The Huron Expositor, 1873-05-23, Page 7A GOOD FIT UARANTE AT IFrL' [TANN.IA HO 4BER • 4TmI MBIA STEAM SAW VENLQCK & GRAFIAAt Mw got their new Steam Saw Maa.04 as gravel Road, six mike north of inning as fell blast, and are prep .her of Ali. Kind AND FIL I C MATERIAL description, embreing a q _ HA. D WOOD Maple, Bock Elm, Birch, Basswood, a. A stock of INC AND DRAIN LUII Kept constantly on hand. ase easy as ea.ra, be had elsewhere. er delivered in Seaforth, if required, ler of any description can be supplied • feet in length. GOV I' LOCK & GRAHAM, olvent Act of 186 Matter of Thomas H rLi An aa Irr'iolt!enr.. PERSONS indebted to the above Insolvent requested to Hake immediate payment to :BENSON & 'MEYER, :ER, Barristers, Sesforth. •'HINTS:'WATSON, Assignee.,. OBSERVE. • : BSCRII EI'., being about to leave 3 . h, of era by peau ate sale the whetle of # - itl l Funaiture, consisting in part of Drat sins rosewood case, all improvements, mak fie, Buffalos 1 set drawing room Fatui u csnsists of 4 walnut hair -seated chains easy, chairs and 1 walnut hair -seated sofa; xlor•centre table, (ailuut s) parlor stove, amp and paritrr curvet. All the above, few and first-class. in every respect. Also€ e.a.ted Chairs, 2 o.aue-seater€ Eoelin ; Cham *-roans Table,1 Sideboard. 6 dining, Ohahas eat Coca, 1 Cooking Stove, 6 comma 1 splendid heater Drum, S Bedstead, Beds v.ith, pillows,1 walnut washstand, El, small Valdes, Waahalands, dressirigtt& droornr Carpets, &c., `a Sewing Machin -lr neve) and many Minor artrclea. T_hit commence on TUESDAY, May 13, and s re until the whole is disposed of. HOUSE AND LOT is also for sales TLS 'moat desirable one, haying a frontage 'an Beta, and ',eine stocked with choice fruit st 1 egimile r lir bear. Par further partial Issue of MISS TROTT, On the Premises, (rot erit"h-street, Seaforth. Ell PUTATOES, FOR SALE &die/ring new and choice varieties, v°iz.: ?rax, Exeelaior, aee`s Prolific, Willard Seedling, ttering,: Granite State. - stprizeswherever.,h.nn at the Fall Show r prizes at the Seaforth Seed Fair €1873'= .rt varieties are warranted true to name.- . at Lot 23, Con. 8, Township of Tneker- S., or address JAMES LANDESBOROUGH, Seaforth, Ont. oT€CE QF CO PARTNERS ,, .Tr is hereby given that the undersigns this slay entered into partnership for the of carrying on the manufacture of l N V`ARE, in the village of J .grnondvi1Ie •f Huron, unifier the uanie, style and bra ILLIE & WEBER. A centirauanco of tha so liberally awarded to Mr. Boehler Lily solicitedforthe new fiaua. A dou1- always kept on hand_ ArA.L1 £L E BOT RT1'B J coli WEBER. ialville, April 28, 1;873. 282-4 �TGCK BREEDERS BARON ROTHSCHILD iebrated imported iientackv Stallion -and Horse will stand for the improvement 9f = season 1 t C `st rzrrtichae 'x rioter, itat afternoon till 9 o'elea is Saturday fore, kit ween. TERMS are, isl.i , for the setl:;4n, .ti 12 f t'srrl 4 €nsarance payable Jan. 1, 1674. Seasons ami of the season. I. A. BAILEY, Proprietor. Mfr? ••••- uruff L.Yxpo iter r nrsr,isrcur 'VETT FRIDAY MORNING IN SI:Ak`OI(O:II =-441.50 per year iu advance, or $2 at the tea: - 1<.<I ea 1iairts;: aatnsf.. f rtion„ per line, 4 cents subsequcn cf'.ntS tittaltinat, per idle. etINTnACT RATES. rt one year ............... . , AGO 0W half '.35 a u€oaths ser 00 - € w- year 80 00 . i,.�.r .. 29.00 E u luta • 12 00 • €€ t. year 20 00 t self '- .1= 0 a' months 8 00 (ale year 120a F hell .. 800 t one year 8 00 -ravetlk= 3 00 orfs: , (tr !rued ane;, undt r, TY year.. 4 Oa ::uents of StrayedLost, Found, o Xal 10 line::—first month, $1 after n's'f r t as each month. T e X p hocnt' of 1.'liltt1', I' and F.AL`ESTATE, t e caeating 15 lie es—firet month, $1 SO + sent ruonth. 75 centd. (a/adages. DeathsGratis, r intents zaitLout spicule directions ' till forbid, and charged accordingiY ureuts measured by a, scale of sour A eLEA1i BROTHERS. ` + Fra lyre slimed NotOs Drained land gives larger crops }erase the soil is deeper and* the season longer and warmer.. -A inch journal asserts that the ave- rage annual sale of bouquets of vio- lets In Paris is 5,825,060. One might ht as well skin a horee and ex- pect it to work for hirni, as to skin alarm and expect it to grow crops. ,----Labor saving iuiRiernellts give the farmer power andtime. Power co cultivate the, .soil ---time to culti- vate the mind. It is said thata a great source of misfortune to men springs from their not knowing when they have good homes.—A South- ern pals gives the ;following hu- mane advice : " Take good care of the hired leen and wiles. Let them have plenty to eat and 'sufficient time to rest, but while at work keep there lively."t-- At latest advices the patent -right swindler was prof- itably operating • in Welland, but he; is omnipresent and likely o appear at any point without a word of warning. If a hired man will adopt good habits, keep neat, and spend his time in reading, he will be treated as ars equal of the family, or he will have a family of his own that will be superior. Bell's Messenger reports that Lord .Dam ore of Scotland has purcIlasetl the entire Bates -herd of Mr. Coch- rane of Canada, and thus secures among many other valuable animals the Sixth Duke of Genoa, whose this for years past, without their knowing exetly• the reason why such good resulted; - Surface ;lanae; ing has been found, in many in- stances, superior to the old plan of digging in, and has found many in telligent, earnest advocates. We do not know that we can heartily endorse the plan as a general rule of leaving the manure to be entirely on the surface to the action of the hot, blee.ohing sun ; Leat to have it merely hart owed in so that it may be just 'where the numerous small -- surface roots• can get readily At it, is certainly a good thing, and has been found as good in pros ice as the considerations we have noted would lead us to expect. ireputation as a .stock -getter stands so high that a well-known American breeder offered Mr. Cochrane more than $15,000 to keep-hirn, in the .country..—The last idea about fenc- ing into plant trees for posts, and when ..hey are strong enough, string wires from one to another. - The kind of tree is unimportant, but of :course- fruit, nut and maple trees will be more profitable thandeciduoustrees. —Nine times out of ten, good horses are raised by good men. `The Oregon farmers are considering the: propriety of building a ship in which to send their wheat to the Eastern markets, Every time a farrnee plows up the wotnen's flower - beds, or refuses bits of land for rose- bushes and shrubbery, he should lose a colt or a cow, or have a law -suit. It is now announced that the -reason why the pi: airier are rorestless is because the Indians had pocket- knives, and they killed th-e trees - by .cutting the names of their girls on the bark. TEA t • TEA !! TEA. t!! TUFTS..& HAMBLETON Having on hand a very large stock of EXCELLENT TEAS, And being hard up for money, have determined to sell Teas at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES — For one month. All parties wanting a choice article of Tea, and wishing to save money, 'will findit to their advan- tage to give them a call. They have also on hand a very large stock of GENERAL G 0CERIES, Crockery, Glassware, Wines and Liquors. Floor, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lake • Huron Herring, &c., which they will' sell very cheap for cash or farm produce. TUFTS & HAMBLETON, Brussels, Ont. AINLEYVILLE -PLANING -MILLI- ,SASH, ILL,-,SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY Sheep in Scotland; The practice with the comparative- ly large flocks of sheep on the hilly ranges of Eastern Scotland possesses many points of interest to those w ho .are engaged in sheep culture on our Western plains. The Scotch sheep are a hardy race, black -faced and short -wooled'; they are generally kept in flocks of from 400 to 4,000, the common size ranging from 800 to 1,000. The weight of $eece amounts to 3* pounds of washed wool, and the dry Atmosphere of the, district in qustion, with the sweet herbage,has the effect of increasing its fineness and value. One shep- herd cares for a flock of 600, his pay being about $225 a year, with the privilege of keeping 40 sheep of his own with those- of his employer. The lambs are -dropped in. April and weaned in August., The weth- er lambs are sold in the 'Fall with all the six -ear -old -'ewes. Of a flock of 1,000, 150 ewes will be sold annual- ly and 200 of the best `ewe lambs kept, the excess of 50 representing the annual loss by casuality, or five per cent. Two acres of pasture are required for each sheep. The subscriber having bought out the above Mill, also the good -will of the late firm, is now prepared to fill all orders in his line of business. - Sash, Doors and Mouldings Too Good. We have the story of a young man with hired out to do farm work by the month. He saved all his money and never told a lie, and. when be was 26 years old he had $2,000. Then he bought a farm for $5,000, going in debt $3,000 ; then he mar- ried an intelligent young lady who had saved $900 by doing - house- work. They prospered beyond :.all account, and in a few years paid for the farm; Then he went to work to underdrain, to plow. sleep, to plant all kinds of fruit trees. He had the best of stock : their butter, chickens, vegetables and everything else were of the best and brought top prices. They had the handsom- est kind of children—namely, those who always obey their parents and when they grew up they were an honor to the land, and, above all other noble qualities, - they never warted to go west aor even to lead a city life. Now this farmer can sell his place for $40,000. The seci et of his great success is - said to be that he never made a. mistake, which, in our judgment, is too good news to be true. Nobody, can learn anything from him. ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice CUSTOM PLANING Strictly attended to. HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON HAND AND Promptly supplied. ass MHIS BENNETT. Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. ' - 232-47 REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, • Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REAM VED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Maier -street, Seafortb, - Where he has on hand a superior stock of .cure of every description. CALL AND SEE IT. YA d 2 m 0. P • 0 = d m w. p O. tai 0 0 Furni• UNDERTAKING. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Nr. Thomas Bell's s -t ((ARSE, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. ..•••.- -- Th .- The Depth to put Manure, SHROUDS ! SHROUDS 1 M. ROBERTSON, CABINET ]vrATcr+,R AND UNDERTAUIR, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand assortment of 5 .IR.OVDS Which he csn_. furnish cheaper, than they got elsewhere. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING.' MRS. GRAY Has received her stock of T SPRIA G _MILL1.NERY, To which she begs to direct_the attention of tit, ladies of Seaforth and vicinity. For variety and prices it will be found satisfactory. Particular attention paid to DRESS IIIAKI NG. Apprentices wanted. Remember the place—Opposite Corby's Far- mers' Store, Main -street, Seaforth. 279-12 r 1 H • o, 1-3 O sa- WHAT KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOW. Sow no more five years old, when you can get thein at - F LEE'S. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Entirely fresh and pare. dost arrived this day a very large assortment of choice Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Don't plant any more poor Potatoes, when yon can get all the new varieties such as King of the-Earliee. Prolific, Peerless, Climax' Excelsior, Willard Seedling, Granite State, Chaterin, Early Rose and all other good kinds. . GROCERIES -CHEAPER TITAN. EVER CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still on hand at, THOIVJAS LEE'S Cheap Grocery, Flour and Feed Store, •' l[AI1T STREET, SEAFORTR. Mrev,...-,.— . ,e.- ,....�.• LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD FLYGER RIVGS a good can be 205 When it is dug down deep into the soil, or plowed deeply under, it is in a great measure wasted. The true policy now is to keep it as near the surface as possible, so as not to be exposed to wasting winds. The practice of the best agricultur- ists has been gradually coming to MUSIC, MUSIC I THE UNDERSIGNED is able to furnish those who will favor huh with their patronage with Any Instrument of Any .flake. Also, Agent for MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, Which cannot be excelled on the Continent for fullness and richness of tone. C: ARMSTRONG, Telegraph Book Store. • J. 'P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron: Sales mended in all parts of the Country. All orders I t at THE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. 8 BOARDING- - COLLADAY has leased the large and -com- es• modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table andcomfortable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant arding- house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodatedat less than hotel rates. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD.. MABEE & 'MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have Shearson's a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a dresseood d ssond rt- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, t undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGT.T+€S, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others r sto find their advant- age to p our sc tainonr prices before pnrohasing elsewhere, as we are in a position , to to offer good indncemeBEs & MACDONALD 160 0 C Z go 0 c - Z 2 ' - et- • 02 20 tD 0 .710 rp 0ct tj 0 etm CD CD0 cl02 C4 002 0 v m 0• m m Z 0 r 0 .{ z 0 • v N.C'D Fri o 3 R AT $2 AND UPWARDS. AT M. R. COUNTER'S JEWELRY STORE, ,SEAFORTIL - SILVER AND COMMON RINGS 11•1 ENDLESS; VARIETY. 3. TIIE YERPICT. AFTER A FAIR TEST THE VERDICT OF THE. PEOPLE IS THAT THE - CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Is the place to get the cheapest and best TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES. The Proprietor of the CH :+IQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in stating that his first stock having moved oh so rapidly, he has already purchased afresh supply, and 08 a result of quick sales ho is enabled to still fnrtherirednee prices. To parties taking TEA by the Caddis:, half chest cr chest 'I SPECIAL RED UCT1O V WILL BE MADE. Farmers and others living at a distance should remember that onr roads may soon break up, and that now is the time and U2 0 0 CCD CD O tre tt zn l� tit 02 y 0 0 02 S COLORED -IN ALL -THE BEST MAKES. Seaforth is the Town to get the Highest Prices BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention of the farming eomnrunity in general to his large and varied stock$of: . Agricultural - Implements_, Consisting Qi . IRON AND WOOD PLOWS„ With the latest improved Steel Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, For what they have to sell, and that the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, , Is the place to get the best bargains in TEAS AND GENERAL - GROCERIES. If there bo any,who have doubt on this point, oft the have only to make a trial and they will be convinc- CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, HARROWS, SCUPFLERS, &c. Het would beg to call special attention ,to the celebratad FARMERS' PLOW, Which has given universal satisfaction wherever used, to which is now added a Thistle Point, so much required in this part. Alsd, to some first- class STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLERS, - 50 Barrels Labr or Herrings, 250 Barrels Lake uron Herrings, A large lot of dry sh, Salmon Trout, and White Fish, ALL.. OF FIRST VT LITY AND AT LOW PRICES AT THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH.' JAtES MRPHY. I TI30MSON & WILLIAMS _IIIL'L AYD N;VGINF WORKS, MITCHELL, ONT. .N. F. Burnham's Patent Turbine Water Wheel. From $22 to $35. Also, a few First -Class Wagons, Getting up for Sprung use, warranted of very beat WE have now thoroughly tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superior to the best wheels now in use, while stronger and more dtuable. .References to well-known and reliable mill owners, who have them in use, given on application. We build all sizes and kinds of STE.A-1� 1\T(3.-Il\TE1 S, 1 SEASONED TIMBER. All of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES FOR -CASH 'Or approved credit. WM. R. WILSON. Brussels, Feb. 12, 187& 271cy TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. IVHITNEY Would state to Dairymen that she has commenced to manufacture - Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them' AS CRBAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stoves and Tinware on hand as usual. COAL OIL for sale Wholesale and Retail. Repairing and Eave Trougliingpromptly attend ed to. :AIRS. WHITNEY, iri-street, Seaforth. Stationary, Portable and Upright, and guarantee them unsurpassed by any in use. We use on a our Engines the celebrated J U DSO N GOVERNOR. We are prepared to contract for the erec- tion of all ldnds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with all the latest improvements. Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Machines, Heading, Turn- ers' and Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c., &c., manufactured largely. Our Boiler Shop is in full blast, and we have as foreman of this important'department,Mr. JOHN WRIGHT, who, for 20 years was foreniOn of the Brantford Boiler Works. Having a good force of ex- perienced boiler makers, we are prepared to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop or at mills promptly. GIVE US A CALL. We have found out what every Farmer wants. It is THE TWO -HORSE POWER SAWING MACHINE, The power of which is supplied with strong flywheel, suited to driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher and other Machinery, with no extra charge, except for the belt. This machine is well suited to every farmer's own use, as he can with two horses and from three to four men or boys cat from 20 to 30 cords of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughly tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- mend it to do. It is supplied with friction flanges, by which the saw is stopped, when caught or pinched, before it world be possible to stop the horses. a A TWAT, OFFERED. 0 We are building great numbers of the Cumming's Straw Cutter, for hand or horse power. Also, GraireCrushers, with iron and wood frtunes, Fanning Tfi1ls, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Stool Plows, with wrought iron beams, wood beams and cast iron beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders, Culti- vators, &c., &c. Repairs of all kinds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 267 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont: • CODERICH FOUNDRY.. ., e ms ;1/7.r �tsra�t:s�t ¢ssaamaisammassmaemassoaseas . TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Trunk MAIC UFACTUREIt, �1IA 11t�T., SEA1y'ORTII. TNF undersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property and stock to the "Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen `ears, and trusts that they ill continue to send their orders to the new Company. Goderich, 10th June,1872. R. RUNCTMAN. eferring to the above notice, The Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. .. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, ,3rd crnl'ges moderate. Remember the placesign of the Scotch Collar. Iv. IL OLIVER. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, o. - ` On hand—IRON AND . WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards ; GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CUTTEItS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, _ WAGGON BOXES, &e. COOKING, _PARLOR AND BOX. STOVES, of various kinds. MALT PANS MADE TQ ORDER + ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. 1 All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention.i - ROBERT RUN CIMAN, HORACE HORTON, • Genertil Manager. President. GEORGE NIEBERGALL, ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. Manager Agricultural Department. _ Goderich, Ontario, Jane 10, 1872. NOW IS YOUR TIME - TO BUY . RN'PSS, G-, Cheap for Cash at J. WiLSON'St NO MORE COMBINATION PRICES. THIS IS NO FICTION. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Make no delay, but come and secure excellent bargains while you can: Best Material Used, AND MADE BY GOOD WORKMEN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS, BRUSI-J VALISES, SADDLES, CURRY COMBS, CARDS, &c., &e Repairs done with neatness and despatch. Remember the place— Opposite KIDD :S Store. 273 JAMES WILSON. A NEW HARNESS SHOP IN SE :FORTH. - BELFRY & STAY have just opened a HARNESS SHOP in Counter's old Jewelry Store, right op- positel the Mansion Hotel, and are prepared to make, ,and also keep on hand allclassesof Baggy, Carnriage and Team Harness. All Harness will be made in the latest styles. Good material and good workmanship guaranteed, as we have had good experience in the best of work ih some of the largest cities. We will also keep on hand all styles of horse Collars, Saddles, Trunks and Valise s, Whips,Whipls S1res, Curry Combs, Brushes, and everything that is generally kept` in a first- class Harness Shop. All orders will be promptly attended to. Good attention given to repairing. Charges low. Remember the shop—Opposite the Mauston - Hotel, Seaferth. 274 BELFRY & MAY. FIRST PRIZE" PLOWS ?iT G. WILLIASON'S OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY, SEAFOItTIL - 1I.1AVING taken the first prize fOr Iron Beam Plows at the late ExinbitiOn held in llarnilton, and the first at the Western Fair held in London, besides a h.igh.reeorrsmendation on the same Plow, I can, with confidence, reeommend my Plows for - efiiciency'of work and lightness of draft, ea being aecolid to none in the Dominion. The following is a list of Plows constantly on hand: Iron•bes+, with wooden handles, Steel Landside and Mouldboard, Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Double Mouldboard Plows and Scnmers, Iron Harrows, &e. �ctfuily An ,exa.miention of my Plows is. resk p` solicited before purchasing oisewhere• - Castings and Boards kept on hand for repairing-> " Grey' Plows:' - 276 G. WTi;L MS(iNe