HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-07-04, Page 3-a CO 11 SEI► THA.' EVER. C TO -,SEE LORN. L is complete in all the lead* styles,: in °Ta A x D CANADIAN LOTHS. AND VESTIKt >TH ND the shortest notion. US_ G CAR, Work is all made o the Tars well LADE CLOTHING FEN'S AND BOYS'- EW LOT, OF AND CAPS AT OAN.'S. :i, FULL LME OF :URN SHIN `-'o.. ID LARGE STOCK OF AND SHOES CHEAP ! ry Low -Priced - 7 1.€ 1 trf erchafts IOE—OEAP$ AND SEE THEA• CAN . DUNCAL 4 I,R7.3.- ' %trE FRIEND'S BURIAL. BY 3. G. WWHITTIE1 *thoughts are, all in yonder town, Where, wept by man} tears, Tyy my mother's friend lays down The burden of her years. - True as in life, no poor disguise Of death with her is seen, Auden her simple casket lies No wreath of bloom and .greet,. 0 not for her the florist's art, The mocking weeds of woe, BLit blessingsof the voiceless heart;° The love that passeth show ! Yet all aboutthe softening air Of new-born sweetness tells,.,_ And the ungathered May -flowers wear The tints of ocean shells - - The old, assuring miracle Is_ fresk as heretofore ; And earth takes up its parable . Of life from death once more: sere orgaaswell and church -bell toll Methinks bat discord were, The prayerful silence of the soul Is best befitting her. No sound should break the quietude Alike of earth and sky ;, O wandering wind in Seabrook wood, Breathe bat a half -heard sigh ! Sing softly, spring -bird, for her sake And thou not distant sea, Lapse lightly as if Jesus spake, And thou went Galilee ! - Fou all her quiet life flowed on Asmeadow streamlets flow, Where fresher green reveals alone Thenoiseless ways they go. From her loved place of prayer I see The plain -robed mourners pass,. With stow feet treading reverently The graveyard's springing grass. Make room, 0 mourning ones, for me, Where, like the friends of Paul, That you no more her face shall see - You sorrow meat of all. • Her path shall brighten more and more Unto the perfect day ; She cannot fail of peace whe bore Such peace with her away. O sweet, calm face that seemed to wear The look of sins forgiven ! 0 voice of prayer that seemed to bear Oar own needs, up to heaven ! How reverent in our midst she stood, Or knelt in grateful praise ! What grace. of Christian womanhood .Was in her household ways ! For still her holy living meant No duty left undone ; The heavenly and the human blent 'their kindred loves in. one. And if her life small leisure found For feasting ear and eye, And,pleasure, on her daily round, -She passed unpausing by,. Yet with her -went secret sense Of all things sweet and fair, And beauty's gracious providence _Refreshed her unaware. She kept her line of rectitude With love's unconscious ease ; Her kindly instincts understood. All gentle courtesies. Annborn charm of graciou• sness Made sweet her smile and tone, And glorified her farm -wife dress With beauty not its own. The dear Lord's best interpreters Are humble human souls ; The -Gospel of a life like hers Is more that books or scrolls. From scheme and creed the lihgt goes out, The saintly fact survives ; The blessed Master none can doubt Revealed in holy lives. —July Atlantic. GAIETIES. Forced Politeness — Bowing circumstances. —How to prevent bad dreams— Don't go to sleep. When is it right to take one in 7 -When it rains. —Why is a grain of sand in the eye like a schoolmaster's cane 7 -Be- cause it hurts the pupil. am,now convinced you do not love me, since You; believe you youe &Yes in lreference;to my word, —.An urchin of seven years went into a barber's shop at Racine, Wis., and metered the barber to eut his hail: as short as the shears• could do it, _ He was askredct if his mother orcred it in that way. " No," said';he, " school commences next week, and we've got a school ma'am that pulls hair." --A.w married couple went to Niagara on a visit; and the gentle- man, in order to convince hes dear that he was as brave as he " was gal- lant,- resolved to go down into the ._" cave of the winds." She, of course, objected, but finding that he was determined, affectionately requested him to leave his purse and watch 1'ehind. --An old, rough clergyman once took tor his text that passage of the Psalms, " I said in my haste all men are liars." • Looking 'up, apparently as if he saw the Psalmist standing immediately before him, he said— " You said in your haste, David, did you 'I Well, if - you had been here, .you might have said it after mature reflection." —The subject _ of impressions at first sight was being talked' over in a family circle, when the mother of the family said : - I always form an idea of a person on first . sight, and generally. .find it correct" ". Mamma," said her youthful son. "Well, my clear, what is it 7" `I want to -know what your opinion of me was when you first saw me." —A cruel joke was recently played upon an amateur florist of San Francisco. His next door neighbor buried a rat in a flower pot, leaving the tail protruding -from .the earth and trained to a stick, and then pi esented it to him . as a -rare specimen of cactus. The lover of flowers carefully witched and water- ed his new acquisition for several clays, but at last'his wife pulled the thing up by the roots; and he dis- continued friendly relations with the: joker. —Morbid Susceptibility.-- Mis- tress— " How 18 it you came home from your party so early last night, Susan ' Didn't you enjoy your self 7" ' Susan—`' Yes, Ma'am. But the 'young elan as took me hin to supper insulted me !" . Mistress— " Insulted you, Susan ! 'Wy, what. did he say?'" Susan—" Yes, Ma'am. He asked rhe if my programa was full, andnl'lu sure I never 'ad noth- ing but a sangwich ,and a gloms of lemonade, so I come away Lome." B , pf C---." Old Lady (ies- itatingly—" Don't you think he is =-rathar prosy'?" Young Lady (in- dignalstiy)—" No indeed I do not. Allow me to inform you that that is my father." Old Lady—•".Oh, indeed. Then I amyglad I hit the mark so gently, because ` Old Pr. A ' is my hus'iand. So` I; Ap- pose we have both got a lesson, my. dean; -don't you chink.' 1.2000.000 ACRES. CHEAP FARMS. The cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On the Great Platte Valley. 3,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska, Now for sale in traota of 40 acres and upward, on FIVE AND TEN YEARS'.CAEDIT AT 6 PEE CENT. No advance interest required.. , Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- dance of good water. THE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST I The.' great mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada being supplied by farmers in the Platte Valley. - Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. Music among the Inctians.. It can hardly be regarded as sur- prising that we have Indian wars, when we reflect how persistently the paleface deludes the untutored say - '. age. There was Slimmer, Slimmer . was a peddler. . On his way to the Pacific coast he stopped over night in the village belonging to the Shos- hone Indians. Slimmer amused his entertainers in the evening by play- ing " Kathleen Mavourneen " upon an accoraeon. IV hen he had squeez to I ed out the tune about three or four hundred times the Shoshone.Ghief told Slimmer he would give any- thing to possess such an instrufnent as that. Then a happy thought struck Slimmer. He had six hun- dred pairs of bellows which he was taking out to a settlement in Ore= eon, and without a qualm_of consci- —A.. roan much addicted to snor- once he disposed of them to the chief ing remarked to his bed fellow in at 250 per cent. advance on the cost. the morning that be slept "like a That morning "Slilmer left. For top." I know it," said the other, the next two days the chief remained "like a humming .top." at home working one pair cf bellows --J.'What's thme in these days after another in a vain endeavor to of trying to be honest 7" exclaimed ' evolve " Kathleen Mavouraeen " a grulnt►ler. " Oh' you ought to frosie nozzles ; and, when he had try at once, and see," retorted - one ' strained himself until he burst three of his companions. or four blood vessels, his wives took — `" Jury," said a western judge, a hand. Then.all the memkfers of "you km go out and find a verdict. the tribe tried ; and the medicine If you can't find one of your own, Ilan seized ono pair -and fled . to the get the one the last jury used." 1 The jury returned a verdict of sui- cide in the ninth degree. . - How , etre You, Smith," said woods, and - howled over it anc screeched, and sat on .a fence and worked the handles up anddown until he fainted, and not a solitary Jones. - not to note of ".Kathleen Mavourneen " ones.. Jones pretended know him, and answered hesitating- ly, " Sir, you have the advantage of me."—Yes, I suppose so ; everybody has that's got common sense." —A horse car driver in Chicago gave a penny o- er to twenty differ - passengers, to try their .honesty, and nineteen of them, kepi, the money, while the other one swore that four cents more were due him. —A. king's foci who was condemn- • ed to die was allowed to choose the - form of death, and chose old age___ An Iowa girl being asked what form of death she preferred, re- marked that if she must die slie preferred to be smothered—with kisxes —The following bit at the water cure was made by Charles Lamb, and none but himself could have made so quaint a conceit : " It is," said he, " neither new nor wonder- ful, for it is as old as the deluge, which, in my opinion, killed more than it cured. - - --A tender swain -reproacned his fair one with letting a rival kiss her band, a fact that she indignantly deified; Bat I saw ii."E " Nay. then," cried the .offended fair, I THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR, COLONIES. PERSONS OF FOREIGN BIRTH p - Aro entitled to the BENEFIT OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW disturbed the impressive solitude of -that vast wilderness. And . they caught a white man and drove a stake through him and built a bon- fire on his bosom, and made him try ; and he even failed to organ- ize a concert upon the Mavourneen basis. And now, whenever you - meet a Shoshone Indian any where he always asks if you know a man named Slimmer. They want him. They want to lead him out to some retired spot and remove. his cuticle, and chip hint of little by little until they work down to his skeleton:— Danbury News. - On declaring their intention to become citizens of the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. FREE HOMES FOR ALL ! Millions of acrea of choice Government Lands open for entry nnder the Homestead Law, near this Great . Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of dusariptive pamphlet with newemaps mailed free every re. Address 0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R.. 282-13, - OxADA, NEBRASKA. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. THE: SEASON CHANGED. WILL1AM. G1'SSIE - Has sold all his Sleighs and Cutters, and is now busy making up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Buggies and Wagons left over from hat year, which will be sold cheap. Any -person wanting a substantial wagon or handsome Buggy should call at once and make ar- rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and those who wait too long will probably not be able to get their orders filled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. Awkward. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich street, Seaforth. - The Edinburgh Daily Review records an amusing conversation which took place in the g tfleries of the Free Church Assembly one (ay lately ; • Young Lady—" There's old Dr. A— going to speak. Isn't he a bore 7" Old lady (laugh- ing)—" laugh-ing)— Well, I suppose - he is : but do you know I - rather like him." Young lady—" 1 can't bear him." Old Lady {atter some time)—" Who is that nice old gentleman speaking 1 Young Lady - " Ah, that's Mr, SEAFORTH AND HURON - MARBLE WORKS. M. L. MESSET & SON, (Late `of Hamilton,) Would intimate to Their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for - Monuments, Headstones, "'able Tops, Mantels, ac. Granite ilfonun eats Importea Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectful)' solicited. - Next door to orter's Furniture Store, AIN•SREET, SEAFORTH. M. L. MESSET. - H. MESSET. SEAFORTH - MARBLE WORKS, ANOTHER PROBLEM SOLVED. HOW '7;,0 MATE 75c. FETCH $1. GO TO DENT'S AND INVEST IT IN DRY GOODS OR IN MILLINERY, Or Straw. Goods, Ladies' .Jackets, Beautiful Shawls, Elegant Parasols, Dress Goods, Muslins, Gents' Furnishings, &c., all so cheap that in some of those lines your 75c: will turn to $L25, as by the touch of a mugie wand. Don't forget to try at - - • DENT'S CHEAP DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, SEAFORTH, SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. KERR, WILKIE & CO. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they have leased the Seaforth Foundry 1or'a term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Castings, .Straw Cutters, Sawving. Machines, Plows, and other Farming Implements. We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. . The undersigned have had long experience in the Fonndry business, and aro - prepared to guarantee -satisfaction in all their work. 287 - .11111 -IN STREET.. Opposite the•Waterloo House, near the Station. MON UMENTS, HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, e/nd at:most reasonable priees. Mantles of Various Colored _Marble sup- plied on b'hort Yotic:e. 9 Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER BROTHERS. 2Y7 . - ANDREW CALDER, Agent. TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. JV./IIITNE )7 W rnId state to Dairymen that she has commenced to manufacture Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. • Stoves and Tinware on )sand as usual. COAL OIL' for sale Wholesale and Retail. Repairing and Eave Troughing promptly attend ed to. - - - MRS. WHITNEY, Main -street. Seaforth. BUTTER TUBS KERR, WILKIE & CO. FOR SALE AT TROTT'S COOPER SHOP Near the Market, Seaforth. . These Tubs are of good quality and warranted. ]Sone -Dry, Cylinder -Sawed - WHITE ASH STAVES, For Butter Tubs, for Sale. SAMUEL TR -OTT, 286 Seaforth. FACTS WORTH NOTING. TURNIP SEED Of the following varieties, fresh from the old Hamilton, can be had from ns at Catalogue Sharpe's, (all Swedes) for 25 cents per pound. per pound. AT• HILL'S BRITANNIA- HOUSE. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaklr, ] HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S' OLD STAND, Maia-street, Soatorth, Where he has on hand a superior stook of Fnrni- ture of every description. FALL AND ,S'RR IT. established and reliable firm of J. A. BRUCE & CO., Prices, viz.: Carter's, •Skirving's, Hall's Westbury or The celebrated Gray Stone (for late sowing), 30 cents Also, note the fact that we sell JAS. P. KENDALL & CO.'S BEST FLOUR AND FEED, At Mil Prices, and deliver them in any of the three villages free of charge and promptly. GROCERIES. Our Teas, Sugars, Tobaccoes, Spices, Currants, Raisins, &e., &c., speak for themselves. One trial will convince you that we keep the best in the market. - Dress Goods, Shawls, AND MANTLES. 1 PROVISIONS. Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Onions, &c., always on hand. Also, Green Groceries of all kinds during their season. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato Plants, fresh twice a week. A few barrels of LAND PLASTER. Still on hand. Call and get some before it is all gone. Last shipment of the season. Any o1 our customers wishing Bone Dust 4uporphosalhate, or seeds of any kind which we have not in stock, by leaving your orders with es will be supplied at Hamilton prices free of freight. The above are facts. Call and be convinced. • • ' '1`RO N G & FAIRLEY. GARDNER UN3ERTAKING. - - Having Purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE - I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Collins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET hiAKF;R AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has noon hand a good assortment c.$ - S:E ROiTD S - Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. 205 • LUMBER ! LUMBER ! VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL. - GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM Have now got their new Steam Saw Mill, on the Northern Gravel Road, six -miles north of Sea - forth, running at full blast, and are prepared to furnish Lumber of All Kinds, AND BUILDING MATERIAL ' Of every desariptien, mbracing a quantity of .BARD WOOD, Such as Mople, Rock Elm, Birch, Basswood, Oak and Elm. A stook of - FENCING AND •DRAIN LUMBER Kept constantly on hand. Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. Lumber of any description can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in •length. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. MRS. GRAY AY Has received her stock of SPRING MILLINERY - To -which she begs to - direct the attention of the ladies of Seaforth and'vicinity. For variety and prices it will be found -satisfactory. Particular attention paid to DBE.SS MAKING Apprentices wanted. SEW IN G- MA.CHINEmers' Store, Slain -street, Seaforth.Remember the place Seaforth. site' C- orby's Far - 278 -13 Is a Strong 3 EASY RUNNING MACHINE WELL ADAPTED FOIR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manufacturing Work. At the Fairs held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some _very severe tests by the BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of construction, strength and durability recommend it to all claasea. It has a complete set of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machines Company, Hamilton, .Ont. 268 PETER GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Huron. For the Haying and Harvest of 1870. a r N2•� T i 'Z- Y 0 The Subscribers offer their unrivalled CAYUGA CHIEF JP: MOWER., AND JOHNSTON SELF -RAKING SINGLE REAPER, And guarantee them kuperior in every respect to any Combined Machines in use. Among their chief advautages.over Combined Machines we'would mention the following: - 1st. They are cheaper, because a Reaper and Mower costing ;210 will outwear two Combined Ma- chines costing over $300, and with not one-gnartor the cost o1 xrpaur•. 2ud.. They are lighter drought; any light team can work either Mower or Reaper all day with ease. The pitmans working freely, and never cramping, as is always the case with combined Machines on - uneven surfaces. 3rd. They (1Q better work, because each is specially adapted to its own class of work, is always ready for its work without changes, and both machines, by their tilting levers, will cut closer than any other -machine. This is a great advantage, especially in mowing, as an inch at the bottom is worth three at the top this year. - We have no space to enumerate the further advantages of these machines, but offer a trial of either or both iu all kinds of -grass or grain, and will agree to cut the worst lodged .grass or grain, going the same way it is lodged, which no other Mower ,•r Reaper can do. - We offer to such as insist Upon trying combined machines our OHIO COMBINED MACHINE WITH JOHNSTON SELF RAKE, And guarantee it equal to the best of its elites. All our work guaranteed. Address THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. L Repairs at JOHNSON BROS., Seaforth. LONGINES. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, Has just received NO more eases of those celebrated LONCINE WATCHES, Manufacinred by THOS. RUSSELL & SON expresaly for him. PUMPS .AND CISTERNS. J. R.'+WILLIAMS, SEAFORTH, Is now better prepared than ever before to fur- nish a superior article of PUMPS OR CISTERNS POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND LIFT PUMP, Also, the Common Log and Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS AND CHEESE FACTORY TANKS Made, of nny size, to order. These are now ac- lmowledged to be the cleanest, beet and cheapest In use. I have also made arrangements for DIGGING WELLS and Water Supplies in general,,by which my can offer better inducements to parties wanting Wells than any or e in the.business. From my many years' experience and my in- creased facilities, I am confident of giving anis- faction to all who may favor me with their orders. All Work Warranted. Call at the Factory, NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, And examine for youreelves. As I require money- with which to carry on my busineas,1 hive to state that all overdue Notes and Accounts not settled immediately will be handed to Mr. J. S. Porter for collection. J. R. WILLIAMS. As a proof of the excellent quality of these Watches, Mr. COUNTER has sold four cases within six months, and each ole has given entire satista.tion. - - a THE DOMINION SAYINGS AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY, 01? LONDON, ONT. - Head Ofilce, Richmond -street, opposite City Hall, - London, Ont. Established in 1872, for the purpose -of advanc- - ing money on Farm and Town Property at a very low rate of interest, and on the most favorable terns of rdpayment. Loans for long or short periods repayable by in- stalltueuts to knit borrowers. Parties purchasing Farms, building Dwellings or Stores, will find the terms of this Society preferable to any other mode, for instance, $76 90 paid at the end Of each half year, will pay back both principle and interest upon a loan of $1,000 in 10 years. If paid yearly, $157 20 will do it. - Money can be obtained at any time, and with - little or no delay beyond the time necessarily oc- cupied in the Investigation of title and prepara- tion of the mortgage. For further particulars as to terms, &c., apply by letter to T. B. LEYS, Secretary and Treasurer, London, Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONG', Esq., Valuator it280-52Sea- forth. _ EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. GfCARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist • attends in Seaforth, at Iinox's Hotel, the fir$, Tuesday andWednesday of each month; in Clinton, at -the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford tallies. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to Bail, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. - Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of ` the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the` most substantial and im- proved styles. - Filling done in gold, &c., in a mannerwhic> can- not be surpassed. TO COOPERS. volt. SAT F, cheap, a first-class UEADDIG - JOINTER,nearly new, and In good working order. - For further particulars apply toL4 . ABIENT, Seaforth. Q