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The Huron Expositor, 1873-05-09, Page 3
} T R t ever of. - on rite ,ets, and: oris maria notke. that will fore arta t-sse4, IIAGES you cruse st to, spite ,got: any av ranted., tpest- dace. RON K. riN;r 11 rte Tops, : to Order. cannot be tore; iFOI:�H, MEs•>sE F?KS Erie Station.; �rrd Foreign s bestastyle, for t,2e sup - ;es imported Agent. . IR SALE ills, a quan- OATS, far aro cents per ? cents per his superior RS, slsve f the ring -�-•- a that'd never:=.. shaved- beg- a elan see in the i ea. foam. of the clti b ' always g ' , and thenyoutake them apart evy Ile. that chair," =And then shoves off,• J ane ` reappear with an armful Of mor�elpipe, and befor you are aware of it, she hag got that; pipe- so hor- ribly `mixed tip- that it does seem no two pieces are alike. You join the ends, and work waves -- them to and fro, and to and fro m is a again, , and look at them; Then Von opt cad vnbrnkers sometimes lira- one out and jani the other together, ostorrrei without any redeem-, 4 and mount them once more. But �e� a° think the qualities. itis no e.o. "Yost begin to i • ss construction hale- ud paint, powder and wad - aa yea want to know whether a �It >t is hollow or not• . ax it. thief 'running away is 'a scamp, out the policeman's chase af- ter ,him is a scamper. The best band to accompany a lady v calist---A hus-hand. vou are out in a driving team, don't attempt to hold the mus. en is the most dangerous time to visit in the country 7 When the trees ate shooting and the bull - rashes out ; • -.-A Hungarian • proverb ' The man who on his wedding day starts as a lieutenant in _ the family will never be promoted. .-.^-•A debtor gave as an excuse for non-payment that " money was very close, butnot close enough yet for pieces are inspired :with life, and oche to kick them.•through the win- dow. But she doesn't lose her pa- tience. She goes around- with that awfully exasperating rigging on, with a length of pip0 under each arm-, and a - long -handled broom in her hand; anetsays she don't see how ft is some people never have any trouble in putting up a stove. Then you ,miss the. hammer. Yon don't see it anywhere.` Yon stale into the pipe along the mantel, and down on the stove, and off to the I floor. # Your wife- witches you, and i3 finally thoughtful enough to in claire what you are looking after, end on learning, palls the article from her pocket. Then you feel as if you could go out doors .and swear a hole twelve feet square- through a block- of brick buildings, but she merely obsel yes : "Why on - earth don't you speak when you want anything, and not stare around like a•dummy." - Whe that/ part of the P1' i e which goes t11•ough the wall is up, she keeps" it` up with her broom,. while you arc making the connec- tion, and stares at it with an inten- sity that is entirely uncalled for. re addition to `Regular Goods at Regular Prices, the following arp Specially Cheap Bargains: All the while your position is be- 2 Bale's of -English and Canadian Cottons, from 7e. -to 121o. i Bale of white Cottons, at 100. coming, more and more interesting. 1 Bale of White Cottons, over a yard wide, at12}c. _together, Of 800 Pieces doff NewwPrints, ed ast colo, at imported direct woo 40anchester, from 90. to 16c. per y ard• The pipedorf t go10 Piecesper -�h $1 75. i€r2 to reach'it' ' h -what is 'that -rchicll he who has it not does not wish for, but he' who has it would not part with it for Any tnouey I A bald head. ..-.Beauties often Clic old maids. They set 'such value on themselves, that they don't find a purchaser be-` fore the market is closed. - - .--It is a sad comrvelt upon hu- . ma* but soft soap in some shape pleases inose folks, and genei al ly the mole .. ' lye " you put in it the better.. fi _A reporter tells about a Carr- necticnt bride who wore at -her wed- dingai pair of beautiful pink stook-; iugs, wean by her mother at herr wedding, thirtyve ye yotllla! husband ziS anXlOUls to know hew the reporter found out. - --A good-natured traveler fell asleep in a train and was carried a few miles beyond his destination. " Pretty good joke ;this, isn't it ?' said he to a fellow passenger. " "Yes, but a little top far fetched," was the reply. -Josh Billings says = "There i7 One thing about a hen that looks AL LF T T GROCERY FAMED' FOR :CHOICE TEAS9 AT 50CTS., 75CTs , 90CTS. AND ONE DOLLAR BLACK, GREEN AND JAPAN. "Your 90 cent TEA is equal to any Dollar Tea I get." _COTNT1Y CUSTOMER. " That TEL at 50 cents goes as far as some Dollar Tea. -Towx CUSTOMER. (Names withheld.) AND A . COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL GROCERIES. 5G BUSHELS NO. 1 DRIED APPLES. , BACON'- A; 1\T ID HAMS - Flour,` Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, k'ot Barley, &c., FRESH • AND GLEAN, - AT ALLEN'S GROCERY, • SEAFORTH. TH We are now prepared to . show a n lost Ai tractive Stock' of traw Chip, ?aletta, arseilles, S � m D HATS AND BONNETS, ` `RILLIANT JEAN AND PARIS PRESSE In all the new shapes for Ladies, Missed and Chilitien. OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT all the Comp rises the largest stock in town, and made from the newest materials in al fashionable styles., MOURNING AND 'VV EDDING ORDERS Ara executed from one to three days notice, in style and elegance equal if not super - for to any city production. We have on exhibition the latest novelties in Chignons, Switches, Cornet' Braids, Puffs and. Face Curls. Also a richklot of v lied in varers, iety, and °lir priibbons, ces speak for themselves. An in- sc. pection Stock is iulrly of our departments will convince ladies of the inducementswe are offering. THOMAS NIDD. MORE CROCKERY AT N CO.'S E.`i*; PORIUMa -HICKS 777. - T AND CHEAPEST a E LA 9EST, BES . " Another Large Consignment of Crockery :hie, Arrived, and VA.l�IETY OF GOODS.NES S$ING- course. The soot nakei down into your eyes and -mouth, the sweat rolls down your face end .tickles your chin as it drops off, and it seems as if your arms are slowly but surely drawing out of their sockets. Dere your wife cones to the res- cue by inquiring if you are going to 25 Pairs White Quits, at $1 25, 500 yards Brocaded Lusters, at 19c., -worth 25c. 800 urds Fancy Challis, at 1210. worth 20c. _ eo tard Fancy Challis, at 20e., worth 250. 1,200 yards Fancy Challis, at 25c., worth 35c. 800 yards heavy Brocaded Lusters„at 874c.. worth 45e. 400 ,yards all Wool Shirtinga at 25c , worth 40c. 800 on1y,,Large Towels, at 18c., worth 250. 20'pieces alli�Wool Cloth, at $l, worth ,1 40. 14 pieces Coftonades ami Unions, at from 18c. to 600. 12 dozen Gents' Pure Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs 40e. worth roth'75lionse has them. 4 dozen Silk Shawls, new style, at $5, New Silk and Clbth Slant -les, direct from Euglop d, very cheap. y 1,000 boxes of Paper Collars, front 5c. to 1Oc. per ars ago. The r be all clay doing nothing, and if you i 4 cases of Prunnella Boots very cheap think her arms are made of cast 1 of soya iron, and then the broom slips 'off 1 case of Men's the pipe, and in her endeavor to re- cover her hold she jabs- you uuder the Chin with the handle, and the �. pipe comes Clown on your bead with its Load of fried soot-, ands• then the chair tilts forward enough to C�is- charge . your feet; anti you come down on the wrong. end • of that chair with a force that would 'iankrtrpt a 1 pile-driver. - You don't touch that 'stove again- Yon leave yoer wife rs like wisdom -they don't kaekle much until after they have laid their eggs. Sural holks are alwus t examining the chair and bereoanrng. a. bragging and a cackling what 1 its injuries, sand go into the 'ikitchen they are going toy- dew beforehand. and wash your skinned and bleed- -The other afternoon a rural ing hands with yellow soap. • Then geutleman �rho was standing in' a 1 you go d„wn •street after a Man to do the business, and your wife goes Main street store over a register, • over to the neighbors with the attracted general attention. to him- 1 tells them about its :self by observing to his wife, Ma- 1 chair, and, ' in- juries, and :'rains the neighborhood dry of its sympathy long before you get home. -Danbury slTews. case ' It Hats, at c. w0 new Hats, at 85o., worth seeing. Piles of White and Colored Cotton Hosiery at half price. • The above Gobi's are in. stock uow, but ten days will clear out many of the. The cash buyer, the independent buyer, the buyers who can buy where they please will find this a profitable place to visit.,, best bargains. First come, first served.' th seeing. - rim, I guess I'm agoin to have a fever, T feel such hot streaks a -run- nir' up my legs?' --A jubilant Wisconsin Republi call wrote two `Letters immediately after election, one to his son, con- sisting of the single word, " aur- ,mh t" and the other a letter of con- dolence toa dear friend who had los- his wife In his excitement, he can be imagined, when the her S E receive ers -A drunken 'fellow was Wal x up the street quite late the night. singing at the top'of his husky voice, - " Rock me to sleep, mother, rook me to sleep." He stag. mixed the envelopes, and the result PLOWS I . PLOWS MU N 1< ALL. GOODS WARRANTED PERFECT, AND PRICES'.MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. No person can buy them cheaper than another; or cheaper; than you. NO SECOND PRICE. A. G. McDOUGALL. THE TIME O' DAY. TTMB I" 0 -ES jr • AT OLD PRICES. English Glass Pregerve Dishes for 2aact• A Good Pair of A NO. I STONE TEA• SET FOR $2 75- • Handsome Set of Gold Band French China A. for $8 50. • The Goods were bought before the rise, and at low figures, consequently can be sold accordingly. R. COUNTER'S JEWELRY STORE, SEAFORTH, AND UPWARDS., FOR 5150 NRO & H GA UST NOW tLOOK HEREPLOWI�lAI�ERS, widowerd thewrong let • BIG 1UJSH AT STRONG- & F)IRLEY'S, �Rx� McINTYRE & WILLIS, saved fUNRO & HOGAl\ desire to thank the • klrld of h vicinity of Seaforth for the 'liberal h s e here They ould also say Cher 1 patronage whi0 has been afforded them since they began business • . that they are prepared and that it is t eir intention} to maintain the excellentas°pnutaation hiehmet their heir work during the pa among- the farming community of Huron, but as well at every show and exhibition where they ex - 1 who re- gered against . a. pohcerna.n, h bitad. S following Plows and devote ' - lied , I won't rock you to sleep, We make the f Full lines in apecisl.att that they are it showrirg I8 . bi=t I will club you saw you -will be ' 1.),e2 e glad to lay down d ' e quiet if adapted to agricultural purposes in this section . ention to their. manufacture, our ex - the kinds best you don't shut up." B -e lost his IRON PLOW, voice right away pretty quick. IRON -BEAM PLOW (wooden handles) . • three styles, *Putt►ing up a Stove. DOUBLE MOULD -BOARD PLOW, tiri° upa stove is not so dif- IRON AND WOOD SCUFFLEILS, or 1 raises four-fifths of the mischief and The above Plows we give satisfaction -if not, all the dust. You may take UOtvII a and gaararrtee them at $20 and upward ; 1 t0 6 theycan' be returned. E The Scanlan; we furnish at $9 to $17, according stave with cell the care in the world,{ wife put away the toguaiity, and also guarantee,satisfaction. and have your in a Secure place, and yet that GREY'S PATTERN OF MOULD BOARDS AND Put � flc'ilt i11 itself. It is the pipe that HORSE HOES. l pipe was vefore. find this out when i �c �� on a c North Main -street, Seaforth, & 275-13 pipe won't come together again as it CASTINGS 1 Cil stand: Always kept on hand. I ir with M You nC I ie and four f UNRO I ( .. a 1lr:tiaught's old von are standing your _arms f u1o1 ` mouth full of soot. Tour wife is FOR standing on the floor in a position that enables her to see yon, the pipe and the chair, and here s'l;e Div es Lit-TITE CE[EAPEST terance to those remarks that are calculated to hasten a man into the I extremes 0f insanity. Her dress is pinned over her waist, mid her hands rest on her hipw. She has got one of your hats on her bead, a your linen coat on her back, and a pair of rubbers on her feet, Tiler e is about five cents' worth cf pot I black on her nose, and a lot of flour on her chin, and altogether she is a spectacle that would inspire a dad man wish distrust. And while y are up there trying to circumvent the awful contrariness of the pipe, and telling thatyou know some fo l has been mixing it, she• stands safely y. on the floor, and bombards you with << such domestic mottoes As' : What'ss� you the use of swearing' so 1 know no one has touched that pipe." " You ain't got any more patience. than: a child." `" Do be careful of SEAFORTH S HAVE GOT AS GOOD, FASUIONABLE AN D CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES CAN BE FOUND IN Ladies ' and Gents' Pranella Wear for Swam THE COUNTRY. Cr. ATT ENDED To. udus opposite ' Hardware Store, Seaforth. 277 CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY W. Robertson & Co s Just give ns a call. You will fi Seaforth, March 27, 1878. CODER1CH FOUNDRY. and -stock to the " Goderxch HE undersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property T and Manufaetaring Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support'during the past` ��� Seaforth. hey will continue to send their orders td the new Company. uNcWAN. A. g, IS ALSO AGENT FOR FOR Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, 'Western Oats, LAND PLASTER, &C., &C. :lCo time to write. Ath eriisL1nent th.k week. ALONG To STRONG I & FAIRLE)'S COME- AND GET YOUIt WANTS SUPPLIED. P0DI ©W T1- 0I 0 ID . AND YOU WILL BE SURE.TO FIND US. - STRONG & FAIRLEY. SPRING 'DRY GOODS AT ALL OPENED OUT DEI�TT'S. A LARGER STOCK AND GREApE.1 VARIETY:THAN EVER. Yon'will find anything you want in Staple onPaney"Dry Goods at DENT'S. Loads of Dress Goods and Parasols. Reeks of Jackets and' Shawls. - Vast quantities of ladies' and gents' Straw Goods• right to DENT'S. For Hemp, 'Union, or ell Wool Carpets and Lace Curtaine, go purchasing this Spring we have bought to please lea see ver widy, Old would ll be attained iliye e to buy R look of Goods In lection-ciepieted one very countenance. this hall} at l)EICT'S' I3y sellinn the`best}end most stI 1:l Millinery at rho lowest figures, for f LINTRY. three seasons pant, we have done about two-thirds of the Milhnery th• We are no«• in a better position than ever to please you. Don't buy aver Mill- ineryof Seaforth. leery until you have seen DENT'S. Some who bought elsewhere lust season were so disappointed that they have never felt well since. IS THE PLACE. REA:EMBER DENT'S WHO WANTS `MONEY? A. STRONG, SEAFORTH, IWill Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST, either on Farm or Village Property. ' Parties requiring money should apply to him. I INSURE YOUR PROPERTY Fon - -,-- 1 •AND YOUR LIVES. nineteen Gderich,a10'a.nd trusts th Arne, 1872. at t Referring to the above notice, The Goderich Foundry &. manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the4public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &c. AND BEST , , On hWOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; hand -IRON AND yRN ' T v R E 9GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATO, STRAWCUTTE, &c. 5�,,� LES' •GP.A.TE-PARS, SUGAR AND ,POTASH KErT WAGGOIN BONES, &c. J GO TO �i'FH,'S COOKING, PARLOR AjyD BOK. STOVES, of various kinds. ST,�, U F SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. AINLEY 1 1 The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company- . Fire and Life. of Toronto The Western Insurance Company, Fire and Life.of The Isolated Risk Insurance Company: Canada. Terms as reasonable' as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. Fairley's Grocery OFFICE -lover Strong 25.2 Store, Mein Street, Seaforth. GO TO EDWARD CASH FOR SEED POTATOES,% OF THE BEST VARIETIES. Early Rose, Early Goodrich, ('Neoax, Peerless, Prolific and - • King of -the Earlies. GODERICII-ST., SEAFORTH. DANIEL McGREGOR, Bookbinder, Uarpurhey, Seaforth, iodized Cod Liver. Oil, 1 ETAS just received a large Stock of the materials HIS Preparation is a,solntive oOi Iodl. ide inayron be 1 ar- ed to execute, on3-1' need in the nthe eshortest notice and s% and is now fully in P he THIS perfectly pure Cod Li used in all Gases wherethe superior to ordTlus ;latest styles, all &aBLANK favoured BCGRS and will be found $1PulmonCon- REGISTERS, preparation is highly beneficial {- Chronic Skin ;- - of SAY 1-.n, sum S fur s Comp a Discptrou, era Diseases, and far all chronic disorders arising from s Printed and made to order, on the shdrtest rive digestion, assimilation or nutrition. It Retell, t' • and � notice, and at prices which cisfr competeion:. aerec is also highly useful in Chronic Rheums r� Gorst. Price �l. Ladies' Work Boxes �-F'anc?! Cases Compound Syrup of Sypoplzo+sl{rhxtea Diode to oxder. THIS is an agreeable P ALSO, 1 H}�ophosphites of hoop orons'Aeid. This 1 rices. MLLE . S AND •p,L A CIi S 1iIIT H WORK.. Iran, �r it a free Hylrmp remedy for General Debility Bound and repaired at city P ddr d to the IRO}Preparation, containing the BRASS t BOOKS Line Soda Potash and O L D AND NEW Sion of the Two Bureaus. • 237-52 1873. - UNE 18, • ARCHITECTURE. • CASTING Syrup' is a certain undersign - DANIEL AND _ from any'canse, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous s All Gommunicationsa ease Ltd, will receive prompt attention. EI' S AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Complaints. Itis also highly useful in diseases of McGREGOB, the bones (especiallyininfants) and IncipientSeaforth, ($arpurhey. r. I Consumption. Puce � f standard medical1 may be prescribed physicians TRAYED from Brussels, on Saturday, Apr. 5, • Pre ared by JOHN WILLIAMS,. I a dark. red cow about 9 years sold, in calf ; with ting her will be BOIL - TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand forsale ed is prepared to furnish ans, .3 S undersigned &e. of Public and Private Bui.l .Specifications, erintend the erection of the same. and also to sup the- same. Carpenters ,. Plasterers' and Masons' work meaan28d and valued. ADAM GRAY, Second Concession, �dcRillop- 1262 P1 WENT t attention Aar orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prox ip HORALE .IO London, one teat blind, Information reap For ¢ale by -B Lumsden, Seafortb, �. B. Grant,lfs0rcber. AR IBALD HODC-re er. _ G. A. Powell,, Wroxeter, and Druggists } sur rewarded by the st bscnb S. WILSON. Secretary and Treasur. Brussels; 285. 248 generally'. ` • ROBERT RU Ge eMaan er GEORGE NIEBERGAALDepartment. Manager Agricultural Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. The above preparations are o Medical STRAYED COW reputation, and containing no secret ingredients, RTON byh ' ians withontliesita- President. tion. P Ontana.