HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-05-23, Page 3MAY 23, 'itty condition, 1.11 _ aving bee.e completely ru. bent sold for from 4;5 na they would previous wheu you warit a hors Darley's Condition Powdei Heave Refuel*, we know •-eetly satisfied with the zee the name, and zee that ot Hurd & Co, is on each pack. hrop &- Lyman, Newesatie, prietors for eauada Sekl `eln Dealers. 7.ELER'S ELIXIR OF PHOSPIIOns Heals—After having used ratareceno. ir pealepluaes and Of -flint -ye for ONtr nty daiay practiee, I must give it m. . obation. During a preettee r years, I hove used mealy seientifacany repo -ends, made tra 11I.tho same the. _ ulleatious as yettr elixir, but none el withene eo valuable as yours. To tale aression, tend to- the public,1. weal recorattend it as the beet remedy with anted for the sueceesfta tleat, large and constantly increasing elasa 'averewOrked and nerve -exhausted wo as truly,. N- WATENNS BrEL, Oreat Ilateraatc ltatniady. 110SES* rsittedxICAL PILLS. Iiluable medicate is unfailing in the, ill those painful and dangerous diseases uale coustitatio». is matted. le -exceei Mad lentemes all obstructions, ure may he relied on.- : el ladies, it is peculiarlysuited. It will aue,brieg on the Monthly period wtla . should not be teken by ' Females a ret--, three mouths of Pregnacy, as they ring On Miscaniage, but at any other N safe. Rs of Nervous and Spinal Alfectione, back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex. ,itatioa of the heart, hysterics and a... pills will effect a cure whale all rithe.r, e failed; and although a pewee:eta teot contain iron, ealonael, antimonye or rrtfal to the constitation: etions in the pamphlet a -round end( dell shonla be carefolly preserved, a- Now York, Sole Ptoprietor. $1,O0 ar. IPOStegeyeRCIA)SeatONorthap e.-.1,yenen* Dutn- gel:Loral agents aot the Dominion, :te battle, coatainiug- aver 50 pine by in Seaforth by E.- Hickson ra Co.* mid n 197-9 r110121ae Eciwtrie Oil, , , i -Tr-kfXs ITS WEIGET IX GOLD. Do YOU r ANYTIn>.;G or rr ? IF NoT, IT Is - TnIE TOrvID- 'e but -few preparations of medicine :withstood the -impartial judgment_ of .for any great lengtb, of time. One of aerees'Eatteretre OIL, purely a prepar. :of some of thebest oils that are Imoven, Iesessing virtues of its own. Scientific anew that medicines -may be farmed of ediente in certain fixed proportiona of -er, and producing eifeets which. could L tram the use of any one of them, or at rubinations. Thus in the preparation chemical change takes place, forming 1 which could. oot by any possibility be any other cornisination or proportions ' gredientae or any other iugredients, y ailfereat Irene anything ever before vhielt produces the most astonishing re - having a -wider range of apalication edicine aver before diecovered. It cm:L- icata or other volatile liquids, conga, es nothing by evaporation. - 'Wherever _get the benefit of every drop,, whereas prnparations nearly all the alcohol. is :way, and you get only the small gnat. Which they Way contain.- , 8. N. THU-NIA-8, PM:Les, X. -v. ITHROP a; LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., i for the Doeniaion. nectaic—Selected and Eleetrizet. eederth b. -5,E. Hickson & Co, =dale allallaneanaeamiet ET, Solicitor, Winghana, haa been ap- . Agent for the Celonial Securities Come ;laud, he is also Agent for several pri- • , iiktri a Toronto-, who loan Money at ' ftlde. rates. Interest pa-yable yearly Aerate. e Dee. 15, 1S71. 21S HEY &-• HOLMESTED, Barristers, At - at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Notaries Public, and Conveyetteers. vr the R. C. Bank, &affable. Agents for Life Assurtmee Company, 0,000 to lend at 8 per cent. FarMS, Lots for sale. 53 & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys Solicitors in Chancery and,Inseiveneye es, Notaries Pnblie, etc. Offices—Sea-, laroxeter. s23,e0e of Private Funds to ice, at Rieeht per cent. Interest, rayable - 53 Eason. a. eve G., MEYER. Q11114, Baxister, Attorney fn Ghana- Goderich1 Oat Office-aover j a (as Emporium, Market Square_ 269 aiquier de McDonald, • 'T318, Attornays, Solicitors in Chancery, easels, Ont. Office—two dome meth of ece., LER, DANIEL MeDONALD, Goderich. Braesels. MEDICAL. PreELL has removed to the house on reet, near the Station*'one door south etel, and apposite aleCalletnias HoteI, led by Mr. Frank Meyee.„ where he will usual. XWART, AL D, C. M., Graduate of University, Montreal, Physieien., Sur - >Mee arid Residence—Broceaeld. RCODe Ar. D., C. M, Phyeician, Sur - ate. Office and. Residence, corner Of LAW): Streets, next to the Planing Mill. €1...Buis„ L.D.s.., Dentist, Sec., Seaforth, Ontario. rk, latest styles, aeatly executed. All orations performed with care and Fees as Iow as can be obtained else - hours from a A. to- 5 P. M. Rooms' . McDougall's Store, Maiteet, 270 1PBELL, V. S., formerly of Corrtell dtv Ithaca N. Y and reduate of On-- _ - r C art College. Residence — Cooke's liouse; Varna. Will be at Druceaield ey afternoon front a till 5 o'clock. ARY SURGEOaah—D. MaNAUGHT, to announce to the inhabitants of d Surroundiug country that he has • the diploma of the Ontario Veteein- mid is now prepared to treat diseeeto Cattle and all domestic animas. no Let. office in connection with his herae- where he win be found ready to at- e_ Diseases of the feet tipeeially at- Reeidence, °thee and shop in ..the rear e Ryan's new Store_ Alt kinds of Vet- Liaines kept constantly on, hitad- (enable. 229 ItURILL, Veterinary Surgeon, (mem he Ontario Veterinary College,) bowl bat he has returned to the practice of. '4in Seaforth, and may at all times be L the diseasee of Horses, Cattle, ite. medicinee constantly on hand. Ali lv attended to. Office, at Mansion .a -the, 273 IttOlaeleak. :OTEL, Seaforth 0 t sIMON ar10.. Ede Proprietor. The subscriber has' anovated and oewly furnished the ao that it new affarde renal accomeno- he travelline pubfie. e'Cludee liquors ( the bar. The table is supplica with • in enanin. Oysters in. SCaSOflL. data an attentive hostler in con -- 251-17 WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Out. ;171.-CIIEON, proprietor.; Fiest-elass nit for travellers. a he Bar is sup- veiT best liquors and cigars. Geea ele.a. The stage leaves this House afel-dt rt.rivEttv. WS LIVERY fraND SALE STABLES; alurray`kt Hotel, Seafortla. Goa," ieteeitt acniveyances always onharm- ;VERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. rees and Comfortable Vehicles, alwaY-0 averahle Arrangements made with kavellere. An orders left at Reefoes. le promptly attended ta. ra ST -MIX -Es :—Third door Nosth of Alain Street. THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. 73. linist the 'Wolf Iteally Said to 'Little Red- Biding* Hood. 9 ening Illaidtgt, so puzzled and fair, oat thou. murmur and ponder and Why are my eyelids so open and wild ?— 6Ati..the hatter to 8(113 With?. my child. oaly the better and the clearer to view diseks that are rosy, and. eyes that are blue. may- stiArgest- 'that 4tqnr toe litesees too hard against the front, or .that some of the bones the sitke of the foot are'foo muoll smashed, but he says this is always the way with a new boot, and that the troncble• will entirely disappear in a few days. Then y6&i take the old pair, under your arm and start for home as ani - t thOli still wonder, and ask why mated as a relic of 1812, sail the Dos - these arms while feelinas that the ' world will Fin thy -soft bosom Wilook rith tender a.larms, not b Pht h g mi..- appy .o you Swaying so wickedly ?—are they mis- . a„(y,ain until yon have brained that placed Olasphig or shielding somedelicate shoemaker. You. limp -down to p Waist ? the next day'and smile all tl Hands whose coarse sinews may fill yon while with vo'ur Mouth, while your ith. fear. Only the better pratect yoa, my dear_ I eyes look as if you were walking - over an oyster bed barefoot. When Little Red Ricliug-Hood, when .in the no one is lookirig you kick twainst a. street, Why do I. press- your small hand when post or some other obstruction, and we meet ? show a fondness f9r stoppina0 and rest- . 'Shy, when you tinaidly offerld your ing against somethina that will Bus- t, - . cheek, tain your weight. When you get Whyfdid I sigh, and why didn't speak? why, well,z you see—if the truth must home at night you go for those old appear— . boots with au eagerness that cannot PM net your grandmother, Red Riding. be 'described, and the remarks. that Hood, dear BAzr liARTEyou make upon learning that your . wife hal disposed of them to a widow women in the suburbs, are calcu- lated to immediately depopulate the egaorntehof rany._w_Domanariand bu,ry.ilrewshsoemakers . GAIETIES. 'A Western newspaper gives a thrilling account of a. steamer's peri16us voyage, describing partica larly her dangetous passage over the falls, -with only "one inch ,of water between her keel and the rooks, and half an inch of atmosphere between her chimneys and the bridge." —A Kentuoky farmer refused.to look at n sample sewing machine re- cently, as he always " sowed wheat by hand." He is related t6 the man who did not wart a threshing Machine on his farm ; for," said he "give me a. harness tug or a bar rel stave, and I can make my family toe the mark according to law and coined in the investigation of title and prepare - THE DOMINION SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT sociErr, OF LONDON, ONT. Head Oface, Richmond -street, opposite City Hall, - • London, Out.. Established in 1872, for the purpose of advanc- ing money on Farm and Town Property at a very low rate of interest, n:nd on die most favorable terms of repayment. Loans for long or short periods repayable br in- stallments to suit bomowers. Parties purchasing Farms, building Dwellings or Stores, will find the terms of this Society preferable to -any other mode, for instance, $76 90 paid at the end of each half year, will pay back both principle and interest upon a loan of $1,000 in 10 years. If paid' yearly, $157 20 will do it. Monwith ey eau be obtained at any time, and wi little or no delay beyond the time necessarily oc- tiott of the mortgage. Sarireter." - For further partieulars as to 'terms &c. apply —When a girl'falls in love with by letter to T. 13. LEYS' au. unlucky Irislitoan, her heart al- Secretary end Treasurer, London, Ont. - Or to ALONZO STRONG, Esq., Valuator at Sea- ways goes pity -Pat. foTth. 280-52 • —A sc:aoolboy being requested CAUTION 1 I FRAUDS ABROAD! - to write a composition upon the . • teeriocaanornovithn e public Sreb ject (If '',Pins," produced th3 I BopliTittis7rAfiliillY followiag "Pins are very useful. on their guara agtaust purchasing spuri.o°1:m0edie- weizeje ‘11;1:tilibh. boeitaguseohlZ,istbsymeyertnelfrairvi` HoUo They have saved the lives of a and great many men; women and- chil- dren — in fact, whole families." " How so ?" asked the puzzled teacher ; and the boy replied, Li Why, by not swallowing them." of little or no means, trading (for the last few =Oaths only), outlet: the style of the "New -York Chemical Company," Every artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of imposing upon the public • and the. more effectually to deceive„they have . public; effrontery, in their advertisements, to issue the following caution: - / . " The irruneuse demand for t HonLOWA1N l'IpLs ThiehiaLches the story of the other AND Omereasaa' bes tempted nuprineipled parties - to eounterfeit these valuable Medicines. hay who defined salt as. " the staff e In order to proleet the Public and ourselves, we that makes .potatoes taste bad wlien Egyptian Cirele of n. serpent with the letter H An V_ot-f aon1 1 7t put On " the cenox tre. Every bof genuine " Ilorzowen's any. . - .,' PILLa AND OistAtENT' will heve this trade mark on have hailed anew Trade Mark,' consisting of an - GClallail it. Nene are gelid/au-withoutLjJ 00Ve1 ed tlrat1,4tol)acco-smo mg k• by "0 DEALERS AND JUDDERS IN DEuGS AND ME frr boys " tet fores with the Molecular ‘.-‘ We can- nom partren7a8; attention 'the DIT style of `......144.r.aowev's aer. • now n changes coincident with devero merit of 'S 11- Vie of th I LS AND OINTMENT' the old style are iitanefitcturet1 by us now, 10. eaurti a•-% e they been fax months. We th f ti sues, a.nd makes the no h • Wood corprrseles fx ere ore j bh on all purchasers agaiest recivin ova and ill egular 0,, ers or .Dealere the old st -le of geogs. 0-111 ,"Y -------- Informetion Cancan -en - such goods being THE FOLLOWING at the edge" Any parent ean thus offered will be received will; tahn3 ascertain if -his bly smokes bv mere - ALL RINDS OF BUILDER' HARDWARE, CHEAP, AT 11 0 V 01 a N fl Od 3 N O 0 t7t ;"'• ." We askethe favor hi en the itrvittikesrm. ation you can , nose counterfeits." ly takin CI t h on a andful of li.i. 1 l d give ill rtri:d to t S 1 00 N Precise gettiag up of o blind the publie, they have reao - .0 the edaes. - - my Medieines, bitt)t ir 6 piece o deception, viz. in. stating that order the more so 1 omp etely mse to another - o• . ' 1 Yankee • , brocer, bemg solieit- it necessarY as th • t • make th P' , ng at they deem ed 'to cotztribute to tl b 'Id. thonemiptany is ewer° that your laws do col pascles a.nd elanaining th e: not °;ovrtroit's C Ointineot in tomtit. ie at. in Cf up e and ex- Ione, and that they adopt a - NEW DA.DEL, &C. 4, a new church, rfromptly subseribed seskihs the above-mentioned "Che ' 1 his name to the paper in • ing nee- : ‘` John Jones (the spurious imitations of my 'Medic:hies. 13eivere of him likewise. only place in town where you- can This tunnincipled Chemical Com h mica Cora - pally," there is also a David Pringle, of -.New York, the •follow - who by consummate hickory is attempting to sell get eleven poun.dsi'd the oollay ) twenty-five cents." y as dared to Hay that I owe very large sums of money in the &fgoo sugar to United'States.What is the fact? A news paper agent obtaiued, without iny knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who lead n. limited --c* I'D1 0-01-1170* to cli•al,v this bee a power of attorney of mine, fin order to advertise into a as the lady said ray Medicines in South america for three year,to when standing. at the hymeneal 'te111:imextteollat loaf Se4t)rewlerno,ingogtclitaiefHerreetny treltel court altar. to a friend of his' who gave - to th judgment against me e amotiot of$171,287gold. for profit whish he —AA Old !Dutch tavern keeper -said he could have made, b -it ha y , di not taken ,third wife, and beina asked In Malt *t steps. to repudiate th: his vieW • had his tl vele traminatiou the mo- t earae to- ray knowaedge. This judgment . S On Illatritn011y, replied, will soon be set aside. It cannot be suppoeed, I am sure that I owe a met to any " Veil den, you see, de first time I one that, I Nvbiild not ircunealetely pay. es for love—dat -Yash aoot There is no truth 'Whatever in the statement that 6 I ever anthorieled any person or persons to use my rri• den I a mrries for. peanty—dat 'ash name for the sale of epy Pthe and. Ointment "al- though gross frauds he -been practised upon' ine e,' -"'too, '-i"-""- 6' as de first • Ifla " byI phrincipled men this wee. • b flt dis cime I marries for monev--- 0 ki abk, as a favor, that shquld. come to - the o Arledge of any pea:son that spurious meth - and, dis is petter as noth !" Old de s are benne made and eold in my name, IbUt Cooney took a practical eiriw of he b incased to send me the name and dda , e moceedings " t hnn, Mild I ell:gage to remunerate hand- -cc The Gilded Acre " the title ,,a3mery irformant without divulging his rati of the nov'el which Ma 1- TwaiiT and Should any person have rensiaa to believe that he has been deceived buyingapurious imitations Dudley Warner a.realganate. Mark of these Medieines hbei‘Y7inehobierget me by seneing WrOtti to the Graphic about it : "He te the address at foe' t ( hi h can do at a cost of has w . . thinas. the vendor wh.o is selling the some that ess fpf may,. for . 7 the protettion of the ublie t orked ii.") the fiction and stx cents in postage), one of the books of, inetrue- teens which aro &nixed to the sarae. have }pitied My Aletliciaes can be sopplied at the lowest itlidqtronititas.ofenoit less than in the fact,s. I consider w it one of the most astoniShina nov- nixof2.P0sittoi.4'opitota.of OiantMent,"for whlich=tbt:I= e s that ever was written. bNiairt tpThesc.• 'Medicines ere after night I sit up readino it b over 19 not aerate the th,itev•nct(e3. Etteh Pot and Bee f !amine Medici -tees loand over again and •crying. It will bears the British Go" veLl'airelnentCirSt ptIlvehittheLtelinc. e published early in the fail, with ,avoords itaLloway's Pills and (1)1ini plenty of pictures." Wearing a New Boot. ( aiened) THOMAS rioLLowA T. 533, Oxford Street, W. C., Lonaon, October -3, 1872. LIST .OF LETTERS - It is a little singular how well ant the Seeforth Post Office on pair of boots can be made to fft at BOnesteel, Miss Louisa y 8, 1873. Mel-a:Meld, Dittman Cook, A. at C. AL Nash, Witham a tee store. Yon may not be able to Costlenitife Miss Rhoda Mon, Jas. ross y, aValk na Pridhem gat your foot buly part way aown the Onesey, Main L. leg at the first trial, trut that is be- Dolison, ,Deiadv, Thos. caur ze youstockist1.ing sweaty, e 'Caldera James you haven't started tight, and the itiniek.5%.1%. liser Win shoemaker suggests that you :start again and stand up to - , and he throws 10 a little powder from.a pep- per -box to aid you. And so you d stan.up, ancl pound down your foot, and partly trip your- self up, and your eyes: stick ont - in an unpleasant manner, and every vein in your body appears to bo on the point of bursting, and he- all twhile that dealer stands around and eyes the operation as in- tently as if the whole affair- was „perfectly new and novel to him. . When your foot has finally ztrack bottom, there is a faint impression on your mind that you have stepped into an open stove; but he removes it by solenatdy observing that he never BaaV a boot fit as gond fuzi th.a t• You , • Rivett, Miss Mary 'Cyan, Miss M. : Shaw, Mrs..Elizabeth Spat ks, George Sheppard, M. S. Sbannon, John Strauss 11. A. 11 Hallet, Elizsbetb - SMith, Ilicheron Humastou, Albert Sehmitt, Rarl Hurlburt Rev. Asahel Sloan, Jas. Hughes, Miss Ca tbari tie Townsend, F, Liza Rectieg, Stephen Thyrn, Elliot Rilly, Peter Whiteside, Mrs. Wen Manson, Wm. Whitehead, Wm. aitaphy, Michael Whs. tson, Miss Saash. MeTtivieb, airs. D. "Wilson, R. D. McCracken, H. W. Wardell & Smith, Messrs. AfeLyinont, Alexander Watters, john McLelland, Samuel 'Warner. alis Hairiet 2133 S. DICKSON, P.M. BASE AND CRICKET BALLS AND BATS AT R. LU _ASPEN'S - DRUG STORE. GOODS Le014 4INNIffle ARE SHOWING THIS WEEK AT HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE.. DRESS GOODS In endleo variety and color. TZ,I 'T S. Pm -file, Plates, Lidht GTOU7U1S and Stripes, in Fast Colors. BERLINESE CLOTHS AlY.D.INDIAN TISSUES ,For Ladies' Summer Suits. IVIILLINERY GOOD Marseilles Imitations. Straw Hats and..Bannets. . Feathers, Flowers. Ribbons, Laces. • 1. PHA I PS AND •0.1 STERN S. J.- R. WILLIAMS, SEAFORTH, Is now better prepared. than ever before to nish a superior article of fur - PUMPS OR CISTERNS POWELLIS PATENT FORCE AND LIFT POMP, THAT TEA ! ALLEN GIOCERY IS FAMED FOR CHOICE 'TEAS, AT 50CTS., 75CTS., 00CTS. AND ONE DOLLAR. BLACK; GREEN AND JAPAN. " Your 90 cent TEA. is equta to tiley Dollar Tea I get."—Comeana Cnsamen. "That TEA at 50 cents goes as far as some Dollar Tea." ---Town OusTousn. (Names withheld.) AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL dRQOERIES 5G BI.TaHELS NO. 1 DRIED APPLES. 3E§ _A. 00 INT ID TT _A_ t S _ Flour, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Bailey, FRESH AND CLEAN., AT ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH. SPRING DRY GOODS ARE ALL OPD OUV AT DENT'S. A LARGER STOCK AND (14REATER 'VARIETY THAN EVER. - You will find anything you want in Staple or Faulty Dry Goods at DENT'S. Loads of Dress Goods and Parasols. - Stacks of Jackets -and Shawls. Vast quantities of hilliest and gents' Straw Goods. For Hemp, Union, or all Wool Carpets and Lace Curtains, go right to DENT'S. In purchasing this Spring ete have bought to please evererbody, and -would like to see a look of satitt- faction depicted on every codatenance. This happy result will be attained if you buy your Dry Goods atDENT'S'.- ILLI E N Du f13y selling the best ana-most selin ylish Milery at the lowest figures, for 1111 —three seasons past, we haVfl done about two-thirds of the Millinery business pi Seaforth. We are Dew in a better position than ever to please you. Don't boy -your, Mill- inery until you have seen DENT'S. Some who bought elsewhere lest scaeon were so disappointed that they have never felt well since. REMEMBER DENT'S IS TH a PLACE. Also, the Common -Log and Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS AND CHEESE FACTORY' TANKS Made, of any sizePto order. These are now ac- - koowledged to be the cleanest, best and cheapest in use. I have also made arrangements for DIGGING WELLS and Water Supplies in general, by whieh my can offer better inducements to parties -wanting Wells than any oee in the business. From fny many years' experience and my in- creased facilities, I am confident of giving satis- faetion to all who may favor me with their orders. All Work Warranted. Call at the Factory; NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, And eeamine foryourselves. As I require money with which to carry on my business," have to state that all overdue Notes and Accounts not settled. immediately -will be handedio Kr. J. S. Porter for cellectiOn. J. R. WILLIAMS. 45 EPORIVAI:.- We are now prepared to show- a most Attractive Stock of Straw, Chip, Palmetto, Marseilles, BRILLIANT JEAN AND PARIS PRESSED HATS AND BONNETS, In all the new shapes for Ladies, Misses and Children. - OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT Comprises the largest stock in town, and made from the newest materials in all the fashionable styles. MOURNING AND WEDDING ORDERS PLOWS! PLOWS I MUNRO & HOGAN, PLOW -MAKERS, sEAPQaTrT ivrIIN110•& HOGAN desire to thank the farmee% -avea of the vicinity of Seaforth for the liberal patronage whieh has been afforded them SilIee they began lewdness -hare, They wou)dealsoy that they are prepared and. that it is their intentlon, to mairatniei the extellent reputation which titer work delft the' pant sweep ttehieved, not Only among' the binning conandinity of Huron, but as well at every show mad exhibition where they-eX- hibited. We make the following Plows, and devote special attention to their mannfacture, our ex- perience ehowing that they are the kinds best adapted to agricultural purposes in this section IRON PLOW, IRON -BEAM PLOW (woodvn handlei) three styles, DOUBLE MOULD -BOARD 'PLOW, _ IRO AND WOOED SOBFFLERS, or lEfORSE HOES. The above Plows We furnish at $20 and upward.; and guarantee them to give satisfaetion—if not, they can he returned. The Scufilers we famish at $9 to $17, according to quality, and alsognarantee satisfaction-. , GREY'S PATTERN OFfMOULD BOARDS AND • CASTIN1GS Always kept on bend. MUNRO a HOGAN, North Main -street, Seafortli, AleNaught's old stand. 275-18 GO TO EDWARD CASH FOR SEED POTATOES, OF THE BEST VARIETIES. Early Bose, * Early, Goodrich, *Climax, • Peerless, =. Prolific and King of the Earlies., GODERIOH-ST., SEAFORTH. 999. AM, Old Friend in a ...Vew Place. REMOVED. STM. AULT begs to inform Ids customers That a he has just opened a large stock of the °hole est Groceries and Provisione in the store adjoining Campbell's Clothing Store, opposite the abandon Hetel, a few doors north of his ohl stand, wheie he hopes to be favored with the patronage of his nut3- temere. Wen. Atathaving removed. to larger prem- ises where he can keep a. lager and better Assort- ed stock, is in a better position than ever to suit eustonaers. Call and see the old heel. CANNED FRUIT. A large and extra &oleo etock af all kinds of CANNED FRUIT—Peaches, Tomatoes, te. ATJLT eCanneohtealpie. beat for TEAS. They .first-eless na 267 ; F 0 R Are executed from one to three clays notice, in style and elegance equal if not super- r T1. - . ior to any city production. CI-TrIA_Pr ST _h. 11 We have on exhibition the latest novelties in Chignons, Switches, Cornet Braids, Puffs and Face Curls. Also a, rich 1Qt'of Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and Dress. Caps, &c. Our Stock is unrivalled in variety, and our prices speak for themsOves. An in- spection of our departments will convince ladies of the inducernentswe are offering. ' THOMAS KIDD. FU R N 1TUREI GO "TO AND BEST MORE CROCKERY HICK -SON & AT CO.'S EiVIPORWM. Another Large Coysignment of Crockery Just • Arrived, and AT OLD PRICES. A Good Pair of English Glass Preserve Dishes for 25 cts. A NO. I STONE TEA SET FOR $2 75. A Handsome set. of Gold Band French China for SS 5a The Goods were JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. Sign- of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 JOHN SEATTER, WILVIST AND DRUGGIST, TTas now on hand a full as- - , sortment of all the leading is,4ealaesenea....44eaa medicines of the day, tompris- -oTrhPehelotsr;shaetter,l'°Dunrsd. Ayer's Radwne s Depew's and lIagyald's medicines, Thonms' j` Eclectric Oil. Kennedy's Medi- cal Discovery. Extract of Buchu, Horse and Cattle Medi eines, Superior Dye Stuffs, Perfumon Combs and Brushes, Hair Oils and Pomades, SehoolBooksand Stationery. EXCHANGE OFFICE. In connection, where all parties going to the United States can be supplied with A/net-lean cur, zency. Money to lend on easy terms. Tickets is- suedto allnarts of Europe and. the Western States. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from bought before the rise, and at low EftureF, cousequentis Oen be sold accordingly. Europe can be supplied with tickets here to send to them. 267 Arflf.,••••ffmmarfroonnisess.frar AMM13011:11113:1011133131011141110 " SPEAK NOW," BUT DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONC.1 WILSON & YOUNG, SEAFORTIT, FIELD Have on hand a large and complete stock of JOHN SEATTg11. SEA.F01.-ITH PLANING MILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY subsoriberbags leave to thank his muneroue mistorners for the liberal patrona ge extendell to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a can, es he will continue to keep on hand a large stock Of all kinds of DRY PINE LUI/IBER, SASIIES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, seedsmen in the Dominion and me but first-class-worimien are enaployea, Particular attention paid to Cu;3tore Planing. 20I JOHN H.- BROADFOOT. AND GARDEN SD-, DS • He feels confident of giving satmfaation to those SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. mho may favour him with their patronage, as none 01 011 kinds, which have been pinchased hem the Most reliable warranted good. Groceries and Crockery, as -Usual. L1QTTORS. just received, one car load of CARLING'S PALE AND AMBER ALE, in lards, half and quarter barrels, whicb will be sold either wholesale or retail, at prices which will be ten in- dueeinent to customers. Also, 13asfa Ale in bottles, Immgers' Ale in bottles. Se -vend varieties of Choice Poi -ter. . Superior Wines for MedicalPurposes and table nee, inavood and bottles. TII.JOT_TTt AD T*MJ:13 Always on hand, and delivered to town customers free of charge. . Magi, WILSON & YOUNG, • MAIN -STREET, SEAFORT11. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. 0CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist a -a. attends in Seaforth, at Enox's Hotel, the first Tuesday andWednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thmei- days and. Frit:lava The remainder of the time at -his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to tall, if at Seefoxth and Clinton, on tea first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the -use of the Gas, may be Seen at my office in Staatford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved fityles, Filling done in gold, 4tc., in a manner which ean- not he surpassed, 267- '