HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-18, Page 3rious turtling 6 ting their lanterns, but not their natoeth ka.ule fretinently, Abased by vagabends, who lieve onlv, to ow alanfern inscribed, "The Nag- isteate to be_able,t01/xtract money from 0e:tweak:or aniwary. -Weal, thy families and officialeaffeet tbe large globularplatitern, the common classes a small-etone of cylindrical shape. The tharacters. are ,alwaYs ineeribed in red or blaek paint, save in time of mourning, when blue is employed,. --IteliterWliifttr an im- portant adjinfift in 'all 'procesSions, idolatrous, hymeneal, -andf funeral, and on such-oecasions the 1arg4r the - lantern the more imposing is its ef- • feet considered. - 130 faces .• dry Th tap of • r c- nating shame -A. •eitx- scandal.) ie most -lionized of the proph- .. unsatiafactory meal - A the &se Pft Barrister, Attorney fie Iodedehe Ont. Otace-rav arporinm, Market Squeee„ tear &1,119eitemulole, . Attorneys,Solieitors 9, Ont. Office -two, doora DANIELnh MoDUSTALA, Dresse YLEIflettle. haat me- °veep the house ,e4 near the Station, one door s 9u91. pOsite 31eCallunt'a ygre 'rank Mee-er, Where broil. ble garments for the win - close of the year. a home eircuit--talking boat with baby in the night. -_What business ought ToM - to go. info Grocer .(grow, boarding mistress's motto ea gently with the (h) erring." -flow to turn people's heads - Corea in,- a concert late in thick -Is it not strange that contract- ors should be 'engaged to widen reets --Young ladies- use powder, per. hate because they think it will Inakirthem go off. • You've got the drop On me," awthe criminalw oithe scaffold said to the Sheriff. --"Yeu seem to be a little:hoarse, • my love," remarked Simpkilia,to Is spouse, when she, had. a cold. - "A little horse, indeed!' she replied, mislikingti the persbnal allusion. "Better be thei than 'a h4.rhule." -A gentleman going to Tex* a*ed a friend for. a letter of intro - &action. Tie friend .openedi ii drawer,Aotik out a large and 'hand - setae spring - bladed dagger - knife and, a six-?,harafiered revolver, and gaverthene to hint. \ Pottaville ma -n, who' says he hasn't attended church for- many ypars, boasts that he can.renieraber perfectly the preacher's text on. the last occasion, of a visit to the sanctu- ary; And this is the. way he re- reembered it when asked What it was • " is easier for ar camel to enter a circus than for a man -to zit fackage of needles.' 4„ Graduate eV/ ete' of the County - Menges= & S T, M. »,c 31., Graduate - mitre, Montreal, Pleyaletan, [arutl Itesidence--Brecefielg. ' 31. D., C. X, Phvician, - Offiee and Residenee,. terilet steeets, next to the Planing G. EUTJt, 19.D.S4 Ientist, &c.„ Seaforth, ' ezt dyke,. neatly eketated. on performed with care Ida Iow as can be obtained elea- re from. S A.M. to 5, P. M. gall's Store, Main-st. S, formerly of 'T and- iteSiadae4 - arna. 'Will be at Brn felilia 2 till C9*elock. gas 1873„ -PIING 1873, G R • hf IS PALMED FOR CHOICE TEAS, AT 50011SJI 7150TS.ii, 90CTS. AND ONE DOLLAR. SITRGEON„-Ii. MoNAIRIATI, announce to the inhebitents raormffing country that he has diploma= of the Ontario Veterine is new prepared to treat dieessei Weald all domestic Animals Me. dee in commotion With his Urge - ere he will be found ready to M. Diseases of the feet, speci deface., ales and shop in the rear „Ries zeee store. All kinds -of Tete es kept constantly on band, We.229 1114..Vet 'winery Surgeon, (mem- Ontarile Veterinary Colleee.)-19ega :he has returned to the palhatexe Seaforth, and may at all times -be e diseases of Horses, Cattle, &c. ti7emes constantly on hand. Alt attended- tee Oillee, at Mansion 2-72 AT 11.0fFMAN.- 'BROTHERS' ilLACK,CREEN AND JAPAN. "Your 90 cent TEA ie equalto any iffscrilar Tea 1 geili-COUNTRY CUSTOMER. - "That TEL at 50 cents goes as faxas some Dollar Tee."-Toevie CUSTOMER. • (Mines withheld.) • AND. A COMPLETE STOCK OF The Latest Ballad. Every Wien writes its real. his- tory in its ballads. In England, for instance, strong ,politieal feeling among the masses has always:s.hown itself by breaking out in pongs. At OAS mgment, that kingdom is r6 - sounding with a rough ballad 'which has aignificanee in several ways. One sleeking fact about it is that it is a democratic parody on Brind- ley Richaad's loyal song, "God bless the Prince ofWaks.;" and, through- outt ' it manifests a ver3r, es amount of re+erence for roya or no- ble dignitaries. It startslioff with this stanza: ,bless the hope of ,Enol,and, hoever that it may be; Th prince, the peer .the peasant, \ It's all the -same to •flief9t'' _ But at"the-end of every verse *nem- ruihes forth a boiaterous and rol- licking -chorus, in which it appears that the seat of British political dia- rionteixt is in SOLD &other bodily -organ than the heart, and that the Nitre -fa aspiration -for freeddin tests on -a very vigoroi*, propensity towarci roast beef and bread: 'God helptheptkor of Eigland p9 Thti \race of old John Ball ; God shield. us all from staving, Anci-kop*AD This is it tt very -romantic or trans- cendental view of the subject; but it ,i,,,s•Ieminently British and practical. It justifies Napoleon's diqum that a welaed people will not be rebels. • se NEW • 13.1.31NT,i5,- STAPLE ENERAL GROOE ‚4 Dark and. Light, sratabl`e for he teaeon. Dressed and Undressed , 56 BUSHELS NO. 1 DRIED APPLES. 0601\T .A.I\T3D 1-1.AANetsf Flour, Graham Flour, '13neltwheat 'Pion; Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, ecce FRESH AND GLEAN, ALLOY.$ -GROCERY, /11. SEAFORPT: VERY CHEA.P. - BLEACHED COTTONS, A 't Good Value. E E. HICKSON & 000 FANCY RV GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C. SEAFORTIII e Would advise their customers and friends of the - arrival of a large vita= of their To. Housekeepers and titose Intending Hirusekeeping. JOSEPH RODGERS. & SOWS CELEBRATED CUTLERY. Tem thonsand yards .of those well4nown SPRING • AND SUMMER • A Large Consigaent 'dire& from Sheffield, England, Gomprising -DUNDAS. dcY1TOT•TS;. Calling st, Boy in the Morning,. Calling a boy up in the tiiorni can haral y:.:.be , Classed -under the head of- ".ixt:stiines,"..e-specially if the boy is fond a. exereise.,, the day be- fore. And it is a little: singular that the -next liaidest thing to get- ing la boy out of bed is getting hirn ints! it. Tharp. Ls rarely a . mother Who is a success atjousing a, boy.i All mothera know this-; so 4 their boys, And -yetathe mother.seetns to go at. It iir, the tight way. ghe. opens the stair door; andiiisitivating- Iy ohaerves : ---Y‘ofoliny," - Theze is no reaponse... "John-ny." Still no response.,-- Them- there..is 4t .short sharia " l'obli,'' followed a-mgment later 'by a prolonged and eliPhatic "John Henry?' 'Kgrunt from the upper region signifies that, an im- pression has: been made, and . the _ mother is encouraged to add, 4 Yon'd ' better ' be getting down here to your breakfast, . young. ' man, .before I. collie up an' give you something you'd • Tbia so startles the -young men . that he- immediately goes to sleep again: nd• the oper- i ation has to be retated several times. , A . father' knows, &thing about this trouble. ,. He merely , Erearetr.s. EL, Seaforth., Ontario. SIMOW !Proprietor. The subscriber haw )vated. and newly furnished the that it now affords good accommo. ,trevelling publie, Choicee liquors e bar. The table is supplied with. in season- Oystere m Sta.4033 'and az. r attentive hostler in 41.03i; E, HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., WM, Proprietor. This Hotel is under nagement =diaper_ been thorouglj Bar is aupplied with the beat us, Good. Stabling and, attentive !strelepe LiverY in connection. 228 WALE§ ROTEL, Clinton, Ont., TOIEM01,1„ Proprietor. First-class for teavellere„ The Rae is gape au' beet liquors and cigars. Goo* el. The stage leaves this -House ingham, 204-4t VNItite, S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. !Murrafs Hotel, Seaforthe Good clase Conveyances always on.hand.. ST.ABL.ES„ SEAFGRTH, Out. and Comfortable Vehicles, always. -/rabie Arrangements made with eellere. An orders left at KNOX'S neneptiv attEnded to. Sreewie:-Third door North of kin Street. 21103LS DET!Le Proprietor. imeassaamereimemesummemme YOUR; PR PERTY YOEIJIt LI1S. Which ho.ve no equator wear, rini.tormity of thread, rapidity in bleaching, lowness in prices, whilfh is the main object. .9, Knives and Forks, tab% anti . dessert, Ivory -Handred Table Knives'Ivory- Handled Dessert K.nives, Ivory -Handled Carvers and Steels, Cooks' Knives,Buteher Knives, Sciisors, 1 • Z l RODGERS & SON'S LADIES' AND GENTS' TOI T CASES, RODGERS & SON'S RAZORS AND STROPS, ToyitpAND TOWELitiel 1 -)Aasduline nether intewurnents _ are becoming larger, and asSuming gratefail and drapery,like ap- pearance. • ----The French heel has gone out af fashion, -So has the chignon;:so has vol inino its crinol e. 9 The &Akio mourns. - . - iWho dat hit me I" Where's dat lapierbl" 'were the exclamations Of an astonished darkev after being throw.nsomething like a huudied feet by a locomotive: -A TIV-11:1 Fort • Wayne,, Ind., dropped his well filled pock400k ins: depot, on- thellst of April, and fauna a .Seme - time aftbri as eery - body. around- had been afraid of . be- ing " feeled",- 4.4 ENDLESS !VARIETIES. - Rodgers, 4. Set's Pocket Kiii-Ves. .4 ALL THE ABOVE ARE TV.et, GENUINE GOODS, AT LOW PRICES. ir • i . ,. E. 14ICKS'ON .$c GO.; .DRIJUGiSTS, SEAFORV-1. . WHICH FOR ALSo; . EXTENT, VARIETY 'AND. ,OHEA.P'NESS HAS NEVER BEEN SURPASSED SEAFORTH. TO/ THE PUBLIC AT LAR -b -E. .ai Wi Hs! OLI.Vg0 narriess, Saddle and -Trutk °ilANUFACTURkii, SEAPORTII, TABLE LINENS 1 And Table Napkina. .771. THE LARGE$T, BEST AtD QH.E.4PEsT. • , VARIETY OF - NEW SPRING- GOODS.. . .•. tED-SPREADS, White and Colored. 2 Bales of tnglishand Caned: Cott-o-na-7from 70. to I2ic. In addition to -Regular Goods at•Regulik Prices, the folio -whin are Speelally Cheap Bargains : ,„). Bale of White Cottons, at 10e. • .."1. 13a1e of White Cottons, over a yard -Wide, at 14,tc•e. ' 800 „Pieces of New prints, feet colors, ituported direct from Manchester, from 9e. to 16e. per ye'id. 10. Pieces of Wool -dyed Danutsks, at 25e. per yard, woith 40e. '25 'Pairs White. Quilts, at $1. 25;Vokth. $1 75. , 500,,yardsBrocaded Theaters, at 1)e.,,worth pc. 800'eyard8 Fancy Challis, at 12te. worth 20e. -700 yards Fancy Challis, atpc,, ivoith 25e. I 1,200 yards Fano Challis, at 25c., worth 85e. 41 800 yards heavy Breaded:Lusters,' ht 1374delivorth 45e. 400 yards all Wool Sliirtings, at 25c., worth.'40c. 800 only, Large Towels, at 18e., worth 25e. 20 pieces all Wool Cloth, at $1, worthill 40. 14 pieces Cottonades and Unions at'from 18c. to 60c. 12 dozen Gents' Pere -Silk Pocket' Handierchief‘ s 40e.'worth 75c. 4 dezf3n ifilk Shawls, new 41e, at $5,. worth $7 50. - No other HOURS has them. . New Silk and Cloth Manfres, direct froth Eugland, very cheap. 1,000 boxes of Paper Collars, fon' be. to 10c. per box. 4 -cases of Prunuella Roots very cheap. 1 case of Boys' Felt Irate, at 50d.; -worth seeing. 1 (lase of Men's new Betts, at '85c., eworth seeing.. . Piles of White and Colored Cotton Hosiery at half price. The catih bnyer, the • independent buyer, the buyers, who can buy where they please will find, this 4 prbraftifie place to visit. - The alikke floods are in :stank now, but ten days will clear out many of the best bargains. First COMel fast served. . .. ' , -- - 4. , . • ALL GOODS WARIZANTED PERFECT,, , . , - AND PRICES MARKE,D IN PLAIN FIGURES. 'If • g Seafo , r AGENT FOR .ovitieiral Insurance Corapany-- . - 4. 9seranee company, of Torouto:-- I.:Risk Insurance :Company, or 'eseiable as offered by any 'other tweeter 1:dial). is Conapaniee. NEY TG LOAN,,t the 4Am-r1tual Investment This Company. offers better in- errowers than any others 'dojo . .r.ovirtee. Call and get sironis darabefore applying elsewhere. 1:1 Strong Fairley's Grocery Seaforth, 252 HARNESS SH P EAFORTIT. - CY have irist opened a "[Amass intafil old Jewelry Store, right op onHotel, and are prepared to exe on hand all classes, of Buggy, In Harness, All Harness will be [ist stylea„ Good utaterial and Ep guaranteed, as we have had a the best of work in some of the We will also keep on hand an - Collars, Saddles, Trunks and hiplaehese Curry Combs, Brashest hat is generally- kept in a first- rp. All orders- will be promptly attentioregiven to repairing. : shop -Opposite• the Mansion & MAY. McGREGO-R, r,Hargarhey, Seaforth, Tel &large Stoek a the materials iwiness and is now fully PrePer- the shortest notice and in the erders he may be favoured with. :DGERS & BLANK BOOKS OF 79_ RIND) I made te order, on the shorteat' ejees which defy competition. Boxes' (6 Fancy Casesi Made to order.•• ;1 ED NEW ROOKS drepaired at city pr1ce$.9., knis addressed to the undersign- enpt attention. DANIEL MeGREGOR, SeafortIV(Hill-PurileY' M BULL ow Mr SALE thoroughbred Darham BULL Letts old, color ted and white; _IftlX0119 MO.) Herd -book peat- -med. Apply to . EDWIN CRESSWELL, Egmondville P. 0: BOOKS; BOOKS. .ai WHITE COTTON HOSE; EMliROIDERED Just 'Reeeived, a Large Assortment of Choice and Miscellaneous COLLARS AND CUFFS, SIOX 439F THE SCOTCH COLLAR: • A ice.assortment of light .0. heavy Barneeet WhipseBellse.,1101pe C1othi4, 40., kept constantly onehiunl: Repairing promptly attended to; and chges *pqste. Amami= the, -plate, sir el4 the Spotch oiler. W. 11. 0Liv 7* 7'13 -77777" 999.1 opens his, ruouth,tis a &Oft, bottle ejects its cork, and=the " ifohn Hen- ry" that cleaves the an of that stair- way goea Intd' that boy like eleettic- ity, and pierces the deepest recess- es of his zvery nature.: And.beTolis out of that bed and into his -clothesi and clown the,stairs, with a prompt- ness that is coMmeliclable. It is rarely that a, boy allows himself to disregard the paternal summons. About once a year is believed to be as often las consistent' with the rules of health. •Ile saves his fath- er a great many steps -by his thought- fulness. -D:/ News. a Including 500 Volumes of the • LINEN, COTTAGE LIBRARY. 0%1110 Tile Lantern araong thT Chi - ALSO, LACE AND 111U4iNi . ' No person can buy them eleaper than another, or cheaper than yeti. NO SECOND PRICE. 7 / A. G. MODOVG"'ALL. An Old Friend iii, a Sew Race. R..1V19YED. A-1.1Tql hags fie inform hie Austen:fere that he ife:ft just opened a large stock of the cholp' est Gii9eSties land Provisions i.itthb store adjoining Camphell'ai,Clothing Storeeopposite the Mensien Hotel; a few lobrs oorth of his old stand, -where he hopes to be favored the patronage of his elle- tourers. Wm. Aulthaving removed to larger prena- iaes where'll° caikeep a larger and better assort- ed stock, is in a better position than ever to suit cuttomers. Cali and see the old friend. A Fine Assortment OF HaNDKERCHIEFS, &c. AN D FR t' NE IT tt A large and extra choice stock of all kinids of CANNED FRUIT---Peathes, Tomatoes, See 1 4 -- ALBUMS , AULT Cennot-The beat for TEAS. They are firat-elesS and clatafT. 267 BRUSSELS FOUNDRY OF ALL SORTS; FROM 25 CENTS UPWARDS. nese. R. LUMSDEN, Comer Drug Store, Seaforth. PUMPS AND CISTERNS. All the above Goods, just opened out, were bought for Cashand well be sold FOR CASH ONLY.,.: A Chinaman and his lantern are inseparable. Let him start on.any errand which is likely to occupy him until sunset, and his lantern will be the first article that he laye hands on to carry with him. Even on the brightest moonlight night he Con- siders it his duty to provide himself With artificial light, and it is a curious sight at a large fire at night to see the crow -da, which fill the streets. every man with his lantern held aloft, although the practice owes its rise; TIO •(.1011bt, to the ab- sence of any system of public light - hie for the streets and highways. The lantern has none the less its uses in daylight; suspended over doorways and along the front of shops it declares the surname of the proprietor within in huge characters, and no respectable domicile is with- out one. Indeed . all lanterns, whether carried in the hand or otherwise, are inscribed with the sur- names of their owners, So that while walking the street of a nighta man can always discern that, his friend Jones or Itobinson is approaching long before his figure is discernible. Official persons show their titles on Jai, RI WILLIAMS, SEAFORTH, - Is now better prepared than ever before to fur- nish a superior axtiele of • PUMPS OR 401$TERNS POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND- LIFT PUMP, Aldo, the Common Log and Cistern PUMP. SOFT WATER 'CISTERNS .AND CHEESE • FACTORY TANKS 'Made, of any size, to order. These aro now ac- knowledged to be the cleanest, best and cheapest in use. I have also made serengements for DIGGING 'WELLS and Water Snpplies in general, by which my can offer better inducements to parties wanting Wells than any me in the busialess. From my 1311193:ty years' experience and 'my in- creased faCilities, 1 am confident id giving sail: - faction to allevho may favor me witheheir orders'. All Work Warranted. Call at the Faetory, NORTH MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, • And examine for youeselves. As I -require liaoney With whieie to carry on my businesS,1 have to stato that all overate Notds ' and Accounts not settled immediately will he 1 ' handed to Mr. J. EL Porter for collection - - J. R. WILLIAMS. Everybody know's-what - • • 1111111.111111•113111111 undersigned, havirr„a sold the Huron Foundry "property' and stohk `-thif " Goderieh Foundry e aiJil 31annfactming Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, arid trusts that they wilt continue to send thair orders to the new Company. Goderich, 10th Jane, 1872. R. R1JNCI3IAN. 6E1:At RDUOT.I.QXS a r Referring tp theeibeve notice, The Godeil„ch Founclry•Sic Manufacturing Co. • Beg to inform the pnb..lie that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND MILO§ ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS, • SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand -IRON. AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards, GANG PLOWS,. CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, & SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES GRATE -BARS, . WAGGON BOXES &c. COOK,ING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of variouikinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CA -STINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK BOITkERS AN,D SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTIcE. twizaa TO' THIRTY -HOME POV9rElt TUBULAit WILMS generally on hand for Bale. THE SUMCRIBER wfshes te call the attention of the farming community in general to his large and varied stock of ' Agricultural Implements, Consisting ot Can be allowed for Cash, which system we invari- ably adhere to. Parties not in need of any of the above Goods had. better not price them, for they are sure to buy when theyeee the IRON AND WPQD .PLOWS; _QUALITY AND PRICES. nOFFMA.N BROS'. • With the bitest improved Steel Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, CULTIVA.TORS;LAND ROLLERS, ITARB.OWS; SC UITLERS, &c, liewould beg to call speehd atMundan to the celebrated FAR.IVIERS! 'Which has given Universal Batisfaction wherever used, to which is now added a Thistle Point, so much required itt this part. Also, to some first- class STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLERS, From $22 to $85. Also, a few First -Class Wagons, Getting -up for Spring use, warranted of very best SEASONED TIMB-ER. CHEAP CASH STORE. N. B. -A few heavy Woolens Wt, whiclt wiU bo sold at cost. Ig'` All orders addressed:tor; the Company or Secretary will receive Promilattention. „„e • * ROBERT RUNCIMAN, ' HORACE: HOR10X, General, Manager. 4President. GEORGE NIEBERGALL, Manager AgrienIturapepaetraente - Gloderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. AROMBA,V) ii9DGE) Seeretery and Treasurer. 248 All of which will be sold,at the ex) LOWES'PPRICES FOR CASH itiproved credit. B. WILSON. Brussele, Feb. 1, 1873. Wley 45 - 0-, ,