HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-27, Page 7NNtA SE tNISHINGS, 7 ITS/ ;St TIES, TEAM tAIVIBLET very large stock of NT oTEA,35 lottey, have determined ta 'efts at D-UCED PitioE8, MODth. Choice article cif Tea, amt ffl find it to their adattne The Y have also. on hand s. ROCERIESI. -nes gad Liquors. Fleur • ke Huron Herring, cheap for cash or famt ruatm-FIT6-x, .nrtisaeas, Out. rt110-NEYT SEAFORTFI, OW RATE OF nun- Ntlage Property. • 63- ishuald Apply to him. PROPERTY: (TR [LIVES. - Seaforth GANT . 4 insitrauce compiny— O Gen:Vann_ of Toronto— Indurauce Company, et - :as offered by any other +. reliable Oorapanieli. ag& airlefa Grocery artit. 252 CRICKET D BATS STORM NOTICE. -ivon that the undersigned ed -into Partnership its Innis sion M.enshants in_ the ider the name, style and JAL & CO. P. KENDA,LL, 1INCHAALESWORTH. WALL. & CO.: =era, Produce Merehants /1.mty. of Huron that they. esars, SIIEA.RSON & Seaforth Mills, anal will .me. iraill Pureha.sed, zmerly, 1!ASH PRICE Paid. - ged for WHEAT. exchange ean rely upon Na. 1 Flour. P- la any part of the Vil- . tog taa the entire vier 'king it for the past threeyears, -ed that they will receive - :camera and as good work s. P. li'ENDALL &st-10. the above, the undersigned - Riots namerous eustomera tage accorded to them for I treat 'that the same lib - extended to the new firro. - in being able to confident - id patrons. All debts due the sea must be paid ta• Aa. all debts due by ma,in Rue,. will be settled, by the- idaIl & Co. A V. A- SEMARSOINT. & CO. FOUND'RY, wishes to. eall the attention umunity in. general to his Implements, feting of MTOOT) PLows, isvet Steel Mould Board, Pi OWS, , I, LAND R.OLLERS, Giffrif.P.R.8, &O. special attention to the IS -1 PLOW srlial satisfaction wherei") added a Thistle Point; so inffat. Also, to some first -- 'LAND ROLLERS, Also, a few Wagons,. )1-1e, Warranted of very best D TIMBER be sold at the very . FOR CAST{ ilved: credit, R. 'WILSON. ht. 271cy A MA HOUSE. Varied Stook of PETS IO7LC, two PlY, 001,, do., [ T R Y, &40. , • . - , - . • 7. ANNAHNOLDS HALM& Tkooid Tar State—The Witend ofNaw1.. Good Plaice for Sratacks ".—itirakilog Whistles —An A.rrrage. pesianaer—Catnatiag Out. " Correspondence oriv. Y. Sun. RAEIGH,, N. C., June, 1873. Raleighis a town, and a capital taane too. It is the capital of IsTorth Carolina and Wake County both. wakes are not more plenty atiteesent in. Wake County than any tato Coutty. Cheap John," and the old " anything on theboard for four cents" man Were never in. Wake County. The Neuse river iS six miles west of Valeigh. They built Raleigh six miles from Ate Aver to keep the first settters'young uns from falling overboard. RALEIGH'S PRODUCTIONS. Raleigh is laid oat with great', regularity, and is elevated and plea- santly situated in a healthy country. They have all kinds of tar but catarrh. The State House is gor- geous. It is modelled after the Parthenon at Athens. They used te hate another one, but in 1831 it was destroyed by fire. It contained a flue statute of George W., by Canova, which, not -being fire proof, was destroyed too. This shows what greatness- amounts to. A wooden statue of George Washing - toe would bulk up just as_quick as a wooden cigar store Indian. Raleigh , was .named afrei Sir, Walter Raleigh, pronotinced Raw- leigh, and he introduced ,,raw pota- toes iftto ,England. He probably introduced them this way.: Mr. and Mrs. Boiled Potatoes, the two Misses Mashed Potatoes, Masters Stewed' Potatoes and Fried Potatoes. There were'plenty of other toes in England anterioi'' to this period ,,but no pota- toes. Waltei discoveted anther toe—tobacco, and he introduced that into England too. Bat for Raleigh, M. Cornish, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Solace, Mr. May Flower, Mr. Cen- tury, Mr. Virgin Leaf, and all those other fellows who pack tobacco in tin foil sardine boxes Jmight have been letting tew boats at the Bat- tery, or members of Congress. camuNG A 'TARTAR. ROSill grows here in barrele. It's a cheap place to "to rosin bow." A female rosined hen beau her last Friday. She threw a hunk of it at him, it struck on the chin and injur- ed. his spine, and now w hen he laughs it reminds one of black Friday. RobinsonCrusoe ;lad a black Fri- day. 'Some of the fellows who live in the woods are -so thin they haye . to lean against a tree to swallow; they if. George;Washington was ,alive, and had to sell 'goods on the -rotvd, he'd have to lie or give it up. - Says : The difference between you and George.. Washington is, he was a good man, and you are a goods man. But -what are you doing here T, Says he : I'm bringing down the average. Then he told me his boilsallow- ed him so many dollars a day for travelling - expenses, and that he'd spent more than that, and that he'd camped out tinder an umbrel- la a whole week to bring down the average. I left him, and thought of the old story of the boss who fouitd fault with his commercial traveler because on looking over his expense account buggy rides appear- ed so often. The next time the ex• pente account was handed ifi the boss.says : All right, sir; I'm glad to see you have no buggy _tides Te- corcled this trip. Yes, replied the fellow, they don't show, that's cer- tain ; but the buggy rides are all there. JOHN: New Medical Treatment. No mere drugs !—no more . po- tions !—no more Pit Rhei. Co;np I ---no , more Epaom salts !—no more castor oil! All drug dosing is hereafter t� be' dispensed with, and so are all dispensaries themselves, together with venesection and bus - Dr John Chapman, an Eng- lishman, has made discoveries and invented °a general Neuro:Dynamic Medicine, which is _nothing more than a bag of ice appiied to the back. We, do not feel sure that we perfect- ly understand Dr. Chapman's the- ory, but, for the'benefit of invalids,: we will try to explain it. The Neuro -Dynamic system means the art �f turning on and off steam. at the centres of nervous action.. What is pain ? " A Phenomenon of func- tion change in the sensory centre into which the affectednerve is rooted. 16 * Pain; like ordi- nary senaation,is of various degrees of intensity, and. whereas pain de- notes a more rapid functional change in the affected sensory centre than occars during ordinary sensation, the successivelyhigher degrees of intensity of pain are expressive of successively higher degrees of func- tional change in the censory center." Does the reader, be he sick or well, understand? But it makes no. dif- ference. Who does understand what hurts him when his head aches '1 He may knew: generally that itis the superfluous half pints at the dinner the night before, but why the conviviality has resulted in ceree brat derangement he doesn't know. to.elied" uptin ;the tppie: bOiliesig,l, audit was introduced yery &Orly by my companion, who ventured to remark the deep sorrow that had fallen upan-him in consequence of piospectiire departure from Ir- kutsk: Then we took another drink and it was hinted that I couldilot leave without,a vehicle Of some)sort. Thit axoimatic proposi- tion req.uired ineistening like its predecessor, and so, step by step, we went on for a quart2i of an hour, ',drinks alternating. with Mats,- and hints with drinks, until we took an- other drink, andwent intothe yard,' to look at the sleikh.. We had a fresh glass of nalifka when we re- turned -from the yard, °and another and anotber.as the talk went on, until, by the time the business was ended, and I had paid over the money,' my- unaccustomed head was Whirling like a rifle ball, and I would havelound it difficult to see any difference between a sleigh and side-wheeli steamboat. My. com- panion assured me if we had gone at it in the blunt American way we would have pOiled the whole affair, and 1 should have beent_ compelled to look elsewhere for a Irehicfe.--, Haaper's Magazine.091 • - The Orthography of Arkansas. The Arkansas linguists feel that if the'natne of,that State is to be of- ten in the mouths of men, as it is,. likely to continue to be unleAs the inhOitants mend their manners, then. the true and orthodox pronun- ciation of it should be definitely 'set- tled. The weight ..of amthorityin the State is in favor of the broad "a" inthe last syllable with the final," s" silent—Arkansaw. Tofix the .matter definitely and author- itatively the native linguists havei n- vestigated the derivation of the word. The territority was called Ock-en-sea. The old French set- tlers* spelred-it, as.their records tes- tify, 4ancea—the " 6" being soft.. This indicates that the finalt" s " should net be sounded. The inhab- itants prefer Arkansaw, and as it is their own 'State; we suppose that they have aright to do as. they please in the inatter, especially as there is no law of the United States against their doing so. They say that when Mr. Fillmore was Pres- ident of the Senate he compromised the thing ,according to the tastes of the Senators from that;State. Sen- ator Setoeir said Ai-lean-8as ; Sena- tor Ashley, Arkansaw. Mr. Fill- more used to recognize Mr. Sevier as "the Senator from Arkansas," and Ashley as "the Senator from Arkansaw. • I AND BUY YOUR WARD, SEAFORTH. I beg to state for the information Harness on hand as any in toivn; ment in. the County. - . C31 -37N7 286 of farmers and the public generallyrthat I have as good a stock of and I am determined nbt to be undersold by any other establish- . riati.A.1.1.. J. WARD, Maiii-Staset, Seaforth. are yellower than blind man's buff, He can swallow his hock and soda and so darited lazy they keep tame water without any scientific knowl- squirrels to shave.'em. They train edge, or rather he can'put on one of the squirrels to dip their tails - in Dr. Chapman's ice -bags. To care soap suds, lather -theca, and then him it is only necessary to apply scratch the hair off with their claws. cold lo. the spinal. column: The I said there is plenty, of tar in North remedy is simple, however compli- Calolina, and so there is. •I caught cated and "bothersome" may be the a Tar -tar there myself. 1 Sayv a theory. A bag of ipe to the back— . fellow who looked so green that if that is all I Does anybody of a be hadn't stirred just. as he did I'd deubtinct turn of' miad think that been tempted to pour oil and vine- gar on him and cut him up for a salad. '. He was whittling tt, stick. Says 1: Halloo. •Sa.vs he : Halloo yourself. - TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. PRE -PAID CERTIFICATES. FARMERS,.. .BEWARE WHAT KliD OF SEEDS YOU- SOWS 4 Sow no More five years old, when you., can get them et - 44A . LEE'S FLOUR AND SEED STORE Entirely fresh and Imre, JUst arrived 0118 i.., very large assortment of choice Field, Garden and Flower Seeds. Dont pant any more pbor Potatoes, when you can get an the new varieties such as King of the Earliee: Prolific, Peerless1. Climax Excelsior Willard Seedling Granitetate1 Chaterin Early Rose and all other good_ kinds, at Lee's Flour and Seed Store. ' Issued to parties wishing to bring alit their friends. . this would he disagreeable '1 On the Parties having friends wishing toimmigrate should purchase these certificates and 'send them conttary ! A* Dr. Chapman's Pa- to the intending immigrants, as paR8age this way tient'S testify (in writibg) that tht3y is cheaper than by buying ticketd in the old , country. ' Apply to Were refrioemted an refreshed. They . A. STRATTON, usually fell into a pleasant sleep. Agent Grand Trunk' Railway. Says I• : Boy, if hens eggs for one patent (evidently a lady) nothing. and those eggs sell for stx- teen cents a dozen. what's the per- centage of profit'? . Says be: Mister, it would take a prophet i:o tell, 1 reckon. X SMART BOY. ;rites: "The ice is beautiful.; don't think 1 shall ever be able to do without it—it is so comforting." Another: "1 find the ice very agreeableI look for it, and like to have it on longer each time." Still Says 1 : That's so; what are you aeother : "1 go to sleep with the Says he : It's a whistle out of wil- ler, and 1 say, Mister, can you make a whistre out of a bowl of soup Says : No, sir. Says he: Well, then, you ain't days, What medical treatment could smart. I can. be more exquisitely delightful 1 Says 1: Do yon mean th telI me Never mind all that learned talk that you can make a whist e out o a bowl ef soup' , • Says he : _Yes, I can. That there is a, whistle, it Says 1: Yes it is. Says : Well, I didn't make it ina bo'ttvl of soup, did I 7 Says he: No. - Says he: Well, then, I made that there whistle out of a bowl of soup, didn't1' That made this Northern gentle- men mad, and I started to leave when he yelied out : I say, Mister, if you'd lived in the -days of theark Says I : Why 7 to buy a dog, you ' must begin by pretending that you want to sell a you'd gone in through the window. . Says he: Becausl; you're so green -cat with a litter of kitten's ; the that dove W011icl have lit on. you first, other party does not want any feline ice on; it is astonishing how plea- sant if is:" The ice -bag doesn't make you feel cold—on the other hand it makes yoa feel comfortably warm. As a reaource in the dog. . " the sensory centres," but get an ice -bag, 0 valetudinariaw-reader, fill it, adjust it, and "lie down to plea- sant dreams." -ta• I. . A .RUSSian, Bargain. When two R ian merchants uls are about to conclu t a purchase or sale, they begin_by swallowing half a cloien cups of tea, amoking a score or so of cigarettes, talking about the weather, the crops, their families, their neighbors, and in this way edge alit° the subject which is up- ermost in their minds. If you want sure. property, nor does he know anybody I left under theimpression that wbo would accept it. At this stage North. Carolina boys are smart. Perhaps it's the turpentineth9.t ac- counts for it, for that will make folks smart. I saw 1. touching pic- ture yesterday. It wat-so,touching I touched i,. It was a naan in the woods sitting upon a- trunk under big umbrella. He was eating chew-, ing gum, and his -trunk hid a:wee locks on it than the Erie Canal. BRINGING DOWN THE AVERAGE. Says 1; What's the matter 7 Says : I'm a drummer. Says 1: How is trade ain't any, and I really believe that lifke at least ihalf an. hour before we Says he: Dull as thunder. er Tickets to Fort Garry by rail and boat, and to all other principal points. , 287-13 ' DANIEL McGREGOR Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, JJAS just received a large Stock -of the materials used in the business, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the 'latest styles, allg°rders he may be favoured with. GROCERIES. CHEAPER THAN EVER.. CEDAR POSTS and saisettps still on hand at :1170.010As Legos - Cheap Grocery, Flour and- Feed Stoie, • MAIN-SI:BEET, SEAFORTI1. E VERT)ICT. CAUTION I .1 FRAUDS ABROAD BgG 3nosi ,iespeettiiily LI; caution the publie of the British. North AlTletican Provinces to be on their guard agidnst purchasing spurious ra eines which are being sold as anygenuine way's Pills and Ointment," byterfain indiVid 01 of little or no means, hauling for the last ew months only) under the stile of the "New rk Chemical Company," Evety artilice is made rthe of by them for the purpose of imposing upon e public; and the more effectually to deceive, ey have the effrontery, in. their s,dvertisement to issue the folio -wing caution: "The immense demand for Box/-Lawo's PILLS .A.Tia OINTMENT' has tempted unprincipled parties to Counterfeit these valnable 3Iedicines. ° `ii In order to protect the Publiound ourselves, we have issued -a new Trade Mark,' eonsisting of an Egyptian Circle 'of a -serpent with the letter H HoLtOwS Pitzrz. aAniiena(1).ep;rettnitutia: wiyilltlhh:uvteitth. is trade mark on the centre. Every boxofgs nuin, e 1 "To DraLens AND XonnEns DM -es AND M.MD/- ' "We call your partioular attention to the new style of ‘Hora.owAv's PILLs AND OINTMENT' -- none of the old style are naamtfactured by usnow, nor liave.they been for montlas,,ffe therefore caution all purchasers against recilhag from any Jobbers or Dealers tihe old style of goods. "Inforreatien concerning any such geode being offered will be received with thanks. "We ask the favor of all theinforination you can give in regard, to those. counterfeits." " Now this Company is aware that your laws do not permit them to copy the precise getting up of my Medicines, but in order the more completely to blind the public, they have recourse to anothe.r Piece of deception, viz., in stating that tIky-deein it necessary, as they.say, to make, up the Pills and NOEinytmiumenttiz another form, and that they adopt a Besides the above-raentiqued. " Chemical Com- pany," there is also a David Pringle, of New "York, who by consummate trickery is attempting to sell spurious imitations of my Medicines. Beware of him likewise. This unprincipled Chemical Conapany has dared to say_that I owe very large sums of money in the United States.. What is the fact? A newspaper agent obtained, without my knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who held a limited powk of attorney of mine, an order to advertise my Medicines in South America or three yeari3, to the extent of $400,000 gbld. He then sold his claim to a lawyer, who, got it referred. by the court to alriend of his who gave judgmen.t against me to the amount of,$171,287 gold. fbr prat which he said he could have made by it, had I not . taken steps to repudiate this -vile transaction the al:fo- ment it came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be set aside. It cannot lie supposed, r AFTER A FAIR TEST THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS not huniediately pay. • SIM sure that I owe a cent to any one that I would • • THAT THE: - • of the conversation you. may venture to hint your desires in the dog line, I and after more tea, or something • stronger, and more cigaiettes, ydu can conclude the negotiations. At Irkutsk I wa.nted to buy a sleigh for a jouroey westwaard, and hearing of a man who had one for sale, I went to -see it .A Russian acquaintance . • CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, le the place to get the theipest and best . -TE-AS AND _GENERAL GROCERIES. The Proprietor oethe OREQuERED STORE -AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in Stating that his first stock having moved off so rapidly, he has aheady purchased ofresh supply, and as a result of guic sales he is enabled to still further reduce prices. To parties taking TEA by the Caddie, half chest c chest REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS oF ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prides tthich defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes 4; Fancy Cases • Made to order. - 0-1,D AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the undersign- ed„will receive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. WE with me, and after an introduc- lion to a, in his parlor to' di•ink a glass of nalifka, a sort of home-made cordial analogous -to currant wine, though e --That stronger. We drunk na- SEAFORTH NOVELTY.WORKS. There is -no trath whatever in the statement that I ever authorized any person or persons to use my name for the sale ef my Pills and Ointment, al- though gross frauds have been waetised upon no by unprincipled men this way. I would ask, as a favor, that should it. some to the knowledge pf any person that spurious reedi- - eines are being made and sold in my name, that he bepleasedlo send me the name and address of the vendor who is selling the same, that I may, for the protection of the public, institute proceedinge against bim, alma I engage to remunerate henda so ely my informant without divulging his Dame. .. Should any person have reason to believe that A SPEC.1AL BEDuevoiv WILL BE MADE. he has been deceived bybuyingspnrione imitations . of these Medicines, he will. oblige me by sending „ to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of amens and others living at a distance should remember. that our roads feay soon beak up, and that six cents in postage), one of the books of instrue- , now is the time and tions which are affixed to the same. Seaforth is the Tem' to get. the Highest Prices For what they have to sell, and that the CITEQUERED STORE AND figA DEPOT ..o Is the place to get the best bargains in 31'y Medicines can be supplied at the, lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth—viz., 8s. eat Vs., 34a. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointinent, for -Which remittances must be sent in advance. These Medicines are not sold in the United States, Each Pot and Box of my Genuine Medieines bears the British Government Stamp, withe the words "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon- don." (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. TEAS AND GEINEERAI., GROCERIES. 533, Oxford Street, W. C., London, October 8, 1872. If there be•any *he have doubt on this -point, they have only to make a trial and they will be convinc- ed of the fact. THE 'UNDERSIGNED, in returning his sincere 2- thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opportunity of stating that he has secured, the services of Mr.. ADAM GRAY; Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Novelty Works Planing, Sash and Door Factory. = 50 Barrels Labrador Rulings, 250 Barrels Lake Huron Herrings, A large lot of dry Fish, Salmon Trout, and White Fish, ALL OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT LOW PRICES AT ,THE CHEQUERED STORE 'AIM TEA RPOT, • " MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. 'JAMES MURPHY. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS THOMSON & WILLIA1VIS' MILL AND ENGINE WORKS, MITCHELL, ONT. Will find it to their -advantage to call, as they can get any thing in the Wood Line &Sae on the short- est notice. SASHES, DOORS, FR AMPS, MOLDINGS, On hand and got up to order. A. limited number of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND ROLLERS, . Wagon Back i and Gates on hand. As I have corumenced the manufacture of Cheese TO CHEESE. MANUFACTURERS. BOXES and SETTERS, Parties can be suppli'ed on the ishortest notice and. on reasonsble terms. Boxes guaranteed to give satisfaction. Awaiting orders for different sizes. N. F. purnham's Patent Turbine Water Wheel. • 'MATE have now thoroughly tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal o-ri3uperior to the best wheels Ty now in use, while stronger and more durable. References to well-known and reliable mill -owners, who have them in use, given on application. We build all sizes and kinds of STEAM ENGINES .Insolvenb*Act of 1869. Stationary, Portable and Upright, and guarantee them unsurpassed by any in use. We use on a our -Engines the celebrated JUDSON GOVERNOR. We are prepared to contract for the erec- tion of all kinds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with all the latest improyements. • • Lath Mills, Bolters, 'Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Machines, Heading, Turn- ers' and Planers' ,Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c., &c., manufactured largely. . Our -Boiler Shop is in full blast, and we have as foreman of this important department, Mr/ JOHN WRIGHT, who, for 20 years was foreman of the Brantford Boiler Works. Having a good force of ex- Perienced boiler makers, we are prepared to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop 6r at mills promptly. GIVE US A CALL. 'We have found out what every Farmer wants. It is THE TWO -HORSE POWER SAWING MACHINE, The power of which is supplied with strOng fly -wheel, suited to diiving a Straw:Cutter, Grain Crusher and other Machinery, with no extra clailige, except for the belt. This machine is well suited to every farmer's own use, as he can with two horses and from three to four menor boys cut from 20 to BO cords of wood per day. Our machine has .been thoroughly tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- mend it to do. It is supplied_ with friction flanges, by which the- saw is stopped, when caught or Pinched, before it would be possible to stop the horses. 4 TRIAL OFFERED. We are blinding great numbers of the Cumming's Straw Cutter, for hand or horse power. Also, Grain Crushers, with iron and -wood frames, Fanning Mills, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plows, -with wrought iron beams, wood beams and cast iron beams, Horse Roes, 'Weeders, Culti- vators, &c., esti. Repairs of allidnds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 267 , THOMSON & WILL( A VS, Mitchell, Ont. JOHN M. -.MARTIN, the r erchant we sat down 285 Novelty Works, Seaforth. NOTE LOST--CAUTLON. ri-IHE PUBLIC are hereby asationed against pur- chasing or negOtiating a Note of hand in favor of WM. BUTTON, signed JAMES McTARE, and .endorsed by THOMAS CLARK, dated Grey, Feb. 14, 1873, for Ten Dollars, as the said note has been lost. THOMAS CLARK. 288t4 IP•nr, 1 4 CO DERICH FOUNDRY. In the ?natter of Alm Stauffer, an In- solrent. • THE INSOLVENT has made an assignment of -I- his estate to me, and the creditors are notified to meet at the place where the Ineolvent lately carried on business, in the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron on Monday, the Pfirtieth day of June, instant, at 12 o'clock in the f'erenoon, to receive statements of his affairs, and tb appoint an assignee. Dated at Goderich, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1873. TIMnineteen years. and trusts that they will centinue to send their ordera to the new Company. . ' and Manufacturing Company," -begs to thank the public for their liberal support -during the.past + undersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property and stock to the " BG,oditeuNrielicTFito;AnNdry. Goderieh, 10th June, 1872. • Referrig to the above notice, The Goderich Foundry & Ma.nufacturing Co. . Beg to inferm the public that they are prePared to contract for STEAM ENGINES' AND _BOILERS ; FLOVR, ANI5. SW MILLS; SAWING MACHINES, &e. On hand—IRON AND • WOODEN PLOWS, With steel boards; GANG -PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SITGLi;R- AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, , , WAGGON BOXES, &c. DIXIE 'WATSON, 289-2 Interim Assignee. SELECT SCHOOL AND MUSIC CLASS. ASISS RYAN, formerly Teacher of Music in the Komoka Seminary, and late of the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, begs to inform the peo- ple of Seaforth and 'vicinity that she Is iiboutform- ing a class for instruction in 'Vocal and Instra- mental Music, and has opened a Select School in the room formerly oceopled by Miss Robinson. Terms—Music, $6- per tenn. SELECT SCHOOL. The ordinary English branthes, and Plain and Fancy Work, &e. $3 and $4 per term. Hours from 10,A. M. to 8 P. M. References—Professor Carter, Or.,go.nist of St. James' Cathedral, Toronto; Mrs. Thompson, Lady Prhacipal of Bishop Strachatt School. 287 COOKING, PARLOR A.ND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER.— ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON -SHORT NOTICE. STRAY CATTLE. QTRAYED from the preinises of the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick, early in may, one grade Durham COW, roan and -white, four years old; one yearling al KIFER, same color, and two red STEERS, two years old. Any person giving information that wlll lead to their rettovery will be suitably rewarded. • • - . 1dYLES 'YOUNG, Lakelet P. 0. Lot 16, Con. 16, Howielt! Gosleriela "Star," Harriston "Tribune" please copy. . - 287-4 TO COOPERS. FO1' SALE, cheap, firsteclasa }TRADING JODITER, nearly new, and in good working order. For further particulars apply to 47. A.M.ENT, Seaforth. 284 TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER All orders addressed to the Company ROBERT RUNCIMAN, General Mane ger. s *GEORGE NIEBERGALL. Manager Agricultural Department. Goderie13, Ontario, June 10, 1872. TUBULAR -ROLLERS generally on hand for sale. or Secretary will receive prompt attention. „HORACE HORTON, - President. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. VOR SALE, cheap, a Separator Threshing Ma- chine, with Horse Power and everything com- plete, in good nrtler and nearly new, manufactured by Glasgow! McPherson & Cliiiton. Apply to the undersigned, Hay P. 0., or personally on Lot 7, 4th Con., Hay, 286-4 C. A.LDIVOItT11. PUMPS,. THE undersigned having erecteda new Pomp 'I- Factory about 40 rods north of FRANCISTOWNI, On the London Road, is now prepared to r nunfac- tare Pumps, which for lightness of operation and. durability cannot be surpassed in Ontario. Noth- ing but the best material used, first-class work- men employed. ALL WORK WARIIA.N TED. A call is respectfully solieited before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE BOLTON, 284-6m Francistow3a. Zlit gun xilri5fitor IS PUBLINIIED - - EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAVORTH TEAME.—$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Bates. First insertion, per line, 8 eents subsequent in- sertions, 2 cents each time, per line. CfNTRACT EA.TE13. One column one year $60 00 it a hall tg 8500 " " 3 months -........................2000. Half " - one year : ........„ „ , , ,,_,„ .,, es 00 t II t 4 half Li .. . . . .. . . ...... .. . , . 20 to 8 months . 12 00 One-fourth one year . ... .. .. ...1........ 20 01) o 1‘ -, half £t.. .... ....... ..... . 12 00 " " . a monthz , 8 00 One-eighth one year . 12 00 half " ....... 800 " " 8 months • . 5 00 One -twelfth one year . . 8 00 tS it ivar U. o 5 00 4' " 3 months 3 00 I Business Cards, (6 linos and lander,Vt year.. 4 00 1 Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c. i not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1; after fast ' month, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of XAR31S and REAL ESTATE 1 for sale, not exceediril. 15 lines—first month, $1 50 1 each subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, Deaths—Gratis. \ Advertisements without specific day' ections will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Advertisements measured by a scale Of solid 1 Nonpareil. M-oLEAN BROTI1SRS. 4 •