HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-06-06, Page 3Agent toi who 1oj erest Payabl STED, Barristare, ktor in Chancel:le bias and CrOtiTtly • Seaforth. Agetf ComaanY, at 8 per cell risters 8.11a A. autneer,v and rue° one, etc, Offices— boo of Private Funds ese, cent. Interest, patsilit w. c. arRaan., ta‘r Attorney en- ebati6_ 01.t. - 0 flice—over Z. Os Mut Square. , Ifeslaose!alet, ea,Solieitors Che ffice--twa doors, noethoe L MeDONALD, Brusseles Is. - — emoved to the house ors atation, one door SOU* Nite McCallam's Head, uk MeYer, wheas he will D-,1, Cs Graduate el Areal, Physician, Sure mee--Brueefield. C, M., Physician, $a.e. Fsesidence, corner of next to the Planing MIL S formerly of Cornell . and Graduate of Orei, e. Residence — Cookee be at. Brucefield rom 2 till 5 o'clock. EGN.-13. Mc:NAUGHT, to the inhabitaute of •g country that he has i. of the Ontario Veterin- epared ta treat diseasea 11 domestic animals. He enaction with his horse - 1 be found ready to at- of the feet specially at. and shop in the rear store. AR kinds of Vet- coustantly on hand. 22e1 ter" s.ussary Surgeon, (mem, Veterinary College,) bege turned. ta the practic , and may at all times be 'Fes of Horses, Cattle &e. 'oustantly to. Mae, at Mansion 278 (la I...DS., ON, Dentist, &ctth ., Seafor, Plate w ' ork latest (=atil executed. All snr- times performed with Fees as low as canbe ob- hours from 8 A. M. to 5 A. G. McDougall,- 's Store, WO- rEisise„- aforth„ Ontario. SIMON tor. The sttbseriber has [aid newly furnished the tow affords good accommo- lig public. Choice liquors rite table is supplied_ with qou.- Oysters in season. -attentive hostler i4„ con - 2,51:1y HOTRT., Clinton, Ont., Proprietor. First-class ,vellera. The Ba.r ia sup - liquors and cigars. Good stage leaves this House 204-4t I. AND SALE STABLES._ 's Hotel, Seaforth. Good veytatees always onhand. aRLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. narortable Vehicles, always A.rrangenaeuts made with All ordere left at Kantist atteatied to. esa—Third door North of tet. MAS BELL, Proprietor. -TR LOVE. maia reclinea esiae a stream. At fill of summer day, na half-avla,ke, and half a -dreamt, She watched the ripples playShe ; marked the water fall and heave, Thedee.ning shadows throng, Ana heard, as darkened down the eve, The river's bubbling song ; a thus it sung, with tinkling tongue, That rippling shadowy river -- Youth's brightest day will fade away, Forever an fot-ever The twilight past, the Moon at last Rose broadly o'er the night, Each ripple gleams beneath her beams, As wrought in silver bright, The heavin,,,,,a waters glide along, But mingling with their voice, The nightingale now pours his. song, And makes the shades rejoice ; And, thus he sung with tuneful tOngue, That bird beside the river— NA hen youth is gone, true loye shines en, Forever aria forever I" . the nest when he found his glasSes. -She had probitbly seen they, were not her size,iT and had concealed thein there until an opportunity offered. to exchange them for a suit- able pair.—Danbury .News. •••• Grammilr. ' BRINE, NEER for the County ot' ended in all puts of the t at TUE EXPOSITOU Office ed ta. 198 EENNEDY, ORNAMENTAL PAINTER erhanging ale() attended to. e by any other good work All orders left with Mr. L the Exrosnron Office will 0. 279 pLowsf— HOGAR 1AKERS, C> tit GAIRTIES. A Chicago poet begins an apos- trophe to the ocean with " Prodi- gious dampne,ss'!" —A poor fellow who was com- pelled to pawn his watch said he raised the money with a lever. —Uan a gentleman who sees a young lady home under an um- brella be fitly designated a rain beau? —A bachelor is politely describ-, ed as a, man who has neglected his opportunity of making some poor! woman naiserable. 6 —The mayor of a Portuguese city once enumerated, among the marks by which the toody of a drowned man might be identified, "a marked impediment in his speech." aleeire to thank the farina/1- Seaforth for the liberal 'been afforded thena singe Jere. They would also say _ end that it ietheir intention eat reputation which their season achieved,. not only ammunity of Huron, but as ethibition where they ex - 1 ming Plowei and devote their mannfaCture, our ex- t they are the kinds best purposes in this section W (wooden handl-al D-BOAItTY PLOW, SCUFFLERS, or nruish at $20 and upward; give satisfaction -ail not, -neat at to $17, according arantte. eatiefaction. )-F MOULD BOARDS AND STINGS -21UNRO Oz HOGAN, • aferth, MeNanglit's old a75-18 J.Z. PLOWS : AT AM:SOWS IE fitAlitlFADTORt Li.tpeat- for Iron Beam !•ainbit a in held in Hamilton, .tern Fair held in London, acrIllatif al On the same Plow: e. nee UttIllencl 111V Plows for lialithees of drift, as being 1 ten t t Th 0 following 4t Maly Oil Y. (Altai hallaleS, 1 1 MOWS, rd rit" and Seuffiers, f • my Plows is respectfullY a,inij a eisewhere. a kept tni hand for repang G. WILLIAMSON. "So you 'have' finished your studies at the seminary 'I I was much pleased with the closing ex- ercises. Tye author of that poeria— Miss White, I think you call her— bids fair to become a known poet." "We think the authoress will be- come celebrated as a poetess," re- marked the young lady, pertly, with marked emphasis on two words of the sentence. "Oh !—ah," replied the old gen- tleman, looking thoughtfully over his gold spectacles at `the young _lady. "1 hear her sister was quite an actress, and under Mr. Hos- mer's instrUctioils will undoubtedly become quite a sculptoress." The young lady appeared irri- tated. The seminary," continued the old gentleman, with imperturbable gravity, "is fortunate in having an efficient board- of manageresses. From the.presidentess down tp the humblest teacheress, unusual talent is shown. There is Miss Harper, who as a chemistress is unequaled, and Miss Knowles has already a reputation as an, astronorneuess. And in he department of .music few can equal Miis Kellogg as -a singeress." The young lady , did not appear to like the chair she was sitting on. She took the sofa at the othei end of the room. "Yes," continued the old gentle- men, as if talking to himself, e,nted ; Mary, I understand, bas turned her attention to, music and the drama, and will become famous as an actress and a painteress, and even as a lecturess." lond slamming of the door caused the old gentleman to look —Ammer the conilitions of sale Ir an Trish' auctioneer was the fol- lowing : "The highest bidder to be the urchaser finless some gentle-, "those White sisters'are very tal- MEM bids roore." De you think I -am a -fool '7" a violent man once asked of the late Rev. Dr. Bethune. " Really," re- plied the doctor, "1 would not ven- ture the assertion; but now that You ask Toy opinion, I must say that I am not prepared to deny it.' up, afid the ciiticess and grammaaa- . —It is stated that in a Certain 'ailess Was gone. district,in the tar west mosquitoes are so' plentiful that they ate un- TEA ! TEA. !! TEA !!! able to get on a stranger all at • once, and so tney stand round in reliefs, and wait for their turns like TUFTS & HAMBLETON customers in a barber shop. -T-A retired sea -captain, who had made the tour of Continental Eur- ope and the Holy Land, was asked how he was impressed by Ms visit to Jerusalem. "Jerusalem," said he. "is the meanest place I ever visited ! Thete is not a drop of liquor in the whole town fit to drink?) —A Missourian who stole a kiss from a pretty girl was 'fined by a magistrate, horsewhipped by her brother, and worried into a brain fever by his wife. The clergyman also alluded to the affair in his ser- mon, the local editor took sides with the clergyman and reviewed R EMOV ED' REMOVED. .M,: ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON% OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaferth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furni• tura of every description. CALL AND SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Dell's I nen prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, Mies, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS! M. ROBERTSON " SPEAK Ny-NtlEAT 9, BUT pON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE. WILSON & YOUNG, SEAFORTH, Have on hand a large and complete stock of FIELD AND GARDEN SEED§ Ot all kindsawhich have been purchased from the most reliable seedsmen in the Dominion, and are warranted good. • Groceries arid Crockery, as Usual. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of 81-11:1,C3T_TIDS Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. , 205 LUMBER ! LUMBER! LIQUOItS. 410 Just received, one car load 'of CAIR LING'S PALE AND AMBER ALE, in barrels, half and quarter barrels, -which will be sold either wholesale or retail, at prices which will be an in- ducement to customers. Also, Bass' Ale in bottles, Youngers' Ale in bottles. Severalavarieties of Choice Porter. Superior is'ines for Medical Purposes and t le use, in wood and bottles. VIC ORIA STEAM SAW MILL. GoVENLOCK GRAHAM PI.JOT_T1R. -1‘ Always on hand, and delivered to town customers free of cliarge. ty_mt WILSON & YOUNG, MAIN -STREET, SEA.FORTH. Have now 'get their new Steam Saw Mill, on the Northern Gravel Road, six miles north of Sea - 1 orth, running at full blast, and are prepared to nrnish. Lumber of All Kinds, - AND . BUILDING MATERIAL' Of every description, embracing a IIARD WOOD, Such as Maple, Rock Elm, Birch, Basswood, Oak and Elm. I stock of FENCING AND DRAIN LUMBER Kept constantly on hand. Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Setiforth, if required. , Lumber of any description can be stipplied from 16 to 28 feet in length. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. THAT TEA! ALLEN'S GROCERY quantity of . Having on hand a very large stook of EXCELLENT TEAS, And being hard up for money, have determined to sell Teasat C.'71tEATLY REDUCED PRICES the case in print, and the potato bug ate up everyblade of the male- _ factor's wheat crop. For one month. MRS. GRAY IS FAMED FOR CHOICE 'TEAS, AT 50CTS., 75CTS., 90CTS. AND ONE DOLLAR. BLACK; GREEN AND JAPAN. "Your 90 cent TEA, is etmel to any Dollar Tea I get."—COVNTRY CUSTOMER. " That TEL. at 50 cents goes as far as some Dollar T."—Towe Cusaomen. (Names withheld.). dia - AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL GROCERIES, Has received her stoCk. of SPRIZITG To which she begs to direct the attention of the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity. For variety and prices it will be found satisfactory. Particular attention paid to DBE SS HARI NG . Apprentices wanted. Remeniber the place—Opposite Corby's Far- mers' Store, Maiu-street, Seaforth. All parties wanting a choice article of Tea, and wishing to save money, will find it to their adven- tage to give them a tail. They have also on hand a very large etock of GENERAL GROCERIES -CrOckery, Glassware, Wines and Liqnriis. Flour, Oataneal, Cornmeal, Lake Huron Herring &c., which they will sell very cheap for cash fair' farm ease produce. -TUFTS & HAMBLETON; Brussels, Ont. • 279-12 PUMPS AND CISTERNS. 5G 131ITSHELS NO. 1. DRIED APPLES. JE3 A 0 INT A IT r) .A. 0 a Flour, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal,. Oatmeal, Pot Barley, &c., FRESH AND CLEAN, AT_ ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH. J. R. WILLIAMS, SEAFORTH, Is now better prepared than ever before to fur- nish a superior article of PUMPS OR CISTERNS roWELL'S.,PATENT FORCE AND LIFT PUMP, Straw; Chip, Palmetta, Marseilles, Alsoi the Common Log and Cistmea PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS BRILLIANT JEAN AND PARIS PRESSED HATS AND BONNETS, In all the new shapes for Ladies, Misses and Children. KIDD'S EMPORIUMS tC) ow' wissimiso GO TO EDWARD CASH We are now prepared to show a most Attractive Stock o FOR Manners a Telegraph Office. In illustration of the importance of good manners, a London paper re- calls an incident Which occurred at a Scotch telegraphic "office aome years ago. Lord Russell was • the Minister in attendance upon Her BASE AND CRICKET BALLS AND BATS AND CHEESE FACTORY TANKS OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT lenowledged to be the.cleanest, best and cheapest Comprises the largest stock in town, and made from the. newest materials in all the in use. I have also rnaile arrangements for . , DIGGING WELLS MOURNING AND WEDDING ORDERS * offer better inducemente to parties wauting Wells Are executed from one to three clays notice, in style and elegance equal if not super- iar than an oae in the business. ior to any city productiow. v F om n4 many yettre' experience and my in - SEED POTATOES, OF THE BEST VARIETIES. Made of any size, to order. These are now ac - fashionable styles. and Water Supplies in general, by which my can We'have. on exhibition latest novelties in Chignons, Switches, Cornet Braids, Puffs and Face Curls. Also a rich lot of Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and Dress Caps, &o._, An in - Our Stook -is unrivalled in variety, and our prices 'speak- for themselyes. - spectiow of our departments will convince ladies of the induceinentswe are offering. THaMAS K4DD, DRUG STORE creased facilities, I sul confident of giving sates - faction to all who may favor me with their orders. All Work, Warranted. d one even- NEY? Cell at the Factory, Majesty at Balmoral, an inc, there came a messenger to WHO VVANTS MO Aboyne—a little -old man, buried in a, great coat—with a telegram A. STRONG, SEAFORTH, from his lordship to one of his rein- 9.11 I, n Money fkt a LOW RATE OF INTER- isterial colleagues in London. The message was handed to the clerk in charge, a peremptory person, who, seeing that it did not bear a signa- ture—it was in the c ays o re • necessary—threw it contemptuously A. Strong, - Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR companies, when a signatu ce was back, with the all tholit•Ative coin- The Scottieh Provincial Insurance -Company— rnand, "Put your name to it ; it's Fire and Life. _ - - NORTH MAIN -STREET, SY,A.FORTH, . • . And eatanine for yourselves. EST, either on ft.rin or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to him. , INSURE youtt PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. a pity your master don't know bow to send a telegram." The name was added, and the message banded latek„ " Why, you can't writ6 either !" cried the enraged clerk, af- ter vainly endea.voring to rake out the signature. "Here, let me do il, What's your name '1" "My name," said the little old messerwer, ,-, sel.' it was the veritable • Lord JACKSON & HOLLIDAY verv deliberately, " is John Rus - John himself, and -the unhappy clerk was removed from Aboyne t The Westeni Insurance Company, of Tnronto— Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent deing businese for reliable Compitnies. OFFICE—over Strong & Fairley '8 Groeary Store, Main Street, Sea:forth. 252 Tin and Furniture Shop, ire money with which to earry on nay usiness,1 have to' state that all overdue Notes and Accounts not settled inutiedifttely will be handed to Mr. J. 8. Porter for collection. J. R. WILLIAMS. TaE DomolON SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT sou OF LONDON, ONT. Head Office, Richmond -street, opposite City Hall, London, Ont. Established in 1872, for the pirrpose of !Ovine- ing money on Farm end Town Preperty at a very ! ow f interest and 'on the most favorable terms of repaynient. Loans for long or short periode repayable by in- stallments to suit borrowers. Parties purchneing Farms, building -Dwellings or Stores, will find. the . terms of this Society preferable to tiny other mode, for instance, $76 '90 paid at the end of each half year,,11 a back both principle and interest npon a loeu of $1,000 in 10 yeare. If paid yearly, 'e; 20 do it h Early Rose, Early Goodrich, Peerless, Prolific and King of the Earlies. G ODERI CH -ST. , SEAFORTH. FOR • THE CHEAP EST AND BEST MORE CROCKERY PR ELS, 0.1N _L. Money can be obtained ,it aur time, and a , aara• Vt • . little or no delay beyond the time neeessarily oca capied in the investigatiop of title and prepare- , tion of the raortgege. For further particulars ea to terms, &a., apply 1 by letter to T. B. LES, 1 Secretary and Treasnrer, London, Ont. I • Or to ALONZO STRONG, Esq., Valuator et Sea - forth 280-52 forthwith. Danbury Spectacles. When an elderly individual loses an article, the entire neighborhood is quite apt to hear of it. There is an old gentleman who recently lost his s1,eetaeies, and he tore around the house, and out into the ,yara, shouting, -Where's them spec- tacles 7 Merciful heaven ! won't anybody find them spectacles 'I" And he kept this up for days at a time, stirring up the whole com- munity into a stabe of excitement that was extrethely hurtful. He looked himself into (-very Place where a pair of spectacles would be likels,tp conceal itself, such as un- der the wood pile, in the parlor stove, and on the top of the barn, but to no avail. Saturday morning 11 a 'Qin hen from Manufacturers of all kinds of - TIN ANI) COPPER WARE, e was ta a si Dealers in FURSITUILE AND STOVES ' Of all descriptions. THE OSBORN SEWING MACHINE Always on hand. The above `Machine is ackuowledged to be the best family Sewing Maehine in the market, and was awarded the Gold Medal in Fnauee in 1872. TRAIN (V- ELLIOTT'S CELEBRATED PLOWS, Gang Plows, Root and Straw Cutters always on hand. A large stock of -COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS. PrOduce Taken in Exchange. Cash for Hides and Sheep Skins. Shop Opposite. Armstrong's Hote.l. A CALL SOLICITED.. JACKSON Sr, - HOLLIDAY. 13rttssels, Feb. 11,1873. ' 271cy AT HICKSON & CO.'S EMPORIUM. 'Another Large Consignynent EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT , for $8 50. Crockery ' Just Arrived, and FURNITURE, GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEI VILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. -AT OLD PRICES. A Good Pair of English Glass Preserve Dishes for 25 cts. A NO. I STONE TEA SET FOR $2 75. A Hand/some Set of Gold Band French China PAIN. JUNE 18, 1872. 287-52 JOHN SEATTER, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, TTas now on hand es fnll as- _ sortmeut of all the leading medicinee of the thtv compris- . ing Dr. Wheeler's Cbmponiad Elixir of Phosphates, Drs. Ayer's, liadwa-v's Depevs'e and Hagyaird's medicines, Therms' Eclectrie Oda Kennedy's Medi- cal Dascovery. Extract of Buchu, Horse and Cattle Medi- cines, Superior Dye Stuffs, Perfumery Combs and. ; Brushee, Hair Oils and Pomades, School Books and Stationery. - • EXCHANGE OFFICE. ; In connection, -where all parties going to the United States can be supplied with American cur- iency, Money to lend on easy terms. Tickets is- sued to all parts of Europe and the AVestera States. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can be supplied with tickets here to send to them. 267 JOIllc.' SUTTER. The Goods were bought before the *rise, and at low figures, consequently can be sold accordingly. 4...•••••••••••....s.•••••S.Momenio.emevaniman. .ffadir•••••••••=www!norawm,SES•^Vai*O11WEIN.F.....~.111MOVRIP..^.,..111 LOOK HERE, JUST NOW. re CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist Li. • attends in Seaforth, at linox's Hotel, thelfirst Tuesday an.d Wednesdoy of each mouth; in Clinton, I 1 days and Fridays. The remainder of the. time at ' m c IN Ty R ti at the Commercial Hotel, on -the followine Thule- , his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are reqUested to call, 1 if at Seeforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- , teralance. I Testimonials of over 500 paaients who have had 1 their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may I be seen at my office in Stretford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and iris: proved styles. _ Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner whicb can- not be surpassed. 267- NOTICE TO PEDDLERS. • VOR SALE, ,a first-claes Peddling Waggon, I 282 , McINTOSH & MORRISON, Seetforth. .12'! nearly new; and will be sold cheap. & WILLI SEAFORTH, HAVE GOT AS GOOD, FASHIONABLE AND CallIAP BOOTS AND SHOES AS CAT BE _FOUND IN TH_E COUNTRY. _.L Fnll lines in Ladles' and Gents' Pranella Wear for Summer. CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Just give us it call. You will find ns opposite W; Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store, Sealorth. Seaforth, March 27, 1873. 277 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY rP"' stibscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous custoraers for the liberal patronage extended to him Edm Educe comeneing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored. with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he -will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LU3,1BER„ SA SUE S , DOORS, BLIICTDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC, He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those Alia may favour him with their patronage, as tame but first -class -workmen are employed. .a'" Particular attents' ion paid to Caste'Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT., a —