HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-27, Page 5- aaaa a a aara ear -n. --a a a- aa'aaa: - aaar a"-1:-.aranaaa aanaala anara-anaaraca_lia- , , A• - e•'•-..; _ae-eaaiaaaere ateate -aree- - - neeneeen,- ane -a -e -e---' - • - • . iteeThJsh • - Y oclelive*d hi K in the 10th of Jnne. a appeared in th nesilay last. ttawa, havhig arta- of busineaa v ' toed a beaver teat. Tuesday nornit' *curdy caught - Huron &lila freer a Saturday. Dena Commissary to ad. the diocese during at, as his Honor Iford was dri ' his hose, ajjJI g and kic • r Thejudgewao , a liege and severely , i. John Heath, while was knoeked down Toronto, a few dare - . He fell heavily, - hbo fell untel,picked - Vho conveyed nun to 'eliere he died in a effects of ininnes Lond ',ha: . , on, Huron aud Ceillivray. favor olding Theatinaa in t township of a . a bonus to the 6kei urner Railway - ownship of Downie, the second time, on. then. O. -Council Tnet on members present. reaftar persons oWin Leat s shall_ do a pro- keli beat. N. pre -2 to clug*ear Mr. Mar - ted. fgt. charity, $4. -eork on roads, $218 = each corteeion re. aznount of -money made and tht path - same, except on S. where a commission . Changes will be made 7 and 10 next meet . newly, Clerk. manmeaussamasemansa sa BALLS., iday, July 7 anti 8, Ate, Horses, Wagons, wort. of Furniture. paietore A . Bishop, le at Wingham. T. meemaamaammemssema tTILS. arth, on Jnue 24, the oes Ritchie, Jr., of a aforth, onJune 21, the a Birchatd, teacher, of .rieh, en June 29, the Miller, Esq, a Huron, of arson. `,.oderich„ on June 24, ampson, of a son. WAGES. Hibbert, by Rev. John-Valareee to Miss both of Ribbert. -On Jurre 25, at the bride's brother, Mr. J. mith, by Rev. Mr. Mil - • Mr. Gilbert Maiera„ .1iss Sarah Carter, of LA.THs. artt on June 24, Sid.- aigeJtt son of Mr. James year and 6 months. borne'on June 20, of Eticherd Fanson, son of ison, aged 16 years. .eter, on June 18, Ellen daughter of Mr. James ; years. omemanalt EARKETS. aalit from- the effects of dronth. On oil* farms- not more than helf the usual •orep is expected, on others the falling Off aeadinattid tbe ope-thiid. sraTinvem think the season' is now so far 'advanced thatmeadows will not yield above these • . - • estimates, even in cam of; copious rams. - Onniany farms the *medinne clover is be- ing to bloom and must eoon be out. outrage,* reported to be short, and -.COWs inconsequence are falling off in the • *aid of -milk. The black slater lauds of erkimer County will perhaps bear .arouth as Well m any lands in the Sta, te • - and thedry weather of this mason. has Oren. theme a: Severe test. However, if ree have rain soon, pasturage will rapidly. recuperate. The market at Little Falls te.day opened very dull -the dullest of the_seasort-and prices are down fully lc below the rates of last week, on best fac- tories. The delivery- of fax= dairies amounted to between 800 and 900 boxes, and sales were made - for common to fine at 9c to 120,and for extra and fancy from 1210 to131c. Factories were large- ly represkated, the offerings amountMg in the ageetegate to between 7,000 and 8,000 boxes, only about 3,000 of which, itis estimated, were sold. The views of aelaers were above those of buyers, and. sales did not begin to be made until late in the afternoon.Many sent forward their goods to be sold on commission, and a considerable number refused to sell, referring to hold over theft to accept of de ruling rates. The top Price, so far as We eould learn at 6 o'clock P. M., was • Wekgive the leading transactions as -follows Manheim Centre, 142boxes • at late : Manheim 'Turnpike, 70 boxes at * 13,0 ; Mid81eville, 13e ; Newport, 60 boxes at 1310. There was quite a num- ber of others that probably sold at Mc. Dairymen are very much dissatisfied with - the low prices, but are obliged. te accept the situation. The delivery +Abutter continites to be light and prices a little lower than last week. We quote sales of fine grass make at 26e. Our advices from abroad are to June 11. • Our Lon - 'don correspondent reports stocks of old 'Cheese exhausted, and rib* fndder make sating at 688 to 72s per cvit. gROOKERY, CROCKERY. VALUA LE Lots ALWAYeTtENOWNED FOR NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. On principal .street, at stati6n:Grow6j also,'a MILL PRIVILAGE And site 'far -Cheese Factory. Great chance for settlers or speculators. See large posters. Wk. SAMAR, THOS. HOLMES,' 11904 Proprietor, „ a • Auctioneer. He has now on hand a LADIES' BATISTE SUITS, LADIES' LINEN SUITS, CHILDREN'S MARSEILLES SUITS. 'BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO, June 26. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at Veit Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning with Sunday: Receipts. , Sunday ... • ..• Monday -- Tuesday Wedneeday. Cattle, Sheep, head. bead. 2,555 3,000 2,856 200. 782 2,000 2,601 4,000 Total...... Same tiraelast : June 26,i878.ll 'naning to get duagain An occasional load of erd, but deliveries gen- The wool- season seems , 'The following are the : ......$1 15 to $1 18 .. I IS to 11 0 50 to 0 56 --- 0 45 to 1)45- , - 0 55 to 0 00 015 1)12 .... . - 01) 6 - 1 ike 10., 70. . . . 0 00 to 1)10 18 00 = . . 4 00 to 600 15 to 26 to 15 . . . n 0 50 to 151) 0 es te 000 04 to *005 reI, - 0 00 to 100 0 00 to 0 40 0 00 to 600 2 25 to 800 S4 to 81 S 50 to 375 • - ; CLINTON, June 26, 1873. 15 giig 1 13 (4) 115 a 43 0 0 46 055 6.*0°, 0 la ° .1 • _ .. Orr (0 18 00 aanon, June 26, 1871. r. eat, pee bushel, $1 ,10t0 wheat, $1 10 to$I 174 ; • 16 to $1 17; barley, s, 55c to 600 oats, rolls, 16e to 180 ; pato' ; (antCICSe 12e to 14c; wool, • iltaNTO, June 26, 1873- er bushel, $110 to -$i 20; r*.1 16 to $1 17; bariat s, 400 to 43c ; peas/ uw lb. rails, 16c to I8g ; lis, 13c to 15c; eggs, 14e ;4c te 370. D L, S AIRY MARKO; - FALL, June 21, 1873- -.)er of dairymen frora Herkimer and adjoining * ,the grass crop extromelY Sunday . Monday.,...... Tuesday...... NiTednestlay 8,789 9,200, 8,279 6,200 Shipment -s. Cattle, Sheep, head. head. - 600 680 1,400 2,805 2,000 2,890 3,600 !BUSINESS OPENING. PLAIN AND STRIPED SHAWLS, STORE and Dwelling to let inNewbridoe, County "--1 of Huron, surrounded by fine faripmg coun- taa; where a business of $6,000 per =num can be done. 'Bent -moderate. Immenite posaession. CHARLES T. DOILlo 290-4 • Clinton, Ontario. - OATS AND CORN. A FEW CARS of Fancied Western OATS for 4-1- Sale. P. It. JARVIS, Produce and Commission Merchant, 290-3 • Ontario St., Stratford. In great variety, from 41 50 upward. • His immense stock of Silks, Grenadines, Japaneee Silk, Poplins, Black Gros Grain Silk and Fancy Dress Goods cannot be excelled hi any country town, The latest novelties in Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, in Muslin and Linen Seta, Real Lace Collars, Fancy Ties aad Bows. An inimense Stock of Parasols and Kid Gloves in every style. IL$ON YOTING- Are offering great bargains in • • • CROCKERY, ALL KINDS. • Tea Sets from $2 50 apwarde. Toilet Sets complete from $2 50 -upwards, awl all Otherartieles cOr- respondingly low. ESTRAY HEIFER AND SHEEP. .--4AMF. into the premises of the undersigned, ‘-/ Lot No. 4, Concession 8, Hibbert, -on Or about the month of October last, a two-year old Heifer, and a Ewe with a lamb. The owner of the above animals is requested to claim them immeelately, and pay all expeneeszotherwise they will be sold for expenses of keeping. 2904 DO.ALINICK WATERS. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. Don'eforget to see our Teas and Sugars; 11 pounds of bright Demerara Sugar, $1. OUR TEAS CANNOT As the Summer season is adVan i•T 3:3 Pk 1=tkT B11, In Bottles and on Draft, of excellent quality. CLARETS, PORT SHERRY, CHAMPAGNE, BRANDY, CIN; RUM, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEY, IN BOTTLES, THE GENUINE STUFF. BE EXCELLED FOR QUALITY AND PRICE. oing, the above Dry Goods will be sold cheap for cash. GENERAL. GROCERIES Of all kinds, as -usual. Flour and Feed, in Abundance - Goods delivered in any part of the village free of cluirge. WILSON & YOUNG, THOMAS KIDD, SEAVORTH. HORSE STOLEN OR STRAYED.. SZTOI EN or Strayed from the Commons at Har- purhey, a smaliluray Mare, eight years old. Both her hind feet white, a white star on fore- head, and white strip -on noseaalso a white spot on the back made by saddle. There are two sears on the nigh hip. Any person giving much irror. illation to the undersigned as will lead to her recovery will be sqitably rewarded. 290 ANDREW CURRIE, Seaforth. TURNINGIATHE FOR SALE. • . . • FOR SALE,. a self-acting Iron Turning Lathe with all the latest haptovements. Also, a nnmloer of tools connected therewith. Can be seen at any time at Mrs. MALCOM'S, Market Square, Seaforth. 2994 Hogs, Horses. head. head. 9,200 240 2,900 16 100 16 800 128 13,000 400. 8,500 560 Hogs, Horses. head. head. 4,700 128 4,700 208- 3,30 112 700 16 Total.- .... 6,375 7,000 13,400, 464 Same tithe last week.... .. 6,477 5,000 11,300 544 .Carrea.-The market was slow, with Common stock full la offfrom last week'i 'closing prices. ,One load of choice steers was sold by Doti to a focal butcher at the faney price of'16 621 ; but Ws was a chance sale, far above the market. The same -cattle would not have brought more than $6 371 to Eastern buyers. "The market is undergoing its usual change at this season from corn feet to greasers.. Very fiiev- prime cattle in the yards. The yards are full of stock. Attendance of buyers good. Sales aomprised about 1;250 head. Transac- tions were as follows _ No. of Average Heal Weight, lbs. 80 Illinois steers, 1,282 79 " 64 1,079 29 " 1,459 80 I " " 1,058 17 „ '` 1,135 19 6` 1,185 53 " 66 1;096 17 Ohio •6 1,173 16 1,141 " * 1,024 1,210 16 " 1,465 16 " heifers 1,245 And -19 other sales. SHEEP A.PTD LAMBS. - The market was a little more active, vvith prices Unchanged. We note the following sales : No. of Average Head. Weight, lbs. Price. 222 Ohio sheepeclipped 83 -$4 75 44.0 Mich. 85 4 12i 96 Canada " " 60 940 83 CC Cc a 63 9 60 . 22 " " 138 8 00 15 Ohio laanbs, 50 7 00 • And 3 other gales. Roos. -The market flat; but few hogs offering. and not sufficient sales to make a quotable market. Prices rule nominal at $4.90 to $5. 19 " 35 " 10 ,BOYS WANTED. - WANTED, immediately, at the Huron Carriage Werke, Seaforth, three good boys, to learn the Carriage Making business. From the country preferred. 290 A. J. McINTOSH. Price. $6 00 5 75 6 35 5 75 5 60 5 75 5 50 5 75 5 62, 525 5 62f 6 62.'t 5 50 M. LONGINES. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, BLACKSMITH WANTED. • _ WANTED, immediately, by W. T. HUNTER, " Brussels, a journeyman Blacksmith. To a good workman and steady man good wages and constant employment will be given. 29044 Has just received two more cases of those celebrated Main -Street, Seaforth. TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT M. R. COUNTER'S JEWELRY STORE, SEAFORTH, LONCINE WATCHES, Manufaciured by THOS. RUSSELL & SON expressly for him. A FEW CONCERTINAS AND VIOLINS AT LESS THAN COST. 1111-1 COIVE33S.„ LADAS' BACK COMBS, LATEST FASHION, A. CHOICE SELECTION, AT * As a proof of the excellent quality of these Watches, Mr. COUNTER has sold four eases "'thin six months, and -each one has given entire satisfaction. • DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, WorricE is hereby given that the partnership hitheito existing between the undersigned, under the name and funa of McINTOSH & MOR- RISON', carriage builders, in the village of Sea - forth, has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent. I 'I parties indebted to„the late firm will pay the same ' to ALEXANDER J. McINTOSH, who will also discharge all liabilitios incurred by the said firm, and.ite whose name the business ;will heceafter be carrie,don. a :ALEANDER J. McINTOSH, MATHEW C: MORRISON. Dated at Seaforth, this 23rd day of dune, 1873. NOTICE. In connection with the above, the undersigned , desires to state that the - business heretofore car- - ried on by McIntosh & Morrison will hereafter be carried on by himself in all its branches. As neither expense nor labor will be saved in order to afford every satisfaetion to its patronsahe hopes to have a continuance of the liberal patronage be- stowed upon the late firm since they commenced business in Seaforth. - - etro ALEX. 3. McINTOSH. HORSE SHODNIG. GEORGE BARKER, begs to inform the farmers of Mcleillop that he intends to commence busi- ness in his old stand at Winthrop on the first of July, and that he intends to carry on the business as formerly done by him. The most particular at- tention wi be paid to Horse Shoeing. Special attention paid to horses with tender feet. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to either holt or wood work. Wagon tires -act and warrant- ed. All work warranted. Prices greatly reduced. For partienlars cal). rind flee for yourselves. I take this opportmilty of thanking you for past favors and hope by doing good work at a low price to merit a continuance of the same. - GIORGE BARKER, Horse Shaer, 290 Winthrop. STOLEN- GOO -DS. NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, June 24, 1873. The quietude of the local horse trade has increased from clay. to day through- out the week tinder review. There was nothing new to observe in the deraand for work horses. Prices remained much the same as usual, with a slight tendency ill the buyer's favor. The amount of sales reported in the Bun Head market was comparatively Small. The Jerome STRAY STEER. premises of t Park races and other attractions offered -QTRAYED from the he undersigned, the aa Lot 29, Con. 9, McKilloTp6, Fair on or abont the 1st three years old, 777. AFTER DOMBION DAY M. R. COUNTER'S, Seaforth. At - AND FOR THAT WEEK, The following lot of Goods will be cleared out at reduced prices: • • Silk Parasols from 50 cants. Silk Jackets from $2 50. Silk Dresses at $1 per yard. Silk Serge at 70 cents per yard. Silk Bareges from 15 cents per yard. Grenadine Dreams from 16 cents per yard. - Yosemite Dresses from 20 cents per yard.. Linen Tasso from 20 cents per yard. Fine Camlets, checked, from 30c. per yard. • ea; Also, a Job Lot of Dress Goods from 10c. to 20c. per yard, worth from 20e. to 400. ALL NEW GOODS, IMPORTED FRU ENCLAND THIS SEASON. N. Also, ved to -day, another lot of those heavy bine and br' eam Denims Cotton Yarn, Cotton Bags, Carpet Warp, and a lot of new Canadian Tweeds at from 70c. VD $1 per yard. IsTO BMOC:31\TM) P1RICM_ BUTTER taken in exchange same as cash. Cash paid for Batter packed Tennets. • A. G. McDOUGALL. A- PIECE OF DRESS GOODS was stolen from the store of LOGAN & JAMIESON, on Wed- nesday, 251h June. Since the perpetration of the theft, information has been received from one who saw the goods taken, which leaves no doubt as to who the guilty person is. Unless the goods are immediately returned, this person will be prosecut- ed and exposed. 290 LOGAN & JAMIESON. TWEEDS, TWEEDS. SPLENDID LOT OF SOLD -OUT---lops,STOCIE AND BARREL VBANK PALTRIDGrE, Photographer, Seaforth, • bega* to inform his -old-friends that he will re- tire from the Photographic business, on the 1st of July next. As many of my friends as would like to see me, come along before the lkt of July. Also, for sale, that comfortable, pleasantly situated COTTAGE AND LOT, On High-st. (opposite residence of Rev. Mr. Gold- smith) containing 4 bed -rooms, parlor, dining -room, kitchen, pantry, good cellar; .hard and soft water with pumps; cook shed; a very convenient brick deify and ash house; the garden is first-class ; vegetables all planted with the choicest kinds; plum trees grape vines just commencing to.betir, and &nice 'flower garden in front. The Lot is one- fifth of in acre less five feet on the north side where there is a lane for teams rendering it cosi to a corner lot. The above- premises may be view- ed any day between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M. There is also an unexpired paidup Fire Insurance policy on the house with two years yet to run. Title perfect: Apply to FRANK PALTRIDGE, • 288 Photographer, Seaforth. - ' Canada, Province of Ontario, In the County Court of the County of Huron. County of Huron. Insolvent Act of 1869 CA) DIAN TWEEDS • . FOR FALL WEAR, JUST RECEIVED AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S • g 11•1111•111 02 N. B. -Suits made at reasonable prices, with fits guaranteed. In the matter of Annie A. Irwin, 1 an- In- solvent. 0 On the 4enty-e1ghth day of July next the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge underthe said Act. Dated at Seaforth, thia 18th day of June, 1873. ANNIE A. ERWIN, By BENSON & MEYER, Her Attorneys ad litem. 289-4 on tlfe turf caused half-holi ays to _ kale in the market for all tne higher - valued stock, and business in this depart- ment of our trade, already conspicuous for its unseasonable dulhaess. came al- most to a stand -still. - The safes- affected. through the agency -of our leading auction Marts presentei no new or interesting feature. - GOLD. --The price of G old. in New York is quoted. at 1151. of may last, a sarx with a white spot on the Bide, behind the shoulder. 4Any person giving such information de will lead to the recovery of the above onimal will be suit- ably rewarded. . JAMES DUNCAN. 2894 Winthrop P. 9. FOR SAlLE. A dooD BUG-Gt, A Bargain. • EDWARD CASH. Seaforth, ainae 18. 1878. 289 Province of Ontario, In the County Court of the Canada, , County of Hurog. County of Huron. ' Insolvent Act 01.1869 In the Inatter of Franz, A. Me▪ yer,•an In- solvent. On the twentY-eighth day*of July next the ander- signed will apply to the judge of the said Court fora discharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth, thie 18th day of Juno, 1873. FRANZ A. MEYER. By BENSON &=MEYER, 289-4 His Attorneys adlitem. THOR0U6HBRED DURHAM •BULL FOR VOR SALE, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull, one i. year old: Pedigree given. Apply to R..E. CARNOCHAN, 2YI*4 -Tucliersnaith. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE A s I have been appointed Sole Agfiut in the Pre- -"- vinee of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- chine, none have a right to sell the said raaehine except those aPPOillted by rae. In the Coanty of Mixon the following 'are* the only authorized Agents for the Florence Machine : Thos; Connors, U. P. Whiffen, and. Lawrence Murphy, Seaforth ; Villiers; Mt:Gear:Clinton ; L. 5.1,Villson, Goderich. Any perso-a or persons other than the above rePre- Benting that they have a right to sell, or can fur- nish the Florence Machine in the County of Hu. - iron, are impoeters, and the public are hereby 'warned to beware of thew. 0. C. 'WILLSON; General Agent for Ontario, Seafortb.. 290 LOGAN & JAMIE§ON. For the Haying and Harvest of 1873. 'balk • • i,..... : -..laitille '''''. P.t...• - ._.5.r, • ""' - - -1•4`V.Int5 .;;7:44: '1 -,. ' • . ' $ P a SALE. • s. • The Subscribers offer their unrivalled _CAYUGA, CHIEF. JR. MOWER, ANI) JOHNSTON SELF -RAKING SINGLE _ • REAPER, And guarantee them supetior*in every respect to an Combined. Machines in use. Among their chief adv antagies over Combined Machines we would mention the following: let. They are cheaper, because a Reaper and Mower costing $210 will outwear two Combined Ma- chines costinglover $300, and with not one-quarter the cost of repairs. 2nd. They are lighter traught ; any light team can work either Mower or Reaper all day with ease. The pitmans working freely, and never cramping, as is always the CS -Se with combined Machines on Inifiervde.nTshaerfynos. better work, beearise each is specially adapted to its own close Of work, is always ready for its work withotit changes, and. both machines, by their levers, will cut closer than any other nuiehine. .This is a great advantage, especially 'in mowing, as an inch at 'the bottom is worth thiee•Wenhat ttenti6.041148ateYteoaxeaumerate the farther advantages of these machinesabut Offer a trial of either or both in all lands of grass or grain, and will agree to cut the worst -lodged grase or grain, going the same way it is lodged, which no other Mower or Reaper can do. We offer, to such as ineist npon trying combined machinesuur And guarantee it equal to the best of its class. AU our work guaranteed. 'Address - THOMSON .& WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. 13" Repairs at jOHNSON BROS., Seaforth. OHIO COMBINED MACHINE WITH JOHNSTON SELF RAKE, BACON AND HAMS. VOR SALE, by the undersigned, at Kippen, in -a- large or small lots, for cash abont ten tons of first-class Bacon. and Smoked liams. Apply to JAMES & GEORGE PETTY, 286°4 Kippen P. 0. TENDERS WANTED. , TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up -a- to -the lst of jkly, for the erection of a Frame Dwelling House according, to plans and specifica- ' tions, which may he seen at my office. I do not bind myself to accept the lowest or any tender un- less otherwise satisfactory. Terms cash down on completion of the ioinaccording to contract. 287 JOHN ,S. PORTER - HO'TEL FOR SALE. THAT HOTEL ]mown as viss' HOTEL, -near -a- the Station, doin-o a good„bu.siness, will be sold rt to - LOST, on Saturday, 7th June, between the 4th. Concession, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, and Sea - forth, or between Seaforth* and the residence of Mr. GEO. OTTESIsTrY, on the Huron liked, a silver baud for the huh of a buggy, with cap. The find- er will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the EXPOSITOR Office. 289°4 e. e FARMERS, TAE NOTICE. rrE.E subscriber informs farnieni mad the PUblie 'IL that his THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR Will stand for the service of Sows at the farm formerly owned by Dr. Chalk, Harpurhey, during thnle pritemseast._oseasncemp.ollar per Sow, with privilege of returning -payable atTtroemAofsseIrviceicaLELLAND. 287-4 h ith all the barns sheds, outhouses, ionr CA UTION TO TRESPASSERS. cheap for cash or exchange r p p VOTIOE is hereby given tluit an.y pe.rson found -L/ cutting or destroying timber cal lots IsZos 20 and 22, in Con. 6, Township of exey, will be proeecuted ancording to law. FISICE11. Grey, April 12, 1873. 280413 good wells, &c. For further particulars apply to JAS. ROSS, on the premises. Title indisputable. Pos- session given immediately. 3. Rosa, Seaforth. N. b. -Also, a good Storehouse on the South , siding will he sold. cheap for cash. 289 • ••••