The Huron Expositor, 1873-06-06, Page 6_ The Wild Talania .11aefenge A gentleman with whom we are sequainted was employed 'sonie years ago to represent "The Wild Man of Afghanistan" In 'at New jersey menagerie; and while standing In his cage-, day after day', he .gradually lemmed to !eye the. fat woman, who sat upon the platform elope to him. The keeper of the placealso cherished a tender feeling for the young lady, and he becamelealous of the Wild Man_ of Afghanistan. And when visitors would- conie, the keetiev. viou/d-proeure a .pole, with naitain thea end, and stick it through;th# bars .of the cage, and s4 the Wild Man of Afghanistan up, and jab him in the ribs. And he would ridicule the Wild - legs, arid deliver a lecture, upon the• way he turned his toes in, and read chapters oat of /b;oka of natural Ins - tory, to show that a being . with a skull of sach a shape must of neces- eity Plea he would poke the via Van'of Afghanistan a few more times with the pole, and Pass en to the nextacage with some , remarks tending to prove that the monkeys therein and the Wild Man were of the same general -type. , And all the time the fat wonian_ would sirthere 'and smile as if she believed it alParall hated stfqhlag's; and despised Wei Alat tuined in. At last the WildManof Afghanis- tan had his revenge. One day when all hands were off duty, the keeper fell asleep on the , sofa., Then he untamed party from the .distant East threw a blanket over Ikea and went for, the fat wpn3an: He led her by the hand and ;asked her: to be seated while he told her .of his anguish: Then she.suddenlv sat down on the keeper, You ponicl have passed the corpse uncle' a dosed door without scraping the Veat-, buttons. They metelr-ilid. him in a crack in the ground where they buried him, and the fat. woman pined eight hundred pounds of her- , away, and finally gave the e- tntiinder to the Wild Man of Af- ghanistan, who clasped as much of Iteraa'a s he could hold- taa,his beim, anilz organized a fresh menagerie upon a new baeis. —Max Adder. may aat-well de it at; once.' Well, .she giggledalbit, and we were -spliced two days afterwards."— " Roots" in Temple Bar. Sunday Work on Railways. The locomotive engineers on the New York', Central and Hudson River Rail- road have concluded to petition its gresi- dent to discontinue running- freight trains on Sunday, and conductors,. Are- men- and lir-Am-nen join in the petition. They say the freight can all be moved on the Six working days Of the week. The matter of working railroads on Sunday has been brought up in our own Parlia; meat this 'session. Half of the eleven= thousand versons employed on the Cana- da roads are worked on Sunday. ;Inhe maritime % Provinces public; opinion is stronfily---opposed to Sunday_ labor on railivays ; and the opposition is _ so strong that in Halifax the street cars have been obliged to discontinue their Sunday trips. Some Ofithe New Jersey villages which. lie on the way to the wa- tering places, and whose rietavas dis- , - e ruVning of Sunday trkes, have united in a strong protest against it. On the Pennsylvania Central road the practice of yenning trains on Sunday was, for the reafet tart, long -Iliac.° oabohshed , and the einriloyees have Sunday as a day of literal rest. s I The.Coraing' Lecture Season. _Already arrangements for the next lecture campaign are in a forward state, and it is possible to give the names and themes of quite a number of the speak ers • - Mr. Jenkins, of London, knoll -7n as the autlia Of;,1` BiTth"q; to visit the Stateslinict lid/Lure Thei,liglish of To -day" and -the "English Satirists."' John 13. Gough's new lecture is entitl- ed " Now and Then." : - Mrs. Liverrimre will give her views on "Women's Husbands," which seem to be an ii4Oitant appendage or perhaps. a necessary evil to many of the suffrage:, class. Rev. W. 1-zE H. -Murray will tell what' he knOws- about The Perfect .Horse;" which is good del. Ex -President Hill, of Harvard College' will descant ort the "Straits of Magel- lan " and: "Juan Fernandez." Mrs. Leonowens has prepared IMW lectures on Siamese life. 1-1 -.Dr, Hayes, the Arctic explorer, an- nounces- "-Far NOrthern Life -and See* ery " and the "History and Progress of Maritime Diacovery." PUNCAW COTTONS COTTONS! CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cashmere Shawls. The borders of the real 'Cashmere .shawls are made in several pieces, :some:dines fik itia4..as,froni ten,' to ticent.y5-4ffitiore afterwards sewn -toe gethea,to farm, therpat ern -. and - by. a 1144adea. an arkdia* sbwj fp* ai- ,..., . 1,, j. ' T W , HefigginsOn'are " - ndo ' oi w4y8* Ilb re -cognized atom 'FI:elich' "'Thin -king An- imalLo' s.i'r" - - - - 11 ati- or English one, however close an imi- Bishop Gilbert Haven will lecture On - tation the latter may appear. Every "Mexico." Prof: John Fiske on the stitch of the border of the Cash- "Darwinian Theory," and Kate Reig- ' c11.;_al.lea, loa,de. —Bostoa <Md. 1.,vri < i 4 Ad 4 ' D ) 7 mere shawl beini, .-4Votkvi, by the --t 7- 0.,...,„L. „„..._ . vapreari; .: -.' .....1 V 1. Made to order on the shortest notice. Ihalld, ;is .distinct in itself, and may __________.......a...___a___ . . . ,, ,P-• `" be pelled.eut--though it is not very MR. BANI731 had several elephants in _,:.'. -easily detached — without further training for' his traveling showThey were taught to dance on a rope, turn the inill t°:,_ l'ire-,' f1,13i-...... q; 1 _wh: `3, te_asi the , organ, ill.itnilf:,on their -liead'a, and to per ALL FITS GUARANTEED. shaw madeien ki, French- or .Engtish - formItariout „feats. :. One of thes031e- leoni, has the border formed in one phants died not long since. - The news and -acard y one of the assistant trainers, , 4.all made on - piece, whence a long thread may at Novfaa sent by Barnum, wiitten on the back Our Order Work- 9 any time be 'readily drawn. In- t(Mows : " Mr. Barnum, one premises and wears well. , deed, there isno surer test by Ofthe.elifants is ded. He dyed of en- - likh a lady tati,y know, a veritable feiraition eathe'.hrane:LeSak Saoctier "- asiunere than by exa '-' , ininina 4.1e e . "'That's- all 'light," .864 Barnum, 'on reading the letter - "we must not teach +- -- . boder; bat if she has a fine eye for elephants so much. They can't stand. a 1 READYMADE CLOTHINC color, this faculty will also aSsiet high degree of educatioh. Our giving , her. Tile propitiation of. the - dyes this athinal sucka stock of • ' enformation ' on :!the brave '- has cost, me $10,000. • which the Mations use is still ase- ;Hereafter we must confine them to the cret, of which they are yery. chary, - rudiments. By the way, let Professor IN 3T1 -N'S AND BOYS'. rem:evince. their operations to a dis- White, .the elephant trainer, give Sam OF twnee weoever -they have reason to Slocum a' fewlessOns . in orthographY.' A NICE I4EW LOT r=, ' dread inquisitive lookers: on. Bat Saul needs information on the brain." THERE is said to be p man in Cincin- the result in their' fabrics is perceiv- nati who is in ixissession of such a pow - ed in the peouliar richness and erful memory t)int he is employed by the clearness of ;their hues,- and, at the huniane society to remember the poor. HATS AND CA- PS same tune, absenaa of , glare, the. - TyE New York /Tribune Association is ' ' Wont" tfi plit-flp the largest newspaper reds; -blues and' !greens remindin,g ' buildingin the world, and the finest too one more ---of the harnionious tints else. SOMEBODY has written a work entitled nomad :Fitch; ,of Nevada, will giVe experiences of ." A Sagebrusher in _Vi- enna." I - Ss:tiles Parton will take a hand --purp- ly as a lecturer—in "Our .Scandakpli PolitiO,'"--Whielirnity, perhaps, introduee:., scene allusion 'to the salary grab. Dr. Dio Lewis has two imPortatir themes: "Our Girls" and Our Eyes:" Dr. John Lord, has a number of lec- tures on "Representative Men." Senator Sunnier will lecture if his health permits, and Wendell Phillips will also doubtless be _heard from. Sen- ator Boutwell is also named as a lecturer. next.seasonr = - - - Mrs.. How4 „themes are " Pafis mia.",1Santo `Dorinnie." 1 Col. - ASK TO SEE fur Neil, Prints, AT nom 10c.,to 121.e.--theyra,re good. THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT it STOCKED WITH NOVELTIES. .TAILORING. This Department is complete in all the leading styles, in 7477 . ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF SUMMER DRY COOPS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Come and see them, and if not found to be the best value. you ever saw, don't buy them. Also, 60 Pieces of Remnants at Half Price, AND ONE HUNDRED STRAW SUN SHADES, .ENGLISH, SCOTCH, A YD CANADIAN TyitEDt;'CLOtit.ANIiyttoNcs.. CLOT -Hi -NG THE CHS/APEST THE DOMINION, AND A LOT OF SILK PARASOLS AT A GREAT BARGAIN. Butter taken in Exchange for Goods. A. G. MoDOUGALL. ANOTHER PROBLEM SOLVED. HOW TO MAKE 75c. FETCH •$1. GO TO DOIT'S Juili -6, 187 THE LATEST EXCITEMENT. J LECKIE, BRUBS.ELS,• Has Just received. and opened otat 7a OVER $10,000 WORM OF • SPRING AND SUMMER G-OODS, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, (Fancy and Staple,) MILLINERY, -REA.DYMA3)E CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, &C. The -stock is the largest and cheapest °yang. fered to the public, having been purchased on the very cloeest Urine, in the very best markets, sad comprsiing over $2,0,000 of Goods. Special BARGAINS in l'rints and Dress Goods. Selling at 'timid itlholesale cost price. MILLINERY in great profusion. Goodemade up and. trimmed to order on the shortest notice, .1 Geode of all kinds 'will be.,,sold at prices thatwill defy competition,. Special discounts for CASE. 4 Call and see the goods and prices before chasing elsewhere. JOHN LECKIE, . B71186e18. 12.000.00Q ACRESi: . :CHEAP FARMS,. frho cheapestLand in market for sale by the UNIOWPACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On the Great Platte Valleyi, 3,000,000 Acres in Centrar-Nebraslia, Now for 841e in tracts et 40 acres and unwault FIVE AJ) TEN FEARS' CREDIT AT 6 PER CENT. No • advance interest'required. *Nina and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- dance of good water. TIIE BEST MAIIEET IN THE WEST The great mining regions of Wyoming, Coloratiol Utah, and Nevada being supplied by farmers m the Platte Valley. Soldiers entitled, to a homestead of 190 acre?. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERstan OF FOREIGN BIRTH Are entitled to the BENEFIT OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW On declaring their intention to become citizensof tb:e Unite6. States and. may avail themselves Of this proyision inidediately after their arrival. FREE HOMES FOR AIX, Millions of lima of choice Governraent Lands open for entry unae,r the Homestead: TAW, near this Great Railroad, with good inarkets and all the conveniences of an old settled countiry. Free passes to purchasers of 1Wroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of descriptive pamphlet with new maps maned free everywhere. • Address • 0. V. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R., 282-13 ONARAI INTEBRAlfEA) AND INVEST IT IN DAY GOODS' OR IN MILLINERY, , i Or Straw Goods, Ladies' Jaciets Beautiful Shawls, Elegant- ,Parasols, Dress floods, lifuslins, Gents' Furnishings, &e., all so cheap that in some of these lines your 15e. Nvin tura to $1.25, as by the french of a magic wand. Don't forget to try at DENT'S CHEAP DRY GOODS AND. MILLINERY ESTABLISEGYIENT, SEAFORtH. ITARVEST..0F. 1873, The prospects for a bountiful hiu-vest were never batter than this year, and 0. - O. WILLSON,' SEAFORT Has for sale the very Implements which will reap it speedilyland economicaily. REAPERS AND MOWERS. _ tre. =;;-7— • ammini=11t." Massie's well-known Machines, including Woo0 Patent Single Reaper, Johnson's Patent Single Reaper, Wood's Light Mower—with iron frame, Wood's Light Mow er—viith wooden farme, celebrated the Buckeye Mower—iron frame, Hubbard Mower, - 11UBBARD COUBINEP .10) APER AND MOWER. THE ITHACA WHEEL HAY RAKE; THE Ban rail USE. SAMPLE ,MACHINES ON EXHIBITION AT TEE Cs S E. Ma A. 1":t — AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of all kinds, such as Plows, OnitivatOrs, Hatrows, Gang Plows, Turnip Seed Drills, Horse Hoes and Weeders, always on hand as usual. • Points andiCastings. All kinds of Points.:and Castings constantly on hand at the Warehouse. SEWING p MACHINES we are told. It. will be niiie stories high of old ;Waned glass than anything for one thing. "'Useful Hints for Ugly Girls " and th - 7f Conimerial Advertise' r declare; that the AN. . AGA0 ,IIQRSE —Th Fieict an ' e 149. book las- the.smalleat circulation of .n d , Faaaa says :,thia t ,‘-‘ Oita literary production . the lJnited States Torn," a. hOrs4 awned by 'Chat -lea 'I' Z —H... AVERAGE SALIAnRY of the sixty-one. Cledroingshaw, the noted 'soda water thousand Ptresote.ltant clergyman Mthe. cmoomrrittechlvitt $700 an elder manufacturer, of Troy- , N. u one-third ebd a few 4ays since at ibe ntially.44.1)robablisy of the whole receive not more than $:500. 1.T.?e•wn' et'a le age of thirty-four years Aareteisoarndinregcte the official report, a trained . Twenty-four years ago Mr Clonal. tooives for - three hundred' d. ingshavr pai-aaased him, and has thirteen working days an average of $4 day, or $1,250 annua, alnicst used him to the (tell very wagon ever Per double the payment of the clllyergy sii.ice, until. re t y, when he was withdrawn fawn active service and , PUBLIC NOTICE. kindly cared foe NOTICE is hareby giveu that the undersigned - have- this day entered into 'Partnership as A Simple Plan. Millers and Produce Commissionllerehants in the Tillage of Sonforth, under the name, style and "How did you manage to win her af- firm of JAS. P. KENDALL & c0. fections se quickly, Dan ? The receipt's c8imied,1 JAS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHAitLE'SWORTH. worth k-nowina ' " Oh, that was sim- - .- night that I arrived at the lodging -house JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. 81111 - pie enouah," repliei he. "The first in Auckland, I found. myself sittingnext Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Merchants to a young woma,n at supper -who, an , I have purehased teem Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. d. Dealers of the County of Huron that they 800ii found, was one of the newly arrived the Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will emigra.nls. I looked her over, and saw hereafter carry on the seine. she was a round, strong, eheery-looking All Kinds of Grain Purchased, lass, with a laughing- ?ace, and thought AS formerly, • , she'd do. 1 didn't know how to go fool- Al the Highest CASH P.RIICE Paid. in' around her to find. a soft place (as you would have done, sir, no offence to you), FLou-p, exchanged for WHEAT., but just spove a word or two with her Farmers desiring to exchange eau rely upon getting for their Wheat No. I Flour. and when we came out into the passaga_ gave her a squeeze and. a kiss. Says she, FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the . , ' How dare y-ou ?' Says 1, '1 wantslage free of charge -sto , The undmigned, having had the entire Working mirry you , my clear.' ' Marry met?' management of the Mill for the -past three yeers, cries she, laughing ,- ' why-, 1 don'tknow patrons may rest assured that they will receive you. t 'No more do I you, my dear,' the same satisfactory treatment and. as good work y. say's I, 'so that makes it all fair and aS formerljAS. K.M;DALL & CO. equal.' She didn't know: how to lira clapper on that, so she only laughec \ nd said she couldn't think cif it. Not think of A;' says 1, artful like, 'not wheu you've come all these thousands of miles for the purpose" -' What do you mean ?" says she, staring. 'Come now,' says I, 'don't telt me. . I know what'l what When a -Mart- itralligrati011iSeS, it's to et work, when a woman immi4 ,grationises, it's to get married. Yon AT DUNCAN'S. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS! FURNISHINGS. JN ItEEE 'BENCE to the ab re, the undersigned would beg to thank their i4irnerous custome for the extensive patronage ccorded to them lo the.past fonr years, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended t� the new firm whom we hare pleasure in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts due us, in connection with the Mill must be paid to Kendall & Co,, and ell debts due by tis, in connection with the same, will be settled by the I 4 tiaid firm of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. W. A. sinAnsot co. t A SkENDID'LA.ItGE sToeitOi BOOTS AND SHOES, ClitAP Some Very- Laup•Priced. To Country Merchants: . We have a JOB LOT of MEN'S SHOES -L-0 H EAP. CALL AND SEE T b.M. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. 4 - The best selected Stock of Sewing Machines West of Toron- to, comprising the • FLORENCE, Sieger, Lockman, Venue, Ray- mond; Weboter and other makes. On hand a large stock oe ' Sing - heavy Machines for -manufac- turing purposes. SeWing chine (ieedles for allkinds of cbiuies kerit constantly on hand. Sold at reduced ratee. Agents.— The following gentlemen have been appointed agents for the FLORENCE Sewing Machine, and none others have the—privilege of senile-, LAWRENCE *MURPHY, Ben— forth; THOMAS . CONNORS, Seaforth; LOCKMAN S. WILL - SON, Goclerich. SEAFOriTH CARRIAGE WORKS. - THE SEASON CHANGED. WILLIAM GRASSIE Has sold all his Sleighs and Cutteis, and is novl busy melding un. BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Buggies and Wagons left over from lad year, widish Nvui be sold cheap. 1 Ang peen wanting a substantial Wagon or handsonie Buggy should call at onceand make air rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and those who wait too long will probably not be abje to get their orders filled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attenast to as usual. • WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich etreet, Seatorbb. .SEAVORTH AND HURON of good Second Hand Maehines for salt ElDefieftOp, Nor Dto relintAc;n114rDea.soillinabAleCteHrmieN. Ea., In—A num MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; -0. C.WIflson is Agent for Musival Instruments log the following makea: .Pinnos—Mathusek, Labelle, J & P Fisher, Steck, Weber and. others. Organs --Prince's, of Buf- falo, an.1 others. Melodeons—Prince's and others. Samples of the above instriunents can be seen at the Warerooms, AGRICULZURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIVM, MARKET-STREET OLIVER C. WILLSON, .Seaforth, Ont., •i3rENERAL AGENT FOR THE DOMINION. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE fze Is a Strong, EASY RUNNING MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, • AND Light Manufacturing Work. At the Fairs held throughout the Doroiniori, this Machine was put to some very severe tests by the BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of constraetion, strength and. durability recommend it to all classes. It has a complete fiet of attachments, and does all kinds of -work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL Tki..e. ATTACH3IENTS G.I.V.61s1 FREE OF CHARGE. Gardner Seicing Machine Company, Hamilton, Ont. PETER- GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, 268 Agent for the County of Huron. • BOARDING HOUSE. rrITE undersigned has opened a BOARDING -a- HOUSE in the premises lately occupied by Dr., Tracey, corner of John and High streets; teeven or eight boarders can be comfortably ac,comraodat- ed. Charges moderate. 280 JAMES CORDERY. - • BACON AND HAMS. FOR SATE, by the undersigned, at Kipper!, in large or mall Iota, for cub, about ten tons of first-elass Bacon and Smoked Hams. Apply to ParKS & GEORGE PETTY, 364'4 Rippen P. 0. MARBLE WORKS. M L. M ESSET & SON; (Late of Eenillton,) wool intiMate to eir numerous friends and. the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for • Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, &cr. Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. , A call respectfully solicited. Next door to Porter's Fornittue Store, MAIN-SREET, SEAFNORTH. M. L.`VESSET. BthSSZfr •••=mionser SEAFORTII MARBLE WORKS, .21.1 riv. STRE , Oromite the Waterloo House, neas tne Station* MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, And -wore of all kinds in Ameriean and VO 1.1arble, designed and. executed in the best $ and at most reasonable pliees. a whjs --Indiana drug stores Hell kY ee. Sunday under the name of -lugs From Art Papers. of Dubuque a in ling shade trees. primitive- churches out have =lash and milk festivals, ree eounties of Iowa have awed liquor store in their nsas paper refers to the give neot CIe o 112na:vijoe_esatetAwm,gorlooafoonwldievaeemnescha.etesrfisgt1ht Aaisas‘sia, :wan in t wied himself because he couldn't hun eir Atoseatent in Lancaster, „Penn. i 1 The tourts charge CO per eat i if Ili I: ten', _.._° lidi °I: lb ole 'llyaa sta at lb :\el:t el)sft7(1ngdeLiberty.iijwaaignY:. , I at yea 31 iis_4 b7lial;ckte.Adpiaoably48:riwivhahiincengtoo.eenietgiritot.eosss.w'h'inoisniawnctupedu,ot i wl—thothlisyl).1Zeitnlatelsve Illoralleteajr11111°eler efianlelidn: trit li ,A. fossil of the extinct fowl, 4 Aim) --A youug man in Maine lately T tely chopped a playmate's hand off I day 4T4ttourttruilinngl Irjeartsdayis. expensive 1, the ean-parts." i his nerves with a teaspoon- 0 n blviiinois towns put the 1 for selling liquor on - 1 a , i T ae Ithlle. isbuswianietissngd7tosag'ob 11 tIll ' .81:emaaLdhigh., I )hha ,e'elY rgas .tavr thagl:,hf oi-euhn/dh outa4 bethl ithadan by—mAaci dGoeg:r.gia paper announces itinh4tthtawr SttYatme eanvitahrien to owbee months. Immigrants will abeerk oeb ee:: asked thereketI Ttrr-4 a$ASewnal3d15 ladyhloenPspool in the 1 o he hb:1 nr;ore'rei i el 3"tabsal:p,P:h; oilh ar'' es< )dief aaenntex- pressde- positedn' _Mantles of 'Various Colored' _Marble sup- plied on, bliort -Ware. Granite Monuments and Headstones imeorbal to order. CALDER BROTHERS 277 ANDREW CALDER, AV* DANIEL McGREGOlt Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, JJAs just received a large Stock of the material& used in the business, efml is now fully prePar' ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the - latest styles, all orders he may be favoured -with., REGISTERS, LEDGERS 8.; BLANK BOW OF .29 -NF KIND, Eulq4, Printed and made to erder, on the shorted me, and at prices which defy competition. Lclie8' Work Boxes & Fancy Coo - Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS • Bound and repaired at city pricee. All communications addxesied to the 11.12der8i$11" ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOIti Seaforth, (Ilarpurhen, ROOMS TO LET. TO LET,, in Scott's Block, two commodlotut Rooms on the second fiat. Apply to ' 195 McCAUGEEY & HOLUSTED. What a Paola of Cards Served. 1c For. A private soklier by the name of Richard Lee Was taken before the magistrates of Gla.nford for playing 1 cards during divine- service. The account of it is thus given in _the Bnglish journals. Sergeants conamande.d the soldie at the Church, and when the pas- tor had read the prayers he took the text Those who had a bible took it out, but this soldier having neither Bible nor 'Common Prayer Book, pulling out a pack of cards, he I spread them out before him, be first looked at one -card and then at Another. The sergeant of the.com- Pany saw hin3. and said, Richard, put up the cards, this is no place for them. Never mind that a Richard. When the serviee was over the 'constable took Richard prisoner, and brought him before the Mayor. Well, says the Mayor, what have you brought the soldier here for 1 For playing cards in ehurch. Well, soldier, what have you to say for i.ourself Much, sir'hope. Very good; if not I will punish - you more than ever man was punish - I have been, said the' soldier, about six weeks im the march ; have neither Bible nor Comm Prayer Book' -1 haNe nothing buts, pack of focards ; and hope to atisfy your worship of the purity of my s cu.oaritcla,sr. ebineifnoreds • leeTWdthohhfesanerotnia'aishtPI.herersereesaeeisieti:hdtgtelhsttd-e:helniaeuce.ece, it renaincls Ghli:Vosihhtle:eennh:II see the four, it rex= me of the sFeaethtehre, tray, iatu'rdenlinlioV me of the four Evancrelists tha Preaehed, Matthew, Mark, Luka the Mayor, he began with. the ace When' see the five, r me of the five wise virgins tha 111tti:il:2PSherwertn btfivewere wise and five 1oisiaimeieshto:t. VenWhen six, it reminds m that in six days the Lord made Venn a int umaelicrwdoehfhae:ttnnidlIehsaelelotwheeaseilen, it rem are that on the seventh. day Go Tested from the great work he ha Theei when. tAlIdaabWilloweh.oeeef: alwtehsI°.ftesortasineevdn. ine )Nineht ileIt't:°' loriih- ttezdt mhrdalal jelnlms4rsdt;va°1 of the Ten CommanIdinents whi 011 Clod handed down to Moses seeieghtther -wife, his three sons and their NY' eleanzed by our Saviour. Ten:a eleansed but only One returne give thanks. When I see the king, Th? -of the Great King of 141601 is God Almighty. When 1 see the queen, it rem me of the Queen of Sheba, who