HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-20, Page 5r of JCErr. TH, June 3 Let sines the e been mei fall and iderably 1stp very goods `h ort ing arge quat_aty on our market. al a=tee from 34 to 7 oeui was paid sate .y,, it is me cot be relied on, quality ; 36 cents gum. There are o account coming,- dly be had. Bat. quantities'. We ata .. 1 18 tc 1s. 1 14 to 1 16 - 050 to 053 041 to 043 O 55 to 0 00 0 15 0 1?£ 0 9 dl ,. 7c. . . 0000 fee .--< 0 Oil to 4 -to 15 to ... laJ to. -050to. 0 88 to a IV ,<01to 005 0 00 to 1 00 0 80 to 0 8'a • 0 00-ta u Oil 2 25. to g 00. - 34 to.87 350 to. 375 June 10, 1873. <,.-1 17 (() 1 18 1140 113 - 043(: 843 0500 11:53 ._0556 000 ._0 la @.1 0 14 • 00l#gfl 010 0001800 June 10, 1:671 : hes,. N,1 10 to $1. ,$1-t 1 I2 , $1 1S ; barley, 45e ; oats, 37e to ; butter,. keg,` 13e 5o to 16c ; wool, O 101 0011 Sea 6 00- 25 15 50 June 1-9, 1873. • lets Sl 30; barley, 60c to 600 to 61e ; but large ro}s, 13e C. June IS, 187 s 6d ; red wheat, r, 12 2d ; white, ab, 12s 4d ;. corn, oats, 3s 2d . peas,. 38s 6d.. IR MARKET. little coming for- It to give quota- however, of good ere been taken at w asking 16e. It es will rule rather )g for mediumto es; and it is very .t the atter tion so e taferiority of so srketed last year, luring the present an article- which a fair price with- uE MARKET. ', June 18,1873. • tier more arrival slacker demand,_ ly weakened, and, • e would atill bring the car load at ted steers. The End on foot were of good quality. 4 75 to $5 per 100 6€1 -class, $4 25 to 43 75 to $4. The the sales which carr loads three- uig 1,20Olbs., at ivs, average 1,300 s three and four 1,275 Ibe., at $4 'ernge 1,500 lbs, '`ears were sold in and, several cars ire no -w arriving excesa of the de - e have found ready e, 150 to for 3 25 for third - r good: supply, but butchers is ample flered, quotations ass„.:'..3 25 to $3 50 50 to $3 for third- dIIY MARKET. June 14, 1873. • shower" thisweek zr£ace, and helped .is still very drys fiusli of feed in int is general that .cir best, and all conversed admit, per cow is very Doubtless the tire spring has, in €1 the yield, as the ky fed, have not market to -day prices are clessva `fhedelivery of Soil. boxes, and LO: to 13c for �m 1310 c to 14c for !offerings from fac- to reach between and the falling off figures has been . dairymen, many , or have forcvar arcs on commission. We give e the lead` Sllews : I3rockett's : 14c ; Brockett's gold `Brook, 90 at (fla Fair- s prison Aocia- ; J. D. Ives, 98 at 110 ; 33 at 1 ; Middleville, 100 `7 delivery of butter is very sales have been made of fine at 270. Farreers begin to feel ea ewbat alarmed . at the prospects of the grasS .crop. The drouth seems to pre. vaI over a considerable section of the dais` region, and grass in meadows is re- pod_of very short growth. Pastures are gettinkseanty iii feed on many farms, and cows, in consequence; are falling off ei milk. We need a full week of wet. weather to thoroughlymoisten the ground nd give grass a vigorous start: , Our ad- ces from abroad are to the 26th of May. Oar London correspondent, . at that date, reports the stock of American cheese ac, }y exhausted, and quotes best grades ss selling at 738 to 75s per cwt. NEW YORK WOOL MARKET, There has been rather mace call for domestic fleece and pulled, on a compar- atively steady basis as to values, espe- cially of desi.rable grades, which have been offered sparingly. Of new product the receipta thus far s have been limited, Alid have been/held. with a fair show of confidence. The dealings in California stook have been on _a quite moderate she, on, the basis of about previous notations, with the offerings of spring p in ireasirig. Foreign stock has been m somewhatbetter request, bat t h the advantage as�priin favor of ur- chasers, in view of the comparatively lib- e off'eruigs, The purchasers have been in pert,. of Cape inbond for Canada account. Saless have been reported since our last of equal to 105,000 lbs. Domestic Fleece at from 42e to 54c ; 2,000 lbs. new Ohio do flat 59e for extra ; 88,500 lbs. Domes- tic Fulled at from 32e to 50e, chiefly at 45e to 500 ; 50 rags Lamb's Wool within the former range ; 23,000 lbs. washed stock, chiefly at 46c to 534e ; 64,000 lbs. unwashed do at from 220 to 32c ; 2,000 Scoff 2,000 lbs: Nails, and 1,400 lbs. Combing on private terms; 107,000 lbs. California Fall chiefly at 20c to 30e ; 47,- '500 lbs. do Spring, within the range of frons. 20c to 30c , 1.5,000 lbs. Oregon part Sit 374cet 20,000 lbs: Colorado at 215e 36 bales East India, and 20,000 lbs. Mes- tiza on private. terms ; 8,000' lbs. Mexi- can at 19e to 20c ; equal. to .215,000 lbs. Montevideo, mainly at from 310 to 34c 435 bales Cape, part at 33c, but chiefly in bond onprivate terms; a few lots of Aus- tralian within the range of from 45e to 55c. From Philadelphia, the advices are of light stocks and a moderate inquiry, at steady prices, with sales reported for the week of 223,900 lbs., including X and XX Fleece, at 47c to 54c ; do., new, 48c to 52e ; No. 1, Super and Extra Pulled at 42e to 46e ; fine Delaine at 56c ; new Ohio Combing at 63e ; Neils at 514c to $Oe. Week's receipts, 4,232 bales. From Boatels, the report is of a fair business, generally, at abort pre- vious prices ; stock of Domestic. light. The week's receipts have been 3,224 bales Domestic, and 20 bales Foreign. The week's sales were 970,000 lbs. Do- mestic and 510,000 lbs. Foreign. 'In- cluded in the sales were No. 1 X and XX Fleece at from 45c to 55c ; Super and Extra -Pulled at 39e to 50c ; Califor- na Fall at 19e to 24e ;do. Spring at 24c to 35e , Cape at 33c to 35e ; do. Extra Palled at 50c. And 396,bales of Sheep- skins, here and in Boston, ..on private terms. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. • BeAL°, June 19. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at East Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning to ith Sunday :: 1?eceipts. - Hogs, Horses. head. head. 4,900 -128 2,200 144 400 288 Sunday.. Monday .. . . Tuesday ..... - Cattle, Sheep, head. head. 1,054 1,600 3,128 400 3,060 1,290 .AND UNRESERVED AUCTION ,,SALE _ p OF VILLAGE AND PARK LOTS, Total ....... 7,.242 3,200 7,500 560 Same time last week.... .. 6,171 7,200 16, 900 288 Shipments. Hogs, Horses. head. head. 5,800 160 2,400 144 2,500 160 Sunday...... . Monday........ Tuesday<. . Cattle, Sheep, head. head. 391 200 476 1,200 2;074 '2,200 Total.. . 2;941 3,600 10,700 464 Same time last week.... ..: 2,414 5,200 12,200 353 Cerree. The market opened dull at .about last week's closing prices, with a downward tendency. The quality of stock 'vas more inferior than that of last week's receipts. Buyers and sellers standing apart about se to lc. But few Eastern buyers in attendance. Sales comprised about 1,300 " head: Transac- tions were as follows : No. of Average Head. Weight, lbs. 20 1ilinoi'S steers, 1,050 57 " 1,.181 17 t t� 65 Iowa 58 Ohio 18 if e 38 1,230 .1,226 1,169 1,215 1,120 19 1,133 17 Mich. 1,170 18 Missouri " 1,032 174 Texas stillers 1,193 30 Illinois stockers 998 And 16 other sales. SHEEP AND LAMBS. -- The not yet fairly opened, although tions look as if it would be dull. Roes. -Phe market flat ; but few loads in the pens offering. Prices rule at $5 25 to $6 40, with a downward ten- dency. Eastern buyers holding off. Trade confinees to supplying the demands of local butchers. NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, June 17, 1873.- The local horse trade remained without material alteration. Prime truck horses were in somewhat_ better demand, other- wise no feature to note. At the Bull's Rears Market a moderate business is Western and Canadian draft horses was carried on as usual without any quotable Price. $5 25 5 90 5 90 6 15 5 621 6 00 5 80 5 85 5 50 5 70 5 85 5 74 IN THE INCORPO1'?ATEIi VILLAGE OF k BRUSSELS, On the Southern Extension. of the WELLINGTON, GREY _ AND BRUCE RAILWAY,. market 'indica- ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1873. At 1 o'clock P. M. TERMS • OF BALE. One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash at the time of sale, with balance in three equal annual installments, secured. by Mortgage at 7 per cent. per annum. Title perfect. Further particulars may be learned and plan seen o,n application to JAMES . STRET,TON, pro- prietor, Brussels; or to C. R. COOPER, Land Agent, Brussels, Ont. MR» STRETTON Will also sell by Auction on the same day, his Hotel, known as ,STR ETTON'S HOTEL. Terms to snit purghaser. 284c6 WI.L.soN..&YO1JN TEI1101E1111 WANTdD. TENDERS will be reesived;by the undersigned up to the 1st of July, for the erection of a Frame Dwelling House.seeording to pians and specifica- tions, which may be stn at my office. I do not bind myself to accept ta lowest or any tender un- less otherwise satisfactory. Terms -cash down on completion of the job' according to contract. 287 JOHN S. PORTER. HOTEL FOR SALE.- 'THAT HOTEL known as ROSS' HOTEL, near ,, the Station, doing a good business, will be sold cheap for cash or exchange for farm property, to- gether with all the barns, sheds, outhouses, four good wells, &c. For furtherparticnlars apply to JAS. ROSS, on the premises. Title indisputable. Pos- session given immediately. J. ROSS, Seaforth. N. B. -Also, a good Storehouse on the South siding will be sold cheap for cash. 289 Are offering great bargains in CROCKERY, . ALL KINDS. Tea Sets from $2 50 upwards. Toilet Sets complete from $2 50 upwards, and all other articlee'cor- respondingly low. ALri AAND PORTER; In Bottles and on Draft, of 8'6431h -int nt quality. CLARETS, PORT, SHERRY, CHAMPACNE, BRANDY, CIN, RUM, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEY, • A IN BOTTLES, _THE GENUINE STUFF GENERAL GROCERIES. Of all kinds, as usual. _ Flour and :Fee.d, in Abundance Goods delivered in any part of the village free of charge. WILSON & YOUNG, Main -Street, Seaforth. A POSITIVE FACT L ALLEN'S CRO EFY, SEAFORTH, NOTE. THF, CHEAPE T- PLACE IN TOWN.. 8 pounds Loc Sugar for $1. 10 pounds Co ee Sugar for $1. 15 pounds Cur nts for $1. 12 pounds Val. Raisins for $f. 20 ounds Bright Rice for $1. A. 6 pound can of Peaches for 50 cents. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Cherlie/, Peas, Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. TEAS That please everyone, and at all prises. Fresh Ground Coffees at 30 or 35 Cents. Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &c. CHOICE BACON AND HAMS. CASH. FOR BUTTER IN TUBS, AT ALLEN'S. GROCERY, SEAFORTH. STRAY STEER. - C TRAYED from the premises of the undersigned,, ►7 Lot 29, Con. 9,•McKillop, on or about the let of May last, a dark red STEER, three years old, with a white spot on the side, behind the shoulder. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the above animal will be suit- ably rewarded. JAMES DUNCAN, - 289'`4 Winthrop P. 0. e11ange iii current prices. A. compat a- tively limited business was affected in higher valued. stock ;; very few important transactions were heard of, and the de- 1 - established not st�rnulateel by the well- established fact that asking prices have genera/4 declined. COLD. ---The price of G old in New York is quoted at 115e. FOR SALE. A GOOD BUGGY. A Bargain. EDWARD CAIS Seaforth, June 18. 1873. SOLD OUT ---LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL. - RANK PALTRIDGE, Photographer, Seaforth, begs to inform is old friends that he will re- tire from the Photographic business, on the 1st of July next. As many of my friends as would like to see me, come- along before ,the 1st of July. Also, for sale, that comfortable, pleasantly situated COTTAGE AND LOT, On High st., (opposite residence of Rev. Mr. Gold- smith) containing 4bed-rooms, parlor, dining -room, kitchen, pantry, good cellar; hard and soft water with pumps ; cook -shed ; a very convenient brick dairy and ash house; the garden is first-class; vegetables all planted with the choicest kinds; plum trees, grape vines just commencing to bear, and a nice flewef• garden in front. The Lot is one- fifth of an acre less live feet on the north side, where there is a lane for teams, rendering it equal to a corner lot. The above premises may be view- ed. any day between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M. There is also an unexpired paid up Fire Insurance policy on the house with two years yet to run. Title perfect. Apply RANK PALTRIDGE, 288 (Photographer, Seaforth. Canada, Province of Ontario, ' Inthe Co ty Court of the County of Huron. y of Insolvent Act of 1869. TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT M. R. COIJNTER'S JEWELRY STORE, SEAFORTH, e FEW CONCERTINAS AND VIOLINS In the matter of Annie A. groin, an In- solvent. On the twenty-eighth day of July next the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a ascharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth, this 18th day of June, 1873. ANNIE A. ERWIN, By BENSON & MEYER, Her Attorneys -ad litem. 289-4 AT LESS THAN COST. T:E3E PA.81-2-1I0NA-B14E C® ls.T3E3 s., LADIES' BACK COMBS, LATEST FASHION, A CHOICE SELECTION, AT M. R. COUNTER'S, Seaforth. COW STRAYED. - G� TRAYED, from the premises of the subscriber, ►7 Lot 81, Con. 11, McKillop, about the latter part of -May, a dark brown COW, with small' turned -in horns, four years old, and giving milk. The finder will be suitably rewarded by giving such intones - tion as will lead to the recovery of the above ani- mal to the undersigned. HUGH MoKAY, Winthrop P. 0. 288-4 LOST. LOST, on Saturday, 7th June, between the CI Concessiou, H. R. S., Tuckersrnith, and Sea - forth, or between Seaforth and the residenlse of Mr. GEO. CHESNEY, on the Huron Road, a silver band for the hub of a buggy, with cap. The find- er will be suitably rewarded by leaving it nt the ExPosiTOu Office. • - FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. THE subscriber informs fanners and the public ,that his THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR Will stand . for the service of Sows at the farm -formerly owned by Dr. Chalk, Harpurhey, during the present season. TERMS. -One Dollar per Sow, with privilege of retuning -payable at time of THOMASeM 287-4rvice. 6CLELLAND. Canada,' L In the County Court of the Province of Ontario, . County of Huron. j County of Huron. Insolvent.Act Ot 1869. In the matter of Frani A. .11-Ieyer, an In- so/Vent.- On n- solvent.On the twenty-eighth day of July next the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth, this ANZ A.h. of June, MEYER. 1873. M YER By BENSON` & MEYER, His Attvrnies ad Mere. 289.4 THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR " SALE. ]'0R SALE, a Thoroughbred Durham Dull, one year old. Pedigree given. Apply to R. H. CARNOCHAN, 297*4 Tuckersmith. CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. .NOTICE is hereby given that any person found 1`� cutting or destroying timber on lots Nos 20 and 22. in Con. 6, Township of Grey, will be prosecuted according to law. MICHAEL FISHER. Grey, Apri112,1873. 280*13 CHEESE FAIRS. CHEESE FAIRS will be held every fortnight, at Ingersoll, Belleville and Stratford, during the. season of 1873. The first at Ingersoll on Tuesday, May 20; at Belleville, on Wednesday, May 28, and at Strat ford, on Thursday, Jnne 4, and every alternate week at each place during the whole season. THOMAS BALLANTYNE, President Dairymen's Association of Ontario. BACON"AND HAMS. the undersigned,at Kippen,in OR SALE, by -L• large or small lots,•for cash, about ten tons of first-class Bacon and Smoked Hams. Apply to JAMES & . GEORGE PETTY, 286'4 Kippen P. 0. .1- ).m1 g. (33 rn .H o Ro Z Hci) a 0 Lifl > y rnm CP -1 }"ci .moi VT y m 0 M y . y 0) 1.2000.000 ACRES. CHEAP FARMS. The cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On,the Great Platte Valley. 3,000,000 Acres in CentralrNebraska, Now for sale in tracts of 40 acres and upward, on FIVE AND TEN YEAIrs' CREDIT AT 6 PER CEX'P. No advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- danceof good water. TIIE BEST MARKF,T IN THE WEST 1 The great mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada being supplied by. farmers in,,the Platte Valley. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. BOARDING. COLLADAY has leased the large and com- - modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Raibvay.Station, and has fitted it rip as a boarding-hoube. Good table and cornlortable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant -boarding- house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodate Bat less than hotel rates. HILL'S .BRITANNIA HOUSE. Choice Millinery THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERSONS OF FOREIGN BIRTH. Are entitled to the BENEFIT - OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW On declaring their intention to become citizens of the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. FREE HOMES FOR ALL 1 Millions of acres of choice Government Lands open for entry under the Homestead Law, near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of descriptive pamphlet with new maps mailed free everywhere. Address 0. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner U. P. R. R., 282-13 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. AND ALL THE NEW SHAPES HATS AND BONNETS. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM Have now got their new Steam Saw Mill, on the Northern Gravel Road, six miles north of Sea - forth; running at full blast, and are prepared to furnish - Lumber of All Kinds, ' - AND [WILDING MATERIAL Of every description, embracing a IIARD 1VOOD, Such as Maple, Rock Elm, Birch, Basswood, Oak and Elm. A stock of FENCING AND DRAIN LUMBER Kept constantly on hand. Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. Lumber of any description can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in length. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM. quantity .of 0 z e.S O 1 2 0 z Z 8 O 0 g Lt tmi 0 -4rn O h Lt C r- c) > • rea see U2 • C> •4 3 rn 5 Z 0 t! r 0 m .P1 0 & DUNCAN. COTTONS )T g's) CD r 06 r -h CDrij t 10 "w7! imunif c+ 18' ti? at) Q C8 0 r 0 y Z 114 O c m Z m o 0 gjZ e el d 0 1-30 002 H o< CO O O 1-3 r -i 1-3 Q r- rc' COTTONS ! , CHEAPER THAN EVER. ASK TO SEE Our New Prints, AT F1IOel 1Oe. to 124e. --they are good. THE. DRESS GOODS, } DEPARTMENT 13- STOCKEDJ WITH NOVELTIES. TAILORING. This Department: is complete in- all the leading; styles, in ENGLISH, SCOTCH, A..t D- CANADIAN TWEEDS, CLOTH: ARD YESTINGS, - CLOTHING. Made to order on the slioitest notice. ALL FITS aU14.1A2V-1 11 hD. Our Order Work is alt mule oda the. premises and wears well.. READYMADE CLOTHINC -<I - 1 IN MEN'S AND BOYS'. A NICE NEW LOT OF rn HATS AND GAPS AT DUNGAN'S. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS. A SPLENDID LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOESp CHEAP! Some Very Low -,rhea. To CountryMerchants P1 We have a. 3'033 LOT of MEN'S SHOES -CHEAP.. �i rrl CALL AND SEE THEM DUNCAJ. .� DUNCAN R _ H