between the imdersigued, under the name and firm of MCINTOSH & MOB BISON, carriage builders, in the village of Sea - forth, has this day been dissolved by inatual con- • sent. All parties indebted. to the late firm will Pay the same to A_LEXANDER J. McINTOSH, who will also discharge all liabilities incurred by the • said firm, and in whose name the business will hereafter be carria on. aTni1X.ANDER J. McINTOSH, MATHEW C. MORRISON. Dated at Seaforth, this 23rd day of June, 1873. NOTICE. connection. with Ithe above, the undersigned detires to state that the business heretofore car- ried on by McIntosh & Morrison will hereafter be carried on by himself in all its branches. As neither expense nor labor will be saved in order to afford every satisfaction to its patrons, he hopes to have a continuance of the liberal patronage be- stowed, upon the late firm since they commenced business in Seaforth. 290 • ALEX. J. McIISTOSH. or Village in Ontario, and its prospects are second -to no village in Canada. Fifty buildings have been put in course of completion within the last three months, and more than that number are now in centemplation. • LEET & NEELANDS, ) 3. GRAHAM, • - Proprietors.' G. C. CUNNINGHAM. ) • • ,fune 25, by Rev. Alka. Topp, D D., Wiugham, June 20;1873. , . -William. Graham, M. D., Brussels, to Jennie, -,..youngest daughter of Mr. School of Telegraphy Alex. Wright, Californm. 3 29173 . DEATHS. HAMILTON ONT. • ROWAN.—On June 19, at his own resi- under the patronage of the deuce, Stony Wand, Kincardine town- • ship, Mr. James. Rowan, aged 78 ye,ars GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO'Y. • and 3. months. • IIMMIIIIIMMINNO.1100111e SPECLkL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER. THE MARKETS. PRE -PAID CE,RTIFICATES. Issued- to partioi wishing to bring out their friends. Parties having friend's- wishing. to iinmigrate. should purchase these certificates and send theta' -to the intending immigrants, as passage this way is eheaper ti.10,11 by buying tickets in the old conntry. Apply to A. STRATTON, • Agent Grand Trunk Railivay. Tickets to Fort Garry by rail and boat, and to another principal pOints. 287-18 . • . SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. • TUE UNDERSIGNED, in returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support 'during the past, takes this opportunity Or.. Etating that lie has secured. the services of Mr. ADAM GRAY, Dranghtsinen and Michanica as forerhan in the Novelty Works Planing, Sash and Door Factory. • _ = • CARPENTERS AND FARMERS • Will find it to their advantage t� °all, as they can get any thine in the Wood Line done on the short- . est notice. SASHES, DOORS, FRAMES, MOLDINGS, On hand and got up to order. A.limited number of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TITRNIP AND CARROT DRTLLS AND LAND BOLLERS; - Wagon Racks and Gates on hand: HORSE SHOEING. aEORGE VARKER, begs to inform the farmers N,A of McKiliop that he intends to commence hush ness.,in his old stand at Winthrop on the firet of july,-and that he intends to carry on the business as formerly done by him. The mOst partiorilar at- .tention will be paid to Horse Shoeing. Special attention paid to horses with tender feet. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, either iron or wood work) Wagon tires set and warraut- ed. All work warranted. Prices greatly reduced. For particulars call and see for yourselves. I take • this opportunity of thanking you for past favors and hope by doing. good work at a low price to merit a continuance of the same, - • GAORGE B.kRKER, Horse Shoer, 290 • Winthrop. STOLEN '-GOODS. A FIE CE 'OF DRESS GOODS was stolen from the store of LOGAN & JLMIESON, on Wed.. nesday, 25th Juik Since the perpetration Of the theft, informationluoi been received from one who saw the geods taken, which leaves rio doubt as to thewho 'it persou is. Unless the goods are immediately returned, this person will be prosecut- ed and exposed. • 290 • Loom.: a: J,CIIIESON. • - STRAY STgER. QT AXED from the premisea of the nialersigned, • cit 29, Con. 9, McFillop, on or about the 1st of May last, a 'dark red STEER, tIn•ce .yeara old, with a white spot on the side, behind the shoulder. Any person giving such. information as will lead to the recovery of the above animal will be suit- ably rewarded. JAMES DUNCAN," 23,9*4• Winthrop P. 0. COW STRAYED. QTBAYED, from the premises of the subscnbera Lot 31, Con. 11, McKillop, about the latter part of May; b. dark brown COW, with small turned -in TO CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. As I have commenced -the) marinfitetnre of Cheese BOXES and SETTERS, Parties can be supplied on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Boxes guaranteed to give satisfaction. Awaiting orders for different sizes. JOHN M. MARTIN, oga Novelty Works, Seaforth. • FOR ONE WEEK. CLEARING FOLLOWING GOODS NEW HARNESS SHOP. horns, four yams old, and giving milk. The finder SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SE-A_FORTH, July 3, 1873. 291-13 NVM. GIVIN, Box 803. i littl chan e prices this will be suitably rewarded by giviug such informa- tion as will lead to the recover) of the above mal to the undersigned. , •HUGH. WRAY, 288-4 Winthrop 2 o There s e • 111g • LOCKET Lost week. Considerable wheat is coining in LOST' Dominion Day, in Goderieh; a large gold for the season, but the coarse grains are - Locket, with hair enclosed and °Teen ribbon FOR SALE. • entirely out of the market. We quote: it t h _ t e EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth, Sprine'Whes:i. ..... 1. 13 to 0 00 HORSE BLANKET LOST. Oats . - ... 0 00 to 0 45 Seaforth and Kinbuni, a pair of Horse Blank - attached. The finder will be rewarded leaving A. GOOD BUGGY. A.13argain. 291 EDWA.RD CASH. Seaforth, Juno 18. 1873. 289 ....... ... . . . .. .....$1 15 to $1 16 Barley... ... . . . 0 50 to 0 55 LOST, on or about the 10th of June last, between 0 55' to 0 00 et. The two blankets were sewed together, and Butter, No. 1, Loose.. ...... . 0 15 were checked, red and brown, home-made. Any 0 9 Oftlee, Seaforth, or Int the Post-0111,te,. , 0 12 person. leas -big the above articles at the EXpOSITOR No. 4....... ........ ... a . • ' 6 will be suitably rewarded. 291*4 Kuiburfl . -- - • 'Eggs.. ..... .... .. ... , ..... ... ... 0 00 to 010 - ORGAN FOR SALE. Butter, tennets, 13e„ 10., 7c. Fleur .......... .. .. . .. ........ 00 to 6 00 18 oo • AN excellent Second Hand, double reed, 5 octave .. . 4 00 to 6 00 • ORGAN, with sub bass and swell, very power - 15 to 25 inl; a nice instrument either for Church or parlor Pelts, ea,ch . 10 to 15 use, nearly as good as new,' will be sold cheap and Sheep Skins .. 0 50 to 1 50•time given if required. Calf Skins, (veal) per lb.,•....•........ 0 68 to 0 09 Murrain Hides . 0 04 to 0 05 KNOX'S „HOTEL, SEAFORTH. Salt (retail) per barrel,0 00 to 1 00 ri_ Potatoes per bushel0 00 to 0 40 ..-1-HOMAS KNOX begs to state to his old Mende Oatmeal tt+ brl, ....... ..... 0 00 to 6 00 the -Hotel lately oceupied by Mr. MURRIX, and and the travelling public, that he has leased Wool . . ... - . .... . .... ....... • 65 to formerly known as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and weed- . --.. - -........ ..... 2 25 to 3 00 Tan Bark 3 50 to 3 .1;hopes to reeeive a continuance of 65 the patronage BO liberally bestowed upou him during his many •• 1 years in the hotel business. Every comfort aud CLINTON, July 3, 1878- convenience will be provided for travellers. The Fal1Wheat. . ... . 51 15 ® 1 16 choicest Liquors and Cigars ouly kept in the• Bar. Spring W heat ..... ...... ... . g 0 00 carful d r aneliable hostler always in 1 13 A. e attendance. 291 Oats ..... . .. . . .. ........ .... 0 00 ® 6 45 291 THOMAS _KNOX, Propiietor. ........ 0 65 0_,4 0 00 , U-NION SABBATH SCHOOL PIC NIC . Barley_• • • 0 55 Peas Batter 3311. Hay, per ton,.. . .... 0 13 g 0 14 • 00 00 ® 18 00 successfully to a close, desire for themselves , INGERSOLL CHEESE. MARKET. Teiti!unic•nestl• to express their oehgations to .. mpany for their reachness and liberality INGEItSOLL, ,Tnly 1. in meeting their welds, and also to all the em- ployees for their ,gentlemailly bearing exh.ibited in At the cheese market to -day, 5,251 earryingput thesame, to the friends in Goderich boxes o,f June make offered, 3,373 sold; who kindly relinquialied their own pleasures to one lot sold. at 9ic, two lots at 102c, th• e addittroa ou.Dris;Taorird otfo Li. 002.L,I.,,chE gl?.'iTiglil''-'1;;elli balance at 10c and 101p. This being present of 8,25 in books for the use of the schools. Dominion Day the attendance was not Allusion must be made to the little ceremony ou LITTLE FALLS DAIRY 1\ IARKET pleasing designation of Mr. B , and "Use C h • 0 00 ® 0 10 THL COMNIITTEE having brought their labors and on behalf of the schools they represent, most 4-1 (Iran large. ,Joseph lost forever his aneient title for the more - on the pleasure grounda, by which our " beloved lovely and worthy ye.t lonely narae for that of La -rat; Fars's, N. June 28 18'3 13* , . A. ARMITAGE, , 291, Secretary of Committee. The falling offin the price of cheese la.st week carried rates down below those ' COW STRAYED. Tr kYED ilonitheprernises of the undersigued, — - LOST. OST, on Saturday, 7th Jane between -1-4 Concession, II. R. S., Tuckersrnith, and Sea - forth or between Seaforth and the residence of Five per cent. off for cash at BELFRY & MAY'S, *SADDLERS, sEA.Foirrs. Shop oppoeito the Mansion Hotel. , We have now on hand an .assortinent ef good Harness, Saddles, Trunks and Valises, Brushes, Curry Conlbs, and all description of Whips kept constantly on hand. Repairing done at moderate rates. Frank Miller's Prepa.red Harness Oil kept cell- stantly on hand at BELFRY & MAY'S, Saddlers, nno • Main -Street, Seaforth. Mr GEO. CHESNEY, on the Huron Road, a silver band for the hub of a buggy, ivith cap. r , . er will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the EXPOSITOR Office. 289*4 CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. OTICE is hereby given that any person found cutting or destroying timber on lots Nos 20 and 22; in Con. 6, Township of Grey, will be prosecuted according to law. MICHAEL FISHER. Grey, Apri112, 1873. 280*13 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. • THE FLORENCE SEWINC MACHINE CHEESE FAIRS. (1.1IEESE FAIRS will be held every fortnight, at `al Ingersoll, Belleville and Stratford, during the season of 1873. The first at Ingersoll on Tuesday, 20; at Belleville, on Wednesday, May 26, and at Strat- ford, on Thursday, :tune 4, and every alternate week at each place during the whole season. THOMAS BA.LLANTYNE, President Dairymen's Association of Ontario. AT 11[1.1.ES , • - Ladies' Hats, •trimmed. Ladies' Hats, untriman,ed. . Ladies' Rats, Straw. Ladies' ,Hats, imitation, Marseilles... PARASOLS FROM 25 CENTS. SILK MANTLES ftiom 2 50. .STTIN./IIVIMI, SI -TAW S - FLO CINCED WHITE ;HURTS from 60c. MEWS SUMMER .CLOTHING. The above Goods are new and stylish, and will be offdlad oesta to clear Stuanner Stock. REMEMBER, ONE _WEEK'S' SALE AT HILL'S. A S I have been appointed Sole Agent in the Pro- -1-x- vince of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- chine, none have a right to sell the said machine except those appended by me. In the County of Huron the following are the only authorized Agents for the Florence Machine: Thos. Connors, U. I?. Whitten, and Lawrence Mnrphy, Seaforth; William McGaw, Clinton ,• L. S: Goderich. Any person. or persons other than the above repre- senthig thatthey have a right to sell, or can tar- nish the Florence Machine in the County of Hu- ron, are impopiers, and the public are hereby Warned to beware of them.. 0. C. WILLSON, General Agent forOntario, Seaforth. 290 Province 01 In the County Court of the County of Huron. ) , County of Huron. Insolvent Act of 1869. — _ In the matter of Annie AEC enviai an In- sqlvent. - • . , _ On the twenty-eighth day of July next the under- signed will apply te the Judge of the said. Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at Reafortia.this 18th day of :rime, 1873: , 7 for the corresponding week as eary. The top price last week at Little 1' alis, 3. a, on oi os Seaforth..$t it -0 • b t t e at Herkimer ancl a,t Utica, was 131c. a dark -red. Miach _COW, with -white spots on right NIE A.. Last year, for the corresponding week- ma . an gi o.tte tA. to the subember or 10 • 13y BENSON & MEYER, _, _ _ , such information as will lead to he.r rec'ov- -i 500 boxes of cheese were sold at Little er \swill be suitably rewdrded. 289-4 Her Attorneys ad intern. Falls, and 21 factories received 131c.. Province of Ontario, lu the County Court of the Canada, ) k STRATTON Setiforth Station. factories 131e. / t- Of Huron. County of Huron The difference of c may. while four factories got 131c. and 16 seem4rining at first glance, but when it • is apPted to. over half a million pounds on one day's sale, the difference comes to quite a respectable sum. The question may be considered in another way. If the cheese is sold. in both instances be- low the cost bf production, the difference of a quarter of a cent per pound in the loss presents an aspect net very -pleasing to farmers, who, at best, earn their money slowly and with muCh hard labor. The lack of tam last week is -telling hdavily upon grass, both in pasture and meadow. In meadows the. medium clover has maturedrapidly, ansi in many, places is ready_ to -be cut, though thg, crop will not yield more than half tIK usual quantity. The question which • presents itself to many farmers is wheth- er it is best to cat grass now, or wait a few weeks in the,bope that copious rains will_ fall and a good crop of undergrowth be secured. Sonic will do one way and _ . ESTRAY SHEEP. (1..kikiE into the premises' of the undersigned, _ N--1 Lot No. 12, Coil. 6, McKillop, On or about the Dxst of JR119 last, three SHEEP and two LAMBS. The owner is requeseal to call, prove property, pey chargoe and take them. away. 291-4 MICHAEL RA:WLEY. LIST OF LETTERS CA.LLED for a the Settforth Post Office en Anderson, R ` • - Line, 3-ames '-'• (Mirk, William . • Murphy, Posey Oritch el, Wm Malawi, William Connell, James Mustard, H. ' Corehrane, Jahn • Moffat, James W. i - -- Carter, Jame McKanic, Duncan: Crerar, 3. • S .- McKay, Miss Gilley Easton George "Mc-alitlan. L. Ellis, iss an y July :?„ 1873.• • / THIS CONCERNS, EVERYBODY.. • THE GREAT CLEARING. SALE OF SUMMER... Dilly GOODS:: BEGINS AT DENT'S ON SATURDAY. JULY 5, And will last until every dollar's worth is swept out, regardless of cost. Must be done to make room for Fall Stock, which he is importing direet:•.Everybodydniows.what a superb stock is kept at DENT'S. Come early. Now is -your time. Don't let yenr best elience pass. ALA.KE A,NOTE OF D'ENT'S- CHEAP DRY. GOODS STORE. ' KIDYS:„ EMPORI.01. - IS ALWAYS RENOWNED - FOR .ENV AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. . He .has nomon. hunt LADIES' BATISTE SUITS., LADIES' LINEN' SUITS, CHILDREN'S MARSEILLES; SUITS. • PLAIN AND: STRIPED SHAWLSa,.. In great varietyafrorn• ed; Mit upward. His immense stock of Silks, Granadines, ;Tapanose Silk,.Foplins, Black Gros Grain Silk sad Fancy Drees Goods cannot be excelled in any cocuitry town,. ThUlatest novelties in Ladies' Collars and. Oninain Mueller and Linen Sets, neat Lace Callus, Fancy Ties and Bows. An burnouse Stock of Parasols and Kid.Gloves inevear style. • OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT COIVIPLETE. Don't fhrget to see our Teas and Sugars.; 11..poundsot bdbi Demerara Sugar, 51. OUR TEAS CANNOT. BE .EXCELLED FOR QUALITY AND BRUCE. As the Summer season is ad.vancing, the above Dry Goods will be sold cheap for e,ash.., THOMAS KIDD, Salk 777. S'sKRORTIL AFTER DOMINION DAY AND. FOR THAT WEEK, • The following:lot of Goods wi)4 be cleared out at reduced priew Silk Parasols fro 50 cents. Silk Jackets from f2 50, Silk Dresses at $. per yard. Silk Serge at 70 nts per yard. Silk Bareges froi 15 cents per yard. Grenadine Dress from 16 cents per yarda • Yosemite Dress4s from. 20 cents per yard.. Linen Tasso froi 20 cents per yard. • Fine Ca,nalets, ch cked, from 30e. per yawl. Also, a Job Lot of Diessz Goods At from 100- to 20e.per yardovorth from 20e. to 40e. ALL NEW GOODS, IMPORTED FROM ENCLANIY THIS !SEASON. Also, arrived to -day, another lot of those heavy blue and brown Denims, Cotton Yarn, Ccv,ext Bags, Carpet Warp, and a. lot of new Canadian Tweeds at from 70c. to is'•1. pea yard.- - 1\1-0' STROCI)3..TI) BUTTER taken in exchange same as cash. Cash pai)14for Butter peeked in Termite. A. G. McDOUGALL. DI. ........ .................. m TWEEDS, TWEEDS. / ( Cza Insolvent Act ot:1869, x /a the matter af Fran: A. Meyer, at 1n-- IV solrent. - signed Will apply to th.e Judge or the said Court CO , On the twenty-eighth .1113., of July *ext the under- - Dated at-Settforth, this 13th day of June, 1873. 0 for a discharge under the saidAct. . • FIUNZ A. MEYER. 26'9-4 His Atterneys ad litem. 2 _ By BENSON & IlEYER, , -. .-....—. __ ._ _ ......... . .. .. . ... . ._ BACON AND HAMS. , 1, OR SALE, by the tindersigned," at Nippon, in ICU -1- large or small lots, for cash, abOut ten tem; of first-class Bacon and Smoked Ilams. Apply to Iti F u :McLeod. William • • 1 liCcItti eoifgtftot-inua:Mael 2,Ta.inche. Fleas, George Kyle, Thomas Livingston' 'Cq• T. Lawson, Thomas Lynch,. Mat Nellin, Thomas 'Nelsen, .11r. . Rippou, John Roward, Smith, George Stewart', David. Scott, Edward Tann, John J. Leifer, John -Wiltse S. DICESON,p. 291 • J'S & RGE PETY - , 0 AMECEOT _ 286*4 • Kippen P. 0. . 1 ----, ---_ I NOTE LOST—CAUTION. - - iT ' PUBLIC are hereby enutioned RtRI,IM t pnr- CO 1 • - 1 chasing or negotiating a. Note of hand in favor u of W3I. BUTTON, signed JAMES Me.TA.R.E, and , endorsed by THOMAS CLARK, dated Grey, Feb. ' 14; 1873, for Ten Dollars, as the said note has been . M . lost. •. THOMAS CLARK..- 288-4 A SPLENDID LOT 01"( . CANADIAN TWEEDS FOR FALL WEAR, JUST RECEIVED AT LOGAN. & ,JAMIESQN:a V. B.—Suits made at reasenabl irices, with fits guaranteed. L,OGAN & JAMIESON. „