HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-05-09, Page 7. . - teasetr6 rrtiere,-071 Chifil-eb., Ale:ea seelk 3.stan. Mist. - TORE stook ef ttee t s On'allorge pt Cana_ t n EXtei. e. HEARSE, e shortest I)S good icy can be 205 FROUT • Dentist I, the first tn. Clinton, Thtas- e time at ,ed to call, vs of at- -have had - ,Gas„ may 4 and ire.* hich can- Rtlet GTO Orimerona teritleil to orth, anti ntinuattec 11.1 to give- , hand a ▪ tXt..,31 a to those., 4. as none Planing, OOT. i'sh those • Nt-1, inet for Store. -•-banty of rts of the p(at Office 198' rvil cora e Airoundst tted it up nafortable boarding- ‘ -rit a few ,jtlate'i at 2,28. • , between afe state, except t. )IeNitlOp. 251-4 or Life. (10,Feira Chased by Savagee. owing is an extract, from ou the Plains" by Geieral ter, ita thee:May number of fore they. ceased 'qo hes; allusions made, by their comrades to the cut and gtyle of their riding suits. eiattie: Palmistry-. * Young people may still find a good deal of amusement in the ex- amination of the hand for signs of character. It is absurd to judge any one by these signs, but the pro- cess is pleasing. Sonee of the rules aretas follows. If the palm of the hand be long, and tho fi4ers well proportioned, not soft, but rather hard, it denotes the person to be ingenioirs, change- able and given to theft and vice. If the trawls be hollow; solid, and wefl knitin the joints, its predicts long life ; but if ever thwarted, • then it denotes short life. ,beautifte clear Theta•twas -a strata of water named Bluff Creek, reeling through camp, whieh sup: `ell bathing facilities to the (Al- and wen, a privilege which but fw allowed to pass nnimpreved. Whether to avoid the publicity at - ng localities near camp; or to seek a point in thebed of the stream where the water was fresh ona undisturbed, or froma motive rliferent from either of these, two .of our young officers mounted their (ties °tie day.without saddles and rob down the valley of the stream iperhaps atraile or more in search of thing place. Discovering one heir taste, they dismounted, se- ated their horses, and after dispos- ing of their apparei on the green - award covering the banks, were soon floating and ftoundering in the wa- ter like a pair of young porpoiaets, Alter long they had been enjoying this healthy recreation, or how much longer they might have le- is not necessary to the story. One -of them happeliing to 011Ce toward their horses, aserved the latter in aestate.of great trepida- tion. Hastening from the water -to the bank, he discovered the cause of the strange eltncluct on the part -irf the horses,. which was nothiqg more nor less than a party of about thirty setttale warrioi-s,` mounted, and stealthily making their way toward the bathing .party, evideritfy having their eyes on the latter, and intent upon their capture. Here was a condition of affairs as unexpected as it was unwelcome. Quickly calling oat to his companion, who was still in the water, unconscious of ap- proaching danger, the one on shore made haste to unfasten their horses and prepare for flight. Fortunately, the Indians who th Observe e fingr er of Mei is the little finger; if the end of it exceeds thg joint of the third finger, such a man will rule in his house, and his wife will be pleasing and.obedient to him ;* but if it be short. and does not reach the joint, he will ; have a shrew, and she will be boss. Broad nails eSovt the person to be bashful and fearful, but of gentle nature, ; Narrow nails denot4 the person to be inclined to mischief _ and to do injury to hie neighbors. Long nails- show a person to be good-natured, but distrustful, and, loving reconciliation ,ritther than. differences. • Oblique nails .signify deceit and want of courage. Little round nails denote obsti- nacy, anger and hatred. If tliey are crooked at the extrem- ity, they show pride and fierceness. • Round nails show a choleric per- son,', yet soon reconciled; honesty a lover of secret silence. Fleshy nails denote the teerscn to be mild in temper, idle and lazy. Pale and black nails show to ISe • veryt deceitful to leis neighbor, and subject to many diseases. Red and marked nails signify choleric and martial nature, 'and'as tired leteeiPitetelj;' t'befeie.:the laugh had reached 11S climat .—Am- erican -Paper. Oriental Justice. A poor Turkish slater of Constan- „ tinople, being at work on the roof .of a helm; lost his footing and fell into the narrow streetupon a man Who chanced to pegging at the time. The pedestrian • was Allied by the' concussion, while the slater esttaped without mat'rial injury. * A so r4 of the deceased caused the slater to be arrested and taken be- fore the. Cadi, where he made the most grave charge, and claimed am - Pie redress. The Cadi listened attentively, and in the end asked the •slater what he had to 'say in his defense. Dispenser of Justice," answered the accused in humble mood, " it is even as this man says ; but God for- bid that there should be evil in my heart I am a poor an, and know not how if can make amends." The Son of the man who ba&been killed -thereupon demanded that con- dign. punishment should be inflicted 'upon the accused. The Cadi meditated a few mo- anente; and finally said : it shall be so." Then to the slater he continued : " Thou shalt stand in the ,street where the. father of this Man stood when thou didse fall upon Jr int." And to the acciased -he added: "And thou shalt, if it SO please_ thee, go upon the rod, and -fall upon the --oulpeit, even as he did ifall upon thy father. Allah is great" were now within. a, few hundred • • is from the two officers, were many little marks as there are speak yar emitr's) from the direction opposite so many evil desires. camp, leaving the retreat of the of- ire freers &pen. . No sooner did the A New Use for PostalVards -warriors find that their .approach As postal cards are now -in getter- . was discovered than they put their al circulation, it may be well to ponies to their best speed, hoping to show how they nave been used to capture the officers before the latter facilitate a loan. Recently, in could, have time to mount and get Francie, an individual sent daily their horses under headway. The several postal cards addressed to two officers in the meanwhile were himself, on one of which his inquis.- far ftora idle ; no flesh brushes or itive janitor read ; bathing towels were required to re- "Let me know when you. will call for store a healthy circulation, nor was that 14,000 francs. Your carelessness is time wasted in an idle atttinpt to inexplicable. Yours, &c." make a toilet. If they had. ?sought Another indicated to_ette janitor their bathing groundefrom motives that his acquaintance was iu the full of retirement or delicacy, no such tide of good luck : sentiments were exhibited now, for " Answer Yes or No. I am aware the catching up their Wardrobe from girl's thousands do not Oomern yoir, but the ground in one hand, seizing the ysou odteetinsome. -respect .to her fenaily. otly if you %Jan -or will not btidle rein with the other, one leap mYtee her. Immediate." . * and they e ere on their norses' backs Better still was this one : -and riding toward camp for dear . . "Mr. 3 notary, requests you to life. They,were not exactly in the call at his oflice as soon: as possible, to position of 'Flora McFlimsy, with acquire possessiofl of the property of .the nothing to wear, but to all intents late, Mr.. Bigourdin.” • - BUT DON'T ALL SPEAK AT C)NICE. WILSON & YOUNG, SEAF'ORTII, Have on hand a large and complete stock of FIELD .AND GARDEN SEEDS Of all kinds, which have been purch.aaed from the most reliable seedsraen in the DOrainiOnt 8314 are warranted good. •• Groceries and Crockery, as Ti sual. LiQuons. • Just received, one gar load of cARLANG'S PALE AID AMBER ALE, in barrels, half and quarterbarrels, which will be sold either -wholesale or t e ail, at prices -which will be an in- ducement to customers. Also, 'Bass! Ale in bottles, loungers' .41e in bottles. Several varieties of Choice Porter. Superior Wines foraIedical Purposes and talie. use, in wood and bottles. • TILI• FOLLOWING, GOODS .AltE SHOWING THIS WEEK. AT •rt • and purposes might as wellthave-beere so. Then followed . a race, which, laut for the risk inetirred by two of Astonished at the contents of this correspondence, the indiscreet porter lent 50,000 francs ($10,000) ale riders, might well be coreparedl to the ipgenius -borrower, who, 01 t� that of, John Gi.lprn- Both of courses suddenly disappear -ed. The the officers were experienced, horse- police were duly' informed of ;the men, but what experienced horsemen • odd willingly care to be thrust on • the bare back of a fit ing steed, mi- nus alt apparel, neither bots,' nOr breeehes, nor saddle, nor even the spurs and shirt collar -which are said to, constitute the 'eiorm of • a Georeiau *Colonel and when so dis- -e POSCid oft to have three or four score matter and when the officer asked BRITANNIA HOUSE. DRESS GOODS In endless variety and color. ll\T M S_ Purple, Plato, Light Grounds and Stripes, in Fast Colors. : • PT_JOT.TIR• .A-1\TID Always on hand, and delivered to town customers free of .charge. WILSON & Y9UNG,- MAIN-STREVT, SEEFORTH. GARM ER SEWING MACHINE •ir Is a Strong, EASY RUNNINp- MACHINE, BEkILINESE CLOTHS AND INikiAN TISSUES the Janitor why he lent this man his money so • foolishly, be answered naively, "Because I thought be didn't need it." So candid a credit- or deserved better- luck. An Unexpectedx.Reply, • Some scholars, in the absence of ef hideously p • ainthd •and feathered I better knowledge, sometimes. give, hand, straining every nerve and ,which are asked them. One of our urging their fleet -footed war ponies 1 school trustees was taken consider - ,to their hi,glest speed, in order that ably aback the other day. by an un - the scalps of the experienced horse- -expected answer from, a pupil - he men. naight be added to the other was catechizing. •The trustee was hamar). trophies which grace their visiting the school . of his ltard, and For Ladies' SUAT1,171ert Sits. MILLINERY GOODS., Marseilles Imitations.. • Straw Hats and Bonnets. Feathers, Flowers., Ribbons, Laces. - • • IVIORTGAGE SALE. WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manufacturing Work. At,the Fairsraeld throughout the Domiul&a, to some very severe tests by the this Machine was put BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM AWARDED Prizes in- 18171, and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicly of construction, strength and durability recommend it to all classes. Itshas it wrap' set of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL ssra ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE Of CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Compoty; Hainilton, Ont •a ' PETER GRASSIE, SEAFORT11,i ete t • . 268 Tin- and Furniture Shop, BRUSSELS, ONT. JACKSON &I HOLLIDAY, Nanufaethrers of all :kinds of TIN AND COPRER WARE, Dealers in • FURNITURE AND STOVES of all descriptione. THE OSBORN SEWINT MACHINE 1 Always -on hand. rhe above Machine is acknowledged to be the best finaiily Swing Machine in the market, and Iwas awarded the Gold Medal in F1111ICC ill 1872. TRAIN Si ELLIOTT'S •ft CELEBRATED itCOWSt TotY virtue of a power of sale contained in a mort- 1 -1-" gage, there will be Bold by public- auction by J. P. MUNE, at* Davidson & Campbell's Hotel, Sea - forth, on FRIDAY, the 28rd day „ed May, at 12 o'clocknoon, allTand singular that certain parcel -or tract'of land situate in the village of SeitfOrth and forming part of Lbt 12,1iit Con., Tuckersmith, and more speeially described in mortgage being two-fifths of all acre of land anil adjoining Mrs. SPARLING'S residen6e on the Huron Road, Sea - forth. Titleperfect. Terms cash. Mc0A.UGHEY & 11012dESTED, 281-4 •Solicitors for Mortgailee. lodges savages, well ractunted „and near at rather queer .eeplies twqueseions 1 • showing it off with a great deal of . Truly this was one of the occa- pride to a number of ladies and gen- - • sifts when personal appearance is tlemen who accompanied him. Bur - nothing, and "a man's a man for a' integ the visit he put a nunaber of so at least thoug• ht oar- ama-1 questions ao the pugils, and turne0 1.2 toward camp, ever and anon. casting phant air - at each correct answer. at their pursuers, who, despite every called up, and the trestee- perhaps exertion on the part of the former, not unwilling to display 'his own Prioe $1 per bottle. Sold. by all Druggists. were surely overhauling their pa e - faced brothers. To the pursued, camp seemed a long way in the q . tance, the shouts of the war- swered till he came to the follow - g, each time seeming nearer than ing "Why do we celebrle the ' • 92c1 of Februa.ry "Because it is Washington s brat c ay. should we teatT;hee Washington's birthday 1 Why teur Maeeppas as they came dashine I toward his Mends • with a triune- , Insolvent Act of 1869. In the County Court of the County of Hu- •' .on. ' Canada, PrOvince of ) In. theilnatter of August Ontioio, County of Zapie ttn.d George Coker as Huron. individuals and as members of the firm of Zapf e & Carter. On FninA.Y, the 30th day of Ma.v next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the undersigned will apply to the ju-dge of the said Court for a discharge under the said act. •ZAPPE & CARTE'R, by MekAUGHEY & IfOLMESTED, 2814 Their Attorneys ad litera. Victoria Compound Syrup of Hypophoi- phites. The only Syrup prepared from Dr. Chuirchill's Fermula, and certified to be Chemically pare. For the prevention. and curd of l'ulmonary Consump- tion. Also,.for the cuit of Dyimepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, loss of appet,ite, general debility, &c. cneTrercaTz AS TO PURITY IND EFFICACY. . Laboratory, University College, , • Toronto, Dee. 4, 1872. To the Victoria Chemical COmpany, Gentleraca,—I have examined the articles em- ployed in the Victoria Chemical Works, ill the pre- paration of the Victoria Syrup e/ HypoPhosphites. The 13everal Hypophosphites used are chemically pure, and the Syrup is also quite free from any im- urity. • Your Syrup of Hypophosphites will nu- . . • Gang Plows, Root and Straw Cutters always on hand. A large ,stouk of ' COAT, OIL Produce anxious glances over their shoulders At length- a class in history . was d.oubtedly prove 0.1reler valuable in . I. t f the I Victoria,Compound FluidExtract of Buchu 1 pup , ils asked the class a number of A speeific remedv for all diseases of the blo.dder HENRY H. CROFT, • Professor of Chemistry, U. C. Shop k ledge as well as t o arid Uya Ursi. tionc which were promptly an- and kidneys, dropiiical swellings, complaints Mei- before warned them to uree then « 7 ateediS to their fasted pace. • Ill a • (,( WI) 7, few moments the occupants of the camp discovered the approach of this strangely appearing party. It was asked the trustee, " do we celebrate AND COAL OIL LAMPS. Taken in, Exchange. Cash for Hides and Sheep Skins. Opposite Armstrong's 'Hotel. • A CALL SOLICITED. JACKSON & HOLLIDAY. Brussels, Feb. 11, 1873.- • 271cy Agent for -the County of Hero n. 'NOW IS YOUR • TIME SIGN OF THE P=m-- TO BUY c3cC_, • Cheap for. Cash at J. WILSON'S. Ni 0 MORE COMB NATION PRICES. THIS IS .NO FICTION. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Make no delay, but come and secure excellent bargains While you can. Best Material Used AND MADE B• Y GOOD WORKMEN. • Everything in his line such as • HARNESS, TRUNKS-, VALISES, • WHIPS, SADDLES', CURRY COMBS, (i CARDS, &c., &c PUEILIC NOTICE, NoTrem is hereby given that the undereigned -1-` hale • this day entered into Partnership as Millers.aud Produee ConunissionMerehants in the Village of Staforth, under the name, style and fain of JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. [Signed,1 JAS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHAilLESWORTH. JAS...1. P. KENDA-LL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Merchants and Dealers of the County of Huron that they have p.mthased from Messrs. SidEARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on these -rue. ' • All Kiwis of GrainPurehafited, As formerly, And the Highest 6' ASI.1 PRICE Paid. • FLour. eithanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring to exchange eau rely upon • Re mire done with neatness and despatch. Remember the ,place- Opposite KIDD'S Store. 273 JAMES WILSON. rCTD1 FLAX I FLAX IV FLAX HI "C7vOi ivO V To the Farmers of the NeighboNiood -Seaforth.' THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Spring sowing 600 bushels of • • RUSSIA RIGA FLAX SEED, Screened and guaranteed perfectly clean, at $1.75 per Bushel, on -Credit, 1 Until the Flax is dtlivered. • -SEAFORTH CARRIAGE -WORKS. THE SEASO,N CHANGED. ' WILLIAM GRIASSIE Has sold all his Sleighs and Cutters; and is not getting for their Wheat No. 1 ]?lour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the Vil- lage iree of charge. „ The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the Mill for the past three years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the stone satisfactory treatment and SA good work as formerly. , JA. P. -KENDALL & CO. Organs in either sex. TN REFERENCE tothe above, the runlersigned dental to fenaales, and sal. diseases of the ;Urinary ' Try it once for any Of the above disorders, and 4- would beg to thank their numerous customers you will be fully con.vineed of its pre-eminent for the exteuaive patronage iteeorile.il to them for virtties. • tb.e past f oar years, itud tram. that the mune lib - Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Drriggists. Victoria Electric Liniment: King of all Liniments." For rheumatism, eel -algae, lumbago, sciatica, wandeaing stiffness in the lhubs or joints, sprains, numbness, swellings, hefulache, earathe, • an ei,sy matter to discover the War-. more t an riot, but who could oarne the two answer. , The trustee looked from who rode in front The pursuing one to thetother with a sort of half- wartiore, seeing that they were not surprise, half -reproach, till finally a likely to overtake and capture little dirty -faced, tangle -haired ur- two knights of the bath, slackenec their -pace and sent a volley of ar- rows after them, • A fewJ moments later, and the officers were safe inside the lines, where they lost 'no time In making their way to.their tents, to attend to certain matters relating to their toilet, which the sudden ap- pearance of their dusky visitors had -prevented. It was a long time be- celebrate his birthday Painsi bruises el There W a Ft tot) thehin at the very foot held up his hand, to attract attention. "1 thaehe &s. • BUY IT ! TRY IT ! ! PROVE IT !! ! Price 50 cents Per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Victoria Carbolic Salve. " Worth its weislit iu gold." A specific for cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scalde boils, piles, pim- ples, &c., and c.hro-aic diseases of .the skin of every description. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all Druggists. victoria Carbolated, Glycerine Jelly. knew, sir," said the boy. " !" "Emil:03311- the ladies' favorite. koi beau " said the trustee,. with an air of re- i the com;lexion a leer, retroviigr toc.hus, is) juleni Yarildh,ebvywlilfirk. eTehomas Lee; P esOnstantri- on hand a good assort- mv?1. burn' ,fic'ecklblessinsP,imfrol):1114:111tit6:es, and sore lips. . raent Of A..1.01.# KLN.,DS 1311BFP lr d • • I" "fl ause he-npver told a Price 25. cents per bottle. Sold by all Drugg,ists undressed. Also, LA " " ease an lief and satisfaction, ", v is it, busy rualdng up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Buggi CS and Wagons left over from last year, which. will be sold cheap. Any person- wanting a substa,ntialtWagon or handsome Bogg-y should call at once and make ar- rangements, as a large -number of Orders are now in, and those who wait too long will probably not be able to get their orders filled. - Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. eral patrbnage will be exteielud to the new firm whim -we have pleasure in laileg able to confident - Ly recommend to our old patrons. Alldebts us, in. connection with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Veudall & awl all debts due by us, in connection with the same. will he settled by the said firm of Jas. P. Keudall & Co. W. A. stitAnsoN & GO. THE SEAFORTH U•M B ER YARD. (.1 le 1\1 A.BEE & ,t1A.CD ALD "PEG to info= the, public that they have opened a Lumber -Yard Seaforth; near Shearsou's Mill on the grotunl formerly used as it Luniber WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich street, Seaforth. THE 1?USSIA RIGA -FLAX SEED Has been proved to be much superior to the com- mon Cenada, Flax Seed, aud will grow fully nine to twelve inches longer the cOMM011 FILM Seed hitherto sowit in this country-, yielding as high as three tons to the acre on good clean ground. Printed pamphlets -with full instructions how to raise Fl and when to harvest, &c., will be furnish- ed on application, free of zharge. 12.000.000 ACRES. The cheapest Land. in Market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY On the Great Platte Valley. TH AND SIIINGI,ES, all of 1 which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders oral othere will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, pad. ascertain our prices before purchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good indu cements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE it MACDONALD. litt e Dd !" The titter "which followed Was one of the infectious- kind which irresistibly swells into a loud guf- faw, and the discomfitted trustee re- ; Victoria Toilet Soaps, • . "Celebrated for th.ekuniform purity and excel- lence of quality." Victoria Carbolic Soap, Victoria Sulphur Soap., Victoria Glyeerin.e,Honey, Rose and Windsor. , Sold. by all Druggists., . ,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska, Now for wile in tracts ol 40 acres and upward, on FIVE AND TEN YEARS' CREDIT AT 6 PER CENT. No advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- donee of good water. THE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST I The greit mining regiOns of Wyoming, Colorado, -Utah, -and i Nevada being suppiii_d. by farmers in the Soldiers entitled. to ft homestead of 100 acres. - Platte Valley. THE BEST LOCATIONS ,FOR COLONIES. NO MARKET FEES. WANTED, To rent, 200 acres of geed cleauland, -in fields con i- 10 to 20 acres, suitable for sowing Flax, feir V 'ch: the higlaest price will be paid. Farmers having such laud should make immediate application to the undersigned, that early arrangements may be effected. 270-18 PIMPS AND CISTERNS. B. SHANTZ, Seaforth Flax Mill. J. R. WILLIAMS, SEA FORTH, 1 Is n'fow better prepared than ever before to fin - nish a superiorfixtiele of • , PERSONS OF FOREIGN BIRTH - Are eutitled to the BENEFIT OF THE II03.1.ESTE.A.D LAW - On declaring their intention to become citizens o the 'United States awl nifty avail themselves of , this provision inadediately after their arrival. PUMPS OR CISTERNS POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND LIFT PUMP, Also, the Common .Log and. Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER CISTERNS AND CHEESE FACTORY TANKS Made, of any size; to order. These are now ac- knowledged to be th3 cleanest, best and cheapest in use. I have also made arrangementafor - DIGGING WELLS and. Water Supplies in general, by which my can offer better inducements th parties wanting Wells than any ore ha the business. From ray many -years' experience and my in - created facilities, I am confident i•f giving satis- futile' to all who may favor me witbtheir orders. All Work Brarranted. can at the Faetori, NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTII, And eiatialue for yourselves. As I require money with which to carry cei rny • 'tiredness, 1 have to state Viet all overdhe Notes and Aeeonuts uot vettled iramedietely will be handed to Mr. J. S. Porter for collection, 3. R. WILLIAMS. FREE f10-111ES FOE ALL! Millions of acres of choice Government Landlopen for entry under the Homestead Letvolear this Great Railioad, with good Markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purch- asers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, 'fihotying the Land., also nest edition of deseriptive pamphlet with new maps mailed free everywhere. Address 0. F. DAVIS, •Land Commissioner U. P. 11.11.. 282-13 031ADA, NEBRASKA. ROOMS TO LET. rr0 LET, in Scott's Block, tin commodionS Itoome on the second flat. Apply to 195 McCAUGHEY & nazasTED.