HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-18, Page 7APrtth_i 1873. DAIRYMEN, CANS AND PAILS, WHIIWgy. ea Dairymenthat she has want "-tareanufaetufe . Cans and PailS all kinds, and can supp*hele. EAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. st Tinware on hand' as tiguat oti.for saleWholesalearal Retaii. t! and Eave Troughingpaneuptly eleaud, MBS . NvitiTxxY, Mu-streeta Seaterthe [OTOGRAI:1110. • D. STEWART, ng thanks to his lananerons friends fei teenage in the past, takepleasure la •hem that his Photoenetplaie Gallery -Ism d ors Tuesday, the is.th„ or February, on neer the new ?resb3-teriitza Ohne* BRUSSELS 'tepee to meet again with hi a old frielei. a said as mann new ones as niay see fit a with a call. Pietilre# kept Constantly on hand. laminess done ha this Gallery on Thee- ridays. DANIEL STEWART, Artist, BOOERIEC %or y XRY AND' GLASSWARE L To be had at the AU FEED STORE At the lowest prices, examm" e our well-seIected took Of SCVARS, COFFIES, &e. Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters and. Stu -dines constantly on hand. Kers would. do well to try Slittpson's Horse - Spice, the ftnest end< cheapest Condi, mitt theEworld. , Den's & Co.'s Mite W.- A, Shearson- & Co.) celebrated • 41•L.Y FLO .11 the shorteet notice. • 3st Market Price paid for afl kinds of Produce. " DSIS and SHINGLES still orn hand THOMAS. LE (WED. -.FtiVECWED. ROBERTSON y Sdainet-maker and Undertaker, r<1.11CrVED his Vtire.r001IIS to ' ;DENSON'S OLD STAND, Maia-street, Sesiorths has ou hand a superior stock of Front - titre of eeery description. Cr.A.L.1,•A-VD SEE IT. , • UNBERTAIMG, purchased Mr. Thomas 33ell'a HEARSE, %red to attend funerals on the shortest her in town or country. ; cotthasam„ tautly on hand. • itcvpaT ..43EtWAT1).$, - ROBERTSON, ET MAKER AND- UNDERTAKER, joimson's Old Stand, = ' et Seaforth, has now On hand a good ! assortmeet at can furnish cheaper than they emt be ! - got esewhere. 205, - ACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN !E a rWRIGHT, L. D. 8„ Sargeon Dentist isle in Seafortle at Knox's Hotel, t11 first nd Wednesday of eaelsraonth; in Clinton, amercial Hotel, on the followieg ?si(Tays. The remainder of the, time at nel office. requiring rtew teeth axe requested to call, rth and Clinton, on. tee first dese of at- maln- of ever 500 patients who lmve extracted by the use Of the Gas, msy ;nay oflice in Stratford. Iserted in the most substarttiel and :Pu- les. one in gold, &c., in a manna -which can- - passed, 267- FGRTIT PLANING MII4 RtIOR AND.,BLING FACTORY scriber begs leeve to thank his nunteretrot las for the liberal patronage extended te counneeeing beeinessinSettfarta,. and he may be favored with a continaenee utending to build would do well to give as he will continue to keep on hand. a of all Janda a E)RY PINE, LUMBER, s.A. sax: s BLINDS, MOULDINGS, {INGLES, LATH, ETC.. -,onfident of giving eatiefactiou to these saver hira with their patronage, as name -ese workmen are enzployed. 'ttailar attention paid to Custom rani" g ;JOHN ILBEGADFOOT. Js1o, MUSIC 1 0,11-SIGNETI is able to Ranh& thOlie hine with their patronage with ittetrament Ali if' Make. Also, Agent for & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, 4±ot be excelled.. on the Continent for vl riehrzess of tone. C. A ARMzITR.ONG. Telegraph Book Store. C. YEG, tNEER. AND COMAIISSION NEIL- Maiu-street. Seaforth, ern attend. to ; the Coursty of Huron on -liberal tems. hatention paid to sales of Runt Stock, &c. C. YEO, Auctioneer. J. P. BRINE, M.,/ AUCTIONEER for the County of ; Sales atteudea in all parts of the All oi-ders left at Tea Exaetsnrou, Office Mptly attended_ to. <, lee BOARDIN_G., -1aDAY leis leased the large and c0111- -0113 11014;4, Oa the Salt Werke Grounds: he Railway Station, and has fitted it up Og-heuse. Good table and. comfortable "ersone wishing a pleasant boarding Id apply, as there are at present a few Tres:Idea boarders accommodated at •cad rates. •223 rising AdventureS of Bias- 1,ronsecf hit* 'angry voice and the ter Charles Surnmettore At exactly 930 o'clock, on the morning of Saturday, .A.rtgust 26, 1,866, Master Charles Summer- • tont aged five years, disappeared rovatetiously froui his paternal res- •idence Folsom-st., San wancigoo. At 925 he had been absesved, 1)37 thbacfher) amusing himself by go - e ing tgliveugh that yealifal excercise known as "turning the crab," a feat which he was singularly pro - At a court of inquiry sum- marily held in the back parlor at '..13ridget, cook, deposed to boa detected him, at 9:20, in the fe- lonious abstration of sugar from the tr which) by the same token, rapidly retreating footsteps of his comrades. An •ominous sound smote his,ear, and the next-mdment he felt the cask wherein be lay up- lifted,. and set upright.. against the wall. Re was a rrisoner, but as yet undiscovered. Being. satisfied., in his min.d that banging was :t e systematic and legalfied penalty fo the outrage he had committed, kept', down manfully the cry th rose to his lipe. • in a few moments he felt the_ cask twaii lifted by. a powerful hand, ;Lich kppeared above him at the edge of his prison, and which he concluded belonged to the, ferocious giant, Blunderbore, whose features - - • s - had sheknow' What livas a-comin', and limbs he had frequently met in she'd have niver preyinted. ,Pate. colloted pictures. Before he could sey-, a shrill-vdiced youth fron a recover frona his astonishment, his eeighboring• alley, testified to have cask was placed with several othere seen, " Chowley at 9:30, in front of dn. a cart and -rapidly driVen away. the butcher's shop roand•the corner,- The ride whieh ensued he describes • but as this young. gentleman- chose- ai being fearful in the extreme. toihrow out the gratuitous- belief Riollectaronnd like a pill in a box, that the missing child had been port- the -agonies which he .suffered may --vetted in sausages by the butcher, be hinted at, not woken. • Evidences . his testimony was received with Borne of that protracted struggle were caution by the female pOrtion of the visible in his garments, which were mart, and with downright scorn and 'of the `consistency of syrup, and his • epternely by. its masculine mem- hair,, which • for .several hours.„ bait: - But whalever might have under the treatment Of hot water, been the hour of his departure, it yielded •a thin treacle. At length was certain that from. 10-11 the 'caii-t-•• stopped on one of the until 9 P. M., when he was brought wharVes,iind the cartman began* to . home by a policeman, Charles Sum- unload- As he tilted over the cask raerton was missing. Being nat. in. which Charles lay, an exclama- rurally of a reticent disposition, he. tion broke ftorn his lips, .and the 4ere well ItOrbirecl by those for 'whom" they did t4eir wa•li. their were punctual to tinie, and left nothing undone which they were ordered' to do.. They did not com- plain about trifles ahd in all respects they were , reliable men,. and, were kind and oeliging in their general conduct. bag since resisted, with but one ex- edge of the cask fell from his hands, ceetion, any attempt to wrest from sliding it late `oecupant upon the .hiDia statement of his whereabouts wharf. To regain his short legs,. during that period, That exception and to put the-greatest,possible dis las been myself. He has related tance between himself and the 'cart - to me the following in the strictest. 'man, were his first%movemerati on confidence regaining his liberty. He did not His iatentiCat on leaving the door- stop -until he reached :the corner of • steps of his dwelling was to proceed Front street. - .without delay to Van Diernan's -Another blank' suCceeds in this Land, by way of Second and Mar- veracious history. He cannot re- ketets. • This -project was subse- member bow or when he found qUently modified so far as to permit hialself in front of thelircuS tent: visit to btabeit'e, where Captain He has. an indistineC; 'recollection of • Cook was killed. The outfit for his haying, passed through a long street voyage consisted 'of two car tickets, of stores which 'Were all closed, and' five cents in silver, a fishing -line, which made him fear that it was. the brass capping of a spool of cot- Sunday, and that he had spent• - a ton, which, in his eyes, bore some miserible night:iii. the sugar -eask.. resemblance t� metallic currency, But he remembers hearing the - and a Sunday -school library ticket. sound of music within the tent, and His garments, admirably adapted toof creeping on his hands and knees the exingericies of any climate, were when no one was looking, until he • severally a. straw hat with a pink paseedlinder the canvas. His de - ribbon, a striped shirt, over which a', scriptiOn of the wonders contained pair of treusers, uncommonly wide within that circle .; • of the terrific in comparison to their length, were feats which were performed by a buttoned, striped balmoral stoclie man. on a pole, since practiced by ings, which eve his youthful ' himin the backyard; of the horses, • something'll the ap2ea1'ance of wjri one of which'was spotted and re- tergreen pandy, and - coppeir-toed "senabled an animill in his Noah's shoq 'with iron heels, capable of Ark, hitherto unreekgnized and, mi; striking - fire from . any flagstone. defined ; of the female , equestrians, ThiS latter quality, Master Charlie whose dresses could enLy be equaled cautd_not help feeling,' would be of in magnificence by the frocks of his infinite service to hillin the wilds sister's dolt; of theASainteci clown, of Van Dieman's Land, which, as whose jokes excited a merriment, pictorially repiesented in his ,geog- somewhat tinged by an undefined replay, seemed to be deficient in cor- fear, was an -effort oflanguage'which ner groceries and matches. this -pen could but • weakly tran- Exactly as the clock- struck the seribe, and wh. no quantity of half hour, the short legs and straw` exclamation points' could sufficiently hat of Master Charles Sunimerton illustrate. He is notquite. certain disapPearecl around the corner. He what followed: He remeTbers that ran rapidly, partly by way of j almbst immediately on -leaving the ming 'himself to the 'fatigues of the circus it became da,rk, • and that he journey before him, and partly by felt asleep, waking lip at, intervals • way of testieg his speed With that of on the corners of the streets, on a North Beach oar 'which .was pro- . front steps; in somebody's arms, and • teeding in his direction. The eon_ finally in his own bed. • He(was not ductor, not being aware of this gdn_ aware of experiencing any regret efous, and lofty emulation, end be- for his conduct; he does not recall ina somewhat concerned at the spec- feeling_ at any time a disposition to tat% of a pair Of very short,_twink, go home ; he remembers, disttiactly inc legs so far in the rear stopped that he felt hungry. • . • his car and generously assisted the He, fias made, this. el,osuie in e • 7 youthful Suramerton upon the plat- confidence. Her wishes it to be re- form. From. this point a hiatus of spected. He wants' to know if you several' hours' duration occurs in have -,fifre cents abeut 33.011. Charles's narrative. He is under Ska9"98's -;Husbands, 4;c.; NI- -Bret • the impression that he "rode out"- Hake. • not only his -two tickets, but that he Shutting of a Docii. company ,for Several trips. to and • . • from the opposite termini, and that An. ingenious correspondent of at last, resolutely refusing to give • the Scientific' American has discoy- any explanation • of his conduct, he was filially, ejected, much to his re- lief, on a street corner. Although, as he informs us, he felt perfectly satisfied wEth this arrangement, he was impelled under the dream- - stances to hurl after the conductor • an opprobrious appelation which he- lmet ascertained from Patsey was the correct thing in' such emeri,Yencies' and possessed peculiarly exaspera.- ting properties. We now approach a thrilling part of the narrative, before which most of the adventures of the " Boys' Tin and Furniture Shop -BRUSSELS, ONT. JACKSON & HOLUDAY., . Manalaeturers of all kiads of TIN AND COPPER, WARE, Dealers in FURNITURE ANIPSTOVES Of all descriptiOns. „ TILE Q$BORN SEWING MACH4N.E • Always on hand.' I The a,bove Machine is acknowledged -to be the best family Sewing Machine in the inerket, and was awarded theeGold Medal in Franee in 1872. ' ; • THATST ELtidrys, CELEBRATED- PLOWS, • ' Gang Plowsitteet and. Straw 1Qutters always ese I and. A large stock 'of • el,1" COAL OIL ArTy cpAir 6tt.1 ' !LAMPS. Produce Taken in. Exchange. Caslator Hides and Sheep Skins. r, - Shop" Opposite • 4rmstron g s Hotel. • A CALL SOLICItED. 'f• JACKSON & HOLLIDLY. Drussel», Feb. 11, 1873. 271cy PU BLIC NOTIC-Evi-.4% NOTICE is hereby given that thee undirsigned 4-1 have this day entered into Pairtuership as Millers and Produce Commission Merchante in the Village of Seaforth, 'under the neme, style and firm ef JAS. P. KENDALL Zs CO. • [Signed,j SAS. P. KENDALL, , M.A.RTIN csardalsweivrEt. ae JAS. P. KENDALL 84 CO. 0.1 #PR-SPRINP WORK• .. -C WILLSON ,,,Islit8todir.t,the attention of Fum- y Y era to his Stook of , ff 1 . :. ; -I 1 la i , i , i 1 1 : -s. i 1 ; : s I : a i , : ::, ., , ;-; '-. ri ,; . . 0.sllAwk No. 48. . i , COLTON'S PATENT IRON NARROW.. WatsoxeW Celebrated BON Patent Plow - ' • 1; . -..- and -other Pattnpas. . ' G.A.144' PLOWS:41T. etylfs. , • . . . .IMPLEMENTS leer the- ' eorairig Seatien'e operatione. In PLOWS he has eieht•different styles, nSSIE'S, No., 18 THISTLE CUTTERS, Gray's Iron Ploivs. • , (Laported,) • RI0.71210ArD'HILL PLOWS, REAPERS AtIp MOWERS. 3T-ItSSIE'13 well-known Machinee, including Weed's Patent Single Reaper, johnsen's ; Patent Single Reaper, Wotelns Light Mower, -with iron- frame, ;Wood's bight Mower - with woode; frame, eelebrated Buckeye Mow- er -hon e <- . HUBBARD MOWER; Beg to state tie the Farmerd, Produce 'Merchants and. Dealers of the County of Huron that they havepurchased from Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. the Mills 'mown as the. Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on the estate. All Hinds of Grain-Purehised, • z As formerly, ' And the Highest CASH ,PEICE FLOUR exchanged for NITHEAT. I • Farmers 'desiring to exchange -can rely upon getting fortheir Wheat No. 1 Flour. became subsequentlyindebted to the Ohatacter -in the Opening and • FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of ,the Vil- lage free of charge. • The undersigned, having lied the entire working management of the Mill for the past three years, patrons may rest assnred that they will l'eceive the same satisfa..ctory treatment and as good work as formerly. JAS. I'. KENDALL & CO. TN-.BEFERENCE to the above, the undersigned -I. would -beg to thank their numerous ; customers • for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the plat font years; and truet that the same lib- eral patronage 'will be extended to the new firrd whom we have pleasure Mbeing able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts due 118, 111 conneetion with the Mill Must be paid to • Jae, P. Kendall & Co., and all 'debt a due -by us, in connection with the same, will be settled by the said firm. of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. - • W. A. SHEARSON & CO. eied a new gauge for mea4uring men's eharauters by the manner in which they open and shut .doors. Out of 1,000 persons recorded; 335 opened the door and shut it care- fully, when they came i_n and when they' went out, without much noise ; 226 opened it in a burry, and made an attempt to shut it, but- did not, and merely Pulled it to when they went out; 302 did not attempt to shut it at all, either on coming in or going out.; 96 left it open when they 6ame in, but,. when reminded of the fact, 'made ample apology, • Own Book " pale into insignificance. r and shut it when: they went out • There are times --irhen the recollec- 102 opened it in a great hurry and tion of this adventure causes Mas- slarnMed it violently, 'but left it ter Charles to break out in -a - cold . sweat, and he has several times since its Occurrence been awakened by la- mentations and outcries in the night season, by -raeiely dreatning of it. On the cornerof the street lay sev- • eral large empty' sugar- • hogsheads. few young gentlemen disported themselves therein, armed with. sticks, with which they removed the sugar which still adhered to the joints of th.e staves, and conveyed it to their • innuths. Finding a cask not yet preempted, Master Charles set to work) and for a fe-W- •racmeats reveled in a wild sacchar- ine dream, whence he was finally a -a -a a - opened. when they went out; 20 came in with "How do you do, sir 1". or •" Good morning !" or Good evening, sir !" and all these wentthrough the operation of wip- ing their ,feet On. the mat, but did not shut the door when they went in or when they came out We have employed men_ out of all these classes, And during that time have had an opportunity of judging of their merits. . The first class—of ,335—were those: who knew their trade and. commenced anietinished their:work in! a methodical' ner, ; were cthiet and had iittle'tto 'say in then- wanking hours, and 10VIS YOUR TIME TQ BUYI . • 1--1A_It1\TMISS, arC. { 2 Cheap for Cash - • , Hubbard Corallined Beapea and Mower. Implements of all descnptions on hand. a' SAMPLE .MAOHINES • on' exhibitien at the I J 1 WAREHOUSE • 1 : 1 $EW1NC MACHINES ; :6111:,tows PATENT cuLTIvATon. The best selectecIS Oa of Sewing Machines Weet of To comprising the, Florence, Singes-, leockman, Venus, rasaleasa- Raymond and. other rtiakes. On hand a large iteek of Sing- er's heavy Machines or manutactuxing purpeses. .• Sewing -Machine Needles For all kinds of lldachints 0ad \ .,.--..._- 74) • —___, :i--,, a • a Jae- • , aesa-• SOLD AT REDUCED- RITES, . • AGENTS. -The following geptlemen have been ap- i- ,±::- — '-;,,--':7------.--a---1:;-'-'' -AGENTS -,- --- poll) trAC,Agatti for the Flerenee Skering 1.&chirie, and none others have tluaprivilege QA Selling: LAWRENCE MURPHY, Seaforth; THOMAS CONNORS, ,,Sealortle; LOCPLA.N S. 'WILLSON, Goderich. I MUSICAL' ISSTRUMENTS. . i . c. wiLbsn NT as Agent for Mnaied Instaureenta of the follo•wilig makes 4PIA.Nos--- N-"-1 Mathushek, Lalialle, j. 8s- C. Fidler, Steak, Weber and others. ORGANS-Princella'of Buffalo, and othere. •111ELODEONS:Printe's and others. So:napes ,of the above inetreanents can be seen at the Wareroomer ; - '' ' • ; . • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT- EMPORIUM, MARKET,STREET: OLIVER C WILLSON' Sedoitli •'Ont , 'I • / • ) - GENERAL AGENT FOR THE DOMINION. Kept Constantly on Hand,. -BEST •,.• • • J.. IL. ,.•SN S O • NO MORE COMBINATION PRICES. THIS IS NO VCTION. ,CALL.AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. ' Make no de*, but come and secure excellent bargains while you can. - • Best Material Used, - AND MADE By GOOD WOR4CM'EN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, • . TRUNKS, VALISES, . • :WHIPS, - SADDLES, BRIJSITRS, • CUB,RY COMBS, ' CARDS, &c., tte • • Repairs done with neatness and despatch. • Remember the plaee- Opposite KIDD'S Store. 273' JAMES WILSON. • SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. THE SEASON CHANUED. WILLIAM GRASSIE Has sold all his Sleighs and Cutters, and is now busy making up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Buggies and Wagons left over from last year, which will be sold cheap. Any person wanting a substantiel Wagon or ndsome Buggy should call at once and make ar- rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and those who wait too long will probably not be able to get their orders filled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich. street, Seaforth. ,THE SEAFORTH LUMBER. YARD. ,00O , rt; (MONTREAL CUT 7. "wirIlIaLL PILL BE x4OL,D • UNDER PRESENT :WHOLESALE ILL NAILS, PRICES _ PARTIES BUILDING .1VI •KEY a • - • BY -13tROHASINGTHEIR NAILS &O.,PROM ITS. 4 -- 1 SPECIAL TERMS TO *MtRCHA'NTS. WM. ROBERTSON & CO SIGN OF TRE 'CIRCULAR SAW,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. HOW, TO MAKE THE. MOST OF -YOUR MONEY, Which MABEE & MACDON ALD EG to inform the public that they have opened a, Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's on the ground formerly used as •a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. - They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LA AND SHINGLES, all of r•whieh they are prepared to.sell at the lowest possi- blenpunridceesistsonrdCoatshher. find it -bo their advant- age tq inspect Or steak, end ascertain our prices before purohasingelsewhere, trove are in a pe,ition to offet geed inducement -A to sh purchasers. 160 a MABEE & MA.CDONALD. Buy your GROCERIES at Wholesale Pxices, pipecially* the following articles: SUGARS 9 we offer from 10cper polnad upwards. Sold with or wittout general order. TEAS, From 50 cts. to Very Finest. - No Houie, eithr in orput of SEATOr11,, can beat us in this article, or in • -.coiFFEE.; 7 aleallisataieses Which, for red quality and flavor is unsurpassed, Only requires to be once tested to secnee a con- tinuance. Id PENERAL GROCERIES ,t0 -UR STOCK 1$ • A.1\T'ID -NTA-13.,=3D JAWS C. LAIDLAW. .....11=11111•111M GARDNER SEWING MACTITA Is a Strong, EASY. RUNNING MACHIN -E, WieLL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, )-•••-1 P='6" •f FLAX! FLAX11 FLAX!!! To the Faenners of the Heighborlood. Seaforti.b. , triv,•SUBSORTBER offers for Spring sewing 600 bushels of • RUSSIA RIGA FLAX SEED, Screened and. guaranteed perfectly clean, at 115 per Bushel, on Credit, until the Flax is delivered. THE liUSSIA RIGA. FLAX SEED Has beeii proved to he muchsuperior to the eon- xnon Canada Flax Seed, Auld will grow fully nine to twelve inches -longer than the common Flax Se* hitherto sown in this country, yieldina as high as three tone to theaacre On good dean ground. - Printed pamaradets imetrnetions. basset° raise Flax, end. whento harvest, &paavillbe furninh- ed on application, free of ss.haage. AND Light Manufacturing Work.. At the Fairslheld throughout the Doreirion, thie Machine was veil to some very severe tests by the BESTAUDCES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, - AND BY TEEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871; and 26 Prizes 111 1872. Its simplicity of construction, strength and durability recommend it to all classes. It has a complete set of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL; THE ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE 01? CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Company, Hamilton, Ont. PETER GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Huron. ) 268 .1 NO MARKET "'• WANTt131 To rent, 200 acres of good clean land, in fields from 10 to 20 acres, suitable for sowing Flax, for which the highest price will be paid. Farmers having such land shotdd nmke innnediate application to the undersigned, that earl' arraegemelats may be effected. v.1 B. SHANTZ, 270-13 Seaforth FIL POR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FURNITURE, GO TO JOI–I'INT•TAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 CABINET-MAKER WANTED. ANTED a first-class Cabinet-maker, to work at piece -work; good wages. •• J. STAUFFER, Ainleyville. _SEAFORTH 'PACKINq .Housk,. i• SBAFORTH, ONT. MR. THOMAS STEPHENS Takes nitwit pleasure in informing hie numerous customers that he has recommenced the Pork - Packing business in his OW Staiid, North Ifain-street. Having seenred the serviees et a Practical SAU- SAGE -MA', the public can rely on getting a MIST -CLASS ARTICLE in tither SAUS,...IGES OR SI:GAR-CURED ;WIS. Those in need of Seth 'Weida do well to give hien a • call before -purchasing elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to. • TROIVIAS STEPHENS; " 264 - Main -street, Seafccth. a -2