HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-05-30, Page 7tuaa�e reSa oe Goot 'est natio. iia this before is ale by the: DOp► Feb. tci upwarc can, No soU, an a .QST' f T F.orndo,Ut mucid ire f 16(l acv.. COLONa mans Ek2 L AW roe citizens et henzseleea of r arrival. tions of nem '•r entry under 'eat Railroad, niencea of d Dade and. end, a s h view 'XIS, '- R. It.. WORM LINED. SI "s, and i3: n ONS over from last til Wagg ar and make ar ,rders `are ROW l probably nik aptly attent'i k.SSIER t, Seaforth. fURQN . • n • en 1 S and the vre 1 to fill al[ b1Q Tort t t Order. nil cannot Ixt e Store, rE AFOBTL-. H. MESSES RKS t� 1 the Station. TONES 4 mitt Eoreiga `the best stylet lf'LTble $ap- et a,aes inanorted. VERS eafortht the msteritals sft1lFprep tee anal in the favoureds"ith• PIK 33oo Fel the shortest ,u petrtron• Etitey E: asds- prices. the undersi ` Ar Irish Po € new canister ? . Now to along and do as 1_ bid thee."' Ia Dublin,$ first -visited shops on And go along. -he did, and when other side of the water, and the he came the home at night the tea and very first thing that strikes ang Amer can is, the promptness with new canisterwere his companions. why` `''e,is served, the civility with 'oh he i treated, immense as- tment and variety of. goods and r ing the tea in the canister, setit on rte effort of the salesman to . de 'thethelf for a Special use: It had �Fer thine to accommodate the par- p The old lady took them from him with an amused expression on her usually placid features, and deposit x laser, They seem to say,. by their actions, " We are. put here to at- tend to buyers' wants; to serve them, to welt upon them, to make the goods :.fide the establishment at- tractive to sell goods, and we want to sell goods." Ou the other*. hand, in our own -country, the style and manner of the clerks are too often not long: to wait, for the borrowing neighbor had frequent use for the aromatic 'heijb,r- The good old lady. a loaned generously, emptying .back in the canister any - remittance of the borrowed teas which the neigh- bor's conscience inclined her to make. Time went ` ori, 'and after something less than the one hun- dredth time' of -borrowing, the that of " I'm dust as good, and alet- neighbor again appeared for " just tie better) than you -buy, if you another when the „iyor leave— we don't care o er dr awing of .tea, w agt� , oft-ulbited tea canister vas brought tether we sell or not—�it s a con, out and found to be empty, and the good old lady and obliging, neigh- bor was just one pound of tea poor- er• than when shebought the new canister, which now only remained to, tell the story. Then she • made a little characteristic speech, perhaps the first in her life-; she said. : "Thou seest that empty canister. I filled it for, thee with a pound of my best tea, and I have lent it all to` thee in driblets and put into it all thou hast descension to inform you of our prices ; don't expect any attention." The variety of goods in the foreign fops is marvellous 'to an Arnericau;. one pattern or . color not suiting, dozens of others are shown,, or any- thing will be -made at a few hours' notzce. Here in . Dublin are the great Irish poplin manufactories, r and, in these days of higher prices hardly any American lady leaves Dublin without a, dress pattern, at sent me in return, and none but, least, of this elegant material. The party were crazy withthyself hath taken ,therefrom or ladies of my p ii ht over the exquisite hues, the added unto it, and now thou°scest it deflg empty; therefore I will say to thee, splendid quality and the low prices. thou hast borrowed thyself out and Notwithstanding ' the stock, the hue I can lend thee no more. to match the pattern a lady had in her pocket was not to be had.. « We cavi make -you a dress if A Restless Body. - 'Some women are never happy vote can wait, madam," said the unless when they are scrubbing, lite shopman, of exctlY the obrushing, sweeping and other wise same- color as your sample " Tiow ling; will it take you make ii - r a We_ can deliver .it to you in eight or ten dayTs." and her extreme nervous irritabili- Y4 0, I shall be in London, then, [ tv and eccentric ways, it may be said the lady I supposed, did not contribute great - "That makes no difference, mad- ly to Harry's domestic, happiness. alis. We will deliver it to you any- , One o. her peculiarities consisted in where in London, carriage free." not retling to rest at the usual And so, indeed, it was delivered. hour. She would frequently em - The order was left, sent, to the fade ploy half the night is examining tory by the shopman, and at the ap- the wardrobe of the family to see pointed time delivered in London, that nothing was missing, and that everything was in its iroper place. The following is told as d proof of her odtlities : One morning, about three ' • o'clock, having been unsuc- cessful-in nsuc-cessfulin a search, she awoke Mr. -Erskine by putting to him -this im- portant interregatory : ' Harry, lave, • where's your white waist- coat r to ' though they have servants to do all they require. Hon. Henry ,Ere skine's wife was one of this class, toiling in household affairs al= b the lady paying on delivery the same rate as charged for similar quality of goods at the store in Dub - 3m, and having the enviable satis- faction. of showing the double pop- lin that was " made expressly to her order "—one dress pattern in Dub- lin. I mention this transaction to show what pins are taken to suit the -purchaser, and how any one can gee what he wars abroad, if he has the means; to nay.. This is owing chiefly to the diff'er'ent way or doing also , competition in the old country. For instance, the Pacific Mills of Lawrence,; Mass., would never think of opening a retail store for the sale of their goods on Washington street, Boston • and, if an English lady • WHAT` KIND OF SE -EDS Yc U Sow, Sow no mere five years old, whin you can get.thena. at LEES FLOUR AND SEED STORE Entirely fresh and, pure. Jest arrived this day a very large assortment of ehoioe field, Garden and Flower Seids. Don't plant Piny more poor Potatoes, when you can get all the new varieties such as King of the Earlies. Prolific,- Peerless, Climax, Excelsior, Willard Seedling, Granite State, Chatorin, Early Rose and all outer good kinds at Lee's Flour and Seed Store.. GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. An Incident. The Boston Times relates the fol- lowing incident of the lost Atlantic: business, and to the sharper , When about mid -ocean a curium circumstance occurred, which, , if true, . as related to our reporter, is very unaccountable. The steerage passengers say that at that point of the voyage two or three of the pas• sengers declared, as if sifted with CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still on hand at - THOMAS ,LEE'S Chea Grocery Flour and Feed . Store, ¥AIiV STiiEET, SEA.EORTFL, 'LDiE S' AND GENTS' GERRLYG GOLD failed to find a piece of goods of the the spirit of prophecy, that the ship color that, suited her; of manufac- turing sixteen or eighteen yards to her order, and then sending it- free of express ress charges to New=`,York, goods 'The r<luantity aid variety of on hand -are oyer-whelm.ing ; the rices, iu comparison with ours, so and ` all on board would •be •lost. They kept repeating the ,prediction, packed their carp et -bags and went on deck.o watch for -chance passing vessels, saying they were going to leave her, .as they were sure she was doomed to destruction. The very low that I wanted to buy a captain then interfered 'alksli, locked shipload. Whole stores are devoted them up as madmen, and . 3ien the to specialities --the beautiful Irish prediction they had madetn thein linen in every variety, Irish; bog- ; supposed insanity received its fear - wood carving in every conceivable ful fulfilment, they, it is said, - per- form, raceletsirings, figures -,'`neck- ished in confinement!' fa lace, `ht east pins, &c. 1 visited erre 4 ► lame establishment where every bpring Physic• species of dry goods, fancy goods, Thepractice` of taking physic in haberdasher and,; I think, every the spring, to " purify the blood," is y f�� thing but eatables, weresold—three l common : amnong men, -and horses hundred and fifty salesmen were but the latter'being involuntary vic- employed, the proprietors hoarding' tins, are not to blame; while the AT) $2 AND UPWARDS AT M. R. COUNTER'S JE WELR Y STORE, SEAFORTH. SILVER AND COMMON RINGS 'ENDLESS VARIETY: • THE VERDICT. AFTER A FAIR TEST THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS . THAT THE _CHEQ'U'ERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Is the place to get the cheapest and best TEASE AND GENERAL GROCERIES. It The Proprietor of the CREQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in stating that his first stock having moved off so rapidly, be has aheady purchased a fresh supply, and as a result of quick sales he is enabled to still farther reduce prices. To parties taking TLA by the Caddie, half chest cr chest SPECIAL'rR.ED UOTIOA WILL BE MADE. Farmers and others living at a distance should remember that our roads, may soon .break np, and that now'is the time and t Seaforth is ' the Town to get the Highest Prices For what they have to sell, and that the • CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA. DEPOT Ie the place to get the best bargains in TEAS -AND GENERAL GROCERIES.. and lodging a large number of diene on the premises. The shops in Dublin • are very fine, the prices lower than in London and • the at- tendance excellent. — The Trip to Europe. Iluaan bolus -gobblers and bitters- gulpers should be ashamed of their. ignorance. The hu mors, pains, is n - pots, s, and biliousness of spring nat- urally result from the coming of milder weather upon systems braced -- to maintain temperature: and work How she Stopped Borrowing. against the cold_ Our bodies are at • BRITS;BELS FOUNDRY. THE SUBSCRIBER Swishes to call the attention of the farming community in general to his large and varied. stack of Ag :ie ltural Implements, Consisting of IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, With the latest' improved Steel Mould Board, GANG- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, HARROWS, SCUFFLERS, &e. • 4 Ile would beg to call special attention to the celebrated FARMERS'. LU SA?", Which has given-uversal satisfaction wherever used, to which is now added a Thistle Point, so mach required in this part. Also, to some first- class • STAVE -DRUM LAND •ROLLERS, From 02 to $85.1 Also, a few First -Class Wagons, Getting up for Spring use, warranted of very best If there be any who have doubt on, this point, they have only to make a trial and they will be convince - ed of the fact. 50 Barrels Labrador Herrings, 1 - ,• 250 Barrels Lake Huron Herrin, A large lot of dry Fish, Salvaon rout, and White Fish, ALL OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT LOW PRICES AT THE ,g CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, MA11 STREET, SEAF,ORTH. -; JAMES MURPHY. if!' this season, like our houses, apt to An exchanue says the subject of• be overheated. What is needed borrowing and lending came up 1 the course of a conversation with one of ics subscribers the other day, when he suddenly recollected a fun- ny reminiscence of that ;character abundance of exercise, free at mg, spare diet, abstinence from stimu- lants—in short, a reduction -in fuel and a promotion of the excretions v, of the body: whieh head happ stied in his own __r llaightrorlloocl.e said that he had TO STOCK BREEDERS. BARON R.OTHSCHILD. a neighbor whose family were great borrowers, but not so distinguished as- paymasters -they ,were always bor- TIIOMSON & WILLIAMS' - MILL AND ENGINE WORKS, THE celebrated imported Kentueky Stallion anal rowing, but seldom if ever, returning Race e Hsi see will stand for the improvement of tocl�t , the exact amount ' borrowed. An. eld Quaker lady, another neighbor, who had endured these invasions for a long time, patiently, bit upon a very philosophical mode of eventu- ally befitting a stop to the, nuisance: Keeping her own counsel, the next tithe her good man went to town, - he had a separate and express order to purchase a pound of the best tea and also a new canister to put it in. As he knew she already bad plenty of tea and also acanister, he was grizzled to determine what the old lady wanted of more tea and a new canister, out his questions and lea- sorings elicited nothing more than a repetition of the order. " Jim, diel I not tell thee to get xae a poundof the best tea aiid a , _Mklresse. STIIr'soh this season AT SEA FORT , At (Jarniialtael's Hotel, i From Friday afternoon till o'clock Saturday fore- noon of each week. • MITCHELL, ONT. N. F. Burnham's Patent Turbine .Water Wheel. WE have now thoroughly* tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superior to' the best wheels Ty now in use, While stronger and more durable. References to well-known and reliable mill owners; who have them in use, • given on. application. We build all sizes and kinds of STEAM ENGINES, Stationary, Portable and -Upright, and guarantee them unsurpassed by any in use. We use on a our Engines the. celebrated JUDSON ,GOVERNOR- W are prepared to contract for the erec- tion of all kinds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with all the latest improvements. , ers' and Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of I &c. manufactured largely. Flax M �, , , Lath Mille, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Angle Jointers, Beading Machines, Heading, Turn- �' achiner ° &c. is in fall bla t- and we have as foremen of this important department, Mr. JOHN Our Boiler Shop , good who, for 20 years twos fo�ema} of the Brant'oral Boiler Works. Havinga force of ex- perienced cperienced boiler makers, we are prepared to attend t3 boiler repairs either at the shop or at mills promptly. GIVE US A CALL. We have found out whit every Farmer wants. It is THE TWO -HORSE POWER. SAWING MACHINE, The power of whish is supplied with strong fly -wheel, suited to driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher • and other Machinery, with no extra charge, except for the belt: This machine is well ant every farmer's own use, ashe can with two horses and from three to four men or boys ant from 20 to 80 cords of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughly. tested, and is strong enough to do all wo recorii- mend it to do• It is supplied with friction fangos, by whish the saw is stopped, when caught or pinched, before it would be possible to stop the horses.1. • A TRIAD. OFFERED. We ere building great numbers of ' e Onmming's Straw Cutter, for band or hone power. Also, Grain Crashers, with iron and wood frames, Fanning Mills, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, S teel Plows, with wrought iron beams, wood beams and cast iron beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders, Culti- vators, &c., &c. Repairs of all kinds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 267 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. SEASONED TIMBER. All of which will bo sold at the very LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH Or approved criedit. 0 ,11701 rri 0 0 Z WM. R. R. WILSON. rri Brussels, Feb. 12, 1873. 271cy TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND 2 AILS. MRS. WHI , NEY Would state to Da . en that • e has commenced to. anufa i •e TERMS X12 • single To insure, ti15; for the season, , o leap, $8. Insurance payable Jan. 1, 1874. Season, the last round of the season , A BAILEY, 282-1 Proprieto.rr. IMPORTANT NOTICE. lID IITIES 'REQUIRING POTATOES for Seed' .0 and Table use con find till the best kinds, and at low prices at The Chequered Store and Tea Depot. Also, the best varieties dot TURNIP and CARROT SEEDS at the Chequered Store and Tea Depot. JAMES MURPHY. per day Agents Wanted. 5 TO $20 All classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything ,.else. Particulars free. & Co., Portland, Maine. 284 CODERICH FOUNDRY. l Milk Can and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them:, AS ox _KAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE Stoves ctnd Tinaware on hand as usual. (i0%�L. 01 L for sale'4Vholesaluand Retail. - Repairing and Eave Troughing promptly attend ed to: MRS. WHITNEY, . Main -street. Seaforth. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. O�LIVER, Harness, Saddle and Trunk MANUFACTURER, . MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. HE un rsigned, having sold the Heron Foundry property and stock to the " Goderieh Foundry T and Ma ufaeturing Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen ye rs, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Com pawn CIMAN Goderieh,•i(lth June,1872. • Referring to the above notice, The Goderch Foundry & Manufacturing Co. I3eg.to.inform the public that they are prepared to contract for 1 SION,OF TNF SCOTCH COLLAR.... A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c,, kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; - GANG- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, 6R.ATE-BARS, - WAGGON BOXES, &c° COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER, ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOJTiERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt atteution. t ROBERTRUNCIMAN,- HORACE HORTON, General Managef. President. • Manager Agricultural Department. Goderieh, Ontario, Tune 10, 1372. Secretary and Treasurer. • NOW IS YOUR TIME To BUY I A_Ttl\T SS, &CC_, Cheap' for Cash at J. - WILSON'S. Z Itt r caA w W M -1 tit Irri 12° P‘ CCD r—+ 0 0 *112 ' 0:1 O C/5. PI N ,tt , its NO MORE COMBINATION PRICES. THIS IS NO FICTION. CALL AND SEE .FOR YOURSELVES. Make no delay, but come and secure excellent bargains while you can. ,r rn - 13est Material Used, AND MADE BY GOOD WORKMEN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, SADDLES, BRUSHES, Repairs done with neatness and despatch. Remember the place— Opposite KIDD'S Store. 273 JAMES 'WILSON. A NEW HARNESS SHOP IN SEAFORTH. cn z 0 m 0 C CCD cnCD)> C {C� 072 _C) CD M 0 f-1 0 CD C CD 0 .73 01 SI/ 93/413.811(10)l -4 10 7/ SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. Trim UNDERSIGNED, in returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support during the pest, takes this opportunity of stating that he has secured the services of Mr. ADAM GRAY, Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Novelty Works Planing, Sash and Door ITZELFRY & MAY have just opened a, HARNESS -1-" SHOP in Counter's old Jewelry Store,right op- posite the Mansion Hotel, and are prepared to make, and also keep qn hand all Classes of Buggy, Caniage and Team Harness. All Harness will be -made in the latest styles. Good material and good worlunansbip guaranteed., as we have had good ekperi.ence in the best of work in some of the largest cities. We will also keep on hand all stylee of Horse Collars, Saddles, Trunks and Valise s,Whips,1Vhiplashes, Curry Combs, Brushes, and everything that is generally kept in. a first- class Harness Shop. All orders will be promptly attended to. Good attention given to repairing. Charges low. Remeraber the shop--"Upposite the Mansion 274 BELFRY & MAY. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Will find it to their advantage to call, as they can get any thfng in the Wood Lino done on the short- eet notice. DOORS, MOLDINGS, On hand and got up to order. Alimitediramber of DOUBLE AND SINGT,j1 TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND ROLLERS, Wagon Racks and Gates on htind. TO CREESE° MANUFACTURERS. As I have coranienced the manufacture of Cheese BOXES and SETTERS, Parties eau be supplied on the shortest notice iind on reasonuble terrine Boxea guaranteed to 'give satisfaction. Awaiting orders for :Afferent JOHN M. MARTIN, 285 Novelty Works, Seaforth. "lundersigned. having erected a, new Pump Factory about 40 rods north of FRANCISTOWN On the London Road, is now prepared to manufac- ture Pumps, which for lightnees of operation and durability cannot be surpassed in Ontario. Noth- ' ing but the best material used, first-class work- men employed. ALL WORK WARRANTED, , A call ist ieepectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. • GEORGE BOLTON, 284-6m Francistown. 'at goon (gxpoitrix IS PUBLISUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNIN G IN SEAFORTH TEIMS.—$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Rates. First insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in- sertions, 2 count each time, per line. One column one year $60 00 85 00 20 00 85 00 20 00 OrT-fotth om-enr 20 00 One-eighth Otte year 12 00 3 months 6 00 One -twelfth one year 8'00 5 00 Bnsiness Cards, (6 lines and under, year.. 4 00 Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c. not exeeeding 10 lines—first month, $1; after first month, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lines—first month, $1 50 each subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, Deaths—Gratis. A.dvertieereents without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and ebarged accordingly. Advertiserneth measured by a scale of tolid Nonpareil. McLEAN BROTHERS. CC ill hail a • FIRST PRIZE PLOWS 8 months Hem " one year a it. hull a G. WILLIAMSON'S 1 OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY IT__TAITING taken the first prize for Iron Beam -1-3-Plows at the lateExhibition held in Hamilton, 1 and the first- at the Western Fan held in London, ; besides a high recommendation on the same Plow, 1 eau, with confidence, recommend my Plows for It efficiency of work and lightness of draft, as being second to none in the'Dominion. The following 1 is a list of Plows constantly on hand: Iron -beam with wooden handles, Steel Lantidde encl. Mouldboard, I. Iron Plows, wooa Plows, Double Moullboard Plows and Seufflers, 1 Iron Harrows, &e. An exareinedon of my Plows is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. . Castings and Boards kept on hand for repairing 276 G. WILLI kNISON. 11 CC