HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-18, Page 5• It ia . ton n wilt Retiree' 5canon Leadfr-. ,steticlly Sett nnally resigned th% the Mormon Church idience la the Tab. f last week, go to Arizona, be ib and telegrap igned the office of aret National rcantile Lastitutiorf Southern Railroad: all business, possessions of of the the Terribarsc 14, the throne which and admits that lie has.nade a win se property equally ud 60- children, and the method a} the red that ali he old he changed fortunes leader, and that, sar Tiled,. the Mormon idered solved. :the Confereace was >on Brigham Young Ile said he win' tea -young men to had begun. He [ors to aid the first y he resigned the trust of the Church, nidation, President rkv in Europe was Mr. Young has re - business, spiritual ge. e's organ in Toren - Saturday to prove in not long since en-' to swindle an In - of ti,,15000. AS by 014 Ramsaywas Butial agent in get - bile the celebrated tters„ we fail to see friend, Dr. Ramsay. e Dodge hirneelf trary, the 'olacker ay the worse men for he would hard- mtial adviser a per - Ramsay is now as awn plans did not tion also. Had not endeavor to prove owing that the firm 10has been recent - some. hundreds of s. which they laad States Government alleged letter de t5 treadine worthily revered father, and ugli he VI& What [Twits that he is said n the Ottawa Gov. ,;,e for his vote.-- ragraphs. ystem is to go into ted States May Ist.- loan Coinage act es- cipal mints-Phila- ea, CarS011 and Den- a new silver dollar, ee is be abolished. we years sitice a case mall has been traced izatio., and as many of Ku Klux outrages pardoned, it is be - soon hear the last and the consequent us revival has been Denver, Col., among goers prisoners in ied characters. as from. the Indian 1 murders of settlers sembly has passed a e Bonaparte family as continue in Spain. as destroyed by the cts of violence have na, where the Re - • recently in open Government. Ten, ens maintain order , and they tax the • provide for tteir lish finances are in a Several minor e Carlists are re - denied that Don his right to the or Castelar threat - he Spanish Itilinise ive and energetic the Sandwich Is- ke a tour of the S et, on April 8, the Webster, proprie- - of a daughter. orth, on April 11, thew Robertson of e April 9, the wife of a son. eter, on April 13, rew McConnell, of n on April 9, the of a dughter. n, on *pril 6, the telon, of a son. GES. _ckt the resideuCe of •;Esq, on April 14, afuid, Mr. Alfred e _Howard, both of - At the Bible Clinton, by Rev. 1 13, Mi. J. Lura Chapman, bath of nab, 011 April 9, • 3 years. et, on April 8, of ngitis, Sarah Sane, Ir. James Woods, months. rd, on April 12, vife of Mr. Wm. r of George Barker, 60 years. ve of Attieburgb land, ad, inumgmted to dat j1836. Iter entlwas ppce. 1akelet, on April 8, the t WiUiaui and Joanna ingane--In Wingliam, on April 6, Mr. Jolla Fsher; sPa 73 years. Wnnon.--ein Morris, on Apri114„ James, eldestson-of Wm. Wilson, 2d. conces iontMorris. aged. 21 years and sa0ntbs- co:Rem-In Exeter, on April 4, Mr. Oka Charley, of inflammation of the 101413. Ann- At Exeter, on April 5, the wife of M. Davi4 Johns, aged 36 years. s soinea-At Eeter, on April 3, the in fant Won of Mr, D. Johns. MARKETS. moseardr...••• SEAFOTH, April 17, 1878. 41 16 to 1 20 ......... 1 14 to 1 15 .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ..... . 001. 4502 ttoo 00 eue • . 0 65 to 060 ... . • • • •-• ' ' "' ' • Battee,No. 1, Rolls . . , . . ... 0 16 No• . . 4 • • • IA 9 000to 01]. rour . . . . .. . . . . . . - ... Q 00 to 600 No. 8 .. .. ...... oo to 1,00 006 11 .. • . ...... . .. Tilde&• • • . .... 0 50 to 16 • t)g sheep Cell Skins, eal) perib., 0 09 to 0 10 Murrain Hides.. ..- • 0 04 to 0 05 gen (retail) per barrel. .... 0 00 to I 00 potatoes, per buhel. , ..... .. • . 0 40 to 0 45 0 00 to 600 Apples per busbel 0 00 to - 1 00 per parter, 113' 004 to 006 . loi .. • . •••••.• ••• TON, April 17, 1818. 2 25 to 800 BOARDINCIHOlint. THE unaersigneit hati 'Opened a BOARDING I- HOUSE in the premiaes hitt* onimpied by Dr. Traefty, corner of John and High stets; seven Or eight boardera can be cornfOrtahlyaceOmmOdate ed. Changes =Aerate. - 280 JAMES CORDER!. Special Ifetathe to Members of Sonforth . elgenbeete' Inatttato. PLEASE take notice that all boob; lent to mere- -6- bent must be retareed before the lat of May next, as the legal fine will be imposed in case of neglect.By order. 2Nn WM. N. WATSON, Librarian. CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. moncE is hereby given that any persOn found -1 cutting or deetrOying timber on lots NOR, 20 and, 22, in Con. 6, Township of Grey, will be prosecuted *cording to law. 1311CHEL FISHER. Grey, April 12, 1878. 280*18 Fal1Wheet. .... ......• 16 0 1 20 Spring Whea% 1 13 0 1 15 Gets.- . . . . ...“ 0 40 0,45- rag. .. . . . • . 0 55 0 060 ........ ... . . • . 0 10 0 015 Eggs. .. • .. 0 00 0 011 jley, Fenton, 11 00 13 00 MOINIVEAL, April 17, 1873. • lour -Stock in, store 77,443 barrels, against 68,286 barrels On lst, and 76,- 575 on 15th Apnl, 1872. Market dull and heavy, with transactions of a retail character at about late rates. •Grin -Wheat - In store 138,535 bushels ; on let, 137,137 bushels, and on 15th April, 1872, 153,957. NoNsales to note; spring offering at $1 36.io $1 37, without takers. Provisins-Quiet but steady. , POltATOES FOR SALE. ABOUT 100 bushels of various kinds, for plant- ing, viz.: Niagara Seedling,Dightman, Merritt), Bruce's Seedling, Black Merritt), - And other kinds. Apply at lot 27, bon, 2, McKillop, or, if by letter, to ALEXANDER GRAY, 280'3 Seaforth P. O. ESTRAY COW. CAME into the enelosure of the undersigned, on April 8, on Lot 16, Con. 17,Grey, a Cow about 9 or 10 years old; cOlor red; horns some- what straight. The owner is requestedeto prove property, pay charges and take it away. 280*4 RODERICK lileLEOD. STRAYED COW. STRAYED from Brussels, on Saturday, April 5, a dark -red cow about 9 years old, in calf ; with one teat blind. Information reepecting her Will be suitably rewarded by the subscriber. 280-4 WM. 11. WILSON. TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. TOROTO, April 17. BEvEs. -Reeeipta during the past -week were small, numbering only about 130 head. The market was quiet, but all arriving chatiged hands, either for local consiaraption or for shipment East, three-fourths probatay being sent for- ward. Prices remain steady at $5 per 100 lbsnlive weight, for first-clas, $4 50' for second-clas, and. $3 50 to $4 for third-class. - Sainge.--There were none in during the past week, but some lots of dressed mutton sold at 9c. Priees. of sheep are nominally unchanged. L0s. -The receipts are iiicrea.sing, and prices are. easier. We now quote first-class $4, second-class $3, and third - elms $2 to $2 50. CALVES. -- The offerings have been lar but principall3r _inferior as to be aid '.JV qnote firs -class $8 to tion of the mortgage. AGENTS WANTED. TSUBFORIBER requires a few GOOD AGENTS in the County of Huron to can- yase for the aslant FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES for a first-class American Nursery. Lib- eral Coramistiion allowed. Address • Whl. CAMPBELL, General Agent, 280-4 Goderieh. quality, and for sch_ lower prices ave _AUCTION SALE OF PARK LOTS - ARE ALL OPENED OUT AT DENTS • A LARGER sTpct AND GREATER VARIETY THAN EVER. on will fled anything you want in taple or Fancy Dry Goods* DENT'S. • Loads of Dress Goods and Parasols. Stacks of Jackets and Shawls. Vast quantities of ladies' and gents' traw Goods. For Hemp, Union, 9r all 'siVool Carp s and Lace Curtaine, go right to DENT'S. Inpmehasing this Spring we have bough to plea* everyboy, and would like to see &ook of satis- faction de toted on every countenance. T s happy result will be attained if you buy yanr Dry Goode at DENT S. M1LLINERY.-three seasons past, we have done about two-thirds of the Millinery By selling the best and most sty/isla Milliirety at the loweet fi-tires, for business of Seaforth. We are now in a better position than ever to• please you. Don't buy your Min- inery uneil you have seen DENTS. Some who bought elsewhere last seastin were so disappointd that they have never felt well since. -- . •....BHEMBER DENT'S By JOSEPH P. BRINE, Auctioneer, On WEDNESDAY, 30th of Apra, 1873, At 2 o'clock 11. M., at DAVIDSON & CAMPBELL'S HOTEL, In the Village of Senforth, viz.: Part of the north part of Lot 14, Con. 1, H. R. S, Tuckersraith, known as the "Lowe Property," ad- joining the Village of Seaforth. For further particulars, lifee posters. and apply at the office of Mesrs. BENSON & MEYE, Sea - forth. • BENSON & MEYER, Soli 'tors for W. H. Lowe, owner. li Dated April 16,, 878. 280-2 THE DOMIN LON SAVINGS IAND INVESTMENT • socIETy, OF LONDON, ONT. ••••••.: IS THE PLACE. EDWARD CASH IS THE MAN TO G0 TO FOR • SEEDS OM' EIITD S,, Head Office, Ri ond-street, opposite City Hall, • London, Ont. Established in 872, for the purpose of advane-, ing money on Farm and Town Property at a very low rate of interest, and on the most favorable terms of repayment. Loarts for long or short periods reps,yiblc by in- stallmnts to gait borrower& Parties purchasing Farmsebuilding Dwellings or Stores, will find the terms of this Society preferable to any other mode for instance, $76 90 paid at the end of each hali year, will pay back both principle and -interest upon a loan of $1,000 in 10 years. 1/ paid learly, $157 20 will do it. . Money can be obtained at any time, and with flttle oA no delay beyond the time necessarily oc cupied in the investigation of title and prepare - For further particulars as to terms, &c., apply by letter to • - T. B. LEYS, Secretary; and Treasurer, London, Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONG, Esq., Valuetc,r at Sea- orth. •280-52 MILLINERY AND DRESS 410, second-class $5 to $6, and. third-class $2 to $2 50. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO, April 71. The following shows the receipts and shipments a live stock at East Buffalo -for the week thus far, beginning -with Sunday: • Receipts. • Cattle, Sheep, had. head. Sunday.. 1,411 800 Monday. ... 1,802 2,000 Tuesday - 1,207 2,400 Wsda 88 1,200 edn e y.. _ .. Same time last week.. Sunday........ onday- ...... Tuesday.... . • Wediaesda Hogs, Horses. head. head. 9,200 96 8,000 80 6,900 208 1,500 128 5,304 6,400 25,600 512 ,647 4,000 13,900 628 Shpments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. head. 153 400 .3,800 306 340 1,200S,700 176 1,615 1,400 7,400 96 1 870' 1400 96 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, SEED WHEAT, MAKING IVIRS. GRAY Has received her stock of SPRING .211ILL1NERY, To which she begs to direet the attention of the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity. For variety and pri s it will be found satisfactory. - Particular attention paid to DRESS MAKING-. Apprentices wanted. Remember the piece -Opposite Corby's Far- mers' Store, Main -street, Seaforth. • 279-12 COURT OF REVISION. SEED OATS, SEED PEAS, SEED BARLEY, CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, TARE SEED, BUCKWHEAT, ALSIKE CLOVER, HUNGARIAN GRASS.. Country dealers suppliant wholesale. GODERIOH STREET, • SEAFORTH. JULIUS DUNCAN, TRASURER, • In Account with the MUNICIPALITY OF SEAFORTH, For the year 1872. nEdErris, To balance front 1871. Mayket Foos................ Hall Rent • StRent Hotel License Shtfp License Traveler's License Circus License Billiard License (L. R. Corby) Fines Drain Rent Royal Canadianliank Benson & Meyer, Bull's nete. A. M. Ross, Surplus Fund A. M. Ross, Clergy Reserve Fund A. M. Rss, Non-resident Lands Poll Tax Taxes per Collector's Roll J. H. Benson, Boundary Line rprn COTTRT OF REVISION for the munici- . ality of Usborne, will be hel a • e aiulpflaIl,Elimville, Y •-• SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1873. Total... 3,978 4,400 23,000 674. Same time Iasu week.... .. 3,553 3,000 11,000 592 -CATTLE.-Thea,rket was a littleniore lively. Sales Cmprised_ about 1,150 head. Transactions were as follows :. N f Average Ilea& Weight, lbs. 16 Illinois steers,. 1,288 18 " " 1,143 32 " 1,331 14 oxen 1,703 12 Indiana steers, 1,325 16 Missouri " 1,148 16 oxen 1,345 36 steers 1,084 18 Ohio 1,100 And 18 other sales. &CERT" AND LAMBS. -The market is slow and dragging, with light receipts. The only sales were as follows: No. of Aera.ge Head. Weight, lbs. Price. 115 Mich. sheep, 89 • $7 00 30 87 I 50 Hos.-The market is flat. No sales -up to noon. Prices nominal at $5 50 to $575. THE LATEST EXCITEMENT. J. LECKIE, BRUSSELS, Has just received and opened out OVER $10,000 WORTH DISBURSEMENTS By Interest on Coupons Street Repairs Officers' Salaries SiukingFund. Railway 'Expenses Charity Printing and Stationery .. Bell Ringing Royal Canadian Bank County Aasesement (to Co. Treasurer) Non-resident Taxes (to Co. Treasurer) School Board. Sundries Balance in hands of Treasurer 8805 74 1,010 00 188 5(„„ 150 00 4900 266 00 29 00 50 00 65 00 61 50 100 25 984 93 8100 171 71 106 50 239 24 84 00 4,498 67 40 93 $9,827 87 210 00 1,138 66 267 00 • 400 00 190 55 18 65 69 11 52 00 1,004 59 891 80 57 4,450 00 178 16 954 28 TiNi3 PIM0 E1 8 AT M. R. COUNTER'S $9197 87 Uncollected Taxes $58 75 Audited, the Treasurer's books compared with vouchers, and forind everything correct. ARCH. DEW/elle) Auditors. 279 J. S. PORTER, j SEA.FORTII AND HURON SPRING AND SUMMER • GOODS, - CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, (Fancy and Staple,) MILLINERY, READYMADE CIJOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, H ARDW ARE, GROCERIES, &C. .nt The stock is the largest and cheapest ever of- fered tolthe public, having been purchased on the very clofsest terms, in the very best markets, and comprsiing over $20,000 of Goods. Parties interested will govern themselves ac- cordingly. evert to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. •SAMUEL P. HALLS, Tp. Clerk. Dated Usborne, April 8, 1873. 279-4 n COURT OF REVISION Price. $6 371,• • TOWNSHIP OF HAY. 6 00 6 15 1 rpm COURT OF REVISION for the Township 5 75 of Hay, for the purpose of revising and or- rnectlnegpohe Ati3e joismzenteril or 1873_,wili be held 6 12,- 6 00 On rrnaleonn ath day of May flex , 5 50 At the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. All parties iter - 6 75 ested are requested to take notice and govern 5 624. themselves accordingly.• HUGH LOVE, Sr., Township Clerk. Clerk's Office, Hill's Green, April 2, 1878. ENV YORK HORSE MA_RKET. TUESDAY, April 15, 1873. The horse trade of the week has not been as satisfactory as a good supply, favorable weather, and the well advanc ed season has led_ us to anticipate. The demand for work horses, without being brisk, was fair enolligh to prevent accu- mrdation of stock,the liberal arrivals notwithstanding, and_ prices continued • firm. Owing to the continued stringency in money, the market for pleasure horses -remained dull, only a few pairs of car- riage horses being sold at an average of $1,200 per pair. There was considerable anthity in the anction marts prices realized were, however, harclly price of Gold in Vew York is quoted_ at 11m. MOURNING CARDS. w.k.. VE ON LUND and are prepared to TPrint, inoneninn Cards, imitable for enclosing in envelopes and sending to distant la MeTEAN BROTHERS, Huron Expositor Office, Seaforth. COURT OF REVISION. ' TOWNSHIP OF TUCFERSMITH. MOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Re- --'vision for the Township of Tuckersraith will be held in the Village of Harpurhey, in Dill's HoL el, Oil Friday, the 9th day of May next, At the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., for the purposahf Revising the ASSOSSTRealt of said Township and. hearing and deciding on Appeals against the same. WILLIAM MUIR, Township Clerk. Tuckersmith, 7th April, 1-873. 279-3. FARM FOR SALE. Special BARGAINS in Prints and Dress Goods. Selling at usnal wholesale cost priee• MILLINERY in great profusion. Goods made and trimmeti to order on the shortest notice. Goods of all kinds will be sold at prices that will defy competition. Special discounts for CASH. Call end see thegoods and prices befere pur- chasing elsewhere. MARBLE: WORKS. JEWELRY STORA, SEAFORTH, . FOR $150 AND UPWARDS. Mb. • 1873. THE LARGEST AND MOST SELECT' STOCK • OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Ever Shown in, dts Connty of Huron, AT THOMAS KIQO'S:EMPORIUM, M. L. MESSET & SON, (Late of rfamilton,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to Ill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table " Tops, Mantes, Ezo. Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, MAIN -SREET, SEAFORTH. M. L. MESSET. H. MESSET. CONTAINING 313 acres, at $25 per acre, situ- ated in Vermillion County, State of Indiana, on the Wttbash River, a navigable stream for 350 miles • 223 acres of this farm is rich bottom land, which', with fair eultivation, will produce 75 bushels of corn per acre; the remainder is up- land, good for all kinds of small grain; 165 acres of this farm is in a good state of cultivation, the balance good hardwood; a large frame house 11 stories, one log house, log stables and corn caibs, two orchards and an abundance of good. water. This farm is situated tluee miles south of the thriving town of Clinton, Indiana, on the Evans- -ville, Terre Haute and Chicago Railway; 160 relies south of Chicago, 111., and 10 miles north of Terre Haute, Ind., a city of 20,000 inhabitants; good roads; good s„hoin. ; good markets and a good neighborhood. Terms easy -or I will trade for land in either the Counties of Huron or Brace, Ont. Address 101IN E. RYAN, Clinton, Ver. miJlioTL Cotmty, Indiana, -or 0. R. COOPER, Brassels, Ont. - 275*10 HORSEIVIN, ATTENTION! 10Pt OUTE BILLS neatly and promptly printed at -1-v the EXPOSITOR OFFICE. JOHN L:ECKIE, Brusse/8. SEAFORTH MARBLE WORKS, .3.1 A LAT STREET, Opposite the Waterloo House, near the Station. r • MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and atinost refisonable priees. Mantles of .Varous -Colored Marble sue - plied on ,S11iOrt Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER BROTHERS. MORTGAGE SALE • Y LAND AND DWELL1N0-H0USE IN TN le VILLAGE OF ZURICH. TTNDER and by virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage, reside by Amos Witmer, which Will be produced at the time of sale, ddanit haying been made in payment, will be offered for sale by public auction, by Edward Bossenberry, auctioneer, at the Victoria Hall, in the Village of Zurich, on MONDAY, the 21st day of April, A. D. 1873, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall then be pro- duced, the follewing property, viz.: All those par- cels or triads of land and premises situate, lying and being in the village of ZURICH, in the Coun- ty of Huron and Province of Ontario, containhrg by admeasurement two-fifths of an acre of land, more or less, being composed of Lots Numbers Eleven and Twelve, from Louis Vairther's envoy dI the westerly twenty-nne acres of Lot Number Twenty-one in the Tenth Concession of the Town - lain of Hay. There Wm dwelling -house and blacksmith shop on the land 'in good repair and condition. • For further particulars apply to W. G. WILSON, Zurich, agent for the vendor. Zurich, March 22,1873. 279-2 277 ANDREW CALDER, Agent. BEEPLES ! BEEPLES! BEEPLES I SHTOP A LEEDLE HOWS YOUR °MUDDER ? VELL? DELL HER PORTER ReebB 10th FUNNYTURE, oft IN CHANCERY. IN CHAMBERS. SAMIDAy, the 29th day Of Murch, A. D. 1878. BETWEEN WILLIAM FORTUNE, Plaintiff, and EDWARD MeKEARNAN all others, Defendant. Upon tie applicatiOn of the above-named plain- tiff, and upon hearing the Solicitors for the appli- cant, and -Upon reeding the affidavit of Henry W. C. Meer and the &Orbit therein referred to - It is ordered that service of offers °enes of the bill of isemplaint, endorsed in accordande with the Generaprders of this Court, and of a copy of this order upon the defendant, Bridget Cowan, be deemed good service upon the defendstpts, Ed- ward, Patrick and john McKearnan, andlhat said three last-mentioned defendants do, on or before the thirtieth deg of June next, answerOr demur to said bill. " •- • [Signed4 GEO. S. HOLMEBTED, DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS1 Dress Goods in the latesttind most select styles of the season. Millinery Dvartment Complete. T10MAS KIDD. " SPEAK NO BUT DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE. WILSON Si; YOUNG, SEAFORTII, Have. on hand a large and complete stock of FIELD A_ND GARDEN SEEDS Of all kinds, which have warranted good. • • v .w.c. C. Edwitrd,Tatrigk and John McKearitenigqike no- tice that, if. yeterlo not answer or defmar to the bill, punruarat to the above order, pie 'plaintiff may obtain an order to take the bill *cOnfessed against you, and. the Court may grant such relief as he may bfeentitled to, on his ewir shying, and you will not receive any Inrther notice of the fu- ture prodeedings in the canse. • Your answer is to be fried at the Office of the Deputy Registrar at the Town of 9oderich•in. the County of Huron. * • BENSON & MEYElt, 278-4, Plaintiff 'a So licitor. • • been purchased from the most reliable seedsmen in the Doirion, and are Groceries and Crockery, as Usual. Just received, one car load of half and quarter barrels, which ducement to etrtomers. Also, Choice Porter. Superior Wines for Medical Insolvent Act oi 18694 /A the County Court of the County of Hy, rOn. LIQUORS. CARLING'S PALE AND AMBER ALE„ .13-1 barls, will be sold either wholesale or retail, at prices which will be an in - Bass' Ale in bottles, Youngers' Ale in bottlean Several varieties of Perposes and table use, in wood and bottle. Pr_AD-EITt,JD PBED Aheans on hand, and delinered to town customers free of charge. WILSON & YOUNG MAIN-STFEET, AFORTH. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SEEDS • IN TOWN IS TO BE FOUND AT STRONG & FAIRLEYS, CONSISTING OF Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Alsild Clover, • White Clover, Hungarian Grass, Red Top, Orchaird 09 -ass, Tares, Bucktoheat, &c. • A Large Lot of Top Onion Sets Expected Daily. Canada, Province of Ontuio, 1 In the matter of Comity of Huron; j JAMES LEONARD, aaninlishOIldily insolvent. , the twelfth Oday of May next, the undersigned will apply to the said Court for a dis- clueDragtecatmatdeAinr tiniesyvillacte. in „the County of Huron, this twenty-eighth day of March, A. D, 1873. JAMES LEONARD. - by Ball & Matheson 279 his Attorneys ad lite m. SCHILD'S CARRIAGES Un haat, un if she vents any tinks, she • gits dem far MOOST NODDIN' Dere. He gibs dem meost all avay. Be keebs a gribble to deliber dem to you euse un gits dero afore he sbtfirts a,vay mit ,dem. His antore is yore -M-hister Hatt pleat to spile his lether, tin ItAINSHTREET, SEAFORTH. NOTA BENA - Wen you don't got any BICHTERS wat you don't like to hay framed, call by PORTER'S that bin der sheapest Niece in town. S. L. KENNEDY, TTOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER and Grainer. Paperhanging also attended to. W.:irk done as eheap as by any other good work- man in the business. All orders left with Mr. Kennedy, or for him at the ExPosiTon Office will be promptly attended to.. 279 GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, IN GREAT VARIETY, WARRANTED FRESH. TURNIP AND MANGOLD SEEDS,* A LARGE STOCK; HEIFER LOST. STII.SYED from MeBlide's Hotel, Seaforth, oi KJ the 24th. of March, a. two-yearoid ECEIFER of black color. Any person giving such informa- tion as will lead totth.e recovery of ,,the above ani- mal will be suitably rewarded. • hisINRY MeGAVIN, 279I Lot 28, Con.12, McKillop, Winthrop P.0, PARTIES WISHING SEED CbRN FOR DAIRY PURPOSES CAN BE SUPPLIED AT STRONG t1/4 FAIRLEY'S. OUR STOOK OF GROCERIES COMPLETE AS USUAL; • LOOK HERE, JUST NOW. AFINTYRE SiLt GLOVE LOST. T OST, on Saturday, the 5th of April, on the Hu- J- ron Rea between Carronbroorandtitchell, a Brown. Baver-Skin Glove. The finderaktill confer a favor on the owner byfleaving it either at joaeph Kidd's store, Carronbrook, or at the EvrosiTon office, Seaman. • 279*4.. SEAFORTH, )71 A VE GOT AS GOOD, FASHIONABLE AND CHEA.P BOOTS AND SHOES ' AS CAN BE _FOUND IN THE COUNTRY-. Full lines in Ladies' and Gents' PraneJla Wear -for Summer. •CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, Just give us a call. Yon will find -as opposite W. Robertson. & Co.'s Ilaidware Store, Seaforth, Seaforth, March 27, 1878. •277 • CAUTION. TEE Public, are hereby cautioned against pur- chasine or negotiating a NOTE OF HAND, for the st`i'm of.,$41, drawn by George McKim, in favor of Alex. Mollibbin, dated Oct. 6, 1872, and due six months from date, as paynaent on the said note has been stopped. ALEX. 1.1e1CD3BM. Walton, Mareh 31,1873. 278*4 DOG LOST. T OST, on March 6, a. -white and brown water spaiiiel DOG, with long ears and short tail, an- swering to the name of "Scot." Any person leaving such information as will lead to his recov- ery at the EXPOSITOR Offie,e will be suitably re- warded, and any person found harboring said dog after this datewili be proseenteclas the law directs. March 81,1873. 278 BOY WANTED. • "W -ANTED, hrunediately, a BOY 1 or the Black- ' smithing business. Apply to - 278 ' MeINTOSFI & MOBRSON. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Of the following new and choice vaninties, Climax, Excelsion, Bresee's Prolifiey Willard. Seedlits, Chattering, Granitne State. Took drat prizes whenever shrewn et theFallShews, and four prizes at the Se &forth Seed Fair in 1878. The above -rerietiee, are -warranted true to name, Apply at Lot 23, Can3,Town8bip of Tucker - smith, H. R. S.% or addrese 3•A4an letnnp,VROROUGH, 278 8ealextb., Out. •