HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-20, Page 3• - ;Lea - •-• - ' • ) lEE Pritt pare good. 300D S. UT/I in all the leadirg C!4_,VA DIAN VESTING& I N G otiee. LVTEELLt made an the LTHINC qyw. JTOF ants: -CHEAP. • • • 4 - 77- • •' - -• - •; - • - - - *411' „e t - - AMES TO THE EDITOR. (YnEKa, 18734 Whlch itis not style .Po To produce needles pain • By statements tha rile, • Or that go 'gin tl e grain, tithe/vs Captain Jack st 11 a livin', an Nye has tie skelp on Ills brain! On that Caucasian heal • There is no crown of hair. It is gone, it has tied! And Echo'sez "where ?" And I asks, Is this I\ Awn a White Man's, arid is generally things °lithe square ?” She was known in the camp As "Nye's other squaw., ' And folks ot that stamp ' Hez no rights in the Law, Batis treacherons, sinful, and slimy, as Nye might hey' well known before. • But she said that she knew Where the -Nina was hid; - And the statement was true; . For it seeined that she did ; aloe the led William where he was eov- ered by Seventeen Modocs, and— ' slid Then they reach for hie hair; 'But Nye sez "By the Law , Of Nations, forbear! I surrenders—no more: Audi looks to be treated, you hear 'Ine? —as a pris'ner, a pris'ner of war !". But Captain Jack rose And he sez It's too t Such statements as thos It's too late to begin. T11E:re's a Atocloo inclichnent agip you, 0 Paleface, ati,1 you're gain' in! • "You stole Schonchin's squaw • In the yea,r sixty-two; It was in sixty-four . That LongJack you. went through,•• And you burned. Nasty Jim's rancheria, and his wives, and•his pappooses too. " This gun in my hani • • Was soldme by you, 'Gainat the law of the land, s And. 1 grieves it is true !" And he buried his face in -a blanket 'and wept as he hid it fromievv. "But you're tried and condenmed .And,skelping's your doom." And he paused and. he hennned— But why this resume ? He was skelped 'gainst the custom of Na- tions, and cut off like a rose in its bloom. So I -ask without guile, Audi trust not in vain, If this is the style • ' , That is going to obtain— Ifiere'S Captain Jack still a liyin', and Nye with no skelp on hi a brain? A • • BRET HARTS. +ft GAIETIES: John Reeve said to his boy when ,shaving proved a difticulty—"John! wish you. would not open any more (Titers with my razors." —Never. Mary a inan until von lave seen. him eat. Let the candid- ate for your hand, ladies;' pass through the ordeal of eating soft-boit- ed eggs. If he can do it and leave the table -cloth, napkin„ and his shirt unnotted, take him. Try him next with it Spare rio. If he accomplishes this feat -without puttieg out one of his own eyes, or`pitching the bones into your lap, name the wedding .day at once—he will do to tie to. — An Irish physician was called te examine the col pse df another Iriseman, Who had peen as.asinated by some cf his countrymen. "This man said he," inspecting the body, "was so ill that if he had not been murdered he would died half an hour before; ------" is Pat Flannigan on hoard of this shipl" roared Nelson. during a lull in the firing at the battle of the Nile, " - here, my- lord„ " said krill's am, presentilig himself on deck. '‘ Then " said the gallant Nelson, leaking 8atisfied,- "let the battle proceed."' This story is Pat's. —A• man was brought b-efore a magistrate in the States the other day and fined $6.50 for being- drunk. He ffiiled blandly, and drawing out a dollar bill said': "All right Mister Magistrate. I suppose you lemein- ber when I sold out my saloon down in Pekin I had $5.50`on the ,slate against you. With this d °liar 6.1 will exactly pay lary fi n e. You must excuse me, Squire, for this little spree of mine; but I didn't see any other way of collecting my hill against you than this," • Dr. Guthrie as a Preacher. • 4 succession to -the same conntry' cun- gregation Oil the some day, he asked me what was- to be my text, seeing that I, as the younger Minister, was,. according- to the Scotch custom, to preach first. 14 You and 1" the ob- served, " may- have been digging peaty out of 'the Same peat 111CSS21. He was very fond of -using such homely metaphors-, of which he tad an inexhaustible supply at his com- mand —Leiszt.i.e Ham • Grey. COTT/WTI MEETIN G. 1 -The .COUn Oil met at Patton's Hotel, Ethel, June 12, 1873. Members all present; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting, also special meeting were read and confirmed. Wm. Stevenson applied to have ditch - completed on the -7th Concession; also, to have betuidary. opened • out. Mr. Campbell applied. to have portion of boundary- opened between Grey and -Mc- Killop. John Hunter and Robert Barr equested the Council to notify Railway Company to open side road. between lots 20 and. -21, Con. 9, said road being fenced. in. The following tenders -Were opened th for building bridge tit Eel, viz. : Thos. Mitchell Bad .7ziabkirk, $1,000; John Gemmil, $999; John Milne and John Dunbar, $900; Thos. Brown, S875;- F. W. Terry; $875Geo. Young. $865; John W. Hunter, $'800. Moved by Thos. Williamson, seconded by Sa.rauel- Siem - mon, That the tender of John Hunter for the building of tbe bridge, at Ethel, for the sum 'of $300, be accepted, and that the Clerk ptepare the necessary bonds and agreement for the sarae=Car- ried._ Petitions received from Geo. Yeo and. others, praying to have crossway on side road between lots 30 „and 31, Con. 154 extended about 15 rods to dry land, there net being enough statute labor in the diVision to complete said crossway.. Frona Duncan McNair and others, pray- ing the .Council to cover and repair cross- way on side line between lots 20 and 21, Con. 14-, said crosaway being in a danger- ous state. The following accounts were presented, . viz.: Account of John Mime, Sr, plank for culvert, $1 54; ae- count of Wesley Hunter, work at bridge, Con. 9, $18 ; account of John Gill, work at bridge, Con. 7, $22; account HUnter, Rose Co.. • for six copies of Municipal Acts, $6. Moved by Thos. Williamson, seconded hy L. McDonald, That the. foregoing aceonnts be paid, --Carried. Enoch lioirnan applied for tavern heense, village of Ilentryn. Inspector to visit and report. at next meeting of Coxincil. Moved by L; Dobson, seconded by Samuel .-tlemnion, That this Council- del now adjourn, to meet again at Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook, on the 8th day of July next. A. HUNTER:, - Clerk. Dr. Guthrie prepared his sermons with great care;and committed them thoroughly to memory. His co- piously furnished Mind and fluent tongue did not tempt him to indulge lu extemporaneous harangues or fall into slovenly habits of study. He culled his images and illustrations from nature, from books, and from human life: and what he had se- lected with judgment he wrote out and polished with the greatest care. Thus in the delivery of his sermons -there never wa's a hita ; everything went smoothly; aud though the_or- ator was always as natural as he was. earnest, what he uttered showed the highest art and was indeed a Specimen of finish ed co in position . Ere studied delivery more carefully and isuccessfully than'most of his contemporarie, and al ways tried to eater the pulpit free from all pre- vious fatigue, that his whole physical vigour might be reserved for his . Work. A man.should, if possible, walk out of his bedroom to enter the Pulpit," he once emphatically said to me,. by way of enforcing this lesson. Da the same occasion, as he and laPPened to be engaged to preach in a Tin and Furniture Shop, BRUSSELS, 'ONT. - JACKSON & HOLLIbAY., MtinufectUrers of al/ kinds of TIN AND COPPER WARE, Dealers in •• ,FURNITU111.; AND ASTOP-ES Of all descriptions. 1 T THE OSBORN SEWING _MACHINE Always on hand. The above Machina is aeknowIedged to be the b-st family Sewing Maehine in the market, and was -awarded the Gold Medal in France.in 1872. TRAIN .& ELLIOTT'S CELEBRATE & PLOWS, Gang Plows, Root and Straw Cutters always on „ hand. 'A large stook of COAL OIL AND COAL OIL • • Produce Taken- in Exchange. Cash for ledes and Sheep Skins. Shop Opposite Armstrong's Hotel. A CALL SOLICITED. JAOKSON & FIOLLIDAY, Brussels, Feb. 11, 1873. . 271�y • 'SOLVED. 'HOW TO MA -KE 75c. FETCH 81. • GO TO DENT'S AND INVEST- IT IN DRY GOODS OR IN. MILLINERY, Or Straw Goodsi'Ladies' Jaaketa Beautiful Shawls, Elegant Parasols, Dress Goods; Muslins, Gents' Furnishings, &e„ all so clienp that th seine of these lines your 75owill turn to $L25, as by the touch of a magi(' Wind. 4on't forget to try at • DENT'S CHEAP DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY ESTAThLISIIMENT, LIST OF LETTERS TTNCA.LLED for at the Seaforth Post Office on June 1'2, 1878., Amoss, Wm. , MeLean, 'Hugh Beatty, Wm. . • MeIntosh, Miss S., Taxmen, F. K. McArty, Miss Margaret Black, John Marro', Miehael Charson, Robert Price, Thos. Carter, Mrs. Mary Ann, Porter. George •. Cook, James Price, Samuel Fraser, Charley Pognus, Miss Ann Goffer, Jane Rogers, Robert Hatt, Charles Ross, John Keating, StephenRavin, Miss Mary Jane Kennedy, Alexand•er Stark, James Leaslie, John Trewartha., Wm: Livingston, Thomas. Taylor, Robert Moore, Thos. Warren, J. Mooley, Jessie Moore, Miss Mary IllOrdy, Mies Jennet McMaster, 'Mrs. McDonald, JohnB. McKinnon, Hugh 288 S. DICKSO • N, P. M. ° Wriglat, James Wright, Mrs. J. T. Wilson, Thos. Winters. Frank Young, N. H. •••••••••••••••••••••••• SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. KERR, WILKIE Itt CO. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they hive leased the Seaforth Fountlry for a terin of years, and are now prevail d to manufacture all kinds of • HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE. Castings, Straw Cutters, Sawing MacIpmes, Plows, and other Farming Implements. We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. •• The undersigned have had long eiperience in the Foundry business, and aro prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their work. 287 KERR. - WILKIE & 00.- PARASOLS, THE WALKING CANE IN SILK LUSTRE AND GINGHAM. Sunshades in Silk AND ZANILLA. SEAFORTH PLANING- MILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY .FACTS - TURNIP SEED Of the following varieties, fresh from the old established and reliable firm of J. A. BRUCE & -CO., Hamilton, can be had from us e,t Catalogue Prieea, viz.: Carter's, Skirying's, Hall's Westbury or Sharpe's (all Swedes) for 25 cents per pound. The celebrated Gray Stone (for date sowing), 80 cents per poundi Also, note the fact that we sell JAS. P. KENDALL & CO.'S • BEST FLOUR AND FEED/ At Mill Prices, and deliver them in any of. the three villages free of charge and promptly. GROCERIES. Our Teas, Sugars, Tobaecoea, Spices, Curra-nts4taiahis; &c., &e., apeak for themselves. One trial will convince you that we keep the.best in the market. .t THE subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous eustornere for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he rutty be favored with a continuance • of the storte. • Parties intending to build world do -well to give him a call, as.hp will continue to keep on hand large stook of all kinds of •DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETO. • He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those .rho may favour him with their patronage,. as none but first-class werionen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Platting. 201 JOHN .1{. BROADFOOT. • PIt0VISI0N8. Potato's, Carrots, Beets, Onions, &e., always on- hand. Also, dreen Groceries of all kinds during their neason. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato -'ants, fresh twice a week. A few barrels of LiosND PLASTER Still on hand. Call and get some before it is all -gone. •Last shipment of the season. Any of our customers -wishing Bone Dust Superphosphate, or attetls of any kind which we have not in stock, by leaving your orders with ne will be supplied at Hamilton priees free of freight. . The above are facts. Cull and be convinced. •$5 •'TO $20 All classes of working per day. Agents wanted. people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work for us in their spare moments, .or all the time, then at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & Co., Portland,Maine. 284 ROOMS Tti'LET. rro LET, in Scott' i Block, twqpconunodionc BOOMS on the seem& Bat. Apply to 195 31eCAUGHEIC &_IIOLMSTED. • STRONG & FAIRLEY. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is a -Strong, -EASY RUNNTNG MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR . AND Repripv.ED. M.RQBERTS{)N. Cabinet-maker and Undertaker.; 11A8 REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, • • 114414,:stroot, ScafoFth,.. Where he has on hand a superior stock of Tharni: tare of every description. • CALL AN,D SEE IT. ITN-BEI/TAKING. Having purehased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. , • Cofans, All Size, Kept constantly on hand. • Light Manufacturing Wotk.- • At the Fairs held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very severe tests by the . BEST JUDGES:THE- COUNTRY COULV PRODUCE) AND BYTHEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871; and 26 Prizein 1872. Its simplicity of construction,' strength and drirability recommend it,to all classes. It has a complete • set of attachments, and does all kinds ofwork. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Mackine Company, t. z PETER GRASSIEr SEA1t0IIT11, ` Agent for the County of Huron. 268 Victoria compoUnd Syrup of Hypophos- • phites.. The only. Syrup prepared from Dr. Churchill's Formula, and certified to be Chemically pure. For -the prevention said cure of Pulmonary, Consump- tion. Also, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronehitis„ Asthma, loss -of appetite, general debility, &a. ' CERTIFICATE AS TO PURITY AND EFFICACY. . Laboratory; University College, • Toronto, Dec 4, 1872. To the Victoria Chemical Company, Gentlemeu.—I have exaMined the articles em- ployed in the Victoria,Chemical Works, in the pre- paration of the 'Victoria Syrup of Hypophosphitea. The eeveraIHypophosphites used are chemically pure, and the Syrup is -also quite free from any im- purity. Year Syrup_ of Hypophosphites :will un- doubtedly prove a very valuable medicine. .1-IENI1Y H. CROFT, Professor of Chemistry, U. C. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by ell Druggists. • VictorlaC ompound.FluIdEXtraCt of Buchu and Uva yrsi. A apeeific remedy for all diseases of the bladder and kidneys, dropsical aWellings, complaint.; inci- dental to females. and all diseases of the Urinary Organs in either sex. t Try it once for any of the above • disorders-, and you will be 'idly convinced- of its pre-eminent virtues. Price $1 perbottle. Sold by all Druggists. , Victoria Electric Liniment. "The King of all Liniments.' For rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, hualetgo, sciatica, wandering pains, stiffuess in -the limbs or joints, sprains, -bruises, numbness, swellings, headache, earache, _ toothache, • BUY IT! TRY IT! ! PRONE IT 11 Price 50 amta per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Victoria Carbolic Salve. "Worth its weight in gold." A specific for outs, wounds, bruises, b•urns, scalds, boils, piles, pim- ples, &c. and chronic diseases of the skin of every delViciett2;o5no, nts per box. Sold by all Druggists. • Victoria Carbolated, Glycerine Jelly. "Eminently the ladies' favorite." For beautify- ing • the complexion, and for removing tan sun- burn freckles, pimples, &c., also, for chtipped hands, chilblains, frost bites, and sore lips.. Price 25 eents per bottle. Soldhy all Druggists Victoria Toilet soaps. • "Celebrated for their uniform purity and excel- lence of quality." Victoria Carbolic Soap, Victoria Sulphur soap, Victoria Glycerine, Honey, Rose and Windsor. Sold by all Druggists., - The Confessions of an Invalid, Published as a warning and for the benefit Of yotmg men and others who suffer from NI:rayons DEBILITX, LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., supplying the means of self cure. Written by one who cured him- NOW IS YOUR TIME -41 SHROUDS! SHROUDS! • M. ROBERTSON, akiriMET ivtAinial, AND UNDERT Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good • assortment of• ' -siiOmJS Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. •206 LUMBER/1 LUMBER! .0" VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM Rave now got theh° new Steam Se*, Mill, on t#13 Northern Gravel Road, six miles north 'of Sea- ' forth, running at full blase, and are prepared to h Lumber of All Kinds, AND BUILDING MATERIAL: Of even- _ description, embracing a quantity of 3 BARDWOOD,. Such as Maple, Reck Elm, Birch, Basswood, Oak and Elm. A stook of FENCING AND DRAIN LUMBER t Kept constfintly on hand. Terras as easy a° can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. Lumber of any description can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in length. ,G-OVENLOCK & GRAHAM.' MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. MRS. GRAY Has received her stockt,of SPRING ITIILLINERY, To which she begs -to direct the Attention of the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity. For variety and prices it will be found satisfactory. Paiticular attention paid to DICE 88 iTj.th.ING. Apprentices wanted. Remember the place—Opposite Corby's Far- mers' Store, Main -street, Seaforth. 279-12 'I'TThIPS AND CI STERNS. • J. -R. WILLIAMS, SE &FORTH, Is now better prepared than ever before to fur- nish a superior article of PUMPS OR CISTERNS POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND LIFT PUMP, . Also, the Common Log and Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS • AND CHEESE FACTORY TANKS Made, of any size, to order. These are now ac- knowledged to be the cleanest, best 'and cheapest •in use. I have also made arrangements,for DIGGING WELLS and Water Supplies in general, by which my can offer better inducements to partiel wanting Wells than any or e in the business. From my many year t.' experience and my in- creased facilitiete I am confident of giving satis- faction to all whet may favor me with their orders. All Work Warranted. Call at the Flu:tory, NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, And eaamine for yourselves. As I require money with which to carry on my busineas, 1 have to state that all overdue Notes and Accounts not settled immediately will be handed to Mr. J. 8. Porter for c011eetion. J. R. WILLIAMS. TO BUY •MIA.aRa\T ES 8.2 cSzC, . Cheap for Cash at T WILSOIN' S NO MORE COMBINATION PRICES. THIS IS NO FICTI0.14. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Make no delay, but. come and secure excellent bargains while you can. Best Material Used/ AND MADE BY GOOD WORKMEN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, VALISES, . SADDLES, ' TRUNKS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMMS, - CARDS, &c., &c Repaint done with neatness and despatch. Remember the place— Opposite KIDDIS Store. 278 JAMES WILSON. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER. YARD. MABEE & MACDON ALB Bto inform the public that they have opened • a to Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also) LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepare(' to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Bniblers and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices beforepurchasingelsewhere, as -we are in a position , to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. self after undergoing considerable quackery, and sent free of charge. Sufferers are invited to address FOR SALE CHEAP. (prepaying postage) the author, NATHANIEL i A RIDING SADDLE, Bridle and Martingales. MAYFAIR, box 188, Brooklyn, N. Y.- 269 13 Apply at the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth. . . . • • a . . • ' • . . .. . , , . . . . • • • • 12.000.000 • ACRE'S. CHEAP -FARIVISI The cheapest Lamt in market for Sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On the Great Platte Valley. 3,000,000 Acres in Control Nebraska, Now for sale in tracts of 40 acres and upward, on A.K.p rim YEARS' CREDIT A.T 6 PER CENT. No advance intefat required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- dance Of good -water. - TUE BM—I MARKET IN TUE WEST I The great mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado,Utah, and Nevada being supplied by farmers in the Platte Valley. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160.acres.1 THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERSONS OF -FOREIGN BIRTH Are entitled to the BENEFIT OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW On declaring their intention to become citizen ° of the United Statett, and may avail themselves of thia provieion immediately after their arrival. FREE -HOMES FOR ALL Millions of acres o phoice Government Lands open for entry under the homestead Law, near this Great Railroid., *with good markets and all the conveniences of an, • old settled country. • Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of descriptive pamplidet withnew maps mailed free everywhere. Address 4 0. F. DAVIS, ! Land. Commissioner 13. P. R. R., 282-18 031LAITA, NEBRASICA. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. THE SEASON CHANGED. WILLIAM GRASSIE Has sold all his -Sleiglis, and Cutters, and is noW busy maInng up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. - Atiew Buggies and Wagons left over from fast year, which will 'be sold cheap. . Any person wanting a substantial Wagon or handeome Bliggy should call at once andmake ar- • rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and those who wait too long will probablynot be able to get their orders filled.• • Repairing and hoes° shoeing promptly attended to as usual. . WILLIAIV GRASSIE. Godmich street, Seaforth. SEAFORTH AND HPRON MARBLE WORKS. M. L. EVIESSET & SON, (Late of Plarailton,) Verild intimate to..their munerous friends mid the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for momunents, Headstones, 'Fable Tops, THE DOMINION SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY, OF LONDON, ONT. • Head Office, Richmond -street, opposite City Hall, • . 'Loudon, Ont. • Established in 18721; for the purpose of admire- ing money on Farm and Town Property at a very low rate of interest, and on the most favorable terms of repayment. Loans for long or short periodrepayable by in- stallmente to snit borrowers. Parties purehasing Farms, building Dwellings or Stores, will find the terms of this Society preferable to any other mode, for instance, $76. 90 paid ta the eni of each half year, will pay back both principle and interest npon a loan of $1,000 in 1(1 years. If paid .yearly, $157 20 will do it. Money can be obtained at any time, and with little or -no delay beyond the time necessarily oc- cupied -in the investigation of title and prepara- tion of the anortgage. For ferther particulars as to teems, 3:c., apply by letter to • T. B. LEYS, Seeretnry andTreasirrer, Loudon, Ont. Or to A.LONZO STRONG, Esq., Valuator at Sea- • forth. ' 230-52 • Mantels, 84e. Granite liromnnents Imported to Order. Work of the beat style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of 'Ontario. - A call respect fully solieited. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, MA IN-SREET; SEAFORTII. M. ATESSET. H. MESSET. SEAFORTH MARBLE WORKS, .JitT14T STRE Opposite the Waterloo House, near the Station. 11,10N U7MENTS, HEADSTONES, And -work of all kinds in. American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in. the best style, and at most reasonable mieee. Mantles of Various Colored .41arble sup- plied on Short Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones Imported. to order. CALDER BROTHERS. 277 ANDREW CALDER, Agent. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. ' -•,4.§"ek - : 0€11.11W--g-'5':*•=2-1- f -4175.,)W •••14!"-`.: -;{-- CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist \-/- attends in Seaforth, at Knox' a Hotel, the fruit Tuesday and Wednesday pf each month; in Clinton, at the Cominercial Hotel, on the following Thurs. days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on tne first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. Teeth inserted itt the most substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in` gold, &a., in a. manner which can- not be surpassed. 267. • NOTICE TO PEDDI-ERS. VOR SALE, a first-class Peddling Waggon, nearly now; and will be sold cheap. McINTOSII & MORRISON, 282 Seaforth. 4 -TO DAIRYMEN. - IvnLic. CANS AND PAILS. MRS. ,1471.1ITNEY 'Would state to Dairymen -that she has comp_ enced to inanufacture Milk Cans and Pails, Of ail kinds, and can supply them • • AS CREAP AS ANY IN 'ME TRADE. Stores and Tinware on, hand etti COAL OM for sale Wholesale and Retail. Repairing and Eave Trot:Thing promptly attend ed to. • MRS. WHITNEY, Main -street, Seafbrth. • • _RUTT$R.- .TUBS FOR SALE AT TROTT'S COOPER SHOP, Near the Market, Seaforth. These Tubs are of good quality and warranted. Bone -Dry, Ca-littder-Sawed WHITE . ASH STAVES, For Butter Tubs, for Sale. • S.A.MITEL TROTT, 286 Seaforth. •A HILL'S BRITTANN1A HOUSE. Dress Goods, Shawls, AND MANTLES. • HAITS, CAPS, &O., HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE CLOTH, TWEEDS, CLOTHING. Orders carefully and promptly attend- ed to. • • , - • • • • •