HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-13, Page 5aa IT cc 21st, Yon Mur CO Your=; Met take .rat du ti cies co anisl forth .ehall zi qua_ by tho 4 to f zrotecti 'ue of tut °og t: e ioiipardest iEleuds.' us- foreig ut doir the Ari �palii+ and a lama 1t tty yeah avertible_ r Mntua: and now main Eu -141 -and Ifertv ie of the `€Ai nee by a nun os- the kt that 1 A farm ler een •It: by the yen -it such he movement %ny i thea~ Ie ar OW33. pular, and _ fect have Emit emcees& ed. in their opew he business counties, at le farmers sing nese ber its formati€ trhusbauthem n provided with es on the mutual_ sirs thatirfor t L`ornpany has sa. ✓ a three yen ►f their peendual nd 75 cents re- i and 3rd 363;:. when 10 ired, the corny m one end of tae tai havir paidin ncllion dollars. I mit that the lam` full pleasure ef fined a well-taeri try, by low rat rompt and conest claims, the directorship rists and others: Matters, to graft trance ( secured by= le act) to fare residences in the illges. ;estecl by your ye desirable within cYwnsbiporcon ey, in the same on a If there is o:le nore forcibly to a ?any than another, is strength," 'and f forming a county r all time as such. expenses: of mai o the first prune% , when it is mani- he expenditure, iu dred or less eotinty 3S, on an issue of polieiee annually, than one board of . own, for sirei lat face. By econona kgrieultural Mute= ands of dollars to is forcibly show trnual expense ace other companies fan connected with emolument further ay for a fair day's rer is not worthy of oreise of his bre, in farm insurance, - of conditions of Iipanies generally, it exception, b oss by the Agrlcultur- ether companies to he County of Penh ty of Middlesex, as, ily," seems to lis a G your remarks rce being .in the haat since they both de ty et Huron. though more I try travelled by its re in the firsts larger proportion 4 than we have ever _air rates are as high let the rates of the d South surf iff but they have ri Vef and S. ✓ serious to SSe : mere stringent t hna ural Mutual: Ler single instance of in its opera.tions xi show a likereco everal that haves°. warmest supporters= have returnee ,him rra parry, trona. i' glittering prom` . 1 no' zd others, who ition of a: small 1o' e condition of would give more hei nlrieys and aslepits, ash -barrels) and d' in- their barns an on afford them as .otits, by a re-due:a wl rates, but while 01 LUtion, nacvpreval ' • be it local, foreig or tri live through moO Ain 13, S. thalt a few short seSS011s at even the pres- ent rates of farm insurance, much less the visionary dreams of " about 40 cents a year" for $1.000 insurance. I trust that the farmers of Huron will not be led away by false cries of cheap insurance, -lest the quality of the insur-- ewe be as inadequate aa the rates- claim- ed, but adhere to the comeanies that itve proved worthy of their confidence. With thanks, sir, for the insertion of -this rather lengthy communication, -Yours faithfully, CHARLES T. Do -lux. Clinton, June 3, 1873. - BT FLTES. Seaforfh, on. June 10, the wife of Mr. Thomas Lee, of a daughter, DoLF1 N. --In Seaforth, on May 30, the wife of Mr. Peter Dolphin, of a daugha ter. FRATE�--In Wroxeter, on June . 5, the wife of Mr. Robert Frater, of a daugh- ter. EbLO0G.-In. Clinton, on May 29, the wife of Rev. S. B. Kellogg, Incumbent of St. Paul's Church, of a son. MARRIAGES. Meta. _HLTaN. -=At Wroxeter Manse on ,uue 3, by Rev. George Brown, Mr, William Henry Muir, to Miss Agnes Hamilton, both of Turnberry.�N ,ANDERSON--SADERSON. -At Wroxeter Manse, on June 10, by Kev. George holders being fah ave those of buyers, The t there was no money latter claimed th:, last extreme rate of iu chethe „ week afse,nd tat ought 14 C should be the ' ire of the leading top price. a give Hee Bethel, 144e ; transactions as follbWa ` 14 c ; Christ - Central Yalley, 25 boxe> 1 }book, $0 man, 33 loxes at 141c ; CA. 70 boxes at boxes at 14 e ; Cook Tvess,. at 141c 1410; frames Corners, 85 b Y -North Countrymen, 100. boxes at 141§;:. • l be Fairfield 15o. The top price, it -;' seen, is 15c, and very likely this +. '?' make the price on some other lots' alta which have not been reported. . "1f11ta offerings- from factories are estimated k' reach from 5,000 to 6,000, about 4,000 of which changed hands: The sales 'of farm dairies were about 800 boxes. The delivery of butter this week is very light, and sales were made for ordinary at 25c to 26c•; a few tubs of fine • grass -make went at 28c, for home use. The weather is cool.and very dry. NEW -YO RK WOOL MARKET. - The imports of foreign wool for the week were 3,494 bales, and since Jan. 1, 1873, 28,948 bales, against 55,741 bales for . the corresponding period. in 1872, There has been a moderately fair demand at pretty uniformly steady - prices. Stock of pulled domestic ' fleece small, and foreia abundant. The movement of the new clip, except from Texas and .California, has been so far very meagre. The growers seem slow t0 accept current prices. The sales here'since last report Brow, Mr, Thomas Sanderson, to a gra tea about 496,.500 pounds. Miss Harriet Sanderson, both of Gor- rie SH ANTz__GILexxl5T. At the residence f h bride's father, Clinton on June Closed at 52c for Michigan and Ohio fleece ; 32c for unwashed ; 60c to 90c for scoured ; 19e for Texas ; 231 to 28c for spring California ; 510 to ° the ' 53e for tub- washed ' 20e for Mexican ; byR Mr. Kellogg Mr. A. B ' Christ, third daughter of iifr. David do. she demand is circumscribedby Gilchrist, the present wants of manufacturers, ant mostlydomestic• fleece. with June 4, y Rev. a e, Mr. Manning, of Hallett, to Miss Sarah which w MANNING 11, ev, r` B. 34c for Cape ; and 191c for black Colora- - Shantz, of Zurich, to hiss •G, Gil- ,,, p - Corru .-Ih Clinton, on a limited amount of foreign wool. -New b R W Wade, Charles Cottle, of Clinton. RENN-CRAVEN On June 3, by Rev. S. Philips; at N 4 Sydenham Places York Weekly Exchange. - BUFFALO LIVE STOCK M U KET. BUFFALO, June 12. G. Ph apes o, The_ following shows the receipts and Montreal, residence of the bride',. brother-in-law, W. A. Leggo, Esq., shipment$ of live stock. at East Buffalo AlfredBeninEsq., to Charlotte, second - for the week thus -far, beginning with daughter of Win. , Craven, Esq., of Sunday Londesborough. - DEATHS. MALCOM. -] Seaforth, on June 9, Wil- liam. Malcom, aged 48- years. BrrDOLrH•-In Memphis, Tenn., on May 31,Martin Rudolph, aged 68 years. The deceased Was formerly aresident of Egmondville,, and. was father of Oscar Rudolph, who is a son-in-law to C. L. VasEgr,iond, Esq. He was also well known to all old residents in this vi - THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH; June 12 1873. Deliveries have - been moderate this week. - Wheat shows a slight advance. Oats, also,are in good demand, with an upward tendency. - Wool comes m rather - slowly; the low price offered, as compar- ed with that of last year, has • the effect. of causing farmers to hold as long as possible, .and in many cases to manu- facture it themselves ; we quote 33c. to 35c., but the latter is an extreme figure, and has rarely been paid as yet. Butter is coming in in large quantities ; rates the same as last week. We quote : FallWheat...... ......:.........$1 20 to .$1 22 Spring Wheat'. . . • ...... 1 16 to 1 18 Barley. -.. .... 050 to 053 Oats... . .• 0 00 to 0 43 Peas_ - .. .- ...... ..055 to 000 Butter, No. 1, Loose.,, ........ - .. • 0 15 No .... ..-.-. 012 2 ' .., 0 .9 6 Sunday Monday Tuesday ..... Wednesday.. Total Same time las week....:. Receipts. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. head. 374 3,800 6,900 64 3,230 1,800 8,000 176 2,567 1,600 2,000 48 1,615 3,400 1,400 160 7,786 10,600 18,300 448 t, 6,222 4,600 15,600 512 .A �POSITIVE F: ALLEN'S GROCERY., SEAFORTH, • NOTE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. 8 pounds Loaf Sugar for $,1. 10 pounds Coffee Sugar for $1. 15 pounds Currants for el. 12 pounds. Val. Italians for $1.- 20 pounds Bright Rice for $1. A 6• pound can of Peaches for 50 cents. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Cherries, Peas, Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. TEAS What please everyone, and at all price FrC sh Ground Coil".ees - at 3 Flour, Graham FIonr, Oaten: ai, o0 or 35 Cents. eal, &e. CHOICE BACON A D HAMS. CASH FOR BUTTER IN T I BS, AT -- ALLEN'S GROCER ' SEAFORTH. Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. head. Sunday ..51 600 4,700 : 144 Monday.. 323 3,400 3,700 46 Tuesday. 2,040 1,200 , 3,800 • 160 Wednesday ... 3,332 1,400 1,800 128 O -BE GIVEN AWAY - M. R.COZTNTE 'S JEWELRY STORE, S AFORTH, AFEW CONCERTINAS AND OLINS AT LESS THAN COST. Total . • • 5,746 5,600 14,000 478 Same time last • week.... .. 4,845 6, 600 13,100 508 CATTLE. -The market active. Heavy cattle are in good demand ; light stock -a - shade weaker. There was quite a num- ber of country dealers in attendance, who supplied themselves readily at rates quoted below. - The quality of the stock not so good as that of last week. Sales comprised about 1,4010 head. Transac- tions were as follows No. of Average Head.Weight, lbs: 45 Illinoas steers, 1 X75 ., + ., 16 " 18 " 1,149 56 . " " 1,358 36 " " 1,098 36 - " " - .1,176 -A,FORTI-1 FOt N. DR KERR, WILKIE & CO. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they have IMO, the Seaforth ?01114.47" for a term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture ail kinds of � - Castin s Straw Cutters: Sawing Machines a Prows, and other Varri�"i__�,•�� Implements. IWe are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. , The undersi ,red have had long experience in the Foundry business, and are prepare& io,gaarauieti satiennetIon in all their work. 1 2t87 . THE F'A.SION"ABET CQMBS.. LADIES' BACK COMBS, LATEST FASHION,. A. CHOICE: SELECTION, AT - M.. R. COUNTER'S.,. 'S, Seaforth. Price. 5 90 6 00 6 37i 5 62i 6 121 $6 12. 19 Missouri " 1,101 6 00 26 - " heifers,. 894 • - •- • 18 Mich. steers, 1, tenets, 16c , 18c„ 10 , 7c. .r 000 to 600 18 Ohio 1,113 HayAnd 19 other sales. 10 to 15. d 11 id heavy Sheep Skins O 1' al 166 Butter, 0 00. to 0 10 34 Iowa 1,218 6 20 Eggs... ................. 6 00 Flour ................ 18 00 H.ides... .----I.-. .. 4 � to 600 L -The market Lamb Skins...... .. 15 to 25 Pelts, each 5 65 6 00 EDWARD CASK Is now buying any quantity of TTER AND WOOL. No charge for inspection. . KERR, WILKIE & CO. 1.11/11111111114. AMEN FACTS WORTII NOTING. .TURNIP SEED Of the following varietfee, fresh frolti the old esbll_- shed• and s f L es bn or Hamilton, can be had front us at Catalogue Prices, Stone (for 'late *owing), Westbury cents Sharpe's, (all Swedes) for 25 cents per pound. The celebrated Gray per pound. Also, note the fact that we sell JAL P. KENDALL do CO.'S BEST FLOUR AND FEED% At Mill Prices, and deliver them in any of the three villages free of charge and promptly. • GROCERIES. Our Tom, Sugars, Tobaccoes, Spices, Currants, Raisins, &e., &c•, speak for themselves. One trial will convime you that we keep the best in the market. (- SELECT SCHOOL AND. MUSIC CLASS. 1t TI88-RYAAT, formerly Teacher of Music in the e Eomoka Seminary, and late of the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, begs to inform the peo- ple of Seaforth and vicinity' that she is about form- ing a class for ijestrnction in Vocal and Instru- mental Music,• a d has opened- a Select School, in the roopi feirme ly occupied by Miss Robinson. Terms -Music, $6 per tmrim SELECT SCHOOL. The ordinary English branches, , and Plain and Funny Work,•&c.,•:8 and $4 per term. Hours from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. References --Professor Caster,. of St. James' Cathedral,. Toronto ; Mrs. Thompson, Lady Principal.of Bishop Strachan School. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will.be•received by the undersigned up to.the lst of Tilly, for the. erection of a Frame Dwelling House according to•plaus and specifies-• tions, which may be- seen at myoffice. I do not ' bind myself to accept the lowest ()zany tender un- less otherwise satisfactory. Terme-cash down on completion of the job according, towSco PORTER. ract. 287 GODERICH-STREET, SEAFORTH. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Five per cent. off for cash at • BELFRY & MAY'S, SADDLERS, SEAFORTH. Shop opposite the Mansion Hotel. We have now on hand an assortment of good Harness, Saddled, Trunks and Valises, Brushes, Curry Combs, and all description of Whips kept constantly on hand. Repairing done at moderate rates.. Frank Miller's Prepared Harness Oil kept con- stantly on -hand at - BELFRY & MAY'S, Saddlers, Main -Street, • Seaforth. SHEEP AND} LAMBS, - eav at a full c off. But I 288 0 50 to 150 • , 0 08 to 0 09 few buyers in attendance. n S* sales � LINE■ 0 04 to 0 05 up to noon were as follows : ALLAN Calf Slana, (veal) per lb., . . • .000 to 100 No. of Average • .030 to 035 Head. `-Wei ht, lbs. Price. Murrain Hides....... . Salt (retail) per barrel - Potatoes, per bushel. Oatmeal ' brl.. , .. • Wood. Tan Bark... • ..... .. -• ... 0 00 to 600 2 25 to S 00 225 Ohio sheep, clipped 83 $5 50 .-.... 88 to 35 ` 215 77 . 4 60 .. 3 50 to 3 75 HOGS. -The market was very slow and • 1873 dull. Eastern buyers r CLINTON, Jane 1 marc than $4 50 for choice stock. Prices Spri,r�vheat t ......., .. el 20 0 1 22 rule nominally at $4 50 to $4 70. grng Whi. ,. 1 16 01 18 9 48 efusin to offer Oats •. ..0 40 BarIe. ........ • • ...• . • • • 0 50 0 0 53 GOLD. -•-The price of Goldin New York y... ... 0 55 � 0 00 p 00 0 0 11 omoss Peas.. ... ......... BARREL. .... as at 117-7 Batter .. . 0 10 (a3 0 14 quoted Eggs. :oo 00 18 00 LOCK, STOCK AND .B Hay, per ton, - .. • .. • ..... SOLD OUT-- ThRON To, June 12, 1873. Fall wheat per bushel, Si 15 to $1 20; spring wheat, $1 15 barley, see me, come al ng before the s o oats, 44c to 45c ; peas, 60c to 61c ; but- for . sale, that comfortable, pleasantly situated ter, pound rolls, 16c to 18c ; butter, COTTAGE AND .LOT, large rolls, 14c to 16c ; butter, tub dairy; On High -et., h -et., (opposite residenceof Rev. Mr. dining -room, containing 4 bed -rooms, parlor, g- 12cto 14c; e '60cto 61c `RANK PALTRIDGE, Photographer, Seaforth, begs to inform bis od friendseettha he s, on the et e - tire from the Photographic f July next. As many of my friends as would like to 0 1st o f July. Also, eggs, 1 lc to 12c, Gold- smith) kitchen, pantry, pod cellar • hard and soft water cook ah , LONDo"r, .Tune I2, 1873. White fail wheat, per bushel, $1 00 to $1 30 ; red fall wheat, $1 00 to $110 ; spring wheat, $1 14 to $1 16 ; barley, 50c to 56c peas, 55c to 60c ; .oats, 35e , to 37 ; wool, 34c to 36e ; butter, rolls, 15c to 16c potatoes, 50c to 60e ; eggs, 130 to 14c. with pumps ; dairy and'ash house; the garden is first-class; W Dr, Chalk, Harpurhey, daring vegetables all planted with the emening to bet ar, iorn¢eriy owned on ed • a very convenient brick • TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. PRE -PAID CERTIFICATES. PROVISIONS. Potatoes; Car Ses eBeets, °mens, &c., always on hand. Also, Green Groceries of all kinds during their season. Cafabage, Cauliflower and Tomato Plants, fresh twice a week. A few barrels of LAND PLASTER Still on hand. Call Oa get some before it is all gone. Lea sa shipmentr sf t season. hich we Iaave not Any of our customer $i idling Bone /net Superphosphate,Tsani seeprices free of freight, in stock, by leaving poo ordeb within will be supplied at Tho above are feats. l:ali•and be convinced. i STRONG & AIRLEY. YIRGINLSE. ANY PARTIES• wishing to emigrate to the South can obtain full information from the undersigned,:who have been•appointed agents for the sale of lands in• Southern Virginia, the most fertile portion of the South. Further particulars and lists of Lands will be furnished shortly. Ap- ply or address 276 E..HrCKSON & €O., Seaforth. STORE TO RENT Obi. SELL ! SEAFORTH. THAT old and favorably -known stand, the MAN- CHESTER HOUSE, lately oecupied by Mr. JOHN LOGAN will be sold,. or rented on reason- able terms. Apply at the store of 270 LOGAN & JA14MIESON. 'Issued to patties wishing to bring out their friends. friends wishing to immigrate -Forties having should perchase these certificates and send them to the intending immigrants, as passage this way is cheaper than by buying tickets in the old country. Apply to A. STRAITON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway. Tickets to Fort Garry by rail and boat, and to 287 13 all other principal points. FARMERS, TAKE - NOTICE. THE subscriber informs farmers and thelpublic that his THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR i11 stand for the. service of Sows at the farm CF4ILDRENP'S COLORED ASD SHITE COTTON HOSE. TO. THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar MANUFACTURER, MAJH S2'., SEAFORTH. plum trees, grape vines jus and a nice flower garden in front. The Lot is one- fifth of an acre less five feet on the north side, where there is a lane for teams,, rendering g itbview- 1ed to a corner lot. The above premises ed any day between the hours of 8 and 5 P. M. Thereis also an unezpized paid up Fire Insurance policy on the house with two years yet to ran. Title perfect. Apply to FRANK PALTRIDGE, 288 photographer, Seaforth. ,COW STRAYED. TRAYED, from the premises of the subscriber, S Lot 81, Con. 11, McKillop, about the latter p art 6f May, a dark brown COW, with small turned -in horns, four years old, and giving milk. The finder -will be suitably rewarded by giving such informa- tion as will lead` to the recovery of the above ani- mal to the undersigned. HUGH McKAY, 288 4 Winthrop P. NOTE LOST -CAUTION. r EE PUBLIC are nein smote of hationed nd in fainst avor of pur- chasing BR signed JAMES McTARE, and eWM. BUTTON, S dated. Grey,Feb. CLARK, M A S GL , 0 d b • THOMAS has been 1nd187e 3 14, 1873, for Ten Dollars, as the said note 288*4 lost. THOMAS CLARK. LIST OF LETTERS NCALI ED for at the Seaforth Post Office U June 12, 1873. • McLean, Hugh Amoss, Win. McIntosh, Miss S. Beatty, F. 11IcArty, Miss Margaret Brown, F. H• McArrol, Michael Black, Bohn Price, Thos. - 'Carter, , Robert Porter. George Carter, Mrs. Mary Ann Price, Simnel Cook,Jamas pog.ins, Miss Ann Fraser, Charley Rogers. Robert Jane er John Goff ,Ross, Hatt, Charles Ravin, Miss_MaiyJane Keating, Stephen Stark, James Kennedy, Alexander _ am i'4rin- Liviiag, on, John Taylor, Robert Moreton, Warren, S. Moore, Thos. Wright, James ` Mooley, Jessie Wright, Mrs. J. T. Moore, bliss Mary `Wilson, Thos. Mond,, Miss Sennet :Winters. Frank latielaster, Mile R. 'Young, N. H. McDonald, John McKinnon, Hugh LITTLE FALLS - DAIRY MARKET. LITTLE FALLS, June 7, 1873. One marked feature in the sales of cheese this year is that a less quantity is offered than for the corresponding time last year. Thus, for instance, the sales at this market last week were about 3,000 boxes in the aggregate, while for the correspond ng time '-last year the sales were from 6,000 to 7,000 boxes. The top price last weekhere was 15i cents, and for corresponding week last year only 141 cents was paid. The higher price this year will hardly make 'up the difference for =loss of quantity. The cold, backward, spring, and t e scarcity of hay have told heavily on the early cheese Iroduct of this section. There will be a much less quantity of cheese made in this. State tl}is year than there was last year, not only on account of the decreased make of Spring cheese but because - there is a less number o cows this year devoted .to cheese dairy - in Again, last year in :Herkimer and adjoining counties the season was ex- ceedingly ceedingly favorable for dairying, and an unusually large quantity was produced. Even with the same number .of cows from this time out we could hardly expect to reach last year's result. The market to- day at Little Falls opened eery brisk fur farm dairies, and the offerings were all taken early in the afternoon at rates. r-'ngingfrom,9c to fare for skimmed, and from 12c to 141c for fair to extra. Fa,e rice, Were slow of rale, the V.WW4 of 0. on g, DICIiJON, P• M. the presen s with privilege of TERMS. -One Dollar per So , P g returning -Payable at time of service. 287:4 THOMAS McCLELLAND• THOROUGHBRED DURHAM HAM BULL FOR ,SALE. OR SALE, a Thoroughbred Durham Ball, one F year old. Pedigree given. Apply to R. H. CARNOCHAN, 297*4 Tuckersmith. - n SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Belle, Horse Clothing, &e., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. CHEESE FAIRS. CHEESE FAIRS will be hold every fortnight, at Ingersoll, Belleville and Stratford, during the season of 1873. May20;at The first at Ingersoll on Tuesday, Belleville, on Wednesday, May 2B, and at Strat- ford, Thursday,�a to week at each phcenRthe whole season THOMAS I34.LLA.NTYNE, President Dairymen's Association of Onterio.ta THE SEAFORTH LUMBER WARD. MABEE & M ACDO N ALD - STRAY CATTLE- TEG to inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's STRAYED from the premise, of the inundersigned,e Mill,on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Lot 1$, Con. lfi, Howick, early in May, one Yard, by . Thomas Lee. grade Durham COW, roan and white, four 3 old ; one yearling HEIFER, same color, a d `two red STEERS, two years old. Any persongiving information that will lead to their recovery will bo suitably rewarded: MYLES YOUNG, Lakelet P. 0., Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick. Goderich " Star," Harriston "Tribune" plea copy.se 287-4 TO COOPERS. - 10R SALE, cheap, a first-class JiBADING working and in good wo g -new, JOINTER, neral3 i to J. G. order. . For further particulars apply 284. AMENT, Seaforth. THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. "They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS- OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- bleprices,for Cash OR SALE, cheap, a Separator Threshing Ma- -1- a - Fchine, with Horse Power and everything com- plete, in. good order and nearly new, manufactured by Glasgow, McI'heison & Co., Clinton. Apply the undersigned, Ray P• 0�., or personally on Lot 7, 4th Con., Hay. C. ALDWORTH. 286-4 CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. OTICE is hereby given that any person found "LI cutting or destroying timber on lots Nos 20 and 22. in Con. 6, Township of Grey, will be prosecuted according to latw.ICgaFL FISHER Grey, Apri112, 1873. 280*13 Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & DIACDONALD. iodized Cod Liver Oil. QND SEl l GooDS , SPRING ` THIS Preparation be 0 W 0 CC Q CO Misses' White a-ixl Coloreds Wotton Hose, Ladies' White anti' Colorer Wotton Hose, Boys' Brown and Blue Cott Sox, Men's Brown with' dferino.!het, Plaid Cotton and Colorer Merino Sox, at GAN & JAMIES Small Men's, ,iifedLwm. Sized Men's and Large Mtn's-, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS LOGAN tc JAMIESON'S. LIVE AND LET LIVE. BUY YOUR GROCERIES of) 0 r WHERE EVERY ATTENTION IS DEVOTED TO ONE BRANCH OF BUSINESS.- X 0 r v 0 0 Good Teas, 50c. to 75c. Bright Sugars, 11 lbs; for L. Bright INSPECTION INVITED. GOODS ORDERED PROMPTLY DELIVERED, FREE OF CHARGE: - J. C. LAIDLAW! i�'iiNG ULV[PORITTM. NEW YORK HOUSE. WILLIAM CAMPBELL Would call the attention of the ptiblic to Ms immense Stock of in perfectly pare Cod Liver Oil. It may and used in all caeca where the simple Oil is orders- } . 1 greatly'superior to it Thin •1 Which will be found_this season to caeca anything ever offered in Seafbrih for variety, quantity and will be fonnc preparation is highly beneficial in fi 1 Pnhnonary Con- quality. First comes his Diseases and for all chronic disorders arising from snmption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin It ' defective cliRestion, assimilation or nutrition. also hi lily useful in Chronic Rheumatism and is g Gout Price $1. Compound Syrup of IIypophoriphites. THIS is an agreeable Preparatioi}, containing the Hypophosphites of Lime, Sae, Potash and Iron, with -free Hypophosphorons Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is Aso highly useful in diseases of P the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient Consumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard -medical reputation, and containing no secret ingredients, I may be prescribed by physicians without hesita- _ d b JOHN WILLIAMS, R. KING, Seaforth, (late of Carronbrook,) 1 tion. Prepare y London, Ontario. DCoroner for_ the County of Perth. Office--, _ Main-st. Residence--CommercialHotel. Calls a 1 E For sale b AR.Lumad'4vrosaf rt ; J Druggists t, DR. h ICING'S office will be attended to day or235, 287 generally. night. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Which consists of all grades of the most Fashionable Goods. This department employs seventeen first-class Tailors. Second comes his FTTR1\T I S:E- TINT rS, a gentleman wants, from the Hat to crown the head to the Sock that fit coven Emboot.ng every thing his foot. his. Campbell will hereafter devote mach attenf tion of ass 1. �d�� iso, a large stcick of ow a large stock of Men's and Boys'Hats ; also a large stn Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Collars, gid Gloves, &c. Boys' Suits, readymade, from $4 to $7 a suit. All wool Scotch Tweed for 80e. a yard. ALL SUITS WARRANTED TO FIT. Wedding matrimony. Particular attention paid to the requirements of gentlemen contemplating Snits got up in quick time and good style. W. CAMPBELL. 1�� style- * 295-4