HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-18, Page 22. THE NEW CHIEF AT BETMICK'S TURN. It was ceitainlya very lively settle- ment. New settlements eiretywhere are lively, and. new .naining Villages :!a,e pay: tiordarly ao, 'bit Bettnick'N though but av moiagis °lit/Pi:airily', held ith own aAng the: inviting r.6ighbo'rhoods* on a.' certain creek in California in the early days of the gold fever. All the mining Ikenteil stipend:Otis' games; - general' and mighty sprees, and: :Vigiifoifs' and! skilful fights. Each 'camp Posiaied its el'unz-t-great:Juallisiluaiengedl, the Whole doiffitry Cards, or pistol. -But the inhabitants of Betmiek town passed their days in one delicious, unvarying atraoaphere of ex- citement, for ;.Baretop Billy, Norfolk Ben, and Tom Luggs had all found at the Turn such dirt that they ll remained, instead of each moving in search of some less favored_ locality where his light might shine in solitary and unaided radi- anceie • It was no wonder that the proud Bet- inickites looked downimpon their less fortunateineighbors-2-7as did the Roman upon therJew,_ or the Jew upon- the un- fortunate Samaritan; no wonder that when a denizen- of the Juru invited a , • friend from some neighboring camp -to call on him he did it with that unshaken conviction of ability to entertain which can be likened only to -the feelings of a hospitable Bostonian during Coliseum_ days, or of an Owner of a pew in Ply- mouth Church. Norwas it any wonder that the whole nanip speedily, resolved itself into three great factions, and found itself in possessionof some very bad blood. The spiritnal influences at Bet- mick's were invisible, but the spirituous influences were numerous and full proof, and the absence of the former: and the activity of the latter soon enabled the village undertaker to assert,,avith no leis of truth than Of professional piiide, that there was as many graves in the ceme- tery as there were battles at Demmey's saloon. • Whethee-on account of equality of merit among .the three great leaders, or of that fair play which prompts men to espouse the weaker side, we know not, britleertain it is that the three .sets at Betmick's numbered so neatly the same quantity of menibers that the, concilia- tory spirits of neithtis party were able to gain' recruits by shoWing that' their own leader was a -pre-eminent, favorite. It is also certaiu that neither party, iu its drunkest moments, imagined the possi- bility of triumph by the force of arms. So all encounters were between single. representatives only,.the:chiefs disclaim- ing responsibility as promptly as do po- litical candidates for the4rregu!arities of their followers. But although each clique hadfits mem- - bers residing apart froni the other !sets, and thes.e of each party staked claims in immediate proximity to each -other and away from. its rivals, there was common ground on -which' they met, and it :vose,_ found at Demmey's saloon. ,They were brave, and. enthusiastic, -and willing to kill or be killed, for, ,principle's sake, these miners, but they were human, and huthanity in those days and climes found its chief consolation in ; liquid farm. - One evening, when a miner whO had found la nugget of comforting-, size, had • invited the crowd to the bar to " wash " his happy discovery, a Baretop Billyite happened to jostle one of Tom Luggs" ad- herents. The aggrieved man promptly • - drew his weapon, his adversary also drew. Everyione sat down or stooped. • low enough to dodge stray shots, and the undertaker was just remarking to a miner un his right that he was fortunate- ly able to fit either man with a ready- , made coffin, When thedooropened and a man rushed in exclaiming, " Ther's a woman come to camp." The two men with pistols looked. into each other'seyes, and in, that manner agreed that personal diffieulties were now. of secondary importance. The un- dertaker groaned, . business had been dull for some days, and this affair was an utter and sickening disappointment; stillhe was a man, and he looked in- quiringly toward the last speaker. The great Baretop Bullhirnseif, drOpping a euchre hand which contained both bow- ers and the king, aaked • " What is shelikej" " Welli" replied the man'"she' Dutch, an' soinewhar between .thirty an' forty,and she'd Make .a good sized weighin' Machine groan with agony.. An' she's toted in a washboard an' a - couple of fiat irons an' a little bundle an' she's toak Buck's old shanty, leas ther ain't rIv) other eiepty." " Ef ther's any of that kind aro', let's,giv 'em lift," cried NorfolkunBen, emphasizing hie. suggestion by thump- ing on a table with anf.-eranty bottle. "A, woman that'll work fur her livin' ort to be encouraged." • " Second the motion," shouted Bare -- top, bowing politely toward hie rival. The _third Member of the illustriens trio immediately followed with- _ , : - "Let's give her -a decent house to live ; she ken hav mine, and I'll bunk -in with gome of the boys." "Bully !" exclaimed Norfolk ten, as- sisted by -several others, irrespective of party. "But .seein' it's a woman, I move we build her _a new house 'an a • decent one, and that each man agrees tp kerry a board from Banksey's landin' to do it with. Meanin', though," continu- ed Ben, mindful. et the amenities, which, can be practiced, even by political pdver- • saries, " to thankthehon,rablegentleman for bein' willin' to . turn hisself out of doors." Mr. Diggs instantly invited his ri-al to drink, and the whole crowd clinked glasses amicably, after which it was agreed that immediately after breakfast the crowd. should start for the lumber for the new hous4, while -the bar keeper, -whnwould be at leisure, and who was • the only man in the camp that could speak German, should gignify to the • Washerwoman. the'Sentiment of the camp and the intention of every one to give a practical 6XpreSsion to their sentiment: That night there was such a peaceable time in the saloon that a visitor from a camp farther up the creek went home • early and clisgtisted and pronounced Bet- mick's Turn the most unmitigated hum- bug in California. The boys' drank and gambled and used a great deal of langu- age not found in standard dictionaries,• - but all was clone in ai quiet, peaceable, manner which Seemed ' almost hypocritit, cal ;iqfact, when aLuggs man lost his laat ounce on sluffino• with three' of a kind, one of the Benjaminites volunteer- ed a loan with which the unfortunate man could make a fresh venture: As th&ctowd was gatheringerri, front of the saloon the next morning; Nashua, .who lit -ed at the eitreme end of the camp, came slowly up, shaking his head dubiously. ' r" • "1 came hat1( s r 8 141 Ins - 0* said he, " as the door was 'Was Oleo, I_ down on h erdsfii agin the s�metliing 02' just peeked in. knees, :she's. ..1.kni,"afeard- ` -4Bettkr better yerself, yo id B'areto11- Billy severely, th •hua was not one of his clan; • her's anybody in this can that pEa.ys.tp,ching,thex'rn. InifiliViiii0OdY Mike 'TAM liquor an' git." 'By noon the sixty odd miners of Bet- 13.1.W.ao,RT,44-144(1-41 041444"41412 each with"ahoart en. une a --was. passed to raise the price of the nails, and tools were brought, and volunteers were numerous enough to build a state- ly edifice. The three leaders retired for consultation, and then announced that they had agreed to detail to men .each, as it was impossible for so many to work to advantage. When, it was found that they had...forgotten to provide le window, the bar-keeper.donated one of his own, griml ,reinarking, it had better be there than be shot I to pieces by poor shots who settled their difficulties at the saloon. 'By dark the edifice was completed, arid though it was barely equal in size and appointm6nts to a ''respectable -chicken coop, it was by far the finest building at the Turn; It was late ; it was supper time ; it was even past the time when the tables at the saloon were pre-empted bythose desiring a gathe, 'yet still the boys hung about the newly finished house. e' h looking Ili if there was something/he could sa.#,' if he dared. 'At last Hoosier Jake broke the silence: • I ain't a -bossing this camp," said he, " but all in favor of. hewn' the house- warmin' this very eveilin' will say Aye'. One loud " Aye" was the response, " I won't ask for the noes," continu- ed Jake, "fur I ain't onto the shoot to: day, yet I'd haVe to elipress the'generalt disa,pperbation ef any,feller said no. G -it yer candles, fellers, an' ef yer got any- thing that 'ud be handy to her, fetch it along. The crowd rapidly dispersed, followed by their chiefs, who tarried only long enough to express, as a body, their dis- tinguished approval of Hoosier- Jake's conduct. One by one the boys returned with scraps of candle, old tin pails, .fry- ing pans, tin plates ' case knives, and every sort of portable prqperty that a lady could be supposed to 'need. Even Lavarette, the surly half-breed, gallant-- ly brought his only treasure, which was a hideous yellow dog, and tied it at the door of the new house. - - " Who's to fetchher ?" inquired Jake. " Durnt it, nobody in this cainn's seed that woman yet -leastways,-/ hain't, an' it's time." Jake looked at each chief,' and each chief looked at the oder two and Jake. It was finally agreed that the three chiefs should constitute a committee; with the barkeeper as interpreter, to notify the lady of what had. been done, and to crave her acceptance. By Judas 'Priest !" cried an excited miner'" the chiefs will get Into a muss at last; there's three of 'em, and she can't take more'n two 0:1118 at a time." Every one admitted the gravity of the situation, and stared anxiously through the twilight. Suddenly the excitable -Jake cried4 They're cominl I hear Demmey a-talkin Dutch- at her !" The boys formed in line, erieh with lighted candle. Soon the procession ap- proached, led by the bar -keeper, who. was followed by the lady, supported by Tom L'uggs and BaretopBilly, while Nor- folk Ben brought up the rear, with the washbPard, fiat irons and bundle. The lady was not a beauty, nor were any cultured lines discernible in her face, but when the boys lifted their hats and boav ed, and the woman saw what had bean done for her, she turned in the 'doorway and exclaimed : ' f " G6tt pless you mens .l1; mine has- pand vas a diger too."' The crowd quietly dispersed and. drank • her health and good luck. Baretop Billy remarked that she ought to drive a 'brisk basiness, and Tom Luggs, instead of con- tradictinOim, as was the habit with the rivals, actually admitted that he thought so himself. Norfolk Ben said nothing, but he bought in empty barrel off the barkeepe`r, and *when Nashua, aftei five minutes of consuming wonder as to what on earth Ben wanted' ofn'that barrel, stepped out to ascertain, he was just time to hear Ben saying at the widow's', door: . .. "I've toted yer up "a ba '1 of clean water, 'etls the crick '11 be 'Si ed as soon as the boys gits to work in the mornin"." The hours slipped away, and the boys commenced to take farewelldrinks, when Hoosier Jake remarked: ' . , " I move ther don't be no more shoot in' at sight this side the crick. Ther hev been times when 'gentlemen/a -missed their man., and laid out. aome feller in- side his shanty. Of course that's excirs- able-no gentleman's, to blame for mis- takes that comes of havii ' his early,ed- dication neglected, but t erq ain't to be: no practicin' on wimme.n." • "That's so !" responded the crowd 80 emphatically that men. who shot wild! , considered themselves, solemnly warned. Had the next morning's aunpossessed a human countenance, it would have been _so paralysed by what it saw that the whole solar system would have been - seriously disarranged, for there, in the principal and only street at Betmick's Turn, stood Hoosier Jake in -a white shirt 'and- clean shaven face. • The contagion spread rapidly, and Jake's razor was so industriously borrowed that its edge soon 'resembled that of a superannuated hoe. Men disappeared mysteriously, tc return _clad in such gorgeons rainient as could be purchasad at the stores up and down the creek. • Parleyvoo, the only Frenchman in the camp, heated a pipe stem and tortured his lone hair into a thousand little curls. The restless Nashua spent ,several hours in, deep thought, and filially relieved his mind by speech: - "Mark my words," said he, " the one of 'em that gets her '11 be chief of th.e 1111.11 concern." • It was eVident that the rivals looked at the matter in the same light, and their endeavors soon reheved. their followers of any responsibility in the matter. In fact, when a Baretop Billyite offered three ounees to one that two of the great men would leave camp as soon as the success of the third was made public, his bet remained uncovered. Each man loy- ally bet on his nwn favorite chief, but the chances were 80 ,eNTEI1 that few odds were offered. For a couple of hours the faint hearted of two parties endeavored to hedge, for Tom Lugg S appeared in a new hat, but the stout-hearted support- ers of Norfolk Ben - ere rewarded- by ,..,, peeiii heir champion placidly displaying uard like unto a punip chid** op Billyites were Airy despons ibka whole evening passed without their ltacUr being seen at all , but- when tlief'An g light was thrown radiantly Vag.1/ tql a pair of highly polished boots on thfleet of the bald-headed here, his folltivers' counterumees indieated a Con- teit.like unto that of'the constituents of a Congressman who has triumphantly sustained himself before an invest,igatink ..aerfiiimmer.tan :1- :7- • .. For daya.the clahns..remainedfunvvork- ed. What was th etting df g�ld corn- RACIalTAI - Uo.910..geOl-.R3Fr.iik,t nueno---r -an- ire y new -Bert. The days of five minute encounters with knife and:pistol were regarded with pity- ing contempt. Drinking to their respec- tive champions, _tossing dollars, playing cards, and shooting* at marks to decide the question, and betting on the main is- sue and its collaterals, mewled the en- tire time of the excited miners. A fight or two was arranged between over zealous friends of the three leaders, but on on being warned that in the natural Course of events no dead man would be able to see the end of the af- fair, the disputants postponed the trials by battle. • One evening just after the provoking Nashua hail exptosSed a desire to know whether either member of the reign- ing trio had ever -dared to even speak to the widow at all, Hoosier Jake appeared at the saloon with a rather sheepish face, and remarked: + 0 -- The widder would like to see all you felleg3 up to the house,‘ef convenient.' Eery one: started, and the barkeeper left tthe ,door' unfastened and hastened. after. Hoosier Jake stood in front of the new house until the latest straggler had a'rrived ; -then he.went in- to the house, and ;immediately emerged with the widow, in a white dress alid. red face, and a white-faced than rn suspici- ously dean clothes. The white-faced man took off his hat and said: "If any of yon here present know any reason Why these two persons should 1106 be joined in bones of holy matrimony, dedare them now or forever after hold ybur peace." Three score of lower jaws fell siinul- taneouSl1y and sixty pairs of upper eye- lids songht superincumbent hat rims. The white faced. man Continued. ',Nene : then in the name of the Lord I pronbunce you man and wife. Amen." • Slowly the astonished men recoverecll 'their sepses, felt for their revolvers, and loo Iced each one tenderfy u pon his o wn par- ticular chie..c, Suddenly Baretop uncovered his innocent scalp.,' tossed his hat in the air awl cried : • Three cheers for Hoosier Jake, the pluckiest man in the'camp." The tfiree che4rs .were given with a vigor that seemed. -to shake the very roeks about 'them. The groom bowed, the bride bluslie,d and smiled, and the crowd did as it always did, when embar- rassed or astonished—it flocked into the saloon. They were. all staring and speechless/ when the three rivals entered arm in arm, and approached the bar. Iliey faced about; there was a kiead sil- ence and faced, Norfolk Ben said- •" Boys, there's been considerable feel - in' an' discussin' on the subject, but it's settleknow. There's only one-man got any right to be -chief at Betmick's Turn, and that's Hoosier Jake. Us three re- signs in his favor'an' ask the crdwd to drink good bye with us." The glasses were plated, each man nodded to his own- particular bottle, the glasses were clashed bier in the air and. • emptied at a swallow, the three bowed themselves out: a,nd. Betmick'a Turn saw them no more forever. - short timeetring on the monthly period with regularity. - These Pills should not be taken by Females during the first time months of Pregnaey, as they are Mire to bring on Miscarriage, but at any ether. -lime they are Hate. In alreasee of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pales in the -back and 'irate, fatigue oh)sligb.ii ex- ertion,palpitation of the heart, hYsterice, and • whites, these pills will effeet a inive When all other means have failed ; and although - a powerfuk remedy, do not contain iron, codeine', antimony, or anything hurtful* the constitution. Full directione in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Jelat9stitielielankx130A9,1'xoPrietee• Loaaud 121 -cents for poSta,ge, en clesed to Northop & Lyman, Newcaetle„Ont. geeeralagpte fog the Dominion, insure a 1;c?ttlb„ containing ,overt,50 pills by return mail. 3.1..tilif*C,RoldittlaCeforlarhyRo: g4OksPn. 4.490 Lumsden. 197-0 T.U.omas' Eclectric OH, WORTH TEN TIMES MS WEIGHT ix soup. no YOU KNOW ANYTHING OP ? LP NOT, IT IS 4 TEVIE YOU DID. • Thee° are but few preparations of medicine whieh have withstood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these 18 TilornAs' ELECTRIC OIL, purely a prepar- ation of eix of sonic of the best oils that are known, each one possessing virtuea its own. Scientific physicians know that medicinee may be formed of several ingredients in certain fixed proportions of greater power, u.nd producing effecte which could never result fro& the use of any one of them, or in different cavhinations. Thus in the preparation of this oil a ohemical (Mange taicee place, forming compoundjwhich could not by any possibility be made from any other combination or proportions of the same ingredionte, or any other ingredients, and entirely different frdm anything ever before made, one whieh produces the most astonishing re- sults, and having a wider' range of application than any medicine ever before discovered. It con- tains no alcohol or other volatile liquids conse- quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you get the benefit of every drop; whereas with other preparations nearly all the alcohol is lost in that way,and you get only the small quan- tity of oils which they may colitain. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N. Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastfe;Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Electric—Selected and Electrized. ' Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co. and R. Lumsden. • PHOSPHOROIJS, LIME, IRON, CALISAYA, or "IL Peruvian Bark. DR. WHEELER'S Compound_ Elixir of Phosphal ea and Calipaya combineslhese valuable remedies in form of a delicious cordial. Phosphorous, a brain food; Linie, an excitant of nutrition; Iron, a blood maker ,• and Consent or Peruvian Bark,. the only specific for chills and fever, and aU conditions of nervous prostration and general debility. Phosphates are the only agents known that act inunediately on the stomach perfecting the digestion `and assimilatiou of food, and determining the formation of pure blood. No combination ever discovered is so remarkable in building up constitutions run down with old com- plaint; that have heretofore resisted all ordinav methods of treatment. saa by all druggists. JOHN SEAT'rER, allEitIST AND DRUGGIST Tres now on hand a full as- _ "1" sartment of all the -leading ,6iadieugar, - medicinee of the day, con -Trig- ' • ing Dr. Wheeler'a Compound Elixir of Phosphates, Drs. ..„,•,,4‘.• Ayer's, Raclway's Depew's and Hagyard's medicines, Thomas' • Eclectric 01J4Kennedy'e Medi- cal Discovery. Extract of • Buchu, Horse and Cattle Medi- cines, Superior Dye Strife, PerfumerCombs and Brushes, Hair Oils end3Pomades, School Books and Stationery. EXCHANGE OFFICE. In connection, where all parties going to the -United States can be supplied with American cur- reney. Money to lend on easy term% Tickets is- sued to all parts Of Euron a$td the Western States. Parties wishing to bring out thcir friends from Europe can be supplied with t acts here to send to them. 267 J. „ITN SEATTER. •.• PLOWS! PLOWS! MUNFO 81.,• HOGAN, . PLOW -MAKERS, S A -1E10 lzt '111-1 MIJNRO & HOGAN desire to thank the farmers of the vremity of Seaforth for the liberal patronage which has been afforded them since they began business here. They would also say that they are prepared and that it is their intention to maintain the excellent reputation which their work during the past season achieved, not only SPECIILL NOTICES. among the farming community of Huron, but as well at every show and exhibition where they ex- hibited. We make the followiug Plows, and devote special attention to their manufacture, our ex- perience showing that they Are the kinds best • adapted to agricultural purpoees in this section : IRON PLOW, BREAKFAST. ----EPPS'S b0001. -GRATE- FUL AND COMFORTING. -` By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws Which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful applicationz of the fine propertiq of well -selected coeoa, Mr. Epps has.provided our breakfast ta- bles with a delicately flavoured .beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling , Water or Milk. Each packet is la,belled.-JaktEs _EPPS & Homceopathic Chemists, London." MANUFACTURE OF 0000A.- 4 We will now give an account of the process adopt- ed by Messrs. James Epps &. Co., man- tif.a.6turers of dietetic articles'at their works in the Euston Road, London"- Cassell's household Glade.. Two QUESTIONS rASILY ANSWERED. - Why should Men wear beards? Because they areia great protection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their person- al appearance. Why should we use Bryan's Pulmonic Waiers ? Because when used for -coughs; colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, - &c.; they act like a charm. Ministers and. lawyers use tm, physaus recommend them, and singers and public speakers say they are the very best medieine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold. by all medicine dealers at '25 cents per box. A LITE NUMBER of the St. John Morn- ing News thus concludes a lsngthy arti- cleeulogizing Fellows' Sprup of Hypo - phosphites : "Mr. Fellows is certainly entitlecfto_high credit for his energy and. enterprise, in working up his valuable discovery so amicessfully, and the pres- ence of stich wentlemen iu any commun- ity is a matter on whia the community should congratulate itself."—Tho • St. John Telegraph and fou,rnal says. "The invention of Fellows' Hypoph.osphites has become one of the valuable indus- tries of the country, nnique of its kind, and a credit to the Donlinion of Canada.'' PHYSICING HORSES. - Many 'persons physic their horses frequently—especial- ly every spring. This is a great error, and one which has caused the loss of many valuable horses, as physic as itisusn- ally given, often produces inflammation of the bowels which generally proves fa- tal ; it also weakens the horse and thus enders hini more liable to disease, or less able to throw it off—whatis required is a medicine which will operate gently upon the Dowels, and act troop the liver and the lungs, removing all obstructions - therefrom puriiYing the blood and. en - ,abling all:the organs to do their work without overtaxing any, which is accom- plished by the use of Darley's Condition Powders and. Arabian Nave Remedy—it is always safe and certain. Remember the.. name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. The Great Female RelliedY• JOB HOSES' itItIODICAL P17,1,S. THIS in.valuable medicine is unfailing in the -I- owe of all those painful and dangerous diseaseri to whieh the female constitution is subject. It =aerates all excess and removes all obstruction, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To marked ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will IRON -BEAM PLOW (wooden ,handles three styles, DOUBLE MOULD -BOARD PLOW, IRON AND WOOD SCUFFLERS, or HORSE HOES., The above Plows vfe furnish at $20 and upward; and guarantee them to give satisfaction -if not, they can be returned. The Scuffiers we furnish at $9 to $17, according to quality, and also guarantee satisfaction. GREY'S PATTERN OF MOULD BOARDS AND CASTINGS Always kepi on hand. • MUNRO & HOGAN, North Main -street, Seaforth, MeNaught's old stand. 275-13 FIRST PRIZE PLOWS AT G. WILLIAMPONS OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY, SEAFORTH. ITAVING taken the first prize for, Iron Beam • Plows at the late Exhibition heltd Hamilton, and the first at the Western Fair held in London, besides a high recommendation on the same Plow, I can, with eonfidence, recommend my Plows for efficiency of wilt and lightness of draft, as being second to none in the Dominion. The following is a list of Plows -constantly on hand: • Iron -beam with wooden handles, Steel Landside end Mouldboard, • Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Double Mouldboard Plowsand Scuffiers, Iron Harrows, &e. An examination of my Plows is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Castings and Boards kept on'hand for repairing " Grey Plows." 276 G. WILLIAMSON. Iodized Cod Liver Oil. THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron in perfeetly pure Cod Liver Oil. It may be used in all cases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulons Com -plaints, Chronic Skin Diseases, and for all chronic disorders arising from defective digestion assiinilation or nutrition. It is also highly rtsefk in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $1. Cainponnd Syrup of Itypophosphites. THIS is an agreeable Preparation, contaieing`the Hypophosphites of Lime, Soda, Potash and Iron, with free Hypophosphorous Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility from o.ny cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly' useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and- Incipien.t Consumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and coutaining no secret ingredients, „may be prescribed by physicians withont hesita- tion. Prepared. by JOHN WILLIAMS, • London, Ontario. For saleby--,--R.Ltimsden, Seaforth; J. R. Grant, Brussels; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggist§ generally. • 235, ARCHITECTURE. THE, undersigned is prepared to furnish Plans, -1- Specifications, &c., of Public and Priva,te Bnilclings, and also to superintend the erection of the same. Carpenters , Plasterers' and Ma.sons' work measured and valued. - ADAM GRAY, 262 Second Concession, McKillop. LO:PAN..& JAMIES • • „.• Have much pleashre in Informing •their KUSLOMellk and the public generally that \they have reeeivAd and opened out tlxe hulk of their ; IMPORTED STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY '4100DS, Which, in addition to their stock of Canadian manufactured Goods, makes ono of the finest stocks in the County. DRESS GOODS. Our stook is very largo and complete in Balerno Twills, Geneva. Cloth, Broche LustreS; Black and Colored Lustres, Black and Colored l'rench, Paramattas, Coburgs, Grenadines, Geneppines;- Tasso Cloths, &c. PRINTS. We have a stock of 400 PIECES To seleet from, which for quality and prices, can- not fail to please customers. Pale Book Muslim, 4Fiss MulL Jacconet, Tape Chrcks, Lam Stripes, Hair Corti, Satin Stripes, kc. •••• A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LACE CURTAINS; 81 and 4 Yards Long,. SHIRTINGS. In Somerville's Cheelted Regattas, Oxford Stripes, Harvard Checks, • Lybster Mills Checks and Stripes' , Fancy Regattas. CQTTQNS. 5 bales of CANADIAN LYBSTER MILLS COTTON, plain and twilled. Scotch Bleached Shirtings and Long Cloths - A nice assortment of WHITE EMBROIDERED AND TUCKED UNDERSKIRTS. COTTO NA DES , ANO DRILLS. A spindid lot of these goods to select from at from 25 to 40 tents per yard. HEAVY YARN -BLEACHED TABLE - LINEN. FINE BLEACHED TABLE DAMASKS. TOWELS, C. Tailoring and Gents' LECIAL. uT, pMoinlitelEATge' ili3:iloieriththerl Ce'Willoti' nglheal niSetliii 4)(3711 "4411' Any of England-41re is elee Agent foe esverd.i., vele Capitalists of Texente, who ldan Vows!: very reaeonable retell. Intereet payable Charges m7lerate. 4,,.. Winghanal Dec. 15,1871. -Yri "--CteoArnljeGysii6atYIJitawK,°SioaricitSoTrsEpin' traneetTy'salk Insolvency, Notarlea Public and Conveya ricers: Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, ficaforth, Amaral (111;thNe C, BanR.:80a:cla,Bs:Lnivif oseisoANItt,st:s,nienannr:s4teet_fr)0_nx, ApptiternoilY/t:etti.„........tin. Fe ,b581i.°: nul:eeysaftnned0:8, NtHolt°arriseals ePri. blie, etc, °Dice. invest at once, at Eigh,t per cent, Interest, payable 21tvh7ie. irPosstQOufflizoud. e, rich. 9. -.1-.' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Levi forth and Wroxeter. $2:3,000 of Private Funds fo3 Yu 7.1.ft.r Aril. BATeR. IBSIT.1141E:ReIS: ifi,,eAortntotEkri. relloylfrise,e8noolic7tilwitonorlds4:iourChs naohtemth oi Dv Yeti; e&-176ol.s"Bant°ptioerriipuenallig', Ma:nriLiezt::nineeee:ciejuirn,Yerpse:11 paEN8oN & 31EYER, Barriatere an....(1 At , _ ......_____„.....,,-.... II, W. C, mr,-- -58 ...4e. .1711.10 D1 CA 1... i Tilt.CAMPBELL has removeCto the tease. 3fain- street, near the Station, one door sea& of Ross' Hotel, and opposite AleCallunes )3- - lately occupied by Mr. Frank Meyer, where he be found as usual. flAVID MITCHE'LL, 31. i, Graduate of Viet*. ria College, Physician-, Surgeon, etc.. eta, KINBuRxyara.—Coroner of the County **baron, Office anftesifience; at Thompson & Stailfes. _TAITESITEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate ot EY McGill, `University, llontreal, Physician', 8ur. goon, etc. Office and Besidence---Brucefiel!1, yT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. 31., Phypician, Sur. geon, etc. Office and Residencb, corner nt Market and High streets, next to the Planinglllp. J. G. BULL, I.D.S., - .....'NURGEON, Dentist, &c,„ Seaforth, Ontafia, L' Plate work, latest styles, neatly etecuted.Jfl Surgical operatione performed with care and promptitude. Fees AS low as can be obtained the - where. Office -hours from 8 A.31. to 5 P. X Rooms ovir Mr. A. G, McDougall 's Store, Main-st. 270 A 31 CAMPBELL, V. -S., formerly of Cornell .1.-J" University, lthacci, N. Y., andGradvte of On. to.rio Vettrinarf College. Residenee -- Coo 's T eveenarr mraonlicase yHritSeernoo, Vann:Mini. laW2illtilllie5aot,eBiornoree. V''ETERkNARY McNAUGAT, V. S., begs to announce to the inbebitanta of Seatorth and stirrouncling eountry that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He has opened an office in connection with his here. shoeing shop, where he will be found ietely to at- tend to calls. Diseases of the feet, specially -at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the rear of Killoranat Ityan's new store. Ali -Elias of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. 229 3 rp J. CHUROBILLJeterinary Surgeon, (mem- ..L. • ber of the Ontano Veterinary College,)begs to intimate that he has returned to the practice of his profeision in Seaforth, and may at all times be consulted DD, the diseases of Horses, Cattle,' Veterinary medicines conetantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. 0ee, at Mansion Howse, Seatorth. 278 MOTELS. 'pOYAL HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON -A-v POWELL, Proprietor. The subi3exiber has thoroughly renovated and newly famished the above house, so that it now affords good accommo- dation for the travelling publie. Ohoiee liquors and cigars in the bar. The table is supplied 'with the delicacies in SCESOD. Oysters in season. Large stabling and an attentive hostler in 0011- nectiirn. toi 251-ly 003131ERbIAL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., WM. ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is under entirely new Management and hes been thorough renovated. The Bar is supplied eith the best Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling and atter/ tive Hostlers. A First-class Livery in connection. 228 PRINCE OF WALE,§ HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., -1- O. J-. McCUTat-LeION, Proprietor. First-class accommodation for travellers. The Bur is sup- plied with the very best liquors and. eliarg. Good stalling attached. The stage leaves this noise every day for Wingham. 204-4t LIVERY. T A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE ST ATiLES. -a- • Office -At Murray's; Rotel, Seaforth. Good Horses and first-class Conveyances always onhand. liOZELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SE'AFfiRTII, Ont. .;" Good Horses $ad Comfortable Vehieles, always on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with - Commercial Travellers. All orders left at ENox's Hors:X., will be promptly attended to. - _OFFICE AND Sl'ABLES :-Third door North of Klaor's Rotel, Main Street 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY A AND YOUR LIYES. A: Strong, Seaforth. AGENT.' FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company— Fire and Life. The Western Insurance company, of Toronto - Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, of Canada. Terms as reasonable RS offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. MONEY TO LOAN; 4. ... ‘- Also, Agent for the Agricultural Investment Society, Dpixdon. This Company offers better in- ducements to borrowers than any others doing business in this Province. Call and get circulaA giving full particulars before applying elsewhere. OFFICE—over Strong & Fainey's Gloomy Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 252 A FUT- nishing Department. Black Broad Cloths, .Doeskins,. Blue Venetians, IVest of _England Tweeds, Scotch, Tweed.s, Canadian Tweeds. • White Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Hosiery, GIOYCS, • Handkerchiefs, &c. • A lot of Harvard Check SHIRTS at $1. • H ATe AN D CAPS In the newest styles in felt and straw. BOOTS ,AND SHOES In all lines, from infants' sizes to men's. A good .lot of Alen's and Boys' low Shoes for Simmer wear. GROCERIES — Stock Complete. . N. B. -Mr. M. PILL IN is doing ap. our Tailor- ing this season, and is giving entire satisfaction, LOGAN & JAMIESON. NEW HARNESS SHOP IN SEAFORTH. RELFRY & MAY have just opened a HARNESS -"--' SHOP in Counter's old Jewelry Store, rightop- posite the Mansion Hotel, and are prepared to make, and also keep. on hand all classes of Buggy, Carriage and Team Harness. All Harness will be made in the latest styles. Good material and. good worlunanship guaranteed, as we have had good experience in the best of work in some of the largest cities. We will also keep on hand all styles of Horse Collars, Saddles, Trunks and Valises, Whips,Whiplashes, Curry Combs, Brushes, and everything that is generally kept in a first- class Harness Shop. Alborders will be promptly attended to. Good. attention given to repairing. Charges low. Remember the shop—Opposite the Mansion Seaferth. 274 BELFRY & MAY. DANIEL McGREGORI Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, HAS just received a large Stock of the materials used in the business and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest, notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOONS OF ANY IIIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' trorlc Boxes & Fancy Cases Made to order. OLD AND N EW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. lferctorarecenivniepio eat.lonalstadatritie.enstsieoillo the undersign.- wn DANIEL IleGREGOR,,, . Seaforth, (Harpurhey. THOROUGHBRED BULL CALF FOR,.ZALE FF°11SALE, a thoroughbred Durlitun BULL CALF, 32 months old; coOr red and white; sired. by Duke of Huron, (570.) Herd -book pedi- gree will be furniihed. Apply to G. EDWIN CRESS WELL, 274 Egmondville P. 0: _ ALAT IES seti0 turning e best color for be drIFy dry tap—T14 burn cat$11-141Te3D;in(a8:3;17113:51 tsaaltis fa c to ry dmC9t1( broil mentf3 for to—The close of the year. aThsl:fiu:raT7w1:heitotaltigilb:ablnibrayet n;i1Ehot irettet: —Our hoardflg rnistres _tieageflhe people's Como in a concert late boots itn'et strange ihat ors sliould ,be 'engaged sttor'—e—t:Ye's4:131;sel'elliesto Ilbesea- lit haps because they third inale„tyheonolvgeo ogffot. the ) as the criminal on the sea my love," iemarked Simpl f3pOu5e, when she had c little horse, indeed !" mislikingi the -persona 4 4 Better be that than n, MC; .—A gentleman going asked a friend for a letter - • auction. 'Ake friend drawer, took, o_ihitladaledai-{ige.4 l 1 Saaide a, 'ssillixi-11:hambered re; gave,tbein to him. —A Pottsville man, w hasn't attended church years, boasts that he can perfectly the preacher's t last occasion of a visit to ary. And this is the niembered it when aske was ; It is easier for t enter a circus than for a • a -package of needles." caffing----7-a---16Boy Calling a' boy up in can lituAly be classed head of " .pastimes," est* boy is fond of exercise fore. And it is a litt that the next baldest fr ng a boy out of bed is into it. There is rarel who is a. success at row All mothers know this ; boys. And yetttheMot go at it in the tight opens the stair door, and y observes —" Jonny no response. 44 11-0111141: response. Then there sharp " John," followi later by a prolonged a "John Henry." • A gr, upper region signifies pression. as been ma mother is encouraged better be getting down breakfast, young mt come up an' give yo you'd. feel." This so: young man that he goes to sleep again. ation has- -to be rep • times. A father irz about this trouble. •opens his mouth- as ejects its cork, and th. ry " that eleavesth way goes -into that bo, ity„ and pierces the ' es of his very natine. out of that bed and and down tiles -tails, ness that is cominei rarely that a. boy all disregard the yrater About once a year is as often as is cOnsis rules of health. He er a great many step fulness,--Daithury sha ) - ionized of th The Lantern m nes A. Chinaman_ au inseparable. Let errand whieh is likel until sUnset, and his the first article tha 033. to carry with bi brigh test moonlight siders it his duty to with Artificial iirrh curious sight at a 1 to see the crowds, streets. every man held aloft, althou owes its rise, no sence ot any system ing for the stree The hmtern has uses in daylight ; doorways and alo shops it declares th proprietor within and no respectable out one., '1)4 -lee whether carried otherwise, are ins names of their o walking the Etre can always' disc Jones or liobinso long before his Official persons st.