HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-20, Page 7• . • • • LARS, TIES, • tit sailers, 'sexy large std ot LENT rx f for- Money. have tlets • Hell Teaa REDUCED PRIC - or one raonth. tine: ehoice cle of T -puff, 'will An it to their eel They have also on' - - AL GROCERIE% kre, Wines wad Li nom Lake Huron Uvery cheap for FTS & 110IBIXTOX, Bruesels 4.NTS• MONE • • NG,SEAFORTII, at a LOW RATE OF - enter Tillegre Property. g money ahould apply White nk FOUR PROPERI YOUR; LIVES. ng, Seaforth. LSO AGENT FOR avincial Insurance Company-, tarance 'Company, of Teronte-e• Eik Insurance Company/ eg nable as offered any• otter es,sfor reliable Companies. Strong & Feys Seaforth. • Teit D CRICKET AND BATS . AT A DEN • G STORE Ade NOTICE. relay given that the tindersipe& • av eratered. into Partnership sa CommissionMercheada in*" di. under the name, style web ENPALL & 00. ; JAS. Ie. KENDALL, - • MARTIN 01 LESWORTIle clifiALL & GO. he Farmers, Produce Merchants - he County of Huron that they rota Mrs. SffEARSON & COe te the Seaforth AM's, and Nem the seme. a of Grain Purchased, Aa foal:141y, 'W -et (IASII PRICE Paid, cAtartged far ng to exchange can rely upon eN''heat Noel Flour. i-ERED in any part of the 6, l,having had. the entire worldng he Mill for the pat theeeyearse assiired that they will reeeive itory treatment mud as good work AS. me:spa Tef. it CO. E to the above, the nuders1gieI thank their nmaerous customers patronage accorded to them for - anti trust that the saraelibe in be extended to the new fins easere iabeing able to confident- •ofar old patrons. All debta dee with the Mill must be paid ta Co.., ana all debts- due by us, in the sante. will be settled by the _ Keradall & Co. it av, saaansoN & Ca. OTINI)RY. ER wiehes to call the attention g corartmuity in general tabl '•tock of ural impleruentst Consisting of WOOD PLows, proved Steel Mould Board, -G PLOWS, ;Its, LAND ROLLERS, ZOUFFLERS, 84e. call ePecial attention. to the celebrated 10 ERS' PLOW 5 universal satisfaction wherever now added a Thistle Point, se this part. Also, to some ROfirst- LAND LLERS, $35. Also, a few lass Wagons, ring nee, warranted of vel bee -C TIM.I3glit ill be sold at the very T.RICESIi`OR CASH r apl}rovea eretlit. -WM. R. WILSON. del„ IS7r 271er BRITANNIA HOUSE. e Millinery THE NEW SIT.APE ND BONNETS. ,Corest Fishers of Capri. The truth is that coral• fishing is &sstersato which nothing but sheer verty• drives the fishermen. Five April to October their life is a life of ceaseless drudgery. pas d in a small boat without a (leek, With no food but biscuit and coal \eater, touching land only at the boyhood of Capri- is waiting tervais ef a month, and often des outside to pelt' the bridal train with " confetti " as it •hurries maid blushes and laughter across the Piazza; a dinner of maccaroni and the island wine encls*in a uni- versal "tarantella,' there is a -final walk round the village at the close of the dance, and the coral- fisher malls the prize of his toil as he leads his bride to her home.—Sat.urdays a Blind Bridles. proviclessthe rest, and on the eve of the marriage tillk families meet again to take an inventory of her coutribu• tions, which remain hee own preper- ty tilt her *death. ;' The morning's sun streams in upon the lovers as they kneel at- the aces: of mass be- fore the priest in San Stefano ; all rived of sleep for days toga er through shortness of hands, the coral fishers are exposed to a cell- stant brutality from the masters of their vessels which is too horrible descri tion. The fishing is :ro,setfrealrittrd woll. The two beams of wood laid crosswise, with hemp and loose netting ,attached to them, which serve as a dredge, are dragged along the sea bottom with -a rope, which it sometimes requires the crews of half a -dozen boats to haul to the surface. If it .breaks the whole boat is in peril; if the sailor who is paying out fails to note the moment when it catches the coral, his thigh over which it runs, is cut so the booe. A Jog pull tears the branches entangled in the net trot the rocks or breakspff rock a-nd- and a shout et jay bursts from the wearied fishermen as the tangled mass of coral appear's above the waves. To the masters the "lishery is lucrative enough ; of the 8,000 -francs which form the returns of a single boat, some 2,000 are clear - proft. But pleasured Wa- our Eng- lish notions, the pay seems miserably inadequate to the toil and suffering which they undergo. , For the the whole period of eight months, it varies with the strength and expe- rience of the seamen • from Z12 to 118, the boys receiving as little as 14 ; _and of this, much is absorbed by the extortionate shopkeeper of Torre. -Enough, however, remains to tempt the best of the Caprese fishermen to sea. Even a boy's earnings will pay his mother's rent. For a young man. it is the only mode in which h can hone to gather a bum SII - The check rein! is not the only objectionable parts of a bridle. Blinds, although a lesser evil, are, as a rule, quite ;as objectionable. The horse- should be treated as a - reasoning animal. When a colt is first harnessed its fear is greatly*ex- cited. • The feeling of the harness is new, and tends to ialarrn the leath4c- bound beast. If, in addition, you blindfold him to all directions save. the straight forwaid, you increase his terror four-foid. He hears the rattle of -.the wagon, and many other sounds which are incompre- hensible. He catches glimpses of rassing objects, and fears that in some he is going to be hurt. Now substitute forthe bridle with blinds - one without blinds; and see bow much his nervousness and terror will abate. His eyes will asstire himthat nothing is coming tit him, and he becomes -quite docile. I would make it an- invariable rule away not capital_ only, but worse till, all of' man's nerve, poiver. Present gratification tends to put off duty until to -morrow or next week. It is getting to be a rare thing for the sons of rich men 0 die rich. Tot:often they squandek in a half • score of years what their fathers were a lifetime in aecumulating. I wish I could ring it in the ears of every aspiring young man that work, hard work, of head and haads, is the price of success.—Country Gentlenutn. . neraulanaaatioaremainssemeopossememema NEW HARNESS SHOP. not.fo put blinds on a young horse. The reasons given for using blinds are that they make a horse look bet- ter, and. that 'they pre\ ent his 2 springing forwarclawhen he sees the whip rising forlag blow. .Now, will admit that a poor old crowbait of a horse looks better when .put in - • Five per cent. off for cash at • BELFRY 84. MAY'S, • SADDLERS, SEAFORTH. • Shop opposite the Mansion Ifotlei. We helm now on hand an. assortment ef good Harness, Saddles, Tranlcs and Valises, Brushes, Curry Combs, and all (Inscription. of Whips kept constantly on hand. Repairing done at moderate rates. Frank Millet's Prepared Heelless Oil kept con- stantly on hind at" : BELFRY & MAY'S, Saddlers, 288 /kfain.Strbet, Seaforth. dent for marriage and his start in life. the early marriages So cora- mon at Naples and along sthe ad-. joining coast are unknown at Capri, where a girl seldom weds befere 20, and where the poorest peasant le - fuses the hand of his daughter to a suitor who cannot furnish a, wed- 'dingsettleruent pf some 120. Even with the modern rise of 'wages it is almost impossible tor a laver to ac - horse team, wh cumulate such a mai from the pro - use a whip en t dace of his ordinary toil, and his oneresoniee is the coral fishery. a case it might blinds on the The toil and suffering of the sum - even in this c mer are soon. forgotten when the side of a' new heelless with blinds on, as the bridle covers up his weary, sunken eyes. But the less you have on a well -formed head, the better for lots, whether animal or human. The comfort of an ani- mal should be attained if it can be clone merely by sacrificing, looks. The second reason has no force, ex- cept in one c4se, that of- a four - n you are obliged to e leaders. ln such be necessary to put wheel horses. But se a little patient :soon overcome all earn- without blinds TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar ilANUFACTURER, MA./217-ST., AS'EAFORTH. teaching...,,. wool young fisherman returns and adds his earnings to the little store of 4. thactutY• 4.---2 no worse at the sight of former years.* When the store is jumps . . a rising whip t4ian a blinded one does namplete, the ceremonial of a Ca - after being Or/lick. The driver is press betrothal begins with the " ern - always prepa,rest, for the jump when bassy " as it is termed, of his mother he strikes. Let him" be prepared' when he goes to raise the whip, qnd there will be no more difficulty in the one case Olen in the other. But never raise„yoar whip without striking. It is like parerits threat- ening to punish their. children,- and then. not doing it. It results in lack of respect in either case, and leads to unnecessary difficulty. In large cities, w ere sights and sounds are very Main -oils and various,- the use of blinds i4 becoming unpopular, especially amqng teamsters, who are obliged to throw down their lines while loading and unloading. Ex- perience is teaching them. that their teams staid better and are less liable to frig t if they can see4all }Ivan* them.. 09-221eida Farmer. to the parents of his future bride. 'Clad in her best array a and holding in her hand the favorite nosegay of the island, a branch of sweet basil, sprinkled with cinnamon powder, and a rase -colored carnation:in the midst of it, the old fishwife makes her way through the dark lanes to the vaulted room where het friends await her with a charming air of ignorance as to the errand on which - she comes. Hb.lf an hour passes in diplomatic fence, in chat over the weather, the crops, or the price of maccaroni, till, at a given sigmas. 'the girl herself' leaves the room, and the " ainbassadress " breaks outin praise of her good looks, her industry, ancl her good repute. The parents retort by praise of the young fisherman, and compliinents pass- quickly 'into business, and a vow of eternal friendship between the families is sworn over a dish of figs and a bottle of roeolio. The priest is goon called in, and the lov- ers are formally betrothed for six nonths, a ceremony which is soon followed by a new appearance- of the ambassadress with tbe cOstomary offering of trinkets from the lover to his promised spouse. The old Caprese custom has disappeared, but the girls still pride themselves on the number and value 'of their ornaments—the " spadella," or stil- etto, which binds the elaborately braided masO' of their ebon hair ; . rt r•-• N' lea 0 ME. ONE, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR "FARNESS FROM • WARD SEAFORTH. 9 I beg to state for the information Harnees on hand as any in town, meat in the Comity. 0-37N7:M SIGN OF THE SCOTCH ,COLLAR. A choiceasSortment of light and b.eavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &e, kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges mandate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. 11.!OLIVER. a .•••. How Yung Men Fall. EDWARD CASH Is now, buying any quantity o BUTTER a There's Ai reSutton . home 1 'f ci with his fainly to live on the old folks," said one neighbor to - an- oshera , " it seems hard after all his father has done to 'fit him for busi- l ness, and. the capital he invested to start him so fairly. ,..„It is surpris- ing be has turned out so poorly. He is a steady young man, no bad habits, as far as I Itnow ; he has a' good education, -and was always considered smart ; ' but he doesn't succeed. in anything. I am told he has tried a I nunaber of different kinds of busiirness, and sunk money every time.1 What can be the the circular, gold ear -rings wit i- trouble with Alfred, I should like ner oiroles of pearls; tbe gold chain to kow-, foa I don't want my boy or -laseetta, worn fold upon fold to take his trim" "Alfred is smart round the neck; the bench of gold enouh," said the other, "and has talismans suspendecl, on the breast ..- .educatonnough, but he lacks the the profusion of heavy silver rings one element 1 of success. He never which load every finger. The Sun- wants to glYea a dollar's worth of .day after the betrothal, when she work for a dollar of money, and apnea -Ts at high mass in all her there is no ), fiber way for a yoting finery, is the proudest day of a Ca- man to make his fortune. He must pri girl's life; but love has feiv of digif hb would get gold. All the the tenderer incidents which make men that have succeeded, honestly, its poetry in the North. There is or dishonestly, in making money, no "lover's lane" in. Capri, for a have had to work for it, the sarp- maiden. may not walk with her beers sometimes the hardest of all. trothed save in the presence of wit- Alfred wishes to set his train in - liesses • a,nd a kiss before narriage inotion, and let it take care of itself. ). ls as" Auld Robin Gray" calls it, No wonder: it soon ran off the " a sin" to which, no modest girl track, and- smash-up was the re- , stoops. The futute husband i, in sult. Teabyour boy, friend fact, busy with less romantic mat- Archer, to Work with a will when ters ; it is his Inisiness to provide he does work. Give hini play the becl and belding, table and enougrh'.; tomake him healthy and chairs; drawers and lookinaglass ha )y. but let him learn that work and, above allsa dozen gatiely prints from Na les of the Madonna and fa- AND. „ 286 7 CAUTION I 1 FRAUDS ABROAD! 7 BEG most respectially to caution ho public of the Britisb North American Pro nces to be on their guard egainst purchasing slnigous medi- cines -which are being sold tes my genuine " Hollo- way's Pills and Ointment," by certein of little or no means, trading (for the last few - months only) under the style of the "New York Chemical Company," Igvery artifice is made use • of by them for the- purpose of imposing upon the A public; and. the more effectually to deeeive, they have the effrontery, in their advertisemente, to issue the following caution: "Th e' iramenSe demand for HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ATAD OramatieNT' has tempted unprincipled parties to counterfeit these v &amble Megicines. II that I have as good a stock of " In order to protect the Pnblie and onreelves, we Egyptian. Circle of a. serpent with the letter If in of fanners and the public eerier,. y, • and I am determined notc'to be undereohl by any other establish- have issued a new 'Trade Mark, consisting of an the centre. Every box of genuine lioaa.ow,ee s 71113,IA.1.4_ • J. WARD, • Main -Street, Seaforth. FARMERS: BEWARE . WHAT KIND OF •SEEaDS you SOW. Sew no- more ve years old, when you can get them at LEE'S FLO.U. • ND SEED STORE, Entirely fresh and pure. Jut arrived this day a very large assortment of eboice Field, Flower Seeds. Don't plant any more pool:Potatoes, when 3 ou can get all the new vaaieties such King of the Earlies. Proliftt, Poerless, Climax, Fecolsior, Willard Seedling, Granite State, Chate Early Rose and all other good kinds, at Lee's Elora and Seed Store. GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still on hand at WOOL. • No -chage for inspection. GODERICHSTREET, SEAFORTH. ALLAN LINE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND QLASGOW. PREPID CERTIFICATES. THOMAS LEE'S Cheap Grocery, Flour and Feed Store, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTIL fad • THE YERID,ICT • 40 • PILLS AND OINTAtENVvillhave this trade mark on it. None are gcnnine without it. "To DUALEns AND JOBBERS IN DRUGS AND MEDI- CINES. " call your particular attention to the new style of HOLLOWAYIS PILLS AND OINTNENV-- . none of the old style are inanufaetured by no now, nor have they been for moilths, We therefore caution all purchasers against reeiving from any Jobbers or Dealers the old style of goods. " Inforniatien conCerning any such goods being offered will be receivetiwith thank. "We aek the favor of all the information you ean give in regard to those cou.uterfeits." Now this Company is aware that your laws -do not permit them to eopy the preeise getting up of my Medicines, but in order the more completely to blind the public, they have recourse to another piece of deception viz., in stating that they deem it necessary, as they say, to make np the Pills and Ointment in another form, and. that they adopt a NEW LABEL, az. 13esiies the aboveenentionede " Chemical Com- pany," there is also a David Pringle, of New Idik, who by consnmmate trickery is attempting to sell sputio7as hnitations of niy Medicines. Beware of him likewise. This unpriacipled Chemical Conepany has dared to say that I owe very large stems of money in the United States. What is dm fact 2' A newspaper agent obtained, without inyknowledge or consent, and by tollueion -with a party who held a limited power of att•orne3- of mine, an order to advertise my Medicines in South America for three years, to the extent of $400,000in gold. He then sold his claim to a lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a friend, of his, who gave judgment against me to the arriount of $171,237 gold, for profit which. he said he could have made by it, had. I not taken steps to repudiate this vile transaction the mo- ment it came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be set aside. It cannot be supposed, I am sure, that I owe a, cent to any oho that I would not immediatelypaie There ie no trathwhatever in the statement that I ever authorized any person or persons to use my name for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, al- though gross frauds have been practised upon inc by unprincipled men this way. I would ask, as a favor that should it. come to the knowledge of any peis'on that spurious inedi•- (ADCs are being made and field in ray name that he bepleased to send inc the name and address of the vendor who is selling the same, that may, for the protection of the public institute procemlin against him and I engage 'to remunerate somely my him, without divulging his n me. Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buyingspurions imitations of these Medicines, he will oblige me by senaing to the address at foot (which he can. do at a cost Of six cents in postage), one of the books of instil:Lo- tions which are affixed to the same. My Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than £20 -worth-viz., 8s. 131., 22., 34.s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent. in advance. These Medicines are not sold in the United States. _ Each Pot and. Box of my Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with e the AFTER A FAIR TEST THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS THAT THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA .DEPOT, Is the place to get the cheapest and best TEAS AND GENERAL 9Rcicirtigs, The Proprietor of the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in. stating that his first stock having moved off so rapidly, he has alicady purchased afresh supply, and as a remit of quick sales he is enabled to still further reduce prices. To parties taking TEA by tie Caddie, half chest er chest Issued to parties wishing to bring out their friends. • - Parties having fnends wishing to immigrate should purehase these certificates and 'send them to the intending imrigrante, as passage this way is cheaper than by buying tickets in the old country. Apply ta -1 A. ST.RAITON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway. A SPECIAL .REDUCT10.2V WILL BE MADE. Farmers and others living at a distance ehould remember that our roads may soon break up, and that now is the time and • Tickets to Fort Garry by rail and boat, and to - • all other principal points. 287-18 DANIEL M.cREG-OR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, TTAs juet received a large Stock of the materials -LI-. used in the business, and is ILOW fully prepar ed to exeeute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with.' REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOBS OF ANY KIND, Bailed, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy*Cocses • Made to order. OLD -AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All comraunications addressed to the -undersign- ed will receive prompt attention. Seaforth is the' Town- to get the Highest Prices For what they have to sell:and that the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT Is the place to get the best bargains in TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES. If there be any who have doubt on this point, they haveonly to make a trial and they will be con ed of the fact. vie - Insolvent Apt of 1869. In the matter of John Stavirer, an 172- OiNlvesioitivE NT has made an assignment of his estate to me, and the -creditors are notified. to meet at the place where the Insolvent letely carried, on business, in the Village of Brussels, in. the County of Huron, on Monday, the thirtieth day of June, instant, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon, to receive statements of his affairs, and to appoint aei assignee. 18V8a.ted.at Goderich, this 13th day of June, A. D. DIXIE ;WATSON, 289-2 • Interim Assignee. 50 Barrels Labrador Herrings, 250 Barrels Lake IluronlIerrings. A' large lot' of dry Fish, Salraon-Trout, and. White Fish, ALL OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT LO.TP .P.RIC.E8 AT THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, MA TN -STREET, SEAFORTH. words " Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon- don." (Signed) THOMAS I-IOLLOWAY. oss, Oxford Street, W. C., Tendon, October 8, 1872. is the business of life. Patten of war. BGTTON, s gn DANIEL_ MCGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JAMES MURPHY. • . THOMSON & MILL AND ENGINE WORKS, MITCHELL, ONT. THE UNDERSIGNED, in returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opportunity of stating that he has secured the services of 111r. ADAM GRAY, Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Novelty .Works Planing, Sash rind Door Factory. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS SELECT SCHOOL AND MUSIC CLASS. MISS RYA, formerly Teacher of Music iii. the e -T -L- Sendrutry, and late of the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, begs to inform the peo- ple of Seaforth and vicinity that she is about fonn-, ing a C11188 for instruction in Vocal and Instru- mental Miasicand has opened. a Select School hi the room formerly °coupled by MSS 110bllSOn. F Burnham's Patent Turbine Water Wheel. - e6 per terra. The ordinary English. branches, and Plain and Fancy "Wok, &c., e.,3 and $4 per tem. SELACT SCHOOL, Ehave now theron ghly tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superior to the beat wheels now in use, while stienagei an d ble References to well-known and reliable mill owners, who have thenr in use, given on application. We build all sizes and kinds of Will find it to their advaniage to call, as they can get any thing in the -Wood Linealone on the short- est notice. SASHES, DOORS, FRAMES, MOLDINGS, - STEAM ENGINES, Stationary, Portable and Upright, and _guarantee them unsurpassed. by any in use. We use on a our Engines the celebrated el GOVERPIOR. We are prepared to contract for the erec- tion of all kinds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with all the latest improvements. • Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Mrtchines, Heading, Tani: ers' and Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c., &c., manufactured largely. Our Boiler Shop is in full blast, and we have as foreman of this important department, Mr. JOHN WRIGHT, who, for 20 years was foreman of the Brantford Boiler Works. Having a good force of ex- perienced boiler makers, we are prepared to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop or at mills promptly. GIVE% US A CALL. We have found out •vhat every Farmer wants. Ibis THE TWO -HORSE TOWER SAWING MACHINE, The power of which is supplied with stkong fly -wheel, suited to driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher and other Machinery, withno extra charge, except for the belt. This machine is well suited to every farmer's ownuse, as he can with two horses and from time to four men or boys cut from 20 to 80 cords of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughly tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- mend it to do. It is snpplied with friction flanges, by which the saw is stopped, when caught or pinched, before it would be possible to atop the horses. TRIAL OFFERED. • We are building great numbers of the Cumming's Straw Cutter, for hand or horse power. Also, Grain Crushers., -with iron and wood frames, Fanning Mills, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plows, with wrought iron bearas, wood befuns and cast iron beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders, Culti- vators, &c., &c. Repairs of all kinds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 2.67 1 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. -?• • - On hand and got up to order. A limited number of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAiib ROLLERS, Wagon Racks and Gates on hand. TO CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. As I have commenced the manufacture of Cheese BOXES and SETTERS Parties can be supplied- on the shortest notes and on reasonsble terms. Boxes guaranteed to give satisfaetion. Awaiting 'orders for different eizes. 285 JOHN M. MARTIN, Novelty Works, Seaforth. LOST-CAUTON. cautioned against pur- i Note of hand in favor asaLes IttcTARE, and Ease and indolence ea.t lost. 14, 873, for Ten Dollars, as the said note has been. THom s MARX. 288*4 NOTE THE PUBLIC hereb -1- chasing or negotiatin are CODERICH FOUNDRY. • TEL! undersigned; having sold the Huron Foundry property and etoek to the " Goderich Foundry and Manufadturing Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, and tmsts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company. R. RUNCIMAN. Goderich, 101h June, 1872. - Referring to the above notice, self-denying work is the price of endorsed by THOMAS LARK, dated Grey, Feb. vorite Saints of the day. The Inade suco•o • , Hours from 10A. X. to 8 P. M. References -Professor Carter, Organist of St. James' Cathedral, Toronto • Mrs. Thompson, Lady Principal of Bishop Strachan School. 237 The Goderich Fou.ndry & Manurtacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to confra.ct for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ;, FLOUR, GRIST, ,ND SAW MILLS; SAWING MACHINES, &e. 1 • On hand—IRO AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG PLOWS, GULTIVA.TORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. . . SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of virious kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AD BLACKSMITII. WORK BOILERS AN -D SALT PANS REPAIE.ED ON SHORT NOTICE. TINIgNTY TO THIRT-HORSE POWEB TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All ordersladdressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt atterOion... ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HORA.CE HORTON, General Manager. President. G-EORGE NIEBERGALL.. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Manager Agricultural Department. Secretary and Treasurer. Goderich, Ontario, nine 10, 1872. STRAY CATTLE. QTRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick, early in May, One grade Durham COW. roan and white, four years old; one yearling TrilIFEIt, same color, and two red SEERS, two years old. Any person giving information that will lead to their -recovery will be suitably rewarded. . MYLES YOUNG, Lakelet P. 0., Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick Goderich "Star," liarriston "Tribune" please copy. 2874 • TO -COOPERS. port SALE, chap, a firstclass HEADDTG JOINTER, nearly new, and in good -working order. For further perticeiare apply to G. ;284 ANENT Seolorth. _ THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. VOR SALE, cheap, a Separator Threshing Ma - 12 chine, with Horse Power and everything eom- plete, in good order and nearly new, manufaetured. by Glasgow, McPherson & Ce., Clinton. Apply to the • undersigned, Hay P. 0., or personally on Lot 7, 4th. Con., Ha. 286-4 - C. ALDWORTH. PUMPS. 1 lilt+, undersigned having erected a n9 Pump -1- Factory about 40 rods north of FRANCISTOWN • On the London Roane is now prepared to manufac- ture Fumps, whicIffor lightness of operation and durability cannot be surpassed in Ontario. Noth- ing but the best, materiel used, first-elass work men employed. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A ball isnesiectfully solicited before purehasing elsewhere. GEORGE BOLTON, 2&1 -Orn Yrancistown. Zitt Auton gxtiitr 4 10 PEDLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH TEHMS.—$1.60 per year in advance, or $2 at the ena of the year. Advertising lantem. "First insertion, per line, 8 cents Sabsequent in- ertions; 2 cents eath time, per line. cONTEACT BATES.. e,,,_:-0One colupen one year 60 0 half " --........ .... .. 85 00 " " 3 months 20 00 Half • " one year - 35 00 " • " half " 20 00 . . 12 00 20 00 " " Zrnonths One-fourth one year 44 44 hall EC 12 00 months 8 00 One-eighth one year. . 12 00 tt 14 hf a 11 800 " -3 months . . • 5 00 One -twelfth one year 8 00 44 44 hall" 500 " 3 month.s DO Bueitaess Cards, (6 lines antlainder,V year .. 4 00 AdvertisenlentS of Strayed, Lett, Found, &c. not exceeding 10 lines -first month, $1 ; after first month, 50 cents eacb mouth. Advertisements of FARMS and REAT• ESTATB for sale, not exceeding 15 lines-finet month, $1 50 each subsequent month, 75 tents. Births, Marriages, Deaths -Gratis. Advertisements without speeifie directions will beinsertedtill lorbid,and chergediaccordinglye Advertisements measured by a scale of solid Nonpare)l. • MeLEAN 33ROTHE1iS. ••« 4 • •