HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-05-09, Page 1;
sAX.T11 YEAR. •
lin NG. *63.;
wage of
ol Huron, ea
at of the
111,L -NG
russels, (late Ain.
ii the Ttawrishipe of
alta Mimeand the
from Seafortat, on.
amecting with the
erton, Paisley and
te Village two Grist
actoryta' Churchea,
a Sash and, DOor
t and a number of
the Wellington,
e opened about the
LireetlY., thratigh the
id Grounds in the
a). number of bad-
e; et....e past season"
ebrisk during the-
teCin the vast
an of the Western
here beingno eoraa
of ten =lee, it- will
most thriving andt
:&onireercial town
ffeed for Sala by`
'the Grounds, at 1a
th f the »nrchase
time of sale,vhtla
pents, secured by
earned on applica.
ramssels, Out.
propertY may be
L Seaforth; G.
at C. R. Cooper's
EAN, auctioneer,
.1f. Manic:474R Of
C(nacii Roore,
a :day
aLLIOTT, Clerk.
g itatal your Care.
al Calisaya for over k .
I must give it zat/'
ring a practice of
!many scientificallY
'flab/ the same the`
elixir, but none of
de as yours. Te the
ae public, I would
a beet remeav With
e successful' treat-
tly increasing clef&
erve-eshaustetl vase'
'Na Boar., ra-
60* tor *de.
en sestaa gooti Farm, eomposea of North
hard lot 15 en1 the west tat of Lot 14 Con.
coatahtina 100 acres, 60 elearea and
'wellfethra,and in good oultivation; balanoe well
eimbered with landwooda a gooa frame house
Ail new log barn; good bearing orchard ; two
miles stela half from *good gravel roma,' 10 mina
atom .the village of Seatorth; there are Aro steam
earfatills Within isataties; convenient to ehureltes,
solo& and stores. For partiertlare. apply to the
proprietor on the premises, or, if by letter, to
Irwcaulthr:P P. CI. 'JAMES MoDONALD.
the Heron Road, near Seaforth, west half
of Lot 3S, Con. 1, Molaillop; 60 aores, all
aleared,; new tarn; new driving ahed
bailee gOad 'fences, anda fine orehard. Terms
seaSy. 1- Apply cm the premises, or to
GEO/ME GAGEN, Seafoath P. O.
aNNERYinBinevale for sale or to lot; situ-
ated on -the bank of the River; convenient to
bothwater Ana SteAtn. power; balding 28x36 feet,
storiea above vats; 2 set Of vats, -6 in each;
biak /mill, with new heater, all in good -working
<mica; alsa, new ba.rlc ant currying tables.
- Appal' bY mail or orally to
D. STEWART, Proprietor.
GUILD'S SIGNAL• . saw, a shingle machine ind a lath me-
. chine -attic A.rthur & Co., also, intend
Two low whistles, qUalut and clear, to establish a saw mill in connection
That was the signal the engineer- with the
said- .
That was - the signal , that Guild, 'tie FLOUR MILL
Gave to his wile at Providence, which they are preparingto build on the
site of the mill which was burned in De
As through the sleeping town, -
, ember last. In addition to these prep
thence, - -
On to Ow light, HOME MA.NUE.A.CTURE
Down past the terms; lying white, he of material neceasary for the growth of
1 aped 1 • the town, it is expected that large quan-
tities -6f both lumber and. • '
As a husband's greeting, scant no doubt,
Yet to the woman looking out, SQUARE TIMBER
mations for the
Out in the night,
ANY PAREIES wishing to emigrate to the
-L-1' SOitel ean ottani fun intermation from the
andeasigued, who have been appointed agents for
the sale of lands in Southern Virginia., the most
fertile Tertian, of the South. Further particulars
Ina lists of Lauds will be flirnitthed tiliortly. A.p-
ply or address
i7B E. HICKSON & CO, Seaforta,
------------ -------. ---
R SALE Olt TO RENT, on reasonable terms,
10(lacres, 80 of which are elettred and in a state o " To our trust true,
wiltivatiert, and well fencea. There is a .
ggoeil ooa framep barn litlx40, and, suitable sheds, also First of all Duty -Good night," it said.
a splendia orchardf well watered; one mid a -half
,Milesfrom- the village of Kinharn, and -Within half , And then, one night, it was heard -no
a tails of a good, gravel road; tlaere are 30 sores more, •
UR plowed; immediate poaffaasien, will be friven. . From Stoiiinaton over Rhode Isla,nd
aRor further particulars apply to the proprietor ou
shore, c'
aaa JOILN STEPHENS. Proprietor: And the folk in PrOvidence smiled incl.
rLot 3 Concession 8, Huliett, consisting of
:Watching and waiting, no serenade, will be raftectdown the rivers at airearly
Love some Or midnight roundelay date, in title meantime, until . these
Said. what that whistle seemed te say : "great expectations " pre realized,„ e
SO loVe to you!
in the hands of the several dealers in
Working or -waiting, Good night !" it said. that commodity 'amaunts to about 5001
Brisk youiig bagmen, tourists fine 000 feet, beside several hundred thou -
Old commuters along the hue, • sand feet already sold. .
Brakemen and porters glanced ahead, THE SUPPLY OF BRICKS
Smiled as the signal, sharp, intense, 'now ready for . those who -wish to ern -
Pierced through the . shadows of ploy them in their structures in prefer-
,- Providence-- ence to the more cbmbustible substance
" Nothing amiss usually niad.e use of in. these parts, does
Fothing l- it is not probably exceed the quantity on hand
Only Guild calling his wife," they said. at this time last year.• However, the
rack, will be run by a 20 -horse power political lore from the stem. of a tobacco
. . .
engine. . . pipe, in the smoking room, Blake grubs
INCREASE OF BUSINESS, for his araona the volumes of the library.
Mr. 'John Higgins is building a new The member for Bruce has little os-
etore beside his present place of bus- tentation in his style, and his oratory de-
hess. It is 26 x 40 feet in size, two rives little of its effect from. action of
stories high, and will be fitted up with any kind. iHe stands generally with
all. the conveniences and attractions of a his left hand. in his pocket, and, except -
modern dry goods store, pate glass win- ing whey referring to a book, he rarely
doves, walnut .ceunters and. cushioned removes it. But when he beuds for -
seats. The first fiat will be devoted to witi•d, his eye glancing and his face suf.
dry goods, and. a above will be the fused with passion, and. his finger points
clothing department, while the groceries ed at some unfortunate victim, there is
will be kept in the present attire. The more force in this simple action than in
new arrangements will be completed by any amount of gesticulation. I have of
the first of August.--Ashd.own &Co: are ten thought what a greed scene it would
also making a large addition to their be to see ea, field -day between Gladstone
premises to accommodate the immense and Blake. Cool, earnest. able, but ter
stook of hardware which .they are im- ribly nierciless, they would make the
portines-Mr. L. R. Bentley. is putting best -matched pair of political gladiators
up a beuildMg near his preeent establish- I ba,ye seen. Gladstone, with his long
ment, it is to be 66x24 feet, the lower experience and skill M fence, ,might win
part will be occuPied as a warehouse, the fight, lent be would have to acknowl-
and the . ;upper story as a furniture edge that be had. vanquished a doughty
showroom. foe. -The Lounger, in the Canadian II -
on the principal, streets, and. the' con- • ese • as
struction of crossings at convenient Canada.
points, appear to be engaging theatten-
Plowing was conamenced in the Spring -
tion of the merchants, and every day
field settlement, Minitoba, on the 8th of
there is some addition to these - con veni-
- A pril.
ences, but as the side streets are about
Summer and whiter, the old refrain
lerickma,kers of the neighborhood intend
Rang o'er the billows of ripening graie, to provide a largely increased supply of
Pierced tin -thigh the budding boughs o'er- that variety of building material. With
head, • . _ a part of the stock now available, a large
Flew down the track when the red leaves warehouse , is being erected for Dr.
burned Schultz, on the•completion of which a
• , be builCfor that erentleman. The Cana -
Sana as it flew: da Pacific Hotel, the foundations of
0 .
Like living coals frOm the -engine spurn - dwellina house of the same material will
Cana -
the premises or address Constance O.
As they turned in their beds, The
T on No. 12 and paxt of Lot No 11 in the lath engineer
Conoession of Carey, eleasisting of 78 wires,
— • 1. from Has mice forgotten. his midnight
60 cleare 1 and in good cultava ton
Gravel Road, 12 miles from Seitforth. Apply to
276 AN-G-IJS MoMILLAN, on Um pre -mites.
-LIOR SA.LE, the Hotise and. !Lot on North Main-
- street fonnerly oceapiell by Mr. T. P. Bull. •
Terms reasonable. For partieulars apply to
2.7a A.. G. VAN EGNIOND, Seaforth.
One only knew
To his trust true
Guild. lay under his engine, deader
Growth of,W innipeg.
• A..
FARM FOR SALE. As ourtreaders -generally are more or
VALUABT`Til 1.°0 "res, First Con- less'interested the -future prospects of
cession, MeKillop, near Settforth, on
gravel road to Godt;rich; ; 85 acres cleared and. free
from stump{, 35 acres- plowea, the rest irnder
grassa well waterea and. ft:treed, with large frame
latrai;table underlies* log toxin house boarded, oat.
sale, and, good orchard ; poesessiozt immediately
title good, and teems easy. For farther partioulare
apply to chief town. which we copy frern. tne
the Great North West territory, auct
more especially of the Provinte of Mani-
toba, in which so many from this Prov-
ince have recently settled, the ollowina
hopeful account of the progre s of itas ; kilns haviug been in operation at ,a ony
272 LUDWIG lk- MIT'lla SP'lfm•th F' n' Maintoba, Free Prms, will no doubt, be
which were laid last fall, will be pro-
ceeded with es soon es the bricks can be
made, ,probelely . June. In a prairie
country like this, where wood in all
forms is so hard to obtain, tuid where
there are almost
it appeers, at first sight, Waage that
stone as well as brink has not been util-
ized to a greater extent. But when we.
consider that the great . desideratum of
the country is means of transportation
we no longe.r wonder, though the quar-
ries are not more than fifteen miles from
the town. These facts, however, bring
as to the conclusion that a necessity of
the place is . thougli the building has scarcely begun.
Judging by present r' appearances, Winni-
and we hope to see a company orgenized ileg is destined to double in size 'again
. ere long for the construction of such .a • -
this year, thus perpetuating its mathem-
convenience. Intimately connected with taloa" custom of increasing by geometrical
the question of stove -is the sapply of •progressiong
lime, and it is satisfactory to know that
this want is ailiely to be fully met, four
a tn. 30 n ear, in advance.
tyne, of Downie, who is named in the
act as the tirstPresident, occupying the
chair. It Watresolved to establish fort-
nightly cheese fairs at Stratford, Ingezl-
soli and Belleville -the first to be held.
in Stratford, on Thursday, June 5.
as pleasant places for promenades as the -On Saturday last, a Leicester ewe
Dismal Swamp, and the bogs of mud are belonging to Mr. Wm. Weir, Itathurst,
here and there interspersed with deep ()aunty sf Lanark. gave birth to a lamb
and unbridged ponds of stagnant water. weighing 17 pounds.
• -a-The pew distillery •at Goderich
commenced- operations on Thursday,
1stint. . •
-The Roman Catholics of the town of
Lindsey, have purchased for their pastor,
Father Stafford, the residence of Judge
Smith, of that place, for the sum of $12,-
000, and -propose fitting it lip in gorgeous
-Mr. Ridout, Chief Engineer of the
Wellington Grey and Bruce Railway,
has assured' the Kincardineites that the
Southern Extension will be completed to
that town and ready for traffic by the
1st of October. •
-,-The Hamilton Tpnes says : "Ham-
ilton, with her water communication and
Railway facilities, unequalled by any
City in the Dominion, must become the
commercial centre of Canada." The
wish is, doubtless, father to the thought.
-A cooper and itinerent preacher, of
London, named James Smith, was fined
$20 and bound Over to keep the peace
for one year, a few days ago, by the po-
lice magistrate for too severely cha,stise-
lila his wife. He was also fined for re-
sisting the police aud for drawing a re-
volver and threatening to shoot them
when they Went to arrest him for the first
•named offence.
- A poor woman named. Leduc, who
hved aboul five miles from Ottawa, met
with a most terrible death on Saturday
last from the bursting of a coal Oil e,an,
which she used in filling a belted lamp..
This is one of a series of similar accidents
which have occurred m that vicinity
during the pest few days. But notwith-
standing the many warnings, people will -
persist, in the foolish aud. dangerous
practice of pouring oil iuto lamps while
- A male Merit, sewn up in a bag,
was found a few days ago lying in a pool
of muddy water aside the *Tack of the
Grand Trunk Railway, near` Berlin.
From evidence taken at the inquest it
would seem that the child :had been
strangled shortly after birth, no doubt,
by its mother, and. thrown into the water
to revent the _crime coming to 'light
until too late to discover the guilty per -
—It is said that the latest and sweet-
est thiug in Instate' bonnets is araphically
descitbed as being .4a cross between a
tocometive smoke stack. and a distal d.
-The Ferges Newsellecorci complains
of the excessive chaiges for Carriage of
the _American Union Express Company.
It says the Company charges 40 cents to
carry a parcel weighing less thau one
Timid from Fergus to Toronto, a distance
of 60 miles. There is no doubt but that
the monopely enjoyed by the Ittipress
Companies is injurious and oppressive to
the general busniess public. The charges
of all these Companies in cmisideration
of the services renderk are exorbitant,
and Parli-itnentary interference is ur-
gently required.
-The first meeting of the season on
.the Hamilton Driving Park will be held.
on the 24th and 25th of June, premiums
$3,000. _
-- The \Voodstock 1?eviezo says : From
various parts of the county information
comes to the effect that fall wheal is
lookiiig well. Very little has been win-
ter killed. and so far as can. be judged at
present the crop will this ear be a re-
munerative one. In Oxford, since cheese
making has become 'so prevalent, the
quantity Of wheat sown* is not by any
means so large as in years gone by, yet
the breadth. of land. seeded last autumn
was far from insignificant.
-A Compaay has been organized and
chartered for the purpose of sinking a,
salt well in the village of Teeswater, and.
operations will be commenced. inimedi- _
-Mr. AV . K. Muir, General Superin-
tendent of the Great Westein is about to
leve Canada for a three month's trip to
Great Britain, primarily with a view to
improve his health and. also on business.
During his absence his ailee will be till-
ed. by Mr. D. Woodford, aesistant Super-
intendent; and. Mr. Desmond, formerly
station master at Dundas will take Mr.
Woodford's position.
-A man by the name sif Richard Bol-
ger, a Government land suiveyor, was
foutel dead. in his bed at Anglo Amer-
ican hotel, Belleville, OH Friday morning.
He hail retired the previous night about
nine o'clock, in Ins usual health, and.
when found he was lying on the bed with
his elothee on. Apoplexy, it is sup-
posed, is the cause of his i death.
-A daring burglary I was committed
in Strathroy on Saturday night last. An
entrance was effected. into Pearce & Pol-
ley's dry eootla establishment by means,
it is supposed, of skeleton keys. The
biaglars drilled a hole in the door of a
safe. -and then blew it open with gun-
powder. Two hundred and forty-five
dollars in cash were extracted from the
safe. After the repeated losses which
mei chants have suffered in this way, we
The unhappy pedestrian Nilo has to -It is stated to be theintention of the
traverse those thoroughfares at this sea- West Williams Agricultural Soeiety to
son is intercepted by difficulties which hold a great Agricultural meeting and
would be altnost entirely removed by a dinner in Parlthill. sometimethis spring,
proper system of drainage. But this is, at which Han. Alex. Mackenzie, Hon.
one of the practical results of the town` A. Mclaellat, Dr. Clarke, ef Guelph ;
pot beiug incorporated. Another re- Hon. John - Carlina. J. 8 . Smith, J:
sultant evil is the accumulation filth, Tooley, and T. Scateherd, M. P. Ps., are
and even the carcasses of hogs and other expected to be present.
animals are to be 'found within afew - -The trial of the five prisoners indiet-
rods of the police station. Leaving the pd for the -murder of George Price in the
muddy streets, we. reach the tovvnsbip of Bruce, on the 17th of March
BD I LDING LOTS last, terminated at Walkerton, on Fri-
eybieb. are being eagerly bought up in day, and resulted in. a verdict of wilful
every direction, and are rapidly rising in murder against James Johneton, and
price, though they show no signs a rie- manslaughter against James Best, Arthur
ing out of the swamp in which Rome of Best, John Kerr, and -Edward Johnston.
them are situated. Reviewing. our James -Johnston was sentenced to be
whole field. ate find that nearly one- hanged. on the 3d of ouly. James Best,
forth as Many' buildings are now being three years in the penitentiary ; Arthur
built Best, two years in the penitentia,ry ;
AS WE E BUILT LAST YEAR, ' John Kerr, twel ve months in jail ; sad
Edward Johnston, six menthe in jail.
'ono tain and- in it vicinity du.rilig the
THAT °lama& favotabIy-lmown stand, the MAN-
-1- CHESTER HOUSE, lately occupied by Mr.
JOHN LOGA.ta will be sold, or rented on reasou-
2-70 LOGAN & JAMIESON. time of the year, not only in regard to
STEAM sAvr MU AND FARM FOOL SALE, and the a,rril of the first boat, bet also
read. with interest : •
- • comBARISONS, ETC. \
A little interview with Old Probabili-
• •
aatle terms. ApoIy st-the store of ties is - particularly interesting about t
. the weather, tire opening of the river,
iota` DIG Lot Si, Con..7, aitilailleA containing 104 with reference to the future of this hub -
, aereS, all cleared, vritit good. barns and stables,
two good orelutra-ein beariug ; two never -fail -
lag springs which sooty the mill. Also, lot 35,
Con. ta containing 48 acres of bush. The property
. is situated G miles ;from Seaforth, with a good.
gravel road thereto. For further pai-tieulars apply
on. the pretai.ses. It by post, to JOHN THOMIa
SON, Constance P.• 0., Kinbarn, Oat: 260
of the great North-West. In. order to
forth an estimate of the prospective
growth, the ancient party above men-
tioned thinks that we must revieev the
and. note the present ap-
oing this, we Call to mind
ring of 1872 there was not
er in the martiet, and some
CONT&TNING 313 actat ae25 per nue, situ.- Weald -be builders were seen .going frain
Past progtes
Zhat in the s
FARM FOR SALE. a foot of hun
ot the NA-a/rash River, a uavigable strettm for 350 store to store ia search of .paeking cases,
miles- 213 acre* of thie farm is rieh bottom land, na other supply of carpenters' material
wind: with fair aultisa4iene will Ptc)tluae 75 heinar avail ble. Rather a bard case,
. _
boattela of earn. per acre; the remain(
land, good for all >kin Le ot small grain; 165‘acres
of this farm is la a good state of cultivation, the
L11( good lurrawood; alarge frame house la
• erne;
ated ie. VertullIion. County, State of Indiana, •
rivers Dot being clear of ice
f May.
truly. rhe
til the 5th
two orchards Mai an abrradance of good aatter. asca not aree re till the first week of ,fune,
Tina farea aitnateti three ntilets south of the anti coneeqieently no building operations
thriving twee of Caaton, Indiana, on tale Evans -
stories, one hag how:male/a sta. ea -
conia eugag'ect untlil that time.. 'To
Terre Halite and Chieago Railway, 160
miles south of .Cideago, mita 10 miles north make the matter Worse, when a compar-
of Terre Haute, Ind., a eita of 20,000 inhabitants ; a,tively plentiful supply Of material did
eetel stasis.; aooa school ; good markets and a .
axiive another difficulty presented itself
gooaneig-hborheaid. Terms easy --or I will trade
for land in either the Counties af Huron or Brace, -there were but very few
million County, Indiautt,-or C. R. COOPER, GOOD MECHANICS,
Ont. Address JOHa.1 E. ItYllsa Chilton, Ver-
BraSse/e., Ont.' - 275410 and. any re, n who bad. ever portaged a
service as a carpenter, and was well pa,id,
ire springine up in our midst like rumors
io. Felt Garry, but on much firmer
fouudationa. Prominent among these
is the . . .
SASII, DOOR AND ALIND' FACTO It Y "Mi. Speaker," the noise is bushed mi -
of Mews. Macituley, Sprague & C°-, mediately, and members prick up their
which is to be built about a hunared ears, knowing that something worth
yards southnf the saw naill belongang to hearing, is coming new. The firet thing
the. game firm.. It will be 75 feet in that strikes the listener to the member
leneth by 40 in width,' andwill contain, for Bi-uce is the methodical way in which
Blake as an Orator.
The man wha li.olds the first place as
an orator in the Dominion Parliament is
the member for South Bruce, and in al-
most every respect he is the antipodes of
Sir John. When any debate of impor-
tance is on; let the any
be ever so
noisy and languid, when Mr. Blake rises.
and. -in his clear, ringing Voice says
.SfLW or seen a jack -plane Was pressed into•
TO RENT, the Brick Tara on the Fiecond Comes- t00. But summer and autumn rolled
is e issee yard, .with four large I IS, ally!. were impotted by enterprizing hems, a
perty of Mr. Thomas Govertiock, McKillop. This SW; fay by „• large quantities *of lumber
aim of Tnekersatith, Egmonaville the pro -
a never-faling airplay of weaer ; the yarcl is far- sinidl saw mill was started, and logs were
a bank °of splendid. cia2,- eight feet thiek,
- ulsbed with_ every couvonienee and facility for brought down the rivere to feed it. a
ameatietaring. HOUSE and. ST A.BLE ou the number of mechanics immigrated to thisi
sasa-WW- spia.v also„ to .be sold the Carta; blur- PrOVIIICO, and by the tune -winter put a
sold for a100 cash; the other articles will also be vernal proportiOns. Not only hail. it so
diapeeed. ar *MT 10W. rhIS IS an eat. e
for any one:Neighing to engage in the Brickmaking
hasiaassa arielre are now selling at from tali to
$7 50 Per 3-.000, and wood obtainable at $2 60 a
teal. Far farther partittelars apply to
2GP:16 JOIIN BOAVDEN. Egnionclville .P 0
rows, anti other amplernetits mad heretofore in the Stoll to the. general- practice of outdoor
of Yard aalaa a year. The honse and etable will be labor, the sown had grown to double its
yard, anil. about 3,000 feet of good lumber. - Rent r a 4
' at ce inereased la size but there was piled. M
and about the town a sufficient quantity
of 'amber I to. meet th,e requirements of
builders uhtil the depareure of the con -
element from. our highways of irn-
itt. addition to -all the most improved ma-
chinery for the, manufacture of sashes,
doors _and blinds, a large and- improved
planet, designed. to plane both sides of
a board at once, and to match it too, if
required, and a saw for cutting the
largest sized timber. These gentlemen
aee also building a large house on their
premises as a. boardiug house for their
men. -Immediately north of Macanley
& Co. is the establishment of Dick & Ban:
ning, Who will have in their new build-
ing machinery for the manufacture of
portatiou. Instead, then, of s
, of tLe seatou being commenced. in June,
s tvas case last year, we find that
VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL kind. of wOrkineugtu•ated durine t e as
week of 'February this year and. since
that time eleven houses have 'been ra,pita
. .
In the upper §-tory of Dick Ik Banning s
. And woe to the man with whora he is
establish ashep for the ma,nulacture of
building Bislegp & Sheltoii intend • to
.asmeailliengand jeer. I.have- seen men turn
when he -the orator ---begin to
all kinds t f
he treats his subject:• Re starts off coolly
and deliberately. Relays down what he
has got to do, and he sets about it in the
most workmanlike manner. He takes
up one argument of his opponent, deals
witbeit and. lays it awn on the one. side
ruptured. lie takes another and ,an-
other, warming up to his work as the
heap of da,mage,1 materiallincreaseS; and
when he h as gone over them all, and be-
gins to throw back to eelch his damaged
(mods then it is that the man appears --
'ale likes to wound, and as he sees those
opposite wince at his blows, it seems to
urge -him to make them wince the more.
-An elopement took place at a small
village named Brighton, aear Napauee, a
few Sundays ago. The young lady was
so welawatched that she could not carry
out her plans except by cunning, and
she proved equal to the task. • She went
to church With her brother, feiemed to be
ill during the sermon, and just stepped'
outside, where her lover was in waiting
and drove her off and got the union con --
summated before her friends were aware
of what was up. She didn't- forget her
text that day.
GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM ly pushed toward completion, and there
- are now in course of constnaction'no less
I Have no av got their new.Stetan Saw arfil, on the titan
Northern Gra.vel Itoe.d., sir miles north of Sea- TWENTY-NINE
tO new edifices. -Preparations are being
forth, running at fall blast, and are prapared
nea,de for the ereetioo of a great many
Lumber of All Kinds
5 more, ana the sound -of the saw and. the
hammer is heard. ill the streets almost in-
1..ND cessantly front sunrise till sell -lent, aml
allery, that while his victim (tinned the fatal blow.
• a
BUILDING MATERSAL from Fort Gan y to 1 omt Douglas. I
• • ' n
every description, embracing a, quautity of place of one small mill, started. late in the
season as last year. there are -this spriroy 4race the Archbishop of St. bola ace, ,
pale and press their knees with theit
FURNITURVAN D CABINET WARE. - hands, as if. restraining themselves from
g away f rem that -merciless shower
The same enterprising firm has also ea- euenne-
of incisive invective. I shall never for-
tered iato the contest for a prize in
anothee branch of trade, having wider, get Boulter rushing frantically into the
taken. auisness as hetet one night, after having gone
UNDERTAKERS, through a slight castigation at the hands
and are pra.paredeo furnish funerals in of the member for Bruce He would
the best style. not stand it -it was an outrage-unpar-•
Lainentary-he would see. him Mould.er
• sueaested • seeing Sir John," but Boula
As the express train on the Prescott
and Ottawa Railway, on Thursday night
last, was nenxieg Manotick station, the
engineer noticed what he considered a
shooting star in. its rapid , descent. It
fell about.twenty yards in front of the
engine, and resembled when passing a.:
bit of burning sulphureas big as .a two
quart pail.
-The steamer Falmouth, which left
Halifax at 9 o'clock on Thursday nigh;
arriveu at Portland at 11:30 on Friday
night, making the passage 26t hours,
being the quickest ever made by her or
any other vessel between the two port -s.
Her best tithe previous to this -was -261
hours, on one of her earliest trips last
-,-The Parkhill Gazette gives turrency
to the report that Mr. 4..8. Smith, M.
P. fa for North Middlesex, has been ap-
pointed. manager of the Model Farm at
Guelph. The Gctzette further says that
"Mr, Smith's success as an agricultur-
ist and stock raiser is only limited be; his
means. Few men are capable of givtag
a better or more practical agricultural
address than Mr. Smith, and we are not
only pleased that North Middlesex
should have the honor of seeding out a
boss farmer for the Province, but are
pleased that the Provincial Farm has got
into ketch practical hands."
-Mr. Elias Jones died. recently at
Ningara, and had. &Waned to the ripe
age f 113 years. Mr. Jones served un-
der Lord Nelson at the battle of the Nile
in 1798, nearly 75 years ago. Strange to
say, potwithetarehng the great age he
had attained, he had` nos laid by.enough
to maintain him in his declining years,
bnt has been for some nousidera.ble time
entirely dependent upon the generosity
of friends for the means of subsistence.
and: general carpentering establishmen
will shortly be put up and be conducted
by Messrs. Brown & alutherford; the
niaiti building will lie 30 feet iu breadth
40 in len th and. will have a wing in,
ter used some very profane language, and
went to bed. In some respects the satir-
ical powers of the member for Bnice are
at once the ornament aud the drawback
of his oratory. To the on -looker, loung-
the shape of an L, in which the machine- . .
ing with his chin on the tdge of the. gal -
11 be stationed. Their machinery'
lery, what mai be conceived as more will comprise, ambag other things, a
de -
planer capable of putting a smooth sure
man of the Opposition skinuing -the Cab-
lightful to hear and see than the spokes -
face on a boara 24 inches in- breadth, -
goes at it with such a will,
w.hich , is about as wide as boat ds are -inet• He
and it seeme so very sore to them that
made in these parts., chair making scion
•human nature cannot resist the fulleet
inechines, and in fact every thing re -
enjoyment at• looking on. But it has
quired in their busiads A ten horee
frequently occurred to ree that the mem-
power engine will furnish the necessary
power; A lthough. their attention will ber for Bruce gives way to his penchant
in this respect too recklessly. 1 reniem-
leer one night in particular wheli he mar -
be 'principally devoted to -carpenter
work and cabinet making, they will be
red the effort of a whole night by *giving
Ale, if required, to 'liaise sashee, doors,
and blinds. The machinery is to be
had demolished all his opponents, scat- a, am ad,
reins to ins propensity for sarcasm. He
shipped on the 27th of April, - and it Ygs to weigh as much as the
and tite 06
is expected th at' the factory will be' in
was so thoroughly masthr of the field laege egg of last week.
-Oh Wed -1
nati-aY evening, James 13ax- be so ci reless or foolish as to leave
. moneyshould have thought that no one would
-Strathroyls big on the egg question:
teat week we -noticed. a very large egg
laid by a hen ()weed in that enterprising
town. This 'week. we have to refer to a
very small one. A Mr. Scott has a
Black Spe,uish fowl which laid an egg
measuring two and one-foerth inches the
small Way, and two and a half inches the
long. way in circumference, and. weighs
seventy-five grains. It would take just
one hi lred and two such eggs to weigh
a- a little more 'that' twenty-
tered their arguments . like chaff,
Working order by the hrst of Jane, that his oppouents submitted almost dep-
recatingly. fie could well have efford-
ed to walk 'off with his laurels victorious.
. of the ,Manitoba Woolen Manufacturin_g
lionvany, which • is to be built -on the But no, he took up one of the conquered
ones, aud in a ten minutes turet he
east side of the river, is a much needed
scathed him most Unmercifully ; and I
institution. portion of the necessary
1 hes beee obtained from His eould well discern from my perch in the
ter, a farmer of Downie, au&d, partia y or ea, ,
J. E. Duke, of Wellington
paralyzed and deaf man, wa,s killed by a
freight train near :Stratford. He Ws Square, near Hamilton, has a light
walking along the traels, and either did Bramah hen whieh recently laid. an egg
not hear the whistle of warning or tvas un- weighing live ounces and three-quarters,
a-ble, to get off the track in time to escape , Aimee:ring nine arid one-quarter
inches lonoitudinally, and seven and one-
hilt inches circumference.
-A. valuable horse belonging to Mr.
James Crerar, of Beethridge, township
ship of Nor+ Enathope, died recently,
notwithetanding the usual remedies for
the symptoms of the disease were ap-
plied. Upon a post rnortein examina-
tion being made, a solid. ball" hard as a
stone, was found in the -intestines, corn.-
pletely blocking all passage. On being
broken up it was found to be -composed
of particles of corn meal which. had pass-
ed. from the stomach imperfectly digest-
ed. As corn meal is beecaningea conamon
article of horse -feed, farmers using it
would do well to see that it be thorough-
ly dam,ped before using, and then fed,
only hi moderate quantities.
sami Mills which be ready- v imported it severahyeare agst. bsytIpathy; be lo6 t; it in proportion: The -It is statei tlAt P. T. Barnum the
tw-o lar,ge
-saeh sanae, Reek Elm, Birch, Baaswood; Oak to commence work as soon ay• G. J.Y.. IV,leVicar is now in Ontario, pur- y trs , •
"gre•tt show man," of New Yori:, in-
gre test feataire of Blake's orator • 1 •
an& Elm. A stock of chaeing the remainder of maalliner
Y earecatnees. Let the matter be e er so tends visitincr Ontario this suironer with
5, 800,009.FEE'r OF LOC:a,
,Itracene AND DRAIN- LUMBER -which the proprietors of these establish -
necessery Dal(' completing other arrange- triviat, he deale with it as seriously as if his manimotli. ls.lenagerie and Museum.
merits have been getting .out in the tina- main buildin , Which is to be contmenced
1 Y- it were a matter af the greatese im.per- ;air. Barnum With his " big show
down, as they -or bab g tance ; and one often wonders how amid tra% Els by rad, and to move his show re-
taliate 01 airy deption ean be eapplied front of these mine belouge Co.,o the firm of • .
nareeer clelivered Settfortta if required. ly will during the month. of May.- One us aieluous professional dutiee, he has quiree ten train of fi t en cars eac , and
• his men andehorses number fully 1,500.
f eh
Teaos as easy as eau be had. elsewhere. ber regione, come
o - . cliatel will. be 40 x 100 feet, two • • •
le to atralet in length. Macauley, , Sprague & Cwho have,
in the large building erected by them
inents on behalf of the Com pn The
Kept eantstantly ht -ad.
TRE SclOaCIIIBER requires a few GOOD
AGENT S in the Couuty of Enron to cam -
TEM tar the sale at FRUIT and ORN,dIENTAL
IttRBS for a iirst-class American Nursery. ' Lib-
eral Coramisition allowed. Address
WM, CAMPBELL, G-eneral Agent,
004 Goclerich.
last autumn, two large circular saws, an
edger, a butting -off stitv. a, shingle
masshine, a lath machine and a planer. -
Messrs. Dick & Basining, the proprietors
of the other lumber -making establish•
merit, Will have in the building which
they are a,bou erect, a large circular
save, a planer, an edger; a butting -off
two stories high, and will contain all
gathered such a . fund of information.
the necessary machinery for
- . He seems up in: everything, even la the
CUSTOM CARDING, SPINNING AND 'WEAVING- minutest details. While other members
as well as for tlie nsanufacture of staple keep plod.ding through their volumes
stoc,k 000ds. Tiae factory, Which is to enunciating their precedeuts, Blake can -
rattle his off, seeming as fariailiar with
the whole, thing as if it were the multi-.
plication table. No wonder_ that at
.times he looks pale and nervous and. ex-
hausted, ior while' many members. of
be in running order by the first of Au-
gust, will give employment to about for-
ty heads. The `machinery, which Will
two carding machines, and a 150 -spindle Parliament ircagme they they can gather
It is intended to exhibit three times per
day, and to give a free exhibition of a
street pageant over threemiles in length.
The tlailyexpense of this immense exhi-
bition is stated to be $5,000.
- -The Ontario Dairymen s Asaocia
tion, incorporated by pat of the last ses-
sion of the Legislature held its first
meeting _in the Rossin ilouse, Toronto,
on Monday last; Mr. Thomas }WIWI-