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The Huron Expositor, 1873-06-06, Page 5
'if aasiamaatsaingi w _ ,,,Iiiitig!iitroiLlat ast will render the North: Riding TIEIE MARKETS office,seoure. SITRER TO VISIT TORONTO. oved by Mr: Gibson, seconded by Rays, that Mr.Ross, the Countyrsti3 rr be authorized to proceed to Toronto as soon as convenient, and`ascer- tain t$e coTPct c lculations in reference ea the iC Loan. Fund, in so far as sok 1i caleulat ns affect the interests of the. County If Huron and to.cuship of 8ta ey Also that Mr. Boss call the attention of the G apparently, 1 to overlook- ea, ven the mount of interesta pp y. ec,which is due to the County of Huron, and any other matters he may think Aecessary•on the subject -Carried. After reading a number of accounts, the Council, on motion adjourned till 10 o'clock on Thursday, in order to give the Equalization and other Committees an epportUnity to proceed with their work, part Union, the c railway in like manner uc 2 I fOu1c • North Middl tains Of s eiiirffent, on isur e€t IC debt, lined the el townships in repared for p 0,002, and d-_ Elie amount ae£ waa tsit,ing theta. gay allowance ac. =i()11 as COMm I eke eraNr preparing ailment, and re. of such }t proceed C urdity, even of Fse town ship .=; "baSi of division, kn of the debt ea Ltiny rcpr:eseuta• be effectual wig rice addressed the laid the matter vored with, se;;h f the settlement hips, to show th enttiecl to any )illy had they ta, bt- w-ith thean,. but wed for the ps,3a made by themed. with Huron, ddhavebeenehargt el roads wchthey icrefore urged that arnships should .abject to further lvestigation. This <• Attorney- 'Genu .les a memorandum Wfshps elaim the afore being put ire I also represent aeras that if an a the part of Bi y, it must betaken: ice of Huron alb Bruce combined, as { united at the time: :parated, and it w of the union that u. We will, the ce and influence of n resisting any ul art of these town - v, the awards made ole to these town• or what particular e awarded, and Cs - e di eult to show unicipal Loan Fund thetas, but even tak= hey stand, and ale ivnships are entitled ,hare in the railway e proportion as the ar to the whole debt; jiume they were Sep - tuts as given in the sable to them. The ion then was F407, - Away allowances= to are $302,970. The stat allowance that llivray -might clay f,124 of which $1O, - n from Huron. and [Mr. Ross •goe . on: Tors in the schedules the Government ad - r, and produces fig his further elaims. ed, if rectified, will int further even than by es sum of about wand dollars.j Now ked question- of the 'und is settled, the aril, congratulate it- le position in, whiff s placed it During ere paying up our in - `and, while other mu- andiating and falling • were, no doubt, of were acting foolish- settlement, those that ling would come out ` anvil acted upon the eat the debt was due, a pay it, and under when the final settle - ,.as matte justice would w was strengthened by , Iarge majority of the ntario had either not :sot in default, and the ins them would, there :justice was do -net -o un- fities by relieving those pay. The result has ll)ati€)n)s of the Coun racially we are Bet ad refused pay/pelt, n feel a proud sato- hat they have always .ir engagements, set a le and maintained the County. I feel it bi3 Messrs. Gibbons and fiat I think the ,`oun- .bted to them for their .stance iu. securing full in the matter of _this County Treasurer.. N 0N.ItESI DENT LANPS" ist of the amounts col- t lands` Oil IYttii-Te3lden. - uieil)alities•, from Jan• i3, was handed in by _tread by the Clerk 33 :76 69 97 #1 0i `f,3. ea 66 Stephen-. .... 3 67 Seaforth -- 4 81'• 'l: u.ekersmith . - Turnberry•.- 6 I8 Usborfie.. 2 44 E. Wawanosha - W. Wawanosh•E 2" 1S.i uissels. • - - 4( Exeter.. - - „,a920885 , 20886 1 Total , . Fn lii0tie esclay. IRI) 1. A.Y., let pursuant to adz° t irdei in the chair. The previous meeting Were ed. 4ui nEcItsTRY OFFICE- tl# vasa was read frontthe. • Perth, enquiring ncil of I-l:uron intended res ce to the North 'Rad` lice. Another oonain ' from the Assistant Fre- y, urging upon the Conn - of at once taking 13. adjourned 1111 fir. Bright on English Republi- canism. Mr. Bright, in answer to an invitation 4o attend the Republican Convention lately held in Birmingham, wrote as fol- 0 50 to ,lows . 0 40 to :Bear Sias ; I- thank you; for the invi- 0 40 to tation to your proposed conference, al- thoughI cannot be present at it. You ask for a word of encouragement, which can hardly give. To possess ` the bests system of civl government' is a thing north striving for, but it may be a wise pokey to perfect the , civil government' we have rather than to look for great changes which necessarily involve enor- mofis risks- - It is easier to uproot a Monarchy than to give a healthy growth to that which is put in its -place ; and I ,suspect the price we should have to pay for the change would be greater than the change wouldbe worth. Our forefathers suffered from nearly a century of unset- CLINTON, June 1878. unset- tled Government in consequence of the C • • „, - 1 18 5, 1 . ,overthrow of the Monarchy, brought on FallnWheat w eat 1 14 p 1 16 by• the folly,andl crimes of the Nianarehy. Oats. 0 400 (0 '0 42 France has endured many calamitiei'and Barley o 50 0 63 0 65 @, 060 ;mum humiliation for nearly 100 years Butter .............. 0 is © 0 14 Tast springing from the destruction of 0 00 @ 011 -the ancient Government, and the appar- _ Eggs pet ton, i 00 00 (t 18 00 eat impossibility of finding a stable 'Government to succeed it Spain ie now an the same difficulty, and we watch the the experiment with interest and anx- iety. For forty years past in this coun- .try we have seen the course of improve- ment in our laws and administration: d ual, perhaps superior, to anything which has yet been witnessed in any other nation. This gives me hope and faith -that we can establish a civil Gov- ernment so good as to attract to its sup - rt the respect and love of all the intel- ligent of our people, and this without bringing upon us the troubles which I believe are inseparable from the uproot- ing of an ancient Monarchy. I have no sympathy. with the object which gives • its naive to your club. I prefer to try to do good in the way of political reform by what I regard as a wiser and less hazard- ous, if a less ambitious, method ; and from what we have seen of the past, I thing we may gather hope and faith. for the f uture. I am, yours, &c., Jar BRIGHT." WE PRINT in another column a portion of DrWilliam Howard. Russell's letters; from the Vienna. Exposition to the New 'York 'Limes. The eagerness with which Transatlantic writers of reputation are sought after by the American journals and magazines is remarkable and hardly creditable to native literary talent. it is said Dr. Russell receives $150 for each letter he furnishes the Times, which is not bad pay for perhaps a maple hours' work. WiiFar CHARLES R=EADE told of a lady's stockings being pulled. off her feet by the force of a flood, he invited the in- credulous smiles of his readers ; but he would have found even fewer believers if he had told of a hurricane that blew off the feathers of a fowl, and Ieft it as bare as if it had been picked for the pot. Yet such an incident is seriously narrat ed in the deta;ed account of the Iowa tornado. .SEAFORTH, Jana G, 1873. The deliveries hav1 `been quite large. this reek, considering the season. The wool season has fairly begun, and con- siderable quantities , are coming in ; we quote at 30 cents to 35 cents, though the latter is rather an extra figure, and 34 cents is more generally paid. Wheat still continues to come in in considerable quantities. In barley and peas there is nothing doing, though we continue to quote them, more from habit than ant - thing else. Butter we quote at 15c, 12e, 9c and 6c for the various grades, respec tively ; this, it will be noted, is for loose lots, butter in tennets will obtain le per pound more, on each, grade. Of tan bark very few loads have been brought in for which $3 75 has been the We quote FallWheat... Spring Wheat Barley Oats...:...... Peas Butter, No. 1, Rolls. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 top figure. Eggs - Flour -Hay. . Hides $1 20 1.16 0 58` 0 42 0 605 . o 12 0 9 6 0 00. to 0 10 0 00 to 6-00 1800 ,-.. 4 00 to 600 Lamb Skins 15 to 25 Pelts, each- 10 to 15 Sheep Skins 0 60 to 1 50 0 08 to 009 Calf Skins, (veal) per ib., 004 to 0 0 Murrain Hides-. 0 00 to 1100 080 to 08., 0 00 to 8 00 2 25 to 8" 00 80 to 85 8 50 to 3 75 • Salt' (-retail) per barrel, Potatoea, per bushel Oatmeal b ' brl Wood.. Wool Tan Bark XP IDR.. RN' HlLDE COLORED AND WHITE COTTON HOSE. STRATFORD CHEESE MARKET. hfis8es' White and Colored Cotton Hose, - Ladies' White and Colored Cotton hose, Boys' Brown and Blue Cotton Sol; Bl en',s Brown with Merino feet, Plain Catton and Colored Merino Sox, at LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. .Small !Hen's,' .Medium Sized Men's and Large Men's UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS . AT. LAN& JAMIESON'S. By Telegraph to the Expositor. • STItATFORD, Thursday, June •5. There was a good attendance of buyers and sellers at the Cheese Fair to -day.. Nearly 1,700 boxes were offered for sale, representing seventeen factories. Nine hundred boxes sold at factories at 104c to lllc. Previous to the Fair 3,000 boxes sold at 101c° to i'l1c. It was resolved that the Fairs shouldbe discontinued. LONDON, June 4, 1873.. White fall wheat per bushel, $1 20 to ° $1 35 ; red, $1 18 to $1 20 ; spring wheat, ?$1 15 to $1 °18 ; barley - 48 lbs. per bus'iel, 50c. to 50c ; peas -60 lbs. per bushel, 53c to 66c ; oats per bushel, 38c to 40c ; .butter (rolls) 13c to 18c ; cheese, 9c to 10c. ; potatoes, 50 to 60c eggs, 10c to 11 ; hay, $16 to $20. FACTS WORTH. OTING. TURNIP SEED SEAFORTII FOUNDRY. J KERR,. WILKIE. &CO.. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they have leased the Seaforth Foundry for a term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all llnda of . Straw Cutters, Sawing Machines, Castings, Farxnif - I pier nefts. Plow, and other We are also prepare?o do IIEPAIRINin frevery e Found business, and are prepared to guarantee The undersigned have had long experience satisfaction in all their work. l KERR, WIL IE & CO. 287 l - ..; YY t1 Of the following varieties,fresh from the old established and reliable firm. of J. A. DBUCe t & CO., Hamilton, can be had frm us at Catalogue Prices, viz.: Carter's,' •Bkirving's, HSharpe's, (all Swedes) for 25 cents per pound. The celebrated Gray Stone (for late sowing), 80 cents per pound. Also, note the fact that we sell JAS. P. EF,NDALL & CQ.'S BEST FLOUR AND FEED, At Mill Prices, and deliver them in any of the three villages free of charge and promptly_. MONTREAL, June 5. Flour -Receipts, 5906 barrels. Mar- ket continues depressed, and sales of- a purely retail character. No reported • sales of higher grades. Choice strong super sold at $6 ; good medium at $5 $0 to $5 90 ; ordinary $5 75, at which holders are pressing ; No: 2 Montreal at about $5 35 to $5 40 ; fine in excess, and quite unsaleable. Grain -A cargo of Western No.. 2 sold at $1 271. BI EtTHS. GARROW.-In Goderich, on May 24, the wife of Mr. J. T. (narrow, of a son. GaassrcK .-At Lucknow, on May 28, the wife of Mr. Orassick, of a son. Lusey. _In' Seaforth-7, May 26, the Wife of Mr. E. Lusby, of a daughter. MCNAR. At Cranbrook, on May 30, the wife of Mr. A. McNair, school teacher, of a. daugh THOMSON•-At Brussels, on May 31, the wife of Mr Peter Thomson, of a dangh- ter.. ,- • IslcherosH.-At Brussels, on rune 1, the wife of Mr. D. McIntosh, f a eon. ES. MARR..Ig MooNEY-R.xAN.--In Irishtown, on June 3, by Itev. Father Murphy, Mr. A. Mooney, to Miss Bridget Ryan, both of Irishtown. • GROCERIES. TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT M. R. COiJXTTR'S JEWELRY STORE, SEAFORTH, ,.'Our Teas; Sagan, Tobaccoes, Spices, Cutranth, Raisins, &c., &c., speak for themselves. One trial will convince you. that we keep the best in the market. • TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. TORONTO, June 5, 1873. BEEVES. -.The receipts during the past week were about an average, com- prising about 200 head, chiefly first and second class. The demand has been steady, both from shippers and from lo- cal butchers, and previous prices have been- fully maintained, We quote : first-class, $4 75 to $5 ; second-class, $4 to $4 50 ; third-class, $3 50. Sales include two cars, average 1,300 p us ats at $5 ; two cars, average 1,200•p the same price ; one car, average 1,320 pounds at $4 871, and one car, average 1,150 pounds at $4 75. SHEEP. -A few clipped have cgme in and5 to 4 forbeen second-class6 r ,, and $3four third class. ' g LAMBS.- In fair demand, with receipts about sufficient for the requirements. Quotations are unchanged, at $4 for` first-class, $3 for second-class, and $2 for third-class. - CALV ES. -Receipts have been moder- ate, but equal to the demand. We quote : first-class $8, second-class $6, and third-class $3 to $4. PROVISIONS. Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Onions, Ree., always on hand. Also, Green Groceries of all kinds during their season. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato Plants, fresh twice a week. A few barrels of A- FEW CONCERTINAS AND VIOLINS CONCERTINAS AT LESS THIN COST. THS PAS zQN.ABL COMBS, LADIES' BACK COMBS, LATEST' FASHION, A CHOICE SELECTION, AT LAND. PLASTER Still ofhand. Call and get hag Boneome ere it is allDnst Supo phosphate, oone. Last repment s seeds off the season. any kind which we have not Any of our onstomers wi'shirig in stock, by byleaving g your o denorders withbus will be eed, supplied. at Hamilton prices free of freight. The BUFFALO, LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO, June 5. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at East Buffalo° for the week thus far, beginning with Sunday Receipts. Cattle, Sheep, head. head. Sunday .. 340 1,200 Monday...... 2,244 • • • Tuesday ... • . 2,567 °1,400 Wednesdriy.. 1,471 2,000 Total 6, 222 4,600 Same time last week 7,071 7,200 DR. KING,. Seaforth, (late of Carronbrook,) Coroner for the County of Perth. Office- Main -et. Residence -Commercial Hotel. Calls at DR. DIG'S office will be attended to day? r night. • SELECT SCHOOL AND MUSIC CLASS. MISS RYAN, formerly Teacher of Music in the Romoke Seminary, and late of the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, begs to inform the peo- ple of Seaforth and vicinity that she is about form- ing a class for instruction in vocal and Instru- mental Music, and has opened a Select School in the room formerly occupied by Miss Robinson. ' Terms -Music, $6 per terra. SELECT SCHOOL. The ordinary English branches, and Plain and Farcey Work, &-c., $3 and $4 per terra. Hours from 10 A.: M. to 3 1'. M. References -Professor Carter, Organist of St. .James'' Cathedral, Toronto Mrs. Thompson, Lady Principal of Bishop Strachan. School. ALLAN LINE. TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. PRE -PAID CERTIFICATES. • Sunday ..... . Monday.. Tuesday..... Wednesday Hogs, Horses. head. head. 6,990 224 7,300 96 500 128 900 64 15,600 512 9,000 372 Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, Hoge, Horses. head. head. head. head. • 357 - 200 5,000 176 136 .... 4,500 240 1,360 3,000 3,100 80 ..2,992 1,400 500 112 BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. and A. M., No. 170, G. R. C. Regular meeting next MONDAY evening, June 9, at 7:80 sharp. 287-1 A. RALLY, Secretary. W 0 Q 0 FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. THE subscriber informs -farmers and the public that his THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR Will stand for the service of Sows at the farm formerly owned by Dr. Chalk, Harp y, g` the present season. TERMS. -One Dollar per Sow, with privilege of returning payable at time of service. 287-4 - THOMAS McCLELLAND. Total 4,845 4,600 13,100 608 Same time'last - ' - week . . . • , . 5, 593 8,400 11,700 '464 CATPLE.-The, market Was lively this morning at weak yestesday's prices for heavy cattle, with light stock a shade stronger. The bulk of the purchases were made by country buyers ; the regu- lari1ealers being scarce, and those present holding : off. Sales comprised about 1,400• head. •'Transactidns were • as " fol- lows . : No. of Average Head. ' Weight, lbs. Price. 2L Illinois steers, 1,180 $5 775 18 .. 1,152 00 33 " " 1,147 70 " " 1,257 18 Mich. 1,107 17 " 1,129 23 ' stockers, 880 880 20 " " 19 " 962 17 " 800 20 Illinois " 952 22 Missouri steers 1,056 20 - " cows 806 16 " oxen 1,478 And 24 other sales. LITTLE FALLS DAIRY MARKET. May 31, 1873. The much looked for warm weather has come at last, with gentle showers of rain. and vegetation immediately began to brighten up and show home activity. Most of the herds in Herkimer County lad been turned to pasture 'on account of the scarcity of hay, and what little grass had. grown during the cold spring weath- er was cropped down close to the. earth ; d warmweather has given Issued to parties wishing to bring out their friends. grate Parties having friends wishing to immigrate should purchase these certificates and send then. to the intending immigrants, as passage this way i6 cheaper than by buying tickets in the old -country. Apply to A. STRATTON, Agent. Grand. Trunk Railway. Tickets to Fort Garry by rail and boat, and to all other principal points. 2S7-18 6 00 5 121 5 75 5 90 - 4 90 4 60 4 40 4 60 5 75 5 00 4 60 6 00 TENDERS,WANTED. TENDERS will be received by the either of the undersigned -until FRIDAY, the 18th June, for the erection of an addition to the Brucefield Church. Plans and specifications can also be seen :• at the residence of either. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted unless satis- factory. R. H. CARNOCHA1`, Trustees. NEIL ROSS, tees. Brucefield, June 4, 1878. 287*1 THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. FOR SALE, a Thoroughbred Durham Ball, one year old. Pedigree given. Apply to B. H:• CARNOCHAN, 297*4 Tuckersmith. SHEEP AND LAMBS. -- The market opened quite lively at tc advance on last week's closing prices. We note the fol- lowing sales No. of Average Head. Weight, lbs. Price. 193 Ohio sheep, clipped 95' • $6 5 00 7965 " " . 98 . 480; 160 Gi 80 5 372 'STRAY CATTLE. STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick, early' in May, one grade Durham COW, roan and white, four years old; one yearling ii„EIFB}i, same color, and two red. STEERS, two years old. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably Awarded. MYLES YOUNG, Lakelet P. 0., Lot 16, Con. 16, Howick. Goderich " Star," Harrieton "Tribune " please copy. 4 but the ram an 414 pastures a start, so that cattle can now hoieelots -a t isde higher. The get a `` fair bite," though- it will be some B OGS. -The market dull at $5 to ays before there will°be anything like a 85, with c - The market to -day at Eastern buyers hold out of the market. bush of feed.supplying ' 1e Falls, opened briskly both for farm Trade confined to local but - and factory cheese..,r bout 8n10 boxof es, chers. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the lst of July, for the erection of a Frame Dwelling, House according to plans and specifica- tions, which may be seen at my office. I do not bind myself to accept the lowest or any tender un- less otherwise satisfactory. Torras --cash claws on completion of the job according to contract. 287t JOHN S. PORTER. and sales were made for j`skicrimed, TII sDgX, June 3, 1$7 • 9c to llc, and for fair to extra at 12c to t i • ' n s - the offerings were 14c. In factoring not far from 5,000 boxes, and the sales anout 3,000, exclusive of that sent for- ward_ on commiss oallsactionsgive as follow of -the leading 31 boxes at I4c ; Av- ery Brothers,. 4c ; Av- ery & Ives, 30 boxes at 151'oiith Brockett & Feeter, 30 boxes at 14c ; Valle 51 ge, 30 boxes at 144c • Cherry15 c y, 51 boxes at 151c ; Colcl Brook,, ld Creek, 63 boxes at 151c &;CSpring, 37 25 boxes at 1.1zc ; CookIves, boxes boxessat 151e ; (}rain's Corners, 1510 ; Danube Cold Spring, 35 boxes at 15c. and The delivery of butter is light, prices ares without material at note sales of cow:e from week's rates. , az ct grass make from mon at 250 to 26e, 2 -sett) 28c. elated i Ia Our letters from London, 12, say there is a brisk demand nd for geod wanted, F and medium cheese. and are ,selling but only a few on hand and are at 74s to 76s, per, cwt, rovemen .Aside from moderate unp the demand for higher priced stock, there has been no important change in the local horse trade of the week. The highest price paid. for a pair of stylishover cle16d coach horses (brown geldings hands g) the at'erage high) was $2, 500, . 500, figure for matched pairs about $1,. single coupe horses averaged about $500, the aggregate number of sales of this kind being far behind the corresponding period of last year. A limited number of saddle horses was sold, at from $300 to $500 per head. For work -horses there was a very steady. market, at firm prices. Recent arrivals were light. Owing to the far advanced season a dim- inishing request for work horses and an improved demand for pleasure stock are most likely to be the features of the mar- ket until the close of the month. M. " R. COUNTER'S, Seaforth. LIVE AND - .LET LIVE. BTJY YOUR GROCERIES 0 I wa1 RE EVERY ATTENTION IS DEVO7lfED TO ONE BRANCH OF BUBINESS. 0 r r 03 0 0 z Good Teas, 50c. to 75c. Bright Sugars, 11 lbs, for $1. INSPECTION INVITED. GOODS ORDERED PROMPTLY DELIV.e.RED, FREE OF CHARGE. J. C. LAIDLAW. CLOTHING EMPQRITJM. SHINGLE* MASER WANTED. Axe ANTED, immediately, a good. Shingle Maker VY Apply at the Walton Steam Mills, or to R. W. ADAMS;. 284*4 Walton P. 0. BOARDING. esCOLLADAY has leased the large and com- modious house, on the Salt"Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a. pleasant boarding- house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated lees than hotel rates. BOY WANTED. WANTED, immediately, a BOY for the smithing business. Apply to 278 McINTOSH & MORBISON. Black - NEW YORK HOUSE. WILLIAM CAMPBELL Would call the attention of the public to his immense Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,, Which will be found this season to excel anything ever offered, in Seaforth for variety, quantity and, quality. First comes his • CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Which' consists of all grades_ of the most Fashionable Goods. This department employs seventeen fust -class Tailors. Second comes bis • FUR1Z 1 SMI1INT G s, Embracinggentleman wants, from the Hat to crown the head to the Sock othaast u e s rs his loot..every thin Mr. Campbea will hereafter devote much attention. to Gents'Fnrniahings. large stock of Mena and Boys' Hats; also a large stock of Shuts of all kinds. Also, a large stock of Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Collars, Sid Gloves, &c. - Boys' Suits, readymade. from $4 to $7 a suit. All wool Scotch Tweed for 80c. a yard. ALL SUITS WARRANTED TO Ft:T,. - icular attention paid to the regnirernents of gentlemen contemplating matrimony. 'Wedding Part Snits got up°in quick time and good style. W. ry RPBT ( . I - C LA L R. TENDERS WANTED. TlIF, undersigned- will receive until June 10th, 1873, TENDERS for the removal of the School House in School Section No• 6, McKillop, to the new school site, a distance'of three-quarters of a mile. School -room situated on Eighth Conces- sion. Further information given on, application at the school-rboni,° during teaching hon i's, or to SAMUEL SCARLET, Secretary, 283 Winthrop P. 0: TEACHER WANTED. -. i" AOR School Section No. 1, Morris, holding a second-class certificate. Duties to commence immediately. Apply to • ROBERT 13. LAIDLAW, ► Trustees. GEORGE PIERCE, JAMES POLLOCK, 286'4 - Blyth, Post -Office. FOR SALE CHEAP. A RIDING SADDLE, Bridle and Martingales. Apply at:bhe EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth. TO COOPERS. COR SALE, cheap, a first-class HEADING JOLNTEB, nearly new, nud in good working order. For, further particulars apply to J. G. "LATENT, Seaforth. 284 ° THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. OIs, SALE, cheap, a Separator Threshing Ma- chine, with Horse Power and everything cora- plate, in good order and nearly newmanufactured by Glasgow, li'IePherson & C ., Clinton. Apply , the undersigned, Hay P. 0., or personally on Lot 7, 4th Con., Hay. C. AI,DWOX:TH. 286-4 G OLD• ---The price of Gold in Nev York is quoted at 1171. 295 -4 - OFFIMAN BROTHERS' SPACE. 0 CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. n person found N o time to give Particulars of the nice and cheap New 1 U'1'l r. is hereby given that any MICHAEL FISHERGoods. -LI cutting or destroying timber on lots Nos 20 1 . d. 22, 6,Township of Grey, will be pr , d. Con. owns - Ge y, A according to law. H RO N GED WITH fi 3, Goods. Grey, April I2, 1573. ' SJ' 13