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S A.71(D Deena
lifit014E NO. .2 ST..
f McIdEAN BROTILEBS, Publishers. •
1 tell 50:1* Year, in ttAvance.
4eat tait cfr #ittr,
_ •
Lot 22, Cori. 8, E. R. S., Tucker-
F°,,B tallith. 00 teres ; cleated, well fenced and
in good cultivation; the remainder hardwood—not
culled; brick dwelling and kitchen; barn. 84'.. 86;
000d shed„ sheep house,- driving house, ;
rags all now and in good repair ; two good wells ;.
a good bearing orchard ; situated on. good gravel
road; miles from Seatorth, 7 from Clinton. For
farther partictilars apply to the propriet0l. mi the
premises, or address Alt•CAA,
• Seaforth.
acres, being Lot 7, Con. 2, Tolvii-
J-'-'17 ship of TIay ; iU acres- eleared, 60
free from stumps, balance hardwood ;
\len fenced, with botird. fence in front;
good house, barn and out -buildings, and lltwer-fttil-
iug spring and. orchard: The farm is within 2i
miles from Exeter, and 1 miles from t,he Crravel
Road and Hay P. 0. Seb.00l House 10 rotls, and
Church. three-qmirters of a mile- frora the farm.
Inquire of ROBERT MOWLDS, on th2e86*psre-
1.00 acres of land in Tuekersmith, 1t miles
from Sethforth,sinall clearance, no improve-
ments; itiostly swamp, with plenty of cedar,
tanatrack and black will. Will be slid cheap. Ap-
ply to E. IIICESON & CO.,
286-2 Seaforth.
span ablSALE, cheap, a Frame Dwolliug Hone and
-I: Ste kola three-fourths of au acre of land, in
the Township of ..AleKillop, adjoining the oia sew
of Mr. Thomas Govenlock, one mile from Sea-
-faith; there is a. go0d. yotuag orchard on. the pre -
AL -to a sluing creek running through the
An Incoinplete Show—No Sights Vet
—Nntionalities vs. Philosophy, Sze.
By William Bayard Russell, LL. D.,
in, H. Y. Times.
-VIENNA, May 1, 1873.
Until the exhibition here has assumed
Some aspect of compIetenesi I prefer to
• treat of its accidents—of persons- and
things outside of it. I cannot imagine
that it would be. of iiterest to Amen -
eerie to hear that Turkey -was more ad-
vanced than Italy, or that Egypt was
r23razil; that a -new
implements had been
s aeceion, or that an
more forward than
case of agriculturh.
opened M the B
ingenious scutching apparatus bad been
forwarded from Russia.. America, proper
.the oreatUnited Statesare as yetrep-
• easel -lad -principally by' the spaces their
exhibitors. oceupy hereafter bye an
array of caseda whiCh gives promise of
plenty to fill the vacant shrines. • There
is, so far,
Of visitors to the exhibiticn. Ten or
sured the -most successful in finding their
'way about the chaos of the -building are
the Turks and Egyptians, .( MusSulmans,
-of course, being intended,) who are ac-
customed to note the points of the com-.
pass, .in order to turn their\ faces duly to-
ward Mecca at prayer. time. It is well
known that the tendencies of working
people of all countries to associate for
political purposes has been developed by
these exhibitions. and some have gone so
far as totrace the -Commune and its do-
ings to the fraternizations of 1867, but
there seems to he as yet very little dan-
ger of that nature to be apprehended
from the Vienna Exhibition. Notwith-
*standing the sympathy all Austria now
feels for France--L-not one founded on any
ii.ore substantial basis than dread of the
Prussian colossus—there is a broad gulf
fixe4 just- now betwslan. the politics. of
Paris and Vienna. THe ouvriers of Belle-
ville, Montmartre, and Cbarenton are -
busy with their own concerns. and the
Germans of Austria are watching the do-
ings of the Bohemians,. -Hungarians,
Enthuses, Federalists, and non -Federal-
ists; Slovacs, and -non -Germans, general -
twelve thousand people are lost in such ly, who are to disport their fancies ancl
a. vast area, and when one-half of thee theories at the castling elections. The
are free the pecuniary returns are small, English working•men appear to be really
indeed, compared With the °Inlay. But men who work, and. as far as can be
there is faith in the good. time coming. judged do not contain any Odgers in
As tar as I can judge there are more peo- their ranks. What is more practical in
ple leaving than arriving. the eyes of the visitors is the fact that
- no SIGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE. most of the great capitals have dispatch -
tattlers apply to ' There is really very little to interest ed a very coniplete. delegation of pick
let Posse.-tsion immediately. Far farther pat.. •
GEORGE FORSYTH, the multitude as yet. The Imperial pockets, swindlers, and
9.86',4 Market ClerSeaforthuo gr art has no eat allstitud4 in diVising ROGUES OF ALL CLASSES
. k. ,
popular attractionsit is all ver3 well To such a promising field of enterprise, -
for the Emperor and Empress to enter- bat the authorities have not been 'un -
thin their guests imperially, and to lase mindful of their duties, and a corps of
ish attentions on them anu on then: fa", detectives of all nations has been duly
lowers ; but there is a want of that provided to look after their prey. The
solicitude to please the masses of the police have made some captures already,
people—if yea will, to pander to their and I saw three vans discharging their
come the target of the population for
pistol practice.
The Iowa Tornado.
The tornado which swept through,
Washington and Keokuk counties, Iowa,
on the 22d of May, appears to hebeen
one of the most cirwful exhibitions of the
power of the elements that has been re-
corded in Modern times. Tile details,
as they appear in the local reports and
the accounts of eye -witnesses, give evi-
dence of the apalling fury of the storm
and the utter helplessness and impot-
ence-- of man to resist or escape its
The real agent of destruction is de-
scribed as a black and whirling mass
shaped like a huge balloon, which seems
to have sprung into being near Lancas-
ter township, in Washington --County,
and to have .gone careerine with terrible
speed over the country to the northeast,
sometimes bounding above the -surface of
the earth and again coming down and
sweeping everything before it like a
besom in the hands of a maddened spirit
of darkness. One of the fArst objects
that it struck was a school -house, in
which was a teacher and about twenty
children. it was carried -several rods
through the air, but luckily held to -
ether and_ was deposited right side up.
A little 'girl, who was just leftving the
door, suddenly clisappeavecl, ! and her gitisi and. 23 of these successfully.
mangled' remains were found. a quarter of —Lotus Biel is again a, candidate for
a mile away. Several tarm-houses and Parliamentary honoi.s in the County of
barns were struck and_ their fragments Provencher, Manitoba. rendered vacant
strewed in the path of the cyclone.. In by the. death of Sir George Cartier. -
the space of half a mile WaS passed be- Wingliam, it was ena,nimously resolved
VOR SALE, on easy' terms, the following eligible
-1: Building Lots in the Village of Seaforth L ts
Nes. 115 and 116, on Market Street, and Lot. N(
159, on High Street. For further particulars
ply to SAMUEL ST.:1.11K, Seaforth, or. to the, pr
286*4 "MeKillop.
FARM FOR SAE. vulgar a,ppethes—which made Paris,
s"_ under the Empire, so eminently attract -
eeCISES,1;eing Lot No. 10, ia the 5th Con-
cession, Tuekeranith, two miles from ive• 'Even military shows are held, as
niondville; 84 acres Cleared; house fraine ; barn
it were, privately, am efficere who ha &.
here expecting to see pennies and
forth etetion, else and ene-eaarter miles from E;; -
sandy leant; new board fence in. front ; very reviews have beep. .o a. ne
f• ° ministre tion. The theatres, the out-
efixee; capita bearing orchard; good well; I
couvenient Linn and in a good locality. For leest, that it is not etiquette for them skirts of croieds round. the booths on the
particulars apply to WM. M. .iNtOQB./.1, Real Estate., tO attend if they are not specially invited. peeeee. the concertlialls, and even the
Agent, box F., Loudon, 284-4 . 0 1
cosmopolitan oergoes at the police cells,
.yesterday, and delivering over Choice
speeintens of the 'predatory classes from
London, Paris and Berlin to the peoe
forte et dare of the Viennese penal ad-
ne sees a congregation of carriages out- churcl;es have been visited by these gee-
FARIYI FOR SALE IN BICKILLOP. side a palace and is told that the Arch- . try, but they can not stay here long un -
1l Mclullop, containing 100 acres, 50 clearer' and thea,tre and. finds the anperial boxes fill- I have seep no signs of it in my bills
well fenced, and in good cultivation; balance well ed with distineuished uersonaees, and se 1 have remarked that the tiny
t" mbered with hardwood; a f200(1 frame house b r, ....Lug
duke so and so is entertaining the ro-j al less their gams be enormous; for, al-
-1- haltef tot 15 and -the west half of lot 14, COn. Princes of so ,and so, or he goes to a ethough I am told of abatements in price,
"FOR SALE, ao good Farra, composed of North
• • thet is all There is- no attempt to as- little rolls and. worm -like rolls of bread
Scotian and Morning Chronicla He was
a warm exponent of Liberal principles,
and for many,_ years the leader of the
Liberal party in the Province.
Poor old Joe Walker, after whom the
town of Welkerton took its name, died
lately in lel anitoulin island. '
—The Winnipeggers are putting on
airs already. The local papers there
speak of things happening "in this
—In view of the depredations of the
bug, a Hamilton. gardener predicts in the
Times that potatoes will sell at 23 cdnts
apiece next_fall.
—Messrs. Halsted & Clin3ie, of Lis-
towel, sawed in thar mill; on the 23d
-ult., 20,000 feet of pine boards with one
saw in 71 hours.
—The butter iapection .system is
becoming general in the County of Wel-
lington. The merchants of Fergus la.et
week eppointed an inspector.
—A man in Fergus named- Robert
Gow was last week tarred and feathered
as an appropriate reward for systemati-
cally abusing his wife and family.
—A St. Marys doctor informs the Ar-
ens that in the last two months he has
treated 25 cases of cerebro -spinal
land, and the inhabitants have already
subscribed between- $3,000 and $4,000
more, some haviug given as high in pri-
vate subscriptions as $500. Twerity
acres of land are to be purchased for plea-
sure grounds and vegetable gardens.
one case a house nay carried away, and —At a public meeting recently held in
—The folloWing appears as an adver-
tisement in the Montreal Daily 1Vitness:
` ;Information wanted of John Brown,"—
only thie, and nothing more. (Inc would
think it would be almost as reasonable to
advertise for John Smith, without desig-
nating which John Smith. gesee.riila *ma
—Two men have been arrested at Fort
Erie for robbing a Grand Trunk car, and
warrants are out far others. The rob-
bing of freight arid expressnars is becom-
.. .
mg quite a fashion' able pa.stime with the
criminal portion of our population.
—A by-law to 4raise $15,000 for the
purpose of purchasing and, esta,blishing an
efficient fire protection in Mitchell, was
on Monday submitted to the people, and
_after an exciting contest was carried
by three of a -majority. It is under-
stood that the Waterous system will be
fore any remnant of it began to appears to belie the village- incorporated, and a
Pieces of -boards, splinters of timber, committee of citizens was appointed. to
briCks and -debris-of masonry sewed the carry out the wish of the meeting.
into the ground out of sight. 'l'ees • .
--A woina,n named Courteney reside'
pathway of the- storm or were heeled
whole orchards being swept clean of children on Thursda.y, being the second.
every vestige of vegetation. Trunks a time . within two years. Though only
married ten years, she has seventeen
foot or. More. in diameter were snapped
Living beings were not handled With children. -
nalist, who came to this country in July.,
• —Mr. Fred Mallet, an English jour -
off like pipestems of clay or twisted. like - .
wispsof grass. .
any more mercy. Cattle that came • in 1872, and who was connected some tune
- the path of the hurricane' werse carried witlithe To onto press, committed. sui-
bodily through the air, torn in pieces cide last Friday night in the Jewett
and their dirjecta me9nbra scattered M the House by ta.king a dose of prussic acid.
mud. A flock ot 1,500 sheep came in Depression of mind oaused . ley financial
the way of the destroyer, closely nud- troubles is assigned as the cause of sui-
died tcreether in terror. ' They were mue• .
. taken up add are described as looking —Mrs.. Thincdn Ferguson, of East
flock Of birds in the air: Only Dumfries, aged 68, who was Pitched. out
caped death ; the rest were torn of •a buggt on the 2,Ist inet., in the town
s- and scattered over the sur- of. Galt, owing to the holdbacks of the
country. One cow was found . harness breaking, andletting the buegy
mg near Halifax, gave birth te four
were mowed down like rotten reeds,
• miles and a. half from a good gravel road; 10 miles sociate the people with the festivities of are 'becoming smaller, anli:Irethautint„ et ptmoviu-
and new log barn; good bearing °reheat ,
from the villag-e. of Senforth; there axe, two stert111 the great. ' It must be said that the e•
. _ lens Ie re metal
t the t• • it • • h 1 fort
sawmills within 31 miles ; convenient, to ehurches, remarkably. . .
to shr
schools and stores. For particulars ripply to the . ieruicae accustomed to this exclusn e -
proprietor on the premises, or, if by fetter, to ness get on ve.ry well without any larger
Winthrop- P. 0. insight into the Hof -life than is, afforded
;TA.7.%I.Eq lqc1)0.1' .
the by announeeme rts like those in the The panic on the Bourse is attributed
VIRGINIA. Court Circular of En dand. They go to in seme measure to the collapse of the
ridiculously inflated expectations of . au
A.NY PloiRDIES whdring to emigrate to the their theatres and hier-halles. their
instantaneoes plethora of strangers from
e• sontheeen obtain full information from. the volk's gartens and niusic saloons, crowd
in the all parts, and if so, it is a set -elle aanl al-
most legitimate pubisinnent,. it is all
undersigned, w•ho have- been appointed agents for the aveune of the Preter, and "t ke the
„the sale os lands in Southern Virginia., the most
oils the gods provide them "s
manna of Lands *ill be furnished shortly. Ap- wey of a .passiug Prii ce or so, with grati- verY well fOr Lord Dudley to pay £12 a
fertile portion of the South. Farther particulars Lor
o tlae Hotel Imperial ueed not -fear to be
ply or address 1 ' tilde but do not ,teek. them for them-. day for his suite of rooms, which by the
276 E. HICESOY, & CO., Seafol±h4, ' .
selves. In England imperial and royal 17 are so 'magnificent that the landlord
FARA FOR SALE OR TO RENT. vis.itm's are soon en evil. ell •e—tho Urys-
FOR SAM OR TO RENT, on reasonable ternis, t Palaue gets hold of tie qn---the city . censidered extortionate, or for Sir An-
thony Rothschild. to pay £9 a day for
Lot, 3, Concession 8, eimsisting of entm•tatne them. bey s irie with the
• his qu.arters, but the proportion of cha.rees
good cultivation, aul well fenced. There is a - . , . .
are seen at les ees, e id are inspected at in a ions inerease in-
' 'for humblet accom od t• . e
190 acres, 80 of which are cleared and in a state of great companies, attend flower shows
good frame barn 60x40, and suitable slieds, also In stead oniinishiug. I went into a shop
a splendid °Mama; _well watered; one and a -half reviews of volunteer and. regulars.
in the Graben tcada,y, to buY some small
miles from the village of Kiubaru, and within half • France which will be left 'for some time
il of good. gravel. road; there are 30 acres unViSite(-1 of • Crowned heads,:there were at • her, and.
I found. the prices exaotly three times
ticles Of Viennese work in leather,
e. cn For farther particulars apply to the proprietor on. elaborate occasions arranged to gra y
fall plowed; immediate. possession will be W.\
the PreraiSeS or nitareSS C011StiLliCe P. 0. - the appetite of the multitude in the mat-
__ JOHN STEPHENS, Promietor. ter in times one b
g tr•
what they were . 1866. there are
lodgings to be had at moderate rates, but
it is not the custom to provide service or
linen, &c., and special bargains must be
. .
T OT No. 12 and part of Lot No. 11 in the 18th Do ar y of the good people who make .made for these necessaries in most in-
• Concession. or( rey, consisting of 78 acres,
what may Del caled Peeksniffian orations stances. So, if you cornet to Vienna, • tPut Death H FI
NI FOR SALE. them, and if you ko to Jericho you ca.n-
• his residence in the city of Halifax, on
ernor of Nova Scotia, died suddenly, at
Hon. Joseph Bowe, Lieutenant Gov-
thrust head foremost into the mud up tb
the shoulders. Men ran for their lives,
women Shrieked and their little
ones to pla,ces of safety, but so sudden
was the onset that many were killed or
severely injured. Persons were snatch-
ed up and borne through the air to -he
hurled to their death in a moment.
Orie woman was found torn all to pieces,
ad others were not found at all. •
The" rain which accompanied the tor-
nado came down almost in . a solid mass,
and .was filled with 'hailstones, some of
which weighed half a pound, and the
noise of the hurricane was heard for ten
miles. It would be imposeible to fcrm
an idea of the terrible character of this
monster _ of destruction. Let the imagin-
ation conjure up the meat :dreadful pic-
ture of the " mad, unchained, elemente,"
wreaking their. fury on man and . his
Works, and it will not come up to the
fearful reality.
. 50 eleaNd aud in good cultivation ; 21 miles from. of on. Joseph owe.
Gravel Road, 12 miles from Seafori h. Apply to concerning the coming Utopia really be- in' filmy in your purse." ,Exceptions t
276 ANGUS MeMILLAN, on the premises. lieve What they say ? Hypocrisy is the are, nu doubt, but where is one to find
t ibute pa,id by vice to, virtue, and the
Sunday morning last. He had been suf-
praises of_peace.on. earth and good will
. no SI 0 ,,
t be ire of always falhne among on
A VA.LUABLE^ FA.B.M, 100 acres, First Con- However, let us hope that
--ta- cession. McKillop, near Seaforth, on the main toward men which rise to the slues when est men.
may fering for some months from a disease
f gravel road to Godericb ; ti:; acres cleared and free the wine cup is passed round at their 1 these matters. like the weather,
supposed to be lever complaint. While.
from, Rtumps ; 35 acres plowed, thf• rest nuder
feeme internatioi fled feasts iney be regarded as . mend. - „el. on
grass; well watered and fenced, with large in Boston, on his way from Ottawa, to
b table underne a Eli; log farm l touseboa,rded out- the utterances of that better end bigher
• • • ' •-t 11 1.10 leads mankind to aspire to Boeing Stars by Daylight. assume the Governorship, he was at-
tended by an emiuent physician, who
gave him reaeon to believe that rest
reivhaitnl he
hraendefwa.rh.iseastr.e,ngtaahl ..
Swaelliciedheilslaahri 1 h . Ith d
that he could get up a crowd at that seemed to be improving, his only ill be-
ClIESTE3 HOUSE, lately oecupied by ?dr. , .(3,
t close and watched the vast stream of
point, ana keep it there from 10 "A. M. ing a severe pain iu the chest, wLich
eotes notieses will be sold, or rented =reason- The recent
able terms. Apply at the S t o r 0 of visitors, laborers, and Workmen pouri •
1, to 4 I'. M. ln pursuance of this object sometimes troubled him.
- 270 LOGAN & TAMIESON. past Me to the gatea. , l'k tile
aide, and good orchard ; possossyni unmet i , p r.
title good and terms easy. For further particulars an ideal state of whichthis.wicked world
apply to - A remark.a,ble praetical joke was suc-
272. LITDWIG .)-IF,Y.Elt. Seaforth. P. O. haa never hail , practical experience.
never is but always to be blest." • cessfully carried out on the 26th of iVlay,
STORE TO RENT OR SELL IN SEAFORTR. I stood this evening as the warning bell
York. •A gentleman bad bet a wager
in Broadway, neer lJnion Square, New
THAT old itud favorably -known stand, the MAN- announced that the exhibitain was about
__-------. • he stationed apse • e street fine weather tempted him to take fre-
STEAK SAW KILL AND FARM FOR SALE.' • , , 0 • , corner at the former houe. and beoau
scene which Volney imaeined in. his
/?aot le/ Awes/rad. The human las er • . •
—After the ammal meeting of the Bank
ef Montreal, held on Monday, Mr. King,
the manager, was presented. with aliaed-
sonieervice of plate.
—While the Great Eastern Circus was
hi London, on the 2d inst., one of the
trapeze performers fell from his trapeze,
35 feet to the ground, and was severely
—The second Ingersoll cheese market
was held on Tuesday, 4,000 boXet were
offered, upwards of 2,000 were sold at ten
to 11 cents, the most at the latter figure.
—Rev. Dr. Rice, of the Hamilten Fe-
male College, has been elected chairman
of the Wesleyan Conference. Rev. E. B.
Harper, of Guelph, fills the office of co-
—Rev. Mr. Reid, of Toronto, was, at
the opening of the Canada Presbyterian
General Anssembly in Toronto, elected
Moderator, Mr, King .stated in his
opening address that it was just 33 years
since he first took his seat as a member
of the Assembly. Then roll. then in-
cluded 66 members,. of whom. nine only
were now liviug.
on the horse's heels, ceasing him to rue
away, died last, Friday morning from
the effects of her injuries!
— Walc.efield township,,., in Ottawa
County, can boast of an- old ina.n 89 years
of age, who is active and cheerful, has
the -full use of alh his mental faculties,
and can read the -Montreal Witness with-
out spectacles, and hes, moreover, 9
children; 92 grandchildren, • 1102 great
grandchildren and 8 great great grand-
children, all living.
speculator of Kincardine, has put
a thousaial dollars worth of A.merican
silver in circulation in that village,
where it still passes at par. The result
is that Kincardine and vicinityisflooded
with uncurreut money, and the specula-
tor has pocketed from $80 to mu by his
little investment.
WING Lot 34, Con. 7, MeKillop, eontaining 104 t _ _gazing into the clear blue sky overhead.
a.eres, all cleared., with gooa earns ona. stables,: 0
tl wed clamo •
louse and manyi onguei on
• :He had not long done this before ethers
two eooa 0- di I foll b twO N 0110 the waters did not ming e.
atrt 13 1
fad vrU, staid and did the same. One of them at
inn ststeee which supply the mill. Also, lot 35, Croats and fiungarians, Czeths and
• len th ventured to ask him what he was
Con , 9, containing 4S acres of bu.141. The property' tt . A • •
Ci mans, elms ria , ,
t ns Poles Dalmetians
loogkinot at and on the joker confidently tigeed, but otherwise appeared well.
and Tyrolese, English a,.ml Arne,rictan% declaring e saw a star, and poiuting Tne pain) in the chest troubled
• ci ,tiforth with. a goon
quent carriage drives. On Thursday last
he took -a louger drive than usual, going
seven. miles eastward of the city, to a -
well known way -side inn called "Deers."
When he retarned he was a little fa -
is situated 6 ini eh
gravel road thereto. For further particulars apply
an the premises. It by post, to .TOELN TH0.1113.-
S ON. Constance P. O., Kinbarn, Ont. 260
• • t declared him, and t he did net go out. . On
Russians and _the direction, a n y
Celts of Gaul, Italy, bpain, an,
of 0011 -
Northern Germauy,"Oh, I see it, bow singular it looks." Friday and 'Saturday the pain
Turks, each little baud pressrving its
The trap beim, thus spruog, the crowd tinued. Ile got little. rest and suffered
identity -and. seereeated, so to speak,
- IONT UNINU. 313 acres, ut i1-2,5 Per nem = = 4 t • . inereireed, and, a,ppareatly by the power mueli ; yet he had Olten such attacke,
on the Wlibash River, a navigable strew special haunts, indulge in t en'
ated in Vermillion County, State 01
n for 850
whiel4 with fair eultivatiou, will prodnee 75 Ways and habits, and to pursue, as much
miles - 223 acres a this farm is rich lAlttom land,
bushels of corn per acre ; the remainder is up- as might be, their ONVII mode of life in
land, good for all kinds of sinall grain; 165 acres their temporary homes. Nationality is
of this farm is in a good at: de of cultivation, the ... „
II t 'WO strona for philosophy. The
balance good. hardwood; .a, large frame house 14 '''' • U 0 • •
:stories oue loo- house lo,rstables and corn cribs, very influence anti action of an inter-
, ,
two orchards and au :ilmudance of good water.
t clue assed,on in detachments. to see leen
• • rination alone, was kept up by and his feiends not think him M dan-
own ger. On Saturday he appeared nervous,
and Would not allow his Wife or his sou
William, his prissate Secretary, to he ab-
sent from bis side a moment. On Satur-
day night he remained with them in his
study, and being .unable to lie down he
walked up did down theroom, evidently
national exhibition, with its national
th the • • ctions flees, sections, restaments,
This farm is aitrutted three lin es, ( 1
parties looking for the star, their inch-
viditality constantly changing like the
figures in a kaleirtescope, and many go-
ing away seemingly convinced that a
star was really to •be seen. If we are
not mistaken, the joke was an old one:
Modern Chivalr3r.
—The cheap kink' of loyalty evinced
in the discharge of Chinese fire -crackers
on Queen's birthday was Productive of
serious results in the quiet little village
of Jarvis, County of Heldimand, some
forty hpuses having been consumed, in-
cluding the premises of several business
firms, some of wheel will be heavy
—Some 'time in the month of Novem-
ber last, a •horse was stolen from Messrs.
Tilt & Harmer, proprietors of a livery
stable in Listowel. and though untiring
search was made for the missing animal,
no trace a her wag. found until la.st
week, when Mr. Tilt found her in the
Royal Livery Stable in Guelph. Since
she was stoleu she has been in the pos-
session of quite a number of different
parties, who naturally do not wish to
lose anything by the transaction; but
the thief is non est, and likely to re-
main so. The question among them is,
who will be the loser?
se-Tevo car loads cif cheese. weighing
nearly 50,000 pounds were shipped. from
Belleville to Liverpool last week, via
Grand. Trunk Railway.
—A few days ago a prominent Hamil-
ton eity lawyer, in making a strong ar-
gument be' ore a counta y magistrate
undertook to embillish his oratory witil
the scripturel quotatioe, He that
taketh the sword shall perish by the
sword," when the august dignitary
cried, "Stop sir ! stop I waist no
Shakespeare inixed up with this case."
The intelligent justice was instantly
—The name of the post office Cobo-
conk has been changed to Shedden out
ot respeet to the memory of the late' Mr.
John Sheddon. It was at this place •
that Mr. Sheddon met with the accident
which resulthd death. We pre-
sume this will necessitate a change in
the caption of Mr. Brigg's paper, the
suffering great pain. All this, however,
thriving town of Clinton, Indi.om, oil the Evans- was ausual affair and excited no alarm.
ville, Terre Haute and Chicago Railway, 160 and peculiar modes of livmg, and even o
-.fied in manufactures •
; miles south of Chicago, Ill., and IO -miles north thinking, as exemnI-1 - , A Southern editor seems to take it as About half past four. o'clock Mrs. H.owe
' ot Terre Haute, Ind., it city of 20,0tre eatudeients; a mortal affront if any one hints that induced him to rise from the chair in
good roads •,. good. school ; goodrillarkets and, a industry, and products, promote the
sentiment of natioeal as opposed to ine thme is 'anything thefleatter with his which he had been. sitting for a little
good neighborhood. Terms easy ---or I will trade , . , .. • 4 - long
blood.. , In the course o a heated contro- while, and to try to sleep in his bed.
- nesse ternational existence- Lu wilt be
's . between the Atlanta Berald and Re passed out of the study and entered
his room. Before he reached the bed --
side„- he staggered, and would have fal-
len to the- floor, but for his son, who
caueht him. Even yet his lite was not
thought to be in 'laneer, and none of his
along the line. Me ,Styles, of the tarn
i friends, nor any doctors were summoued.
retort* that the sum total: of Abrams'
i His wife and his son remained' by his
ancestry was one mulatto wculan and a
Out. Address 10T -IN BYtNN, Clinton. Ver- 'ere the wor-ls of •
for land in either the Cotintv'S 0 n
County, Indiana,—or C. B. COOPER, .
Brussels, Out.
275*10 1 TUE TOWER OF BABEL• the Albany (Ga.) Sews, Mr. sabre -me,
ERICK YARD TO RENT. . Cart be endone. The worst of the Mat- the editor of the former, intimated that
T° RENT, the Brick Yard. f.n. the Second. Comes.- i t er is, that iu is from below and not from his F ancestry extended back some 400L
sion of Tucker:mall, at F,,,montiville, the pro- above any - rapprochement comes. ,ears and was of first-class quality all
petty ot• ese. Themes elevenforeeeeseeinee. Tine Prince Bismarck, for instance. has not
18 a 1" 'e T.tra with f°11 -r large nrillsz' lind ' f• • bl a, v ieW of French
. . r near so avora e
13 rlin workman eneer-
a never -failing supply of water ; the yard. is fur_ ; character as e
a bank of -splendid clay eight feet ,
This of coulee set that side and he conversed with them a little.
. —The Credit Valley,Rzi,.ilvvay.requires
,bonuses to the amount of $5,000 per mile.
Galt and the township of N. Dumfries are
expected to give $110.000, and. that por-
tion of the County of Oxford interested,
$200,000. The Money is to be raised -by
sectional Comity bonuses.
nished th eve*. convenience and facility for • . tains of his fellow -artisan! from I arts, man up n • ,
icr—()USE alla STA-I1L-E "11' the end elliances are not enueli sought after_ . blue blood of Mr. Abrams all on
feewn minutes after he entered the rocorma
minutes his voice- became .eveaker.
- fire, Isle complained ot intense pain. Aft
rows, aud other impleineuts used heretofore in the by patrimen - families not of their on and as Styles treated a challenge to fight,
'Irie was dead. He was quite conecioue to
yard, alti about 5,000,feet of good. lumber. Rent COuntries. It is intr-2,sting to observe a duel. sdvith the utmost oonteeupt, he at- sera win be sold.; also, to be sohl the carts, bar- ' sc • •
sold for C,-.1;/0 cash ;
of yard ;-..100 A yelir. . The house fual stable will be the attempts at establishing a common tempte to subdue him in the nadst of a
the otiv.q- articles will also he LI anoa,e by the workmen when they crowd with a du ble-bareelled. allot -gun.
for arty one wishing to engage in the Brielonaking want to communseate with eac.b.. other: Being thwarted in this design aid taken
emenese es brick's are now selliwr at front P:6 to The Englishman's favorite mode of ob- before a magistrate, he slashed. his aetp
eteeoeee re vee 10w. Ties is an excellent chalice 0 - • •
- r •Iiilicr infOrMati.011 frone a foreigner is to with as knife and wanted. to know
se bad Enolish or adopt extraordinary whether that looked like negro blood.
" I say, you telly me, c . with a re-
, 0 au Nobody accommodated hire w
wherzy 'Exhon -ley is?" It is p1y,i and he was shut up on his refusal
F eneliman, to keep the peace. -What a beautiful
icture this is of the dignity and. intelli-
FIg- 50 per 1,000. and wood obtainable at ‘.>
cord. For further particulars apply to -
267.*26 ;TOMS BOWDEN, EgmoudvilIe .P 0
ammememunemisimmoiermersimpiwor t
now prepared to take any job in his line of work. name of the place as near as he can get
streets, Seaforth. 284 ly excited in is g,
not often successful.
pLA.STERER, begs to inform the inhabitants
of Seaforth and unitary around, that he is mirth more dernonstrative, repeats the
• the HoUSe—COruer of'ffigh and .Tohn it
11. la Francaise and becomes violent
'.stures hut I was as-
and hopes to gain the patrontwe and custom of
—On Friday, 23d. tat., a terrific whirl-
wind passed over portions of the Coun-
ty of Lanark. The tnrnado took an
most cireular sweep through the cminty,
trevelling, like a destroying angel,
through Elmsley, Montague, Beckwith,
Ra•MSaV, Lanark, Dealing and Levant
toWnships—where it sported with build-
ings, fences and woods in a -manner al-
most suggestive of West Indian hurri-
canes. Its path was between an eighth
and a quarter of a mile wide: Its stay
at each place occupied about two min-
utes. Barns and houses were unroofed,
and in some instances lifted from their
foundations and Carripti considerable dis-
tances. Buggies and wagoneevere over-
turned and smashed to pieces, and 'Peo-
ple blown over and rolled ludicrously
and swiftly along the ground, yet,
strange to say. not a life was lost. nor a
limb broken, nor a severe injury in-
—A steamer arrived in Goderich har-
bor on Wednesday morning last, having
for ita cargo two hundred tonelof grind -
'stones, These stones were dressed
and finished ready for use, and. had been
shipped from a place on the American
side of the lake called Grind Stone City.
About eightytons of the stones were left
at Goderich for delivery at various points
along the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail-
— On the retirement of Mr. E. FL
Kine from the Presidency of the Bank of
—Sonie .writer in the Toronto Mail Montreal, a few deys ago, he was pre.
constantly i'efers to England as "home," sented by the Directors of the institution
with a magnificent silver serviee, which
had been manufactuted in London, ,Eng-
land, expressly for the purpose, at a cost
of ten thousand dollars. Mr. David.
Torrance, a prominent wholesale mer-
chant df Montreal, has been elected as
M r. King's successor. Mr. George
Stephen, of Montreal, has been electe-d
Vice -President.
—The trustees of the London, Huron
and Bruce Railway elennpany met at Lon- -
don, on Tuesday last, and eleeted Mr.
E. W. Harris, the Company's trustee,
Chairman of the Board. They are now
ready to receive the debentures issued on
account of bonuses. It is stated. that
the people of Exeter have promised to in-
crease their bonus frnm $6,000 to $10,000.
—The 44th annual session of the
Grand Orange Lodge of British North.
America is in session this week in the
town of Belleville.
—A serious accident happened to an
express train on the Great Western nail -
Way, on Monday night, et Copetown, by
which the cars were thrown from the
tr•ack, and a, number of pa.saengers more
or less seriously hurt. The !switchman
had opened the switch to permit the pas-
sage of a freight train, and had forgotten
to close it. When the express came
alone at 140, Tuesday morning the lo-
cal:Awe and three ears ran off at the
end of the switch. The ears were all
more or less damaged, and about twenty
persons were injured, but none fatally.
" at hrorae," &c If we arenotmistalen,
it is the same individual who has so much
to say about the University of Oxford.
and is such .an excellent authority in
tailoring and.millinery matters. A Ca-
nadian newspaper should be " at home"
i n Canaille and any home -sick scribbler/
'who cannot recognizethis fact should be
sent back -ion -le as soon as possible.
—James Sutherland, East•Nissouri
man, who has been in Manitoba for two
years, aril is IlQW back on a visit, re-
ports that the population is rapidly in-
creasing, 100 immigrauta ihriving arrived
the day previous to his departure, and
that he met 400 more en route to that
Province, -whilst on his way home. -
Winnipeg has grown so rapidly that it
now jOMS the Fort, arid oue post -office
answers the two places.
the last, and from the few words he
spoke, it seemed that be believed the end
was at _hand.. The announcement of his
death caused a profound. feeling in the
city. Mr. Howe was born in the year ,
1804, and was therefore at the time of his
decea.se .69 years of age. From very
early life he had been identified. with the
political history of Nova_ Scotia. His
gence of Georgia journalism ! If Mr. r profession was that of a journalist, in
Darwin were to ventilate his theories of which capacity he was editor first of The
ancestry in ehat quarter, he would. be- Acadian, and subsequently of the _Yam
---The appointment of Mr. 'Alexander
to the Senate makes the tweney-sixth
person summoned to the Cpper Chamber
since Sir John's eovernment came into
power, and of thet'twenty-six there,is not
among them a solitary 'Reformer: The
compact to alternate between Conserva-
tives and Reformers in making aproint-
ruents to the Senate has been systemat-
cally violated from the day the existing
rulers obtained. sway.-- Woodstock, 1?e-
—The Ontario Female College is to be
built on a beautiful eininence overlooking
the rising town of -Oshawa. To encour-
age its location, Oshawa has given a bo..
1111S of $3,000, equal to the price of the