HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-27, Page 37 19 334 •731....r37 33", 73 _- 1 V. ) SEE Prints, p31 ',hey are good* oovs Timirr WITZ .IES RED OF A GIRL, BY SAMOEL SLICK,, alielt. *. it all1--a of her, ndKell amite ofa gal } g into one p_ of °her=awe xa"lled v„ �itlttcl<sister Ce voicei Sweet as the whippor will s And the sunshine's hi her hair But I'd rather face the redskin's knife, or the grip of a grizzly bear. Yet. Salsa s, "' Why, she's: such a dear, She's just the one for you." Oh, a r it alt !`-^•`feared of a gal, And me just six feet two 1 - Inoue she am anysize, while I'm Considerable tall, bowhere when she 'speaks to me, She makes nie feel so my face' grows red ; mytongue gets hitched, •, The c, seed thing won't go: ; It riles me, 'cause it makes her think • Fm. most tarnwtionsloow. d though folks say she's sweet on me, I guess it can't be true. _ • 1,0 Oh, darn it a,11 ! --geared of a gal, And me just Six feet two 1 . My sakes just 'spose if what the folks Go, 'cOlIBM, Jane, and speak to her, Find out and let nie kno* - Tell her the gals should court' the men, For isn't this leap year? --- That's why I'm kindey bashful like, Awaiting for rik. hire. And should she hear I'm scared of her, You'll swear it can't be trne. Oh, darn it an I—afeared of a gal, And me just six fret two ! * Sister Sal don't Ifte this word. Says' it's only .fit tor stocking* and suchlike. But can't be helped: The country folits are great at darning. They Win " darn,"-• and that's all about it,- ing that he is geed for six years ral grown-up sons and daughters,; but *Oiled them wonld tt-ik y ttoubfe `abput the bu o• f::thieir father's remains ,and even •.,refused to seethe -4)04y, while. a dog, owned by the .r deceased, remained all = night _. �S Qs .ae F• 'with t corse; of:bis master, and HQW TO 1VTE ,5c,T would not leave,. until forced to asp INVEST IT • —Most Smokers like ineetschauTtl • pipes so well that they wuuld also DRY GOODS OR • liIILLINERY, like to have them re little 'cheaper. , , 6 , a s6 cheap tha in some of these lines your 75c. will turn to s? -1..2e, as y e touch aw Goode, Limlies' ;jackets Beautiful Shawls Elegant Parasols, Dreiga Gaods, Muslins, Gents' Chemistry; now undertakes‘to supply (;)ri, Stroh ..- •-b schaums 'ont of 'potatoes " peeled, DENT'S dHEAP DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY ESTABLISTINTEISi; soaked for about 36 hdurs in water, - to which eighttereent. of snlphuric acid is lidded, dried in hbt'sand for severdl days on plates of. chalk or plaster of Paris, and lomkessed the same time: They can then be carved, and,will be an elicellent im- -The.clergy are among the most - long * lived of 'professional Men. President Tuttle,* ef Losb rege, alums that the average age of 1.44.2. clergymen euume,rated by •him Was over 61 years. Of these the Trinitarian Con,gregatienalists reached an, average of *65.8 years ; the Baptists of 64.3 years ; the Pres- byterians of- 0.1.3, and- tbe- Episco- paliane of 59.8 ; So that the Congre gational aspirant for . pulpit honors will have the satisfaction of . know - plete in alt the leading VD CA -FABIAN > ANDVESTINCL :HIND mese notice. A YTEE . - alt made on the ENV LOT' OF Brief- Notes. / more of. life than Ms Episcopalie,n A Michigan restaurant keeper of- in...it-bet, a little animal, sortiething like a woodchuck, has recently become in great demand among Parisian epietwes —A - thrifty sheriff in lediana when, be has- an idle jury- on his hands feta ,them to work mowing —Mcii‘laying• gas- _pipe in Fond du Lae; Wis., a. fortnight ego, dug to.the depth of five feet four inches, and--fem- the tattle- froiiii•SO'lii.1-d that they- were dompelled to quit who rode si.-ety miles on a locomo- brother. —411 nailer in an English school ,ticeL and as he etiiiceived without broug suit for three months' pa.y against •the -principal. On the trial the -defendant -stated that he had de,' teeted ttie usher kisiide the cook in 'the pantry; and .that he sonsidered -was ample ground fer his dismissal. The usher 'admitted 'that she had tried' its ihe Cook; the .jui•y Was no evideute- of 'lain character, --W.hen riding in the cars epe often 'forced to listen to.conversa- tive to seta hew the cow catcher -Op- one of °lir Eastern trains. e other dated, was -disgusted that not a sin- .day. a tiewly-tua,rriedtoup tartiug gle cow- Was ..caught* during the Q11 their wedding toer, 4.ft Com - trip. .fOrt4bly gjni`e.;elitimselyes in --eAn - ingenious poulterer- haw their seats, game vent to tneir enio- taken the hint, from' the Iowa 1ey- tiGns felieW44-*•: :Heel:And (lean-. ORTH :KERRi FOUNDRY. 'Wish t45 infOrta the people 4 triron 'and publia grenerally that they have leased the Seaforth Fopridry for a term of years, and aro now prepared, to manufacture all kinds of ' - Castings Straw Cutters, Sawing, Machines, Plows, and other Farming Implem.ents. We are idsopreparqd to do REPAIRING of every description. ' The' undersigned have had long experience in the Foundry business, and are prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their work. 287 t_n1a11 l.r eoFLIM A$ BEMOVEp lus ware -roomy to ' JOHNSON'S DLI? IITAND,' Mai*-street,Seaforth, here he has on hand's superior stook of 'urni• ' ' time; tiflev rYiteeorfptibn." CALL 4.D.:,-$44'. PfilBreparfd to attend funerals, op the. gqiertest Kept conatantly on hand. Blain street, Seaforth, has now, on, hand a ford Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be LUM1,3ER IIEWER! • ICE.kD' F RM&; The 4sheap t'I d hi market iorisale by the :INION" PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On the Great• iatte oo0,000 $ cee� in General Nebraska,` Now for sale in .traets=of 40 acres and upward, on FIE nAnWce ?4IEter&:N TEA:itre' roAE,r AT a PEI, CENT.; No RI,coedn daMii newa 3f'a oad wahtefulr.mte, fertile soil, -an a ort- . ugtnTtHEiFeIiii•i83.1 mn.os pTwp I 7 omibnfCouWEr:moreAie o#,nr Ttatih Platte VulleYV . . • Soidierar,(ntit i to a homestead of .40 acres. Ti-itg. BEST' LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. imantstryt VICTORIA STiAM SAW Od-M, *eft intention to become cittzens of thei,•„States,,And may avail thernselved of this provision iminediately after their arrival. of choice Government Lands open for entryi under the--Humestead- LaW, near- this Great' Railroad, -rikte prisigekto purchases 01 Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showln# the Land, also new :liatuaio.!inA.traolfarodosevss,crptriplierVee.ptimphlet with w maps Land 00mmissiOnoeurAUn.:11. clOne, anti invente : a powerful bel- fog °Vet '''F';et..ir teoiled v :towaid tile ers.off 'chickens intead of picking " 'Oose little - pet lamb 'ou ?" them. • • • Wife (with responsive- tendel•ness) —A mass meeting cf -farmer& from —" ,7011's•'' flinsbttrid—" '0') does alliarts qf00101.`aflo has bee to Meet at Denver, to de -vise means G., being a einele man waS coat - of procuring a comprehensive svs_ pl-etcly 'u-vercoine at this part of the tem of -irrigation for the territory. of the conversatio-n, anci joined the a. -young civil eLgineer,•of Birmirig- ha m, has just patented an interesting- .33 .TvaNiP.,7Sggp. Of the following varietiea, fresh from the• Old established and reliable firm of j. A. BRUCE & CO., Hamilton, eau be had frOm ti,s at Catalogue Prices viz.; ;Carter's, Slcirving;q, Hall's Westbury or Sharpe's (all Swedes) for cents per pound. The celebrated Gray Stone (for late solving), 80 cents per pOpr:(1. Also, note the fact that we sell JAS."P. 'KENDALL & CO.'S EST FLopR Have now get•theli ,new'Steann Northern, Gravel, Road/ ..‘dx pgileec;Inorthr forthernuningatr full Past, and are prepared to furnish 'BUILDING INIATERIAL Of very description, embracing a quitntity of AND FEED, • . At Mill Prices, and deliver them in any of tie throe yillages frpe of charge and premptl.;•'. GRO EWES,. Our Teed Sugars Tobaccoes Spices Curran s Raimins &a &a speak for themselves.- One- trial Convince you that we keep the best intim market. • • - Potatdes, Pa -rots, Beets, °Mono, always on hand.. Aleo, -Green.- Groceriea. or all. kind's, during their season. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato Plants, freph twice a week. A few barrels of • • Still Pniand. Call and get some before it la all gegnig.;,: Last 'shipment of•the season. in atock; by leaving your order% avitlins be supplied afaamiltou picas free of freight:. ; Nolmoollmommonimmommonsamion IIILMBRITANNIA HOUSE,. tirdera *dully awl Promptly attend - Such as Ma 4toila•-ifitgrAilira1443assWood; Oak and Elm. fit*ealof FENdiNG*4 AND DRAIN LUMBER tept- d'ex1Pas OA easy 'Aswan be tiadokifiewhero. _ Lumber delivered In Seafortlt, if required, 'Lumber el any (lescriPtion -can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in:lengi,h, .IVIL4INERV•AND -DRESS • Vielina paper Anna Agrikol, sick nurse,. watolies dead bodies, repairs ,straw chairs, applies leeches, and makes pastries, deserts and deli_ duveution, and one that will doubt-. capies." • less be of use to tonrists and travel- • —hi is now tho eesiiien pates, leis. The patent consists. of a little with a small: Wheel projecting, and , is designed to mark with. rapidity all distances tipon.,,niatm traversed, coarse n° ,pesition ean be niore ef- whether 4the path left behied is that at receptions, for ladies to sit in the centre of a room, back to back, on a large ottoman., and on, sofas against the walls ; the geprtlenien stand and, GARIINPF ITC . Is a Strong; - MRS.. GRAY • Seafaithltid For AfairietY 'And Particular attention:paid 'to . WO EASON- WILLIAM GRASSIE *HAS Sold' lils 'Sleighs end Caters, end is now -BUGGIES AND WA4oNs. A fa* Buggies mid -Wagons left ear frentuat year, solfiaheal). 7An'y pefsen *tinting, a substantial Wagon or rangementel aa 0.,,,large number ()tor( =l401 are now thdse tee long -All not *Repairing end hors• p• shoeing, promptly attended WILLIAM. GR,ASSIE, mers' Store, Main -street, Settforth. 279-12. FAMILY SEWING, Light ..Manti7t.aatiripg: VcrOk. At thel'airs held throughout the -Dominion, this Machine was Pu to soma yery _severe testa by _the • . BEST 'JUDGES Tilt COUNTRY -MILD PRODUCE AND• BY THEN AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and .26 Prizes in 1872: • recoil:Tv:Tel it, to all clasies: It had a complete ---A: teacher received a note the highwa4Y-1 The iteiterterent placed Its simplieity of conStraction, stremtth and durabilitby which read " I want .you striekly i-upe alpug the .lince WIrich,:is .to be Children.. ..yOu keep JoaTria. for el Ito ifideklvalid. reki.8ters the 'miles being Imo you will ha.ve truble you and •yardefiliassed over, but aCcard- Aim E 'WORKS. Watildintlinate -• numerous friends and.'the Monuments„ 711eadStOlieS, IMPS, Mantels, &b. - Is now better prepaied than ever liF.fore to fur- , GrOmiiite Iraiiilitteilis Imported- to' Qrder. surpassed inane pins of X.1ntano. , Nexplioor, to.liorter's ;Furniture Store, IL IIIESSET. `set of attachments, and does all Uncle of work. " other da.3.r from au indignant pal eat nencight, and the small rollMg, wheel INSTBUCTIONS IN ALL THE ATTACHMENTS payee FREE OF CliARPE. Measured. During the actual tray- • . . & 3 Ga miner Seivinbl Machine .. Company Banniton Ont. LUCE OF Lk.RGE STOCK OF need not think that 'Wee are Slaves ing to*the scale of. thi3 map. - heeas wee bent We live ie. a. free werk eecently publieLed in of all persons acquirincr United sties m that couttry doling the The only Syrup PrepealeOrdin Dr. Churchill's* ot Fermula, and -to biChernietaly pure.' =For land adoo." Germany 8116-Wki Vtie share taken hy 268 FORCE AND LIFT PUMP die Oom)non tog alai, Cistern :PUVP. atly-f)iZei tOtAirdeX,./ These arc *w ac- knowledged tohe the cleanest, best and cheapest and Water Supplies in general, by which my can than,any Qs_ e in the business: FORTH Am' work. of All icinda in American and_ Fbreign Mdrbre, (*Signed ,fit(1 executed in the best Style, faction to all ‘vito may favor me witliSheir orders.. - 5 Plied Olt 1351104 otice. All' Work irarrixditet. PETER QRASSIElt ',- Agent' for the 'Comity of Enron. —It; is BOW necessary on the part the student'S in the different ITniver- that at least ten per. cent. of it who fell in aetion-the University csf 4thnutoolm otbh4peglie:fgglil'afir!:`,1erg' shall be keptas woodland. If it bf, Leipia lost the greatest °number, CERTIrIcATE.1.8.TC; -prairie land that much of must be • 63 members in 411; The, losAes of , the -end of three years ru will be de - lows . -13er , Gottin en, -28 .Gentlenlen.--I, hare examined the Aides em- ; played in the Victoria Chemical'Worlis, 'in the pre - Syrup of Hypophosphites. Laboratory, Unitreisit College, a planted with trees, otherwise • at the 4other-' universities'were AS; fol.- To the Vigtoria Clieralcal CoMpellY, Toronto, ea. 4, 1872. —An Eektish detective, who was burgh. and. jeu a , each 1 3 Dte,s1u, pare, and the Syrup is alao quay ree from anY inl- detailed' to ,aceornirany the Prince of 11; Bonn, 9 To bingon, 8 Rostocs, Professor of Chemiatrv, U. C. Munster victeriadoinpoun(riqipstra.ct of Itnehu arrested by the Vienna' police for each 2 ; *Erhiegen, 1. t of , the pressing too close upon the princely I 3 765 German students matricu- pair, and, in spite of his explanations, marched eff to jail. —It is reported that a vessel through the campaign, about 3 5 and Ilya Nrsi. speeitic remedy for ail tlisensea of_the bladder lated in the 'slimmer teem of 18'0, and kidneys, dropsieal swellings, complainls inci- dental to females, aud diseaaes of the Urinary .• Try it once for any of the above disorders, and ilv convinced of its pre-eminent which sailed last year from Merri- of whom were in the ranks, and Pric$1 per bottle.. Sold by all Druggists. - " The King of all Linitnents." For rheumatism, gout,' neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, _ smoldering pains, stiffness in the limbs or joints, sprains, •binises numbness, swellings, headache, etaaehe, laSSOS casks, filled with fresh water frau; the river for ballast. Just as she reached her deetiriation, Oarde- naseeuffer_•ed from a• tidal wave that overfic wed. the wells with salt 'imater, when the carain found a ready sale for his Merrimack river water at $2.50 per h ogsliead, _ —The blilck bass, the finest game fish, except_ sal akin, knownin Amer - Can water -s, is troubling fishermen with its fecundity. It is said that the number of the fish of the black bass species caught this year has been enormous, and it has been pre- dicted that the black bass will soon extirpate every other fish from many of the rivers. Their game- ness and savage fighting qualities are well known. --Aeries Sormenbecky, describ- ed as au " old larae milkman," com- mitted suicide by *hanging, himself recently at Saginaw. He had seve- 1,000 attached to the ambulances. Out of 14505' university profess(); s. 1,5 were under arms, 253 devoted themselves to the care of the sick Victoria Electric Liniment. the national aloe oy speech and Price 50 cents per bottle. • Sold by all Druggists. Victoria Carbolic Salve. aiimumemeremeniwommummommenmumeams SEAFORTII PLANING MILL. SASH DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY TNT', subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the libertil patronage extended to him since commencing -business in Settforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance Parties intending to build would do well to give hitu a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, 'LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving:Satisfaction to those tah.o May favour him with their patronage, as none but first-clasa workmen are eraployed. 201- 40,14g. H. BROApFOOT. IROONNS TO LET. • ITO LET', in Seott's - Block, two commodious "Worth lie weight in gc;Id." A'apeciti for`cnts, wounds, bruiSes, brims, scalds boils, piles, pim- ples, &•e. and chrottle diaeafges the skin of every 7A1 e Ps artilePeti2'°5110.ent s per tiox. 'Sold by all Druggists. Victoria. Carbolated, Glycerine Jelly. ".Eminantly the ladies' favorite." For beautify- ing, the complexion, and for removing tan, sun - 'burn, freckles, pimples, &c., also, for Chapped hands, Chilblains, frost bites, and sorelips. 'Price 25 cents per bettle. Sold by all Druggists Victoria Tina Soaps. lence of quality." Victoria Carbolic Soap, 'Victoria. Sulphur Soap, Victoria Glyeerine,Honey, Rose and Sold by all Druggists. ' • NOW IS YOUR Ton • H. COLLADAY has leased the large end com- modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, siljoining the Railway /Ration, and has fitted it gip • Cheap for Cash at j• It'S" NO MORE COMBINATION:,PAICES., THIS IS NO FICTIO11. • Granite,Monuments and Headstonee Imported As I require money wfth which ,to carry op my . 2g7 •ti dl.."NDIIEW,,CAL,DERt,Agent. bueiness, 1 haVe to- ;State that 'all= leveratte;' Notes - . handed to Mr. J. S*. Porter for 001feet-tett; 4 r .;DA. -t,-. i. LONDON, ONT. '180UtErri Head Oftics„ Richmona-street, opposite, City Hall, ' low rote of iritereat, and on the most favOrable Dwellings or Store Owl the terms of this Soeiety preferable to any other foOde, IMitanbe, $7/31)0 paid ift;th.ti bna tit 'eke)", half - hIoneir can be obtained ftt any time and with Make no delay, but come and secure excellent little or no deley beyond :the time iudei;sliailly oc•-• bargains while you can. cupied inttitelTigyeatigtAkm. title and prepant- Best Material Used, AND MADE BY GOOD WORKMEN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, TRUNKS, SADDLES, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, CARDS, &e., &c Repaint done with neetnefel ea despatch. Remember the place- Opposite 'KIDD'S' Store. 276 JAMES WILSON. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD • TzEd to inforin the public that theyhave opened:: -1" a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Sluiarson'a., Mill, on the ground formerly used. as a tannber They will keep eonatantly on hand a_ good assort - Mont of ALL KINDS OF•LUMBER, dressed °and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES,All of whicb. they are.prepared tar sell at the lowest posdi- ble price's, for eagh. Builders and others will find it to their advant- before purchagindebeilherei 0.8 ye SZO ill a position to offer good inducements to eash perchasers. as a bearding -house. Good table and edmfortable , house should apply, as there are at feresent a few F Ft BALE 0171EAP. vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at A ItIDIN , ADDLE, Bridle and Martingales. less than hotel rates. 228 ••(-4- Apply at the Exuosrion office, Seaforth. For further pesticide* tO tennis,. &e.,• apply by Jotter to Secretary and Treasurer, Loudon, Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONG/ Esq., Valrustbr 'fig Sea - EXTRACTING TEETH WITHQiJT .1; attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Parties relanir' ing new teeth ere requested to es11, be•seen at my office in Stratford. • - - Teeth bfierted in the meat -substantial and im- d.onein gold, &c., in a mannervrhich can - To PEDDL nearly new ; and Will be sotreheap. 282 , Of all kinds, gold can aupPli their' •• Crie,..AT' AS ANY IN TIIN'TRADE. Stol'f4 cf//4 Tinware on laud as It8-14al. :.:QOAL,pitac!r sale Wholesale and Retail. . Repairing and Nave Troughingpromptlyetteral • Main -street. Seaforth. riER T B litoTT'S COOPER :$ Near the Market; Seatorth. These Tubs are of good quality and warranted. - Bone -Dry, Cylinder -Sawed WHITE ASH STA-171bl For Butter Tulis, for Sale. SAMUEL TROT, 186 A HU'S BRITTANNIA HOUSE. Dress Goods, Shawls,