HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-05-23, Page 8MAY 23) 1873'
TH E _ZXPOSITORS Iley, Bradley shoqI4
trust t of this sesson Francis Hrat
he experience
MgGillivray township, The -Messrs. We id id amount. blit "V 111 1101 legaq
particular was, he Oout not seUiTg with- 4.$rest beneft; to our village.- With a re 1 will be such as to induce the farmers in pa
Ie,hAvl no sa14 *"or few 'more mills like this, there need not Sqiith intend bringing out one or wo the neighborhood of Dungannon to Pat- served. Moved by Thos. Williala,
I 00ito ont a licence, that shipped from Seaforth horses withl them if they can find some- cheese seconded by Thos Williamson th t he roceivea, bit be much grain ronize the factory system Of 7 a th6 one referred to until thing to suit them. We wish them a Lty-11ceve
arr cove Dept and con
Umes Station, but the whole might be manir- ing more than ever, And to W ant maki
licerce for the current year. . Mr. pleasant time.
s, Wh , factured here. ises and Dobson be a, Committee to ex -
neer of Brussel 0 Mr. Ward in enlarging his rem 11mine Aud
Stretton. an Mel-. 6,
ainctio' business report. on the bridge at J!,
.DiSTRI CT TgATTERS. o. 8 watching his chance engaging m6re extensively in a
it W uld seem, wa e'aforth., foun- The Butter Question, -than The Council . then adjou me(l to
ained Tim FouNDP.Y.—The 8 ely more
which this season is scare
Mr. Brine tripping. aso(
to catch I rsuant to the call of
dry has been leased by Charles Wilkie, To tle 1,,,Iil -on Efxpo8itor. ment,_-3ignal, again PU theleeve
or of the Hm an experi
I a sale on
laTg,e -aifd that Nir. Brine had condacte( A. HUNT Zp
litchell, Who intends ronewing and E I
very carefully, selected stock of Dry Gooas, Cloth- the ist da - of February, ndthat his new' of A M -R. EDITOR : I notice in your last erk
ing, Rate slid Caps, Boota ailcl Shoes, General licence had not - been issued until a day adding to ihe Ma'chinery sufficiently to issue a letter, from " A Farmer, who Exeter.
Oroceries, mported Wines, Liquors and Cigars of o carry on the business 'in Tuckersmith.
it a great grie
or two 91terwird, and laid inforniatioil enable him t vance that mer C,
riong branda are
the va dail) arriving at BRATTY & all its branches. Mr. Wilkie comes BANx AGEnTcY. —A party in conne
I C against him with- one Wilson, a majis- ants, whom he styles a body of cox- Pic-N!c.—A general pie-nic will
CO.'s armichaels Block, Main- Street, Seaforth. mended, and is possessed of ch s Bank, came
Don1 fail to give ti d trate, residing in the village .6f Blyth,. 'well recoin offon the th Man in the
ienr a cau, as they are boun combs," should have the ignorance tion. with Molson! grove,i,
e, has associated to Exeter a few days ago and purdhased 'N,0
to offer goods as cheap, if not considerable capital. H front. of Mr. 'James woo
che 'erl. emu any forselling as' an auctioneJr withbut li
house in the trade. cence. He was accordingly ummoned with- him Mr. Daniel Kerr, a practical and impertil)ence to think of rotebting onditionally—th&t is, subject to the AP.- t 10.30 A M. A feiv
ers,' P
echanic, who bus long had the man- themselves - against the hitherto too roval of others who are onnected with ,mencing a
of F esh Garden 5eeds to ap ear before the, said magistrate at m ers will address those wishing 'an illt ,.
A agement of an important branch of ille powerful influence of bad butter mak the abovementioned bank—a large brick lectual treat. Dialogues, recitatiolm
g no other aim
r Blyth to answer to thq qb arge.: Now and accuses them of havi consisting of a cabinet shop,
t. arrived at E. HIMSON & 00.
jur Lfacturing establishment building, jong.1 will help to mak thintis pleamak
if Want come the proceedings of the. magistrite extensive manu than to prevent competition, and no
you ams, of show )roon-ia, &c., belo ing to Mr. John
of Messrs Thompson & Willi 119 Come one, come all, and GO TO E.'Hiekson & Co.'s, .80. severely rensured by our correspon. other principle than f% desire to squeeze. A for ban],- lug ring your IN TU
to get a good set of '.Xiekle Silver Tea or Table o doubt, therefore, Drew, for the sum of $3,0( It. R. Tucker -
of the trial, Mr. Alitaliell. We have ii the last shilling out of the pockets of tb e bakets. Lot 22, 'Con- Spoons.- dent. Upon the dai managers . of the Seaforth purposes. Also a small portion of land 1 -174 eienrcd, Well it=fa and
Brine appeared to answer to the chaq. , that the new already over -burdened farmer. Fo yoitll THi .-. "Agri of Lon- build up -A belonging t tt
ell DOa `cnt'Vatioll
lea reques 9, 1welling anil Rithen
itural Mutual, nu His counsel Mac t of Mr. i - foundry will be enibled to Now, Mr. Editor, allow me to explain o Mr. T. Fi on, situated A the barn % x'.V);
don, still in t1l; field for the Insuranc of Fa` the business which. will not only be profit bric lf;p Propert, detached town and village dwe I 11ings SOR) the presiding magistrate at to this outraoed 11 Farmer" and -ever y north of the building, for $600. To he Editor. of the ITUrOA BX.1108ito., good shed F
f able to themselves, but of inimeDse bene- "heep 310,
mi, on cash or ti. oa repair; and. outbuildings at lowest safe ral $that he allow Mr cSnell, Reeve o other farmer, the pontion of the A-
Mer- —A Sabbath school an- in g
IngS xring orchad; sitnutl,'l r. Gossman a magistrate, of fit to the village. DE.,LR SIR - My ttention having,bee4 11 now preirdum note system. All applications for it- Tiullet, M ' 0 niverary in connection with the B. C. I a 9 SuraLea by mail promptly attended to: by CH&S. chants on 'this question, and, first, let directed to a paragraphhich last week- 1,V Ooa b ofrm.4iellforth 7 from Clinton. ig n Dested. to the propittar on tue meter. rAvzs the township of Morris, and Mr. Holmes, me say iliat the merchant of Canada Church, will be held at Bethesda, on the in the Goderich " 8- al," Clinton ra, rticul-IT-, al'I"Y
T. D03LLE, Agent, Clinton or Wro
to occupy seats on the Bench-' Chancery Court. f.,rtber PiL A
RLUOT, Assistant -Agent, Brussels. -of Blyth, is placed ill a rosition in which no man, 24tb of May next, commencing at I Wtehell 46 Adocate," and Stratford vvr( , called to tttej 4 e Spring sittings of the Chacery or set of men, ought to be placed. He is o'clock P.e M.
'with him. To this Mr. Wilson replied Tea will be served at stating that the doctors who S rth
h poll my husband on the occasion of iiis it
icb, on Fri, obli -The other i
-rie -tural of London, is duly that. they might do so, but he would 0ort, wereopened at Goder 0 utter, from' the very..par- Mr. John Kestle's barn. becomi g ill, were afraid to performthe 4'
THE "Ag ul ged t buy b R SALE.
ficenced by the Dominica Gov'eznmen t tq insure give them to unnerstand that they could day last, before Vice-Cliancellor. Blake. ties to whom he must sell his goods, and ts of the entertainment ill be at operation, for fear that he should die oil thek FAR.rA F0
par : IV hands, should they do me, I beg to say tUt bui
ash system for one to three -years, all state- the busi.. Christopher estlake's. Several cre one e were presen OU.Zipa uay i
him The three magistrates Wsides the local bar ther' t on whom he is dependent for Mr.
ments byxival agents to the coutray notwifh- not block fron, stumps. -speakers have promise i Dr. Coloman and Dr.Vercoewere anxious I pro.
eir seats, and Hon. E. Blake, Q. C., --Ibos M s C., ness by which be maked his living. He d to be present such 'tatemen t is false in everf partiofiki.
standin-. named, accordingly took th 'i
o C cthe evidence for the prosecution was and Mr. Walker. The do ket o t ined is the servant of 16he public, and he must from whom appropriate and interesting ceed immediately with the operation, but, on V _ed, with board
hig, and nev&r-iftil- nA- ;-b ToitoNvo MdTMXL taken, and the depositions signed by a the Vice -Chancel. e his et' rs, or he may shut his peeches are expected. On past occa- count of Dr. Lizan being and old and esteo good house, t-builill s
THE , BEAvEp. 11 me4 - banilludoll be fann. 3-b eighteen- cases, but as i'stomej 3d T
P'eas But, how can he do this if -Dever faiied. to be friend of our both Air. Malcom and my.
FIRE JN.'suRA.-,((% COURANY, Of Toronto, ildgelies mber of them he Ang spywg a, miles from theGravel
poll the evi ad advised on a nu -the anniversary Exeter. an
Farm Bul ga and contents for $1 per $100 for four Magistrates. U shop. sions self vere anxious t76t he should ])a present ft He 11muie 4d aua
a e truth about butter or TUX -
i the coiftents bf for the prosectifion. being concluded, Mr. before his - appointment to the. bendh, it tell them th well.attended by both old and young, possible, while the operation was being pello;Zi
Uoad slaa four years. Live Stock included b 'd a Inile fro
lso insured under same PACT Wilson, eontrary to the expressed wish was. arranged that they should be held makes that discrimination in the price and to- be f till of interest to all, and All is mr.'Affacom expressed thi.9 wish to 1)r, COITUAbi Church three ell tht
buildings, itu a sures in accordance with direct -ions from us botk 0
against death by lightning when in the enclo and decision of his brother. magis- over till the 3d of June, then to be tried whic the qtality of the article requires ? expected that the coming one will meet -who, Inquire
on the- premises, an statements of agents of -rival telegraphed to Dr. Lizars. 11ad it t been ior ormer our desireto have Dr.Lizarls presentithe opert.
companies to the contrary. notwithstanding. C. trates, and without hearifag any before. Vice -Chancellor Strong. The The thingl is iinpossible, and every mer- With -the uccess experienced on f R. COOPER, Agent, Brussels.- evidene'e for the efence, and on es, except 1 number wb chant knows it; but the farmers do not, Occasions.
remaining cas ich tion would have beenerformed on the Saturasyly r.A Rjd IF08 SALrE. ponsibility, convicted Mr. wer6 proceeded or else they would not write such letters Drs. coleman and Vercoe, -ersiolitb, 41,
his own res] withdr-twil, were then - . - are, of ]and lu Tuc),
TEPF-ItAxcE MEE-ri.NG.—A temper- Ithasalsobeen stated that Mr,lfalcolnwent 100 slillill no A-11RAD. AGAi-,T,—The Post -office Drug Brine of "'the- -offence, and, sentenced with,. and occuRied 'the Court till Tiles- asyour correspondent has contributed. trora Senlorth, nyruss On. Thh AWAUIP3 1N,
n e ance meetingwas held in the Wesleyan fromhome without having his t ith
Store, Brussels, is noted for paints and oils. To Wi3l be soli Cheap. -11)
him to a penalty of, $40 and costs, day morning.. 'Thd following are th The merchant is therefore placed in the eter. on' Friday also is incorrect, as Mr. 11-alcom has c&stangi Iack ash,
barrels Oil and one ton of Lead just received. All Methodist Church, Ex
U to be paid forthwith. The otUer three ca;e a which appeared on the docket lose s, and on this occasion it WATI lot CO
ext position of being obliged eit er to kinds of colors, dry and grounc eveni a last, under theanspices of Fidel. woru;his trus
n removed from him until after -the -occurrence of
k cheaper than ever. Bring on your orders. maistrates, considering the charge ' Hodder vs. Turvey — Judgment re- iv' at th manifest in -
his ivin ;, or c
wee ()"D e e i No. 199, Sons. of Temper- the injury.
STOCY, WALL PAP.ap. not 'proven ;of 8brved. Sinclair, Seager, and Blakq for ius ice 0 ,pay ty.Divisior,
FREsn Wndow and not approvini ing the good butter. maker ka justice to the Doctors w -ho werp- it For, SAIE IN. xemn-op. ance. I The attendance wag unusually attend. I&OUSE AND LOT
Shades and School Bookcs at last year's pxices at the course of Mr. Wilson, gave Mto plaintiff ; Malcomeon, Keating, and a.% in order that he may make up for ance, and who have shoivn eery possibie attentl6l,
At about - 8 o'clock Dr. 11. B. tibear, a Frame bw(3111119 House guil nl'
IuN.-T'H, Brussels. large. to my husband during his illness. I trust.th SALEE,
Biine a Written discharge. hus Mosi for defendant. the loss he bas tu sustain by paying the urthA of au up -re of land, in
The bove ameapapers, and any others which 12 aethrve-fo M.
n I
he article Winans was called to the chair. iniu- the 01,11'.1)qw ,
—Parties g Mr., Brine was both convicted and Me *Kenzie vs. Flynn — Sinclair and bad buUer maker ore than f fmm 0
published the statements referred to, -0 the TOwnl;hil) Of '-Nl TICKETS FO rrow is really Worth.- also
discharged,' at the same - investi- 'Seager for plaintiff Cameron & Ga first on the programme was singing by have
obtain tickets at ff-onlq _publish this refutation. -_Mill f I
-better known'as"" Little RION 'I'll, ;
'Vod :Folir, the ig to Manitobs can s McMann, L - f Orchard on
Mi$ ATA ei it, G
r.,LTTER's Drugl8tore, Seaforth. All required in- gatign and by the same Court. for defendant. This injustice to the good butter mak- cree Yllnllillg ffiroughthe specting route, freight, passage, conduct stated ma, " the piece was entitled Th ere's seaforth, -may 28 187,q. Also it srin,
Bin I on -ther par -
formation lie From Mr. Wilson's Stretton vs. Stretton— Judgment re- er would not injuriously affect th mer- 100211.908io ,or fin
Ion 33,nme
d &-tatis ty of Work for You, hiy Son."
furnishe eqgdr f6r plaintiff chant, because he partly compel Plen tiouISTS apPlY to
to us, it is evident that he had -made up served. Sinclair and S isates
' V' of London, has
The ExrOSITOR to convict the defendant be- Doyle', Squier, and Moss for defendant. himself by one injustice for the loss sus- After which Rev. Mr. Lund was called THE "Agrictiltura NENv- SuBser= Rs.—, his mind L to give a speech, which. he did :n Market 81
0111 iis date fore the trial took pladie at all], and the Wrialit vs. Davison—Settled. Hqlme- tained by the other. But this vicious E paid to policy -holders over half a million dollam M*4
will be sent to New Subscribers fr thi U280OWn good humored wayi inlyres3ing in atisfactionf claims, has nearly 40,OW polie
'holding of the Court And hearing the sted r ohnstqu for defend-
untU Jan. 1, 1874, forX.1 cents. or plaintiff J ystem has had the -effect of making all M poue" LOTS 1.]g - SFAFORTH, SALE.
ivr as he was concerned ant. upon the audience the need of al takin in force, and pays all losses on Live Stock k4tea SUMDINIG
Foll SALT!
butter makers carclesio, as well theymay 9 by lightning in the field mrithout extra rate. " on efU,
evidence, -so f, art in the great temperance move
FArni SoIr&—Mr. George Gagen has was' ueit4pr mor4 nor less than a Scott vs. Moffatt--- Decree for plaintiff.' be, when. thb careless are better paid a p T. DoyLn, Agent Clinton or Wroxeter. i1oiiii., Lots in thevillage o I 33n
sold his farm on ment.. Professor Samuel then addressed E LLoTT, Assistant Agent, Brussels. t and Lot the Unron Pto;l to his farce. Tlie other three m aggistrates are Benson. &Meyer and Moss for 'plaintiff ; than -the careful, inasmuch as [03. 115 all" they get the meetiva. He made no pretensions to neghbor, Mr. Felix Thompson. The -'_gentleman of the highest respectability, -Cameron & Garrow and Blake for. de- paid for salt and buttermilk, while the on High St to h
PIv to SXubi"m r
-,L tains 50 acres, and was sold for and would ed an acquittal others only get paid forgood butter. This be a noted lecturer nor yet a polished THE "Agricultural, of London, has
farm con not have sign fe idant.
nadian butteir t is Mr. Gagen's in no so. .. McLean vs. carelessness has given Ca peaker,'who by- his beauty of language for years called in only 50 per cent. of its premium
$2,600, ..We believe i bad ju tice not demanded their doi Grant Judgment re ;160-ri
notes for a three yearsrisk, and is undeniably the
tention The conduct of Wilso served. Dhvigon, Johnson and Moss for such a bad reputation in the British mar- h t enrap pioneer of cheap.larm inurance in Cauaaa.
ihdrtly to remove to Toronto. n, therefore,. in or idle bursts of rhetoric mi
-Garrow and Blake ket, that the whole produce of the coun- ARM FOR SALF-
epilvicting the defendant with * . ture the lover of elo4nence, or hold a F Lot I% in the 5th COU -
Out lllaar- plainfiff ; Cameron & 100
ACR3' S being -
ith two: wiles from, Stu*
SALE OYBooTHs. The --use of the re- in, a tittle of evidence in his defence, for defendant. try had to be sold at such low rates that will the emotions of an admiring aud- S03%IH GOOD OAK ClIuRNs just toha-aa sion Tuckersnu
ence, but be did claim Ll 4)ne-oUfilter
Carroll v'w. Casemore — Judgment re- ll membants and 4alers' have, for the
majority to be ie of the UICKSON & Co.'s.
freshinent booths on the Seaforth Div and in direct opposition to the StE forth StatiOJU -One P` frame; burn r,
Park, for the '24t a by of his colleagues, is sufficient to demon-- served. Counsel sa, eATENT MEDTci_NFs of all descriptiom olville- 84 aiuyes houi;e
wa me as in lstcase. last few years lost heavily, and In coir. workers in the great temperance cause, Mon 5
bard; 94)od w0l; lft`41 trate that lie is entirely unfit- to o and we tbink "llahas certainly a right to constantly on hand at: Z. & Co.'s Drag
on Moday last, d ,realized 8 %
ecupy x56- caPiL-11 bea"1119 ore
auction Menery vs.. Lockhart Decree for sequence, d d buy nothing last U Store. Messrs.
good figures. F kDso & Co., a Sinclair,, Se be termeda worker. 'In his lecture he nir, t
position on the Peace Commission, plaintiff. agcr aiid Bj;k e season but. good butter, there being. no forin. and in
Gai_dno, , Meyer and Murray were the and- shows him to be -a danger- for plailiiff; Cameron & Garrow and demand for common quhlities ; and those made use of several excell6nt co PFUTticulaTs a) ply tv
Ous man Dents -chief-
who las
pruchaserg. man, and Moss for defendant. sons, illustraioni and argui box, 144).
merchants who received 6 or 8 cents -per ly showing the n c`ess#y of a Prohibitory
Tio . regard for the high and - re- Cameron pound for'their common butter begin. to _nXTE PARK FOR SAI;E I -N -MCKULP.
Sadler vs.-Coruyn—Settled. NS.
PWFERTY OLD. —Mr. Silinel Searlet, occupies, b Liquor law, and in so Aoin he brought
P, sponsible -"position he ut is & Garrow and Blake for plaintiff Sin- think it is time they ha'd some pro -
t Of rder r SALE,, a 900d Farm- of \okth
MKillop. has pureased Mwilling to dragg it under his feet in o prominently some important lot 14, Owl.
clair, Seager and Moss for defendant. - tection. ANID U-NUESERVEM balf of lot 15 -'"ILI the west lialf Of
V , illiam, ArtlLur, the house Oil points. Rev. Mr.. Kettlewell next ad- and lot that he may serve'llis own ends, and Davidson Va. Armstrong—Decreie for Now, if it be true that Canadian mer- YuKi'llop. couttllbag
acupied 4by Goderic-h street, at preaent ol ratff tiff. Burton, Bruce & Walker and' fpn,.e,!, allI y the revencref ul feelings of a friend. plain dressed the meeting -at some length and
wice paid chants are, and have been placed in a g,)0d frame houk,
Mr. Ju.11111s Duncan. The I Such an individual should be at once re- Blake for plaintiff Berson & Meyer and, false osition, is it not time that a reme- dis layed good ability in dealiiic, with his timbered h hoin1wo0ol',
p Rru;, good 'And new log frold dywas d TION S
a 9 for, (le stwject. His remarks extended over a
$1,000. Mr. Sculet has c moved from. the trust he has so grossly Mos, fendant AUC rood W141; 1
evised ? That, remedy they be
d bargain. betrayed. We are not surprised that
goo Platt vs Nieberoall—Settled. Squier liev wide field, showing the (lire effects of the roM th vilbige of 'ut -t
e they have now found, in a proper Mr. Sretton should -choose s-tich an ac- for plaintiff' Came"ro n & Garrow for de- use oi intoxicating beverages and coun- ol M
system of inspection, wbidh sball relieve to lie Of 44 acres of land in -valuable Village and Pad schools and stores. pa-rticu-lum
A M.,TcuZD PAcr,,.—We uDderstand complice to aid him in'so mean a trans- I selling his hearers to -'come out on the
them from the obligation. of paying a
etor on the Vrelulse, Orli if by lett, -17, to
lots on- the Stretton Survey, in the Incoporated propn
that a matclied trottina, race, for $100 a action. right side, to show their colors, and to
Trust and, Loan Co. Vs. McManus— 0
od price for ah- inferior. article, while Winthrop F. side, has beeWarran ke place be- 90 ged to t, -e of
Deere' for plaintiff. Macdonald, Pa D hrou all i n eo
as well a-sgood report. Rev. H. Kenner
e the Sinclair and Seacrar for plaintiff. evi
tween Mr McCntcheon s bay m are, Tim SEAFORTH MILLS. -SinC ttonp -in refusing o do so, ey w I sustain the tempera ce cause t
liged to quarrel wi 14 th, or offend their
Lady Dufferin," and Mr.-Por1ley's ron Seaforth Flouring Mills became the called upon, b-4 the evening- V1 RGI NIA-
-Postp -0 the
Ross vs. Forbes oned.
A outali, inn Infor on frt= horse, e is.tO property of the present proprietors, na far spent- he curtailed his speech, to enilgrate t
"Tip Carey.` The rac customers. Let me ask "A Farmer" PAR fil's
The following cases are held over till wh bei Mai
S a t it is lie objects to in tile proceed.
-ing only a few appropriate -no), r
ce place 'on the .8tr. Driving Messr Jaise P. Kendall & Co., they 3d of June closi :B R U S E LS5
tak atf ord.
ings these monsters of iniquity.' beetur- t
nday., 2d July. a is Zhe most -
Park, on It -is said have under&one a complet overb uling. remarks. He also read a report of the in southern Ylrgin! r.
t) Ashton vs. Harcourt, Mercer vs. S Does het-binkita galling yoke of bon- the vale Further I
both horses are preft e%P11-IY A vast niount of. ll w and -improved wrticu]ar-
th at y geol),. Rookledge vs. Brker, Mcdonald da(m " to be compelled to sell his pro- I Parliamentary Committee in connecticii (LATE INL_EYYILLE,,) ftrale portion of tb
tehed, and the contest is likely to be 0 Ljanaswill be furuishea sh-rtby AV-
machiner has been added, and it is Dow listsof
y vs. Hyslop, Elliot vs. McConrAe.11, duce for what it really is, and to -be pre- with the Prohibitory Liquor law, which -CO,, Sea
a keon one. one of the bee esta bligbm( of the announced startling and mcst pleasing In the County of Huxon, on the Southern Exten-' vented from obtaining, by a threat of
-ind in the -Province, wid is capable of Brussels.
facts. During the evening Little Em- sion of the
dealing elsewhere, a higher price than it TiiF, AUTEL.—Tbe Coin- SALE OR manufaeturinor-a brand'bf flonrunsur- in.% sabg several selections in addition ]FARM FOR
f7- -R. Cooppat, Brusels, Agent for the. Em- is worth? Has le got.'4ome No. 2 or No. U, on TV, mercial Hotel. under the management of passed by any other. Within -the past PosiToit lNowspaper and Job Prmi ting 3 butter, and is anno3,6d bee to the one above m ntioued, such is :E, OR, TO IIEN-
ause he can- e tyl
Messrs.'DavidBan & is becom.- few months the old boiler and enuie Lot S, Conceg"don 8, NEw MILL. Father's a Drulakard. and Mother is 'WELLINCTON, -CREY-' NUB BURCE nd in a state
—On Tuesday last Mr.
not sell it for No. I ich are
more Is it a Ly inor deservedly popular with the trave- have beeii replaced with new' I Dead," ' Home," and "Tbe Shaking
and good And Thr -1.1 it
William Van'stone raised the framework yoke of bondage " to appoint marliet li RAILWAY sutable s"hells, also I
in -g -public, ad the extensiveacconimo- powerful ones. The oiler now in use of the Hand." She certainly displays -ne barn 60x4fl, and
ot his new grist mill. It is 'to be. coin- spectors to prevent a man from selling
dation it affords is f requn in good fmi red- one nud
has a capacity of 80 h6rsepower, and the nd taste in Aingilig, pleted'earl excellent talent
if not, the Village 0
perfect, still- ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1873. all,
SALE OF Loq. Leadbeater's auction bow' can -any l6nest person obj ectto any e was a mthere
sufficient for the inereasing busness. engine 69 horsepower. With this ad- diseased or tainted meat? And durinawhich ther aj e SO Rem'
ditional power, the mill is now capable
Since it came.into the possession Of the Pool 11MV
I)o,;segsion will be girt-il. 1
article he has to dispose of being ta p- liess, and every one listened The incorporated village of Drumsefs) (late Am- tar ou
saleof vill gge lots on Wednesday last, 8 In
new proprietors, it has undercrotte of flour a week,. to) the proprie
of making 1,200-barels ailpl
thoro-acy. renavation, and is now oe of success. Thirty-three lot ed at its real value a mixed * delight. At the close the fol- For fur requiring 5,000 bushels of Wheat. Be- was a great DO. paid. for accord. eyville) is beautifully situated in the Township the premisesr ad'h7ess C01110all
lowing resolution, was unanimously car 'ous and comfortable n mination in prices
the most conimod were Bold andrealized $4,390. The lots i gly ? And if a discri o H'-\ T
sides the -engine and boiler, a new Rich- of Grey and Morris, on theAlaitlau river, ontho 2.76
ried, That this meeting most hrtily
sold at from .$200 down to $71 eacb. is necessary as your correspondent ad,
e ator, a rator, law.,) i 1%7orthern Gravel 'Road, behreen hau.&6 in this part of th country; Inalid separ, Hutchinson sepa or eaforth and
approves of the Prohibitory Liqu mits, is i
bru and a Residents and business men of the vil t not better that such discrimin- in the I
a sh finshinor- smut Wroxater, connecting with all the main :ro&ds to
0 N r2 anil part nf Lot N
oduced, and are now in successful lage,% ere the principal purchasers. Mr. ation should be made by a disinterested 0 of r18 latr he prindpalilages and tons hi the Counties of Lo' Consisting
Concession Of liay of the'gtratford -Bectcan., sailud for J -D have been Truemn; of Goderich,'ws the au6- party, rather than by the merchnt, Grey. 9m nion Mi Huroni Bruce and Perth. There are in the Til- 5o cieawa anil iu gooa ci
Europe this -week. wi6re he W_ tioneer. who, in this matter, is not rlb Apply ill pass a free agent,
operation. 'In this-,corinection, it may Com, -cit MEwria.-z-Thie Council met age two Grist -Mills, two ga--,v 11ills, planjug nd
es 1276 ANNG ehingle Mill, 'Woo)en riae-ory, Rye Churohes,
v1r, I Do be uninteresting' to give a short (le- at Dames' hotel, Cranbrook,.on May
the saminer. retur-ning in '11tum ANOTHER SALE OF Jam' and who has signally failed, as he always
vi&t tbe Vienna Ex- Stretton's auction sale of 60 village nd will fail, to accomplish the desired Fo-ft SALE.
scrition ot. th6 various processes 15, for the purpose of revising tl -y and A chiue Shops, and a large number FARM,
position an -41. otliar objects of interest on throiiah which the crai has t rk lots will take place on Wednesday.. 'reforin ? le as Fouu& -1 'V,
n o ass be- p, - Lrj _B"
sessmo-ut roll for the current yer. of first-clss Hotels and Busilloss House. iaco, e or r n
fore it reacbes the grinding a' on s and is r. tl16 Conth*nt. I -lie letters to the -Be' t P Jun ' 25. F partioula a see advertise- ask o monopoly.; let us have all Ao th,
e 10 embers all present, he Reeve i the
ed fot by the.reders is i s NOS. 17 2, or 3, and let The Southeip Extension of the. -will be earg th butter classed gravel road to Godt :.erly loak ent in Ider
alade -int6 flour. In the first place, it is h ai r. The followin appeals were 13101vell till. .JtIA
each me from -.stwnpe,
of t1lat excellent paper.. earried f rom. the bins, which are situated Fir,& —On Sunday morning- last, ibo reliant pay whatever price, he heard, viz.: I. an' eil NVAU lit 11 fell
UAILA-y out -
oii8ed- thinks prope- for each of , ed of too high assessm ent on. mill pTop-
Thomas. Farrow nd Mr. M. C., in the second and third flts of the wes half -past 4, the inhabitants were ar there would then be the same com
Cameron, M. r.s.resectivelyfor -_North tern win a of t& mill, by slides, to the by the -alarm of fire, when- Mr. William peti- Now approachin-tompletion, runs ffirectly tbro* rde, and gooa orcharol erty; Richard Sparlin, overcharge on yor further title good aud ternis t1iry
ro4, returned -home last Pticbniond separator. on the second floor 'McKay's blacksmith shop was discovereol. n a tnd No'reductiolis were made in either age, havin- the station and, GI-ound8im,
outh Hu tio, s hitherto. - Butter inspection is the vill
an experiment, nd irnproven ent on D _h P
week, having ".paied off for th e rest where 'it is subjected to -a- strong blast; to be all in a blaze. The oric-,in of the mediately adjoining the above property. an will ndoubtedly be of the above appeals. Moved by Thos.
of the 'essioii which removes dust and small grain,. fire, iset unknowu. the first 1,
Mr. Me s 1OF38 p
y mad.b. I, for one, -object to a difference of Willimson, seconded by L. Dobsolly Btlildh)g oerations on- an extensive scak STORE TD RNT OR ZZL -3m -SUFoVTH
t%en, by a sUcce'T of sieves, the @ats, will be considerable.. 'There was no in- five cents per p I ou nd being made I between I that the assessment roll as now revised I now in ptogress, and real estate of all kinds is no, ruja out a TH nua fa"Tall
k -le are' RU -Iqy, as n coo re oved. t havi short time
bai pe be received from the As old ccupied 'bv
sessor nd Nos. I and 2, as our friends to the south tapidly changing hands at lity-ely advanced prims.
e Seaforth T o o -on r -oil
of. Mechanics' Institute- From this it passes throncyli the Hutchin- btfore. By Monday Dooll Mi., McKy ado ted -Carried. 1. W. 8 1putea 0 have been doing, and have therefore pre. p Cott ar)pliod OHN LOGAN Vill be 810141, Or
atitute was held oi;i Tivesday --Kening son separator. on the firsi floor, where had the timber for a new building on the.
able tf.rm.
for a grant of money to rep ir sideline Al plyatthe tnoreof
N%rere elect. it underoes a siftiflar course -of treat- ground and the framers at wo0c. LOCTA ,Z
lst. The following BRUSSELS
oficurs railed oi the merchants here to make a betwe7en lots 23 and 26, fromal4th to 1 th
ed Presidant, Williauil Campbell ; eut ud is --still further cleansed*of im- difference of only three cents, and I am.1 I OR 8
RU3NAV-,iV. — On Tbursday of last coin cessios—Laid over for consideration. STEAX SAW MLL AND FARM F
Is very favorably situated in the midst of he Tich-
Adam Gr -ay ; Secretary, purities, From the Hutchinsoii seprt- week, 'a horse and cart in the employ'of of the opinion that two -cents would be Ap cation read W()p Loutaiuill l
from trusteesof scho6.
James 1. -Oarter,; Asslistant Secretary, or it is carried by elevators to he fourth 8tifficielit. But, 4 all means, let us pli est and- best -agricultural section of the Vcstcw BELMG Lot .5-1, C cu)
the railway, was left standing in front of good
section No. 2, for a loan all.cleared, have . inspection of some sort, for; l- com, 9 Wilsou's- blacksmith shop. The horse -use -the lie, mill.
I ni-wr
Allan, McLean Librarian nd Treaaul - stoiry,ot the mill, to a smut and scourin Counties, and from the fact of there being 110
though the Inspector's decisioli may of - a new schpol-ho As I peting villages within a radius of lug spriu gs whiieh 't
money was required for a term of years 11
-esofbuifll r _k fright and ran way.. On coming ten be wrong, the err ly in OsL tllrlyin aud n48 lie,
i. and from there it passes to a brush ton miles, itmill
er, W. IN. Watsoi . Directa s Robert I ml too 0
Jamiesofi, VVilliam Gran t: 11. Me finishing smut inacli.ine, -.%v.bere the wheat to st or is general 1 inevitably becoineone of the m
reet, he made a bee -line for the Council -were -ttilable to entertain situated 6 tles .r oln fqellfort, vith 4 904
favor of the s4ler,-and inspe4ion, how-.' cial towns D. D* ilson, Thomas is polished by revolving brushes again pplication. Trustees of school sec- Play T1011'
st trachn & Smith's store, before which the prosperous manufacturing and 'Conimer Toad threto. - For f urtler I
ever imperfect, is bettef than 11011
MeNliahul, -John Murray, Johli Mclu- steel case, and f rom. hence to. the the cart came in contact with e at a N 4 to
the country. on the premises. If Akv P08t,
r a post and -1 am, your obliged ser tion No. _plied for loan of S,-35, to in illibu.".11
SON. re and the above officers, Officio. Ah stoue . When $,he wheat reaches the
ty -upset. The horse getting clear f rorn it,. complete school. bouse—Granted co
? 0 m- This property beig in eyery respect the P105
and. ps ed di -
it the st re doo. effort will be made to increase the mem- I stones, af ter passing through the various ran in A m-Linication Was read f -oin It FAR'M FOR S
WRoNCZ, rER, Aj,,ty 19, 1873. desirablo in the m4rhet, itassurtas it safe alpro
-ocbsses'we h e described, ie is per- -P - ly through the store id out at the bership of. tbLe Lastitute, and I)Uce it in pi ILI
ct UJ11astoaportioaof landfor bighroad fittible inyestinents, top, urchaers..
na. mor.; sAtisfactory conditiontlian it is fectly pure and polished bright. -I)ack, doing -no tuore daina e than break On Lot 34, Con. 8, stating that h
West Wawanosh. e woutd. in it careful oil the Wabitsh Rive present. deed, many of our best and moz-t ino, two eacys and leavim, marks on th., ant the said land free, on conditioiri nill be offer4a il tirb battwo
gr, All of the above valuable property miles 223 neres of thi
fi.irniers would b6 surprised at the im- flooil. A wag standing by remarked that ri &VTORY. —The that the saine be adopt the
ch!, 0 vhib, ith f air
ed as publi-I for sale by publie auction, at Ilrw &r
h da bushels of col -ii per -( E Aor -_LPi -'r -inense %Mount of Nva.ste which istaken the horse could notobelp Lich road in lieu of -the boundary line between grounds, at 11 o'clock A. on the %t y of
.9,mr.v o( npi enterin-, the 'new cheese f actory at Dungannon, wil
14i7l ar
ni s Me 1. h
We have oininnnicatiou com- froin ev4n the cleanest . and o t
tore a t e strong attraction of the uni:n- -Is call lalid, good for All IdUallof Small
receired a c ed the Silver pring Factory, was 1, Grey an -1 Elma—Laid over till next June, 1873.
yere ton us on the con- chantabI6 grain. -by these machines. spected butter within -was too much for opened on Mond ith considerable Imeetiner: A petition was readfrom ohil meatin in very se., of this tam. is ina. state Of Allt'vst't
ay last w L
duct of certaia J. P., a resident ot the Wheat, whidh, -in the bins, looks.1) er- A number of patrons and others Harbt d TERMS OF SALE.
cylit-others, p -,stolies, one log b(mFe
Blytj i, in counection --fectly Gleii nd free from. impurities. is I
ryinc, to I
wmee tj with had assembled on iny tation ofhe prop- hve crossway
i two orchiiii1s aud wi ablM
frociltinry Lot 30, Con'D 1-1, : One. A to be piCld ill iles 1iout
Wroxeter. founh of the purchase money This furm. is )itililt'.4, h
M. atLv divF W. ]I. War d, late vered and repaired, as said cross] Ly is he% Be
se tried befo re, -nch gistr sted of very'large bulk: of fo
of Se,
a 0
vhig tuw [if Cli!
Al s, thistlesi chaff nd cocIde, duri. Ill balance in tW -
viliare, ar) the 10t1i iiisb- - numerous friei ds of fortli, to witness the arrivl of the driv- 4, in a danerous state—Laid over fo cash at the time of sale, Railway. r iie.Xt
thourrh the s-riGtures of oiw. Gorrc8pon--: t1ie vario-us processea to wbich it'is sub- I eqnal unnutil installments, secured by3fortgagel UO
V Doulas, Deputy.-RUeve meeting A commuuication. was read 77 per cent. perairnam. Title perfect it
ers with the flist; sul)ply of milk. This 1 in -s -out
dent, as 'we loaii from otber jected. before being ground. From the Turnbeiry, will be glad to bear of hi
i linving beentduly Nveighed and j -of Torre Haute, liid..
s frona Ze Clerk- of Wallace,, in the mat- good un into
but iuerited, we cannot give sio th6 vat, the comp pooll good WAA
sources, are nes,-theground grainpasses througti. safe rrival from A to his ntiv ny st down to ter of rem --or I will
oving a Mr. McIntosh turther particulars ink be learned and Plaa ner iv Oithem publiclty,.as the of other two doble chests of bolts, -where the Id. umptuous din ft tm J)y NLIr from r T
Au Ward. sebo.ol section No'. 5, to Union school No. seen on applicaiion to TAMES STRETTON11 Pro., for I -and -in cither ent BO Coirnec'ioa with the M r. Thomas Anderson 11'as 3, Wallace and Gre
Patilfg NV11O 11Z shorts nd e E4,arated Af ter dinner
million County, —,No action taken. pfietor, Brussels, or Lo L-fina —_()r it in (111 1111 D UUI!S arilfy lyrolight Pfronithoflour. The floar a6es from here clled to the chair, and, a few remarks communication as read from
le -es in, t nid celebrating Ifir - w
nd. is ready. foi- --ale.
ivere niad ard, lfarri8, Brussels Council; requesting this Coull-
nic. Ve i %y i into the 1) his part ilif,,- the Agent, BrUF-SeIS, Onb.
e by X1 AV
sty's' Birthda 8atardIfLy, %S
%J e y Icxt Y"D TO RENT
say, hmvrei-G-r, that wc barc:'431iiquired The ftel being separ-ated 13'ailev, Treleaven, -,,Nla
11ouryll WANTED, BRICK
Usil LI, by .ganles, other thletic cil to appoint a% arbitrator 11711 tbeeniatter SHINGLE MAkER
-0 th
of the as flwil the flour by the bclts re Bell nd othurs. Tht Silver 8 1) rl'i i rf of the settlement of the liabilities and WANTED, inimediatelyt a goo I 'T, the
0 11 RN lliirl, Ytird 11 the -"O
vxt=ises which. we befieve, will take T
known, thv-. ucrb tile Don io We.
all t4ic conecrue(I are wcE fm n middlinrs clicese factory opous ith %,ery f1att(,D at
pur A the two mailicipalities—Laid, alton te-ain to
placenear ^Mrs. Day's Hotel, Wroxeter, in 1)rt)s,)L r assets o Apply at the AV ),
to most of our rcde ns, a true stap ement mel separator, by which -neams "Suge- lets. I AI)AMS.
t is S,tuati il -n ex in AV. ge
may be of ineraat. 'Ouv iiiformation, lias rior flour is made from the usullyquiet and i (I,'- a good over for t meethia. A commilinc-'l- j?- 0.
the milk of a large tionwas read from Vill Secretary of 11ilen(lid -fett ti
11'Y COU11try, the
been g,%ined f roin a diaul t2rebtedittid reli- law-abidiug village is in- danger of losing, Un(ier tbo systein i1pursued inordin.iry number of co%,v9 t he
11tt$ been promised. -and B. 11ailway
able otircc, an(lo iiiill% the fiour mde -f roui.mir li g reputation, owin v to dise
-racef til -ptigi- The supply of water nisihed uva
tillle t_ PUMPS B is pure aud ban- gincer's certicate, for $4, 000 debe t nti ,TA 'ramp
LIE underogneil havil- vara will be -111,60. t U J solil I Ill- h of 'bt --t Rix fore, "'be dereadeVupou as correot In barell. ins ect No.' 6-uperfi o timej dant, and coming froi above payable' -to the sad. Compny. The fol- T'
tie, whi Le listic encouaters wbich from I -Ing
ev&y particular. It seein;Aliat J. by the! ase of the last-iiamed mchine, a have laken place in our. streets. It is i the level of the factory, it requires no lowing'
I . accounts presented ild, or- r, act Ory about 40 ro 1;m 6wji) an4 other ill,, ple, r 11 of gootIllilliber.
P. Brine, of Ha, pake , whojl S a "Supevor the high est too bad that su ch scenes 'should be en pumping. T6 whey and othei- refuse dered'to be -paid 'Alessrs. quier & _ Ic_
71 -OWN, e inid
is Dow ill be dischared by gravitation, so Donald, legal services ed to COT- lice=ed mictioncer in this County or made, is-Mauufactnred. Tfie'niill aete. with impunity,, aud ertainly it is FLRA ' C1 1 nu
time that our respectable -villgers that f rom the situ,%tio r to ma for the other artivio" 8
! On the London Rod, is now prepared
the past ei ears, harl eondticte(l a .ruii t ita full capacity. gTinding as we r.) and
0 1 imp -%v. --
of Ji very little manu- poration, $18; Daniol McQuarrie, 55 40 1 fill' h , 4,,%rhich for lightness of operation ry 14a Thii f.,
wer-e looking out for a po eman and l labor will be %wn1shi dKil op 0.11, th, hve si , 5, 000 lxt6hels of wheat I quired. The prol of ve sale in the y d lie expense y l3veyincy 1 . - n - dambiliky cannot be suij)assed in Ontaro
-ingently eu- rietor has secured the services of incurred b him ill co ng-buttheb"t material used, ffist-Clftss work,
lab, . t. It &lso seclut week. 'Le greaer amouilt 'of the. also more sti t f3i
y N -1r. E. Mr. Hector McKay to and froin
A7 r a practical.
inen emploNed.
that Auctioneer's Licences in thi Poubty wheat thui' used 'is purchased oil tb c i forchig the tavern ear y-Olosiu act'for G H . :, 0:ner wi waal
cheese maer of Mattliew 'Morrison, salary For furtbi,r as Assessor ALL Wolti, - WA1t1.1_11.NTED_
expire oa that day. Mr. Brine, ho -w- 8oafatli ni-miket. Soigh does the repu. as Usual, drink is the cause of the mis- mauy Years' experience at Ingersoll nd for 1873, , 80 ; Alexander iNf c,\,,
ever, coliGluded from. the readinc, of'. hi& tation of Messrs. Jas. P. Kendall & Co.'s i chief, air, sai-
i I A call is lespectfully solicited beforePUrchaS114
i London, who thoroughly uDderstands his ary-as Auditor for 1873, $9; Alexander elsewhere.
licence, that lie ja tL e
8 stified In zelling 0,our staiid mi. ae market, tha the 'stab- bus oubt, 8
Morris. give every Stewart, Auditor for 1 73, $7' 0. he
4n the Ist of February, and consequently lixlied custom. of the mill, loci and satisfaction 284-6in Own- PLASTL.'RER begs to inforlu the iub-111)
Harris tells us that Auditors' report was.then read, -declared
nducted the sale, s above stated, an- fo-reign, consumes its whole produelon. FOR SCOTLAXD,-7TN1*Jr. Thomas Smith, lie never commea-
ced a factory under ado Zo Of SL'ftfo ftnd try 'Jroulid. pted and ordered to be, published.
per Atav nts_wauted' 310'W prelm.red to take any jt;l) in -his A10 All'
old licence, f 'Morris. intends stating on a toar to more 'favorable circumstances. The The sum of $6 was ordered to be ai d rolmge and On'. the foll6wiva i The-limproVementg in the marhinery, in- o
Of 'andopesto giiiii the'pat
p AN clsses
Roddick. Ake I 11io
(Tay, the 2d February, lie sent to the. troclaced by the prewnt proprietors, hve Scotland on Wednesday next. He goes amount of milk: received the first day to Mr $5 TO WO ore
as he paid the said people, of either sex, young or old m *,31,13 -public. of ,b tiva
W licence Such an; estab[ish by the Allan line, a -e accompani-
County Treasurer for his ne cost about $8,000. nd will b was 914 pounds, Which is more than be amount -to the fence viewers who exam- at work- for us in their Spare momen ts) 01 Seftforth.
e redeived on time than at anything else. Prticulurs
his brother, a well-to-do farwr of ever had before on a similar occasion... ined the line fence. between him d it bu' od by'
fvhich h the 5th, But, so Meat tW is not only a cred
G. STINSON Co,,Portlandl